Internship Proposal: Mentor

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Internship Proposal

Student Name Katie McHugh


Student Mobile Phone (415).730.2239

Proposal: (internship or career field study must have a focus on visual, managerial, or performing arts)
For my senior internship, I will be working with the Windsor Performing Arts Academy. This company focuses on
students, regardless of age, being given the opportunity to learn, refine, and share their talents and skills in
safe and friendly environment. I was inspired to work on this project as my senior internship because of my
experience with my junior internship. I really enjoyed taking responsibility of working backstage and being a
helping hand in any way possible. I hope to learn even more in depth of what it takes in creating a show, and the
different jobs or tasks that need to be filled other than being an actor. My goal for this internship is to get a
complete experience in backstage work for productions, and see what aspects of this internship can be brought
into other jobs and other shows I work in.
This internship is a performing arts internship. This is a field study internship because I am learning and
studying each aspect of behind-the-scenes work in creating a production. I will obtain my hours by coming to a
mix of shows and rehearsals, filling any jobs that need to be done. I will contribute to WPAA by being a helping
hand by any means necessary.
My mentor for this internship will be Heather Cullen. She is the face of Windsor Performing Arts Academy and is
the director of all shows created by the company. She will help me fulfill my goals for this internship by helping
me learn what it takes to put a production together and assign me the different jobs needed to help the
production run smoothly. I will see her each rehearsal and show I attend to work. I hope to learn the entire
process of creating a show and learn more in depth about jobs needed for running a show, apart from being
an actor, from my mentor.

Mentor Name

Heather Cullen

Workplace Windsor Performing Arts Academy

Mentor Phone _________________________________ Mentor Email _______________________

Mentor Signature ______________________________ Date ______

Signatures (all signatures required)

Student Signature __________________________________ Date ______
Parent Signature ___________________________________Date ______

project approved project needs improvement project not approved

Core Teacher Signature______________________________ Date ______

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