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Arellano 1

Casandra Arellano

What I learned is that everyone is racist not only caucasian people also that racism is
everywhere. Also that racism can have effect on your health. A growing literature shows
discrimination raises the risk of many emotional and physical problems. Discrimination has been
shown to increase the risk of stress, depression, the common cold, hypertension, cardiovascular
disease, breast cancer, and mortality. Also learned that racism is a learned behavior Countless
number of experts and community organizers has expressed the notion that children arent born
with racial prejudice as part of their character makeup. That the process of hating an individual
on the basis of their racial, skin color, or ethnic origin can be attributed to a structure approach to
psychological conditioning. Another thing that I learned is that racism can be pick up at an early
age. Children can pick up racism very fast and can lead to your teen years is when you start
noticing and embrace.
Doll Test
Out of all of this I learned about the doll test , the doll test is a way to test children and see if
their are showing any signs of racism. In the 1940s, psychologists Kenneth and Mamie Clark
designed and conducted a series of experiments known colloquially as the doll tests to study
the psychological effects of segregation on African-American children.

Drs. Clark used four dolls, identical except for color, to test childrens racial perceptions. Their

Arellano 2
subjects, children between the ages of three to seven, were asked to identify both the race of the
dolls and which color doll they prefer. A majority of the children preferred the white doll and
assigned positive characteristics to it. The Clarks concluded that prejudice, discrimination, and
segregation created a feeling of inferiority among African-American children and damaged their
Why do you did you pick this topic?
I pick this topic because I have been noticing it more than usual ever since Trump has won the
election thats why I put him in my project. I also picked racism because its a big thing and it
has been going on for the longest, I think it should be put to an end so I wanted to make
awareness of it so we can put it to an end. Another reason I created this project is because I have
experienced racism.Thats why I chose racism as my topic.

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