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February 14 is known as the day of love or valentine day. In Indonesia, the
Indonesian public interest is great enough. Especially teenagers who want to
celebrate with the people they love.
However, there are also people who refuse to celebrate Valentines Day because of
the various opinions they believe. So what is the pros and cons opinion of the
people in responding to the celebration of Valentines Day?
For those who celebrate Valentine argue that the 14th February is the day of love.
Like the other big days that must be celebrated with someone special. Of course
this is a special moment that should not be missed. They agree with the opinion
that the expression of affection should be given every day, not just on Valentines
Day. However, the 14th of February is a special moment. Because on that day, all
mankind together express their affection to their loved ones.
According to view of Christians, valentine day celebrated every year but must
comply with the word of God in 1 John 4: 7-11 which reads:" Let us love one
another, because that love FROM GOD; and everyone who love, born of God and
know God. loveth not, he did not know God, because God is love. If God in such a
loved us, we should also love one another. No one has never seen God. If we love
one another, God remains in us and His love perfect in us." Word of God very firm
said that love from God, and love is our response to love that have been given to
Different from those who celebrate the Valentines Day, those who reject the
valentine argue that the Valentines Day is an event of cultural and moral
destruction of Indonesian society. According to them, expressing the affection is not
only on February 14, but all the time, because they have to love parents, teachers,
family, friends, the environment, animals etc. Unlike the Valentines Day which is
identical to teenagers who are having imitating nature, despite it is good or bad for
them, they just celebrate the day with their lover alone. They believe (the cons),
basically teenagers do not understand the meaning of real love . They just follow
others to celebrate without knowing the history of Valentines Day which is far away
from the culture of Indonesia.
of the field, Mayor of Padang, Mahyeldi Ansar prohibit the celebration day
valentineyang he said: Valentine day culture would not the east. celebrations known
as valentines day it more charge negative. In fact, according to religion Islam
valentine day is prohibited because it will damage the eastern culture because the
influence of western culture, therefore on religious scriptures of Islam there are
some paragraph warning valentine day is.
Unfortunately, the Indonesian teenagers can not filter the bad foreign cultures even
tend to damage the moral.
Regardless of the pros and cons to celebrate Valentines Day, we as human beings
have been given intellect and thought to distinguish which is good and bad for us. It
is our obligation to sort out what is good for us and leave the bad.

February 14 is known as the day of love or valentine day. In Indonesia, the
Indonesian public interest is great enough. Especially teenagers who want to
celebrate with the people they love.
However, there are also people who refuse to celebrate Valentines Day
because of the various opinions they believe. So what is the pros and cons
opinion of the people in responding to the celebration of Valentines Day?
tanggal 14 Februari dikenal dengan hari kasih sayang atau hari valentine. Di
Indonesia, animo masyarakat indonesia cukup besar. Khususnya para remaja yang
ingin merayakan bersama orang-orang yang mereka sayangi. Namun, tidak sedikit
pula masyarakat yang menolak merayakan hari valentine karena berbagai
pendapat yang mereka yakini. Lantas seperti apa opini pro dan kontra dari
masyarakat menanggapi perayaan hari valentine?
For those who celebrate Valentine argue that the 14th February is the day of love.
Like the other big days that must be celebrated with someone special. Of course
this is a special moment that should not be missed. They agree with the opinion
that the expression of affection should be given every day, not just on Valentines
Day. However, the 14th of February is a special moment. Because on that day, all
mankind together express their affection to their loved ones.
According to view of Christians, valentine day celebrated every year but must
comply with the word of God in 1 John 4: 7-11 which reads:" Let us love one
another, because that love FROM GOD; and everyone who love, born of God and
know God. loveth not, he did not know God, because God is love. If God in such a
loved us, we should also love one another. No one has never seen God. If we love
one another, God remains in us and His love perfect in us." Word of God very firm
said that love from God, and love is our response to love that have been given to
Bagi mereka yang merayakan hari valentine berpendapat bahwa tanggal 14 adalah
hari kasih sayang. Seperti hari-hari besar lainnya yang harus dirayakan bersama
orang tersayang. Tentu ini menjadi momen spesial yang tidak boleh dilewatkan
begitu saja. Mereka setuju dengan pendapat bahwa ungkapan rasa kasih sayang
harus diberikan setiap hari, tidak hanya pada hari valentine saja. Namun, tentu
tanggal 14 Februari adalah moment spesial. Karena di hari itu, seluruh umat
manusia bersama-sama mengungkapkan rasa sayang mereka kepada orang yang
mereka sayangi. Menurut pandangan umat Kristen, hari valentine dirayakan setiap
tahun tetapi harus sesuai dengan firman Tuhan dalam 1 Yohanes 4:7-11 yang
berbunyi: "Marilah kita saling mengasihi, sebab KASIH ITU BERASAL DARI ALLAH;
dan setiap orang yang mengasihi, lahir dari ALLAH dan mengenal Allah.

Barangsiapa tidak mengasihi, ia tidak mengenal Allah, sebab Allah adalah kasih.
Jikalau Allah sedemikian mengasihi kita, kita juga harus saling mengasihi. Tidak ada
seorang pun yang pernah melihat Allah. Jika kita saling mengasihi, Allah tetap di
dalam kita dan kasih-Nya sempurna di dalam kita." Firman Tuhan sangat tegas
mengatakan bahwa Kasih berasal dari Allah, dan mengasihi merupakan respons kita
terhadap kasih yang sudah diberikan kepada kita.

Different from those who celebrate the Valentines Day, those who reject the
valentine argue that the Valentines Day is an event of cultural and moral
destruction of Indonesian society. According to them, expressing the affection is not
only on February 14, but all the time, because they have to love parents, teachers,
family, friends, the environment, animals etc. Unlike the Valentines Day which is
identical to teenagers who are having imitating nature, despite it is good or bad for
them, they just celebrate the day with their lover alone. They believe (the cons),
basically teenagers do not understand the meaning of real love . They just follow
others to celebrate without knowing the history of Valentines Day which is far away
from the culture of Indonesia.
of the field, Mayor of Padang, Mahyeldi Ansar prohibit the celebration day
valentineyang he said: Valentine day culture would not the east. celebrations known
as valentines day it more charge negative. In fact, according to religion Islam
valentine day is prohibited because it will damage the eastern culture because the
influence of western culture, therefore on religious scriptures of Islam there are
some paragraph warning valentine day is.
Unfortunately, the Indonesian teenagers can not filter the bad foreign cultures even
tend to damage the moral.
Berbeda dengan mereka yang merayakan hari kasih sayang, mereka yang menolak
hari valentine berpendapat bahwa hari valentine merupakan ajang perusakan
budaya dan moral masyarakat
Indonesia. Menurut mereka, merayakan hari kasih sayang tidak saja pada 14
Februari namun setiap saat karena harus menyayangi orang tua, guru, keluarga,
sahabat, lingkungan, binatang dll. Berbeda dengan hari valentine yang identik
dengan para remaja yang memang mempunyai sifat meniru, terlepas yang ditiru itu
baik atau buruk bagi mereka. Mereka hanya merayakan kasih sayang dengan
kekasih mereka saja. Mereka yakin, pada dasarnya remaja belumlah mengetahui
makna kasih sayang yang hakiki. Mereka hanya ikut-ikutan merayakan tanpa
mengetahui sejarah hari valentine yang jauh dari budaya Indonesia.
Di Padang, Walikota Padang, Mahyeldi Ansharullah melarang perayaan hari
valentineyang katanya: hari Valentine bukanlah budaya orang timur. perayaan
yang dikenal sebagai hari kasih sayang itu lebih banyak muatan negatifnya.
Bahkan, menurut agama islam hari valentine dilarang karena akan merusak budaya
timur karena pengaruh budaya barat, oleh karena pada kitab suci agama islam ada
beberapa ayat peringatan hari valentine tersebut.

Sungguh disayangkan apabila para remaja Indonesia tidak bisa memfilter budayabudaya luar yang tidak ada manfaatnya bahkan cenderung merusak moral.
Regardless of the pros and cons to celebrate Valentines Day, we as human beings
have been given intellect and thought to distinguish which is good and bad for us. It
is our obligation to sort out what is good for us and leave the bad.
Terlepas dari pro dan kontra dalam merayakan hari valentine, kita sebagai manusia
yang telah diberi akal dan pikiran untuk membedakan mana yang baik dan buruk
untuk kita, sudah menjadi kewajiban kita untuk memilah mana yang baik bagi kita
dan meninggalkan yang buruk.

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