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Passives with an agent

We use the preposition by to introduce the doer or the agent of the action. We use this
structure when the agent is important:
Mr Ward has been arrested by the FBI.
The community was destroyed by a flood in 1862.
When the subject of the passive clause is not the real agent of the verb, we use other
prepositions in passive structures:
Id been decorating the bedroom and I was covered in paint. (Paint isnt the real
agent; I am the agent; I was painting.)
When the doer or agent of the action is an instrument, we use with:
The door was smashed open with a hammer.

Passives without an agent

1. Sometimes, a passive sentence does not contain an agent.
This is because we do not know who or what did the action.
Henrys office was burgled yesterday.
2. When the agent of an action is unimportant,
We can leave it out when the sentence is in the passive voice.
People warned us about the dangerous areas in that city.
We were warned about the dangerous areas in that city by people.
3. We usually leave out the agent in a passive sentence if the person or thing that
did the action is obvious.
Ellen writes her essays with humour and wit.
Ellens essays are written with humour and wit by Ellen.
4. We usually use the passive voice to describe a scientific experiment or a
process and leave out the agent because our focus is on what happens and not
on who or what does the action.
The can of pineapple cubes are sent on a conveyor belt by someone to a
machine where they are sealed by the machine.

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