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Cara Bolte

8. On what occasion do you lie?

When the truth will hurt someone

9. Which living person do you most despise?

I dont really despise anyone
10. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?


11. When and where were you happiest?

I think I am happiest with my family and friends.

12. Which talent would you most like to have?

I wish I could sing and dance.

13. If you could change one thing about yourself,

what would it be?

I dont really have anything that I want to change about


1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Happiness means to be happy and not having to worry about

anything and just having a good time with my friends and
not worrying.
2. What is your greatest fear?

My greatest fear is that i wont do good in life

3. What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

14. What do you consider your greatest

My greatest achievement is getting a 3.5 or higher gpa.
15. What is your most marked characteristic?

I would like to think I am crazy person.

16. What do you most value in your friends?

I value that they make me laugh when I am down, honest,

and if they are kind.

I get mad when I forget what I am going to say and

procrastinating to much and forgetting what i am supposed
to do.

17. Who is your hero of fiction?

4. What is the trait you most deplore in others?

I dont really have one

I really struggle to get along with people who are dishonest.

5. Which living person do you most admire?

I admire my mom because she does a lot for me, and I just
really appreciate that.
6. What is your greatest extravagance?

My greatest extravagance is definitely spending too money

on my appearance and not even wearing that outfit.
7. What is your current state of mind?

Im dont feel very well, but I am trying to keep on doing

what i am doing so that i keep on going.

Bay Max

18. Which historical figure do you admire?

19. Who are your heroes in real life?

My heros in real life is my parents

20. What is a quote that inspires you?

Just do it - Nike

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