Shamed England Hit Rock Bottom: G20 Delays Tough Choices

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Issue 1,164 Monday 28 June 2010


to a 4-1 defeat, but the game will be
remembered for a moment of con-
2010 troversy when Frank Lampard’s shot
cannoned off the underside of the
BY JON COUCH crossbar and over the line, only for
SORRY England crashed out of the the referee to wave play on.
World Cup yesterday after suffering Defeat has now brought Capello’s
their heaviest-ever finals’ defeat to a reign under scrutiny, with the
rampant Germany in Bloemfontein. Italian admitting he will discuss his

Picture: PA
Fabio Capello’s men were out- future with FA chiefs this week.
classed by the Germans on their way FULL REPORT: PAGES 30-31


WORLD ECONOMY And most of the questions sur- lenges need to accelerate the pace of And the final agreement contained capital cushion.

BY DAVID CROW rounding tougher capital and liquidi- consolidation,” the G20 said. a pointed statement reflecting the The G20 said any future capital and
ty requirements for banks were An aide travelling with chancellor views of US President Barack Obama. liquidity regime must “enable banks
LEADERS of the world’s largest delayed until November’s summit in George Osborne said: “This clearly “There is a risk that synchronised to withstand – without extraordinary
economies attempted to display a Seoul, effectively kicking the issue welcomes those of us that want to fiscal adjustment across several government support – stresses of a
united front last night, agreeing to into the long grass while leaders accelerate the pace of fiscal consolida- major economies could adversely magnitude associated with the recent
cut government borrowing while work out their differences. tion. Thanks to our Budget, we’re impact the recovery,” the commu- fiscal crisis”.
stimulating growth after a weekend Government officials hailed the doing that.” niqué read. An aide to the chancellor said
of tense talks in Toronto. agreement as an endorsement of However, the communiqué did lit- Although the leaders agreed on the Britain had adopted a “hawkish”
The Group of 20 communiqué British fiscal policy, pointing to a tle more than endorse the existing need to introduce tough new capital stance in talks on financial reform,
agreed new targets for reducing commitment to “at least halve deficit reduction targets of all 20 and liquidity standards for banks, scotching suggestions that Osborne
deficits and sovereign debt, but deficits by 2013 and stabilise or nations, with the sole exception of they opted to wait until the was trying to delay the introduction
America’s fear that fiscal tightening reduce government debt-to-GDP Japan, which secured a statement November summit in Seoul before of new capital requirements amid
in Europe could derail the global ratios by 2016”. acknowledging its intention to cut thrashing out the details, such as fears they could curtail bank lending.
recovery was also put forward. “Those with serious fiscal chal- public borrowing more slowly. what kind of assets will count as a WALL STREET REFORMS: PAGES 6-7

FTSE 100 t5,046.47 -53.76 DOW t10,143.81 -8.99 NASDAQ ▲ 2,223.48 +6.06 £/$ ▲1.51 +0.02 £/¤ ▲1.22 +0.01 ¤/$ ▲1.24 +0.01 Certified Distribution
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2 News CITYA.M. 28 JUNE 2010

The real game is emerging markets NEWS | IN BRIEF

Rail groups call for cuts review
Train companies have called for a “swift
and rigorous” review of existing rail
ability to grow has been crippled by cent of global GDP growth (at current because dangerous bacteria were investment to ensure that money is
years of mismanagement, over-spend- exchange rates, a higher share when killed by ammonia or kept contained being spent in the interest of passengers
ing, excessive tax, onerous regulation, adjusted for the fact that a dollar buys by plastics (also made from oil); read- and taxpayers. The Association of Train
poor education and insufficient infra- more in Beijing than it does in New ers of this and other newspapers Operating Companies (ATOC) has writ-
structure. But thanks in no small part York), twice the contribution of the US enjoying a paper printed with ink (tra- ten to the state transport minister,
to last week’s Budget, we will almost and over four times the EU’s contribu- ditionally made using petroleum) Theresa Villiers, and said that it accepts
certainly continue to outperform the tion. That is where the real economic whose sight is enhanced using glasses that the £8bn due to be invested in
Eurozone, which is in a much worse game is taking place. made of plexiglass, yet another oil- enhancing the rail networks may be
EDITOR’S LETTER state than we are. Germany itself is based product – and of course the fact affected by the “unprecedented situa-
recovering and will grow a little faster OIL REMAINS VITAL that our civilisation depends on trade tion in the public finances warrants a
ALLISTER HEATH than Britain this year – its economy Oil accidents are horrific and heart- and transport. Even the asphalt on review of commitments”. The ATOC said
contracted roughly as much as the breaking. But as Donald J Boudreaux, which we walk is made from oil. that train companies should join the
IT is always tempting to build grand UK’s during the recession, despite an economist from George Mason None of this excuses incompetence, Department for Transport and Network
theories about national decline fol- Germany’s smaller financial sector – University who writes for the excellent stupidity or negligence. But the oil Rail in reviewing infrastructure projects.
lowing the kind of thrashing meted but the difference won’t be material. Café Hayek blog points out, they are industry, for all its flaws, remains vital
out to England yesterday afternoon. The real contest is not about Britain the all too visible downside of a prod- to human well-being. There is noth- Saudis shuns European debt
This should be resisted; Germany v versus Germany, France or even uct which also boasts an enormous yet ing I would like more than for some Saudi Arabia does not intend to buy
Britain makes great sport but little America – it is about how Western invisible upside. An even greater dan- enterprising firm to finally crack a European sovereign debt, central bank
else. We may not be any good at foot- nations can reform their economies to ger than the actual spill in the Gulf of low cost, viable alternative to oil for chief Muhammad al-Jasser said in pub-
ball right now – and Fabio Capello compete better – and benefit more – Mexico is that we end up with an ail- transportation. Huge strides have lished remarks yesterday. “There are no
needs to be sacked – but yesterday said from the boom in the emerging ing economy polluted by a gusher of been made but battery technology plans to buy European sovereign debt,”
nothing about our (hardly great) eco- world. Citigroup is predicting GDP panic-driven legislation. Boudreaux and other critical issues remain; let us Jasser was quoted as saying by Saudi al-
nomic or geopolitical prospects. growth of 10.5 per cent in China this lists some of oil’s underreported bene- hope it all changes within the next Watan daily on the sidelines of the G20
It is true the UK won’t be doing well year, 8.4 per cent for India, 12.5 per fits – the many millions who are alive decade. Even then, however, we could- summit in Toronto. Leaders meeting in
when it comes to growth or influenc- cent for Singapore and 7.6 per cent in thanks to pharmaceuticals and med- n’t live without oil – politicians pre- Toronto this weekend are seeking ways
ing the world stage over the next few Brazil. China and other non-Japan ical devices (petroleum derivatives); tending we could need to get real. to cut public debt without undermining
years – that is because our long-term Asian economies will generate 40 per the vast numbers of people healthy a fragile global economic recovery.

7th Floor, Centurion House,

24 Monument Street,
London, EC3R 8AJ
Unite delays
strike ballot
Tel: 020 7015 1200 Fax: 020 7283 5334
Editor Allister Heath
Deputy Editor David Hellier
News Editor Ben Griffiths
Night Editor Katie Hope
UNIONS Tuesday,” said Woodley, whose Unite

Associate Editor David Crow

Lifestyle Editor Zoe Strimpel BY HARRY BANKS union represents 90 per cent of BA’s June showed the highest annual increase in home prices since January 2008
Art Director Darren Soulsby 12,000 cabin crew.

Home prices up over year

Pictures Alex Ridley THE Unite union has announced “It would therefore be inexplicable
plans to postpone balloting British if we did not put this offer to our
Commercial Airways cabin crew on further strikes members.”
Sales Director Jeremy Slattery to allow union members to consider The new offer from BA includes
Commercial Director Harry Owen the latest offer from the airline’s two years of guaranteed rises in basic
Head of Distribution Nick Owen management. salary from February 2011 in addition
BA made a new offer to cabin crew to annual incremental pay increases. PROPERTY that have reduced up-front market-

Distribution helpline on Friday in a bid to end the long-run- “We welcome this statement from ing costs for sellers mean more of the
If you have any comments about the distribution BY HARRY BANKS
of City A.M. Please ring 0207 015 1230, or email ning dispute over pay and conditions the Unite leadership. We believe our new homes for sale may be from less before the employees are formally offer is fair and reasonable and pro- MONTHLY house price rises in committed vendors only willing to
asked to consider taking further vides a genuine opportunity to end England and Wales slowed marginal- move if they get an unrealistically
Editorial Statement industrial action. this dispute,” BA said in a statement. ly in June, but still took the annual high price, Hometrack said.
This newspaper adheres to the system of The ballot over future walkouts rise in prices to the largest since Hometrack’s survey of estate
self-regulation overseen by the Press Complaints was scheduled to begin tomorrow but Unite leader Tony January 2008, property data company agents and surveyors showed an aver-
Commission. The PCC takes complaints about the Unite boss Tony Woodley said in a Hometrack said today. age rise of 0.1 per cent in house prices
editorial content of publications under the Editor’s Woodley says cabin
Code of Practice, a copy of which can be found at statement he now expected the vote The number of houses being put in June, down from 0.2 per cent in to be delayed. crew should see the up for sale rose at a faster rate than May, and a year-on-year rise of 2.1 per-
Printed by Newsfax International,
“The company has made it clear new offer before a the number of buyers, potentially cent.
Beam Reach 5 Business Park, that the offer on the table will be decision on strikes limiting future price rises. Hometrack said scarcity of housing
Marsh Way, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8RS removed if the strike ballot starts on However, recent legislative changes for sale is still boosting prices.


SECTOR CUTS Private equity groups are pressing SINGAPORE AIMS TO BE DERIVA- Dispute remains unresolved as new GROWTH
Leading companies have warned they Reed Elsevier to consider a sale of its TIVES CLEARING HUB Australian prime minister tries to First American carmaker to go public
will not be able to pick up the slack exhibitions arm after the professional Singapore is pushing to become an defuse issue while also declaring since Ford in 1956, Tesla IPO is a bell-
from the wide-scale job losses expect- publisher rebuffed buyers’ interest in Asian hub for derivatives clearing and industry must pay fair share of tax. In wether for investor confidence in
ed in the public sector. The warning the division in the past few months. to poach business from Europe and the gold fields of Kalgoorlie the men green technology. Tesla Motors will
raises concerns over a key part of the Talks with one group, thought to be the US as regulation reshapes mar- from the mines are worried. Despite raise nearly $200m in one of the most
Chancellor’s spending cuts, which TPG, valued Reed Exhibitions at close kets. The Monetary Authority of the new Australian prime minister, eagerly awaited initial public offer-
are based on the assumption that pri- to £1.5bn. Reed, led by chief executive Singapore is discussing ways of Julia Gillard, calling a temporary ings of the year because it is a “tech-
vate firms can absorb a large number Erik Engstrom, made clear it was not expanding the city-state’s clearing truce over the controversial Resource nology velociraptor”, according to its
of state workers. for sale and a bid was never tabled. capacity. Super Profits Tax (RSPT), employees of founder and chief executive.
the mining industry believe the fight
AFTER CONTRACT LOSS Prudential is planning a boardroom DIVERGE BRITAIN
BAE Systems, Britain’s biggest shake-up that could pave the way for Blackstone and TPG are providing CONSULTANTS TO WORK ON Taco Bell is attempting to ride a new
defence company, is set to cut hun- the departure of chairman Harvey their investors with dramatically dif- LADBROKES’ STRATEGY Mexican wave into the affections of
dreds of jobs in its UK vehicles busi- McGrath. Two non-executive directors ferent valuations for one of their The new chief executive of Ladbrokes British fast food fans. The chain, a fea-
ness in the coming weeks. The future have been hired to strengthen the biggest common holdings, Freescale has brought in consultants Alix ture of Main Street, America, is open-
of Britain’s last tank-making facility is board after mounting pressure from Semiconductor. Blackstone and TPG Partners to assist with a review of the ing an outlet at Lakeside shopping
also in the balance and an announce- investors. The board has been under each contributed about $1bn in equi- bookmaker’s entire operations, centre in Essex, confident that people
ment could be made as early as this scrutiny since the failed $35.5bn ty for the $16.6bn leveraged buy-out including the shape of the business appear to be increasingly open to
week. The cuts come after BAE lost (£24bn) takeover bid for AIA, the of Freescale, a semiconductor manu- and its strategy. Richard Glynn has Mexican food both at home and when
out on an armoured vehicle contract. Asian arm of America’s AIG. facturer, in December 2006. hired the consultants. eating out.
CITYA.M. 28 JUNE 2010 News 3

Insurance industry pleads to

be excluded from bank levy
the wake of the financial crisis. EU not the core insurance business which

BY HARRY BANKS leaders have said they support the idea creates this kind of crisis,” Kawai said.
of a bank levy despite a lack of support Insurers “play a stabilising role for
IT WOULD be unfair to include insur- internationally, although details are the financial system rather than
ance companies in the European yet to be worked out. amplifying or originating system con-
Union’s proposed banking levy, indus- Last week, EU officials said a levy on cerns. I feel very uncomfortable that
try supervisors said yesterday. banks could be applied to other finan- the insurance business is being treated
Yoshihiro Kawai, secretary general cial services firms, stirring fears that the same way as banking in terms of
of the International Association of insurers could also be targeted. this levy.”
Insurance Supervisors, said the insur- “In my view, it’s really unfair that For the insurance sector, group-wide
ance industry should not be caught up insurance is included because the supervision is particularly important
Kirby Adams helped lead Corus back into the black in efforts to clamp down on banks in business model is so different, and it’s to avoid regulatory gaps, he noted.

Corus boss to
quit the firm
he rescued
more than 30 years.

BY STEVE DINNEEN Tata Steel chairman Ratan Tata
says Köhler will take the reins at a
CORUS boss Kirby Adams has rejuvenated firm with strong growth
announced his shock departure from prospects thanks to Kirby.
the steel giant after turning around He said: “In his time as chief execu-
its fortunes in the wake of the finan- tive of Tata Steel Europe, Kirby has
cial meltdown. effected a major turnaround of the
He will be replaced in October by business and he leaves the company
Corus’ parent company Tata Steel’s very well placed for the future. We
chief financial officer Dr Karl-Ulrich thank him for his contribution and
Köhler. look forward to making further
Adams was responsible for oversee- progress under Karl’s leadership.”
ing a sweeping restructuring of the The firm is now eyeing a deal for
business, which took Europe’s second the moth-balled Teesside plant, with
largest steel producer from losses of Thai steelmaker SSI understood to be
£100m a month back into the black. engaged in talks.
He attracted controversy for giving Corus, the European operation of
the green light to thousands of job Tata Steel, accounts for two thirds its
losses, many resulting from his deci- parent company’s global output of
sion to moth-ball a major Corus plant about 30m tonnes of steel, while the
in Teesside. booming Indian operations con-
Adams confirmed his departure, tribute a quarter. Tata Steel also has
saying he will return to Australia, units in Thailand and Singapore.
where he worked for BlueScope Steel
before taking up the top job at Corus. Dr Karl-Ulrich Köhler
He will remain a consultant at the will take over as chief
Replacement Köhler, a board mem- executive after a 30-
ber at the company, joined Corus in year career at rival
February from ThyssenKrupp Steel, ThyssenKrupp Steel.
where he has spent a career spanning

Boeing to probe 787 jet fleet ences have generally been strong and
Boeing will inspect its entire test fleet of that sponsorship had been stronger than
787 Dreamliners before further flights people had anticipated, with the tourna-
after identifying a “workmanship issue” ment, the world’s most-watched sporting
that affects the jet’s horizontal stabilis- event, pulling in major supporters such as
ers, the company said yesterday. Boeing Adidas and Coca-Cola. SPORT: P30-31
said it expects the issue will be
addressed within the existing pro- Toy Story wins film battle
gramme schedule and that the 787 The cartoon heroes of “Toy Story 3”
remains on track for the first delivery to crushed new releases from Adam
All-Nippon Airways by the end of this Sandler and Tom Cruise to lead the North
year. Boeing said that fixing each plane American box office for a second week-
will take up to eight days, but reports the end, according to studio estimates issued
fleet was grounded were incorrect. yesterday. Toy Story 3, from Walt
Disney’s Pixar Animation unit, sold about
WPP revenue up from World Cup $59m (£39m) in tickets across the
The World Cup is expected to deliver United States and Canada during the
strong revenue for WPP, the world’s three days beginning on Friday. Woody,
largest advertising company, according Buzz Lightyear and their pals hit $100m
to an interview with Bloomberg. internationally after a $36.1m weekend
Speaking at the Fortune Global Forum in in 32 countries representing 35 per cent
Cape Town yesterday, chief executive of the foreign market. Mexico has con-
officer Sir Martin Sorrell said that audi- tributed $34m, Disney said.
CITYA.M. 28 JUNE 2010 Politics 5

IDS asks jobless to relocate Firms win exemptions

POLITICS work because there isn’t any work “But he’s going slightly further
from immigration cap

BY DAVID CROW there, unable to get to work because than Margaret Thatcher and Norman
their salaries, their wages aren’t high Tebbit… it’s actually on your bike and
IAIN Duncan-Smith yesterday defend- enough. And they are stuck,” lose your home.” taken up their cause in cabinet discus-

ed plans to relocate unemployed Duncan-Smith added. The work and pensions secretary sions, and they are now expected to be
council house tenants to areas where But Labour leadership contender said millions of people are trapped BUSINESSES have convinced the Home offered some kind of exemption.
they can find work, dismissing Ed Balls seized on the initiative as on sink estates where there are no Office to water down plans that will Theresa May, the home secretary,
claims he was returning to the “on proof the coalition was rehashing jobs. Under existing rules, if they limit the number of economic will today announce a temporary cap
yer bike” approach of the 1980s. the welfare-to-work policies of choose to move to find work they migrants allowed entry to the UK each on economic migrants from outside
The work and pensions secretary Margaret Thatcher and Norman lose their right to a council house. year. the EU. Under the cap, just 24,100
said the policies would help the job- Tebbit. Recruits to Duncan-Smith’s Firms have been lobbying hard workers from outside the EU will be
less escape “ghettos of poverty” and He said: “What he’s saying, a bit scheme would go to the top of the against the cap since it was first moot- let into the country between now and
find work in more economically like Norman Tebbit was saying on waiting list for social housing in any ed, fearful it could stop them recruit- April 2011.
active areas. the 1980s, is get on your bike, move area, as long as they were relocating ing top talent from abroad. Labour dismissed the policy as a
“People are static, unable to get and find a job elsewhere. there to take up employment. Business secretary Vince Cable has “gimmick”.

Cable is cool
on NewsCorp
BSkyB probe
His apparent reluctance to inter-

BY DAVID CROW vene will annoy a large number of
Liberal Democrat MPs. They blame
VINCE Cable has said there “would NewsCorp’s newspapers, especially
need to be a lot of evidence” for him The Sun, for eroding the party’s new-
to become involved in NewsCorp’s found support in the final weeks of
attempt to acquire BSkyB, in the election campaign.
remarks that are sure to alienate News Corp has proposed it acquire Nick Clegg campaigned against a “Tory VAT Bombshell” in the election campaign Picture: PA
anti-Murdoch Liberal Democrats. the 61 per cent of shares it doesn’t

Support for Nick Clegg crumbles

As business secretary, Cable could own in Sky at a price of 700p a share.
announce an investigation into the In the first instance, the European
takeover on public interest grounds. Commission would look at whether
He would then have the ultimate say the takeover should be blocked.
on whether it could proceed. However the matter could be
But Cable told City A.M.: “I haven’t called back to the UK, either by the
taken an official view, but there Office of Fair Trading or by Cable
would need to be a lot of evidence himself. Conversely, support for Tory coali- said they were thinking about aban-

for me to become involved. There is The OFT could call for a probe on tion partners is up two per cent to 41 doning the party after it backed a
no suggestion that I should inter- anti-competition concerns, but
BY DAVID CROW per cent while Labour has gained four sharp hike in VAT from 17.5 per cent
vene.” Cable would have to announce pub- SUPPORT for the Liberal Democrats points to 35 per cent. to 20 per cent.
Asked if he had any moral objec- lic interest grounds for an investiga- has collapsed, leading to fears of a And a YouGov/BrandDemocracy In the run up to polling day, Nick
tion to Sky News being wholly tion. If he chose to do so, he would split in the coalition government. poll for the Observer shows that Clegg campaigned against a “secret
owned by the company that prints have the ultimate say on whether An ICM poll for the Sunday almost half of Lib Dems are consider- Tory VAT bombshell”, while business
The Times, The Sun, The Sunday the deal could proceed. Telegraph shows support for the ing tearing up their membership secretary Vince Cable said it would
Times and The News of the World, Labour has yet to take an official party has fallen to 16 per cent – its cards because of the party’s support “stall any early recovery and hit shops
Cable replied: “If I answered that I view on the planned takeover, lowest rating in 18 months and well for last week’s Budget. hard”. The polls increase the likeli-
would be prejudicing the outcome although it will voice its opposition below the 31 per cent it enjoyed dur- Forty-eight per cent of voters that hood of a Lib Dem rebellion against
of any competition procedures.” in the next few weeks. ing the campaign. backed the Lib Dems at the election the Budget.

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6 Focus on Wall Street Reforms CITYA.M. 28 JUNE 2010



tory practices such as kick-backs for
brokers who push consumers
ment through organi-
sations such as the
A. At the height of the financial cri-
sis in 2008, US investment banks
converted into holding companies so
towards more expensive home loans
will be eliminated. Retail banks will
have to answer to a fresh regulator,
American Bankers’
Association and the Derivatives
they could take emergency loans the Consumer Financial Protection
from the Federal Reserve, as well as
taxpayer aid. Most of the capital dis-
Bureau. And the federal insurance
threshold for savers’ deposits will be Q. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN FOR
tributed then has been repaid, but
the public and politicians remain
raised to $250,000 (£166,000).
A. Although the coalition govern-
ment has been watching the
angry at Wall Street. The House and
the Senate now need to approve the Q. HOW HAS THE CRACKDOWN
progress across the Atlantic with
interest, the real question is to what
bill next week and Obama will have
to ratify it for it to pass into law. A. Some proposals have fallen by
the wayside due to political dis-
agreement. Senator Blanche
extent the bill affects European
Union politicians’ plans. The Dodd-
Frank act’s $19bn tax on Wall Street


Lincoln’s attempt to entirely ban
banks from derivatives-based activity
may add some credibility to the
EU’s proposed banking levy, while

A. For the first time, mortgage

lenders will have to verify a cus-
tomer’s income, employment status
was shot down by both Democrats
and Republicans, for example. On
other issues the banking community
the establishment of a new super-
regulator may give the EU’s drive to
set up four pan-European entities
and credit history. Supposedly preda- was able to put its side of the argu- momentum.

Wall Street’s
great escape
as bank rules
are softened
Executives’ uncertainty over financial reform has
turned into relief, but Goldman Sachs and Morgan
Stanley will suffer heavily, writes Oliver Shah
AFTER a year of lobbying, the big exchanges, but banks will continue
beasts of American banking could most of their derivatives activities to
only sit and watch in the early hours help clients manage risk;
of Friday morning as Congress • around a third of riskier deriva-
finalised its finance reform bill. tives activity, including trades in cred-
A marathon 20-hour session sealed it default swaps, will have to be spun
the draft version of the Dodd-Frank out into separately capitalised units;
act, named after representative • Goldman Sachs and Morgan
Barney Frank and senator Chris Stanley, which particularly rely on in-
Dodd. Even as Dodd hailed the agree- house trading for revenues, would be
ment between the House and Senate badly hit. The clampdown could
as a “great moment”, banking stocks shave up to 10 per cent from
began to soar. Traders realised some Goldman’s turnover. Goldman may
of the bill’s toughest provisions had have to withdraw some $10bn from
been blunted by 11th-hour changes. its internal funds.
Bulge-bracket institutions will pay • an independent Consumer
a one-off levy of $19bn (£12.6bn) over Financial Protection Bureau will tack-
five years to cover the cost of tighter le mis-selling of mortgages, credit
regulation. But they will be able to cards and loans, while an über-regula-
I a brand
In nd new TV se
es,, John
hn Net
t es tel
ls the sto
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thee Ge
an iinv
ionn an
andd keep up to 70 per cent of their deriva- tor, the Financial Stability Oversight
tives trading operations in-house and Council, will monitor companies;
oc cupa
t on
o of th
thee Ch
nel Is
s, ppro
ng aann ex
aryy gl
psee of wha
hatt will be allowed sizeable investments • Washington will be able to seize
w s so nnea
wa earl
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thee fa
te of ma
nd BBri
in.. Pa
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thee Sp
it ooff 194
9400 se
on,, in private equity and hedge funds. and wind up failing outfits.
Key measures mean: Dick Bove of Rochdale Securities
The Ch
nell Is
ndss at War
ar,, st
ts ton
ht 10p
m on Yes
ay.. • under an amended “Volcker summed up the sense of relief in the
rule”, banks will be able to put up to financial sector. “I would be buying
NELL 12,
KY 53
5377 A ND VIR
ME DIIA 203,
20 3,
CO K three per cent of their tier one capital bank stocks,” he said, suggesting
into proprietary trading and buyouts; banks would pass on extra costs to
• over-the-counter derivatives will their clients and “get around” restric-
be forced onto clearing houses and tions on proprietary trading.
CITYA.M. 28 JUNE 2010 Focus on Wall Street Reforms 7

Barney Frank (l)

Dodd (r) have been
the most vigorous

clampdown on
Wall Street.

Our economic growth and prosperity depend on a strong financial sector... but we’ve all seen
Picture: REUTERS
what happens when there’s inadequate oversight and insufficient transparency on Wall Street.


ANALYSIS l Goldman Sachs

190 $


25 Jun “ Some of the core areas that are very important have gone completely untouched. We did not
deal with Fannie and Freddie – the underwriting provisions should have been much stronger.



150 This is a populist surge of activity to say: ‘Hey, we’ll get these bad guys on Wall Street that
140 did bad things to you.’ I would be buying bank stocks this morning as the bill is behind us.
29 Mar 19 Apr 7 May 27 May 17 Jun

ANALYSIS l Morgan Stanley

32 $
30 25 Jun




29 Mar 19 Apr 7 May 27 May 17 Jun

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CITYA.M. 28 JUNE 2010 News 9

Shell vows that

BP in £470m deepwater drills
battle with will continue


PETER VOSER, chief executive at Royal
Dutch Shell, has pledged that the
company will remain committed to
deepwater drilling despite the Gulf of
Mexico disaster.
Speaking in Cape Town yesterday,
it is understood that chief executive Voser said that with a climb in popu-
BP IN CRISIS Tony Hayward has been named as a lation and the rising demand for oil,
BY EMMA SADOWSKI defendant in some legal suits. avoiding deepwater drilling is not an
Meanwhile, costs related to the option.
BP AND Transocean, owner of the spill have climbed to $2.35bn (£1.5bn), “Given the rise in the population
Deepwater Horizon rig, look set to while BP said that it has already made and rise in developing world of ener-
enter into a legal bloodbath after the 39,000 claim payments totalling gy needs, we will have to develop
oil major has given notice that it will $126m (£83m). those resources in deep waters as
issue a £470m claim against the rig’s Uncertainties over the approaching well, so my expectation is that we will
insurance policy. hurricane season mounted over the go forward with it, but it will need
The two are set to go head to head weekend as tropical storm Alex some changes,” said Voser.
over who will cover costs linked to the looked likely to hit the Louisiana Shell’s global safety procedures are
tragic Gulf of Mexico spill. coast. The storm eventually weak- in line with the regulations currently
Insurers for Transocean, including ened, but was a stark reminder to BP being proposed by the US govern-
syndicates in the Lloyd’s of London that its efforts to cap the leaking well ANALYSIS l BP ment and interior secretary Ken
insurance market, have already filed could be threatened. 700
p Salazar, according to Voser, who said
a lawsuit seeking a declaration that A spokesperson from BP said that 650 304.85 that the industry needed to work
they have no obligation to cover BP, the group has “well worked plans” to 600
25 Jun harder at preparing for oil spills.
which was leasing the Deepwater deal with a hurricane. 550
But Voser distanced himself from
Horizon rig from Transocean at the 500
BP and said that Shell would never
time of the 20 April explosion. FAST FACTS | BP LEGAL BATTLES 450
have drilled the Macondo well in the
The recent claim is one of many 400
same way.
legal battles facing BP, as the group is ● May: Lloyds of London insurers connected to 350
He said: “We would not have drilled
currently at odds with Macondo well BP seek declaration on Transocean obligations. 300
the well in the same way. We have got
partner Anadarko over spill costs. ● June: Anadarko refuses to pay for its share of other safety procedures across the
BP has already received a number the costs. 29 Mar 9 Apr 20 Apr 29 Apr 11 May 20 May 1 Jun 10 Jun 21 Jun globe. But I think for some companies
of class action claims from US busi- ● June: Class action law suits begin to spill in. there will be some learning from this
nesses affected by the Gulf spill, while BP boss Tony Hayward is a defendant in some legal suits Picture: REUTERS as well.”
The Capitalist
10 CITYA.M. 28 JUNE 2010


ONE of the City’s biggest bankers’ ty, the event is being held to celebrate Bank, Bloomberg, UBS, West LB and
boxing clubs is setting up a champi- the club’s tenth anniversary. The Cleary Gottlieb.
onship fight for a charity night soon. night – in aid of children’s charity And if the thought of oiled-up equi-
The Real Fight Club in Spitalfields, Kids Company – will pit top Danish ty managers bashing each others’
London’s original home to the prac- boxer Mads Handsen of Platinum brains out for a laugh doesn’t appeal,
tise of “white collar boxing” (i.e. box- Equity against accountant Alex don’t worry – these boxers take their
ing by bankers) is holding a boxing Bogaciev in a battle for the White- sports as seriously as they take their
showcase evening on 15 July and Collar Boxing Association’s European portfolios. What’s more, there should
expects to see a City audience of cruiser-weight title. Other boxers be no shortage of food and drink and
1,200-1,300 turn out to watch. proving their prowess on the night a VIP ticket gets you front row seats
As well as raising money for chari- will include fighters from Deutsche for the action (as well as topping up a

The white-collar boxing championships: equity manager versus accountant.

worthy donation, of course). OECD, stealing my work again!”

Unlike some of his club members, Though he can’t complain: RBS was
however, club founder Alan Lacey’s quoting the wisdom of an old politi-
not too worried about the economy: cal master when it wrote about min-
“I wouldn’t say it’s recession-proof isterial courage – that of Yes,
but... when things are tough you tend Minister’s Sir Humphrey Appleby.
to want to focus on something. It’s “Above all,” Sir Humphrey advises,
either that or you go to the bar. We’re “if you wish to describe a proposal in
a cheaper alternative.” a way that guarantees that a minis-
ter will reject it, describe it as coura-
Clearly Appleby had yet to meet a
minister of George’s ilk.


Speaking of courageous politicians, a
flock of MPs turned out in their fin-
ery on Thursday for a glitzy summer
soiree on the House of Commons ter-
race hosted by the Bow Group, the
original Tory think tank. Among the
honoured guests were business stars-
turned-politicos Kwasi Kwarteng, Tim
Get used to German gloating Loughton and Damian Hinds along-
side none too few City visitors soaking
up the Tory G&Ts.
GERMAN SPAM The free-flowing drinks ensured
Quick off the mark after the England the guests went home merry, and
football team’s 4-1 defeat to word reaches The Capitalist that a cer-
Germany yesterday, IHS Global tain breakaway group of journalist
Insight’s Howard Archer sent and blogger types didn’t just stop
through a hasty memo: “The thump- when the free booze dried up.
ing of England by Germany in the Instead, the intrepid revellers
World Cup is bad news for UK con- sneaked up the terrace into the exclu-
sumer confidence. I feel a down- sive MPs’ Strangers Bar to continue
grade of my third quarter UK GDP the party and made themselves at
forecast coming on!” home even after their MP hosts went
He adds: “It is particularly bad to bed.
news for those of us who work for They report drinking and “chilling
companies with a German office. out” in London’s best riverside bar
All my emails from our Frankfurt until security kicked them out at clos-
office are going straight to my junk ing time. Meanwhile, we hear that
mail with immediate effect and I Bow Group chair Annesley Abercorn
am sure this will be a common fea- didn’t end the night before a late visit
ture across UK companies with to St Stephen’s Tavern. No one can say
German operations.” those Thatcherites don’t know how to

The Budget prompted some creative BE MY SUGAR ANGEL
metaphors this week, with BNP Lord Sugar – who used to be better
Paribas labelling the deficit one big known as Surallan for his starring
hangover after “Brown’s binge”. role in the The Apprentice – could be
Meanwhile, the OECD’s verdict on stepping on some Dragons Den toes
Chancellor George Osborne made after announcing that he’s turning
for some happier language. It called the hit BBC TV series into an angel
the Budget a “courageous move” investor game, with candidates now
that could “restore public finances competing for a £250,000 investment
to a sustainable path”. from Sugar into an independent ven-
Had they been cribbing pre- ture, rather than for a job at one of
Budget briefing notes from the his own firms.
Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)? RBS Either way, the show’s not likely to
released a note just four weeks ago get any closer to the real deal.
laying out the Osborne’s options: Anthony Clarke of London Business
“The choice facing the chancellor is Angels says of entrepreneur pitches:
whether to pursue a ‘softly-softly’ “It’s not like the Dragons Den – we’re
strategy or a ‘courageous’ not there to catch them out or make
approach”. them look ridiculous.”
Contacted, one of the paper’s It seems Sugar my not have
authors Ross Walker feigned out- received the memo.
rage: “Those terrible people at the Victoria Bates is away.
CITYA.M. 28 JUNE 2010 News 11

Spirits high
at SSG after
vodka boost

CONSUMER lot of the big drinks companies have

BY JOHN DUNNE avoided because they were worried
about working practices and various
STOCK Spirits Group (SSG) has turned other issues.
in a record profit – fuelled by sales of “We have gone in and used our
the fastest growing vodka brand in experience to take this businesses for-
the world. ward. Some of the machinery in the
The company’s annual revenue factories we took over was more than
soared by 17 per cent to €262m 40 years old, so we replaced it and it is Chris Heath is eyeing more expansion for SSG
(£216m) in 2009 compared with the some of the most modern available.
previous year. “In central europe customers want
Earnings – before tax interest, taxes quality and that’s what we are offer- CHRIS HEATH moted to finance director of Ind Coope
and amortisation – were up 46 per ing and word of mouth is helping our SSG CHIEF EXECUTIVE Retail in 1990 and then finance, property
cent to €69.2m. Polish vodka Czysta success.” & leasing director of the same company in
de Luxe boosted the figures after SSG was set up after a merger of 1993.
5.4m nine-litre cases were offloaded. two regional businesses, Stock and In 1995 the executive moved into the
SSG, the largest producer of brand- Polmos Lublin, in 2007, backed by Chris Heath joined Stock Spirits Group in 2007. spirits division of Allied Domecq as finance
ed spirits in central Europe, is the Oaktree Capital. In October 2009, he was appointed chief execu- director of the european region.
market leader for vodka in Poland, tive following a successful period as chief financial He held the positions of managing director,
Slovakia and the Czech Republic. FAST FACTS | SSG RESULTS officer. UK and then managing director, Spain
Overall production volumes for He was previously group CFO and commercial respectively from 1999 to 2003. He then
vodka doubled in 2009 to 97m litres. ● The company’s annual revenues shot up by 17 director of Gondola Holdings, owner of Pizza became global finance director of Allied
Meanwhile one of the UK’s big five per cent to £216m Express, Ask and Zizzi restaurants. Domecq until 2005.
supermarket chains is preparing to ● Earnings were up by 46 per cent to £56.8m From 1988 to 2005, he held a number of senior He told City A.M. that he had become a con-
trial some of the company’s spirits. ● Production figures for vodka doubled to 97m positions in Allied Domecq. He started as chief noisseur of vodka in his new role and would be
SSG chief executive Chris Heath litres in 2009 accountant of Ind Coope in 1988 before being pro- able to identify all SSG products in a taste test.
said: “We have gone into markets a


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CITYA.M. 28 JUNE 2010 News 13

Eurozone divided on debt

will barely change. rally, and 4) the hangover from 3)
However, how hard the next cou- and the realisation of how pricey the
ple of years will be also greatly rescue was going to be for govern-
depends on where in Europe you ments. Companies now look better
happen to live. According to Diron, positioned than sovereigns if we are
while southern Europe is heading for indeed in turnaround mode, and
several years of very low, or even neg- Olney points out credit’s shortcom-
ative growth, northern Europe will ing is that it doesn’t share in profits
CNBC COMMENT benefit from strong competitiveness growth or excess cash flow. British
levels. In addition, implementing companies with a yield above the
LOUISA BOJESEN austerity plans and reducing deficits market’s 12-month forward dividend
in the north will be more manage- yield of 4.5 per cent, and which also

HE never-ending, seemingly bil- able as the starting levels are better are well covered, include
lion-hour tennis marathon and to begin with. AstraZeneca, BAT, British Land, Land
the World Cup have been wel- Securities and HSBC. So it’s not all
come distractions to the doom THE OPPORTUNITY OF YIELD gloom after all, then.
and gloom in the market. As the lat- Austerity does not mean that equi- Louisa Bojesen co-anchors European
est record high in Greek 5-year credit ties are done for. Karen Olney, a Closing Bell weekdays on CNBC.
default swaps indicate, investors still strategist at UBS, has looked into this
think there is a real possibility that in detail; she tells me that valuations
Greece could default on its gargantu- support equities. Even if the recovery
an national debt. is muted, equities can offer good
Marie Diron, an economic adviser earnings growth and cash flows –
at Ernst & Young, says that economic something that bonds cannot. Olney
growth in the Eurozone will be 1-2.5 expects this to continue as she does-
Alchemy has sold its stake per cent lower per year than in the n’t think we are going to see a dou-
in Seymour Pierce, headed US over the next five years. She ble-dip recession. Instead, Olney
by Keith Harris (right), as it points out that there will be a severe reiterates that there are four legs to
scales down its investments impact on jobs from this woeful the current crisis, and we’re current-
after the departure of Jon underperformance: while the US ly in the last leg: 1) the interbank
Moulton (left) economy will generate more than lending freeze, 2) the fallout on the
Pictures: REX, Micha Theiner 10m new jobs between 2010-2014, wider economy, 3) the government
employment levels in the Eurozone bailout that led to the March 2009

Alchemy sells
Pierce stake
FINANCIAL SERVICES profit of £4.5m in the first half of this


The deal with Alchemy means the
ALCHEMY Partners will sell its stake in firm is almost entirely owned by its
broker Seymour Pierce as it attempts staff, including executive chairman
to scale down its investments in the Keith Harris, who spearheaded the
wake of the departure of founder Jon management buyout.
Moulton. Harris is also involved in the “Red
Alchemy acquired 29.9 per cent of Knights” bid for Manchester United.
the City’s biggest small-cap brokerage Alchemy is still reeling from the
after throwing its weight behind a shock departure of Moulton last year
management buyout in 2003. to set up new private equity vehicle
The Seymour Pierce employee bene- Better Capital.
fit trust will snap up the shares, Moulton, who recently joined the
which Alchemy and a management ranks of business leaders who threw
consortium took private for £7.4m. their weight behind our campaign
It is understood Alchemy will make against a rise in capital gains tax, has
a decent return on its investment in
Seymour Pierce, although the sum
has not been disclosed.
already bought the iconic Reader’s
Digest out of administration and
acquired aerospace manufacturer

Seymour Pierce is consolidating Gardner for £20m.      
after taking a battering during the He raised £142m when he floated
recession. Last year it posted a loss of Better Capital on Aim and is expected
£3m, after scraping a profit of to rake in an extra £67m as it steps up      
£138,000 the year before. to the main London Stock Exchange
However, it says it has recorded a market in the near future.    

Shooting school sold for £8m fell 10 per cent to £50m. The payout was
Royal Berkshire Shooting School, the clay shared by investors including the
pigeon shooting and country sports com- Rothschild and Schroder families. The
pany based in Pangbourne outside Economist boosted its weekly circulation
Reading, has changed hands for between to 1.4m copies, offsetting a slump in print
£7m and £8m. Alex Newman, the former advertising in the nascent recovery.
head of mining player Antofagasta’s cor-
porate finance department, has bought Tui finance boss linked to M&S
the centre from property investor Bryan Tui Travel’s finance director, Paul Bowtell,
Richmond-Dodd. Newman said he was has been linked to a board position with
planning to plough money into the busi- retailing heavyweight Marks & Spencer. '/5$EULJKWHUFRPPXWH
ness and concentrate on its growth, pos- Bowtell, who has previously done stints
sibly through making acquisitions. with British Gas and BG Group, is under-
stood to have held talks with M&S about
Economist pays £33m dividend the upcoming finance director vacancy
The Economist Group, which owns the following Ian Dyson’s shock resignation,
well-known Economist business maga- which came just days after Marc Bolland
zine, has raised its dividend 38 per cent started as chief executive. Bowtell is well
to £33m even though its pre-tax profits regarded in the City.
14 News CITYA.M. 28 JUNE 2010

TfL closes door on

Tube Lines takeover
maintenance services to all three upgrade programme by cutting

BY EMMA SADOWSKI lines, while Bechtel will oversee a back the closures... we will now
transition period. look at how we can keep disruption
BORIS JOHNSON, London’s Mayor, He said: “The capital is the to a minimum in the future,” said
and Transport for London (TfL) have engine room of the UK economy Johnson.
completed the takeover of Tube and this new arrangement ensures However, an ongoing dispute
Lines. that the vital tube upgrade work, between Tube Lines, its workers
Under the agreement, TfL has upon which London’s own econom- and rail union RMT is yet to be
purchased all of Tube Lines’ shares ic success depends, is delivered at resolved after workers launched a
from Bechtel and Ferrovial’s Amey, the best possible value.” three-day strike, causing severe
for £310m and will now manage TfL said that its first objective is delays across the Northern,
the ongoing work to the Northern, to launch a review of the public pri- Piccadilly and Jubilee Lines.
Jubilee and Piccadilly lines. vate partnership (PPP) upgrade pro- A further set of strikes are sched-
Johnson said the deal will open a gramme at the same time uled between 14 and 16 July but
new era for the tube giving TfL completing the maintenance work could be stopped by a court injunc-
greater flexibility to how improve- affecting the Jubilee Line. tion this week.
ment work is carried out. “We have wasted no time in act- The dispute is over pay, working
Amey will continue to provide ing to limit the disruption of the conditions and job security.

HMV to announce
Chief executive
Simon Fox hopes a
strong release
schedule will buoy
his struggling

profits of £74m

Picture: REX

ed from better margins and tight

BY STEVE DINNEEN cost control. It added that a strong
summer release schedule should
EMBATTLED retailer HMV is expect- lead sales trends to improve.
ed to post pre-tax profits of £74m in It has seen a boost from block-
its full year results on Wednesday, buster movie releases including sci-fi
boosting hopes the firm’s new man- epic Avatar, Sherlock Holmes, Alice

It might not be fair – but sell, sell, sell

agement can turn around its for- in Wonderland and Toy Story 3.
tunes. It also expects a strong music ros-
It is understood HMV will hit esti- ter and the release of motion sensor
mates laid out earlier this year. hardware for the major games con-
The music, film and games mer- soles to boost its revenue.
chant has been torpedoed by the pro- However, it isn’t all good news, IT’S not hard to see why shareholders Fears over HMV’s long-term future the payout is looking increasingly at
liferation of digital versions of its and the general malaise surround- are so down on HMV. Its traditional have been priced in, but they fail to risk. Although the firm says it can
products and its share price has ing the retail sector will weigh on source of revenue – CDs, DVDs and recognise the upsides: management, make this year’s 7.4p payment thanks
plummeted in recent years. In 2005 the mind of new chief executive video games – is being quickly eroded led by the able Simon Fox, has a good to underlying cashflow, it is unlikely
the firm’s shares were valued at Simon Fox, especially in relation to by digital replacements. And its foray track-record of growing profits to keep it up. It might not be fair, but
274p – now they are worth less than the firm’s ability to honour its 7.4p into ticketing, live music and music- against a tough backdrop; and if fore- this stock is priced to fail. Investors
55p. shareholder payment at the end of themed memorabilia and clothing casts are met when HMV reports this should sell on any short-term lift at
The group, which runs over 400 the year. isn’t convincing the market. That week, the shares will be trading on the results this week.
stores under its own name as well as The firm’s low share price has said, HMV is massively oversold: it has just 4.3 times earnings – a massive
313 Waterstone’s bookstores, said in reportedly alerted a number of pri- lost 35 per cent of its value since the discount to the rest of the retailers.
April its like-for-like sales slipped 13.2
per cent in the 16 weeks to 24 April.
vate equity sharks who are circling
the firm in the hope of a further
start of they year, earning it a demo-
tion to the FTSE 250.
Still, with the shares trading on a
dividend yield of around 14 per cent,
But the retailer said it has benefit- share collapse.
Analysis by David Crow
CITYA.M. 28 JUNE 2010 News 15


Norman hopes to M&B close to £40m strike
Pub giant Mitchells & Butlers is on the

sell gold at ATMs

verge of selling its ten-pin bowling chain
for up to £40m. The pub group, which is
led by chief executive Adam Fowle, has
been in talks in recent weeks over the
sale of its Hollywood Bowl division,
which has 24 centres from Glasgow to
Somerset. Privately-owned AMF is
tomers to buy small quantities of regarded as the frontrunner for buying

gold through ATMs and other chan- the chain, but other parties are still
BY MARION DAKERS nels. involved. M&B, which operates the
GOLD trader Sharps Pixley has been Sharps Pixley was formed in 1740, Harvester and Toby Carvery chains, is
sold to metals dealer Ross Norman. and was one of the five original gold keen to sell off other ventures and con-
Norman, a director at metal news brokers in London that used to set centrate on pubs and food.
website Fastmarkets and former trad- the daily price of gold.
er at the London Bullion Market, is Norman is known for his accurate Barclays to expand in Eurozone
understood to have bought the com- forecasts on the price of gold, as a Barclays is this week set to announce
pany in order to sell gold ingots and member of the London Bullion plans for faster expansion in Spain,
coins to small-scale investors. Market Association. Portugal and Italy, taking advantage of
He said he hoped to revive the Small-scale investors have flocked local competitors weak position. Antony
Sharps Pixley brand, after current to gold and other commodities Jenkins, head of the group’s retail bank-
owner Deutsche Bank stopped using recently after the uncertainty of the ing operations, is expected to outline the
JOSEPH Cassano, a former AIG executive who played a big role in bringing the giant the name when it acquired the firm credit crunch and eurozone sover- plans for expansion to investors this
insurer to its knees, will face a grilling this week from a US panel investigating the caus- in 1994. eign debt crisis. week. Barclays already has a network in
es of the financial crisis. Cassano will rub shoulders with a star cast, which includes Norman is understood to be in Neither Deutsche Bank nor Spain and Italy. During the credit crunch
Goldman Sachs president Gary Cohn and chief financial officer David Viniar. Cassano, talks with several UK banks and Fastmarkets were available for com- it bought credit card and loan portfolios
who ran AIG Financial Products, has evaded public appearances since the 2008 collapse. building societies about enabling cus- ment yesterday. from rivals including Citigroup.

Financial firms fear

looming regulation
But concern about the impact of Andrew Gray, UK financial servic-

BY JESSICA MEAD regulation and legislation on es consulting leader at PwC, said:
future business has stayed high, “The generally upbeat outlook for
ACTIVITY in financial services firms with 77 per cent of firms expecting banks of growing revenues and
over the past three months has to spend more on compliance over profitability is being overshadowed
increased at the fastest rate since the coming year. John Cridland, by the looming threat of regulation
September 2007, but market volatil- deputy director-general of the CBI, on the sector. While banks may be
ity meant that this growth was said: “Many remain concerned that confident in their own business
much slower than had been expect- red tape will hamper growth models, they are unsettled by their
ed, the quarterly CBI/PwC Financial prospects in the year ahead.” operating environment.”
Services survey will show today.
In the second quarter, a net nine ANALYSIS l Banking firms’ optimism versus three months earlier
per cent of firms said that their 80
Source: CBI/PwC
business volumes rose. But they are
highly optimistic about the sum- 40
mer period – a net 63 per cent
expects a rise in volumes, the most
positive since December 1993. 0
The financial services sector
enjoyed its fourth consecutive quar- -40
ter of improving profitability but
the survey revealed that firms -80
expect that to level off. 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
16 News CITYA.M. 28 JUNE 2010

Fitness First Estimated

TNT to sack full-timers by 2012
Dutch postal company TNT has said it
aims to lay off all its full-time workers

in £1.2bn IPO market value

£1bn to £1.2bn
Sales in the year
within two years after the firm was
crunched by the liberalisation of the
country’s mail market and the shift to
digital forms of communication. TNT
said it would fire all employees involved
in sorting and delivering mail who work
more than 25 hours per week.
LEISURE Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, to October 2008

Blood takes chair at Waverley

BY OLIVER SHAH Macquarie and UBS are understood to
be among the investment banks £610m Former Scottish & Newcastle (S&N)
BUYOUT house BC Partners is briefed on the plans by BC Partners. managing director Jeremy Blood is to
believed to be lining up Fitness First Because Fitness First’s business is tilt- Ebitda become chairman at Waverley TBS
for a flotation in the Far East which ed to Asia-Pacific – more than a third after Manfield Partners backed a man-
could value the world’s largest gym
group at between £1bn and £1.2bn.
of its revenues and more than half its
earnings come from the region – it is
£135m agement buyout of the business from
Heineken, Britain’s largest brewer. The
BC Partners, which has enjoyed suc-
cess with the initial public offerings
thought investor appetite for an IPO
on a local market would be stronger. Net debt takeover, at an undisclosed price, comes
after Heineken significantly restructured
(IPOs) of travel IT firm Amadeus and
French care home operator Medica
The move would mark a return to
public ownership for Fitness First, £1.2bn Waverley following its £7.8bn joint
acquisition of S&N with Carlsberg in
this year, is thought to be looking at a albeit in a new geography. 2008. Blood is one of five partners at
listing in either Singapore, Shanghai, Entrepreneurs Mike Balfour and Size of BC Manfield.
Sydney or Hong Kong.
Fitness First had sales of £610m in
Christopher Pearce set up their first
club in Bournemouth in 1992 before
Partners stake Cineworld signs 25-year O2 deal
the year to 31 October 2008, accord-
ing to the most recently filed
floating the outfit on London’s
Alternative Investment Market (Aim)
81 per cent Cineworld, the UK’s second largest cine-
ma chain, has won a contract to run the
accounts at Companies House. The four years later. Private equity player O2’s multiplex cinema for the next 25
group generated ebitda of £134.9m Cinven took the company over in years. It began operating the 11-screen
and had net debt of £1.2bn. It is likely 2001 for £400m. venue on Friday, having inked the deal
an IPO would be used to cut the com- BC Partners bought Fitness First with O2 owner AEG Europe. Analysts
pany’s borrowing pile and reduce BC from Cinven at an enterprise value of said the site, which produced turnover
Partners’ stake in the business from £835m in 2005, vowing to help fuel of £4.1m last year, would add
its current level of 81 per cent. the group’s international expansion. £600,000 to Cineworld’s sales.

No.2/June ‘10




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Dominic Webber
the Fractional Life Expo, the annual and urban destinations worldwide, and are allocated an amount of us- Phone:
event held at Broadgate Arena in the offering consumers a choice of both EXPERT OPINION age time. Mooring fees, mechanical 0207 6654409
City of London.Over the years I have time and location to suit their maintenance and insurance are all
seen a dramatic increase in both needs. “If you want to own included.
Distributed with: City AM,
consumer awareness and interest, a luxury second All these offerings and more will June 2010
with many professionals from the Find your perfect niche be showcased at the annual Frac- Mediaplanet contact information:
City buying into fractional owner- The popularity of asset-shar- home but can’t tional Life Expo taking place at the Phone: 0207 6654400
ship. 3 ing car clubs has also soared in justify the expense prestigious Broadgate Arena and Fax: 0207 6654419
If you want to own a luxury sec- recent years, promoting access to a surrounding area in the City of Lon-
ond home in an expensive resort fleet of classic and supercars for a ... then fractional don 13 – 15th September 2010. The
but can’t justify the expense or the
time to make use of it, then frac-
fixed membership cost.
The basic model is that a member-
ownership is very event is free.
I hope to see you there! Mediaplanet’s business is to create
new customers for our advertisers by pro-
tional ownership is very appealing. ship fee gets you a number of points. appealing” viding readers with high-quality editorial
The choice of locations is immense The amount of points used depends content that motivates them to act.
and owners can even trade time at on the category of the car, whether

18.42 FL

10.09.10 11:53
Wow! I’ve Just arrived
and can’t believe the
Ferrari that was waiting
at the airport!

11.09.10 14:29
Weathers absolutely
fantastic, so today it’s
got to be the boat
around the bay.

12.09.10 17:03
This place is amazing,
you would love it here.
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Two of the Rocksure Houses in Portugal

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ership and enjoyment but provides a different product: in 10 of Europe’s most attractive cities, four of which are night combinations by reserving a unit with a fully-
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HELLO WORLD When looking for your

Fractional ownership
combines flexibility and
property, bear the
luxury for those search- following in mind:
ing for adventure.
Know what you’re

Buying your own

looking for
What do you want the prop-
1 erty for? Golf? A spa? And
how far are you prepared to trav-
el? There are fractional properties
for most types of destination in

portion of paradise
the UK, but if you have more time
to spend in the property, you
might want to go further abroad.

Consider your schedule

Seasonality is a big issue.
2 Some UK destinations are
still not fully developed because
they are attractive in the summer
OQuestion: Why is fraction- many places to consider. Some frac- months but not in winter, and for
al ownership not talked about
more? “It is an tional properties are specifically de-
signed for leisure activities such
the ownership to work from the
developer’s point of view, it must
OAnswer: Because it is still
new to this country and poten-
tial buyers need to be better
aspirational as a spa vacation or golf, but there
are plenty of city developments as
be sold all year round. However,
this looks set to change.The same
was true of ski resorts in the
lifestyle.” For example, in London, a prop-
erty in the middle of affluent May-
States, but over the last 10 to 20
years, additional facilities have
fair or celebrity-haunt Primrose made them attractive at any time
SHOWCASE Hill would be stratospherically ex- of year.
As society becomes ever more cash pensive if wholly owned; as a frac-
rich but time poor, a new type of Fabrizio Harper
tional property it caters for visitors Plan ahead
second home ownership has been Head of sales, Fractional Life who want to come to London either It may seen obvious, but if
gaining in popularity, namely frac- for vacation or work. 3 you have children and want
tional ownership. One size does not fit all the owners plump for, whereas in These choices are, however, more to use the home for vacations,
As its name suggests, it im- The amount of time owners stay in Europe it can be twice that. personal (and over the long term, make sure you own the part that
plies shared ownership of a prop- their properties varies according cheaper) than hotel rooms, as al- covers the school holidays. Check
erty, typically between four to 12 to the region. In the United States, Find the right spot for you most every fractional property has if there are nearby facilities for
individuals, but unlike its disliked most people have two weeks annual Although location, as with any somewhere to leave personal prop- children.
distant cousin, timeshare, the own- holiday, and so that tends to be time property purchase is key, there are erty, which will be installed in ad-
ers which actually be listed on the vance of the owner’s visit. Many Think outside the box
deeds of the house. Originating in FACTS also provide concierge services, Fractional ownership does
Florida about 30 years ago, and now which means groceries can be 4 not just cover property:
widely established in the US, frac- O Britain is leading the way in Eu- baby boomers or ”symbol of suc- bought and installed in advance. there are many other elements to
tured ownership is becoming in- rope. It is estimated that 44 per cent cess” demographics, with rewar- According to Fabrizio, the top it such as cars and planes. It can
creasingly popular here. of fractional property owners in the ding careers rather than jobs, who countries in order of user popular- be a far cheaper option than buy-
“Typical fractional life visitors UK are British. live in sought after locations, drive ity are the United Kingdom, Unit- ing a very expensive car outright.
have a time-poor, transient lifestyle O Ownership starts at about modern and expensive cars and in- ed States, Mexico, South Africa and
based around luxury and experien- £25,000, with the average in Europe dulge in exotic leisure pursuits. India. “It is an aspirational life- Be realistic
tal ‘discovery’,” says Fabrizio Harp- between £100,000 to £200,000. O Fractional owners also tend to style,” he says. There are usually two costs:
er, head of sales at Fractional Life. O According to Fractional Life, 65 comprise professionals in senior 5 the entry level purchase of
“They perhaps own an interest in per cent of male fractional owners management positions and entre- the property and the annual
a fractional life property or belong are 30 to 55, while 40 per cent of preneurs who have reached a sta- charge. Make sure you budget for
to a private jet operator/supercar female owners are aged 19 to 35. ge in their lives in which they want both.
club already.” O Mosaic profiling groups identify to balance work and leisure more VIRGINIA BLACKBURN
fractional owners as predominantly evenly.



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Question: Why is it so important to use a trustee when considering
fractional ownership?
Answer: Because you need someone in place to look after your interests.

How to buy
peace of mind


of which should be totally avoidable costs will be higher than the average for a Consult an expert
CHANGE as long as the proper paperwork is in second home, as the property will be used Go to a company that spe-
While fractional ownership can be a
place. One owner might try to take
a charge against the property, thus
more often.”
Trustees are sometimes asked to per-
1 cilises in fractional own-
ership. While it is a rela-
very successful and cost effective way of leaving the others vulnerable if he de- form due diligence on potential owners: this tively new area, it’s growing.
owning a second home, there are many faults on the loan. Or a property might means that co-owners know that each is up-
issues to be aware of, including the have four owners, one of whom dies and standing. Normally, the property ends up be- Know what you want
fact that the law is different in various leaves it to his five sons, in which case ing held in trust for the various owners: a Take time to discuss ex-
jurisdictions, and that given several
people’s name will be on the title deeds,
there are now eight owners. But none of
this will happen as long as the purchase “You qualified administrator will be required to
set up the paperwork there, too.
2 actly what you expect of
you must ensure that you have the is structured correctly. need The ideal number of co-owners, accord-
Cover yourself
proper title to the property. It is there- In actual fact, it is rare for major fall- ing to Jerry, is four, but that pushes up en-
fore wise to use a trustee or administra- outs to happen between owners. “They try costs, something most developers don’t Make sure they have pro-
tor. tend to be silly issues, such as a dis-
agreement over the furniture package
to look want to do in an uncertain economic envi-
3 fessional indemnity in-
surance (any qualified
Know what you’re getting into that will furnish the house,” Jerry says. after the “Say you have a lovely house in Barbados trustee should automatically
“You need someone to look after the re-
lationship,” says Jerry Cobb,chief execu-
“Owners also need to be aware of what
they will be expected to pay in nor- relation- worth $1 million,” he says.“But if four people
owned it, it would still cost them $250,000 or
have this.)

tive of the Fractional Ownership Consul-

tancy. “You need someone to look after
mal wear and tear and abnormal wear
and tear. Most properties prohibit pets
ship” more. So at the moment, many are sold with
shares of 12 - but that will change.”
Know what to expect
The developer will nor-
your usage rights and arbitrate should
something go wrong.”
and smoking, so if an owner leaves the
property covered in dog hair and ciga-
Jerry Cobb
Chief executive,
4 mally cover the cost of le-
gal work, but you will
Jerry cites many examples of in- rette burns, that will be abnormal wear VIRGINIA BLACKBURN have annual costs.
stances owners have to look out for, all and tear. But even normal wear and tear



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right advice.
0845 120 7502

21 June – 9 July
The City's annual celebration of the arts

Mon 28 June 7.30pm Tues 29 June 8pm Tues 29 June 8pm Weds 30 June 6pm
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EC2 EC4 Grand Union Orchestra Great, EC1
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Jonathan Mayer sitar, Enlightenment (Por Mares Do A programme of Brazilian
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£5, £10, £15, £25, £30 Tony Haynes music,
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£10, £18 £15 (unreserved)
£15 (unreserved)





yooPhuket, Thailand
yooPhuket is a 256-room de-
velopment nestled in the
middle of three world class golf
courses. As well as the golf courses
themselves owners will have ac-
cess to facilities including a 55m
long infinity pool,high-end restau-
rant and poolside cafe, as well as a
fully equipped gym and business
centre. Check with yooPhuket for
exact prices.


Golf resorts can make a
fantastic investment, say

How to achieve the

The K Club, Ireland
A grand Irish county retreat
on the River Liffey in County
Kildare, south of Dublin, it offers 33

perfect hole in one...

properties for fractional owner-
ship, and is home to two champi-
onship golf courses designed by Ar-
nold Palmer. It has hosted 14 Euro-
pean Opens and hosted the Ryder
Cup in 2006. Prices start at

OQuestion: Why are

fractional properties good “Boutique tor for the Firstlight K Club, one of
Europe’s largest Golfing, Fractional
value for golf lovers?
OAnswer: Because they can
resorts like resorts. “Golf has always been a rea-
son for people buying into fraction-
provide access to the best
resorts in some of the most
yooPhuket are al ownership,” he says. “It’s a staple
now in resort real estate and even
beautiful countries in the world. a lifestyle ski resorts now routinely provide
golf in the summer.”
Arcos Gardens, Spain
Arcos Gardens Golf Club and
HOW WE MADE IT purchase.” A worthwhile investment
Country Estate is a 440 acre
property next door to the famous
One of the most popular reasons For very keen golfers, it makes village of Arcos de la Frontera in
for entering into fractional owner- sense.“There are clear financial ben- Cadiz. It has a championship 18-
Charlotte Rose Melsom
ship is to pursue a particular type Absolute World Group efits to buying into a golfing resort,” hole course that was recently
of sport,and nowhere does this hold Alan says. “At the K Club, member- named among Europe’s top 100. In
more true than with golf. Charlotte ship of the club alone is €80,000 for affiliation with The Registry Collec-
Rose Melsom currently heads up of top of the range golf clubs, as well as use of a car. the initiation fee, plus annual fees, tion, 10 of the development’s Jaca-
development, marketing, advertis- as perks that differ by the location. whereas you can buy into a proper- randa units are for sale, with a one-
ing and branding for the Absolute In yooPhuket that includes use of a A popular choice ty at just €160,000.” Again, there are eighth fract ion starting at
World Group,and is currently focus- speedboat for one day a week,as well Alan Cornelius is the Sales Direc- many benefits for golf enthusiasts: €199,000.
ing on two resorts, yooPhuket and access to two championship golf
The Beach Samui, both by YOO in FACTS courses, the Smurfit and the Palmer
Thailand. The former caters for golf Ryder Cup course, alongside mem-
enthusiasts; the latter is more for O When buying a fractional O Increasingly, lenders are pro- bership of the Michael Dixon School
water sports. property, be aware that you will viding mortgages for fractional of Golf.
“Boutique resorts like yooPhuket probably not be paying the ex- ownership. Banks will usually ad- Fractional ownership also in-
are a lifestyle purchase including act cost of, say, a quarter share vance money on a loan to value of cludes membership of the K Club
amenities,” she says. “The Phuket of a property’s outright value. 60 per cent. In the above example, spa when the owner is in residence,
destintion was built because it is Costs will be slightly higher, but that that would mean they would lend which may well provide a pastime The Ritz-Carlton, Florida
surrounded by three of the best golf is because more than the purcha- 50 per cent of the £125,000, as, ta- for the golfing widow. Certainly, the The 285-acre Ritz-Carlton Golf
courses in the world. Prices start se price is included. ”Say you have king into account the underlying va- popularity of the golf resort is not Club & Spa at Jupiter, Florida
from £25,000 for a studio apart- a £400,000 property, that is being lue of the property, that constitutes going to wane anytime soon. provides members with 35 days of
ment, and that includes a pool, gym, sold in quarter shares,” says Jerry an LTV of 60 per cent. Crucially, ho- luxury vacation living. It features
spa and use of restaurants,as well as Cobb. ”Each quarter will typically wever, they do not place a charge an Audubon-certified Jack Nicklaus
24-hour concierge service and being cost £125,000, bringing the total to on the property: rather, the owner Signature Golf Course,a 68,000 sq ft
collected from the airport.” £500,000. However, that extra mo- gets a certificate and the bank lends clubhouse,a spa,resort-style swim-
Owners will also have use of the ney will be used to provide a furnitu- against that. VIRGINIA BLACKBURN ming pool and a Ritz Kids program.
golf courses, complete with choice re package and legal advice.”


It makes sense...

Show houses open | Prices from ½199,900 | Golf membership for two people included | Discovery packages available
Fractional Ownership at Arcos Gardens simply makes good sense. After all, why pay 100% for a property that you only use for a few weeks
a year? With our Fractional Ownership program the purchase price is shared with others. You become a fully titled owner of a luxury villa
overlooking one of Europe’s most beautiful golf courses for a fraction of the cost.
Start to make sense of life - welcome to Arcos Gardens, Cádiz, Spain

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Tel: + 34 956 701 694
more information or visit our website:

Phuket, Thailand Seychelles Tuscany, Italy

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Why settle for one vacation home when you can have a whole collection? Banyan Tree Private Collection,
the first asset-backed Destination Club from Asia offering perpetual membership, gives members access to
exquisite villas around the world, while avoiding the burdens of owning a second home. From Seychelles,
to Phuket and Tuscany, the ever growing Collection is all yours to enjoy, year after year, forever.

To find out more, please contact us +44 207 841 2759 or

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Question 1: Somewhere that has many years’ London has all the dynamics of a big There is a two-fold answer to the abo-
Where, in your opinion, is the history of attracting people over genera- city which people will go to for business or ve question. In terms of destinations for our
best place on earth for Frac- tions as a tourist slot, such as the south west leisure, and it is a destination people will go members to use, the world is not enough! In
of England, Provence and the Cote d’Azur to, whatever the time of the year. Hawaii is our perspective, having lovely beach desti-
tional Properties or Destina- and Tuscany. High end destinations such as also seasonally well balanced and as such a nations a short haul away from the main ci-
tion Clubs? Monaco, Majorca and Madeira continue to year-round destination, and U.S. mountain ties has proven successful. Resorts located in
appeal, as do year round destinations inclu- regions remain popular. Eventually, per- Phuket, Bali and Bintan Island are frequent-
ding vibrant cities like London, Paris, Rome haps, Paris and Barcelona, but currently the ly visited by our members, where they have
and New York. In all these cases, it is difficult price per square footage of property is not beautiful scenery and are easily accessible to
to access full ownership of a second home at high enough to make it worth while for de- people flying in from abroad. From the pro-
entry level, and in many there is a shortage velopers. The two elements to look out for in motion and marketing perspective Asia and
of properties and very high prices. attractive destinations are high hotel rates specifically China look the most promising
and high real estate rates. to acquire new members.

Question 2: Financially, the entry level is very low It is a smart way to purchase what is Having the access to multi-million dol-
What is the biggest benefit to in comparison to whole ownership. Annu- needed for your lifestyle in a location that lar residences at a fraction of the price is a
al costs are shared with others, so ongoing would otherwise be exorbitantly priced. great advantage. On top of that, the flexibi-
purchasing a Fractional Prop- costs are lower. People often forget that it is There are also many other considerations, lity of destinations and choosing when you
erty or Destination Club? not just a case of buying a second home: they including the fact that owners may well be want to travel is very enticing for fractio-
have to manage the upkeep as well, which serviced by a high class hotel, but over time nal owners. In our case, we also have the fa-
can be stratospherically expensive, especi- it is cheaper, like for like, than a hotel room. mous award-winning hotel and the service
ally in very high end destinations. Fractio- Then there is the fact that if you are not go- it provides behind us - Banyan Tree Hotels
nal ownership also gives owners access to ing to use your property one year, you can and Resorts is famous for high levels of ser-
very luxurious living at much lower costs put it into the developer’s rental pro- vice, privacy and idyllic locations, all of
than they would otherwise incur. It’s a very gramme, thus maximising the ren- which are very attractive for mem-
smart way to own a second home. tal fee you receive and making a re- bers.
Get expert
Question 3: Financially, the entry level is very low Somewhere urban. Moscow, China is high on the list and
Where is the next big desti- in comparison to whole ownership. Annu- Shanghai and Hong Kong are all see- looks to continue to be so as the
al costs are shared with others, so ongoing ing above average cost increases and all economy is growing fast and people
nation going to be? costs are lower. People often forget that it is have the perfect blend of business and leisu- have more money to spend. More and mo-
not just a case of buying a second home: they re, which attracts buyers who want one or re affluent guests are Chinese and they tra-
have to manage the upkeep as well, which the other – or both. Also, in all those cases, vel within their domestic borders – which
can be stratospherically expensive, especi- they are all attractive destinations all year are vast - and which means they need places
ally in very high end destinations. Fractio- round, which is a very important considera- to stay on a regular basis that are way from
nal ownership also gives owners access to tion. The Maldives is right for seasonality re- their first home. They have purchasing po-
very luxurious living at much lower costs asons – again, it is attractive at every time of wer and they love luxurious private and ex-
than they would otherwise incur. It’s a very the year - and there is a vast demand for lux- clusive club memberships, with all the high
smart way to own a second home. ury at a certain price point. levels of service that that can provide.
This view could be yours
There are now a select few exclusive apartments available for purchase
through Fractional Ownership with De Vere and we are offering 10% off the
usual purchase price of £54,950. This means prices now start from £49,455
for 4 weeks with your first years’ management fee’s all paid for. This home
from home is then entirely yours to use for the weeks you select.

Fractional Expo in London Your exclusive D7> visit

For the first time ever De Vere will be attending Join us for one night and two days’ blissful relaxation,
the Fractional Expo in London on 13th-15th including a round of golf or spa treatment, at a special
September. Come along to find out more about rate of just £169 per room. To make a reservation today,
our luxury apartments.
call 0844 980 0490

Fractional Ownership

Terms & conditions apply. See website for details.

CITYA.M. 28 JUNE 2010 News 17

Halliwells to face administration AstraZeneca to scale up

discussion with Hill Dickinson to its underlying business remains
South African operations

transfer a large portion of its business strong.
BY EMMA SADOWSKI in Manchester. The news is a blow to Halliwells
HALLIWELLS, the first legal outfit to Halliwells, which will be the largest after the firm completed a £20m refi- Cape Town, he said AstraZeneca had

fall victim to the recession and face commercial firm to face administra- nancing earlier this year, which was increased investment in marketing,
administration, was close to securing tion, has suffered from two years of thought to have put it in a stronger THE UK’s second-largest drugmaker, selling and clinical research capabili-
a deal last night with a rival firm in a partner walkouts, redundancies and position for another three years. AstraZeneca, has revealed it is scaling ties in South Africa.
bid to transfer some of its business. a sharp fall in profits. BDO is expected to be appointed as up its up its operations in South The London-based drugmaker
Late last week, the Manchester The firm, which has entered into a administrator, with partner Dermot Africa. needs new sources of revenue to off-
based firm filed for court permission moratorium to protect clients and Power thought to be ready to take up Chief executive officer David set potential competition to seven
to appoint an administrator after tak- other stakeholders, attributed high the lead role. Brennan told Bloomberg news that drugs by 2014, including three of its
ing a severe hit from escalating debts, property costs and the current eco- Halliwells and BDO did not return sales are growing faster there than in bestsellers, which are Nexium for
and falling income and profit levels. nomic climate as the main contribu- calls, while Hill Dickinson declined to more established markets. ulcers, the antipsychotic Seroquel
It is understood that Halliwells is in tors to the fall in profits, but said that comment. At the Fortune Global Forum in and Crestor for cholesterol.


iPad revolution hits boardroom
City-based insurance firm Torus says it
has become the first company in the UK

£200m port to hold paperless board meetings follow-

ing a trial of Apple’s iPad. Directors of
this $1bn (£663m) insurance company
used iPads to review documents during
the board sessions instead of the usual
print-outs. Bosses say prior to using

build contract iPads, the firm was printing 1,600 pages

a meeting and couriering the material to
directors based in Bermuda, Jersey and
London. It says the savings in printing
and courier charges mean the new
devices have paid for themselves after
just one meeting of the full board.
Alastair King, founder and chief

executive of Eredene, said: “This is a Reliance sells mobile mast arm
major milestone for Eredene. The Reliance Communications has sold its
AIM-listed Eredene Capital yesterday Ennore Container Terminal is a world mobile mast arm in one of the biggest
announced it has won a £200m con- class project, with an excellent grow- mergers seen in India. The deal marks
tract to build and operate a vast con- ing hinterland and good existing the Indian billionaire Anil Ambani’s
tainer terminal in southern India. transport connectivity. emergence from a family feud with his
It clinched the lucrative contract as “This project builds on our expert- elder brother Mukesh. Anil Ambani’s
part of a consortium including ise in ports and port infrastructure mast business, Reliance Infratel, will be
Spanish port operators Grup Marítim and on our commitment to the merged into GTL Infrastructure, India’s
TCB, international construction firm dynamic Indian economy. largest independent mobile tower opera-
Obrascón Huarte Lain, and India’s “We look forward to working with tor. Mukesh Ambani’s group, Reliance
Lanco Infratech. our partners and contributing solidly Industries, held a right of first refusal
Eredene has a 22 per cent stake in to the designing, constructing, over any sale, under an agreement bro-
the consortium. Its equity commit- financing and operating of the new kered when the brothers divided their
ment will be up to £23m, spread over Ennore container terminal.” late father’s business empire between
two years. The Ennore Port in the Indian State them in 2005. The companies did not
Company sources say the commit- of Tamil Nadu is one of the 13 major NEW mining investment firm Vallar has unveiled plans to list on the London Stock disclose the terms of the “transforma-
ment will initially be funded ports in India. Work on the new ter- Exchange and raise £600m to take advantage of acquisition opportunities in the sector. tional deal” that they have approved in
through existing cash reserves and minal is scheduled to take 33 months The firm, led by finance and mining veterans Nathaniel Rothschild (pictured) and James principle but said the combined tower
then through the raising of addition- and it is expected to be operational by Campbell, plans to start with one major acquisition and eventually build up a mid-tier business would be worth more than
al capital. the end of 2013. mining house. Picture: GETTY $11bn (£7.3bn).

Government to close up to 75pc of its Private evictions rose 23

websites and slash budgets for rest per cent during recession
The government will explore and Industry. likely to repossess properties, with

which of the sites can be consolidated Maude blamed the Labour govern- the number of claims between 2004
and how resources can be split ment for miring the public with far PRIVATE landlords filed 23 per cent and 2008 declining by 23.5 per cent.
THREE quarters of government web- between sites. too many unnecessary and expensive more repossession claims against ten- Social landlords are bound by rules,
sites will face the chop in a plan to A Central Office of Information “vanity sites”. ants during the credit crunch, say fig- introduced in 2006, saying they must
slash the cost to the taxpayer. report flagged up several sites that New digital consultant Martha ures out today. help tenants stay in their homes.
The remainder of the existing 820 have proved to be remarkably cost Lane Fox is advising the coalition on Legal claims to evict tenants Michael Donnellan, partner at
government-funded sites will also see ineffective, including how it can slash fat from the govern- increased from around 17,000 in 2004 Trowers & Hamlins, said: “Private
their budgets chopped by up to 50 per, which cost a ment network of websites. But Labour to over 21,000 in 2008, according to landlords have come under financial
cent under tough new rules outlined staggering £11.78 per visit, although warned the move could end up cost- legal publisher Sweet & Maxwell. strain themselves and are likely to
by Tory Francis Maude. the figure was disputed by UK Trade ing the government even more. However, social landlords were less move much faster to replace tenants.”
Nigel Boardman, Partner of Slaughter and May

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CITYA.M. 28 JUNE 2010 News 19

Beltane to
Prime house buy its first
prices upbeat property
after election

BELTANE Asset Management has
bought Pellipar House in Cloak Lane
for an undisclosed sum.
PROPERTY price growth, with the average prop- The investment and asset manage-

BY MARION DAKERS erty price in the top quarter of the ment company acquired the proper-
market growing by 1.5 per cent to ty near Cannon Street in an
THE election has helped stir the £1.1m last month. off-market transaction from ING. It is
prime property market and sparked a Kensington & Chelsea is still the the first purchase for the firm, which
rise in demand and prices, according most expensive area to buy a house, was set up by Johathan Chenery and
to research out today. with the top quarter of properties ris- Duncan Roe earlier this year.
Prices in the top 10 per cent of the ing by 10 per cent last year to an aver- The building has 29,700 sq feet of
housing market rose 1.1 per cent in age price of £2.68m. office space spread across eight
June, contributing to an annual This compares to a 1.5 per cent floors. Beltane plans to refurbish the
growth of 4.1 per cent – more than jump in Hackney, the cheapest bor- upper four floors, which are current-
double the average house price rise of ough for prime real estate, where the ly vacant, and all common areas.
two per cent. average top quarter property now Former City agents Chenery and
Researchers put this down to the costs around £616,000. Roe set up the firm to target assets in
steps taken by the government to cut Conversely, sellers in East London the UK and Europe, with a focus on
the deficit. “The introduction of the rushed to join the market (17.5 per the City of London.
Lib-Con government has acted as a cent more stock this month) in an Cushman & Wakefield acted on
tonic for the prime property market,” attempt to cash in on anticipated behalf of Beltane during the sale,
said Andrew Smith, research director price rises following the relaunch of while ING represented itself.
at the East London Overground line. The sale is one of several prime
“Despite concerns that the emer- The research also suggested that City locations to enter the market in
gency Budget may have clouded the the incoming rise in the stamp duty recent months, including the Square
horizon, the property market did not threshold might push plum proper- Mile’s tallest office block Tower 42, as
fare as badly as was feared.” ties onto the market sooner than sell- investors attempt to cash in on rising
London was the site of the bulk of ers had hoped. Prime real estate is bucking the national trend of sluggish growth rents.


Adam & Company senior consultant. Van Zyl will be based London Stock Exchange in the equity
Simmons & Simmons The Scottish private bank has hired in London, and will advise pension fund markets group.
The law firm has hired Jonathan Marsh as a Andy Nicol for the new position of head trustees and corporates on pension risk
partner in its non-contentious financial services of business development. Nicol was a management and asset strategy. He State Street
regulatory practice. Marsh joins the firm from professional rugby player until 2003, moves from HR consultants Tower The financial services firm has promot-
Berwin Leighton Paisner, where he was a part- playing for Bath and the Scottish Watsons, where he was a senior corpo- ed Nicholas Bonn to the head of its
ner specialising in financial services from 2006. national team were he was captain dur- rate investment consultant. He has also securities finance business. Bonn, cur-
He has also worked at Hunton & Williams, ing seven international games. held investment-related roles at rently executive vice president, has
Hammonds, Sempra Metals and Linklaters in Following his retirement from the sport Alexander Forbes, Towers Perrin and worked at the firm for 18 years. He will
the last decade. He brings the total number of he has worked as a rugby commentator the Netherlands branch of Mercer. be responsible for trading desks in
lawyers in the Simmon & Simmons internation- for the BBC and STV, before joining London, Boston, Hong Kong, Sydney,
al regulatory practice to 30. RBS as a business development manag- AIM Advisory Group Tokyo and Toronto. His most recent role
er in 2006. His took up his most recent Philip Secrett has been appointed as was global head of sales and client
BNP Paribas joins from Barclays, where he was role as area manager of private clients chairman to the group, which advises development for the global markets
The banking group has appointed European head of credit research. Prior at RBS in 2009. the London Stock Exchange on matters arm of the company. State Street has
Robert Adie to the newly created role to this he led the European credit strat- affecting the operation of AIM. Secrett also hired Doug Stern and Yvonne
of global head of credit research and egy team at Lehman Brothers. He also Mercer is the international director of capital Wong to its enhanced custody business,
strategy. Adie will start at BNP in spent six years at Salomon Brothers as The financial and recruitment consul- markets at Grant Thornton, and previ- which advises on long/short and lever-
August, and will be based in London. He head of European emerging markets. tancy has appointed Le Roy van Zyl as a ously worked on secondment at the aged strategies.

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20 News CITYA.M. 28 JUNE 2010

France tightens screws BEST OF THE BROKERS

ANALYSIS l Marks & Spencer
UBS maintains a “buy” recommendation

on tax breaks once more


370 340.00 for Marks & Spencer and said that it fore-
25 Jun casts first quarter like-for-like growth of
three per cent in general merchandise and
1.5 per cent in food. UBS said the consen-
sus may be a little higher and that there
“We proposed €5bn a few weeks ago 330
WORLD ECONOMY back on an array of tax breaks – the may be an Easter impact as last year’s first

BY HARRY BANKS second time in just two days that the for next year and I think we’ll have to 320 quarter saw a 0.7 per cent benefit.
government has had to increase this be closer to €10bn... so that we can 29 Mar 20 Apr 11 May 1 Jun 21 Jun
A CRACKDOWN on tax breaks will figure. meet our goal, which is unavoidable,
have to be intensified to enable the The economy ministry originally of lowering our deficit from eight per ANALYSIS l Axa

French government to meet its 2011 said it wanted to raise €2bn from this cent (of GDP) to six per cent,” he said. 17 Axa is selling a part of its UK business to
deficit target, budget minister measure in 2011, then raised the fig- The government estimates that tax Resolution for a total consideration of
Francois Baroin said yesterday, under- ure to €5bn. breaks cost the French treasury some 16 13.13
25 Jun €3.3bn, of which €2.7bn is in cash and
scoring the struggle it faces in shoring On Friday Prime Minister Francois €75bn a year and it has already said it 15
up its finances. Fillon said it could climb to €8.5bn, will continue to attack this mass of €500m in Resolution senior deferred con-
Speaking on radio, Baroin said his “depending on the situation”. But loopholes, often intended to encour- sideration notes. Goldman Sachs has reiter-
ministry might need to bring in Baroin said even €8.5bn might not be age investment and employment, in ated a “sell” rating for Axa and said that it
€10bn (£8.2bn) next year by cutting enough. 2012 and 2013. 12
lowers its three-month return on enterprise
11 value price target to €16.
29 Mar 20 Apr 10 May 28 May 17 Jun



Citigroup has issued a “sell” rating for
Tesco and said that £58.4bn sales were
expected but the outturn was just £56.9bn
25 Jun
420 and that expectations were off 20 per cent
with regard to the last seven weeks. Citi
said that there are some wrinkles in Tesco’s
390 sales growth data that deserve to be
380 explored.
29 Mar 20 Apr 11 May 1 Jun 21 Jun

To appear in Best of the Brokers email your research to

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CITYA.M. 28 JUNE 2010 News 21

City’s competitive edge blunted by bank levy

succeed and grow. That is why I have vides cause for concern. financial centres around the world unanimity within G20 on specific reg-
spent the past week in China to foster Of course I understand the will surely be diminished. ulatory issues, particularly with
greater cooperation with the Chinese Chancellor’s reasoning – he wants the Whilst it is true that we have not regards to a bank tax.
authorities and offer support for banking industry to repay its debt to acted alone – France and Germany But even with such diverging opin-
Chinese institutions which are looking the UK taxpayer and to be seen to be joined the UK in committing to intro- ions, it is essential that the major juris-
to do more business in London. I sit on contributing to the economy – but he duce a levy on banks’ balance sheets dictions work in partnership to agree
the Shanghai International Financial could be walking a political tightrope. and the US has also produced specific on some common standards by which
Advisory Council, which aims to gath- The £2bn the Chancellor hopes to proposals of its own – it is worth bear- the global marketplace can operate.
MONDAY COMMENT er international expertise to help raise may not be as huge a sum as ing in mind that many countries such Regulatory arbitrage is a dangerous
STUART FRASER Shanghai fulfil its ambition of becom-
ing an international financial and
some initially feared but it remains a
significant imposition upon an indus-
as Canada, China, India and Brazil
have not. They did not have to bail out
thing, especially when it is the City
that is at a competitive disadvantage!
maritime centre by 2020. try that is vital to future UK and world their banks, and see no reason why EU and US interests, whilst not identi-

HERE can be no doubt that Asia Over the years, the City has benefit- economic growth. After all, our finan- they should punish their financial cal, are certainly compatible. We must
holds the key to the future ted massively from decisions taken in cial services sector contributed an esti- services industry and diminish their use the City’s unique position as
growth of the global financial other jurisdictions as they have sought mated £61.4bn to the UK last year. international competitiveness. Europe’s financial capital and one of
services industry, providing a to restrict the size and scale of their Unless we address the uncertainty These differences apart, the City only two truly global financial centres
whole host of new opportunities for financial services industries. surrounding our tax and regulatory needs to retain a degree of regulatory to encourage greater dialogue and
the international business communi- To allow this to happen to us is regimes and change the global percep- equivalence with all of our major com- understanding between our European
ty, including many UK firms. unthinkable. Which is why George tion that an “anti-banker” sentiment petitors. The G20 summit meeting in and transatlantic partners.
And it is in all of our interests to Osborne’s Budget announcement, continues to prevail in the UK, the Toronto is ideal for such a debate. Stuart Fraser is the Policy Chairman at
help these rapidly emerging markets introducing a bank levy in the UK, pro- City’s ability to compete with other Of course it is unrealistic to expect the City of London Corporation.

Hertz raises €400m in loan notes

MA pays $1bn for Albaugh through Netherlands subsidiary

INDUSTRIALS $340m in cash, $455m in seven-year exceed $280m, MA said in a state-

BY HARRY BANKS promissory notes and 59m of its own ment. The deal is subject to the com-

shares, equivalent to a 12 per cent pletion of due diligence and SERVICES be sold to institutional investors. The
ISRAEL’S MA Industries is to buy US stake and worth $211m. regulatory approvals in the United notes are rated “B1” by Moody’s and
firm Albaugh for about $1bn (£664m) The acquisition of Albaugh, a pri- States, Europe and other countries. HERTZ, the car hire company, has “B” by Standard & Poor’s.
to bolster its presence in the Americas vate company based in Iowa, is Albaugh is a leading generic crop placed €400m (£328m) in senior Hertz, the largest worldwide air-
and solidify its position as the world’s expected to close in the fourth quar- protection company in the United secured notes through its Dutch sub- port and general use car rental brand,
biggest generic agrochemical maker. ter and to be accretive to earnings per States, Mexico, Argentina and Brazil. sidiary to refinance its outstanding operates from more than 8,200 loca-
MA, also known as Makhteshim share on a non-GAAP basis within a MA is a subsidiary of Koor Industries, international fleet debt facilities. tions in 146 countries around the
Agan, said yesterday it signed a mem- year of closing. which is part of the IDB Holding The group said the 8.5 per cent globe. Its shares closed 8c up at $9.98
orandum of understanding to pay Albaugh’s financial debt will not group. It had sales of $2.2bn in 2009. notes, which are due in 2015, would on Friday.
22 CITYA.M. 28 JUNE 2010

| Spread Betting

Take a view on
the UK with
the FTSE 250
But liquidity concerns mean that picking
individual stocks is crucial, says Jessica Mead

NVESTORS in the FTSE 100 have bad news is that low liquidity in the FTSE
endured a difficult couple of months 250 index and futures market has deterred
as heavyweight BP’s tumbling share many spread betting companies from
price dragged the rest of the index offering the market to clients.
down with it. But while the blue-chip Those that do tend to impose a wide
index has lost almost 13 per cent since the spread to compensate for the lack of liquid- ANALYSIS l The performance of the FTSE 250 and the FTSE 100 year-to-date
middle of April, the FTSE 250 has fared a ity and the difficulties they face in hedg-
% change since Jan 10
little better. It too has suffered a dip but ing large volumes – IG Index’s spread is 44
has only shed 9.5 per cent. points. Consequently, anybody who does 15%
However, the FTSE 100’s well-trumpeted want to take a punt on moves in the over- FTSE 250
saving grace is its international exposure, all index needs to have a medium-term tar- 10% FTSE 100
which should insulate it from the relative- get if they want the trade to be a profitable
ly weak UK economic situation. one. It’s certainly not an index for day 5%
The FTSE 250, on the other hand, is com- traders. But Jones says that rather than
posed of businesses that are more focused trading the FTSE 250 index, most clients
on the UK and therefore may suffer from prefer to focus on individual stocks, which
the sluggish domestic demand forecast for are much more liquid and consequently
the years ahead. David Jones, chief market have much tighter spreads. -5%
strategist at IG Index, says that austerity But one FTSE 250 stock that has been
policies may well hinder progress and add tipped to do quite well in the coming 2010 Feb Mar Apr May Jun
to the negativity. months is outsourcing firm Xchanging,
While the FTSE 250 closed on Friday at which is currently trading at just above
9,630.22, Jones says that the big support
level that spread betters should be watch-
200p. Not only should it do well from gov-
ernment contracts, it announced last week
ing out for is the 8,950-9,000 area. This that it has entered into an enterprise part-
marks the index’s lows that were hit in nership agreement with SIA-SSB, a FTSE 250 firm Kesa Electricals has had results last week gave the company a BNP Paribas and Bank of America
February and which were unsuccessfully European financial and payment systems
tested in May. “There’s a fair bit of stability services provider. Seymour Pierce analyst a difficult time since last summer when boost with Comet’s profits up and over- Merrill Lynch in the wake of these
at these levels but if the index slipped Kevin Lapwood said: “This is good news its share price began its dip below the all pre-tax profits for the group up 18 results being announced, its P/E ratio is
much below there, then it would start to since it is exactly the sort of large outsourc- FTSE All-Share average. Although the per cent to £81.9m. The dividend yield now at 15.2 times. Forecasts for its
look quite negative. But it is difficult to say ing deal that the market had almost given
definitively because so much of the mar- up on seeing from Xchanging.” He reiterat- group’s foreign wing, Darty France, also increased 18 per cent to 5.9 per future hinge primarily on one’s view of
ket sentiment has changed in recent ed his Buy rating with a target of 250p. brings in most of the revenues, it is the cent. Total sales were up 3.4 per cent to the European retail sector as a whole:
months,” he adds. Britvic, the soft drinks maker which poor performance of Comet in the UK £5.124bn – a slower growth than some while Darty France could continue to
The good news for spread betters is that derives most of its revenues from Britain,
the daily moves on the FTSE 250 tend to be is another firm that is likely to do well; its
that has been giving investors pause – had expected but, alongside significant perform well, the environment for
greater in terms of points than the FTSE products are proving successful in the age perhaps unsurprising given sluggish cost reductions, nonetheless delivering Comet is only going to get tougher
100 – Thursday, for example, saw a 125 of austerity. By picking FTSE 250 stocks, consumer appetite for big white goods profits ahead of company guidance. after the Budget’s 2.5 per cent VAT rise.
range on the blue-chip compared to a 150 you can take a view on their prospects as and electronics purchases. But Kesa’s With broadly positive analyses from Juliet Samuel
point range on the FTSE 250. However, the well as specifically target the UK economy.

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Britvic is a FTSE 250

stock with good THE TIPSTER on Friday. But 1,800p should prove strong
prospects resistance once again to the upside, while
Picture: PA
BUDGET APPROVAL MEANT IT WAS A there is strong support at 1,600p to the
downside. Look to play this range until a solid
STERLING WEEK FOR THE POUND break of 1,800p. Spread Co offers a spread
on Standard Chartered of 1,737.2p – 1,740.8p
Annual results from Carpetright tomor-
row should shed some light on the recovery
in the home-building and home improvement

T WAS good news for the pound at the offers a euro-sterling September spread of industries. The deferral of the VAT rise should
end of last week. Sterling-dollar briefly £0.8244-£0.8250. The German stock index, give retailers a short-term boost. Look for
rose above $1.50 last week – its highest the Dax 30, failed to break through to new continued strength from Carpetright with a
point since mid-May – after the markets highs last week, forming a double top that short-term target of 800p. Spread Co offers
signalled overall approval of the Budget pack- could signify further declines. Capital a spread on Carpetright of 705.5p-711p.
age. But with the Federal Reserve reiterating Spreads quotes 6,080-6,081 for the Dax. Shares in stock market tiddler D1 Oils
its pledge to keep interest rates low for an We will also get some companies updating dropped by nearly 20 per cent last week
extended period, the pound could rally further the market this week. FTSE 100 big hitter after a proposed £2.6m sale of its former
still. Spreadex quotes a September contract Standard Chartered, a bank which has Bromborough oil refinery fell through.
of $1.4940 - $1.4945. proved highly resilient to the financial crisis, Remarketing the site could cause the share
Sterling also saw its best level against the gives a trading update today. The news that price to drop further. Spreadex has a rolling
euro last week but can it hold up against the capital requirements for banks may be soft- D1 Oils spread of 6.73p-7.33p.
single currency at these levels? Cantor Index ened helped boost the stock towards 1,750p Jessica Mead

Holland take on
Slovakia this afternoon

Picture: ACTION



AFTER what was a tense and ultimately (for excellent against Italy. Punters should look to Tonight is the battle of the South American sell at 2.1.
England) depressing weekend, the remaining buy total match goals at 2.5 with Sporting teams and the Brazilian and Chilean strikers The last fourth round match sees the two
quarter final places will be decided over the Index. However, the Slovakians are unlikely to have been on fire. Chile scored in all three of Iberian countries face off. Despite Spain origi-
course of today and tomorrow. Some teams, be an obstacle to the Oranje progressing to their group games while Brazil have Fabiano nally being the favourites to win the tourna-
such as Holland and Brazil, which have sailed the quarter finals, so an alternative market is and Robinho in good form and will welcome ment, Portugal have been the best performing
through the group stage, appear to be on to buy Dutch Supremacy at 1.3 with back Kaka. Buy total goals with extrabet at 2.7. team of the two - they have yet to concede a
track to progress - but as the shock exits of Spreadex. Both Paraguay and Japan will be in a confi- goal. If they beat Spain, they would only have
Italy and France have shown, anything can If you want to take a bet on when the first dent mood ahead of their clash tomorrow to beat Paraguay or Japan to advance to the
happen at the World Cup. goal is scored, then remember that of the nine afternoon. After strong group stages, both semis. It's therefore worth buying Portugal on
Holland continue their bid for World Cup goals that these two teams have scored so teams will fell that they have a realistic chance the 100 Index (extrabet is offering 22-25),
glory at 3pm today against Slovakia. The far, seven have been in the second half. With of progressing to the quarter-finals. Neither given that the semi-finalists get 50 points, the
Dutch won all three group games without extrabet offering a spread on the time of the team has hit the back of the net particularly runner-up 75 points and the winner 100
appearing to even break a sweat. This could first match goal of 38-41 minutes, this could frequently so the best option would be to sell points.
change today against Slovakia, who were well be worth buying. total match goals. Sporting Index is offering a Jessica Mead

course, a VAT hike could play a role in

SPREAD BET reducing consumer appetite as people see
GURU their disposable incomes fall.
But the fact that there is a six-month
JOSHUA period until it comes into effect gives con-
sumers time to digest the increase.
RAYMOND Retailers could also see an upsurge in buy-
MARKET ing activity as shoppers try and make the
STRATEGIST most of the lower VAT rate before the hike
takes place on 4 January 2011. Sterling rallied last week, climbing to its
best levels against the euro and the dollar
since the middle of May. This was because
the new coalition government is tackling
the deficit head-on, which is giving
investors increased confidence. Initial com-
ments from ratings agency Fitch also

Dear Josh, can you tell me how helped to remove some of the fears of an
the markets reacted to the impending UK rating cut and gave sterling
emergency Budget presented by an additional boost. The ongoing clean-up the company and its share price. BP closed that your position will be closed out at the
George Osborne last week? process is weighing on down 6.35 per cent Friday at 304.6p. While level of your stop loss regardless of any
BP’s shares unlimited losses are possible with spread market gapping, which can be a regular

A. Q.
The banks and the retailers all per- Dear Josh, several stocks are Picture: REUTERS betting, there are thankfully various risk feature of volatile markets. Normal stop
formed strongly in reaction to the proving to be quite volatile cur- management tools on offer, which should losses will only close out your position at
budget while the pound also rently, and BP in particular. What help you prevent volatile markets from the first market price hit after the gap.
received a boost. We saw banking stocks methods can I use to manage my risk in escalating your potential losses. However, do be aware that you will have
such as RBS, Lloyds Banking Group and these market conditions? One essential risk management tool is a to pay a small fee for this extra insurance.
Barclays rally on the back of the bank levy guaranteed stop loss. If you are worried One alternative you could consider is using

charge not being as severe as had previous- You are certainly right that BP’s about volatile markets and the effect that options because when you buy options your
ly been speculated. shares are incredibly volatile at the they have on your account balance, then maximum downside is already limited. But
The retailers also got a boost from the moment given that the Gulf Oil you should consider placing a guaranteed be aware that your downside is not limited
delay to the VAT hike until next January. Of spill continues to have a terrible effect on stop loss on your position. This will mean if you chose to sell an option.
24 Markets & Investments CITYA.M. 28 JUNE 2010

LONDON’S TOP 250 Trade these shares from £1.50 with Interactive Investor -
Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low Company Name Closing Price Price Change 52wk High 52wk low
(p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p) (p)
3i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .279.90* –3.30 314.80 216.75 COLT Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131.50 –3.00 144.20 105.25 ITV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53.50 –1.80 71.75 31.75 Schroders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1275.00 –4.00 1450.00 764.00
3i Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112.80* +0.70 115.00 89.35 Compass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .536.50 +1.00 574.50 307.75 Jardine Lloyd Thompson. . . . . . .540.00 –13.50 604.50 398.00 Schroders N/V. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1048.00 — 1185.00 643.50
A.B. Foods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .986.00* –5.00 1045.00 752.00 Cookson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .429.40 –6.00 616.00 220.00 Johnson Matthey . . . . . . . . . . .1554.00* –24.00 1814.00 1108.00 Scot. & Sthrn Energy. . . . . . . . . 1120.00 +5.00 1206.00 357.50
Aberdeen Asset Man . . . . . . . . . .132.10 –1.00 155.60 111.00 Croda Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1010.00 –5.00 1047.00 519.50 Kazakhmys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1067.00 –43.00 1634.00 574.50 Scottish Mortgage. . . . . . . . . . . .560.00* –11.00 623.50 376.00
Admiral. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1402.00 –3.00 1441.00 851.50 CSR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .387.40 –11.60 524.00 338.75 Kesa Electricals . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116.50 –0.50 162.00 98.45 SEGRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .263.20 +3.00 403.10 250.00
Aegis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110.60* –1.10 137.30 81.50 Daily Mail ‘A’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .458.90* –11.10 539.00 267.25 .LQJÀVKHU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .220.40 –4.50 255.00 171.80
Afren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .89.00 –0.55 111.00 44.75 Dana Petroleum . . . . . . . . . . . . 1177.00 +11.00 1549.00 968.50 Ladbrokes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137.90 +0.10 174.29 114.60 Serco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .620.50 — 656.50 394.30
African Barr Gold . . . . . . . . . . . .632.50 +2.50 685.00 520.50 Davis Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .373.00 –4.40 442.30 308.25 Lancashire Hldgs . . . . . . . . . . . .496.50 +1.50 540.00 416.70 Severn Trent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1251.00* +11.00 1310.00 921.00
Aggreko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1435.00 –17.00 1496.00 492.50 De La Rue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .958.50 +1.00 1021.00 808.50 Land Securities . . . . . . . . . . . . . .581.00* –4.00 743.50 415.25 Shaftesbury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .368.90* +4.10 426.50 285.25
Alliance Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .313.00 –2.20 352.70 260.25 Debenhams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57.50 –2.55 91.95 53.75 Legal & General . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80.80 –0.65 94.40 49.37 Shire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1416.00 +3.00 1526.00 816.00
AMEC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .842.50* +2.00 891.00 603.50 Derwent London . . . . . . . . . . . .1298.00 +13.00 1490.00 844.00 Lloyds Banking Gp . . . . . . . . . . . .54.20 –2.11 75.58 40.42 SIG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110.10 –1.10 146.60 86.75
Amlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .382.30 +1.00 428.50 291.00 Dexion Absolute . . . . . . . . . . . . .139.00 –0.50 148.00 112.00 Logica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111.70 –1.00 149.10 74.50 Smith & Nephew . . . . . . . . . . . . .642.50 –4.50 700.50 435.25
Anglo American . . . . . . . . . . . .2475.00 –70.00 3015.50 1557.50 Diageo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1070.00 –4.00 1176.00 857.00 London Stk Exchange . . . . . . . . .602.00 +2.50 949.50 588.00 Smiths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1100.00 –2.00 1186.00 677.50
Antofagasta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .827.00 –28.50 1100.00 561.00 Dimension Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . .99.00 — 105.00 54.75 Lonmin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1523.00 –58.00 2198.00 950.00 SOCO Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .404.80 –5.90 444.60 380.60
Aquarius Platinum . . . . . . . . . . .360.10 –6.90 490.00 172.75 Domino’s Pizza . . . . . . . . . . . . . .375.60 –2.20 387.80 200.00 Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .246.60 –7.40 373.60 199.60 Spectris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .778.50* –5.50 928.00 505.00
ARM Holdings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .281.10 –3.60 362.40 111.75 Drax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .381.30 +5.60 496.50 321.50 Marks & Spencer. . . . . . . . . . . . .340.00* –7.00 412.70 293.75 Spirax-Sarco Eng . . . . . . . . . . .1364.00 –3.00 1591.00 802.00
Arriva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .765.00 +0.50 782.50 378.50 DSG Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26.18 –0.97 39.75 19.25 Meggitt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .310.00 +0.20 331.00 151.75 Spirent Comms . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107.60 –1.40 127.80 54.50
Ashmore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .251.00 –2.00 311.20 183.25 Dunelm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .327.80 –10.50 438.40 202.00 Melrose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .221.70 –3.80 251.50 90.00
Astrazeneca . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2966.00 –31.00 3136.00 2631.50 Easyjet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .405.10 –12.20 499.90 260.00 Mercantile IT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .894.00 –6.50 1002.00 726.00 Sports Direct Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . .106.50 –1.60 134.00 72.50
Atkins(Ws) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .680.00 –7.00 747.00 532.50 Edinburgh Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . .384.70* –2.40 412.40 298.50 Michael Page Intl. . . . . . . . . . . . .393.20 –5.10 461.50 218.50 SSL Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .809.50 –8.00 893.50 506.00
Autonomy Corp . . . . . . . . . . . .1873.00 –4.00 2012.00 1121.00 Electrocomponents . . . . . . . . . . .222.50* +1.00 245.00 134.25 Micro Focus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .436.30 –23.70 550.00 300.90 St James’s Place . . . . . . . . . . . . .218.60 –1.30 296.90 172.25
Aveva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1168.00* +7.00 1237.00 666.50 EnQuest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104.50 +1.30 112.70 87.35 Millen & Copthorne . . . . . . . . . . .423.30 –18.70 496.30 227.75 Stagecoach. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .194.30 +3.90 204.90 122.75
Aviva . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .325.10 –7.10 474.00 274.75 Essar Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .450.70 –12.20 475.00 358.50 Misys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .243.60 — 281.70 165.25 Standard Chartered . . . . . . . . . .1742.00 +31.50 1847.00 1115.00
Babcock International . . . . . . . . .587.50* +5.00 660.50 448.50 Eurasian Nat Res . . . . . . . . . . . .930.50 –36.50 1276.00 632.00 Mitchells & Butlers . . . . . . . . . . .291.90 –2.90 343.90 228.30 Standard Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .179.00 –2.30 237.00 172.60
BAE Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .319.00 +1.20 389.90 294.20 Euromoney Inst Inv . . . . . . . . . . .599.50* –12.50 630.00 197.25 MITIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211.30* –8.00 281.70 198.70 SuperGrp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .725.00 –8.00 736.00 499.00
Balfour Beatty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .239.90* –4.60 328.85 238.50 Experian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .610.50* –4.00 664.50 434.00 Mondi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .392.50 –13.50 488.00 187.50 TalkTalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123.50 –0.50 147.10 106.60
Barclays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .281.20 –5.80 394.25 255.00 F&C Comm Prop . . . . . . . . . . . . . .93.00* — 96.80 73.50 Monks Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .288.00 –1.30 321.20 222.00 Talvivaara Mining . . . . . . . . . . . .375.00 –0.40 501.50 319.00
Barratt Development . . . . . . . . . .104.50 –3.70 193.31 93.70 Ferrexpo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .271.60 –2.10 396.20 112.00 Morrison Wm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .271.70 –0.80 306.30 234.25 Tate & Lyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .453.60* –5.00 509.00 284.75
BBA Aviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .191.20 +0.70 220.00 105.00 FirstGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .387.60 –1.20 448.80 322.75 Murray Intl Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .821.00 –6.00 893.50 593.50 Taylor Wimpey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30.46 –1.25 54.90 27.40
Beazley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119.30 –1.70 124.80 94.50 Foreign & Col Inv Tst. . . . . . . . . .266.20 –1.70 297.20 210.25 National Express. . . . . . . . . . . . .229.40 –4.40 256.80 135.86 Telecity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .399.60 –2.50 455.00 289.25
Bellway. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .652.50* –13.50 927.50 591.50 Fresnillo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1003.00 –23.00 1115.00 438.00 National Grid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .499.00* –3.00 607.65 469.37
Berkeley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .801.00 +1.00 989.50 735.00 G4S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .280.80 –1.10 285.70 199.40 Next . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2118.00* –40.00 2360.00 1438.00 Templeton Emrg Mkts . . . . . . . . .538.00* –4.50 598.00 349.50
BG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1050.00 –13.00 1248.00 966.90 Genesis Emerging Mkts Fd . . . . .453.00 –2.00 484.00 370.00 Northumbrian Water . . . . . . . . . .308.50 +0.50 312.00 219.90 Tesco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .398.65* –1.35 454.90 347.40
BHP Billiton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1867.00 –53.00 2346.00 1274.50 GKN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .121.10 –1.90 155.00 71.75 Old Mutual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107.40* –1.70 127.20 74.32 Thomas Cook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .188.00 –4.40 277.20 187.90
BlackRock Mining . . . . . . . . . . . .560.50 –1.50 654.50 346.00 GlaxoSmithKline . . . . . . . . . . . . 1145.00* –22.50 1347.00 1058.00 Partygaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .251.00 — 339.70 213.30 Tomkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .236.70 –0.70 261.10 141.00
Booker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41.00* –0.25 49.50 33.00 Great Portland Estates . . . . . . . .291.10 +1.90 332.10 203.75 Pearson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .920.50 –6.50 1069.00 574.00 Travis Perkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .785.50 –20.50 915.00 491.00
BP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .304.60 –20.65 658.20 296.00 Greene King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .399.00 –7.30 504.00 367.00 Pennon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .554.50 +1.50 567.00 434.40 TUI Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .217.60 –4.30 313.90 213.80
Brit Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .895.00* –26.00 970.00 709.00 Halfords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .525.00 –21.00 562.50 303.50 Persimmon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .380.50 –7.00 534.50 343.00 Tullett Prebon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .320.60 –6.90 436.20 261.20
British Airways . . . . . . . . . . . . . .207.20 –0.70 255.80 117.30 Halma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .276.60 +2.00 281.80 184.00 Petrofac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1220.00 –3.00 1294.00 600.00 Tullow Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1067.00 –20.00 1375.00 834.50
British Amer. Tob . . . . . . . . . . .2129.00 +11.00 2335.50 1664.00 Hammerson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .352.80 –1.70 460.30 277.00 Petropavlovsk . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1234.00 –40.00 1370.00 516.50 UK Commercial Prop. . . . . . . . . . .78.65 +0.10 84.90 62.25
British Empire Tst . . . . . . . . . . . .418.90 –2.90 467.90 338.50 Hargreaves Lansdown . . . . . . . .338.50 –3.80 387.00 197.25 Premier Farnell . . . . . . . . . . . . . .230.00 –1.10 252.60 121.25 Ultra Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . .1576.00 –3.00 1678.00 1076.00
British Land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .440.20 +2.60 532.00 353.00 Hays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95.75 — 119.00 80.00 Premier Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1182.00 +11.00 1431.00 984.00 Unilever . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1812.00 –17.00 2024.00 1419.00
Britvic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .476.10* –5.10 497.70 269.75 Henderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .123.50 –0.70 157.80 86.25 Provident Financial . . . . . . . . . . .851.00 –9.00 986.00 763.00 United Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . .528.00* +3.00 575.00 429.00
Brown(N.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .266.20 –7.80 284.30 204.25 Heritage Oil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .410.00 –2.00 587.00 409.20 Prudential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .530.00 –16.00 665.00 350.25
BSkyB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .701.00 –1.00 732.00 435.75 Hikma Pharma . . . . . . . . . . . . . .706.00 +4.50 730.00 430.00 PZ Cussons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .326.10 +2.80 332.30 188.50 Utd Business Media . . . . . . . . . .505.00 –8.00 579.50 364.75
BT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130.70 –1.30 151.00 99.50 Hiscox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .341.10 –0.10 369.30 279.50 Qinetiq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117.00 +0.50 179.10 113.90 Vedanta Resources . . . . . . . . . .2248.00 –74.00 2967.00 1264.00
Bunzl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .689.50* –12.00 784.50 492.75 Hochschild Mining . . . . . . . . . . . 311.70 +1.40 370.60 220.00 Randgold Resources. . . . . . . . .6480.00 +80.00 6590.00 3351.00 Victrex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1126.00* –5.00 1193.00 534.00
Burberry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .784.50 –5.50 815.50 390.00 Home Retail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .225.00* –6.70 336.50 224.80 Reckitt Benckiser . . . . . . . . . . .3126.00 +72.00 3667.00 2686.00 Vodafone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .144.05* +1.15 153.80 111.90
Cable & Wire Comms . . . . . . . . . .59.80* +0.30 150.00 53.00 Homeserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2039.00 +1.00 2190.00 1336.00 Reed Elsevier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .500.00 –1.00 548.00 403.75 VT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .770.00 +6.50 777.50 416.00
Cable & Wire Wwide . . . . . . . . . . .90.70* –1.30 94.80 68.60 HSBC Hldgs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .641.80* +4.70 766.80 487.00 Regus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75.00 –2.15 125.50 61.00 Weir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1081.00 –6.00 1183.00 437.50
Cairn Energy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .422.40 –0.80 448.60 306.80 Hunting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .450.10 +2.50 659.50 377.00 Rentokil Initial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115.40 –2.10 140.20 82.25 WH Smith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .418.10 –9.30 551.00 407.70
Caledonia Invs . . . . . . . . . . . . .1573.00 –11.00 1759.00 1495.00 ICAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .414.70 +3.30 478.30 291.70 Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60.30† — 99.15 58.45 Whitbread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1482.00* –3.00 1645.00 778.50
Capita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .776.00 +7.00 829.50 643.50 IG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .429.60 –0.70 458.20 261.25 Rexam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .315.10 –2.90 331.20 222.50 William Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .179.90 –0.70 217.80 160.50
Capital & Counties . . . . . . . . . . .105.30 +1.20 125.40 99.60 Imagination Tech Gp . . . . . . . . . .273.00 –11.10 311.60 130.00 Rightmove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .661.50 –8.50 729.00 334.00 Witan Inv Tst . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .428.00 –1.20 487.00 329.50
Capital Shopping Centres . . . . . .321.50 –0.10 580.00 300.20 IMI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711.50 +1.50 756.50 275.25 Rio Tinto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3189.00 –93.00 4104.00 1822.00 Wolseley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1434.00 –25.00 1742.00 1026.00
Carillion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .319.30 –4.90 361.90 244.00 Imperial Tobacco. . . . . . . . . . . .1890.00 –1.00 2159.00 1547.00 RIT Capital Partners . . . . . . . . . 1162.00 +10.00 1200.00 877.00
Carnival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2302.00 –22.00 2937.00 1574.00 Inchcape. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .267.50 –6.90 347.00 253.20 Rolls Royce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .582.00* –3.00 631.50 342.50 Wood Group (John). . . . . . . . . . .321.90 +1.90 411.70 231.25
Catlin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .353.80 –3.30 380.50 284.75 Informa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .370.90 –7.60 439.40 216.00 Rotork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1305.00* –11.00 1482.00 779.50 WPP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .664.50 –5.00 744.00 380.50
Centamin Egypt . . . . . . . . . . . . .164.00 –0.70 174.75 77.86 Inmarsat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .748.00 +2.50 831.00 491.00 Royal Bank Of Scot . . . . . . . . . . . .44.46 –0.73 58.95 28.25 Xstrata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .957.00 –28.30 1344.50 555.10
Centrica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .305.70 –1.60 320.00 212.50 Intercontl Hotels . . . . . . . . . . . . 1138.00 — 1244.00 584.50 Royal Dutch Shell A . . . . . . . . .1752.50 –23.00 2068.50 1431.00 Yell Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27.05 –0.96 86.00 21.00
Charter Intl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .673.50 –12.50 855.50 406.50 Intermediate Capital . . . . . . . . . .257.00 +0.70 332.00 170.25 Royal Dutch Shell B . . . . . . . . .1674.50 –19.50 1997.50 1437.00 LONDON TOP 250 BY MARKET CAPITALISATION
Chemring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3010.00 +10.00 3711.00 1993.00 Intertek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1480.00 –21.00 1576.00 1024.00 RSA Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . .120.50 +0.20 142.00 113.10
Chloride Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . .348.00 +0.50 350.00 129.00 Intl Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .306.60* –2.10 354.00 230.00 SABMiller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1961.50 +1.50 2090.00 1210.00 * Ex-Dividend † Suspended
Close Bros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .707.50 –2.50 806.50 623.00 Invensys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .263.30* –4.40 350.30 212.25 Sage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .237.50 –2.00 260.50 167.20
Cobham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222.60* –1.90 278.60 169.30 Investec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .469.00 –7.00 565.00 321.50 Sainsbury(J) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .328.20* –3.40 373.00 307.00

3G 13:05



Cash: 20719.24 Unrealised P&L: 92.70
Margin: 560.00 Total Position: 20092.70

List One Long name... List Three

Sell Buy Change Status
UK 100 Rolling Spread
4917.0 4919.0 +45.2 >
Wall Street Rolling Spread
9599 9605 +24 >
US SP 500 Rolling Spread
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Banks headed higher as governments back BP

week, and which appears to be less stable company”, will probably lend ANALYSIS l DAX 6,070.60
MARTIN ON strict than many in the sector had
some support to the company’s
shares this morning.
6,400 25 Jun

THEMARKETS GFT is quoting the FTSE 100 index

to open up 26 points from Friday’s
close, at a level of 5,072. The German
In fact our call on the FTSE index

DAX is also expected to start higher, would probably have been higher if
up 27 points at 6,097, and the French it were not for the uncertainty over
CAC is forecast to open up 22 points whether tropical storm Alex is 5,800
at 3,541. going to miss the Gulf of Mexico
coast; if it were to hit then an
OBAMA SAYS BP TO REMAIN STABLE expensive and damaging prolonged 9 Apr 29 Apr 20 May 10 Jun
So a positive start is on the cards delay in efforts to contain the spill
then. The US House could vote on would be likely. ANALYSIS l FTSE
the bill as soon as tomorrow, and •Martin Slaney is director of global 6,000
the Senate shortly thereafter. dealing operations at GFT.
MARTIN SLANEY The spreadbet and CFD day trad-
er’s market-of-the-moment BP will be
5,800 5,046.47
25 Jun
under focus yet again – after drop-

UROPEAN markets are set to ping another 6 per cent on Friday 5,400
jump higher on the open this which in itself was responsible for
morning, with bank stocks taking over 50 points off the FTSE, 5,200
most likely to rally following on the weekend’s news from the meet- 5,000
from the agreement in the US over ing between Barack Obama and
the details of the financial reform David Cameron, reportedly agreeing 4,800
9 Apr 29 Apr 20 May 10 Jun
bill which was hammered out last that BP should “remain a strong and
Lifestyle PUZZLED? 25
| Travel SEE TV & GAMES
PAGE 27 7 6
9 8

3 5 2

Where safari
meets heavenly
white beaches
Tanzania has it all, from super-luxury tents
to tropical resorts, says Judith Baker

Above: giraffes on the

Serengeti. Left: the Jetty Bar
at the Zamani Kempinksi and
right: the Bilila Kempiski.

combines the Europeans
thrill of safari like us, some
through the vast plains structure and the
of the Serengeti with relaxation on the guidance of an expert is vital.
tropical beaches of the exotic Spice island Which is why we went game driving with
of Zanzibar. Steven, a guide with an uncanny knack of
knowing exactly where the baboons
Serengeti would cross our path or where a pride of
We draw the curtains of our room in lions were playing with their cubs. But
Kempinski’s Bilila Lodge to find a wel- this isn’t Disney’s Lion King – moments
come committee of seven elephants, oblig- later we passed a lioness that had just
ingly gathered at a watering hole just caught and killed a young wildebeest and viewing area of the Serengeti. The term cheetah and African wild dog. Animals
steps away from our balcony. Our first was in the process of tearing its throat “luxury safari” has always struck me as a such as the gazelle, impala, hartebeest,
encounter with the wildlife of the out. contradiction, because there’s no fragrant topi and waterbuck also frequent the
Serengeti National Park, an area the size Back to that welcome committee of ele- way to get up close and personal with a plains. Hippos can be spotted bathing in
of Scotland and home to some of the phants and the place that allowed us to smelly hippo or a rather ugly wildebeest. their muddy pool and it’s a sight quite
world’s most impressive wildlife, is just a enjoy them. Bilila Lodge is a new luxury But lodges such as Bilila bring style to the unlike any other. They may look innocent,
taster of things to come. lodge in the Seronera area, generally experience. Touches such as a personal tel- even tranquil, as they wallow in their
Safari simply means “journey” – so for thought to be the best year-round game escope from your own private viewing muck, but if you annoy them, beware
deck, good food and wine and – best of all their enormous mouths and deadly bite.
– state of the art AC systems which ensure It’s not unheard of for angry hippos to
MUST DO bug-free nights, make this a safari far devour unwitting intruders. Likewise ele-
A balloon ride over the Serengeti is the best way wildlife waking up give a whole new meaning to removed from camp fires and canvas. The phants: annoy them with loud chatter and
on-site spa offers a welcome jet-lag mas- they have been known to trample or even
to get a bird’s eye view of the Migration. Bucks fizz. sage after the long trip, or an après-game to bring down treehouses.
Fly over the Ngorongoro Crater – one of the Sample an African barbeque in the Boma, a drive spot of relaxation before enjoying a Over a million wildebeest and about
wonders of the world. Make sure to grab the round room built in the style of a Maasai house. Bilila Bellini overlooking the savannah. 200,000 zebra flow from the Northern
seat next to the pilot on the short 10-seater The Maasai people have grazed their cattle on hills to the Southern plains for the short
THE BEAUTIFUL GAME rains every October and November, then
flight from Lake Manyara to Seronera for a the vast grassy plains here for millennia. These The Serengeti is one of the best places on swirl West and North after the long rains
spectacular sight. tall and handsome people with their red blan- earth to see lions – there are over 3,000 of in April, May and June. The sight of them
Have a Champagne breakfast in the bush as the kets and huge spears act as guards around them here. The short grass makes viewing is staggering.
easy. Elephants, giraffe and zebras are all
sun rises. The sounds and smells of the local the hotel. to be seen in great numbers, as are the CONTINUED ON PAGE 26
26 Lifestyle | Travel CITYA.M. 28 JUNE 2010

Advertisement feature CONTINUED FROM PAGE 25

Charley Boorman’s
one thing to see
House of Wonders and the Old Dispensary thriving coral reefs, beautiful tropical
Zanzibar are a fascinating living monument to the fish, turtles and dolphins.
A short hop by small plane, but a world curious mix of East African, Arab, Indian,
away from the savannah, is the magical Persian and European conquerors, traders FIVE-STAR RETREAT

in Amsterdam
archipelago of Zanzibar, comprising over and seafarers who all left their mark on The Zamani Kempinski is the newest of
50 islands nestling in the Indian Ocean. the islands. the large five-star resorts on Zanzibar.
The major inhabited islands are Unguja The coastline proffers mile upon mile Located on the East coast, about 45 min-
(which we call Zanzibar), Pemba and of blue sea and white sand, with waters utes from Stonetown, the hotel has an
Tumbatu. famed for their superb diving. Zanzibar unsurpassed air of chic and seven private
Zanzibar’s main town, Stonetown, is a beaches are among the best in the world, villas each boast a private 20-metre infin-

HEN I travel, I love discovering hidden gems that are Unesco world heritage site and a crum- views from the palm-fringed sands ity pool. The beguiling, idyllic jetty bar
off the beaten tourist track. I also like knowing inter- bling maze of twisting alleyways with over reveal the hand-sewn sails of traditional and the private beach club grill and bar
esting facts about a city – it makes it come more 200 huge, ornately carved doorways. wooden fishing dhows, and ocean also appeal.
alive. Amsterdam, for example, houses more than a Historic buildings such as the Old Fort, The explorers can find themselves alongside
million bikes and there are twice as many bikes as cars. And EATING AND DRINKING
did you know the Amsterdam Stock Exchange is the oldest In Stonetown, go for the balcony bar at
stock exchange in the world? Or that the world famous MUST DO: ZANZIBAR Africa House, the former English Club in
‘Kohinoor’ diamond of India was actually cut in Amsterdam? Prise yourself away from the hotel beach club ing a spice farm you’ll visit the markets where colonial times. It’s the place to be seen
Out of all the great things I’ve done in Amsterdam, how- for sundowners. After dark, head to
ever, one hidden gem that’s a ‘must-visit’ is the city’s small- and head to Prison Island. A former prison for you can purchase pure spices. Later chefs teach Forodhani Gardens to eat freshly caught
est micro brewery, Brouwerij De Prael, located on a side slaves and a quarantine station for Zanzibar, it is you to create traditional dishes from the Swahili fish. Mercury’s, just 2 minutes from the
street next to a canal in one of the oldest parts of the city. home to giant tortoises that were imported kitchen. The Jozani Forest is home of the red Old Fort, is a beachfront tribute to
Started by two home-brewing friends, the brewery now Freddy Mercury, who was born in
makes excellent Dutch and Belgian-style ales. Better yet, from the Seychelles in the late 19th century. colobus monkey, a rare species found only in Zanzibar. Emerson & Green Hotel typi-
each one is named after old Dutch pop singers who sang man. A Sunset dhow cruise is pure romance on Zanzibar. These monkeys are full of character, fies Stonetown style with breathtaking
famous Dutch tear-jerking songs. They produce around the high seas, or go for a spice tour – after tour- and roam freely. architecture and is famous for its
3,000 litres of beer a week. Adding to its charm, you can rooftop dinners.
have a personal tour of the brewery, along with a tasting,
then settle into the bar to further sample the fresh fine
brews. They are top-fermented and brewed with traditional FACTS
craftsmanship so beer lovers will be in heaven. They also GETTING THERE offers 7 nights on half-board basis at the Zamani Zanzibar Kempinski.
produce a range of seasonal beers to complement the range.
All four of the regular beers are still made from the same BA offers return flights from London Zamani Zanzibar Kempinski in a garden room, The 7-night package in a standard room is
recipe that the founders brewed in their kitchens, so it really Heathrow to Dar es Salaam from £618 per including flights with Kenya Airways from 3,900 USD for two adults, or in private villas
feels like the beer is made with care and it’s a great place to person based on September 2010 departures. Heathrow with private transfers in resort in Zamani Zanzibar and Bilila Lodge, and
relax, particularly after a busy day.
I’m always on the look out for new and interesting experi- For reservations, visit or call 0844 493 and a lounge in the UK on departure. Prices Diplomatic suites at the Kilimanjaro Hotel
ences and if there’s one thing you must do in Amsterdam it 0787. Internal flights from Dar es Salaam to for October 2010 start from £1686 per per- Kempinski, for 25,000 USD. To book, go to
has to be this. I’d never have known it existed if it wasn’t for Arusha, Seronera and Zanzibar are operated son based on two sharing. or call 0080042631355
my American Express® Platinum Card and the dedicated by Coastal Aviation: Kempinski’s Discovering Tanzania experience Tours of Zanzibar: Gallery Tours can be found
team that recommended it.
As a Cardmember I have access to a unique set of bene- includes one night at the Kilimanjaro Hotel at To find out more
fits, all targeted at the experienced business traveller. The STAYING THERE Kempinski in Dar es Salaam, two nights in about Tanzania Odyssey, go to
personal holiday planning service offers a dedicated Kuoni (01306 747008 or Bilila Lodge Kempinski and four nights in
concierge planning service including airport lounge access,
preferential rates on rooms and hire cars, and priority airline
passes. The Travel Rewards scheme includes hotel room
upgrades, points towards free flights, and enables access to TRAVEL NOTES: BUDGET-FRIENDLY STAYCATIONS
the concerts, restaurants and shows that you don’t want to ZOE STRIMPEL
miss. And, the travel security ensures that you and your fam-
ily are protected wherever you are.

Apply for the American Express Platinum Card and collect

Membership Reward® points that can be redeemed against a
wide range of luxury and everyday items. There is an intro-
ductory offer running until midnight on the 26th July that
offers 40,000 points if you spend £1,500 on your Card in the
first three months. Terms and conditions apply.
For more information and to see more from Charley, visit

Platinum Mid Week Food Lovers Suite Summer Sizzler
® Boutique hotel Fishmore Hall, on the edge of the foodie hotspot of Head to Yorkshire for a true staycation, but luxe it up at the
Card Ludlow, is ideal for a foodie staycation. Go midweek (Sunday to
Thursday) and you’ll receive a 50 per cent discount on room rates,
Feversham Arms, with an offer for three nights with the fourth for
free. A day at the Verbena Spa, plus nightly three-course dinners in
TM plus dinner for two from the a la carte menu. When you’re not eating the Conservatory restaurant (or in-suite) should guarantee you get
Realise the potential all the locally-sourced produce, you can enjoy the lush countryside into the holiday mood. Your stay will also include free passes to near-
with a range of activities. Rates for this package start from £163 per by award-winning National Trust properties. From £385 per room
The Platinum Charge Card is provided by American Express Services Europe Limited. Registered Office: Belgrave
House, 76 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 9AX. American Express Services Europe Limited is authorised night. Additional nights also get a 50 per cent discount. Upgrade to per night with a fourth night free. Excluding Saturday and bank holi-
in the United Kingdom by the Financial Services Authority under the Payment Services Regulations 2009 (refer- the seven course Tasting Menu for an extra £8.50 per person. days, subject to availability. Valid 17July-2 September 2010.
ence number 415532) for the provision of payment services.
Package is ongoing, book at
CITYA.M. 28 JUNE 2010 Lifestyle | TV& Games 27


6pm BBC News 6.30pm Regional
News Programmes
5.50pm Wimbledon 2010:
Further live coverage of the All
6pm London Tonight
6.30pm ITV News
6pm The Simpsons
6.30pm Hollyoaks
6pm Home and Away
6.25pm Live from Studio Five
6.30pm BBC London News England Championships. 7pm World Cup Live: Brazil v 7pm Channel 4 News 7.30pm How Do They Do It?;
7pm Jimmy’s Food Factory – 8pm Today at Wimbledon: Chile (Kick-off 7.30pm) at Ellis 8pm The Secrets of Five News Update
Second Helpings; BBC News A look back at the Park in Johannesburg. Westminster Abbey: A Time 8pm CHOICE Police
8pm Life of Riley seventh day’s play. 9.30pm CHOICE James Team Special: The unveiling of Interceptors; Five News at 9
8.30pm Panorama 9pm Mary, Queen of Shops: Corden’s World Cup Live: the Cosmati pavement in 9pm Extraordinary People:
9pm New Tricks Helping the owners of Reaction to the latest matches Westminster Abbey. Seven New Faces in Seven Days
10pm BBC News a London homeware shop. in the knockout stage. 9pm The Untold 10pm Crimes That
10.25pm Regional News 10pm Rev: New series. Comedy, 10pm ITV News at Ten Battle of Trafalgar Shook the World
10.35pm CHOICE starring Tom Hollander, Olivia 10.30pm London News 10pm Big Brother 11pm FILM Tequila Sunrise: THE GRAHAM NORTON SHOW
The Graham Norton Show Colman and Steve Evets. 10.35pm FILM Exorcist: The 11.10pm Music on 4: Thriller, starring Mel BBC1, 10.35PM
11.20pm Match of the Day 10.30pm Newsnight: With Beginning: Horror prequel, Being N-Dubz Gibson, Kurt Russell and The host talks to Jason Manford about
2010 FIFA World Cup; Gavin Esler; Weather starring Stellan Skarsgard and 11.40pm Alan Carr: Michelle Pfeiffer. 1988. his role presenting The One Show,
Springwatch Weatherview 11.20pm Tribal Wives: A Izabella Scorupco. 2004. Chatty Man 1.10am SuperCasino 4.05am chats to singer-songwriter Katy Perry,
12.25am Sign Zone: The Genius of woman from London joins the 12.35am The Zone; 12.30am Big Brother: Live Wildlife SOS 4.30am Wildlife SOS and meets Anna Kournikova.
Design 1.25am Museum of Life Raramuri tribe in Mexico. ITV News Headlines 4.30am-6.15am FILM The 4.55am County Secrets 5.10am
2.25am Put Your Money Where Your 12.20am The Culture Show 2.45am The Jeremy Kyle Show Common Touch: British drama, The New Tomorrow 5.35am-6am
Mouth Is 3.25am-6am BBC News 1.20am BBC News 3.40am-5.30am ITV Nightscreen starring Geoffrey Hibbert. 1941. Michaela’s Wild Challenge

SKY SPORTS 1 PGA Tour Golf 9pm Wonderful Formula 4.30am-5am 2.55am Glastonbury 2010 2.30am How It’s Made 3am

5.30pm Live Twenty20 Cup World of Golf 10.30pm PGA Basketball: FIBA World 4.55am-5.25am Bizarre ER Extreme Engineering 3.50am
Cricket 9pm World Sport Tour Classic 11.30pm Golfing Magazine Worst Jobs in History 4.40am
9.30pm Football’s Greatest World 12.30am This Week In E4 World War Two in HD Colour
10pm World Cup Report WWE 1am WWE: NXT 2am LIVING 7pm Hollyoaks 7.30pm Friends 5.30am-6am How It’s Made
Live WWE: Late Night – Raw 7pm Four Weddings 8pm 9pm One Tree Hill 10pm Being
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9pm Four Weddings 10pm Four 12.05am-6am Big Brother: Live HEALTH ITV1, 9.30PM
Football’s Greatest 12.30am
Twenty20 Cup Cricket 2.30am BRITISH EUROSPORT Weddings US 11pm Criminal
HISTORY 7pm Baby Tales 8pm Jon and The Gavin & Stacey star and Abbey
Soccer AM: The Best Bits 7pm Eurosport Flash 7.05pm Minds 12am CSI: Crime Scene Kate Plus 8 9pm Make Room Clancy provide an alternative insight
Soccer City Flash 7.15pm Investigation 2am Exposed: 7pm How the Earth Was Made
3.30am Football’s Greatest 8pm The Plague 9pm Battles for Multiples 10pm I Didn’t into the tournament, as well as offering
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Speedway 9.30pm Fishing World Superbikes 12.05am- BBC THREE Rocket 4am-5am Perfect Child 4am Bringing Home Baby 5am-
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Magazine 12am Live Major Lee Nelson’s Well Good I’m Alive 12am Deadliest Catch Road Wars 3.30am 24 4.20am suspect goes missing at a burger bar,
SKY SPORTS 3 League Baseball 3am Press Show 1.15am Match of the 1am Bear Grylls: Born Survivor Tru Calling 5.10am-6am Sell and the team is given advanced training
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Copyright Puzzle Press Ltd,

35 15 13 11 12 21 18  
11 20
18 16
Place the numbers from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each 31 
row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers Fill the grid so that each block 33 24
from 1 to 9 to solve this tricky Sudoku puzzle. adds up to the total in the box 9 14 6
above or to the left of it. 15 4
You can only use the digits 1-9 8 37
     and you must not use the
same digit twice in a block.
  The same digit may occur 24
30 28
16 34

  more than once in a row or
column, but it must be in a

   separate block. 16

29 17
    7 10

1 Pair of spectacles on 2 Native of Muscat, eg (5)
a long handle (9)
8 Throw with great
effort (5)
3 Small compact-bodied
almost completely
aquatic bird (5)
Using only the letters in the Wordwheel, you have 9 Perfect type (5) 4 Stretching out (5)
     ten minutes to find as many words as possible,
S E 10 Bread roll (3) 5 Belonging to those
none of which may be plurals, foreign words or
proper nouns. Each word must be of three letters A 11 Unlawful act (5)
13 Wounded by piercing
people (5)
6 Final chess move (9)

LAST ISSUE’S or more, all must contain the central letter and
letters can only be used once in every word. There
P E with a sharp object (5)
15 Signified (5)
7 British statesman
who served as Prime
SOLUTIONS KAKURO is at least one nine-letter word in the wheel.
B A 18 Strong dark ale
made from malt
Minister four times (9)
12 Adult male person (3)
QUICK CROSSWORD and barley (5) 14 Choose or show a
9 6 1 2 6 5 1
20 Second person preference (3)
8 9 5 9 8 4 7 6
/ 2 7 8 6 & 8 % , 7
5 4 1 2 9 1 8
         pronoun (3) 16 Rescind (5)
, + / + 8 ,          21 Portable shelters 17 Mike ___, former
7 8 5 6 9 2 6 9
6 7 ( 5 , / ( 5 $ 7         
7 0 6 6 / 2 3 5 6 9 8 (usually of canvas) (5) heavyweight
6 $ % 5 ( 6 7 $ . ( 9 7 3 4 1 2 3 7 22 Type of nut, in a champion boxer (5)
' $ 5 ( 6
$ % < 6 6
9 5
8 9 7 4
4 3 1 2 6
cup-shaped base (5)
23 Verbally attacked
18 Sophisticated,
smooth (5)
( ' & 2 ,         
$ / ( $ ( 5 2 6 2 / 8 1 9 4 3 1 7 The nine-letter word the good name 19 Gas which acts as a
7 6 2 8 9 5 4 8         
7 1 5
+ 8 6 . <
7 , /
$ 1 1 2 < 7
was COLUMBINE         
and reputation of screen for ultraviolet
1 4 3 1 2 9
someone (9) radiation (5)
28 CITYA.M. 28 JUNE 2010

Uruguay..........................(1) 2 South Korea.....................(0) 1
Suarez 8, 80 C Lee 68
Att: 30,597
USA...................................(0) 1 Ghana ....................................(1) 2
Donovan 62 (pen) Boateng 5
England limp to series win
Att: 34,976 Gyan 93
AET: Score after 90 mins 1-1.

Argentina.....................(2) 3 Mexico.................................(0) 1 BY JON COUCH
Tevez 25, 52 Hernandez 71
Higuain 33 Att: 84,377 RELIEVED Andrew Strauss admitted it
Germany .......................(2) 4 England ................................(1) 1 was “horrendous” watching England
Klose 20, Podolski 32 Upson 37 limp to a victory at Old Trafford yes-
Muller 67, 70 Att: 40,510
terday, but then lauded the efforts of
CRICKET his bowlers in helping his side open
THIRD ONE DAY INTERNATIONAL up an unassailable 3-0 series lead.
England v Australia
OLD TRAFFORD: England beat Australia by one wicket Spinner Graeme Swann took 4-37
AUSTRALIA and James Anderson 3-22 as Australia
S Watson c Strauss b Swann ..................................................................61 slumped from 130-2 to 212 all out.
T Paine lbw Yardy ........................................................................................44 Strauss, himself, led the reply with
R Ponting st Kieswetter b Swann ............................................................3
M Clarke c Sub b Swann............................................................................33 a fine 87, but England suffered a sim-
C White c Strauss b Swann ......................................................................12 ilar collapse to the tourists and even-
M Hussey b Collingwood ............................................................................21 tually crawled over the line with one
S Smith lbw Anderson................................................................................20 wicket and five balls to spare.
J Hopes b Anderson........................................................................................7
R Harris c Strauss b Broad ..........................................................................1 “It was pretty horrendous,” Strauss
D Bollinger b Anderson..................................................................................3 admitted. “We looked like we were
S Tait not out ......................................................................................................1 cruising when Morgs [Eoin Morgan]
w6 ................................................................................................................6
Total (46 overs) ................................................................................212
and I were going well, but we have a
Fall: 75, 93, 130, 154, 169, 183, 202, 207, 211. couple of speed bumps in the first two
Bowling: Anderson 8-1-22-3, Bresnan 6-0-43-0, Broad 6-1-30- one-dayers and today was a major one.
1, Wright 1-0-14-0, Yardy 10-0-45-1, Swann 10-1-37-4, But the captain added: “We dragged
Collingwood 5-0-21-1.
it back well. The spinners were out-
A Strauss c Paine b Harris ........................................................................87 standing, the guys reacted well to the
C Kieswetter b Tait..........................................................................................0 conditions we were encountering, we
K Pietersen c & b Tait..................................................................................25 put the batsmen under pressure and England celebrate as another Australian wicket falls. Picture: ACTION IMAGES
P Collingwood b Bollinger ........................................................................40
E Morgan c Ponting b Smith ....................................................................27 that is leading to wickets.
M Yardy c Paine b Tait ..................................................................................8 “Any series win against Australia is defeat to the Australians last summer. leading the charge after losing fellow order to set up a thrilling finish.
L Wright c Hopes b Smith............................................................................0 a big achievement and you have to dig Shane Watson top-scored for the opener Craig Kieswetter first ball to But with others falling around
T Bresnan not out ..........................................................................................14 pretty deep. Personally it’s a great feel- tourists with 61, but once he and fel- the returning Shaun Tait. him, Tim Bresnan (14no) held his
G Swann b Bollinger........................................................................................1
S Broad b Bollinger ........................................................................................0 ing to beat them but we are conscious low opener Tim Paine (44) were dis- Kevin Pietersen (25), Paul nerve in the final pairing with
J Anderson not out ........................................................................................0 there are areas we can improve in.” missed, the bowlers took charge with Collingwood (40) and Eoin Morgan Anderson to see England home.
B1 lb3 w6 nb2 ......................................................................................12 For England, this was an eighth Swann accounting for the top order (27) all made contributions, but Tait The penultimate match of the five-
Total (9 wkts., 49.1 overs) ..........................................................214 straight limited-overs victory and acts and Anderson the tail. (3-28) and Doug Bollinger (3-20) got game series takes place at The Oval
Fall: 1, 52, 128, 185, 189, 190, 197, 203, 203.
Bowling: Tait 10-1-28-3, Bollinger 10-3-20-3, Harris 10-0-59-1, as sweet revenge for their 6-1 one-day Strauss was in imperious form, the better of the middle-to-lower on Wednesday.
Hopes 6.1-0-44-0, Clarke 4-0-25-0, Smith 9-0-34-2.
Umpires: A Dar & I Gould.

Murray: I still need to raise my game

FRIENDS PROVIDENT T20—North Division: (Trent Bridge);
Nottinghamshire 149-6 (D J Hussey 56) v Warwickshire
117-10. Nottinghamshire (2pts) beat Warwickshire by 32
runs. (New Road); Derbyshire 147-7 (W J Durston 77) v
Worcestershire 148-2 (P A Jaques 70no). Worcestershire
(2pts) beat Derbyshire by 8 wickets. (Headingley Carnegie);
Leicestershire 175-4 (J W A Taylor 62no, A U Rashid 4-20)
v Yorkshire 169-8 (A W Gale 52). Leicestershire (2pts) beat
Yorkshire by 6 runs. South Division (Bristol); Gloucestershire
153-6 (H J H Marshall 52no) v Middlesex 149-7. “The start has been very good and Federer was taken to five sets by lit- and they will next week, that is for
Gloucestershire (2pts) beat Middlesex by 4 runs. (The Rose
Bowl); Hampshire 159-8 (S M Ervine 74no) v Essex 164-1 (R
WIMBLEDON something that I needed for the con- tle-known Alejandro Falla in the first sure,” he added.
S Bopara 94no). Essex (2pts) beat Hampshire by 9 wickets.
(Hove); Kent 194-1 (R W T Key 98no, M van Jaarsveld 53no)
2010 fidence,” Murray said. “But I did feel I
wasn’t too far away from playing very
round, while Nadal has twice been
taken the distance in his three match- ORDER OF PLAY | TODAY
v Sussex 167-9. Kent (2pts) beat Sussex by 27 runs. BY JON COUCH good tennis again. es so far.
RUGBY UNION ANDY MURRAY accepts he is going to “I just needed to put more work in, Both are also in action this after-
INTERNATIONAL MATCHES have to up his game if he is to end and I did that the week before. So noon with six-time champion Federer CENTRE COURT
Argentina .....................................41 France............................................13 Britain’s 74-year wait for a that definitely helped me going into taking on Austrian 16th seed Jurgen
Australia.......................................22 Ireland ..........................................15 R Federer (Swi) (1) v J Melzer (Aus) (16)
New Zealand ..............................29 Wales ............................................10 Wimbledon champion. the tournament with my belief. Melzer on Centre Court, while world
South Africa...............................55 Italy ................................................11 The British No1 is still yet to drop a “It’s obviously showed in the first No1 Nadal takes on Frenchman Paul- S Williams (USA) (1) v M Sharapova (Rus) (16)
set in this year’s tournament ahead of few matches. But I’m going to have to Henri Mathieu on Court One. S Querrey (USA) (18) v A Murray (GB) (4)
TODAY’S DIARY this afternoon’s fourth-round clash play better next week if I want to go And Murray believes form in the
World Cup 2nd rnd with big-serving American Sam all the way.” early rounds has little bearing on the
Holland v Slovakia (3pm) ........................................................................................ Querrey. While Murray is relatively fresh second week. K Clijsters (Bel) (8) v J Henin (Bel) (17)
Brazil v Chile (7.30) .................................................................................................... But the fourth seed knows there is ahead of his clash with the Queen’s “It’s kind of irrelevant, it’s different N Djokovic (Ser) (3) v L Hewitt (Aus) (15)
still room for improvement if he is to Club champion, many of his rivals – obviously if they lose the matches but
SPORTS EDITOR JON COUCH recover from his shaky start to 2010 notably Roger Federer and Rafael when they come through, you are J-P Mathieu (Fra) v R Nadal (Spa) (2)
email and land a dream first Grand Slam. Nadal – have struggled. always expecting them to play well,

I’ll see the job through and I SPORT | IN BRIEF

Horsey wins in Germany the crowd during his match against

won’t step down, vows Draper

GOLF: David Horsey was the only Daniel Brand.
Englishman celebrating victory over the In a statement, he said: “I lost my con-
Germans yesterday after he came from trol briefly in the fifth set after another
behind to claim the biggest win of his insult from someone in the crowd. I
career at the BMW International Open in should never have done that but I am
Munich. human and I made a mistake.”
The 25-year-old shot a five-under-par
Sinfield thwarts Wolves

TENNIS Indeed, only Murray and British need is business continuity and to closing round 67 to finish on 18-under-
BY JON COUCH women’s No1 Elena Baltacha are continually improve what has been par, one shot clear of fellow countryman RUGBY LEAGUE: Kevin Sinfield produced
ranked inside the world’s top 100 – a happening across the sport.” Ross Fisher. a masterful display of kicking for Leeds
UNDER-FIRE Lawn Tennis Association statistic which falls well blow the tar- He added: “We are four years into a Long-time leader Bradley Dredge fell as Warrington missed the chance to
chief executive Roger Draper has gets set by Draper two years ago. 10-year transformation of the sport. off the pace after shooting a double- close the gap on leaders Wigan in the
vowed not to walk away despite This has led to much criticism of The reason we made the changes a bogey at 16 and finished in a tie for third. Super League.
Britain’s worst-ever showing at Draper’s reign, but the LTA chief few years ago was to stop what hap- In a match of six tries apiece, Sinfield
Wimbledon. insists the process of nurturing talent pened on Monday and Tuesday, and Hanescu is sorry in spit row proved the matchwinner by landing all of
Andy Murray was the only one of takes time and says he is not consider- that takes time. TENNIS: Victor Hanescu has apologised his conversions before booting over a 45-
seven British players to make it ing his position. “What we are now doing to get after he was fined £10,000 for spitting yard drop goal.
through to the second round, while Asked if he had ever thought about more kids playing tennis in schools in the direction of fans at Wimbledon on Elsewhere, Michael Shenton ran in a
the LTA suffered the ignominy of hav- resigning, Draper said: “No, we are in will pay dividends. We will get suc- Friday. hat-trick of tries to help Castleford to a
ing no English player in the men’s this for the long-term. cess and we have got to be ready for The Romanian appeared to react after 28-22 win over Bradford to take them to
singles at SW19 for the first time ever. “As a leader in sport, what you now that.” he was verbally abused by a section of within a point of a top-eight place.
CITYA.M. 28 JUNE 2010 Sport 29

No hat-trick,
but Lewis is
still on track
with 125 points, six clear of team-
FORMULA 1 mate Jenson Button, who finished
2010 third. “I think it is just very, very posi-
tive to be leading the world champi-
BY JON COUCH onship,” said Hamilton, the 2008
HE wasn’t the only Englishman to champion.
trail a German yesterday, but Lewis “Both myself and Jenson we have Hamilton showers
Hamilton was decidedly more cheery been working so hard all year and the victor Vettel after
than his footballing counterparts results show the effort that everyone their tussle in
after retaining his lead in the drivers’ is putting in. It’s great getting the Valencia.
championship. results we deserve.” Picture: GETTY
Hamilton just missed out on a hat- Vettel led from pole to flag for a
trick of Formula One victories, but second race win of the season, but
still kept his nose in front in the over- had to survive a first-lap coming
all standings after finishing second
behind Sebastian Vettel at an inci-
dent-packed European Grand Prix in
After successive victories in Turkey
together with Hamilton, who had
taken Vettel’s Red Bull team-mate
Mark Webber at the first corner.
Webber slumped from second to
ninth after the poor start and his mis-
I’m lucky to be alive, says Webber
and Canada, McLaren are Hamilton erable afternoon was compounded by MARK WEBBER emerged by what happened. I’m a little
was looking to claim a first-ever hat- a 200mph horror smash for which he unscathed from his horror bit tender here and there but
trick of wins, but, despite recovering miraculously walked away unscathed. 200mph smash in Valencia yes- the car did a great job.”
from a drive-through penalty for over- Hamilton served his penalty on lap terday and admitted: I’m lucky Describing the incident, he
taking the Safety Car, could find no 27, but still held position, and despite to be alive. added: “Initially I thought
way past the Red Bull ace. pulling the German back in the latter The Australian flipped his Red Heikki was letting me go. Then
Hamilton’s 18 points ensures he stages, was unable to get close Bull up into the air and landed I thought he was closing the
stayed at the top of the standings enough to challenge. upside down before careering door and started to make little
into the tyre wall after running movements. I thought, ‘What is
EUROPEAN GP | RACE STANDINGS STANDINGS | DRIVERS’ CHAMPIONSHIP into the back of Heikki he doing?’ And then he braked
Kovalainen’s Lotus on lap nine. 80m before I did on the previ-
1. Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull) 1:40:29.571 1. Lewis Hamilton (McLaren) 127pts “I was just having a shower ous lap.”
2. Lewis Hamilton (McLaren) +00:05 2. Jenson Button (McLaren) 121 and thinking, ‘Mate, you’re Kovalainen added: “I’m very
3. Jenson Button (McLaren) +00.07 3. Sebastian Vettel (Red Bull) 115 lucky to be in one piece’,” happy that Mark is fine as well.
4. Rubens Barrichello (Williams) +00:20 4. Mark Webber (Red Bull) 103 Webber reflected. “It was a It was an unfortunate incident
nasty incident. I was surprised that should not happen.” Webber goes airborne in Valencia. Picture: BBC
5. Robert Kubica (Renault) +00:22 5. Fernando Alonso (Ferrari) 98

Gilberto warns
of complacency
2010 more. But
believes such
FORMER Arsenal captain Gilberto statistics got
Silva is playing down his Brazilian out of the
side’s recent dominance over Chile, window when it comes to the knck- TODAY’S MATCHES
insisting tonight’s last-16 clash is a out stage and says Chile should not
one-off game. be taken for granted. Holland v Slovakia
The Brazilians have not lost to “Now it’s totally different,” the 33- Durban, ko 3pm, BBC1
their South American rivals since year-old said. “It’s a knockout round.
the 2002 qualifiers, winning seven [Chile] has been playing well and we Brazil v Chile
straight matches and the last six by will have to be extra careful.” Johannesburg, ko 7.30pm, ITV1


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30 Sport | Football CITYA.M. 28 JUNE 2010




David James
Made two crucial first-half
saves but perhaps could have done
Capello on the brink as England crash
better with Muller’s first goal.

Glen Johnson 6 GERMANY 4

Thomas Muller’s second-half brace
compounded a miserable exit.
Drifted in and out of the game Capello’s position will now come
and didn’t get forward enough to under intense scrutiny just a month
give England width. ENGLAND 1 after having a clause removed from
his £6m-a-year contract to allow
either party to terminate the con-
John Terry 4 WORLD CUP 2010 tract after the World Cup.
BY JON COUCH He will further explain his posi-
Had a shocker. His lack of pace tion at a press conference this after-
was a liability for England and had FABIO CAPELLO remained defiant noon, but, for now, the 64-year-old
a poor understanding with Upson. last night he would not stand down was standing his ground.
as England manager despite his “I want to speak with the chair-
side’s World Cup humiliation in man [Sir Dave Richards] and then
Matthew Upson 5 Bloemfontein.
But the Italian admitted he
decide my future,” he said. “I need
to know whether the FA have confi-
Gets an extra mark for the goal but, would seek crisis talks with Football dence in me or not.”
like Terry, was all over the place as Association chiefs after England’s Asked if he would resign, he
Germany waltzed through them. woeful display against the Germans replied: “Absolutely not. We have to
culminated in a heaviest-ever World wait until we get back to London.”
Cup finals’ defeat. When he meets with Sir Richards
Ashley Cole 6 Capello will point to Frank
Lampard’s ‘goal that never was’ as
at FA HQ, Capello will be forced to
explain a dismal World Cup cam-
Started the game well, but, like the turning point of the match paign, which saw England well
Johnson, didn’t get forward any- after his first-half shot cannoned off below-par in three of their four
where near as much as he should. the underside of the crossbar and matches with only a win against
over the line, only for Uruguayan Slovenia to show for their efforts.
referee Jorge Larrionda to wave play But bosses at Soho Square are
James Milner 5 on.
Nevertheless, he will still be
made to carry the can for a spine-
unlikely to share Capello’s view that
England bowed out with a good per-
formance in Bloemfontein, insiting
Looked a little lost at times and
showed a lack of pace. Quality on less display, which saw the Three they were beaten only by a moment
the ball was below-par also. Lions defence carved open on of controversy.
numerous occasions by the ram- “It was one of the most important
pant Germans. First-half strikes things in the game,” Capello said.
Frank Lampard 6 from Miroslav Klose and Lukas
Podolski gave Capello’s men a
mountain to climb before Matthew
“The goal was very important. We
could have played a different style.
We played I think well at 2-1, but
Unlucky not to score twice, but was
left chasing shadows as we failed Upson handed England a lifeline after the third goal it was a little bit
to seize control of the midfield. with a towering header. disappointing.
The injustice of Lampard’s disal- “We played well. Germany is a big his boss, had no excuses for the why we didn’t progress further in
lowed ‘goal’, just 55 seconds later, team. They played a good game. We manner of the defeat. the tournament.
Gareth Barry 5 put fire in the England bellies with
Lampard crashing a swerving 30-
yard free-kick against the crossbar
made some mistakes when they
played the counter-attack. The refer-
ee made bigger mistakes. Little
“At 2-1 we had a goal disallowed.
At 2-1 we were hurting them and we
were still in the game. I think it had
“As a team we’ve made a big mis-
take today and we’ve been beaten
by a good team.
Failed in his brief to man-mark
Ozil and looked lost as Germany just after the break. things decide the result always.” an effect but we cannot use that as “They were more clinical in front
showed him how to keep the ball. But it wasn’t to last long as Captain Steven Gerrard also an excuse with being beaten 4-1. of goal and they made less mistakes
England were made to pay for fail- admitted the disallowed goal had “You go away and you have a than us and we got punished for
ing to retain possession and an effect on the result, but, unlike think about what went wrong and that today.”
Steven Gerrard 5
Showed poor quality on the ball,
just shooting from distance with
little control.

Wayne Rooney 4
FA chiefs must now turn to Hodgson
An absolute shadow of his former
self as he has been all tournament.
Risked when he’s clearly not fit.
Ex-World Cup star Trevor Steven says the Fulham player to South Africa limited him
when it came to Steven Gerrard, and I
what with bias.
For me, there’s no-one better to get
boss is the man to turn around England fortunes think bringing on a non-goalscorer in
Emile Heskey for a goalscorer in
the best out of these up-and-coming
players than Roy Hodgson. Roy is
Jermain Defoe, just when we needed being linked with the vacant
Jermain Defoe 5 a goal, pretty much summed up his Liverpool job, but if that is not the

ABIO CAPELLO will sit down with no game plan and no fixed start- tournament. case and he is available, then the FA
Failed to get any understanding with FA chairman Sir Dave ing line-up, and his failure to commu- What did Peter Crouch ever do should bring him in.
with Rooney or midfield runners. Richards over the next few days nicate properly with the players was wrong? He didn’t get a sniff. Certainly his face fits, he’s at a good
Drifted out of the game. to decide how to take this all to evident in a lack of understand- age, has experience of international
England team forward. ing in every area of the park. RESPECTED football and is well respected by the
Substitutes But, sadly, it’s going to take a lot What can he say to the players at So what now? We need a new fresh- players he’ll be working with.
J Cole (Milner, 63) 5, Heskey (Defoe, 71) 4, more than a brief discussion over tea half-time to get them going? It need- ness, new ideas, a new approach. Like Or, how about Harry Redknapp? He
Wright-Phillips (Johnson, 86) 5 and biscuits as the answer is this ed an inspirational figure and I just Germany have done, we need to ditch is in the same mould as Ray, hugely
England team can simply not go for- don’t think Fabio Capello has been the old guard and build a developing respected, but I just wonder whether
ward with Capello in charge. particularly inspirational to this team for the future. this pending court case will go
Fabio Capello 3 No team has ever won the World
Cup with a foreign manager and
group of players this World Cup.
Personally, I think his 4-4-2 wasn’t
The simple fact is we are not as
good as we tend to think we are. Our
against him.
Either way, the FA need to act, and
Poor selection, poor substitutions England showed just why in clever enough for international foot- players are simply add-ons in a for- now. Capello has not earned his £6m-
and lacked any kind of a game plan. Bloemfontein yesterday. ball and he ran out of options. Not eign-based Premier League and our a-year wages in South Africa, it’s been
Has been found out this World Cup. Capello came into this World Cup taking an out-and-out left midfield idea of ‘world class’ is tinged some- nothing short of a shambles.
CITYA.M. 28 JUNE 2010 Sport | Football 31

Klose slides home

Germany’s first
goal past David
James after shoddy
Tevez brace fires Argentina
England defending
Maradona’s side in front despite were 2-0 up when Gonzalo Higuain
ARGENTINA 3 being two yards offside.
The Mexicans surrounded referee
latching onto Ricardo Osorio’s error
for his fourth goal of the tourna-
Roberto Rossetti after a replay of the ment.
MEXICO 1 goal was shown on the Soccer City
stadium big screen, and also prompt-
Indeed, seven minutes into the re-
start, the tie was as good as over
ed a touchline melee as the referee when Tevez let fly with a sensational
WORLD CUP 2010 attempted to leave the field at the
25-yard strike into the top corner.
Mexico, however, never gave up
BY FRANK DALLERES Up until then, the Mexicans were and deservedly pulled a goal back
CARLOS TEVEZ followed up a the better side with Carlos Salcido through a fine finish from new
moment of controversy with a crashing a long-range effort against Manchester United signing Javier
moment of magic as he helped the crossbar and Andres Guardado Hernandez.
Argentina earn a World Cup quarter- shooting narrowly wide. But not even he could prevent the
final with Germany. But buoyed by their fortunate Mexicans exiting the last-16 stage of
The Manchester City striker infuri- opener, Maradona’s men found their the competition for the fifth World
ated Mexico after heading Diego feet and eight minutes later they Cup in succession.

effort clearly
bounces over
the line

Dejected England
captain Gerrard
holds his head

Fifa set to reject new calls

for goal-line technology

Football Association to conduct an
FIFA will stand firm and reject calls to inquest into England’s poor perform-
introduce goal-line technology ance in South Africa.
despite Frank Lampard’s disallowed “This was a disappointing end to a
strike in Bloemfontein. tournament in which England hardly
President Sepp Blatter was at the ever performed,” Robertson said.
Free State Stadium to see Lampard’s “Once the dust has settled, I hope the
20-yard shot clearly cannon off the FA take a long hard look at the rea-
underside of the crossbar and over sons why, and Fifa reassess their oppo-
the line with the match delicately sition to using goal-line technology.”
poised at 2-1. Fifa refused to comment after the
Fifa ruled out using goal-line tech- match, saying: “Fifa will not make
nology at the International FA board any comment on the decisions of the
meeting in March in favour of experi- referee on the field of play.”
menting with two assistant referees. Blatter said at the time: “No matter
Sports Minister Hugh Robertson which technology is applied, at the
last night called on Fifa to change its end of the day a decision will have to
stance, while also challenging the be taken by a human being.”


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