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Where llive

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Vocabulary places in a towr

Grammar there islthere are

k n pai f S.

Can you write one verb for each letter of

the alphabet? A = ask, B = bLtY, C = cotrt@,

etc. Compare verbs with another pair.
Which pair has the most verbs?

Places in a town


Work in pairs. Which of these

words do you know? Then do the
exercise in Language Summary

building a house a flat

square a market a statjon
a bus station a park a museun.l
a theatre a cinema a hote a caf

shop a restaurant a bar

pub an ai'port a beach a 'oad

;: Look again at the pictures on p142.

Take turns to cover the words and test
your partner.
./hat's picture


It's a hote1.

Listening and Speaking

?t ', Look at photos 1-3. Which is: a big



city, a small town, a village? Which

things from ''.. can you see in the

iiif i:


where he/she lives now

where h s/her grandparents ive
where he/she went last weekend


Listen to these sentences from conversations A and

. Are these words
B. Notice how we say the prepositions in

We llved

.., Work in pairs. Which conversation

talks about these things?

t beautiful oLd bu ld ngs

2 aflal near a beach
3 a great place to go out at nlght
+ a place two hours from an airPort
s pubs that have very good food
6 a good place to go for walks

Listen again. Check your answers.

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Remember: we often say small words (do, does, you, was, were, can,
etc ) with a schwa /e/. These are called weak forms.


Listen to conversations
A-C. Match them to the photos and the
things the people talk about '1-3.


there /fa/ 12 years and then we moved /te/ Lo.datt.

stayed /et/

It's about two

aame al weekend,


/fram/ Cork alrport,

And a | /ev/ the houses are different colours!

p160. Listen to conversations
:: Look at Audio Script

and B again. Notice how we say the prepositions and the other
weak forms in

::r Work in groups, Which place wouid you like to visit: Eyeries,
Brisbane or Burford? Why?
::., Compare answers with the class. Which place js the most


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