Feyling Race - Dryad Treantling and Satyr (10598835)

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Satyrs, Dryads, and Treantlings

Mysterious, ancient, sacrosanct; such are the Feylings. Veiled in
the deepest woodland realms or in places touched by the Feywild,
these intelligent creatures capture the allure of the secret and
hidden things of the world.


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Cover image taken from the Players Handbook page 87.

Living in the deepest, most forbidding
parts of nature are the Feylings
sentient creatures born of the
Feywild. There are a few varieties of
feylings, which include satyrs,
dryads, and treatlings, but all work
together for the defense of the
natural world. Feylings love song,
dance, and music, but like nature they
can become dark and vengeful quickly.

A Many Varied People

The feylings are tied together not by
their appearance and physical form,
but by their connection to nature and
the Feywild. While feylings might not
always get along amongst the
differing species, they will unite
instantly to fight a universal
threat. Each subrace has their own
unique culture, physiology, and
behavior, but all of them share an
innate respect and protective
instinct for their home. Because of
their close ties to the natural
world, feylings are rarely found in
civilized parts of the world
unusual even in elven settlements.
Feylings are so isolationist, in
fact, that they often live in groups
of no more than 16, if they live with
others at all. They have a sense of
freedom that cannot be found in any
other race, and lean very chaotically
in their alignment. The fey folk are
cautious of intruders in their
isolated realms, and will quickly
turn hostile to anyone or anything
that seeks to damage them or their

Feyling Traits
All feylings share a few features
gained from thousands of year of
adaptation to their forest homes.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom
score increases by 1.
Age. Feylings unilaterally have
long lives. Dryads and treantlings
live for 150 to 400 years, and satyrs
typically live between 80 and 150

Alignment. Most fey are not

innately evil, and in fact they often
will try to help passerby (as long as
that person is not despoiling
nature). They are also very adamant
in their belief in freedom.
Size. While the specific height and
weight of a feyling varies by
species, they are all treated as
Medium-sized creatures.
Speed. Your base walking speed is
Darkvision. Your fey eyes are
accustomed to the dim light of
forests or a nocturnal life. You can
see in dim light within 60 feet of
you as if it were bright light, and
in darkness as if it were dim light.
You cant discern color in darkness,
only shades of gray.
Fey Ancestry. Due to your nature as
a fey, you have advantage against
being charmed and cannot be magically
put to sleep.
Languages. Fey can naturally speak,
read, and write common, elven, and

Flitting between the trees, dryads
are fey spirits that are often bound
to trees as guardians. On rare
occasions, a dryad can form when a
Feywild spirit chooses to live in the
Material Plane, or if the bound tree
is destroyed, which allows the dryad
to roam freely. Dryads most
frequently appear as female, although
more masculine dryads do exist. They
stand between 410 and 5 feet,
with bark-like skin, a thin frame,
dark almond-shaped eyes, and bushy
Ability Score Increase. Your
Charisma score increases by 2.
Natural Camouflage. You can attempt
to hide when you are only lightly
obscured by foliage, heavy rain,
falling snow, mist, and other natural
phenomena, as well as having
proficiency in the Stealth skill.
Fey Charm. You target one humanoid
or beast that you can see within 30
feet. If the target can see you it
must succeed on a DC 4 (+ your
level, rounded up) Wisdom saving
throw or be magically charmed. The

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charmed creature treats the dryad as

a trusted friend to be heeded and
protected. Although the creature
isnt controlled by the dryad, it
takes the dryads requests in the
most favorable way it can. Each time
the dryad or its allies do anything
harmful to the charmed target, it can
repeat the saving throw, ending the
effect on itself on a success.
Otherwise the effect lasts for 4
hours. This ability can be used again
after a long rest.

A race of hedonistic, goat-like fey
that seek out any excuse to
celebrate. Satyrs are the most
chaotic and raucous of the fey they
value, above all, a good time, and
this race of revelers will do
anything to attain what they value.
Satyrs look like thin dwarves or
short humans with furred legs, cloven
hooves, and goat-like horns. Their
skin and hair can be any color
typical to humans. Satyrs share
naming conventions with gnomes, and
the two races are thought to be
somewhat related.
Ability Score Increase. Your
Dexterity score increases by 1.
Fleet of Foot. Your movement speed
increases to 35 feet.
Natural Performer. You gain
advantage on all Perform checks when
outside of combat. Additionally, you
are considered proficient in the
Perform skill and the pan flute
Horned. Satyrs have curving, goatlike horns. As such, you are never
considered unarmed, and you are
proficient in using your horns as a
weapon. They deal 1d4 + 1 piercing
damage on hit.

Treantlings stand between the high

end of 6 feet and just under 9 feet
tall, and can weigh up to 400 pounds;
but they can shed up to a third of
their height and weight during the
winter. Fully grown treantlings
(around age 40) have hard, barky
armor with green pliable flesh
underneath. Shed treantlings forgo
the barky outer layer and appear as
having only the vine-like underskin.
They have honey colored eyes and a
wreath of leaves for hair.
Ability Score Increase. Your
Constitution score increases by 2.
Giantism. You are considered as one
size larger when determining your
carrying capacity and the weight you
can push, drag, or lift.
Barkflesh. You have a natural +1
bonus to AC.

Some trees that have become awakened
or are otherwise affected by powerful
magics are transformed in shape and
nature to become treantlings. These
fey are stoic, slow to make
decisions, and incredibly stubborn.

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