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Two Yogas are described in this Verse as described below

(1) Even one planet posited in his sign of exaltation aspected by a friendly pla
net enables the native to become a king. If such a planet be also associated wit
h a friendly planet, the native will become extremely rich and prosperous.
(2) If the Sun be in his own Navamsa and the Moon be in his own sign, the native
becomes a King possessing many horses and elephants.
In the Yoga mentioned at (2) above, it should be necessary for the Rasi of
the Sun and the Navamsa of the Moon to be strong. The strength of a horoscope de
pends to a great extent on the strength of the Sun and the Moon.
22. There are again two Raja Yogas in this verse as described below:
(1) Should the Moon with full rays be in Pisces aspected by a friendly planet, t
he native will become a king with pre-eminent position and delighting the world.

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