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Treasury User Guides

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Treasury User Guides

Treasury provides a platform for managing a financial institution's own funds and market investments and supports a number of traded instruments
in the back office, middle office and increasingly, the front office.

User Guide

Futures and Options may be traded in two ways: through
recognised derivatives exchanges or in OTC ('Over the
Counter') transactions directly between two parties.
T24 Derivatives allows trading of both Exchange traded futures
and options and 'Over The Counter' trades.
Exotic Options are also supported.

Foreign Exchange

The Foreign Exchange module (FOREX) has been designed to

meet the growing needs of current day dealing operations in the
Foreign Exchange Market. It covers the accurate recording of
all types of SPOT, FORWARD and FX.SWAP transactions,
complete with limit exposure, position updating, brokerage and
delivery of the related advices, confirmations and payments

Forward Rate Agreements The Forward Rate Agreement (FRA) module supports
processing for both Hedging and Trading purposes. The
module is fully integrated with T24 applications such as Limits
and Position management.
Money Market

The Money Market module provides dealer and management

support for the processing of the standard product types used
in the commercial Money Market sector. These include
Deposits, Takings, Sundry Deposits, Loans, Placements and
Accounts Receivable.

Non Deliverable Fwd

A Non Deliverable Forward (NDF) is a product where a

currency is unable to be settled. As a result of this the deal must
be fixed at a time and from a rate source arranged at the time of
the original trade. When the rate is fixed on the fixing date, the
settlement will be a net settlement in the deliverable currency
only, calculated by using the difference between the original FX
rate and the fixing rate. Additionally it incorporates NDFs into
T24 Limits, Accounting and Position Management modules

Position Management

The Position Management (PM) module consists of a set of

ENQUIRY records that will assist the Bank in the management
of funds and the control of position risk. These always reflect
the latest information known to T24.

Interest Rate Swaps

The Interest Rate Swaps module supports the recording and

administration of both IRS (Interest Rate Swaps) and CIRS
(Currency Interest Rate Swaps). It also supports 'single-leg'
contract types (asset or liability), which are essentially loans or

(c) Temenos Systems 2013

Published on : 28/04/2013

04-Feb-16 7:25 AM

Treasury User Guides

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