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Colegio Cristiano de la Villa

English Quiz 3rd Year

Name:______________________ Date:__________________
1) Make these sentences into the past simple in all its forms. (- + ? )
Ex: I walk / + I walked
-I didnt walk
? did I walk?
She jumps / _______________ -_________________
They listen / _______________ -_________________
We watch / _______________ -_________________
I paint /
_______________ -_________________
He arrives/ _______________ -_________________
You brush/ _______________ -_________________
I listen /
_______________ -_________________
Sarah laugh /_______________ -_________________
Paul and I save/_______________ -_________________ ?_________________
Mark and Mary memorize /_______________ -______________?______________

2) Complete the chart with these irregular verbs

Conocer /saber
3) Make these sentences into the past simple.
I build a hotel/ _______________ -_________________ ?_________________
She drives a car/_______________ -_________________ ?_________________
They know / _______________ -_________________ ?_________________
You grow /_______________ -_________________ ?_________________
We read/_______________ -_________________ ?_________________
4) Make sentences that express these ideas.
a truck / A hotel / mary / a book /
Yo lei un libro :__________________________
Ellos construyeron un hotel:_________________________
Yo maneje una camioneta: __________________________
El conocio a Mary: _________________________________

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