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In this lesson we will learn the following:

1. The structure of the endocrine system.

2. The function of the endocrine system.
3. The spiritual lessons that this system teaches us.

When God gave to man some hormones to feel

It was known by the Lord his affections would steal
The things that were harmful and were put in the place
Where Christ was to reign but instead brought disgrace
As man tended to follow his own feelings instead
Perverting his appetite and defiling the bed
Lifting him up with much pride in his heart
Only to fall which would tear him apart
From the God that does care with affection unknown
For the sinner that’s wayward he often does groan
Sending His spirit that will tug on his soul
Planting His love to make him be whole
But the feelings of man did tend to so rift
So God sent forth His son to help him not drift
Giving him Words that would lead him to feel
And surrender his life in the hands of Christ's will
Though it took all He had to save what was lost
So He came as a servant and was nailed to a cross

1. STRUCTURE: The glands that make up the endocrine system are”

• Hypothalamus
• Pituitary
• Pineal
• Thyroid
• Thymus
• Parathyroid
• Adrenals
• Pancreas (islets)
• Ovaries (female)
• Testes (male)

2. FUNCTION: The endocrine system performs the same function as that of the nervous system,
communication and control. The nervous system provides rapid and brief control by fast-travelling nerve
impulses, The endocrine system provides a slower but longer lasting control by hormones (chemicals) secreted
into and circulated by the blood. The endocrine system shows us the cooperative working of the three powers of
the Godhead in the role of salvation, which we will learn as we proceed through this lesson.

All the organs in the endocrine system are glands, but not all glands are organs of the endocrine system. The
term endocrine is used to describe cells, tissues, and organs that secrete hormones into body fluids. Endocrine
glands are unique from other glands, because they release hormones into general circulation. Other glands
discharge their secretion into ducts in a particular place. These glands are called exocrine, and example of them
would be sweat or saliva glands. Endocrine glands are ductless glands and secrete hormones into intercellular
spaces. From there, the hormones diffuse directly into the blood and are carried throughout the whole body.
Each hormone molecule may then bind to a cell that has specific receptors for that hormone, triggering a
reaction in the cell. Such a cell is called a target organ cell

Location of endocrine organs: The organs of the endocrine system are located in widely separated parts of the
body: in the cranial cavity, in the neck, in the thoracic cavity, in the abdominal cavity, in the pelvic cavity, and
outside the body cavities.

Hormones: The hormones they release are important to body functions. They regulate basic drives and
emotions, such as sexual urges, violence, anger, fear, joy, and sorrow. They also promote growth and sexual
identity, control body temperature, assist in the repair of broken tissue, and help to generate energy. The
endocrine glands are largely responsible for the irresistible cravings that lead us into sin if not under the control
of the Holy Spirit. This is what we normally refer to as the pull of the flesh. The Christian will feel the
promptings of sin, “For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit;” Gal 5:17, but the Spirit striveth against the flesh,
keeping up a constant warfare. Here is where Christ's help is needed. Human weakness becomes united to divine
strength, and faith exclaims, "Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ" (1
Cor. 15:57)! SL.92.

We are battling a war against our hormones, when the word hormones are used many people have a narrow view
of just sexual desires, though that is a part of it, there are many more hormones than those which stimulate
sexual desire. In fact we couldn’t feel anything without hormones, we wouldn’t feel the different modes that we
go through every day, imagine life without feelings! Hormones are a blessing, with them we can feel love, joy,
compassion and a whole variety of emotions, however there are negative emotions that are brought about by
hormones that one has to be guarded about, such as anger, fear, worry, and bitterness. Many of these feelings
are expressed by the apostle Paul, and are listed under the works of the flesh, though most of them are feelings
of the flesh: “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness,
lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings,
murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time
past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” Gal.5.19-21. The good news
however is that “And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.” Gal.5.24 Does
this mean they have no affections? No, it means they have crucified the bad affections. “Be kindly affectioned
one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;” Rom.12.10

Hormones are very powerful substances , and can produce an effect in extremely low concentrations.
Chemically, most of them are either amines, peptides, proteins, or glycoproteins that are synthesized from amino
acids, or they are steroids or steroid-like substances that are synthesized from cholesterol.

The Christian walk is a constant fight against the lusts of the flesh, but herein lies the Christian’s victories, for
by the grace of God they are brought into subjection to the Spirit of God. "This I say then, Walk in the Spirit,
and ye shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. “For the flesh (hormones) lusteth against the Spirit and the Spirit
against the flesh, and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. But if
ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh (hormones) are manifest, which are
these; adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulation's,
wrath, strife, sedition's, heresies, envying, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like; of the which I tell
you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of
God." Gal.5.16-21. “Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh,
fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.”

Our hormones feed our desires, in fact they make up our desires. God wants to make His desires our desires, for
in so doing He can gladly give us the desires of our hearts, Psa.37.4, but to do that first He has to change the
current of our thoughts. It is the nerves that convey the thoughts to reach the glands that secrete the hormones
that influence our desires. The thoughts come first and the feelings come second, let us not let our feelings
govern our thoughts, for then we will walk by flesh and not by faith.

In this lesson you will discover why the endocrine gland function is so important, and can’t be overestimated.
Hormones are the main regulators of metabolism, growth and development, reproduction and many other body
activities. They play very vital roles in maintaining homeostasis-fluid and electrolyte, acid base, and energy
balances, for example. The function of hormones upon the body has a striking similarity to the workings of the
Holy Spirit.

The Spirit also is responsible for our spiritual growth and development, the reproduction of Christ in us,
keeping us in balance; as well as working upon our feelings and influencing our thinking.


The thoughts that we think have a great deal of influence over what we feel. We need to be constantly on guard
to the disease of ‘stinking thinking‘, for our feelings are a mere reflection of the currents of our thoughts.

“It is a positive duty to resist melancholy, discontented thoughts and feelings--as much a duty as it is to pray. If
we are heaven-bound, how can we go as a band of mourners, groaning and complaining all along the way to our
Father's house? It is a law of nature that our thoughts and feelings are encouraged and strengthened as we give
them utterance.” MH.251.

We should not allow our minds to be swayed from allegiance to God. Through Christ we may and should be
happy, and should acquire habits of self-control. Even the thoughts must be brought into subjection to the will of
God, and the feelings under the control of reason and religion. Our imagination was not given us to be allowed
to run riot and have its own way, without any effort at restraint and discipline. If the thoughts are wrong, the
feelings will be wrong; and the thoughts and feelings combined make up the moral character. When we decide
that as Christians we are not required to restrain our thoughts and feelings, we are brought under the influence of
evil angels, and invite their presence and their control. (5T 310)

The brain is connected to glands in the body via nerves that electrically stimulate the glands, causing a chemical
reaction through the influence of hormones, which give us the feelings of our thoughts.

A good Bible story that could illustrate how thoughts are related to feelings is the story of the betrayal of Jesus
by Peter. Jesus’ most zealous disciple who said that he would die for his master, sincerely thought that in his
heart; but alas when put to the test he fell far short. “And the second time the cock crew. And Peter called to
mind the word that Jesus said unto him, Before the cock crow twice, thou shalt deny me thrice. And when he
thought thereon, he wept.” Mark.14.72. When Peter thought upon what he had said and what he had done, then
he wept, bitter thoughts of self reproach were soon conveyed into feelings of grief.

The Word of God is the very thoughts of God, which once implanted into the mind will direct the current of our
thoughts in the right channel. Our thoughts, unless controlled by the influence of the Holy Spirit will naturally
take the path of the least resistance, forming grooves in the brain that become like strong chains which are
strengthened through habit, which forms our characters. But thanks be to God, that we need not follow the evil
channels of thought, but “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the
knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” 2Cor.10.5.

The nerves of our body lead to two locations; the glands which secrete hormones, and muscles which produce
action. As you have already learnt that the brain is the throne room of the Most High and it is God who writes
His law in our surrendered minds, enabling our feelings to be under His control also. If God is not reigning
supreme in our thoughts then Satan sits in the seat of the brain and writes His law of disobedience there.
“Because thine (Satan's) heart is lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst
of the seas; yet thou art a man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God:” Eze.28.2.
Although this verse is referring to Tyrus, when you read on to verse 14, it is clear that the one who is the
primary focus is Satan, wishing to exalt himself. The medium which Satan exalts himself through is unyielded
man, whose mind becomes His seat. “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except
there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth
himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God,
showing himself that he is God. 2Thes.2.3-4. As we are the temple of God, it becomes clear that the seat is in
the mind. The Great Controversy is fought within the mind, and it is the mind that directs the feelings, and the
feelings direct the mind, which reveal themselves through our works and strengthened by our will.


At the height of the greatest suffering that Christ was to endure, He realized as never before the need of
watchfulness and prayer. “Then saith he unto them, My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death: tarry ye
here, and watch with me. And he went a little farther, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it
be possible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt. And he cometh unto the
disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour? Watch and
pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” Matthew 26.38-41.

Jesus had feelings that overwhelmed Him with emotion. Not so long before He had wept over the city of
Jerusalem as He envisioned their fate overlooking the city. The disciples still, (though told), had a faint
conception of the destiny of Jesus and through a negligence of watchfulness and prayer, let their feelings of
sleepiness overcome them. Yet Jesus was wrestling for His life in the garden alone with no one to comfort Him,
and the sins of the whole world coming upon Him in that awful hour.

Thoughts of separation from the Father were plaguing Him; voices of demons were taunting Him, feelings of
death overshadowed Him, but the Word of God sustained Him and delivered our Savior from succumbing to the
thoughts of the evil one.

The key to overcoming sin is to avoid temptation. This is not to say that temptation will not come upon you
unexpectedly, but we are not to willfully or knowingly enter into a position of temptation, for by so doing, God
cannot come with us and we are left to wrestle in our own strength, and of course who do you think is stronger,
us or Satan?

When we are presented with a temptation, the temptation first begins at our thoughts which then is conveyed
through the nerves to our glands, releasing hormones. The longer we dwell on the temptation, the more
stimulation we receive upon our endocrine glands, which causes more hormones to enter the blood stream, thus
increasing our desire to succumb to temptation. We need to remember the Lord’s prayer: “And lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil:” Matt.6.13

Why is it that many fall into temptation? Let’s take a look at scripture. “They on the rock are they, which,
when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, which for a while believe, and in time of
temptation fall away.” Luke.8.13. What does the root represent? It represents Gods’ law, see Isa.5.24. As was
noted earlier God writes His law in the mind and thus by His grace we are kept from being overcome and falling
into the lusts of the flesh. The promise is given however: “Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I
also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell
upon the earth.” Rev.3.10

There is a hormone in the body called Gaba (Gama amino butyric acid, also known as a neurotransmitter) which
could be more appropriately called:

Gods’ Appointed Blocking Agencies

These hormones have a profound effect upon nullifying the stimulation of the feelings of temptation. This
chemical is released upon the right action of the will, inhibiting those carnal urges that we receive that lead us
captive to the will of the Devil. The good news friends is that this chemical is available to us when we choose
to obey God over the voice of the Devil, and help is immediately given to us (!) but only when the will is
yielded to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to
man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the
temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” 1Cor.10.13. This is good news friends –
no matter how much your feelings are pulling you one way, God can through His power give you grace to
overcome. So if you want more of GABA just say ABBA (father) please help me, and the promise is yours.
“And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not
what I will, but what thou wilt.” Mark.14.36. “And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his
Son (thoughts and feelings) into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.” Gal.4.6


The pituitary gland is a small but mighty structure. Although no larger than a pea, its influence affects every
cell in the body, and plays a key role in regulating hormones.

The pituitary gland has two divisions; one is called the anterior pituitary gland or adenohypophysis, and the
other is called the posteria pituitary gland or neurohypophysis. Adeno means “gland,” and neuro means
“nervous.” The adenohypophysis has the structure of an endocrine gland, whereas the neurohypophysis has the
structure of nervous tissue. Hormones secreted by the adenohypophysis serve very different functions from
those that are released from the neurohypophysis.

The protected location of this gland suggests its importance, as it lies deeply buried in the cranial cavity, in a
small depression of the sphenoid bone that is a box – like cavity, known as the sella tursica.

Lessons from the pituitary gland: The pituitary gland can be likened to the work of Jesus, as it appears that it
receives its messages from only one source, which is the hypothalamus which can be likened to the work of the
Father, “Then answered Jesus and said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of
himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.”

However there was another agent that was used in conveying the messages to Jesus, presenting before Him the
orders of the father, and that was the Holy Spirit, “And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan,
and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,” Luke.4.1. Hormones can be likened to the workings of the Holy
Spirit, for they are sent to assist in and perform many, as well as varied tasks. We will discuss these further on
in the lesson. Again we see the role of the Godhead through the endocrine system portraying to us their work in
controlling our feelings and stimulating us into action.

Feelings: “For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was
in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.” Heb.4.15. We can praise God that He has feelings for us
and that these feelings do not change, His love is just as strong today as it was two thousand years ago. When
one becomes a born again Christian his feelings are strongly affected, his feelings become more refined and in
touch with suffering humanity, and is more sensitive to those around him. Sin dulls our feelings and hardens
our hearts towards God and others, we are admonished: “This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye
henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, Having the understanding darkened,
being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their
heart: Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with
greediness.” Eph.4.17-19

Feelings no criterion: “Bible sanctification does not consist in strong emotion. Here is where many are led into
error. They make feelings their criterion. When they feel elated or happy, they claim that they are sanctified.
Happy feelings or the absence of joy is no evidence that a person is or is not sanctified. There is no such thing as
instantaneous sanctification. True sanctification is a daily work, continuing as long as life shall last.” SL.010.

Depend not on feelings: “Many who profess sanctification are entirely ignorant of the work of grace upon the
heart. When proved and tested, they are found to be like the self-righteous Pharisee. They will bear no
contradiction. They lay aside reason and judgment, and depend wholly upon their feelings, basing their claims
to sanctification upon emotions which they have at some time experienced.” RH.1881-01-18.

Our feelings fluctuate because of the various degrees of hormone secretion, we can not have a happy flight of
feeling every moment of our life, if we see Christianity in that way we will indeed have much to stumble over.
Let us remember that the Word of God is above our feelings, even if we feel darkness around our souls at times,
let us remember that God’s Word stays the same, it alters not based upon our feelings, so let us not commit the
crime of altering it according to how we feel. At times the Devil may play with our feelings, and if we trust in
our feelings, then what have we got to hang on to? Do you think Christ felt good hanging on the cross, did He
feel perfectly accepted by His father, no, He had to fight hard against His feelings, if He had gone by His
feelings how could He had stayed up there? Let us remember too that our crosses we have to bear do not feel
good, but we do them out of love that actuates principle over impulse.

Anterior pituitary gland: The anterior pituitary gland secretes several chemicals, one of which is known as
growth hormone. This hormone as the name suggests, stimulates the body’s growth development. The Holy
Spirit is responsible for the spiritual development of our growth, “And are built upon the foundation of the
apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone; In whom all the building fitly framed
together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord: In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God
through the Spirit.” Eph.2:20-22. When is the work of growth completed by the Holy Spirit? “Till we all come
in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the
stature of the fulness of Christ:” Eph.4.13. To our finite understanding this is hard to comprehend, “As thou
knowest not what is the way of the spirit, nor how the bones do grow in the womb of her that is with child: even
so thou knowest not the works of God who maketh all.” Eccl.11.5.

POSTERIOR PITUITARY GLAND: The posterior pituitary gland releases two hormones – antidiuretic
hormone (ADH) and oxytocin. ADH accelerates the reabsorption of water from the urine in kidney tubules back
into the blood. It is the role of the Holy Spirit to prevent the water of life from being excreted from our soul.
ADH acts to decrease urine volume and is commonly known as an antidiuretic, anti–means “against,” and
diuretic-means “increasing the volume of urine excreted.” Therefore antidiuretic means “acting against an
increase in urine volume.”
The posterior pituitary hormone oxytocin is secreted by a woman’s body before and after she has a baby.
Oxytocin stimulates contraction of the smooth muscle of the pregnant uterus and is believed to initiate and
maintain labor. This is the same role that the Holy Spirit has, as He is responsible for initiating spiritual labor
that the born again Christian goes through John.3.5. Oxytocin also causes the glandular cells of the breast to
release milk into the ducts from so a baby can obtain it by sucking. This shows us the other role of the Holy
Spirit in nurturing us with the milk of the Word of God. “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the
word, that ye may grow thereby.” 1Pet.2.2.


The hypothalamus especially illustrates the role of the Father in the plan of salvation, and is directly associated
with the pituitary gland, (representative of the work of Jesus) as well as hormones (the role of the Holy Spirit).
Just as Jesus couldn’t do anything of himself, but by the father, so too does the pituitary gland (Jesus) do
nothing by itself, without the assistance of the hypothalamus (the Father) gland. The hormones that were just
discussed, oxytocin and ADH, which were released from the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, were actually
synthesized within the hypothalamus.

As well as producing oxytocin and ADH, the hypothalamus also manufactures substances called releasing and
inhibiting hormones. These substances travel to the anterior pituitary gland, and cause the release of anterior
pituitary hormones, or in some instances, actually inhibit their production and release into circulation.

The combined nervous and endocrine functions of the hypothalamus allow it to play a dominant role in the
regulation of many body functions related to homeostasis. Examples include the regulation of body
temperature, hunger and thirst. The Father regulates these functions, “They shall not hunger nor thirst; neither
shall the heat nor sun smite them (regulation of temperature): for he that hath mercy on them shall lead them,
even by the springs of water shall he guide them.” Isa.49:10. But will the Father perform these roles in the new
earth? “They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat.”


The thyroid gland is one of the glands of the endocrine system which lies outside of a body cavity. It is a small
gland weighing about 1 ounce (28 grams) and is located in the neck, just below the larynx. It is somewhat
heavier in females and becomes enlarged during menstruation and pregnancy. The gland is divided into two
lobes, a right lobe and a left lobe, each of which is about two inches in length. These lobes are connected by a
bridge called the isthmus, which is about an inch in length and width. The isthmus connects the lower two-
thirds of the lobes and covers the second and third rings of the trachea.

The thyroid gland secretes two thyroid hormones; thyroxin, and triiodothyronine, as well as the hormone
calcitonin which decreases the calcium levels in the blood It does this by first acting on the bone to inhibit its
breakdown. With less bone being resorbed, less calcium moves out of the bone into the blood, and as a result,
the concentration of calcium in the blood decreases. Calcitonin is a hormone that maintains homeostasis of
calcium concentration.

Bones as we have learnt, are representative of God’s law, and here we see that the bone is used and needed by
the blood for nourishment, as is the law of God needed to sustain and nourish us. As a Christian we are
partakers of the body of Christ, “For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.” Eph.5.30. His
flesh is His Word. (John 1.14), and it is by His Word and His law that we become part of His body.

As well as balancing calcium levels, the thyroid also, by secreting another hormone, increases the chemical
activity in your body cells to produce energy. Take a close look at this picture of the thyroid gland. Does it
look similar to an angel to you? Do not angels perform the work of increasing activity of the body (the church,
Colossians 1.18) of Christ to produce more energy for Christ's service. “And, behold, the angel of the Lord
came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise
up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands.” Acts.12:7. Does not each church have an angel as recorded
in the book of Revelation, to each one of the seven churches scattered throughout Asia? Rev.2.1. Rev.2.8.
Rev.2.12. Rev.2.18. Rev.3.1. Rev.3.7. Rev.3.14


The parathyroid glands are small glands, located upon the thyroid gland. There are usually four of them and
they secrete parathyroid hormone, (PTH).

Parathyroid hormone increases the concentration of calcium in the blood – the opposite effect of the calcitonin,
secreted by the thyroid gland. Parathyroid hormone stimulates bone-resorbing cells or osteoclasts to increase
their breakdown of the bone’s hard matrix, a process that frees the calcium stored in the matrix. The released
calcium then moves out of the bone into the blood increasing the blood’s calcium concentration. The right
balance of calcium in the blood is imperative to the life of the body; as too much calcium in the blood adversely
affects brain cells, and heart cells preventing them from functioning properly. A person becomes mentally
disturbed, and the heart may stop. However, with too little calcium in the blood, nerve cells become overactive,
sometimes to such a degree that they bombard muscles with so many impulses that the muscles go into spasms.

Calcium is a very important mineral as it helps blood clotting, bone formation, and nerve and muscle function.
We can relate this spiritually to the Holy Spirit’s work: helping the people of God (represented by cells) to unite
(clot) together, building up the law (bone), and giving messages (nerves), as well as assisting us in our works


The adrenal glands curve over the top of each kidney in the abdomen. Although it appears to be one organ, it is
actually two small glands, each weighing about 1/4 ounce (7 grams). The adrenal medulla (inner part or zona
glomerulosa) is an agent of the sympathetic nervous system and is activated by nerve impulses. The adrenal
cortex (the outer part, or zona fasciculata) is a true endocrine gland activated by adrenocorticotrophic hormone
(ACTH) sent out from the pituitary gland. The adrenal medulla secretes the catecholamines epinephrine and
norepinephrine. These hormones help the body reduce stress. When the sympathetic nervous system reacts to
intense emotions, such as fright or anger, large amounts of the hormone are released. This may cause a "fight or
flight" reaction, in which blood pressure rises, the pupils widen, and blood is shunted to the most vital organs
and to the skeletal muscles. The heart is also stimulated.

When Jacob went over Jabbok on his way back to his home land, he had an unexpected visitor that he thought
had come to take his life. He could either fight or flight. Adrenaline was secreted in his blood stream and
almost superhuman energy was put forth to wrestle with an angel. Although he failed to prevail physically he
came off more than a conqueror spiritually, and was granted the title of an overcomer. These adrenal hormones
would have been working overtime to produce the enormous amounts of strength needed to wrestle with an
angel for several hours.

The adrenal cortex secretes two hormones: cortisol and aldosterone. These hormones are known collectively as
corticosteroids. They help the body reduce stress and are essential for life. It is the Holy Spirit that helps reduce
stress in our lives which is essential to our spiritual life. “For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but
righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.” Rom.14.17.

When the body is under stress and it is not for an emergency or life threatening situation which calls for large
amounts of needed energy, it has a depressing effect upon the immune system, making it susceptible to
infections, bacterial or viral invasions. When we have not the peace of god which passeth all understanding,
which comes as a result of keeping our minds stayed on God, Isa.26.3, we become spiritually susceptible to the
invasion of sin.
Cortisol is an energy generator. It regulates conversion of carbohydrates into glucose and directs reserves to the
liver. It also suppresses inflammation. Aldosterone regulates the mineral and water balance of the body. It
prevents excessive loss of water through the kidneys and maintains the balance between sodium and potassium
in the blood stream. This balance is important to the contractility of muscles.

Some other functions of the Holy Spirit that are similar to these two hormones are that He gives us strength or
energy. “That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his
Spirit in the inner man;” Eph.3.16; which is the same function as Cortisol, and performs the same role as
Aldosterone in regulating the correct balance of the water of life in our lives.



The pancreas lies just behind the lower part of the

stomach. It is the second largest gland in the body and
is both an endocrine and an exocrine gland. Its
exocrine function is to produce digestive juices
(pancreatic juices) and release them through a tube, the
pancreatic duct, to the intestine. These islands are
microscopic clumps of cells scattered throughout the
pancreatic tissue among the other pancreatic cells, but
are concentrated somewhat in the tail of the pancreas.
There are two types of cells in the pancreatic islets:
alpha cells and beta cells. Alpha cells secrete a
hormone called glucagon, whereas beta cells secrete
one of the most famous of all hormones, commonly
known as insulin.

Insulin has the ability to decrease the blood sugar level by accelerating its movement out of the blood and into
the cells. the Word of God is likened to something sweet which is one form of Carbohydrates, “How sweet are
thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” Psa.119.103. One of the roles of the Holy
Spirit is to take the sweet Word of God and place it into the soul, like it is taken up into the cell.

When a person has a high level of sugar in the blood and is unable to produce its own natural insulin, diabetes
can result. There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. If the pancreatic islets secrete too little insulin, as
they do in type 1 (insulin dependent) diabetes mellitus, less glucose leaves the blood to enter the cells, so the
blood glucose increases, something to three or more times the normal amount. Most cases of type 2 (non –
insulin dependent) diabetes mellitus result from an abnormality of the insulin receptors, preventing the normal
effects of insulin on its target cells and thus also raising blood glucose levels.


Overlying the heart, the twin lobed thymus consists largely of developing lymphocytes. The thymus gland
influences the activities of lymphocytes in the spleen and lymph glands. The thymus produces a hormone which
stimulates antibody production in the lymphoid tissue. Lymph carries white blood cells to this organ, where
they multiply and change into special infection-fighting cells. After puberty, the thymus begins to shrink in
size. Its role in the early years of life is not fully understood. It is believed to be important in the development
of immunity.

The hormone thymosin has been isolated from the thymus tissue and is considered responsible for its endocrine
activity. Thymosin is actually a group of several hormones that together play an important role in the
development and function of the body’s immune system. Hormones produced by the thymus gland promote the
maturation of T cells, which are part of the body’s immune system.
Suppression of the immune system occurs in certain disease states and in patients who are undergoing massive
chemotherapy or radiotherapy for the treatment of cancer. Such individuals are said to be immunosuppressed
and are extremely susceptible to infections.

Have you noticed that the body has more than one line of defense against disease? This shows us that God has
more than one way to deal with sin in our lives. He has many back up plans that He uses to rid our souls of sin,
and avoid the fate of spiritual disease that results in ultimate death.

To enhance on the spiritual parallel of this gland, please refer to the immune system section.


The pineal gland is attached to the roof of the third ventricle and is covered by a capsule formed by the pia
matter and consists of masses of neuroglial cells and parenchymal secretary cells called pinealcytes. The term
Pineal means pine cone shaped, though it is hard to come to this conclusion by just looking at this picture.

The pineal gland starts to calcify at about the age of puberty, such calcium deposits are referred to as brain sand.
This doesn’t mean however that this is an evidence of atrophy, and could actually indicate increased secretive

Although many anatomical facts concerning the pineal gland have been known for many years, its physiological
function is still somewhat obscure. One hormone secreted by the pineal gland is melatonin, which appears to
inhibit reproductive activities by inhibiting gonadotropic hormones.

The physiology of a negative thought:

When a thought comes in our mind it can either come from 3 sources, God, Satan, or ourselves. Therefore it
behooves us to be on our guard as to what thoughts we do entertain in our mind, see Philippines 4.8, as a
thought diagnosis. It is very well known that our thoughts affect our feelings, as they send chemical and
electrical impulses through nerves to the endocrine system. This system is responsible for sending chemicals in
our blood stream, such as hormones to influence our feelings, and set a stage for our moods to develop.
Thoughts come before feelings, and your thoughts and feelings combined make up your moral character.

Let us take a look at what happens in your body when a negative thought is left to develop and foster. Let us
say that your spouse comes in and is upset with you as you haven’t got their dinner ready on time, and they have
got a busy schedule. “What’s wrong with you, why haven’t you got dinner ready, you lazy so and so!” Before
you know it your blood pressure has risen up about 40 points, your happy disposition has turned to a sour spirit
and anger is swelling up in you faster than they can speak abuse. Then the thought comes to you, “I’ve got a
good mind to give it to the dog!”

Those words, “You lazy so and so,” are circling around your brain, in a strong electrical current, stimulating
your endocrine glands to produce chemicals to make you feel anger. This is the critical moment, at this point
you have an option, you can either call on Jesus and claim His promise to be a partaker of His divine nature, or
you can express the sentiments of your raging soul. It is all up to you now, which way you are going to exercise
your will. You have heard the expression of “Use your will power,” but there is no such thing as getting the
victory through your own will power, for you only have the will, but God only has the power, this is true will

Let us see what is the likely scenario of a negative reaction. Since your thoughts are connected to your glands
that make you feel bad, they also our connected to your muscles that make you do bad, hence negative thoughts
lead to negative feelings, lead to negative actions. You neglect to pray at this time, or claim a divine promise,
and Satan is on ground to help give you some words now to speak, “If you don’t like it you can lump it!!!,” you
speak in a hasty retreat. Now instead of overcoming evil with good, it has just added more fuel to the fire,
creating an explosive reaction in your spouse., with a greater degree of negative thoughts stimulating more
destructive hormones being released into the blood stream. Instead of making them sorry for the wrong they
have said, they only justify themselves with their original statement and become more aggressive in their
accusations. Let’s know travel in the brain and look at what is taking place physiologically.

The heart rate and the strength of cardiac muscle contraction increase, maybe to tighten your fist, or a few facial
expressions . At the same time blood vessels supplying the skeletal muscles and tension of the muscles sets in
and brain undergo dilation to allow you to come up with quick accusations and clever interrogational skills. The
spleen contacts and discharges stored blood into the general circulation to provide additional blood, to replace
any that may be last if a piece of cutlery hits an unexpected target. The liver transforms large amounts of stored
glycogen into glucose and releases it into the bloodstream. The glucose is broken down by the active cells to
provide the energy needed to meet the opponents arguments as backing down would cause too many shameful
chemicals to be released. Sweat production increases especially for the one who is in the losing side of the
quarrel. This response helps lower body temperature, which is elevated as circulation increases alone with vocal
increases. The rate of breathing increases, as the defender of self needs to speak faster to beat the other person
into submission and cut down their allegations, and the respiratory passageways along with nasal passages
widen to accommodate more air and to look more threatening.

It is easier to stop a negative thought in the early stages than it is to let it develop into a strong chain that cannot
be broken until you are broken for denying the one who would have given you the victory. The Bible says: “Let
this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:” Phil.2.5. And how do we get that mind? “Whereby are
given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature
(the divine mind), having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.” 2Pet.1.4.

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