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Siddhartha: "The Brahmin's Son" (1-9)

Research and define the following terms (some are Buddhist terms, some
are people/objects, and some are regular vocabulary words).
Brahmin: a socially/culturally superior person, member of the first class
Om: most scared and mystic syllable, is at the beginnings and endings of
prayers and texts
Art of contemplation & meditation: deeply reflecting at something for a long
time; techniques that encourage and develop concentration, clarity,
emotional positivity, and a calm seeing of the true nature of things
Atman: inner selves spiritually soul
Avaricious: being extremely greedy for wealth or things
All-Radiant: ultimate place where human becomes a god
Atonement: repairing a wrong
Emanating: to originate from or proceed, to send forth
Rig-Veda: Most important and oldest sacred books of the Hindus
Discontent: someone who is dissatisfied or unhappy
Suffice: to be enough, meet the needs of
Ablutions: cleansing of ones body
Supplication: prayer or request for help
Prajapati: translates to lord of people", which is a group of Hindu deities
presiding over procreation and protection of life
Transient: momentarily variation, lasting for a short amount of time
Upanishads of Sama-Veda: series of Hindu sacred treatises written in Sanskrit
Sages: is an aromatic plant which is use as a culinary herb
Insatiable: not being able to satisfy a desire
Discourses: a debate or written/spoken communication
Chandogya-Upanishads: one of the oldest Upanishads, a Sanskrit text
Satya: Sanskrit word for truth, a virtue in Indian religions; being truthful in
one's thought
Banyan tree: Indian fig tree whose branches produce aerial roots
Samanas: "wandering ascetics", a group of severe wanderers
Ascetics: someone who practices abstention and severe self-discipline
Undeviating: to show no deviation, to be constant and steady
Resignation: to retire or to give up on something
Bast (mat made of): fibrous material from phloem of a plant, used as fiber in
Disillusionment: feeling disappointed from the discovery that something is
not as good as one believed it would
Benumbed: physical or emotional feeling of being deprived
Pilgrim: someone who travels to a sacred place for religious reasons

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