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~A Twist in Time~


When Bella is out hunting by herself, she runs into a

vampire, Leo. Leo like the others is a vegetarian
vampire. His gift, which Bella finds out about, is
unusual. Bella finds out herself what it is the hard
way. His gift sends Bella’s spirit back in time to her
old human body. She finds herself restarting her life
at the point of meeting Edward again, and seeing her
father again. She is going to see how it all started by
her own perspective, but is this a gift, or a

Chapter 1
Have I ever mentioned I love running? Well I do; right now I’m on
one of my annual hunting trips. I left everybody at home and came
alone like I usually did. Whenever I do this, I head straight towards my
secret place, only I know about it. I use the space as a place to think,
why would I do that? I think about my new and old life, I think about
the complicated things and the funny things. I think about everything
and everyone.

Ahead I could see the small opening leading me into my place.

It’s always so peaceful and calming. The best part is it’s magnificent.
The trees all caved into the middle, making a small circle at the top,
which shined in light and gives you a chance to the see the sky. Right
in the middle of the area is a log, which is where I sit down.

I place my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands. I close

my eyes and let my mind drift off. I start thinking about Edward...

Edward, my husband, lover, best friend, and soul-mate, I miss

him right now. Leaving him for and hour is hard enough. I have already
been gone and hour and a half, and I haven’t even started hunting yet,
my eyes were black, I checked in the mirror before I left. I love Edward
so much, I mad that he thinks I’m too good for him; it’s always the
other way around. Ever since that first day of Forks High school at the
biology table, I would tell myself that he is too good for me.

Now I think I should tell him that we are even. We love each
other enough to give each other a daughter, a beautiful daughter, a
married daughter.

Renesmee is finally getting married to my best friend, Jacob

Black. I wasn’t quite sure what to think of them dating a year ago but I
got past that. He told me one day that he is unconditionally and
irrevocably in love with her. Something about those words sounded
familiar. I gave into them Edward was harder...


“Edward, they love each, why aren’t you letting them confess
it. Remember when we were in love?”

“That’s different, she is 5 he is 23. Do you see where I am

going with this?”

I groaned and slapped him on the shoulder.

“Edward you know she has the appearance of a 17 year old

and the knowledge of a 32 year old! What if Carlisle told you
that you couldn’t love me because of our age difference?! Face
it our little girl is growing up.”

“I don’t want to face it though.” He sighed but his eyes told

me he was defeated. I smiled and hugged him around the

“Let them love, Edward, just let them do this on their own.”

“Fine but if that mutt does anything to hurt Renesmee...”

“I know, I know.” I kissed him on the lips passion ably.

End Flasback~

They were so happy... I thought to myself. My eyes snapped

open and my head jerked to the right. The scent of an unknown
vampire was in the air. If I didn’t catch it, the snap of the twig would
have given it away. I crouched into my fighting stance. I hope Alice is
seeing this...

A man stepped out of the trees and into my place. His hair was a
dirty blonde color and his body structure was quite large, larger than
Emmett’s which scared me.

I opened my shield to call for Edward, though he was to far away

probably. Come on Alice, see the future... I need help. I looked at his
eyes and froze in shock; he was one of us, a vegetarian.

“Hello.” He smiled at my and raised his hands in the air as an ‘I

come in peace’ gesture. I stood up from my crouched position and
looked at him. He was wearing hiking clothes.

“Hi, can I help you?” I asked politely, even though I was irritated
that he disturbed me.

“I was coming by to visit the all famous Cullen’s. Vegetarians like

me; I caught your scent and found you here. How rude of me, my
name is Leo.” He walked over and extended his hand, I shook it, and
he had a tight grip.

“Bella Cullen. Why have you come to look for us?” I replied and

“I came because there are not many of our kind of vampires and
I was interested, Bella.” He smiled at me and I couldn’t help but smile
back. He reminded me of Charlie, my dad. I frowned and looked to the

“Sorry, you just remind me a lot of my father. He died two years

ago, after having a heart attack...” I sighed and looked back up at him.
When I heard about Charlie’s death I ran from everybody and found
this place, that’s why it’s a secret and it’s special.

“I’m sorry Bella that must have been terrible. Are you a new
born?” He looked at me in question and in pity.

“I was made 6 years ago. I have the power to shield mental

attacks.” I don’t know why I added that last piece, but he smiled

“Fascinating, I can send people’s spirits back in time and place

them in their old body. I have tried it only once.” His eyes turned
dangerous, I took a step back and he responded with a step forward.” I
would like to try it again on you. Think of it as a gift.” He smiled at me
and very fast he grabbed my arm, I couldn’t get out of his grasp. I
struggled but it didn’t work. I started filling dizzy.

To the north I could hear footsteps getting closer.

“Let me go or you will have to deal with my family.” I stated, he

only grinned at me and his eyes glazed over. His other hand grabbed
my arm and this time I could feel it, it hurt. I whimpered, and closed
my eyes, I was getting very tired. I lost the feeling in my legs and he
held me up with the grip on my arms.

“Bella! Get off of her!” I heard the wind rush by and Leo’s grip on
me disappeared. I fell to the ground, and I couldn’t move.

“Mom!” I heard Renesmee call to me. I felt myself being lifted.

“Renesmee?” I whispered and tried with all of my might to open

my eyes and succeeded. I saw a pair of chocolate brown eyes and a
pair of golden ones. “Edward?”

“Yes love. I’m right here. Stay with me, don’t go.” He demanded
but it was thick with pain. My eyesight started getting fuzzy and I
started blinking. He gasped,”Your eyes are...they are human again.”

I closed them and I couldn’t open them again. This time I faded
out and got lost in the world of colors.
Chapter 2
The colors started making sense after a while, but they weren’t
really colors they were memories, my memories. It showed me giving
birth to Renesmee, me and Edward’s honeymoon, the wedding, the
newborns... they kept going and going.

My memories started slowing down when they reached me

meeting Edward, and landed on me sleeping the day before my first
day of school. I realized I was being sucked in and I landed in my old
human body. The next I knew I was waking up.

I looked around my old room. I was scared, terrified, even though

I knew where I was I felt lost. I started crying, what was happening?
Was I supposed to relive my whole experience of moving to Forks?

I ran down the stairs, tripping on the last step, and ran to the
kitchen. Now I remember how clumsy I was. Right when I stepped in
the kitchen, one man was sitting at the table. Charlie...

“Dad!” I screamed and gave him a huge hug. He jumped at the

sound of my voice. Charlie was wearing his police uniform, he looked
like he was about to go.

“Good Morning Bella.” He chuckled and gave me a quick hug.

“Are you ready for your first day of school?” He smiled up at me, and
looked at him in shock. My answer upstairs was answered; yes I was
going to relive my Forks experience.

I knew one thing was for certain, I was the only one who knew.
“Y-Yeah Dad, I’m all set, I’m going to get ready.” I told him
stuttering. I knew, or hoped at least one person knew what was
happening. Alice.

“Ok, I’m leaving, have fun!” With that my dad left the house to
work. This was just perfect, my perfect life gets ruined by a stupid
vampire and here I am stuck in the past.

I went upstairs to get dressed, and then I quickly got in my car

and drove to my family’s house, with the family that probably knew
nothing about me.

“I miss you Edward, so much.” Then it hit me. “Renesmee...” I

whispered and the tears burst out of me, I might never see my
daughter again. I need to fix, I will see her again.

Minutes later I saw the familiar driveway and I turned onto it,
driving slowly, since I wasn’t indestructible anymore. Finally, I saw the
big, white house as glorious as ever. Please be here...

I got out of the truck and walked up the front steps, running
through plans in my mind of things to say if they don’t recognize me. I
knocked quietly, but surely they heard me. Seconds later the door
opened and there stood Esme.

I used all my strength not to run over to her and grab her in a big
hug. She smiled at me and I smiled right on back.

“Hello dear, what can I do for you?” She asked as sweetly as

ever, the thing that bothered me the most was that she didn’t know
me. I looked down frowning.

“C-Can I s-speak to Alice please? I asked her trembling, I chanted

to myself for her to be here. She gave me an appeasing look, and then
she turned her head around to look back inside of the house.

“Alice dear, someone is here to see you!” She yelled into the
house, though I knew she didn’t need to. I smiled internally, she was

“Yes mom? Oh hello...” She was very bouncy even now, but once
she looked into my eyes, hers glazed over. Maybe this will be easier
than I thought. She looked at me coming back to the present. “Isabella,
am I right?”

Or maybe not...
“Call me Bella. Can I speak to you please?” I asked her, no
matter what I am going tell Alice everything.

“Sure thing Bella, follow me.” She smiled and I walked with her
to the kitchen. She looked at me once and nodded for me to speak. I
didn’t know if I could, somebody was bound to overhear.

“Can I borrow a piece of paper and a pen? I asked her, I am

going to right it down for her. She gave me a weird look and opened
the cabinet and took both of them out. I grabbed them and started

Alice, I know your family can hear us, even if you

whisper, can we please talk in private?

By the time I was finished she was gaping at me. I mouthed

please to her and she grabbed my hand with her ice cold ones and led
me outside, far way from the house. She turned around and looked
deep into my eyes. She nodded for me to continue.

“Ok, this may sound weird Alice, but I’m from the future, and I
don’t belong here. I need help, and I don’t know what to do. I lost my
Husband, sisters and brothers, daughter, parents, and nobody
remembers me. Please Alice, I need your help.” I rushed all of it out
and looked down at my watch I had 25 minutes till school starts.

Great, school....

“U-uh, um I don’t know what you’re talking about. How did you
know that my family can hear us? Who are you?” She stuttered, if I
wasn’t so lost and alone right now, I would have giggled.

“I am going to tell you everything I know. I know you are

vampires that drink animal blood not humans, you are in love to
Jasper. Your brother’s names are Emmett and E-Edward, your sister is
Rosalie. Rosalie loves Emmett, and Carlisle and Esme are your adopted
parents.” I told her all of that really fast. I was probably used to it
because of how fast I could talk when I was a vampire.

I realized Alice expression was turning to horror with each word I

said. She opened her mouth, and then she closed it.

“Look to the future Alice, you know it is true.” I told her.

“How do you know all of that? Why didn’t I see this? Like I said,
who are you?” She was actually frightened of me.

“My name is Isabella Marie Swan... Cullen. I’m married to

Edward...” I looked to her, it was hard to spit that out but it worked. My
eyes which have started watering were now falling down my face in a
silent movement. Her eyes were open in amazement.

“If your last name is, or is going to be Cullen, than that means...”
Her eyes opened wide as she trailed off. I finished it off for her.

“It means that we are sisters.” I mumbled the last part and her
eyes zeroed in on my face. “Alice, I have this feeling that you can’t tell
anyone that I know. I have to find a way out of this. I just need help.” I
looked at her, hope written all over my face.

“The only thing I can tell you Bella is that you pretend that you
are you. Do the same things that you did when you lived like this
before. I will help you Bella, what are sisters for.” She smiled at me and
I started a fresh new wave of tears. I jumped over to her and hugged
her with all my might.

“Thank- you Alice, so much. I just want to go home...” I wiped my

eyes and we started heading back. She led me towards my truck, and I
whispered to her to keep it out of her head. She laughed at gave me

“Don’t worry Bella; my brother will be listening to the tunes of

the 80’s all day.” She winked at me and I giggled for the first time
since I appeared here.

I drove off to school, knowing that there will be someone there

for me now. I went straight to the front office and got my slip, and got
ready to face my classmates. It’s going to be weird that I know who
everyone is. I’ll just play dumb.

All morning I kept correcting people on my name. I liked seeing

everybody again. Even Jessica, though now that I knew here correctly, I
could read her intentions about me.

By the time lunch came I was almost hyperventilating. This is the

first time I saw Edward. I stopped outside of the cafeteria doors, scared
to enter.
Angela looked at me confused. I nodded for her to continue, and
told her I would meet her in their. After about 2 minutes of taking deep
breaths, I walked into the cafeteria.

I looked for them right away; it was quite easy to spot them. I
could feel Alice’s gaze on me, but only one person held my complete

Edward was sitting down at their table looking at the windows,

but obviously feeling my gaze he turned around.

He looked directly at me; he had a frustrating look on his. I

smirked because he couldn’t read my mind. At least I know he doesn’t
hate me.

I giggled, and almost smiled really big at him, but I stopped

myself. With all of my self control, I looked away.

I to the lunch line and since I ate nothing this morning, I grabbed
a slice of pizza, an apple, and a coke. I paid for my meal and walked
towards the table where all my old or new friends were.

I took the chance and shot a glance at their table. It felt so weird
that I wasn’t sitting with them, like there was an invisible rope pulling
me to them. I caught Alice’s gaze and she winked at me. I looked down
and smiled.

“Oh that’s the Cullen’s and the Hale’s.” I heard Jessica tell me. I
looked over at her and smirked. It reminded me of my first day here
before when Jessica told me all about them.

She kept telling me there names and who’s related, and whose
dating. I was about to tell her that I already know everything about
them, but-remembering where and when I was-I stopped myself.

By the time she got to Edward, she was talking about him being
gorgeous, but nobody here being good enough for him. I smiled to
myself and looked over at them again, no Jessica, at least not yet.

I was about to rip her throat out. I was beyond jealous that girls
were looking at him like that. I told myself to breathe and get over it.

Finally it was time to go. Thinking this I really just wanted to go

home. To my Edward and Renesmee, Alice, Emmett, Jasper, Jacob,
Rosalie, Carlisle, Esme.
And I definitely wanted to go back to I could kick Leo’s butt for
getting me in this mess.

I realized that I had Biology II with Edward. I smiled and blushed,

since I got to sit right next to him. I remember last he kept glaring at
me. I can fix that, I grinned evilly to myself.

I almost forgot Mike was walking with me-or showing me the

way-until he asked me a question.

“Do you know the Cullen’s? You kept looking over at them and
you had a look in your eye that told me you knew them from
somewhere...?” He looked over at me with a look of knowledge. I
flushed and looked down at my shoes.

“No, I was just interested in them. They are really unusual.” I

lied, though I was much better at it now. He looked like he believed it
and let it go.

We walked the rest of the way there in silence. I sped into the
classroom expectantly.

I handed my slip to Mr. Banner and of course he put me right by

Edward. Perfect.

“Hello Edward.” I smiled to him than I sat down and placed my

hair behind my ear. Last time and hid behind it. I peeked at him and he
was looking at me, but he wasn’t glaring. I chuckled and turned my
attention to Mr. Banner.

I wonder if this is what it feels like to start school over and over
again. I was aware of the sounds of Edward gripping the table to hard. I
looked over at him and mouthed relax. He stared at me confused.

Crap, I thought to myself, now he knows something is up.

“Do I know you?” His velvet voice asked me. I smiled internally.

“Not yet.” I turned my attention back to the board. Even though I

wasn’t looking at him, but I could feel the annoyance and confusion
rolling off of him.

When the bell rang I was expecting him to get up and speed out
of the classroom but he surprised by pulling me back from leaving.
“Yes Edward?”

“I don’t know why I am doing this, but-” He paused looking me

over.”-I need to know what is going on. There is something you are
hiding.” He spoke with so much authority. I groaned and muttered to

“It wasn’t supposed to happen this way...” I ran my fingers

through my hair and turned around.

“What isn’t supposed to happen this way? What are you talking
about?” He was glaring at me now. This is just great; I made up my
mind and turned around.

“I will tell you and your whole family afterschool, ok? I will meet
you at your house. You are still so stubborn.” I muttered the last part
to myself, but I could see he caught it. I turned and started walking to

Chapter 3
It started raining so I slipped a few times while I was racing to
get to the gym. Once there they gave me outfit and told me I didn’t
have to workout today.

The whole time during gym though I couldn’t stop thinking about
that huge mistake I made. How am I supposed to tell him and the rest
of the family? I could barely tell Alice.

I could feel the stares of my classmates on me, but I ignored


At the end of Gym, I grabbed my bag and started walking to the

office to turn in my papers. The lady saw the look on my face and
didn’t ask any questions. I didn’t know what to expect when I walked
out to the parking lot.
Edward’s Volvo was still in the parking lot along with my truck.
Everybody else was already gone. I sighed and started walking over to
my vehicle and I jumped.

Standing beside my truck was all the Cullen’s. I looked towards

Edward and gave him a death stare.

“I meant at your house Edward, not in the middle of a parking

lot.” I scowled at him at glanced at Alice.

“Here is fine. I need to know what you mean by I haven’t met

you yet. I barely know you.” He exasperated breaking my stare away
from Alice.

My eyes started to water when he said I barely know you. I

sucked up a big gust of air.

“I will speak to everyone your h-house Edward. Carlisle and Esme

need to be there too. This involves everyone.” I start walking towards
my door. “I know the way.” I opened it up and I could see them already
starting up there vehicle.

“Damn it.” I moaned, not caring if they heard me. I hope this
doesn’t have any effect in the future. Something in me was yelling at
me. This feels like a bad idea.

I quickly backed out and left with them trailing behind me. I
looked in the review mirror at Edward’s face it was irritated by my slow
driving. I rolled my eyes at him.

It may have taken 10 minutes to get there but it felt like 10

seconds. I was so worried by what they would think of me after this.
‘Hey I’m from the future! I’m your lost sibling! I was a vampire!’ Ugh!
Leo, you are so dead to me...

When the white house came into view I turned off the engine and
stepped out of the car. I felt someone loop there arm through mine.

“Don’t worry I’m here for you. They won’t think you’re too crazy.
I already have seen the outcome.” She giggled and pulled me through
the front door. She steered me towards the living room and sat me
down on the long couch.

I turned around and could see Emmett and Rosalie take a seat in
the love seat, Jasper sat next to Alice who was sitting by me and
Edward stood near the wall on the other side of the room. He had one
hand over his mouth, his eyes held hunger.

I gave him a look with apologies in my eyes. This surprised him

and he took his hand away. Carlisle and Esme entered the room last
and saw my glance at Edward.

“Now that everybody is here, explain. From all the 80’s music I’m
hearing, I’m guessing you know about this, Alice?” I looked to Alice and
whispered to her.

“Sorry I got you into this mess.” She smiled in comfort. I looked
up and I held my gaze with each one of them.

“My name is Isabella Marie Swan-“I was interrupted by Edward.

“Yes we know your name already.” I glared at him and


“My name is Isabella Marie Swan… Cullen.” I started again this

time everybody looked at me in shock.

“How is that possible? I don’t understand where you are going

with this.” Carlisle said, looking confused and shocked.

“I know everything about you. All of you are vampires, but you
don’t drink human blood, you drink the blood of animals. Alice and
Jasper are married, as well as Rosalie and Emmett, Carlisle and Esme,
and Edward and...” I trailed off and looked down at my lap. I could feel
the tears silently rolling down my face.

“Edward? Who is married to Edward?” Emmett asked cautiously, I

looked to him and then to Edward.

“Me, except it hasn’t happened yet. I’m from the future, well at
least my spirit is-“

“WHAT? So you are saying you and I are married in the future.
That’s crazy!” He yelled and I flinched into Alice.

“It’s true Edward.” Alice muttered by my side. I looked up at her

with a silent thank you.

“Let her prove it then. Prove that you are from the future!” He
said calming down. I didn’t know he hated me this much.
I stood up and glared at him through my tears.” Fine! I will give
you proof. There is an old cottage out there that will be our house
when we get married, Esme has refurbished it and it was like my own
little fairytale. Our honeymoon was on Isle Esme. If I didn’t say
anything to you in biology than you would have left to Denali!” I
screamed the last part out.

Everybody in the room gasped and looked at Edward.

“She has to be telling you the truth son, nobody knows about the
island but us.” Esme stated looking at Edward.

Suddenly, I felt the atmosphere change. I looked around, but my

eyes landed on Edward.

“What the-“He was cut off by some unseen current.

He looked at me and blinked. He then closed his eyes and

grabbed hold of the wall. Then he let out a big gust of air and he
almost lost his balance.

Everybody looked at him worried at what was happening, as was

I. He then stood up straighter and opened his eyes searching. He
locked gazes with me and smiled.

“Bella,” He sighed and I looked at him like he was crazy; that

was not the response I was looking for. “I made Leo bring me back too
and I landed right here.” I gasped and ran to him. He came back in
time to find me.

When I got to him our lips met and my world came back together
again, at least part of it did.

Chapter 4
“Will somebody please tell me what is going on!?” Emmett yelled
at us.

Edward and I chuckled and pulled apart from each other.

“You are still the same Emmett.” He looked at everyone’s
expressions then looked down at me. I smiled at him then it faltered.

“I thought I was never going to see you again, well the future you
at least. I thought I was stuck in the past.” I started cry and Edward
hugged me tight to his chest.

“I’m here love, I’m here.” He comforted me. When I calmed down
I looked over at everybody and started explaining.

“When I was out on one of my annual hunting trips by myself-“I

got interrupted by Carlisle.

“You are vampire Bella?” Carlisle asked

“Yes I got changed 3 days before my 19 birthday.” He nodded

wishing me to continue. “I was at my secret place where I think about
everything and everyone when a vampire named Leo found me. I told
him things about myself and when he told me his power. He told me he
was going to try it on me. He grabbed me and he was really strong,
stronger then you Emmett, sorry.” I saw Emmett grimace and I

“His power is to send a persons spirit to their past self and let
them relive that part of their life. When he was sending me, it felt like I
was sleeping, I became unconscious but I turned into a human.

“I then came here looking for Alice hoping she would have seen
this, but I told her anyways. Then I said something to past Edward that
gave me away. Now I’m here.”

The whole room was silent; I looked up at Edward, who was

looking down at me.

“They are taking it all in, give them a mo-“He stopped suddenly
and looked at Alice. “Renesmee” he told her, I jumped at her name,
and glanced between the two of them. Alice face was shocked and
Edwards face was smiling.

“Renesmee? Who’s that?” Jasper asked it was the first time I

heard him speak. I looked at him and answered for Edward.

“Your niece Jasper,” I smiled at him and I didn’t know that the
room could get any quieter, but it did.
I decided to tell them about her after about 5 minutes.

“Renesmee is my biological daughter, Edward is her father. She

would h-have been turning 6 in about a month.” My voice started
trembling and I took a deep breath.

“How is that possible? Our kind cannot have children.” Rosalie

asked interested and shocked.

“Female vampires can’t, but men...” I looked up at Edward and

remembered when I found out. ”When I found out that I was pregnant,
everybody wanted to get rid of her. In time you will see. I think I have
already said too much.”

I bite my lip and looked at everybody. I wanted to hold her in my

arms so badly. I just wanted to forget about this whole situation.

“Edward, what did Leo say? How do we get back to our time?”

He looked thoughtful, like he was trying to remember something.

“We have to be in the same room as our bodies and we have to

close our eyes and picture ourselves back in the future.” He said

I started bouncing, and then I froze. Charlie.... I wouldn’t see him

again after this.

“There is one thing I want to do before we leave. I want to say

good-bye to Charlie.” I looked up at him.

He looked into my eyes and replied with a bunch of love. ”Of

course love, I will be waiting right here.” He then gave me a kiss and I
walked out the front door.

I was finally getting out of here. Not that I didn’t love where I
started, it’s just right now, I rather be where I ended.

I smiled as I drove home. Charlie cruiser was in the front of the

house, I stared at it for a long time before getting out and walking
through the front door. Charlie was in the living room watching

“Hey Bells, I was wondering when you would get back.” He

smiled at me and I came to sit right next to him.
This was it and I wasn’t ready. I looked away wiping the tears
away from my eyes. I hope he doesn’t think any of it now. I looked
back to my dad and got ready to spill out all of my hurt, pain, sadness,
misery, and love.
Chapter 5

I stared at my father’s face. His head was turned watching the

television. I opened my mouth to speak, and then I closed it again.

I repeated this for a full minute before I finally kept it open. What
came out of my mouth surprised me.

“Are you hungry dad?” I asked him, mentally slapping myself. He

turned away from the game with a crinkly eyed smile.

“No, it’s alright. I ate already, thanks Bells.” He looked back to

the television, unaware of my tortured expression.

I got up from the couch and wandered over to the stairs. Slowly I
climbed them, one at a time. My vision was blurring and by the time I
got to my bedroom I was stumbling.

I closed the door, and when I heard the click of the door I burst
into sobs. I couldn’t believe myself. I couldn’t do.

I was mentally cursing myself until a pair of cold arms had me in

their arms. He carried me over to my old bed and laid me down.

“It’s alright love, it’s alright.” He kept chanting this to me until I

could see past my tears and my heartbeat returned back to normal.

“I couldn’t do it Edward. I looked at him and something broke. I

can’t leave him yet.” I looked up at Edward and I knew he couldn’t
resist my tear covered eyes.

“We can stay here as long as you like. I won’t make you leave.”
He comforted me to the best of my advantaged.

“No Edward, I need you to go back. Renesmee needs you right

now. I will be back soon.” He opened his mouth to protest. “Please
Edward,” I whispered to him.

He knew I was right. His eyes looked defeated. I smiled up at him

and he kissed my nose.
“Ok sweetheart. Your right, we can’t leave Renesmee without
both of her parents.” He raised an eyebrow before he finished. “I know
you are vampire then, but you are human right now and you are not
indestructible.” I grimaced at him. I have to live with overprotective
Edward again.

“I love you Edward.”

“As I love you,” he whispered.

After we said our goodbyes he tucked me into my bed and sung

me my lullaby that he used to sing to me when I was human. I smiled
at the memory and found myself drifting to unconsciousness.

I couldn’t say I was dreaming because this wouldn’t be


I was looking at Carlisle, Renesmee, and Alice, They appeared to

be staring at two bodies; it was Edward and I.

Renesmee was silently crying when she saw Edward move. She
gasped and looked at his face. He was blinking and sitting up.

“Daddy!” she threw her arms around him and Edward put an arm
around her, giving her a hug. I realized the room was very crowded
now. Nobody even saw me, I wonder if they could.

Leo-who was standing in the doorway-was staring me. I took that

as a yes.

I looked back to everybody who were sighing, grateful he has

woken up.

Renesmee was staring at my body, expecting me to wake up too.

I started crying when she started yelling for me to wake up.

“Mom! Mom, wake up! Why isn’t she waking up!?” Everybody
was staring at my body, and then they all looked up at Edward.

“I found her; of course, she was there in the house, yelling at me

if I might add. I told her I knew how to get back, but she wanted to tell
Charlie bye first.” He looked down and finished speaking looking down
at his shoes.
“She couldn’t do it, and she asked me to come back. She told me
she was going to stay with a few more days before she came back.” He
looked into Renesmee’s eyes in apology.

I looked at everybody and they were staring at him in shock and


“I’m sorry, I had too.” I spoke causing everybody’s heads to snap

in my direction. I was still crying and looking at my family in sadness.

“Mom!” Renesmee cried and ran over to me. I didn’t know what
to expect but she ran right through me. It kind of tickled.

She walked around me this time, eyes wide. I smiled at her, I

missed her so much.

“I miss you so much baby.” I didn’t know what she was

expecting, but her eyes widened even more over my appearance. I
looked so much different.

“You look so pretty.” She smiled at me and I couldn’t help but

smile back.

“I told you so.” I looked up at Edward and he also smiled, but his
eyes held confusion.

“I thought I was dreaming, apparently this is my dream. I feel

kind of weird. I thinking I’m waking up, I love all of you so much.” The
whole time I felt my vision fading and I heard voices calling me back
but I was already waking up.

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