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The West has been supporting Israeli attacks and aggression for so long that

it is now time for them to re-assess the situation. To board a ship carrying
humanitarian aid in international waters is clearly an act of aggression and a
violation of international law.
Sanctions should be imposed on Israel by the international community. Let
them feel what it is to have no access to food, medicine and international
support. It is not possible for any country on this globe to live cut off from
the rest of the world.
What can unarmed civilians especially aid workers do to harm Israel? It is
clear that the Israelis are paranoid about everything. No wonder they are
living on edge, having to be alert every second of the day. Their children and
grandchildren will continue to suffer because of the stubborn aggressive
stance of their parents and grandparents.
But the Israelis brought that on by themselves and they themselves are to
blame for whatever is happening to them. It is time for the Israelis to sit
down with the Palestinians and to seriously start negotiations on the method
of solving their differences.
To live in peace with their neighbors is not only positive for themselves but
also for their children and grandchildren. Violence only creates more
violence. I am starting to sympathize with Hamas and Hezbollah.
If the Israelis continue their acts of aggression, no country will sympathize
with them. They will be isolated and treated like pariahs. To usurp
Palestinian lands and then colonize and mistreat their hosts is an
unjustifiable and criminal act.
The international community should take concrete measures and put a stop
to Israeli military aggression and acts of violence once and for all.

A marketer can rarely satisfy everyone in a market. Not everyone likes

the same soft drink, automobile, college, and movie. Therefore, marketers
start with market segmentation. They identify and prole distinct groups of
buyers who might prefer or require varying products and marketing mixes.
Market segments can be identied by examining demographic,
psychographic, and behavioral differences among buyers. The rm then
decides which segments present the greatest opportunitythose whose
needs the rm can meet in a superior fashion. For each chosen target
market, the firm develops a market offering. The offering is positioned in the
minds of the target buyers as delivering some central benefit(s). For
example, Volvo develops its cars for the target market of buyers for whom
automobile safety is a major concern. Volvo, therefore, positions its car as
the safest a customer can buy.
Traditionally, a market was a physical place where buyers and sellers
gathered to exchange goods. Now marketers view the sellers as the industry
and the buyers as the market (see Figure 1-1). The sellers send goods and
services and communications (ads, direct mail, e-mail messages) to the
market; in return they receive money and information (attitudes, sales
A global industry is one in which the strategic positions of competitors in
major geographic or national markets are fundamentally affected by their
overall global positions. Global rmsboth large and smallplan, operate,
and coordinate their activities and exchanges on a worldwide basis.
Today we can distinguish between a marketplace and a marketspace. The
market- place is physical, as when one goes shopping in a store;
marketspace is digital, as when one goes shopping on the Internet. E-

commerce business transactions conducted on-linehas many advantages

for both consumers and businesses, including convenience, savings,
selection, personalization, and information. For example, on-line shopping is
so convenient that 30 percent of the orders generated by the web site of
REI, a recreational equipment retailer, is logged from 10 P.M. to 7 A.M.,
sparing REI the expense of keeping its stores open late or hiring customer
service representatives. However, the e-commerce marketspace is also
bringing pressure from consumers for lower prices and is threatening
intermediaries such as travel agents, stockbrokers, insurance agents, and
traditional retailers. To succeed in the on-line marketspace, marketers will
need to reorganize and redene themselves.

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