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KINES 65.003

Spring 2017
M,W,F 11:15-12:05pm Rec Hall
Instructor: Erin Raupers, M.S. Assistant Director - Health Promotion & Wellness | University
Health Services
Office hours:
201 Student Health Center | by appointment only
Course Fees:

$80.00 -1 Heart Rate Monitor and 2 Fitness Assessments, 1 Cholesterol

Course Description:
Kinesiology 065 introduces students to the performance of jogging as a lifelong activity that
helps maintain and enhance physical fitness and overall wellness. KINES65 is designed for
students who would like to establish or advance a jogging or running program. The course
emphasizes safe and healthy progression of exercise, and serves as an outlet for those who
would like to experience exercise training for a variety of reasons.
Course Expectations:
The contents of this syllabus are a contract between instructors and students. Take the objectives
and grading seriously, this will determine your grade. Your instructor is responsible for providing
feedback on quizzes & tests in a timely manner as to make students aware of current grades and
avoid any inconsistencies between student-instructor expectations. The course content is to
provide a deeper knowledge base of cardiovascular training in the jogging form. The course
expectation is for you to meet each course objective, leaving this class knowing more than when
you entered. Penn State school issued valid I.D. is required at each class. Be sure to have it with
you when entering Rec Hall. You could be denied access to building without I.D.
Course Objectives/Content:
Students will identify the components of fitness
Students will understand how to design a safe and effective fitness jogging program
Students will develop an understanding and implement goal setting
Students will track their progress utilizing various assessment techniques
Students will become familiar with training intensity/duration
Students will learn how proper nutrition/fluid intake contribute to overall fitness
Students will understand stretching/flexibility and its role in a fitness program
Students will recognize proper running mechanics
Students will perform and experience proper warm-up and cool-down techniques
Students will practice safety while jogging
35 points
Quiz (2 total)
15 points
Goal Setting/Training Plan 7 points
Nutrition Diary
3 points
Jogging Tests (3 total)
10 points
Jogging Log
20 points
Fitness Assessments (2) 10 points
100 points
The following grading scale will be used to determine final grades:




<60 or more than 6 absences

This is an activity class. Daily participation is mandatory. Daily grades will be dependent
upon five variables: promptness, participation, proper attire (clothing, HR monitor, etc.),
attitude, and effort (measured by heart rate achieved, RPE, physical signs of stress); you
will achieve all-or-none credit for each of the variables. Jogging log and use of your heart
rate monitor are required. Up to 2.5 points per class may be deducted at the instructors
discretion for non-compliance. Arriving >5 minutes late for class may result in point
penalties. In KPAP courses, three lates (> 5 min) equals an absence. You will be
made aware if deductions in points are made. Students are limited to 3 absences. Five
points will be deducted for each additional absence up to a total of 6 absences.
Additional absences will result in a recommendation to drop the course as the participation
grade will reach 0. Non-participation for more than one-third of the activity-based
course will result in a zero for the participation portion of the course, as fitness
cannot be made-up and the risk of injury may escalate. Absences include most
reasons for missing class, including, but not limited to, sleeping, illness, scheduling
conflicts, varsity sports, Thon participation, napping, etc. The student is responsible for
gaining any material that may have been missed. If a student needs to miss class due to
a university excused event or a job interview, discuss with instructor, provide a signed
document and the expectation is that make up work is completed.
Class absence form - The class absence form must be submitted to the instructor
via e-mail no later than 5 days in advance of an absence allowing time to
reschedule missed work.
Quizzes are held in-class and attendance is required. In extenuating circumstances, the
instructor must be contacted in advance. The quiz dates are on the syllabus calendar.
Quizzes will cover relevant course material discussed in class.
Goal Setting/Training Plan: 7%
You are required to develop a jogging-related goal that you are willing to achieve. In order
to achieve this goal, you will be taught how to write and implement a training plan. You
will turn in a goal-setting sheet in the beginning part of the semester as well as a SMART
goal on Angel. Your training plan should be written into your Jogging Logs (see below) will
connect the goal and the outcome. Goal-setting assignment due by 2/10 on Angel. This is
worth 7 points of your overall grade.
Nutrition Diary: 3%
Using the Supertracker at, keep a 3 day nutrition log (2
weekdays, 1 weekend day). Create a username and password to get started. With
SuperTracker you can track food & activity, analyze caloric intake, and plan for daily food
group targets. For this assignment, log each meal by looking up foods in the Food-A-Pedia.
Under My Reports, print out Food Groups and Calories. This is worth 3 points of your
overall grade. Due April 14 in class.
Running Test:
This is an activity course; please anticipate to be graded on practical application. We will
prepare for running tests together as a class. There will be 3 tests throughout the course,
which are on the calendar.
Jogging Log/Goal attainment reflection:
A jogging log is required at each class, be sure to bring it with you to every class. This is
part of participation in class and will be checked at time of role call. The log will be turned

in at the end of the semester and is worth 20 points. After I review and grade them, you
may pick logs up at my office.
Contents of Logs:
1. SMART Goal and Training Plan
2. EACH CLASS 1. Approximate distance traveled 2. Time spent jogging 3. Weather
conditions/terrain/indoor or outdoor 4. Your condition how were you feeling during
the jog? Did you run alone or with a group? Were you talking or did you take time to
think, reflect, etc. 5. Heart rate pre, during and post jog.
3. Goal attainment reflection should connect the original goal, the training plan and
the overall outcome

Fitness Assessments: 10%

See description below; completed at Center for Fitness & Wellness. Two assessments are
worth 10 points. Must be completed by dates listed on syllabus calendar.
Changes to Syllabus
This Syllabus is subject to change due to extenuating circumstances. Changes will be provided
electronically via Angel/Canvas.
Come dressed for exercise, wearing appropriate athletic attire. Dress appropriately for
weather conditions. We will exercise outside in all sorts of weather (cold, hot, inclement,
humid), so please wear appropriate clothing (T-shirts, long sleeve shirts, sweats, shorts,
etc.). Sneakers MUST have good athletic soles and construction (Ex: running, crosstrainers) NO fashion shoes: Keds, Cons, Puma, street shoes, etc. Your heart rate monitor
(to be issued in week 3) is considered part of your daily attire, so you must use it each
class period. Please minimize jewelry that may interfere with physical movement. All
attire guidelines are presented to increase comfort and minimize personal injury. You
must secure your personal items in the locker room, providing your own lock.
Heart rate monitors and Jogging Logs are required at each class. No other electronic
devices in class please.
Students are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner. They are
expected to respect their classmates and instructor at all times.
Academic Integrity:
Academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest and responsible
manner. Academic integrity is a basic guiding principle for all academic activity at The
Pennsylvania State University, and all members of the University community are expected
to act in accordance with this principle. Consistent with this expectation, the University's
Code of Conduct states that all students should act with personal integrity, respect other
students' dignity, rights and property, and help create and maintain an environment in
which all can succeed through the fruits of their efforts.
Academic integrity includes a commitment not to engage in or tolerate acts of falsification,
misrepresentation or deception. Such acts of dishonesty violate the fundamental ethical
principles of the University community and compromise the worth of work completed by
Students with Disabilities:

Student Disability Resources Penn State welcomes students with disabilities into the
University's educational programs. Every Penn State campus has an office for students
with disabilities. Student Disability Resources (SDR) web site provides contact information
for every Penn State campus: For further information, please
visit Student Disability Resources web site:
In order to receive consideration for reasonable accommodations, you must contact the
appropriate disability services office at the campus where you are officially enrolled,
participate in an intake interview, and provide documentation: If the documentation supports your request for
reasonable accommodations, your campuss disability services office will provide you with
an accommodation letter. Please share this letter with your instructors and discuss the
accommodations with them as early in your courses as possible. You must follow this
process for every semester that you request accommodations.


You must check your Angel/Canvas account and/or PSU e-mail daily; this will be our primary
mode of communication outside of class. Assignments/ announcements will be sent via email, providing an electronic record.
NO electronic devices (i.e. mp3 players, Blackberries, cell phones, etc.) are allowed in class.
Such items should be locked in the locker room with your other belongings or left at home.
Electronic devices found in class will be confiscated.
If you missed class, you missed something. It is your responsibility to get information you
miss in class from a classmate. Once you have reviewed the notes, I would be happy to talk
to you about any questions you have on the material.
For your safety and that of others, Jaywalking and other acts of improper use of a roadway are
prohibited. Any student caught jaywalking or using a street improperly during class will be
removed from class. Students may NOT cross roadways unless in a marked crosswalk, at an
intersection, or in a designated road crossing area and only when pedestrian-control signals
indicate legal crossing. Students must follow PA Pedestrian Laws:
( ).
Additionally, for your safety, comfort, and physical performance, you must eat breakfast or
have a snack prior to coming to EACH class. Furthermore, you must continually hydrate
yourself throughout the day prior to and following class for your health and safety.

Meeting Location(s)
The following locations are meeting spaces in addition to our primary location. You will be
notified if we will meet any place other than Rec Hall.
Rec Hall is HOME - E1 or E2 bleachers is check-in location unless otherwise
o Space is shared; due to this, we may be displaced at times. Check your EMAIL and
ANGEL on a regular basis to be made aware of changes to meeting location.
Intramural Building indoor track
Lion Shrine

Week of

Weekly Topics

Due Dates/ Scheduled Events

1/9, 1/11, 1/13

Introduction, Syllabus, Goalsetting, Individuality, &


Intramural building tour - Jog #1,

Mini-Lesson, Jog #2 Schedule
Fitness Assessment (complete and
hand in between Jan 16 Feb 24)

1/16 No

Goal-Setting continued
Running attire

1/23, 1/25 &



Reminder Schedule Fitness

Assessment (hand results into
instructor by Feb 24)

Assignment on

Jog #3, Mini-Lesson,

Assignment on Angel

Jog#4, Timed Jog #1: 1/25, Meet

at Rapid Transit for Mini-Lesson

1/30, 2/1, 2/3

Heart Rate Monitors

Components of Fitness
Running Mechanics
Cardiovascular Exercise (FITT)

2/6, 2/8, 2/10

Running program design

*Goal Setting Assignment DUE

2/10 by 5:00pm on Angel* Jog #7,
Mini-Lesson/ Interval Run, Jog#8

Begin designing your

training plan

Jog #5, Mini-Lesson & Heart Rate

Training Games, Jog #6

2/13, 2/15,

Injury/ Prevention

Jog #9, Tempo Run/Mini-Lesson, Jog


2/20, 2/22,

Overload/ Specificity reminder

Jog #11, Fitness Assessment 1

due 2/24; Timed Jog #2: 2/22 Jog

2/27, 3/1, 3/4

Reminder-schedule your
second fitness assessment for
at least 8-weeks after your
initial test

Jog #13, Jog #14

QUIZ #1: 3/4
Nutrition assignment due 4/14

3/6 3/10


3/13, 3/15,

Training: Intensity vs. Duration

Jog #15, H.I.I.T Workout, Jog #16


3/20, 3/22,


Jog #17, Core/Mini-Lesson, Jog #18


3/27, 3/29,

Nutrition & Weight Control

Jog #19, Jog #20, Jog #21


4/3, 4/5, 4/7


Jog #22, Fartlek, Jog #23


No Classes

4/10, 4/12,

Cross Training


4/17, 4/19,

Maintaining Motivation

Jog #26 Partner Pandemonium! Jog



4/24, 4/26,

Connecting all points Review

of Semester

Jogging Log, Training Plan & Goal

Attainment Reflection DUE 4/24
Jog #28, Final Group Jog


Post- Fitness Assessment


Jog #24, Timed Jog #3 & QUIZ

#2: 4/12 Nutrition Assignment
DUE: 4/14 Jog #25

Center for Fitness and Wellness

Fitness Assessment Guidelines Spring 2017
As a student enrolled in certain KINES classes this semester you are required to complete one or
two fitness assessments.
If you are enrolled in Jogging, Marathon Training, Fitness Walking, Physical Conditioning, Cycle
Conditioning, Marathon Training or Fitness Theory and Practice, you must schedule and
complete two fitness evaluations.
The pre-test must be completed between January 17th and February 10th You will then be
required to schedule and complete a post-test at least 6 weeks (or later) after your initial
appointment. Post-test appointments will be completed between March 20th and April 27th.
Please schedule your post-test appointment at least 2-3 weeks in advance of the preferred
appointment date. Note: you will also need to schedule a separate cholesterol screening as part
of the pre-test; details are included later in these instructions for this brief appointment.
If you are enrolled in Fitness for Life (KINES 84) or Cardiovascular Training (KINES 201), you are
required to complete one evaluation. You must schedule and complete this evaluation between
February 29th and March 25th.
Start Date

End Date


February 13th

March 17th

84 and 201


January 17th

February 10th



March 20th

Pre/Post Testing

April 27th

Expected Behavior: Students being tested at the CFW are expected to behave themselves as
they would in any other situation on campus. No disruptive behavior will be tolerated.
Scheduling: You will need to create an account on Appointment Plus to schedule your
appointment. To schedule your appointments please utilize our online scheduling at:
The calendar is subject to change. You will be notified if any
changes occur. Use this calendar as a guide to prepare for

Rescheduling: If you need to reschedule an appointment, you may do so using the online
scheduling system up to 48 hours pretest. If it is less than 48 hours before your test you need to
call the lab (865-2720) to cancel or reschedule.
We test roughly 1200 students each semester and have a limited number or testing sessions
each day. Schedule your appointment early! If you do not attend your scheduled
appointment without giving 24-hours advance notice, you will not be guaranteed a
new appointment time. Repeatedly skipping appointments will not be tolerated and
will result in denial of service.
Late arrival: To avoid disrupting the schedules of other students, if you arrive more than 10
minutes late, you will need to reschedule your appointment.

The CFW is not responsible for negative effects on your course grade that result from your
tardiness, absence or inability to schedule a testing session at the end of the semester. Your
course instructor will be notified of all scheduling issues when they occur.
Individual course instructors set their own syllabi and have their own grading methods; refer to
your course syllabus when scheduling your test and for all questions regarding your course
grade. It is your responsibility to meet course deadlines and to schedule an appointment.
Schedule your appointment early.
PSU Motivation website: All students will need to create a profile in Motivation.
a. Go to
b. Create account
i. Motivation will issue each student a user name
1. Do not to use your PSU email or student number
ii. Students will need to complete demographics, consent and medical history
forms before their scheduled appointment.
c. Students can access their fitness results through the website at any time for the
next 3 semesters
Course Fees: Your Bursars account will be charged a fee to cover the costs of the fitness
assessment(s) performed at the Center for Fitness and Wellness. See your course syllabus for the
fee associated with your course. You may be eligible for a fee waiver if you are scheduled for
multiple KPAP courses. Students taking more than one physical activity class in a semester will
only be charged for one course. See your course instructor if you think you are due a waiver.
Fitness Testing: Your fitness testing session should take 45 minutes to complete. During the
test you will complete a battery of physical tests at various exercise intensities. In order to gain
the most accurate test results, it is of utmost importance that you follow the following guidelines:
1. Do not exercise or eat a large meal in the 2 hours before your test
2. If you have asthma, bring your inhaler with you. You will not be tested without it.
3. If you are sick, please reschedule your appointment.
4. You must wear gym shoes (sneakers) and workout clothing (NO jeans).
5. If you have a heart rate monitor, bring it with you.
6. Make sure you are well hydrated for several days prior to your appointment.

7. Do not consume alcohol in the 24 hours prior to appointment time.

8. Avoid caffeine in the 8 hours before your test
For your safety, you may not be tested under certain circumstances at the discretion of the
facility supervisor. Your instructor will be notified via confidential letter. Your instructor may
assign an alternative assignment.
Lipid and Glucose Testing: The National Cholesterol Education Program recommends that all
adults 20 years old or older be screened for abnormal blood lipid levels.
For this visit you must come to the CFW fasted (8 hours without food, only water) to have your
blood collected by finger stick. Take any prescribed medication as instructed by your medical
practitioner. Our staff will clean your finger and with a single use needle will prick your finger and
collect a drop of blood (40l) for analysis. You will need to schedule a separate
appointment for your cholesterol test in Appointment Plus. This test takes 5-10 minutes.

Research: Research is an important part of the mission of the CFW. You will be asked to allow
our students to use your fitness data by completing an informed consent form. Many of these
projects will take no more than 10 minutes of your time. You may also be asked to complete
surveys. Your participation in our research projects is anonymous; your name or other identifying
information will not be published or disclosed. All research projects have been approved by the
Institutional Review Board of the University. You are not required to participate in these
research studies, but we ask that you consider taking the time to participate to help your
fellow Penn State students with their data collection. Many of these projects are being conducted
by students in the Schreyers Honor College as part of their thesis work.
Location of the CFW: The Center for Fitness and Wellness is located in room 131 White
Building. The White Building is located on Shortlidge Road next to the HUB Parking Deck. Access
to the Student Fitness Assessment Center can be found on the northern side of the White
Building facing the HUB Parking Deck. When entering through the double doors nearest the HUB,
the Center for Fitness and Wellness will be directly on your right. A map can be found at:
You can find more information about our testing procedures, schedule an appointment, and apply
for an internshipat:

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