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LACAN & SCIENCE Edited by Jason Glynos and Yannis Stavrakakis KARNAG Acknowledgements ee Amos 4 years have gone by sinc he emergence of the ogi iden ‘ocala series ena othe topic of Lacan & See, hough es Copynghe © a2 oe ho and Yaris Saves publication is as timely as ever, We would ike to thank the ontbstrs for ther patence. 9 vise we reli spon heavily 38 a gis mere No pr of hs puion may te ‘we weathered the tasiton from one publishing house to another “chara photcopying, weeding oerise,widho e prior wt eel eo) Chapter 5 is a reprint of Miller, J-A. (1989) ‘Elements of Epstemology’ Arn, [Translation by Leonardo , Rodrigue ‘ich itary Catan ia Pati Dat Chapter 8 is reprint of Glynos. J, & Savrakakis, Y. G0) A.C. for ink rite he eh bay eee Ten es ened md pode by Te Sudo Ping Serve La Eeeorina CONTENTS iyetuanalas operas up he set of cence A tr of re elton Lacan's “Sc an th (Casal nae ae pecans, al Vag ease of epteralagy Tue Ae ier # ‘rem rata pelo Lc mined enon See so Gos Yannis Saas ‘Sky 2a CONTRIBUTORS a emasd Burgoyne is 8 paychoonayst, founder member of the Cente for Frewlan Analy and Resarch and member of the ‘ese Europamnne de Peychanulyse and the Asocation Monde ‘de Psysanalye He wae ected a he University of Cambie, the Landon Scho of Economic ad the University of Pais. He s ‘Profesvr of Payehoanaysis and Head of the Cente for Psycho: nays in the Inet for Social Scence Resor st Md University, He hs pubished numerous book chapters end joural farce, including ‘From the Latter 19. the Matheme’ fn The CCentrdge Conpanin fo Jaques Lacan (CUP, 200). He i editor and coedior of and cantebutr to, Dring the Sou Schemas wd Mois in Prychaaiysis (Rebus Pres, 2000) and The Klein Datogues (Rebs Press, 1997), David Corild is Lecturer at the Department of History and Palosophy of Sence, Univesity of Cambridge. He tead mathe mats st Cambridge, fier which he spent period in analysis in Paris before retuming to do an MSe and PAD in philosophy of ‘mathematics at King's College Landon, He has tug plop ‘nd peyeology in Leeds, and conducted research im Landon on the ‘ntereation between machine leaming and phosphy. He publced 2 ange af fr, nding Shir tory at Scene and Phisophn Mathenticn, Mis Towards «Pi ‘Rost Mathematics is forthcoming tom Carsbridge University ‘Bruce Fink s 2 practising Lacanan psychoanalyst, supervao, Professor of Payehology at Duquesne University in Pi Ponasylvania, He tained i Faris with the paychonnaly ena Tacan crnted shortly belore hv death the Broke de ls Ca ‘readin, acd obtained hie PRD. fom the University of Pans He the eutor of thre books on Lacan, The Lacon Sabet Cnc intron o Lacan Pycouras, aed Lac ie Lt aang Eos Closely and has coeited three collections of ‘on Laces work Rating Sonar XL, Reaing Sent nT Rowling Seminar XX. He i also » prominent translator of Lacan ‘work ido English snd ha brought outa translation of Semler XK Encore: On Feminine Sexuly and a revardation of Gens: A ‘Sdecton (Nona 202), Jason Giyaos i Lecturer in Political Tagory a he Department of Government, University of Essex He rad natural slots 3 the University of Cambridge, and was trainee analyst or 9 nue of yeuts i. London. He sat atsoiate member of the Cent Freudian Analysis and Research. He i he author of artis an book chapters on discourse analytic and psjchoanalsc approaches to social and political anal: Artes have appeared in joarals Such a5 the foural of Pola! lise, Philosphy ant Soi Chics, and Teary & Eset Rik Loose is Head of the Unt of Pychosnalysis a DBS, Scwol of ‘Arts in Dublin, He works in private practice and he is a member of ‘he Amocion for Paychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in lls "He hae published in the Ltr, Prychonaltsche Peete and ICFAR Hels es a member of the Board of Editors of the our {xcanian Sates. Jacqucs:Alaia Mile is psychoanalyst an president ofthe AMP (Word Psychoanalytic ASsccation. He is the editor of all of [Lacan's seminars ree eee eee teen rae rae ee re eine Yannis tavakakis is Humans Research Fellow a he Schon of ootce, Univesity of Nottingham. His rant publeatons incude Lacan and the Pot (Rowedge, 1993), the cordited vohume Discourse Thay and Poll Anaiis (Manchester University Press, bo), and varety of aces on the theory and polis of risk, oval constructions, and exvaonmeatal pli Paul Verhaege is Professor at Ghent University, Blgur, where he is bend of the Department of Psychoanalysis and Clinical CConsuling He the author of Dos th Woman Exit? (Ober Pra, 1997), Leb Tine of Loelns (Other Pre, 1988), Been Goer rom Subject to Dre (Other Pres, 201) Slavo} Zitek isa philosopher and paychosnat He i Senior eseatcher at the Department of Philosophy, University of ‘Yublana, Slovens, Recent publiatons indude On Beef Routledge, 2000, Did Samet Say Toaitarianion Vers, 20) ad The Fright of Ra Tears (BF, 2001. Introduction Jason Glynos and Yannis Stavrakakis 1 is 2 profound paradox of our age thatthe huge strides cetiie research—especaly in the fields of paychalogy, reurlogy, pharmacology, en genetics—have only had the ‘eet of taking more proneamneed te ability ofthe ara ‘nnd. Ln The Undiscovered Mind for example the American scence ibumabe jo Horgan (198) coms tha if theres one ng hat Alona approaches to eating mental “sorter” have suaceded ‘proving s thesia faue a come to ap sith th workings ‘tent! processes. This paradox only beightened when it snot ‘hut cases of depression are now reaching epidemic proportions shearing society’ deat del ofa smooth and efficent weal sven power house. And thi in the moet affluent soaee—in those sci whee ticles people Rave never hadi ood, We can think of af least two. possible responses to ths predicament, One response involves the seltadminisraton of & eral dose of modesty, bowing hunbly before the enigma we cll, the mind. Arewe atten reminded that its material substrate the brains the mst complex jc nthe universe? f his 80, 1 8 ‘nly to be expected that til be some time Belo scence reveals ous us secrete This might leave uwexpained hy mental 2 Lacan a seine “disorders should now be advancing toward us apace, but a ‘promises hope tn this view, faith in the way scence i rEsecut islet intact. The reaization of ts pret ed nto he fre ‘Another response ito put into question the scenic ‘self. Perhaps it ste to tke serous the idea that seme ttadionallyconceved, simply drequipped to dea eet ‘with understanding those parte of the mind that intrest sma ‘Ser aay cube al leno eer ed ea Sim of hay So ye ce sek Sereton ‘Sl apps foverevlutnn cn opel Siscipiow and aro yey nd fore ‘led ul ge oping ow cope Sct eof ety on al allen The at SSrcaly in vw 00 Tage depoporenne det ‘Rem ingots pr snd abe in vou of all ‘cine opposite mer Bt aod oe to IGer ty sop pin fee ee tome hang sven ern act Iathods of Hetgaton, opting ted to athe i Cos of otk enya pute past [to wath pong conde ee ie recht be mee ero scarce perpen lore vn! py ay er on goons oe cyocly, we ave comn teen or 8 pec Cnet of thug at far met hee pon ‘Sitch con paptonaljes ie pea ‘e-pongedrcnon P it ns the qertonf ef Scanner and poor Sot ns he Pas fat soe te ight eed tbe recone a frau ations own upy lags he cra Bonstune of human mjc. In other wot he cris tothe vor otbaly Carne nt Seay Tht betwen made enc a coon app tthe quant string bts bel and og of See pares to focus om Jacques Lacan is not completly ce he apet a considerable potion of his tie snd asgating te nate of oder sence and elation 10 soy ee cnr) and praice. His “Scene and eel” Eee nts rd (Lacen. 189). Mote specially, boweves, et Ne Se ty oes Bee pr ers a Spe oe a orn re oe CS ae ——eeeeeioneneerners en rein Spiker errs es ge aaa Sei sca cmap rss =. fo Sie ae Even 0, opting for psychoanalysis aba productive way forward nthe question of metal proceses may Seem Surprising. Has not fprythoanalyss both Freusin and Lacaniay ob fated 0s the tena of so many hisonogtaphers, sient, and pilsopbers of scene keen fo dicredit te cams by stacking Beir sent ing? The proper names of Masson 98) and Solal and ricmont (955) summarize this tendenc)—a tendency which the edi, the bids of prey, aie wf aeilst pitch. On 2 mone serous note the names Grirbsum (2864) and Popper (962 alsa Serve as examin f hs tendo. ut payehoanlyss has assumed he rle ofa thom —a thorn 4 Lacan a seiner that never fal to prick cence’ side— perhaps thin Dees of uncanny protimity to an distance fom scene an ambiguity ‘produced in Lace's assessment of fre Canes legacy. At the ‘very Inst, this calls fora more prea articulation of th elton betwen science and paychoanalyn. More than tha scene's failure to advance on the front of mental suring. and ity Simultaneous onslaught on paychosnalysis fa fromm serving as a reason abandon psychoanalysis sere ae rego orev If it the case that poychounalyss is dingualied on the bass of Scientific standards thie means, st mos, ht psychoanalysis nota ‘Sciences dfied by hse standard, What his levvesunntrrogated is whether soch stndords are appropri, either for psycho analyse discipline dat takes the uneonacous as central 0 investigations—or even fr maviem since heel. Might tis not force Ws to reconsider what ugh tbe taken as an sppropriate demarcation citeion in he determination of displ a This is not to suggest that psychoanalyts are united their ews on scence or fave a clr sense ofthe sahis of poyehor "nalysisinyelaton to seence. Fr fom i This absence of cnsensas Isdemonsroted ir pubiation by the Intemational Pychoanalyi Association (IPA), reviewing the evidence of prychooralyic psychotherapy’ effecivenest in weting patents the word over {Fonagy. 19). tn tis casousy optimistic report its very telling that twas fe necessary to inlade haw stodtory cuentas co the epsteme and research problra of peycoanaljis. One expliily reflects the AngloSexon perspective anther the Fence speaking perspective. The one is sympathetic 4, the other much ‘more reserved toward, a more tadional senifc appronch 12 psychoanalysis. The fomner urges payhosnalyts to adopt meth ‘loge that alow for contlled Sbervations ver lege esods ‘of ime and many indivi. The aim here would be foie ‘reliance upon single case study mets in order to generate a ge evidential dats base. This It is supposed, would legitimate ‘comparative stitial studies that ould july widening eld in Topped eos aan fea Gea tbe ene obyetrpot eet end an (ee pect of trp diene ees he ht NSc"Uhan we tpl by the tine memsry Wo scompth ‘pst aT ito betwen ae to men eee “AISI capes only by Betnerenon of new diners Seem Tian crn, peta eons bernen {Soho to aro eng vo maser the op Dy one side tm npn acount he es Sed Lapin 19121, nt 3 Tenis work ening ct ut he acy of ostenton ound Sotnenthe ewe aan one ee of ar Int ‘Contention pce ne cbc een wea crunsen ti some to nae. the er ca, ibandaan pcteds ee of competion, The aly ‘ocala od esa na an ME ‘haunts fe scion ashe ae ound whch hey 2 Geta dso fan amt chp So Sear XI {7 CL a ier (9H) an Vcr fas ohm). tn similar ator then paychosrlyic mathematic 6 shot the ss For» amit rconeideraon of the seater of philosophy of ‘uthematies to atematil practic, sw Tyo (398385 28, 1». On the felon Between inion and mathemati inveniton, se ‘Hedamard (1949, Tough da and hgh personal hs acount ‘fehder many bicrsting ination, eth sonal and conten: wee so. eis pert worth ping out hte tat he njnson to ae the ‘nbj nt acount Gos rat imply 3 Kd of uenie rab. A ‘Dore opps formulation would be 8 say tat paycharalas oil se the debate botwcer Langs ad nda Burgoyne on tn ue ones) alien on the ne #2 Lacan science ort io “ty we 31, Ofcoue, Lacan wr yom nas We fn ene ‘tension tre mthata andiwcoto Sh 2 Feral ses aan mth De ‘See Bargoyne (100, Mow (1984), Wappen (98S, ond (a7, 199, Otter engrng questions renin the pay ‘ch programme in“ eo cp dle fed worms?" and “Wat can form de bs of “Seni coping ube who have mi Be eno Bibliography Amin. J. GSD. Hoe te do Things wth Wd Cdn fe Aye As UMD. tng. Trh on Lape amon “Middlesex Penguin. ie a ro O98 Inpely Te inis Sewe md e Se Limits. Onfoed: OUP. “ i 4 evi C378) Pios in Geral gt un} Ctl Cab Honda Ueitet ee se 8G hm Lan Rte Boy. 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Pte Unies Pe appr M098) Et re foal Dychmleet Tipped So tale oat Hage ale G0 cats ge Dey nt re See ‘Wes (96-2) ate a memati ugh mt nyo ey at Se Ds 99) gw Kan eo _ ‘dvolegy. Durhann; Duke University Press. oa " 25190, Te nate mar An Ena 0 ‘Related Matters. London: Verso. efits 24 509 Te Pao Faves London Ve. Ae (Es) 9m Cp tt the Une cae ney Row ae 5 (990) Te Teh get. De Ae Cone spn tae Zn 5.990 OF sad sles fe Wright Wh. (1999) The 2itet Render. Oxford: Blackwell ve he CHAPTER THREE ‘A matter of cause: reflections on Lacan’s “Science and truth” ny Nobus ‘sd Suton of Lacie sgunet ha 96 paper Sse and ut cen, STS, AS such ta «case she wih te wy which Lea’ sae wade SSL dag tne 10 os yore fi engagement with osha or i ne ee ih Sanus pychourlye choos even ss wi he ae SESE page sce star fone mprary peo SSaNA ca tn pce Over Be pat 15 years eee TEN tn Tacs Gangingconspo of Seno aed th “WEaftnce ore ners beter the peor and he SESE dacsrs ve been prec (egal 1985; Met, Tings smn Vege 8 a {ian Pk 1955 Grigg 199) yeh ent hema ean “hy Tnoe eed mse De confine of at one of Laas TR MSEa ny annn ar on so ch raped bythe weight “an undying toy mater but rater by the eit ut an ect anes of Lac’ formats Serine pron apm a stem expan fhe conichon shat it was ‘rca a nt Bro o Galle who farmed cei a isineiely the principles of the new science” (Roy, ‘es 12) ating he wasnt othe pilospca 94 LACAN a ScuENCE ste to the Cartsin coi bce epitomized ‘affirmation ot human only. oh ancora in the power ofthe human mind, te cera of tng ‘pein conrraton wih he sos slur of cua ‘nmledge, "or scree” Lacan sated "the on ark, teak with every suite cnitoned by fran Gay 195]16#}26)" And sine moder sence es cally on ‘ssumptin Oat naman bang ae endowed eh ne pay ‘easang the ego can be die te “ute of sore “the expan “etl see” tod whic ti argument of Scene and tv ingen bo couse ese Simbuoo9itmay sano rio Sette St sty itn se proce, scan tele Stement within scence, andthe cbc shugo investigation Yet to me sens hat Lacie pps ci and he abject of wc nds at enter on ‘yhonym for human adel, metal power, and era ® conto expense of hght Ths tape wy Len that mosen sence conned th Ge, moan of ‘bjt poston in wo was dn) moto inaugutol moment for oem scence, and modem ace invigorates this modification ever more (ibid5)" Lacan's idea iS. nie thevsted by» cortenponty hattamed sees se emphasis Ht "Ul scence 8 teal appeaon of te al Foe ofan it (ahi, 19750) an a remenk ong thee achiever acne continal ene ‘corenes ofthe view tt he human an such pons | stent tat can uate whatever seas et of Sty nding Go 973 Ste vignous promo hnan ans an is key ‘ution or he precpain of modeen rae he Canc so eptomized sper ats between lewlege Se teat In the fourth seeton of his Dive on Mead Descartes contended Fbserved atthe ie nstng al he proposition ae ‘Biking tee Te ure meth Lam pecking he Ah ‘ep that ery carly tn rer tink sce ‘tS Idee tat I cud he 98 gral ule a he ‘hinge we concive very clan very sie ae al uo shar sume fica in scyzing which ae the ting at we tel conte [Dears S58}127, empha se eens geen eter career neon oy cemetareenn oe nes Phe Serene es aaa eae te pn tee eee eaten ee te eee es eee ee eae Fo tener ener gan Aceeeaa “eaieeeeamieeataeeteeetcs ‘ac ee Sioetec ames rameter oes per ot perenne ere ‘epee tcereoeesace! ieee teenie terete seater enteric eee inert cperreet tear lee esecene esac phenome tcao Coaster toe feat Seen eens peepee Posen tomer ented era erence orl Seer eee po eaelareet er oegoerey aed eat oy mesa Bei al ce eteenecs enter caters Sa eons 2 Maton ths thse sgt of ts etal sake ‘th aoa ower fe ind (eae sen ‘Sete seer ot pcan ne ees etna canard away rom te alert fps wi eth prychoegy (can, 77 EG]SA0, 1b} 29987, HW ian andes weed rome {5 amet wh Sere power am te geal ind tnetible spec of the nd Caan, SESS ap Aitough mate in he pervs nue of be were the a oon, Lanna pycuas dos ot See caus naga tonal fora Sep She mind whch dt srs ore of mes ing Lacs tay the tics er onaiy ad ata des fot eoicide ith tat tvtreen onsoases and ‘uconeceus The Lacan uncorcous ino the brace ef Inguog al herr canbe decd and capone sa system of combinations between ore, Cement Ue ibraiv4}20)” The Lacnan oconcus sta Sah of cenentary tags sports Giglen) wise Gis be comport ta o's mes ncn 2 Detvork (acon 18295518 fuer ana eo of Aesing ibd, the Laci scour ents 0 asa sil Je conpeling achive f Knowledge ¢ discourse Connie expen ane shee of toni spear From ds vantge Pt Lace snared tt "ee aeph creventenpaton cha ay dest sop rong te icamate he nbc sai, tnnmoant tw eaeey ae frit in err nds such alan ca, 1S ‘amin modifi). ting the sje om which ppc aoa pets ab «stack om th ae of eee Bal Tsay asa beg wwe Bovghpocei ar dato whose td faked at on ote tae of pyhosenl deepest ineviatiy ves nse © what Listas called the “beule kein” Cevisraus, ISIS. The bjt pyon ‘eat ae wrkng with ar ot pope whose meta ponte fe ndenseeopeds primi, fe, er patopealy “utes Ending een angen and pi frets model Toon and Fao (ead, HE) of Fhylogecic evalaton of the hama® mind fom maple and AMATTEROF CAUSE 97. eunteno sence ne atonal, Lacan gd at tee 96 ‘SSSlting ws somone aman nhs te ner Gua Rehm peesem omen sxe wheter to SARS sd teers tm ppc pels Fn i Se peaingsecopmesi ha of Ley Bl and EI Medemas pute ate pret piine cgi cra and eocaled“ssvogenegs the ce cs untenalehatatum de cysazatn of whch sae gcre and mvtnconmuniaton tl pombe SOL Rompeicly slid forme (LevtStouss {S15} Fay conti with hs uo Tae ened sete dewdopmens apo "lites the le pinay ee ams nth soot what appa ibid atonal aan 0961 ce beyend ie Spee ae of depth and developmental esc. pcos cn Bie sl wih he han ‘Stpesgel ote exe at helt en sept an EEE Sipcadane st nberenty Angee creatures TioRin cee re ince ate parpnt In he arch pees senile pean belt TEE ough wah ty snl the tap of the Sree hen one erp ay ty a Aue at 1ktiaceta nana tw sverige wheter tse of Sion pape can be nee om slay nore SoNthetbing lek towning et Sine the cre of “She cal into rif bean enero input aN Seeger andconscaimoic, projeo snd eee ec patcbon and aly bended by reach SEE, in terng an appropri dain Sr Rs reach De ‘Sr set me a ops me pine “Tuk psp se beng 0 fo sti te anda Theta infontts came: crn het bly movements icc ecatahevebencote hershey Wiel {nthe ses ome Hogs sons sng pater ot TEARS allen tone sharable expense wae enc, Wt he eat Ts perme Sansa Henan npc ei, aad cs iene hn pe om Sinden stump ht wht out al owt she scent porate wl put hensces oe eer an ean sna we ‘Senso ence psy ahs pps tru soe whenever he adeno poser le ocr oe sesvor os papas svn ereae Sortingectuly hopped wheres ot Tori ee human sar Sprig mene spas Seyret anne os pepe oy tat ‘vermin the vay or concise Laanaeee a ‘pure ne ote Se ena sc snore mon ig ome ‘Serr an dns oy at st Sri he sot ofthe en pays pce siahton wi the Haman cenit ty ep Fendgns whch mays hve vl ap modes Sk Est moon rho i ao of ec ad ‘ont ad prepa ofthe man inlet prover ‘nas wih ast ofp ta pre sam Laan anew wit 8 camp ne Alton Pepoeomlyse act shale be ne of sence by ‘eaneimphes ht pyc orshouldoe mean Despite the fact that Fi Se have eae 8 po perchance ots see appears ena ma of Pests ie ‘ia Laan Sh) adam seme pce Se ak Tet! he sobre of pyhstaya! The west en Semeur tec ny a fu the set of sence ii. Whoa the Crean sir nny aed been vee of ng wig) an an uci of ch wh ey Soup he mcr fs gruel Ga oo aes ‘tence so he sm of tun by ean ae "het uate prope sai tne Wht esas Pop th Saye saps sey, ao ie {rah as teem the atk «propery eared sal Feces as cuore As Alki pl fk se Sot Procure ye dsovered fr exon fundamentals Sot ‘Sree roa nner een ong warren orcause 99 sinsumnann mage nan ee “sins wih pam he aca hn by ‘it tecnce egins he powers and clever of Pana eee carer gee aeeeeeenceaee nena Cooter romance raat ata eats ieee esas ccrroees nates cece ae ences seers een nearer ~—aeeneeraineecess eae eee 7 acaerage eaten te Pease rns eee ‘ay pinape doe fo etal a dunn between an tive ie seeereeetcipe aon Feecereenaeeerenecie aetna Serer ‘Sespendcce ith’ fact ay an the eaaton Hat cesta tram een cera eee coe a ener ene Seana eae es oe Seema ers eae fo at rreeee ers teint ee enneeare cas eee eoararneeteesonrniarnk caseeooeeceam fundamen asumption th, whist atebatig al knowledge to the sent, perpen al pat tesco the pont Pas. gnornt and recive ste ner we Se Raa ‘Scent sto ecu he essay ot hs pipet rescal ‘evans wherever a theo produce fe onan he ‘ers ro his parpats sing henselvn akg ‘Srctng actly heppn weve or To dae ‘aman sent ee parts ey apna thy we the human bing os engl ey cn oe deri the aly th ono Lac fred mn Spars ine o reso tht the man sen lan Hrowiege abot the human bei & deed al, ban cee’ tulnan do potest oly sect ds” ha) So, he stat of he ate pcos prelen ation with e hisnan scence, there any dcp frradgms whch may tl have vale» mode fr fe ps Est mde he et oon fe gs smst sod prepaton of the human cle, pore Aaisis witha et of singer ial leet” O ea Locats tower vans clegartalhe Aug Pystoaalyte sujet guns the mj of sence, by ‘rene imps ht pychonalyat or shold tea modem ens Bee the fact at Frid could to hoe ceed th pa ehoaalss without hs aegis fo sents, dep te eh {bo prchnnalis bear the eel mast of Feud seni ea acan BBB}, moder acetic. paces nl ‘ef te amt of pcos’ The sn at dn “ec, fora ts bis the ele, ony es "ase ch et fc i Whar Can ‘bps nda ied betwen cea of ng lrg) an an uncritical Be hough the inmotion of ¢nordeetal Gods mater cece haeesvoue nse ae of uth by advan an ihren guy of rope sete iowldge, Whim Desc Philos rth alwey scapes orally, in modem soem {rth has become te hallmark af «propery conde sabe Pros an eter, Ax Al uti Sece at Front yt dizoverd fo epi uname tats at the word Trathvaly preva scene even gh ne eee meemante Serres er clopioes the powers and achievements of haa eee eens ce i ee aa Tiewtedge and tah Lacan concladed ht scece if one looks at Coane sere coca "Seneca canta alma See ae ‘comic os meat ete Be ae sama om eet eset a ae area ‘cocina reece, aerate meme igen caoaeereae = ees atone 2 Semenov een ne linemen serine eats ereeeeeeereetoraeene dneereemenetecaercyea america atten scene Fa aoa aresemanh eet anes inane ny ee eres ens ieee ae ater ee eee Foren oerpemenn Seep Seems airmen anne penis: Someta tence aes gece Seer sneer erences areas Poetic 100 sacs wscitnce napa mat say gad avast eer stented not ft ramp ova ‘singer of concn an gman! ei cpa ‘otto ft pce can en boTSe) The aforementioned ttt atu the Cron ab scence thn man snc pais en saa Stood ana ined endwvosr 10 conte andere trownige prowedng fom the sewcien Bate pronase wich ogc al age wordy i ney thease w te aur hima nd Antje engage cnpareenterpbe whence ty i poy twhe Sibed the supyned ues of knowing” See, i the mantener the Rn of the upped ape Inowaiy sgn he aipsnds ble in Ge px sheng compe tlm andl creanSon Bay the rie of img a fn ‘eur atte pas of png lnowsige ak ‘eal and ocelot vin Laan ened ena sn with the God of the philosopher in. gnetl ta ‘SeS(197138, 1968 Pacaon 0. Ap $59) Bot seponee tnvinga care o ee ay ved anne concave pp teen En ‘rut ands st aban te wetracouy can 16 46) Testing o is gap win mem sence es sil do not accept the existence of a gult separating (ona) and ruth inti pace nS The enyfemeworks wh Laan come tice ‘Cowigeand at thts guuoger sateen tnd rte gavage ae poychaas arethowcutaetopdogylngusacssel | Same theory. Strictly avoiding an evolutionistic, genetic approach 10 arp of sus, tne means eal meme ihe ‘es aan and sytem calico of the meses of ough wt pepe mayer rae eons Amatren or cause 101 cevorment ist and ferret among thse upp sete fer pocromape she Gain of sacral anwopsogy = ‘Sragueted by Listas cn ose grove Lacon ba awn Exh ty eb and with whom he mlnaned profesor SPS tona elterhips™ a wi chptr of The Same Mind ‘ediond- 35) Leva had given numerous camp of eee gedly pamuvve pope coin Nghy Sophitated “ufeatone of una sod fora, wich demonstrates how the ‘pelo ought pomeranian ee he acted by coc sci uns Moreover, thes xsi pm cassleatone “ay apt not ely cence ‘Tel but even metho or sults wh scene procedure dot ‘ee imports un an savanced stage is. development” wath Borowing an eve rom Descon (927), Levens Seo Cpe, toh in ie seminal teste The Elemenary Src of Kp (9S195925-125) and n The Sage Mind ‘iise35), tat an iforant maybe as capable os the ‘Seti tained antpologt of raving the complicated “Rage of he Kechp puters underpining hei commis SSeoue ts not bese the anol norman ae snl toreprodne te sementry sete of te commenity But “hey are continuously aware of them, even less that they play an helper im gene tem In Levis antpohogy, ‘emertary sures oie» ates penton ori chet ieee community and utes ponean a Sowa of {hee trues wou! taking ther orcs into cut ll ume, and wie combing witngy and wig to th ‘Trop: Besoplsing thse princes othe sad of myth ‘the fewt he Cold2book pulsed ster efor Laces fren of Sete ad as, ave Sruss explained proach as flows: ntion big te drt te condom in whith we atk tem minal cnvebie and ere Wtcudy acpi tw sve aioe ste, he pats Soccer Eso arc ew atoms ary ape ter at mpeg, moe tan ping coe mals peterson acide empl rot of i rays lou te Sea ot ce te Spe wD cee a 102 Lacan ascitnce ‘rare myth may become awa ft sr an de of hd termite Its th ste wat myth ot aso te nv who cnscintoty ape psoas ean teal ws ins speech sipponing he pee he cea lrowldge at vitwontyw do, would peer ne he herd of hides leet inuesy Mylo anata as ‘at and canto have. a esi how how men Uk ‘heer claim to show, rat how mun think in ey, Bat Kw ‘mys pert nes minds witout he bag sue othe ak ‘Ad, hove lcd sugpatel woul peta bt obo Sil urber ac ceearing the inking sje comply poco af thethrkng press wee ing pce inte yh {hat tection upon there and Wha intrclaton, Wav Scouse, 689564 1-12 i ‘As Lacan tate in “Scene and th” Leta os presume to debver up © us ea of oe mythmaker” {Ss98651) Akough » porcuar indo may verte log anays af hs ems’ myth akin at by Lev St Ns in The Kaa he Cs, ts dia reiterates nor modifies nether demu not assent ‘vis pes thse mye adpe If ayting Gee "mul ‘eous production of ys tenes, by the min ht teen ‘tem an by the myth of an mage of te word which aad Inherent in the struct of te mda Seat, 9098] The grammar of kinship and mycoses te very fab the han mid rout ts mind big uly aware feat tei ana pace amit priest atonal Ong Biccks of hamanexperene pervading the sas knowlege and ‘scons and tung un or fer elton footers sede being located and deployed by the subject, the elementary sires delineate the bjt’ poston nd repae oBe ‘elstonsips with tees and oes Lac coneluded appv sng tat the “objet of mytbogeny ibe study ofthe gens of sy is thus inked to 20 development wlwiceves or an Attest of be eaporsible ube no ota sult ba a objets elated, but the sujet f scene” Gi, alton rmdiiedy tat ist ay ta genuine experience of ough which transcends the bounds of oacouta and wot ch AmarrER on cause 109 sot by an evasion oft proximity tan objeive “tytn canbe mee hav i, cose fied mg osu of ah dep te aig Sa ae in ot oF Snewaiefacs and dpe he ae fico *: pnsurable accounts. 2e.aRemcows presence exes conse =n a aeiSamse arcu vewpict whale sein Tieng main pence ow po” Ee omy fe tn of et, Std te * aaa oe Fradus operant of te unconsdows i tbe haan anal bur yt apes of rh het

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