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Jesus Basulto

Professor Shkorupa
Edu 202: Intro to Secondary Education
19 October 2015
Philosophical Portrait of Myself
In my wish to aspire to become a teacher, there are numerous beliefs my mind has
acquired through various experiences. Throughout my experiences and observations, I have
learned a lot, but there is one observation which changed the way I think: teaching is the most
important career that exists. I am not discrediting doctors and lawyers by saying this. Although,
teachers make doctors; teachers help students become lawyers; teachers teach others to be
somebody significant. Sure doctors save lives, but teachers develop doctors to save lives. Even
though philosophies change every year or at least new material is added into my philosophy, this
is my foundation on how I feel (and deeply believe) about being a teacher, an educator, an
Education is a necessity for everyone, in which students can learn and think in different
approaches. Students must learn not only through one way of teaching, but through multiple
methods so they can get the most out of their education. Furthermore, I believe teachers need to
inspire others as this is the main importance of the career. The professional career must not be
taken in vein over vacation time or through the ignorance involving the infamous statement that
anyone can teach. Teaching is much more than that, teaching is about the students. Students
are the mind of the future, they need somebody to hand them tools for their toolbox which they
will use everywhere they go.
In order to accomplish these tedious goals, it is vital to have a strong relationship with
students. Through personal experience, I found that the key to having a healthy relationship with
students involves communication. This allows for students to create a connection with a teacher
and can motivate them to strive and be their best. Not only does verbal communication influence
connections, but a students attitude is a style of interaction. The attitude can express what

students feel, but some of the emotions come from problems outside of school. I believe a
teacher has the obligation to hear the students if they wish to share their troubles. This will make
students more aware of their education and allows them to have one less problem in their busy
Of course teachers have teaching styles, either one or various, but it is better to have a
wide variety to accommodate to a childs needs. I was surprised when I learned my styles, as I
did not think I would have a variety. These styles are not just useful for students learning
benefit, but they are also important for teachers as this allows them to be able to explain concepts
in more than one way. My learning styles consist of essentialism, progressivism, and social
reconstruction; it is good that I have a variety of styles as I can teach students in more than one
Essentialism is important in American schools. This form helps student learn the material
as they are showing proof of knowledge. Even though America has a huge testing culture, this
style affects the students and me, as the teacher, through a variety of ways. First, it provides a
strong academic atmosphere that may be highly stressful. This atmosphere is important so
students understand what is going on and it even enforces a sort of discipline on them. As for the
teacher, it would affect me as there would need to be more tests, but then again, I can see the
progress my students have made directly. Testing is a way to measure students. It is not the best
method, or the one I will use primarily, but it helps make an evaluation of what students are
understanding, and what they are not understanding.
My next teaching style is progressivism. I really enjoy this style, as students learn by
doing. Personally, I learn more by applying what I know then by taking a quiz or test on the
subject matter. This flexible approach allows students to express themselves and utilize what
knowledge they may possess. Even though this is commonly used through internships, I would
intend to use this in a form of project-based learning. Students can get a list of projects and learn

this way as well. Furthermore, students can learn by participating in classroom discussions and
sharing information.
Lastly, I also have a big fondness for social reconstruction. This creates awareness among
students about problems in society. As a future educator, I feel students need to investigate
problems of the present and the past in order to not repeat the errors and build a stronger future.
As a teacher, I would have to discuss current events and past historical problems, and students
must think outside the box in order to list possible outcomes. All this can relate to any topic in
the curriculum, and can help build a better future. This works well with the subject I want to
teach, social studies, as students can analyze the errors of the past and be conscious of the errors
that can occur in the future.
All the strategies and experience influence me to continue education. In the short future, I
want to receive an associates degree in secondary education, and then transfer into a high
education institution to finish my last two years. Meanwhile, I want to receive a subbing license,
in which I can go and develop my teaching skills, as well as gaining connections, with school
administrations. In the long-term, I plan to be a social studies teacher. I want to utilize my ability
of being bilingual (English and Spanish) to connect with the numerous Hispanic students in
Nevada. Most teacher in this district do not have this capability, but I want to be able to use it to
gain relationships with the students. Although, I would not stop there. My goal is to go higher
into education; I greatly consider becoming a superintendent as I want to strive to inspire others
to get an education. As a Hispanic whose parents did not even graduate middle school, I value
education and wish to help others get there.
I am willing to become a role model and help students succeed. Teachers help others
become enlightened with knowledge, and I want to prepare students for the daunting difficulties
of life. I find teaching to be a rewarding career due to the communication between the teacher

and the students. My goal is to help student reach their potential and help them as they are the

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