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Table of Contents

BEER FERMENTATION MODEL SYSTEM OF ODEs ...........................................................

Initiate Constants for Biomass Differential ..............................................................................
Initiate Constants for Temperature Differential .........................................................................
Initiate Constants for Sugar Differential ..................................................................................
Create Fns for Michaelis constants .........................................................................................
Create Fns for Inhibition constants .........................................................................................
Create Fns for Specific Growth Rates .....................................................................................
Define Fns of ODE .............................................................................................................


function dMassdt =

Initiate Constants for Biomass Differential

% initial yeast concentration mol/m^3
X0 = 125;
% Emperical yeast growth inhabition constant (mol/m^3)^2
K_X = 365000;
% Yeild coefficients of Yeast for Glucose, Maltose, and Maltotriose
% respectively molX/molSugar
Y_XG = .134;
Y_XM = .268;
Y_XN = .402;

Initiate Constants for Temperature Differential

% density medium Kg/m^3
density = 1040;
% mean heat capacity KJ/kgK
Cp = 4.016;
% gas constant in cal/mol*K
R = 1.987;
% overall heats of fermentation for Glucose, Maltose, and Maltotriose
% respectively in J/mol converted to KJ/mol
dH_FG = -.0912;
dH_FM = -.2263;
dH_FN = -.3613;

Initiate Constants for Sugar Differential

% Arrhenius ACTIVATION ENERGY for Ki for sugar i where i is Glucose,
% Maltose, and Maltotriose respectively converted from Kcal/mol to
% cal/mol


E_KG = -68600;
E_KM = -14400;
E_KN = -19900;
% Arrhenius ACTIVATION ENERGY for K'i for sugar i where i is Glucose
% and Maltose respectively converted from Kcal/mol to cal/mol
Eprm_KG = 10200;
Eprm_KM = 26300;
% Arrhenius FREQUENCY FACTOR for Ki for sugar i where i is Glucose,
% Maltose, and Maltotriose respectively in mol/m^3
K_G0 = exp(-121.3);
K_M0 = exp(-19.5);
K_N0 = exp(-26.79);
% Arrhenius FREQUENCY FACTOR for K'i for sugar i where i is Glucose
% and Maltose respectively in mol/m^3
Kprm_G0 = exp(23.33);
Kprm_M0 = exp(55.61);

Create Fns for Michaelis constants

for glucose, maltose, and maltotroise respectively
K_G = @(T) K_G0*exp(-E_KG/(R*T));
K_M = @(T) K_M0*exp(-E_KM/(R*T));
K_N = @(T) K_N0*exp(-E_KN/(R*T));

Create Fns for Inhibition constants

for Glucose and Maltose respectively
Kprm_G = @(T) Kprm_G0*exp(-Eprm_KG/(R*T));
Kprm_M = @(T) Kprm_M0*exp(-Eprm_KM/(R*T));

Create Fns for Specific Growth Rates

for Yeast, Glucose, Maltose, and Maltotroise respectively
MU_1 = @(T,G) FnMU_Glucose(T)*G/(K_G(T)*G);
MU_2 = @(T,G,M) (FnMU_Maltose(T)*M/(K_M(T)+M))*(Kprm_G(T)/
MU_3 = @(T,G,M,N) (FnMU_Maltotriose(T)*N/(K_N(T)+N))*(Kprm_G(T)/
MU_X = @(T,G,M,N,X)

Define Fns of ODE

for Biomass, Temperature, Glucose, Maltose, and Maltotroise differentials respectively

dMassdt_0 = [X(1)*MU_X(X(2),X(3),X(4),X(5),X(1));

% logic to keep G positive
if X(3) <= 0
dMassdt_0(3,1) = 0;
X(3) = 0;
% output argument
dMassdt = dMassdt_0;

Published with MATLAB R2016b

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