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Berenice by Edgar Allan Poe

1) Where does the story take place?

-The story does not specify the place where the actions take place, the only clues we have are
that the story is set entirely in a mansion located in some country, but by the way the author
describes the mansions surroundings, I would think that the house is located in England, not in a
specific village or town, but in the middle of nowhere.
2) What condition did Egaeus suffer from? What kind of illness was it?
-He suffers from monomania, which is a mental illness in which the patient gets lost in his own
mind ignoring everything that surrounds him. This might sound as something a lot of people
would do in their lives normally, but people who suffer from this illness get lost in themselves
not for a few seconds or minutes, but for long hours and even days, without eating or paying
attention to anything that happens in real life.
3) What condition did Berencie suffer from?
-She suffers from a more common disease, epilepsy
4) What physical trait does Egaeus obsess over of Berenice's?
-Her teeth
5) Where does Egaeus remember spending most of his time as a child and why?
-In the library, but not reading books as many people, he just would sit in a couch lost in his
own thoughts
6) Egaeus was scared when he saw Berenice in his room. He did not like the look in her eyes
or her strange smile. But what attracted his attention above all?
-Berenice was not exactly attractive in that moment. She was beautiful as always, but Egaeus
was not thinking about her beauty, he got paralysed when he saw her shining and amazing teeth,
her smile was not beautiful, but her teeth indeed was, and he felt like every tooth was calling
him toward Berenice
7) What caused the servants to do a search?
-After Berenice died, the servants heard a strong noise coming from outside of the house, in the
graveyard to be more specific, but it was not any kind of noise. They heard a woman shouting
8) What did the servants discover on their search?
-They discovered that Berenices grave had been disturbed, and then, they realised that the
woman who had shouted before was Berenice, who was not really dead until that moment,
everyone thought she was dead before because she fell in some kind of comma, barely

breathing and with very low pulse. The servants then also discovered that Berenices mouth was
bleeding; her teeth were missing, like if someone had disturbed her grave just to steal her
shining teeth.
9) What does the servant notice about Egaeus?
-When they came inside the house to warn Egaeus, he was lost inside his own mind as usually,
but in the outside his clothes were covered in mud and fresh blood, also he had a strange box in
one table, which fell to the ground and it opened immediately
10) What is in the box that Egaeus drops?
-Human teeth, similar to Berenices, but covered with blood; also in the box there was a kit of
dental surgical instruments
11) What relationship is Berenice to Egaeus?
-They were cousins and later they became husband and wife
12) What did Berenice apparently die from?
-An epileptic fit

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