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•A3 Filipino bishop elected •B1 CBCP’s

•C1 Procreative Rights •D1 Ugnayan

member of post-synodal Open Letter and The News Supplement of
council Reproductive Wrongs Couples for Christ
to Legislators

Archbishop warns vs new Bishop seeks tougher

move for Cha-cha child porn laws
AN arch critic of the Arroyo administration AN official of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference
has warned against sneaky move for Charter of the Philippines (CBCP) urged the lawmakers
Change (Cha-cha) when Congress resumes to push for tougher measures to combat child
next month. pornography.
Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Oscar Cruz CBCP’s Permanent Committee on Public Af-
said the effort to extend the term of President fairs chairman Bishop Deogracias Iñiguez said
Gloria Arroyo has always been there, and authorities must act immediately, adding that
there’s no sign of retreat. child pornography in the country has reached
Cruz said he received information from a “very Protagonist of Truth, Promoter of Peace an alarming level.
strong grapevine” that the current administration “There’s a need for a strong and resolute
is persistent to amend the 1987 Constitution. October 27 - November 9, 2008 Vol. 12 No. 22 Php 20.00 legislation that will eradicate the alarming do-
Cha-cha / A6 Child porn / A6

5 bishops: ‘Time to prepare

a new government is now’

© Dennis Dayao / CBCP Media

From right: Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Oscar Cruz, Masbate Bishop Joel Baylon, Jaro Archbishop Angel Lagdameo, Balanga Bishop Socrates Villegas and Legazpi Bishop Emeritus Jose Sorra at a forum Oct. 28, organized by the CBCPNews and Catholic
Media Network. The bishops called on the public for a stronger fight against corruption in the government and reechoed earlier pastoral statements that condemn corruption in strongest terms as an offense against society and against God.

Pope urges RP gov’t to

By Roy Lagarde public but assured them “liberators” may just be
around the corner.
THE current government requires a “In response to the global economic crisis and
the pitiful state of our country, the time to rebuild
drastic change—and the time is now,

create more jobs, strengthen

our country economically, socially, politically is
ranking Catholic Church leaders said now. The time to start radical reforms is now. The
Tuesday. time for moral regeneration is now. The time to
In a strong statement, five bishops, led by Jaro conquer complacency, cynicism and apathy and

land reform program

Archbishop Angel Lagdameo denounced the to prove that we have matured from our politi-
“worsening” corruption in the government and cal disappointments is now. The time to prepare
stressed the need for change. a new government is now,” Lagdameo said in
Lagdameo called on Filipinos to start preparing a forum organized by CBCPNews and Catholic
for a new government. Media Network.
He said the need for a new kind of government Also present in the forum were Lingayen- POPE Benedict XVI has called on the Philippine government to resolve the problem of unemployment
is necessary to end an administration marred by a Dagupan Archbishop Oscar Cruz, Bataan Bishop at home and implement genuine agrarian reform program.
“social and moral cancer”—that is corruption. Socrates Villegas, Masbate Bishop Joel Baylon and The pope said increased work opportunities must be developed in the country so that Filipinos will
Lagdameo said hopelessness is pervasive in the 5 bishops / A6 no longer have to work abroad and leave their families behind.
“Conditions that foster increased work opportunities in people’s places of origin are to be promoted as
far as possible,” said Benedict XVI in an article posted in the Catholic News Service (CNS) website.
CNS is the official information service of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Radical approach urged The pontiff made the appeal in an Oct. 27 speech as he welcomed the Philippines’ new ambassador to
the Vatican, Cris-
“With about 8
tina Ponce-Enrile.
million Filipinos

to weed out materialism in working outside

sending money
their families, the
is concerned about
the country and
home to support
government rightly
protecting the dig-

religious festivals nity and rights of its

helping the host
immigration as a
citizens abroad and
countries recognize
resource for devel-
“A RADICAL approach has to He also compared it to the cor- Festival, time will come that we opment rather than as an obstacle to it,”
be employed in order to pull- ruption that transpires in gov- will lose this gift and privilege the pope said.
out materialism enveloping the ernment. “At first glance, it does of being the chosen center of “Domestic and international poli-
conduct of religious festivals not look to be destructive but as this devotion to Ina,” Tria dis- cies aimed at regu- lating immigration
which ruins our devotion, just it happens, it continues to inflict closed. must be based on criteria of equity
like what has been observed to massive damage on the welfare He also conveyed that to re- and balance, and particular care is
have happened during the recent of the people,” he added. new one’s devotion, the person needed to facilitate the reunification
Peñafrancia Fiesta.” He said the community can has to pass through a period of of families,” he added.
This was the statement made contribute much to the change purification. At this stage, the Pope Benedict also encouraged
by Father Wilmer Tria of the which the church has envisioned church might hurt the sensitivi- the administra- tion of President
Archdiocese of Caceres in a re- by indulging in ‘critical think- ties of some but this is necessary Gloria Macapagal- Arroyo to continue
cent interview aired over Radio ing’. The faithful has to con- to straighten what needs to be and strengthen its agricultural land
Mindanao Network’s DWNX in ceptualize and continue talking placed in the right direction. reform program.
Naga City. about the changes which can be “The church has the role to The right of farm workers to own the
When asked on how material- effected and comment on what awaken the conscience of those land they work was recognized through
ism could affect the pilgrims’ de- needs to be done and undone. who need to be reminded. Thus the government’s Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP).
votion to ‘Ina’, he said, “It corrupts “The local church has to re- a radical approach has to be em- But the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) lamented the defective implementa-
the soul. It is just like a computer peatedly blow-up the issue on ployed to weed-out materialism tion of the 20-year program.
virus which corrupts the program materialism because should so it will not ruin our devotion The CARP has expired last June 15 but the government’s Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR)
little by little until the entire sys- this continue to dominate our to Ina,” Tria concluded. (Elmer still continued its implementation, including the sending of notices to land owners, the installation of
tem is rendered useless.” celebration of the Peñafrancia Abad)

IPs to receive GK housing from CFC AMRSP urges CBCP to make ‘moral
GAWAD Kalinga (GK), the housing project of the Couples for Christ (CFC) will soon touch the
lives of the Archdiocese of Caceres’ Indigenous People known as Agtas living within the fertile
slopes of Mount Iriga with its housing units and development programs.
judgments’ on corruption issues
Engr. Harry Azaña, CFC’s Gawad Kalinga Provincial Director said Iriga City Mayor Madeleine THE Association of Major Religious Superiors communal action.
Alfelor Gazmen has already presented the donated area for more than one hundred (100) housing of the Philippines (AMRSP) urged the Catholic In the aftermath of the pastoral letter, the
units. More than a hundred IP families stand to benefit from the program. Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) to AMRSP launched “Truth Forum, Truth Masses,
“Aside from having livelihood opportunities through agriculture for the GK homeowners, they make “moral judgments” on the corruption issues Symposia on Truth, Accountability and Reform”
must also be provided with food security which can be done through their own effort, with the that affect the country. in public ecumenical and interfaith prayer rallies
Department of Agriculture guiding them In a letter dated Oct. 17, addressed to Jaro Arch- regarding the burning issues in the Philippine
on what to do,” Azana quoted Agriculture bishop and CBCP president Angel N. Lagdameo, society.
Secretary Yap as saying during the visit. AMRSP national co-chairpersons—Fr. Jesus Malit, “We have joined hands with many truth and
It can be recalled that the first GK village SSS and Sr. Mary John Mananzan, OSB—said peace-loving Filipinos in the celebration of the
established in Iriga City has been provided bishops as spiritual guides, should “make moral Truth Fest in August,” Malit and Mananzan said
with the ‘Bed and Breakfast’ facility for judgments on these issues: the systematic and all in the statement.
tourists in partnership with the provincial pervasive corruption in society and governance, The efforts of AMRSP raised the “moral con-
government of Camarines Sur. This facility the unresolved scandals such as the Hello Garci, sciousness of our people,” they said.
is an income-generating project of the GK North Rail and South rail projects, the Fertilizer “More and more Filipinos are clamoring for
Village. Scam, the NBN-ZTE deal, the continuous attempt to truth, accountability and reform from our govern-
“The once squatter dwellers are now foist Cha-Cha (constitutional change), human rights ment officials,” the statement said.
proud homeowners in this first GK Village violations, PNP Euro Scam and other matters that “At this time when people are losing hope and
established in Iriga City. We see the transfor- are disturbing a great majority of our people.” are becoming cynical and apathetic, a prophetic
mation in the lives of the recipients as they The AMRSP also said that it has taken to heart word from you will be like a Pentecost event, a
now live with hope and dignity,” Azaña the admonition in CBCP letter “Seeking the Truth, rekindling of hope and an inspiration and impetus
concluded. (Elmer Abad) restoring integrity of Feb. 26, 2008” in which the to take active part in social transformation,” Malit
Illustration by Bladimer Usi CBCP urged all to do communal discernment and and Mananzan said. (Santosh Digal)
A2 World News
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008

Pope Benedict decries

anti-Christian violence
in Iraq and India
VATICAN CITY, October 26, 2008—Follow- contribution that the “small, yet active”
ing the Mass that concluded the Bishops’
Synod, Pope Benedict XVI defended Chris-
Christian minorities made to their shared
native land. He recalled that Christians do Tianjin Cathedral advertises
Catechism in local dailies
tians in Iraq and India who are “victims of not demand privileges, but desire only to
intolerance and violence.” live in their countries, together with their
Greeting the thousands of faithful present fellow citizens.
in St. Peter’s Square, the Holy Father joined Addressing civil and religious authori-
TIANJIN, China, October 24, 2008—St. Joseph’s Cathedral in
an appeal by the Patriarchs of the Oriental ties, Pope Benedict asked them to make
Tianjin, northern China, has been placing advertisements in
Churches calling the attention of the inter- every effort to restore immediately civil
newspapers as one way of inviting people to “come and see.”
national community and religious leaders to coexistence. He continued to explain that
Parish priest Father Leo Zhang Liang told UCA News recently
the tragedy of Christians in Iraq and India. “honest and loyal citizens” should be able
that he believes St. Joseph’s is the first parish in mainland China to
He said, “There, Christians are victims of to count on “adequate protection” by the
place such ads, which contain contact information and catechism
intolerance and violence, are killed, threat- State. Civil and religious authorities should
class schedules.
ened and forced to abandon their homes and make “significant and explicit gestures”
The cathedral, well known among local people as Xikai Church,
wander in search of refuge.” out of friendship and consideration toward
stands in a downtown area that was called Laoxikai at the time
The Pope expressed his hope that the minorities, Christian or otherwise, defending
it was built in 1914.
people of Iraq and India appreciated the “their legitimate rights.” (CNA)
Since the ads were put out in four tabloid-size dailies in Au-

Supreme Pontiff announces trip to Africa

gust, the cathedral has received about 20 phone calls every day
inquiring about the Catholic Church or catechism classes, Father
Zhang said.
The parish placed
the first advertise-
VATICAN CITY, October 26, 2008—After celebrating Mass in St Pe- Synod, and Angola, on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the ment just before
ter’s Basilica for the conclusion of the Bishops’ Synod, Pope Benedict country’s evangelization. Aug. 15, the As-
XVI on Sunday spoke before thousands of the faithful in St. Peter’s “If God so wishes, in March I intend to travel to Africa,” he sumption, a major
Square and announced his planned trip to Africa. said. Church feast in Chi-
The Holy Father also reported that Rome would host the Sec- Pope Benedict concluded his remarks by entrusting the suffer- na. “An encounter
ond Special Assembly of the Synod for Africa next October. Pope ings of Christians in Iraq and India and all personal intentions, with Xikai,” it read,
Benedict then proceeded to announce that next March, he plans to including the Synod for Africa, to the intercession of the Blessed without mention-
visit Cameroon to present the working document for the African Virgin Mary. (CNA) ing religion or the
Catholic Church.

Freedom of Choice is an unjustifiable

In later ads, the
text became more
explicit, such as the

act, says bishop

invitation: “Want
to know about Ca-
tholicism?” Father
Zhang said some
journalists of the
KANSAS CITY, Missouri, OCT. 28, 2008.- A enacted, adopted, or implemented before or vulnerable poor, the unborn -- will at the papers in which the
U.S. bishop says people of good will should after the date of enactment of this act.” same time have a consistent or principle- ads were placed ap-
question a candidate’s determination to It would thus “make null and void every based plan for helping other poor people. proached the parish
reduce abortions when he also promises current restriction on abortion in all jurisdic- […] When a candidate pledges to provide and became cate-
to immediately sign upon taking office the tions,” he said. ‘comprehensive sex education’ to school chumens.
Freedom of Choice Act. Citing an article from the Family Research children and promises to promote -- or to According to the priest, the idea of advertising in local news-
Bishop Robert Finn of Kansas City-St. Jo- Council, the bishop noted that among the ‘sign immediately upon taking office’ -- the papers came from a layperson who had advertised his home for
seph said this in a statement last week that laws FOCA would automatically overturn Freedom of Choice Act, Catholics and all elderly people the same way.
aimed to educate voters about a bill the next are 44 states’ laws concerning parental people of good will have cause to question Xikai Church, located behind several shopping malls, has
U.S. president might have the chance to sign involvement; 40 states’ laws on restricting the sincerity of the candidate’s determination adopted an open-door policy.
into law or veto. later-term abortions; and 46 states’ con- to reduce abortions.” Posted on its gate is a sign with Jesus’ words, “Come and See,”
The bishop explained: “The Freedom of science protection laws for individual health Referring to a pastoral letter he wrote with in Chinese characters.
Choice Act (FOCA), was first introduced care providers; as well as 38 states’ bans on Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas Each day dozens of people visit the cathedral, which is open
in November of 1989. […] The more recent partial-birth abortions. City, Kansas, Bishop Finn affirmed: “[W] to the public from 5 a.m. to 8 p.m. During the holiday week
wording of FOCA, introduced last year, is e can never vote for a candidate because around national day, Oct. 1, it receives as many as 5,000 visitors
as follows: A government may not: (1) deny Backward of his permissive stand on abortion. At the in a day.
or interfere with a woman’s right to choose Bishop Finn then mentioned a group “call- same time, if we are inclined to vote for With 30,000 Catholics, Xikai Church is the largest parish in
-- (A) to bear a child; (B) to terminate a preg- ing itself Catholics in Alliance for the Common someone despite their pro-abortion stance, Tianjin diocese, based 110 kilometers southeast of Beijing. Last
nancy prior to viability; or (C) to terminate a Good, which says that electing candidates who it seems we are morally obliged to establish year, it recorded 706 adult baptisms. (AsiaNews)
pregnancy after viability where termination have permissive or clearly pro-choice stances a proportionate reason sufficient to justify

Pope suspends bishop following

is necessary to protect the life or health of in support of abortion, but are determined to the destruction of 45 million human persons
the woman; or (2) discriminate against the provide more assistance to poor and vulner- through abortion.
exercise of the rights set forth in paragraph able women and families, would actually help “If we learn that our ‘candidate of choice’

adoption controversy
(1) in the regulation or provision of benefits, to reduce abortions in the United States.” further pledges -- through an instrument
facilities, services, or information.” “This group,” he said, “I believe has its such as FOCA -- to eliminate all existing
Bishop Finn explained that this act applies priorities backward.” limitations against abortion, it is that much
to “every federal, state, and local statute, “It seems unlikely,” Bishop Finn con- more doubtful whether voting for him or
THIRUVANANTHAPURAM, India, October 24, 2008—Pope
ordinance, regulation, administrative order, tended, “that candidates advocating full her can ever be morally justified under any
Benedict XVI suspended Bishop John Thattumkal of Cochin on
decision, penalty, practice, or other action access to abortion -- which attacks the most circumstance.” (Zenit)
Oct. 23 amid controversy over his adoption of a young woman as
his daughter.

Argentina and Chile celebrate 30-year peace Father Stephen Alathara, spokesperson of the Kerala Catholic
Bishops’ Council, says Bishop Thattumkal is the first Catholic prelate
to be suspended in India’s 2,000-year-old Church history.

brokered by John Paul II

“The Vatican has taken action against bishops for various reasons
in other countries, but this is the first time in India,” Father Alathara
told UCA News soon after the suspension was announced in a
Vatican communique.
The message, which was made their claims to territorial oceanic In its communique, the Vatican also ordered a probe into the
public today, was sent by Car- rights. adoption controversy, asking Archbishop Daniel Acharuparambil
dinal Secretary of State Tarcisio On October 16, 2008, a celebra- of Verapoly to set up a three-bishop committee to conduct the in-
Bertone in the Pope’s name, to tion was held in Buenos Aires at quiry. Verapoly heads the ecclesiastical province to which Cochin
Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio S.J., the Pontifical Catholic University diocese belongs.
archbishop of Buenos Aires. to mark the 30th anniversary of Father Alathara said the inquiry may take a few years. “The
The original dispute between John Paul II’s mediation. communique says a final decision would be taken only after the
Argentina and Chile involved In the letter sent in Pope Bene- inquiry report is submitted and till then (Bishop Thattumkal) re-
three islands that each nation de- dict’s name, Cardinal Bertone mains suspended,” he added. The bishop “will now hold no office
sired to claim so that they could recalls that the reason for the of power.”
have rights over the territorial celebration is “to recall the pon- Bishop Thattumkal was ordained a priest in 1974, after which
seas. Argentina desired to say tifical mediation that helped he taught canon law at a local major seminary. He took charge of
that it had claims to the Pacific, resolve a controversy which was Cochin diocese in 2000.

while Chile wanted territorial running the risk of turning into a The current controversy arose after Kerala’s local media flashed
rights to the Atlantic. conflict, and to reflect upon the the news that the 58-year-old bishop had adopted Sony Joseph, 26,
With the two South American fruits of peace which matured as his daughter. The canon law expert registered the adoption with
nations about to declare war on then and have lasted to our own a government office on Sept. 9, giving Joseph the right to inherit his
Christmas Eve of 1978, Pope time.” personal assets. He met the woman during a pilgrimage to the Holy
John Paul II intervened, sending The letter praised Cardinals Land this past April.
VATICAN CITY, October 23, 1978 the late Pope intervened a special delegate, Cardinal An- Antonio Samore and Agostino On Oct. 20, Bishop Thattumkal convened a meeting of his diocesan
2008—Pope John Paul II is a in a confrontation between Ar- tonio Samore to resolve the dis- Casaroli, who took over nego- priests and reportedly explained that he has only “fatherly affection
Pontiff remembered for helping gentina and Chile to establish pute. After years of negotiations, tiations after Samore’s death, toward the woman, who has spiritual powers.” The priests dismissed
bring about the fall of the Iron peace. To recall the occasion, the governments of Argentina for their efforts to secure peace the explanations and demanded the prelate’s resignation. (UCAN)
Curtain, but less well-known Pope Benedict XVI sent a letter to and Chile agreed to divide the between the two countries.
is the fact that on October 16, the archbishop of Buenos Aires. islands in a way that neutralized (CNA)
Kilalanin ang mga tunay na

Asia is continent with most violations of religious, report says

lingkod ng Bayan.

Alamin at suriin ang adhikain

ng mga tunay na lider ng
ROME, October 24, 2008—The international religious freedom, the government de facto of Hindu nationalists that are contrary to LIDER TOTOO, kasama si Harvey
association Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) limits this right regarding religions distinct religious freedom.” Keh ng Ateneo de Manila University School of Government.
presented its Report on Religious Freedom from Buddhism, which is the religion of the ACN hopes its latest report will “provide
in the world this week, noting that in more State.” not only a specialist readership but also a Mapapakinggan ang LIDER TOTOO tuwing Sabado,alas-nuebe
hanggang alas-diyes y medya ng umaga.
than 60 countries there are various degrees The document also addresses the grave broader public with information that is not
of violations of religious liberty, especially situation of the last two years in India, published by the rulers and religious leaders Kasama ang iba’t-ibang opisyal ng pamahalaan na tunay na
in some Asian nations. where the constitution recognizes religious of those countries where religious freedom naglilingkod sa bayan.
The report, presented in Rome by ACN freedom. It states that “in the years 2006 and is restricted or denied, thereby promoting Layon ng programa na maipabatid sa sambayanan kung sino-sino
president Fr. Joaquin Alliende, specifies 2007 anti-conversion laws have been passed, a growing awareness which, it is hoped, ang mga tumataguyod sa kapakanan ng bawat mamamayan.
how in some countries there are “grave which in general represent a sort of system- can improve the lives of millions of people
Makibahagi sa pagpapaunlad ng bayan katuwang ang LIDER
limitations on freedom of religion,” such as atic support by some local governments whose most basic right has been trampled TOTOO.
in Bhutan, where “although the law protects and other public officials of the activities underfoot.” (CNA)
News Features A3
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008

Filipino bishop elected member

of post-synodal council
MANILA, October 28, 2008—A Filipino bishop has been elected as Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin, Ireland; Archbishop
a member of the Twelfth Council of the General Secretariat of the Mark Benedict Coleridge of Canberra-Goulburn, Australia; Arch-
Synod of Bishops at the conclusion of the 12th Ordinary General bishop Gianfranco Ravasi, president of the Pontifical Council for
Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the Word of God held at the Culture; Bishop Florentin Crihalmeanu of Cluj-Gherla, Romania;
Vatican October 16-25. and Bishop Luis Antonio G. Tagle of Imus, Philippines.
Imus bishop Luis Antonio G. Tagle, a prominent theologian, who Archbishop Nikola Eterovic, secretary general of the Synod of
also served as an expert at the Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, announced the names of the council members during the
Bishops for Asia in 1998, was one of the 12 members elected by the Twenty-Second General Congregation. He likewise revealed that
assembly to make up the post-synodal council. Three additional as the participants conclude their work each one will be presented
members were appointed by the Pope. with a facsimile of the Bodmer Papyrus XIV-XV by the Holy Fa-
Tagle was one of the four bishops elected as delegates to the synod ther. The Bodmer Papyrus XIV-XV is the oldest existing copy of
by members of Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) the gospels of Luke and John handwritten in Greek.
during their plenary meeting last July. The three other prelates were
Bishops Arturo Bastes, Broderick Pabillo and Pablo David. Post-synodal document
Archbishop Orlando Quevedo who also participated at the synod A document called Apostolic Exhortation is usually drafted by
was appointed by the Pope in his capacity as secretary general of the pope at the end of each synod considering the various proposi-
the Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences. tions presented by the synodal Fathers. The post-synodal Council
and the General Secretary are involved in the process leading to
Post-synodal Council the publication of the post-synodal document.
The 15 members of the post-synodal council are the following: of the Association of West African Episcopal Conferences; Cardinal First established by Pope Paul VI in 1965, the Synod of Bishops
Cardinal Francis Arinze, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Wor- Marc Ouellet P.S.S., archbishop of Quebec , Canada; Cardinal Joseph aimed to keep alive the spirit of collegiality provoked by the 2nd
ship and the Discipline of the Sacraments; Cardinal Francis Eugene Zen Ze-kiun S.D.B., bishop of Hong Kong, China; Cardinal Odilo Pe- Vatican Council.
George O.M.I., archbishop of Chicago and president of the United dro Scherer, archbishop of Sao Paulo, Brazil; Cardinal Walter Kasper, Since it begun in 1967, there have been 12 Ordinary General As-
States Conference of Catholic Bishops; Cardinal Oscar Andres Ro- president of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity; semblies of the Synod of Bishops held; seven Special Assemblies;
driguez Maradiaga S.D.B., archbishop of Tegucigalpa and president Archbishop Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya of Kinshasa, president two Extraordinary General Assemblies in 1969 and 1985, and a
of the Episcopal Conference of Honduras; Cardinal Peter Kodwo of the Episcopal Conference of the Democratic Republic of Congo; Particular Synod for the Netherlands in 1980. (Pinky Barrientos,
Appiah Turkson, archbishop of Cape Coast , Ghana , and president Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil S.D.B. of Guwahati, India; FSP with CNA reports)

Ateneo president clarifies Synod presents 55 propositions to Pope

stand on RH bill Assembly approves every proposal
MANILA, October 22, 2008—Reacting on the brouhaha caused by the
controversial position of some of its professors on the reproductive VATICAN CITY, October 26, 2008—The © CNA

health bill, Ateneo de Manila University president, Fr. Bienvenido work sessions of the world Synod of
F. Nebres, SJ, issued a statement stating categorically that the faculty Bishops on the Word of God concluded
members do not speak in the name of the Catholic university. at midday Saturday, with the approval of
In a letter faxed to CBCP president Archbishop Angel Lagdameo 55 propositions that the synodal assembly
today, Nebres explained that the university professors merely stated presented to Benedict XVI.
their own personal position on the matter. The proposals were voted on electroni-
“I would like to clarify that the faculty members clearly state that cally by the 244 synod fathers present in
they are not speaking for the Ateneo de Manila and that this is their the hall. To be approved, each proposition
personal position,” Nebres said in his letter. needed a two-thirds majority.
The 14 professors made headline news today when they made a All of the propositions that were pre-
stand in support of the controversial reproductive health bill being sented were approved, confirming the
debated in Congress and even called on the Catholic Church to also evaluation of this synod as exhibiting
give its support on the bill. perhaps more consensus than any synod
Nebres also sent an earlier letter to Archbishop Paciano Aniceto, since the Second Vatican Council reinsti-
chair of CBCP Episcopal commission on Family and Life, address- tuted this assembly.
ing the same concern.
He clarified that “Ateneo de Manila has not authorized anyone Part 1
to represent the university at the discussions in Congress, media The first part includes propositions
or elsewhere.” on the Word of God in the faith of the
He reiterated the university’s position and its unqualified support Church. The proposals in this section
of the Church’s stand on the issue. include suggestions so that Catholic com-
“As in all matters that are connected with faith and morals, the munities better understand and live their
Ateneo de Manila, as a Jesuit and Catholic University, stands with deep relationship with the Word, Jesus
the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines and the Philip- Christ, who can be found in the reading
pine Province of the Society of Jesus,” said Nebres. and meditating Scripture.
“I am familiar with the considered opinion of our moral theo- They highlight the role of the Holy division between exegetes and theologians, The concluding proposition is dedicated
logians that, although there are points wherein the aforesaid bill Spirit, the Church and tradition, as well or exegetes and pastors. to Mary, and invites a promotion of the
and the Catholic moral tradition are in agreement, there are certain as the intimate relationship between Proposition 37 has a historical value, Angelus and the rosary—contemplation
positions and provisions in the bill which are incompatible with Scripture and the Eucharist. because it takes up the contribution make of the Word though the eyes of the Mother
principles and specific positions of moral teaching which the Catholic Three propositions present the Word of by Orthodox Patriarch Bartholomew I of of Christ.
Church has held and continues to hold,” he further said. God as a Word of reconciliation, a Word Constantinople.
A meeting was scheduled today with Ateneo faculty members of commitment in favor of the poor, and Public
and some Jesuit theologians to dialogue on the controversial issue, the base of natural law. This section also Part 3 The propositions were prepared by
said Nebres. (CBCPNews) considers the relationship between the Propositions 38-54, on the Word of God a team led by the relator-general of the
Old and New Testaments. in the mission of the Church, speaks of the synod, Cardinal Marc Ouellet, archbishop

Real RP peace an elusive

Word in relation to art and culture, and the of Quebec and by the special secretary,
Part 2 translations and availability of the Bible. Archbishop Laurent Monsengwo Pasinya
The second part of the document This section also considers the transmis- of Kinshasa, Congo.

dream, says CBCP head

(propositions 14-37) considers the Word sion of the Word in the media, as well as The team spent the entire night work-
of God in the life of the Church. Among the fundamentalist reading of the Bible and ing so as to present the propositions for
other things, concrete ideas are offered to the phenomenon of sects. It also takes into vote.
MANILA, October 17, 2008—The State has promised to transform improve homilies, a revision of the Lec- account proposals on interreligious dialogue, Normally the propositions are not
the country into a peaceful land but years have passed alongside the tionary is suggested, and lectio divina is the promotion of pilgrimages and studies made public, but Benedict XVI has asked
constant change of the national administration, yet peace remains promoted. It is suggested that women be in the Holy Land, dialogue with Judaism the secretariat of the synod to publish a
far from possible. allowed to be instituted lectors. and Islam, and the relationship between the provisional, non-official Italian transla-
Thus says Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) This section also urges overcoming Word and protection of the environment. tion. (Zenit)
president Archbishop Angel Lagdameo as he claimed that “for us
Filipinos, peace seems to be an elusive dream.”
But for the prelate, peace was somehow feasible during the presi-
dency of Fidel Ramos because “it was only him who somehow made
a difference.”
Pope urges Philippine government to
During a speech he delivered at the inaugural ceremony of the 7th
General Assembly of the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace
(ACRP) last Friday at the University of Sto. Tomas, Lagdameo said
Ramos may only be the head of state who “seriously pursued the
address needs of immigrants
MANILA, October 28, 2008— criteria of equity and balance,
path of peace” through peace negotiations with the communist Pope Benedict VXI has urged and particular care is needed
insurgents and Muslim rebels in Mindanao. the Philippine government to to facilitate the reunification
“But unlike Ramos who made a significant effort to attain peace, address the needs of immigrant of families. At the same time,
his successor Joseph Estrada, harmed rather than helped his pre- citizens and overseas Filipino conditions that foster increased
decessor’s peace process,” he said at the gathering themed “Peace- workers. work opportunities in peoples’
making in Asia.” The Pope said, “Governments places of origin are to be pro-
Back in the time of Ferdinand Marcos, Lagdameo said the socio- must work for proper integration moted as far as possible.”
economic programs of Diosdado Macapagal were all set aside when of immigrants, With regard to the collabora-
the dictatorship was declared in 1972. Benedict XVI explained on tion between Church and state,
Photo courtesy of CBCP-ECMI

While Marcos’ dictatorial rule resulted, to communist insurgencies Oct. 27 as he addressed the new the pope said, “the Church is
and Muslim separatist movements, Corazon Aquino’s restoration of ambassador of the Philippines to equally convinced that State and
democracy was disturbed by continuing insurgency through seven the Holy See, Cristina Castañer- religion are called to support
military coup attempts it has fortunately survived. Ponce Enrile, who met the Pope each other as they together serve
The current administration was also not off the hook from the to present her letters of credence,” the personal and social well-
religious leader who lashed at President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, reported a Rome-based Catholic being of all. This harmonious
who was also present during the gathering. news agency, AsiaNews. cooperation between Church
“And even today our President is still struggling on how to re- Quoting the Pope, AsiaNews, and State requires ecclesial and
solve the causes of conflicts, the problem of moral and economic said, “governments must work Benedict spoke of immigration as a “resource civic leaders to carry out their
recovery, the systemic graft and corruption that glaringly persist for proper integration of immigrants.” for development.” public duties with undaunted concern for
and characterized our search for peace,” he said. The Philippines is known as a labor- Pope continued, “Government leaders the common good. By cultivating a spirit of
Echoing Lagdameo’s claims, CBCP Episcopal Commission on sending country. face numerous challenges as they strive to honesty and impartiality, and by keeping
Interreligious Dialogue chairman Archbishop Antonio Ledesma Distinction between religion and politics is ensure that immigrants are integrated into justice their aim, civil and ecclesial leaders
blamed the government’s lack of consultation from the people for an achievement due to Christianity, and the society in a way that acknowledges their earn the trust of the people and enhance a
the resurgence of conflict in Mindanao. Catholic Church continues to promote it, in human dignity and affords them the oppor- sense of the shared responsibility of all citi-
“During the time of Ramos, there were efforts for this national the conviction of the necessary collaboration tunity to earn a decent living, with adequate zens to promote a civilization of love.”
unification commission to have consultations on how to bring about between state and Church, having the com- time for rest and a due provision for wor- The Philippines is currently hosting the
peace. I think that should continue. In fact, that was the reason why mon aim of the good of persons. ship. The just care of immigrants and the four-day Global Forum on Migration and
this Mindanao conflict came back again due to lack of consultation,” This is the primary aim of Catholic social building up of solidarity of labor requires Development (GFMD) at the PICC.
he said. doctrine, it said. governments, humanitarian agencies, Various national and international civil so-
The archbishop of Cagayan de Oro said hopefully the ongoing In the context of concern over social wel- peoples of faith and all citizens to cooperate cieties including the Catholic Church began
ACRP, will help bring about peace not only here in the country but fare, the Pontiff also made reference to the with prudence and patient determination. yesterday discussions focusing on protecting
in the world as well. attention of the Filipino government toward Domestic and international policies aimed and empowering migrant workers at the
Real RP peace / A7 its own immigrant citizens. In this regard, at regulating immigration must be based on GFMD conference. (Santosh Digal)
A4 Opinion
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008


‘Deadma’ to corruption

AN earlier observation that Filipinos are fast to clubber smalltime

pickpockets and snatchers but become totally “deadma” when
it comes to multimillion peso robbery of government coffers by
highly regarded and powerful government officials is true.
The reason being that the common Pinoy is not able to “connect”
with the enormity of the amount and therefore fails to grasp the
gigantic dimensions of, for instance, a $350-million NBN-ZTE
deal or the P700 million Bolante fertilizer. Seemingly, this sounds
plausible because most of us who are wont to seeing only the
“barya” exchanges of the day will not be able to relate with the
vastness of something outside empirical experience.
Of late five bishops were bewailing why the Pinoy majority
has become so apathetic even after a series of pastoral
statements—and that does not even count more than 400 years
of Christianity, 2,800 or so parishes and thousands Catholic
schools—calling for a turnaround from endemic and wholesale
corruption, which were anyway bumped only with indifference
and futility or so it seemed.
But is the Pinoy really “deadma”?
Mang Caloy’s Barbershop begs to disagree. And so is Aling
Tinay’s sari-sari store down the corner. Right now, all of them
are angry. And so are their neighbors and relatives and peers.
They know that the husband of Tinay is in Dubai because of
poverty. Bunso can’t go to school or get medical attention for
the same reason. And they know fully well that the cause of the
country’s worsening poverty is corruption. They feel belittled
when one columnist calls them indifferent, because they are
not. “Kelangan pa bang imemorize yan?’ Aling Tinay would
ask in exasperation.
The perception that the ordinary Pinoy is indifferent is exactly
that—a perception; one that comes mostly from above not from
below. Because, from down under people are not “deadma”.
They are the most hurt. They have the loudest cry for a liberator,
for a righteous Goliath to fight a corrupt Goliath—or else, how
can a barber, or a teacher or the poor put up a fight and denounce
Abp. Angel N. Lagdameo, DD
Corruption—A social
and moral cancer
the corruption of, say, a powerful congressman or Malacañang
for that matter?
But the rub is, the righteous Goliaths don’t want to lift one
In and Out of Season Quotes from some prophets of hope
(Note: this was read during a press forum held in Intramuros, Manila, or private office to unlawfully enrich oneself and those close to him,
October 28, 2008) or induce others to do the same (ADB). It is not only an economic
and social problem but by and large a moral issue and a moral
IN this message, we would like to articulate our group’s reading of problem.
God’s call to renewal our situation not in our own words, but as discerned and articulated
no less by citizens of our country, members of civil society as such.
How do ordinary citizens rate corruption in our country? In a
Philippine Star INBOX, the question is asked: “On a scale of 1 to
Let us hear and follow what they are prophesying and challenging 10, with ten as the highest, how rampant is corruption today?” Of a
us to do. total of 62 respondents, 20 gave a corruption rate of 10 and 5 gave a
FOLLOWING the pattern of PCP-II, we sought to discern God’s Twenty million hungry Filipinos will disagree with the proclaimed corruption rate of 10 plus. Nine respondents rated our country with
call to renewal within our changing historical and ecclesial “Ramdam ang Kaunlaran” with their own experience: “Ramdam corruption rate of 9; six rated her with 8; two with 7; two with 6, and
context. PCP-II pointed to the strengths and gifts of the Filipino ang Kahirapan. Ramdam ang gutom.” According to an executive 3 with 5. Fifteen respondents gave descriptions of corruption. These
people. It also indicated the ills of the nation stemming from director of IBON, nearly 72% of Filipinos surveyed last year consider are ordinary citizens bothered by our culture of corruption.
tragically unbalanced economic and political structures and themselves poor. According to June 2008 Social Weather Survey, In the past few years up to today, we have watched how cor-
ambivalent cultural traits. Unfortunately much of what was said 59% of Filipino Families (10.6 million) rate themselves as mahirap ruption has become endemic, massive, systemic and rampant in
then is still true today. New causes and factors have spawned or poor, 24% rate themselves on borderline poor and only 17% as our politics. The faces and symptoms of corruption are overprized
new forms of the old ills. hindi mahirap, not poor. By poverty it means basically among other projects, multi-billion scams of various kinds, election manipu-
The global economy, in tandem with superb new technologies things food-poverty or food-borderline. The benefits of the much lations, anomalous transactions, bribery of both high and low,
and means of social communications, has produced a global proclaimed economic growth are not felt by the masses. unsolved murders of media practitioners. Corruption is a social
culture that has been radically changing the culture of Filipinos, The biggest culprit and major cause of our nation’s poverty and and moral cancer!
especially of the young, even in rural areas. Individualism, hunger is graft and corruption which has invaded all public and As to the consequences, corruption foremost in political elec-
materialism, a “feel good” morality are eroding civic and private institutions. Corruption is the abuse and misuse of public In and out / A6
religious values. Respect for tradition, committed relationships
and self-sacrificing love are often sacrificed on the altar of Sr. Mary Pilar Verzosa, RGS
pragmatism. New forms of oppression of the poor are appearing,
systematically blinding and enslaving their minds and hearts.
The story of Janette
Love Life
Corruption in government has reached scandalous proportions,
as demonstrated by the scandal of a presidential impeachment
The Church in the Philippines has, to our shame, also remained
unchanged in some respects. Due to weakness in formation and A COUPLE of weeks ago, Pro-life Philippines her of time to counsel in one of our crisis for selling abortifacients. Once released from
education, the lack of defined diocesan pastoral directions and launched the “Best of Life”, a Commemora- pregnancy centers or to lecture on pro-life detention, they set up their stalls again right
programs, and deficiencies in structures, many prescriptions of tive Magazine to mark its Silver Jubilee as values to teens and couples in depressed there in Quiapo or transfer to Baclaran or
PCP-II have not been implemented. But beyond these factors, a Foundation, that is, when it was formally communities. She attends pro-life seminars Kamias sidewalks.
we see that failures in renewal have come from a deeper source: declared an organization last 1983. The and conferences for her own growth and for The vendors can get very nasty and they
our hardness of heart and resistance to conversion. magazine contains chosen articles from the encouragement because, according to her, shove her aside when she begins talking
past issues of the Pro-life newsletters and she needs warm bodies to keep her zeal go- with the buyers. She shows the woman or
We confess that among those who make up the Church, even magazines published through the years. Long ing. Otherwise, she will give up. boyfriend the model of a three month old
among some in positions of leadership and responsibility, the time volunteers, staff and members found joy A few years back, Janette would go fetus, photos of the development of the un-
new attitudes, options, and lifestyles demanded by a Church in reading through the pages, recalling the around Metro Manila removing billboards born baby, and gives them hotline numbers
that is Community of Disciples and Church of the Poor have all many activities that they have been a part of. and posters on “Delayed Mens? Call...” and addresses of maternity homes. “Some
too often been honored in words but rejected in life. Moreover, I am now quoting here the story of Janette, one She knows that these places offer abortion. of them listen attentively to me,” she re-
largely due to inaction, uncritical acceptance of values and
of our “pro-life heroes” who, after 25 years, She brings along a can of paint and long lates. “You can see the desperation in their
patterns of behavior of the dominant society, lack of consistent
witnessing, we, as Church have to confess some responsibility continues to give her time and commitment brush in order to cover the numbers if the eyes. But once they receive the materials I
for many of the continuing ills of Philippine society. to our pro-life mission. billboard is beyond her reach. She says she give them and I see a sense of relief in their
never encountered anyone objecting to her faces, I know that my time out there has
We rejoice, however, in the perseverance and increase of many A Pro-life Hero endeavor. Passersby probably thought she been worth it.”
movements of renewal in Philippine society that have promoted “You seem to have a problem. Allow us was responsible for putting up the billboards Pro-life needs volunteers to do what Ja-
the causes of women, the youth, farmers, laborers, fisher folk, to help you. Here is a telephone number of and had every right to remove them. She has nette has been doing – to confront the herbal
the urban poor, overseas workers, families, tribal communities someone who will assist you in your situa- certainly saved many lives by that coura- vendors and buyers of the abortive pills. If
and the environment. We rejoice, too, that in the Church many tion now.” Janette Ealdama gently speaks geous mission. you wish to join Janette in this vital work of
committed lay people, religious women and men, priests, with a young woman buying abortive tablets Lately, she has been going from one herbal saving babies and their mothers from abor-
bishops, Catholic communities and institutions have sustained from a herbal vendor in Quiapo. vendor to another in the Fiesta Mall area in tion, call our Pro-life office for orientation
efforts to effect renewal through faith formation, the building of Janette has been an active volunteer of Alabang, where many of the herbal vendors and training and assignment. (911-2911, Sr.
Basic Ecclesial Communities, livelihood and political education Pro-life Philippines for the past twenty years. in Quiapo have transferred ever since former Pilar 0920-945-5494)
programs, and election monitoring, to name a few. Having ten children to raise has not deprived Mayor Lito Atienza arrested many of them You, too, can be a Pro-life Hero!
“Behold I Make All Things New”, 2001
Oscar V. Cruz, DD
Crime crying to heaven
ISSN 1908-2940 Views and Points for vengeance

CBCP Monitor
Protagonist of Tr u t h , Promoter of Peace
AS a foul act and a vile reality, as an odious
exploit and a villainous move, a crime is said
to cry to heaven for vengeance when it so
obnoxious in nature and so callous in conse-
simply stated what a good number of Fili-
pinos already know and also say so.
Would that the Philippines were not in
fact rated with distinction in the index of
such already cries to heaven for vengeance.
In other words, so profound and so perva-
sive have corrupt and corrupting criminals
specially in the government sector become
Pedro C. Quitorio quences such that the criminal is considered corruption not only in the region but also that they already earn vengeance from the
Editor-in-Chief deserving not merely of earthly punishment among other continents. And would that heavens above. Why?
no matter how severe—but warranting noth- the ruling administration does not deserve Millions of children having no sufficient
Pinky Barrientos, FSP Kris P. Bayos ing less than revenge from a higher authority. special mention as having reached the sum- food to eat, no acceptable chance to grow
Associate Editor Feature Editor Needless to say, there must be few crimes, few mit of corruption. And would that a good up healthy, no realistic opportunity to go
criminals that rightfully merit such severe number of public officials in both the na- to school. Millions of adults with neither
Melo M. Acuña Rosalynn Garcia retribution. Even the Holy Book makes men- tional and local levels of government were acceptable employment nor decent liveli-
Managing Editor Marketing Supervisor tion of such dastardly actions that said to be not well noted and commonly considered hood. Millions of elderly and sickly people
“crying to heavens for vengeance”—such as as corrupt characters “to the bones”. These without the resources to buy the medicines
Laurence John R. Morales Ernani M. Ramos
against “widows and orphans.” Philippine situational factors are definitely they badly need. Millions of other citizens

Online Editor Circulation Manager

In this country with basically good and neither gratifying to say, nor inspiring to without their needed social services and
Roy Q. Lagarde Marcelita Dominguez simple people, there is a particular crime that hear. This could be precisely the reason other benefits due to flagrant and endemic
News Editor Comptroller has become so deleterious and systematic why not few upright and trustworthy corruption in the country perpetrated by
specifically in the corridors of political power OFWs are looked down upon in the foreign big and habitual theft, misuse and waste
The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the CBCP Com- and its allied cohorts. Not long ago, the CBCP countries they are unhappily deployed—to of public funds particularly by notorious
munications Development Foundation, Inc., with editorial and itself found it in order to officially express it the extent of being painfully discriminated government officials. Their ultimate vic-
business offices at 470 Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Manila.
P.O. Box 3601, 1076 MCPO.
in the following terms, viz., the widespread and violated. tims are categorically millions. Their well
Editorial: (063) 404-2182. Business: (063)404-1612. corruption in government “from top to bot- This is why it might be not necessary but deserved retribution can only come from
Email: tom”. This is admittedly neither easy to say also quite timely to say expressly and clearly above. Would that they realize their pitiful
Website: nor pleasant to hear. It is quite probable that the crime of corruption in the Philip- and fearful predicament they are squarely
however that the said Episcopal Conference pines has become so gross and rampant that and deeply in!
Opinion A5
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008

Rev. Euly B. Belizar, SThD Fr. Carmelo O. Diola, SSL

The social dimension
By the Roadside of sin Spaces of Hope
ALL over the front pages are two rather ing to Mr. B, ‘Wow, what a ‘sosyal’ act you dimension of sin. It is not an individual he

An anonymous
related stories: the possible filing of charges did!”) Nor does it just mean that the wrong denounces but “a generation” who, as in
against the so-called ‘Moscow generals’ for that I do affects others in the society or the Tower of Babel, refuses to listen to him
the allegedly illegal possession of millions Church community where I live. This one who is greater than either Jonah or Solomon
of taxpayers’ money as well as against Mr.
‘Jocjoc’ Bolante and his co-conspirators for
the alleged misuse of public money meant
is the most obvious sense. People know,
for example, that if, as a priest, I get drunk
and challenge anyone to a fistfight, that
to whom their own “generations” listened.
The point is that when we, as a community
or even as a whole society, alienate ourselves
Christian citizen
for farmers’ fertilizers. “What a team effort certainly would scandalize the community from the Word of God by refusing to listen
by these people,” I said to myself. Then I and, hence, illustrate the social dimension and by choosing to be led by selfishness and RECENTLY, inside a plane, I had a glimpse of a person’s soul.
remembered. I was showing a group of high of my unethical behavior. pride, we end up with negative attitudes and The glimpse was unintended. My seat was next to the aisle
school students some areas of the seminary But the social dimension of sin is not destructive courses of action. and to my left were two other seats near the window. Seated
where I was assigned as a new priest. At one exhausted in that sense. It also means that The Catechism for Filipino Catholics were two men who actually had just met. I closed my eyes to
point one of them, a female sophomore, saw a whole body or group of people can, by speaks of “negative moral attitudes and catch some sleep.
the television room and the refectory of the their attitudes and concrete acts, offend God acts or failure to act that are common to a Before long, the two were having an animated conversa-
Fathers. She exclaimed, “Wow, sosyal!” and alienate themselves from him and from community or particular society”, resulting tion, although one did most of the talking. He was gushing
It was the first time I heard that word other members of the community or society in “unjust structures”, such as “racial or sex- unabashedly about the physical allure of the stewardesses.
which even then I understood to be a part of at large. One example from Genesis 11:1-9 is ist prejudicial structures, unjust economic He then confessed to having only recently gotten married.
teen lingo. I knew, by reading her approving in point. The whole body of human beings taxation systems, established military and Meanwhile, his conversation partner mentioned that he was
look, that ‘sosyal’ meant something people during scripturally ancient times is sent by political customs and unfair immigration working with an NGO. This prompted him to say how he hopes
(“Don’t they constitute society?” I could God to spread themselves across the earth. legalities” (CFC 1804). The Second Plenary one day to reach out to the voiceless as a lawyer since he was
only imagine her saying) like or find appeal- Instead, they choose to settle in a city and Council of the Philippines speaks further taking up law. He also said that he gives financial help to the
ing, a bit like “cool”, such as a ‘sosyal’ televi- build a tower, later known to be the Tower of “structures of sin” or “social sins” which Missionaries of Charity, preferring them to a parish since he
sion room or a ‘sosyal’ dining room. ‘Sosyal’ of Babel. Their sin lies not in deciding to “consist of situations, collective behavior or sees where the money goes.
reminds us of how important it can be for us settle in a city (that would make living in structures that cause or perpetuate social The man remembered minute details of people, places, and
Pinoys (or for human beings anywhere for Metro Manila a sin, which is unthinkable) or injustices. Such structures are created by events. I marveled at how God had delivered him from harm.
that matter) to have the approval or support even in deciding to build a tower. It lies in the accumulation of many sinful attitudes, “A week before the MV Princess of the Stars went down,” he
of others on anything we do or say, have or their disobedience and the pride that push ‘two of which are very typical: on the one said, “I was on it. I had taken the vessel so many times before
are. The downside is that it does not by itself them to seek glory for themselves apart hand, the all-consuming desire for profit, that I knew many of the workers on it. I could have been on
guarantee God’s approval, which is all that from God. They refuse to accept and take and on the other, the thirst for power, with it.”
matters for a Christian. their rightful place as creatures under God. the intention of imposing one’s will upon I continued closing my eyes while praying for this anony-
Still, the social dimension of sin does Here we see sin in its roots: selfishness that others’” (PCP II 270). mous soul and his journey. I saw his aspirations and struggles.
not merely mean a team of co-conspirators leads to disobedience; pride that leads to Think of groups of people in public or Both gifted and flawed, aspiring to do good yet driven by
applauding a person’s every wrongdoing self-glorification. private capacities conspiring to put or per- lower instincts, he had dreams that refused to die yet was
or egging him on (could you imagine the On the other hand, Jesus in the gospel of petuate someone in power by all means, coming to grips with his mortality. Baptized a Catholic, he was
beneficiaries of an act of malversation say- Matthew 12:38-42 presupposes the social Roadside / A7 uncomfortable with what he judged as a lack of transparency
in his parish.
Nicolo F. Bernardo
Sweet dreams,
For me, the ambivalent poles in the life of this unknown
person represent the great challenge of formation of conscience.
Conscience, which is “the most secret core and sanctuary of

see you home Lifeguard

a man (where) he is alone with God, whose voice echoes in
his depths,” must be approached with the greatest sensitivity
and even awe. We are treading, after all, on holy ground. This
secret core, as one bishop puts it, is “the greatest untapped
IN the musical Les Miserables, there is this dying Jean Valjean with my grandfather. resource of the Church.”
who—while surrounded by his loved ones—is escorted by the soul Soon enough, after receiving the last rites, my grandma did join How can we journey with such souls and strengthen the
of a friend as he lays down to rest: “Remember the truth that once my lolo, maybe in that beautiful garden lolo showed her. voice within commanding them to “do good and avoid evil”
was spoken,” the soul says, “that to love another person is to see How real was lola’s account is not really what is important. What in a society that has all but canonized the so-called “lesser
the face of God.” is important is how she left the family lessons of forgiveness and evil”? What questions and truths need to be shared so that
That truth is something not strange to those who witnessed a endearment. their goodness may shine even more? How can the goodness
loved one dying, or who blessed the soul of one about to die in the My grandmother and grandfather, just like many couples, did not inherent and latent in their persons be activated and channeled
company of his loved ones. Indeed, the love one lives and dies with have a perfect relationship. They were poor with nine children, and amidst their own doubts and brokenness? How can we form
is every man’s beatitude. there were times when they had to live separately because lolo had consciences that are sensitive to social issues and not just their
In that story by Victor Hugo, Valjean parts with his loved ones on not been that faithful. Just like many wives and mothers, lola had individual relationship with God? How can we as Church
earth as he is escorted by the souls of his loved ones in heaven. The her shortcomings too. The family was as human as it can get. become a more credible formator of conscience?
message stirs a thought come All Souls’ Day: that love outlasts death But lola, a fish vendor, managed to raise all her kids to school The challenges are enormous. Less than one out of every ten
and there is a tie, a communion, between the living and the dead. and loved lolo despite everything. When it was lolo who was adult Catholics has had adult catechism. Globalization and
Dying in peace around one’s beloved is a grace one hopes for even dying and paralytic from an accident weeks after their 75th an- the media are a mixed blessing. While contributing to a world
in that simple prayer of Hail Mary: to be blessed “now and at the niversary (when they still sang together Maalaala Mo Kaya), lola without borders now described as “flat,” these often espouse
hour of our death.” We can only be thankful to know if our loved took care of him, reminded him of their memories, and her love relativism and permissiveness, making moral absolutes and
ones did part with a smile, with memories of love with them. until the end. Tears would well lolo’s eyes, which was lola’s only even faith look out of touch with reality.
If you will agree with me, people at their dying moments can spe- reassurance that her man could hear her words. After his death, Yet formation of conscience is a duty and within the com-
cially commune with their beloved dead, just like Valjean. After all, lola would try to attend daily Masses for lolo, after which she petence of the Church. The gospel readings of the last two
as Catholics, we believe in the communion of saints, of the blessed would visit his grave. Sundays of October deal with this competence and lay the
souls. Even when saints were about to pass, they would speak of Before her own time, lola would tell my sister, who was about to groundwork for the Church’s engagement in public life.
angels and holy souls waiting for them. The realities of the now and get wed then, to always love her husband. She would recall how When Jesus’ opponents seek to trap him, he tells them to
the hereafter would seem to blur for someone called to cross the line. lolo courted and loved her as her prince charming. For us who “give to Caesar, the things that are Caesar’s and to God, the
It can be a moment of Transfiguration to those witnessing, much as knew how it was never easy for lola to earn a living while keep- things that are God’s” (Matthew 22:21). He reminds his listen-
how it was to the Apostles when the souls of Moses and Elijah came ing the family strong, her example of courage and industry was ers of their debt to both the Roman emperor and to God. The
to earth to commune with the Lord. enough legacy. Perhaps her affection for her family made her yoke way the imperative is constructed in v. 21 shows that while one
Such accounts of visions and near-death encounters remind me of easy and her burden light. How she lived loving lolo was also how has obligations to the State, this obligation is relative to one’s
my paternal grandmother, Lola Tibay. You may not believe this but she died. It was in sickness and in health, through thick and thin. greater obligations to God. The two authorities are unequal.
I would like to tell her parting story anyway, which perhaps could It was beyond her vows that her marital love was not until death, Cesar is not on the same level as God. Even the syntactical
be the story of your own beloved departed too. but beyond death. arrangement of v. 21 shows this since what is usual in Jewish
Everyone in the family knew lola’s time was nearing when she Anyone of us, who are reminded of the love stories of our grand- argumentation is to start with the lesser to the greater, the lesser
would talk of dreaming of my grandfather, Lolo Inso. Lolo would parents, or parents, or that of our own, can only agree with what the being “Cesar” and the greater being “God.”
appear in her dreams—radiant, pure white, and handsome—holding Pope has been talking about. In his first encyclical Deus Caritas Est, For Matthew God is the greatest reality: “But seek first his
her hands and inviting her to finally join him on a beautiful garden. Benedict XVI writes that the love of one spouse to another, beginning kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be
At first, lola would refuse, but lolo’s visits—which she said were not from Adam and Eve, has been redeemed to be in itself a proof of yours as well.” (Mat 6:33). Hence, “when those demands are
limited to dreams—would become frequent. God’s love—a proof that there is a loving God. Human love is not not at odds (as here), obligations to both can be met (cf. Rom
One morning, my lola’s caregiver—who used to sleep with her in perfect, but it can make one transcend oneself. 13:1-7; 1 Pet 2:17). In cases of conflict, however, it is manifest
her room—asked lola who was it who changed her diapers when Perhaps we can also understand why marriage and the family which authority requires allegiance.” After all, Jesus himself
lola could not even lift herself since she was bedridden and crippled. is a taste of God’s kingdom. In fact, we Christians bury families says that no one can serve two masters who are at odds with
Lola replied: “Inso came here and changed my diapers.” Horrified, together because we hope that in the resurrection of the dead, we each other (Mat 6:24).
the caregiver left and resigned, fearful for it was not possible for would wake up along with the very people we loved. When love The “things of God” include the primacy of conscience.
grandma to change her undies by herself and no one else could have conquers death, death cannot even do us part. Love lasts to keep us Formation of correct conscience demands that the inner voice
entered the room. She could not stand lola’s seeming encounters dreaming of that restful place we can all call home. of God be obeyed vis-à-vis the Word of God and the teachings
of the Church. The proposed reproductive health bill makes a
mockery of conscience and imposes a secularist mindset. The
Fr. Melvin P. Castro “things of Caesar” seek to dominate the “things of God.”
A few verses later, in Mat 22: 34-40, there is convergence

The road to Damascus between the “things of Caesar” with the “things of God” when

Speaking of Mary Jesus connects love of God with love of neighbor. The two com-
mandments, from Deut 6:5 and Lev 19:18, form a single whole.
Matthew’s community has an expanded view of “neighbor”
which goes beyond blood, ethnic, or even religious ties (Mat
5: 43). Anyone in need is neighbor: “Whatever you did for
THIS year marks the bi-millennium birth Quien a Dios tiene, another, for our own true conversion.
one of my least brothers, you did it for me” (Mat 25:40). This
anniversary of St. Paul. Before, he was Saul Nada te falta The three children who were blessed with
is echoed in 1 John 4:20: “One who has no love for the brother
of Tarsus, a persecutor of Christians until his Solo Dios basta. the apparitions of Our Lady are now all in
he has seen cannot love the God he has not seen.”
travel towards Damascus that God’s grace Solo Dios basta. heaven. Francisco, who could only see but
This constitutes a biblical basis for heroic Christian citizen-
made him Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles. In the ever fleeting concerns that we neither hear nor speak with Our Lady, died
ship and leadership since acts of good citizenship and leader-
In Rome now, they have opened a special are offered, Teresa reminds us, Solo Dios the earliest. He spent many hours in prayer
ship can express one’s love of God and love of neighbor. By
“Jubilee Door” at the Basilica of St. Paul basta. Since we often forget that struggle to console the Lord. Together with his sister,
segregating garbage, falling and staying in line, coming on
Outside the Walls. We had the opportunity for sanctity is a joyful one, I remember as Jacinta, was declared Blessed by the Servant
time, to give but three examples, we are actually loving God
to celebrate Mass there just very recently at well those words of hers: Spare us O Lord of Go, John Paul II, in May 2000.
and neighbor. We are being good stewards of our God-given
the Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament. In that from gloomy saints! Jacinta—who could see and hear Our
resources and being considerate to others.
Chapel is the Crucifix in front of which St. From Avila, we proceeded to Fatima, which Lady but not speak with Her—died alone
This is a message that needs to be told more loudly. I suspect
Bridget received the Fifteen Prayers in honor appropriately enough was the 13th of Octo- in a hospital, as foretold by Our Lady, but
the anonymous Filipino on the plane would appreciate it.
of the wounds of the Lord. ber. Although I have been there in the past, she was never left alone by Our Lady. She
(For comments, kindly email:
The figure of St. Paul reminds us that no it is always a new and renewing experience. spent her life offering prayers and sacrifices
matter how we led our lives in the past, we The evening procession was impressive. The for the Holy Father.
can always atone for them, and more so, live group was also graced to have led in Tagalog Lucia—who could see, hear, and speak
a life that is meant for us by the Lord. Paul part of a decade of the Rosary. with Our Lady—eventually entered the
had that utter change. God worked in him. Early morning of October 14 we offered Carmel in Coimbra, some hours away from
And to culminate his earthly life, he died a Mass at the Chapel of the Apparitions at Fatima. Our Lady told her she would live

Read the

martyr’s death. the Cova d’Iria. And in our hearts, and me longer than her two cousins since through
Well, we actually began our Marian Pil- in my poor and sinful heart, begged Our Lucia, “God wanted to establish devotion to
grimage by visiting Avila in Spain. It was my Lady to safeguard the Filipino Family and her (Mary’s) Immaculate Heart.” She lived
first time in Avila and I was deeply moved enlighten our legislators. We cannot give up until 13 February 2005.
in being in the place where Teresa begun
reforming Carmel, and in the end, reforming
the Church members as well, as the Church is
in our legislators. If Saul the persecutor of
Christians, by God’s grace, was transformed
into Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles, any
In these three children, we see not only the
innocence of the little ones but their simplic-
ity and conviction to fulfill God’s Will. We
daily church
perfectly holy in her Head who is Christ and
ever needing sanctification in her members.
We were able to offer Mass at the birth
and all our legislators can be transformed as
well into true Christian leaders. With God,
there is nothing impossible.
may have already lost our own innocence,
but we could still be simple and convinced
in fulfilling His Will.
news at
place of Teresa and her words echoed through
mind and heart:
Nada te turbe
At Fatima, Our Lady asked for prayer and
penance especially for the conversion of sin-
ners and in reparation for sins. There at the
May this month of the Holy Rosary inspire
us all the more to pray, act, and lead lives
that are totally consecrated to Mary. And
Nada te spante small poor village, Our Lady told the world may we take up again the daily and regular
Todo se pasa that many souls go to hell because they have praying of the Rosary. Ave Maria! Ad Jesum
Dios no se muda no one to pray for them. We pray for one per Mariam.
A6 Local News
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008

CBCP pushes right Church leaders

blame government
to vote of prisoners are still presumed innocent; hence their
for RP’s shortages
MANILA, October 23, 2008—The government’s weak policy to
fight poverty should be blamed why more people are suffering
from hunger, ranking leaders of the Catholic bishops’ leader-
civil and political rights as citizens
ship said.
remain intact and can be availed of.
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP)
Therefore, there right to vote must be
president Archbishop Angel Lagdameo said fighting poverty
respected,” he said.
is everybody’s duty but the huge responsibility goes out to
Diamante said one of the country’s
government leaders.
fundamental rights is the right to vote
“The prevailing poverty and hunger in the country is the
and detained prisoners awaiting their
responsibility of everyone. However, this is the prime respon-
verdicts should still be allowed to ex-
sibility of government leaders who hold the key to the country’s
ercise their right of suffrage.
coffers,” he said.
He said that by letting them vote is
Lagdameo said it’s high time for the people to move and
already one step in somehow bringing
figure out where their taxes go—money which should be used
their dignity back.
supposedly to solve hunger.
“The commission argues that im-
Masbate Bishop Joel Baylon, for his part, also pointed his
prisonment has been shown to be
finger on the government for its failure to at least minimize the
counterproductive in the rehabilita-
problem on corruption.
tion and integration of prisoners,”
“Unless endemic corruption (in the government) is curbed,
Diamante said.
Filipinos will remain poor,” said Baylon whose pastoral jurisdic-
Comelec Commissioner Rene Sarm-
tion is one the country’s poorest provinces.
iento welcomed the proposal, saying
Some 3.3 million families experienced not having anything to
the poll body is open to the idea citing
eat in the last three months as starvation continued to plague
the need to maintain the prisoners’
Filipino households, according to the latest Social Weather Sta-
right of suffrage, especially among
tions (SWS) survey released Monday.
© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

those without conviction yet.

The survey, conducted from September 24-27, showed that
“Your Comelec is fully supportive to
18.4 percent or 3.3 million families experienced hunger in the
this proposition… dahil habang hindi
past three months. The figure is six points above the ten-year
pa nahahatulan, may karapatan pa rin
average of 12.3 percent and is the highest in the four quarters
silang bumoto,” Sarmiento said.
Commission on Elections (Comelec) Commissioner Rene Sarmiento receives a petition from Mr. Rodolfo Diamante, execu- after the record-high 21.5 percent in September 2007.
He added that they will expedite
tive secretary of the CBCP Episcopal Commission on Prison Pastoral Care, urging the Comelec and lawmakers to instate The SWS said it was due to an increase in moderate hunger—
reforms and overturn a law barring prisoners awaiting conviction to exercise their rights to vote during elections. efforts to formally propose to the
referring to those who had nothing to eat at least “once” or “a few
lawmakers to allow offenders to vote
times” in the last three months — which outweighed a drop in se-
MANILA, October 21, 2008— The Roman Catholic Church’s prison especially with the May 2010 elections nearing.
vere hunger (going hungry “often” or “always”). (CBCPNews)
ministry has renewed its advocacy Tuesday to see prisoners who Running priest Fr. Robert Reyes of the Asian Human Rights Com-
are waiting conviction participating in the elections. mission also said allowing prisoners to vote will indirectly open
The Episcopal Commission on Prison Pastoral Care (ECPPC) of the gates of more projects being directed at proper and dignified
Cha-cha / A1
the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) said rehabilitation in the country.
they have the right to vote because they have yet to be convicted “Isipin niyo na lang kung pwede bumoto ang mga nasa kulun- Constitution.
of crimes. gan… ang mga candidates for public offices ay mangangampanya “What is being said that election in 2010 is a big dream… up to
ECPPC executive secretary Rodolfo Diamante urged the lawmak- sa loob ng kulungan at baka mag-establish pa ng mga proyekto para this time, an election is a big moral impossibility. [Mark my word]
ers and the Commission on Elections (Comelec) to instate reforms sa kanila doon sa loob,” said Reyes. that when Congress resumes, Cha-Cha will be an open, public, well-
and overturn a law barring prisoners from voting. The ECPPC said about 70 percent of the estimated 85,000 prisoners in funded move at the Lower House,” he said.
“The CBCP-ECPPC believes that being detention prisoners, they the country are without final conviction from courts. (Roy Lagarde) The prelate said that unlike the previous attempts for Cha-Cha,
this time is like a desperate move.

Recent wave of Mindanaoan kidnapping

“No more double-talk, no more camouflage moves this time… It
will be initiated and it will be done through a Con-Ass or Constitu-
tional Assembly,” Cruz said.

sparks alarm from Catholic educators

The Catholic bishops’ leadership has repeatedly rejected to
amend the Charter, adding that it’s appropriate under the present
Critics said the move is intended all for extending the tenure of
Arroyo—a claim affirmed by the archbishop.
MANILA, October 22, 2008—An association ous reasons,” the statement read. development practitioners Ms Espie Hupida, Cruz said it would be a “very big lie” to conclude that this move
of Catholic educators expressed alarm at the Last Saturday, Fr. Felimon Libot and his Program Director of Nagdilaab Foundation by Arroyo and her allies in Congress will be “for patriotic or for
sudden spate of kidnappings, especially of six military escorts (mostly CAFGUs) were Inc, and Milet Mendoza were also kidnapped common welfare” reasons but largely to ensure that Arroyo will
innocent Catholics, in Muslim Mindanao. ambushed near Tumahubong, Basilan, by a and are still held captive till today. stay beyond 2010.
The Catholic Educators Association of the still unidentified armed group. “We condemn these acts that breed “…It will all be for the extension of the term of office of the Mala-
Philippines (CEAP) - Region 9 denounced Libot was on his way to celebrate Mass in violence and foster instability in our cañang occupant,” Cruz claimed.
the wave of kidnappings and urged the that area. It is not known whether the attack region. We salute the courage of those Cruz said the only possible stumbling block in the administration’s
public to cooperate with the authorities to was intended to kill Libot or kidnap him. who protected Libot. We appeal to the bid to railroad Cha-Cha is if the Senate decides to oppose.
help bring perpetrators to justice. Four of his companions were wounded captors of Ms. Hupida and Ms. Mendoza “Believe me, the moment it passes through Congress, it goes
In a statement, the group, comprising but all are now in stable condition. The priest to release them as soon as possible,” the through a plebiscite, then, it is done. Why? Because all local govern-
members of the Zamboanga, Basilan, Sulu, sustained minor bruises, but otherwise un- CEAP said. ment officials are under the command of Malacañang,” Cruz said.
Tawi-Tawi Association of Private Schools harmed. The motives behind this attack are “We call upon our authorities to restore Asked what would be the course of action of the entire CBCP in
(ZAMBASULTAPS), said incidents and still uncertain. protection and safety of our citizenry. We the event that Cruz’s claim materializes, CBCP President Archbishop
even killings is especially rampant in Basilan Libot, a Claretian priest, is the Director call upon our government, institutions, Angel Lagdameo replied “we will just cross the bridge when we get
province. of Claret College of Isabela, Basilan, and a organized groups and people of goodwill there… and we hope to meet you there”. (CBCPNews)
“Several of these cases are no longer board member of ZAMBASULTAPS. to pursue relentlessly the path of peace,” it
known to authorities and the media for vari- Last September 15, peace advocates and added. (CBCPNews) Child porn / A1
mestic issue of child pornography,” he said.
5 bishops / A1
Iñiguez made the appeal Friday as Church leaders, government agen-
Legazpi Bishop-Emeritus Jose Sorra. “Corruption in such an extensive degree in the Philippines is a cies, school heads and other groups meet at the Caritas Manila in Pan-
crime that cries to heaven for vengeance. Corruption in this country dacan to press legislators for speedy legislation against child porn.
Fed up has become endemic, systemic, from top to bottom in government. The Anti-Child Pornography Alliance (ACPA) also urged both
The bishops said the Church did not fail in calling on government Perhaps they may be given the punishment they deserve by the Houses of the Congress to prioritize legislations that will promote
leaders to be real public servants but they admitted all those efforts human justice system, but that’s not enough. Someone else in the the protection of children against all forms of abuses.
were seemingly futile. Higher Authority will punish them as they deserve,” said the former To date, the Senate has already consolidated a bill against child
They recalled that there have been, at least, three statements CBCP president. porn while the Congress has already filed six bills.
where the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) ACPA national spokesperson Arlene Brosas asked lawmakers to
denounced corruption in the country. ‘We are here to disturb you’ fast-track the enactment of the said measures at all cost.
Villegas said the public should not remain complacent with what Villegas said they are hoping that their statements will spur the “Our senators and congressmen must be vigilant and determined
is currently happening in the government. public to move into action. enough to stand for the cause of our children for they were the ones
He also called on the people “not to be passive” but engage “in “We are not here to bring you peace. We are here to disturb you. who have the great responsibility in building a brighter future ahead
active involvement” in seeking a change in governance. I’m praying to God that after this meeting, may the Lord trouble of the future generations of the land,” Brosas said.
The problem is not population, the problem is rampant corrup- you because the trouble that comes from the Lord is going to make She stressed, “The issue in protecting our young citizens lies
tion,” Villegas said. you a better person and it’s going to make the country a better upon the hands of our legislators where in fact they owed a lot to
country,” he said. the Filipino children and people.”
It’s up to the people The young prelate said that with the current state of the govern- The child advocacy group also announced a “giant” anti-child
Asked whether his statement is tantamount to calling for a public ment, there must be very drastic and dramatic actions from each pornography rally on November 19.
uprising to oust President Gloria Arroyo, Lagdameo said it’s already and every one. Dubbed as the “National Day of Unity and Awareness against
up to the people to decide what course of action will be used as long He added that had the country been less corrupt, even just half Child Pornography,” the expected thousands of participants, mostly
as it will be Constitutional and non-violent. of what it is today, the country would have been in a much better children with their parents, will hold a Mass at the Manila Film
After all, he said, Arroyo has been futile in preparing for a new position. Center and a walk to the Philippine Senate grounds.
government that could make a transition away from a corrupt “If we have been only half less corrupt, we would have more mon- The rally, they said, will serve as a “strong pressure” to senators
one. ey to feed our children, more money to put up schools, more money to immediately enact the bill against child pornography.
Cruz seconded CBCP’s top official saying corruption under the to bring medicines to hospitals. The problem is not population. The “Our legislators should expect series of activities in the coming days
Arroyo administration is something that cannot be dealt with by the problem is corruption. Just cut the corruption in half and we would to further tell our senators and congressmen not to disregard the small
human justice system alone. have enough money to take care of the poor,” Villegas said. voices and the cry of our children,” said Brosas. (CBCPNews)
In and out / A4

tion damages political legitimacy, integrity and There is so much embarrassing hesitation and try show, unless we institute dramatic changes in culture of corruption from the top to the bottom of
competence. Corruption impedes economic de- false respect to start mounting a campaign to show the way we conduct our politics, government will, our social and political order” (CBCP “Seeking the
velopment, worsens income inequity and poverty, that corruption is the worst form of crime, because sooner than we think, become irrelevant to the lives Truth, Restoring Integrity” Feb. 26, 2008).
endangers public order and safety. Corruption it kills the common good, it kills the poor, it kills the of Filipinos.” (There are many more like the three In response to the global economic crisis and
results in bureaucratic inefficiency and demor- country. It violates God’s commandments “Thou we mention here.) the pitiful state of our country, the time to rebuild
alization. “Corruption begets bad politics and shalt not steal, Thou shalt not kill.” Here, we can recall what the CBCP has said: our country economically, socially, politically is
bad politics begets further corruption” (Michael Ana Marie Pamintuan (cf. Phil Star, 10/20/08) “Philippine politics—the way it is practiced—has now. The time to start radical reforms is now. The
Johnston, cf. Philippine Center for Investigative has yet another prophetic statement to prick our been most hurtful of us as a people. It is possibly time for moral regeneration is now. The time to
Journalism. Ehem!) conscience: “When there is corruption at the top, the biggest bane in our life as a nation and the most conquer complacency, cynicism and apathy and
Is it any wonder that our country is tagged as the it becomes nearly impossible to eradicate corrup- pernicious obstacle to our achieving of full human to prove that we have matured from our political
most corrupt country in Asia, and the 11th most tion at the lower level of government. There is no development.” (Pastoral Exhortation on Philippine disappointments is now. The time to prepare a new
corrupt among 102 countries in the world? (cf. moral ascendancy to demand honesty, decency, Politics 1997 Sept. 16). government is now.
Transparency International). If we are not horri- transparency. And where there is bad governance, “In the strongest term we condemn graft and cor- But, who, who will pick up the broken, shat-
fied, disgusted, exasperated and enraged by these it becomes harder to liberate people from the ruption as an offense against society and sin against tered pieces of our country, hurting from poverty
realities, can we still say we love our country? shackles of poverty.” God. God will certainly hold the perpetrators ac- and corruption, to make it whole again? Inspite of
Let us hear and follow what some members of Listen to another prophet of hope reading the countable. To combat this evil we also proposed the seemingly hopeless and negative prognosis,
civil society, prophets of hope (we might call them) signs of the times. Randy David (cf. PDI 4/26/08) the formation of citizens’ councils to promote public our liberation may yet serendipitously happen.
have fearlessly articulated about out situation. We articulated it so well: “So much has been written awareness, to monitor the use of public funds, and We are dreaming, praying and hoping that our
agree with Conrado de Quiros (cf. PDI 4/23/08) about the roots of the present political crisis, and to initiate charges against guilty officials” (CBCP country may yet have the needed liberators. Yes,
that in this country, we identify ourselves so easily some people say it is now time to move past this “Let Integrity Flow Like a Stream” July 7, 2003). liberators who will in a courageous peaceful way
with the victims of pickpockets or snatchers and crisis… Under these circumstances, 2010 elections, The Bishops again said “Moral accountability effectively and uncompromisingly reform our
throw these small-time thieves to (almost) forever if they ever come, will only reproduce the crisis. calls for radical reforms in various agencies of country. “Upang maitindig natin ang bantayog
languish in prison. But when it comes to big-time The appearance of new faces in government may government to make them more responsive to the ng ating lipunan, kailangang radikal nating ba-
crooks and public officials stealing billions upon lull us into thinking that we have survived the requirements of integrity as well as to the needs of guhin hindi lamang ang ating mga institusyon,
billions of the people’s money, it takes forever to crisis, and that a new era is upon us. But, as the the poor” (CBCP “Restoring Trust.” July 10, 2005, kundi maging ang ating pag-iisip at pamumuhay.”
prove their crime. worsening poverty and hunger figures in our coun- no. 10). “We strongly condemn the continuing (Apolinario Mabini)
Diocesan News A7
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008

News Briefs Caceres Clergy to make

Naga a pilgrim city
Priest takes oath as MB of electric coop
PILI, Camarines Sur—St. John the Evangelist Parish priest
Msgr. Zosimo Sañado took oath on Oct. 25 in Pili town as Board
Member of the problem-stricken Camarines Sur II Electric Co-
operative. Sañado’s appointment is hoped to bring change to
the controversial electric firm. (Elmer Abad)
NAGA City— The clergy of
Prelate catechizes flock on role of church in temporal the Archdiocese of Caceres has
order started work to make the City of
OZAMIZ City—Abp. Jesus Dosado has catechized the faithful Naga a Pilgrim City, being the
here about the role of the church in the temporal order, as he center of devotion and home of
cautioned about problems that arise between the local church Our Lady of Peñafrancia, Patron-
and the civil gov’t in the exercise of their roles. He said it is ess of Bicolandia.
evident that the Church’s mission is religious in nature and that This was learned from the
the proper end of her missionary action is to proclaim to all Jesus office of Caceres Archbishop
Christ, the one and only Name “under heaven, given among Leonardo Legaspi, through Fa-
men by which we must be saved”. (Wendell Talibong) ther Jay Jacinto, the archbishop’s
CEAP notes declining population in Catholic schools He said a three-day workshop
DAVAO City—An official of the Catholic Educational Associa- participated by 27 priests from
tion of the Philippines (CEAP) noted that enrolment in Catholic two vicariates in the archdiocese
schools has been declining as a result of economic difficulties (the Vicariates of St. John the
and the rising cost of education. Sr. Tessie Bayona said this only Evangelist and Our Lady of Peña-
indicates a consistent trend of migration from Catholic schools francia), was conducted in order
to either non-sectarian private or public schools particularly at to come up with an action plan
the elementary and high school level. (Mark Ventura) as a response to the local church
leader’s call for the devotees and
the faithful to do the act of com-
Signature campaign vs. repro bill snowballs in Bicol
munal discernment.
NAGA City—The signature campaign started last month in
During the workshop it was
the Caceres archdiocese to oppose the Reproductive Health
noted that the image of ‘Ina’ is
goes on as more signatures come in support of this church
based in Naga and it is consid-
advocacy. Fr. William Santiago, director of the Caceres Family
ered that the devotion to her has
Ministry, said his office continue to collect signatures from the
this city for its venue and center.
faithful and other well-meaning citizens who have realized the
The millions of devotees who
disadvantages and the negative moral implication it will bring

come to pray and honor her every
should this bill be passed. (Wendell Talibong)
year congregate in this place, not
only during the September festi-
Urdaneta hosts biblical ministry workshop for N. Luzon
val but the whole-year round.
URDANETA City—A number of biblical directors from around It was also noted that those who
Northern Luzon has assembled here to plan a two-year Biblical come to visit ‘Ina’ at the Basilica
Pastoral Ministry for the N. Luzon-Cordilera Region. Themed Minore of Our Lady of Peñafrancia
“That All Maybe One,” the 24th Regional Biblical Workshop consider themselves as pilgrims.
for Northern Luzon was held from Oct. 21-23 at the John Paul “When they come as devotees, her home and therefore we should value the cese with priests, lay leaders and religious
II Pastoral Center here. Among those who graced the four-day they come to Naga and not to any other place place she has chosen,” said Jacinto. organization-members as participants. This
workshop hosted by the Diocese of Urdaneta were Bishop Ja- in the Bicol Region or in the country. It is nei- The workshop also included finding ways is a response to the call of the local church
cinto Jose, Baguio Bishop Carlito Cenzon, Bangued Leopoldo ther the clergy nor the devotees who decided how the devotees can renew their faith in leadership that communal discernment be
Jaucian, and Lingayen, Dagupan Auxiliary Bishop Renato that Naga be the center for this devotion. We God through ‘Ina’. made to preserve the 300 year-old devotion
Mayugba. (Kris Bayos) believe that, as history would reveal, it is the “This kind of workshop will also be con- to Our Lady of Peñafrancia,” Jacinto con-
Patroness herself who wants this city to be ducted in other vicariates of the archdio- cluded. (Elmer Abad)
Bishop warns against use of chemicals
DIPOLOG City—“Everyone should be careful with chemicals
which may suffocate life,” thus said Dipolog Bishop Jose Man-
guiran. The prelate, a staunch anti-mining advocate said the
Bible opens with the story of creation, and the Creator says
that everything is good. But God’s creation has been badly
Libmanan launches Priest seeks help to support
altered as it has become a world of poison, adds Manguiran.
“The technology today has no heart to care for nature, its ef- ‘Banga ng Buhay” children in conflict
fects have destructive impact upon society by poisoning the
biosphere, air, land and water on which human life depends,” KALAMANSIG, Sultan Kudarat—A Catholic priest from
LIBMANAN, Camarines Sur—To further support the Prelature of Mindanao is seeking help to support children in conflict in
he said. (Wendell Talibong) Libmanan’s intensified program on sustainable agriculture being Kalamansig.
implemented by its Social Action Center, a water source program “It is my desire to help the poor people (Christian, Muslim
Local church has no clash with LGU on Peñafrancia dubbed “Banga ng Buhay” was launched in response to the farmers’ and Lumad) who continue to experience inhuman condition
devotion need for both potable and irrigation water. and hostility. I am most concerned about the condition of the
NAGA City— “The Archdiocese of Caceres has no quarrel with Social Action Center Direc tor Fr. Granwell Pitapit said the children who consistently get traumatized because of the ter-
the City government. It only wants to assure that the devotion program “will greatly help the farmers in their effort to produce rorism wrought by the group of armed men. We desperately
to our Lady of Peñafrancia, the Patroness of Bicolandia is im- organic rice and vegetables.” He added with the establishment of a need the help of NGOs or concerned institutions who can bring
proved and preserved,” Caceres Archbishop Leonardo Legaspi, laboratory farm in Barangay Bahay, in Pasacao town where natural meaning in the miserable conditions of the people,” said Fr.
OP, said. The prelate encouraged the devotees to continue with fertilizer is manufactured, the project will further boost the area’s Rhodius Noguera from San Isidro Parish Kalamansig Sultan
the communal discernment and make the devotion a vehicle production. Kudarat.
towards faith renewal. (Elmer Abad) Meanwhile, Wilson Oriño, SAC’s Program Officer on Sustainable He said he is also begging the media institution to give them
Agriculture confirmed that aside from the production aspect, they some focus so that the Filipino would know that there is a
Kalinaw Mindanaw holds interfaith humanitarian have also helped in marketing the farmers’ produce. Women are paradise here inhabited mostly by forgotten poor inhabitants
mission also involved in coconut-based handicrafts production. and surrounded by lurking unconcerned armed men ready to
DAVAO City— The Kalinaw Mindanaw, a coalition of faith- With this project, the farmer-participant is required to have at least devour.
based, human rights, relief and service oriented institutions, a 1,000 square meters area where he can apply what he learned in Recently he held drawings and writings of at least 400 stu-
organizations and concerned individuals has responded to the the seminars he attended as offered in the project. dents from Paril and Sangay (part of Kalamansig) who expe-
humanitarian crisis in Mindanao by spearheading the “National “The Prelature of Libmanan Foundation Development, Inc. (PLF- rienced two instances of evacuation, an exodus of turbulent
Interfaith Humanitarian Mission” last Oct. 21 to 25 in Lanao DI), together with the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and the Social fear from the hostile intimidation of armed bandits. To date,
del Norte and North Cotabato. It said that the mission provides Action Center are one in supporting the ‘Banga ng Buhay’ project, they have not had any assistance to respond to their disturbed
humanitarian response through relief, medical, and psycho- all envisioned to improve farmers’ lives most of whom have been well-being. They still cuddle their fear, day-in and day-out,
logical assistance to Christian and Moro evacuees, especially victims of past calamities,” Orino further added. (CBCPNews) the priest said.
to children, women and the elderly. (Mark Ventura) “People in Kalamansig would say that they can withstand
their being poor but they can no longer endure the continuing
Prelate pushes for rediscovery of role of laity
OZAMIZ City—Ozamiz Arcbishop Jesus Dosado, CM, has Priest files charges vs. suspects spread of terrorism. Fear is not only in Paril and Sangay, it is
like a virus that contaminated the paradise. Appalled by the
situations, surrendering, people see themselves in a very help-

in Sinacaban massacre
encouraged the rediscovery of the true significance and true
role of the laity in the life of the local church. Dosado said to less condition. This I find difficult to pay no heed to,” Noguera
rediscover the true significance, the true role of the laity, it said.
must be studied in the concrete life of the Church (Archdiocese) He has done little movement to assuage the misery not only
of Ozamiz, where the laity are articulated with the apostolic OZAMIS City— A parish priest in Misamis Occidental has filed in his capacity as a priest but also as a researcher, psychologist,
ministry. (Wendell Talibong) criminal charges against a former student and an accomplice for the community organizer, and above all, as a person.
massacre of three persons in Sinacaban town on Oct. 18. He has done consultation among 30 poor communities in
Be good public servants, prelate tells politicians Fr. Arnold Daplin filed a complaint against Tancio Asegnar, 30, Kalamansig, planned for disaster with communities affected
ILIGAN City—Iligan Bishop Elenito Galido called on the politi- and an unnamed companion. by armed men invasions, counseling and group process among
cians to be good public servants and to bring development to Fr. Daplin lodged the criminal complaint before the Oroquieta children, and mobilization with leaders.
their people in order to attain the lasting peace in Mindanao. City prosecutor’s office on Oct. 20. “I simply cannot work alone. I need your help. We need your
Galido said when we talk of politics, what comes to mind is “I can forgive the suspects but we have justice and I let the fiscal help,” he said.
public service or public servants, one who is able to sincerely prosecute them before the court so that the victims will obtain justice “It is my hope that this concern will spread among the people
serve his community so as to bring development to his people. for their painful death,” said Daplin, whose 82-year-old mother was who have a heart for the poor especially the children. Let not
(Wendell Talibong) among the victims. hostility contaminate their innocent spirits. I am fully aware that
Daplin is archdiocesan director of family life and apostolate and I put myself at risk in doing this move but I am more convinced
Clergy told to remain in unity with bishop
pastor of the Holy Rosary Parish in Oroquieta City. of the urgency to respond to the poor conditions of the children
OZAMIZ City—Archbishop Jesus Do sado, CM has encouraged Killed last October 18 were Daplin’s mother Henerosa Daplin; and liberate them from fear and poverty,” Noguera said.
his local presbyterium to remain in the unity of their prelate as the family helper Gina Ozar, 39; and Ozar’s 11 year-old daughter As of Oct. 3, the people are still on their way to evacuation
essential part of their priesthood. Dosado said the union of the Shoena. center.
presbyterate around its Bishop, as a result of the Sacrament of Sinacaban police led by Senior Inspector Alexander Navarro “My parish is one of the centers. The first evacuation was
Holy Orders, is a necessary act of communion; this communion presented as evidence a bloodstained hunting knife seized from February and the second was August. We have not received any
is an essential part of the particular Archdiocese of Ozamiz. Asegnar when he was arrested at a checkpoint. assistance yet. The children are again reburdened of the terror of
(Wendell Talibong) Also presented were the results of the blood test sample from the evacuation process. They have not fully recovered and here they
PNP Crime Laboratory, and at least two eyewitness accounts. are again. Please listen to our cause. There are over 1000 children
Navarro recalled that sometime in 2007, the victims lodged a in the said place,” Noguera appealed. (Santosh Digal)
World’s fiscal crisis crashes education
complaint with the police regarding death threats allegedly coming
DAVAO City— Catholic Educational Association of the Philip- from Asegnar. (Wendell Talibong)
pines (CEAP)- Region 7 regional director Fr. Danny Montaña, Roadside / A5
RCJ, believes that the current global fiscal crisis will also crash
the present status of Philippine education. He said that the Real RP peace / A3
including illegal and immoral acts. The same thing with groups and
financial problem worldwide is not only hurting business and corporations doing everything to sell a low-quality or contaminated
“I think other countries also have their own problem that’s why
industry but also the sector of education. He added that the product or denying the truth collectively in public. Or consider whole
we are all in this common search and dialogue to help bring about
upshot of the fiscal crisis is relatively to happen by the second offices, entire companies or associations of wealthy and powerful
peace,” added Ledesma.
semester where the number of enrollees is expected to decline. people buying favors from public authorities through bribery or
Conceived from the Second World Assembly of Religions for
(Mark Ventura) worse to avoid fulfilling legal requirements. Or how about the most
Peace held at the Catholic University in Louvain, Belgium in 1974,
the ACRP Manila assembly brings people of various faiths together typical election scenario—a whole community of voters selling their
CFC members asked to support local church to share experiences and lessons learned in peacemaking activities, votes. Think further of cabals of politicians buying them to get to
PILI, Camarines Sur—Joey Arguelles, a member of Couples particularly in conflict-ridden countries. power and, in consequence, shortchange voters and understand-
for Christ (CFC) International Council exhorted CFC members It also aims to identify best practices in conflict resolution, peace- ably so (“Haven’t we already bought them?” their body language
in the Archdiocese of Caceres to continue its support to the making, social justice promotion, and sustainable community de- so speaks) by irresponsible legislation (such as the Reproductive
local church as it is the institution which provides spiritual velopment programs. Health Bill) or negligence (such as bad roads, low agricultural
nourishment to the CFC Community. Arguelles emphasized There are representatives from Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, productivity) etc.
that CFC to help strengthen the church and as such it shall Hindu, and Shinto religions from Japan, Australia, Bangladesh, The social dimension of sin must be met by our clarion calls and
continue to follow the direction it has set for the organization. China, India, Indonesia, Mongolia, North and South Korea, Nepal, acts toward social and communal repentance as well as communal
(Elmer Abad) Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. (Roy reparations. We the Church must show the way by the power of our
Lagarde) example and not by the example of our power.
CBCP Monitor
People, Facts & Places Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008

Youth leaders to gather for a

Bible ‘adventure’ series
ALL roads will lead to the Folk Arts Theater According to organizers, a look at the into the loving and caring arms of God. The
on November 29 as some 8,000 young leaders Philippine context will show that more Bible directs us towards God and has already
nationwide will meet to kick off a nation- than half of Filipinos do not own a Bible. charted the map for us. The call for us to
wide drive to heighten Scripture awareness Even among young people who own a unite in the name of God and His Word is
among the youth. Bible, a great number acknowledge they real. Y! Explode is our response and chal-
Titled “Y! Explode: The Bible Adventure do not read it because they do not know lenge,” he said.
Series,” the one-day grand get-together where to start, do not know how to read Kicking off the event will be the march of
of youth group leaders and ministers is the Bible, or do not understand the Bible participants from the Rajah Sulayman Park
organized by the Philippine Bible Society, version they have. in Malate, Manila and the Derham Park in CELEBRATED. Diocese of Ba-
together with the National Council of For his part, PBS president and Sorsogon Pasay City. The two groups will converge at colod, Diamond Jubilee celebra-
Churches in the Philippines, the Philippine Bishop Arturo Bastes enjoined interested the area between the Cultural Center of the tion, October 24, 2008; with a
Thanksgiving Jubilee Mass at San
Council of Evangelical Churches, and the youth leaders to join and “rally together to Philippines and Aliw Theater and move as Sebastian Cathedral presided by
Episcopal Commissions on Youth and for the become Bible lovers.” one group towards the Folk Arts Theater, the Apostolic Nuncio to the Philip-
Biblical Apostolate of the Catholic Bishops “We live at a time where economic, social, otherwise known as the Bulwagan ng Pangi- pines, Archbishop Edward Joseph
Conference of the Philippines. and political turmoil should draw us closer noon. (Kris Bayos) Adams. The Jubilee celebration
kicked off in January 2008 with

Ateneo hosts Asian Mother Teresa

the opening of the Jubilee door by
Most Rev. Vicente Navarra, bishop
of Bacolod. Various jubilee activi-

Christian college- nuns start lay

ties were organized each month
until the culminating anniversary
celebration. In February, a Jubilee
Pilgrimage Walk gathered partici-

universities conference movement in RP

pants from schools, parishes, chaplaincies and organized groups for
a fundraising drive for Caritas Bacolod. A Jubilee of the Youth; Jubilee
for the Differently-Abled and Health Care Workers; and Pilgrimage of
the Clergy and the Religious were also organized. In March, the Jubi-
lee of the Ministers and Jubilee of the Farmers and Fisherfolks were
held. The Jubilee of the Workers was held in April and Jubilee of the
THE Jesuit-run Ateneo de Manila University hosted the Associa- THE Missionaries of Charity (MC), Philippine province, has started Lay Association in May. In June, the Jubilee was dedicated to Public
tion of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia’s (ACUCA) Lay Missionaries of Charity (LMC) movement in the country with Officials. July celebrated the Jubilee of Businessmen and Profession-
biennial conference last October 16-18. the induction of eight lay persons last October 2. als and Jubilee of Artists. The month of August marked the Jubilee of
The conference titled “Christian Universities’ Identity and LMC is a movement of lay consecrated persons with a specific Uniformed Men and Women in Service, Jubilee of all Peace Advocates
Challenges in Today’s World” had two activities for member vocation and mission following the charism of Blessed Mother Teresa
and Jubilee of Families. September observed the Jubilee of School
universities: the Conference for university officials and staff and of Calcutta, founder of MC, missionaries of love, doing small things
Teachers and Jubilee of Catechists. Culminating activities included a
Clergy Jubilee Concert, Grand Alumni Homecoming, a Jubilee Show
the Student Camp, according to a press release. with a great love—with Jesus’ love, Crispulo A. Acuña, a newly titled “Omaggio”, a grand parade participated in by all parishes and
Founded in 1976, ACUCA currently has 53 member institu- inducted LMC member, told CBCPNews. chaplaincies and a dinner with the Papal Nuncio and guests.
tions from seven Asian countries, the press note said. According to him, all eight of them hail from different walks of
ACUCA endeavors to develop and maintain the Christian life; some of them are doctors, teachers, and businessmen; some are LAUNCHED. Year of St. Paul
character of its member-schools through cooperation, mutual married and others not.
at the Parish of Conversion of
support, and encouragement. St. Paul, Pitogo, Quezon, Sep-
“By the gift of ourselves we want through the Immaculate Heart tember 30, 2008. Parish priest
Presidency of the Association is rotated among the seven of Mary, to quench the infinite thirst of Jesus, by the profession, Fr. Jose Jay Pagcaliwagan
member countries. renewed every day, of vows of poverty, chastity, obedience and mobilized and involved not only
Ateneo President Fr. Bienvenido F. Nebres, SJ, is ACUCA a fourth vow of whole-hearted and free service to the poorest of the different mandated religious
incumbent President and Ateneo is ACUCA Secretariat for the poor, according to the Statutes and the spirituality of Mother organizations of the parish, but
2007-2008. Teresa,” said Acuña, a 63-year old theology professor at University
the military and civil sectors as
In the conference’s opening plenary session, four university of Santo Tomas.
well, particularly schools and
local government units. The day
presidents from the Philippines, S. Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand LMC’s mission is to work for the salvation and the sanctification opened with a drum and bugle
shared best practices and stories of journeys of how ACUCA of the members’ families, for that of Movement and of the poorest corps going around the town at
members abide by their Christian mission amidst present-day of the poor. dawn to wake up the people. The
challenges. Members undergo two to three years of formation before they are image of St. Paul was carried
Held parallel to the conference was the ACUCA Student accepted full-pledge members of LMC.
around in procession preceding
Camp which brought together students from the ACUCA “Our vocation is simply to communicate to others the influence
the Eucharistic celebration. Most
Rev. Buenaventura Famadico,
member schools. of God’s love, the peace and joy we experience in our way of life bishop of Gumaca, presided the
The camp aimed to discuss with young people how today’s remembering and practicing the words of Mother Teresa; ‘Love concelebrated Mass. He read the formal designation of the parish
culture, technology, music and arts influenced their values, begins at home, in our movement, in our family,’ and ‘works of love as a pilgrimage shrine after which a statue of St. Paul was unveiled
character and their understanding and experiences of Christian are works of peace,” Acuña said. (CBCPNews) together with a centuries-old image of St. Paul. The occasion was a
stewardship and mission. (Santosh Digal) festive gathering of people from all walks of life who paid homage to
the great Apostle Paul.

‘Walk for life’ upholds rights of the unborn

ORDAINED. Reverends Mariano Clarence Calleja Canafe, Jr., LRMS,
Roberto David de la Cruz, Hans Daza Magdurulang, Marthy de la Cruz
Marcelo, Faustino Oringo Mora, Jr., Lorenzo Ruggiero, Lloyd Tan Kit
Tio, LRMS; to the Sacred Order of Deacons; October 11, at the Minor
THE Couples for Christ Foundation for Fam- awareness of people in protecting the rights cathedral for the celebration of the 8 a.m. Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, Intramuros, Manila, by His
ily and Life led a pilgrimage to the Cathedral of the unborn child. Holy Mass presided by Bishop Gabriel Eminence Gaudencio B. Cardinal Rosales. The deacons took their
seminary formation at Lorenzo Mission Institute, San Carlos Seminary
of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage in The Way of Mary is a network of 20 prayer Reyes. and the Redemptoris Mater Missionary Seminary.
Antipolo last October 25. markers, each featuring in bas-relief a mys- Assembly points for the following mini-
In honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the tery of the Holy Rosary, located along the pilgrimages were: Edsa Shrine (Joyful); CELEBRATED. Cleric Jesus P. Gozun of Porac, Pampanga, perpetual
activity was held in coordination with sup- stretch of Ortigas Avenue, from the Edsa Barangay Office, after the bridge, along profession among the Society of St. Paul, October 26, 2008, at the
porters of the Way of Mary project. Shrine to the Antipolo Cathedral. Ortigas Avenue (Luminous); Babe’s Garden Sanctuary of St. Paul the Apostle, San Antonio Village, Makati City.
Dubbed as “The Way of Mary... Walk for After the conclusion of each pilgrimage, near Sunset Drive in Cainta (Sorrowful); and DIED. Sr. M. Epifania Bernasol, RVM, August 31, 2008; Sr. Ma.
Life,” the event was meant to ask the inter- highlighted by the praying of the Holy a few meters from the Mary Hill Seminary Cherubina Fernandez, FSP, September 26; Fr. Leonardo Estioko,
cession of the Blessed Mother and increase Rosary, participants went to the Antipolo (Glorious). (CBCPNews) SVD, October 21, 2008.

Albay 17th century church Iligan holds Diocesan Bible Congress

marked by NHI THE Commission on the Biblical Apostolate of the Diocese of Ili-
gan celebrated October 18 its 2nd Diocesan Bible Congress and 3rd
petual Help Parish, and Redemptorist Fr. Bing Simacio.
Bishop Galido challenged participants saying that the word of
Diocesan Catholic Family Bible Quiz at the Our Lady of Perpetual God should become the basis “of our lives, our faith, and our love
Help Parish, Linamon, Lanao del Norte. for God.”
The activity themed “The Word of God in the Life and Mission “... We should assess ourselves if we have put importance, if we
of the family” had almost 600 delegates from the municipalities of have loved, used and shared the Word of God in our everyday
Iligan diocese. lives. Today as we celebrate the feast of St. Luke the Apostle and
The program started with a Motorcade participated in by the evangelizer, we are reminded to share and introduced God through
vicariates of Christ the King, San Isidro Ladrador, Sto. Niño, St. the Gospels to give hope, peace and joy to the people especially the
Michael and Corpus Christi. poor…” Bishop Galido said in his homily.
The congress opened with a Bible Enthronement. It was followed by The program also featured series of talks and sharing on the word
a Eucharistic celebration presided by Most Rev. Elenito Galido, Bishop of God. Diocesan Vicar General Msgr. Jemar Vera Cruz said that

of Iligan and concelebrated by Fr. Rodulfo Encabo, Bible Apostolate we bring Christ to the world through the living Word of God and
Director of Iligan, Fr. Albert Trazo, parish priest of Our Lady of Per- through our witnessing of his word. (Metot Nillas)

THE 17th century Daraga Church in Albay was recognized by the

National Historical Institute (NHI) with a historical marker unveiled
October 16 with NHI chair Dr. Ambeth Ocampo as guest of honor.
Nestled on top of a hill at the heart of the bustling commercial
center, the Church which was built by Franciscan missionaries in
1773 is known for its baroque architectural designs.
Ocampo handed the historical marker to Apostolic Administrator
Lucilo Quiambao of the diocese of Legazpi and signed a document
which stipulated provisions that guarantee the protection and pres-
ervation of the cultural properties of Our Lady of the Gate Parish
Church of Daraga.
The said church contains archeological relics of saints and rare
religious seals ingeniously engraved on volcanic rocks throughout its
entire façade including the belfry, which according to locals, were all
that was left after it was bombed by an American plane in 1945.
Parishioners believed that their patroness, Nuestra Senora de la
Porteria remained in the ruins unscathed after the said bombing.
Parish priest Fr. Jose Victor E. Lobrigo, said the absence of renova-
tion guidelines and maintenance procedures changed the original
visage of the century old church.
“Because of many repair works, additions and modifications
done in the lifetime of the church and its premises, there has been a
considerable loss of cultural values,” Lobrigo added.
According to Lobrigo, Daraga Parish has formed a new group
© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

tasked to submit plans for the church’s conservation and its long-
term solutions for its preservation by tapping the expertise of local
architects, engineers and historians.
Last February 19, 2008, Maharlika Cuevas of the National Museum
declared in a fitting ceremony that the facades, belfry and baptistery Gawad Kalinga Community Development Foundation Chairman and CFC Executive Director Joe Tale, KC Philippines Foundation Inc., Chairman Justice Jose Reyes, Jr.,
Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines Inc. (KCFAPI) Chairman Patrocinio Bacay, KCFAPI President Antonio Borromeo, KCFAPI Executive Vice
of the church with all its archeological structures and features are President Ma. Theresa Curia and KCFAPI Treasurer Antonio Yulo pose with beneficiaries and volunteers during the turnover of 10 GK housing units at the Knights of
part of national cultural heritage. (Elmer James Bandol) Columbus Village in San Jose Del Monte, Bulacan last October 18, 2008.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008

CBCP’s Open Letter

Roy Lagarde/CBCP Media

to Legislators
TO our Honorable Legislators in Con- universally recognized international mendation, but it puts the State above planning proposed by the bill. would seem to us, is one that seeks to
gress of the Philippines: human rights.” the family and in place of it, in decid- 11. The bill requires collective bar- protect those rights from harm, not one
Greetings of peace in Christ! This is an attempt to dilute and alto- ing how many children it will want to gaining agreements between employers that tries to regulate them or subject
We wish to convey to Your Honors gether negate section 3 (1) Article XV of have. The bill says it is not mandatory and employees to provide reproduc- them to State supervision.
in the House of Representatives and the Constitution which provides: “The or obligatory, but the mere mention of tive health services. Where there are The natural right of couples to have
The Senate our warmest greetings and State shall defend the right of spouses it as “the ideal family size” sounds like no CBAs, employers are compelled to as many or as few children as possible,
best wishes for the success of all your to found a family in accordance with a diktat from a totalitarian state. provide the same. This invades the pursuant to their understanding of
endeavors in enacting laws for the their religious convictions and the de- 7. The bill seeks to legalize abortion privacy of workers. responsible parenthood, is in our view
wellbeing of our people. We wish to mands of responsible parenthood.” on the sly by: a) requiring public and 12. The bill requires the National already protected by Section 12, Article
commend in particular the need to give Adding words “in conformity with private health workers and health Health Insurance Program to expand II of the Constitution, which provides as
primary attention, and to allocate the universally recognized international institutions to manage post-abortion its coverage to include the full range follows: “Sec. 12. The State recognizes
necessary resources, to the increasing human rights” allows the authors of the complications without legal sanctions of repro health services and supplies the sanctity of family life and shall
needs of the poor in education, health bill to claim, for one, that the right of the on those who committed or performed as benefits. PhilHealth benefits should protect and strengthen the family as a
care, housing, livelihood, and unob- unborn is not a universally recognized the abortion, which is a punishable include tubal ligation, vasectomy and basic autonomous social institution. It
structed access to the justice system. international human right because so crime; b) providing reproductive health other family planning methods in all na- shall protect the life of the mother and
We also wish to appeal to Your Honors many governments have legalized the care services to abused pregnant minor tional and local government hospitals. the life of the unborn from conception.
to join hands in protecting the moral killing of the unborn. without need of parental consent (un- 13. Each congressional district will be The natural and primary right and duty
and constitutional rights of the family, 2. The bill seeks to legalize full fund- derstood universally as including abor- provided with a van known as Mobile of parents in the rearing of the youth for
particularly our women and children ing for population control measures tion services for the minor). There is Health Care Service to promote the full civic efficiency and the development of
from the onslaught of ideologically- and devices which the Catholic Church also a presumption here that the abuser range of family planning methods. This moral character shall receive the sup-
driven bill that seek to use “women’s has denounced as immoral, and World is a parent or both parents. will be funded by Catholic taxpayers, port of the Government.”
health” in order to precisely undermine Health Organization has scientifically 8. The bill requires mandatory repro- whose belief system is being violated, As for the Catholic faithful whom
and ultimately destroy that wish they evaluated as carcinogenic and hazard- ductive health education from Grade V by way of the Development Assistance we try to serve in faith, the program
purportedly desire to uphold and ous to women’s health. These include: to Fourth Year High School. This will Fund of the congressional districts and being proposed goes against their
protect. a) Hormonal contraceptives, injectables, include, among others, reproductive other appropriations in the budget. moral and religious beliefs, and yet
We should like to they are the ones
inform Your Honors who will be made to
that we have registered defray the cost of the
our strong opposition “We wish to make it clear that we categorically very program that
to a bill in the House of
Representatives which,
and unequivocally oppose any attempt on the attacks their funda-
mental beliefs. Can
in our judgment, threat- part of the State to regulate or try to control anything be more
ens to deny the sacred
rights and dignity of
the exercise of the God-given rights of the hu- unjust?
It is our prayer
the family, which the man person and the family such as the right to that the Legislators
Constitution recognizes breathe, to live, to love, to found a family and to will be in a position
as “the foundation of to understand us
the nation,” and guar- procreate. The only legislation permissible in when we say that
antees to “strengthen these matters, it would seem to us, is one that while Congress or
as a basic autonomous
social institution.”
seeks to protect those rights from harm, not one Parliament is free to
legislate on politics,
We refer to House that tries to regulate them or subject them to economics, business,
Bill 5043 entitled, An
Act Providing For A
State supervision.” the professions,
sports, and other ac-
National Policy on tivities of citizens as
Reproductive Health, citizens, such mat-
Responsible Parenthood and Popu- intrauterine devices and other allied health and sexual rights, reproductive 14. Public officials, employers, public ters as pertain to
lation Development, and For Other reproductive health service products health care and services, management of or private health care service providers man as man are better left in the hands
Purposes, and due to be debated soon and supplies, which will be considered post-abortion complications, achieving who fail to comply with the above will be of the Supreme Lawgiver whose laws
at Plenary. It is a consolidation of four essential medicines and made avail- desired family size of two children, treat- imprisoned from one to six months and are beyond our limited competence to
House bills. Three of those bills were able for free by all national and local ment of infertility and sexual dysfunction fined from P10,000 to P50,000 after litiga- repeal or amend.
subjected to one hearing by the two hospitals and other government health (which could include assisted pregnancy tion. Public officers and employees will
Committees, on April 29, 2008; the units which are hazardous to women’s procedures, which the Church finds mor- be dismissed from government service. Very sincerely yours in Christ,
fourth bill never heard at all. On May health; b) Tubal ligation (immoral); c) ally condemnable). Both the moral law This is in appalling contrast to the provi-
21, 2008, representatives of the Catholic Vasectomy (immoral) and the Constitution recognize the right sion to treat those guilty of the crime of For the Catholic Bishops’ Conference
Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines 3. The bill obliges all public and pri- of parents to be the primary educators of abortion with leniency and compassion. of the Philippines:
and various family organizations came vate health care agencies and providers their children. 15. One to six months imprisonment
to the House purposely to participate in to make available the procedures on 9. The bill also requires non-formal and/or fine of P10,000 to P50,000 – “to +ANGEL N. LAGDAMEO, DD
the previously announced second hear- tubal ligation and vasectomy. education programs to include repro- maliciously engage in disinformation Archbishop of Jaro
ing on the bills. To their utter shock 4. The bill violates international ductive health education, obviously to about intent of provisions of this Act.” President, CBCP
and disbelief, the joint committees sim- standards of conscience protection by prepare young people to be contracep- Intent is difficult to prove. This is a
ply announced that all three bills, plus requiring the health care professional tive users by the time they reach re- violation of our right to Freedom of +PACIANO B. ANICETO, DD
a fourth one, had been consolidated to refer for services the professional productive age, married or unmarried. Speech. Only totalitarian states have Archbishop of San Fernando, Pampanga
into a substitute bill, which would no believes to be immoral. This makes the This is immoral and unlawful for the such policies. Chair, Commission on Family and Life
longer be subjected to further hearing professional complicit in the underly- same reason mentioned earlier. We wish to make it clear that we
but reported out on second reading. ing immoral act. 10. No marriage license shall be is- categorically and unequivocally oppose +RICARDO J. CARDINAL VIDAL
We wish to share with you our posi- 5. The bill requires no spousal con- sued by the Local Civil Registrar un- any attempt on the part of the State to Archbishop of Cebu
tion on that bill. sent or authorization for ligation and less the couple has received adequate regulate or try to control the exercise
1. The declaration of Policy is flawed. vasectomy for any person of legal age. instructions and information on family of the God-given rights of the human +GAUDENCIO B. CARDINAL RO-
It provides: “The State upholds and 6. The bill recommends having two planning and responsible parenthood, person and the family such as the right SALES
promotes responsible parenthood, children only per family, as the sup- as defined by the bill. Responsible to breathe, to live, to love, to found a Archbishop of Manila
informed choice, birth spacing and posedly ideal family size. There is no parenthood is made coextensive and family and to procreate. The only leg-
respect for life in conformity with moral or scientific basis for this recom- interchangeable with the kind of family islation permissible in these matters, it September 8, 2008
CBCP Monitor
Updates Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008

Feasts and
Crime and Punishment
(Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina
in the Church
Apostolorum university, answers the following questions :)

Q: We as Catholics commonly use the word “feast” to cover

everything from church feasts of various saints and the Blessed
Mother, to Corpus Christi, etc. We also understand that there are
three kinds of feasts/celebrations: memorial, feast, solemnity.
Could you kindly elaborate on these three categories? Also,
why is Corpus Christi not a holy day of obligation?—R.D.,
Enderamulla, Sri Lanka

A: Effectively we use the word “feast” to cover all levels of

celebration, even though the word also has a precise technical
meaning in the hierarchy of celebrations. There is no great
difficulty in this, as the context usually clarifies whether we
are speaking technically or in general.
The three basic classes are those mentioned by our reader, Illustration by Bladimer Usi
although memorials are often divided up into obligatory
and optional. There are some other means of classifying the
celebrations which give different numbers and categories. For
example, if one classifies on the basis of which Masses may be
celebrated on a given day, one comes up with seven groupings
of celebrations.
The difference between the three basic categories resides in
their importance, which in turn is reflected in the presence or
absence of different liturgical elements.
Solemnities are the highest degree and are usually reserved
for the most important mysteries of faith. These include Easter,
Pentecost and the Immaculate Conception; the principal titles
of Our Lord, such as King and Sacred Heart; and celebrations
By Jaime B. Achacoso, punishment must contribute to independent society, the Church (i.e., automatic penalties), such
that honor some saints of particular importance in salvation
J.C.D. the correction of the offender, cannot renounce penal law. can only be inflicted only in few
history, such as Sts. Peter and Paul, and St. John the Baptist giving him a chance to change 2) Can.1311 further declares: cases and only for the most serious
on his day of birth. for the better. The first two ends The Church has an innate and proper offenses (again implying previous
Solemnities have the same basic elements as a Sunday: three Every now and then, one hears or of punishment are succinctly right to coerce offending members typification of such cases by
readings, prayer of the faithful, the Creed and the Gloria which reads about abusive behavior on the summarized by the Catechism of the Christian faith-ful by means law). Nulla poena sine lege—”No
is recited even when the solemnity occurs during Advent or part of ecclesiastics—from sexual of the Catholic Church in the of penal sanctions. penalty without law”—is a
Lent. It also has proper prayer formulas exclusive to the day: misbehavior of sacred ministers following terms: Punishment has From the above-mentioned modern principle, based on
entrance antiphon, opening prayer, prayer over the gifts, or mishandling of parish funds to the primary aim of redressing the legal texts, we can conclude the human dignity.
Communion antiphon, and prayer after Communion. In most disobedience to lawful authority. disorders introduced by the offense. following characteristics of the 3) Principle of Discretionality:
cases it also has a particular preface. Less frequently, one also hears of When it is willingly accepted by the ius poenandi in the Church: As a counterpoint to the previous
Some solemnities are also holy days of obligation, but these less-than-Christian actuations of the guilty party, it assumes the value 1) Foundation. The foundation principle, c.1399 maintains
vary from country to country. lay members of the Church—from of expiation. Punishment then, in of the ius poenandi in the Church the principle enshrined in the
intrigues in the parish pastoral addition to defending public order is the damage to the ecclesial former c.2222, which stated
council to outright mudslinging and protecting people’s safety, has a public order inflicted by the that the Superior could inflict a
among factions in lay associations medicinal purpose: as far as possible, delinquent action. just penalty even in the case of
From the point of view of or movements. In all of these it must contribute to the correction 2) Finality. The primary end violation of a law which does
the liturgical elements there instances, one gets the impression of the guilty party (n.2266). of penalty is the restoration of not carry a penal sanction, if
that the Church authorities seem to
is no difference between be helpless to force people to toe the
c) Deterrence for future offenses.
Punishment must deter crime,
the perturbed order (common
good) and the correction of the
such violation implies special
seriousness or scandal. This
the optional and obligatory line. Is there such a thing as Penal and it does so to the extent that offender (particular good). was an old principle, based on
memorial. The memorial has at Law in the Church? the severity of the punishment
produces fear, which hinders
3) Measure. The measure of the
ius poenandi is twofold:
the idea of power of legitimate
least a proper opening prayer one from committing a crime. (i) The salus animarum, which 4) Principle of Subsidiarity:
and may have proper readings Ecclesiastical Penal Law and the Thus, a successful deterrent must is the ultimate preten-sion of the While certain universal norms
Mystery of the Church be a psychologically effective whole canonical order (c.1752); are deemed necessary for a
suitable for the saint being In a perfect world, the ideal of threat. and more specifi-cally the salus proper application of penal law
celebrated. The readings of the Church would imply that the 2)Perfect-Society Ecclesiology. animae of the offender himself. throughout the Latin Church,
the day may be used, and the faithful submit to ecclesiastical
discipline, in order to attain
A perfect society needs a coercive
power in order to protect its
This means that the degree and
kind of punishment must look at
the principle of subsidiarity
calls for increased legislative
lectionary recommends against freely and in an orderly manner juridic order against those who the good of souls in general and competence for other Church
an excessive use of specific the end of the Mystical Body.
In that case, there would seem
may want to disturb or destroy
it from within. Since the Church
even the good of the offender in
authorities below the level of
the Holy See. Thus, aside from
readings for the saints so to be no need for a Penal Law is a perfect society, it needs such (ii) The social harm caused by the obvious possibility that the
as not to interrupt too much in the Church. However, the power. the delictive act, or equivalently universal legislator always has to
reality of sin and man’s fallen 3) Magisterium of John Paul the restoration of the public order increase the number of offenses
the continuous cycle of daily nature makes it necessary to II. In an address to the Roman which is the immanent common typified by law, Particular Law
readings. have some means of coercion, can also establish other types of
without which it would not be crimes which may be necessary
A solemnity is celebrated if it falls on a Sunday of ordinary
possible to maintain order within
the ecclesial society. Hence, there
Less frequently, one also hears or advisable in a given place
time or Christmastide. But it is usually transferred to the exists a Penal Law, as part of of less-than-Christian actuations 5) Preference for Judicial
following Monday if it falls on a Sunday of Advent, Lent or
Easter, or during Holy Week or the Easter octave.
Canon Law, whereby certain of the lay members of the Procedure. Another noteworthy
actions are typified as criminal change in the revised law is its
A feast honors a mystery or title of the Lord, of Our Lady, and proportionate sanctions are Church—from intrigues in the theoretical preference for judicial
or of saints of particular importance (such as the apostles and likewise established. parish pastoral council to outright rather than administrative
Evangelists) and some of historical importance such as the
deacon St. Lawrence.
The need and justification
of punitive sanction are con-
mudslinging among factions in procedure in the infliction of
penalties. Nevertheless, given
The feast usually has some proper prayers but has only tained by direct implication lay associations or movements. the contemporary demands on
two readings plus the Gloria. Feasts of the Lord, such as the
Transfiguration and Exaltation of the Holy Cross, unlike other
in the correct concept of law In all of these instances, one gets church tribunals, because of the
it-self. A system of law lacking sharp increase in matrimonial
feasts, are celebrated when they fall on a Sunday. On such such sanction would prove the impression that the Church cases, in practice penalties
occasions they have three readings, the Gloria and the Creed.
A memorial is usually of saints but may also celebrate some
ineffective in practice, defeating authorities seem to be helpless may continue to be imposed
its own primary purpose of self- administratively except where
aspect of the Lord or of Mary. Examples include the optional enforcement. Those in charge to force people to toe the line. Is judicial procedure is strictly
memorial of the Holy Name of Jesus or the obligatory memorial of the common good must be there such a thing as Penal Law in required.
of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
From the point of view of the liturgical elements there is
armed with coercive as well as
legislative and judiciary powers,
the Church? 6) Reduction of Latae Sententiae
Penalties. Closely relat-ed to
no difference between the optional and obligatory memorial. for they govern and direct free, the preference for the judicial
The memorial has at least a proper opening prayer and may rational agents, whose complex Rota (17.II.1979), John Paul good of the ecclesial society. procedure (over the admin-
have proper readings suitable for the saint being celebrated. nature responds not only to the II gave the ultimate justifica- Principles of Canonical Penal istrative one) is the concern to
The readings of the day may be used, and the lectionary dictate of reason but also to threat tion for the ius poenandi in the Law ensure the personal involvement
recommends against an excessive use of specific readings for and punishment. Church: “In the image of a The Preface of the Codex of church authorities in dealing
the saints so as not to interrupt too much the continuous cycle Church which safeguards the affirms: As an external, visible with potential offenses. Thus,
of daily readings. Justification for the ius poenandi rights of every faithful, and and independent society, the there is a noteworthy emphasis
On the other hand, the specific readings should always be in the Church which—even more—fosters and Church cannot renounce penal law. on ferendae sententiae penalties as
used for certain saints, above all those specifically mentioned Several theories have been protects the common good as However, penalties are generally a general rule. Accordingly, in
in the readings themselves, such as Martha, Mary Magdalene proposed to justify the punitive an indispensable condition for to be ferendae sententiae and are contrast to the large number of
and Barnabas. right (ius poenandi) of Church the integral development of the to be remitted only in the external latae senten-tiae penalties in the
During Lent and Advent from Dec. 17 to 24 memorials authority: human and Christian person, forum. Latae sententiae penalties CIC 17, the new Codex contains
may be celebrated only as commemorations. That is, only 1) Defense of the Juridic Order. penal law is positive-ly included. are to be reduced to a few cases, only 17 of them (four interdicts,
the opening prayer of the saint is used and all the rest comes The ultimate justifica-tion of The penalty inflicted by the and are to be in-flicted only for the six suspensions, and seven
from the day. penalty is the same as that of ecclesiastical authori-ty (which most serious offenses. From this, excommunica-tions), only five of
Nov. 2, All Souls’ Day, is something of a special class Law: The need to maintain the in reality only acknowledges the we can deduce the following which are reserved to the Holy
that, without being a solemnity, still has precedence over a juridic order, without which situation in which the subject principles regarding the Penal See. These are incurred only for
Sunday. society (civil or ecclesial) would has placed himself) should be Law of the Church: the most serious offenses.
It is also important to note that the same celebration may be impossible. Traditionally, recognized as an instrument 1) Principle of External Forum: 7) Penalties as an Ultima Ratio.
have a different classification in various geographical areas, punishment had been justified of communion, i.e., as a means The potestas poenandi arises in the Finally, a renewed recog-nition
as some celebrations and saints are venerated more in one by three purposes: to recover those deficiencies Church in the external forum, of the salvific character of Church
place than in another. For example, St. Benedict, an obligatory a) Retribution of the damaged of the individual good and of distinguishing it from that other law and of the dignity of the
memorial in the universal calendar, is a feast in Europe since juridic order. Punishment aims to the common good arising from exercise of the power of the keys human person leads to a stress
he is one of its patrons. But he rates a solemnity in the diocese redress the disorder introduced whatever anti-ecclesial, delictive in the internal forum proper of on penalties as a last resort, after
and abbey of Montecassino where he is buried. by the offense, by depriving and scandalous behavior of the sacrament of Penance. This all other legal-pastoral measures
Finally, the decision on whether a solemnity such as the the offender of a good of a some members of the people is a clear departure from the CIC have proven fruitless.
Body and Blood of the Lord is a holy day of obligation falls proportionate degree to that of God.” 17, where the confes-sor played
primarily upon the bishops’ conference, which decides based which was suffered by the a significant penal role in certain Conclusion
on the pastoral reality of each country. Some have maintained offended, or—in the ultimate Legal Declaration of the theoretically extraordinary Answering the original
the traditional Thursday celebration and kept it as a holy analy sis—b y t he societ y. Existence of a Ius poenandi in situations (cf. CIC 17, cc.2252- question, then, yes there is Penal
day; others might have maintained the day but without the Hence, the punishment must the Church 2254; 2290), which practically Law in the Church of Christ.
obligation. Many have preferred to transfer the celebration to be commensurate to the gravity The Code of Canon Law limits speaking became increasingly Perhaps it has not been exercised
the following Sunday so as to ensure its celebration with the of the offense. In any case, itself to declaring firmly the ordinary. sufficiently—especially with the
greatest number of faithful. retribution cannot be confused existence of the ius poenandi in 2) Principle of Legality: Simply so-called pastoral approach of the
The Vatican, for example, continues the traditional Thursday with revenge. the Church, leaving the question stated, in general penalties post-Vatican II era. Perhaps the
celebration and thus the Holy Father’s procession with the b) Reformation of the offender. of its justification to Canonical should be imposed only after spate of undesirable—for not
Blessed Sacrament is held on that day. The Diocese of Rome, Since society is for man (not doctrine. In sum, we can quote due process, implying previous to say scandalous—behavior
however, along with the rest of Italy, celebrates it on the vice-versa), when society inflicts the following legal texts: typification of the delictive outlined in the original question
following Sunday. (Zenit) punishment, it must redound to 1) The Preface of the Codex behavior by law. Even in the shows that such Penal Law needs
the good of individual man. Thus, states: As an external, visible and case of penalties latae sententiae to be applied more.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008
By Fr. Alejandro Esperancilla & Bishop’s care. American Bishops Papal Bull “Quo in Philippina Republica” church, which aimed to set the pastoral
Fr. Midyphil Billones At the turn of the century, the anti- that Jaro be elevated to the rank and direction and priorities of the Archdiocese
Birth of the Diocese of Jaro Spanish friar and nationalistic sentiments dignity of Metropolitan Archdiocesan for the new millennium. To the call of Jesus
The whole of the Philippines, then, was ran high. This explains why many clergy Churches. In the beginning of the “Duc in altum” spoken through the new
THE start of any history is always but one Diocese with Manila as the Seat fell into what historians call the “Schism of document, it was stated that “In order to Head Shepherd, the Archdiocese of Jaro
anchored in the love of God... a love that created in 1581 by Pope Gregory XIII. Due Panay.” Bishop Ferrero entered Jaro with better look after the good government and sets its spirit aflame to follow!
permeates and surrounds every moment to the great territorial extent of the Diocese this background. Fr. Crispin Hinolan and the salvation of the souls of the Christian
of unfolding in temporal space here on of Manila, impossible to be covered by Fr. Silvestre Apurra formally presented faithful of the Republic of the Philippines, Pursuing and Concretizing Renewal:
earth. The act of looking back, grasping one bishop alone, new dioceses were to the Holy See their protest against the it has seemed to Us very opportune to The Second Plenary Council and the
the present, and straining to the future, created, namely: the Dioceses of Nueva appointment of a Spanish friar as bishop erect new dioceses in it, as well as to Archdiocesan Response
though distinct, is actually one fluid Segovia, Nueva Caceres, and Cebu. To of Jaro on February 13, 1900 at Molo establish new Ecclesiastical provinces... With its Christian roots well-founded in
continuum; it is a singular movement the Diocese of Cebu were allotted the Church. Both sides suffered much during and so We erect four new Ecclesiastical a history of fidelity to the Catholic Church,
of the heart fully conscious that its past, islands of the Visayas, Mindanao, and this dark moment of Panay history. Provinces that are to be known as Nueva the Archdiocese of Jaro today confidently
present, and future is embraced by love! the Marianas. This came to an end when Bishop Segovia (Vigan), Caceres (Naga), Jaro or faces the challenges of the Post Vatican
It is through this prism that we look at the The question of splitting the large Ferrero resigned and the Holy Father St. Elizabeth, and Cagayan...” II Church. When the Philippine Church
story of our salvation in Jaro, or maybe, Diocese of Cebu was brought before the appointed bishop of Jaro, an American On November 18, 1951, Msgr. Jose Ma. gathered for the Second Plenary Council
it is better to say, that this is our looking Holy See as early as 1841. As mentioned priest, Msgr. Frederick L. Rooker (1903- Cuenco, DD, PhD, was installed as the of the Philippines in Manila in 1991, the
at “HIS-story” of loving us through the in the Bull, Bishop Santos G. Marañon, 1907). When he arrived, the clouds of First Filipino Archbishop of Jaro. Under local church of Jaro caught the fire and
years. Although we can never fathom humbly requested to limit his too widely turbulence began to clear. his shepherding work, the faith life in the passion to implement the vision of

Archdiocese of Jaro
The Birth and Growth Towards Fullness of Communion
its depth, and despite the
limitations of our human
language, let us nonetheless
attempt to express in words
the history of Jaro. Let us tell
our story.

Brief Origin: The Island

of Panay
The island of Panay is
one of the largest in the
Philippine Archipelago.
Situated in Western Visayas,
it is divided into four
provinces: Aklan, Capiz,
Iloilo, and Antique. Most of
Panay is covered with fertile
fields which bear palay,
sugarcane and other food
crops. It is thus called (Pan,
Hay!) for having supplied
with food the fleet of Gov.
Miguel Lopez de Legaspi,
who, when anchored in
the island of Cebu, had no
food for his soldiers. This is
a prelude to a future time
in the 19th century, when
the port of Iloilo was to
become “the most notable
in the Visayas because to it

Photo courtesy of

converged ships from all the
provinces in search of rice
and other products.”
Through the preaching of
the Augustinian Friars, who
were rightly identified as the
“Fathers of Faith in Panay”,
the seeds of the gospel
produced an abundance
of faith. The churches
and convents they built IMPORTANT FACTS
and the continuing deep
Archbishop …………………..……… 1
religiosity of the Ilonggos Auxiliary Bishop ……………….......... 1
are undeniable proofs of Priests:
their apostolic zeal. ABOVE: Archbishop Angel N. Lagdameo, DD. Diocesan ……………………..… 178
RIGHT: St. Elizabeth of Hungary Metropolitan Religious ……………………..… 49
The First Parishes Cathedral, Jaro, Iloilo City Foreign Priests ……………..….. 11
The Province of Iloilo, which is one Deacons ……………………….... 2
of the four into which the Island of Brothers (Filipino) ……….......….. 36
Panay is divided, derived its name from Sisters:
the Hiligaynon word “Yrong-yrong,” Filipino …………………………. 570
Foreign ……………………...….. 10
meaning, nose-like. This name was
Religious/Secular Institutes:
formerly given to an islet in Batiano River, Men …………………………….. 4
very near Oton. spread territory and create another The winds of change came with the Jaro experienced a new springtime. Women ……………………...…. 56
The Augustinians through Fr. Martin diocese with its residential seat in Jaro. arrival of a new batch of American Even as Auxiliary Bishop facing Seminarians:
de Rada established in Oton what would In response to this request, Pope Pius Catholic shepherds. Under the leadership the aftermath of World War II, he Theology ………………..…….. 19
be their first priory and parish in Panay IX decreed the creation of the Diocese of of Bishop Rooker, the Vincentians re- already started the work towards Major ………………...………… 68
in 1570, the first church in the Philippines Jaro through the Papal Bull “Qui ab Initio” organized and stabilized seminary life. moral rehabilitation and material Minor ………………..………… 79
to be dedicated to the Immaculate of May 27, 1865. The decree was carried With firm dedication and determination, reconstruction. Despite being Diocesan Divisions:
Conception. (Dumangas makes the same into effect by the Archbishop of Manila, he was able to recover many Church downplayed by many as a dreamer Vicariates …….………………. 14
claim as Oton, with Ermita, Dumangas Gregorio Meliton Martinez on October properties from the municipal authorities after the losses in war, he rebuilt with Parishes ………………………. 93
Catholics ……………… 2,125, 446
as the site of the first church in Panay 10, 1867. The new diocese, under the and many Aglipayans were brought the people, the St. Vincent Ferrer Population ……………. 2,333,141
built by Fr. Juan de Alba around 1570- title St. Elizabeth of Hungary, comprised back to the faith. In 1906 the Mill Hill Seminary and constructed the St. Area ……………………. 304 sq. km.
1572.) From Oton, the friars attended to the islands of Palawan, Romblon, Missionaries came in the diocese to help Joseph Junior Seminary. Being a
the spiritual needs of the encomiendas, Panay, Negros, Davao, Zamboanga, and the Filipino Clergy in the parishes left catechist by heart, he established the
namely: Tigbauan, Vagungun, Guimbal, Basilan. behind by the Spanish clergy. Pius XII Catechetical Institute as the renewal.
and Salog (renamed later as Jaro). These Thus, with the new Diocese of Jaro Dennis Dougherty, SThD (1908-1916), first catechetical school in the Philippines Springing forth from this, the
so called visitas (as there is no friar in- created the Augustinians ceded the became the fifth Bishop of Jaro. Undying to be recognized by the government. Archdiocesan Vision Mission Statement
residence) were periodically visited by the church of La Candelaria to the diocese in gratitude goes to him for completing the After him, Archbishop Jaime L. Sin was formulated and ratified in the historic
friars to teach the people the tenets of the 1865 to become its cathedral church. reconstruction of the seminary started (1972-74) served Jaro for a brief period gathering of the Laity and Clergy at St.
faith. Later, Tigbauan was established as by Bishop Rooker; the foundation of of time because on January 29, 1974, he Vincent Ferrer Seminary in 1991. To
a parish in 1575 under the Jesuits where Bishop Mariano Cuartero Assumption College (1910), St. Paul’s was appointed Archbishop of Manila. safeguard the gains and to pursue the
the first school for boys in the Philippines On April 2, 1868, Bishop Mariano Hospital (1911), and Asilo de Molo for His lasting legacy was the establishment realization of this spoken dream, the Jaro
was established in 1592. In 1578, Janiuay Cuartero, OP (1868-1884), the man of orphans. He also convoked the first ever of the first Trappist Abbey of Our Lady Archdiocesan Pastoral Secretariat (JAPS)
was established as a parish, followed in extensive missionary experience, arrived Diocesan Synod of Jaro in 1911. of the Philippines in Guimaras. was established.
1581 by de Arevalo. in Manila together with five Vincentian Under the sixth bishop of Jaro, Maurice The third Filipino archbishop was the
Jaro started as a visita and placed priests, three brothers, and sixteen Foley, SThD (1916- 1919), huge assistance Most Rev. Artemio G. Casas, D.D. (1974- Journeying Together Towards Fullness
under the superior of the Augustinian Daughters of Charity. Never so particular was infused upon parochial schools. The 85). During his leadership, the Legion of Communion: On the Threshold of the
community of Oton on March 3, 1575. This of his status and dignity, he would be seen Forty-Hour Eucharistic Devotion was of Mary flourished and the deepening New Millennium
arrangement remained until 1584 when often rolling up his sleeves and joining the introduced in the diocese and the official of ties with the Religious Sisters, was This work of renewal in the Church
Jaro was placed under the jurisdiction masons in carrying bricks and mortar “to diocesan journal, “Cabuhi sang Banwa,” facilitated. He was well-remembered for were intensified when in 1994, the Holy
of Arevalo. In April, 1587, Jaro became build” the diocese, most especially the St. was founded. his insightful and brilliant homilies and Father, through his Apostolic Letter
the fifth parish to be established. Vincent Ferrer Seminary (1869). Under his The one who served longest among correspondences. “Tertio Millennio Adveniente,” rallied the
However, due to unknown reasons it paternal care and devotion, the nascent the American bishops was Bishop James The fourth Filipino archbishop and at universal Church to celebrate the Year of
was abandoned and re-established twice, faith-life in the diocese struggled slowly P. McCloskey, SThD (1920-1945), the the same time the first Jareño archbishop the Great Jubilee (2000) with the primary
one in 1598 and the other in 1612. The to bud-forth. seventh bishop of Jaro. He was well- was the beloved Alberto J. Piamonte, objective of “strengthening the faith and
parish was placed under the protection known for his holiness and piety. Among DD (1986-1998). Always pushing for witness of Christians.” “It was with this
of our Lady of Candles, purportedly the The Succeeding Spanish Bishops his notable contributions that led to the economic development side by side challenge of integral evangelization that
second oldest image of our Lady in the The second bishop of Jaro, Bishop ever increasing vitality of the Ilonggo with spiritual development, he invited the Archdiocese of Jaro launched her
Philippines, the only one crowned by the Leandro Arrue, OAR (1885-1897), local church were the founding of the the Salesian Fathers to set up a technical three-year program integrating the thrust
pope and declared patroness of Western continued his predecessor’s foundational Carmel of Jaro, which became the mother school for boys in Dumangas. Under his of the Jubilee with the implementation
Visayas. work. Just before the war against Spain of all Carmelite (OCD) monasteries in the inspiration, the pioneering work on the of PCP II.”
The foundation of what is now known broke out on October 24, 1897, he died Philippines (1923); the founding of a local Young Clergy Formation began in Jaro. At the end Year of the Great Jubilee,
as Iloilo City goes back to the year 1581, leaving Jaro orphaned in the most critical congregation known as the Dominican At the death of Archbishop Piamonte, yet another doorway for a new beginning
but it was only in 1602 that Pedro Bravo of days. Sisters of the Most Holy Rosary (1925), Msgr. Jose M. Gamboa, was appointed opened, when on January 7, 2001,
de Acuña built what would later become His successor Bishop Andres Ferrero, the arrival of the Redemptorist Fathers Archdiocesan Administrator. The Archbishop Lagdameo announced his
as the Fortress De San Pedro. At that time, OAR (1898-1903), was consecrated on (1928) and the convocation of the 2nd Archdiocese maintained its momentum of “intention to convoke the Third Diocesan
the town depended on Arevalo in its civil March 24, 1899 but could not come to his diocesan synod of Jaro (1933). growth under his dedicated leadership. Synod of Jaro.”
and ecclesiastical government. diocese until 1901. During this turbulent After more than a year of waiting, Working on the gains of the past and
In 1678, the first parish of Iloilo to which point in history, the diocese was left under The Journey of Faith Continues: Jaro the Archdiocese of Jaro was blessed taking as it were the cue of the Second
the island of Himal-us (presently called the care of Fr. Agustin de la Peña, a Filipino under Filipino Archbishops with a dynamic shepherd, Most. Rev. Plenary Council of the Philippines
Guimaras), were added. The parish of priest, who also became an influential The urgent demand to respond to the Angel N. Lagdameo, DD, the fifth (PCP II), the synod took as its theme
Iloilo was administered by the Jesuits until person in the Nationalist Movement pastoral needs of the ever-increasing Filipino archbishop of Jaro, installed on “PADULONG SA BUG-OS NGA
their expulsion in 1768. The Dominican together with some members of clergy. population of Christians ushered in a new May 9, 2000. Under his leadership, the PAGHILIUSA” (Towards Fullness
Fathers took over until 1775, when the phase in Panay’s Church History. Thus, in Archdiocese of Jaro geared for a Diocesan of Communion). Thereafter, the Jaro
town as a parish came directly under the Rising from the Ashes: Jaro Under Four June 29, 1951, Pope Pius XII decreed in the Synod, the third in the history of the local Jaro / B7
CBCP Monitor
Features Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008

The Church
and the

Photo courtesy of

By Fr. Edwin D. Corros further into the Third Millennium of the to our constituents. Furthermore, in
Christian era as a pilgrim people, guided by God’s mission of solidarity, respect and

HB 5043 is Pro- THE Global Forum on Migration and

Development (GFMD) was born as a
Christ,”the great Shepherd (Heb 13:20). The
Church continues to speak to all people and
all nations, for it is only in the name of Christ
love of humanity “The Church journeys
along the roads of history together with all
humanity. She lives in the world, although

Abortion, but should its recommendation from the high level

dialogue on migration and development
convened by the United Nations General
that salvation is given to men and women.”1
The Global Forum on Migration and
Development (GFMD) is an occasion
not of the world (cf Jn 17:14-16) she is called
to serve the world according to her innermost
vocation.”4 The Church’s presence at the

promoters be given Holy

Assembly in September 14 – 15, 2006. for the Church to be heard, to share its GFMD allows her to contribute her own
At least 127 UN state members were wisdom in serving the people on the wisdom in improving the humanity’s
represented at that high level dialogue, move and to listen to others who are global desire to improve the lives of
mostly by officials occupying ministerial similarly and actively involved in the migrants and their families, especially in

Communion? levels. The former secretary general Kofi

Annan, being a strong supporter of that
dialogue proposed to create a global
field of migration.
As a Church our evangelization is not
only about preaching within the confines
enhancing access to their rights, welfare
and better protection towards their real
empowerment and development.
forum which would craft new policy of our church buildings or through the The Second Global Forum on Migration
By Dr. Conrado L. Lorenzo, Jr. ideas more widely known, catalyze sacraments that we celebrate among our and Development to be held in Manila
constructive conversation about the migrant brothers and sisters overseas or on October 27 to 30, 2008 will focus on
issues among governments, add value their families left behind, because we the rights of the migrants. If this forum
to existing regional consultations and believe that “Salvation which the Lord Jesus will indeed help promote the rights of
OVER the past few months there has been a raging debate encourage an integrated approach to obtained ‘at a price’ (Cor 6:20; cf 1 Pet 1:18- the migrants, I personally feel that the
between the authors and supporters of “The Reproductive migration and development both at the 19), is achieved in the new life that awaits the Church’s participation to the discussion
Health and Population Development Act”, HB 5043 and national and international levels. righteous after death, but it also permeates is very relevant, because promotion
After a constructive debate on the issue,this world in the realities of economy and of their rights is essential to their own
the Catholic Church and its pro-life supporters. It is inter- more than two thirds of those present at labor, of technology and communications, development.
esting to note that the arguments for or against the use of the UN assembly had expressed support of society and politics, of the international
artificial contraceptive methods have not really changed for the establishment of the Global community and the relations among cultures What does the GFMD mean for the
much since the national family planning program was first Forum on Migration Church’s mission in
and Development. Asia?
launched some thirty five years ago. The government of Migration is an
On one hand, the pro-choice advocates invoke women’s health and
Belgium has offered increasing global
women’s rights, stark poverty among the majority of Filipino families, and
immediately to host phenomenon. There
over-population as a deterrent to economic development as the cornerstones
the maiden session for is equally a growing
of their justification for promoting all methods of artificial birth control. On
two days which was concentration of
the other hand, the Catholic Church continues to maintain the doctrines and
held in Brussels last movement of people
principles of Humanae Vitae and warns the faithful of the dire consequences
July 10-11, 2007. within Asia. Due to
that HB 5043 will have on the family and marriage, on its teaching against
The GFMD is an the disparity of socio-
premarital sex and promiscuity, as well as, on other moral and ethical values
inter-governmental economic, religious
that the Catholic Church teaches. However, there is one controversy that
meeting that is open to and political situation
seems to stand out more than the others—ABORTION!
all 192 United Nations in Asia, Asians are
member-states. It is moving from one
Does HB 5043 promote abortion?
a government-led country to another.
The authors and supporters of the bill repeatedly claim that it is not pro-
initiative but abides There is an estimated
abortion and it does not legalize abortion. They challenge any one to point
with its accord as 25 million Asian labor
to any provision in the bill which might indicate that the bill promotes and
neither non-decision migrants within the
legalizes abortion. I take up that challenge!
making body nor a region.5 The Church
I will concede the fact that HB 5043 does not promote or legalize “surgical
policy formulator. has already been
abortion”. However, the bill definitely promotes and legalizes the practice
It holds a voluntary involved in the work
of “medical abortion”. And medical abortion is abortion! There are no two
process that wants among the people
ways about it.
to address issues on the move. In fact,
Section 10 of HB 5043 mandates that “Hormonal contraceptives, intrauterine
and concerns related almost all churches in
devices, injectables and other allied reproductive health products and sup-
plies which shall be considered part of the National Drug Formulary and the same
to migration and
development that goes
To be part of the GFMD is the rightful Asia haveitsmigrants’
commission or at
shall be included in the regular purchase of essential medicines and supplies of all
national and local hospitals and other government health units”
beyond mere analysis. response of the Church in making her least a desk created
Section 10 of the bill clearly promotes the use of the IUD. And any
The forum wishes to voice heard as she represents the by their respective
identify best practices, bishops’ conference.
obstetrician-gynecologist will tell you the IUD is an abortifacient. It pre-
promote the exchange voices of her people—the migrants It is part of the
vents pregnancy by rendering the endometrium hostile to the fertilized
egg. The fertilized egg (blastocyst) is unable to implant itself in the endo-
of experiences, identify and their families. Appropriately, we mission of the Church
obstacles to smart
metrium. Consequently, the biological development of the fertilized egg
policy making, explore can say that the church’s concern for to accompany the
migrants in Asia as it
is terminated and aborted. This “medical abortion” as some investigators
and adopt innovative social justice is consistently achieved is in other parts of the
call it, is abortion, period.
Now the authors of the bill and pro-choice advocates try to get around
approaches and enhance
coop erat ion among
by taking part in the discussion at world. The GFMD in
the Philippines could
this definition by conveniently and arbitrarily claiming that human life
and pregnancy start only after the fertilized egg has implanted in the
countries. the gathering of civil society groups be understood from
From two days in coming from various part of the world. certain readings of the
endometrium. Rep. Lagman even quotes the American College of Gyne-
Belgium last year, the Filipino migration. The
cologists (ACOG) to support his position. Unfortunately, ACOG does not
GFMD 2008 in Manila Philippines being cited
have a single shred of scientific evidence to support this claim. It is totally
will be extended to four days: October and people”.2 by the International Labor Organization
27-28 for the civil society organizations To be part of the GFMD is the rightful (ILO) as a model country in managing
The Catholic Church has always maintained that human life and biologic
days while the inter-governmental days response of the Church in making her its labor migration allows the country
life both begin at fertilization. For us Catholics, it makes no sense to think
will hold its meeting on October 29 -30. voice heard as she represents the voices to showcase its own labor migration
otherwise. That ACOG should take the position of pro-abortion advocates
The forum will discuss on three round of her people—the migrants and their management. This image of being a model
is not all surprising if we keep in mind that America is the land of legalized
table themes namely: 1) Migration, families. Appropriately, we can say that country is based of course on the country’s
abortion. The definition seems to have been made to support the argument
development and human rights; 2) Secure, the church’s concern for social justice is projection of having ratified several
for not calling “medical abortions”, abortions. How convenient!
legal migration can achieve stronger consistently achieved by taking part in migrants’ specific instruments. Of course,
But the mechanism of action of the IUD is the irrefutable basis for calling
development; and 3) Policy and institutional the discussion at the gathering of civil the application of those instruments in
HB 5043 a pro-abortion bill. Section 10 of the bill not only promotes it, it
coherence and partnerships. The Ayala society groups coming from various part terms of its implementation is totally a
also legalizes and mandates its use as well.
Foundation, being the lead organizer of the world. In the case of our work different story.
of the civil society days’ forum has at the Episcopal Commission (ECMI) As Church in Asia, GFMD is an
There is more!
invited 200 delegates from overseas. for migrants at the Catholic Bishops’ avenue for Church pastoral workers
The same section 10 automatically legalizes the importation of “abortion
They will be joined by 30 delegates from Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), for migrants to contribute their ideas
pills” by virtue of the provision, “and other allied reproductive health prod-
the Philippines chosen from different we also need to be informed by other in helping bridge the gap where
ucts and supplies shall be considered under the category of essential medicines
parts of the country. The thirty official people working in various realities for governments of sending and receiving
and supplies which shall form part of the National Drug Formulary and the same
delegates from the Philippines were in us to discern appropriately in enhancing countries of migrants have failed to
shall be included in the regular purchase…..etc” I am not referring to the
fact selected by various NGOs who had our service to the migrants. We do not apply and implement its instruments.
hormonal contraceptives pills that obstetricians and gynecologists have
held earlier four consultation-meetings have in our possession the monopoly In a way, Churches in Asia could work
been using over the past thirty five years or so. Most, if not all the pills
in Davao, Cebu, Tarlac and Makati. Aside of the truths to the complexities of the together in delivering basic migrants’
in the market now (with the exception of Cytotec) are not abortifacients.
from the official GFMD meetings, several issues concerned, but as a Church our social services, because the government
They are true hormonal (estrogen/progestin combinations) contraceptives
parallel activities had been organized work in solidarity with humanity was failed to do so. The Erga Migrantes
that prevent ovulation. It is unfortunate, that some pro-life advocates, who
by various NGOs during this big event, well founded on the Gospel of Jesus. Caritas Christi encourages cooperation
have been misinformed, have claimed that all hormonal contraceptives are
which include forums, consultations, The Catholic Church has long among sending and receiving countries
abortifacients. This is not so.
cultural events, marches and rallies. been involved with migration and of migrants. Pastoral workers could
However there are true “abortion pills” in the American and European
After the Philippines, the next GFMD development. The Erga Migrantes Caritas not wait for the government to address
markets today that can easily find their way into the family planning pro-
will be held in Greece and Argentina Christi reflects the significance of the their usual problem and so they need
gram, courtesy of section 10 of HB 5043. These abortion pills are specifically
on 2009 and 2010 respectively. Church’s contribution to the work on to extend help.
designed to abort pregnancies that may develop following an unprotected
migration as she looks back to the attempt The Church of course cannot at
exposure to conception. They are popularly and aptly called “the morning
Why is the Church participating in of the Church to constitute a Pontifical times do this without the support
after pill” and “the emergency contraceptive pill” (the latter more appropri-
ately called “the emergency abortion pill”). They are marketed under differ-
the forum? Commission for migrants as early as of the governments of both sending
In the Compendium of the Social 1905.3 Migration is so complex that we and receiving countries. Prior to this
HB5043 / B7
Doctrine of the Church, its introduction need to learn from other experts of what envisioned assistance, the Church
fittingly states that “The Church moves should be done to advance our service GFMD / B5
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008
A Statement of Concern Position Paper on Ecology,
over Incidents of Food Security and the Threats
of Large-Scale Mining of

Violence in Basilan
WE, members of the Zamboanga, Basilan, this attack are still uncertain. Signed:
Intex Resources/Aglubang in
Oriental Mindoro
Sulu, Tawi-Tawi Association of Private Fr. Libot, a Claretian priest, is the Director Fr. Antonio F. Moreno, SJ WE, pastors of different parishes, leaders
Schools (ZAMBASULTAPS) and Catholic of Claret College of Isabela, Basilan, a member President, ZAMBASULTAPS of peoples organizations, together with our
Educational Association of the Philippines of ZAMBASULTAPS and CEAP. Fr. Libot is Msgr. David M. Alonzo partners in the civil society, are alarmed by
(CEAP) in Region 9, are quite concerned about a Board member of ZAMBASULTAPS. Vice-President, ZAMBASULTAPS the prevailing situation of ecological crises
the recent incidents of kidnapping and killing Last 15 September 2008, peace advocates Sr. Maria Bernadette G. Suico, RVM
in our Region 9 and the Island Provinces and development practitioners Ms. Espie Secretary, ZAMBASULTAPS and imminent destruction of the environment
especially in Basilan Province. Several of these Hupida, Program Director of Nagdilaab Fr. Christian James DL Castro, CMF occasioned by a lack of respect for nature and the
cases are no longer known to authorities and Foundation Inc, and Milet Mendoza were Board Member, ZAMBASULTAPS plunder of our natural resources by large-scale
the media for various reasons. kidnapped and are still held captive. Col. Romeo Delgado (Ret) mining, with Mindoro island having a total of 92
Last 18 October 2008, Saturday, between We condemn these acts that breed President, Southern Peninsula College
12.45 and 1.00 p.m., Fr. Felimon Libot CMF violence and foster instability in our Fr. Armando S. Bayron
mining applications as reported by Mines and
and his six military escorts (mostly CAFGUs) region. We salute the courage of those Vice President, St. Columban College Geosciences Bureau (MGB) in January 2008.
were ambushed near Tumahubong, Basilan, who protected Fr. Libot. We appeal to the Sr. Mercedes Salud, SFIC We are particularly concerned about the continuing
by an armed group. Fr. Libot was on his way captors of Ms. Hupida and Ms. Mendoza Directress, Marian College exploration of the Mindoro Nickel Project of Intex Resources
to celebrate Mass in that area. It is not known to release them as soon as possible. We call Fr. Filemon Libot and Aglubang Mining, which critically threatens the food
whether the attack was intended to kill Fr. upon our authorities to restore protection Director, Claret College of Isabela, Basilan security and ecological integrity of Oriental Mindoro since
Libot or kidnap him. Four of his companions and safety of our citizenry. We call upon Bro. Eugene Pius, FMS the mining concession covers one of the province’s actual
were wounded and all are in stable condition. our government, institutions, organized Director, Notre Dame of Jolo HS Kasulutan watershed areas as duly declared and identified in its Provincial
Fr. Libot sustained minor bruises, but groups and people of goodwill to pursue Sr. Amelia G. David, ICM Physical Framework Plan. The mining site encroaches on the
otherwise unharmed. The motives behind relentlessly the path of peace. Superintendent, Pagadian Diocesan Schools Mag-asawang Tubig Watershed, which is the largest source of
irrigation water for the 40,000 hectares collective rice land in the
city of Calapan, Municipalities of Naujan, Baco and Victoria,
Oriental Mindoro. The threatened municipalities and the City

Green Convergence for Safe of Calapan have a combined rice production of 169,608 metric
tons in 2006, which is 51% of the total provincial production,
enough to feed 782,805 people for a year. In 2000, the estimated
agricultural productivity of Oriental Mindoro at farm-gate price

Food, Healthy Environment

is PhP11,414,553,000.000. Assuming that mining will adversely
affect only 30% of the total productivity, the total loss of the
province would be PhP 4.027 Billion!
Admittedly, Intex will have to dispose 8 million tons of mine
waste annually. According to Jon Petersen, Senior Vice President

and Sustainable Economy of Crew (now Intex), land based storage is a environmentally
unsafe: “A concern for land based tailings deposit is the risk
of erosion and unwanted displacement of the materials as
a result of natural hazards, as with all tailings deposits...”
For the Network opposed to Genetically Modified Organisms (No2GMOs) on the occasion of the World However, land based tailings dam is now being considered to
be constructed in any of the targeted municipalities of Pola,
Food Day and 2nd year Anniversary of the Green Convergence Movement, October 16, 2008 San Teodoro, Pinamalayan and Calapan City.
The 9,720 hectare-mining area is within the ancestral domain
claim of the Alangan and Tadyawan indigenous Mangyan
THE Green Convergence If the government is serious cheaper but toxic chemical food, a healthy environment, communities. The mining operation of Intex/Aglubang will
Movement supports the in implementing the Consti- melamine for pro-tein in milk. and sustainable economy for result to the displacement of several Mangyan communities.
No2GMOs Coalition in their tutional mandate on protecting Similar to the issue of GMOs, our people. The Mangyan Indigenous Peoples’ organizations of SANAMA
advocacy against genetically the right of citizens to a healthful the reality of the melamine and KAMTI, whose CADCs (Certificate of Ancestral Domain
modified organisms (GMOs) ecology including the peoples’ contaminated milk products Dr. Angelina P. Galang Claims) fall within the mining concession, had expressed their
and the Philippine government’s rights to health, then it should is a concrete example of the Coordinator, GREEN written opposition. However, the mining company, in collusion
strong promotion of this direct relevant agencies to negative global ramifications of CONVERGENCE with some officials of the NCIP, organized a new tribal group,
technology. institutionalize the conduct of the transnational corporation’s the Kabilogan, from whom they maliciously manufactured the
In spite of mounting scientific thorough environmental and abuse and greed at the expense (The GREEN CONVERGENCE document of consent to the mining activities.
evidence of likely harm to human health impact assessments of the public interest, especially includes many organizations and the The Mindoro Nickel Project threatens the extremely rich
and animal health and the before these GM products enter in matters of public health and following networks: Magkaisa Junk biodiversity of the province, considered as the 7th most
ecological balance, the Philippine Philippine territory. environmental protection. JPEPA (MJJ) Coalition, Alyansa important biogeographic zones in the world. The 2002 Final
government has aggressively The Philippine government It is time that the Philippine Tigil Mina (ATM), No2GMOs Report on Philippine Biodiversity Conservation identified
pushed the development and must safeguard and promote government, rethink and Coalition, Anti-Laiban Campaign, Mindoro, particularly the mining site, as extremely high
commercialization of GMOs. the rights of its citizens to infor- abandon its development EcoWaste Coalition, Philippine conservation priority areas for plants and birds and terrestrial
This technology enriches foreign mation and consumer choice framework and policies which Federation for Environmental animals. In terms of importance level, the area belongs to
multinationals, while threa-tening to know what’s in their food. are skewed to favor foreign Concerns (FPEC), Environmental extremely high terrestrial and inland water areas of biological
our food safety and the economic The Philippine government interests, are prone to corruption, Education Network of the importance.
survival of farmers who must should assume this role more ignore ecological harm, widen Philippines (EENP), and Justice, In July of 2001, for all of the above reasons, the Department
purchase GM seeds at every seriously given the challenges economic disparities, and Peace, and Integrity of Creation of Environment and Natural Resources revoked the mining
harvest. Moreover, alien genes and learnings from the recent deprive citizens of their right Commission (JPICC)–Association concession considering the environmental and social impacts
and monoculture farming will issue about the contami-nated to real participation in develop- of Major Religious Superiors of of the project. The rejection of the mining project on the premise
deplete the biodiversity on which milk products from China. To mental decision-making and the Philippines (AMRSP), and of preventing ecological destruction and socio-economic
we rely for survival, especially conquer more markets and rake actions in their own localities. Stakeholders and Supporters’ Task dislocation was articulated by the former DENR Secretary,
during environmental crises such more profits, some Chinese GREEN overcoming GREED Force Against the Aerial Spraying Heherson Alvarez himself: “The Mindoro Nickel Project is one
as the worsening climate change. manu-facturers replaced the is the only way to ensure safe of Pesticides.) case where sustainability is bound to fail…President Arroyo is
fully aware of the situation. …what does it gain the nation to be
short sighted and merely think of money, when an irreparable

Press Statement of Alyansa Tigil Mina damage to the environment will cost human lives, health and
livelihood capacity of our farmers and fisherfolks endangering

(ALAMIN) on Tacligan Protest

the food security of our people.”
However, on March 10, 2004, the Office of the President
revoked and set aside the Notice of Termination/Cancellation
earlier issued against the MPSA (Mineral Production Sharing
THE Alyansa Laban sa Mina (ALAMIN) Technologies, Inc. ALAMIN stands in solidarity with the Agreement) of Aglubang Mining Corporation. The decision
supports the mobilization of the stakeholder The farmer-residents expressed their farmers of Tacligan who denounce the of promoting mining, applauded by the foreign transnational
community of Tacligan, San Teodoro, Oriental unequivocal opposition to the project. They manipulation of Intex and are strongly corporation, had caused indignation and anguish among our
Mindoro, in expressing their opposition to said that they were made to answer the committed to protect their agricultural people. The present maneuvering of mining corporations
the proposed construction of processing survey questionnaire, not knowing the full land from the destructive impacts of large- to forcibly make their re-entry by taking advantage of the
site within their community. Tacligan is an implication of the study which technically scale mining. national policy for the revival of the mining industry is totally
agrarian reform community, located in a made their area a possible location for We, in Oriental Mindoro, are united irreconcilable to the genuine welfare and interest of the people
vast productive land of around 300 hectares, Intex’ processing site. They felt cheated in defending our fragile eco-systems of Mindoro.
formerly owned by Hacienda Lopez. and now they made their firm stand not to against the threat of large-scale mining, The people’s unified stand against the Mindoro Nickel Project
On September 29, 2006, the community, allow any more meetings or consultations as articulated in our Provincial Ordinance and their opposition to the entry of any mining operation in
represented by Samahang Nayon Agrarian within their area. People in the community providing a 25-year mining moratorium the province, for the time being, were clearly articulated in the
Reform Community Cooperative stopped working in their farms and for the whole province. And we call on Ordinance promulgated by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan
(SANARCO) mobilized their ranks and organized a protest group, with them Intex and the national government to of Oriental Mindoro on January 28, 2002, declaring a mining
staged their protest action against the carrying placards denouncing Intex and respect the overwhelming opposition of moratorium in the province. Since the economic thrusts of
proposed mining project by barricading expressing their opposition to the mining the people. the Provincial Government of Oriental Mindoro are anchored
their area and refusing entry of Intex project. The company representatives came on food sustainability, eco-tourism and the development of
representatives who were about to continue in a van to conduct another community FR. EDWIN A. GARIGUEZ the agri-industry, the entry of mining operations is found
their Impact Inventory in the area as part meeting, but they were met with the Alyansa Laban sa Mina to be detrimental to the sustainable development agenda
of the on-going Environmental Impact protesting community, thus, they had no St. Augustine Seminary of the province. Oriental Mindoro’s Provincial Physical
Assessment, being conducted by Lichel other choice but to turn back. Calapan City Framework Plan specifically rules out the development of
mining industry.
We join our people in making an appeal to President Gloria
GFMD / B4 Macapagal-Arroyo to ensure that our mining moratorium is
respected and to save our critical watershed presently being
assumes that the real protection conference on migration in We could not actually agree on the issues of social costs that threatened by the mining operation of Intex and Aglubang
of their rights is really to secure the UN was held in 2006. The what approach to use in resolving migrants and their families Mining.
the establishment of an authentic mere fact that the forum is an common issues. The attempt to are made to pay. NGOs and The large-scale mining operations fail to bring genuine
socio-political and economic informal state-led activity that unite everyone to address the government must come up with development to the poor countries. The World Bank, in its
development of the country first attempts to facilitate informal interest of the migrants and their practical and doable solutions commissioned report, Extractive Industry Review (EIR) released
so that migration would only and non-binding dialogue on families is already a difficult to address this concern. Some in July 2004 confirmed that extractive industry contributes to
be left to the people as a choice migration related issues tells us challenge. To envision few NGOs are in fact going to present greater poverty rather than easing it! The report reveals that
and not as a forced decision to also about what and how much positive elements to arise from their positive practices to help “countries relying primarily on extractive industries tended
take. to expect. GFMD is a modest expectation thwart the various negative to have higher levels of poverty, conflict and corruption than
Forwhateverrecommendation Moreover, in the Philippines that I have afterwards. It is impact of labor migration. The countries that had more diversified economy.”
GFMD would present to the where there are a huge number really in personal meetings with other expectation that the Church As Christians committed to our vision to promote life, justice
UN the decisions of the state- of pro-active NGOs existing leaders of civil society groups is looking forward to achieve and equity in an ecologically sustainable and people-oriented
members would definitely affect and whose perception of that I expect to achieve more is how GFMD address the communities, we believe that environment should never be
the work of the Church. Besides, migration varies according to results than the GFMD itself. concerns of returning migrants sacrificed – that “an economy respectful of the environment
the Church being part of the UN political agenda and interest, The GFMD output could only or migrant returnees. What will not have the maximization of profit as its only objective,
where a permanent observer the concentration for a unified give certain direction, but this concrete and tangible programs because environmental protection cannot be assured solely
on migration issues has been output of GFMD 2008 in Manila is more for the government and services will be offered for on the basis of financial calculations of cost and benefits. The
assigned is equally obliged to is not that focused or very really to apply as civil society those who decide to return to environment is one of those goods that cannot be adequately
be present at the GFMD. clear yet. This probably has organizations and NGOs are the country other than business safeguarded or promoted by market forces.” (John Paul II,
something to do with so many there to contribute their inputs. entrepreneurship? Encyclical Letter Centesimus Annus, 40)
What can be achieved by specific concerns that individual As to how much open are the The Church’s participation We entrust all our endeavors to God, our Creator, who gives
participating in the forum? NGOs would like to address as a governments to listen to the in the forum is her consistent us the mission to care for the earth and all of creation, of which
Personally, I do not really have priority. What concerns me most recommendations of civil society expression of concern and interest we are part. (Gen. 1:28)
high expectations from GFMD is my own personal perception organizations will remain a in responding to the challenge on Signed this 14th and 15th day of October 2008, in Oriental
2008. This GFMD in Manila is that among us NGOs and civil guessing game. howtoworktogetherinadvancing Mindoro.
merely the second forum after society groups, we are very Specifically, the Church of the interest of humanity, in the
Brussels since the high level much divided. course expects GFMD to address GFMD / B7
CBCP Monitor
Reflections Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008

In steady ground
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
(Jn 2:13-22; November 9, 2008)
By Fr. Paul J. Marquez, SSP

AT the dawn of Christianity, the early believers

known as members of “The Way” had gathered
in the catacombs in utmost secrecy. The civil
authorities pursued and vilified them so the
Christians had to hide themselves in dark places
beneath the ground. The symbols they used to
identify one another were anchor and fish, elements
associated with the apostles who were mostly

In Antioch (Acts 11:26) the is particularly set aside for the

members of “The Way” were purpose of doing God’s work.
referred to as “Christians” The primary work of Jesus is
for the first time. In this city, to invite men and women to
Barnabas and Saul had stayed the Kingdom of his Father. In
with the believers and taught short, God yearns to make man
them regarding the faith for and woman holy.
almost an entire year. The early When Jesus observed how
Christians found strength in people were using his Father’s
number and as they increased, house for a different purpose
their gathering was held in other than the pursuit of
so-called “house-churches”, holiness, he felt he had to speak
large houses of Christian out. Jesus was naturally against
families where the infant the disrespect that the vendors
Church regularly gathered in had shown towards his Father’s
prayer. In our own time, Pope house. The dwelling place

Photo courtesy of Fr. Ryan Teves

Benedict XVI would refer of God, meant, to be a place
to the family as a “domestic of holiness, had been turned
church”. Even the late Pope into a place of commercial
John Paul II hailed the family greed! Jesus was very much
as a “domestic church”. It is displeased because he saw
interesting to note that since how the poor pilgrims from
the inception of Christianity far-away places were being
to our present generation, the prevented from giving their
idea of “church” always refers offerings to the Temple, and the
to the People of God. only reason was because they
What indeed is the church? were poor! Those in charge of
Is this a mere house of prayer accepting the offerings rejected not afford at all to buy the utter disregard for the plight community – being God’s true to its avowed commitment
that we visit only on Sunday? the poor man’s offerings and “acceptable” offering for the of the poor pilgrims, and People or God’s Family—truly to build the Temple of Christ
Are we brought to the church had to sell them the offering Temple, and thus they walked allow wholesale greed at felt and experienced in your that Saint Paul refers to as
only for baptism, wedding “acceptable” for the Temple. away with heavy hearts. the doorsteps of his Father’s parish through the various having been built on the
and funeral or as some put it The poor had to buy such When Jesus saw this house? programs and activities one foundation of the prophets
quite irreverently, when we offerings at a prohibitive cost despicable modus operandi, We look around our own can involve in? and apostles, with Jesus as the
are “hatched, matched and using only Jewish coinage. In his heart went out for the church nowadays and what The sacraments of the Church capstone.
dispatched”? It is important the end, the pilgrims lost much poor pilgrims. How can these do we see? Is the church must not be denied to any When we are building
to remember that the church value from their money. Some, so-called respectable leaders where you worship conducive believer for the abject reason with Jesus, we are in steady
is the house of God. This place who were very poor, could in the Temple tolerate such to prayer? Is the sense of of poverty. May our Church be ground.

Fr. Roy Cimagala

Profiling the Christian youth today

THIS is just a rough sketch to capture complex, hard and problematic when ocean of information, pretty much left on these questions and issues. Much patience, without letting up on rational
an emerging disturbing trend among made to impact with his friends. to their own devices. less can they defend it when it is put explanations.
Christian youth today. This is like an It’s a common phenomenon these Compounding the problem is their into question. They can arrive at that Together with that, a more thorough
exercise in case study. It’s not to give days. Many like John Paul do not hide attitude that they can manage to sort point where their faith can be a source and sustained effort at apologetics, or
a typical picture, but rather to detect their religion and can go through the out things by themselves. They tend to of embarrassment to them. They can explaining the faith in the context of
a disquieting tendency. usual routine of spiritual practices, but resent to be guided. They are suspicious consider it irrelevant and out of touch reason, science and other human fields
The details are culled from many they have no drive to go any further. and distrusting of those with clear with reality. of knowledge, should be done.
sources who happen to voice out more A closer scrutiny would reveal authority and expertise over the matter. What to do in this kind of situation There’s no reason to think that the
or less similar or common impressions that the youth like John Paul are Consulting them would be like giving is indeed a big challenge. I certainly faith cannot stand rational or scientific
and perceptions regarding the lives of scrutiny. In fact, it’s the reverse. It’s the
many Christian youth today. “Their Christianity is more of a cultural and social legacy inherited faith that gives meaning and direction
Let’s call the protagonist John Paul, to our human knowledge.
a junior Law student, who comes from from their parents and society in general, than of a personal It would be good to bring out to
a good Christian family and studies conviction capable of having a consistent view before all sorts public notice many good Christian
in a Catholic university. He practices
his faith, does some prayers, goes to
of questions and issues in life. It has become an external formal authors whose work certainly can
have great impact on the minds of the
Sunday Mass, etc. cover without the genuine substance inside.” young ones. I have no doubt they can
He struggles to live the virtues, and help dispel the confusion, doubts and
meets more or less the same difficulties very intellectually capable. They away their freedom. would like that in spite of these errors in matters of faith and morals
common among his peers and the yearn for wider cultural knowledge, Their Christianity is more of a cultural conditions, everything has to be done floating loosely in society today.
pressures typical of the environment and thus expose themselves almost and social legacy inherited from their to keep direct personal contact with Of course, on the part of elders,
he circulates in. He goes to spiritual indiscriminatingly to all sorts of parents and society in general, than such youth. teachers and those with certain
direction with a priest. materials, including those with clearly of a personal conviction capable of If possible, the spiritual direction has authority and competence on the
The problem is that in spite of his atheistic and purely naturalistic having a consistent view before all to be kept. There’s a high probability matter—especially the clergy—a more
good background, he is stuck in his ideological viewpoints. sorts of questions and issues in life. that the problem is caused more by consistent lifestyle is not only a must
spiritual life. He finds hardly any In short, with a Christian life that is It has become an external formal some moral failures than an intellectual but also should be made more public,
reason to grow more in his spiritual life. not yet well grounded and a Christian cover without the genuine substance inability to reconcile faith with reason. echoing St. Paul’s “Be imitators of me,
He is lukewarm in his apostolate. He formation that is not yet systematically inside. In this situation, what has to be done as I am an imitator of Christ.”
considers the faith as good, but rather established, they dare to swim in an They cannot bring their faith to bear more is to show compassion and This is what is needed these days!

Bo Sanchez

Only God is not a season

FIVE years ago, I decided to live ten thousand bucks from a total Israel, and four cities in Asia. All again. (Would you believe? I what it means to really, really, bringing with them their own
without a salary. stranger. I quickly ran to the for free, because I was invited have a savings account now— reeeeeeeally trust. wasabe and soy sauce.
Just because I felt…well, I felt barbershop and asked for the to preach and to guide people something I had to look into the It’s easy to say, “I trust God” But that’s the point! There’s
God wanted me to do it. most expensive hair-cut they in pilgrimages. (I remember dictionary to find out what the when you’re vacationing in a really no difference between
I didn’t care if people called had, telling them, “You can die leaving for my foreign trips with word meant.) Luxury Love Boat, dining in one those two scenes! You need to
me cookoo, or screwball, or my hair purple!”) a nice coat and tie, so no one I have no regrets entering into of its classy restaurants, napkin trust God fully, whatever the
ding-a-ling. But I wanted to My season of comfortable would think I only had twenty that season. on your chest, munching on season you’re in!
try living in trust, waiting on Two questions.
Heaven for my next meal, my
next ride, my next hair-cut.
“It’s easy to say, ‘I trust God’ when you’re vacationing in a Luxury Are you going through a
season of abundance? Being
Even just for a season. So I told Love Boat, dining in one of its classy restaurants, napkin on your chest, paid a nice salary, huh? Don’t
my organizations NOT to give
me a pay check.
munching on shark meat dipped in wasabe and soy sauce. But it’s not trust it. Employed by a large
multi-national company? I
So there were days when I, so easy to say, “I trust God” when your Love Boat has just capsized, and don’t care how secure you think
Chairman of the Board, went you’re now in the open sea, surrounded by giant sharks with napkins on it is, I’m telling you: it’s not.
past a McDonald’s hungry, In the end, you know who
because my pocket was empty. their chests, bringing with them their own wasabe and soy sauce.” will never fail.
There were days when I walked Or are you going through a
home because I didn’t have poverty lasted for almost three dollars in my wallet.) Because I believe I’ve learned shark meat dipped in wasabe and season of poverty or hardship
enough fare. There were weeks years. But like the way it began, one great lesson of life: That soy sauce. But it’s not so easy or trial?
when I was tempted to have But ironically, in those same I felt a surging inspiration seasons of famine are permitted by to say, “I trust God” when your Believe me. That will end.
a ponytail because I couldn’t years, I also traveled to three within me that my season of God to give us deepened trust. Love Boat has just capsized, Because they are simply that:
afford a hair-cut. (I recall that cities in the US, five cities in happy poverty was to end. So If we have everything—and and you’re now in the open seasons.
this ponytail-ordeal came to Canada, one city in Africa, four three years after, I allowed my everything goes on smoothly in sea, surrounded by giant sharks Only God is not a season.
an abrupt end when I received cities in Europe, two trips to organizations to pay me a salary our lives—we will never know with napkins on their chests, Only He will never end.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008
Social Concerns
The face of poverty
By Fr. Shay Cullen

I CAN never forget the sick, malnourished and

dead babies that I found in the slums of Manila,
Olongapo City and elsewhere in the Philippines in
recent months since the global financial crises be-
gan. The wicked of Wall Street have caused untold
suffering in the developing world where there is
no social welfare, benefits or relief of any kind for
the most vulnerable.
The bankers are getting the Thousands of children die be-
big bonuses and government cause of the want of basic health
handouts, the poor have to education of mothers who can't
suffer and die. Hunger is grow- give enough food these days
ing as prices of food soar and and most survive on one scanty
jobs disappear overnight. The meal of rice and a piece of fish
greedy gangsters of the money if they are lucky.
markets are stealing off into the Many of the poor are single
night having wrought havoc parents and victims of abuse
on the world economy. It's a in childhood. This is the result
Titanic that has not yet reached of lack of moral education and
the bottom but they have made the uncontrolled spread of the
it away in the last of the life- sex industry and its terrible

Photo courtesy of

boats. damage on family life. It is al-
Most of the children suffer lowed by government and this
and died of malnutrition and undermines the moral life of
dehydration from diarrhea, the nation.
easily preventable. Here there Maria Santos was only 15
is no one going to the slums to when she was raped by her un-
teach the parents how to save cle and became pregnant. As is
their children and practice common here, the man was be-
basic hygiene and good feed- lieved when he claimed that she
ing. Much to my annoyance had tempted and seduced him.
and that of volunteer health Maria was ashamed, felt un-
workers many of the illiterate wanted, disgraced and blamed education, social assistance, or in the cycle of poverty and end tation of the global manmade in indignation and protest
mothers were bottle feeding for her plight she ran away to any job prospects whatsoever. up in the sex trade. While the poverty. and say “stop, no more” to
the children with dirty water the streets. There before her The sex industry is an open good officials are trapped and Most of the Philippines, out- this trade in persons. It is
and diluted milk formula. The first month she was picked up door for young people with no helpless to challenge the system side of the southern provinces blight on the dignity of mil-
formula is practically useless by traffickers and sold to a sex prospects of a good, healthy for within many government where there is unrest is a fan- lions of good living Filipinos
and much of it contaminated club in Olongapo City. When fulfilled life. Good we found officials are looking the other tastic place for a holiday and and together we must fight
before it leaves the factory. she was found to be pregnant her and now she is living a way and sign permits and li- the people are friendly cheer- for that dignity or lose it to
They had been persuaded by she was thrown out of the sex decent life. But our efforts to censes for the sex bars when ful, intelligent and articulate in the corrupt politicians and
irresponsible poorly trained club and that's when we found prosecute the uncle who raped they should be legislating to English. So why then is it that international and local sex
midwives that bottle is best her, desperate, suicidal and her were dismissed by an err- ban such fronts for prostitution. the exploitation of women and traffickers. Silence and doing
when we all know it is a death abandoned on the streets. ing prosecutor who ignored the Someway they have vested children is allowed in the sleazy nothing is no option. There is
sentence for many a child that She is just one of thousands strong evidence. interests in this sordid trade sex industry? endless hope where there is
needs its mother's milk. of young girls that have no Thousands are still trapped which is the merciless manifes- Filipinos have to rise up dignity and courage.

HB5043 / B4
ent trade names. RU-486, mifepristone that promotes and legalizes medical ted to holy communion.” excommunication. The Pope respond- life and even a doubt about the future”.
is marketed in the U.S. as MIFEPREX. abortion. Should the CBCP invoke Canon Law ed saying, “Yes, this excommunication He continues, “Selfishness and fear are
When taken within five days from On abortion and other issues related 915 and prohibit all its ministers from was not an arbitrary one but is allowed at the root of (pro-abortion) legislation.
the day of unprotected exposure to to artificial contraception, the Catholic giving Holy Communion to the au- by Canon law which says that the killing We in the Church have a great struggle to
conception, the pill is said to be 83% Bishops Conference of the Philippines thors and their allies who persistently of an innocent child is incompatible with defend life….life is a gift, not a threat.
effective. PLAN B which is a pill that (CBCP) has argued fiercely to protect and publicly support HB 5043? receiving communion, which is receiving The Church says life is beautiful, it is not
contains high doses of levonorgestrel and preserve the traditional moral val- It might be helpful to recall some the body of Christ.” something to doubt, but it is a gift even
was approved by the US-FDA in 1999 ues of Catholics. But curiously enough, actual events in the past that can Referring to the Mexican bishops, when lived in difficult circumstances.
and is claimed to have 89% effective- the CBCP has not issued a Pastoral shed light on the position of the Pope Reuters reports the Pope added, “They It is always a gift.”
ness. The International Planned Par- Letter officially warning all Catholics regarding the imposition of Can. 915 did nothing new, surprising or arbitrary. The question now is: do the “medi-
enthood Federation launched its own of the sanctions it can impose on those vis-à-vis politicians who advocate They simply announced publicly what is cal abortion” features of HB 5043 fit
abortion pill, OPTINOR. who support HB 5043. legalization of abortion. contained in the law of the Church…… the requirements of Can. 915? If the
The foregoing facts: a) the IUD, an In Rome, on May 9, 2007 John- which expresses our appreciation for life shoe fits, does Can. 915 remain an
abortifacient is promoted by the bill Canon Law 915 on the denial of Henry Westen filed this report (LifeSite and that human individuality, human option? Or is it now an obligation?
as a family planning method; and b) Holy Communion News)—A reporter aboard the Alitalia personality is present from the first mo- It will be interesting to see what the
true abortion pills like Mifeprex, Plan Canon Law 915 states: “Those upon plane chartered to transport the Pope ment.” CBCP does.
B, and Optinor can now be legally pur- whom the penalty of excommunication or to Brazil asked Pope Benedict XVI if he Continuing on the subject while en
chased by the government for the fam- interdict has been imposed or declared, supported the Mexican bishops in their route to Brazil, the Pope said such (Dr. Conrado L. Lorenzo, Jr., is an
ily planning program, clearly make and others who obstinately persist in warnings to politicians who supported pro-abortion politicians have “doubts Obstetrician-Gynecologist at the Makati
HB 5043, ab initio, a pro-abortion bill manifest grave sin, are not to be admit- legalizing abortion that they would face about the value of life and the beauty of Medical Center)

GFMD / B5 Jaro / B3

case of GFMD—the migrants receiving countries. programs that government is Archdiocesan Synod Secretariat launching the years of synod
accomplish more impact in the was organized to spearhead the implementation, with the theme,
and their families. Dialogues Moreover, the remittance of initiating. Possibly, there is no lives of people on the move. preparations and eventually “KARI KAMO ANG TANAN
are very important approach migrant workers should never need too for government to
to attain our common goal. be used to finance development draft instruments that would the celebration of the synod NAHANDA NA: PADULONG
(Fr. Edwin D. Corros is the itself. Closely collaborating with SABUG-OSNGAPAGHILIUSA!”
The Church hopes that GFMD programs sponsored by use remittances for the country’s Executive Secretary of the Episcopal the Archdiocesan Commission Eventually the PCSI turned
would facilitate this concern. government. Remittances are economic advancement. Commission for the Pastoral Care Heads, the secretariat identified itself once more into the Jaro
There are issues that are not personal earnings of migrant By participating in the GFMD, for Migrants and Itinerant People 14 synod concerns, which were Archdiocesan Pastoral Secretariat,
acceptable however to the minds workers and they should be the Church once more could (ECMI) of the Catholic Bishops’ presented to parishes and now tasked with formulating the
of many NGOs concerning free in disposing their personal renew its commitment to assist Conference of the Philippines) vicariates for consultations, Archdiocesan Plan as envisioned
labor migration when used as a income. Migrants are encouraged the migrants and their families
policy to a country’s economic however to use their money from whatever significant output recommendations, and by the 3rd Synod and guided by
development. appropriately or wisely, but it will produce. The Church can Notes: validations. its spirit and decrees.
If migration will be used as an they should never be forced to use the GFMD recommendation 1
Pontifical Council for Justice and
As in all Spirit-led events,
approach to develop the poorer finance government sponsored in enhancing its own programs Peace, Compendium of the Social Doc- there were many challenges that Blessing the past, sanctifying the
countries, this is not necessarily programs to simply foster and services to the migrants. The
trine of the Church, CBCP and Word and befell the Synod preparations. present, consecrating the future
Life Publications, 2004, p. 3. The varied personalities,
what we wish this forum to economic development. GFMD could also be an occasion What we are today is precisely
cement. Government of labor Labor migration is a result of of establishing and improving
Ibid, p. 3 temperaments, world views, because and due to the persons
sending countries must be aware the country’s poor governance linkages with other civil society 3
Pontifical Council for the Pastoral and agenda slowed down the who have gone ahead of us.
that its failure to develop the and persistent corruption. In leaders and organizations Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, process. Reactions by some at Archbishop Cuenco captured
country is the primary reason the case of the Philippines, if particularly in countries were
Erga Migrantes Caritas Christi, Pauline the changes instituted by the new this disposition when during
Publishing House 2008, p. 44.
why its people are forced to find a certain level of trust to its there is a greater concentration leadership was a painful passage. his installation address in 1951
job overseas. Most NGOs also government has already been of Filipino communities. It
Ibid, p.11. Nevertheless, at hindsight, the he said: “But in the midst of our
believe that migrants should reached among Filipinos, most is sometimes in establishing 5
ILO, International Labor Standards trials, especially in 2002, served joy and enthusiasm, let us not
never also be exploited to sustain likely OFWs will cooperate contacts with leaders of other on Migrant Workers’ Rights, Guide for as formative experiences for forget these zealous Spanish
Policy Makers and Practitioners in Asia patience and expansion of heart missionaries, who in planting
the economic development of well and adjust to support the countries that little works can and the Pacific, Bangkok 2008, p. 3.
and mind, among others. These the tree of Faith, moistened it
preparations continued to be with the sweat of their brows. We
graced by the spirit of courage should also bless the memory of
and steadfastness to keep trotting the American Bishops Rooker,
the journey towards renewal. The Dougherty, Foley, and my saintly

CBCPMonitor Name _________________________________________________

(Family Name) (Given Name) (Middle Name)
price for New Life is the paschal
mystery that apexes at the cross.
The Third Diocesan Synod of Jaro
predecessor McCloskey, who
by their apostolic zeal and
self-sacrifice have paved the
was not exempt from the high cost way for the advent of the new
SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mailing Address _______________________________________________ of sacrifice… Archdiocese.”
From these tedious If we may be given permission
_________________________________________________ preparations, the synod formally to continue the sentiments of
Phone No.: ________ Fax No.: ________ E-mail: ___________ began its first session in November Archbishop Cuenco today, this
The CBCP Monitor is published fort- 17-19, 2005. This was followed act of blessing the past, should
nightly by the CBCP Media Office, with Mode of Payment by the second session held on now include the batch of Filipino
editorial and business offices at 470  Check/PMO enclosed  Cash Payment August 7-11, 2006 and the third Archbishops—Cuenco himself,
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(Payable to: CBCP Communications Development Foundation Inc.)
Box 3601, 1076 MCPO November 13-17, 2006. This offered their lives for our local
• Domestic historic gathering was attended Church. More importantly, we
1 Year Php 500.00 _____________________________ by nine women-religious, seven should never forget to bless
men-religious, 54 lay men and the countless men and women
2 Years Php 900.00 Signature women and 67 diocesan clergy, through the ages working in 92
• Foreign: Asia and several observers. parishes, whose lives and silent
1 Year US$ 55.00 Formally closing on labor became our foundation for
• All Other US$ 80.00 November 17, 2006 on the feast what we are now.
PLEASE SEND TO: of St. Elizabeth of Hungary, after As we bless “HIS-story” of
approving 158 synodal decrees, loving us through the ages and
CBCP Monitor, P.O. Box 3601, Manila, Philippines the Archdiocese immediately through His grace, “our past is
470 Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Manila, Philippines | Tel (632) 404-2182 • Telefax (632) 404-1612
Or e-mail this at formed the Permanent Council blessed, our present is sanctified,
for Synod Implementation (PCSI), and our future is consecrated.”
CBCP Monitor
Entertainment Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008

Moral Assessment Technical Assessment

 Abhorrent  Poor
 Disturbing  Below average
 Acceptable  Average
 Wholesome  Above average

 Exemplary  E

Adreinne Willis (Diane Lane) to realize how they are feeling Title: Nights in Rodante
has lived the life of a broken for each other. Cast: Richard Gere, Diane
family for sometime since her It is a very well made movie, Lane, Scoot Glenn, Chris-
husband Jack left her for some- showing as is, a realistic view topher Meloni, Viola Davis
one else. She has been put- of marriage and family life. The Director: George C. Wolfe
Producer: Denise Di Novi
ting her life together, with her problems that come between
Screenwriters: Ann Peacock,
children- the hard-to-handle spouses, parents and their chil- John Romano
Amanda who wants her father dren are simply presented and Music: Jeanine Tesori
back, and Danny, the younger shown as they happen in real Editor: Brian A. Kates
boy. life, easily recognized by the Genre: Drama, Romance
Suddenly, her husband shows movie viewers. Cinematography: Alfonso
up to convince her to take him The external, on screen pre- Beate
back, to let him “come home”. sentation, of the rushing in Distributor: Warner Bros.
Terribly upset and not knowing and then the crashing course of Pictures
how to deal with the situation, the hurricane help to enhance, Location: Carolina, USA
Running Time: 97 min.
Adrienne leaves the children for the viewers, the inner tur-
in Jack’s care and goes away to moil being felt by the troubled Technical Assessment: ½
some place quiet to think things Adrienne and Paul. Richard Moral Assessment:½
over and decide what answer Gere and Diane Lane’s acting is CINEMA Rating: For mature
viewers 18 and above
she is going to come up with. convincingly exceptional. The
She volunteers to manage and fine work of George C. Wolfe as
care for her best friend Jean’s the director should be acknowl-
small seaside inn in Rodanthe, edged. and discover where they had
Carolina for the few days that Nights in Rodanthe deals gone wrong or been remiss.
the friend would be away. with problems and conflicts in Each returns to their children,
She has barely started to at- marriage and family life that with self-confidence, boosted by
tend to things and settle down could break up a home. Here their sympathy for and affirma-
at the inn on the first day, when Adrienne and Paul have similar tion of each other. They contin-
the first guest walks in, due to troubles: Jack left Adrienne and ued to frequently keep touch
the coming storm. This is Doc- children Amanda and Danny for through letters that sustained
tor Paul Flanner (Richard Gere) someone else. Amanda wants their love for each other. True
the first-comer. He is also facing her father back, and blames the love between people help them
problems of his own, and is try- mother for the chaotic situation to help the loved ones become
ing to find some quiet to think, they are in. Paul’s wife left him better persons.
and someone to talk to. The a long while ago, because of it, Between work and family,
fierce storm breaks, threatening their son, also a doctor, hates the home or family has prior-
to bring down the whole inn. his father. ity. The sexual issues though
In their fright, and concern to The short time that Adrienne not frequently presented, are
protect each other from the fly- and Paul had together, helped rather highly intense. Sex out-
ing and falling debris, the two them to talk about each other’s side married life is morally not
quickly become close and begin struggles as spouse and parents, acceptable.

Title: Body of Lies

MAC en COLET By Bladimer Usi
Cast: Leonardo DiCaprio, Russel Crowe, Carise van
Houten, Michael Gaston, Vince Colosimo, Mark Strong
Director: Ridley Scoot
Producers: David De Line, Ridley Scott
Screenwriters: William Monahan, David Ignatius
Music: Marc Streitenfeld
Editor: Pietro Scalia
Genre: Drama/ Suspenses/ Thriller
Cinematography: Alexander Witt
tor: War-
ner Bros.

Buhay Parokya
128 min.
Tech- Look for the three items: Statue of angel, flowers, and a
nical rosary (Illustration by Bladimer Usi)
ment: 3
ment: 2.5
ing: For
18 and

CIA agent Roger Ferris (Leonardo DiCaprio) chases terror-

ists around Middle East while his boss Ed Hoffman (Rus-
sel Crowe) gives him orders from the US and watches via
satellite. Their latest mission is to track down and capture
Al-Saleem (Alon Aboutboul), the al-Qaida mastermind
behind a recent series of attacks in Europe.
Ferris hopes to infiltrate a safe house and locate Al-Sal-
eem, so he reaches out to the head of Jordanian intelligence
Hani Salaam, (Mark Strong). However, unknown to Ferris,
Hoffman makes his own sideline moves that destroys Hani’s
trust and nearly jeopardizes Ferris’ mission. This results in a
more complicated and convoluted series of cat-and-mouse
pursuit of snaring Al-Saleem.
Body of Lies could have been an intelligent film about ter-
rorism but it falls short in so many ways as far as storyline
and clarity of motives are concerned. It does not really say
anything new other than intensifying and confirming the
United States’ selfish interests in eradicating global ter-
The story is too linear that it nearly defeats its suspense-
thriller feel. But the display of the latest CIA satellite tech-
nology is impressive. DiCaprio and Crowe are both superb
in the movie. Audiences are easily drawn to their characters
forgetting the two were once mere matinee idols.
Both essayed their roles with depth, maturity and ease.
Nuances and ironies are clearly depicted in most scenes
which somehow makes the film an engaging treat. Appar-
ently though, some plot layers remain to be just functional
and do not drive home a point, eventually leaving the film
with many loose ends.
There’s a bit too much graphic violence and profanity in
Body of Lies. There’s torture, war, explosions, and emo-
tional stress in almost every scene. The film says there’s
no one to trust in this world and it is not safe anywhere.
Some of these may be essential to the genre; however, too
much blood and violence can have a desensitizing effect on
audiences, especially the young and vulnerable.
The film shows how the business of espionage can de-
humanize man. Throughout the film, the characters lie to
each other to make a mission successful. People kill and are
killed to accomplish this mission.
Loyalties are confused and divided; trust is undermined.
Secret agent Roger Ferris’ dedication to his job and loyalty
to the State is commendable. When he’s not being a spy,
he can be a good hero example with his gentle treatment
of women, children and friends, but his saving grace is he
knows when enough (espionage) is enough.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008

A supplement of the Bishops-Legislators Caucus of the Philippines (BLCP)

Procreative Rights and

Reproductive Wrongs 1

By Francisco S. Tatad

Part I to prevent pregnancy and reproduction awareness on the urgent need to protect
through contraception and sterilization. and promote reproductive health and
It shall likewise be unlawful for:
1. Any public official to prohibit
The bill, strictly speaking, is an anti- rights.” or restrict personally or through a
Introduction reproduction bill. There are two distinctly positive subordinate, the delivery of legal and
Despite the alarms and doomsday bells provisions, but they are not mandatory: medically-safe reproductive health care
touched off worldwide by the crash of the What are the main proposals in 1. “Every city and municipality services, including family planning;
global financial system, the Philippine shall endeavor to employ adequate 2. Any employer to discriminate
HB 5043?
political system has managed to give
1. A State program of contraception number of midwives or other skilled against a female applicant or employee
its undivided attention to something
and sterilization that will require attendants to achieve a minimum ratio of for reasons of reproductive health or
completely unrelated—House Bill 5043, one for every 150 deliveries per year, to compel her to undergo sterilization
otherwise known as An Act Providing
2. Couples to contracept or sterilize be based on the average annual number or any other form of contraception
themselves before engaging in marital of actual deliveries or live births for the as a condition for her employment or
For A National Policy On Reproductive
intercourse, and make contraceptives past two years; continued employment;
Health, Responsible Parenthood and
Population Development And For Other
and sterilization devices available as 2. “Each province and city shall 3. Any person to falsify the certificate
Purposes. This is a consolidation of four
“essential medicine” even to unmarried endeavor to ensure the establishment and of family planning compliance required
reproductive health (RH) bills originally
individuals. Tubal ligation, vasectomy, operation of hospitals with adequate and for the issuance of a marriage license;
filed in the House of Representatives.
and other family planning methods qualified personnel that provide emergency 4. Any person to maliciously engage
Six other like-minded bills had been obstetric care. For every 500,000 population, in disinformation about the intent or
requiring hospital services shall be
filed in the Senate, but are still with there shall be at least one (1) hospital for provisions of this Act.
made available in all national and local
six committees. They have yet to be comprehensive emergency obstetric care
government hospitals;
consolidated into a single text.2 and four (4) hospitals for basic emergency What are the penalties?
3. Mandatory sex education for
The public debate has been passionate obstetric care.” Offenders shall suffer a jail term of
children from Grade V until high school,
and polarizing, a puzzle to both sides. one to six months, or a fine ranging
without need of parental consent;
4. Mandatory reproductive health What are the prohibited acts?
To the proponents, the question is, why from P10,000 to P50,000 or both. An
should anyone be so squeamish about It shall be unlawful for any health alien offender shall be deported upon
care services, upon demand, for “abused
“reproductive health” when nearly the
minors” and “abused pregnant minors” provider to: completion of his prison term; a public
entire world has come to terms with 1. Knowingly withhold information officer or employee shall suffer the
without parental consent, even when
it, and freely practices contraception,
there is no showing that the parents are or impede the dissemination thereof, accessory penalty of dismissal from
sterilization and even abortion? Some
the ones abusing the minor concerned; and/or intentionally provide incorrect government service.
countries have even legalized euthanasia.
5. A l l c o l l e c t i v e b a rg a i n i n g information regarding reproductive
What has happened to the exceptional
agreements (CBAs) to provide for health programs and services, including How much public money is being
ability of Filipinos to adapt to the latest
free delivery of a “reasonable quantity the right to ‘informed choice,’ and access appropriated?
fads and fashions coming from the West?
of reproductive health care services, to a full range of legal, medically-safe The amounts appropriated in the current
To its opponents, the question is, why on
supplies and devices to all workers” by and effective family planning methods; General Appropriations Act (GAA) for
earth are we being force-fed with RH 2. Refuse to perform voluntary
the employer. The employer shall have reproductive and family planning under
when the world is about to blow up, and ligation and vasectomy and other legal
the same obligation where there is no the DOH and Popcom, together with
only our dynamic and vibrant population and medically-safe reproductive health
CBA or the workers are unorganized; ten percent (10%) of the Gender and
can possibly save us?
6. An amendment to the law on care services on any person of legal age Development budgets of all government
In this paper, we shall examine the real
marriage requiring couples to obtain a on the ground of lack of spousal consent departments, agencies, bureaus, offices
issues involved, and why the bill has
certificate from the local family planning or authorization; and instrumentalities funded in the
proved so divisive. 3. Refuse to provide reproductive
office certifying that they had “received annual GAA in accordance with RA
adequate instructions and information on health care services to an abused minor,
7192 and EO 273 shall be allocated
What is “reproductive health”? family planning, responsible parenthood, whose abused condition is certified and utilized for the implementation of
In its plain meaning, reproductive breast feeding and infant nutrition” before by the proper official or personnel this Act. Future appropriations shall be
health (RH) refers (or ought to refer) to they could get a marriage license; of the Department of Social Welfare
included in subsequent GAAs.
a person’s health in both body and mind, 7. A State program promoting the and Development (DSWD) or to duly
in the mature and responsible use of his two-child family as the ideal family size DSWD-certified abused pregnant minor Justifications for the Bill
or her reproductive organs and faculties; for all; on whose case no parental consent in
Proponents of the bill say the measure
its primary concern is the safe, licit and 8. The Commission on Population necessary; is needed to prevent maternal deaths
natural generation and proper upbringing (Popcom), with an expanded board of 4. Fail to provide, either deliberately
during pregnancy and childbirth, and to
of a new human being (a child). 14 commissioners, mostly department or through gross or inexcusable check the “population explosion” where
But as a United Nations’ verbal heads, and as an attached agency of the negligence, reproductive health care the poor continue to multiply without
construct, “reproductive health” or Department of Health (DOH), to act services as mandated under this Act, the chance of sustaining themselves.
“reproductive rights” refers to what an as the “central planning, coordinating, Local Government Code of 1991, the Let us now look into these.
individual wants to do with his or her implementing and monitoring body for Labor Code and Presidential Decree 79,
body and sexuality, including but not the comprehensive and integrated policy as amended; and
limited to the “right to abortion.” This 5. Refuse to extend reproductive The question of women’s health
on reproductive health and population
The proponents claim that ten (10) poor
language was formally incorporated development, which includes, among health care services and information
women die everyday from complications
into official U.N. usage at the 1994 other things, “a massive and sustained on account of the patient’s civil status,
during pregnancy or childbirth. This
International Conference on Population information drive on responsible gender or sexual orientation, age,
may or may not be correct. If correct,
and Development (ICPD) in Cairo; it has parenthood and on all methods and religion, personal circumstances, and
experience has shown (as in Gattaran,
gained wide official currency since. techniques to prevent unwanted, nature of work: Provided, That all
Cagayan and Sorsogon, Sorsogon) that
Thus, when some women, who had unplanned and mistimed pregnancies”; conscientious objections of health care
the incidence of maternal death arising
been victims of China’s “one male child “prevention of abortion and management service providers based on religious
from such complications could be fully
policy,” heard it for the first time at of post-abortion complications; and grounds shall be respected: Provided,
mitigated and brought down to zero
the 1995 Fourth World Conference on provision of information and services further, That the conscientious objector
simply by providing adequate basic and
Women in Beijing, they literally danced addressing the reproductive health needs shall immediately refer the person
emergency obstetrics care and skilled
for joy, believing they would finally of the poor, senior citizens, women in seeking such care and services to another
medical personnel.
be able to bear as many children as prostitution, differently-abled persons health care provider within the same
It appears, however, that the proponents
they wanted—only to be told promptly and women and children in war crisis facility or one which is conveniently
that the phrase meant “the right not to accessible: Provided, finally, That the are not interested in addressing the
complications. They seem particularly
reproduce at all.” 9. A Mobile Health Care Service patient is not in an emergency or serious
bent on curing child-bearing, which is
As used in HB 5043, “reproductive (MHCS) van to deliver health care goods case as defined in RA 8344 penalizing the
not a disease. The bill’s two positive
health” is not concerned with the safe, and services to every congressional refusal of hospitals and medical clinics
licit and natural generation and moral to administer appropriate initial medical provisions concerning an adequate
supply of midwives and basic and
upbringing of any new human being. Its 10. An “intensified” multi-media treatment and support in emergency and
emergency obstetrics care are not even
main thrust is the very opposite—how campaign “to raise the level of public serious cases.
C2 CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008

mandatory, but merely recommendatory the University of Paris-Sorbonne calls distribution of the population) to see if less of the population shares 80% or
to local governments. Of course, this gerontocroissance (gerontogrowth).4 a given territory is sparsely, moderately, more of the nation’s wealth, coupled
could also be tacit admission that these Europe, which used to account for 22% or densely populated. with a humungous foreign and public
things can be done quickly even without of the world population as against Africa’s Thus, one study suggests that if the debt, unbridled corruption, and low
legislation. Ironically, our RH politicians 8% before World War II, will shrink to United States with its 9,629,091 square investments in education, health care,
show no palpable concern for the women one-third the population of Africa.5 km. were to take in the population and scientific research, the families
who are dying everyday from all sorts of density of Japan (339), instead of its own are poor, and will remain poor, unless
diseases in far greater numbers. Incentives for more babies 31 inhabitants per square km., it could something bright and beautiful happens
For this reason, some governments hold about 30 billion people, with a total to any of their children. This has been
The real killers have started offering incentives to GDP of at least $71 trillion.6 the experience of many of our poor.
According to the 2007 updated DOH families to have more babies. These For now, this is part of what we see: Nonetheless, at least 30 other countries
statistics, at least 17 out of every 100,000 include the following countries: 1) China has 1,323,324,000 people in a with more inhabitants per square km. than
women die every day from accidents • Russia, which has increased the land area of 9,596,961 square km,. Population that of the Philippines have a much higher
alone. So many more die from the major monthly allowance for a first baby from density is 138 inhabitants per square km.— per capita income.7 And at least 57 other
killers. The daily toll, per every 100,000 700 roubles to 1,500 roubles, and 3,000 nearly one-fourth that of South Korea, nearly countries with a lower population density
women, is as follows: roubles for the next child; one-half that of Belgium, Japan, Israel or than that of the Philippines also have a
1. Heart diseases, 80 • Germany, which allows a parent Guam. Is it overpopulated? So it would much lower per capita income. One striking
2. Vascular diseases, 63 who stops working after the birth of a seem, when we look at the total population. case is Central African Republic with only
3. Cancer, 51 child to claim as much as $2,375 a month But not quite, when we look at the population 6.5 inhabitants per square km., and a per
4. Pneumonia, 45 for 14 months; density. capita income of $700.8
5. Tuberculosis,23 • France, which offers 16 weeks 2) India has 1,103,371,000 people,
6. Diabetes, 22 maternity leave plus 36 months parental in a land area of 3,287,263 square km. Domestic Statistics
7. Lower chronic respiratory leave and a monthly child benefit of 390 Population density is 336 inhabitants per Within the Philippines itself, official
diseases, 16 euros for three children; square km.—lower than that of South statistics (as of 2003) show that the
Women (and men) suffering from • Sweden, which offers parents 18 Korea, the Netherlands, Belgium, and more densely populated regions like
these diseases do not get free medicines months leave and 335.74 euros a month Japan. Overpopulated? Just like China. Calabarzon and Central Luzon have
or medical services from the State, with for three children; 3) Macau has 538,100 people in a a much lower poverty incidence than
the exception of tuberculosis where • Ireland, which offers 26 weeks land area of 29.2 square kms. Population the less densely populated ones, like
the government program has been maternity leave plus 14 weeks parental density is 18,428 inhabitants per the Autonomous Region for Muslim
significantly influenced by the death of the leave and a monthly child benefit of square km.—the highest in the world. Mindanao (ARMM), Caraga, and Bicol.
President of the Commonwealth, Manuel 280.6 euros for three children; Overpopulated? So it seems. But given This does not mean that a region has to
L. Quezon, from the disease. If the State, • United Kingdom, which offers its GDP per capita (PPP) of $28,400, have a high population density in order
which is not a welfare state, is to provide 26 weeks maternity leave plus 26 weeks which is higher than most, we hear no to have a lower poverty incidence. It
free medicines for the sick, should parental leave, and a monthly child strident complaints. simply means that there is no direct
priority not be given to these cases? Our benefit of the equivalent of 252 euros 4) Monaco has 32,671 people in a land correlation between the size of the
RH politicians, however, seem solely for three children; area of 1.95 square km.. Population density: population and poverty incidence. What
interested in curing childbearing with all • Ukraine, which offers mothers 16,754 inhabitants per square km—the seems to have direct correlation is the
sorts of contraceptives and sterilization about 1,000 euros for a new child; South second highest in the world. Overpopulated? educational qualification of the head
devices, even though the World Health Korea, which offers parents $670 a month Like Macau. Given its GDP per capita (PPP) of the family and poverty incidence, as
Organization (WHO) has already from their employment insurance plus up of $30,000, which is higher than most, the shown by the table.9
determined these to be carcinogenic to one year of unpaid leave per parent; kingdom seems content.
(cancer-causing) to humans. • Singapore, which offers 5) Singapore has 4,588,600 people in a Convincing proof
government-paid maternity leave for land area of 707.1 square km, Population There can be no clearer and more
The claim of “overpopulation” 16 weeks and cash bonuses to parents density: 6,489 inhabitants per square convincing proof against the claim
What are facts about the country’s with more than two children. km.—the third highest in the world. that poverty in the Philippines is the
population growth? The present So while many countries are spending Overpopulated? So it seems. But given inescapable and direct result of having
population is estimated at 88 million. money to encourage families to have its GDP per capita (PPP) of $49,700, more people than some eugenicists
According to the National Statistics more children, our RH politicians want to the highest in all of Asia, its leaders and neo-Malthusians would care to see
Office (NSO), the population growth spend billions of pesos out of our meager are asking young people to marry and around. No rich couple has suddenly
rate is down to 2.04%. The total fertility resources to stop women from bearing procreate and married couples to have become poor just because they chose to
rate (TFR), or the number of children children. This does not make sense. more children. have children. On the contrary, so many
a woman of reproductive age can 6) Hong Kong has 7,040, 885 people poor families lifted themselves from
have in her lifetime, is down to 3.02. No need to panic in a land area of 1,099 square km., poverty because of their children.
According to the CIA World Factbook, They try very hard to panic the public Population density: 6,407 inhabitants It is so much easier to show that we
2008, however, the birth rate is down with scare scenarios about the country’s per square km.—the fourth highest in are many because we are poor than that
to 1.72%; the TFR down to 3.00. The population doubling in 30 years, and the world. Overpopulated? So it seems. we are poor because we are too many.
U.N. Population Division projects that everything else getting worse. The But given its GDP per capita (PPP) of Poor and unemployed couples tend to
by 2020 the TFR will drop to 2.29—just projection assumes that all variables $42,000, the second highest in Asia, have more time to spend together and
a breath away from the replacement will remain constant. Which never it does not mind adding more migrant procreate, while working couples tend to
level of 2.1. Thereafter, it will all be do. Assuming the population does in workers to its native population. be busier and endure more work-related
downward until the rate falls below fact double, then population density stress. Thus, the poor tend to have larger
replacement level. would also double, from the present The few aren’t always richer families, on the average. Clearly poverty
290 inhabitants per square km. to 580. The Philippines has a population density is more a cause than a consequence of
A shrinking population? That would be nearly one/thirty-third of of 290 inhabitants per square km., a GDP per faster population growth.
Despite the falling birth rate and the Macau’s present density, one-thirtieth of capita (PPP) of $3,400. Urbanization has
steady toll exacted by the leading killers Monaco’s, and a little over one-tenth of concentrated the bulk of this population in What if the birth rate drops?
on both men and women, the average Singapore’s and Hong Kong’s. If we have the cities, suggesting maldistribution rather Were the birth rate to drop to zero, and
Filipino today has a lifespan of 70.8 not by then discovered the real causes of than overpopulation. Manila alone has a half or more than half of the country’s
years, longer than his counterpart of our poverty, and mobilized our human population density of 66,428 inhabitants for population to evaporate into the ether,
the last generation. So the population and material resources accordingly, every one of its 25 square kms, as against would it alter the ratio of 80% or more
continues to grow, at a moderate pace. then perhaps we would not even have the sparsely populated provinces all over of the people sharing 20% or less of the
The forecast is different for the a prayer. But if we could correct our the country. Foreign migration has also nation’s wealth while 20% or less of the
rich countries. Precisely because of mistakes, and put good governance in taken some 12 million Filipinos out of the people share 80% or more of it?
contraception, abortion and in some place, then there is much hope. How country, with a million more leaving every Would it automatically eliminate the
cases euthanasia, coupled with negative people conduct themselves is the critical year for foreign jobs, before the onset of the notoriously bad governance, the unbridled
birth rates, some highly developed issue, not how many they are. global financial crisis. official corruption, the humungous and ever
populations are soon projected to shrink. The per capita distribution is, of course, ballooning foreign and public debt, the
According to U.N. estimates, by 2050, Carrying capacity only a mathematical notion, unrelated to unmitigated conspicuous consumption and
at least 30 European countries and nine There is no agreed figure on the reality. Those listed by Forbes magazine rampant smuggling and cheating on taxes
others will have smaller populations. country’s (or, for that matter, the world’s) among the world’s dollar billionaires, among the predatory elite?
Germany and Japan will lose 14% “carrying capacity”—or just how many and those not listed but who are as rich Would it allocate more resources to
of their present population; Italy and people it can hold or support. Garrett if not richer, could be earning several quality education, reputable health care,
Hungary, 25%; Russia, Georgia and Hardin sees the planet as a small lifeboat million times more than those among environmental protection, socialized
Ukraine, 28 to 40%. Some 170 out of that can hold only 100 million people; the bottom million, who could each be housing, basic public infrastructure for
187 countries will have a fertility level the poor should not be allowed to board earning less than $500 a year. transport, communication, energy, and
of 2.1 or less. 3 or should be thrown out into the water But they are not uniformly poor because food production?
At that point, fully one-third of the in a triage. The Cambridge statistician of their children. They were born poor, Would it provide greater public access
population of the developed countries and Colin Clark, however, believes the entire and have remained poor; their poverty to technology, and greater attention to
20% of the population of the developing world population could fit inside Texas, precedes the birth of their children. The scientific research and development?
countries will be above 60 years. There with garden space left for each one. causes of poverty lie elsewhere. There Would it transform the Philippines into
will be at least 2 billion such seniors We normally look at the total population, are other explanations. a welfare state? Would it make people
alive, and 379 million aged 80 and above. total land area and population density Mainly because 80% or more of more morally upright, less pleasure-
The implosion will be characterized by (how many inhabitants per square the population shares 20% or less of seeking, self-indulgent and selfish?
what Prof. Gerard-Francois Dumont of kilometer of land, assuming an even the nation’s wealth, while 20% or Not likely.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008

Population control: a disease the novel Nineteen Eighty Four) in Malthus modified his views, but his fear Parenthood, from which in turn sprung
The problem of extreme poverty is which the Ministry of War is called the of excessive population growth was what International Planned Parenthood
real. But population control is not the “Ministry of Peace.” endured in the minds of his disciples. It set Federation (IPPF), the world’s biggest
solution, or even one of the solutions Outside of Orwell’s novel, readers of in motion the early engines of population supplier of abortion. Her project was
to it. The solution lies in the effective children’s literature encounter the same control. to create “a race of thoroughbreds” and
mobilization of human and material thing in Lewis Carroll’s Through the attracted the support of names of great
resources, and the just sharing of the Looking Glass and What Alice Found Galton wealth like Rockefeller, Duke, Scaife,
burdens and benefits of development. There, where Humpty Dumpty tells Malthus’s ideas eventually converged Lasker, Sulzberger and Dupont. 21 In
This implies a social order that Alice: “When I use a word, it means just with eugenics, the pseudo science 1932, through her magazine, Sanger
recognizes man as its first and ultimate what I choose it to mean—neither more of “good birth”, developed by the called for “a stern and rigid policy of
resource; that allocates quality investment nor less.”15 This explains what happened statistician Sir Francis Galton (1822- sterilization and segregation of those
in the optimum development of that to those innocent women in Beijing 1911), a cousin of Charles Darwin, the persons already tainted by their heredity.”
resource; that measures progress not bursting with so much joy the first time English naturalist who developed the She proposed that those individuals be
simply in terms of material wealth but they heard of “reproductive rights.” theory of evolution and proposed the paid to get sterilized, but those who
rather according to its moral, cultural and principle of natural selection in his book, refused should be sent to farmlands and
spiritual development and its common B rief history of population On the Origin of the Species by Means of homesteads and taught how to work by
conception of justice. control Natural Selection or the Preservation of competent instructors. An estimated
This will be achieved by transforming Population control is a racist and Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life fifteen to twenty million Americans
our dynamic population growth into eugenicist idea whose real objective is (1859). To Darwin is often attributed suffered from this.22
the nation’s primary asset, instead of to eliminate the poor and others who authorship of the phrase “survival of
making it the perpetual scapegoat for are deemed “socially unfit,” while the fittest”, which was in fact coined by Hitler
all our ills. purportedly trying to help them. To be Herbert Spencer (1820-1903), a Social During World War II, Adolf Hitler
fair, it did not begin with the proponents Darwinist whose work Social Statics (1889-1945) took eugenics to a new level
The real resource of the present bills. held that competition is good because altogether. In his bid to create lebensraum
The age structure of our population They may not even be fully aware it eliminates the unfit. Galton believed (living space) for Germany and a superior
reveals our real strength. Its median age of the real inspiration behind their “blacks were genetically inferior, that Aryan race to propagate Nazism, he had six
is 23 years, younger than that of 139 proposals, which appear to have been Jews were parasitical, and that poverty million Jews executed in the gas chambers
other countries,10 and older than that of 73 drafted not by them or their staff, but was transmitted in the genes.”17 He of Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka, Sobitor,
others.11 This means that while those older by the technical staff of the “Philippine believed in controlled breeding to ensure Belzec, Chelmno, Majdanek, Dachau and
ones are phasing out of the workforce, and Legislators’ Committee on Population the propagation of good genes and check so many others. Hitler’s defeat in war,
those younger ones which reduced the
are not yet ready to Third Reich into
join it, our workers ashes, somehow
are already at their tempered the
most productive. headlong march
Assuming the of eugenicist
average worker is ideas. But it
retired at 65, this did not go into
means the average eclipse.
Filipino worker
has 42 productive Sterilization
years more to go as f o r t h e
against the Chinese vanquished
worker’s 31.4 years, In 1945, the
the American’s book Population
28.3 years, the Roads to Peace
S i n g a p o r e a n ’s or War by the
26.6 years, the eugenicist Guy
Canadian’s 24.9 Irving Burch,
years, and the founder of the
Japanese’s 21.2 Population
years. Reference
Bureau, called
Human capital on the peace
If Pope John Paul II is correct when he and Development” (PLCPD), a foreign- the transmission of bad ones.
negotiators to impose compulsory
says in Laborem Exercens that human funded pressure group. The most rabid of Galton’s disciples
sterilization on all biologically or
labor is what creates capital12; if Gary Nevertheless they have a duty to advocated the physical segregation of the
socially inadequate persons in the
Becker, the 1992 Nobel Prize economics know it before they start talking about “unfit” from the rest of the population.
conquered countries.23 In Japan, General
laureate, is right when he speaks of the it on the floor of Congress or on public This meant the poor, the handicapped, the
Douglas MacArthur had no problem
value of human capital, and the role the television. mentally retarded, the ugly, the ignorant,
persuading the prostrated enemy to
family and education play in developing etc. One such disciple, Karl Pearson
legalize abortion, not because Japan’s
that capital13; if Julian Simon is right when Earliest beginnings (1857-1936), favored “the sterilization
devastated enemy could not support the
he asserts that the human being’s capacity Population control began in antiquity. of those sections of18 the community of birth of more children but more likely
to invent and adapt is the planet’s In ancient Egypt, the Pharaoh ordered small civic worth.” because the U.S. was determined to win
“ultimate resource,”14 then we are sitting every newborn male to be thrown into the the next war “in utero, as it were.”24 This
on top of a priceless resource that may not Nile to prevent the fast-growing Israelites Compulsory sterilization was America’s first successful population
have been given to everybody else. from outnumbering the Egyptians and Such was the influence of eugenics that control program, employing abortion.
taking over the kingdom (Ex 1:15). In in 1907 the state of Indiana passed the In 1946, Sir Julian Huxley, the
Population follies exposed Judea, King Herod ordered the slaughter world’s first compulsory sterilization law, English biologist whose father Thomas
The present collapse of the global of the innocents in order to get rid of the aimed at “confirmed criminals, idiots, Huxley, also a biologist, had coined
financial-monetary system has exposed, child who had been prophesied to deliver rapists, and imbeciles.” Thirty states and the word “agnostic,” was made head
among other things, the folly of his people from bondage (Mt 2:16). In Puerto Rico soon followed, using a model of UNESCO. He who was known to
population control. Demographic and both cases, the reason had nothing to law that would eventually influence the favor the sterilization of the mentally
do with looking after women’s health Nazi compulsory sterilization laws.
economic power has begun to shift from handicapped and “those society doesn’t
West to East, and with it, economic and or easing the burden of the poor; it was In 1912, the First International Congress know what to do with.”25
social power. We can benefit from it. pure and simple politics. of Eugenics was held in London, attended
But we need to stay awake. by such notables as Winston Churchill,
The population bomb
In one Senate committee hearing, one Malthus Charles Eliot (president emeritus
In the early 1960s Burch and his friends
Senator suggested that we avoid using the term In 1798, the Anglican clergyman, of Harvard) and David Starr Jordan launched the “Campaign To Check The
“population control” and use “population Thomas Robert Malthus (1766-1834), (president of Stanford University), Population Explosion,” based on the
management” instead. It was an attempt to in his “Essay on Population as it Affects and with the theme: “prevention of the theory of a “population bomb.” In 1954,
defend an ideology that has failed, but which the Future Improvement of Society” propagation of the unfit.” In 1932, three “The Population Bomb” appeared as a
many still continue to defend. theorized that population would grow congresses later, the eugenics congress pamphlet written by Hugh Moore of the
They believe the most horrid things geometrically while food supply would included a call for the sterilization of 14 Dixie Cup fortune, and circulated first
about population control could still increase only arithmetically, thus creating million Americans with low intelligence-
among one thousand leaders in business
unavoidable food shortages. Malthus test scores.
be hidden under deceitfully enticing and the professions and subsequently
language. It is the dark side of favored exposing the poor to famine and to a million and a half others. Moore
Wittgenstein’s “meaning is use,” of disease to reduce their numbers, but he Sanger also gave the young entomologist
Heidegger’s “language is the house of did not advocate any State action against One of the most highly driven from Philadelphia, Paul Ralph Erlich,
Being.” It is “verbal engineering” in population growth. “Leave every man to eugenicists at this time was Margaret permission to use The Population Bomb
pursuit of an ideological agenda, the his own free choice and responsible only Sanger (1883-1966), owner of the for the title of his book, which would
result of which is what some people to God for the evil which he does in either magazine Birth Control Review and appear in 1968. This book introduced its
call “U.N.-speak”, the U.N. version way; this is all I contend for; I would on founder of the American Birth Control doomsday scare with the opening lines:
of George Orwell’s “Newspeak” (in no account do more…” 16 Before he died, League, which later became Planned “The battle to feed humanity is over.
C4 CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008

In the 1970s, the world will undergo and a doctor named Reimert Thorolf Security Study Memorandum (NSSM) respective countries. Sadat and Ghandi
famines—hundreds of millions of people Ravenholt became its first director. He 200, or The Kissinger Report, was kept were both assassinated in office, while
are going to starve to death in spite of any became the “Population Czar.” as a top secret U.S document from Suharto was forced to resign on charges
crash programs embarked upon now.” Ravenholt was an epidemologist who 1974 until 1989, when it was officially of corruption, and other reasons. In the
looked upon pregnancy as a disease to declassified by the White House.31 It Philippines, the U.N. awarded Senator
Humanae Vitae be eliminated like smallpox or yellow created the template for the global Leticia Ramos Shahani a plaque for her
That same year Pope Paul VI issued fever; and he once told the St. Louis population action plan, which none of advocacy of population control before
Humanae Vitae, his encyclical on the Post-Dispatch that one-fourth of all three previous international conferences and after the Cairo conference where she
regulation of birth. It declared that: the fertile women in the world should on population—the World Population was a delegate.)
• The direct interruption of the be sterilized to maintain “the normal Conference in Rome in 1954, the
generative process already begun must operation of U.S. commercial interests Second World Population Conference The mass media
be totally rejected as a legitimate means around the world.” He handed out in Belgrade in 1965, and the World
The Report assigned a special role to the
of regulating the number of children. business cards printed on condoms, and Population Conference in Bucharest in mass media and satellite communications
Especially to be rejected is direct for the U.S. bicentennial celebration August 1974 (four months before NSSM technology, particularly in dealing with
abortion—even if done for reasons of in 1976 he thought of producing stars 200)—had been able to create. “large and illiterate rural communities.”
health… and stripes condoms in red, white and This is reflected in the disproportionate
• “Direct sterilization of the male or blue colors, for worldwide distribution. LDCs threat time and space devoted by media to
female, whether permanent or temporary, Ravenholt flooded the developing world The study saw that if the population of population control, using individuals
is equally to be condemned; with condoms, birth control pills, and the 13 and other LDCs continued to grow, who may not always understand what
• Similarly, there must be a other contraceptives through a network after the population of the United States they are talking about.
rejection of all acts that attempt to impede that linked his office with IPPF, the and the First World had stabilized, the
procreation, both those chosen as means Population Council, and the Association developing countries would end up using Massive funds
to an end and those chosen as ends. These for Voluntary Sterilization (AVS), now their own natural resources, to the utter From 1965 to 1974, according to the
include acts that precede intercourse, acts known as Engender Health.
deprivation of the First World. It also saw Report, USAID obligated $625 million
that accompany intercourse, and acts that Ravenholt stayed in office until 1979. that if the developing countries acquired the for population activities. From 1968 to
are directed to the natural consequences During his watch, he shipped out tons and technology of the First World, a reversal of 1995, the Office of Population alone
of intercourse. tons of the cheapest contraceptives to the roles could follow—today’s masters would spent more than $1.5 billion to buy, test,
While The Population Bomb predicted developing countries, without regard to their become tomorrow’s slaves. It also saw store, ship and deliver contraceptive and
famines and deaths from overpopulation side effects. These included a high-estrogen that the arrival of every new population abortifacient devices. These included
and food shortages, Humanae Vitae pill bought from the pharmaceutical firm carried in its train potentially destabilizing 10.5 billion condoms, over 2 billion
predicted that: Syntex after it had been declared unsafe values. cycles of abortifacient birth control pills,
• t h e w i d e s p r e a d u s e o f by the Food and Drug Administration Therefore, the continued population more than 73 million IUDs, and over
contraception would “lead to conjugal (FDA), and container loads of Depo- growth of the LDCs presented a threat to 116 million vaginal foaming tablets to
infidelity and the general lowering of Provera (a hormonal contraceptive) which “U. S. security and overseas interests.” the LDCs.32
morality”; he distributed to developing countries a It had to be moderated. USAID supported population control
• “the man” will lose respect for decade before FDA approved its use in programs in 70 LDCs, and quickly became
“the woman” and “no longer care the US.
Two-child family for all the biggest contributor to the UNFPA.
for her physical and psychological In 1967, the U.S. Congress amended This prompted the U.S. to launch its WHO, UNICEF, ILO, UNESCO, World
equilibrium” and will come to “the point the Foreign Assistance Act to finance World Population Plan of Action “to Bank, Asian Development Bank quickly
of considering her as a mere instrument family planning and population programs achieve (worldwide) a replacement level signed up.
of selfish enjoyment, and no longer as his in countries receiving U.S. foreign aid. (a two-child family on the average) by Among the private donors, the Report
respected and beloved companion; In 1968, President Lyndon Johnson about the year 2000.” identified Pathfinder Fund, International
• the widespread acceptance of appointed a Commission on Population “This will require the present (1974) Planned Parenthood Federation, and
contraception would place “a dangerous and Family Planning, and allocated more 2% growth to decline to 1.7% within a Population Council. David and Lucile
weapon in the hands of those public funds for birth control. At the same time, decade and to 1.1% by 2000, compared Packard Foundation and many others
authorities who take no heed of moral Robert McNamara became president of to the U.N. medium projection; this goal have since been added to the list; so have
exigencies”; and the World Bank, and decided to impose would result in 500 million fewer people some of the world’s richest individuals-
• led man to think that he had anti-population policies on countries in 2000 and about 3 billion fewer in --Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Ted Turner,
limitless dominion over his own body. getting loans from the bank. 2050. Attainment of this goal will require George Soros, etc.
None of Erlich’s predictions ever In 1970, President Richard Nixon greatly intensified population programs,” In Cairo, it was agreed (although the
materialized. In 1970, the Nobel Prize constituted the Commission on the Kissinger Report said. agreement was to be “non-binding”) that
Committee awarded the Peace Prize Population Growth and the American Since the Action Plan was not self- the LDCs and economies in transition
to the American microbiologist and Future and named as its chairman, John enforcing, it required vigorous efforts on would appropriate $17 billion in 2000,
agronomist Norman Ernest Borlaug for D. Rockefeller III, grandson of the oil the part of the LDCs, the U.N. agencies $18.5 billion in 2005, $20.5 billion in
developing high-yielding varieties of tycoon John D. Rockefeller Sr. and and other international bodies to make it 2010, and $21.7 billion in 2015—for
wheat and other grain crops to launch the one of the wealthiest men in the world. effective—“under U.S. leadership.” reproductive health.
“Green Revolution” around the world. John III was known to be a dilettante
In 1980, Julian Simon won a bet against who never had a steady job, but his Focus on the LDCs Abortion necessary?
Erlich who had predicted that the prices travels to Asia and Africa after the war The Report urged primary focus on While NSSM 200 does not specify
of a certain group of metal would go up had convinced him he had a mission to the 13 LDCs. Population programs had abortion as a preferred family planning
over a certain period of time because of check the runaway population of the to be integrated into their development method, reduction of the population
scarcity driven by population growth. poor continents of the world. He funded planning; conditions created to bring growth remains the objective. The
In 1992, the Nobel Peace Prize for a global network of population experts about fertility decline, including Report maintains that “no country has
Economics went to Gary Becker for his and funded research to find easier, more “developing alternatives to children as reduced its population growth without
work on the economics of human capital. reliable and more permanent ways of a source of old age security; education resorting to abortion.”
But each one of Paul VI’s prophecies contracepting and sterilizing the poor. He of new generations on the desirability of Thus, from the August 1984 international
unhappily came to pass. set up national family planning programs
smaller families.” population conference in Mexico
in South Korea, Malaysia, Hong Kong
through the June 1992 UN Conference
Enlisting the u.s. government and Sri Lanka, and regional centers
Using local leaders on Environment and Development in
Hugh Moore and his group got the for demographic training in Mumbai,
The Report urged the U.S. President Rio de Janeiro, the September 1994
wealthiest patrons to support their Santiago and Cairo.
and the Secretary of State to “treat the ICPD in Cairo, the March 1995 World
anti-natalist campaign. They blamed subject of population growth control Summit for Social Development in
population growth for the degradation Abortion is legalized as a matter of paramount importance Copenhagen, the September 1995 World
of the environment; and for Earth Day In 1973, the United States legalized Conference on Women in Beijing, the
and address it specifically in their
in 1970, they launched a slogan contest abortion through the U.S. Supreme Court June 1996 U. N. Habitat conference in
regular contacts with leaders of other
among students on over 200 campuses ruling in Roe vs. Wade. Istanbul, the November 1996 World Food
governments, particularly LDCs.”
where the winner was, “People Pollute.”26 The Report urged them to “encourage Summit in Rome, the 2002 U.N. World
It sounded like a quote from the founder 13 most populous ldcs LDC leaders to take the lead in advancing Summit on Sustainable Development
of Earth First! Dave Foreman himself In 1974, Dr. Henry Kissinger as family planning and population in Johannesburg, etc. there has been a
who said, “We humans have become a National Security Adviser to the US stabilization both within multilateral sustained effort to push abortion as the
disease, the Humanpox.” President authored a crucial study organizations and through bilateral one, true solution to the “population
But the most important part of the work of entitled, “Implications of Worldwide contacts with the LDCs.” growth” and other related “problems.”
Moore’s group was to get the United States Population Growth for U.S. Security and However, the Report cautioned the U.S.
government actively involved in population Overseas Interests.” Kissinger’s group government “not to give the appearance Barrier to universal abortion
control. And succeed they did. studied 13 less developed countries to the LDCs of an industrialized country The proposal to make abortion a
In 1961, U.S. Foreign Assistance Act (LDCs)—the Philippines, India, policy directed against the LDCs…Third universal family planning method has
took up population control as one of the Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, World leaders should be in the forefront not prospered, thanks to the sustained
activities U.S. development assistance Indonesia, Brazil, Thailand, Egypt, and obtain the credit for successful vigilance of the Holy See, the Islamic
would support in recipient countries. Turkey, Ethiopia and Columbia—which programs,” the Report said. and some Latin American countries. For
were said to provide 47% of the increase (Egyptian President Anwar Saddat, its part, the Philippine government tends
Population Czar in the world’s population growth. Indian Prime Minister Indira Ghandi, to follow the position of juscanz (Japan,
In 1966, the Office of Population was and Indonesian President Suharto were U.S. Canada, Australia, New Zealand)
created within the United States Agency for NSSM 200 among those honored by the U.N. and the Europeans on this issue, rather
International Development (USAID) This study, known as U.S. National for their work on population in their than that of its own predominantly
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008

Catholic population. Pressure on the Senate denounce “genital mutilation” in Africa standards of Congress?
Still, the number of countries legalizing In the runup to the Cairo conference, I while proclaiming fetal mutilation as a
abortion has grown. So has the number of saw the menace again. The Senate had just woman’s right in Europe and America? LGUs as conduits
abortions. In 1974, NSSM 200 estimated been reorganized, but the Committee on Suddenly the conversation became more Moving on a parallel track but faster
the annual abortions worldwide at 30 Women had been left headless, None of personal and relaxed, and they tried to smother than the bills in Congress are anti-
million. That figure has apparently the three women-senators—Macapagal- us with offers of personal amenities. reproduction ordinances. These are being
doubled since—nearly equal to the entire Arroyo, Shahani, Coseteng—had wanted pushed with exceptional zeal by the same
population of Britain. to chair it. Nobody else wanted it. The Pressure from foreign-funded foreign lobby through the local councils.
In the Philippines, reproductive health Senate President asked me to chair it ngos They are clearly unconstitutional as HB
advocates tend to inflate the number of temporarily so it could at least operate. I Recently, the pressure appears to have 5043 is unconstitutional, and additionally
criminally induced abortion in order to was not interested in the committee, but I become more institutionalized, through because the ordinance-making power of
provide the pro-abortion lobby a twisted could not turn down the Senate President. the foreign-funded NGOs. They are in local councils is limited to local matters
argument for perversely advocating the As soon as I accepted, demonstrations the forefront of the RH campaign. within their respective jurisdictions and
legalization of abortion. Despite the erupted outside the Senate, asking me In Congress, there is open and casual competence.
fact that no one appears to have been to drop the committee. The gender talk that the anti-reproduction bills The first council to succumb was that
prosecuted for abortion, certain groups feminists feared the job would give me had been drafted by the PLCPD staff, of Olongapo City, which passed the
are able to offer an exact count of the a ticket to Cairo, where I could speak rather than by the authors themselves or unconstitutional ordinance without any serious
abortions that are supposed to have taken against the radical feminists’ “right to their respective staffs. Even HB 5043, public consultations, publicity or debate.
place. On the basis of their own data, pro- abortion.” When I refused to budge, they which consolidates four component Many other cities and provincial governments
abortion advocates first try to show that unseated the Senate President so that in bills into one after only one public have since tried to follow suit.35
the incidence of the crime has risen and the ensuing revamp I lost the committee hearing, is unofficially attributed to
continues to rise; that it can no longer be to Sen. Shahani. Shut out of the official this group, instead of having been put Blindsided Nationalists
stopped; and that the only solution is to ICPD delegation, I had to go to Cairo as together by the Joint Committees on In all this, the most aggressive
decriminalize or completely legalize it. a guest of the Egyptian Parliament. Health and on Population and Family campaigners are brand ”nationalists”
Many countries have followed this Relations, to which the original bills who are normally quick to shout
egregious and morally ruinous path. Pressure in Strasbourg had been referred, or by a Technical “imperialism” and burn a foreign effigy
In 1996, I visited the European Working Group appointed by the same or flag whenever they suspect any undue
Pressure from the U.N. Parliament in Strasbourg as part of an committees, as is the usual practice. alien intervention in the nation’s internal
In the United Nations, the CEDAW33 ASEAN parliamentary group. On our affairs. Apparently blindsided by the high
Committee has been trying to pressure first day, I sat for lunch with a Member Illegal presence? rhetoric about “women’s rights,” they
party nations to legalize abortion or to of the European Parliament who was the The PLCPD declares on its website have become the most ardent and zealous
increase access to abortion if they had son of a former president of France. (http// that it was established supporters and spokesmen of this most
already legalized it. Between 1995 As soon as we were introduced, he in December 1989 as “a non-stock, vicious intervention in the innermost
and 2008, sixty-five countries were said: “So you are from the Philippines, non-profit foundation dedicated to the lives of Filipino individuals and families.
subjected to such pressure, including the where you have 60 million people and formulation of viable public policies It is imperialism of the worst kind, and
Philippines.34 still have large families.” requiring legislation on population the customary anti-imperialists are the
To the credit, of the Philippine delegate “I’m sorry,” I said, “we are more than and management and socio-economic ones openly championing it.
(Health Undersecretary Nieto), she resisted 70 million now, but not everyone has a development.” It lists several senators
the pressure, pointing out that the Philippine large family like me. I’m one of the few and congressmen as members. Its The central economy planners
Constitution bans abortion and that a who have seven children.” donor agencies include UNDP, UNFPA, Not far behind are free market
specific statute criminalizes it. To which “That’s alright,” the MP said, obviously UNICEF, and the David and Lucile economists who ordinarily like to talk
the CEDAW members from Croatia, China sensing a counter-attack. “I also have Packard Foundation. All these donors are of “liberalization, privatization and
and Ghana said that since no one was being five children.” actively engaged in promoting population deregulation” but who appear ready
prosecuted for abortion, the government Then I continued. “You know, before control. PLCPD’s executive officer is a to discard their basic philosophical
should now legalize it. I left for France, I thought of refreshing scholar-grantee of Packard Foundation. orientation in order to do central economy
However, the pressure continues, through my limited French, so I could at least A press statement appearing in the planning, the ideological opposite of
various channels, and in various forms. order my café au lait in French. But then July 25, 2008 issue of the Philippine what they profess, except that the subject
I heard that in France today, you may not Daily Inquirer quotes the Foundation of their central planning is not just the
A personal narrative be able to get a good cup of coffee unless as complaining that the Philippine economy, but rather the private lives of
Let me contribute a personal you spoke Arabic.” government had not been buying the Filipino poor.
testimony. His expression changed abruptly, as contraceptives for sometime. To which Instead of trying to see how our
In 1992, I sat in a workshop for newly though he was actually glad to have the principal author of HB 5043, in his limited resources could be used more
elected senators in Tagaytay prior to the found his match. capacity then as chairman of the House equitably and effectively to benefit the
opening of Congress. Out of the blue “C’est vrai, c’est vrai,” he said, “in many appropriations committee, promptly poorest sectors of the society, these
appeared Mahar Mangahas of Social parts of Paris today, you find so many Arabs responded by approving a P3.4 billion economists seem determined to see how
Weather Station, with the alleged results who refuse to speak French.” funding for RH and family planning. And the poor could be allocated according
of an alleged survey claiming that if a “Well, I think it simply shows the the DOH announced it would soon start to the meager resources available.
senator did not support the government’s problem is yours rather than mine,” I distributing condoms as a prophylactic It is not economics, but population
family planning program, he would never said. “In my country, we still produce against HIV/AIDS and other sexually engineering. Many of the economists
get reelected. He was that subtle. Filipinos, not migrants.” transmitted diseases (STDs), have subsisting ties with some of the
Then he said,“You see, Senator Tatad, He suddenly became the soul of Political lobbying requires the PLCPD international agencies involved in
there is no such thing as a Catholic friendliness, offered to book me in the to register as a “foreign agent” pursuant population control.
vote.” best hotel next to his apartment next time to Batas Pambansa 39, otherwise known
To which I replied, “In a Catholic I came to Paris. as the Foreign Agents Act of 1979. This Some Catholic “professors”
country where most candidates are is a law I authored in the interim Batasang The latest entrants are a group of
Catholic, there is no such thing as a Pressure in Bonn Pambansa, together with then Minister 14 “individual faculty” of the Ateneo
Catholic vote. But try running a candidate I n B o n n , a g r o u p o f G e r m a n (now Senator) Juan Ponce Enrile. de Manila University, a Catholic
whose program is to destroy the Catholic parliamentarians lectured us on human Why foreign agent? Because foreign university, who argue that HB 5043
faith, and you’ll have a Catholic vote rights and the environment. They accused agent is “any person who acts or agrees to “adheres to Catholic social teaching”
against that candidate.” Asians of having double standards on act as political consultant, public relations and that Catholics “can support it in
That was the first time I saw the human rights, and of not doing enough counsel, publicity agent, information good conscience.” While disclaiming
menacing presence of the population for the environment. Our group leader representative, or as agent, servant, any attempt to bind Ateneo or the Society
control lobby. did not speak a word of German or representative or attorney for a foreign of Jesus to their most surprising reading
English, and did not want to respond. principal or any domestic organization of Church teaching, they did not seem
Diplomatic pressure Neither did anyone else. I asked to speak subsidized directly or indirectly in whole to mind cashing in on Ateneo’s Catholic
Not long thereafter, I got invited to for the group, and they agreed. or in part by a foreign principal.” reputation. And Ateneo itself has not
lunch with a European ambassador. The I began by thanking our hosts for their But what PLCPD is doing goes far beyond found it necessary or prudent to make
invitation did not say why or how many hospitality, and expressed our admiration the legitimate activity contemplated in BP a pointed stand on the issue, just to
others would be there. But as soon as I for what they had done to the ecology. I 39. It constitutes actual interference in assure the public, especially parents and
arrived I realized I was the only guest. spoke of how they had cleaned up their legislation, which should be abjured and grandparents of young Ateneans, where
A great honor, but why? rivers—the Thames in London, the Seine penalized by Congress. the Catholic university stands on matters
We dined on English beef, national in Paris, the Rhine in Germany, and how However, in one forum hosted by the of Catholic doctrine, or even simply of
politics and world affairs. Finally, he they had kept their forests, their hunting Philippine Bar Association (PBA), the the Constitution.
dropped his tiny bomb: “Why can’t you lodges, and their wild game. I said this bill’s principal author said PLCPD is an
ever support family planning?” It was was something we in Asia would like to organization of senators and congressmen Bucking Catholic taxpayers
then I saw the reason for the lunch. imitate, as soon as we had the means to sharing a common legislative agenda. Members of the vast Catholic majority
“I’d like us to learn from Europe, do so. I reminded them that our forests This statement is not supported by the have argued—not unfairly, in our
Excellency. What’s happening there had been denuded by others who had PLCPD website. Indeed, some senators view—that the State cannot and should
today could happen to us here tomorrow,” preserved their own. Perhaps there and congressmen are listed as PLCPD not impose upon them a program that
I said. should be a system of indemnification, members, but this raises a very serious assaults their moral values and religious
My host looked at me long and hard As for human rights, I told them Asians question: can legislators legally accept beliefs. In the same manner the State
without a word. I thanked him for lunch thought it’s the Europeans and Americans foreign funding to work on bills openly cannot, and most likely will not, enact
and left. It was the last time I ever got a who were practicing double standards. advocated by foreign funders? Is it not a law that will offend the faith of the
social invitation from that diplomat. How, for instance, could they readily contrary to law, or at least to the ethical Muslims, who constitute 5% of the
C6 CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008

population, the Evangelicals, who shouts the loudest should prevail. Marriage is the permanent and worst forms of despotism in the dark and
constitute 2.28%, the Iglesia ni Cristo, The proponents appear to have forgotten exclusive union of one man and one bloody pages of human history. HB 5043
who constitute 2.3%, the Aglipayans, that, as Rawls says, truth is the first virtue woman for the procreation and rearing of now proposes to deliver it as a “service.”
who constitute 2%, or the other Christian of systems of thought and justice that of children. The marital act completes and There is no moral basis for it.
denominations, who constitute at least social institutions.36 In any political system perfects that union. The conjugal act is
4.5% of the population. a law carries authority and is binding physical, but it is a love experience rather Patently unconstitutional
The 14 “professors” appear to have upon conscience not because it is enacted than a mere physical one. Although The Constitution is the basic law of
found a way of dealing with this objection by a majority but because it is based on invested with so much pleasure, it is the land. Congress cannot pass any law
on behalf of the RH proponents, simply truth and justice. No landslide majority not a mere exchange of sensation or that is in conflict with the Constitution.
by saying: It is all right for Catholics to can ever dispense with this indispensable pleasure, but the deepest ‘knowing’ of HB 5043 is totally in conflict with the
believe the opposite of what their Church requirement; “a just law binds as much in one’s self by the other, of one’s union Constitution.
teaches, so the State could impose a democracy as in a totalitarian state, an with the other. The spouses do not The bill is titled, “An Act Providing For
upon Catholics the burden of funding a unjust law binds in neither.”37 merely bind themselves; rather they A National Policy on Reproductive Health,
program that assaults the moral teaching The wonder of it all is that, given the give themselves—their seed—to each Responsible Parenthood, and Population
of their Church. It is pure tosh. way they have “fixed” the questions, other; they thereby share with each other Development and For Other Purposes.”
the pollsters have failed to report a the highest power within their nature, Article II of the Constitution, “Declaration
A lesson missed 100-% endorsement of the highly to become the means of transmitting of Principles and State Policies,” already
Reading the texts of the 14 “professors” unconstitutional bill. new life from the Creator. The conjugal provides such a policy. Article XV, “The
makes one wish they had been listening Repeatedly quoted by RH propagandists act itself is short and transient, but its Family”, further strengthens it. Congress
when Pope Benedict XVI met with is an alleged survey, so far unpublished, significance is lasting. Through this gift can no longer propose a new policy. It can
Catholic educators at the Catholic which repeats the same hokum the SWS of self to each other, husband and wife only implement the constitutional policy,
University of America on April 17, 2008. chief pollster had tried to use on me in attain the fullness of their sexuality and except that almost everything in HB 5043
There he said, among other things, the 1992—that politicians who oppose the RH are raised from mere subjects of the contradicts the constitutional policy.
following: bill would lose in the next election. This Divine Maker to working partners in the 1. Section 1 of Article II provides:
“The dynamic between personal is completely belied by the fact that the noblest enterprise of giving life to a new “The Philippines is a democratic and
encounter, knowledge and Christian biggest vote-getter among the party-list human being. The decision to make the republican State. Sovereignty resides in
witness is integral to the diakonia of parties in the 2007 election was Buhay conjugal union fruitful belongs solely to the people and all government authority
truth which the Church exercises in the (Life) whose pro-life, pro-family program the Creator, but this fruit will not come emanates from them.”
midst of humanity. God’s revelation won for it three seats in the House. about without the couple’s cooperation. In such a state, the government does
offers every generation the opportunity The separation of the procreative aspect not plan the citizens’ private lives. No
to discover the ultimate truth about its The specter of corruption of the sexual act from its unitive aspect, organ of the State enters the bedroom to
own life and the goal of history. This There are ominous signs, however, that through contraception or sterilization, tell married couples how to make love.
task is never easy; it involves the entire certain parties, not necessarily domestic, destroys any opportunity for the union to 2. Sec. 9 provides: “The State shall
Christian community and motivates are determined to exploit the built-in be fruitful. It destroys fertility, and this promote a just and dynamic social
each generation of Christian educators weaknesses of the most vulnerable reduces the marital union into a mere order that will ensure the prosperity
to ensure that the power of God’s truth members of Congress, for their own exchange of physical sensations. The act and independence of the nation and
permeates every dimension of the ends. Their interest is not in the passage of procreation becomes mere recreation; free the people from poverty through
institutions they serve. In this way, of a just law which the population would the love duet is reduced into something policies that provide adequate social
Christ’s Good News is set to work, welcome as a boon, but any law at all that lower than a pantomime. 38 services, promote full employment,
guiding both teacher and student towards would affirm their ideological position For this reason, it is not licit for the a rising standard of living, and an
the objective truth which, in transcending on population control. This challenges spouses to deprive the marital act of improved quality of life for all.”
the particular and the subjective, points the opponents of HB 5043 to expose the its procreative aspect. Since it is the  Is that not a clear constitutional policy
to the universal and absolute that enables alien interests driving the RH bill and to Creator who decides whether a conjugal on population development?
us to proclaim with confidence the hope make sure any attempt to corrupt even act will bear fruit, the creature’s duty 3. Sec. 10. “The State shall promote
which does not disappoint (cf. Rom the corruptible fail. is to submit. There is no justification social justice in all phases of national
5:5). Set against personal struggles, whatsoever for the creature usurping the development.”
moral confusion and fragmentation of Creator’s authority and power. Does this not strengthen the
knowledge, the noble goals of scholarship Part II This does not mean that married couples constitutional policy on population
and education, founded on the unity of
truth and in service of the person and
HB 5043 must be have a duty to breed like rabbits, or even
to have sexual intercourse at all times,
4. Sec. 11: “The State values the
the community, become an especially
powerful instrument of hope…
declared void whatever their physical condition or the
possible consequences. Precisely man is
dignity of every human person and
guarantees full respect for human
“The same dynamic of communal The proposed law is based on a gifted with intellect and will so he can rights.”
identity—to whom do I belong?—vivifies preponderance of egregious errors. control his appetites and concupiscence; Is this not a clear constitutional policy
the ethos of our Catholic institutions. A Based on an ideological misreading and woman has only a week-long period on reproductive health and a further
university or school’s Catholic identity of demographic data, the proposed law of fertility every month for childbearing. restatement of the policy on population
is not simply a question of the number is neither a health measure nor an anti- This allows couples to reserve marital development?
of Catholic students. It is a question poverty one. It is neither pro-women nor intercourse during the wife’s infertile 5. Sec. 12: “The State recognizes
of conviction—do we really believe pro-poor. It has nothing to do with the period, without having to reinvent the the sanctity of family life and shall
that only in the mystery of the Word objective common good. It is a naked morality of the sexual act. protect and strengthen the family as a
made flesh does the mystery of man attempt to foist a hedonistic sex-oriented This matter is strictly within the domain basic autonomous and social institution.
truly become clear (cf. Gaudium et lifestyle upon individuals and families of moral law, and completely outside the It shall equally protect the life of the
Spes, 22)? Are we ready to commit -- one in which marriage is reduced into scope of State legislation. Why? Because mother and the life of the unborn
our entire self—intellect and will, mind a State-mediated partnership between this involves rights and duties that precede from conception. The natural and
and heart—to God? Do we accept the two individuals whose primary purpose the existence of the State and transcend primary right and duty of parents
truth Christ reveals? Is the faith tangible is to engage in a mechanical State- the rights and duties of citizenship. The in the rearing of the youth for civic
in our universities and schools? Is it supervised exchange of carnal sensations State has the right to define the duties efficiency and the development of moral
given fervent expression liturgically, while doing everything to avoid its of the citizen and the duty to recognize character shall receive the support of the
sacramentally, through prayer, acts of most natural consequence, the possible his rights. It may tax him to its heart’s Government.”
charity, concerns for justice, and respect conception of a child. It is the opposite content, expropriate his most valued Can there be a clearer statement
for God’s creation? Only in this way do of what its proponents say it is. Amid a piece of land for public use, and send of policy on reproductive health,
we really bear witness to the meaning of collapsing global order that has exposed him to war in defense of the flag. But responsible parenthood, and population
who we are and what we uphold. the folly of putting material progress on it may not tell him how to live the truth development?
“From this perspective, one can top of the moral dignity of man it seeks of his personhood or how to manage his 6. Sec. 13: “The State recognizes the
recognize that the contemporary ‘crisis to pursue the very same principles that personal relationship with God. vital role of the youth in nation-building
of truth’ is rooted in a ‘crisis of faith.’ have failed. It is a criminal attempt to In the same manner that the State may and shall promote and protect their
Only through faith can we freely give give arsenic to a victim the proponents not tell a citizen how to think, how to physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual,
our assent to God’s testimony and purportedly want to save. feel, how to worship, how to hope, how and social wellbeing. It shall inculcate
acknowledge him as the transcendent The bill must be rejected for the to believe, it may not tell him how to in the youth patriotism and nationalism,
guarantor of the truth he reveals.” following specific reasons: love, and be loved, how to embrace his and encourage their involvement in
1. It does not have sufficient moral wife, or father her child. The State may public and civic affairs.”
Rigging the surveys basis; basis; neither promote nor prohibit the private Is this not yet another restatement of
Propaganda for HB 5043 is 2. It is contrary to the letter and use of contraceptives, without violating the policy on reproductive health and
unequivocally backed by opinion surveys spirit ofspirit of the Constitution;
the Constitution; the absolute privacy of the most intimate population development?
claiming popular support for the bill on 3. It is unnecessary; aspect of a couple’s family life. This is 7. Sec. 14: “The State shall recognize
the basis of patently deceitful questions 4. It is technically defective. the clearest reason why the State cannot the role of women in nation-building, and
which the entrepreneurial pollsters be a party to a program of contraception shall ensure the fundamental equality
have not been embarrassed to publish and sterilization.
No moral basis But while contraception and sterilization
before the law of women and men.”
on their website. It is an obvious ploy Every just law has a moral basis. Does this not proclaim the policy
calculated to give the impression that a are habitually mentioned together as on the empowerment of women,
For that reason, we cannot discuss
standing-room majority supports the bill, though they were of the same class, which includes reproductive health,
the validity of HB 5043 without first
no matter how morally and execrable contraception is usually temporary while responsible motherhood, and population
taking into account the moral principles
it is; an undisguised effort to indulge sterilization is permanent. Sterilization development?
concerning marriage and the marital act,
the theory that whatever the lynch mob also entails some bodily mutilation, and 8. Sec. 15. “The State shall protect
upon which the bill impinge.
is one of the atrocities associated with the and promote the right to health of the
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008

people and instill health consciousness restraints on the personal freedom group; it is to prevent their continued which need no legislation at all.
among them.” and property rights of persons for the reproduction that the proponents have HB 5043 is one outstanding example of
What else is this if not a clear protection of the public safety, health filed their bill. They want to cure poverty a proposed legislation that is completely
constitutional policy on the total health and morals or the promotion of the public by eliminating the poor. suspect, simply because its apparent
of men and women, and population convenience and general prosperity,” or, purpose is to legalize an illegal operation
development? “the exercise of the sovereign right of Completely unnecessary that has been going on for years.
9. Sec. 16. “The State shall protect a government to promote order, safety, According to the proponents, they want In place of this bill, what is needed
and advance the right of the people to security, health, morals and the general the bill passed because they want women is an enabling law that will implement
a balanced and healthful ecology in welfare within constitutional limits…” to have free access to all contraceptives the constitutional policy discussed
accord with the rhythm and harmony of There is nothing in HB 5043 that remotely and sterilization devices. This is less earlier, abolish the population control
nature.” resembles what is said here; the power HB than honest. apparatus imbedded in the government
Is this not a clear constitutional policy 5043 seeks to confer upon the State is quite What they purportedly want to give our structure, beginning with Popcom and
on our people’s right to an ecological simply the power of a police state. women, our women already have. They related offices at DOH and the various
approach to reproductive health, in In the Philippine Bar Association have long appropriated it for themselves LGU offices that have proliferated at
accord with the rhythm and in harmony forum, the author tried to point out that without having to get any permission grassroots level; and replace it with
with nature? the bill does not violate Sec. 12 of Article from the Church or the State. a genuine pro-people anti-poverty
10. Sec. 17. “The State shall give II of the Constitution because under Access to contraceptives and sterilization program that provides real health care
priority to education, science and a State program of contraception and is free and unrestricted. Despite the and out-of-school training for youth and
technology, arts, culture and sports sterilization none of the actions of the WHO cancer-research finding that oral adults alike.
to foster patriotism and nationalism, State would be directed at any unborn contraceptives cause breast, liver and What is equally needed is a law that
accelerate social progress, and fetus, which it is its duty to protect. He cervical cancer, none of these items are will prohibit the unmonitored and
promote total human liberation and made it pointedly clear that the precise banned or even restricted by law. unregulated entry of funds from foreign
development.” purpose of the State program is to No oral contraceptive is labeled sources in pursuit of ideological causes
Is this not a clear constitutional mandate prevent conception. “cancer-causing” or “hazardous to that are inimical to the common good, the
for the total liberation and development That’s all that’s needed to seal the women’s health.” Even abortifacients national culture and the Constitution.
of our people from the insidious dictates coffin and lower HB 5043 to its grave. (drugs that induce abortion) are openly The defeat of HB 5043 should provide
of racial imperialist forces who want to In the most simple, understandable sold as plain contraceptives, without any a good starting point.
dictate the conduct of our most intimate language, this is what the author of the warning about their abortive qualities.
personal lives as a people? bill is saying: And no one is barred from getting Technically defective
Is the Constitution wrong in declaring He recognizes that the State shall sterilized, through tubal ligation or We have thus far shown that HB 5043
these as “State policies?” “equally protect the life of the mother and vasectomy, if they want it. is unnecessary and lacks any moral and
the life of the unborn from conception.” Neither is there need for a government constitutional leg to stand on. There
More pro-family provisions So he is determined that the State program to be put in place, assuming may be no real need to discuss its flawed
If these are not sufficient, will it help not harm any fetus that has already there were no insurmountable moral provisions. But just to complete the
to read the whole of Article XV entitled implanted upon the mother’s womb, and constitutional objections to it. analysis, we shall proceed to examine
The Family? It provides: for that would be abortion. But the bill The program is already there. It was the technical aspects of the bill.
Section 1. The State recognizes the is determined that the State, through initiated in the 1970s and has never been
Filipino family as the foundation of the contraception and sterilization, prevent disturbed, despite the promulgation of W here did THE BILLS come
nation. Accordingly, it shall strengthen any fetus from reaching implantation the pro-life and pro-family Constitution from?
its solidarity and actively promote its stage, which to the author is the in 1987, which rendered the official This question has to be asked without
total development. beginning of conception. population control apparatus illegal. any intent to cast aspersion on anyone,
Sec. 2. Marriage, as an inviolable social In 1976, while I was in the Cabinet, for a very simple reason. Several RH bills
institution, is the foundation of the family The fertilization-implantation my wife gave birth to our fourth child in were filed in both Houses of Congress at
and shall be protected by the State. muddle a well-known hospital. As I prepared to about the same time, by various authors.
Sec. 3. The State shall defend: What we are hearing here is an go near my wife, a nurse presented me Despite this fact, the bills tended to
The right of spouses to found a family ideological revision of the medical with a form to sign. I asked what it was, sound alike, in content and in style, as
in accordance with their religious consensus on the beginning of life. and she said it was a consent form for though they had been produced by one
convictions and the demands of It begins at conception, says the my wife’s tubal ligation. I blew my top particular source.
responsible parenthood; Constitution, and medical science and spoke to the hospital chief. There I They are, in fact, casually and openly
The right of children to assistance, has long held this means fertilization. learned that the DOH was paying nurses attributed to the technical staff of the
including proper care and nutrition, Fertilization is completed within 24 for every tubal ligation. PLCPD, mentioned earlier. PLCPD is
and special protection from all forms hours; four days later, the multicellular As a senator on the Congressional not a formal creation of Congress, but
of neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation, human embryo known as blastocyst Health Commission during the Ramos “a non-stock, non-profit foundation
and other conditions prejudicial to their moves across the uterus for two days presidency, I saw that in many hospitals dedicated to the formulation of viable
development; and anchors itself to the surface lining and clinics they did not even have the public policies requiring legislation
The right of the family to a family (epithelium) of the endometrium (the merest alcohol or cotton to dress a on population management and socio-
living wage and income; and mucous membrane lining the womb wound, but they were up to their ears in economic development.”
The right of families or family which thickens during the menstrual pills and condoms. In plain language, PLCPD has
associations to participate in the planning cycle in preparation for the possible At the 1994 ICPD in Cairo, then assigned itself the task of “formulating
and implementation of policies and implantation of an embryo. DOH Secretary Johnny Flavier, as chief viable public policies on population”
programs that affect them. At least seven medical textbooks agree Philippine delegate to the conference, for the government, and coursing its
HB 5043 is a shotgun attack on all the on this definition.39 However, the anti- overwhelmed his audience of NGOs proposed legislation through members
above quoted provisions. reproduction lobby says it begins upon when he told them how he had been able of Congress.
In various forums, the principal author implantation. The obvious intention is to to distribute tons and tons of condoms This is beyond the contemplation
and now sponsor of HB 5043 has proudly allow the use of abortifacients without and pills throughout the country just by of the Constitution when it conferred
claimed that his bill finds support in being seen to commit abortion, even after piggy-backing on CARE, while it was legislative powers upon Congress.
paragraph 16 of the Proclamation of “fertilization” has been completed. distributing food relief. He became a Under the provisions of the Foreign
Teheran, adopted by the International bigger hero to his audience when he told Agents Act of 1979, the representatives
Conference on Human Rights at Teheran The protector as destroyer them that he had found a very effective of PLCPD must first register as foreign
on May 13, 1968. He never quotes the But whether life begins at fertilization way of dealing with priests and clerics--- agents before they could lobby Congress
paragraph, but it reads as follows: or upon implantation is not the issue make them mad by making fun of them. on any issue. There is no showing that
“16. The protection of the family and here. The only issue here is that the State, And the program simply continued from they have done so.
of the child remains the concern of the whose constitutional duty it is to equally one DOH Secretary to another. But “formulating policies” for the
international community. Parents have protect the life of the mother and the life The only thing that has probably government and drafting the pertinent
a basic human right to determine freely of the unborn from conception, is even changed is the ratio of funds coming bills go far beyond lobbying. This raises
and responsibly the number and the more committed to prevent any unborn from the foreign population controllers certain questions of accountability on the
spacing of their children.” from being conceived at all. The author as against those being squeezed out of part of the parties, but this also seems
The paragraph repudiates and rebukes, has admitted as much, and with great the national government. This year’s P2 to raise a question about the bill itself.
rather than supports, the position of HB panache too, obviously because he does billion for reproductive health and family Does this not vitiate the integrity of the
5043 on the proposed usurpation by the not realize the necessary implication. planning in the General Appropriations bill?
State of the sacred and inviolable right Act (GAA) is quite a hefty sum; the
of parents to determine the number and proposed P3.4 billion for 2009 is even
Qualified genocide Were the Constitution and the
spacing of their children. heftier.
There exists a very real danger that,
No RH law was ever needed to put in Rules of the HOUSE FOLLOWED
with sufficient coercion, a State program
Police power or police state? these continuing appropriations for RH in hearing the bill?
of contraception and sterilization could Section 3 (4), Article XV of the
The same author and sponsor also and family planning. Clearly, HB 5043
succeed well beyond the proponents’
proclaims, even in learned company, is not necessary for anything, including Constitution provides: “The State
expectations. That could render the
that the State has a right to intervene in those programs which appear to be shall defend the right of families or
government criminally liable under
the most intimate aspect of the family completely unobjectionable, like the family associations to participate in the
the Convention on the Prevention and
life of married couples, by virtue of its hiring of more midwives and setting planning and implementation of policies
Punishment of Genocide of Dec. 9, 1948.
“police power.” up of basic and emergency obstetrics and programs that affect them.”
That convention classifies as “genocide” Sec. 34 of the Rules of the House
The simplest definition of “police care facilities in every barangay, the
measures intended “to prevent births”
power” by Black’s Legal Dictionary promotion of breastfeeding and better likewise provides that “the committees or
within a certain group of people.
says: “The power of the State to place nutrition for infants and nursing mothers, sub-committees, through their respective
In this case the poor constitute the target Committee Secretariats, shall undertake
C8 CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008

measures to ensure that public notices the mandatory sex education of children will not help the media recover their lost Work Conditions Affecting their Health; SBN 1299,
An Act to Protect the Right of the People to Informa-
and/or announcements regarding the from Grade V until high school. This is integrity and independence. tion about Reproductive Health Care Services.
conduct of any of its meetings of public a usurpation of the right of parents to be • The bill contains a draconian penal 3 Michael Schooyans, Birth Control and Demo-
graphic Imposion, in Lexicon, Human Life Interna-
hearings are issued at least three (3) the primary educators of their children. section for every possible violator, but is tional, Front Royal, Virginia, 2006
days before said meeting, conference or Also void. But the program is already in completely silent about pharmaceutical 4 Gerard-Francois Dumont, Les evolutions demo-
hearing. They shall undertake measures place, without a legal mandate, and with firms which may distribute harmful graphiques dans le monde, Paper read at Pastoral
and Theological Congress, World Meeting of
and establish systems to ensure that highly alarming initial results. Must be contraceptives, and medical practitioners Families, Valencia, Spain, July 2006
constituencies, sectors or groups whose scrapped altogether. who may prescribe the same or 5 Cited in Michael Schooyans’s Birth Control and
welfare and interests are directly affected • The bill seeks to make reproductive intentionally or accidentally injure any Demographic Implosion, Lexicon, Human Life
International, Front Royal Virginia, 2006
by measures to be discussed are able to health products and services available to person’s reproductive health. 6 Estimates are based on monetary values be-
participate in these meetings or public everyone who wants them, without regard • The bill fails to make a fore the 2008 breakdown of the global financial-
monetary system.
hearings. Meetings and public hearings to age or civil status, and without need of distinction between abortifacients and
7 These include American Samoa, Aruba, Bah-
shall be open to the public subject to parental consent, in the case of minors. contraceptives, and fails to take a stand rain, Barbados, Belgium, Bermuda, El Salvador,
reasonable regulations in the interest of This is contrary to public morals. against bodily mutilation as a necessary Gibraltar, Guam, Hong Kong, Israel, Japan, South
Korea, Lebanon, Macau, Maldives, Malta, Mauritius,
security, order, and the safety of persons • While the bill concedes the element of sterilization. Mayotte (France), Monaco, Nauru, Netherlands,
in attendance.” constitutional ban on abortion, it compels Netherlands Antilles, Puerto Rico, Saint Lucia, Saint
Vincent & the Grenadines,San Marino, Singapore,
On April 29, 2008, the House health providers to provide reproductive Salvaging the invalid bill Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Virgin Islands (US)
committees on Health and on Population health services to an “abused pregnant However, if the House wants to 8 These include Afghanistan, Benin, Burkina Faso,
Burma, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape
and Family Relations heard three RH minor” without need of parental consent, salvage the awesome effort that has Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic
bills. They announced a second hearing even though there is no showing that been expended in trying to pass a highly Republic of the Congo, Cote D’Ivoire, Djbouti, Gam-
bia, Gaza Strip, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau,
for May 21, 2008. On such date, the the parents are the abusers, and to unconstitutional bill, it could at this Guyana, Kenya, Kosovo, North Korea, Kyrgyzstan,
committees met as scheduled, but a reproductive health patient “in an point consider replacing HB 5043 with
Laos, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Maurita-
nia, Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Mozambique,
instead of allowing representatives of emergency or serious case.” What a morally and constitutionally sound bill Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua
New Guinea, Saint Helena (UK), Sao Tome and
various organizations to participate, the reproductive health care service can which could propose the following: Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands,
chairman announced that all three bills, possibly be contemplated in these 1. That married couples be free to Somalia, Sudan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Timor Leste,
Togo, Tokelau (NZ), Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe
plus a fourth one, had been consolidated situations, except abortion? practice family planning according to 9 De Vera, Roberto, Economic Paper, 15 Sept.
into a substitute bill, which would now • While the law on abortion and their moral and religious beliefs, using 2008
be reported out. prostitution stands, the bill talks of methods that are safe, legal and not 10 Among the rich countries, Monaco has the high-
There was no prior motion, or managing post-abortion complications contrary to public morals, without any
est median age, 45.5 years, the United States the
lowest, 36.7 years. Japan has 43.8 years; Germany,
instruction from the Joint Committees to and treating and counseling those who coercion or intimidation from any third 43.4; Italy, 42.9; Finland, 41.8; Sweden, 41.3; Spain,
40.7; Demark, 40.3; Canada, 40.1; Netherlands, 40;
consolidate the bills. The substitute bill have undergone an abortion in “a humane, party; United Kingdom, 39.9; France, 39.2; Norway, 39;
simply surfaced at the May 21 meeting, non-judgmental and compassionate 2. That the State neither prohibit nor
Singapore, 38.4. China, the world’s fastest growing
economy, has 33.6.
and approved for transmittal to plenary manner,” without any obligation on the promote any specific family planning 11 Illustrative are Uganda with 15 years; Mali, 15.8;
on Second Reading. Upon interpellation part of the health provider to determine method, but make sure that only such Democratic Republic of the Congo, 16.3; Sao Tome
and Principe, 16.3; Chad, 16.4; Niger, 16.4; Yemen,
on the Floor, the sponsor said the authors whether the abortion was spontaneous or methods which are safe, legal and not 16.7; Zambia, 16.9; Mozambique, 17.4; Somalia,
of the component bills did the work induced, and to report to the police any contrary to public morals be used by duly 17.5; Sierra Leone, 17.5; Tanzania, 17.8; Swaziland,
18; Togo, 18.6; Rwanda, 18.7; Nigeria, 18.7; Sudan,
of consolidating, instead of the usual indication of a crime. licensed health providers; 18.9; Oman, 18.9
Technical Working Group, which is • In proposing to make reproductive 3. That to safeguard and protect 12 Laborem Exercens, Encyclical on Human Work,
14 September 1981
normally created by the Committee or health services available to “women in the health and wellbeing of women,
13 Gary Becker, Human Capital: A Theoretical
Committees for that purpose. No one prostitution,” the bill seeks to give the government require contraceptives and Empirical Analysis, with Special Reference to
questioned this statement. But there is effective recognition to prostitution as manufacturers to disclose all possible Education, University of Chicago Press, Chicago,
1993 3rd ed
nothing on record to show that the Joint a legal profession, contrary to the law side effects of their products, and to label 14 Julian Simon, The Ultimate Resource, Princeton
Committees, which had assumed control which punishes it as a crime. those that could induce cancer and other University Press, 1998 Revised
of the bills, ever directed the authors • Requiring CBAs to provide diseases accordingly; 15 Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass and
to do this work. The open talk in the reproductive health services for 4. That the State impose a strict
What Alice Found There, Macmillan, London, 1872,
p. 124
House is that the PLCPD staff crafted employees could prove deceptively distinction between abortifacients 16 Thomas Robert Malthus, An Essay on the
HB 5043. attractive to women employees, but and contraceptives and prohibit the Principles of Population, as quoted by Jacqueline
Kazun, The War Against Population, Revised and
The lack of sufficient hearing was could be used by employers to make sure manufacture, distribution, sale and Updated Edition, Ignatius Press, San Francisco,
brought to the attention of the Speaker no women employees get pregnant and use of abortifacients anywhere in the 1999

of the House and the Chairman of the avail of maternity benefits during their Philippines; 17 Kazun, The War Against Population, quoting
Galton, Karl Pearson and Allan Chase
Committee on Rules and Majority employment 5. That the government establish 18 Ibid
Leader in a letter dated June 2, 2008 by • Requiring couples to obtain a basic and emergency obstetric facilities 19 Ibid
Most Rev. Angel Lagdameo, Archbishop certificate of compliance from the family in every barangay and promote breast- 20 Ibid
of Jaro, president of the Catholic planning office before they could get feeding and proper nutrition especially 21 Steven Mosher, Population Control: Real Costs,
Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines a marriage license subjects marriage, for women and children nationwide, Illusory Benefits, Transaction Publishers, New
(CBCP) and Most Rev. Paciano Aniceto, whose sanctity is guaranteed by the even without need of legislation;
Brunswick, US, and London, 2008
22 Kasun, The War Against Population
Archbishop of San Fernando, Pampanga Constitution, and which is protected by 6. That the State encourage and 23 Ibid
and chairman of the CBCP Commission the Universal Declaration of Human support community-based and family- 24 Mosher, Population Control
on Family and Life. Rights, to unnecessary and capricious initiated programs for the adult education 25 Schooyans, Birth Control and Demographic Im-
That letter was never answered despite administrative requirements. of men and women on parenting and plosion in Lexicon, Human Life International, Front
the clear provision of Sec. 5 (a) of Under the Civil Code, the requirement the development of the moral and civic Royal, Virginia, 2006

Republic Act 6713, otherwise known of a marriage license is waived and the character of their children. The State 26 Mosher, Population Control

as the Code of Conduct and Ethical marriage is solemnized without such has a duty to make sure that more and 27 Ibid

Standards for Public Officials and license, if the residence of either party more men and women acquire a basic 28 Ibid

Employees, requiring the officials is so located that there is no means of knowledge of their reproductive systems 29 Ibid

concerned to reply to that communication transportation to enable such party to so that they could plan their own families 30 Ibid

and inform the authors thereof of the appear personally before the local civil 31 This writer first stumbled into the contents of this
more confidently in a natural way, by secret document and gave an interview to a U.S
action taken relative to their complaint registrar. This shows how the law tries taking advantage of the woman’s fertility publication and a radio program, long before it was
officially declassified.
“within fifteen (15) working days from to make it easier for couples of legal age cycle, rather than by resorting to artificial
32 Mosher, Population Control
receipt thereof.” Violation of the law to get married. This proposal takes the methods that are physically and morally
33 CEDAW stands for the 1979 Convention on the
carries a penalty of a fine not exceeding law in the opposite direction. harmful. Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against
the equivalent of six months’ salary or • A two-child family proposal— Women.

suspension from office not exceeding even without any overt coercive 34 These include Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Co-
lombia, Ecuador, Eritrea, Ethiopia, France, Ghana,
one year or outright removal, depending action—has no place in a democratic 25 October 2008 Honduras, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica,
on the gravity of the offence. society. Each couple decides the ideal Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Luxem-
bourg, Malaysia, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico,
The author of the bill has since size of their own family. This is an Notes: Moldova, Morocco, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Nica-
ragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Paraguay, Peru,
explained that HB 5043 had been filed internationally protected right. The 1 This is a revised and updated version of the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Saint Lucia, Saint
and heard in several previous congresses, proposal is anathema. article which first appeared in September 2008
der the title, “The Truth and Half-Truths About Re-
Vincent & the Grenadines, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Si-
erra Leone, Suriname, Sweden, Syria, Togo, Turkey,
which had however failed to enact it into • The Popcom should be abolished productive Health.” The new title takes off from United Kingdom, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Zimbabwe
“Human Rights and Reproductive Wrongs,”
law. Assuming that to be true, it still rather than enlarged. Its legal mandate the title of a chapter in Steven Mosher’s book, 35 These include Quezon City, Antipolo, and
General Santos; the provinces of Aurora, Ifugao,
does not comply with the constitutional has lapsed, having been overtaken by Population Control, Transaction Publishers, New
Mountain Province, Sulu and Lanao del Sur;
Brunswick, US, and London, 2008
requirement. Every bill that fails to get the pro-life and pro-family provisions of the municipalities of Tinoc, Sagada, Lagawe,
2 IHBl 5043 consolidates H.B. 17, Responsible Par- Asipulo, Bontoc and Paracelis in Luzon; Talibon,
enacted during a particular Congress dies Articles II and XV of the Constitution. enthood and Population Development Act of 2007, Ubay and Carmen in Bohol, Llorente and May-
at the end of that Congress, and if filed • A health delivery van for every H.B. 812, The Reproductive Health Care Act, and dolong in Eastern Samar, Lebak and Kapatagan
H.B. 2753, The Women’s Right to Know, HB 3970, in Mindanao.
again in the next Congress, must start all congressional district does not need any An Act Providing for Reproductive Health Care Struc-
36 John Rawls, A Theory of Justice, The Belknap
tures and Appropriating Funds Therefor.
over again as though it had never been special legislation; it could be provided Press of Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass,
The Senate bills include: SBN 40, An Act Provid- 1999
filed before. for under the Congress’ generous pork ing for Reproductive Health Care Structures and
37 Burke, Cormac, Authority and Freedom in the
So much for the procedural question. barrel system. Appropriating Funds Therefor; SBN 43, An Act
Church, Four Courts Press, Dublin, 1988
Creating a Reproductive Health and Population
Let us look at the major proposals: • An intensified multi-media Management Council for the Implementation of an 38 Cf. Cormac Burke, Marriage and Contraception,
• We have commented sufficiently campaign to raise the level of awareness Integrated Policy on Reproductive Health Relative
to Sustainable Human Development and Population
in Why Humanae Vitae Was Right, Ignatius Press,
San Francisco, 1993
on the lack of moral and constitutional about reproductive health will subject Management and for Other Purposes; SBN 187,
39 Butterworths Medical Dictionary, 2nd ed; Gould
An Act Establishing an Integrated Population and
support for the proposed State program young and old to even more intense Development Policy, Strengthening Its Implementing Medical Dictionary, 4th ed; Stedman’s Medical Dic-
tionary, 26th ed; Harrup’s Dictionary of Medicine
of contraception and sterilization. The brainwashing about counter-cultural Mechanisms and for Other Purposes; SBN 622, An
Act to Protect the Right of the People to Information and Health; Mellon’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary;
proposal is void ab initio. values which have brought about so About Reproductive Health Care Services; SBN Oxford Concise Medical Dictionary; Pearce Medi-
cal and Nursing Dictionary and Encyclopedia.
• We have likewise commented on much materialism and hedonism. It 1258, An Act Granting Women the Right to Know
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008

The News Supplement of

Couples for Christ

Growing in the desert

The region and the first to have predominantly Indian mem- with its own vision statement, embodying the setting, flexibility in terms of community work in
The Middle East collectively refers to the coun- bers. Until now, it has remained the only area in very essence of CFC in the Middle East. This the country, large community population, and
tries of Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, the region to have non-Filipino leaders spearhead- will be the driving force for the region to pursue availability of resources in the area, the United
Kuwait, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, ing its community life. greater service for the Lord in the years to come, Arab Emirates will serve as the host and central
Yemen, and the states and emirates along the CFC was established in Yemen (the 56th CFC most especially until its 25th year of existence hub for the regional office.
southern and eastern fringes of the Arabian Pe- country) and Lebanon (the 69th CFC Country) in 2017. The CFC-ME Regional Mission Office will serve
ninsula, namely, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and the in 1999. CFC came to Qatar in January 6, 2000, as the link among all countries within the region
United Arab Emirates. making it the 73rd CFC country. CFC Bahrain Regional Mission Office and the CFC Global Mission Center in Manila. Di-
Islam is still by far the largest and main religion extended support in establishing the commu- In order to unify all efforts and hasten the rectly in charge of the office is the Regional Mission
in the region, which is evident in the culture and nity there, starting with 6 couples, 3 handmaids, ever-growing service needs within the region, Coordinator, Noli Manuel, with Leo Verdolaga
lifestyle of the locals in the area. But as most 11 servants, and 2 singles. The community has the CFC Middle East Regional Mission Office was acting as consultant and elder-in-charge, and Sam
countries have opened their doors to industrial now grown to around 700 members comprising established this year. With its strategic geographic Manuel as secretariat.
and business developments, trade and foreign all ministries. Qatar is also home to the biggest
relations, they have welcomed other religions as Servants of the Lord community in terms of
well, even Christianity. However, Catholic organi- population.
zations can co-exist only for as long as there is a Also in the year 2000, CFC came to Iraq (the 77th
Catholic Church in the country to support it. CFC country) and Jordan (the 78th CFC country).
Finally, in 2001, CFC was established in Syria, mak-
CFC: An oasis of hope ing it the 85th CFC country worldwide.
Couples for Christ continues to grow in the Mid-
dle East, an oasis amid the desert. Beyond borders
The United Arab Emirates is the first country CFC in the Middle East, with its strategic geo-
in the region, and the 11th country globally, to graphic location, has extended its evangelization
welcome CFC. The UAE is composed of seven work to other areas in the Indian Sub-Continent,
Emirates (States) – Abu Dhabi (its capital), Dubai, Central Asia, and, recently, to East and Central
Sharjah, Ajman, Ras Al Khaimah, Fujeirah, and Africa. It has adopted mission areas to nourish and
Umm Al Quain. From 13 couples in Dubai, the area to support, among them Sri Lanka, Bangladesh,
has now grown to over 3,000 members comprising Nepal, and Seychelles.
all ministries across the seven emirates, making CFC Middle East continues to take on the
the UAE the biggest in the Middle East in terms challenge of conquering more territories out-
of community population to date. side the region, most especially in Central Asia
Bahrain followed suit in 1993 as the 13th CFC (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan), and East and Central
country globally, followed by Egypt (the 20th CFC Africa, such as Eritrea, Sudan, Chad, Uganda,
country), and Oman (the 23rd CFC country) in and Ethiopia.
1995, Israel (the 33rd CFC country) in 1996, and In the recent Mission Conference held in
Libya (the 45th CFC country) in 1998. Dubai, UAE, represented by top leaders in the
Kuwait became the 55th CFC country in 1998, region, the community was able to come up

Two decades in CFC

GARNET and I have had the privilege to be part of the global the 14th CFC Anniversary in Manila, where we spent 10 days in walked in and introduced myself. I was received with love and
community of Couples for Christ (CFC) for over two decades. the Philippines, from 18 to 28 June 1995. This was the largest-ever affection. It was a very smooth transition. Thereafter, it was again
This long journey began way back in March 1988, in Mumbai, gathering of a prayer group we had attended and there were just a a journey of spiritual growth in the company of Filipino brothers
when, after a Sunday morning Mass, Joe and Clare D’Souza handful of non-Filipinos. However, the very powerful praise and and sisters. After about a year, I was appointed Chapter Head of
invited us to join a movement for married couples. They did worship with soul-capturing music and hymns rendered in one voice the first Servants of the Lord (SOLD) Chapter. All I could do was
not give much detail in that short encounter. However, as had a very great impact on Garnet and me. thank the Lord for this privilege; I wondered if there was a Filipino
Garnet and I were very keen on building and maintaining a That was indeed a turning point in our lives, and we decided to CFC chapter anywhere in the world with a non-Filipino chapter
strong couple-relationship and having attended a Marriage dedicate the rest of our lives to the Lord in and through Couples for head! My interaction with the brothers in the SOLD enabled me to
Encounter (ME) weekend a year earlier, we decided to go and Christ. The interaction with our Filipino brothers and sisters during know more about Filipinos and the Filipino culture. I was touched
see what it was all about. our Manila visit gave us a feeling of closeness. by the dedication of the leaders in giving their time, talent, and
On the appointed evening, six couples met at Joe and Clare’s After we returned to India, fully charged with the CFC vision treasure to build up God’s Kingdom in the Arab land against so
residence. It did not have the semblance of a spiritual or prayer and mission, the CJLOW leadership asked if Garnet and I would many adversities. As there were regular visits by top leaders from
group but had a social ambience. Joe and Clare informed the be willing to take up headship of CFC Mumbai as Chapter Leaders. CFC Manila, I could perceive the richness of the Community and
gathering that they belonged to the covenant community “Com- We certainly did not know what it entailed but only saw it as God’s the great responsibility God has handed down to it.
munity of Jesus Light of the World” (CJLOW) and that the com- invitation to serve Him more intently. With due apprehensions In August 2004, my wife Garnet and our youngest son Chris-
munity was starting a program for married couples. They gave but with total faith in God, we responded positively. God really toswin joined me in Dubai, so I was shifted to serve with the
us a general idea of the Christian Life Program (CLP), which blessed this move and CFC India grew rapidly. In October 1999, I couples. Garnet and I were urged to start a separate chapter for
would go on for 12 weeks or more, but it did not make much gave up my job as the general manager of a company and Garnet Indian couples. We had a CLP exclusively for six Indian couples,
sense to us. We were devout and practicing Catholics and keen and I dedicated our full time to the service of the Lord, both in the though the speakers were Filipinos. Since then we have been hav-
to be part of a prayer group for married couples, but I had my ap- Community and in the Family Commission of the Conference of the ing periodic Indian CLPs. While we are getting new members, the
prehensions about being able to attend regular weekly meetings Catholic Bishops of India (CCBI) sustenance level has been low, mostly because the members do not
because I was then in active service in the Indian Navy. We did In 2001, we had a financial crisis as we lost over one million Indian attend the common programs like general assemblies and teach-
not give any assurance of returning to the meeting the following rupees due to the collapse of a housing scheme that we had invested ing nights. They find it difficult to integrate with the Filipinos,
week. However, as the week in. We could only turn to the mostly due to the members’ tendency to speak only Tagalog to
approached, we felt an inner Lord and cry our hearts out. The each other and to segregate themselves into Filipino-only groups
urge to go for “maybe just Lord did not abandon us. Out of during such sessions. Currently, we have two couple households
one session.” Our reluctant the blue, I received a phone call and two SFC households and a SFC CLP is in progress.
start was transformed into an from a CFC member informing In 2005 I was appointed a member of the CFC International
unbroken momentum and we me of a job opportunity in Dubai. Core of Elders (ICE), which was constituted to enlist non-Filipino
successfully graduated in June As I was 53 years by then, I was CFC leaders in various countries. In June 2006 Garnet and I
1988, forming the first CFC apprehensive about securing the attended the CFC Silver Jubilee celebrations in the Philippines
household in South Mumbai job. However, trusting in the and further strengthened our life and mission in the community.
under Joe and Clare. Lord, I went ahead and applied We also attended the very first gathering of the ICE. Today, as a
Right through the CLP, we and was interviewed in Mumbai. member of the UAE National Council, we interact with Filipino
did not know anything of With God with me, who can be brothers and sisters on a day-to-day basis. I get the feeling that I
CFC’s Philippine connections, against me? I secured the job am a human being with an Indian body and a Filipino spirit.
until Vic and Agnes Gutierrez with a fairly good package as it Any sharing on life in CFC is incomplete without a reference
came in late 1988 and gave us included furnished accommoda- to the crisis that the community faced in 2007. As Garnet and I
a talk on CFC Manila, stat- tion and company transport. It have grown tremendously in the community for so many years,
ing that it was an “outreach” took about four months for the we are indeed shell-shocked by the outcome of the crisis whereby
program of the Ang Ligaya visa to get processed and I ar- the community has been split into two. We remain committed to
ng Panginoon Community rived in the desert land on June the CFC and the International Council, which continues to hold
in the Philippines to which 19, 2001. My wife Garnet did not the Vatican approval for a private lay association.
the CJLOW affiliated. While join me. She stayed in Mumbai As Garnet and I have completed two decades in the commu-
we listened intently to the along with the children. nity, we are now looking forward to our Silver Jubilee in our
speakers from Manila, it did My first action was to get inte- service. May God give us the physical and spiritual strength
not make much sense to us grated into CFC Dubai. It did not and courage to reach this goal. We hope to return to India in
because the Philippines is a take me too long. On June 29, 2001, June 2010 and continue our service there. Meanwhile, we pray
faraway country and, until Vic after the evening Mass, I found a that the Filipinos to whom the Lord has given the mandate to
spoke to us, we had never met large gathering of Filipinos in the build up “Families in the Holy Spirit renewing the face of the
any Filipinos in our lives. St. Mary’s Church Mini Hall. A earth” work zealously and enthusiastically to fulfill God’s plan
In June 1995, we attended mega-CLP was in progress. I just for themselves and for families all over the world.
D2 Ugnayan CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008

By Joe Tale, CFC Executive Director

One Global Family

THE CFC expanded vision statement also defines CFC to be one united global family. For we are,
indeed. And what a blessing it is.
It is a blessing and a heartwarming moment to experience God’s presence in a real way among broth-
ers and sisters in different parts of the world. And so we devote this issue mostly to try to capture the
global oneness of the CFC family. The warmth and love among brethren, the vibrancy of worship, the
fun in fellowship, the experience of God working mightily in our lives – these are experiences similarly
shared across the CFC family anywhere in the world.
The second half of the year is typically when the different international areas hold their conferences
in line with the community’s theme for the year. These are done in a weekend patterned after the
Weekend first held for the Metro Manila Mission Core in January. If there is one common element that
describes our experience in these various conferences, it is that of affirmation.
Affirmation is a wonderful thing. An affirming word or gesture can uplift, encourage, gladden the heart.
It is such a feel-good thing that many of us consciously look for affirmation in many things we do.
Affirmation was what we felt in great measure in these recent conferences held in various parts of
the world. It was truly affirming to be with brethren who showed us in so many ways how glad they
were to be with us and with each other. The conferences, held within weeks of each other, and attended
by diverse nationalities, manifested the same vibrancy, the same new spirit of springtime that we have
been seeing everywhere. The spirit of being alive in the Spirit was so palpable one could actually feel
the lightness of the heart.
The common experience of the storm, and our equally common experience of coming out of that storm
reinvigorated for the mission, have made our bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood stronger. There is
a renewed sense of family. We have strengthened our relations with the Church. We have embraced
our mission and our role as family evangelizers with greater zeal and determination.
In this year of Loving One Another, as our theme for 2008 exhorts, we have indeed gone a long way
in learning the lessons of loving and discipleship. Beginning from the African Eucharistic Congress
held in Durban, South Africa in April where the African clergy came out openly in support of CFC and

our mission, there have been many gatherings that sought to generate these lessons.
North America (combined US and Canada) held their Conference in Miami, Florida on the last
weekend of July. Our brothers and sisters in the Carribean followed with their conference in St. Lucia
the first weekend of August. The CFC community in Australia and the Pacific Islands States had
their Oceania Conference in the last weekend of August in Sydney. The Middle East Conference was
convened in Bahrain late September, almost overlapping with the European Conference held in Milan,
Italy in the first weekend of October.
A number of countries also held their own Disciples’ Weekend, eager to experience first hand what
the weekend has to offer. These include Singapore, Indonesia, and New Zealand among others.
The various Family Ministries here and elsewhere, notably HOLD, also had their international con-
ferences, a number of them back-to-back with the CFC.
In all of these conferences, we were gladdened by the overflowing attendance, the sight of so many
brethren, singing and praising in one voice, united in purpose and heart. It was even more heartwarm-
ing to feel the embrace of brothers and sisters who came from far off lands, who shared their difficulties
in attending but whose determination to be present far outweighed their transportation and financial
problems. It is also significant that we were honored by the presence of the clergy and the religious
in these gatherings.
What do these tell us? That the CFC global family is alive and well, poised to move forward in
Christ, as our theme for 2009 states. That the challenges of the past year have not fazed us nor shaken
our faith. That we stand strong and faithful before our loving God.
We, in the International Council express our heartfelt thanks to the different areas and the brethren
who took care of us during our visits, providing not just transportation but also accommodations,
expressing support and always giving their love. We brought home many wonderful memories and
realizations, particularly the gift of affirmation. These have strengthened us, to move on, with faith
in our hearts, for we never walk alone. We thank the Lord for the blessing of one united global family
that is CFC.
God bless us all.

By Joe Yamamoto, Philippine Missions Director, International Council Member

Fishy Tales
JESUS recruited unlikely men to become apos- shepherds of the flock were the ones most strongly ond, once those called to be in CFC community By way of contrast, I read the story about an old
tles, and these very same unlikely men helped emphasized. Two encounters of Jesus with the are in, we act as shepherds by caring, nurturing, fisherman who intently observed a young lad who
change the world. It was off to a fishy start when apostles after His resurrection lent emphasis to the and mentoring them. These are two roles that all went about his merry way of fishing in a river one
He called Peter and Andrew, James and John, all particular missions given by the Lord. disciples are expected to follow. Two roles clearly day. Noticeably, the boy would yank in fish after
four fishermen partners, to come and follow him. Shortly after the post- Resurrection appearance emphasized by the Lord. Being disciples of Christ, fish but, oddly, he would throw back the bigger
It was rather out of the ordinary that the Great of Christ to the doubting Thomas, he showed him- all CFC members are firmly enjoined and asked to fishes. Unable to control his curiosity, the wizened
Carpenter recruited, of all classes of people, the self to the seven disciples along the Sea of Tiberias. serve joyfully. old fisherman asked the boy why he would throw
foursome brothers and friends who were all from Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.” In a local setting, I was reminded by the follow- back the bigger fishes, which were bigger than the
Galilee. In the olden times, Galilee was considered They said to him: “We also will come with you”. So ing story of the uniqueness of our community. span of the boy’s right hand. Confidently, the boy
a backward region compared, of course, to the they went out and got into the boat, but that night I heard it from a brother who just came from retorted, “I only keep the fishes that fit my 6-inch
great city of Jerusalem, the city of David and his they caught nothing. When it was already dawn, Mindanao. There is this one coastal area where frying pan”.
son Solomon. Jesus was standing on the shore, but the disciples our members are predominantly fishermen. One How many of us, fishers of men, are like the first
Contrary to the usual human wisdom, it was did not realize it was Jesus. He asked them if they night, when their catch was poor, they decided group of fishermen, who claim in faith the outcome
from Galilee that Jesus chose his first followers. had caught any fish and, unanimously, they an- to worship the CFC way and sang “Shine, Jesus, of their fishing expedition?
As he was walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw swered “no”. It was then that Jesus said to them: Shine”. A short while after putting out to sea, Or, how many of us, are just like the young boy
two brothers, Simon, who is called Peter, and his “Cast the net to the right side of the boat and you they dropped their nets. Their simple faith was who would limit the “catch” despite the bountiful
brother Andrew, casting a net into the sea; they will find them.” They cast therefore, and now they rewarded with a good catch. fishes surrounding us?
were fishermen. He said to them, “Come after were unable to draw it up for the great number
me, and I will make you fishers of men. At once of fishes. It was then that John said to Peter: “It is
they left their nets and followed him.” (Matthew the Lord”. Without question and without delay,
4:18-20). And, similarly, Jesus extended the same Peter acted by throwing himself into the sea. The
call to John and his brother James. other disciples, unable to haul the net full of fishes,
For the next three years of the public ministry of dragged the catch to the shore. (John 21:1-8)
Jesus, the rest of the original twelve apostles were The gospel emphasized important and notewor-
called in and trained at the foot of the Master. Jesus thy details; the net was full, it did not break, and
taught them spiritual lessons through dialogues, 153 large fishes were caught. The disciples recog-
discourses, and parables. He showed his many mir- nized the Risen Jesus because of that encounter.
acles and mentored them. On occasions, he rebuked Towards the conclusion of the gospel chapter,
and admonished them, particularly to emphasize Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Him. Pe-
the power of prayers. For the rest of the public ter answered affirmatively three times and, with
ministry of Jesus, they were all inseparable. every answer, Jesus told Peter: “Feed my lambs.
The four fishermen, perhaps, had some of the Feed my sheep”.
most unique lessons of discipleship. Remember Jesus in that one crucial encounter, stressed
the time when they caught nothing despite being the two important roles for the disciples­­--to be
out in the deep waters for the whole night and “fishers of men” and “shepherds of His flock”. As
came back to shore disheartened for they had fishers of men along the tradition of the apostles,
nothing to show for their hard work. It was an un- we Christians are to cast the net, no matter how
forgettable lesson when they were sent back to the uncertain or difficult the circumstances. We are
waters and, in the full light of a sunny day, were always expected to hold steadfast in faith, to bring
specifically instructed by a Carpenter to drop the in those who do not yet know Christ. The other
net from the right side of the boat. Lo and behold, role, as shepherds of the flock, we are to fulfill
they caught a whole lot of fish. Peter learned his when we start to take care and pastor those who
lesson, acknowledged his sinfulness, and never are already in the fold.
again doubted Christ. First, we are to fish; that is, to proclaim the
More than any other roles that the apostles gospel to the non-evangelized and invite them
were to perform, that of being ‘fishers of men’ and through the CLPs to come into community. Sec-
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008
Ugnayan D3

Handmaids After God’s Own Heart–

The 10th CFC-HOLD USA Conference shared their personal stories
gave strength and inspiration
that touched everyone.
Saturday evening was “Danc-
ing with the Stars” night. The
stars of the night were the
awardees that were given rec- Get the most out of your membership in CFC and its Family
ognition for having attended Ministries.
all 10 HOLD conferences. As
“red” is the color of “love”, the (√) Check the statement that applies to you.
delegates were all wearing red
or a touch of red. And as usual, (__) Do you have a PERSONAL PRAYER TIME, SCRIPTURE
they danced the night away as TIME, and OBSERVANCE OF THE SACRAMENTS?
only a Handmaid of the Lord This is most essential in our life in CFC! In prayers and
can. Flowers were the accent scripture readings, we are refined by the Lord and are able to
of the day as delegates wearing immerse in His will. Observing the sacraments regularly helps
beautiful and colorful flowers us attain the graces and mercies of Christ.
in their hair, and some on their
wrists and attire, were treated (__) Do you have a HOUSEHOLD?
to the last talk given by Sis. Didi The household is a venue for all the members to share and
Galsim. She expounded on how experience genuine brotherhood and sisterhood through the
wonderful and honorable it is regular weekly meetings. This is your spiritual nourishment
to be Handmaids after God’s group.
own heart. By this, one must
manifest the fruits of the Spirit (__) Do you attend the monthly GENERAL PRAYER
LOVE was in the air in San Di- The Friday night program unconditionally even in the -- love, joy, peace, patience, ASSEMBLIES (GPA)?
ego, California, where the 10th -- from the witty adlibs by the most difficult circumstances. kindness, generosity, faithful- During the monthly prayer assemblies, all the members of
CFC-Handmaids of the Lord emcees to the vibrant group Even when it seems impossible, ness, gentleness, and self-con- CFC and its Family Ministries in a particular area come together
USA Conference was held from presentations -- gave the del- love can endure all trials and trol. A flower represented each and share life’s victories, miracles, and blessings. The venue is
September 19 to 21, 2008. Close egates a taste of more to come. obstacles. These were proven of these. The event culminated rotated amongst the different parishes where CFC is present
to 400 delegates from all over the And indeed, “Love” further by the lives of the saints who with the delegates writing their in a certain Chapter/Cluster/Sector. During GPA week, there
country and a few from Canada flourished as the delegates were ordinary people just like individual commitment of love is NO household meeting.
and the Caribbean, greeted by gained more insights on God’s the rest of us but now serve -- one that can only come from
charming ladies in Filipiniana love through the powerful talks as models for the handmaids. the heart. (__) Do you serve?
attire with warm smiles of wel- and all the inspiring sharings The delegates also learned See you all in Colorado next Service in our community means allocating our time, talent,
come, were no doubt awed by that made all of us realize that despite the pains of lov- year for the 11th CFC-Hand- and treasure to enhance the work of evangelization. It can
this year’s theme: “Handmaids what love truly really is, that ing, love indeed conquers all. maids of the Lord USA Confer- come in different forms, like giving talks in CLPs, facilitating,
After God’s Own Heart”. love hurts, and how to love The various handmaids who ence! (Angie Barte) being members of the music ministry, participating in Gawad

Love rules in Milan

Kalinga (GK) builds, serving as part of a GK caretaker team,
going on mission, and getting involved in the different social


Trainings, teachings, retreats, and conferences allow us to
grow more in our service and personal life with God. These are
spiritual foundations that make us stronger in our conviction
LOVE came full circle for the Couples for Christ community when that of being unmistakably God’s creatures of love.
in the Lord. In these activities, we are also able to interact with
close to 450 participants celebrated the 10th CFC-Servants of the The second day (Saturday) of the conference saw the CFC gather-
our local and global CFC family.
Lord (SOLD) and 8th CFC-Handmaids of the Lord (HOLD) in ing with the SOLD brothers for the Disciples’ Weekend while the
Milan, Italy. The back-to-back European conferences were held HOLD sisters held their separate “Handmaids after God’s Own (__) Have you involved your children, siblings, and other
on October 3 to 5, 2008. Nicknamed the “twin conferences”, they Heart” conference. In the first talk, entitled “God is Love”, CFC relatives in CFC and its Family Ministries (KFC, YFC, SFC,
provided a glorious ending to a series of continent-wide love Executive Director Bro. Joe Tale reminded the brethren of how the HOLD, SOLD)?
celebrations that started with the CFC-Singles for Christ 10th love of the Lord Almighty broke through the night and carried us As we evangelize couples and others around us, we are also
Euroconference entitled @Home: Singles in God’s Own Heart, through our struggles, fears, tears, pain, and brokenness. Bro. Joe challenged because it is our core mission in the community to
which was held last July in the same majestic city. Aquilina, Senior Regional Coordinator for the Central Subregion, bring everyone in our own family aboard through the Family
The Milan conferences, aptly entitled “Disciples’ Weekend” for the then gave Talk 2 (New Commandment), which tackled, among Ministries. This is what will make us move as “Families in the
CFC and SOLD brethren, and “Handmaids after God’s Own Heart” others, the challenges we face in loving one another as a way of at- Holy Spirit Renewing the Face of the Earth.”
for the HOLD sisters, were undoubtedly among the most anticipated testing to our love for God. He emphasized the call to first love our
gatherings ever held in Europe. As early as March, brethren in neighbor whom we can see before we can even talk of loving God (__) Are you a committed supporter and advocate of
several areas, notably Vienna, whom we cannot not see. GAWAD KALINGA?
Austria, have already begun In Talk 3 (As Jesus Loved), Gawad Kalinga is the last frontier of our community. GK is
“imagining October” and Bro. Joey Mempin, CFC Aus- putting our faith into action and the ultimate fulfilment of our
securing hotel reservations. tria Country Coordinator, call to “Build the Church of the Poor.”
In total, 28 CFC areas from spoke about how God had
15 countries trooped to Milan called us to CFC to be wit- (__) Do you TITHE or contribute to the coffers of the
to affirm that the message of nesses living out His new com- community?
loving one another was heard mandment of loving one an- Our generosity in sharing our resources on a regular basis
loud and clear in the four cor- other, and how He made sure enables us to bring God’s love to more people and win more
ners of Europe. that we had a model to show souls for the Lord!
The presence of a sizable us the way—Jesus Christ. The
delegation from CFC Manila, final talk of the day, entitled Assessment Scheme: If you have…
which included three cou- “You are My Disciples” was 0-2 (√) - Are you still an active member of CFC? Pray and go
ples and six HOLD mission given by Bro. Rouquel Ponte, back to your commitment card. Talk to a CFC elder.
volunteers, made the already who is part of the CFC Inter- 3-5 (√) - Your life line is about to expire. Gas up! Have your
much-anticipated occasion national Council. He spoke one-on-one with your Household Head.
even more special. It was also about the emphatic message 6-8 (√) - Now, you are truly a blessing to this community!
the first time that several del- of the Lord Jesus Christ that Pray harder. The work has just begun.
egations included members of all men will know that we are
the clergy. CFC Monaco was accompanied by its spiritual adviser, His disciples if we have love for one another.
Fr. Carlo Adams. Fr. Rey Legayada, a Franciscan priest, joined the Meanwhile, the HOLD held parallel talks in their own confer- Even though the conferences ended past the usual lunchtime
delegation from CFC Madrid. Our brethren from Vicenza, Italy came ence. Sis. Mercy Ariles, a mission volunteer, opened the sessions closing, many brethren stayed on and continued talking among
with Fr. Paulino Bumanlag, who is currently helping them conduct with the first talk, “Love Makes Us One”. Talk 2, which was given themselves, openly expressing their gratitude to the host area for
their Christian Life Program. Fr. Emil Santos, the chaplain of the by Sis. Grace Buntag, had the intriguing title: “Love is …HOLD”. a wonderful job. For their truly inspiring talks, for providing the
Philippine Catholic Mission in Milan, was also present to support The sisters from Geneva presented Talk 3 in a unique zarzuela momentum of evangelization, and for drawing people back to the
the host area. The priests concelebrated the Sunday mass. (an art form during the Spanish period in Philippine history that caring hands of the CFC community, the Disciples’ Weekend and
The high level of enthusiasm among CFC brethren was clearly evi- is equivalent to a modern-day play). The day ended with Talk 4, Handmaids after God’s Own Heart conferences will be fondly re-
dent from the early hours of the conference. The celebrations opened “Love Conquers”, given by Sis. Rosie Tan. The CFC, the SOLD, and membered and talked about in CFC Europe for years to come.
with a Market Festival that showcased intricately adorned stalls filled the HOLD reunited later in the evening during a fellowship party Already the fruits of the back-to-back conferences are evident,
with expertly cooked delicacies from the origin countries. As expected, where everyone sang and danced to the love tunes of the famous with CFC France planning Echo conferences to be held early in 2009;
CFC Milan—the host area—satisfied everyone’s craving for delicious ‘70s Swedish singing group, ABBA. CFC Switzerland conducting its first-ever GK Recollection a week
pasta. But it was CFC France, which brought in various mouth-watering On Sunday, the celebration of the Holy Eucharist manifested the after the Milan celebrations; and CFC Italy undertaking simultane-
aperitifs, that bagged the first prize in the food fest competition. beautiful relationship and oneness of the CFC Europe community ous CLPs in various parts of Italy, including Vicenza, Turin, Como,
After CFC Europe Couple Coordinators Bro. Joe and Sis. Mila with the clergy. The mass was jointly celebrated by four priests, led and Milan. These and more are clear manifestations of the loving
Yamamoto, and CFC HOLD Europe Coordinator Sis. Didi Galsim by Fr. Charles Vella, the founder of the Cana Movement. This volun- nature of the CFC community, which has taken to heart the Lord’s
jointly announced the twin conferences open, CFC Italy Country Coor- tary organization within the Catholic Church in Malta helps couples commandment to love, all the way to the Netherlands—where the
dinator Bro. Elmer Pagdilao set the tone the conference by leading the prepare for marriage, counsels couples or individuals who are facing next conference will be held—and to the ends of the earth.
whole delegation in the “Love One Another” chant. This was followed difficulties in their relationships, and helps married
by the individual chants of the CFC areas in the various European couples strengthen their families.
languages. It was such a powerful display of God’s gift of love and After the Eucharistic celebration, Bro. Joe
speech that one could imagine the Tower of Babel in reverse! Yamamoto gave the last talk of the Disciples’ Week-
The first day of the conferences was even better as the “Love One end. Entitled “Lift High the Banners of Love”, the
Another” chant ushered in the “Crazy for Love” concert. The show talk focused on the Lord’s act of rekindling our
was a musical and comical narration of the different forms of love understanding of our call to discipleship. It was
and the immense human desire to love and be loved. Hosted by Sis. given in the context of how true love is defined—a
Mila Yamamoto, Myra Respicio, and Marivi Santos, the concert was willingness to forego our own lives for the sake of
doubtless one of the most unforgettable portions of the weekend as others, as expressed in John 15:13. On this note,
it showcased the musical and acting prowess of our CFC Europe Gawad Kalinga (GK), our community’s work for
brethren. Moreover, it provided an opportunity for brothers and sis- the poor, was re-launched among the CFC brethren.
ters from every corner of the continent to meet and have fellowship Bro. Joe Tale gave an update of the GK work through
with those whom they would usually only come to know through videos and asked for the commitment of the breth-
e-mails, especially the leaders of the CFC community. The French ren to work for the resurgence of GK support in the
phrase, egalité et fraternité (equality and fraternity), easily comes to European continent. The sessions concluded with
mind to describe the experience. the Country Coordinators and Area Heads raising
Despite the highly entertaining performances, the message of love and waving the flags of the different countries in
behind each song and dance number was not lost on the captivated Europe, and the Senior Regional Coordinators lift-
audience, all of whom could easily relate to the love situations being ing the CFC Europe banner. Afterwards, Bro. Joey
depicted in the musical skits. Indeed, this is a strong manifestation of Mempin led a vibrant praisefest—a perfect ending
the true nature of the brothers and sisters in the CFC community— to the joy-filled twin conferences.
D4 Ugnayan CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 22
October 27 - November 9, 2008

CFC leaders pay courtesy Northern Samar holds

call to Catarman Bishop first-ever Family
Ministries Congress ON their first mission
trip to Catarman, CFC
International Council
member Melo Villaroman,
ABOUT 200 leaders and coordinators of Couples for Christ (CFC) and its family ministries—Singles
his wife, and one of their
for Christ (SFC), Youth for Christ (YFC), Kids for Christ (KFC), Handmaids of the Lord (HOLD),
sons had the opportunity
and Servants of the Lord (SOLD)—gathered at the Farmers’ Training Center of the University of
to meet the Bishop of the
Eastern Philippines in Catarman on October 18, 2008 for the province’s first-ever Family Ministries
Diocese of Catarman, the
Congress. The main objective of the event was to strengthen the family ministries in the province
Most Reverend Emmanuel
by promoting appreciation and concern for these ministries among the CFC leaders.
C. Trance. The meeting,
The congress started at 9:00 in the morning with a worship led by the YFC Provincial Coordinator.
which took place at 4:00 in
This was followed by Nonoy Dela Cruz, Provincial Head of the Family Ministries, formally opening
the afternoon of October
the whole-day activity. International Council member Melo Villaroman then gave the first talk of the
17, 2008 at the Diocesan
day, in which he stressed that
Catholic Center was also
the family min- istries are a bless-
attended by the Provincial
ing to CFC. He also elaborated
Area Director and some
on the need for family renewal
of the other Area Council
because of the family’s vital role
in God’s plan of salvation. He
There was a pleasant ex-
passionately ex- horted the lead-
change of insights and sto-
ers to become good examples
ries. While Bishop Trance
for the youth and discussed
talked about the presence and active involvement of CFC in the programs of the Diocese, Melo Vil-
the need to strengthen the
laroman, in turn, updated him on the current developments and events within the CFC community,
family min- istries, particu-
particularly its continuing recognition as a lay organization by the Pontifical Council of the Laity. He
larly the SFC, the YFC, and the
also took the meeting as an opportunity to invite Bishop Trance to give a talk at the Mission Core
KFC, who to- gether represent
Gathering in Manila on any third Tuesday in the coming months.
the future of CFC.
Even though the meeting lasted only for about an hour and a half, it was worthwhile for everyone
During the second session,
present. For his part, Melo Villaroman said he was inspired by the warm welcome that the Bishop af-
Bro. Melo talked about the
forded them and by how far the Bishop has already gone to know and support the work and mission
five priorities of the CFC Fam-
of CFC. The Area Council later informed him that, albeit irregularly, he and the other CFC leaders in
ily Ministries. He mentioned some of the best practices that the SOLD and the SFC are already
the area meet with the Bishop for breakfast or dinner fellowship. Bishop Trance graciously blessed the
doing to sustain their work and mission. His wife, Nini, also shared about some best practices
group before they left the Diocesan Catholic Center that day. (Alvin Ignacio)
of the HOLD and the KFC while his son, Dave, talked of the YFC’s best. To prepare the family

GK marks 5!
ministries coordinators for the workshop that was to follow later in the afternoon, Bro. Melo also
presented sample templates of action plans.
The afternoon workshop lasted for about an hour and, by 3:00, every group was ready with
its output. All the family ministries took turns in enthusiastically presenting the best practices
and action plans that they came up with during the workshop. The CFC leaders, who together
GAWAD Kalinga , one formed one group, also presented their strategies on further strengthening the family ministries
of the many works of in the province. They laid out their suggestions to the coordinators, among which is the request
Couples for Christ for to occasionally hold assemblies in which all family ministries would be present.
total human liberation The Congress ended with a prayer of recommitment and a praisefest to acknowledge the Lord’s
involved in providing goodness in having gifted CFC with the family ministries and for providing all that was needed
solutions to the to hold the successful event.
problems of poverty

Fearless men of God

not only in our country
but globally, celebrated
its 5th anniversary
last October 11 at Fort
Bonifacio in Taguig HOW do you train fearless warriors for the bers have to learn as one of the strengths in their
City. It was attended Lord? Warriors who would not hesitate to wage daily lives. There is something special when men
by thousands of GK battle against the enemy no matter what the come together as brothers. It is during these times
residents, GK 1MB cost. Warriors whom you could also relate to as when men can talk about things that can only be
volunteers, partners brothers. Warriors willing to obey the call of the discussed among close relations.
from the government, Lord to bring all men to the Kingdom. As such, a SOLD member has to learn how to
corporate, academe, For the more than 200 members of the Servants react to the different situations that play out before
NGOs, and other of the Lord (SOLD), this was the training they him every day. Sometimes they will be confronted
religious organizations. All united in a shared dream and love for God and country. got in the just concluded SOLD Luzon Confer- with the problems and struggles of other brothers.
The weekend was highlighted with several events. About 5,500 runners kicked-off the GK celebra- ence dubbed “True Men of God are Fearless”. It is during these times that they have to learn how
tions. 21K, 10K and 5K runners joined the GK-Adidas Marathon, an annual tradition which begun last The event was held last September 27 to 28 at the to face such situations.
year. The ‘Martsa ng mga Bayani’ was participated by a huge crowd, unfolding an amazing sight of Bethlehem Retreat Center in the scenic town of Several case studies that were taken out of real
GK residents with their caretaker teams, the rich, the poor, partners from the business circle, people Bacacay, Albay near the foot of the majestic Mt. life experiences were presented to the delegates.
from different sectors moving as one in a GK walk of friendship! Mayon, a volcano famous worldwide for its near Handling situations, such as homosexuality;
As part of the celebration, a Caretaker Summit was held at the Ateneo de Manila University, during perfect conical shape. adultery, and living together outside of mar-
which GK and the Ateneo Builders Institute officially launched The Field Book Manual. The manual is riage; addiction and drunkenness; desertion;
aimed at providing the science and system to the faith-based movement. Likewise, the first ever GK The fear factor borrowing and robbery were discussed by the
Mabuhay Pageant was another highlight of the celebration. GK’s very own Mabuhay Ladies from various Fear is a product of man’s environment and delegates who were divided into small groups
GK communities in Metro Manila came together to showcase the true beauty of the Filipino people. culture. It can become a shadow that attaches during the workshop facilitated by Bro. Joemar
Other activities were; Palarong Pambata – Biggest birthday party, Tambayan ng mga Bayani with itself to a person. However, with a healthy fear of Salumbides.
school and University Exhibits as well as the GK Designer Village showcasing the Architects of Hope the Lord ruling the heart, anyone can have a close “Leaders should pray for their members not
, Builders for Nation. relationship with the Lord that can help overcome because it is their job but rather out of love,” said
The GK1World Concert was held at the Fort Bonifacio grounds. Several Filipino world class artists all other fears. Bro. Robert Ardiente, SOLD Council member and
like Ryan Cayabyab, Cueshe, Gloc9, River Maya, Imago, 6Cycle Mind and Sponge Cola entertained a This is the first important thing the delegates Talk 3 speaker, who taught the delegates how to
mammoth crowd. Vice President Noli de learned from the conference: how to have the properly conduct counseling.
Castro likewise graced the event. Speaking courage to As in all of
about his friendship with GK he said, “True face and de- CFC and its
friendship brings about change in those feat the fear family min-
involved in the relationship.” He honored factor within istries, each
the many GK volunteers and thanked one’s inner SOLD mem-
Gawad Kalinga for its gift of building self. Fears that ber must be-
transformative friendships, encouraging hinder an in- long to a small
everyone to keep moving forward despite dividual from group called
the present global crisis. accepting the a household,
The evening was capped with a praise realities of which should
fest with everyone expressing their love life. Fears be a source of
and devotion to GOD. CFC is blessed with that can dis- inspiration,
this wonderful gift from God- called Gawad courage any- joy, and love
Kalinga. Happy Anniversary GK Bayani! one in their for each mem-
struggles in ber of that

DOLE/CFC Tekton Guild ink partnership

life. Fears that household.
prevent us This small cell
from actively is headed by a
COUPLES for Christ Tekton Guild chairman Jose Tayag has signed a memorandum of agreement participating leader called
with the Department of Labor and Employment. Under the MOA, Tekton will conduct values in the mission a household
formation programs for prospective clients of the National Reintegration Center for Overseas of evangelization. head. To better lead the small group assigned to
Filipino workers (NCRO). Overcoming these fears in our life was the sub- him, a leader should know his members by heart
The NRCO assists returning OFWs by facilitating their socio-economic reintegration through ject of the first talk given by Bro. Art Alabanza, a -- his interests, his struggles, his needs, his joys. To
the conduct of training programs on values formation, skills enhancement, and capacity building former Philippine Air Force and commercial pilot. be able to do this, he conducts a personal meeting
courses. It is a “One- Stop Center” providing various reintegration services for OFWs and their According to him, fear is the opposite of courage; or “one-to-one” with each of his members. Thus,
families. The center also serves as a “Service Networking Hub”, facilitating the delivery of services by we have to turn our fears into blessings through having listening skills was tackled and taught
cooperating stakeholders/service providers that intend to address the migrants’ and their families’ faith, hope, and perseverance. to the delegates during the second day of the
needs, including the development of their communities. How these gifts help overcome these fears was conference.
Tekton is a social ministry proven by Bro. Tony Loria’s steadfast belief that
of Couples for Christ that is only God can be the source of anyone’s strength. He A victor for God
engaged in developing the lost two sons through violence though he and his Before winning any battles, one should win
socio-economic capabilities family have lived in peace all their lives. The tragedy the battle within himself. This is the essence of
and potentials of its mem- raised in him not just doubts but fears, too. the message of Bro. Willy Ona, who gave the last
bers, but particularly the But in one of his meditations and time spent talk. This is the first battle each one has to wage:
poor. alone with God, he realized that life had to move to conquer one’s own heart, resist temptations,
DOLE Secretary Arturo on. He had to overcome the fears that had been and discard all the vices that one has learned to
Brion said the agreement enveloping his life. Together with his wife, Mila, live with.
with Tekton underscores the who has been his other source of strength, he To be a Christian is to witness. This witnessing
importance of developing firmly resolved to continue their service for the may be in the form of preaching and teaching,
among the OFWs and their Lord through the CFC community and Gawad of celebrating and counseling, of organizing and
families the values of self- Kalinga. struggling to alleviate the suffering of our fellow
discipline and frugality, vir- “To trust God completely and have the courage human beings. But it can only be a true witnessing
tues that will enable them to to gain wisdom is the first step one has to take on if it emerges from a genuine personal encounter,
appreciate the need to save this journey in life,” affirmed Tony. a true experience of love. This we can readily
and put their earnings in encounter in our fellowship with one another in
productive undertakings. Gaining wisdom the community. A real brotherhood of true men
Living in brotherhood is a value all SOLD mem- of God.

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