NAME: Grande, Juljairah A. DATE: May 21, 2011 Assessment On The Created Lesson Plan

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NAME: Grande, Juljairah A.

DATE: May 21, 2011

Assessment on the Created Lesson Plan

I. Objectives • The strengths I have in making • Although I follow the said
• In making a good lesson Plan, my objectives are; 1) I follow the time requirement in formulating objectives I
You must set first an objective that is allotted of the said grade level 2) the could say there is a need to be
definite, clearly expressed in the best sequencing of the domains in the improved like the 3 domain I used it
English and the term of specific objectives that cognitive is the first doesn’t definitely answer what am I
knowledge, skills or attitude are followed by affective and lastly the really targeting, that is to develop the
expressed. psychomotor domain 3) I used some critical thinking skills of my learners
behavioral terms like I let them even I use some of the behavioral
describe and develop their writing terms.
II. Learning Content • In the learning content I make • In formulating the learning
• When making such content you the strengths I have are; 1) follow the content with by ideas and supported
must know if it is suitable to the needs format like topic should be first, skills, with some reliable sources I can say its
and different abilities of the pupils. It values, reference, materials and last really a hard task to make it, although I
should be definite and suits the scope one is the strategy/method 2) prepared answers what is asked but not all were
of the requirements in the course of instructional materials. answered like the values I really hard
study for the grade levels. time to think what values should I
• A learning content or “subject formulate that would connect with my
matter” must have the following; a) objective no.2, in the materials and
Topic in choosing a topic find the most method I use there is also a need to be
appropriate one, b) Skills in the skills it improved because it does not suit to
focuses on the skills you are targeting, the different abilities of my learners
c) Values a value that is connected
with your objective no.2 the affective
domain, d) Reference better if you can
it to the PELC (Philippine Elementary
Learning Competencies), books, and
other reliable sources, e) Materials in
the materials try to prepare a materials
that would become the teaching is
meaningful, and last is f) Strategy/
Method, a strategy is part of a method
an example is a small group
discussion, brainstorming and etc. an a
method also is composed of steps
either Inductive or deductive method.

. Learning Experiences • The strengths I have in making • The nearer you can finished a
• In conducting certain activity the third part of lesson plan which is Tasked the harder it goes. Even I apply
such the Learning Experiences are; 1) It and comply with what is being asked
as experimenting and others it needs a has the teacher’s activity and pupil’s and answered it appropriately still there
procedure so that the activity activity shown 2) it sequence also, it is is a need to be improved like in
conducted was a meaningful one. very important since my lesson plan is formulating the second part which is
• In a detailed lesson plan as a intended in language IV. Its sequence the lesson proper neither its lively nor
sample in the Learning Experiences it is as of following; 1) Preliminary got lost sometimes with my target
should have the teacher’s activity and Activities which consists the a) passing skills.
pupil’s activity shown also it has two of assignments b) drill c) review 2)
divisions and aims to make your Lesson Proper which has the a)
teaching clear, concrete and more motivation b) presentation c) unlocking
comprehensive to the pupils and of difficulties d) presentation of
properly prepared. Also it mainly deals springboard e) comprehension check f)
with teaching new facts or principle skill focus g) generalization h)
and impressing new examples, application 3) I let the pupils interact
illustrations, comparison and contrast with the activities I prepared.
that would motivate the pupils.
IV. Evaluation • The strengths I have in • In giving assessment you
• The fourth place in a lesson formulating the evaluation in my lesson should be mindful that when gave an
plan and it is very important because plan in Language is I give an evaluation or exercises it couldn’t fall
an evaluation is the systematic assessment that measures the under assignment. I think the exercises
collection and analysis of data needed attainment of my objectives. I made does not suit in the evaluation
to make decisions, a process in which and it should be improved.
most well-run programs engaged from
the outset. In this area this you could
evaluate if the assessment exercises
you give is attain and connect with
your objectives.

V. Assignment • The strengths I have in • The basic of giving assignment

• An assignment is something formulating the assignment is I to the pupils are the same in schooling
that you have to hand into a teacher at prepared them with our new topic that in general; to increase their knowledge
the end of a term. also related with my present topic. and improve the abilities and skills.
• Also to prepare the pupils to the However the assignment I gave some
next lesson or somewhat a follow up needs to improved because I didn’t
with your topic. impose the illustration and the
instruction clearly.

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