Holy See: Migrants' Humane Conditions Are Vital For Dev't: Corruption Derails Rural Dev't, Says BEC Congress

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•A3 Victim of abortion: ‘We cry

•B1 ‘Bringing to the •C1 The CROSS

without tears and we scream Priesthood Only Those
Knights of Columbus Supplement
without a voice’ at abortion clinics Who Have Been Called’

Church leads signature www.cbcpnews.com cbcpmonitor@cbcpworld.net Carmelites demand ‘radical

drive vs mining reforms’ against corruption
THE Roman Catholic Diocese of Butuan has FILIPINO Carmelite priests are demanding
launched a signature campaign for the closure “radical reforms” against corruption and hold
of all mining operations in Agusan del Norte current corrupt-ridden administration account-
province. able to the people,” said Fr. Jerry Sabado, Con-
Butuan auxiliary bishop Zacharias Jimenez venor, Carmelites-Justice, Peace and Integrity
said the “house to house” signature drive of Creation (JPIC) in a press statement.
aims to serve as a wakeup call for authorities To this day, the truth about the NBN-ZTE
that people are against the extensive mining deal and other strings of corruption charges did
activities. not see the light. The people are again scandal-
He accused the mining operations, in an Protagonist of Truth, Promoter of Peace ized by the euro generals, he said.
interview aired over Radyo Veritas, of ruin- “And now we continue to witness shameless
ing the province’s environment which is now November 10 - 23, 2008 Vol. 12 No. 23 Php 20.00 cover-up of the multi-million fertilizer scam.
Signature drive / A7 Carmelites / A7

© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

The nearly 400 delegates of the CBCP- Committee on Basic Ecclesial Communities (BEC) 2nd National Congress listen to a reflection on rural development by BEC chairman and Cotabato
Archbishop Orlando Quevedo (inset). The prelate told the participants that the formation of BECs is not a matter of getting people to church, but how to be authentically church to them.

Corruption derails rural

dev’t, says BEC Congress
But it should be
addressed even Holy See: Migrants’ humane
from below
By Pinky Barrientos, FSP
conditions are vital for dev’t
THE Holy See has called on governments for serious talk during the Global Forum on Migration held at the
international cooperation in order to ensure humane Philippine International Convention Center in Pasay
WITH a big percentage of Fili- conditions of migration. City last Oct. 27-30.
pinos living in poverty and a Pontifical Council for Migrants and Travelers secre- Only too often the world is confronted nowadays with
government reeling from the tary Archbishop Agostino Marchetto said agonies of images of migrants risking their lives in the attempt to
perception of being the most cor- migrants must be stopped because they too are entitled cross borders in search for a better life for themselves
to enjoy human rights. and for their families.
rupt, a nationwide Basic Ecclesial “Special attention must be given to avoid discrimi- These incidents, he said, are symptomatic of the sad
Communities (BEC) Congress on nation and to protect vulnerable migrants such as reality many migrants face today in their quest for a job
rural development comes at a most women, unaccompanied minors, elderly and disabled and for a living wage.
persons,” he said. But this suffering has to stop, Marchetto said.
opportune time. Marchetto made the call last Wednesday in his Migrants / A7
Archbishop Antonio Ledesma, SJ, in his

P728M fund scam witnesses told: BCBP holds compe-

homily at the opening of the second BEC
National Congress held at St. Augustine
Metropolitan Cathedral in Cagayan de Oro

tition on ‘Be
noted that the theme of the congress was a
continuation of the discussion of what has
transpired in the recently concluded rural
‘Come out in the open’
honest’ advocacy
congress. Ledesma is the national chairman of
the National Rural Congress which convened
last July. A RANKING Catholic Church official of her administration.
He underscored the role of BECs in rural has called on the people with “first “We will not really improve as long
THE Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen
development saying that BEC members can hand” information on the alleged P728 as these issues are not resolved,” said
and Professionals (BCBP) will hold the first
contribute a lot in making good governance million fertilizer fund scam to come Pabillo who also heads the National
National “Be Honest” Oratorical Competi-
a reality in the country. out in the open. Secretariat for Social Action-Justice and
tion among 3rd and 4th year students of top
Lack of good governance and the problem Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Peace of the Catholic Bishops’ Confer-
public and private schools nationwide.
of corruption have been seen as some of the Pabillo made the appeal Tuesday fol- ence of the Philippines.
BCBP-Davao Chapter is a Catholic Renew-
problems that derail the pursuit of develop- lowing former Agriculture secretary The prelate also vowed to lead in pro-
al community of businessmen and profes-
ment especially in the rural areas. Jocelyn “Jocjoc” Bolante’s vow to viding refuge to Bolante if needed. He
sionals with principals in Makati City which
“In all of these it is the small people, the cooperate with the coming Senate said they are open to the idea if Bolante
promotes the value of honesty through its
Corruption / A6 investigation on the issue. himself would ask their assistance.
“Be Honest” campaign program.
“I call on those who know some- “It’s our obligation to protect truth-
The program was launched five years ago
thing about the alleged scam to tell tellers,” Pabillo said. “I appealed to Mr.
participated in by 113 BCBP chapters and
the truth,” he said at the sidelines of Bolante to just tell the truth as a service
outreaches all over the country in a nation-
the ongoing 2nd Basic Ecclesial Com- to the nation.”
wide motorcade.
munities (BEC) Congress in Cagayan The Senate has allowed Bolante to
The advocacy was manifested by putting
de Oro City. stay at the St. Luke’s Medical Center
up of billboards, posters, streamers, car stick-
Pabillo said as long issues on alleged even after his doctors ordered him
ers, t-shirts and other collaterals bearing the
corruption under the Arroyo govern- discharged.
now familiar program’s message: “Be Hon-
ment left hanging, so is the credibility Fund scam / A6 est, Even if others are not, Even if others will
not, Even if others cannot.”

UST to focus on ‘faith and life issues,’

With 60 BCBP Chapters participating all
over the country, they expect that about 700
schools will be represented in competitions

supports CBCP’s stand vs RH bill

‘Be honest’ / A6

THE Pontifical and Royal Uni- debate on “Reproductive Health Asia, has decided to envision
versity of Santo Tomas (UST) (RH)” bill pending in the Con- some areas of concentration, and
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will focus on the promotion gress, said Fr. Filemon I. de la “faith and life matters” is one of
of “faith and life issues” and Cruz, Jr., OP, Vice-rector for the most important areas, De la
continue to support the stand of Religious Affairs. Cruz said.
the Filipino Bishops against the De la Cruz, also director of De la Cruz said UST sup-
reproductive health bill. Center for Campus Ministry, ports the stand of the influential
As a Catholic university of the was addressing faculty members Catholic Bishops’ Conference of
Philippines, the Dominican-run of the Institute of Religion, which the Philippines (CBCP) against
UST will stress “faith and life he heads too. the RH bill.
matters” given the on-going UST, the oldest University in UST / A6
A2 World News
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 23
November 10 - 23, 2008

Pope marks Feast of Dedication of

Lateran Basilica, commemorates
anniversary of Kristallnacht
VATICAN, November 9, 2008—Presiding over the recitation of the is commonly named, were added only after the sixth century.
Sunday Angelus, Pope Benedict XVI commemorated the Feast of “This anniversary at first interested only the city of Rome; then,
the Dedication of Rome’s Lateran Basilica. Calling Christians the in 1565, it was extended to the Churches of the Roman rite. By
‘living stones’ of a ‘spiritual building,’ he reminded the faithful that honoring the Basilica, one intends to express love and veneration
God wants to build in the world a community that “worships him for the Roman Church, which, as St. Ignatius of Antioch affirms,
in spirit and truth.” ‘presides over the charity’ of the entire Catholic communion,” the
The Basilica, called the “mother and head of all churches of the Pope said.
City and the World,” was built after the Emperor Constantine’s Edict “The beauty and harmony of churches, destined to render praise

© Colin Dutton/Grand Tour/Corbis

of Milan, which in 313 granted Christians freedom to practice their to God, invites us, limited and sinners, to form a ‘cosmos,’ a well-
religion. The same emperor, the Holy Father recalled, “gave Pope ordered edifice, in communion with Jesus, who is the true Holy of
Miltiades the old property of the family of the Laterans and built the Holies,” he added.
Basilica, Baptistery and the residence of the Bishop of Rome, where After the Marian prayer of the Angelus, Benedict XVI recalled
the Popes lived until the Avignon period.” that today is the 70th anniversary of Kristallnacht, “when Nazi fury
The dedication of the Basilica was celebrated by Pope Sylvester in against Jews broke loose in Germany.” He prayed for the victims
324 and the temple was dedicated to the Most Holy Savior; the names and invited Christians to demonstrate “profound solidarity with
of Sts. John the Baptist and John the Evangelist, for whom the basilica the Hebrew world.” (CNA)

Pontiff calls for restoration Church leaders express hope,

reservations over Obama’s win
of peace in Congo SEOUL, South Korea, Novem-
ber 10, 2008—Church leaders
in South Korea have expressed
hope but also concerns fol-
the priest asserted.
Father Peter Pai Young-ho,
executive secretary of the
Catholic Bishops’ Conference
VATICAN, November 9, 2008—Benedict survive,” he lamented.
XVI is calling upon all involved to restore Saying that the number of refugees is lowing the historic election of of Korea (CBCK), told UCA
peace and respect for the law and human estimated at more than one and a half mil- Senator Barack Obama to the News he was concerned that
life to Congo. lion, the Pontiff also called “upon all to work U.S. presidency. some of Obama’s policy state-
After reciting the Angelus together with together to restore peace, respect for law and “Korea can learn a good les- ments, such as his objection to
the crowds gathered in St. Peter’s Square, the dignity of every person to that land, for son from Obama’s success,” free trade agreements, would
the Pope called attention to the ongoing too long martyred.” said Father John Choi Byoung- be detrimental to Korea.
conflict taking place in the North Kivu region “To all and to each one I desire to express jo, noting how the 47-year-old South Korea presently has
of Congo. my special nearness, as I encourage and son of an immigrant father such an agreement with the
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“Bloody armed skirmishes and systematic bless those who are working to alleviate their obtained a good education in United States.
atrocities have caused and continue to cause sufferings, among whom are the pastoral the United States, where he Furthermore, the U.S.
many casualties among innocent civilians. workers of the Church of that region,” the was born, and is now poised president-elect’s acceptance
Destruction, looting and violence of every Pontiff stated. “To families and their loved to become a global leader. of abortion is also against
type have forced tens of thousands of per- ones I offer my condolences and assure my Speaking with UCA News Church teaching, Father Pai
sons to abandon even what little they had to prayers.” (Zenit) the day after the Nov. 4 elec- pointed out.
tion, the director of Suwon “However, I expect him to
diocese’s pastoral services for solve lots of problems, espe-

Vatican: Catholic-Muslim forum a ‘step forward’

“has regular meetings with the equal dignity of men and Middle East and the Balkans
migrant laborers said South
Korea should similarly wel-
come skilled migrant workers
cially the economic crisis, for
the betterment of the world,”
the Church official said. “I also
VATICAN, November 9, 2008— and foreigners with other tal- hope he would consider the
The first seminar of the Muslim- various groups of Muslim rep- women.” have made the dialogue “com- ents, and help them live secure Church’s stand on life issues.”
Catholic Forum was “a signifi- resentatives,” but this meeting Disclosing that Benedict XVI plex and difficult, but they must lives here. Father Pai noted that many
cant step forward in dialogue,” “demonstrated the possibility is encouraging the efforts at not hamper or stop it.” The country should also people followed the U.S. presi-
says a Vatican spokesman. of entering more deeply and dialogue, the Vatican spokesman Benedict XVI, Father Lombar- provide good education to dential election with interest
Jesuit Father Federico Lom- frankly into essential themes characterized the dialogue of di said, has invited the two sides children of marriages involv- since the United States has
bardi, the director of the Vatican and of successfully express- the forum as “open” and taking to “unite their efforts, with the ing a Korean and an immigrant great influence in the world.
press office, made this claim ing, with greater clarity and place in “a climate of trust.” He goal of overcoming incompre- spouse, because they can be a “With the election of Obama,
on the last episode of “Octava fidelity, that which unites and added that there are hopes that hension, overcoming prejudices “bridge to other countries,” he an African-American from an
Dies,” a weekly program of differentiates [us].” the dialogue will extend itself to and correcting the distorted im- suggested. alienated and discriminated
the Vatican Television Center. The final joint declaration larger circles in the Christian and age of the other.” Before such policies could be class in society, Americans
The three-day Catholic-Muslim “contains important statements Muslim world. “The road remains a long one implemented, however, “we have shown their passion for
meeting ended last week in about respect for persons and The priest observed that the but this is a step in the right need to change our discrimina- democracy and openness,” he
Rome. their choices in matters of con- often bloody conflicts between direction,” Father Lombardi tory attitude toward migrants,” declared. (UCAN)
The Church, he recalled, science and religion [and] on Christians and Muslims in the concluded. (Zenit)

Obama’s election may change agenda Sri Lankan Catholics take steps toward
beatification of Cardinal Cooray
of forthcoming USCCB meeting TEWATTE, Sri Lanka, No-
vember 10, 2008—Catholics
in Sri Lanka are hoping for
BALTIMORE, November 9, 2008—Since the that the USCCB “has scuttled plans to dis-
the beatification of their first
election of Barack Obama as the next Presi- cuss abortion and politics next week in Bal-
and still only cardinal, whose
dent of the United States, several Catholic timore,” citing the bishops’ spokeswoman,
20th death anniversary they
commentators have speculated on how the Sister Mary Ann Walsh. RNS also quoted
recently celebrated.
original agenda of the annual Fall General Sister Walsh saying that the agenda had yet
Archbishop Oswald Gomis
Assembly of the United States Conference of to be finalized.
of Colombo told 700 laypeo-
Catholic Bishops (USCCB) will change. Peter Steinfels reportedly argued in his
ple and 70 clergy at an Oct.
According to bishops involved in the regular New York Times column that “any-
29 anniversary Mass at the
organization of the three-day meeting, the one constructing a list of the big losers on
Basilica of Our Lady of Lanka
agenda, including a public discussion of [the recent election] would probably include
in Tewatte, on the northern
© www.priu.gov.lk

abortion and politics, is fully on track. the nation’s Roman Catholic bishops.”
outskirts of Colombo, that
Speculation that the agenda might change Steinfels supported his assertion that the
Cardinal Thomas Benjamin
came late last week when several prominent bishops were “defeated” on the grounds
Cooray should join the list
Catholic commentators argued that the that nominal Catholics voted 52 percent to
of saints.
bishops had “lost authority” by speaking 45 percent for Obama.
The Oblate prelate, born in
out strongly against Catholics voting for “Will that fact be candidly addressed
1901 to a poor family, became a priest in 1929. He was ordained
© www.depauw.edu

pro-abortion politicians, like Obama and when the United States Conference of Catho-
co-adjutor archbishop of Colombo in March 1946 and succeeded
other mostly Democratic candidates, who lic Bishops meets next week in Baltimore?,”
as head of the archdiocese in July 1947, becoming Sri Lanka’s
were elected to office recently. he asked, suggesting that the bishops should
first native archbishop.
Earlier, Religion News Service reported “change strategy.” (CNA)
After Pope Paul VI elevated him to cardinal in 1965, he took

People of different religions attend celebration for Saint Alphonsa

part in the election of Popes John Paul I and John Paul II. Car-
dinal Cooray retired as archbishop of Colombo in September
1976 and died on Oct. 29, 1988.
Archbishop Gomis reminded the congregation that the car-
BHARANANGANAM, India, November 10, 2008—More than
dinal did vital work for the local Church during the period of
100,000 people from various religions attended a program celebrat-
popular agitation for the end of British colonial rule, which came
ing the canonization of Saint Alphonsa of the Immaculate Concep-
in 1948. He also recalled the cardinal’s efforts to prevent the state
tion, India’s first woman saint.
from nationalizing Catholic schools during 1960-61.
The Nov. 9 program included a concelebrated Mass and a public
Plans are underway to put the late cardinal on the path to
meeting at Bharananganam, the village in Kerala state’s Kottayam
sainthood. The local Church has no native saint, but it has sup-
© cache.daylife.com

district where the Franciscan Clarist nun’s tomb lies. The village is
ported the cause of Blessed Joseph Vaz, a 17th-century Indian
about 2,650 kilometers south of New Delhi.
priest who kept people’s faith alive during harsh persecution
Pope Benedict XVI canonized the nun, a native of Palai diocese,
under Dutch rule.
and three other saints on Oct. 12 at the Vatican. The Church in Kerala
The Cardinal Cooray Memorial Committee, appointed last
organized a nine-day long celebration that culminated on Nov. 9.
year, “has started to collect all the details of stories, miracles,
The Nov. 9 program began with a public meeting that former In- of at least one person every month, as the saint had shown through
remedies and answered prayers,” Father Marcus Ferdinandez,
dian president A.P.J. Abdul Kalam opened and Cardinal Leonardo her personal example,” Kalam said. A “deeper study” into the
its patron, told UCA News on Nov. 6. The next step will be to
Sandri, prefect of the Vatican Congregation for Oriental Churches, saint’s life would reveal “she renounced the world but worked for
inform the Catholic Bishops’ Conference in Sri Lanka, added
chaired. the world,” he added. “When others belittled her, taunted her, she
the priest, episcopal vicar for Colombo archdiocese’s eastern
Kalam, a Muslim by faith and rocket engineer by profession, accepted all these sufferings with a smile.”
asked people to emulate Saint Alphonsa’s ideals such as love and Kalam and other dignitaries prayed at the saint’s tomb. Cardinal
The committee has been advertising in Catholic weeklies for
compassion, “for which she lived her short life of sufferings, pen- Sandri presented Kalam a medallion Pope Benedict XVI blessed
people who believe they have experienced miracles through the
ance and prayer.” during the canonization ceremony.
late cardinal’s intervention to come forward.
The nun, who died in 1946 at the age of 36, was mostly confined Addressing the public meeting, the cardinal hailed Saint Al-
“Our hope is to see his beatification soon,” said Nimal Bastian
to bed because of constant illnesses. Records show she suffered her phonsa as “a precious gift of the Indian Church to the global
Silva, principal of Basilica Vidyalaya (school) in Tewatte. Ac-
physical pains with joy and offered them as penance for the sins of Church.” She is a “role model of all of us” because her “life was
cording to him, hundreds of thousands of people pay homage
others. full of miseries and pain,” but she suffered it with joy, the Vatican
at the tomb every year. (UCAN)
“Each one of us must take a vow that we would remove the pain official said. (UCAN)
News Features A3
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 23
November 10 - 23, 2008

Victim of abortion: ‘We cry without

tears and we scream without a
voice’ at abortion clinics
MADRID, Spain, November 11, 2008—The author of the book, “I
Abor ted,” Esperanza Puente, said during a press conference last
told a woman a few days ago.”
Puente stressed that in her case, as with many other women,
week that abortion clinics are inhumane, treat women as mere “cus- “the psychologist doesn’t follow the law either, because he is not a
tomers,” and consider the babies they kill as mere “blobs of tissues” specialist outside the clinic but rather is involved and only wants
or “clusters of cells.” to get the woman to sign the informed consent papers as soon as
According to the newspaper “El Dia,” Puente said the abortion possible, but he does not inform her of the scars the mother will bear
clinic she went to exemplifies the inhumanity of such places. for the rest of her life.”
“The relationship between doctors and ‘clients’ is cold. Everyone Recalling the most difficult moments of her experience, including

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thinks that those who go there are going to use a service they are when “the nurse forgot about the remains of my child at my side,”
paying for,” she said. she denounced “the lucrative business of the elimination of fetuses,
“In the waiting room, women cry without tears and scream which are used in cosmetics.”
without a voice,” she continued, “and the standard procedure is Puente questioned whether the new abortion law under consider-
that women don’t see ultrasounds of the baby, which is considered ation in Spain would “provide complete information to women about
to be a ‘cluster of cells’ or a blob of tissue, as one doctor in Madrid the scars they will bear after an abortion.” (CNA)

Pope Benedict recalls Pius XII’s teachings

and impact on the Church VATICAN CITY, November 10, 2008—On Saturday, the need to prevent at all costs the possibility of brilliant
Pope Benedict met with participants in a congress titled, scientific advances being used to build deadly arms
“The Heritage of Pius XII’s Magisterium and Vatican which could cause immense catastrophes and even the
Council II.” During the event, the Pontiff called to mind complete destruction of mankind.”
Pius XII’s teachings, his relationship with Christ, and his Benedict XVI continued to address the congress by
influence on the Church. focusing on Pius XII’s teachings on Mary. The words of
The conference was held from November 6-8 and orga- Pius XII reached their culmination “in the proclamation
nized by the Pontifical Gregorian and Lateran Universi- of the dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin,
ties, and came to a close with Pope Benedict’s remarks by which the Holy Father intended to highlight the
on the impact Pius XII had on the Church through his eschatological dimension of our lives, and to exalt the
writings and teachings. dignity of women.”
Pope Benedict XVI explained that along with his 40 Turning to focus on Pius XII’s personality and spiri-
encyclicals, the late Pontiff spoke of the “responsibility of tuality, Benedict XVI noted that the late Pope was a
the laity within the Church” and “the great importance realist who desired “to give all of himself to God, hold-
of the modern communications media,” especially “jour- ing nothing back and unconcerned for his own delicate
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nalists’ duty to provide factual information respectful health.” “Everything in him arose from love for his Lord
of moral norms.” Jesus Christ, and love for the Church and humanity. He
Pius XII also warned against the progress of sci- was, in fact, a priest in constant and intimate union with
ence impacting morality, the Holy Father pointed out. God,” Benedict said.
Though he was a great admirer of technology, he never “In the person of the Supreme Pontiff Pius XII, the Lord
failed to “caution against the risks that research could gave His Church an exceptional gift for which we must all
bring if inattentive to moral values,” and “warned of be grateful,” the Holy Father concluded. (CNA)

Environmentalists echo CBCP’s stance on mining: it’s plunder Catholics, Muslims

MALABON CITY, November 2, 2008—The ber 11 and 31 respectively, causing a number ration (KORES) gained majority control of
militant environmental group, Kalikasan
People’s Network for the Environment
(Kalikasan-PNE) had declared accord with
of fishkill incidences in the Albay Gulf.
On November 1, 2007, another massive
fishkill occurred. This time it made the
Lafayette Philippines Incorporated (LPI) on
April 2008 but there are still no updates of
how and when they will pay the damages
say Forum brought
the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the
Philippines (CBCP) on their condemnation
against the corrupt practices of the present
administration, especially on the issues of
members of the communities to troop at the
Legazpi City Hall to urge the mayor to put
the town under state of calamity.
Most of the residents of Rapu-Rapu are
caused by the spill.
“If this act of letting foreign environmental
plunderers and destroyers go off the hook
is not depravity, then I don’t know what is.
them closer
environmental and economic plunder. fishermen and the Albay Gulf is their only What is even unspeakable and shameful is Participants reflect on results of historic seminar
This was done yesterday in line with the source of livelihood. how the government allowed the resump-
“commemoration” of the massive fishkill Notwithstanding the October 25, 2008 tion of Rapu-rapu Pollymetallic Mining
in Rapu-Rapu Island in Albay, Bicol region report by international aid agency Oxfam Project, now under new management.
yesterday, Australia which showed that cyanide-laden It is very apparent that the Arroyo govern-
In a statement sent to CBCPNews, Cle- spillages by Lafayette have devastated fish- ment has no reservations in worsening the
© clericalwhispers.blogspot.com

mente Bautista Jr., national coordinator of ing-dependent communities of Rapu-Rapu, conditions of the people of Rapu-rapu.
Kalikasan-PNE said, the mining practice in the Macapagal-Arroyo government is still The DENR even waived the prerequisite
the Philippines, being the Macapagal-Arroyo unmindful of the crimes of the foreign mining rehabilitation fund and readily allowed the
government’s flagship, is a model of legal, company, Bautista disclosed to CBCPNews. Korean companies to operate in the island,”
ethical and moral wrongs. What is more saddening, although the Bautista said, with a hint of dismay.
“It is corruption in its purest form and we company was found liable by the Philippine Despite the alleged shortcomings by the
demand that this be immediately halted and government of contaminating the waters in Philippines’ environmental department,
corrected as our Church leaders demanded Rapu-rapu with cyanide in November 2005 Kalikasan-PNE still appeals: Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran
it also, on the first place,” he said. and was fined P10 million for damages, the “What happened to Rapu-rapu is just an ROME, November 10, 2008—Members of the newly formed Catholic-
The Department of Environment and government did no further steps in ensuring example of how offenders are not penalized Muslim Forum saw their first meeting as a space of dialogue, respect
Natural Resources (DENR) said in 2005 the rehabilitation of the island, he added. in the country and even encouraged to com- and a growing harmony between people of the two creeds.
Rapu-Rapu Poly-metallic Project will show- On the other hand, on the same report, mit more crimes. This can be compared to During Thursday’s closing ceremony of the first Catholic-Muslim
case state of the art mining facilities, thus Oxfam Australia’s Mining Ombudsman the ZTE scandal, fertilizer scam, Jose Pidal seminar, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, president of the Pontifical
declaring it as the flagship project of the Shanta Martin said that the Australian min- account and countless other cases of cor- Council for Interreligious Dialogue, spoke about the highlights of
Philippine government’s Mineral Industry ing company and the banks that financed ruption that have not been resolved. We are the historical final declaration, jointly written by members of both
Revitalization program. it have not demonstrated an ability to put asking the civil society, especially church religions.
The DENR said further that if it will fail, sound environmental policies into practice. people to insist that these offenders, like “We believe that Catholics and Muslims are called to be instru-
the Rapu-Rapu mining project will ‘make Furthermore, until now, there are no re- the Arroyo government and foreign mining ments of love and harmony among believers, and for humanity in
or break’ the entire government’s mining ports that the company paid for the damages transnational corporations like Lafayette, be general, rejecting any type of oppression, aggressive violence and
program. it incurred to the community. held accountable for their crimes. For as long terrorism, above all when it is committed in the name of religion,
But untrue to its promises, six months after Bautista further disclosed that Lafayette as they remain unpunished, environmental and maintaining the principle of justice for all,” the prelate affirmed,
Australian-owned Lafayette Mining Inc. had declared bankruptcy on December 2007, and destruction, economic hardships and human citing the declaration.
begun its mining operations in April 2005, now the Korean transnational companies LG rights violations will be experienced by more The Nov. 4-6 seminar united a forum of 24 representatives and
two mining tailings spills occurred on Octo- International and Korean Resources Corpo- and more Filipinos.” (Noel Sales Barcelona) five advisors from each of the religions and ended with an audience
with Benedict XVI. It was organized by the Pontifical Council for

Solidarity Phils affirms bishops’ call for social transformation

Interreligious Dialogue and by the signatories of the October 2007
letter “A Common Word,” which united high-level exponents of
various branches of Islam.
One of the Muslim participants at the forum, Yahya Pallavicini,
QUEZON CITY, October 31, 2008— An organization of the reli- issued by the Vatican Congregation for Bishops on the 22nd of Feb-
vice president of the Italian Islamic religious community, commented
gious and the laity had commended the stance of five Catholic ruary 2004 wherein Chapter VII, Section 6, Paragraph 209 reiterates
to ZENIT that the seminar resulted in the “uniting of theology with
prelates, including the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philip- that the bishop, as an individual, [and the conference of bishops in
praxis and not establishing just a theological dialogue that remains
pines head, Jaro Archbishop Angel N. Lagdameo for their firm call a specific national territory, by extension] has a role of promoting
abstract, nor a pragmatic discourse that only notes the social.”
for the change in the society, especially in government. justice and peace,” said the Philippine Solidarity statement.
Regarding interreligious violence, Pallavicini affirmed that such
Solidarity Philippines said in a statement that no matter how A pericope in the mentioned document worth noting is: “The
conflict occurs because of “reciprocal ignorance.” When there is
seemingly belated the articulation made by five bishops for radical Bishop is called to be a prophet of justice and peace, a defender of
a lack of “liberty, sense of responsibility and fraternity, arbitrary
changes in view of the moral bankruptcy and prolific proclivity the inalienable rights of the human person… by proclaiming the
violence arises.”
to corruption of the GMA administration, an overwhelming judg- Church’s teaching, especially in defense of the right to life from
To avoid this, he continued, we should “unite ourselves to con-
ment stands ostensibly clear—the common good and the promo- conception to natural death; in defense of human dignity; and,
demn all types of violence when it uses religion and guarantee,
tion of social justice will not be advanced and benchmarked under taking to heart the defense of the weak, he lends his voice to those
through educational activities, a better respect for all diversity and
the present dispensation. who have no voice of their own, to assert their rights… the Bishop
human dignity.”
“Solidarity Philippines believes that the pronouncement of the needs to condemn vigorously all forms of violence and to raise his
One of the Catholic representatives, Ilaria Morali, doctor in theol-
five leaders of the Catholic Church in the Philippines carry such voice in favor of those who are unemployed, oppressed, persecuted
ogy at the Pontifical Gregorian University, said that one of the fruits
a significance which must be treated as developments in terms of or humiliated, and in favor of children who suffer grave abuse.”
of the seminar has been an “increasing reciprocal confidence, which
maturity and decisiveness of the ruling made by various progres- Solidarity Philippines further said, the bishops’ viewpoints and
is the presupposition for all dialogue.”
sive individuals and groups in November 2007 to reject a morally judgments on the moral bankruptcy of the GMA administration
“If one is afraid of the other, he’s not free and is not serene about
bankrupt government,” the statement reads. and the call for a top-to-bottom radical change undoubtedly ad-
talking about himself,” she recognized.
It added that the kleptocratic-oligarchic character and illegiti- here to and dovetail the principle regarding the assumption and
There is on both sides a desire to understand each other, the profes-
mate fundamentals of the GMA administration has pushed these exercise of political authority embodied in the Social Doctrine of
sor observed, and “as in every human path, it begins by accepting
bishops from plainly having an exhortative stance on curbing the Church, which stated “It is from the moral order that authority
that there are difficulties.”
graft and corruption to shift towards a more imperatives-centered derives its power to impose obligations and its moral legitimacy,
Morali concluded by saying that the two religions share the
approach. not from some arbitrary will or from the thirst for power, and it
mission of “bringing God to the center of the life of our world, to
“These bishops are definitely and proactively taking to heart, in is to translate this order into concrete actions to achieve the com-
interpret our times in the light of God,” but “without falling into
all seriousness and sincerity, the charge from APOSTOLORUM mon good.” (Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church,
overly secularist divisions” that threaten the “vocation of every
SUCCESSORES, the Directory for The Pastoral Ministry of Bishops 396.) (CBCPNews)
person.” (Zenit)
A4 Opinion
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 23
November 10 - 23, 2008


The BBC’s Call

THE National Executive Committee of the Bishops-Businessmen’s
Conference (BBC) issued a statement titled, “A Call for
Statesmanship for a Stronger Democracy and for Vigilance of
Issued only a couple of days ago but dated October 4, 2008, it is
possible that the appeal received less attention than what it rightfully
deserved. It is also reasonable to assume that the pleading was
not taken seriously as it justly merited.
But let it be well noted that the “Call” did not come from individuals
who were either ignorant of the real socio-political situation in the
country, nor had the time to engage in futile acts and vain rumor
mongering. There is no mistaking that they know well not only
the existing political and social liabilities, but also moral atrocities
stored for the Filipinos unless they are attentive and vigilant.
The key contents of the serious and urgent BBC “Call” are three
fundamental and seriously disturbing resolves: One, “Charter
Change” ultimately for the extension of the term, the office
or whatever of the present national leadership. Two, “Martial
Law” again ultimately for the extension of the terms, the office
or whatever of the incumbent national leadership. And three,
“other means” such as Emergency Rule, or any equivalent, also
ultimately for the extension of the term, the office or whatever
of the ruling national leadership. The “Call” cannot be as clear
and explicit as it stands.
Any of the three above foreboding resolves on the part of the
administration in connivance with its numerous well rewarded
allies in the national and local levels of government, is very real,
vibrant and adamant.
There may be one conclusion that can be drawn from the BBC
Statement, viz., all Filipinos of good will and sound value system
Francisco F. Claver, SJ
Academe versus
cannot but be extra attentive to and vigilant of the above cited
likewise extra dangerous probabilities. Its ultimate consequence—

once any of the fatal trio becomes actualized—will make the luck of
every Filipino in this country subservient once again to government
leadership, reducing democracy to a mockery, placing graft and
corrupt practices on the altar of worship and adoration.
THE statement of the 14 professors of the Ateneo de Manila Uni- Bill is not totally negative as far as Catholics are concerned—and in a
Under threat of a hundred and one criminal and civil cases without versity on the pending bill on reproductive health of Congressman way this was what the Ateneo professors were saying in their state-
the convenient and consoling mantle of immunity from suit, it is Lagman was variously captioned in the media as “defiance of the ment. The same Father Genilo thought that the professors, in their
understandable though detestable that someone is definitely not Church” or “opposition to the bishops”. The reason for their “de- appraisal of the Bill, had decided that its good points outweighed
prepared to relinquish the hold of practical omnipotence—an fiance” or “opposition” is easily gleaned from this, that, they are the bad—whereas Church people (the vocal ones at least) felt that
encompassing power that has invaded and enveloped all the three fully aware their acceptance of the bill’s pushing for contraceptives the bad outweighed the good.
branches of government. as “essential medicines” as part of the government’s program of That difference in approach and thinking is precisely the reason
population control goes counter to the Church’s ban on artificial for the need to look at the Bill more critically and for dialogue to
contraceptives. take place among all members of the Church on it.
A more benign interpretation of their statement, however, is to The point should be well taken. For in all the furor caused by the
Towards development of BECs look at their position not so much as an act of defiance as a call for
further dialogue on the provisions of the bill.
Bill so far, it is easy to overlook the fact that it is still in process and
has not yet passed into law. In other words, now is the time for all
Be that as it may, I can’t help asking what is meant by “the bish- to try looking dispassionately at its provisions to see what should be
CONDEMNING evil is not enough. As we must have learned ops”. For even if it is clear where the Church as an institution stands rejected or modified, what can be accepted as is or further nuanced.
from our consideration of the Church’s social teaching this past on the subject of contraception and so one can speak of “opposing” As one of the Ateneo professors has said, there are “negotiables” in
year, we must try bringing an end to evils that harm people and that stand, things are not at all that clear where the bishops are the Bill as it stands, and this means changes can still be made even
their good. concerned. By this I don’t mean they don’t as a body subscribe to before it comes up for a final vote in Congress (where further debate
what Paul VI’s Humanae Vitae teaches about artificial contracep- will take place anyway to further strengthen or weaken the Bill as
As always, our first reaction to national problems is to call on tion. What I am talking about is their actual position on the RH Bill finally worded by Mr. Lagman and his co-sponsors).
government to do what it is supposed to do. We do so here. We itself and its specific provisions. As of now, they have not yet met Father John Carroll of the Institute on Church and Social Issues
ask that the CARP, defective as it is, be finally completed next year to study the Bill’s contents directly to pass judgment on whether to offers a suggestion to all concerned with the Bill, and that is for us
as it has been targeted. And if it is not sufficiently implemented accept or reject it in part or in toto. For as Father Eric Genilo pointed to distinguish between dialogue, debate and advocacy. The point
by then, the program should be further extended and funded more out in an article in the CBCP Monitor in its September 1 issue, the Afterthoughts / A6
seriously and generously. But we asked that the law itself must
be reviewed and improved. Sr. Mary Pilar Verzosa, RGS
The government and the military’s response to the shameful
Missed opportunities
Love Life
“extra-judicial” killings of unarmed crusaders for justice and
equality is most unsatisfactory, their protestations of concern not
too convincing. The greater and more effective performance of
their duties as guardians and protectors of our peace this too we
must demand as strongly as we can. “REMEMBER the miracle of Jesus healing the Lord before they come and are just seek- sadly lacking in the parishes and in many
the woman with a bleeding problem? If she ing a deeper relationship. A greater number organizations. Sure, it is much easier to find
Putting the burden of action on people whose responsibility it is had not been ill for such a long time and had of them come in their confusion, pain and volunteers for the choir or music ministry
to act, however, is not enough. We must ask ourselves: What do not spent every penny she had on doctors, bitterness. A word of kindness and uncon- and, as lectors and readers for the liturgies,
we do as individuals, as families, as communities? What must we perhaps she would never have approached ditional acceptance, the compassionate love but the parish priests admit that it is very
do? The responsibility to act is just as much ours as those who the Master to touch the hem of his garment, of Jesus, are often enough to make them turn hard to gather volunteers to go to the poor ar-
have the official responsibility. and would never have heard Jesus’ consoling to an all forgiving God. eas within their vicinity in order to organize
words - the most important words she was Very often they admit that they had the BECs, the livelihood programs, the adult
For years now we have been pushing the development of BECs to hear in her life - which were far more than forgotten him or ignored him during their catechesis or children’s feeding programs.
or BEC-type Church communities and organizations. And we do all her sufferings and useless expenditure.” time of ease when they are more attached Women’s Desks and Family Counseling
so because such communities are, or should be, fully participative These are the words of Francis Fernandez in to their own plans, health, and wealth than centers are important services but these need
his book Conversations with God, 2001. to God’s will. But the misfortunes of this trained volunteers who will be faithful to the
communities. Problems, national or local, big or small, weighty
What seems a misfortune to us is perhaps life become a call to faith. They realize that time they commit to—and often, people find
or light and the problem of the rural poor we are speaking of here not so dreadful. From it, with love, humility God disposes events with a logic quite dif- many excuses not to get involved.
now is probably our weightiest all must be looked at and become and contrition, we can draw out a grace-filled ferent from their pursuit and the only way Let us ask Our Lady, who experienced
community concerns for the solving of which their participation encounter with Christ. Behind apparent evils is to detach themselves from everything else so many hardships, so much anguish, so
is needed. (illness, exhaustion, pain, abuse, financial so that he may fill them with his own love much sorrow, to teach us not to miss those
ruin, etc.), we can always find Jesus, holding and strength. opportunities of meeting Christ in the midst
Involving themselves in meeting those problems, they must do out his hand to help us bear that situation Today, we need pro-life volunteers who of the—humanly speaking—most unfavor-
so according to the social teaching of the Church which always and grow internally. will bring the “blind and the deaf and the able circumstances.
looks to the achieving of the common good. This demands Over and over again I have observed lame to Jesus”. We need witnesses who will If you feel God is calling you to give more
continuing discernment from all of us, both as individuals and as this miracle of conversion in our pro-life stand up and admit that it was their misfor- of your time to volunteer, call our Pro-life of-
communities. The answers will be varied, but, we trust, all issuing counseling centers—single pregnant girls, tunes that have brought them to surrender fice and we can discuss with you where your
from genuine Christian charity. post aborted women, sexually abused or themselves to the Lord, giving thanks for talents and time available, as well as most
run-away teens, battered wives, concerned that unique experience. It seems that active accessible center is for your convenience.
--The Dignity of the Rural Poor—A Gospel Concern, boyfriends. Some have already encountered volunteers who will minister to others are Call 911-2911.
A CBCP Pastoral Statement, 2007
Fr. Melvin P. Castro

ISSN 1908-2940
The road to Damascus
Speaking of Mary
CBCP Monitor
Protagonist of Tr u t h , Promoter of Peace
THE next stop of our Marian Pilgrimage was in Loyola, the birth
place of St. Ignatius. We were able to celebrate Mass in his “Room
simple Artificial), Faith-Reason-Science go together. The Church
position on the Artificial Means of Contraception espoused and
of Conversion.” There were four Spanish people who also attended promoted by the Reproductive Health Bill, among other things, is
Pedro C. Quitorio
Editor-in-Chief our English Mass, but then I took the opportunity to address them based on all three: Faith-Reason-Science.
with some words of thanks since it was their older generations who Our Bishop in the Diocese of Tarlac, Most Rev. Florentino F. Cin-
Pinky Barrientos, FSP Kris P. Bayos transmitted to us the Catholic Faith. ense, just came from Germany and he had a discussion with some
Associate Editor Feature Editor I prayed fervently for our Ateneo de Manila professors who have university students. And guess what was one of the questions! Why
publicly dissented from the Catholic teaching on the artificial means does the Church oppose Artificial Means of Contraception when it
Melo M. Acuña Rosalynn Garcia of contraception. Paradoxically, upon returning home, 40 more is better than the option of abortion! And my Bishop responded that
Managing Editor Marketing Supervisor professors would do the same public dissent. I am sure many of us both are evil, and it cannot be a choice of a lesser evil. He went on
feel the pain of this internal dissension. A word of caution as well, to make an analogy: What would you want me do to you: slap you
Laurence John R. Morales Ernani M. Ramos not because they are Ateneo professors, we would take their posi- or kill you? Certainly, we would choose neither.

Online Editor Circulation Manager

tion as something worthy of emulation and put into question the Let me add as well that although not all contraceptives are
Roy Q. Lagarde Marcelita Dominguez wisdom of the Church. It will be tragic to believe that their being abortifacient, nonetheless, all artificial means of contraceptives act
News Editor Comptroller part of the intellegentsia makes them above the Church Teaching against the very nature of the marriage act: that is both unitive and
and God’s Word. procreative.
The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the CBCP Com- This also serves a call for the Catholic intellegentsia to make your St. Ignatius of Loyola’s road to conversion began when he was
munications Development Foundation, Inc., with editorial and voices be heard and articulate in the public realm the soundness wounded in Pamplona and had to stay in bed in his home in Loyola.
business offices at 470 Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Manila. and logic of the Catholic doctrines! The Catholic Faith is rooted As time went on, he became increasingly bored. He asked for nov-
P.O. Box 3601, 1076 MCPO. in Sacred Scripture and backed up by reason. Faith and Reason go els to read, but the only books to be found in their house were two
Editorial: (063) 404-2182. Business: (063)404-1612.
Email: cbcpmonitor@cbcpworld.net hand-in-hand and in the particular issue of the Artificial Means of religious ones: The Life of Christ by the Carthusian Ludolf of Saxony
Website: www.cbcpworld.net/cbcpmonitor Birth Control (by the way, let us not fall into the trap of calling it and a medieval best seller, variously known as the Golden Legend
Modern Means of Contraception, it is not modern, it is plain and Speaking of Mary / A6
Opinion A5
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 23
November 10 - 23, 2008

Fr. Carmelo O. Diola, SSL Nicolo F. Bernardo

God smiles
Spaces of Hope Lifeguard
IT was a MOA signing that was not supposed (The staggering profits from illegal drugs The second was the Values and Leadership
to happen.
“Sir,” the voice on the other line said to
can influence elections, but this is another
story). Sam’s relatively small stature belies a
School (VLS), a 30-day live-in training for
PNP personnel that began September 10, 2004
A UN for the UNborn?
me, “the Chief PNP asks that the MOA sign-
ing with Cardinal Vidal be postponed to
another time.” I could not believe my ears.
depth of spirit and commitment that travels
the rough but life-giving road of conversion
and transformation that can only come from
and ended in 2007. More than 3000 policemen
and women went through the training that
was characterized by Spartan conditions,
The Universal Rights
The planned signing was long in the making.
I knew that a postponement might as well be
experiencing God’s personal love.
Within the span of a few months, Col. Tu-
leadership by example, involvement by many
volunteer groups, very little financial support
of the Prenatal Child
a cancellation. cay was promoted general and, by then, had from government, and a fresh approach of
Since 2004, I have been a witness to some- introduced me to members of the CORPS spirituality. No cursing or physical contact IN 1990, the nations of the world signed the Convention of the
thing very beautiful and unexpected that was Movement, i.e. Christian Officers Reform the was allowed. Whatever the trainees ate, Rights of the Child, declaring that “the child, by reason of his
emerging from a government agency that, Police Service Movement, composed of both the trainers shared; if trainees woke up at 4 physical and mental immaturity, needs SPECIAL safeguard and
sadly, many people associate with corrup- Protestants and Catholics. The glue holding am, the trainers were up earlier. Common care, including appropriate LEGAL protection, BEFORE as well
tion. The so-called kotong cop is synonymous them together is personal knowledge of prayers were said first thing in the morning as after birth.” (Preambular par.6)
with the image of using one’s public position God’s transforming love. Holding no IDs and last thing in the evening. Prayers were This statement reiterates the 1959 UN Declaration of the Rights
for private gain. But such image is not just the and rejecting violence and extra constitu- said before meals. of the Child. It is a principle agreed by countries not once but
bane of the lowly cop on the beat; even retired tional means as a way of changing society, CORPS members and other PNP volun- twice, concerning the unborn’s status under international law,
generals have made a scene in international their members begin with self and faith. teers provided the actual training staff while both before and after the controversial 1979 Convention on
airports. Yet, against all odds, a quiet trans- I learn much from the CORPS and have other volunteers mainly from faith-based or- the Elimination of All Forms of Elimination Against Women
formation was and is happening. become a better priest because of my friend- ganizations coming in to provide lectures and (CEDAW).
Four years ago, I was in a quandary with ship with them. Let me share two of their testimonies. Changed lives, not to mention The “preambular” gives light to the question “who is a child”
my involvement with advocacy groups pro- initiatives. The first is their mechanism reduced waistlines from the daily physical as to whom the rights of a child should be attendant. Art. 1 of
moting faith-impelled social transformation. for accountability partners. These are cell regimen, made the VLS worthwhile and truly the Convention says a child is “a human being below the age of
I did not know whom to trust in the PNP and groups providing psycho-spiritual and other inspiring. “I will not shoot him anymore. I 18.” Does this mean from birth to age of majority?
this was stifling our efforts at networking and mutual support in the journey towards in- will just pray for him,” wrote one graduate. Daniel O’ Donnell, a lawyer who worked with the UN Center
collaboration. A break came that year when I tegrity. They consider praying a very manly In the words of one officer: “VLS opened for Human Rights and the International Commission of Jurists,
was introduced to then Col. Samson Tucay. thing to do and encourage or correct one the gates for understanding and compassion explains that the first draft of the Convention defined children
The latter was involved with the anti- another. “Sir, I am talking with a beautiful to cascade to all our brethren in the police as a person from birth to age 15 (Children Are People Too,
illegal drugs campaign and we were able to woman. Help please,” a married officer who have long been wanting to go back to [Anvil, 1996]).
organize a National Consultation on Narco- once texted his accountability partner. “Do the Lord.” Yes, indeed, if all that the police But countries like Malta and Senegal proposed from concep-
politics or the use of profits from illegal drugs not ask for her cell phone number,” came receive are curses, how can they be a bless- tion to age 18. The positions were debated until an open-ended
to influence and corrupt the pillars of justice. the reply. Spaces of Hope / A6 final draft of “below 18” was endorsed. Yet the change of ter-
minology from “birth to 18” to “below 18” is telling, especially
Jose B. Lugay since Art. 24 requires State Parties to provide “pre-natal” care

The Presidential
or care before birth. To this end, prenatal care to reduce child
mortality has been one of the eight UN Millennium Develop-
ment Goals.

Election in the US Laiko Lampstand Deliberately, the phrase used in Art.1 was “human being” not
“human person,” given that some countries do not recognize
the unborn as a legal person, but nevertheless a biological hu-
man being.
ON vacation in Chicago suburbs during this world-shaking event, to the tune of $700 billion from federal funds—from the peoples’ tax What kind of protection is demanded? The text speaks of
the election of the first black President of the United States, gave payments. In the same way, as in our Philippine presidential election, “special safeguard” and “legal protection.” Logically, a country
me a bleacher’s view of how elections are done in this bastion of we pour all our hopes for the redeeming virtue of our President-elect. cannot simply do away with laws for the unborn or settle for
democracy. This gave me time to retrospect how democracy has Unhappily we are at the dark shadows of our Utopian dream. mediocre safeguards. What was envisioned was an even treat-
fared in the Philippines. President-elect Obama touched all these concerns and assured the ment before “as well as” after birth, not before “and more so”
It was in the early 19th century that the Philippines became electorate that there will be change—change for the better. Wealth after birth.
America’s child of democracy. The U.S. President then decided that will be spread around, that is, more taxes from the highest earners Granting this construction, suppose there would be conflict
we first learn the English language, so we learned our first ABC’s and with this, support will be given to those who need capital for between the interests of the parent and that of the (unborn) child,
from a boatload of educators, the Thomasites. Our Filipino leaders their personal businesses. This was under attack by Senator McCain which should prevail? Art. 3 answers: “the best interests of the
then, the educated sons of the Ilustrados, Jose Rizal, Marcelo H. because of it’s socialist leaning. The people understood the presenta- child shall be the primary consideration.”
del Pilar, Emilio Aguinaldo, Apolinario Mabini down to the next tion of the candidates on both sides. While not unanimous in all Document references would affirm this interpretation. Doc.
generation, Manuel L. Quezon, Sergio Osmena, Manuel Roxas and States, it was a clear victory for Obama, the first black President of A/RES/44/25 says Ecuador was “especially pleased” with the
Jose P. Laurel were determined that the Philippines must be run by the United States! preambular pointing to the protection of the unborn child, and
Filipinos. Remember Quezon’s phrase, “I would rather have the Phil- The Chicago electorate, more than 250,000 of them gathered in that it “should be borne in mind in interpreting all the articles
ippines run like hell by Filipinos than have it run like heaven by the Grant Park during the counting of the votes. Proud of their own of the Convention, particularly Art. 24 (pre-natal care).” The
Americans!” When Philippine independence was at last proclaimed Senator from Illinois to be elected President as well as the historic Vatican was also “confident” that the preambular “will serve
on July 4, 1946, we got what President Quezon predicted - we are breakthrough—the first African-American to become the President as a perspective through which the rest of the Convention will
governing Philippine democracy like hell! of the United States, they went wild when the Republican Party’s be interpreted.”
Whereas the results of the U.S. election was known within 24 candidate, Senator McCain, conceded defeat. To say the contrary, that State intervention for the unborn was
hours after voting ended, in the Philippines, it took us months of The Catholic Vote was not anywhere mentioned in the morning- not contemplated, will defeat the document’s comprehensive
tallying and more months of re-counting contested votes before the after newspaper. Definitely, the Catholics, who were a minority, goals given the continuum of a baby’s life.
declaration of the winners of the election. In contrast, in this current were represented by Vice-President elect Joseph Biden. We were For instance, O’ Donnell cites that in order to prevent birth
Presidential U.S. election, Senator John McCain, the defeated Presi- given, as we heard the Sunday mass prior to the election, a brochure defects, babies must be protected from their mother’s drug ex-
dential candidate, immediately conceded defeat without complaint on the issues that the voters should consider in voting for the presi- posure even before birth as drugs taken by the latter enter the
and wished President-elect Obama well. We did not get this mature dential candidates. Of interest to those in the Reproductive Health embryo’s bloodstream.
and gentlemanly acquiescence from our defeated presidential and advocacy in the Philippines, let me quote some of them: “This is an area where the child clearly has a right to protec-
vice-presidential candidates during the last election! tion before birth,” O’Donnell says. He also mentions “exposure
Voters, especially the young ones braved the wintry weather lining to harmful chemicals at work, smoking, or drinking alcohol” of
up 3 to 4 hours to vote. There were complaints of those who were not pregnant women. Here, protecting the unborn in turn protects
allowed to vote because of the wrong spelling of their names in the the mother.
voter’s registry compared to the names in their identification cards. (In Such inseparable protection of mother and child finds earlier
our case, voters’ names do not appear in the list!) Overall, the turnout, reflection in Art. 6, Par. 5 of the 1966 International Covenant
as the news analysts concluded, was the highest in history. This indi- on Civil and Political Rights (lifted from Roman Law): where
cated the interest of the people for their presidential choice to address capital punishment cannot be carried on a pregnant woman.
the economic crisis, a nation on recession, a run-away budget deficit, These issues would be front page in Manila. Considering all these, Why? Obviously because she carries an innocent child which,
spiraling national debt, and two costly and frustrating wars. Nearly 50 it is easy to conclude that the American people with more than 200 to her benefit, deserves protection.
million Americans lack health insurance; retirement savings in stocks years of experience in running a democracy (Abraham Lincoln’ 200th In pregnancy, we are not just dealing with the private interests
of the baby boomers suddenly lost their value. These were those who Anniversary this year) still experience the highs and lows of good of the woman, as the 1981 European Commission of Human
were born during World War II, now in their 60s, worrying where they governance. The Philippines, with the Catholic Church reminding Rights reminds. “Pregnancy cannot be said to pertain uniquely
can get support for their old age. Medicare and Medicaid are getting the electorate of the moral challenges working against the common to the sphere of private life. Whenever a woman is pregnant
a substantial share from the federal budget while the Social Security good, must therefore be ever vigilant in guiding the electorate— her private life becomes closely connected with the developing
System is facing bankruptcy. The sub-prime housing mortgages caused considering the values that operate in our communities, to attain fetus.” (Application 6959/75).
the collapse of Wall Street banks which the government had to bail out good governance through honest election of worthy candidates.
From the moment of conception
Rev. Euly B. Belizar, SThD Since majority of States actually restrict abortions, the issue is
not should the unborn be protected, but when should the unborn

Losing gracefully begin to be protected.

The 1978 American Convention on Human Rights is categori-
By the Roadside cal on who is a “person” with a right to life: “Every PERSON has
the right to have his life respected. This right shall be protected
by law and, in general, FROM THE MOMENT OF CONCEP-
A FEW days ago, like millions of people all politicians who do everything to gain votes of such graciousness in defeat. It is not The document says “in general” because “twinning” some-
over the world, I watched the US presidential and equally fight tooth and nail against ever that we don’t have the genes. I remember times happen after conception. The United States—ironically—
elections come to an end. I was simply awe- admitting or conceding defeat. And, to our distinctly how the late Senator Raul Roco made no reservations on the “moment of conception” clause.
struck by the victory of an African-American, chronic embarrassment, it is a reality in not very graciously conceded the election to No country has dared challenge the US for enforcement of the
Senator Barack Obama, over a white Ameri- only one dark spot of the archipelago. Nay, then candidate Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo article through the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. US
can, Senator John McCain. But, frankly, it it is as ubiquitous as wherever Filipinos run in 2004 but, realizing the serious credibility Republican presidencies, however, made efforts to comply.
wasn’t the historic character of the triumph for public office. The cynic’s joke is not even problems of her victory, later poured cold Significantly, in the common civil codes of many States (i.e.
of a person of color (I’m completely perplexed funny: “No Filipino candidate loses an elec- water on the whole thing. Of course, it could the Philippines), the unborn from conception can be granted in-
why Americans simply refer to President- tion. He only gets cheated.” be argued, and with justification, that that heritance, succession, donation, legitimation, support, insurance,
elect Obama as a black man when he isn’t That explains why I was simply bowled election didn’t reflect the true results. The civil damages, etc. Surely, the unborn must be a person for only
completely one, as his mother was a white over listening to Republican John McCain’s specter of a Joc-joc Bolante haunting the a moral person can be a subject of moral and civil rights!
American from Kansas) to the highest office concession speech. In previous days he incumbent president for whom he allegedly It is also worth noting that the Center for Reproductive Rights,
of the acknowledged dominant superpower was a driven man pushing hard to prove masterminded an illegal transfer of agricul- to its alarm, says that “there has been a growing trend toward
of the world. What struck me most were three that he was better than his opponent to be tural funds to her election coffers is too loud adoption of constitutional measures that recognize life from the
realities of the American electoral exercise: president of the United States and it seemed and too obvious to ignore. moment of conception.” (Abortion Worldwide: Twelve Years
the vast territories that it covers; the peaceful to me that he was prepared to move heaven If I were to identify two stumbling blocks of Reform).
transition and the credibility of the results. The and earth to block Senator Obama’s elec- to a Filipino losing gracefully, one would be This trend is reflected in the field of bioethics, when the 1997
fourth thing that struck me most was the in- tion to the presidency. But I saw none of the amount we spend (and I’m not simply Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine endeavored to
evitable question: Why doesn’t our diminutive that “angry” and “grumpy old man” the talking of legal campaign expenses) and an- protect not just the fetus but the embryo: “Where a law permits
country have the same democratic experience? press made him out to be. I saw a humbled other would be our value of “hiya” carried research on embryos, such research must ensure that the embryo
It matters little that we are a small country but a self-possessed man. This was all the to excess. That is, we don’t want the social is protected and the creation of embryos for research purposes
but it certainly matters like no other that our more remarkable because between the two stigma of election defeat, so we blame elec- is prohibited.” (Art.18)
electoral exercise wherever and whenever they candidates, he had the most to lose. His age tion cheating. It seems to me a strange irony
are held be peaceful and credible as well. Is the alone shuts him out from a possible future that election cheating has always plagued us Curing the schizophrenia
Philippines capable of all that? presidential comeback. His many attempts and, thus, had provided a convenient fodder We now wonder how come the countries that conceived pro-
Americans, as McCain exemplified, often to distance himself from President George to sore election losers. The poverty of the tecting the preborn had been the very countries that liberalized
call their country “the greatest nation on Bush may have also cost him precious po- masses is always the favorite escape goat abortion laws. One factor is the reactionary radical feminism
earth” and there’s no use arguing about that, litical and social connections. In short, just for all the sins that lead to what we now see with its clout up to the UN level, especially the committees for
especially when, as Barack Obama solemnly as Barack Obama’s election is historic, Mc- as our “inauthentic” and “immature democ- implementation.
declared in his victory speech, we see another Cain’s political ambition is now history. racy”. Those who use that escape goat may There is the 1994 Cairo Conference on Population and Devel-
proof from their latest political act that that But I didn’t see nor heard a bitter John have a point. But it does not explain all or opment. In the end however, it was agreed that “IN NO CASE
“government of the people, by the people McCain. Rather I heard a calm and com- even most of what is wrong in our psyche should abortion be promoted as a means of family planning.”
and for the people has not perished from the posed man accepting the American people’s or character that shows its ugly heads in our (Platform 8.25). Cairo+5 also did not approve the term “emer-
earth”. In contrast, some conscientious law- verdict with sadness, yes, but also with high society’s anomalies. Either we submit to an gency contraception” or the use of “contraceptives” that are
yers that I know often see ours as a “democra- praises, hopes for his opponent’s triumph inner and structural overhaul such that it actually abortifacients.
zy” that has “a government off the people, and for the democratic tradition. can be tested externally in our actual politi- What followed was the 1995 Beijing Conference on Women
buy the people and poor the people”. It is a Every Filipino, I think, should be green cal conduct. Or we will keep on seeing and Lifeguard / A7
peculiar political creature regularly featuring with envy over foreign politicians capable being sore losers.
A6 Local News
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 23
November 10 - 23, 2008

Filipino BECs growing abroad CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, November attend the ongoing CBCP-BEC 2nd National Fund scam / A1
12, 2008—The formation of Basic Ecclesial Congress in Cagayan de Oro but they were
Communities (BEC) is gaining ground even not able to make it due to a conflict in their The Senate said Bolante has to answer
among Filipino communities abroad. schedule. before the Senate blue ribbon committee
Committee on BEC of the Catholic Bish- “It is also interesting to note that the one all the allegations that have been leveled
ops’ Conference of the Philippines executive training the Filipino BECs are experts who against him about the alleged fertilizer fund
secretary Msgr. Elmer Abacahin said it’s a learned so many things about it in their re- diversion scam.
“welcome development” for the Philippine spective dioceses and now working abroad,” The former government official was
Catholic church. Abacahin said. whisked to the hospital after deportation
He said these Filipino BECs are present in The CBCP official said they are now trying to from the US last October 28.

© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

countries like France, Thailand, Australia, get in touch with the said Filipino BECs abroad Senate blue ribbon committee chairman
Kuwait and Latin America where the said and prove what relevance BECs could possibly Senator Alan Peter Cayetano said all senators
Catholic movement originated. have for the Church and the country. agreed for “humanitarian reasons” to Bo-
Abacahin said the BEC in Kuwait is some- “We are trying to connect with them es- lante’s request the he stay at the hospital.
thing notable because it’s a pre-dominantly pecially the bishop of Kuwait who is asking Cayetano said they would also like to prove
Moslem country. us to visit and help them organize BECs,” to the public and show the courts that they re-
Msgr. Elmer Abacahin In fact, he said, some of them wanted to Abacahin added. (CBCPNews) spect the rights of witnesses. (Roy Lagarde)
Speaking of Mary / A4
and the Flower of the Saints by a Dominican named St. Ignatius’ encounter with God through sound rat, a renowned Marian Shrine. There he made a teach me to serve you as you deserve,
James of Varazze: books reminds the need for good books for our confession of his entire life. Then on the eve of the to give and not to count the cost,
When he was thinking of the things of the world, children and young. We remember St. Augus- Annunciation, after putting on his pilgrim garb to fight and not to heed the wounds,
he was filled with delight, but when he had dis- tine whose conversion was also facilitated by the and donating his fine clothes to a beggar, he spent to toil and not to seek for rest,
missed them from weariness, he was dry and dis- reading of good books. Tolle and lege, Take and the entire night ‘without ever sitting or lying down, to labor and not to seek reward,
satisfied. But when he thought of performing the Read, was what he heard and followed. And such but now standing, now kneeling before the altar of save that of knowing that I do your Most Holy
rigours he saw in the lives of the saints, he was not reading led him, as it would lead St. Ignatius, to Our Lady.’ (Ibid. p. 11). There before Our Lady, Will.
only consoled while he entertained the thoughts, encounter God and his truth. he “surrendered” his sword.
but even afterwards he remained cheerful and Thus began, Yñigo’s own “road to Damascus.” At Loyola, our group prayed and sung his Wounded and battered are good soldiers. And
satisfied. (Michael Ivens SJ: An Approach to Saint His conversion grew and matured in time. One prayer: good soldiers do not fade, they triumph eventu-
Ignatius of Loyola, p.8) of the highlights was his pilgrimage to Monster- Lord Jesus, teach me to be generous; ally. Ave Maria!
‘Be honest’ / A1 UST / A1

to be held from November 2008 to February 2009. Davao City National High School, Rizal Memorial Colleges High As planned, UST would come up with a series of programs and
In Davao City, the competition is set on November 15, Saturday at School, Assumption College of Davao High School, Philippine activities to promote “faith experiences” and answer “faith questions”
2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the University of Southeastern Philippines National Science High School–Southern Mindanao Campus, Daniel including reproductive health and pro-life issues, De la Cruz said.
(USEP) Social Hall, Iñigo St., Bo. Obrero. R. Aguinaldo National High School, Davao City Special National Asked if UST professors, like that of the state-run University of
The event will be preceded by a motorcade to start at 10 a.m. from High School (SPED-Bangkal), Federico Yap National High School in the Philippines, and the Jesuit-run Ateneo de Manila University,
Royal Mandaya Hotel en route to the venue passing through the Astorga, Sta. Cruz, Davao del Sur and Tagum City National Com- would come up with an independent ‘position paper on RH bill’,
city’s main arteries. Agila Riders of Davao headed by Daniel Sungs prehensive High School in Mankilam, Tagum City. De la Cruz said, “that would not happen.”
is expected to spearhead the motorcade. The objectives of the “Be Honest” oratorical competition are: to inspire “As the Pontifical, and Catholic institute, UST has responsibility
In a communiqué sent to CBCPNews it was learned that for Davao and encourage the youth to live out the virtue of honesty as a way of life; to defend and promote church’s teaching and stand on pro-life mat-
City participants, it will be a 3-stage competition that will wind up and to heighten the awareness among the youth on the urgent need to ters,” De la Cruz said.
in the National Capital Region (NCR) in February 2009 after an dismantle the culture of corruption and dishonesty in the society. With its 40,000 students, UST is the largest Catholic university in
inter-regional or semifinals contest in Cebu City in late November Cash prizes and all-expense paid trips await the top winners at the world in one campus. Historically, UST has always been very
or early December 2008. every stage of the competition. faithful to the teachings of the magisterium and the local bishops.
The participating schools are Ateneo de Davao University High This program of speaking for honesty is BCBP’s small seed sown Last July 25, 2008, the CBCP-UST held a protest rally against the
School, University of Immaculate Conception High School, Philip- among the Filipino youth toward a spiritually healthy and morally RH bill. The gathering also marked the 40th anniversary of “Hu-
pine Women’s College High School, Sta. Ana National High School, upright nation, the communiqué said. (Mark S. Ventura) manae Vitae.”
“…all Thomasians and true Filipinos should heed the call of the
Corruption / A1 Catholic Church, its bishops and lay leaders, to reject the Lagman
bill. Let us all reject the Lagman Conspiracy. Let us all reject its grand
Church of the poor, the little ones that or- ment at the local level where big cuts are mansi growers to safeguard the quality of their deception and its attempt to return the country to the dark days of
ganized as BECs can bring collectively their slashed from the funds and go to the pockets products to able to market it in bigger cities, Martial Law,” said the Varsitarian, the UST students’ its editorial
voices to the powers that lead and to be able to of local officials. even to Metro Manila. dated September 30, 2008. (Santosh Digal)
transform their own society,” Ledesma said. “It is through their clustering and forming
Underscoring the role of BECs in rural Watchdog role associations that BECs can show the way in Spaces of Hope / A5
development, the archbishop challenged the Quevedo said the BECs can play a watch- rural development,” said Ledesma.
people saying that the poverty “we see around dog role by checking on their officials. He mentioned the pioneering effort of the ing to others?
us” is not a “God given kind of poverty.” “The BECs are the ones who know what archdiocese in the growth of a product like Meanwhile, Gen. Tucay took over the helm of the Police National
“It is a poverty that we must confront and is supposed to be given to a barangay. [They] castor oil, beans and also in promoting the Training Institute (PNTI) making him responsible for at least 4 to 6
wage war against because it is the poverty can begin checking on those, because many economic development of their small farmer thousand trainees at any given time. There he also introduced faith-
that dehumanizes many [of] our brothers of those barangay officials are members of growers in different areas. impelled transformation initiatives including morning and evening
and sisters. That denies them the basic rights the BECs, and therefore if they are given the devotions. “Daily group prayer was good for us. My companions
and the basic needs that they have for their IRA, or allocation funds, they are the ones who ‘Extensions of body of Christ’ and I really look forward to praying in the morning now, although
own rightful growth in their human dignity,” can monitor what is happening to the funds, Ledesma noted that ‘basic ecclesial commu- I did not expect to be exposed to it in a training facility,” confessed
Ledesma said. said Quevedo. nities are extensions of the body of Christ.’ one newly inducted policewoman.
But monitoring happens only at the ba- ‘‘All of us are but one body of Christ. And The significance of what these men and women in uniform are do-
Combating corruption should start at the rangay level since they are the ones who the BEC also partake the three functions and ing go beyond the confines of the police force. The latter is certainly
bottom have first-hand knowledge of government gifts of the body of Christ. Christ as Priest, as the most visible government agency in our daily lives charged to
Endemic corruption in all levels of govern- programs and activities. Prophet and a servant King. And it is in life maintain peace and order, public safety and internal security. If the
ment can be addressed, and it should start at The schools of the archdiocese are also mo- perhaps that we can reflect a bit about the PNP can be transformed from within, other agencies and sectors
the bottom, said Cotabato Archbishop Orlando bilized to address the same problem. meaning of BECs,” he said. can be transformed. Perhaps this work of transformation coincides
Quevedo, OMI, also the Chairman of CBCP A program on honesty and accountability is Ledesma said that as a participatory Church with what some bishops have recently said: “The time to start radical
Committee on Basic Ecclesial Communities. part of the schools’ curriculum. It is directed BEC members share in the liturgical life of the reforms is now. The time for moral regeneration is now. The time
“People should start correcting corruption against corruption. That type of program is Church. He gave as example the parish litur- to conquer complacency, cynicism and apathy and to prove that we
from the bottom, not just waiting for a ‘big fish’ also given at the BEC level. gical activities members of BECs partake in have matured from our political disappointments is now. The time
to be caught. Corruption can be controlled at The program is a systematic curriculum particularly the reception of the sacraments. to prepare for a new government is now.”
the local level, barangay, municipality, even against corruption, the archbishop said. BEC members concretized their roles of Time was ticking. Someone else from the office of Gen. Verzosa
the province,” said Quevedo. being servant in sharing the responsibility of called me. “Fr. Melo, it is a go.” My spirit perked up. “But someone
He said elections are hotly contested even Roles of BECs in rural development serving the needs of the local Church, he said. from your office said it would be postponed,” I countered. “He is
at the kagawad level not so much because Quevedo also said that rural development Ledesma observed the various roles members going there right now,” was the calm reply. We were setting the
of their program but because of the money from the BEC perspective is sustainable devel- perform in the local Church. signing 30 minutes earlier. Meanwhile, the official MOA was in the
involved. opment. It starts from the bottom as opposed “There is also a sharing of responsibility hands of someone who had been given wrong information regard-
“So a lot of money is being spent in local from the present model of development that in terms of the multiplication of roles as they ing the venue. Etc…
Barangay elections, including among the comes from top. minister as alagads, as selda facilitators, as To shorten a long story, a MOA was signed last 30 October 2008
youth. A lot of corruption is taking place [at “The people have to use their own initia- katekistas, and family and life promoters, between the PNP, the Archdiocese of Cebu, and Dilaab Foundation
this level],” he said. tives and whatever resources they can use in youth organizers…,” he said. Inc. It features a 7-day version of the VLS to be piloted in Cebu and a
“It starts at the rural level,” Quevedo said, their own communities and develop them- Ledesma added that the sharing of respon- follow-up program bringing together Pulis/Pari, Precinto/Parokya
“although it is not as visible as what is hap- selves locally. So more or less it is a gospel sibilities leads the members to grow in their through the instrumentality of lectio divina. Dilaab will work with
pening at the top. Actually it is all over the countersign to the model of development faith, in their hope and aspirations “as one partner local churches to sustain the fruits of integral transforma-
Philippines. It has to do with government in the world. They don’t really depend very Church linked to the larger structures of the tion.
officials—from kagawad to policemen and all much on outside help, so it’s called sustainable parish, of the vicariates, of the entire diocese Yes, God indeed smiles.
that. That’s why I don’t believe in the idea of development,” said Quevedo. and the whole Church in the Philippines.” (For comments, kindly email: exposition@dilaab.net)
corruption only on the top.” The Cotabato archbishop believed rural Another dimension Ledesma mentioned
Quevedo said his 25 years of experience as development could address the poverty crisis was the BECs involvement in advocacy work Afterthoughts / A4
a bishop can attest to the systemic corruption at the local level. saying that ecclesial communities are called to he makes is that at this time advocacy for or against the Bill seems
taking place in government. He noted that people in the provinces can be prophets and carriers of values. The rural to be paramount among people concerned in one way or another
Corruption is widespread in all areas of survive even with little. congress last July has pushed into the open about it. Dialogue must take place first precisely to see what are
government, education, infrastructure… as “Big businesses cannot survive, but little the various concerns of basic sectors from the our agreements, what our disagreements. We can then debate our
long as signature is needed, there is corruption people in the grassroots can survive with the BECs, among them agrarian reform, indig- disagreements and see if compromises can be made with a view
there. Contractors use substandard materials kind of development that they can sustain enous peoples’ rights, peace process, good to coming to a final consensus. The kind of debate we hold among
to make profit, whether it is a barangay road, from their own local areas,” Quevedo said. governance, and poverty alleviation. ourselves as Church will, I do not doubt, be of great help to the final
or farm to market road… he said. “Sustainable development does not call for consideration of the Bill in Congress when it takes place. And we
“Change should start at the bottom. Even infusion of big capital. What it needs are coop- Still have much room for growth might add, our dialoging, debating, advocating must always be in
if we elect a new president, same thing will eration and collaboration among themselves Despite their dedication and involvement in the context of a rigorous discernment from faith, in faith, for the
happen. Why? Because it’s the system itself. [BECs]. And perhaps a little capital from the the life of the Church BEC members still need exercise to be genuinely, thoroughly Christian.
And the system is deeply rooted. There is so diocese, from the parish, can help the BEC a lot in terms of growth and guidance, noted One point that I’m sure will come up in the debate would be this
much more corruption in the higher level be- in the villages. But even that it is not really Ledesma, admitting that factions are a reality difficulty: If the Bill were to be unchanged from its present form, no
cause there is so much more money and also needed as my experience in Kidapawan and in basic ecclesial communities. modifications whatsoever being made from what will be suggested
because it’s highly visible. At the bottom, it’s Nueva Segovia [showed]. The BECs there they “We cannot still rise up and speak in one in the dialogue and debate we speak of here, what will happen to the
less visible, but there’s corruption there and started their own cooperatives, they started voice. And it is in this sense that BECs them- Bill’s provision that asks for government to make available all forms
the people know. A kagawad takes money their own compost farming, in terms of com- selves are invited to take the lead in reconcilia- of contraceptive means, artificial or natural, the former consisting
for anything, even just for transportation munity self help,” Quevedo added. tion, in providing venues for bringing together mostly of “essential medicines”, no distinction being made between
fare, budget allocation for transportation,” Despite the level of governance the country homes and factions that have been split and abortifacient and non-abortifacient medicines? The point is if no
said Quevedo. has at present, Quevedo still expressed opti- separated from one another,” said Ledesma. such distinction is made now, the Bill, if enacted unmodified, will
He said if BECs are serious about their proj- mism that sustainable development can help from the outset be subject to questions about its constitutionality.
ects about authentic development they cannot address poverty. A new way of being Church So Father Joaquin Bernas has been pointing out, since it will in ef-
but influence others. “It can help because leadership at BEC from The three-day gathering hopes to challenge fect be, among other things, a law against the Constitutional ban on
“It’s a big challenge. The awareness raising the grassroots is again very different from the participants and bring a greater understanding abortion. Why wait for that time-and-effort-wasting inevitability and
would have to be intensified, so that what kind of leadership in politics. There’s a lot of on how BECs can indeed strengthen the faith of not take steps right now to make the Bill totally in conformity with
they would be doing would have effect on the consensus and decision making done by them its members and how each one can contribute the Constitution with just a little more judicious give-and-take?
outside,” Quevedo said. (BECs). That is true with governance, that is to the transformation of Philippine Society. The pros and cons of the Bill aside, there is one little fact mentioned
He said if the whole archdiocese is orga- also true with the social action projects, at Commonly referred to as a new way of in the Ateneo professors’ statement that should make Church people
nized in terms of BECs who practice a culture that is also true with barangay chapel coun- being Church, basic ecclesial communities or pause. I am referring to the statistic they cite on the percentages of
of transparency and accountability, its influ- cil. Again participation, collaboration and BECs are also called in various other names in women who practice some form of birth control. They point out
ence in all areas will be widespread. lot of decisions made based on themselves,” different parts of the Philippines. In Bangued, that the contraceptive rate for the whole Philippines is 50.6%, and
The concept of battling systemic corruption Quevedo said. it is called Simbaan Dagiti Agkaarruba (SIM- only 0.2% of it covers natural family planning (NFP) methods. If
should start from the bottom up, he said. BAG); in Kalookan, Munting Kapitbahayang the figures are true, this only means that we are failing utterly as a
“If the diocese is constituted by BECs and Showing the way Kristiyano (MKK); in Lucena, Quezon Prov- Church in our advocating and teaching of NFP in our Family and Life
the parishes as such, the influence of the grass- A number of BECs at the grassroots have ince and Pasig, Munting Sambayanang Kristi- program. This failure is all the more embarrassing in that one of the
roots will be quite extensive,” he said. formed cooperatives or clusters in market- yano (MSK); in Romblon, Buklod o Sambulig; strongest characteristics of the program has been its strong and long
One of the main sources of corruption is ing their goods. Ledesma said in Northern in Antique, Kristohanon nga Katilingban opposition to government efforts at population control. I believe its
the budget allocation for infrastructures and Mindanao one approach for marketing is to (KK); and in Talibon, Gagmayng Kristoha- opposition would be more credible if its success at promoting NFP
countryside development projects of govern- group together vegetable growers or cala- nong Katilingban. methods were a bit more something to be proud of.
Diocesan News A7
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 23
November 10 - 23, 2008

News Briefs
Catholic academe potent agent of evangelization
DAVAO CITY—The Catholic Educational Association of the
Ozamiz archbishop holds
El Shaddai at bay
Philippines (CEAP) said that despite the difficulties Catholic
schools encounter today they continue to be a strong agent of
evangelization. CEAP director-at-large Sr. Tessie Bayona said
Catholic administrators and educators know in their hearts that
they continue to be valued and successful to play a vital role in
the evangelizing mission of the Church. (Mark Ventura)

Youth reminded on impact of prayer

LANTAPAN, Bukidnon—Participants of the 4th Mindanao
Tripartite Youth Peace Camp here were reminded on the signifi-
cance of prayer in their lives. Lou Q. Solijon of the Daughters of

© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

St. Anne Secular, challenged the young people to live a prayerful
life amidst secularism and materialism. “More than anything
else, you are called to live a prayerful life. Make prayer a habit
and through it you will experience authentic dialogue with God,”
she said. (Mark Ventura)

Prelate asks teachers to ‘be a model of Christian values’

OZAMIZ CITY—Archbishop Jesus Dosado, CM, has urged OZAMIZ CITY— Members of the charismatic group El Shaddai are Ecclesiae,” Dosado said.
Catholic school teachers in his archdiocese to act as a model barred from entering the archdiocese of Ozamiz unless they play by “I find it hard to accept that Bro. Mike (El Shaddai leader Mariano
of Christian values being the most important professional cre- the archdiocese’s rules. Velarde) has been tasked to teach with the kind of ecclesiastical
dential in the formation of their pupils. He said the integration Ozamiz archbishop Jesus Dosado wants the group to “inte- education background that he has or does not have. Has he really
(of religious truth and values with the rest of life) is expressed grate” into the Archdiocesan Catholic Charismatic Movement received a “canonical mission” from legitimate authorities to teach,”
above all in the lives of the Catholic school teachers whose daily structure. he noted.
witness to the meaning of mature faith and Christian living has “I forbade them to come in. Forming their own charismatic com- He also noted Velarde calls himself Servant-Leader, a term ap-
a profound impact upon the education and formation of their munities would be disruptive of our parish and diocesan setup,” plied to the ordained ministers by PCP-II and should be reserved
pupils. (Wendell Talibong) the prelate said. to priests or deacons.
In 1999, the archdiocese barred El Shaddai from establishing chap- “Maybe they do it some other time, but I do not see them reciting
Prelate sees de-Christianization in All Souls Day ters in the archdiocese because of their refusal to join the structure the Rosary or singing a hymn to our Blessed Mother,” he added.
celebration of the Catholic charismatic movement. “I cannot see this group classified under New Ecclesial Move-
NAGA CITY—Caceres Archbishop Leonardo Legaspi, OP said Dosado said the constant use of the term “Yahweh El Shaddai” ments because, as described recently by the Holy Father and the
the celebration of All Souls Day is “slowly being de-Christian- when calling God goes against what our Lord taught us to call God Roman Dicastery in charge of these groups, the New Ecclesial
ized” as the focus of the occasion is shifted from the real essence “Our Father.” Movements contain an element of a covenant among its members,
of the religious affair to values which are important only to busi- He added the stage on which the program is held has no reli- an element I do not see in El Shaddai,” he added.
ness and not to the original intent of the religious affair. He said gious or liturgical symbols except a “Pentecostal revival” during But Dosado said he acknowledges the gift of the founder of El
that too much attention is given to commercialism that what used the Mass. Shaddai. “I acknowledge the charismatic gift of Bro. Mike,” he
to be the All Souls Day religious activity has been converted to “The charismatic group seems to go against the teaching of the said.
a social fad called “Halloween.” (Elmer Abad) Church enunciated by Pope John Paul II in his exhortation Dies Do- He suggested that the charism of Bro. Mike and his group be asked
mini that on the Day of the Lord we should celebrate the Eucharist as to help in the PCP-II thrust of strengthening the parishes and basic
Dying is akin to sleeping: prelate Church, namely with our ecclesial communities in our parishes and ecclesiastical communities.
DAVAO CITY—Archbishop Fernando Capalla said that dying is dioceses and what these people do is leave their dioceses, parishes, “Given the proper guidance along these lines, the El Shaddai
similar to merely sleeping. “For those of us who have faith and and small ecclesial communities to celebrate the Eucharist some- group can be a tremendous force within the Church; otherwise, to
believe in the life after death, being dead is akin to falling sleep. where else in a gathering which I find hard to classify as ecclesial. me they are destructive of what we are trying to do based on PCP-
After sleeping, in God’s own time, we wake up again, we rise to The Pope says quite eloquently that the Dies Domini is also the Dies II,” he said. (Wendell Talibong)

Libmanan, Legazpi dioceses join

a new life,” Capalla said; adding: “This is the Resurrection which
we profess every Sunday when we say the Apostles or Nicene
Creed.” (Mark Ventura)

hands in micro-financing farmers

DACS head sees need for students to be informed on RH
DAVAO CITY—Saying that students must have a sense of own-
ership on this matter, the president of the Davao Association of
Colleges and Schools (DACS) in the city has seen the need for LIBMANAN, Camarines Sur— A partner- small businesses where they all qualified to of the residents in this area two years ago,
educators of Catholic schools to inform their students on the ship between the Prelature of Libmanan run and manage. the Prelature of Libmanan did not lose time
issues underlying the Reproductive Health (RH) bill. Fr. Danny and the Diocese of Legazpi has been forged This partnership encompasses an inte- in looking for ways and means so that those
Montaña, RCJ said the students should know the issues of RH to make available a micro-financing scheme grated program which starts at the Dusayan affected may be able to rise again and restore
bill because they are one of the sectors that will be affected if the which will benefit small farmers and micro- Village, a relocation site in Cabusao town them to live normal lives.
bill will become law. (Mark Ventura) entrepreneurs in the area. with 170 families living here, mostly victims “This partnership between the Prelature
This was learned from Social Action of the killer typhoons in 2006. of Libmanan with Bishop Jose Rojas, Jr. and
Ateneo joins archdiocese in promoting sustainable Center Director Fr. Granwell Pitapit in an The program will focus on financing the Diocese of Legazpi through its apostolic
agriculture interview with CBCPNews. micro-enterprises and livelihood activi- administrator Bishop Lucilo Quiambao, will
CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY—Ateneo de Cagayan responded to the With this partnership, the Social Action ties especially those involving livestock be instrumental in giving them livelihood
issues related to food security by promoting sustainable agricul- Center (SAC) through the Prelature of raising. opportunities especially that they will not
ture in partnership with the Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro. As an Libmanan Development Foundation, Inc. Funding agencies such as the Caritas Inter- only be farmers this time but they can try to
outreach and extension program of the Xavier University’s College (PLDFI) will be able to serve the members national through Caritas Filipinas Founda- be businessmen at the same time,” observes
of Agriculture, the university chose Pagatpat as a pilot barangay of the Basic Ecclesiastic Communities (BEC) tion are supporting this project. local newsman Gil de la Cruz who hails from
to promote sustainable agriculture. (Maryann Zamora) locally known as the ‘Saradit na Kristianong It may be recalled that after the calamities the municipality of Cabusao, this province.
Komunidad’ (SKK) with capitalization for destroyed the livelihood and houses of many (Elmer Abad)
Ipil vicar general bats for stronger advocacy on natural Migrants / A1
family planning He said conditions of migration should be safe, more secure more He also stressed that “any form of temporary and circular migra-
IPIL, Zamboanga Sibugay— A Church leader here said the humane. The Holy See representative said cooperation among States tion should never be taken as a pretext for avoiding full respect of
survey which showed that seven out of 10 Catholics favor the is necessary in order to achieve this. migrants’ rights, and specifically their right to family reunification,
passage of Reproductive Health Bill should “move us to further Marchetto affirmed migrants can only contribute to genuine de- their right to the recognition of their contribution to development
strengthen our advocacy for natural family planning method”. velopment if their situation is humane, which implies the right to both by their work and by means of their savings sent home. Fail-
Msgr. Elmer Alforque, vicar general of the Prelature of Ipil, said family reunification. ings in this area would point to a lack of integration and cooperation
“there is big probability that the results of the survey was true “How can migrants, men or women, possibly contribute their best policies in host countries, as well as of national development policies
because the people now are more liberal and will most likely to genuine development if their situation is not humane?” he asked. in the countries of origin.”
embrace the artificial method than the natural family planning He also recalled the words of Pope Benedict XVI in the address He appealed to the governments to continue working to “create
as advocated by the Church.” (John Mahusay) he delivered to the United Nations last April 18. conditions where migration will never be the only option left to
“The future will be built on human rights. We are speaking of a persons in order to find job and a safe and dignified life.”
People with presd’l ambitions must not get in touch with fundamental nucleus of values, hence of rights, but also of duties The Holy See official also urged governments to create more op-
peace talks and responsibilities, including the need to promote human dignity portunities for work so that families are not torn apart.
MARAWI CITY—“Do not use the peace and peace talks between and justice without imposing either cultural relativism or cultural “In this situation those who suffer most are children who often
the Moro rebels and the government as an avenue to advance imperialism, and with full acceptance of the principles of subsidiarity grow up without parents and are obliged to take upon themselves
your political ambitions in 2010.” Such, was the advice given and solidarity,” Marchetto quoted the Pope as saying. heavy responsibilities,” the archbishop lamented. (Roy Lagarde)
by Lawyer Safrullah Dipatuan, vice chair of the Bangsamoro
Carmelites / A1
Development Agency (BDA) on the moves of some government
leaders who are interested in forging peace in Mindanao but with Even as Joc-Joc Bolante finally arrived, truth, the search for an understanding of the causes crying out for genuine land reform, workers
vested interests. (Mark Ventura) justice and accountability remain beyond of these evils,” said the priest, adding, “We crying out for substantial wage hike, migrant
reach. Families of victims of human rights pledge to do our part by conducting wider workers seeking better jobs so they won’t be
violations cry out for justice,” Sabado said. discussions at the grassroots level on the forced to work abroad, youth and all mar-
Ozamiz prelate cautions flock against culture of death
“What happened to the decision of the corruption in governance and social evils ginalized sectors who deserve a government
OZAMIZ CITY—Ozamiz Archbishop Jesus Dosado, CM has
Supreme Court affirming the involvement of affecting our people today.” that is truly for the people.
encouraged his flock to recognize the sanctity of life from concep-
General Jovito Palparan in the spate of extra- With BCC-BEC communities as JPIC’s “We will abide with the people’s mandate
tion to natural death and cautioned against the culture of death
judicial killings and persecution of human vehicle, Carmelites will deepen the under- and be steadfast in standing for the sovereign
that redefines marriage to include homosexuals, bisexuals, and
rights advocates?” the priest asked. standing of Catholics, seminarians, priests will of the people,” he said. (Santosh Digal)
transsexuals. He said the culture of life worships the God of
The Filipino people have had enough of the and religious and others on confronting the
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The culture of death worships Satan. Signature drive / A1
government’s lies and undelivered promises. roots of these evils.
(Wendell Talibong)
“We live in a world full of injustice and “In support of the Bishops’ call, we will “beyond repair.”
disquiet. It is our duty to contribute to the not waver in our quest for truth, justice and Jimenez called on the public to act now
Basilan bishop tells priests and nuns: no to arms before it’s too late and before everything left
search for an understanding of the causes of accountability. JPIC will continue to join the
ISABELA CITY— There is a growing call from priests and nuns these evils,” he said. interfaith communities in communal prayer, in their environment is destroyed.
in the Prelature of Isabela, this province, to find a way to secure Order of Carmelites fully supports the calls study and actions to demand radical reforms The prelate added that he is sure that there
themselves, after the ambush of a Claretian priest Fr. Felimon Libot of the five Catholic Bishops “to form a citi- and hold this corrupt-ridden administration was not one instance in the country when
last Oct. 18. But the bishop of the prelature told them in a letter: “I zen’s council to promote public awareness, to accountable to the people,” Sabado said. mining actually benefited the poor.
would state categorically that priests in the Prelature of Isabela de monitor the use of public funds, and to initiate Sabado said that JPIC will continue to pray He said only owners of the mining compa-
Basilan are not allowed to arm themselves.” (John Mahusay) charges against guilty officials,” Sabado said. and act in solidarity with the poor as the nies and unscrupulous public officials ben-
Quoting the Carmelite Constitution stat- Order of Carmelite demand the scrapping of efit and prosper while poor people continue
MILF official says Moro keeps good relations with utes, “It is about time that we contribute to oil deregulation and excessive taxes, farmers to suffer. (CBCPNews)
Lifeguard / A5
MARAWI CITY—A ranking official of the Moro Islamic Libera-
tion Front (MILF) said that the Moro people will still continue to reiterating CEDAW, that says “in circum- suffered it (as some societies amount to Abortion brings a lifetime of emotional,
sustain the good relationships with Christians in Mindanao. Atty. stances where abortion is not against the law, stone-throwing). physical, and psychological trauma where
Safrullah Dipatuan, vice chairman of the Bangsamoro Develop- such abortion should be safe” and States must Looking closely on the trend of interna- the woman, instead of being imprisoned,
ment Agency (BDA), an agency of the MILF on rehabilitation “consider reviewing laws containing puni- tional law regarding the unborn, one will should be given intervention programs to
and development said there is no truth that conflicts are brewing tive measures against women who have un- notice that on one hand, countries are will- prevent further abortions. There must be
up between Muslims and Christians as a result of the Mindanao dergone illegal abortions.” (Platform 106k). ing to consider legal protection, but on the State intervention since abortion is still a
conflict. (Mark Ventura) We should note here what the Beijing other, some are cautious that such protection crime and the State has interest on both the
Platform does not say and therefore cannot might become punitive This is the reason mother and her unborn.
Campus Ministers confab focuses on dialogue of faith, be imposed (aside from being non-binding). why many Western countries did away At this juncture, pro-life groups should
culture in campus First, what was concluded was that abortion with their abortion laws due to the seeming have all the reasons to participate in UN-
DAVAO CITY—Building and strengthening the dialogue of faith should be safe when legal (in our country, it impracticality of jailing abortees. But they based conferences to check the “abortionism”
and culture on campus, was the gist of the recently concluded is legal only for life-threatening pregnancies have gone to the other extreme of neglecting of Gender Law, while developing Child’s
3rd National Convention on Campus Ministers. Organizers said under the principle of “double effect”) not the unborn with impunity. Rights Law, Family Law, and Legal Bioethics.
that the convention highlighted the significance of dialogue as necessarily that abortions should be made With this dilemma in mind, many pro-life I urge readers to sign the online UN Petition
a tool to understanding and attaining peace in Mindanao. “The legal and safe. What is stated is that “puni- think-tanks like the Feminists for Life sug- for the Unborn Child targeting the 60th An-
long history of conflicts in Mindanao marked by differences in tive measures” should be reviewed—not for gest a pastoral approach not via decriminal- niversary of the Declaration of Human Rights
culture, faith, and religious expressions has been the constant the abortion/abortifacient providers—but ization of abortion but rather, to punish the on December 10. Imagine your signature cre-
challenge for people in Mindanao to build sustainable and last- for women who have undergone abortion. abortion provider and to counsel the woman; ating a world where both mothers and their
ing peace,” it said. (Mark Ventura) Abortion can be illegal but it need not be not because she has no liability but because unborn are given protection. That world, if
implemented punitively for women who abortion is in itself perpetual punishment. you choose, we can give birth.
CBCP Monitor
People, Facts & Places Vol. 12 No. 23
November 10 - 23, 2008

Top Vatican official

to visit RP THE head of the Vatican council that over-
sees the Church’s charitable activities around
the world will visit the Philippines to talk of
lecture at the University of Santo Tomas on
Jan. 23.
In behalf of the pope and the entire Catho-
movements and communities, gave him a
firsthand experience of the fact that “all over
the world there are a lot of new attempts to
the theology of charity with the country’s lic community, Cardinal Cordes travels to live Christianity sincerely.”
bishops. disaster areas bearing not only a papal bless- Archbishop Cordes’ work and his ap-
Cardinal Paul Cordes, president of the ing for the victims, but often also financial proach to Catholic charity got a big boost
Pontifical Council Cor Unum, will be in assistance. with the publication of Pope Benedict XVI’s
Manila on January 22, 2009, at the invitation In addition to delivering papal dona- 2005 encyclical, “Deus Caritas Est” (“God Is
of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the tions—over $8 million in 2006—to victims Love”), particularly its section underlining
Philippines (CBCP). of disasters, Cor Unum also administers the link between Christian faith and chari-
The bishops will have their 98th plenary two foundations started by Pope John table activity.
assembly at the Pope Pius XVII Catholic Paul: the Populorum Progressio Founda- The agency also has a secretary, under-
Center in Manila from Jan. 24-25. tion for farm workers and the indigenous secretary, 38 members and nine consultors,
CBCP secretary general Msgr. Juanito of Latin America and the Caribbean and all appointed for five years term, plus a
Figura said Cardinal Cordes is expected to the Foundation for the Sahel, which permanent staff of nine.
share “Church teachings and his experiences funds projects to combat desertification One of the consultors is former Philip-
© www.catholicnews.com

and in the field of Catholic Charity.” in Africa. pine ambassador to the Vatican Henrietta
Cardinal Cordes’ job is to make sure Cath- Before being appointed head of Cor de Villa who currently chairs the Parish
olic teaching on charity becomes concrete, Unum in 1995, he was vice president of the Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting and
and that starts with his own example. Pontifical Council for the Laity. His work the National Movement for Free Elections.
He is also scheduled to give the same there, especially with members of new lay (Roy Lagarde)

NCR youth celebrates Markings

Cardinal Paul Cordes

Vocation festival Directors of Vocations in the Philippines-National Capital Region.

Cubao Bishop Honesto Ongtioco welcomed the participants
CELEBRATED. Carmelite Missionaries (CM), 26 years of Apostolic
Presence in the Archdiocese of Cagayan de Oro, October 15, 2008.
Archbishop Antonio Ledesma, SJ, presided the Eucharistic celebration
with 13 members of the clergy concelebrating. The celebration took
place at Jesus Nazareno Parish, the first parish the sisters had served in
1982. The sisters came to Cagayan de Oro upon the request of the late
Archbishop Patrick Cronin, the 2nd archbishop of the Archdiocese. The
occasion was graced by the presence of 4 pioneer sisters. Their pres-
ence in the area has so far attracted 18 vocations who are now professed
as they entered the stadium in a parade coming from St. Mary’s members of the congregation.
Fr. Steven Zabala of Cubao diocese gave a talk on The Role of the ORDAINED. Rev. Felino Portigo, Jr., St. Isidore the Farmer Parish,
Holy Spirit in Vocation Discernment aimed at helping young people Navalas, Guimaras; Rev. Philip Vincent Sinco, Our Lady of Fatima Par-
ish, Buyo, Sta. Barbara, Iloilo. Portigo took his theology at St. Joseph
to be fired up by the Spirit and choose God above everything else. Regional Seminary, Cubay, Jaro, Iloilo City while Sinco graduated from
The Vocation Fair was also geared towards making young people San Jose Major Seminary, Ateneo de Manila University Campus, Loyola
become more aware of the different ways they can discern their Heights, Quezon City. Both were ordained on November 3, 2008 at St.
vocation in life. Elizabeth Metropolitan Cathedral, Jaro, Iloilo City with Archbishop Angel
Aside from the Vocation Exhibit, there was a booth for Spiritual N. Lagdameo as ordaining prelate.
Direction and a Prayer Booth where the Blessed Sacrament was DIED. Fr. Domingo Moraleda, CMF,
exposed for three hours in the morning. November 1, 2008, in Pampanga. A
Small group sharings held in the afternoon wherein the partici- native of Toledo, Spain, Moraleda
pants shared their views about the World Youth Day, the Church, was ordained to the priesthood on
May 13, 1967. He was founder and
and the role of the young people within the Church gave the youth Director of the Institute for Conse-
an echo experience of the World Youth Day 2008 while having the crated Life in Asia (ICLA), a faculty
festive spirit of the Olympics. of theology dedicated to theological
Each group summarized their sharing through a tableau and reflection on consecrated life within
the religious and socio-cultural con-
some seminarians were assigned as photographer’s to capture each text of Asia. He was also a mission-
group’s creative output. ary in Equatorial Guinea for seven
Frenzy filled the whole stadium when Chris Tiu, team captain of years and in the Philippines for 34
the Ateneo Blue Eagles and currently a T.V. personality, was called years with pastoral responsibilities
in different mission frontiers. He
in as one of the recipients of the Lumen Christi Award during the served as Provincial Superior of the
AN outburst of youthful energy, fun, excitement, and creativity evening program. Claretian Missionaries in the Philip-
marked the Regional Vocation Festival hosted by Cubao diocese on One of today’s Filipino youth icons, Tiu gave a short thanksgiv- pines for 12 years and member of
November 8 at the Amoranto Stadium in Quezon City centered on ing speech urging the youth to make a difference in whatever field the executive board of the Association of Major Religious Superiors in the
Philippines (AMRSP) for several years. Likewise he was actively involved
the theme, “Lagablab: Alab ng Espiritu, Gabay Mo.” they find themselves in. in assisting the Church in China in recent years through ICLA.
More than 5,000 youth delegates from different dioceses of the A concelebrated Mass presided by Bishop Ongtioco capped the
National Capital Region joined the celebration organized by the whole-day affair. (Mayan Molina, FSP) DIED. Rev. Father Ramon Sequito of the Archdiocese of Jaro.

Pro-Life Phils to conduct

forum on pornography
PRO-LIFE Phil- statement.
ippines will con- Ms. Ma. Perlita
duct a forum on de Leon, a faculty
the issue of por- member of the
nography on Dec. Family and Child
5 at the Bahay Development De-
Ugnayan, Good partment of the
Shepherd Con- University of the
vent, Aurora Bou- Philippines, will
levard, in Quezon City. ety today and the urgent need to serve as the resource speaker.
Organizers said the forum will control this menace.” Pro-Life Philippines Founda-
be for parents, guardians, teach- “It will include a presentation tion, Inc. is a non-profit, non-stock,
© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

ers, counselors/life coaches, of the status of pornography in non-government organization

youth groups, pastors, lay lead- the Philippines and its psycho- dedicated to promoting respect
ers, and all those who deal with social effects especially on today’s and care for human life from con-
issue on pornography. youth, counterpointed by the bib- ception to natural death.
Anchored on the theme “The lical perspective of pornography Aside from Education and
Pornography Plague,” the forum and human sexuality. This will be Training, its programs and ser-
seeks to make participants aware followed by a forum discussion vices include counseling, ad-
Roman Catholic bishops and priests during a Mass at the St. Augustine Metropolitan Cathedral in Cagayan de Oro City of how pornography “is tearing on how to combat pornography,” vocacy, and public awareness.
on Nov. 10 to formally open the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines- Basic Ecclesial Communities 2nd
National Congress. apart the very fabric of our soci- said Pro-Life Philippines in a (CBCPNews)

Cathedral holds special liturgy

CBCP office to host int’l meeting of prison chaplains for dead Manila Archbishops
THE Basilica Minore of the Immaculate Conception, popularly
THE Episcopal Commission on Prison Pasto- lain of Correctional Service of the United Speakers include Bishop Pedro Arigo, CBCP-
ECPPC chair, Hon. Lorenzo Tañada III, known as the Manila Cathedral, celebrated special mass for
ral Care of the Catholic Bishops Conference States; Kieran Garvey of New Zealand and
Chairman of Committee on Human Rights departed Manila Archbishops on All Souls Day.
of the Philippines (CBCP) will host the 3rd Agneta Johnson of the Correctional Service
of the House of Representatives, Fr. Silvino Cathedral Rector Msgr. Nestor Cerbo said one of his masses
Annual Meeting of the Steering Committee of Sweden.
Borres, SJ, president of Coalition Against was offered especially for the departed Archbishops of Manila,
of the International Prison Chaplains Asso- Members of the Christian Council of Swe-
Death Penalty, Rev. Birgitta Winberg, IPCA four of whom were interred at the cathedral’s crypt, namely
ciation (IPCA Worldwide) on November 24 den will also attend the meeting.
Worldwide president, Rev. Agneta Johnson, Archbishop Michael O’Doherty, the last foreign Archbishop of
to 29 at the Manila Hotel. While in the country, members of the
Correctional Service of Sweden, Rev. Tom Manila, Archbishop Gabriel M. Reyes, first Filipino Archbishop
Assembly participants include the IPCA Steering Committee will visit the Manila City
O’Connor, chaplain of Correctional Service of Manila, Archbishop Rufino Cardinal Santos, the first Filipino
President, Rev. Birgitta Winberg of Sweden; Jail and learn from the director of the Bureau
of America, and Rev. Hennie Human, Rep- archbishop elevated to the cardinalate and most recently, Arch-
Rev. Dwight Cuff of Canada, Vice President of Jail Management the present situation of
resentative of Africa and the Correctional bishop Jaime L. Cardinal Sin.
and Representative of North America; Rev. jails in the Philippines.
Service of Africa. “A special liturgy, prepared by the Archdiocesan Liturgical
Doris Bernhardson, Project Manager of The group will also meet and discuss with
An ecumenical Christian movement, IPCA Commission, was used for the memorial Mass for the departed
IPCA; Rev. David Major of New Zealand, Church leaders and government officials
is a conference of prison chaplains commit- Archbishops of Manila,” Cerbo said.
Oceania’s Representative; Msgr. Malachy who are involved on the issues of human
ted to serve the unity of the Churches. Cerbo also blessed the individual tombs of the departed
Keegan of United Kingdom, Europe’s Rep- rights.
With a loose membership of about 2,100 archbishops.
resentative; Rev and Prof. Samuel Novoa of A fellowship night is likewise scheduled
people the association provides a worldwide Asked if there are other prominent personalities interred at
El Salvador , Latin America’s Representative; with Chaplains and Volunteers in Prison
network of prison chaplains who are deeply the crypt, Cerbo said the crypt “has very limited space and al-
Rev. Hennie Human of South Africa, African Service.
committed in their pursuit of peace and lowing the burial of other persons may give rise to a situation
Region Representative, Rodolfo Diamante, The Committee is also set to meet the
justice for people in conflict with the law. when there will be no more space for the future Archbishops
Executive Secretary of CBCP-ECPPC, Asia’s media on November 26 to discuss Jail and
(CBCPNews) of Manila. (Melo M. Acuña)
Representative; Rev, Tom O’Connor Chap- Prison Reforms and Restorative Justice.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 23
November 10 - 23, 2008

‘Bringing to the Priesthood

Only Those Who Have
Been Called’
Guidelines for the Use of Psychology in the Admission and Formation of Candidates for the Priesthood
I. The Church and the Discernment of tion, not only does it come to be known his relations with the faithful. to form relations in a mature way with an authentic and integral appreciation of
a Vocation and find fulfilment `in’ the Church, but it The Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhorta- individuals and groups of people; a solid humanity. He also increasingly lives the
1. “Each Christian vocation comes also necessarily appears – in fundamen- tion Pastores dabo vobis treats of the sense of belonging, which is the basis of richness of his own affectivity in the gift
from God and is God’s gift. However, it tal service to God – as a service `to’ the various dimensions of priestly formation: future communion with the presbyte- of himself to God, One and Three, and
is never bestowed outside of or indepen- Church. Christian vocation, whatever human, spiritual, intellectual and pasto- rium and of a responsible collaboration in to his brethren, particularly those who
dently of the Church. Instead it always shape it takes, is a gift whose purpose is ral. Before the text deals with the spiritual the ministry of the bishop; the freedom to are suffering.
comes about in the Church and through to build up the Church and to increase the dimension—“an extremely important be enthused by great ideals and a coher- Clearly, these are objectives that can
the Church [...], a luminous and living kingdom of God in the world.” element of a priest’s education”—it ence in realizing them in everyday action; only be reached by the candidate co-
reflection of the mystery of the Blessed Therefore, the good of the Church underlines that the human dimension the courage to take decisions and to stay operating daily with the work of grace
Trinity.” and that of the candidate are not in is the foundation of all formation. The faithful to them; a knowledge of oneself, within him. They are objectives that are
The Church, “begetter and formator opposition, but rather converge. Those document lists a series of human virtues of one’s talents and limitations, so as to acquired with a gradual and lengthy
of vocations”, has the duty of discern- responsible for formation work at har- and relational abilities that are required integrate them within a self-esteem be- path of formation, which is not always
ing a vocation and the suitability of monizing these two goods, by always of the priest, so that his personality may fore God; the capacity to correct oneself; linear.
candidates for the priestly ministry. In considering both simultaneously in their be “a bridge and not an obstacle for oth- the appreciation for beauty in the sense A priestly vocation involves an ex-
fact, “the interior call of the Spirit needs interdependent dynamic. This is an es- ers in their meeting with Jesus Christ the of “splendour of the truth” as well as the traordinary and demanding synergy
to be recognized as the authentic call of sential aspect of the great responsibility Redeemer of humanity.” These virtues art of recognizing it; the trust that is born of human and spiritual dynamics. The
the bishop.” they bear in their service to the Church and qualities range from the personality’s from an esteem of the other person and candidate, knowing this, can only draw
In furthering this discernment, and and to individuals. general equilibrium to the ability to bear that leads to acceptance; the capacity of advantage from an attentive and respon-
throughout the entire process of forma- 2. The priestly ministry, understood the weight of pastoral responsibilities, the candidate to integrate his sexuality sible vocational discernment, aimed at
tion for ministry, the Church is moved and lived as a conformation to Christ, from a deep knowledge of the human in accordance with the Christian vision, differentiating formation paths accord-
by two concerns: to safeguard the good Bridegroom and Good Shepherd, re- spirit to a sense of justice and loyalty. including in consideration of the obliga- ing to each individual’s needs, as well
of her own mission and, at the same time, quires certain abilities as well as moral The specific understanding of “per- tion of celibacy. as gradually overcoming his deficien-
the good of the candidates. In fact, like and theological virtues, which are sup- sonality” in this document refers to af- Such interior dispositions must be cies on the spiritual and human levels.
every Christian vocation, the vocation ported by a human and psychic—and fective maturity and absence of mental molded during the future priest’s path of The Church has the duty of furnishing
to the priesthood, along with a Chris- particularly affective—equilibrium, so disorder. formation because, as a man of God and candidates with an effective integration
tological dimension, has an essentially as to allow the subject to be adequately Some of these qualities merit particular of the Church, he is called to build up the of the human dimension, in light of the
ecclesial dimension: “Not only does it predisposed for giving of himself in the attention: the positive and stable sense of ecclesial community. Being in love with spiritual dimension into which it flows
derive `from’ the Church and her media- celibate life, in a way that is truly free in one’s masculine identity, and the capacity Him who is Eternal, the priest develops Seminarians / B2
CBCP Monitor
B2 Updates Vol. 12 No. 23
November 10 - 23, 2008

Alienation of Church Property

By Jaime B. Achacoso, J.C.D.

I am a member of the Knights of Columbus in a city in northern Mindanao. Back in the

late 1950s, the diocese—through a verbal contract with the Bishop—ceded to the Knights of
Columbus chapter of our city a small lot close to the parish church (now the Cathedral) on
which to build our multi-purpose hall. The K of C immediately built a two-storey structure,
housing our little office and meeting halls. This structure has served us well, and was even
used as temporary classrooms by a catholic college which burnt down in the early 1960s. A
few years ago, the bishop—now we have a new one—decided to sell the property for much-
needed funds. While we understand the financial needs of the diocese, the K of C also thought
we at least have the right of first refusal to the sale of that lot, at fair market value, considering
all the years we had been on it and the improvements we had built on it. To our dismay, the
sale was concluded even before we were informed. Perhaps it might be too late now to stop
the sale, but for whatever it is worth to your readers, can the diocesan bishop really just sell
Church properties?
THE pertinent provisions of the See). For the Philippines, the CBCP has
Universal Law for the alienation of set the following norms:
Church property are contained in 1) The permission of the diocesan
cc.1291, 1292, §§1-2, 1293 of the Code; bishop, acting with the consent of the
c.1296 contains the provision for redress finance council, the board of consultors
of a possibly unlawful alienation. and interested parties, is needed
whenever the values of the goods to
Notion of Alienation of Ecclesiastical be alienated is between the minimum
Property US $20,000 or its peso equivalent and
Can.1291 establishes the general the maximum US $100,000 or its peso
principle: The permission of the equivalent.
authority competent by law is required 2) If the value of the goods is between
for the valid alienation of goods which, US $10,000 and US $20,000 or its peso
by lawful assignment, constitute the equivalent, the diocesan bishop should
Illustration by Bladimer Usi stable patrimony of a public juridic hear the finance council and the board of
person, whenever their value exceeds consultors for a valid transaction.
the sum determined by law. 3) The permission of the Apostolic
Alienation consists in transferring See is required for validity:
full ownership of goods to a third a. whenever the value of the
person by an act inter vivos—whether transaction exceeds the maxi¬mum
onerously (e.g., a sale) or gratu¬itously set by the episcopal conference for the
(a donation). Therefore the following region, i.e., US $100,000;
would be included in this concept: b. if it is a case of alienation of
buying and selling, donations, something given to the church by a
exchanges, credit transfers, etc. We reason of a vow, or objects which are
have to note that the stable patrimony precious by reason of their artistic
of a public ju¬ridic person (the only or historical significance (c.1292, §1),

Saturday Mass for Sunday

one whose goods are considered to regardless of their monetary value.
be ecclesi¬astical) cannot be confused
or identified with immovable goods, The norms set by the Episcopal
although logically the latter is part of Conference do not apply to alienation
the former. cases of religious institutes, for whom
(Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina Apostolorum university, answers the following question:) Stable patrimony would rather the maximum amount is fixed by the
include all goods required by the public Apostolic See for each region. For the
Q: We know that the Sunday Mass is very important. We know too that the Saturday evening juridic person to achieve its proper validity of an alienation which value is
institutional purposes—i.e., it would below the maximum set by the Apostolic
Mass is the Sunday Mass. But what are the criteria to know exactly that it is the Mass of Sunday? It See, the written permission of the
also include the goods without which
is the hour? It is the readings? Many Catholics who go to a marriage on a Saturday afternoon don’t the public juridic person could not exist competent superior is required, which
go to the Mass on Sunday. They think they have already gone to Mass. What does the Church say or adequately achieve the purpose for can only be given with the consent of
exactly about the Sa turday evening Mass?—J.G., Arras, France which it was created. the respective council (c. 638,3).
In fact, moveable goods, equities,
A: The norms permitting the permissible to anticipate Sunday Mass, regular nuptial Mass may not be money invested in fixed assets, etc., In all the above cases—i.e., when it
celebration of Sunday Mass on a contrary to what some might think, there celebrated. could also be included in the concept, is a case of alienating goods belonging
Saturday evening are not overly is no obligation to do so; it is still possible The general law does not specify provided that they were permanently to the stable patrimony of the public
detailed and thus different practices to celebrate the Mass of the day or a ritual the precise time after which Sunday allocated to provide for the needs juridic person by lawful assignment,
and notions have arisen around the Mass on Saturday evening. Mass is possible. However, 5 p.m. is and purposes of the juridic person in and when the value of the goods is
world. For example, if a religious community the common rule in the Diocese of question. greater than the lawfully established
Even though this practice is habitually celebrates its daily Mass at 7 Rome and in many other places. Any This canon specifies that such goods value, the permission to be granted by
relatively recent with respect to the p.m., there is no reason why it would time much earlier is hard to conceive must form the stable patrimony by the competent authority is expressly
Sunday Mass, the Church had long have to celebrate Sunday Mass twice. as being Saturday evening in any lawful assignment—i.e., they must be required for the act of alienation to
maintained the custom of beginning Likewise it is theoretically possible for meaningful sense of the term. goods whose stability or attachment to be valid. Therefore, if alienation were
the celebration of important feasts the a couple to be wed on a Saturday evening Because of this, a Saturday the stable patrimonial fund of the juridic completed without permission, the
evening before, with first vespers. This using the nuptial Mass, provided that afternoon wedding would be a person has been determined by its own transaction would be invalid and null
was inspired by the concept of a day they did not coincide with regular Mass different case. Most practicing statutes or by its competent bodies, or, as a matter of law (c. 10).
in the ancient world which divided timetables. Catholics would not presume that if applicable, by lawful authority or In addition, c.1377 provides for
our 24 hours into four nocturnal vigils I say “theoretically” because pastorally a noon or 1 p.m. wedding would by law. imposing a just penalty upon any person
and four daylight hours, the day it is usually advisable to celebrate the be valid for Sunday Mass. Since responsible for alienation with¬out the
commencing at first vigil. nuptial Mass at this hour according to 3 or 4 p.m. are rather awkward Competent Authority for Granting required permission. That person would
For this reason the Gospels the norms for a wedding celebrated on a hours for organizing a wedding Permission to Alienate Ecclesiastical normally be the Ad¬ministrator, but in
mention the haste required to bury Sunday. As our reader points out, even and its attendant festive aftermath, Goods cases where the permission required
Our Lord on Good Friday before regular Mass goers are likely to presume celebrations at this hour are less The ecclesiastical authority competent exceeds the authority of the Local
the Sabbath began on what, for us, that a Saturday evening Mass is sufficient common, at least in Europe. to grant permission for the alienation of Ordinary—i.e., permission required
would still be Friday evening. to fulfill their Sunday precept and the A 4 p.m. wedding, however, ecclesiastical property is a function of the is from the Holy See—it could happen
While this concept offers a certain distinctions between different Mass is probably sufficiently on the value of the said property, as outlined that even the diocesan Bishop could be
justification for the norm permitting formulas are likely to be lost on them. borderline as to be celebrated as a in the first two sections of c.1292 as the one charged.
the celebration of Sunday Mass on Therefore, except in those cases when Sunday Mass. follows:
Saturday, the modern Church in the majority of guests are well-formed It there is real danger of anyone §1. With due regard for the prescription TheNeedtoUpdatetheValuationLimits
fact mixes both ancient and modern and committed Catholics, it is better mistaking an earlier Mass as valid for of c.638, §3 (case for Institutes of for the Alienation of Ecclesiastical
chronometry and has not simply to assure as far as possible that they Sunday, then care should be taken Consecrated Life), when the value of Property
adopted tout court the ancient attend a celebration valid for Sunday, so that guests know in advance that the goods whose alienation is proposed Since the above provisions were
measure of the day. even though this can mean that on the Mass will not cover their Sunday is within the range of the minimum based on a Rescript from the Sacred
For this reason, although it is some occasions certain aspects of the obligation. and maximum amounts which are Congregation of Bishops issued in 1984,
determined by the Conference of and the value of the PHP vs. USD has
Bishops for its region, the competent changed since then, it has been asked
Seminarian / B1 authority is determined in the group’s whether the CBCP can suggest new
own statutes when it is a question of valuation limits to the Holy See to amend
and in which it finds its completion. not rare, and in all too many cases psy- try. To that end, much advantage can juridic persons who are not subject the above provisions. Furthermore, it
chological defects, sometimes of a patho- be derived from meeting experts in the to the diocesan bishop; otherwise, the has also been asked if the adjustment
II. Preparation of Formators logical kind, reveal themselves only after psychological sciences, to compare notes competent authority is the diocesan could simply be made based on the
3. Every formator should have a good ordination to the priesthood. Detecting and obtain clarification on some specific bishop with the consent of the finance inflation of the USD, or should it be
knowledge of the human person: his defects earlier would help avoid many issues. council, the college of consultors and the based on the inflation of the PHP (and
rhythms of growth; his potentials and tragic experiences.” parties concerned. The diocesan bishop just translate to USD equivalent). I
weaknesses; and his way of living his re- Hence, the need for every formator to III. Contribution of Psychology to Voca- also needs their consent to alienate the asked some economics experts at the
lationship with God. Thus, it is desirable possess, in due measure, the sensitivity tional Discernment and Formation goods of the diocese. University of Asia & the Pacific this
that bishops—by making use of various and psychological preparation that will 5. Inasmuch as it is the fruit of a par- §2. The permission of the Holy See is question in 2006, and they came up with
experiences, programs and institutions allow him, insofar as possible, to perceive ticular gift of God, the vocation to the also required for valid alienation when the following analysis:
of good reputation—provide a suitable the candidate’s true motivations, to priesthood and its discernment lie out- it is a case of goods whose value exceeds Method 1: Get the 2006 values of the
preparation in vocational pedagogy for discern the barriers that stop him inte- side the strict competence of psychology. the maximum amount, goods donated valuation limits originally given in 1984
formators, according to the indications grating human and Christian maturity, Nevertheless, in some cases, recourse to to the Church through a vow, or goods USD based on inflation of the USD. Then
already published by the Congregation and to pick up on any psychopathic dis- experts in the psychological sciences can which are especially valuable due to translate to peso equivalent.
for Catholic Education. turbances present in the candidate. The be useful. It can allow a more sure evalua- their artistic or historical value. Method 2: Get the 1984 peso equivalent
Formators need to be adequately pre- formator must accurately and very pru- tion of the candidate’s psychic state; it can of the valuation limits originally given
pared to carry out a discernment that, dently evaluate the candidate’s history. help evaluate his human dispositions for Cutting through the legal jargon, in 1984 USD, then get the 2006 value
fully respecting the Church’s doctrine Nevertheless, this history alone cannot responding to the divine call; and it can what Canon Law establishes is that of that peso equivalent based on the
on the priestly vocation, allows for a constitute the decisive criterion which provide some extra assistance for the can- permission is required for the valid inflation of the peso.
reasonably sure decision as to whether would be sufficient for judging whether didate’s human growth. These experts alienation of Church property if the
the candidate should be admitted to the to admit the candidate or dismiss him can offer formators an opinion regarding value of such property falls below, Conclusion: Both methods yielded
seminary or house of formation of the from formation. The formator must know the diagnosis of—and, perhaps, therapy within or above a certain range to similar results, and rounding upwards,
religious clergy, or whether he should how to evaluate the person in his totality, for—psychic disturbances. Moreover, be determined by the Episcopal the recommended valuation limits are
be dismissed from the seminary or house not forgetting the gradual nature of de- by suggesting ways for favouring a vo- Conference (and approved by the Holy as follows:
of formation for reasons of unsuitability. velopment. He must see the candidate’s cational response that is more free, they
The discernment also must allow for the strong and weak points, as well as the can help support the development of the
candidate to be accompanied on his path level of awareness that the candidate has human (especially relational) qualities,
to acquiring those moral and theological of his own problems. Lastly, the formator which are required for the exercise of
virtues, which are necessary for living, in must discern the candidate’s capacity for the ministry.
coherence and interior freedom, the total controlling his own behavior in respon- Even formation for the priesthood
gift of his life, so as to be a “servant of the sibility and freedom. must face up to the manifold symptoms
Church as communion”. Thus, every formator must be pre- of the imbalance rooted in the heart of
4. The document of this Congregation pared, including by means of specific man,[19] which is symptomized, in a
for Catholic Education, A Guide to For- courses, to understand profoundly the particular way, in the contradictions
mation in Priestly Celibacy, recognizes human person as well as the demands between the ideal of self-giving to which REFERENCE: CBCP, Complementary Norms of the Code of Canon Law, given the RECOGNITIO by
the Sacred Congregation for Bishops (Decretum, Prot. n.35/84, 27.IX.1985).
that “errors in discerning vocations are of his formation to the ordained minis- Seminarians / B6
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 23
November 10 - 23, 2008
Diocese B3
By Sr. Ma. Pomposa C. Morales, Sulu. Communication, and Ecumenism and The Clergy and Religious
RVM The Metropolitan Cathedral of Interreligious Dialogue. The archdiocese Serving the faithful [and non-faithful
Zamboanga is dedicated to Our Lady of has one college seminary, the Pastor too] are fifty six diocesan clergy, twenty
ZAMBOANGA was erected as a the Immaculate Conception who stands Bonus Seminary, one radio station, the religious priests and brothers, and
diocese in Mindanao on April 10, 1910 as the other Patroness of Zamboanga DXVP Radio Station, and one retreat eighty religious sisters. There are three
by Pope Pius X covering the entire along with Nuestra Señora La Virgen house, the Our Lady of the Pillar Retreat congregations for men: the Society of
islands of Mindanao and Sulu. As the del Pilar. The cathedral is probably the House. Jesus (Jesuits), the Missionary Sons
first diocese, Zamboanga is the Mother most beautiful cathedral in Mindanao. The population of Zamboanga is of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Diocese of Mindanao dioceses. Before The mosaic, the architecture and art, multi-ethnic, composed mainly of (Claretians), and the Pontifical Institute
this, Mindanao was part of the Dioceses the arrangement of liturgical tools, all Chavacano-speaking Zamboangueños, for Foreign Missions (PIME Fathers).
of Cebu [Eastern Mindanao] and Jaro contribute to an ambience supportive Muslims, Lumad, Cebuanos, Ilongos, There are fourteen congregations for
[Western Mindanao]. The first bishop of prayer and worship. It is probably Tagalogs and other migrants from women. These are, the Religious of the
of Mindanao - Zamboanga was Most also the most accommodating place of the other regions of the country. Good Shepherd [RGS], Mercedarian
Rev. Michael J. O’Doherty, DD. worship built on a very limited land Zamboangueños value and speak the Missionaries of Berriz [MMB], Discalced
The Christianization of Zamboanga space. The cathedral is a two-story Spanish pidgin called Chavacano. Sisters of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel [OCD],
however dates back to the Spanish building with each floor standing as There are liturgies and devotions in Daughters of St. Paul [FSP], Oblates of
colonial times and to the Recollect a church on its own. The Eucharist, Chavacano. There is a Chavacano Notre Dame [OND], Order of Preachers
Friars who came to the Philippines in other sacraments, and devotions can be translation of the New Testament. [OP/ Dominicans], Missionary Sisters
the company of the Spanish colonizers celebrated on the ground floor and on Translation of the Old Testament is of the Queen of Apostles [SRA],
in 1521 and to the Jesuit missionaries the second floor simultaneously without currently being done as one of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate
who first came to the Philippines in disturbing each other. The worshippers centerpieces in the celebration of the Conception [SFIC], Religious of Mary
1581 and subsequently replaced the can have a choice between the first and centennial of the archdiocese. Zamboanga / B4

Archdiocese of

Recollect Friars.
The territorial jurisdiction of the
the second floor celebrations and avoid
standing-room situations. Priests are
available for the sacramental, liturgical
Archdiocese of oanga is identical
to the geographical territory of the
and devotional celebrations in the two
churches or places of worship in the Proclamation of a Year of Favor
from the Lord (Is 61:2)
City of Zamboanga. Zamboanga City cathedral.
has ninety eight barangays, thirty
of which are urban and sixty eight The Local Church
rural. The metropolis stretches from Most Rev. Romulo G.Valles, DD
the Municipality of Limpapa in the
northwest bordering the Diocese of
heads the local church of Zamboanga.
The Archbishop-Emeritus is Most Rev. On the Occasion of the Centennial
of the Diocese [1910-2010]
Dipolog in Zamboanga del Norte to Carmelo DF Morelos, DD, JCD, STL,
the Municipality of Licomo in the PHL. He is now blissfully retired in
northeast bordering the Prelature of Butuan City where he was once the
Ipil in Zamboanga Sibugay. Basilan bishop for more than twenty years.
Strait separates Zamboanga from the
Prelature of Isabela in Basilan.
The titular patroness
Archbishop Valles is ably assisted
by the episcopal college and councils
which are, the college of consultors,
and the Golden Jubilee of the
of the cathedral is
Our Lady of the
the presbyterial council,
financial council, council for
archdiocesan foundations,
Archdiocese [1958 – 2008]
Conception. council of the laity, board
The archdiocese for archdiocesan schools, My dear People of God in the Archdiocese of Zamboanga:
has twenty five and the commission for We will soon celebrate the centennial of the establishment of the Diocese of Zamboanga,
the first in Mindanao! The Diocese of Zamboanga was created by a decree of His Holiness,
parishes grouped pastoral assembly; and by
Pope Pius X on April 10, 1910, with Most Rev. Michael James O’Doherty as the first bishop.
into three the pastoral commissions The golden jubilee of its elevation to an archdiocese will also be celebrated soon.
vicariates. It has, which are, the Commissions This is a time of a great jubilee for us, the people of God in the Archdiocese of Zamboanga.
for its suffragans, on Liturgy, Sacred Music, It is a rare occasion, a special time, in fact, a season of grace for us, a time of favor from the
the Prelature of Church Design and Art, Lord [Is, 61:2]. Following biblical and church tradition, now is the moment to look back to the
Ipil in Zamboanga Eucharistic Ministers, past and to remember the original grace with gratitude, to reflect on and sanctify the present,
Sibugay, the Clergy, Vocation, Diaconal and to shape the future and usher in a new beginning with renewed hope and spirit.
Prelature of Isabela Program, Priests’ Ongoing So today, the first day of the new year 2008, the solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God, we
in Basilan, and Formation, Catechetical herald to you this beautiful news of a three-year celebration of our Jubilee! “… Let the trumpet
the Apostolic Apostolate, Family and Life, resound … the trumpet blast reecho throughout the land … it shall be a jubilee for you.” [Lv.
25:9-10] On April 10, 2008, we will formally launch our three-year celebration. On May 19, 2008,
Vicariate of Youth, Mission, Charismatic we will commemorate the golden jubilee of the elevation of the diocese to an archdiocese. On
Jolo in Renewal, Christian April 10, 2010, we will hold the solemn and grand celebration of our centennial. We will close
Family Movement, this great period on April 10, 2011.
Basic Ecclesial As shepherd of the flock of the Archdiocese of Zamboanga, a ministry entrusted to me by
Communities, our Lord Jesus Christ through His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, I proclaim this Jubilee for the
B i b l i c a l Archdiocese of Zamboanga. I proclaim this as a time of favor from the Lord. We invoke the
Apostolate, Holy Spirit, the same Holy Spirit who has animated our local Church throughout the past one
Social Action, hundred years, to guide us in our celebration.
Health Care, We pray that our Blessed Mother, whom we venerate as our Lady of the Immaculate
Conception and dearly love as Nuestra Señora la Virgen del Pilar, who has journeyed with us all
these years will continue to journey with us.
Welfare, Social Sincerely yours in the Lord,

Archbishop of Zamboanga

ABOVE: Most Rev. Romulo G. Valles, DD. ON BACKGROUND: Metropolitan Cathedral of the Immaculate Concepcion Nuestra Señora La Virgen Del Pilar,
Our Lady of the Pillar
THE most enduring historical Lady of the Pillar is attributed to Through her protective acts,
landmark of the Christianization the protection Our Lady was said she had shown her ardent
of Zamboanga is a fort dedicated to have given to the people of maternal love for Zamboanga
to our Blessed Mother Mary, Zamboanga against marauders, and its people. And the people
the La Real Fuerza de Nuestra pirates, epidemics, and natural reciprocated by holding her as
Señora La Virgen del Pilar. The calamities that dates back to a mother and venerating her
fort of Our Lady of the Pillar the colonial times. A prevailing as their popular patroness.
that was built in 1635 is now a story runs that a Spanish soldier Thousands of devotees flock to
shrine and is the most popular guarding the fort saw Our Lady the shrine every night and day
Marian shrine in as the shrine is
the Zamboanga Zamboangueños are deeply open twenty-
Nuestra Señora
religious and deeply Marian. The fao uday. r-hours
La Virgen del city officials were in attendance feastday on
Pilar is the at the Pontifical fiesta Mass and October 12 is
most popularly- grandiosely
venerated honored Our Lady, La Virgen del celebrated in
Marian figure Pilar, with a floral offering after the Zamboanga.
by Christians, This year’s
M u s l i m s a n d Mass. The city mayor led the public c e l e b r a t i o n
Lumad in in a prayer of consecration of the was full of
city to Our Lady. splendor and
dialogue is at its best in this with the Infant Jesus in her arms The novena on October 3 – 11
shrine. This beautiful sanctuary whom he later recognized as consisted of the devotional dawn
is a well-loved destination of our Blessed Mother and Jesus. procession with Nuestra Señora
pilgrims from all over Mindanao She warned him of marauders La Virgen del Pilar and the
and a must-visit site for visitors and pirates, thus enabling the Jubilee Cross from the Cathedral
in Zamboanga. Liturgical people to forestall and protect of the Immaculate Conception
and religious devotions are themselves. At different times, to the Shrine of Our Lady of
celebrated in this shrine. she protected the city from the Pillar. At the shrine, Most
earthquakes and tidal waves that Reverend Romulo G. Valles,
Popular devotion would have erupted at the Strait Archbishop of Zamboanga, who
Popular history holds that the of Basilan, and engulfed the also participated in the daily
wide-ranging affection for Our coastal villages of Zamboanga. Nuestra / B5
CBCP Monitor
B4 Features Vol. 12 No. 23
November 10 - 23, 2008

By Southern Cross Bioethics information and services; prevention makes abortion a criminal offense. Since have a ‘reproductive’ right (inclusive spouse; and, ensuring minors can act in
Institute of abortion and management of port- the Bill uses the language of ‘reproductive of a right to abortion) recognized at some circumstances without parental
abortion complications; adolescent rights’, which is used in many other the international level, the stage would knowledge or consent.
THIS is a bill about a range of matters to and youth health; prevention and contexts as inclusive of legal abortion, then be set for the Philippines to follow Furthermore, on some of these
do with reproduction. It is very broad, management of reproductive tract any setting in which the Bill could be suit. grounds, Section 3 (1) Article XV of the
and while it does not contain good health infection (RTIs), HIV/AIDS and other even vaguely construed as conflicting The Bill will also exist alongside Constitution will also be threatened. It
messages such as the promotion of sexually transmittable infections (STIs); with existing abortion legislation would Section 12, Article II of the constitution, reads thus: the State shall defend the right
breastfeeding, gender equity, good infant elimination of violence against women; necessitate intervention of the courts for which reads: “The State recognizes the of spouses to found a family in accordance
and child nutrition, and the elimination education and counseling on sexuality its interpretation. It is likely that if that sanctity of family life and shall protect with their religious convictions and the
of violence against women, it is also and sexual and reproductive health; were to occur, the existing proscriptive and strengthen the family as a basic demands of responsible parenthood.
directed primarily and aggressively at treatment of breast and reproductive legislation on abortion would be autonomous social institution. It shall In particular, the religious convictions
population control. It is important to tract cancers and other gynecological weakened, as has repeatedly happened protect the life of the mother and the of the majority of Catholic citizens,
note that whereas the general tone of the conditions; male involvement and in other settings. The mere existence of life the unborn from conception. The protected by this Article, will be
Bill does not appear to be possible and participation in reproductive health; legislation which is in spirit contrary natural and primary right and duty of undermined by this Bill, which promotes,
health-promoting in style, upon closer prevention and treatment of infertility to existing legislation will eventually parents in the rearing of the youth for and in some cases mandates, some very

Commentary on House Bill 5043

scrutiny it contains deeply problematic
principles, impositions and subtexts.
The promotion of anti-Catholic principles and practices.

Legislation must always be considered health is a good thing. 3. The Bill proposes “no bias for
on several levels, and ultimately this However, the means either modern or natural methods
Bill must be examined with a view to of family planning”. By doing so it
testing its possible limits when applied which such a goal equates methods of birth control that
in real world contexts. is achieved are all are abortifacient with those that are
The Bill is overtly about state
intervention into people’s private lives
important, and are in not, thereby implicitly contradicting the
spirit of the constitution.
by strongly promoting contraception part dependent upon
and its enforced provision, state run sex
education with potential undermining
the process of policy 4. The Bill makes it an offense
punishable by 6 months imprisonment
of parental influence, and denying implementation that and/or a fine of P50,000 to “maliciously
conscientious objection. would follow if the engage in disinformation about the
However, a critical subtext of the bill intent or provisions of this Act.” Intent is
is that it has the strong potential to lay Bill were to pass. very difficult to prove, and if some were
the ground for state sanctioned abortion, Unfortunately, the Bill to argue that certain intent was apparent
even though it appears to uphold
the current illegal status of abortion.
explicitly and implicitly within the Bill, it would not be difficult
for its proponents to argue simply, deny
Other subtexts include targeting promotes reproductive it and seek prosecution. Someone saying
the poor for population control and
promoting reproductive technology
health in a potentially some of the things in this commentary
could therefore be prosecuted and
(which involves the routine destruction damaging way for potentially imprisoned for ‘maliciously
of human embryos) individuals and the engaging in disinformation about intent’.
It is fundamentally unjust that the Such restrictions of free speech are more
state, in its promotion of its secular community. reminiscent of totalitarian states.
population control ideals, will be
using the financial resources of the 5. The Bill declares as essential
primarily religious community whose medicines “hormonal contraceptives,
faith teaches clear opposition to those andsexualdysfunction; andreproductive lead to case law. This argument is civic efficiency and the development of intrauterine devices, injectables and
ideals. The Bill proposes a heavy handed health education for the youth. strengthened because the Bill also moral character shall receive the support other allied reproductive health products
approach to dissenters, and elements of With the exception of abortion and mandates the use of various forms of of the government.” and supplies”. Not only is the last phrase
the Bill appear to be totalitarian. infertility treatment, none of the above contraception which have abortifacient This Article is clearly designed to open to wide interpretation, but the
requires specific legislation. Each is effects. Hence, the conflict with abortion protect human life from conception, idea that contraceptives and devices are
Key aspects of the Bill and their already managed through existing legislation will be exacerbated, forcing as well as to endorse the primacy of essential medicines is fundamentally
implications health, education and other legislation, interpretative legal judgments. the family unit and the State’s role in flawed. Contraceptives (some with
1. The Bills is unnecessary. The or through already accepted health While at first blush appearing quite supporting the family. The Bill will abortifacient effects), do not treat any
matters it addresses are not all within promotion programs. For example, benign, including in the Bill the phrase weaken this Article by forcibly promoting medical condition. To construe them
the province of legislation, and the the promotion of breastfeeding, infant “The State upholds and promotes... abortifacient drugs and devices; using as such is simply dishonest.
fact that much of the content of the and child health and nutrition, and the respect for life in conformity with the language of reproductive rights
Bill is being put forward at all should treatment of cancer are health matters for universally recognized international to potentially subversively introduce 6. The Bill forces health care
immediately ring alarm bells. In the which no legislation is needed. They are human rights”, could lead to the a pro-abortion agenda; emphasizing providers, public and private, to provide
Bill, the following are listed as elements the subject matter of secondary health argument that since international law state run sex education (influenced by reproductive health care services. In the
of reproductive health care (a primary policy, not law. has been interpreted as not universally the population commission, POPCOM) list of prohibited activities, to which are
focus of the Bill): maternal, infant and recognizing the right to life of the unborn, which will shift the emphasis from attached significant penalties, only one
child health and nutrition; promotion 2. This Bill, if legislated, will exist this Bill can be similarly interpreted. the family; allowing sterilization category permits conscientious objection.
of breastfeeding; family planning alongside legislation that expressly Given that there is a concerted effort to without knowledge or consent of the Commentary/ B6

Zamboanga / B3

Immaculate Claretian Missionary provincial house, novitiate and and strengthening of Basic national levels. The commission develop their creativity through the spirit of sharing, loving and
[RMICM], Missionary Sisters of postulate are in the city, manage Ecclesial Communities in the is currently translating the Old various stage presentations of bonding. At the end, all look to
St. Mary Anthony Claret [MC], their own formation houses parishes. Corollary to this is the Testament to Chavacano. There is songs, dances, music, and drama. Jesus in the celebration of the Holy
Handmaids of the Divine Heart and are teaching at St. Joseph formation of lay leaders, BEC already a Chavacano translation A special event, perhaps unique Eucharist. The youths actively
[ADC/Spinola], Living the School and at the Dominican animators, and facilitators who of the New Testament. to Zamboanga youths, is the participate in local, inter-diocesan
Gospel Community [LGC], Kindergarten School. The SRA put themselves at the service of Liturgical Apostolate - The holding of a night vigil of love and national youth activities
Order of St. Benedict of the Sisterslookafterwomen’swelfare, their communities. apostolate seeks to assist the on February 14. Dubbed as “Un and trainings, particularly with
Eucharistic King [OSB], and the out-of-school youth, medical and Interreligious Dialogue - parishes in the promotion of full, Noche de Amor Con Cristo” [An the ZAMBASULI [Zamboanga,
Religious of the Virgin Mary health care, and facilitate retreats Another priority program of the conscious and active participation Evening of Love with Christ], Basilan Sulu, Ipil] region. They
[RVM]. and recollections. The Claretian archdiocese is the interreligious of the faithful in the liturgy. To youths from the parishes of are a force to rely on in works
The diocesan priests are mostly Missionary Sisters of Mary dialogue with the Muslims and this end, the commission on the archdiocese gather for an for peaceful local and national
pastors in the parishes. Some Immaculate run a dormitory Lumad. The Islamic faith is well liturgy provides formation on overnight experience of prayer, elections and other occasional
of them however also serve as for college women, a children’s established among Muslims who basic liturgy, liturgical catechesis, sessions, songs, dances, music in activities.
school officials in addition to their feeding and education program, form a big slice of the population. the initial and continuing
pastoral work. The archdiocese and help in the parish. The In the light of the present- formation of liturgical ministers
has five schools and these are the Spinola Sisters are involved with day ethnic conflicts, interfaith such as lectors, commentators,
St. Joseph School, the Immaculate the youth, in campus ministry, dialogue is a prime mission of musicians, eucharistic ministers,
Conception Archdiocesan and run a feeding program the archdiocese. psalmists, readers, and prayer
Schools, [Eastern, Western and for the poor. The LGC Sisters Catechetical Apostolate - The leaders. It makes adaptations
in Tetuan] and the Immaculate manage the Our Lady of the Pillar Catechetical Apostolate which of liturgical texts and liturgical
Conception Elementary School. Retreat House in Mercedes and focuses on Catechesis in the public rites for use in the parishes of
Other priests are into social coordinates the archdiocesan schools is another priority of the the archdiocese. Zamboanga has
communications at Radio Station program for the Family and Life archdiocese. There is catechism liturgies in Chavacano.
DXVP, clergy formation at Pastor Apostolate. in English and Chavacano. There Social Action Apostolate -
Bonus Seminary, and chaplaincy The Mercedarian Missionary are 920 part-time volunteer The Social Action Apostolate
at San Ramon Prisons and Penal Sisters of Berriz are into catechists in the archdiocese takes after the spirit of the
Farm, and in hospitals and health community building and and two full-time coordinators. Second Plenary Council of the
care services. interreligious dialogue. The Catechism is also done on the air Philippines as its guiding force
The Jesuit Fathers and Brothers Benedictine Sisters of the [Katekesis na Aire] through radio and is focused on providing
run the Ateneo de Zamboanga Eucharistic King are into station DXVP of the archdiocese, services to the Basic Ecclesial
University, the only catholic campus ministry and with and during the summer month of Communities and individuals,
university in the archdiocese. The the archdiocesan commissions May through the Flores de Mayo. particularly the disadvantaged
Claretian Fathers administer the on Liturgy and the Bible. The archdiocese coordinates with and marginalized. The main
Parish of St. Mary Anthony Claret The Franciscan Sisters of the the ZAMBASULI [Zamboanga, program components include
in San Jose Gusu where they also Immaculate Conception are with Basilan, Sulu, Ipil] region in livelihood project that provides
run Claret High School. They the archdiocesan commission on holding the Catechetical Summer micro-financing to small-scale
are involved in interreligious Social Action and on vocation Institute. initiatives; justice, peace and
dialogue, in the peace process promotion. The Claretian Sisters Family and Life Apostolate - integrity of creation that is
and in the care of street children. have a novitiate in Bunguiao The Family and Life Apostolate currently concerned with
The PIME Fathers administer the and are involved in pastoral is focused on the Natural advocacy against mining by the
Parish of Our Lady of Peace and ministry. The contemplative Family Planning approach to a Linktone Mining Corporation in
Good Voyage in Sinunuc. They Carmelite Sisters provide for responsible, happy and catholic the parish of Vitali; Alay kapwa,
too, are involved in interreligious the prayer-backbone of the family living. To this end, for the relief and rehabilitation of
dialogue, and in the peace local church as they pray for the program trains facilitators calamity victims which recently
process. They established the the people of the archdiocese and updates them on various provided relief assistance to
Silsilah Center for Interreligious and beyond. The RVM Sisters approaches to family planning, typhoon victims; sustainable
Dialogue, the EUNTES Center run Pilar College, the oldest familiarity with current secular/ agriculture that promotes and
for Mission Formation and catholic school in Zamboanga non-catholic movements on practices organic farming; and a
Spirituality, and the Harmony City that was founded in 1894 population control, other special concern on community-
Village in Sinunuc. as Colegio del Pilar by the Beatas activities affecting the dignity based medical and educational
The religious sisters serve the dela Compañia de Jesus of of family and life, the pre-Cana rehabilitation of children with
people through their various Intramuros, Manila. The Beatas and pre-Jordan conference, and disabilities. In response to the
apostolates. The Daughters are now known as the Religious on the continuing Christian raging food crisis, the Apostolate
of St. Paul are engaged in of the Virgin Mary, the RVM formation of couples. coordinates with the proper
social communications with one Sisters. Biblical Apostolate - The government agency holding the
bookstore that provides books, Biblical Apostolate works to Bigasan Sa Parokya Program.
audio-visual materials, various Archdiocesan Pastoral make the bible a living force in Youth Apostolate - The Youth
posters and pamphlets. The Programs the lives of Catholics. To this apostolate works to make the
Oblates of Notre Dame provide The laity participates in the end, the apostolate trains parish youths a community of young
social services and chaplaincy at mission of the church through the animators and facilitators of disciples of Christ who are
the Western Mindanao Medical various pastoral programs. seminars on basic knowledge of actively involved in their Basic
Center; they also work with the Basic Ecclesial Communities the bible, holds a bible quiz on Ecclesial Communities. The youth
PIME Fathers at the EUNTES - One priority program of the air at the radio station of the hold regular meetings in their
Center for Mission Formation the archdiocese (and a archdiocese, and joins various parishes, participate in seminars
and Spirituality. centerpiece of the archdiocesan biblical activities done on the on leadership and spirituality,
The Dominican Sisters, whose celebration) is the organization archdiocesan, inter-diocesan and and in summer camps. They
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 23
November 10 - 23, 2008
Statements B5

An Exhortation to the Filipino A Call for Statesmanship for

a Stronger Democracy and
Catholic Youth for Vigilance of Citizens
(A Post World Youth Day ’08 Message)
Dear Everyone,
Under our Constitution, presidential elections are scheduled
to be held in May 2010 with the present administration under
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo stepping down from
power by June 30, 2010. We are concerned by moves that may
derail these events.
Mainly coming from the House of the Representatives, is
another move for charter change, this time for a shift to a federal
form of government, using as a reason the pursuit of peace in
Mindanao. There is also concern about the prospect of Martial
Law to abort the 2010 elections.
The peaceful transfer of power through regular and periodic
elections is the bedrock of a democracy. Charter change, if
necessary, and the pursuit of peace in Mindanao, which is of
the highest priority, should be a part of the continuing agenda
of the government, regardless of a change in administration.
So is social justice, which is the heart of our Constitution. And
we have a right to choose through clean elections those who
would lead us to these ends.

Charter Change
Charter change through a constituent assembly was
withdrawn in 2007 because the House sensed the citizens’
outrage at the attempt to railroad the proposal for a
parliamentary system. Moreover, many senators, whose two-
My Dear Young People, the Word of the Gospel so that it transforms helps us to be liberated from this negative thirds vote is logically necessary to convene a constituent
Let me begin by quoting from the Message our very existence and makes us radiate with force that could negate our new life in assembly, expressed opposition to interpret the Constitution
Pope Benedict XVI sent to the young people of consistency before everyone and at whatever Christ. This demands a sustained life and as requiring a joint rather than a separate vote.
the world as they prepared for the 23rd World cost. Hence, when you reach out to help a activity of prayer. After all, life in Christ is We have faith that if the issue reaches the Supreme Court, it
Youth Day in Sydney, Australia last 15-20 friend, when you say no to drugs and bad not always crowned with success! There are will rule correctly as it did on the “people’s initiative” and the
July 2008. Observing the variety of influences company, when you plants trees and clean up many obstacles along the way, not the least attempts to test the legal boundaries of executive power, despite
and challenges in the life and activity of the rivers, when you work for justice and peace, of which is our very self that can continue the recent decision on “executive privilege” We also believe
young today, the Pope remarked: or when you lobby before Congress so that to be deceived by the Evil One, and refuse that any attempt to derail the 2010 elections will be rejected
Many young people view their lives with laws that are passed will respect life—you to allow the Spirit to guide it and lead it to resoundingly by the people in a plebiscite. But not without the
apprehension and raise many questions are not doing it merely on your own. You the path of life and true freedom. cost of divisiveness and political turbulence, and the diversion
about their future. They anxiously ask: How do it with the help of the Spirit as witnesses At the end of his Message Pope Benedict of national attention from the things that matter most to our
can we fit into a world marked by so many of Jesus Christ, who himself is the truth prayed for “a new outpouring of the Holy people now—livelihood, food, education, health, social reform,
grave injustices and so much suffering? that sets us free—free from pride and false Spirit”— a new Pentecost. The days before us CARP extension, equal justice, clean elections—which can all
How should we react to the selfishness and assumptions, from selfishness and sin, from are in more ways than one a true experience be done without changing the Constitution.
violence that sometimes seem to prevail? darkness, despair and death. Jesus animates of the Holy Spirit’s power at work in each
How can we give full meaning to life? How and empowers us with his Spirit so that we and every one of us who welcome him into The Mindanao Situation
can we help to bring it about that the fruits will do and act according to his will. our lives, our relationships, our activities, We declare our commitment to a just and sustainable peace
of the Spirit—“love, joy, peace, patience, Through the Spirit we are also able to and into our world. We hope that, like the in Mindanao. We support the initiative to start over again with
kindness, generosity, community of disciples an inclusive transparent process of consultations that will bring
faithfulness, gentleness Anyone who would like to follow Jesus must on Pentecost Sunday,
we would also have
all stakeholders to the peace table.
and self-control”—can
fill this scarred and take the path of holiness. But holiness is not the courage to proclaim
The Catholic Bishops and other religious leaders in Mindanao
have already indicated their readiness to help facilitate this
fragile world, the world about doing pious acts; it is rather “being like the goodness of the process of consultation.
of young people most God.” True Christian worship leads to a personal Lord through lives of
of all? (Message, 7 - 20 witness in mission and
July 2007) encounter with the Lord, and therefore to an holiness.
Martial Law and Other Means to Keep Power
As for Martial Law, the Supreme Court will again be the
This comes to mind intimate union with him. We gaze upon the face Confronted with a final arbiter on the issue of the “sufficiency of the factual basis”
in the light of pressing of God made manifest in Jesus Christ and made multitude of challenges for its proclamation. And in the unlikely event that the Court
issues and concerns that and concerns, it is my
have a lot to do with the accessible to us through the Spirit, for our wish that the Filipino
sustains its declaration, the extension of Martial Law will be
decided by Congress, by a majority vote, voting jointly. This is a
lives of young people holiness does not come from ourselves. Catholic youth would source of grave concern because we see no valid basis for it and
in our country today – take time to reflect on there are many who will resist any return to authoritarianism.
issues and concerns like the present economic understand the mystery of the Cross—an the insights and blessings that the 23rd World The situation can lead to turmoil, instability and even violence.
crisis that’s affecting the whole world, our important part of our witness—which Youth Day offers them, and translate them And those who will suffer the most will be the poor.
environment being threatened by climate otherwise would be folly to human logic. into concrete action as a way of response to We believe that no public official will choose to go against
change, massive graft and corruption in our According to God’s logic, we live by dying, these challenges and concerns in our society. I the overwhelming sentiment of our people for democracy
government, and efforts at legislation like rule by serving, become free and happy to the especially encourage them to continue to share and against any form of authoritarianism. A Marcos, when
the reproductive health bill. And there are degree that we are able to give ourselves to their insights and experiences to others, inviting confronted with the issue of taking lives to stay in power, did
situations obtaining in our country today others without counting the cost or expecting them to open themselves to the inspiring not send troops to EDSA to stop the people power revolt. A
that deeply affect the youth. anything in return. This is the path that the presence of the Holy Spirit, so that they may Ramos backed down from removing the term limits of the
They are among those who are being Lord took in saving the world. This is the also be his witnesses. SEE. JUDGE. ACT. There’s Constitution rather than face a nationwide protest. An Estrada
displaced from their homes because of the same path that his followers must take to a mission to fulfill, a task of evangelization to chose to leave Malacañang than risk a clash between forces,
war in the South. They are among those continue the mission that he entrusted to do, a duty of personal conversion and social armed and civilian, for and against him. And an Arroyo can
who are being harassed and killed in the them through the Church. transformation to undertake in the name of step down gracefully in 2010.
rural areas on account of agrarian disputes Furthermore, it is just as true that our the Spirit of Jesus Christ. There is after all a statesman in every politician, and it is up to
and political conflicts. They are usually participation in this missionary task must be Each and every one of us has a particular us to evoke and affirm it in them in its noblest manifestation.
the victims of human trafficking, arbitrary born out of a humble yet free decision on our context in life. A good number are students,
arrests, domestic rape and drug abuse, to part. Among created beings the human person while others are young professionals, priests, APPEAL
name but a few. is the only one capable of a conscious and free and religious. Among us are young soon-to- May we appeal to our leaders to give democracy a chance
Now these are issues and concerns that response to the Creator’s offer of relationship. be parents and teachers who have the power to work better by holding credible presidential elections in
have a lot to do with the future of the youth For this to happen, God gave man the gift of the to shape and mold young minds. There is a 2010. And we call on those who believe that we can make
of today, I am sure you will agree with me. Spirit. He constitutes the very nature of man’s great variety of gifts that the Spirit can make this happen to be vigilant and to make our sentiments known
These are realities that will shape the world response to God! This gift of the Spirit precisely use of through us to change this world of clearly and loudly to those who are in power or who would
that will soon be entrusted to you, dear young makes the human person “capax Dei”—capable ours that is very much in need of healing want their turn at it so that they will all rise to the challenge
people—sooner than you may think. I have of relating to God. “Man was made to see God,” and of his loving presence. of statesmanship.
been hearing groups of young people asking said St. Thomas Aquinas. Especially today our country is also calling
questions, wondering what they must do, But we must hasten to add that we can on us to do our part in shaping our future NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
seeking a way to respond to these challenges. refuse this offer. We are free to say YES or through honesty in our dealings with others Bishops-Businessmen’s Conference on Human Development
Indeed, it is time to ask: what do we do now, NO to God. This capacity for God is not an in any form of human relationships. We are October 4, 2008
what is expected of us? exigency of human nature, as if we were asked to care for the earth, respect life, and
It has been a little over three months since obligated by our being human to relate to uphold the dignity of the little ones. We are
the 23rd World Youth Day. In Sydney together God. Rather it is based on a free response asked to be hardworking students, law-
with the paternal guidance and pastoral on the part of human person, just as God’s abiding citizens and, when the opportunity
wisdom of the Holy Father, Pope Benedict self-giving through his Word in the Spirit, lends itself, be sincere public servants who Nuestra / B3
XVI, they reflected on are not corrupted by dawn procession, celebrated the Eucharist. The novena Masses were
the theme, “You will In our personal or communal journey through life, fear or favor. There celebrated at 5:00 o’clock in the afternoon. On her feast day on October
receive power when the are times when we are 12, thousands of devotees—Christians, Muslims and Lumad—flocked
Holy Spirit has come we encounter hearts that are broken, bodies that asked to speak out in to the shrine. Six Masses were celebrated from sunrise to sundown,
upon you… and you will are hurting, hopes that are dashed, lives that protest at the systemic each Mass having a huge crowd participating. The interminable queue
seeking to pray at and touch the image of Nuestra Señora La Virgen
be my witnesses” (Acts are lost – in sin, a life of violence, drug abuse, evils that we see in our
del Pilar that endured through the night had to be put on hold for
1:8). Taking off from that institutions as well as
grace-filled experience, hopelessness and despair. Hence in and through the corrupt practices of the celebration of the Eucharist.
we can say that, indeed, our participation in our parishes, in our youth our leaders. At all times The Pontifical fiesta Mass was celebrated at five o’clock in the afternoon,
again, with a huge crowd in attendance. Preceding the Pontifical Mass was
we are being called to an groups, in our schools, in the workplace, in our we are asked to let God a grand procession from the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception to
important task on behalf use us to bring about
of the Church. We know homes, wherever we find ourselves, we will have change in our country
the Shrine of Nuestra Señora La Virgen del Pilar with Archbishop Valles
leading the faithful. The city officials joined the procession. Archbishop
that our presence in this to bring the graces of WYD ‘08 to these lives. and in this world that He
Valles presided at the celebration of the Pontifical Mass with the clergy of
world at this particular created and continues to Zamboanga concelebrating with him. After the Mass, colorful fireworks
point in time is not a mere coincidence. is a free initiative of God. care for and transform. burst up in the skies to the delight of the people.
We are all here for a purpose, and that is Hence, if we want to say YES to God, we In our personal or communal journey
to participate in the mission of the Church, need to journey in holiness. through life, we encounter hearts that are Deeply religious people
that is, to give witness to the Gospel of Jesus Pope Benedict in his Message to the broken, bodies that are hurting, hopes that Zamboangueños are deeply religious and deeply Marian. The city
Christ and transform the world and ready it youth stressed that holiness and mission are dashed, lives that are lost – in sin, a officials were in attendance at the Pontifical fiesta Mass and honored
for the full flowering of God’s reign. are inseparable. life of violence, drug abuse, hopelessness Our Lady, La Virgen del Pilar, with a floral offering after the Mass. The
One of the first effects of the presence of Anyone who would like to follow Jesus and despair. Hence in and through our city mayor led the public in a prayer of consecration of the city to Our
the Holy Spirit in the life of Christians is that must take the path of holiness. But holiness is participation in our parishes, in our youth Lady. The city government and some private organizations organized
it enables us to adhere to the person of Jesus not about doing pious acts; it is rather “being groups, in our schools, in the workplace, in our Zamboanga Hermosa Festival 2008 with celebratory events that lasted
Christ with all our being, accepting him as like God”. True Christian worship leads to homes, wherever we find ourselves, we will for three weeks starting on October 1, climaxed on October 12, and
our Lord and Master. Once animated by a personal encounter with the Lord, and have to bring the graces of WYD ‘08 to these ended on October 19. Some fabulous attractions were, the Regatta,
the Spirit, we change our attitude towards therefore to an intimate union with him. We lives. We will bring to them the Good News a boat race held on Basilan Strait where vintas with brightly colored
the world and reality, acquire the values of gaze upon the face of God made manifest in of God’s love by living simple and upright batik sails competed; a three-kilometer public sardines-eating party
Christ, and view and interpret everything Jesus Christ and made accessible to us through lives, by reaching out, by being of service along the paved shore of Cawa-Cawa Boulevard; painting exhibits by
through the eyes of his Spirit. the Spirit, for our holiness does not come to others, by communal action on behalf of a Muslim artist; Chavacano song festival, street dancing, floral floats
The same Spirit opens our eyes to the from ourselves. Human beings do not possess justice and truth, by being witnesses and signs parade; various sports; and a search for Miss Zamboanga 2008.
mysteries of God so that we can see life’s holiness in their substance, as does God. We of hope – always seeking the inspiration of One thing admirable about Fiesta Pilar is the fact that the religious
the same Spirit of Jesus, the greatest gift to celebration remained on focus amidst the merrymaking that is typical
events and history in his light. acquire this, as it were, by our participation
of Filipino fiestas. The religious factor of the celebration did not lose
Jesus had told his disciples at the Last in the Holy Spirit, through a life of prayer and humankind from the Father.
flavor and importance; it beautifully remained the priority feature. A
Supper, “when the Paraclete comes, whom I sanctification. This enables us to acquire the With the help of our Blessed Mother, we will city government official reminded the constituents of this hierarchy
shall send to you from the Father, he will be “mind of Christ” and follow in his ways. respond generously to God’s urgent call. of values as he called on them to participate in the Eucharist and
my witness. And you too will be witnesses, Although we already have been redeemed other religious celebrations.
because you have been with me from the by the Spirit, sadly there remains inherent + Joel Z. Baylon, DD Fiesta Pilar is truly a people’s fiesta, not just the catholic people’s
beginning” (Jn 15:26-27). in us the tendency to return to our former Bishop of Masbate feast, but one where all the people of Zamboanga celebrate and
To give witness to Christ in the name of state of being—decadent, unredeemed, at Chair - CBCP Episcopal Commission on Youth honor The Lady of the Pillar, someone whom they commonly hold
the Spirit means to become involved with the mercy of our selfishness. The Holy Spirit 28 October 2008, Feast of Sts. Simon & Jude dear. Fiesta Pilar is interfaith dialogue at its best!
CBCP Monitor
B6 Reflections Vol. 12 No. 23
November 10 - 23, 2008

The story goes on

Solemnity of Christ the King (Mt. 25:31-46; November 23, 2008)
By Fr. Paul J. Marquez, SSP If we take a closer look, we shall discover
that the Jesus story is not over yet. Jesus has
ARE you fond of following telenovelas? shown that indeed love can prevail over
When komiks was still in vogue, did you hatred. Jesus succeeds to demonstrate the
track down a particular komiks character? triumph of forgiveness even when enemies
Maybe you did hardly notice that for almost are harming us, even to the point of death.
a year now, we have been following the Indeed, Jesus has won because he defeated
greatest story ever told. It is not fiction but death itself when he rose from its throes on
a true-to-life story. This is the story of Jesus the third day.
Christ proclaimed in the Mass each day However, Jesus is strongly admonishing
and explained by the priest especially on us to love the people he himself loves.
Sunday. If we want to belong to the kingdom of
On this particular Sunday, we shall witness Christ, let us work for the welfare of those
the conclusion of the Jesus story. We will not whom Jesus loves. These are those whom
be disappointed because it has a wonderful we consider as weak, the sick, the hungry,
ending. Jesus will be enthroned. Angels will the thirsty, the strangers, the naked and
surround him. All peoples will assemble in the prisoners.
front of him. If we bring in fireworks and It is good to remember that while God’s
firecrackers, then everything will truly be a kingdom finds its fulfillment in the next
grand spectacle! life, Jesus has already sowed the seeds of
Indeed the story climaxes into a blaze of the kingdom when he brought love to this
glory but there is one detail in this story that world. Jesus trusts that we will do our part by
can also be very disturbing. After all, the sowing acts of loving kindness towards our
Jesus story is not a teleserye or an illustrated neighbors according to his own example. He
comic story that one could shelve and forget is hoping that we will pursue the wonderful
once we finish reading it. God brings us into teleserye of life that he inaugurated on earth.
the Jesus story. Yes, you and I will stand in May this story reach towards a happy ending
front of God in the fullness of time. We will in heaven. Whether or not the Jesus story will
Illustration by Bladimer Usi be with all other peoples of the world and have a wonderful ending now rests in our
God will sort us out. We go either to his right hands. In the meantime, let the Jesus story
like sheep, or to his left like goats. be told in our life …
Fr. Roy Cimagala
Seminarian / B2

to celibacy. In this way, their in-

Glimmer in somber November

the candidate consciously aspires,
and the life he actually leads. terventions may take into account
Formation must also deal with the the mystery of man in his personal
difficulties inherent in the gradual dialogue with God, according to
development of the moral virtues. the vision of the Church.
The help of the spiritual director Wherever such experts are not
and confessor is fundamental available, let steps be taken to
DESPITE the gloomy sound and feel of Yes, we are meant to be rich in God’s grace. we have borne the image of the earthly, let and absolutely necessary for specifically preparing them.
November, what with its widespread That is the true measure of our dignity. It’s us bear also the image of the heavenly.” overcoming these difficulties The assistance offered by the
commemoration of the dead, there are many not in our possessions. It’s not even in our (1 Cor 15, 49) More, even if we get deep with the grace of God. In some psychological sciences must be
bright and sunshiny reasons to be happy in accomplishments, though these have their in human matters, we ought to keep our cases, however, the development integrated within the context of
this penultimate month of the year. value. It’s in how deeply our heart gets conversation in heaven. St. Paul said so in of these moral qualities can be the candidate’s entire formation.
November invites us, even challenges identified with God’s will. It’s whether we Philippians 3:20. blocked by certain psychological It must not obstruct, but rather
us, to think big, to leave behind our are truly in love, not entangled with love’s We have to convince ourselves that this wounds of the past that have not ensure, in a particular way, that
small-town outlook, our earth-and-time- caricatures. blending and linking between the material yet been resolved. the irreplaceable value of spiritual
bound mentality to consider the ultimate November challenges us to expand our and the spiritual, the temporal and the In fact, those who today ask accompaniment is guaranteed;
dimensions of our life. perspectives so that we can keep an abiding eternal, the natural and the supernatural admittance to the seminary re- for spiritual accompaniment has
We are meant for heaven, for supernatural sense of eternity and supernatural life, are not only possible and feasible. It is also flect, in a more or less accentuated the duty of keeping the candidate
and eternal life, for communion with our even while here on earth and immersed in what is proper to us. way, the unease of an emerging facing the truth of the ordained
Father-Creator and among ourselves, etc. We its affairs. We have to learn go beyond the In fact, the need for integration does not mentality characterized by con- ministry, according to the vision
are meant for things that can never be found sensible and the sentimental. stop in those areas alone. It extends to our sumerism, instability in family of the Church. The atmosphere
in our life here on earth, no matter how rich November invites us to derive practical need to combine our individual and social and social relationships, moral of faith, prayer, meditation on
and successful we may dimensions. We don’t relativism, erroneous visions of the Word of God, the study of
be in our endeavors. November invites us to derive practical live for ourselves alone. sexuality, the precariousness of theology and community life—an
atmosphere that is essential so
We honor these very lessons from the frequent considerations We are meant to live for
and with others.
choices, and a systematic nega-
tion of values especially by the that a generous response to the
sublime truths with
the celebration of the of the Last Things: death, judgment, hell, Our social character media. vocation received from God can
Solemnity of All Saints heaven. We should lose the fear of making is not an optional thing. Among the candidates can
be found some who come from
mature—will allow the candidate
to have a correct understanding
on November 1 and It is an essential part
the Solemnity of Christ these considerations. They actually complete of our being. There is particular experiences – human, of what the recourse to psychol-
the King on November our vision and understanding of things, and no human perfection family, professional, intellectual ogy means within his vocational
23. We are meant to help us to distinguish what is essential in life. unless it is considered in or affective – which, in various journey, and will allow him to
form one family, one the context of our social ways, have left psychological integrate it within that same
kingdom among ourselves with God. lessons from the frequent considerations nature. We are not only individual persons. wounds that are not yet healed journey.
Remember that parable of the rich man of the Last Things: death, judgment, hell, We are meant to form one organic family. and that cause disturbances. 7. In faithfulness and coherence
with a good harvest? “What shall I do?” he heaven. We should lose the fear of making The ways to do all these combining These wounds, unknown to the to the principles and directives of
asked himself. “I have no place to store my these considerations. They actually complete processes are all available. We have the candidate in their real effects, are this document, different countries
harvest. I know!” he said. “I will pull down our vision and understanding of things, capacity, we have the ways. Besides, in the often erroneously attributed by will have to regulate the recourse
my grain bins and build larger ones…Then and help us to distinguish what is essential first place, there is also the grace of God that him to causes outside himself, to experts in the psychological sci-
I will say to myself: You have blessings in in life. insures the effectiveness of our efforts. thus depriving him of the possi- ences in their respective Rationes
reserve for years to come. Relax! Eat heartily, We have to be wary of our tendency to get We need to pay more attention to this bility of facing them adequately. institutionis sacerdotalis. The
drink well. Enjoy yourself. trapped in a purely earthly outlook. This is need. We need to break the barriers of time It is clear that the above-men- competent Ordinaries or major
“But God said to him, ‘You fool! This the big problem we have. While there’s a and space, and the other limitations of our tioned issues can limit the can- superiors will have to do the same
very night your life shall be required of need to get fully immersed in our worldly human earthly condition, so we can enter didate’s capacity for making in the individual seminaries.
you. To whom will all this piled-up wealth affairs, material and temporal, this should into the real world meant for us. progress on the path of formation a) Initial Discernment
of yours go?” That is the way it works with not be at the expense of the spiritual and This is the challenge we have in towards the priesthood. 8. Right from the moment
the man who grows rich for himself instead supernatural dimension of our life. November. Don’t you think it should be “Si casus ferat”—that is, in when the candidate presents
of growing rich in the sight of God.” (Lk We have to learn to combine both an exciting month rather than a somber, exceptional cases that present himself for admission to the
12,15-21) dimensions, just as St. Paul said: “Just as gloomy one? particular difficulties—recourse seminary, the formator needs to
to experts in the psychological be able accurately to comprehend
sciences, both before admission to his personality; potentialities;
the seminary and during the path dispositions; and the types of any
Commentary / B4
of formation, can help the candi- psychological wounds, evaluat-
There is no conscientious matters of conscience are dealt important, especially given the reduce reproduction amongst the date overcome those psychologi- ing their nature and intensity.
objection permitted for any of with in this Bill would be more at widely differing perspectives poor and marginalized. If this can cal wounds, and interiorize, in an Nor must it be forgotten that
the other categories. Hence, home in a totalitarian state. that exist about such matters. in fact be shown to be correct, ever more stable and profound there is a possible tendency of
no conscientious objection is To then mandate the provision depending upon the examination way, the type of life shown by some candidates to minimize
permitted for failure to provide 7. The Bills makes a of such information and advice of other relevant legislation and Jesus the Good Shepherd, Head or deny their own weaknesses.
reproductive health care services r e c o mm e n d a t i o n f or t w o and prohibit marriage without practice, then it would constitute and Bridegroom of the Church. Such candidates do not speak to
as mandated under the Act. children per family. The it, is an entirely unacceptable a eugenic intent. To arrive at a correct evaluation the formators about some of their
Furthermore, no conscientious basis for making such a invasion and intrusion upon of the candidate’s personality, the serious difficulties, as they fear
objection is permitted for refusal recommendation is population people’s personal lives on the Conclusion expert can have recourse to both they will not be understood or ac-
to perform tubal ligation or reduction, but in doing so the part of the state which smacks The promotion of health is interviews and tests. These must cepted. Thus, they nurture barely
vasectomy on the grounds of lack Bill begins to encroach upon of totalitarianism. a good thing. However, the always be carried out with the realistic expectations with respect
of spousal consent. Moreover, the constitutional statement that means which such a goal is previous, explicit, informed and to their own future. On the other
no conscientious objection is “The State shall defend the right 9. The Bill forces employers to achieved are all important, and free consent of the candidate. hand, there are candidates who
permitted for failure to provide of spouses to found a family in provide reproductive health care are in part dependent upon the In consideration of their par- tend to emphasize their own
information on “programs and accordance with their religious services, supplies and devices process of policy implementation ticularly sensitive nature, the use difficulties, considering them
services on reproductive health convictions and the demands to all workers, whether there that would follow if the Bill of specialist psychological or psy- insurmountable obstacles on their
including the right to informed of responsible parenthood.” exists a collective bargaining were to pass. Unfortunately, chotherapeutic techniques must vocational journey.
choice and access to a full range of Whilst the Bill does not seek to agreement or not. It may also the Bill explicitly and implicitly be avoided by the formators. The timely discernment of
legal, medically-safe and effective enforce a two-child policy, the be the case that in structuring a promotes reproductive health 6. It is useful for the rector and possible problems that block the
family planning methods.” Even recommendation of a preferred collective bargaining agreement, in a potentially damaging other formators to be able to count vocational journey can only be
in the limited circumstances number will provide license employers could exert pressure way for individuals and the on the co-operation of experts in of great benefit for the person,
where conscientious objector to agencies to apply pressure to adhere to a two-child policy community. the psychological sciences. Such for the vocational institutions
could be prosecuted for not when and where they see fit. because that would work to the By far the majority of its experts, who cannot be part of the and for the Church. Such prob-
immediately referring the person It may also set the stage for a employers’ advantage, as they content is unnecessary as law, formation team, will have to have lems include excessive affective
to another health care provider later stronger application of would be able to retain female and some of it may conflict specific competence in the field of dependency; disproportionate
in the same facility or nearby, the recommendation through workers longer and without with the constitution and other vocations, and unite the wisdom aggression; insufficient capacity
thereby effectively denying legislative amendments. the various concessions that legislation. It also undermines of the Spirit to their professional for being faithful to obligations
the conscientious objection employers would typically freedom of conscience, expertise. taken on; insufficient capacity
permitted. 8.TheBillmakesitarequirement make for female employees with emphasizes the role of the State In choosing which experts to for establishing serene relations
These measures that some that couples who wish to marry regard to pregnancy, childbirth over that of parents with regard approach for the psychological of openness, trust and fraternal
health care professionals could have to obtain Certificate of and child-rearing. to their children’s education, consultation, it is necessary to collaboration, as well as collabo-
be forced to act contrary to Compliance to prove that promotes an overbearing heavy guarantee, as much as possible, ration with authority; a sexuality
their consciences, either by they have received “adequate 10. On several occasions, handedness with regard to an intervention that is coherent identity that is confused or not yet
direct participation in acts they instructions and information the Bill makes it explicit that disagreement, and potentially with the candidate’s moral and well defined.
deem immoral, or by indirect on family planning, responsible reproductive health care services restricts freedom of speech. spiritual formation. This is to In the phase of initial discern-
participation in referral on to parenthood, breastfeeding will be targeted towards “the avoid any harmful confusion or ment, the help of experts in the
those who will carry out the acts. and infant nutrition.” Whilst poor, needy and marginalized”. (This position paper is prepared opposition. Therefore, it must be psychological sciences can be nec-
Such a restriction of the freedom the obtaining of advice and It is not clear that other health by the Southern Cross Bioethics borne in mind that these experts, essary principally on the specifi-
of conscience is contradictory to information about breastfeeding care services are targeted to Institute (SCBI) on behalf of the as well as being distinguished for cally diagnostic level, whenever
internationally agreed human and infant nutrition can only be these groups in this way. In Society for the Protection of Unborn their sound human and spiritual there is a suspicion that psychic
rights, contrary to agreed ethical a good thing, when it comes to fact, it is unlikely that these Children (SPUC), United Kingdom maturity, must be inspired by an disturbances may be present. If
principles and contrary to any advice and information about groups receive the special kind of Great Britain, August 2008. anthropology that openly shares it should be ascertained that the
decent and fair treatment of family planning and responsible of attention that they do in this Reprinted with permission of the the Christian vision about the candidate needs therapy, this
health care professionals in a parenthood, the nature of that Bill. It therefore appears as if this Bishops-Legislators Caucus of the human person, sexuality, as well therapy should be carried out
democratic society. The way that advice and information is all Bill is attempting to specifically Philippines) as vocation to the priesthood and Seminarians / B7
CBCP Monitor
Social Concerns
Vol. 12 No. 23
November 10 - 23, 2008
Mining in Surigao, is it for the common good?
By Melo M. Acuña their Environmental Clearance Certificate has remained pending. told him: “Why do we bring our rich soil to miners who ship them
Governor Pimentel’s pro-mining passion is understandable be- abroad? Why can’t we plant them with vegetables instead? We can
DURING a consultation on the Environmental Impact Assessment cause his brother, businessman Clarence T. Pimentel owns one of still earn without destroying the environment? We have food and
held last September 30 at the Cantilan Gym, Surigao del Sur, third- the biggest mining concessions which are in operation and have we earn at the same time.”
termer Governor Vicente T. Pimentel, Jr. was quoted saying “The been hauling nickel ores to foreign countries. What God has given us should be preserved. “We have to take
Catholic church wants the people to be poor so that people con- Cantilan Mayor Tomasa Guardo said large-scale mining com- care of it and when He said subdue the earth and master it, which
stantly supplicate to them. We should not allow them to dictate to panies employ very few local residents because most activities are simply means to say we have to be responsible for what God gave
us. How will the anti-mining advocates solve unemployment?” done by earthmovers, trucks and other heavy equipment. us in creation as we ought to be responsible in using creation.”
Governor Pimentel, just like other government officials, believes Local environmentalists led by Emma V. Hotchkiss and business- The prelate stressed we should be responsible in harnessing
“everybody will have jobs because of mining.” However, con- man Vicente Irriberi attest to the destruction of their watershed, God’s creation. He is convinced of the saying “God forgives. Man
ventional wisdom proves otherwise because highly technical jobs forests and farms where thousands of farmers rely for their liveli- sometimes but Nature, never.”
are left for highly-educated persons who, more often than not, are hood. God expects us to take care of the environment for the succeeding
from Manila and other cities while local residents are taken in as Cantilan is Surigao del Sur’s rice granary. Today, the rice pro- generations. “We have to ensure there’s something good left for
ordinary workers. duction may be affected by the destruction of their watershed. future generations,” he said.
According to the Philippine Statistical Yearbook 2008 Mining and Marc Ventures Mining and Development Corporation, owned by Bishop Cabajog said it is never too late to stop irresponsible min-
Quarrying was No. 11 in Gross Domestic Product by Origin in 2007 businessman Mario Vijungco, has an approved Mineral Production ing because there will always be alternatives.
with P23,678,000 way below Manufacturing (P317,197,000), Agri- Sharing Agreement to mine nickel deposits in Cantilan town with an As far as Governor Pimentel and his associates and partners in the
culture (P251,272,000) Trade, Transport, Communication Storage, area of 4,786 hectares and hopes to get their needed Environmental mining industry are concerned, they ought to realize the principle
Private Services, Finance, Ownership, Construction, Government Compliance Certificate. of the common good according to the Compendium of the Social
Services, Electricity, Gas and Water despite its growth of 25.9% from Over in Surigao City, Bishop Antonieto D. Cabajog said his Doctrines of the Church (No. 164) according to the Second Vatican
P 18,813,000 in 2006 in million pesos at 1985 prices. predecessor, Bishop Miguel C. Cinches, SVD was at the forefront Council’s which says: “The principle of the common good, to which
The Association of Barangay Captains of Cantilan passed a of anti-mining campaign because of its harmful effects to people every aspect of social life must be related if it is to attain its fullest
resolution denouncing Tandag Bishop Nereo Odchimar for alleg- and nature. meaning, stems from the dignity, unity and equality of all people.”
edly misinforming government officials including President Gloria “When a tailings pond in Placerdome collapsed years ago, chemi- According to its primary and broadly accepted sense, the common
Macapagal-Arroyo and Environment Secretary Joselito Atienza for cals spilled to rice fields and the sea, the clergy and local residents good indicates “the sum total of social conditions which allow people
his personal “anti-mining advocacies.” had a picket that lasted for a month,” Bishop Cabajog said in an either as groups or as individuals, to reach their fulfillment more
Bishop Odchimar said it is understandable because some barangay interview with CBCPNews at his residence. fully and more easily.
captains received P90,000 cash benefits and other “development as- “We may just wake up one morning when all the mountains are gone The questions remain: Why are we bent on promoting mining?
sistance” including the P20-M rehabilitation works in a number of after being transported to Japan,” said Cabajog albeit jokingly. Who stands to benefit from the country’s natural resources? Is it
barangay roads and bridges from Mark Ventures Mining because He recalled a short dialogue he had with a farmer who once really for the common good?

Seminarian / B6
before he is admitted to the semi- ing of oneself to the irreplaceable A candidate for the priesthood chosen by the candidate himself substituted by forms of analysis lecting the due information from
nary or house of formation. assistance of grace. cannot impose his own per- and accepted by the formators. or of psychological assistance. their respective bishops or major
The assistance of experts can 10. It is possible that the candi- sonal conditions, but must accept According to the possibilities, Moreover, the spiritual life, by it- superiors, especially concerning
be useful for formators, includ- date—notwithstanding his own with humility and gratitude the the candidates should be guar- self, favors a growth in the human the causes of the dismissal or
ing when they are marking out a commitment and the support of norms and the conditions that the anteed a free choice from among virtues, if there are no barriers of departure.
path of formation tailored to the the psychologist, or psychother- Church herself places, on the part various experts who possess the a psychological nature. Bearing The previous formators have
candidate’s specific needs. apy—could continue to show of her responsibility. Therefore, requisites indicated. these two principles in mind, the the explicit duty of furnishing
When evaluating whether it himself unable to face realistically in cases of doubt concerning the If the candidate, faced with a spiritual director can find that, in exact information to the new
is possible for the candidate to his areas of grave immaturity— candidate’s suitability, admis- motivated request by the forma- order to clear up any doubts that formators.
live the charism of celibacy in even given the gradual nature of sion to the seminary or house of tors, should refuse to undergo a are otherwise irresolvable and to Let particular attention be paid
faithfulness and joy, as a total gift all human growth. Such areas of formation will sometimes only psychological consultation, the proceed with greater certainty to the fact that often candidates
of his life in the image of Christ immaturity would include strong be possible after a psychologi- formators will not force his will in the discernment and in spiri- leave the educational institution
the Head and Shepherd of the affective dependencies; notable cal evaluation of the candidate’s in any way. Instead, they will tual accompaniment, he needs to spontaneously so as to avoid an
Church, let it be remembered that lack of freedom in relations; personality. prudently proceed in the work of suggest to the candidate that he enforced dismissal.
it is not enough to be sure that excessive rigidity of character; 12. The formational institution discernment with the knowledge undergo a psychological consul- In the case of a transfer to
he is capable of abstaining from lack of loyalty; uncertain sexual has the right and the duty to ac- they already have, bearing in tation – without, however, ever another seminary or house of
genital activity. It is also necessary identity; deep-seated homosexual quire the knowledge necessary for mind the aforementioned canon demanding it. formation, the candidate must
to evaluate his sexual orientation, tendencies; etc. If this should be a prudentially certain judgment 1052 § 1. Should the spiritual director re- inform the new formators about
according to the indications pub- the case, the path of formation regarding the candidate’s suitabil- quest that the candidate undergo any psychological consultation
lished by this Congregation.[25] will have to be interrupted. ity. But this must not harm the can- V. The Relationship between a psychological consultation, it is previously carried out. Only
Chastity for the Kingdom, in fact, The same is also true if it be- didate’s right to a good reputation, those Responsible for Formation desirable that the candidate, as with the candidate’s free, written
is much more than the simple lack comes evident that the candidate which any person enjoys, nor the and the Expert well as informing the spiritual consent can the new formators
of sexual relationships. has difficulty living chastity in right to defend his own privacy, a) Those Responsible in the director himself about the results have access to the communication
In light of the objectives in- celibacy: that is, if celibacy, for as prescribed in canon 220 of the External Forum of the consultation, will likewise of the expert who carried out the
dicated above, a psychological him, is lived as a burden so heavy Code of Canon Law. This means 13. In a spirit of reciprocal trust inform the external-forum for- consultation.
consultation can, in some cases, that it compromises his affective that the candidate’s psychologi- and in co-operation with his own mator, especially if the spiritual In the case of a candidate who,
be useful. and relational equilibrium. cal consultation can only proceed formation, the candidate can be director himself will have invited after a previous dismissal, has
b) Subsequent Formation with his previous, explicit, in- invited freely to give his written him to do this. undergone psychological treat-
9. During the period of for- IV. Request for Specialist Evalu- formed and free consent. consent so that the expert in the If the spiritual director should ment, if it is held that he can be
mation, recourse to experts in ations and Respect for the Can- Let the formators guarantee psychological sciences, who is believe it useful that he himself accepted into the seminary, let
the psychological sciences can didate’s Privacy an atmosphere of trust, so that bound by confidentiality, can directly acquire information from first his psychic condition be
respond to the needs born of any 11. It belongs to the Church the candidate can open up and communicate the results of the the consultant, let him proceed accurately verified, insofar as
crises; but it can also be useful to choose persons whom she participate with conviction in consultation to the formators in- according to what has been in- possible. This includes collecting
in supporting the candidate on believes suitable for the pastoral the work of discernment and dicated by the candidate himself. dicated in n. 13 for the external- the necessary information from
his journey towards a more sure ministry, and it is her right and accompaniment, offering “his The formators will make use of forum formators. the expert who treated him, after
possession of the moral virtues. It duty to verify the presence of own convinced and heartfelt any information thus acquired to The spiritual director will infer having obtained the candidate’s
can furnish the candidate with a the qualities required in those co-operation”. The candidate is sketch out a general picture of the from the results of the psychologi- free, written consent.
deeper knowledge of his person- whom she admits to the sacred asked to be sincerely and trust- candidate’s personality, and to cal consultation the appropriate In the case where a candidate,
ality, and can contribute to over- ministry. ingly open with his formators. infer the appropriate indications indications for the discernment after having had recourse to an
coming, or rendering less rigid, Canon 1051, 1º of the Code of Only by sincerely allowing them for the candidate’s further path of that is of his competence, as expert in psychology, asks to
his psychic resistances to what his Canon Law foresees that, for the to know him can he be helped formation or for his admission to well as the advice he must give transfer to another seminary or
formation is proposing. scrutiny of the qualities required on that spiritual journey that he ordination. the candidate, including as to house of formation and does not
The candidates can give them- in view of ordination, one should himself is seeking by entering the In order to protect, in both whether to proceed on the path want to agree to the results being
selves to God with due awareness provide, inter al., for an evalua- seminary. the present and the future, the of formation. available to the new formators,
and freedom, in responsibil- tion of the state of the candidate’s Important, and often determi- candidate’s privacy and good c) Help of the Expert to the let it be remembered that the
ity towards themselves and the physical and psychic health. nant in overcoming possible mis- reputation, let particular care be Candidate and Formators suitability of the candidate must
Church, when they have better Canon 1052 establishes that understandings, will be both the taken so that the professional 15. The expert—insofar as it is be proved with positive argu-
mastered not only their weak- the bishop, in order to be able to educational atmosphere between opinions expressed by the expert asked of him—will help the can- ments, according to the norm of
nesses, but also their human and proceed to ordaining the candi- students and formators—marked be exclusively accessible to those didate reach a greater knowledge the aforementioned canon 1052,
spiritual forces. date, must have moral certainty by openness and transparency— responsible for formation, with of himself, of his potentialities and and, therefore, that all reasonable
A certain Christian and voca- that “positive arguments have and the motivations and ways the precise and binding proscrip- vulnerabilities. He will also help doubt must be excluded.
tional maturity can be reached, proved” his suitability (§ 1) and with which the formators will tion against using it in any way him to compare the declared ide-
including with the help of psy- that, in the case of motivated present their suggestion to the other than for the discernment of als of the vocation with his own Conclusion
chology, illumined and com- doubt, he must not proceed with candidate that he should have a a vocation and for the candidate’s personality, thus encouraging the 17. Let all those who, according
pleted by the contribution of the the ordination (§ 3). psychological consultation. formation. candidate to develop a personal, to their different responsibilities,
anthropology of the Christian Hence, the Church has the right Let them avoid the impression b) Specific Character of Spiri- free and conscious attachment to are involved in formation offer
vocation and, therefore, of grace. to verify the suitability of future that such a suggestion is the pre- tual Direction his own formation. It will be the their convinced co-operation, in
Nevertheless, one cannot over- priests, including by means of lude to the candidate’s inevitable 14. The spiritual director’s task task of the expert to furnish the respecting the specific competen-
look the fact that such maturity recourse to medical and psycho- dismissal from the seminary or is not easy, neither in discerning candidate with the appropriate cies of each, so that the discern-
will never be completely free of logical science. In fact, it belongs house of formation. the vocation nor in the area of indications concerning the dif- ment and vocational accompani-
difficulties and tensions, which to the bishop or competent su- The candidate will be able conscience. ficulties that he is experiencing, ment of the candidates may be
require interior discipline, a spirit perior not only to examine the freely to approach an expert who It is a firm principle that spiri- and their possible consequences sufficient, thus “bringing to the
of sacrifice, acceptance of struggle suitability of the candidate, but is either chosen from among those tual direction cannot, in any for his life and future priestly priesthood only those who have
and of the Cross, and the entrust- also to establish that he is suitable. indicated by the formators, or way, be interchanged with or ministry. been called, and to bring them
The expert, having carried out adequately trained, namely, with
his evaluation, and also taking a conscious and free response of
into account the indications of- adherence and involvement of
fered him by the formators, will their whole person with Jesus

CBCPMonitor Name _________________________________________________

(Family Name) (Given Name) (Middle Name)
present them—but only with
the candidate’s previous written
consent – with his contribution
Christ, who calls them to intimacy
of life with him and to share in his
mission of salvation.”
to understanding the subject’s The Supreme Pontiff Benedict
SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mailing Address _______________________________________________ personality and the problems he XVI, during the Audience granted
is facing or must face. to the undersigned Cardinal Pre-
_________________________________________________ In accordance with his evalu- fect on 13 June 2008, approved the
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CBCP Monitor
B8 Entertainment Vol. 12 No. 23
November 10 - 23, 2008

Moral Assessment Technical Assessment

 Abhorrent  Poor
 Disturbing  Below average
 Acceptable  Average
 Wholesome  Above average

 Exemplary  E

Sweethearts and senior high Musicals 1 & 2, HSM 3: Senior Title: High School Musical 3: Senior Year
schoolers in Albuquerque, New Year boasts of crisp cinematog- Running Time: 112 min.
Mexico Troy (Zac Efron) and raphy and costumes and sets Cast: Zac Efron, Vanessa Anne Hud-
Gabriella (Vanessa Hudgens) that are absolutely eye candy. gens, Ashley Tisdale, Lucas Grabeel,
face the prospect of pursuing The young actors prove them- Corbin Bleu, Monique Coleman
college hundreds of miles apart. selves up to their roles, perform- Director: Kenny Ortega
A basketball star who loves to Producers: Bill Borden, Barry Rosen-
ing their own songs and dances
sing, Troy could go along with remarkably well. (It should Screenwriter: Peter Barsocchini
his father’s plan for him to join also please the local audiences Music: David Lawrence
the team at the University of to know that Vanessa Hudgens Editor: Seth Flaum
Albuquerque where his father is half-Filipino—another Lea Genre: Musical/ Comedy/ Drama
Jack (Bart Johnson) is coach, Salonga in the making?) Cinematography: Daniel Aranyo
or he could go to New York’s High School Musical 3: Senior Distributor: Walt Disney Studious
Juilliard School where someone Year is family-friendly enter- Motion Pictures
had secretly applied on his tainment all the way, thanks to Location: Utah, USA
behalf. The academically gifted Disney. While it seems aimed at Technical Assessment: ½
Gabriella, on the other hand, tweeners (aged between 12 and Moral Assessment: 
has been accepted at Stanford 19), it is nonetheless appealing CINEMA Rating: For viewers of
University in California but for every member of the fam- all ages
hesitates to grab it lest she miss ily, as proven by the response young members—to see a movie
the familiar surroundings and it gets from theater audiences where the teenagers seriously
her loved ones, especially her who are mostly parents treat- think about education for a
one true love Troy. Meanwhile, ing their grade-school kids and decent future instead of drugs
they are kept high and busy by high schoolers on a sem break and unwanted pregnancies?
the coming prom and a play weekend. Some foreign review- We asked teenagers who have
based on their own lives that ers have criticized the movie seen the movie—they like it be-
they have to stage. to be “too clean it squeaks”— cause they can resonate with the
A movie that ought to delight alluding to the chaste relation- characters who have remained
local audiences as Mamma Mia ship between the high school blissfully innocent up to their
recently did—High School Mu- sweethearts—but this only goes senior high year. Regardless
sical 3: Senior Year has for its to show that such critics must of the dark realities about the
assets energetic dances, lively have seen too many Sex and youth that media want to play
music, and songs anybody can the City episodes that they up, this is the greater reality—
sing along with. Viewers can have come to expect the whole that there are still millions of
easily follow the simple plot world to be so oriented. So it’s teenagers out there who are
which is kept free of sub-plots “too clean it squeaks”—what’s emotionally healthy and are not
and unnecessary glitches. As a wrong with that? Isn’t it good in a mad rush to travel the road
big-screen sequel to High School for the family—especially the to perdition.

MAC en COLET By Bladimer Usi

Buhay Parokya
Look for the three items: The images of Pope
Benedict XVI, Maria Magdalena and the Last
Supper (Illustration by Bladimer Usi)

James Bond, 007 (Daniel Craig) is Title: Quantum of Solace: 007

shocked and badly shaken by what Running Time: 110 min.
looks like his beloved Vesper Lynd had Cast: Daniel Craig, Olga Kurylenko, Ma-
betrayed him and then she was killed. thieu Amalric, Giancarlo Giannini,
Determined to go after those respon- Jeffrey Wright, Judi Dench
Director: Marc Forster
sible for her murder, he follows trails Producers: Barbara Broccoli, Michael
leading to places from London to Italy, G. Wilson
Austria and Bolivia. He meets Camille Screenwriters: Paul Haggis, Neal Pur-
(Olga Kurylenko), who he thinks could vis, Robert Wade
lead him to Dominic Greene (Mathieu Music: David Arnold
Amalric) who appears to be working on Editors: Matt Chesse, Richard Pearson
a coup de tat, who, in turn could lead Genre: Action/ Adventure
him to General Medrano (Joaquin Co- Cinematography: Roberto Schaefer
sio), an exiled Bolivian, who happens to Distributor: Columbia Pictures
Location: Bolivia, Austria, Italy
have been the man directly responsible
for the massacre of Camille’s whole Technical Assessment: ½
family. Bond believes that finding Moral Assessment: ½
them and their Quantum Organization CINEMA Rating: For viewers 14 and
would mean the end of his search. 007
also goes looking for Mathis (Giancarlo
Giannini), for some help, although in riding a horse, a chase and fight on the
their previous association (in “Casino”) rooftops, among other unbelievable
Bond had not been able to trust him but realistic looking actions. Because of
wholly. As he continues his pursuit the fast moving sequences of the story,
he is aware that MI6, the CIA, and viewers may want or need to watch a
of course the terrorist syndicate are second time, so that they could better
after him. MI6’s M (Judi Dench) under appreciate the details on the screen.
whom he works does not trust him; Take note that the protagonist in
neither does he trusts her with what is most instances in the story shows and
happening. He is making a desperate acts how terribly angry he is by the
try to keep ahead of them and find the murder of his loved one. To quote some
culprits he is looking for. lines in an observation from a review:
This is the second James Bond movie ‘As M (Dench) puts it, if you want to see
that Daniel Craig has acted in. It is his- an anti-hero “so blinded by inconsol-
tory that the first Casino Royale was able rage that you don’t care who you
a box office hit. For those who enjoy hurt” then Craig’s ice-cool Bond is the
James Bond and his exploits, Quantum guy to leave you shaken and stirred
of Solace could also be just as entertain- (Tim Evans, Sky Movies Reviews Edi-
ing. It is a 110 minute fast-moving quest tor). A touching scene to look out for
for those who killed the only woman is when “Mathis (Giancarlo Giannini)
007 loved. He has been restless and asks James Bond to forgive. He is ask-
unable to sleep because he has yet to ing Bond to be at peace with himself
catch the culprits, not minding the toll and part of that is forgiving Vesper,
he has to pay for all the dangers he realizing that he was in love with her
has to endure. He shows the ability and she was in love with him.”(Ruben
of a super hero in the air, on the sea, V. Nepales, Only in Hollywood.)
The Cross
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 23
November 10 - 23, 2008

A Supplement Publication for KCFAPI

and the Order of the Knights of Columbus

(L-R) Justice Jose Reyes, Jr., Arsenio Yap, Antonio Yulo, Msgr. Pedro Quitorio III, Ma. Theresa G. Curia, Alonso Tan, Patrocinio Bacay and Antonio Borromeo

KC Philippines Foundation
turns over 10 housing
units to beneficiaries
By Denise Solina Sis. Ma. Theresa Curia, KCFAPI EVP.
Msgr. Pedro C. Quitorio III led the dedication and blessing of
THE Knights of Columbus Philippines Foundation has recently the houses.
turned over ten housing dwellings to chosen beneficiaries at Bagong In his speech, Bro. Jose Tale, Gawad Kalinga Chairman, thanked
Pangarap, GK Site, Tungkong Manggga, San Jose del Monte, Bula- the Knights of Columbus for sharing their vision of building inte-
can. grated, holistic and sustainable communities. Justice Reyes said that
The ten beneficiary-families came from Pangarap Village in Ka- this is only the beginning of a bigger partnership between Knights
lookan City who were screened and selected by the Gawad Kalinga of Columbus and Gawad Kalinga.
Community Foundation, Inc. A medical mission led by Dr. Jaime Talag and assisted by KCFAPI
Construction of the houses began in June this year and was employees was also conducted.
finally completed in September through the Bayanihan sorties of Serviceable home and kitchen appliances and used clothing
the employees of KC Fraternal and its subsidiaries, Gawad Kalinga gathered earlier by KCFAPI employees were distributed to the
community, Knights of Columbus Councils in Manila & Bulacan beneficiaries. They also organized parlor games for the children and
and the KC Luzon State Officers. handed out loot bags for everybody.
Bro. Patrocinio Bacay, KCFAPI Chairman, Dr. Eric Cayabyab of A marker commemorating the first-ever partnership between
Gawad Kalinga and Justice Jose C. Reyes, Jr. led the cutting of the the KC Philippines Foundation and Gawad Kalinga was erected in
ribbon in the presence of Bro. Alonso Tan, KC Foundation President, front of the area within the Bagong Pangarap GK site reserved for
Bro. Antonio Borromeo, KCFAPI President, Bro. Arsenio Isidro Yap, the construction of a total of thirty-two housing units to be called
KC Luzon State Secretary, Bro. Antonio Yulo, MACE President and “Knights of Columbus Village”.

7 FCs win Presidential President’s Message

Gold Watches Antonio B. Borromeo
WE did it again, breaking the P10.0 M mark! First Year Contribu-
SEVEN fraternal of Central Luzon
tion Income (FYCI) was a groundbreaking P11.3 M for October 2008
counselors won Believers and wife
alone. This came from our dollar plan which reigned supreme, KC
one Presidential of Bro. Efren Casu-
CARES, and off course, the much loved Special Plan for Elderly
Gold Watch each panan, CLB Area
Knights (SPEK).
at the conclusion Manager, won one
This is the fruit of the concerted efforts of our Area Managers with
of the sales contest laptop computer
the lead coming from
“Presidential Gold when her name was
Bro. Efren Casupanan
Watch”. The award picked up in a raffle
of Central Luzon Be-
was given to any of 33 entries.
lievers producing P1.4
fraternal counselor Here are the win-
M and Bros. Manuel
who will be able ners of the Gold
Naldoza of Central
to bring in 50 paid Watches: Veronica
Luzon Conquerors
lives under the Gold C. Casupanan, Ma-
and Josefino Valen-
Series Plans from ria Teresa G. De la
cia of Northwestern
the period January Mota, Wildy D. De-
Luzon Thunders with
1, 2008 to Septem- vela, Pedro T. Do-
P1.2 M FYCI each.
ber 30, 2008. mingo Jr., Lauro L.
To these gentlemen,
Four of the win- Evangelista, Boni-
congratulations and
ners personally re- facio M. Morales,
more power.
ceived their gold (Standing from left) Josefino Valencia, Joseph Teodoro, Danilo Tullao, Antonio Yulo, Lauro Evangelista, Bonifacio Mo- Danilo M. Tullao.
With only two
watches from the rales, Efren Casupanan and Antonio B.Borromeo. (Seated from left) Ma. Theresa G. Curia, Veronica Casupanan and Cash prizes win-
more months before
KCFAPI President, Leonora Tullao. ners: Francisco C.
the year closes, this
Antonio B. Borro- The awarding ceremony was also at- Ballesteros (Other
underwriting income
meo in the awarding ceremonies held last tended by Bro. Antonio T. Yulo, KCFAPI Plans), Lauro L. Evangelista (ECSP), Luis
from our new busi-
October 27 at the home office. The three Treasurer and EVP Maria Theresa G. Curia F. Ferrer (Super Saver), Bonifacio M. Mo-
ness will make our
other winners will receive their prizes who handed the cash prizes of the October rales (Dollar). Veronica C. Casupanan
estimate of P100.0 M
some other time to be arranged by the 2008 Gimme Five Sales Contest. won a laptop during the raffles. (Joseph
for 2008 in FYCI a
Fraternal Benefits Group (FBG). Meanwhile, Sis. Veronica Casupanan P. Teodoro)

KCFAPI launches first coffee table book Leadership Basics seminar held
Knights of Columbus Fraternal
Association of the Philippines, THE supervisors
Inc. (KCFAPI) launched its first and some assistants
coffee table book at its main of the Knights of
corporate office here on Sep- Columbus Frater-
tember 13. nal Association of
The book entitled “FIFTY the Philippines, Inc.
VICE, A Saga of Faith in Action” fice and Service Of-
features history, programs, proj- fices underwent a
Leadership Train-
ects and growth of the associa-
ing Seminar called
tion. The book basically has the
“Leadership Basics”
following chapters namely: The
last September 15 at
Beginnings, The Phenomenal
the KCFAPI head-
Growth, The Pillars of KCFAPI,
The Subsidiaries, The Founda-
Twenty-four participants attended the whole- ment Technology and the School of Professional
tions, and Heading to New
day seminar conducted by the Harry Pound and Continuing Education (SPACE) of De La
Company; a leading training company dedicated Salle University – College of Saint Benilde. She
The coffee table book was au-
to helping business professionals enhance their is also a consultant for various organizations
thored by Msgr. Pedro Quitorio,
capacity and capability through relevant, practi- and corporations, and author of three recently
media director of the Catholic
cal and on-target learning solutions. published books: “Mind Your Own Business: A
Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines. Msgr. Quitorio also serves as the spiritual adviser of the Knights Ms. Cecille L. Ayllon, a sought-after lecturer Comprehensive Guide to Entrepreneurship and
of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI) and a member of the Board of and trainer conducted the training seminar. Ms. Small Business”; “The ABCs of Strategic Life
Trustees of the KC Fr. George J. Willman Charities, Inc. Ayllon regularly gives leadership, managerial Management” and “The Journey of the Heart”.
The launching was part of the activities lined up for the Golden Jubilee celebration of the KCFAPI. and supervisory seminars to top corporations The “Leadership Basics” seminar had the fol-
Board of Trustees and Advisors Chairman Patrocinio Bacay and President Antonio Borromeo led a in the country for the past five years. She is a lowing objectives: 1) To help the supervisors and
symbolic book-giving ceremony attended by KCFAPI members from various councils across the coun- professor in De La Salle’s Master in Manage- Leadership / C2
try. (Bro. Joselito E. Mañalac)
C2 The Cross
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 23
November 10 - 23, 2008

Chairman’s Message
Patrocinio R. Bacay
THE month of November is one of the rare how they touched our lives. In KCFAPI, we also maintain the tradition
occasions each year when families, even We, in the Knights of Columbus, hold of remembering and praying for the souls
clans, gather in reunion to remember and Memorial Service for our departed brothers of our deceased Benefit Certificate Holders.
pray for the eternal repose of their dear and their beloved ones. This is a tradition we My family and I join the officers and staff of
departed members. It is also in this occasion observe in our KC Councils – for we are a KCFAPI as we offer mass for them on Friday,
that we remember and reminisce the good family and a fraternal organization. It binds October 31, 2008 in our head office’s chapel
and happy days we shared with them and us and gives meaning to fraternity. in Intramuros, Manila.

For Brother Knights by Brother Knights

BC Holder’s Letter of Gratitude
FROM the numerous “thank you” letters received by the Association, we shall choose one or two
each month to be published at The Cross supplement. We want to give opportunity to members The Brother Knight
whom we call FC
to share how KC Fraternal and our fraternal benefits have touched or influenced their lives. They
serve as testimonies of the fulfillment of the mission of both our Association and the Order of the
Knights of Columbus.

BC Holder Relations Office

Telephone: (02) 5272223 local 110 to 113 By Joseph P. Teodoro
Fax: (02) 5272241; Text: 0917 825KOFC (5632)
E-mail: bcservices@kofc.org.ph THE initials FC, which stand for Fraternal Counselor, is definitely a brother knight like yourself. He
may be a member of your council or one from a neighboring council. [Inasmuch as we are a family
organization, parents, wives and children may also be appointed fraternal counselors]
Warmest Greetings! I am very proud of our KC The main responsibility of a fraternal counselor is to help brother knights and their immediate family
Association’s performance as well as your commit- members to provide for themselves a secure financial future for their families in the event of untimely
ment to social responsibility. I am very happy to be demise or reaching old age when income generation becomes diminished.
part of KCFAPI. The fraternal counselor then conducts a consultative discussion between the fraternal counselor and
I would like to extend my gratitude for your im- the brother knights and family members regarding the right plan, adequate amount of insurance and
mediate action regarding my request to apply my the one he can easily maintain. Brother Knights should not deny themselves of the principal benefit of
accumulated dividends to my semi-annual contribu- being a knight. The first step is to open their doors to the fraternal counselor. The heart and mind will
tion due last September and to fully pay my BC’s not be far behind.
outstanding loan. Once appointed, the fraternal counselor undergoes a rigid training on life insurance. After the training,
More Power to KC Fraternal Association of the the fraternal counselor takes a vow to serve the interest of the Association and brothers in the Order.
Philippines, Inc.
Leadership / C1
Fraternally yours, assistants of KCFAPI appreciate the importance of Professor Ayllon’s recently published books.
their leadership roles; 2) To provide guides that Towards the end of the lecture, the participants
Ruben Nieves M.G. Dela Cuesta would help unleash their leadership potentials in were asked to evaluate the seminar based on rel-
KC Member challenging situations; 3) To develop better teams evance and practicality of the topic, contents and
through deeper commitment, understanding and coverage of the training manual provided, subject
trust among team players that results from effec- matter knowledge and presentation skills of the
Greetings from DILG Region 10! tive leadership; and 4) To empower supervisors trainer and the training administration in general.
I would like to thank you for the hospital confinement allowance given to me last August. The and assistants to view their primary function as Participants were generally pleased with the train-
amount is not important; rather KCFAPI’s gesture of care for the members is all that matters. people enablers and role models. ing, based on the responses received.
I know KCFAPI is there to lend a helping hand whenever needed. Employees were supplied with practical infor- The seminar ended with the awarding of
Again, thank you. mation on shifting mindsets from subordinate to certificates of completion to the participants,
leader, handling managerial/supervisory func- which were presented by Mr. Joselito E. Mañalac,
Fraternally yours, tions, and enhancing one’s value to the company. AVP- Actuarial & Customer Relations Group of
There were also fun ice-breakers and related KCFAPI together with Professor Cecille L. Ayllon,
SK Wendelino O. Orillaneda, CESO 14 workshops in between that fascinated the partici- resource speaker & EVP for Philippine Operations
Assistant Regional Director pants and made the learning more interesting. As of The Harry Pound Company. (Ma. Kristianne
reward to the winners, each was given a copy of D. Guevarra)

Super SPEK provides you the LOWEST Contribution Rates that bring for financial concerns.
the HIGHEST Level of Protection for You and Your Family.
TOTAL PROTECTION UP TO P59,800.00 As a member of the Association, you shall be entitled to yearly
dividends which you may: a) withdraw, b) use to reduce contri-
We will accept you regardless of your health condition: bution, c) leave with your Association to accumulate at interest,
· NO health questionnaires to accomplish! INSURANCE CONTRIBUTION PAY PERIOD or d) buy paid-up additional insurance.
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INSURANCE COVERAGE PERIOD IMMEDIATE CASH FOR EMERGENCIES After ten (10) full years, additional coverage will be provided
Insured member is covered up to age 100. After three (3) full years, you may borrow the available cash value at no extra cost.
The Cross C3
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 23
November 10 - 23, 2008

A New Politics
Carl A. Anderson,
Supreme Knight
Catholics can exercise
their responsibility
as faithful citizens by
BECAUSE of the importance of the pro-life issue
in this year’s U.S. elections, I have decided to re-
building a culture of life
excuse support for pro-abortion-rights candidates
through a complex balancing act. They claim other
of public policy is absurd.
After all, some of the most important move-
who defend the abortion-rights regime of Roe v.
print here excerpts from my annual report to the issues are important enough to offset a candidate’s ments in our history—the abolitionist movement During the pope’s visit to the United States last
Supreme Convention: support for abortion rights. which ended slavery, the civil-rights movement, April, he urged those gathered at Yankee Stadium
In eight of the last nine presidential elections, But the right to abortion mandated in the United which finally made racism morally unacceptable in to protect “the unborn in the mother’s womb.”
the crucial “Catholic vote” has picked the winner. States by the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade deci- America—were born as religious movements. That statement drew the loudest, longest applause
America’s 69 million Catholics are again likely to sion is not just another political issue; it is in reality It is significant that both of these movements of his trip.
hold the key not only to the White House, but to a legal regime that has resulted in more than 40 sought to end what were rightly regarded as funda- Imagine the effect if this year millions of Catholic
a great number of other races as well. million deaths. mental violations of the dignity possessed by every voters simply say “no”—no to every candidate for
The bishops of the United States recently stated, Imagine for a moment the largest 25 cities in human person. Legal respect for, and protection of, every office of every political party who supports
“The Church’s obligation to participate in shaping the United States and Canada suddenly empty of human dignity lie at the heart of our Constitution, abortion rights.
the moral character of society is a requirement of people. This is what the loss of 40 million human as well as at the core of religious faith. It’s time Catholics stop accommodating pro-
faith.” beings would look like. In fact, 40 million is greater It is time to put away the arguments of political abortion-rights politicians and it’s time to start
At the top of their list of Catholic moral convic- than the entire population of Canada. spin masters that only serve to justify abortion demanding that politicians accommodate us. In
tions, the bishops put “defending the inviolable What political issue could possibly outweigh rights. How should Catholics exercise their re- this election, if a Catholic cannot vote for a pro-life
sanctity of human life from the moment of concep- this human devastation? The answer, of course, sponsibility as citizens? The most important way candidate, then not voting for that office may be the
tion until natural death.” is that there is none. is to build a culture of life. sincerest expression of faithful citizenship.
This is especially important since Catholics of- Some will argue that faith has no place in It is time for Catholics to demand the end of As faithful citizens, Catholics can build a new
ten confront a dilemma in deciding how to vote: politics. But the notion that the First Amendment’s Roe v. Wade. It is time to stop creating excuses politics—a politics that is not satisfied with the
Can we support a candidate who may be attrac- Establishment Clause somehow forbids either a for voting for pro-abortion-rights politicians. It is status quo, but one that is dedicated to building
tive for many reasons but who supports abortion public official or a voter from taking into account time that Catholics shine a bright line of separa- up a culture of life.
rights? Some partisan advocates have sought to personal religious values when deciding matters tion between themselves and all those politicians Vivat Jesus!

Vatican Secretary of State thanks Head Knight of Columbus

warns Freedom of Choice Act
the Knights of Columbus threatens pro-life successes
NEW HAVEN, November 4, 2008—Carl A. Anderson, Supreme
Knight of the Knights of Columbus, has published a message
VATICAN—Benedict XVI’s secretary of state says that after a few Knights’ pilgrimage this year is enhanced by the Pauline Jubilee regarding the upcoming election. Praising the “many small suc-
years of working closely with the Pope, he has a better insight Year, under way through June. cesses” of the pro-life movement, he warns that even these minor
into his personality, particularly his nobleness and vast cultural Citing words from Pope John Paul II, the cardinal spoke of the restrictions on abortion could be invalidated if the Freedom of
knowledge. Knights of Columbus as an example of laity participating in the Choice Act passes.
Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone made his remarks at an Oct. 4 dinner mission of the Church. He recognized their support of the Catholic Calling the work of the pro-life movement a “difficult
with the Knights of Columbus Board faith and their financial assistance and struggle,” Anderson notes that though the “ultimate goal” of
of Directors, who are on an annual volunteer work, and he encouraged overturning Roe v. Wade “remains somewhere in the future”
pilgrimage in Rome. them to remain faithful to this spirit many small accomplishments have been achieved.
The cardinal recalled his participa- and accomplish their mission with Among these, he lists: the Hyde Amendment, which restricts
tion at a similar gathering in 2001, enthusiasm and dedication. federal funding for abortions; the federal ban on partial-birth
when he was an archbishop and secre- abortions, which was upheld by the Supreme Court in April 2007;
tary of the Congregation for the Doc- Hope for Father McGivney’s Beati- the “Mexico City policy” which bars the use of federal taxpayers’
trine of the Faith, working at the time fication money to pay for abortions in other countries; state parental con-
with then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. In concluding he expressed his hopes sent laws; state late-term abortion restrictions; state conscience
The prelate reflected on his present for the beatification of the association’s protection laws for pro-life professionals and institutions; laws
position as one of Benedict XVI’s clos- founder, Father Michael McGivney, which require counseling for those considering an abortion; and
est coworkers. whom Benedict XVI declared vener- laws providing for ultrasounds before an abortion.
“This daily nearness, extended over able last March. However, Anderson warned:
a few years,” he said, “has allowed me Cardinal Bertone observed that “All of these restrictions on abortion - all of the progress we’ve
more experience of the characteristic the beatification process of Father made over the past 35 years in trying to limit and reduce abor-
traits and the unique aspects of the McGivney is close to the hearts of the tions in the United States - would be invalidated with the stroke
Pontiff’s personality that I now am Knights of Columbus and the Church, of a pen if the next Congress passes, and the next president signs,
able to appreciate in a better way.” He so much so that about a month af- the so-called ‘Freedom of Choice Act’.”
noted in particular the Holy Father’s ter his declaration as venerable, the He asked readers to learn whether candidates for whom they
“nobility” and “simple dealings with Pontiff recalled the American priest, might vote favor or oppose FOCA.
people” along with his “profound saying his “vision and zeal led to the In addition, he noted that the Knights of Columbus have pro-
and vast culture, which is more than establishment of this great and active vided more information on FOCA and other life issues at their
theological.” association.” The Pope made this refer- web site at http://www.kofc.org/pro-life
ence during his April trip to the United “Remember,” Anderson concludes, “all that we’ve done
Pilgrimage States, during a homily at St. Patrick’s together since Roe to save the lives of the unborn is at stake.”
Cardinal Bertone also noted that the Cathedral in New York. (Zenit) (CNA)

A. Memorial Services:
1. Retrieval of body from the place of death
2. Preservation of body for seven days
3. Provision of casket (local and imported)
4 Mortuary arrangement at HTMC Chapel or other site at
family’s choice for five (5) days
5. Registration of death certificate and securing of neces-
sary transfer and/or burial permits
6 Appropriate funeral hearse for interment
7. Onr (1) copy of certified true copy of death certificate

B. Cremation: Provision of urns (local and imported)

C. Other Assistance: Obituary placement, priest directory of

nearby parishes, flower arrangements, shipment of remains


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4. St. Peter Life Plan
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8. Coco Plans
9. Philam Plans, Inc.
10. Eternal Life Plan
11. Himlayang Pilipino Life Plan
12. Professional Plans, Inc.
C4 The Cross
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 23
November 10 - 23, 2008

Engr. Jose D. Bacalanmo, Jr.

Civil Engineer, Licensed Master Plumber and Real Estate Broker
Knight Jose D. Bacalanmo, Jr.
By Annie Nicolas member of the Board of Direc- 1982. He held various positions the Fourth Degree for District incumbent State Secretary.
Bro. Bacalanmo graduated tors of Philasia Life, then a in the Order such as Chancellor, 12, Round Table Chairman. He Born on July 29, 1934 at Ban-
LAST September 2008, a new with BS in Civil Engineering subsidiary of KCFAPI. Grand Knight, District Deputy, is presently the Third Degree ate, Iloilo, Bro. Jun is married
addition in the Board of Trust- at International Harvardian He joined and was initiated to State Warden, State Ceremonial Conferring Officer (since 1987), to Dr. Rolanda “Rolly” Malic
ees of KCFAPI was elected—Sir University in Davao City. He the First Degree at the Knights Chairman, State Secretary, State member of the Fourth Degree Bacalanmo, DMD with three
passed the Board exam for civil of Columbus Council 7994 in Membership Director, Master of Exemplification team, and is the children.
engineer in 1963 and later on

Fire, earthquake orientation drills held at KCFAPI

completed his Master in Busi-
ness Administration at the Ate-
neo de Davao University. He is
not only a civil engineerv but THE Knights of Columbus E. Ma- securi- The seminar ended with an
also a licensed Master Plumber Fraternal Association of the ñalac. ty, fire- open forum. KCFAPI gave a
and real estate broker. Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI) His team hose, Certificate of appreciation to
Bro. Bacalanmo is presently held its first Fire and Earth- will be in rescue SFO4 Juico.
engaged in the field of his ex- quake Orientation and Drills charge and sal- The orientation seminar is
pertise as he is the Proprietor/ last October 3 at the 3rd floor of the vage. a requirement of KCFAPI’s
Manager of JDB Enterprises, function hall of Fr. George J. safety of T h e enterprise-wide risk man-
a company engaged in build- Willmann Building in Intra- all office speaker agement infrastructure. This
ing construction, real estate muros, Manila. person- provid- is primarily in compliance
development and farming. He Representatives from the nel and ed the with the provisions of Rule
is also a member of the Board Manila Fire Department hosted security partici- 9 of the “Fire Code of the
of Directors of Archdiocese the event, facilitated by Senior of the pants Philippines” which state that:
of Davao Columbian Knights Fire Officer 4 Generoso M. equip- w i t h Every business establishment
Cooperative. From 1996 up to Juico. Thirty three participants ment, vital should provide an organiza-
present, he is the Design Con- composed of officers, employ- proper- infor- tion to deal with fires and
sultant of Kisan Lu Realty, Inc., ees and security guards from ty and building premises. Also, mation regarding the present related emergencies when
a firm engaged in construction KCFAPI attended the orienta- they will be responsible for the condition of the country and they occur.
and housing subdivision de- tion and drills. supervision, control and evalua- eventual threats of earthquake, The KCFAPI family con-
velopment. He was into teach- The seminar is focused on tion of the potential magnitude of tsunami, fire and other related veyed its appreciation and
ing profession from 1963 to the creation of a Fire Brigade fire emergency and disaster. The calamities. Disaster awareness gratitude to SR/INSP Ra-
1994 with various educational Team in KCFAPI and its role in Fire Brigade Team is composed and different guidelines during mon L. Geronimo, Station
institutions in Davao City. He preventing tragedy when they of the Fire Marshall, Deputy Fire catastrophe such as first-aid, Commander and to all the
became the Dean of the College arise. Appointed as the first Marshall, and different teams for handling of critical situation and personnel of the Manila Fire
of Engineering of International KCFAPI Fire Marshall is As- communication, first-aid, fire ex- crucial decision making were District I. (Joseph Norman C.
Harvardian University from sistant Vice-President Joselito tinguisher, evacuation, logistics, given emphasis. Agustin)
1980 to 1989. He was a former

(Right) KC Foundations Chairman Justice Jose Reyes, Jr. and KCFAPI Chairman Patrocinio Bacay led the symbolic turnover of
houses to GK Beneficiaries together with KCFAPI President Antonio Borromeo and KC Foundations President Alonso Tan (left) MEDICAL MISSION. Dr. Jaime Talag led the KC Medical Mission during the turnover rites held October 18, 2008

Fraternal Assistance of “Brigada Eskwela 2008.” KC Officers and members of Holy Trinity Council 9063 and KC Lady Knights with
San Miguel Arkanghel Circle 4930 grade schoolers’ Columbian Squires, and San Miguel Department of Education Supervisor, Ms.
BLESSING. Msgr. Pedro Quitorio led the GK Beneficiaries and KC volunteers during the blessing of houses. Lily-Ann R. Mendero rest after a day’s work of cleaning the grounds of San Miguel Central School, Surigao del Sur.

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