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•A3 Pope: Ecumenism

•B1 An International Response to •C1 UGNAYAN

the Individual Faculty of the Ateneo The News Supplement of
helping Gospel to spread de Manila University on HB 5043 Couples for Christ

Rosales: Commit ourselves Makati Business backs bi-

to saving the earth shops’ call for radical reforms
EVERY step, no matter how small, is necessary THE influential Makati Business Club (MBC)
and can bring results, Manila Archbishop Gau- together with Management Association of
dencio Rosales stressed in his message to the the Philippines and the Coalition for National
multi-sectoral Carbon Cutting Congress versus Transformation welcomed the call of five
Climate Change (CCCvsCC) on Nov. 20 at the Catholic Church leaders for “radical reforms” in
Heroes Hall in Malacañang Palace. government, saying the public, “in desperation,
Rosales said climate change caused by man’s can no longer wait.”
emission of greenhouse gases is now upon us, In a statement released November 20 entitled
citing the devastating shifting patterns in our “On Worsening Corruption: A call for Change,”
weather—the La Niña and El Niño phenomena, Protagonist of Truth, Promoter of Peace the MBC responded to the earlier calls by two
floods that bring catastrophic landslides, and archbishops and three bishops for serious fight
periods of drought. November 24 - December 7, 2008 Vol. 12 No. 24 Php 20.00 against alleged corruption in the Arroyo ad-
Rosales / A7 Radical / A6

CBCP: RH Bill dangerous to family stability

THE Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) has The statement lauded positive issues in the Bill saying that of danger for the stability of the family. It places the dignity of
issued a collective stand on the controversial reproductive health those “are the kind of things no human institution would have womanhood at great risk,” the statement read.
bill now pending in Congress in a special meeting held at Pope any reason to oppose—maternal, infant and child health and Even as they recognized the right of government to legislate
Pius XII Center, November 14 . nutrition, promotion of breastfeeding, adolescent and youth laws, the bishops urged that there should not be separation be-
In a pastoral statement read before the media, the bishops made health, elimination of violence against women, etc.”, but explicitly tween God and Man in enacting them.
an unequivocal declaration that though the bill has a number of denounced provisions they found unacceptable. “We appeal to our legislators to state in the Bill in clear categori-
good points, some parts of it have fatal flaws that are contrary to “It is our collective discernment that the Bill in its present form cal terms that human life from the moment of conception is sacred.

No to Charter Change
Church’s teachings and pose serious threats to family stability. poses a serious threat to life of infants in the womb. It is a source RH Bill / A6

Change corrupt leaders not Charter, says Lagdameo

By Roy Lagarde The statement came days af-
ter reports to resurrect Charter
REFORMS in govern- change.
ment, including the The reports said that a resolu-
tion filed by Camarines Sur Rep.
changing of corrupt lead- Luis Villafuerte has been signed
ers, should first be insti- by around 150 congressmen,
tuted before tinkering including presidential son and
with the Constitution, Pampanga Rep. Juan Miguel
“Mikey” Arroyo.
the Catholic Bishops’ The resolution seeks to con-
Conference of the Philip- vene Congress into a Constituent
pines (CBCP) said. Assembly (ConAss) without pro-
Amid new move to amend the posing specific amendments.
Charter, the CBCP again reiter- Another resolution, filed
ated that having it under the ad- by House Speaker Prospero
ministration of President Gloria Nograles himself, seeks to amend
Arroyo is unacceptable. the constitutional provisions on
Jaro Archbishop Angel Lag- foreign investments.
dameo, CBCP President, said It has been backed by at least
that changing corrupt leaders 163 supporters in the House.
is far more necessary at these The Catholic bishops’ leader-
times instead of Charter change ship is of the position that if
(Cha-cha). there ever is a need to amend
He said there are more press- the Charter, it should be through
ing problems today that govern- a Constitutional Convention
ment leaders must give attention (ConCon).
to than focus on Cha-cha. Lagdameo also reiterated the
He cited the global econom- previous position of the CBCP
ic crisis as one of the biggest that changing the Constitution
problems the country is facing, must be done after the 2010
“resulting [into a] number of election.
poor people in the midst of cor- “We agree with members of
ruption.” civil society who oppose any
“More than change the form proposal for elected public of-
[of] our government, they are ficials to extend their term and/
Officials of the International Prison Chaplains’ Association (IPCA) worldwide with their president those who are guilty of graft
Rev. Birgitta Winberg (center) take a walk inside the CBCP compound after holding a press
or perpetuate themselves in
conference led by CBCP-Episcopal Commission on Prison Pastoral Care chairman Bishop and corruption who need to power,” Lagdameo said.
Pedro Arigo (inset) on the 3rd ICPA Annual Meeting at the Manila Hotel. ICPA is a growing change or be changed,” said He said amending the Consti-
network of prison chaplains from around the world committed to work for the spiritual and Lagdameo. Charter / A6
social care of people in conflict with the law.

RP prison system Bishops, Ulama hold historic con-

‘one of the worst’ ference in Jolo
PRISON conditions vary from She also said that the ex-
state to state and the Philip- perience of prisoners in the A FIRST-EVER assembly of Bishops-Ulama The meet-
pines is one of those with country was among the “most Conference (BUC) was held in the conflict- ing involved
worse jail system, an ecumeni- impoverished we have seen in ridden city of Jolo, Sulu against the backdrop participa-
cal network of prison chap- any prison.” of a possible threat of kidnapping from the tion of 40 lay
lains worldwide said. Winberg, meanwhile, lauded notorious Abu Sayyaf group. leaders from
The International Prison efforts being conducted by the Regarded as historic, the BUC meeting last the apostolic
Chaplains’ Association World- Catholic Church’s prison minis- November 18-21 gathered 75 BUC members vicariate.
wide (IPCA) criticized as “un- try, saying “the Church does a led by the Conference’s three co-convenors— Lampon
acceptable” particularly the very good job in this country.” Davao Archbishop Fernando Capalla, UCCP said the gen-
conditions of prisoners in “I’m really overwhelmed Bishop-emeritus Hilario Gomez, Jr., and eral idea of
Manila City Jail. and so proud over the Church. Ulama League of the Philippines President holding the
Rev. Birgitta Winberg, ICPA They are brave and working Aleem Aboali Cali. meeting in
President, said prison condi- hard to get better conditions of Jolo Apostolic Vicar Angelito Lampon, Jolo was to
tions indeed mirrors what kind people in prison,” she said. OMI said the meeting was indeed “histori- consult the Episcopal Commission on Interreligious Dialogue chairman Archbishop Antonio J. Ledesma,
SJ speaks before the assembly during the Bishops-Ulama Conference in Jolo.
of government a country has. Hosted by the Episcopal cal because for the first time it happened in grassroots of
“But it’s worse here. The over- Commission on Prison Pastoral Jolo.” their concerns and ask their suggestions on pursue the peace process. It likewise urged
crowding and the standard of Care of the Catholic Bishops’ He said holding the assembly in Jolo was how and what can be done to attain peace the government to build up its efforts to stop
the prison system here are falling Conference of the Philippines, a strong statement from the bishops to the in Mindanao. kidnapping in the area.
actually,” Winberg said. members of the ICPA are meet- people to sit down and dialogue for the at- In a joint statement after the meeting, the “We renew our call for the cessation of all
She said the more prosper- ing at the Manila Hotel No- tainment of peace. BUC renewed its call to end hostilities and Jolo / A6
ous states have better facilities vember 24-29, 2008.
with rehabilitation programs
while the poorer ones can af-
ford only the most bare and
Participants to the third an-
nual meeting of the Steering
Committee of the ICPA world-
Prelate to farmers: Join local politics
primitive accommodations. wide include the IPCA presi- EPISCOPAL Commission on Social Action, politicians because their “idealism is their power.”
dent, Vice president, Project Justice and Peace chairman and Manila He said his party is a responsible organization
Manager, representatives of Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo called supported by responsible citizens as he encour-
Asia, Oceania, Europe, North on the celebrated Sumilao farmers to active- aged the farmers to vote according to the politi-
America and Latin America ly take part in the coming 2010 elections. cal platforms and not based on personalities.
and the Caribbean. “Para hindi kayo mahirapan sa pag- Incidentally, Sumilao farmers’ legal counsel
Members of the Christian implementa ng mga proyekto, maglagay Arlen Bag-ao told CBCPNews “the farmers
Council of Sweden also at- tayo ng malinis na tao, tumakbo tayo sa should keenly study the political
tended the meeting. halalan sa barangay o sa munisipyo (If situation and consider possible
IPCA, an ecumenical Christian you want your projects get implemented, implications because they will
movemtent, is a conference of vote for a worthy candidate, or else, run have to decide what they
prison chaplains committed to for the barangay or municipal elections),” want.”
serve the unity of the Churches. the prelate said. She admitted that she
Illustration by Bladimer Usi

It provides a worldwide net- The prelate also introduced the Kapati- hasn’t heard of farmers
work of prison chaplains who ran Party and encouraged the farmers to running for a political
are deeply committed in their help the Church-leaning party. position at the municipal
ICPA President Rev. Birgitta Winberg
answers questions from journalists
work for peace and justice for Kapatiran President Eric Manalang said level. (MaryAnn Alasay
during a press conference. prisoners. (CBCPNews) the party are different from the traditional Zamora)
A2 World News
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 24
November 24 - December 7, 2008

Work begins on new Nati-

vity scene at the Vatican
VATICAN, November 21, 2008—The Vatican City government
began work on the construction of a new Nativity scene that will
be on display in St. Peter’s Square this Christmas.
During this past week, with the Church preparing to celebrate
Women’s march
seeks justice for
final holy day of the liturgical year, the solemnity of Christ the
King, dozens of workers began building a curious thirteen feet tall
semi-circular structure that partially surrounding the great obilesk

raped nun
in St. Peter’s Square.
CNA asked the Holy See’s Press Office about the theme chosen
for this year’s Nativity scene.
“The theme of the Nativity scene is chosen and implemented by
the Vatican government, and only when the work is completed will CHENNAI, India, November 24, 2008—More than 2,000 people
the Holy See be informed of the theme,” Sister Giovanna Gentili, from various religions, most of them women, marched in this
SFP, said. southern Indian city on Nov. 22 to condemn anti-Christian
Last year the Vatican government chose the new theme of the violence in Orissa state.
Holy Family in Nazareth instead of in Bethlehem. Due to the usual, Film actors, writers, students and Catholic nuns braved rains
semicircular aspect of the preparations, many expect the Holy See as they marched to demand the Central Bureau of Investigation
to unveil another surprise this Christmas season. (CNA) probe the rape of a nun during the violence right-wing Hindu

Pope continues initiatives to go green

groups orchestrated in Orissa, eastern India. The federal bureau
is the country’s premier investigating agency.
During an Oct. 24 press meet in New Delhi, the nun had
expressed her lack of faith in the Orissa state police, after the
Supreme Court had rejected her demand for a CBI probe three
days earlier.
The nun, her face covered, recounted to reporters how she
The 2,400 components of the
and a priest were assaulted and she was raped in Orissa on Aug.
installation not only replaced
25, a day after Hindu fanatics unleashed a seven-week reign of
the concrete roof panels, but
also matched the dimensions of
the original tiles planned by the
building’s architect, Pier Luigi
The panels have a dual func-
tion: “passively” protecting the
building from the elements and
“actively” converting solar en-
ergy into electricity.
The inauguration ceremony
was held at the headquarters
of the Pontifical Academy of
Sciences, and will be attended
by Cardinal Giovanni Lajolo,
president of the Governorate of
Vatican City State; Pier Carlo
Cuscianna, director of techni-
cal services of the Governorate
terror on Christians there. Church sources say the violence left
of Vatican City State; Livio De
at least 59 people dead and 50,000 homeless.
Santoli of Rome’s “La Sapienza”
The Nov. 22 march was organized by 28 women’s groups
University; Frank Asbeck, presi-
under the Women’s Initiative for Secular India (WISI), based in
dent of Solar World AG, and
Chennai (formerly Madras), the Tamil Nadu state capital, 2,095
Carlo Rubbia, winner of the
kilometers south of New Delhi.
Nobel Prize for Physics.
Wearing black ribbons and carrying flags and placards, the
In an effort to become the first
marchers shouted slogans condemning the violence and urg-
carbon-neutral state, the Vatican
VATICAN, November 21, crete panels on the roof of the ing government at all levels to protect the rights of minorities,
characterized by ethical values” is also growing a 37-acre forest
2008—As a “concrete and tan- Paul VI Hall with photo electric women and children in Orissa. They also demanded a ban on
promoted by Benedict XVI, will dubbed the “Vatican Climate
gible initiative” to promote the ones. right-wing Hindu groups that have attacked Christians and
protect the building from the ele- Forest” in Hungary to offset its
protection of the environment, The new installation, which spread hatred among communities.
ments and convert solar energy annual carbon dioxide emis-
the Vatican has replaced con- is part of the “green culture It earlier organized two other events to garner support for the
into electricity. sions. (CNA)
Orissa victims ─ a signature campaign and a candlelight vigil.
Rally organizers said the alliance was formed on Nov. 1 to

Young Trappist monk one step away from canonization

promote communal harmony and secularism in response to
growing intolerance and hatred in India. (UCAN)

VATICAN, November 20, 2008—The Con-

gregation for the Causes of the Saints has
to improve until she completely recovered.
In order for Blessed Rafael to be declared
Meeting of Vietnamese ‘government’
approved the miracle of the inexplicable
cure of Begona Leon Alonso, a 38 year-old
a saint, the Pope needs to sign a decree pre-
pared by the Congregation for the Causes
Catholics’ committee ends in disaster
woman from Madrid who suffered from of the Saints. HANOI, Vietnam, No-
Hellp Syndrome during her pregnancy and Rafael Arnáiz Barón was born in Burgos vember 24, 2008—The
went into a coma when doctors performed on April 9, 1911. His father, Rafael Arnaiz fift h meet ing of t he
surgery to save her child. Sanchez de la Campa, was in the military Vietnam Committee for
Miraculously, she recovered through the and his mother, Mercedes Baron Torres, was Solidarity of Catholics
intercession of Blessed Rafael Arnaiz Baron, born in Manila, Philippines. (VSSC) is a failure. The
a Trappist monk who died at the age of 27. In 1923 the family moved to Oviedo, Spain. meeting represents the
According to the newspaper La Nueva Rafael and his brothers attended the St. Igna- most recent attempt by
España, Bergona Leon fell ill in 2000 during tius Catholic School run by the Jesuits. Later the Vietnamese govern-
her pregnancy and underwent a cesarean at he studied architecture in Madrid, but then ment to create a Chinese-
the Gregorio Maranon Hospital to save the discovered his vocation to the contemplative style patriotic Church.
life of the child. Her condition worsened and life and entered the Trappist Monastery at Scheduled for 2005,
she fell into a coma, at which point doctors Deunas on January 15, 1934. Diabetes and after numerous delays
considered her brain dead. the Spanish Civil War forced him to leave the VSSC finally met in
A nun from the Cistercian convent of San the monastery on three occasions. Hanoi on November 19
Bernardo de Burgos heard about Leon from On April 26, 1938, he died of sickness at the and 20. In the report by
her family, and the nuns at the convent de- convent after a diabetic coma. He was beati- the government news
cided to pray a novena to Blessed Rafael for fied by John Paul II in 1992 and that same year agency VNA, it claimed
her healing. From that moment on Leon began Oviedo named a street after him. (CNA) to have included “425
delegates, including 145 priests.” But things may not have gone
quite this way, since the report issued at the end of the meeting

First beatification in Cuba: 188 martyrs ‘show the way by VietNamNet, another state news agency, does not give the
number of participants, and says that 128 members were elected,

Brother Jose Olallo Valdez for those who believe,’

including 74 priests. These would represent less than 3% of the
approximately 2,800 Vietnamese priests.
The government’s attempt to create a Catholic Church faith-

HAVANA, Cuba, November 20,

Japanese bishops say ful to the communist party, and not to the pope, has met with
nothing but failure. An initial “Liaison Committee for Patriotic
and Peace-Loving Catholics” was created in March of 1955. It
2008—The prefect emeritus of the ROME, November 21, 2008—The the Church, and therefore, they had the same objectives as similar bodies set up to divide the
Congregation for the Causes of the bishops of Japan pointed out that said, “It’s time that the formation followers of the various religions, especially the Buddhists,
Saints, Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins, the 188 Japanese martyrs to be of our laity be taken seriously.” today split between the Vietnamese Buddhist Church - an or-
will preside at the Mass of Beatifica- beatified “are not political mili- Likewise, the bishops under- ganization “approved” by the government—and the Unified
tion of Brother Jose Olallo Valdez on tants, they did not fight against scored, “We appreciate the fact Buddhist Church.
November 29 in Camaguey, in the first a regime that hindered religious that, without these women” who The operation, even back then, was not able to do much, so the
such ceremony ever to take place on freedom: they are among the government changed its approach, trying to uproot the Church
Cuban soil. were men 188 martyrs, by blocking the appointments of bishops, almost completely
In an interview with the magazine and women “the Church closing the seminaries, and confiscating Church property.
Palabra Nueva of the Archdiocese of of profound would not Things seemed to go better for the regime after the unification
Havana, Father Felix Lizaso Barruete, and authen- exist today of the country in 1975, with the “Committee for Solidarity of

the general postulator of the Hospi- tic faith, who in Japan. We Vietnamese Catholics” (VCSC), which, at first, obtained the
taller Order of St. John of God, pointed show the way await the be- participation of many Catholics.
out that while Father Olallo will not be for those who atification of But this situation was also reversed by the imprisonment of
the first Cuban blessed, “He deserves believe. Their these women many priests and Catholic laity, beginning with the auxiliary
to be recognized because Cuba needs him. Cuba deserves to have experience is martyrs as a bishop of Saigon, the future Cardinal Francis Nguyen Van
a saint.” an opportu- message of Thuan, and a shocking religious celebration at the first congress
“I think he will be canonized soon because the people have a lot nity for reflection for us all.” hope and comfort for all the of the VCSC: the priests completely eliminated the prayer for
of devotion to him and that devotion will only grow. Olallo is today According to the Fides news women of this country, of what- the pope, indicating a position that led to the exit of the few
God’s blessing for Cuba,” he added. agency, in referring to these mar- ever religious faith.” members who remained.
The press office of the Archdiocese of Camaguey announced the tyrs who gave their lives for Jesus They also pointed to the ex- The fate of the VCSC was sealed in 1985, with a warning from
“Mass of Beatification will take place on November 29, 2008, at 8 Christ between 1603 and 1639, the ample of Father Peter Kibe and the Holy See against clergy membership in the committee.
a.m. at Charity Square” in Camaguey. Japanese bishops point out that other priests, “who send us a Today it seems that, at least in part, there is an intention to
The Mass will be celebrated by Cardinal Jose Saraiva Martins their testimony is a challenge to message rich in teaching for the return to the policy of confiscating property and attacking bish-
and concelebrated by all the Cuban bishops, including Archbishop the Church about the role of the priests today who seek to be ops and priests. And the meeting of this precarious new edition
Juan de la Caridad Garcia Rodriguez of Camaguey, president of the laity in the transmission of the good pastors in contemporary of the committee. (AsiaNews)
Bishops’ Conference of Cuba. (CNA) faith and in the organization of Japan.” (CNA)
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 24
November 24 - December 7, 2008
News Features A3

Pope: Ecumenism helping

Gospel to spread
VATICAN CITY, November 24, 2008—The Overcoming divisions time,” Benedict XVI continued.
growth in ecumenical relations has great The Pontiff noted how the See of Cilicia Given that Catholics and Armenians live side
promise for the proclamation of the Gospel has been involved in encouraging ecumeni- by side around the world, the Holy Father ex-
in our time, says Benedict XVI. cal contacts between the Churches. pressed his certainty that an “increased under-
The Pope affirmed this today when he “Indeed, the dialogue between the Ori- standing and appreciation of the apostolic tradi-
presided at an ecumenical celebration with ental Orthodox Churches and the Catholic tion which we share will contribute to an ever
Aram I, Catholicos of Cilicia of the Arme- Church has benefited significantly from the more effective common witness to the spiritual
nians. A delegation from the Catholicosate presence of its Armenian delegates,” he said. and moral values without which a truly just and
also participated in the event. “We must be hopeful that this dialogue will humane social order cannot exist.”
Aram I is on a visit to Rome that will include continue to move forward, since it promises
a pilgrimage to St. Paul’s Outside the Walls. to clarify theological issues which have di- Mideast conflicts
“Our meeting today,” the Pope told him, vided us in the past but now appear open to Due to historical circumstances, since 1441,
“stands in continuity with the visit which you greater consensus.” there have been two Catholicosates in the Ar-
made to my beloved predecessor Pope John In that context, Benedict XVI expressed menian Church with equal rights and privi-
Paul II in January 1997, and with the many confidence in the work of an international leges, and with their respective jurisdictions.
other contacts and mutual visits which, by commission studying “The Nature, Constitu- The primacy of honor of the Catholicosate of
God’s grace, have led in recent years to closer tion and Mission of the Church.” Etchmiadzin has always been recognized by
relations between the Catholic Church and The Armenian Apostolic Church is one of six the Catholicosate of Cilicia.
the Armenian Apostolic Church.” Oriental Orthodox Churches. These Churches The Catholicosate of Cilicia is based in
“In this year of St. Paul, you will visit the tomb separated from Rome after the Council of Antelias, Lebanon.
of the Apostle of the Nations and pray with the Chalcedon in 451, over controversy arising Thus, Benedict XVI expressed his concern
monastic community at the basilica erected to from the council’s adoption of the Christologi- and assured his prayer for the people of
his memory,” the Holy Father continued. “In cal terminology of two natures in one person. Lebanon and the Middle East.
that prayer, you will be united to the great host However, most now agree that the controversy “How can we not be grieved by the ten-
of Armenian saints and martyrs, teachers and arose over semantics, not doctrine. sions and conflicts which continue to frus-
theologians, whose legacy of learning, holiness Several of the Oriental Orthodox Churches trate all efforts to foster reconciliation and
and missionary achievements are part of the pat- have signed accords with the Catholic peace at every level of civil and political life
rimony of the whole Church. […] That testimony Church expressing that they share the same in the region,” he said. “Most recently we
culminated in the 20th century, which proved a faith regarding Christ. have all been saddened by the escalation of
time of unspeakable suffering for your people. The Armenian Apostolic Church is one of persecution and violence against Christians
“The faith and devotion of the Armenian those that has moved closer to unity, notably in parts of the Middle East and elsewhere.
people have been constantly sustained by the thanks to a 1996 declaration signed by Pope “Only when the countries involved can
memory of the many martyrs who have borne John Paul II and Patriarch Karekin I on the determine their own destiny, and the various
witness to the Gospel down the centuries. nature of Jesus. ethnic groups and religious communities ac-
May the grace of that witness continue to “Surely the growth in understanding, cept and respect each other fully, will peace
shape the culture of your nation and inspire in respect and cooperation which has emerged be built on the solid foundations of solidar-
Christ’s followers an ever greater trust in the from ecumenical dialogue promises much ity, justice and respect for the legitimate
saving and life-giving power of the cross.” for the proclamation of the Gospel in our rights of individuals and peoples.” (Zenit)

Don’t let wi-fi leave Bishops urged to be

your prayer life dry leaders in charity
Vatican Aide encourages setting aside times of silence Cardinal says it’s a responsibility of evangelization
VATICAN CITY, November 23, prayer. VATICAN CITY, November 21, “With it, he wished to launch
2008─In the age of cell phones “In the age of 2008─Bishops must be careful a message: If one loves one’s
and the Internet, the Holy See’s the cell phone not to delegate too much charity neighbor, it is because he was
spokesman warns that your and the internet work to others, as it’s necessary first loved by God. Hence, it
prayer life could be in danger. it is probably that they take an active leader- is necessary to communicate a
Jesuit Father Federico Lom- more difficult ship role themselves, says the dimension of faith to this hu-

bardi, director of the Vatican than before to president of the Pontifical Coun- manism, to this philanthropy,”
press office, made these remarks protect silence cil Cor Unum. he explained.
on the most recent episode of and to nourish Cardinal Paul Josef Cordes, At present, especially in West-
the weekly Vatican Television the interior di- president of the Pontifical Coun- ern countries, there is a “tempta-
program “Octavia Dies.” mension of life,” cil Cor Unum, said this Thursday tion of secularism” in Catholic
“There is an interior and spiri- he observed. “It on Vatican Radio, after having charitable organizations, a “ten-
tual dimension of life that must is difficult but returned from a trip to the United dency to be separate from the
be guarded and nourished. If it is necessary. States. The cardinal participated ecclesial mission,” due to the fact
not, it can become barren to the “For believers, in the U.S. bishops’ fall meeting that they must be very occupied
point of drying up and, indeed, in this dimension prayer, dia- in daily life, for the Church it is in Baltimore, Maryland, and met in purely administrative aspects,
dying” the Jesuit priest said. logue with God is developed, life essential to have the sign and with directors of Catholic Chari- explained the cardinal.
“Reflection, meditation, con- in the spirit, which is more impor- reality of life dedicated to con- ties and Catholic Relief Services. “This new orientation that
templation are as necessary as tant that physical life itself. Jesus templation and prayer, and for Upon his return to Rome, the tends to functionality, to social
breathing. Time for silence -- ex- told us not to fear those who can humanity it is essential to know cardinal repeated his message to the U.S. bishops. effects, does not imply necessarily an interest in
ternal but above all internal -- are kill the body as much as the one there are beacons of light, sages He warned against a double risk: “on one hand, the faith,” he added.
a premise and an indispensable who can destroy our soul.” and masters of the spirit.” that bishops have the feeling that charitable works The cardinal said “Deus Caritas Est” is very
condition for it.” “What is true for the indi- Without attentiveness to and ‘walk alone,’ and on the other, that the organiza- important, because it “underlines that the mission
Father Lombardi offered these vidual person, is true for the cultivation of the spiritual life tions that carry them out are separate to the mission of the Church has two faces: to proclaim the Word
reflections Friday on the occa- community of the Church, true “you will lose your soul,” added of the Church.” of God and to do good, namely, to know that God
sion of “Pro Orantibus” Day, a for humanity,” the spokesman Father Lombardi. “And today “It is necessary that bishops recover their re- loves his people.”
day for men and women reli- continued. “If for each one of this is a very grave threat, and it sponsibility in regard to evangelization, of which In regard to the present economic crisis, Car-
gious who dedicate themselves us it is essential to know how is the most irreparable misfor- charitable action is a part,” he explained. dinal Cordes said that, although for now there
to a life of contemplation and to preserve dialogue with God tune.” (Zenit) Cor Unum’s president reminded his listeners has not been an increase of requests for aid in his

Vatican official’s visit to offer new

that the encyclical “Deus Caritas Est” underlines dicastery, it is affecting the lack of liquidity.
“the responsibility of the bishop himself so that In addition to the aid sent recently to assist the
charity is a clearly ecclesial work. He cannot del- victims of the war in Congo, the cardinal men-

spirit, vision for Catholic charities

egate completely to others: He must allow himself tioned the aid offered by his dicastery to those
to be helped, always remembering that he is the affected in the latest natural disasters, such as
decisive person in charitable work.” Pakistan’s earthquake, the hurricanes that struck
Cuba and Haiti, and the victims of the earthquake
MANILA, November 19, 2008—Pope Benedict She said the overriding concern of Cordes’ ad- No accident that recently shook China.
XVI’s first encyclical “Deus Caritas Est” (“God is dress to the bishops will be to stress that Catholic For Cardinal Cordes, “there is in the world today “This last case was a novelty,”’ he said. “Despite
Love”) is set to give a “new spirit” and “strategic charities cannot see themselves as philanthro- great sensitivity to the commandment to love one’s the fact that continental China’s relations with the
vision” to the Church’s work of relief and develop- pies. neighbor,” hence, “it’s no accident that the Pope Church aren’t very easy, the Pope’s aid was well
ment in the country. And it’s because, she continued, since their chose this argument for his first encyclical.” received.” (Zenit)
Former ambassador to the Vatican Henrietta de aim as Catholic institutions must be to offer the
Villa said Pontifical Council Cor Unum president supreme act of charity, the announcing of the
Cardinal Paul Cordes, in his visit to Manila next
year, will sum up the key links between the en-
“The intention of Cardinal Cordes is to be able
CBCP Media plans to organize presidential debates
cyclical and charity. to promote not only in the sense of explaining the
MANILA, November 18, 2008—
De Villa is among the consultants of the said encyclical but also to see that practical aspects of
In the context of catechesis and
Vatican agency that promotes and coordinates the it are also implemented,” she said.
political education encouraged
church’s charitable work around the world. “He wants to have an organized charity espe-
by the CBCP Pastoral Exhorta-
cially in our country where poverty is prevalent,”
tion on Politics, the CBCP Media
De Villa added.
Office is looking at the possibil-
Cordes is arriving in Manila on Jan. 19 and will
ity of organizing presidential
meet the members of the Catholic Bishops’ Confer-
debates sometime next year.
ence of the Philippines on Jan. 22 and discuss with
This was disclosed today by
them the value of charity.
CBCP Media Director Msgr.
During his visit, the Vatican official will also be
Pedro Quitorio at the weekly
hosting a lecture on the pontiff’s encyclical at the
Forum hosted by CBCPNews
University of Santo Tomas on Jan. 23.
and the Catholic Media Net-
He is also expected to deliver the same lecture
work (CMN) at Ilustrado CBCP Media Director Msgr. Pedro Quitorio and Ambassador Henrietta de Villa
with the country’s charity workers and the Catho-
Restaurant in Intramuros. during the media forum last November 18.
lic Church’s social action workers before he left for
“Political education accord- debates in a manner conducted in countries can participate in the
Rome on Jan. 24.
ing to the CBCP Pastoral Ex- the last US Presidential elections. exchange of ideas.
De Villa also said the fact that a ranking Vatican
hortation on Politics should “It will also elevate the level of Former Philippine Ambas-
official is visiting the country is a manifestation
be done in season and out of political campaigns from vaude- sador to the Holy See, Henri-
that the Vatican has a special concern for the
season. Holding presidential ville entertainment to something etta “Tita” De Villa said this
debates is a good way of more sensible worthy of the initiative would make candi-
“I guess these are signals that the Holy Father
educating voters about their Filipino people,” he said adding dates realize the importance of
is very supportive and very appreciative of the
candidates,” said Quitorio. that such debates may use video positions they aspire for and
Philippines being the only Catholic country in
He cited the advantage of streaming like the popular You- how they project to the general
Asia and a very faithful daughter of the church,”
holding educated presidential Tube so that Filipinos in other public. (Melo M. Acuña)
Former Ambassador Henrietta de Villa she said. (Roy Lagarde)
A4 Opinion
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 24
November 24 - December 7, 2008


Due process
THE observance, mandate and clamor for “Due Process”
reverberate in this country for one reason or another. The truth is
that, the continuous and loud demand for such a qualified process
is irrespective of whether there was in reality no process done, or
the process was in fact unduly done, or the truth that the process
was duly done but with orders or judgment unwanted by parties
of interest.
On account of such rather common confusion about the often
invoked but probably little understood judicial principle on the
part of ordinary citizens, it might be good to forward the following
three more basic not only necessary but also practical constitutive
as well as complimentary factors of “Due Process.”
First: The fundamental objective and ultimate finality of “Due
Process” is to establish the objective truth in a formal contention,
be this civil or criminal in nature. The contention is resolved based
on the composite judicial weight of principal and adminicular
evidence presented and accepted during the trial of merit of the
case submitted for the intervention of orders and eventual judgment
by a competent Court of law.
Second: The reality of “Due Process” squarely stands on a
tripod, which in more simple words consists in answering the
following three primary questions: One, what is/are the object/s
of contention? Two, who is/are the subjects/s involved in the
contention? Three, what does/do the law/s say about the contention?
The answer to the above three salient questions is primarily drawn
from the evidentiary hearing of the contending parties and their
Third: The key and truly distinct figure in “Due Process,” however,
is the judge assigned to the case. Roman Law—commonly accepted
as the eminent expression of judicial normative excellence—has
a signal provision saying “Iudex est dominus processus”, i.e.,
the judge has dominion—control, command, supervision—over
the judicial process. This means that, without the least violating
pertinent procedural and substantive laws, the judge nevertheless
has not only the right but also the mandate to see to it that the
process is not confused, derailed or unduly prolonged by patently Abp. Angel N. Lagdameo, DD
vain, pompous or dilatory motions or “tactics” contrary to his
already given orders and eventual judgment. Otherwise, behold
the “Undue Process” in terms of the following more common
CBCP for Constitutional
phenomena in the local courts:
In and Out of Season Convention
The process is instead in the dominion, control or command of
the prosecutors or counsels. The judge thus renounces or loses
his rightful, mandatory and defining role in the process. Even but THE Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Annus”: “The Church values the demo- pagtutulungan by both rich and poor will
simple cases or even serious contentions with ready and glaring Philippines has expressed in several pastoral cratic system in as much as it ensures the be a great help. But what our country more
resolutions according to pacified jurisprudence, thus take years statements that if ever our Constitution will participation of the citizens in making urgently needs is to look for and elect people
if not decades to obtain judgments. The courts are wherefore be changed, it should be through a CON- political choices, guarantees to the govern who will govern us with honesty above
flooded by practically forever pending cases, while the Judges STITUTIONAL CONVENTION, whose the possibility both of electing and holding all, with integrity, truthfulness, justice and
feel harassed, exasperated or “burnt out.” members shall be elected for that purpose accountable those who govern them, and of accountability. More than change the form
It is in the context of such judicial irregularity in many local courts by the people. replacing them through peaceful means when of our government, they are those who are
that justice is delayed and thereby considered denied. In other Understanding the gravity of Charter appropriate.” The President of the Pontifical guilty of graft and corruption who need to
words: NO NONSENSE JUDGES—these are the crying need Change and its perceived consequences, the Council for Justice and Peace, Cardinal Mar- change or be changed.
of the courts of the land. These are Judges who have the sense CBCP has expressed its negative judgment tino, further states: “The local churches are In the spirit of Advent, everyone needs
and the guts to be precisely the “DOMINUS PROCESSUS” for on the proposal of the House of Represen- heavily involved in the formation of a civil “cardiac conversion” from whatever is evil
a truly “Due Process.” tatives to convert itself into a Constituent conscience and in the education of citizens to everything that is good. This will be the
Assembly. We agree with members of civil to a true democracy. Episcopal Conferences best preparation for a meaningful Christmas
society who oppose any proposal for elected of many countries have made interventions season.
public officials to extend their term and/or against corruption, and in behalf of a society The citizens should watch, critique and
Opposing bills that violate perpetuate themselves in power.
If the Constitution needs to be changed it
that is governed by laws.”
The biggest problem that our country is
denounce the manipulations of government;
they need above all to pray for enlighten-
moral order should be by way of a CONSTITUTIONAL
CONVENTION and after the 2010 Election.
facing is the global economic crisis, resulting
in the growing number of poor people in the
ment to seek what is best for the country in
order that she may rise up with right vision
AS pastors of the Church we also view with the greatest concern To quote the Encyclical “Centessimus midst of corruption. The bayanihan spirit of and hope.
the situation of homosexuality. We recognize that there are people
with homosexual tendencies. To have such tendencies is not a sin Sr. Mary Pilar Verzosa, RGS
but to engage in homosexual acts is morally wrong. We firmly
believe that persons with homosexual tendencies “must be accepted
with respect, compassion and sensitivity”. Quarant’ore
However, we are also gravely concerned about legislative moves
to legalize same-sex unions, i.e., between men, or between women.
Love Life
To legalize same sex union would, actually be a disservice to
the persons involved. It would abandon them to a situation of TO a nurse like me, the word “quarant’ore” sounded like quarantine of his mother from cancer. She still succumbed to the illness but
objective disorder. It would legitimize what is objectively morally so I thought that we were being requested to go in isolation for 40 he was able to accept and receive the necessary graces from the
reprehensible. It would be tantamount to an utter lack of hope of days. On reading the invitation, I saw that “quarant’ore’ is the 40- supreme sacrifice of the Lord on the Cross. He also linked up our
personal conversion. hour Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament for a special intention. prayers to the request of Mary during the Wedding of Cana for our
I got excited when I read that the special intention was to implore Lord to perform the miracle of the changing of water into wine. He
We as Pastors of the Church are also very concerned about the
the Lord and our Mother Mary to stop the passage of the Reproduc- reminded us that the first miracle of Jesus was during a wedding—an
plight of women who may be bearing a child they did not desire
or who is incurably ill. But whatever “reproductive rights” a tive Health Bill in congress being discussed these days. The activity affirmation of our Lord of the sacredness of the family, reproduc-
person may claim to have, there is an overriding claim of the was being spearheaded by the Center for Peace with the support of tion and children. And these are the values that the Reproductive/
primordial right that every human being, especially the baby many Marian organizations, parishes, congregations, and Catholic Population Control Bill is desecrating.
in the womb, has to live. This is why the Church through her organizations. I forwarded the email to our prolife mailing list and Have you ever joined a procession at 1:00 in the morning? The
institutions (such as shelter houses for women and orphanages set in my calendar the date for the “quarant’ore”. We were informed experience is awesome. We were a mixed group of men and women,
for babies), offers practical and time-tested solutions that will that many groups signed up to hold the “quarant’ore in their own some elderly using canes, children staying in the Center for Peace
ensure the dignified and respectful care for the mother as well respective areas—all for the same intention. shelter, teens with their parents, young men and women, and a few
as the future of the child. Last Thursday then, November 6, many devotees gathered at of us nuns. The statue of Our Lady Mediatrix of all Graces (of the
EDSA shrine for the 8:00 Eucharistic Celebration. This was fol- Lipa Miracle of Rose Petals) was carried by six men at the beginning
Finally, while the state may “intervene to orient the demography of lowed by the hourly adoration of assigned groups at the Adoration of the procession. Some ladies led the rosary at the front while the
the population,” nevertheless “the state may not legitimately usurp Chapel. I made the effort to spend two hours there in spite of the priests also led the rosary at the end of the procession to ensure that
the initiative of spouses, who have the primary responsibility for rain and difficulty in getting public rides, and returned there with all participated. It was truly impressive for people to see us praying
the procreation and education of their children.” Furthermore, some nuns on Friday evening for the 11:00 Mass and procession to with our lighted candles while speeding vehicles passed us in the
“it is not authorized to employ means contrary to the moral end the 40-hour vigil. busy streets of Ortigas complex. Vendors and by-standers (even at
Even at that late hour, surprisingly, the shrine was full of devotees, that time of the night) looked at us, some making the Sign of the
The latest House Bill version of the population program (HB all concerned that the RH Bill will not pass into law. Main celebrant Cross as we walked by.
8110) is asking for a yearly appropriation of PHP1.5 Billion, to was Fr. Dave Clay, while Fr. Melvin Castro gave the very moving We processed all around the block and returned to the front of EDSA
be employed in a program that has often shown itself in the past to and inspiring homily. Both of them are in the Episcopal commission Shrine where the historic rallies to oust former Presidents Marcos and
be coercive and partial to immoral means (such as, contraception on Family Life. Fr. Melvin related how significant is EDSA Shrine Estrada were held. The men laid down the Statue of Our lady and we
and sterilization) which go against the teaching of a church to to him, how he spent hours in front of the Blessed Sacrament over placed our lighted candles around the statue as we sang some Marian
whom 80% of the population belong. a decade ago, when he was not yet ordained priest, for the recovery hymns to end the night and the 40-hour vigil or the ‘quarant’ore”.
--“That they may have life, and have it abundantly” (Jn 10:10):
Rev. Euly B. Belizar, SThD
Our pre-Advent
Pastoral Statement on the Defense of Life and Family, 2000

ISSN 1908-2940 By the Roadside experience

CBCP Monitor
Protagonist of Tr u t h , Promoter of Peace
THEY jolt you. They shake you up. They
send you off your seat and bring you rudely
back. At some places they delude you into
thinking you’re a baby again and it’s just
we are not who we say we are.
It’s Christ the King Sunday as I write these
words in my room. We had just concluded
the four-o’-clock Mass with a solemn proces-
tion growth, and only rightly so, at least at
no further expense from the taxpayers for
contraceptives). On my trip homeward from
our annual retreat in Tagaytay City recently,
your mother’s arms rocking you once more, sion, attended, to my happy surprise, by a for which I had to travel from Manila to Ta-
Pedro C. Quitorio
Editor-in-Chief gently, rhythmically to the tune of her lul- good number of young people, followed by cloban City and from there to my hometown,
laby, and you start to believe the illusion, a benediction to which they also obliged. Borongan, I was so amazed at how fast the
Pinky Barrientos, FSP Kris P. Bayos leading you to succumb to sleep. Until the But my mind already races to next Sunday, rough roads worsened and multiplied. I
Associate Editor Feature Editor jolt becomes a shock. You have just hit a the first of Advent. The booming voice of had to go through what the open letter to
major snag. Advent’s crucial-and-at-once-tragic figure, the president from our local bishop and the
Melo M. Acuña Laarni Bergado I’m talking about the bad roads (which John the Baptist, rings in my ears as he clergy describes as “an agonizing experi-
Managing Editor Marketing Supervisor the Inquirer called “roads from hell” [PDI, echoes Isaiah: “I hear a voice crying out in the ence” negotiating our roads “characterized
11/21/2008], a rather strong phrase but to wilderness, ‘Prepare ye the way of the Lord. by crowding craters and potholes, of increas-
Laurence John R. Morales Ernani M. Ramos which we can’t object) we in Eastern Samar Make his paths straight. The valleys will be ing number and sizes.”

Online Editor Circulation Manager

suffer from these days. But I could also be filled, the mountains and hills made low. Imagine taking a ride over an uninter-
Roy Q. Lagarde Marcelita Dominguez speaking of our Philippine socio-economic- Every crooked thing will be made straight rupted series of humps on your way from
News Editor Comptroller political realities. Doubtless, nearly all of and rough roads will be made smooth. And Glorietta to Mega Mall. And you are just
them jolt and shock the living daylights out every mortal will see the salvation of God” close to having an idea of Eastern Samar’s
The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the CBCP Com- of our consciousness. That is, unless we have (Lk 3:4-6). road conditions in their pre-Advent phase
munications Development Foundation, Inc., with editorial and given up on our situation and now take ev- Rough roads. Ah, how they make travelling (close because humps tend to be of the same
business offices at 470 Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Manila. erything as mere indications of the damaged from point A to point B so unfriendly and so size, unlike our craters). I say pre-Advent
P.O. Box 3601, 1076 MCPO. culture we have caused on ourselves. None- harrowing, you wonder if you’d ever do it phase, given that Advent is the time when
Editorial: (063) 404-2182. Business: (063)404-1612.
theless we can never give in to despair. No again. And, oh, in my home province espe- rough roads are being made smooth in
Website: Christian worth the name does. With faith cially, how they multiply (I strongly suggest preparation for the Messiah’s coming. This is
comes hope and hope must lead to love. Or the government subject them to zero popula- Roadside / A6
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 24
November 24 - December 7, 2008
Opinion A5
Jose B. Lugay Abp. Antonio J. Ledesma, SJ, DD
World economy in crisis
Laiko Lampstand Cause – uncontrolled greed Pastoral Companion
THIS is not an apocalyptic prediction but we back from purchases of high-priced, big States will slowdown its importation of
foresee the present world economic crisis as
a result of the interconnectedness of the fate
ticket items such as computers, furniture,
vacation trips and automobiles. Store sales
goods and raw materials from many coun-
tries. South America, Africa, Asia including
Religions for peace—
of nations of the world. The forces of change
equally affect all systems of the first world and
third world, creating anxiety and misery both
will drop as much as 15 percent in the final
four months of the fiscal year. Investors are
worried that buyers will think twice before
the Philippines, will be negatively affected
and the depression will soon be world-
wide. The recent drop in fuel oil price was
in Asia and the world
to its poor and rich inhabitants. It is a world buying high-priced items during the com- brought about by the decrease of fuel needs “THE longing for peace and well-being is the central message
that has gone out of control. While we are only ing holiday season. from manufacturing industries in the U.S., of all religions; it is the essential good that all men and woman
starting to know the root causes of what is The 3 largest car manufacturers of the U. Europe, China, India and others. While we must strive for, peace across the Asia-Pacific region and the
happening today, we have to anticipate what it S. are pleading for a financial bailout worth feel less worried in the Philippines now that world....”
will do to our lives in the foreseeable future. $24 billion. U.S. Senators, both Democrats price of fuel has gone low, expecting that This was part of the Declaration of the Seventh Assembly
The collapse of the economy in the U.S. and Republicans are in a quandary whether transportation costs will bring down food of the Asian Conference of Religions for Peace (ACRP) held in
which was preceded by the price increase in to give this federal fund to the car manu- prices, this can happen and we hope the Manila on October 17-21, 2008. The ACRP gathering was the
fuel oil, was worsened by the collapse of the facturers, which will be generated from the money supply from OFWs will continue to largest inter-religious event in the Philippines since the start
housing subprime mortgage business. This taxes of the people or to prioritize giving be as high. The world-wide recession will of this millennium. Over 400 delegates from 20 countries came
triggered a precipitous decline in the stock help to banks who carry the housing mort- affect a great number of our overseas work- for the opening ceremonies at the Pontifical University of Santo
market never before experienced since the gages such that they can bail out mortgages ers who may lose their jobs, starting from Tomas. They represented the principal religions of Asia—Bud-
time of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt of families who lost their homes. This is the the recent news of retrenchment of Pinoys dhist, Baha’i, Christian, Confucian, Hindu, Jain, Jewish, Islam,
in 1927. As of today, stock prices in stock first challenge to be tackled by President- in Taiwan. Shinto, Sikh, Tao, Zoroastrian and others. The Seventh ACRP
markets in the U.S. compared to the DOW elect Barack Obama. What is the morale of the present cata- Assembly was co-hosted, by the ACRP-Philippines chapter and
Jones Industrial index, Standard and Poor’s If one has not realized it until now, it strophic story? Uncontrolled greed like that the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines, with the
500 index, and the Nasdaq composite index, should be clear in one’s mental framework of Wall Street companies’ use of money for generous assistance of many Focolare friends.
all indicate the start of a depression, that will that all countries of the world are con- more and more profits without thinking of Founded in 1974, ACRP now also known as Religions for
reach first the economic giants in Europe, nected in two great aspects—the economy the common good is the trigger point. Pic- Peace Asia, held its first Assembly in 1976 in Singapore. This
Japan, China and the rest of the world. and climate change. What affects one will ture them as present in the Temptation at was followed by Assemblies in New Delhi (1981), Seoul (1986),
Economists predicted the coming depres- sooner or later affect all the countries of the Mount: (Mt. 4:8-10) “Then the devil took Katmandu (1991), Ayutthaya (1996), and Jogjakarta (2002). The
sion since many months ago that this will the world to a lesser or greater degree. Of Jesus to a very high mountain and showed member countries are Australia, Bangladesh, Cambodia, China,
hit the U.S. and industrialized countries like course disasters cause death and damage to him all the nations of the world in all their India, Indonesia, Japan, North and South Korea, Mongolia,
a tsunami. Their warnings fell on deaf ears. property, economic crisis cause bankruptcy greatness and splendor. And he said, ‘All Nepal, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore and
Probably our Central Bank executives took of businesses and widespread unemploy- this I will give you, if you kneel and worship Thailand. Newly admitted were Iraq and Malaysia. Observers
note and prepared for this eventuality, hence ment. Right now, the U.S. unemployment me.’ Then Jesus answered, “Be off, Satan! also came from Iran and Kyrgyzstan.
the Philippines, if affected, may be in the latter rate shot up to more than 500,000 for one The Scripture says, worship the Lord your “Peacemaking in Asia” was the theme chosen for this assem-
stage of the depression. month alone. With the closing of the 3 car God and serve him only.” Obviously, Wall bly to highlight the role of religious communities in a world
Now, U.S. manufacturing industries are manufacturers the unemployed will balloon Street executives were blinded by the devil’s that has witnessed the rise of secularism on the one hand and
curtailing their production plans since their to 1.3 million. temptation to own all the gold of Main Street, religious extremism on the other hand. Terrorism with religious
statistics show that consumers were stepping Economists are sure that once the United that is, the ordinary investors. overtones, continuing militarization, and the threat of nuclear
warfare among developing countries cast their shadows across
Fr. Carmelo O. Diola, SSL the Asia-Pacific region. “Faith traditions betray their authentic

Pwede pala pinoy

messages,” continue the ACRP Declaration “if they do not com-
mit themselves to making and building peace.”

Spaces of Hope
the main conference at the Manila Hotel, a pre- Assembly
Women’s Conference was held at UST attended by 70 partici-
pants from 11 countries representing seven faith traditions. They
stressed the distinctive role of women in nurturing life and form-
RECENTLY two of our volunteers visited a computer school. They Thomas Friedman, author of the well-known book, The World is ing families as the bases of peaceful societies. Oftentimes too,
were there to talk before five classes about an initiative popularizing Flat, writes about the power of example: “One good example is worth women and children are victims of hunger, poverty, and war.
heroic Christian citizenship and leadership. Each class averaged 12 a thousand theories.” Moral theologians have recognized the power “Women are the bearers of human life,” stated Ms. Midori
to 15 students in their late teens until early 20s. of good as well as bad examples. “The bad example may bring about Sanada of Japan. “Just as we give birth to boys and girls and
The team started with the question: “Is there still hope in the an obscuration of values and norms,” as Piet Schoonenberg wrote. foster them to grow,” she continued, “let us foster a peaceful
country today?” The results were an eye opener. On the average, It is not far-fetched to surmise that bad examples of leaders, elders world in which all human lives are respected.”
about a third of the class would not raise their hands either way. who are supposed to lead by example, contribute to the damping Also preceding the assembly was the Asian Religious Youth
Usually only two would be in the affirmative while the rest said of hope of the aforementioned young people. leaders Summit in Mindanao. This was held in Davao. This was
“no.” Although the survey laid no claim to being scientific, the The Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) is about the risk attended by 90 young people from 16 countries representing
results were nevertheless disturbing. They were, after all, young God takes when He endows human beings with gifts and resources. nine faith traditions including that of the indigenous people.
people who are supposed to be brimming with hope. Nor was Those who multiply the gifts by “investing” these in faith are given The delegates listened to local spokespersons like Archbishop
this the first time we had encountered such phenomenon. Why even more responsibilities and share in God’s intimacy. There is Fernando Capalla and Datu Michael Mastura explain the current
is this so? no guarantee, however, that it will always turn out this way. Fear, situation in Mindanao. They appealed in their final statement for
Even more recently, the same two volunteers asked the same sloth, and rationalization can lead to unfruitfulness and uninspir- the resumption of peace talks in Mindanao and the setting up of
question before a different group of around 30 young men of the ing lives. Yet for those who respond positively, their work benefits a multi-religious platform to unite the various youth organiza-
same age range as the aforementioned group. All but two of them others, as shown by the succeeding passage in Matthew 25:31-46 tions working for peace and development on the island.
confidently raised their hands when asked if there is still hope in the (Last Judgment). Such individuals who respond with courage, the opening speeches and reports, the ACRP main Assembly
country. They were college seminarians. Why is this so? compassion, and creativity become living examples of hope who broke up into five commissions to examine peacemaking in Asia
There is an unfolding drama in our country today. It has five ignite hope in others. under various perspectives:
acts: Ganito na lang ba tayo? Tama na, sobra na! Kaya natin to! There are many sparks of hope in our country today. They are (1) Shared security and conflict transformation. Peacemaking
Pwede pala! Masarap pala ang magpakabait at sumama sa mga people who, impelled by their Christian faith and their love for in Asia can be realized through joint sharing of security concerns
nagpapakabait. country, have crossed borders to work with others for the common and through measures that transform the causes of conflict into
The first two acts could lead to a quite kind of quiet desperation good. Their stories need to be told, heard, and retold to as many developmental goals. The situation of refugees and internally
perhaps manifested by the computer students, who, for whatever people as possible. They pass with flying colors the questions Ro- displaced persons in particular calls for the sharing of security
reason, may feel they are facing a blank wall and may feel that only mano Guardini raised in Power and Responsibility: “Does their sense measures at the regional and global levels.
by working abroad would they experience hope. The seminarians, of responsibility affect their public as well as their private lives? Do (2) Human rights and responsibilities and peace education.
somehow, felt hopeful. Is this because of their regular exposure to our rulers (leaders) impress us as a people who know what their This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declara-
the transcendent dimensions of life? One would like to think so. duties ultimately involve and who tackle them accordingly? Is every tion of Human Rights. Peacemaking in Asia is premised on the
Hope is key to a meaningful human existence. Without it, people public servant’s measure of power counterbalanced by strength of recognition of these human rights as well as the collective human
cannot do anything substantial and sustained. Remove hope and character, adequate understanding of human existence, and a fitting obligations and responsibilities associated with these rights. In
the present has no meaning, the future cannot be planned. Despair moral attitude? Has an ethic of power evolved from a real coming particular, the obligations to protect life and property, minor-
paralyzes. A person in despair does not feel any space for meaning- to grips with the phenomenon of power?” ity groups, women and children, and other vulnerable groups
ful and productive action. He or she is hemmed in from all sides. One is a simple and honest Protestant PNP colonel who, as a young rest with governments and all social groups. In this regard,
There is no breathing space, just a pressing void. captain, had worked closely with a barangay captain, a Catholic Archbishop Felix Anthony Machado, former undersecretary
How do we ignite hope? For the Christian, “All serious and up- woman in her late 60s, and their collaboration bore much fruit for of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, reiterated
right human conduct is hope in action” (Spe Salvi 35). This explains the common good. There is also a retired university professor who the Second Vatican Council’s recognition of religious freedom
why all 25 hands of women from a nearby barangay shot up when doggedly promotes scientific methods and a marketing perspective which he describes as “a condition for peace in a pluri-religious
asked if there is still hope in the country. They were involved in among farmers to improve their lot—and data show the program society.”
a program called Kuwarta sa Basura and impelled by their faith is succeeding. Another is a middle-class family that has made a dif- (3) Common values and community building. Building com-
to work together with others to improve their lot. Solidarity, i.e. a ference in the lives of the students of a public elementary school. munity can only be sustained by articulating common values
“firm and persevering determination to commit oneself to the com- Still others are elected officials who show that moral and effective that cut across religious traditions. Starting with the Golden
mon good, i.e., to the good of all and each individual because we leadership is still possible. Talagang masarap pala ang magpakabait! Rule, which is found in practically all religious teachings, the
are really responsible for all” ( 38), manifests Pwede Pala! Pwede Diay! Global Ethic framework developed by theologian Hans Kǜng
and contributes to hope. “The problems of modern society are too On Saturday 29 November 2008, Dilaab will feature these and and associates was discussed as a viable means towards form-
complex and interdependent. They have to be approached through several other Christian witnesses in Pwede Pala Pinoy at the Sacred ing global citizenship.
the moral and social virtue of solidarity” (CFC 1194). Heart School—Jesuits in Cebu City. The event is a story-telling fes- (4) Sustainable development and social justice. Care for the
But our little hopes need to be united to the great hope. As Bene- tival, highlighting 4 story themes in a creative and youth-friendly earth, economic activities within the framework of morality,
dict XVI puts it: “We need the greater and lesser hopes that keep manner. The stories will be told to a large crowd of more than a and the fight against corruption are interrelated concerns that
us going day by day. But these are not enough without the great thousand, with several participants coming outside of Cebu. If there have an impact on sustainable development. Religious groups
hope, which must surpass everything else. This great hope can only are gatherings featuring certain aspects of the Church’s life, e.g. have a counter-cultural and prophetic role to play in pointing
be God, who encompasses the whole of reality and who can bestow the Bible, liturgy, etc, why not something on faith-impelled social out the ethical imperative of social justice for political and busi-
upon us what we, by ourselves, cannot attain” (Spe Salvi 31). Indi- transformation? ness leaders.
viduals who have connected their little hopes to the God of hope Yes, there is hope! (5) Healing the past and building the future. Peacemaking in
can be living examples that ignite hope in others. (For comments, kindly email: Asia involves healing of the past through mutual forgiveness and
reconciliation. In the context of the current Mindanao conflict,
building the future means promoting a culture of peace in its
Oscar V. Cruz, DD six dimensions—personal and family integrity, promotion of
human rights and democracy, poverty eradication, intercultural

Baptism understanding and solidarity, disarmament and cessation of

hostilities, and environmental protection. Six operative values
Views and Points are also needed: spirituality, justice, compassion, dialogue, ac-
tive non-violence, and stewardship.
The ACRP Assembly ended with recommendations coming
from the four commissions. Among these are: the need for cen-
“FOR an infant to be baptized lawfully, it is infant would not be accorded the realistic the concerned Pastors have the parents “ad-
ters of dialogue, formation of local interfaith bodies; the imme-
required that there is a well founded hope that expectation of being raised up as a Catholic vised” of the significance and implications of
diate banning of cluster bombs and the abolition of all nuclear
the child will be brought up in the Catholic by gradually knowing more about Catho- the reception of the Sacrament of Baptism of
weapons by 2020; and education towards a global ethic.
religion. If such hope is truly lacking, the bap- lic faith and by subsequently practicing their children. This includes the subsequent
Newly elected chair of the ACRP Women’s Committee was
tism is, in accordance with the provisions of and receiving the other Sacraments of the reception of the Sacrament of Matrimony
Dr. Lilian Sison, UST Graduate School Dean. Dr. Sunggon Kim
particular law, to be deferred, and the parents Catholic Church, the Sacrament of Baptism after having approached the Sacrament
of Korea was re-elected as ACRP Secretary General, while
advised of the reason for it.” (Canon 868 par. will appear futile. of Reconciliation, plus other relevant and
the post of ACRP Moderator went to Dr. Din Syamsuddin of
1, no. 2 CIC) In such a situation, the administration practical advisories.
Duly considered and aptly called as the “Sac- of the Sacrament of Baptism should be There are three ordinary questions asked
rament of Initiation,” Baptism is an infant’s “deferred” and the parents of the child in conjunction with the above canonical
basic introduction to the integral Sacramental should be “advised” of the reason of the provision:
life of the Catholic faith. And as provided by postponement. First, can the child of a single parent
the above cited Canon Law, an infant may not What are the ordinary causal factors that be baptized? Yes, provided the latter is a

be “lawfully” baptized if the child would not
be accorded the tenable opportunity or “well
reasonably warrant the delay: 1. The parents
are non-Catholics; 2. The parents are Catho-
Catholic in fact.
Second, can an adopted child be baptized? Read the
founded hope” of receiving the Sacraments of lics but simply living together; 3. The parents Yes, on condition that the adopting parents
Confirmation, Reconciliation/Communion as
she/he progresses in being “brought up in the
are Catholic but only civilly married; 4. The
parents subscribed to two different religions
are Catholics in faith and observance.
Third, can an infant in danger of death be
daily church
Catholic religion.”
The primary consideration in the above
with the non-Catholic being strongly against
the Catholic faith; 5. The child is left by the
baptized, irrespective of the conjugal situa-
tion or religious affiliation of the parents?
news at
canonical legislation is the child who should
not be incorporated into the Catholic Church
parents to the care of non-catholic elders.
In any of the above more common situ-
Yes, taking into consideration however, the
more recent doctrinal pronouncement on
through the Sacrament of Baptism. If the ations, the more common approach is for “Limbo.”
A6 Local News
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 24
November 24 - December 7, 2008

Bishops, Ulama to Church blames

‘premature mar-
gov’t: deepen efforts riages’ for rising
annulment cases
against kidnapping
THE Bishops-Ulama Conference (BUC) has urged the national and level or means possible, and let peace panels be convened as soon
the local government to intensify efforts to stop kidnapping, espe- as the situation allows it,” they said.
cially in Mindanao. The BUC also made a special request to various healing profes-
The BUC came up with a joint statement during their 35th General sionals and practitioners to devote extra-time and expertise for the
Assembly held In Jolo, Sulu saying, “Kidnapping hurts families, care of so many victims, witnesses, and even perpetrators of violence,
wastes precious lives and so much resources, endangers peace and past and present.
development advocates and humanitarian workers.” The bishops and ulama noted that the wounds and scars of the
“Kidnapping does not serve the Bangsamoro struggle for self- victims, both as individuals and as communities, are still waiting for
determination. We speak to the families of the kidnappers—please that kind of treatment that can bring back “forgiveness, reconcilia-
touch the hearts of your kin to consider the pains inflicted on the tion and wholeness.”
families of the victims,” it added. They also affirmed the initiatives of many groups in holding com-
The bishops and ulama also called on all concerned sectors of society munity consultations, study groups, and even healing sessions.
to organize and devise more effective ways to curb Kidnapping. “We also invite all sectors of Mindanao society to join us in ob-
Aside from that, the BUC also renewed their call for the cessation serving the Mindanao Week of Peace starting on November 27 until

of all hostilities in order to create a climate of peace where diverse December 3 this year. It’s theme, “Integrity of Mind and Heart, A
voices can confidently be expressed and sincerely heard. Way to Reconciliation and Peace,” reminds us that peace starts with
“On the recent violence committed by rebel groups in some parts our individual selves,” the bishops and ulama said.
of Mindanao, let the force of the law be applied with justice that leads The convenors of the BUC are Davao Archbishop Fernando R.
to peace. We appeal to let the peace talks between the government Capalla, Protestant Bishop Emeritus Hilario M. Gomez and Ulama
and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) continue, in whatever League of the Philippines Dr. Hamid A. Barra. (Mark S. Ventura)

Columbans hold seminar on ecology THE Catholic Church has blamed “premature marriages” as one
of the reasons why annulment cases in the country is rising.
THE Society of Saint Columban are in the process of destroying Caloocan Bishop Deogracias Iñiguez affirmed the rate is
(SSC) held a two-day seminar on much of what they have come to alarming and must pose as a challenge for the Church and the
Christian Salvation and Ecology treasure in God’s creation. civil authorities as well to act on the matter.

at the Bethany Garden on No- “The church itself is called This phenomenon can be caused by personal immaturity
vember 24-25 in Ozamiz. to the ecological conversion,” that does not consider the long term implications of spending
Fr. Oliver Mc Crosan said he said. the rest of one’s life with someone, said Iñiguez who chairs the
the seminar was attended by He added Jesus parables are Public Affairs Committee of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference
more than two hundred par- the works of one who sees cre- of the Philippines (CBCP).
ticipants composed of St. Mary ation as gift of God and as the “They just enter into a relationship of an emotional involve-
Theologate (SMT) Seminarians, place of His divine presence. ment and they think that it’s already sufficient in order to enter
SMT Formators, member of La Edwards further explained into what they may understand as marriage,” he said.
Salle University Ozamiz City, that our ecology plays a great Statistics from the Office of the Solicitor General (OSG)
diocesan and missionary priests, role in our salvation history be- showed that 7,753 annulment cases were filed in 2007 compared
various congregations of nuns “The Society of Saint Colum- redemption,” Mc. Crosan said. cause Christ spends forty days to 7,138 in 2006.
and other concerned laity from ban initiated this seminar so that The seminar had Fr. Denis on the desert at the beginning of Before 2006, the number of annulment cases never reached
all over the ecclesiastical prov- the participants will realize the Edwards, Adelaide Diocesan His public ministry and as His the 7,000-mark.
ince of Dipolog, Ipil, Ozamiz, great duty of responsible stew- Seminary formator in Australia, passion approaches He prayed But what is alarming for the OSG is that they are expecting a
Pagadian, Iligan and Marawi ardship toward the ecology and as resource person. at the garden of Gethsemane. higher rate this year because since January to September, over
(DIOPIM). the great connection in Christ’s Edwards stressed that people (CBCPNews) 7,100 annulment cases have already been filed.
Almost half of those couples who filed for annulment are with
Charter / A1 age ranging from 21-25 years old and have been living together
tution through ConCon instead of ConAss Scandalous and self-serving former Speaker Jose de Venecia to keep the for just around five years.
will help ensure that the will of the people Professor Emma Roxas, an officer of the So- P500,000 which was reportedly given to him The CBCP’s National Appellate Matrimonial Tribunal
will prevail. ciety of Catholic Social Scientists Philippines, by a presidential liaison officer. (NAMT) has long been batting for the changing of marriage laws
The CBCP head also called for vigilance described the moves to gather signatures in According to reports, the money was al- to raise the minimum age for marriage in the country.
and to closely monitor wily efforts to change favor of charter change by presidential son legedly given to lawmakers who supported Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Oscar Cruz, NAMT chair-
the Charter. and Pampanga Congressman Mikey Arroyo the trashing of the impeachment complained man, said raising marrying age could somehow help remedy
“The citizens should watch, critique and as “very scandalous and self-serving.” filed at the House of Representatives against broken marriages.
denounce the manipulations of government; She believed Congressman Arroyo’s the President. “Getting married at 18 could be disadvantageous since a
they need above all to pray for enlighten- gathering of about 120 to 150 signatures In an earlier interview with Catholic-run person at such an age is still unripe or incapable of raising a
ment to seek what is best for the country in supporting a resolution calling on the Senate Veritas 846, De Venecia confirmed published family,” he earlier said.
order that she may rise up with right vision and the House to amend the constitution by reports of his intention to “turn over the He suggested to lawmakers to raise the minimum legal mar-
and hope,” he said. voting jointly and not separately came with cash in its original bag” to CBCP President rying of 18 years, saying most people that age are still “psycho-
Lagdameo wondered about Arroyo’s allies President Arroyo’s blessings. Angel Lagdameo and Lingayen-Dagupan logically unprepared and emotionally unstable.”
in Congress’ “real motivation” for revising And he may succeed in getting the re- Archbishop Oscar Cruz. While he did not specify an “ideal” age, he said mental capabil-
the Charter. But whatever it is, he said the quired magic number of 198 signatures to Lagdameo however told CBCPNews ity and preparedness is very important in marriage, “especially
people should be consulted in the process. pass the still unnumbered resolution. that “decision on this matter on the part since it involves raising your own family.”
Otherwise, the CBCP president expressed “When you’re buying votes and distribut- of CBCP would need consultation with On the other hand, he lamented some lawmakers’ tendency
fear that the problems the change aims to ing favors that include the “Bonbons” (said the Permanent Council. But considering to push remedies for broken marriages but nothing to fortify
fix would only worsen. to be cash) they’re handing out to lawmak- the source and intent of the money, which marriages and prevent marriage failures.
“If there is no consultation, no communal ers, everything is possible,” Roxas said. smacks of bribery, the CBCP will refuse to “Marriage is never a simple relationship that everyone could
discernment before acting, the problem will handle such amount as it is tainted with just go into. It entails many responsibilities that require physical,
get worse. There is also the possibility that the No to bribe money corruption.” (With reports from Melo M. emotional and spiritual preparedness,” he said. (CBCPNews)
solution is the wrong solution,” he said. Meanwhile, Lagdameo decline the offer of Acuña)
Roadside / A4 RH Bill / A1
exactly what isn’t happening now in our province and all indications But look at the big picture, we must. There are lots and lots of We appeal to our legislators to their employees; and the pro-
do not point to it happening in the near future (letters from our local rough and bumpy roads in our society’s realities. For instance, insure that the Bill recognize, vision that penalizes anyone
authorities simply counsel patience, as they are prepared to defer on our way to being a twenty-first century Philippines, we keep preserve and safeguard free- who “maliciously engage in
action and wait it out until the seasonal rains stop). stumbling into the rough roads of corruption, the ever widening dom of conscience and religion. disinformation about intent or
Rough roads inspire rough humor. From Bgy Buenavista to my gulf of social inequality and injustice among Filipinos coupled The Bill must inspire parents provision” of the bill.
hometown, I noticed people responding to the jolts and the bumps with our massive poverty, and the ever ineffectual governance we not only to be responsible but The bishops urged the Bill’s
with protest humor, if cynically. For instance, in the thick of the experience bedevilled as it is by patronage politics. The constant to be heroic in their God-given proponents to look beyond de-
bumpy ride, a fellow traveller said, “Ramdam na ramdam ang kaun- threat of Cha-cha endlessly keep us from confidently arriving and Sate-recognized duty of mography but more on health
laran (Progress is being felt)” in reference to the administration’s peacefully at our democratically destined transition to a new parenting. Without these con- and family development.
nationwide slogan. Another passenger even suggested: “We should leadership. With the string of scandals, from the never-say-die ditions, the Bill if enacted into They also reiterated that since
ask the Supreme Court to declare Eastern Samar’s roads uncon- allegations of a stolen presidency to ZTE to the fertilizer scam law will separate our nation its people are the greatest asset
stitutional.” “Why unconstitutional?” someone asked. “Because,” via one Joc Joc Bolante, the roads to a ‘strong Republic’, even from Almighty God,” the bish- of the nation, “effective family
came the answer, “these roads are abortifacient. And isn’t abortion just to a ‘respectable one’, are extremely bumpy, not unlike those ops said. health care services must be
banned by the Philippine constitution?” We laughed. The upside of Eastern Samar. Perhaps ours are, as it were, a parable of the The pastoral statement also given primacy to ensure the
of Pinoy humor is that it allows us to express otherwise repressed national malaise. clarified the ambiguities they birth and care of healthy chil-
anger and frustrations. The downside is that it didn’t make the And my suggestion for Advent and beyond? Let’s make John the found in the Bill since it does not dren and to promote respon-
jolts and bumps go away. We should make our humor work in our Baptist our national secondary patron saint. Or, even better, let’s give a clear definition “when sible and heroic parenting.”
favor. It’s good we can laugh at our problems; it’s even better if we be John the Baptist for our local Church, for our country now. But protection of life begins.” “Respect for, protection and
do what we can to solve them. This is a lesson the local Church has why, you ask. So the Messiah might more easily reach our shores It is feared that this ambigu- fulfillment of family health
learned the hard way. and make us “see the salvation of our God” ity can provide an excuse for rights seek to promote not only
the use of contraceptives that the rights and welfare of adult
Radical / A1 stop the implantation of a fertil- individuals and couples but
ministration and the preparation for a new ability or refusal to wield its vast powers to from our political statements is now. The ized ovum, which constitutes those of adolescents’ and chil-
government. prosecute the accused,” the statement read. time to prepare a new government is now,” abortion. dren’s as well,” the statement
Although the traders also fell short of In a forum, the five church leaders led by Lagdameo said in a forum. The statement also pointed concluded.
categorically calling for the resignation of Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philip- Also present in the forum were Lingayen some provisions that go against Bishop Socrates Villegas,
President Arroyo, they affirmed that “we pines president Angel Lagdameo earlier Archbishop Oscar Cruz, Bataan Bishop So- one’s freedom of conscience chair of Episcopal Commission
should now prepare for a new kind of gov- denounced the unabated “top-to-bottom” crates Villegas, Masbate Bishop Joel Baylon such as the Reproductive Health on Catechesis and Catholic
ernance.” corruption in government. and Bishop Emeritus Jose Sorra. Education curriculum for both Education read the statement
“We can no longer afford to do nothing. He also called on the public to shake the The MBC also called on other religious private and public schools; the together with Archbishop Pa-
In calling for a corruption-free government, status quo. He even went as far as assuring leaders, business groups and civil society “to one that mandates employ- ciano Aniceto, chair of Epis-
change, real change, must come to the Philip- the people that “liberators” may be just close ranks” with the five prelates. ers, under pain of six months copal Commission on Family
pines now!” the group said. around the corner. “Be part of this movement for change, one imprisonment or P50,000 fine and Life and Bishop Teodoro
They said the span and depth of corruption “In response to the global economic crisis that aspires for and results in good government if violated, to provide repro- Bacani, bishop-emeritus of
in the country has reached at an alarming and the pitiful state of our country, the time and a just society,” it said. (CBCPNews) ductive health care services to Novaliches. (CBCPNews)
level—reason why the complacency, cyni- to rebuild our coun-
cism and apathy reigning in many people try economically, Jolo / A1
should be defeated. socially, politically, hostilities in order to create a climate of peace “While we continue with interfaith activi- things in life like having “farm to market
“...Corruption has become so extensive that is now. The time to where diverse voices can confidently be ties, we shall also pursue authentic intrafaith roads, books and classroom for their chil-
the people’s and the world’s trust and confi- start radical reforms expressed and sincerely heard. And on the dialogues among our own communities. We dren, and other basic services.”
dence in the country and government have is now. The time for recent violence committed by rebel groups in hope that through this open communication, The religious gathering was spearheaded
been irreparably shattered,” they said. moral regeneration some areas of Mindanao, let the force of law we will find a way to face our own share in in collaboration with Bishop Angelito Lam-
The group also lamented that despite the is now. The time be applied with justice that leads to peace,” the prolonged problem in Mindanao as well pon, and the local government unit of Jolo.
many celebrated cases of alleged corruption to conquer compla- the statement read. as discover how we could go beyond hurts The local police and military and MNLF
in the national government, not even one has cency, cynicism and The religious leaders also pledged to and biases,” the BUC said. leaders have provided the delegates se-
been held accountable or prosecuted. apathy to prove that continue promote community and sectoral The BUC said that the local communities curity during the assembly. (Pinky Bar-
“We cannot understand government’s in- we have matured dialogues. are simple people who only dream of simple rientos, FSP)
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 24
November 24 - December 7, 2008
Diocesan News A7

News Briefs Church rejects ‘decep-

tive’ small-scale mining
CFC joins Daet diocese in fight vs abortion
DAET, Camarines Norte—The Couples for Christ (CFC) community
here joined the Diocese of Daet in its fight against the proliferation
of abortion in the province. Fr. Ernesto Corre said “CFC is actively
participating in the Family Life apostolate and is engaged in the

projects in E. Samar
massive information campaign on this subject.” (Elmer Abad)

Laypeople urges bishops to keep denouncing bad

LIBMANAN, Camarines Sur—The stand made by some bishops
not to accede to the call made by government for a political EASTERN SAMAR—The ongoing nickel fronts of “more destructive activities” to the ing operations are now being committed in
ceasefire is in the right direction because it is in line with the and chromite ore rush in Eastern Samar province’s remaining natural resources. Salcedo which put into question the desir-
people’s call for transparency. Wilson Oriño of the Social Action has attracted all sorts of mining investors “The small-scale mining operations here ability of the projects.
Center‘s (SAC) Sustainable Agriculture Project said “As shep- big and small, dubious and legit. are deceptions. The destruction is very glar- The priest said the Diocese of Borongan
herds of the flock, it is the obligation of the bishops to bother But the roads leading to the mineral rich ing,” said Belizar who is also parish priest has always been consistent in its stand
the conscience of those in government.” (Elmer Abad) mountains that the province is rich for is of the Borongan Cathedral. against destructive mining whether surface
facing blockage from the Catholic Church. Small-scale mining refers to mining ac- mining or open pit.
NGOs reaffirm opposition vs Midsalip small, large-scale In late 2007, the provincial government tivities that rely heavily on manual labor “If the mining companies can show us a
mining of Eastern Samar has approved a resolu- using simple tools and methods. It does use place with intact forest cover and people
MIDSALIP, Zamboanga del Sur—The various religious and tion setting aside sizeable portions of land explosives or heavy mining equipments and have become wealthy or healthy after mas-
NGOs of Misamis Occidental and Zamboanga del Sur have exclusively to small-scale mining. requires only a small capital investment. sive mining operation, perhaps they can get
reaffirmed their vehement opposition against the current small In the towns of Salcedo alone where min- Such operation is said to have consider- the support of the public,” said Belizar.
and large-scale mining operations here. Benita Clamonte of Jus- ing operations are ongoing, the provincial able potential to contribute towards region- The Mines and Geosciences Bureau is
tice and Integrity Creation-Columban Mindanao said various policy set aside thousands of hectares for al and community. However, if not properly also processing an application for an off-
religious and Non-Governmental Organizations were united in small-scale nickel and chromite mining. managed, it can create environmental and shore nickel and iron mining exploration
their efforts against the present Small and Large Scale Mining In that municipality, said Fr. Euly Belizar, other problems. permit in the Matarinao Bay, considered
Operation. (Wendell Talibong) the spokesperson of the Diocese of Boron- Belizar claimed the various mining firms to be breeding ground for marine life and
gan, there is now an “alarming” number of operating in Salcedo are also using heavy an important fishing area to hundreds of
Local church initiates disaster risk reduction for village mining operations. equipments not far from the equipments coastal families in the towns of Hernani,
folks But by looking at it, he said, the perceived used in large-scale mining. Macarthur, Quinapondan and Salcedo.
PRESENTACION, Camarines Sur—The Archdiocese of Caceres’ safe mining operations appeared to be He said a lot of irregularities in the min- (Roy Lagarde)
Social Action Center (SAC) has started initiatives which center
on disaster risk reduction for residents in barangays covered by
the Sustainable Integrated Area Development (SIAD) project
in Presentacion town, here. The venture will be implemented
in the depressed villages of Lagha, Cagnipa, Pili and Ayugao.
The inhabitants are exposed both to natural and man-made

Iligan holds Pastoral Assembly;

calamities. (Elmer Abad)

Accused of Sinicaban massacre plead not guilty

OROQUIETA CITY—The accused of murdering a cleric’s

ends Silver Jubilee celebration

mother together with two other victims of Sinacaban massacre
pleaded not guilty during his arraignment on Nov. 19. The
suspect Tancio Asignar was brought to Regional Trial Court
Branch 13, 10th Judicial Region, Court room of Hon. Judge
Nimfa Sitaca at Oroquieta City to face arraignment for multiple ILIGAN CITY—The Diocese of Iligan held its Diocesan Pastoral The Pastoral Assembly which coincided with the culmination of
murder charges filed by Fr. Arnold Daplin, son of the slain 82 Assembly last November 11-14 at Redemptorist Shrine this city and the silver jubilee celebration had the theme “Iligan Diocese 25 na,
year-old Generosa Asegnar Daplin. (Wendell Talibong) culminated the year-long celebration of 25 years as a Diocese last BEC padayon ka.”
November 15, 2008. The theme called for a “renewal of self and community as Disciples
Church intensifies info dissemination vs abortion Almost 400 delegates participated in the assembly coming from the of Jesus by strengthening the BEC in the whole diocese to continue the
OZAMIZ CITY—As part of the preparation for the feast of the following groups: Diocesan Youth Apostolate (DYA), Inter-religious enthusiasm and inspiration to grow and develop, strengthen and know
Holy Family on Dec. 28, the Immaculate Conception Cathedral Dialogue Apostolate (IRD), Bible Apostolate (BA), Liturgical Lay ourselves, vocation, faith and mission, to examine and re-evaluate our
Parish here city held a “PANAW” (procession) of the image of Ministers (LLM), Parish Pastoral Council (PPC), Family and Life activities as local Church of Iligan and as community, to persevere and
the Holy Family that started on Nov. 10 to all chapels in order Apostolate (FLA), Parochial School, Social Action Apostolate (SAC), continue the spirit of peace and understanding with other faiths—
to intensify their information dissemination against abortion Catechist Apostolate, and Basic Ecclesial Community leaders. whether Christian, Muslim or Lumad—with deep respect for one another
and at same time to gather signatures against the anti-life bill. despite differences in faith and culture.”
Parish Youth Ministry Spiritual Director Fr. Ronald Ruben said The opening Eucharist was celebrated by

Gumaca diocese issues pastoral letter in

that the Cathedral has intensified its information dissemination Most Rev. Elenito Galido. In his homily he
to all chapels about the anti-life bill and to gather signatures to spoke of his expectation of having a vision-
oppose it. (Wendell Talibong) mission shared and owned by the diocesan

Pre-Cana intensifies responsible parenthood

DAVAO CITY—Church workers in the Davao archdiocese have
support of division of Quezon province clergy, religious and the lay faithful.
After careful sharing and reflection, the vision
of the dioceses formulated thus: “Empowered
found a better way of letting the people know of the evils that GUMACA, Quezon—Gumaca Bishop Buenaventura M. Famadico said after due con- by the Holy Spirit, we, as the disciples of Jesus
might be brought about by the Reproductive Health Bill once it sultations with his clergy and community leaders he has decided to support the move Christ, Envision ourselves as fully transformed
will be passed in the Congress, and it is through intensifying the to divide Quezon province into Quezon del Norte and Quezon del Sur. communaity, living the Gospel Values. “
seminar on responsible parenthood. Our Lady of Fatima Parish In a pastoral letter read in all Catholic churches in the diocese November 23, Bishop The diocese came up with the following
Social Action coordinator Gloria Bastes said there is an urgent Famadico said the creation of two separate provinces will assure residents of Quezon del mission statement: “Through the intercession
need for the parents to be educated on responsible parenthood, Norte and Quezon del Sur enough share from the Internal Revenue Allotments to finance of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Michael, the
which is the thrust of the Catholic Church. (Mark Ventura) development projects and formulate plans to bring development to the Third and Fourth Archangel, our Patron, we commit ourselves to:
Congressional districts which are mostly classified among 3rd to 5th class municipalities. a) Witness to the truth, justice, peace and love
Peace talks not militarization calls ‘G7 for Peace’ Quezon Province, including Lucena City, has a population of 1,882,900 as of August for the poor; b) Promote and respect human
1, 2007 per Philippine Statistical Yearbook 2008. life and dignity and care for the integrity of cre-
To date, Quezon Province has 39 towns and one city (Lucena). Should the December ation; c) Sustain peace through the dialogue of
DAVAO CITY—Now, it’s the farm workers in Pikit, North Co-
13, 2008 plebiscite on Republic Act 9495 garner enough support, Quezon del Sur will be life, faith and cultures among Lumads, Muslims
tabato who are calling on the government and the Moro rebels
composed of the municipalities of Unisan, Tagkawayan, San Narciso, San Francisco, San and Christians; and d) Discern and respond to
to return to the negotiating table instead of a continued armed
Andres, Quezon Plaridel, Pitogo, Perez, Padre Burgos, Mulanay, Macalelon, Lopez, Gumaca, the challenges and signs of time.”
conflict. In an open letter sent to CBCPNews, the farm work-
General Luna, Catanauan, Calauag, Buenavista, Atimonan, Alabat and Agdangan. At the closing Eucharist, Davao Archbishop
ers coming from Barangays Ginatilan, Nalapaan, Panicupan,
Quezon Province is composed of the Dioceses of Lucena and Gumaca and the Prelature Fernando Capalla, who was former Bishop of
Lagundi, Dalengaoen, Takepan and Kalakacan (GINAPALAD-
of Infanta. The Diocese of Lucena is composed of Atimonan, Plaridel, Dolores, Tiaong, Iligan, reminded the community that “we
TAKA) or the so-called “G7 for Peace” said that it is about time
Sariaya, Candelaria, Tayabas, Lucban, Sampaloc, Mauban, Pagbilao and San Antonio must remember the past with gratitude, to
for peace to reign in Mindanao so that they can go back to their
while the Prelature of Infanta is composed of the towns of General Nakar, Real, Infanta, live the present with enthusiasm and look at
livelihood. (Mark Ventura)
Burdeos, Jomalig, Polillo, Patnanungan, Panukulan and the municipalities under Aurora the future with confidence as we continue to
Province. (Melo M. Acuña) do our mission.” (Metot Nillas)
BUC to go on sectoral dialogues in fairness,

Bishop seeks Arroyo’s help for Ivory statue in

DAVAO CITY—Saying that they will take an active role in
promoting community and sectoral dialogues to pursue the

Eastern Samar roads rehab Masbate

peace process in Mindanao, the bishops and ulama have also
promised to do this “with utmost fairness and transparency.”
The Bishops Ulama Conference (BUC) declared to make use of
dialogues in order “to expand the constituency of peace beyond,
but not neglectful of the gains from, the formal peace talks.”
cathedral missing
BORONGAN CITY—Roman Catholic action” that has adequately resolved them.
Church leaders lamented the government’s He added local politicians pass the respon- MASBATE CITY—Important parts of
(Mark Ventura) “negligence” to rehabilitate the deteriorating sibility to the Department of Public Works the statue of the Immaculate Conception
status of roads in Eastern Samar province. and Highways and the latter cites the lack of have gone m.issing after thieves raided a
In a statement issued after the clergy an- sufficient funds. Cathedral named after the patron saint
Rosales / A1
nual retreat in Tagaytay City, November 14, The lone district of Eastern Samar is under of lost and stolen items.
“One of the world’s most pressing problems today is climate Borongan Bishop Crispin Varquez and his the administration of Congressman Teodolo The ivory head and hands of the al-
change... It is urgent that all of the earth’s inhabitants respond quickly clergy appealed to President Gloria Macapa- Coquilla, a neophyte politician and Gover- most 3.7 ft. high statue of Immaculate
and decisively to this global problem. There must be a way to bring gal Arroyo to help repair nor Ben Evardone. Conception were discovered missing
people to commit themselves to saving our earth,” he urged. their “roads from hell.” Evardone is currently from the St Anthony of Padua Cathedral
The Carbon Cutting Congress, organized by Presidential Adviser “We collectively make the spokesperson of the in Masbate City on November 23, 2008,
on Global Warming and Climate Change Secretary Heherson Alva- an urgent appeal to Presi- League of Governors na- after the second mass.
rez will seek to come up with a national consensus on how to reduce dent Gloria Macapagal- tionwide. Masbate Bishop Joel Baylon said the
the country’s greenhouse gas emissions. Arroyo, over our ever “We wonder why other icon, kept for veneration at the Cathe-
It will bring together some 350 institutions and individuals from worsening road prob- provinces do not have dral, had been in the Roman Catholic
business and industry, academe and the science community, non- lems,” he said. the same problem. We Church since early 1960s.
governmental organizations and civil society, the religious sector He said they already are informed there are He said Msgr Aquino Atendido, rec-
and representatives from local governments, as well as from cultural made appeals and pas- more than a million pe- tor of the Cathedral, immediately had
and communication fields. toral letters on the issue, sos maintenance funds the incident reported to the police.
“It is my prayer and my hope that the Congress succeeds in craft- but it landed as usual in monthly. Yet all we see About a month ago, Atendido tried to
ing effective actions towards turning the tide of climate change. Our deaf ears. are splintered rocks and secure the Cathedral from intruders by
earth is the home that God our father in heaven gives us. It is perfect “Although we have pre- Bishop Crispin Varquez sand being used to cover closing its doors whenever there is no
natural habitat for all His creatures,” said Rosales. viously issued pastoral ravaged roads, originally liturgical celebration. The parishioners
He added, “And in His encompassing wisdom, He designed it to letters and statements regarding the issue, of asphalt or concrete overlay,” said Var- were provided entrance to the Church
be perfectly balanced, harmonious and self-sustaining, if allowed to the problem is largely unsolved,” Varquez quez. only through a single door panel near
remain natural as He intended it to be. Let us be faithful stewards of said. “We share our people’s urgent plea. We the rectory.
this home from God. Let us love it, protect it, and let it be the way He noted that the roads in Eastern Samar decry both the inaction and insufficient ac- Baylon said the culprit must have
God designed it to be”. have deteriorated, saying that now there are tion on such a vital concern by concerned taken advantage of the two scheduled
The resulting declaration from the Congress will help inform the a thousand of potholes for so many meters government authorities,” he added. vigils last Saturday which lasted until
Philippine delegation to the 14th Session of the Conference of Par- of roads there. All of this, Varquez also said, is why they midnight.
ties on Climate Change (COP-14) in Poznan, Poland from December The bishop cited roads from the towns of turn to President Arroyo. The bishop appealed to the thief to
1-12, headed by Alvarez, when it engages other nations in setting Taft to Guiuan as having the worse situation. “Please help us bring an end to one of our return the missing parts of the statue,
new global emissions targets. Also needing attention and action are the people’s long-standing sufferings and cut adding that the image is needed in their
The declaration will also be submitted to President Gloria Maca- roads connecting the towns of San Policarpo the delay in development that the people celebration of the solemnity of the Im-
pagal-Arroyo as possible inputs for her attendance in the summit of to Arteche. of Eastern Samar also rightfully deserve,” maculate Conception on December 8.
Heads of States of the Asia- Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) In fact, he fears, some areas could be he said. “We pray that they would have a
and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). impassable in the next few days due to the The problematic state of roads is common change of heart and bring them back
The Congress runs parallel to an “Exhibit of Good Practices” on seasonal rains. not just in Eastern Samar but in the entire to us. We are hoping that they would
Nov. 19 at the National Library to usher in a week-long information Varquez said the province’s roads woes Samar Island as well, particularly roads have kindness and conscience to return
campaign to raise awareness on climate change and programs for are chronic and, in some places, even dan- leading from Calbayog, Western Samar to it back,” Baylon said. (CBCPNews)
responsible citizen action. (CBCPNews) gerous. Sadly, he said, there has been “no Tacloban City. (CBCPNews)
A8 People, Facts & Places
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 24
November 24 - December 7, 2008

Caceres to launch book on

Peñafrancia miracles
A BOOK documenting the miracles and answered street parties during the feast are asked and answered
prayers based on testimonies of pilgrims and devotees in the booklet,” Jacinto disclosed.
of Our Lady of Peñafrancia will be launched by the After the September festival this year, some dis-
Archdiocese of Caceres in Manila on December 6. agreements erupted between the city government and
“This is one of the reasons why the pilgrims who the local church regarding these sensitive issues with
come to visit ‘Ina’ the whole year round and especially the latter insisting that activities during the celebration
during her feast every September continue to grow in that do not contribute to the advancement of people’s
number. The devotees themselves have come out in devotion to ‘Ina,’ should be done away with by the
the open as witnesses to the miracles our Mother has local government.
done,” said Caceres spokesman Father Jay Jacinto. But the local government maintains that there are civil
Archbishop Leonardo Legaspi, OP will grace the matters in which the city has the prerogative to decide
occasion as guest of honor, said Jacinto. on what to do, even during the Peñafrancia festivities.
Meanwhile, a catechism booklet on the devotion Too much commercialism that “drown” the real and
to ‘Ina’ has been published by the archdiocese and original essence of the religious occasion are discour-
distributed to school children and the faithful. aged by the local church.
It is a compilation of top thirty questions which “These publications are envisioned to contribute to the
pilgrims would ask about the devotion. It highlights deepening of our devotion to ‘Ina’ as they intend to clarify
the local church’s stand on how the September festival issues which are asked and might not have been under-
honoring “Ina” should be celebrated. stood. They are also expected to bring appreciation on why
“It is in the form of questions and answers. Contro- pilgrims establish personal relationship and attachment to
versial topics like commercialism and the propriety of our Mother,” Jacinto concluded. (Elmer Abad)

‘Be Honest’ Oratorical com- Markings

petition winners known
THE Ateneo de Davao University (ADDU)- ing public and private schools from Davao Oratorical Competition (BHOC) was held
C E L E B R AT E D .
Diocese of Tagum
40th anniversary of
the establishment of
High School Department won in the first City and two (2) from neighboring provinces at the USEP Social Hall in Barrio Obrero, Gagmay’ng Kristo-
Brotherhood of Christian Businessmen and of Davao del Sur and Davao del Norte. Davao City. hanong Katilingban
Professionals (BCBP) “Be Honest” oratorical The participants were Ateneo de Davao (GKK), the first Ba-
competition –Davao Chapter. University H.S., Philippine Women’s College ‘Virtue of Honesty’ sic Ecclesial Com-
Pius Sto. Domingo of ADDU garnered H.S., Philippine Science National H.S. SMC, The contest is an initiative by BCBP to munities in the then
Lupon (now part of the
the gold medal and the champion of this Davao City Special National H.S. (SPED inspire and encourage young people “to live Diocese of Mati) and
chapter level competition reaping a cash – Bangkal), Daniel R. Aguinaldo National out the virtue of honesty.” Nabunturan Deaner-
prize of P5,000. The silver medal went to H.S., Rizal Memorial Colleges H.S., Davao The initiative is in coordination with the ies. For two years,
Sophiya Anneska Avisado from Philippine City National H.S., Sta. Ana National H.S., Department of Education and duly endorsed several activities have
been slated as part of the Ruby celebration. There was a Duaw-Panaw,
Women’s College (PWC) and took the P3,000 Assumption College of Davao H.S., Univer- by Jaro Archbishop Angel Lagdameo, presi- a day of visitation by the Parish Team to the GKKs to pray, reflect, and
cash prize. The bronze medal was awarded sity of Immaculate Conception H.S., Federico dent of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of identify the lights and shadows of its member on the personal, family, and
to Winnie Grace Ann Baraquia of Philippine Yap National H.S., and Tagum City National the Philippines. community levels. The data which were collated and analyzed by experts
Science National High School together with Comprehensive H.S. Organizers said the competition is BCBP’s became the material for the holding of the Third Diocesan Pastoral As-
sembly (DPA 3) on 6-9 October. Attended by more than 200 delegates
P2,000 cash prize. Certificates of participation and apprecia- way of making a difference in the society by (Bishop, priests, religious, and lay), the DPA 3 came up with statements
Sto. Domingo now moves up to Regional tion were distributed to participating High urging young people to live righteously. and drew out strategic plans to be implemented in the succeeding years
Level or Semi-Finals in Cebu City scheduled Schools, the contestants and the 3 judges The group said it is also one of their efforts to strengthen and transform the GKK to be truly a Christian community.
between November 22-December 7, 2008. namely Binelda J. Sunga, a former Depart- to expand their evangelistic mission. The GKK Ruby celebration culminated with the Holy Eucharist presided
by His Excellency Most Rev. Wifredo D. Manlapaz, DD, SThD, Bishop
The Cebu/regional level or semi-finals ment of Education (DepEd) official, Lorenzo The BCBP is composed of 60 local chapters of Tagum, at the Christ the King Cathedral on 11 October 2008. It was
will have the following cash Prizes: 1st E. Mendoza of DepEd Region XI and Edu- from across the country with two in Southern also the 28th Anniversary of the Diocese and the 3rd Anniversary of the
Prize: P20,000; 2nd Prize: P10,000; and 3rd ardo G. Robillo, a BCBP Davao Chapter Unit California in the United States. Dedication of the new Cathedral of Christ the King.
Prize: P5,000. Leader and former Mission Director, who The “Be Honest” campaign program was
O R D A I N E D . R e v.
At the NCR/national level or finals cash acted as Chairman. launched some four years ago by the BCBP Fr. Rey Amora, to
prizes are as follows: 1st Prize: P100,000, 2nd Davao City Councilor Mabel Sunga Acosta as its contribution in countering the culture the Sacred Order of
Prize; P50,000 and 3rd Prize: P30,000. donated the 3 individual medals to the Ora- of dishonesty and corruption which seem Priesthood, October
The competition here was participated in torical Competition top guns. to prevail presently in our society. (Mark S. 21, 2008, at his home
by top twelve (12) high schools, ten (10) lead- The first BCBP National “Be Honest” Ventura/CBCPNews) parish, the Holy Fam-
ily Parish, Laak, Com-

Davao Colleges to intensify political aware-

val Province, by His
Excellency Most Rev.
Wilfredo D. Manlapaz,
DD, SThD, Bishop of
Tagum. First to be ordained in his parish, Fr. Amora finished his bachelor’s

ness among educators and students degree at the Queen of Apostles College Seminary, Tagum City; and his
theology at Loyola School of Theology, Quezon City. Fr. Amora will be
given his assignment after a short post diaconal program.
THE Davao Association of Colleges and Schools (DACS) will the coming elections. We have to act [on] it now so that it will not LAUNCHED. Pauline Year in the Diocese of
come up with programs and activities that will intensify political be too late,” he said. Digos, October 10, 2008. Bishop Guillermo
awareness among educators and students. DACS President and Catholic Educational Association of the Phil- Afable led the Eucharistic Mass concelebrated
DACS Executive Director Jimmie Loe dela Vega said there is a ippines (CEAP) Regional Director XI, Fr. Danny Montaña, RCJ, also by the clergy at the Cathedral of Mary, Media-
trix of all Grace. The event jointly organized by
need for the youth to be oriented on political issues and to form supported the idea of coming up with programs that will further the Diocese of Digos and Pauline congrega-
them to become responsible citizens of the country. increase the consciousness of the youth on political matters. tions in the Archdiocese of Davao was attended
He also added that educators and students should be aware of Considering the present situation today, Montaña said, more by students of all Catholic schools, lay asso-
the significance of good governance and how to get rid of graft than anything else, there is really a need to conduct a series of ciations and movements, and Religious men
and women from the archdiocese of Davao. A
and corruption. electoral, political and governance education campaign among procession of the image of St Paul and a 20-
“We want our students to participate in political issues in a more the youth in Region XI minute film show on the life of Paul of Tarsus
responsible manner. We want them to understand that the issues af- Meanwhile, the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines was held before the Mass.
fecting our country today will also affect them,” Dela Vega said. (CBCP) Media Office is looking at the possibility of organizing
CELEBRATED. Sr. Nieves Abella, DC, 60 years anniversary of religious
Dela Vega added that DACS is also planning to encourage all presidential debates sometime next year. vows, November 23, 2008. Born in Catanuan, Quezon Province, Sr.
member-schools to come up with programs and agenda where CBCP Media Director Msgr. Pedro Quitorio said that political Abella entered the Congregation of the Daughters of Charity in 1948. Her
students are allowed to speak up and raise concerns and questions education according to the CBCP Pastoral Exhortation on Politics apostolic assignments brought her in many places where the congregation
pertaining to political matters. should be done in season and out of season. is present. She is currently a member of Marillac Community, Provincial
“By doing so, we can guide our students and at the same time “Holding presidential debates is a good way of educating voters House. At 85 years of age, she still joyfully attends to her duty of attend-
ing to the needs of various guests coming to the Provincial House. Fr.
nurture our educators on how to become responsible voters for about their candidates,” added Quitorio. (Mark S. Ventura) Venerando Agner, CM, Provincial Director of the Daughters of Charity
led the thanksgiving Mass celebrated at the Provincial House Chapel in

Manila Cathedral features 3rd Pipe Organ Festival

Sucat, Parañaque City.

DIED. Sr. Ma. Vicenta R. Fernandez, RVM, October 20, 2008.

THE Manila Cathedral-Basilica (MCB), considered the Pipe Organ” said Msgr. Cerbo. cert on December 10, 2008 will feature the first being restored to its original form and function at
home to the biggest pipe organ in Southeast Asia, In addition to the usual program of the previ- concert collaboration of Dr. Johann Trummer and the initiative of Msgr. Cerbo.
will be holding its 3rd Pipe Organ Festival on Dec. ous Pipe Organ Festival, a chorale competition Las Pinas Boys’ Choir. “In the next 50 years, we envision Manila
5- 10, featuring not only organ performances and will be staged. Chorale groups from the dif- The Manila Cathedral Pipe Organ, idled and Cathedral-Basilica as a church which is “Premiere
choral concerts but most importantly highlighting ferent Universities within Intramuros will be almost dead for 15 years due to its state of dis- in Faith, Premiere in Music” said Msgr. Cerbo.
the function of music within the liturgy. competing, namely: Pamantasan ng Lungsod repair, was re-launched in December 2006 after (CBCPNews)
MCB Rector Msgr. Nestor Cerbo said that the ng Maynila, Lyceum of the Philippines, Colegio
festival, solemn but celebratory, is liturgical in de San Juan de Letran and Mapua Institute of
format, a way of concretizing MCB’s role as the Technology.
powerhouse of liturgical music in the Archdiocese Choir contestants will be judged during their
of Manila and of bringing to public appreciation singing of four Marian songs as serenade to
the wonderful sounds of the Church’s Mary, the Immaculate Conception—Patroness of
magnificent musical instrument. the Cathedral. In their respective mass service,
“The 3rd Ma- nila Cathedral-Basilica they will sing the abbreviated version of “Misa
Pipe Organ Festival is a historical Inmaculada Concepcion” composed by Alejandro
event in the making for this will D. Consolacion II
bring to light the 50th an- Artists in the lineup are internationally ac-
niversary of the Post-War claimed organist Dr. Johann Trummer from Graz,
Manila Ca- thedral and Austria. He is dubbed as the Pope of Pipe Organ
music in Europe; Philippines finest organist,
conductor and choirmaster Armando Salarza;
multi-awarded composer, conductor and ac-
companist Alejando Consolacion II; and the
highly promising organist from Hawaii,
USA Ken Weber.
Sure to fasci-
nate the crowd
with their angelic
voices and ver-
satile musicality
is the Philippines The 35th assembly of Bishops-Ulama Conference led by Davao Archbishop Fernando R. Capalla, UCCP Bishop
pride the Las Pi- Emeritus Hilario M. Gomez, Jr., PhD and Ulama League of the Philippines Dr. Hamid A. Barra, had its historic meeting
ñas Boys’ choir. in Jolo, Sulu last November 18-21, 2008. In a joint statement, the BUC renewed its call for cessation of hostilities and
The Gala Con- the genuine pursuit of peace in war-torn Mindanao.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 24
November 24 - December 7, 2008

Pastoral Concerns

© Dennis Dayao / CBCP Media

An open letter in response to the 14 signatories of the Ateneo Statement

An International
Response to
the Individual
Faculty of the Ateneo
de Manila University on
HB 5043 HOUSE Bill 5043 on “Reproductive Health and Popula-
tion Development” has occasioned enormous debate in
Artificial contra-
ception can never
the Philippines and was recently the subject of a position be accepted by
paper drafted by 14 members of the faculty of the Ateneo the Church as an
de Manila University. In their statement, these faculty
stated their belief that the bill adheres “to core principles
action in conformi-
of Catholic social teaching: the sanctity of human life, the ty with the dignity
dignity of the human person, the preferential option for the of the human per-
poor and vulnerable, integral human development, human son because “each
rights, and the primacy of conscience.” They believe these and every marital
conditions of Catholic social teaching are met in Bill 5043. act must of neces-
We, the undersigned Catholics academics, assert, however, sity retain its in-
that these Ateneo faculty are gravely mistaken in their trinsic relationship
presentation of the Church’s teaching. to the procreation
The primary reason for these Ateneo ensure that all persons, particularly the
of human life.”
Faculty members´ support of the bill poor, have the ability to exercise these Further, it is never
seems to stem from their deep com- basic freedoms.
As Catholic academics, we agree that
valid to argue, “as
mitment to the Church’s long-held
“preferential option for the poor.” we must support civic and governmen- a justification for
Their position paper describes, heart- tal initiatives that can aid the poor. Nev- sexual intercourse
wrenchingly, the situation of the poor
in the Philippines. High maternal
ertheless, a Catholic cannot support the
Reproductive Health and Population which is deliber-
mortality rates, inadequate and uneven Development bill in good conscience, ately contracep-
provision of basic health care, lack of
birth attendants, and lack of reproduc-
because the primary provisions of the
bill not only fail to recognize and sup-
tive, that a lesser
tive health information: such situations port the dignity of the poor, but also evil is to be pre-
place an undue burden on the poor, and stand in direct opposition to Catholic
social teaching. The bill focuses primar-
ferred to a greater
in particular on women. These women,
like all women, desire to determine the ily on providing services to curb the one, ” as the au-
number and spacing of their children, number of children of the poor, while thors of the posi-
and ensure that proper nutrition, health
care, and education can be provided
doing little to remedy their situation,
provide necessary health care or estab- tion paper seem to
© Corbis

for each member of their families. As lish the grounds for sound economic
Catholics, we have a clear obligation to Reaction / B5
CBCP Monitor
Updates Vol. 12 No. 24
November 24 - December 7, 2008

The Obligation to do the

Liturgy of the Hours
By Fr. Jaime B. Achacoso, J.C.D. encouraged to recite the divine from the Bride of Christ, which lar- or third-orders or tertiaries ecclesiastical law. In this case,
office, either with the priests, is the Church. However, the of such institutes) and societies the legitimate authority is the
or among themselves, or even different ranks of the Catholic of apostolic life (which Canon cleric’s proper Ordinary, not
individually (n.100). faithful are called to celebrate Law equiparates to institutes just any retreat master or confes-
I am a secular priest and my ministry takes me - In accordance with the age- this liturgy in different degrees of consecrated life) - are only sor. Furthermore, there exists a
to rural areas often. When I travel, I sometimes old tradition of the Latin rite, of obligatority, as expressed in bound according to the norm of possibility of substituting the
neglect the breviary due to the hectic and irregu- the Latin language is to be re- c.1174 of the Code: their constitutions. liturgy of the hours with other
tained by clerics in the divine Can.1174, - §1. Clerics are 3) Other members of the prayers, according to what is
lar schedules I am not in control of. When I am office. But in individual cases obliged to carry out the liturgy Christian faithful (and this expressly laid down by one’s
away and forced to squeeze in so much activity the Ordinary has the power to of the hours according to the includes the laity) - are only proper Ordinary.
in so little a time, it’s impossible to stick to the grant the use of a vernacular norm of c.276, §2, n.3; members earnestly invited to participate But more than what is laid
translation to those clerics for of institutes of consecrated life in the liturgy of the hours as an down by strict juridic obligation,
prayer schedule I follow in the parish. I tried whom the use of Latin consti- and societies of apostolic life, action of the Church. perhaps the busy and traveling
bringing along the slim “Christian Prayer” but tutes a grave obstacle to their however, are bound according to cleric might do well to consider
even that would remain untouched during my praying the office properly the norm of their constitutions. What of our busy parish priest the very purpose of the liturgy
(n.101, 1). - §2. Other members of the with rural pastoral work? of the hours and his own voca-
rural sorties. During a retreat, the visiting retreat Christian faithful, according to In the case of an ordained tion to sanctify the temporal
master “dispensed” me from regularly praying The Obligation to Recite the circumstances, are also earnestly minister, the obligation to cel- realities as a priest. In effect,
the breviary when I am traveling. My fellow di- Liturgy of the Hours invited to participate in the lit- ebrate the Liturgy of the Hours might not such a hectic sched-
ocesan priests, however, are not of same mind on
this. What does Canon Law really stipulate?

The Liturgy of the Hours or course of the day and night is

Breviary made holy by the praise of God
The Code of Canon Law gives (n.84).
a concise theological description - Hence all who take part
of the liturgy of the hours (com- in the divine office are not
monly called The Divine Office only performing a duty for the
or more briefly the breviary): Church, they are also sharing in
Can.1173 - fulfilling the priest- what is the greatest honor for
ly function of Christ, the Church Christ’s Bride; for by offering
celebrates the liturgy of the these praises to God they are
hours. In the liturgy of the hours, standing before God’s throne
the Church, hearing God speak- in the name of the Church, their
ing to his people and recalling Mother (n.85).
the mystery of salvation, praises - The divine office, because
him without ceasing by song and it is the public prayer of the
prayer and intercedes for the Church, is a source of piety
salvation of the whole world. and a nourishment for personal
The Second Vatican Council prayer. For this reason, priests
dedicated the whole Chapter and others who take part in
IV of the Constitution on the the divine office are earnestly
Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum

Illustration by Bladimer Usi

exhorted in the Lord to attune
Concilium (4.XII.1963) to The their minds to their voices when
Divine Office, and the follow- praying it (n.90). The liturgy of the hours is the public prayer of the whole Church, and all the
ing quotations from the docu- - Pastors of souls (i.e., parish
ment provides us with a fuller faithful are deputed to celebrate it. In other words, as Vatican II explained, when
priests and chaplains) should
theological understanding of see to it that the principal hours, a Catholic faithful prays the breviary, he or she is doing so in the name of the
the matter:
- The divine office, in keeping
especially Vespers, are cel- whole Church, such that in all hours a clamor or prayer and praise rises up to the
ebrated in common in church
with ancient Christian tradition, on Sundays and on the more Heavenly Father from the Bride of Christ, which is the Church.
is so devised that the whole solemn feasts. The laity too are

The liturgy of urgy of the hours as an action of is laid down as a serious obliga- ule--which prevents him from
the hours is the the Church. tion, although the norm does not even praying the major parts

Missing or
public prayer Thus: affect all the hours equally: it of the breviary--be tantamount
of the whole 1) Those who have received affects principally the Morning already to activism? Might it
Church, and all Holy Orders (i.e., clerics or Prayer (lauds) and the Evening not be already yet another case
the faithful are sacred ministers) - are obliged Prayer (vespers), which they of getting too busy in the vine-

Faulty Forms of
deputed to cel- according to c.276, §2, n.3: should not omit except for a yard of the Lord, and neglecting
ebrate it. In other - Priests as well as deacons grave cause. the more fundamental duty of
words, as Vati- aspiring to the priesthood are According to a 1987 rescript loving and praising the Lord of
can II explained, obliged to fulfill the liturgy of of the then Sacred Congrega- the vineyard--which is what the

when a Catholic the hours daily in accordance tion for the Sacraments and breviary is all about? In the end,
faithful prays the with the proper and approved Divine Worship, the individual when there is genuine love, such
breviary, he or liturgical books; cleric may resort to epieikeia in will be expressed in many ways
she is doing so in - Permanent deacons, how- individual cases of real impo- other than the strict celebration
the name of the ever, are to do the same to the sibility. Among the possible of the liturgy of the hours--and
(Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina Apostolo- whole Church, extent it is determined by the exempting reasons is of course that is what the interior life is
rum university, answers the following question:) such that in all Conference of Bishops. the legitimate dispensation by all about.
hours a clamor or 2) Members of institutes of the competent ecclesiastical
Q: What would be the consequences of a priest who did not use the prayer and praise consecrated life (and by ex- authority, since the obligation to Footnote:
formula of absolution during a confession—maybe no formula, much less rises up to the tension this applies, mutatis celebrate the liturgy of the hours
1Ref. Notitiae, 249 (1987), p.250.
the correct one? If this invalidates the sacrament, what should the penitent Heavenly Father mutandis, to the so-called secu- is not of divine law but rather of
do? Would it be necessary to repeat the confession in the case of mortal

Postures at Adoration and after Communion

sin? What about a “devotional” confession or one where only venial sin
was confessed?—B.H., Iron Mountain, Michigan

A: A slight lapse or omission in reciting the formula of absolution would

not affect its validity, provided that the words “I absolve you from your
sins” are said. While a priest should always recite the complete formula of
Q1: When a priest is presiding at a penitential service with the Blessed Sacrament exposed,
absolution, in urgent cases, especially when there is imminent danger of should he leave his presidential seat to go and hear confessions for penitents even when the
death, the above essential words would be sufficient for validity. Blessed Sacrament is still exposed?─A.A., Enugu, Nigeria
Of course, here we are dealing with the Roman rite. Eastern Catholic Q2: At the end of Mass, when all are kneeling while th e sacred vessels are purified, etc., when
Churches have other valid formulas, most of which do not contain the “I
absolve you” expression.
is it appropriate to sit down? I thought it was when the principal celebrant sits, but I find myself
It is a liturgical abuse to shorten the absolution formula because there are sitting down alone, when all others are waiting for a deacon or someone to finish at the altar—
many penitents awaiting confession. It is legitimate in such cases, however, P.G., Baltimore, Maryland
to encourage the faithful to use one of the brief acts of contrition found in
the rite of penance. A: As both questions relate to posture for the Divine Office. (GIRM, No. 87), then the faithful could
As the formula of absolution is the form of the sacrament of reconciliation, and can be answered fairly briefly, I With respect to the second question, also sit or kneel on returning to their
the recitation of its essential part is required for validity and its complete will address them both here. No. 43 of the General Instruction of the pew.
omission would void the sacrament. Regarding the first question, there Roman Missal (GIRM) says: “The faith- The period of sacred silence (or a
In this case God would certainly restore a sincere penitent to the state of is no reason why a priest may not ful should … stand from the invitation, song after Communion) begins after
grace in spite of the priest’s omission. But this would not remove the obli- enter the confessional after exposing Orate, fraters (Pray, brethren), before Communion has been distributed to
gation of confessing a mortal sin again and receiving absolution. It would the Blessed Sacrament during a peni- the prayer over the offerings until all. There is no need to wait until the
not be necessary in the case of venial sin. tential service or any other period of the end of Mass, except at the places purification of the vessels is completed.
If a penitent realizes that a priest has not granted absolution or has omitted adoration. indicated below. …[A]s circumstances If, however, the ablutions by the priest
the essential words, then the proper thing to do is to tell the priest immedi- After all, almost all prayers and allow, they may sit or kneel while the take very little time, then it is custom-
ately and request absolution before leaving the confessional. It is probable readings used while adoration lasts period of sacred silence after Commu- ary in many places for the Communion
that such an omission is the result of a momentary distraction or fatigue and may be conducted by a deacon or a nion is observed … chant to continue until the priest re-
not some perverse theological or spiritual reason. In these cases the priest lay minister. Only the priest, however, “With a view to a uniformity in ges- turns to the chair. Initiating the silence
will more than likely apologize and grant absolution immediately. is able to hear confessions and impart tures and postures during one and the on the priest’s returning to the chair
We must remember that the faithful have a right to receive the Church’s absolution. same celebration, the faithful should would be the common practice when
sacraments from the sacred ministers, and the ministers have a corre- If a deacon is present, he would follow the directions which the deacon, a deacon or instituted acolyte purifies
sponding duty to provide that sacrament to any member of the faithful usually expose the Blessed Sacrament lay minister, or priest gives according to the vessels.
not impeded by law or censure. and, if the priest is busy hearing con- whatever is indicated in the Missal.” Although either posture may be
If, unfortunately, the absolution was skipped due to some personal fessions, the deacon may also impart These indications would appear to freely adopted at this moment of the
difficulty of the priest (such as lack of faith in the sacrament) and he per- Benediction. allow some degree of flexibility in the celebration, GIRM No. 43’s recom-
sists in his refusal after being remonstrated with by the penitent, then the The situation described by our reader posture during the sacred silence after mendation of uniformity is worth
penitent should inform the bishop so that he may take appropriate action suggests that the priest exposes the Communion, and the choice as to kneel taking into account. Long-established
in helping this minister to overcome this crisis and return to a truer vision Blessed Sacrament, introduces the or sit at this moment seems to fall upon parishes often develop certain habits,
of his sacred mission. celebration in a general way, goes to the individual. such as that described by our reader,
If, as has sadly happened at least once, a priest undergoing a spiritual hear confessions, and probably returns The norms do indicate that singing which interpret a norm in a particular
crisis deliberately attempts to deceive the faithful by reciting a blessing or later for Benediction. I believe that this of the Communion chant should con- way. If these habits don’t violate li-
some other formula instead of absolution, then he commits the very grave procedure is correct. tinue while the sacrament is distributed turgical law, then it is often better not
crime of simulating a sacrament. The priest should remain if he is to (GIRM, No. 86). This would suggest to make a point of it even though our
This particular case of simulation is extremely rare and so is not explicitly preside at an office of the Liturgy of that those who have already received own spiritual sensibility inclines us to
mentioned in canon law. However, if a priest doing so was sufficiently the Hours during the period of adora- would do better to remain either stand- something else.
sane of mind to know what he was doing, then he could be punished with tion. But he may also withdraw before ing or sitting so as to accompany the One might also charitably point out
suspension and other just penalties. the recitation of the office begins and assembly in song. any inexact practices to the pastor so
allow another minister to lead the com- If, however, there is no song or the that he may choose the most opportune
munity, in accordance with the norms song is executed by the choir alone remedy if one is needed. (Zenit)
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 24
November 24 - December 7, 2008
Bishop 1
Brothers 6
Sisters 5
Pre-College 34
Philosophy 60
Pre-Theology 4
Theology 32
Population 984,441
Catholics 372,265
ON BACKGROUND: Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral.
ABOVE: Most Rev. Jose R. Maguiran, DD

Diocese of Dipolog
By Fr. Albert Anthony K. Bael agriculture remains the main source of concern in the day to day affairs of the tion. The context of the formation is to tap and mobilize volunteers dur-
income for the province, its productiv- people. The burning issues of the times the bases of the SA-JP action, namely, ing elections for poll watching and
ity is low. Added to this is the rising emboldened it to respond, thus the So- Sacred Scriptures, Social Teachings monitoring and other related activities.
FAITH came into this part of the island unemployment and underemployment, cial Action Center (SAC) of the diocese of the Church and people’s common Not only during this period but also
with the advent of the Spanish coloniz- which account for people’s destitution. came into being. With the passing of the experiences. at other times especially on burning
ers. The Jesuits, who were tasked to do To be truly a church of the poor, the dictatorship and the bottomless issue On the other hand, the commitment issues that need immediate response,
missionary works in the Visayas and local church must be able to address of poverty the Center made a redirec- and dedication of the women and men such as signature campaigns, making
Mindanao islands came, at first, as and lend a hand in the liberation of the tion of its priorities. After consultation in the Ministry of Family and Life made statements, and the like. Their aware-
chaplains of the Spanish naval force out people from their predicament. She with both the clergy and the lay faith- sure that Christian values start from the ness is not limited on politics alone.
to explore, conquer and colonize more hopes to fulfill her part by building ful the present SAC came out with its very heart of society, the family. For Some groups have started their own
tribes. And for hundreds of years the basic ecclesial communities that tries own vision statement: Fully enhanced years, this ministry has been parish- income-generating projects with the
seeds that these pioneering and coura- to improve their own lives by engag- ecclesial and faith communities living based and most of its members are aim of helping themselves and their
geous men had planted flourished not- ing in income-generating projects and in a transformed society. living within the poblacion area. Due families, and perhaps, the community
withstanding the difficulties and risks other self-sustaining and nourishing The SAC has six mission statements: to the many programs and services it itself. Because the thrust of the diocese
they encountered. Even the deaths in activities. 1) Live according to the Gospel values can offer, they have seen, of late, the has been towards the formation of basic
the hands of the local natives (the Sub- of justice, peace and love of preference necessity of expanding the membership ecclesial communities, the ministry has
anens) of two missionaries (in Ponot, Current Thrust for the poor and work for the formation and creating teams within the parish to been consistently helping by encourag-
now Jose Dalman, and Siocon) in the Since ascending the episcopacy of of mature social conscience; 2) Share be really more effective in their aposto- ing the youths in their respective parish
second half of the 17th century served the diocese, Bishop Jose R. Manguiran our time, talent, treasure and nurture late. There is now an on-going plan to and chapels to form their own BECs and
only to fire the zeal by which the local has consistently encouraged the clergy the development of Filipino values; 3) bring this ministry to the chapel level, engage in bible studies.
population embraced the faith. towards building the Basic Ecclesial Live a life of service geared towards wherein each chapel or groups of cha- Aside from the three ministries men-
Communities. Proofs to this endeavor genuine, total human and sustain- pel have their own team that will cater tioned above, there are also others that
Creation of the Diocese are the six diocesan pastoral assemblies able development; 4) Stand firm and to the needs of the local faithful. Aside are functioning and helping in the for-
Carved from the archdiocese of in the last 20 years wherein pastoral be completely self-reliant; 5) Promote from the usual pre-cana seminars for mation of BECs. These are Catechetics,
Zamboanga, the diocese of Dipolog concerns were dealt. Outputs of these constantly and vigorously Human would-be marrying Catholics, it has the Kaabag and the Biblical Apostolate.
was finally created on July 31, 1967 by assemblies are the new support system Rights and People Empowerment; and, reached out and helped in organizing The Indigenous People Apostolate
Pope Paul VI by virtue of the apostolic that the diocese has adopted. Instead of 6) Enhance the Integrity and care for and consolidating the youth in the is also present in key parishes with
letter Quantum Prosit. It covers the the old arancel system, we now encour- creation. And its goal is to strengthen parish. a strong Subanen presence while the
entire civil province of Zamboanga del aged the faithful to pledge every month the faith communities and/or basic It is to be noted here that the Couples Health Ministry is focused in the city
Norte and the two cities of Dipolog and a token amount for the many activities ecclesial communities of the diocese to for Christ’s zealousness have had some of Dipolog alone.
Dapitan with an area of 720,594 has.
The population is more or less 700,000 Carved from the archdiocese of Zamboanga, the diocese of Sustainable Agriculture Program
As part of its mission to help people
of which 80.3% are Roman Catholics,
5.1% Islam, 3.6% belonging to Protes- Dipolog was finally created on July 31, 1967 by Pope Paul VI help themselves, the diocese, through
tant churches, while 7.2% to other reli- by virtue of the apostolic letter Quantum Prosit. It covers the the Social Action Center, is imple-
gious denominations, and 3.8% without menting the Sustainable Agriculture
any religious affiliations.
entire civil province of Zamboanga del Norte and the two Program. It was started in 2001 when
There are 33 parishes, one quasi-par- cities of Dipolog and Dapitan with an area of 720,594 has. The NASSA chose Dipolog as one of the first
ish and one mission station entrusted
to the diocesan clergies, while another
population is more or less 700,000 of which 80.3% are Roman ten DSACs to engage in BEC Empower-
ment program that will run for three
mission station is being taken cared Catholics, 5.1% Islam, 3.6% belonging to Protestant churches, years. Five pilot areas were chosen, and
of by a PIME Father. These parishes while 7.2% to other religious denominations, and 3.8% without through this program, DSAC personnel
were capacitated to further engage.
and mission stations are grouped into
eight vicariates with regular meetings any religious affiliations. After three years we found out that
and planning sessions. There are 953 the impact was not as substantial as we
chapels with almost 4,000 BECs striv- that the local church may be doing. become channels of social transforma- effect on those who are engaged in the hoped it would be. So, the decision to
ing to live out the Word of God in their Sharing systems from the kapilyas to tion by becoming: a) Reflective of the ministry. Positively giving more depth seek out a way whereby a more focused
daily lives. the parish and to the diocese have been Christian social teaching and inculcated into the meaning of missionary work and sustainable program can be man-
At present, 60 diocesan priests and set up. It has helped a lot in terms of with positive Filipino socio-cultural among the lay, it has given them the aged by DSAC was made. Sustainable
a PIME father are serving the diocese. making people more aware of their du- values; b) Responsive to their basic necessary impetus to further commit Agriculture was chosen because by this
Being part of DOPIM (the acronym for ties and responsibilities and at the same human economic needs and be self- themselves in the work of the Lord. time, the Center has regular contacts
the ecclesiastical province of Ozamis time a more equitable sharing system is reliant; c) Empowered, able to decide with the other DSACs of DOPIM and
archdiocese) sub region, it has sent established whereby transparencies in and act their own in the pursuit of peace Church of the Future through monthly meetings among the
three priests as formators to the theo- the financial management is evident. and the common good; and lastly, d) The Church of the future is presently Directors, was encouraged by them.
logical school there. There are almost Another output is the diocesan poli- Concerned for the preservation of the being lived out and formed in the dio- Through a grant by MISEREOR, we
2,000 Extraordinary Lay Ministers of cy. Consultations were made from the environment. cese. Immediately after the 1st DOPIM started the first phase targeting ten par-
the Eucharist (locally called Kaabag) ground up to the diocese, and an assem- For the SAC to realize its ministry it Youth Congress held in Dipolog when ishes for three years starting in 2004. We
serving in parishes and chapels. More bly was called for this. In fact, several has lined up the following tasks as part the decrees of PCP II were presented, exceeded this number because of the
then twice this number are catechists— prominent elected government officials of its strategy: the structure of the ministry was also demand of the others to be included.
volunteers doing their share of spread- were even invited to share their views 1. BEC-Based. Its main beneficiaries presented and approved. It was in 1992 Ultimately, we included 17 parishes in
ing the Gospel through teaching and gave some pointers. This policy is come mainly from the BECs. Not that when a Youth Center was established the first phase.
children in public schools and in their now guiding us in the performance of it organizes them, for this is the work and volunteers manned it. When the The program is now on its second
respective chapels. our duties as ministers. of the Diocesan Pastoral Ministry. structures and organs of the ministry phase and we have added another five
Rather, the Center seeks to strengthen were set up, leadership trainings were parishes. While it has not been easy to
Social Realities Pastoral Priorities the already organized BECs so that, conducted for the benefit of the youth change people’s perception on farming,
Challenges lie ahead. For one, the Of the nine pastoral priorities that aside from being a liturgical weekly officers in the parishes, and facilitators yet to those who really applied all the
Church has to face together with the the National Consultation on Church grouping, they become developmen- were also trained. Currently, almost all trainings they got from the program
government the problems besetting Renewal suggested in 2001, the dio- tal. They can then become channels the parishes have youth ministers that have been thankful for the less expenses
the province, the most pressing is cese selected four of them. These of social transformation together with help in the formation through guidance they incurred and the bounty they got
poverty. While literacy is quite high are: Empowering the Laity towards various POs, NGOs and even the gov- and suggestions. which is all natural. The impact is quite
(89.7%), yet 83% of the population falls Social Change; the Family as Locus of ernment. Every summer the different vicari- substantial because they are freed from
below the poverty threshold. Most Evangelization; Integral Renewal of 2. Localization. Organization of ates are holding youth camps where the clutches of debt due to the spiral-
families earn P12,765.00 annually, way the Ordained; and, Journeying with the parish service committee, which sports, literary-musical variety shows ing cost of farm inputs. Still, we have
below the poverty level of P27,900 set the Youth. In order for the diocese to is constitutive of the Parish Pastoral are presented and inputs on are also a long way to go if we are to make a
for the province. In fact, Dipolog has meet the demands of these priorities it Council. Such committee will be the given. The purpose is not only for ca- dent in changing the farmer’s way of
been named as one of the poorest in has tapped the services of the different implementing arm of the DSAC in the maraderie but also to gain more Chris- tilling the soil. But by God’s grace and
the region, if not in the country. Most ministries working within. parish, becoming the DSAC conduit to tian insight and deepen their spiritual the will of those who try to help people
of the people are farmers and fisher Enfleshing the Spirit of the Gospel the BECs. awareness. help themselves, we may be able to
folks living in the rural areas. While necessitates that the Church shows its 3. Socio-Cultural/Value Forma- It has become easy for the diocese achieve this.
CBCP Monitor
Features Vol. 12 No. 24
November 24 - December 7, 2008

A Different Paradigm: Retire the

Critical and Constructive
Engagement Amending the Reproductive
Reproductive Health Bill
By Eric O. Genilo, SJ
Health Bill
By Francisco Tatad should suffice. This recognizes marriage had the honor of initiating at the interim
as “an inviolable social institution,” “the Batasang Pambansa.
THIS paper is an attempt to break the impasse between the opponents and foundation of the family,” which shall The fact that all the reproductive
supporters of the Reproductive Health Bill. The current polarization of Phil- HOUSE Bill No. 5043 is titled “An Act be “protected by the State.” It further health bills in the House and the Senate
ippine society over the RH Bill has fostered discouragement and discontent Providing For National Policy On Re- recognizes the Filipino family as the tend to read and sound alike, both in
among Filipinos. A spirit of dialogue must replace the antagonistic attitude productive Health, Responsible Parent- “foundation of the nation” and obliges style and in content, and that PLCPD
that affects many of those engaged in the RH debate. The Church’s social hood and Population Development and the State to “strengthen its solidarity and had been running ads urging passage of
teaching urges us to positively and charitably engage those who think dif- For Other Purposes.” Until it reached actively promote its total development.” the bill, while David and Lucile Packard
ferently from us. The Vatican II document Gaudium et Spes (#28) spells this the floor for debate, I had thought it It further obliges the State to defend Foundation, one of its foreign funders,
out clearly: “Respect and love ought to be extended also to those who think sufficient to dwell simply on the general “the right of spouses to found a family had criticized the government for the
or act differently than we do in social, political and even religious matters. In principles of legislation and the basic according to their religious convictions slowdown in its purchase of contracep-
fact, the more deeply we come to understand their ways of thinking through provisions of the Constitution on human and the demands of responsible parent- tives, seem to provide more than ample
such courtesy and love, the more easily will we be able to enter into dialogue life, family and marriage to show that hood.” basis for the loud talk in the House.
with them.” the bill has no place in our law. Unless the Constitution has become What foreign interests are behind the
It is unfortunate that the debate has focused only on whether the Bill should The first point I tried to make is that a mere scrap of paper, these provi- wild and moneyed push for this bill?
be passed or rejected in its present form. Either option would not be good for there are certain activities of man as sions should have barred the House of Why are so many foreign-funded NGOs,
Filipinos. The current bill has serious flaws that lead to violations of human man, which are not subject to state Representatives from approving HB featuring brand and customary “nation-
rights and freedom of conscience; it would not be acceptable to pass the bill regulation of any sort. These involve 5043 at committee level. Even if all the alists”, trying to ride roughshod over the
as it is. Total rejection of the bill, however, will not change the status quo of fundamental human rights that precede economic justifications, which had been Constitution and Catholic objections to it
high rates of infant mortality, maternal deaths, abortions, and ignorance of and transcend the State, such as the right thoroughly discredited, had more teeth, on moral and constitutional grounds?
basic sexuality information; it is a moral imperative that this dehumanizing to breathe, the right to think, the right to the moral and constitutional bar, which The answer may be downloaded on
situation should not be allowed to continue. What is needed is a third op- feel, the right to love, the right to hope, the bill has failed to hurdle, should have the internet. Population control has a
tion: critical and constructive engagement. By working together to amend the right to believe. prompted the committees to send it to long history. It began in antiquity, but it
the objectionable provisions of the Bill and retain the provisions that actually The State has no business instruct- the archives. became an invasive global political force
improve the lives of Filipinos, both the proponents and opponents of the ing the citizen, by law, how to breathe, But there was a brazen attempt to in 1974 after Henry Kissinger came up
current Bill can make a contribution to protection of the dignity of Filipinos how to think, how to feel, how to love, steamroll the bill. Four reproductive with National Security Study Memoran-
and an improvement of their quality of life. how to hope, how to believe. Under our health bills had been referred jointly to dum (NSSM) 200, titled “Implications of
The following are proposals from a Catholic perspective to amend the Constitution, it may not even instruct the House committees on health and Worldwide Population Growth for US
objectionable provisions of the RH Bill. These are not meant to be exhaustive congressmen how to interpellate, jour- on population and family relations. On Security and Overseas Interests.”
nor perfect. These are intended to be suggestions for negotiations and are nalists how to write, broadcasters how April 29, 2008, the committees heard This secret document created the
open to additions, revisions, and improvement. to read the news. three of the four bills. They set a second template for the global population action
Anyone who understands what has hearing for May 21, 2008. But when the plan that called for a two-child family
The Protection of Human Life and the Constitution been said so far should have no diffi- committees met on that date, the presid- worldwide by the year 2000. Since then
The Bill must explicitly align itself with the Philippine Constitution re- culty understanding that the State has ing officer announced that they would the graying and dying of the popula-
garding the starting point of the protection of human life. There must be a no business instructing married couples now deliberate on “the substitute bill” tion of the West has exposed the folly of
statement in the Bill that states in clear terms that it affirms the constitutional that they should first contracept or get to the four bills. And on one member’s this plan. But some people still want to
protection of human life at the moment of conception. Such a statement will themselves sterilized before they could motion, the committees approved “the dance the dance. Just who are making
address the criticism that the Bill implicitly holds that human life is to be engage in sexual intercourse. substitute bill.” No further hearing. them dance?
protected at implantation. This amendment may protect the Bill from charges The bill’s proponents seem com- This was in violation of the constitu- Regardless of the motives and agen-
of being unconstitutional. pletely unable or unwilling to grasp tional provision, and a rule of the House, das imbedded in HB 5043, as a piece of
this rather plain and simple point. They which mandate adequate consultations legislation, it is shot through with holes.
A Clear Position against Abortion in all Forms seem to believe that they can legislate with families or family associations. The It cannot survive an honest House. As
To align with the Constitution, the Bill must explicitly state that it rejects anything they want to legislate simply statement that the same bill had been stated in the beginning, the bill is titled,
the promotion, sale, or provision of any medicine, devices, or procedures because they sit in Congress. This is a heard in previous congresses, even if “An Act Providing For A National Policy
that lead to direct abortions which include the causing of non-implantation
of embryos as well as the direct killing/removal of implanted embryos or
fetuses. Such a statement will ensure that abortifacient devices, medicines,
and procedures will not be part of the Bill’s reproductive health program.
This will address the objection made against the current Bill that it provides
access to medicines and devices that have abortifacient effects.
A panel of objective medical experts can evaluate currently available con-
traceptive medicines and devices for any abortifacient effects.

An Age Appropriate, Value-Based Sexuality Education Program that Re-

spects the Diversity of Religious Traditions in the Country
The Bill should not have one RH Education curriculum written by the
POPCOM and the DEPED for both private and public schools.
For the purpose of protecting academic freedom and respect for religious
traditions, sectarian schools should be allowed to write and implement
their own human sexuality education curriculum according their religious
traditions. For Catholic schools, the CEAP can spearhead the writing of the
curriculum using the best practices found in its top member schools. The Bill
would ensure compliance of sectarian schools by giving a reasonable deadline
for the implementation of their curricula.
For public schools and non-sectarian private schools, an appointed panel
of parent representatives, DEPED educators, experts in child development
and psychology, medical experts, and representatives of religious traditions
will write the human sexuality education curriculum and the DEPED will
monitor the implementation.
Parental involvement in the writing of the curriculum for private schools
is supported by Article XV, Section 3 of the Constitution: (4) The State shall
defend “the right of families or family associations to participate in the plan-
ning and implementation of policies and programs that affect them.” serious moral and intellectual disorder true, is irrelevant and immaterial, since On Reproductive Health, Responsible
It would be better for the POPCOM not to be directly involved in the writing which finds support only in totalitarian all bills that fail to be acted upon by a Parenthood and Population Develop-
of the public school curricula to avoid the accusation that the curricula would states where the legislator need not sit particular congress die at the end of ment, And For Other Purposes.”
focus mainly on contraceptive methods. The public school curriculum writers in Congress. We are not yet a totalitar- that congress. If any bill be refiled in a The Constitution provides that “ev-
can refer also to the best samples of curricula from sectarian schools. ian state. new congress, it should go through the ery bill passed by the Congress shall
The question of whether information on contraception would be part of The second point I tried to make is that legislative mill as though it was being embrace only one subject which shall
the public school curriculum should be addressed by an examination of real no proposed statute can possibly pros- filed for the first time. be expressed in the title thereof.” The
empirical evidence and not by mere speculation and emotional rhetoric. Does per which seeks to amend, or go around Nowhere in the records does it appear bill’s failure to reflect its penal nature is
the provision of information about contraceptives to teenagers reduce or in- or against the Constitution outside of the that the joint committees ever instructed a constitutional violation; the fact that it
crease incidences of teenage premarital sex, teenage pregnancies, abortions, constitutional amendatory process. And any officer or group of officers to con- contains three separate subjects—repro-
or STDs? These are serious public health questions that need to be answered HB 5043 more than amply does this. solidate the bills into one. The chair’s ductive health, responsible parenthood,
truthfully through a consideration of concrete, verifiable, and reliable em- Article II, Section 12 of the Constitu- statement and the member’s motion and population development—which it
pirical evidence and not speculations based on anecdotal evidence, personal tion is, or ought to be, a sufficient bar spoke of “the substitute bill” as already tries, unsuccessfully, to link together, is
opinions, or propaganda from lobby groups. to HB 5043. “The State recognizes the in being, without need of a motion that another.
Parents with children in public and private schools should have the right sanctity of family life and shall protect it first be created. But the bill’s most obvious and ulti-
to have their children exempted from the sexuality education class if the cur- and strengthen the family as a basic Normally, bills are consolidated by a mately insurmountable defect is that
riculum is not acceptable to them. autonomous social institution. It shall technical working group (TWG) created it seeks to “provide” a national policy
The Bill must respect the conscientious objection of individual educators equally protect the life of the mother and by the committee or joint committees where the Constitution already provides
who refuse to teach a human sexuality curriculum that violates their religious the life of the unborn from conception. upon a member’s motion to consolidate. one. You read this in Article II, Declara-
beliefs. The natural and primary right and duty There was no such motion, and no TWG tion of Principles and State Policies,
of parents in the rearing of the youth for was ever created. Where then did the eloquently spread out from Section 9 to
Providing Reproductive Health Information and Services civic efficiency and the development of substitute bill emanate? Sec. 18 or further.
The current state of affairs: The sale of non-abortifacient contraceptives is moral character shall receive the support Upon interpellation, the sponsor, Congress can only implement the
not prohibited by law. These are already available in drugstores and other of the Government.” who surprisingly is not the committee policy laid out in the Constitution. It
outlets. Sterilizations are already provided by non-Catholic hospitals. The The provision, though not self-en- chair endorsing the bill, but rather the cannot hope to replace or revise it. Of
Philippines is a society with a diversity of religious positions on contraceptives forcing, needs no interpretation. Family principal author himself, was reported course, one may now try to amend the
and sterilization. There are religious traditions in the country that do not have life is sacred; it possesses a quality that to have said that the authors of the four title to say that the bill is “implementing”
any prohibition against the use of contraceptives and sterilization. belongs primarily to God. The family is component bills did it. the constitutional policy rather than try-
Since contraceptives and sterilizations can be legally procured, the Bill must the starting point of society and should If true, it was highly irregular. Why? ing to provide a new one. That, however,
ensure that accurate and comprehensive information on all forms of family be left alone to do its work as a family; Because at that stage the bills were cannot stand. The contents of HB 5043
planning methods that are already available (NFP, artificial contraception, the State’s duty is to protect it against already under the joint committees’ do not at all reflect the substance of the
and sterilization). all threats, including those coming from jurisdiction and control, and nothing constitutional policy; they rather seek to
It remains the duty of various churches and sects to teach their faithful the State itself. The moral character of on record shows they had asked the deny, assault and pervert the same.
and form their consciences about what their religious tradition allows and the youth is not likely to be developed authors to consolidate. One final point. Assume (arguendo)
prohibits with regard to family planning. Informed and formed consciences by concentrating their minds on hedo- If false, which seems more likely, a that the constitutional policy did not at
will be better equipped to make correct choices. nistic sex. serious ethical question arises, which all exist, the government’s contracep-
Information on effectivity/failure rates and side effects of all family plan- By this provision, the Constitution completely vitiates the integrity of the tives and sterilization program—illegal
ning methods should be taken from reliable evidence-based sources, not from bans abortion, but not contraception proceedings, and which must be re- as it is—already exists. You only need to
special interest groups such as drug companies and ideological organizations. or sterilization. But can the State be an solved by the House ethics committee, play back then Health Secretary Johnny
The Philippine Medical Association can verify the accuracy of the informa- honest protector of the life of the mother before which it should now be raised. Flavier’s proud boast before his NGO
tion provided by the government on NFP, contraceptives, and sterilizations. and the life of the unborn from the mo- This is not a trifling technicality. crowd at the 1994 International Confer-
Prominent warning labels about side effects should accompany contraceptive ment of conception if its first business is There is loud talk in the House that the ence on Population and Development
medicines and devices. to prevent women from conceiving? Of substitute bill, as well as the original in Cairo to confirm it. The fat outlays
The conscience of health workers and trainers should be respected. If a course, not. So the necessary implication component bills, was produced by a inserted in the present and next year’s
Catholic health worker or trainer conscientiously objects to teaching contra- of Sec. 12, Article II is a ban on state- foreign-funded non-government entity, budgets for reproductive health further
ception methods, he or she should be allowed to teach only NFP methods. sponsored or state-mediated contracep- called the Philippine Legislators Com- confirm it.
The conscientious objection of health care professionals should also be tion and sterilization, even though there mittee on Population and Development After all is said and done, is HB 5043
respected (as provided by the present Bill). They should be exempted from is no such ban on private parties. (PLCPD). PLCPD falls under the classi- not, in fact, an attempt to legalize an
Different / B7 Even without the above provision, fication of “foreign agent,” according to illegal program that has been there for
the whole Article XV on “The Family” the Foreign Agents Act of 1979, which I years?
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 24
November 24 - December 7, 2008
(From left) Balanga Bishop Socrates Villegas, San

Joint Statement of
Fernando, Pampanga Archbishop Paciano Aniceto and
Novaliches Bishop-Emeritus Teodoro Bacani, Jr.

the Bishops-Ulama
35th General Assembly
Jolo, Sulu; November 18-21, 2008
WE the convenors and 75 members of the Bishops-Ulama Conference wish
to express our heartfelt gratitude to Almighty God/Allah for the graced
opportunity of holding our 35th General Assembly in the beautiful town
of Jolo. For holding this historic gathering in the land where Islam began

© Sr. Pinky Barrientos, FSP / CBCP Media

and where Christian-Muslim relations have been considerably improving
despite negative reports of its past and present situations, we owe a great
debt of gratitude to our host, the Apostolic Vicariate of Jolo under Bp.
Lampon with the collaboration of the provincial, local governments and
local ulama under Governor Sakur Tan, Mayor Hussin Amin and Prof.

Standing up for the

Shariff Julabbi respectively.
During our dialogue with the local communities of Christians and Mus-
lims, certain concerns have been brought to our attention. In response we
wish to state the following:
1. We renew our call for the cessation of all hostilities in order to create

Gospel of Life
a climate of peace where diverse voices can confidently be expressed and
sincerely heard. And on the recent violence committed by rebel groups in
some parts of Mindanao, let the force of the law be applied with justice that
leads to peace. We appeal to let the peace talks between the GRP and the
MILF continue, in whatever level or means possible, and let peace panels
“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10). be convened as soon as the situation allows it.
2. We urge the national and the local government to intensify efforts to
stop kidnapping, especially in Mindanao. Kidnapping hurts families, wastes
HUMAN life is sacred because from these conditions, the Bill if enacted their employees because of religious precious lives and so much resources, endangers peace and development
its beginning it involves the creative into law will separate our nation from reasons. advocates and humanitarian workers. Kidnapping does not serve the
power of God (CCC 2258). The Church Almighty God. The Bill’s provision that penalizes Bangsamoro struggle for self-determination. We speak to the families of
carries out the mandate of the Lord malicious disinformation against the the kidnappers—please touch the hearts of your kin to consider the pains
to go and proclaim to all the nations Sacredness of Life from Conception. intention and provisions of the Bill inflicted on the families of the victims. We call on all concerned sectors of
the Gospel of Life. The protection and The current version of the Bill does (without defining what malicious dis- society to organize and devise more effective ways to curb this menace.
preservation of human life and the not define clearly when the protection information is) could restrict freedom 3. We would like to make special request to various healing profession-
preservation of the integrity of the of life begins. Although it mentions of speech by discouraging legitimate als and practitioners. Please devote extra time and expertise for the care
procreative act of parents are important that abortion is a crime it does not dissent and hinder our mandate to of so many victims, witnesses, and even perpetrators of violence, past and
elements of our mission from the Lord. state explicitly that human life is to be teach morality according to our Catho- present. Their wounds and scars, both as individuals and as communities,
It is our fidelity to the Gospel of Life protected upon conception as stated lic faith. The Bill does not mention any are still waiting for that kind of treatment that can bring back forgiveness,
and our pastoral charity for the poor in the Constitution. This ambiguity consultation with religious groups or reconciliation and wholeness.
that leads us your pastors to make this can provide a loophole for contracep- churches which could be interpreted to We affirm the initiatives of many groups in holding community consul-
moral stand regarding Reproductive tives that prevent the implantation of mean that religious and moral beliefs tations, study groups, and even healing sessions. We also invite all sectors
Health Bill 5043 that is the object of the fertilized ovum. The prevention of citizens are not significant factors in of Mindanao society to join us in observing the Mindanao Week of Peace
deliberation in Congress. of implantation of the fertilized ovum the formation of policies and programs starting on November 27 until December 3 this year. Its theme, “Integrity
The Bill makes a number of good is abortion. We cannot prevent overt involving reproductive health. of Mind and Heart, A Way to Reconciliation and Peace”, reminds us that
points. Some of the issues that it in- abortions by doing hidden abortions. It peace starts with our individual selves.
cludes under reproductive health care, is a fallacy to think that abortions can be Heroic Parenting. Family health goes On our part, as religious leaders, we shall engage more vigorously on
for instance, are the kind of things no prevented by promoting contraception. beyond a demographic target because it the following:
humane institution would have any Contraception is intrinsically evil (CCC is principally about health and human 1. We will take an active role in promoting community and sectoral
reason to oppose—maternal, infant and 2370, Humanae Vitae, 14). rights. Gender equality and women dialogues to expand the constituency of peace beyond, but not neglectful
child health and nutrition, promotion Even in the case of doubt as to the empowerment are central elements of of the gains from the formal peace talks. We are tapping the resources of
of breastfeeding, adolescent and youth precise moment of the beginning of hu- family health and family development. our social, religious and academic institutions to help in assessing people’s
health, elimination of violence against man life, the mere probability that the Since human resource is the principal perception of our situation, in drawing out a common vision of peace, in
women, etc.; but the Bill as it stands fertilized ovum is already a human life asset of every country, effective fam- enriching peace education, and in generating new ideas on the broader
now contains fatal flaws which if not renders it imperative that it be accorded ily health care services must be given peace process in our beloved Mindanao. We shall do this with utmost
corrected will make the Bill unaccept- the rights of a human person, the most primacy to ensure the birth and care fairness and transparency.
able. It is our collective discernment basic of which is the right to life (Evan- of healthy children and to promote 2. While we continue with interfaith activities, we shall also pursue au-
that the Bill in its present form poses gelium Vitae, #60; cfr. Declaration on responsible and heroic parenting. Re- thentic intrafaith dialogues among our own communities. We hope that
a serious threat to life of infants in the Procured Abortion, Congregation for spect for, protection and fulfillment of through this open communication, we will find a way to face our own share
womb. It is a source of danger for the the Doctrine of Faith, November 18, family health rights seek to promote in the prolonged problem in Mindanao as well discover how we could go
stability of the family. It places the dig- 1974). When there is doubt whether a not only the rights and welfare of adult beyond our hurts and biases. Perhaps this holds a key to more creative
nity of womanhood at great risk. human life is involved, it is immoral individuals and couples but those of solutions to the impasse in our peace process.
The Church has always concerned to kill it. This is not just specifically adolescents’ and children’s as well. As we make this statement, we are not blind to the many economic and
itself with the poor. It has innumerable Catholic Church teaching but simply social concerns of the people of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi, who simply dream of
institutions and programs meant to natural law ethics. We admonish those who are promot- farm-to-market roads, books and classrooms for their children, and other
help the poor. Our objection to this Bill ing the Bill to consider these matters. It basic services. We join them in appealing to the government and civil society
is precisely due to our concern that in Freedom of Conscience. By man- is the duty of every Catholic faithful to groups to assist them in their existing initiatives and other needs.
the long run this Bill will not uplift the dating only one Reproductive Health form and conform their consciences to May God/Allah help us all in our endeavors for lasting peace for we
poor. “The increase or decrease of pop- Education Curriculum for public and the moral teaching of the Church. We trust in His words.
ulation growth does not by itself spell private schools, the Bill could violate call for a more widespread dialogue “Come now let us reason together, says the Lord, though your sins be
development or underdevelopment”. the consciences of educators who refuse on this Bill. like scarlet, they shall be white as snow, though they be red like crimson,
(CBCP Statement, July 10, 1990) to teach forms of family planning that As your Pastors we speak to you in they be white as wool.” (Isaiah1:18)
Even as we recognize the right of the violate their religious traditions. This the name of the Lord: Choose life and “And when they incline to peace, incline, too, to it and rely upon Allah;
government to enact laws, we also reit- provision also could violate the rights preserve it. Stand up for the Gospel indeed, He is the Hearing, the Knower” (Al Qur’an, 7:61)
erate that there must be no separation of parents to determine the education of of Life!
between God and Man. We appeal to their children if the proposed curricu- May Mary, Mother of Life, who car- For the Bishops-Ulama Conference:
our legislators to state in the Bill in clear lum would contradict their religious ried in her womb Life Himself, guide
categorical terms that human life from beliefs. us to the Truth of Life. FERNANDO R. CAPALLA, DD
the moment of conception is sacred. The Bill mandates that employers Archbishop of Davao
We appeal to our legislators to insure should ensure the provision of an ad- For the Catholic Bishops’ Conference
that the Bill recognize, preserve and equate quantity of reproductive health of the Philippines, HILARIO M. GOMEZ, JR., PhD
safeguard freedom of conscience and care services, supplies and devices for UCCP Bishop Emeritus
religion. The Bill must inspire parents their employees. This provision could +ANGEL LAGDAMEO, DD
not only to be responsible but to be be a violation of the conscience of em- Archbishop of Jaro DR. HAMID A. BARRA
heroic in their God-given and State- ployers who do not wish to provide President, CBCP Ulama League of the Philippines
recognized duty of parenting. Without artificial means of contraception to November 14, 2008

Reaction / B1
development. to declare that the direct inter- the order of reality established contradicts the moral order, and should be given to the danger teachings in the gravest man-
A few citations will serve ruption of the generative pro- by God.” which must therefore be judged of this power passing into the ner. Maternal and ObGyn
to show how clear and unam- cess already begun and, above Artificial contraception can unworthy of man, even though hands of those public authorities health
biguous is the Church’s care all, all direct abortion, even for never be accepted by the Church the intention is to protect or who care little for the precepts of Finally, it must be empha-
for the dignity of the person, therapeutic reasons, are to be as an action in conformity with promote the welfare of an indi- the moral law. Who will blame a sized that there are two sec-
and in particular the poor, and absolutely excluded as lawful the dignity of the human per- vidual, or a family or of society government which in its attempt tions in the bill that should be
how critical it is for us to heed means of regulating the num- son because “each and every in general. Consequently it is to resolve the problems affecting applauded and expanded. Both
her teachings in addressing the ber of children. Equally to be marital act must of necessity a serious error to think that a an entire country resorts to the Section 6 and Section 7 call for
circumstances facing the Philip- condemned, as the Magisterium retain its intrinsic relationship whole married life of otherwise same measures as are regarded the expansion of midwives
pines today. of the Church has affirmed on to the procreation of human normal relations can justify as lawful by married people in and birth attendants, as well as
Rerum Novarum opens with many occasions, is direct steril- life.” Further, it is never valid sexual intercourse which is de- the solution of a particular fam- greater access to obstetric care.
the powerful reminder that ization, whether of the man or of to argue, “as a justification for liberately contraceptive and so ily difficulty? Who will prevent Such measures are critical to
“Man precedes the state” and the woman, whether permanent sexual intercourse which is intrinsically wrong. ” public authorities from favoring reducing maternal mortality
for that reason should not be or temporary.” deliberately contraceptive, that The Church does not hold those contraceptive methods and making progress toward
subject to the state’s regulation In reply to the claim that re- a lesser evil is to be preferred to these positions to punish the which they consider more ef- the Millennium Development
of his private matters. Populo- productive rights, contraception a greater one, ” as the authors of poor, but rather because she fective? Should they regard this Goals, particularly MDG 5
rum Progressio reiterates this and sterilization are required the position paper seem to sug- recognizes that the poor have as necessary, they may even (maternal health) and MDG 4
sentiment, stating: “No solu- in order to help the poor limit gest. While applauding efforts the same inviolable dignity and impose their use on everyone. (infant health). Healthy mothers
tion... is acceptable which does their family size and thus aid the in the bill to provide informa- rights that all human persons It could well happen, therefore, are the critical factor in assuring
violence to man’s essential poor by reducing the numbers tion on both artificial and natu- share. What the poor need is that when people, either indi- infant and child health.
dignity; those who propose of mouths to feed, Humanae ral forms of family planning, not contraception and steriliza- vidually or in family or social Unfortunately, these two
such solutions base them on an Vitae states: “Others ask on the the position paper then asserts tion, but to experience authentic life, experience the inherent sections are the weakest in the
utterly materialistic conception same point whether it is not that provision of contraceptives solidarity with those who, in re- difficulties of the divine law and bill. Most of the reproductive
of man himself and his life. The reasonable in so many cases to as essential medicines and fully sponding to their innate dignity, are determined to avoid them, health proposals of the bill
only possible solution to this use artificial birth control if by covered sterilizations for indi- work with the poor to enable they may give into the hands of are mandatory and supported
question is one which envisages so doing the harmony and peace gent patients are measures that them to develop their skills, im- public authorities the power to through financial means, as
the social and economic prog- of a family are better served promote quality of life. This prove their circumstances and intervene in the most personal well as through the creation
ress both of individuals and of and more suitable conditions statement directly contradicts cultivate lives that are marked and intimate responsibility of of new government agencies
the whole of human society, and are provided for the education Catholic teaching, which rec- by both interior and exterior husband and wife.” to assure implementation. Sec-
which respects and promotes of children already born. To ognizes the use and promotion freedom. This places a much These statements of the tions 6 and 7 of the Bill, which
true human values.” this question we must give a of artificial contraception and more radical demand on those Church and Magisterium have provide the only concrete health
Perhaps no document speaks clear reply. The Church is the sterilization as intrinsically of us to whom much has been been retained in all subsequent care and services to prevent or
more powerfully in opposition first to praise and commend evil. Such actions can never given (Luke 12:48); we must documents and reiterated in eliminate maternal mortality,
to the main ideas in this bill the application of human intel- be promoted or justified. “It live and work with the poor in documents too numerous to cite are not mandatory, and the bill
than Humanae Vitae: “There- ligence to an activity in which is never lawful, even for the order to identify and enable the here. These few, but clear, pas- earmarks neither institutional
fore we base our words on the a rational creature such as man gravest reasons, to do evil that resources they require to live sages make it abundantly clear support systems nor finances
first principles of a human and is so closely associated with his good may come of it—in other lives of authentic freedom. that no Catholic can in good for their implementation. The
Christian doctrine of marriage Creator. But she affirms that this words, to intend directly some- Finally, Humanae Vitae warns conscience support Bill 5043. POPCOM, which is established
when we are obliged once more must be done within the limits of thing which of its very nature us that “[c]areful consideration This Bill violates the Church’s Reaction / B6
CBCP Monitor
Reflections Vol. 12 No. 24
November 24 - December 7, 2008

Fr. Roy Cimagala

Tough times
demand toughness
THERE’S no doubt we are in for some tough, correction, tougher, much
tougher times. The papers, the internet all talk about it. Even though we
already are at Christmas’ doorstep, the familiar feel and texture of Christ-
Illustration by Bladimer Usi mas are missing.
The government can only admit of some economic slowdown. But people
and experts are talking about business contraction, recession, depression,
etc. Whatever! Some tightening of belt and screws is urgently needed.
What I know is that in the technical school where I’m chaplain of, many
partner companies for our students training on-the-job are downsizing and
are suspending the taking in of our student-trainees.
Many students and their teachers have come to me asking for prayers.
Good sign! Their faith and hope are still intact. The challenge is how to
sustain and strengthen them.
I’ve heard stories of how investments of some local people to the tune,

His glorious promise

for example, of P10M have suddenly been reduced to P4M in value. Whoa!
That’s quite a fall.
Some of my economist-friends are giving me different scenarios of this eco-
nomic crisis, showing me how macroeconomic factors are likely to play out.
Frankly, I prefer not to know a lot. It’s one of my defense mechanisms
against a choking feeling of helplessness. At my mind’s back, though, I
Second Sunday of Advent pray this could just be another cycle. A rebound is going to happen at
some point along the way.
(Is 40:1-5, 9-11; 2 Pt 3:8-14; Mk 1: 1-8) Meanwhile, many people are getting depressed. I think most especially
those who barely are surviving with what they have been earning so far.
December 7, 2008 And now this! It’s truly heart-breaking when you start to picture them.
We have to go through these hard times by being tough ourselves. And
we can use these times to raise a notch or two in our understanding of this
virtue called toughness.
By Fr. Paul J. Marquez, SSP they would not have the chance to read endar. The Day of the Lord is the day Tough times call for tough actions and for toughness itself. They test our
this piece since they have poor vision of fulfillment. What we await is a “new mettle. They surface the kind of spirit we have, for in the end it’s the spirit,
and easily get dizzy once they attempt heavens and a new earth”. According more than anything else, that holds the key.
ADVENT has two faces. One to read anything. to the prophet Isaiah, the best way to Like a reagent, tough times detect the range and scope, the breadth
These are our elders who are usually prepare for the Day of the Lord is to and depth of our ultimate anchor beliefs. That’s the saving grace of these
paints big crowds moving in left behind at home as they listen regu- “make straight his paths”. unwelcome times.
a blur, hither and thither, larly to their favorite radio programs or “Every valley shall be filled in.” Do We have to understand that toughness is not just a matter of physical
and in utter restlessness. see television shows. They are either not allow loneliness or your weak- strength or intellectual superiority. Much less is it a question of wealth,
sick of hypertension, rheumatism, dia- nesses to crush you. Instead, fill your power and fame.
Twenty-four hours seem betes and many more. Normally, they life with prayer to God plus a happy Toughness has its roots, branches and fruits mainly in the spirit. And it’s
inadequate to them as they are not the type who will enjoy going disposition. where our spirit takes root, where it’s established and fixed that determines
go about their daily chores. to parties or spend for gifts. “Every mountain and hill shall be the quality and authenticity of our toughness, whether our toughness can
“Comfort, give comfort to my peo- made low.” It’s about time to rid our really run the gauntlet.
Those who engage in trade ple.” God commands Isaiah to speak selves of every form of excesses. Is it If it’s just based on things human and natural, then we are in for great
see the busy weeks before these reassuring words to Israel at a time pride, arrogance, or greed? trouble. But if it’s founded on faith in God, then even the troubles become
Christmas as the most op- when the nation was under the bondage “The rugged land shall be made a a source of strength.
of Babylon. plain.” Seize the opportunity to correct St. Paul says so: “Strength is made perfect in weakness. Gladly therefore
portune time to rake in huge These are the two faces of Advent that an evil situation, and to let go of attach- will I glory in my infirmities, that the strength of Christ may dwell in me.
profits that will offset the we see—one who is incessantly at work ments that bring us away from God and Wherefore I am satisfied with persecutions, with distresses. For when I am
losses incurred during the and the other one is the molten wax of a our neighbors. weak, then I am strong.” (2 Cor 12,8-10)
candle. The prophet reaches out to these If during Advent we attempt new We have to understand this reasoning of faith well. This is what truly
early part of the year when two groups of people: Your service is initiatives to make straight the paths corresponds to who and how we are. We are not just any creature, biologi-
business suffered a slump. at an end! for the Lord, it will not take a long cal, social and intellectual. We are persons and children of God. We are
The cash registers are work- The wonderful message of Advent time for us to receive his wonderful mainly a spiritual being with a supernatural goal.
is the rekindling of Yahweh’s promise promise. “Then the glory of the Lord What is proper of us is to live in the life of God. That’s what our spiritual
ing incessantly and there are and the truth that he will not abandon shall be revealed, and all people shall faculties—our intellect and will—are for. We just don’t depend on material
always parties to go to, gifts us. Whether we are burdened with see it together.” nourishment. It’s in our living union with God, through grace and our will,
to shop for loved ones, and many cares and concerns for work, This glory will be revealed to people where we develop our true life and derive our toughness.
or whether loneliness or boredom is who waltz in the street as they attend Such toughness combines both hard and soft qualities, enabling us to be
trimmings to decorate our killing us, God is lifting us up and to their work and also to people in their strong without being rigid, energetic without being violent. It lets us to be
homes and workplaces. he is giving us new hope. When God homes quietly and patiently bearing patient and hopeful without being inactive. On the contrary, it allows us
commits himself to a promise, we are the burden of old age. God will rescue to be creative and flexible, resourceful and enterprising.
The other face of Advent presents an certain that he would not disappoint us; he will lift the veil that covers our Such toughness distances us from the clutches of excessive worries and
altogether different reality. These are us. God is coming! eyes and we shall come face to face self-pity. It empowers us to find joy and peace even in the midst of suffer-
people who move in slow motion, as In his second letter, Peter dwells on before the glory of the Redeemer who ing. It teaches us how to suffer with a smile, and how to wait productively.
though they are candles whose flame the coming of the Day of the Lord. It is the fount of our transformation and It breeds and keeps our determination.
dwindle and will soon vanish. Maybe will not just be another date in the cal- renewal. Our emerging tough times demand such toughness.

Bo Sanchez
The Blessed Virgin Mary and Advent
THE Liturgy frequently celebrates the Blessed Virgin Mary in
an exemplary way during the season of Advent. It recalls the
women of the Old Testament who prefigured and prophesied
whole series of Marian feasts and rituals.
The Feast of the Immaculate Conception, which is pro-
foundly influential among the faithful, is an occasion for
Only love heals
her mission; it exalts her faith and the humility with which many displays of popular piety and especially for the novena
she promptly and totally submitted to God’s plan of salvation; of the Immaculate Conception.
it highlights her presence in the events of grace preceding There can be no doubt that the feast of the pure and sin- YESTERDAY, I read about this woman who bought a parrot from a pet
the birth of the Savior. Popular piety also devotes particular less Conception of the Virgin Mary, which is a fundamental store. But she went back the next day complaining to the sales lady, “It
attention to the Blessed Virgin Mary during Advent, as is preparation for the Lord’s coming into the world, harmonizes hasn’t spoken a single word!” So the sales clerk advised, “Why don’t you
evident from the many pious exercises practiced at this time, perfectly with many of the salient themes of Advent. This buy a mirror? Some parrots need to see themselves to get them talking.”
especially the novena of the Immaculate Conception and of feast also makes reference to the long messianic waiting for Excitedly, the woman bought a mirror and went home.
Christmas. the Saviors’ birth and recalls events and prophecies from The next day, she came back and said, “It ain’t talking yet!” The sales clerk
However, the significance of Advent, “that time which is the Old Testament, which are also used in the Liturgy of suggested a ladder this time. “Moving up and down the ladder may stimu-
particularly apt for the cult of the Mother of God”, is such that Advent. late the parrot to speak.” So she purchased a tiny ladder for the parrot.
it cannot be represented merely as a “Marian month”. The novena of the Immaculate Conception, wherever it But the next day, she came barging back into the store declaring, “Nothing
In the calendars of the Oriental Churches, the period of is celebrated, should highlight the prophetical texts which has worked! It hasn’t made a sound.” The sales clerk was equally frustrated
preparation for the celebration of the manifestation (Advent) begin with Genesis 3,15, and end in Gabriel’s salutation of and said, “How about a nice see-saw? That sometimes helps them get more
of divine salvation (Theophany) in the mysteries of Christ- the one who is “full of grace” (Lk 1, 31-33). verbally active.” So off the woman went with her seesaw.
mas-Epiphany of the Only Son of God, is markedly Marian The approach of Christmas is celebrated throughout the Finally, the next morning, the woman returns forlorn. “It’s dead,” she
in character. Attention is concentrated on preparation for the American continent with many displays of popular piety, groaned.
Lord’s coming in the Deipara. For the Orientals, all Marian centered on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe (12 De- “Oh no!” The sales lady inquired, “Did it even say one word before it
mysteries are Christological mysteries since they refer to the cember), which dispose the faithful to receive the Savior at died?”
mystery of our salvation in Christ. his birth. Mary, who was “intimately united with the birth “Well, yes,” the woman sighed, “before it dropped dead, it said, ‘Doesn’t
In the Coptic rite, the Lauds of the Virgin Mary are sung of the Church in America, became the radiant Star illumi- that pet store sell any food?’”
in the Theotokia. Among the Syrians, Advent is referred to nating the proclamation of Christ the Savior to the sons of I’ve been part of Catholic communities most of my life, and one of the
as the Subbara or Annunciation, so as to highlight its Marian these nations.” (Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy, humbling realizations I have is that as members, we can get very enamored
character. The Byzantine Rite prepares for Christmas with a Principles and Guidelines) and impressed with the mirrors, the ladders, and see-saws of community
life. We’re green with envy when we hear that other “bigger” communities
have “more” to offer—more teachings, more ministries, more programs. So
Reaction / B5 we get very busy to be like them, creating sophisticated teaching programs,
in Section 5 to implement and oversee and every human person. This bill stops United Kingdom) detailed organization charts, with complex outreach ministries. And yet at
the commitments outlined in the bill, short of assuring implementation of (Dr. Christian Brugger, Prof. of Moral the end of the day, do we starve ourselves dry?
has nine specific areas related to repro- needed medical care, while emphasiz- Theology, St. John Vianney Theologi- We can get so preoccupied with other stuff, we don’t have time to love
ductive health and reproductive health ing the adoption of measures that deny cal Seminary, USA) (Romanus Cessa- people. Because we can have the best preachers, the best evangelists, the
services, yet no explicit mention of any the dignity and freedom of the poor. rio, OP, Prof. of Theology, St. John´s best teachers—but if our leaders are not first of all lovers, community life
responsibility in the area of maternal As Catholics we have a moral duty to Seminary, USA) will not last. (The forms, activities, and structures may remain, but if you
and ObGyn care. This most important defend and support the poor; we must (Fr. Basil Cole, OP, Dominican House look inside, it’s hallow. People are dying because they’re not receiving
section of the bill—and the only section demand more from our legislators and of Studies, USA) love—or giving it to each other.)
actually consistent with Catholic social from ourselves, placing ourselves at the (Teresa S. Collett, Prof. of Law, Uni- That’s pathetic. The more I live in community, the more I believe that it’s
teaching—has been entirely neglected service of poor, ready to commit to the versity of St. Thomas, USA) essentially about “loving friends.” That’s as corny, as simple, as glorious
in the allocation of responsibilities to necessary work, sacrifice and solidarity (Tom D’Andrea, Prof. of Philosophy, as I can define it. Bottom line, community is about loving each other in
the agency established to oversee its needed to establish and build societies University of Cambridge, United ordinary, non-dramatic, unspectacular ways.
implementation. that will respond to authentic needs Kingdom) (Maria Fedoryka, Prof. of A phone call when someone is sick.
A bill that responds to the situation of while respecting the dignity and free- Philosophy, Ave María University, A simple meal together with lots of laughter.
the poor requires us to respond to their dom of every human person. USA) A small note for a discouraged companion.
full range of needs in order to facilitate (Dr. Timothy Flanigan, Brown Uni- A prayer intention.
integral improvement in their quality November 4, 2008 versity Medical School, USA) (Aneta A warm hug for an older member of community.
of life. This necessitates the creation Gawkowska, Prof. of Sociology, Uni- A small cash gift when a friend is out of job.
of laws that guarantee the adoption (Jane Adolphe, Prof of Law, Ave María versity of Warsaw, Poland) An offer to baby-sit for a tired mother.
of measures, at the national and local University, USA) (Mark E. Ginter, Prof. of Moral The- (In the end, these are the simple things that will make us saints!)
levels, that will lead to improved access (Angela Aparisi, Director of the Insti- ology, St. Meinrad School of Theol- As a leader, I know I can’t personally love every single member of my
to authentic development including the tute of Human Rights, Universidad de ogy, USA) (Dr. Dermot Grenham, community—for they number in the thousands. But if I can try to love—
provision of basic health care and ac- Navarra, Spain) Graduate Teaching, London School and be a real friend—to those closest to me, then perhaps that love will
cess to quality education. It is measures (Gerard Bradley, Prof. of Law, Univer- of Economics, United Kingdom) (Dr. be passed on.
such as these that will enable the poor sity of Notre Dame, USA) Mary Healy, Prof. of Sacred Scripture, Because only love heals.
to develop and thrive, and that will (David Braine, Research Fellow in Sacred Heart Seminary, USA) Only love nourishes. Only love makes community.
affirm and respect the dignity of each Philosophy, University of Aberdeen, Reaction / B7
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 24
November 24 - December 7, 2008
Social Concerns
Madrasah: A Combating child prostitution and
dream come true domestic sexual abuse
By Fr. Shay Cullen

THE case of suspected child abuser, British national, Richard Holden,

now held in the Immigration Jail in Metro Manila denied the charges and
claims he is being framed up by another jealous and vindictive Briton in
Dumaguete City. The case is one that must be investigated with respect
for the rights of the alleged victims and the accused. The evidence ought to
be gathered. The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)
Undersecretary Celia C. Yangco has assured me that the DSWD officials are
investigating the allegations and looking for the alleged child victims. They
are in discussion with the officials of the Bureau of Immigration.
The roots of child and women trafficking is found in proliferation of the
nation wide sex bars and resorts, the impunity enjoyed by sex tourists that
is damaging children and exploiting women and destroying the moral fiber
of the country and its image worldwide. We need national and international
pressure on the Philippine authorities to implement the anti-trafficking law
and close the sex industry down.
By Silsilah Media Center Sex tourists going to South East Asia and other places develop a depraved
appetite for sex with children and then return to their own countries and
SILSILAH’S determination in concretizing its vision-mission to establish genuine dia- become abusers of their children in their own country. Officials are ignor-
ing the problem. Sexual exploitation is spreading among the Filipino com-
logue among Muslim and Christian communities paved the way to the realization of a munities and the legal and moral prohibitions have broken down. Even
dream of 24 years—for the first time, a Silsilah Madrasah, located in Pitogo, Sinunuc, a local officials today act as negotiators between child abusers and parents
community just across Harmony Village, is established. to arrange a financial settlement when the child has been raped or abused.
The official earns a percentage of the payment. The child is left without
help and the pedophile goes free to abuse other children.
This project is made possible through or better Christians and thus become Wednesday and Thursday. Our Preda Home for Girls has 49 children in care and custody. They are
the Madaris Gurus and Catechists Pro- better persons. Last August 21, 2008, the first level helped to recover by providing a caring and supportive environment with
gram of the Interfaith Council of Lead- This dream of a Madrasah took a Grade O students completed all the protection. We also help them heal by encouraging them to cry out through
ers (IFCL). The community of Pitogo positive turn when Ustadz Garson A. requirements and had their graduation. emotional expression therapy. The deeply buried emotional pain and suf-
has just been declared a Harmony Zone Hamja, a young instructor from the The simple occasion was blessed with fering they hide inside is opened and brought out. The emotional pain is
by the Movement because the residents community of Sta. Catalina and whose the presence of Professor Ustadz Shariff eased and the anger is removed and psychological healing can begin.
have shown interest and participa- mother is a member of the Silsilah Jullabbi, Ustadz Abdul Hakim, Silsi- Many children have recovered and are reintegrated to their families
tion in activities designed to improve Harmony Zone applied for work with lah Founder Fr. Sebastiano D’Ambra, when it is safe for them. Some have succeeded in past years and finished
the living standard of the community Ms. Minda E. Saño, the president of PIME, Ms. Minda E. Saño, and the college and today are Preda social workers and psychologists helping the
through com- Harmony Zone new child victims at Preda children’s home.
munal action. A
Council of Lead-
One urgent request from the community Council of Leaders
and parents.
The Preda legal officers are filing criminal charges against the abusers
but due to weak prosecution, few cases prosper and succeed. There are few
ers was formed was to have their own Madrasah in Pitogo. A To give more convictions and abusers are still at large and a danger to the children.
who met regu- Madrasah is a school for the study of Islam- credibility and sta- Maryann was abandoned in the streets by her family and she was traf-
larly to discuss bility to the Madra- ficked into the sex club at the age of 15. She was exploited and sold to
issues, identify ic teachings and thought. Silsilah is deeply sah, Silsilah entered foreigners who sexually abused her. But she was rescued and recovered at
the needs, and convinced that interreligious dialogue is into an agreement the Preda Home and became a high-honored student and I am happy to tell
formulate action with Prof. Ustadz you that she is in college and is now a children’s rights advocate and has
plan to address possible only when the people involved in Abdullah S. Ebra- just returned from a speaking engagement at an international conference
urgent and do- it have sufficient knowledge and genuine him last October on children’s rights in Canada sponsored by Unicef.
able plans.
One urgent re-
practice of their respective faiths. Entering 30, 2008 who vol-
unteered to be its
Evelyn was abused as a child before she run away from home to escape
the abuse and was trafficked abroad into prostitution in Hong Kong. She
quest from the into dialogue must make them better Mus- director effective was used in making pornography and suffered violence and sexual abuse.
community was lims or better Christians and thus become November 2008 to
monitor the school
This month, she was rescued by a colleague of Preda and was flown back
to have thei r to the Philippines and is slowly recovering at Preda. Thousands of young
own Madrasah better persons. curriculum and to girls are trafficked like this every day. We can all do much to change this
in Pitogo. A Ma- act as supervisor situation.
drasah is a school for the study of the movement. He was immediately and consultant of Ustadz Garson A. May all people of good will, defenders of children, protectors of human
Islamic teachings and thought. Silsilah accepted and in March 19, 2008, the first Hamja. rights, all of us, never turn a blind eye to the suffering and exploitation and
is deeply convinced that interreligious Silsilah Madrash was born. The school Ustadz Ebrahim is grateful for this injustice done to children, may we always have the courage to take a stand
dialogue is possible only when the was registered with the Office of Mus- opportunity to share his knowledge and speak out and defend the helpless and most vulnerable.
people involved in it have sufficient lim Affairs. Grade levels O, 1 and 2 cur- of Islamic teachings. He is also happy May we all work for justice and make this a better world for all and
knowledge and genuine practice of riculum are offered and Ustadz Garson that this school is a product of the joint especially for children, that they be recognized as God¹s children worthy
their respective faiths. Entering into dia- conducts classes whole day of Saturday effort of the Pitogo Harmony Zone and of love and care. Let us end the abuse and jailing of children and the traf-
logue must make them better Muslims and Sunday, and afternoons of Tuesday, Silsilah. ficking and slavery of children into the sex industry.

Reaction / B6 Different / B4

(Ligia M. De Jesus, Prof. of Law, Prof. of Philosophy, Institute Linacre Centre, United King- “inseparable connection, willed by God providing contraceptive/steril- Contraception as Essential
Ave María University, USA) and unable to be broken by man on his Medicines in Government
for the Psychological Sciences, dom) (SC Selner Wright, Chair own initiative, between the two mean-
izing services if this goes against
(Robert G. Kennedy, Co-Di- USA) (Prof. David Paton, Chair Philosophy Department, St. ings of the conjugal act: the unitive their religious beliefs. Health Centers and Hospitals.
rector of the Terence J. Murphy of Industrial Economics, Not- John Vianney Seminary, USA) meaning and the procreative meaning. The question of whether con-
Institute for Catholics Thought, Indeed, by its intimate structure, the traceptives are essential medi-
tingham University, United conjugal act, while most closely uniting
Limits to the Anti-Discrimina-
Law and Public Policy, Univer- Kingdom) husband and wife, capacitates them for tion Provision cines should be resolved by
sity of St. Thomas, USA) (Daniel Philpott, Prof. of Po- the generation of new lives, according The current Bill prohibits the a panel of objective medical
(Mary M. Keys, Prof. Political litical Science, Joan B. Kroc 1Encyclical letter Populorum Pro- to laws inscribed in the very being of refusal of quality health care experts.
gressio, nos. 48-55: AAS 59 (1967), man and of woman.”(38) This principle,
Science, University of Notre Institute of International Peace 281-284 which is based upon the nature of mar- services and information based What contraceptives actually
Dame, USA) (Rev. Joseph W. Studies, University of Notre riage and the intimate connection of the on a patient’s marital status, prevent diseases? What contra-
2Encyclical letter Humanae Vitae, nos
Koterski, SJ, Department of Dame, USA) (Patrick Quirk, 14-15, (1968)
goods of marriage, has well-known con- gender or sexual orientation, ceptives actually improve the
sequences on the level of responsible
Philosophy, Fordham Univer- Prof. of Law, Ave María Uni- fatherhood and motherhood. “By safe- age, religion, personal circum- general health of the popula-
sity, USA) (Peter Kreeft, Prof. 3Ibid, no. 16 tion? What are the side effects of
versity, USA) guarding both these essential aspects, stances, and nature of work.
of Philosophy, Boston College, (Adrian J. Reimer, Prof. of Phi- 4Ibid, no. 12 the unitive and the procreative, the (Sec. 21, a, 5). these contraceptives which can
conjugal act preserves in its fullness the
USA) (Mark S. Latkovic, S.T.D., losophy, University of Notre 5Ibid, no. 14 sense of true mutual love and its ordi- This anti-discrimination pro- adversely affect the health of the
Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Dame, USA) (Michael Rota, nation towards man’s exalted vocation vision must have parameters to user? Should some contracep-
6“Catholics can Support the RH Bill
USA) (William E. May, Michael Prof. of Philosophy, University in Good Conscience”, Position paper
to parenthood.”(39) The same doctrine prevent abuse. For example, if a tives be considered as emergen-
J. McGivney Prof. of Moral concerning the link between the mean- cy medicines for extraordinary
of St. Thomas, USA) on the Reproductive Health Bill by in- ings of the conjugal act and between the
doctor refuses to administer an
Theology, John Paul II Institute (Michael Scaperlanda, Edwards dividual faculty of the Ateneo de Manila goods of marriage throws light on the IUD to a minor who requests for cases where the life, health, or
for Studies on Marriage and University, pp. 2-7, 15 October, 2008 general well-being of a person
Chair of Law, University of moral problem of homologous artificial it, would that be considered age
Family, USA) fertilization, since “it is never permitted is seriously threatened?
Oklahoma, USA) (Prof. Janet E. 7Humane Vitae, no 14
to separate these different aspects to
(Fr. Earl Muller, SJ, Kevin M. Smith, Fr. Michael J. McGivney 8Paul VI is referring to the control of such a degree as positively to exclude Should the provision apply If some contraceptives are
Britt Chair in Theology, Sacred Chair of Life Ethics, Sacred reproduction and artificial contracep- either the procreative intention or the equally to health care providers ultimately decided as essential
Heart Seminary, USA) Heart Seminary, USA) tion when he talks of “this power” be- conjugal relation.” (40) Contraception both in the public and private or emergency medicines that
ing put in the hands of the state. This deliberately deprives the conjugal act
(Richard S. Myers, Prof. of Law, (Richard Stith JD, Prof. of Law, passage follows directly on a passage of its openness to procreation and healthcare system or shouldn’t should be stocked in govern-
Ave Maria University of Law, Valparaiso University, USA) in which he discusses the problems in this way brings about a voluntary private practitioners have more ment health centers and hos-
USA) (Jacqueline M. Nolan- (Fr. Daniel Trapp, Prof. of artificial contraception poses within dissociation of the ends of marriage.” leeway in practicing their medi- pitals, no contraceptives with
the marital union, and then expands to The Congregation on the Doctrine of
Haley, Director, ADR and Sacramental Theology, Sacred the consideration of problems that will the Faith quoting Humanae Vitae and cine as they see fit? abortifacient effects are to be
Conflict Resolution Program, Heart Seminary, USA result if the state is given the authority Pope Pius XII in its “Instruction on allowed.
Fordham Law School, USA) (Evelyn Birge Vitz, Prof. of to regulate conception and birth. the respect for Human Life and on the Proper Promotion of Natural
Dignity of Procreation” Joseph Cardinal
(Theresa Notare, Assistant Di- French, New York University, 9Humanae Vitae, no 17 Ratzinger, February 22, 1987 Family Planning Freedom of Speech
rector, United States Council of USA) The Bill should not use the The Bill should remove its
10The Church’s teaching on marriage 11As cited in the Ateneo position
Bishops) (Dr. Michael Pakaluk, (Dr. Helen Watt, Director of and human procreation affirms the term “modern” to describe ar- penalties against malicious dis-
paper, page 2.
tificial contraception because it information against the inten-
implies that natural family plan- tion and provisions of the Bill.
ning methods are not modern or Such penalties are a violation of
are unscientific. The proper term freedom of speech of dissenting
to be used is “artificial.” groups.

CBCPMonitor Name _________________________________________________

(Family Name) (Given Name) (Middle Name)
The NFP advocates should
be involved in monitoring the
manner that NFP methods are
Implementing Norms
The committee to be in-charge
taught in health centers. of the Bill’s implementing norms
SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mailing Address _______________________________________________ should have representatives
Sterilization in Public Hospitals from major religious traditions
_________________________________________________ Sterilization services in gov- to ensure that the rights of
Phone No.: ________ Fax No.: ________ E-mail: ___________ ernment hospitals and clinics people of various faiths would
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3601, 1076 MCPO No enticements should be to concrete actions that would
• Domestic _____________________________ offered to encourage persons to correct the RH Bill. It is hoped
have sterilizations. that the parties involved in the
1 Year Php 500.00 Signature RH debate would move away
2 Years Php 900.00 Employers’ Responsibility from hard-line positions and
• Foreign: Asia Employers should not be consider negotiations as a more
1 Year US$ 55.00 required to provide for the positive step towards working
• All Other US$ 80.00 PLEASE SEND TO: reproductive health services of for the good of all Filipinos,
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Or e-mail this at tion of the conscience of Catholic and families in difficult circum-
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CBCP Monitor
Entertainment Vol. 12 No. 24
November 24 - December 7, 2008

Moral Assessment Technical Assessment

 Abhorrent  Poor
 Disturbing  Below average
 Acceptable  Average
 Wholesome  Above average

 Exemplary  E

Friends Mary Haines (Meg the women. It has a strong all-star Title: The Women
Ryan), Sylvie Fowler (Annette cast including Candice Bergen Running Time: 114 min.
Benning), Edie Cohen (Debra (as Mary’s mother Catherine), Cast: Meg Ryan, Annette Ben-
Messing) and Alex Fisher (Jada Chloris Leachman (as Maggie, ing, Eva Mendes, Debra
Messing, Jada Pinkett
Pinkett Smith) are there for one the Haines’ housekeeper), Carrie Smith
another. Mary is a mother of one Fisher (as a gossip columnist), Director: Diane English
and seems in a perfect marriage. and Bette Midler (as Hollywood Producers: Diane English,
Sylvie, single, is a high profile agent Leah Miller), which gives Mick Jagger, Bill Johnson,
woman’s magazine editor. Edie the movie a “chick flick” flavor. Victoria Pearman
I a mother of three girls who The script is also adapted from Screenwriters: Diane English,
won’t stop getting pregnant both the play and the 1939 Clare Boothe Luce
until she gets a son. Alex is an screeenplay, using a story that is Music: Mark Isham
avowed, incorrigible lesbian. almost the same as the original Editor: Tia Nolan
Genre: Comedy/ Drama
Two things they have in com- although with a contemporary Cinematography: Anastas N.
mon: long-standing friendship backdrop relying on the power Michos
and a passion for shopping, combination of fashion and pub- Distributor: Picturehouse En-
preferably at Saks Fifth Avenue. lishing. Gimmicky additions are tertainment
When Sylvie learns from a the use of split screen, an entire Location: Massachusetts, USA
manicurist Tanya (Debi Mazar) fashion show, and a prolonged Technical Assessment: 
at Saks that Mary’s husband childbirth scene. Moral Assessment: 
Stephen is the lover of the store’s We can’t help thinking that CINEMA Rating: For mature
perfume sales girl Crystal Allen The Women is but a small part viewers 18 and above
(Eva Mendes), the trio tries to of the trend to highlight female-
find a way to tell Mary ever-so- bonding in cybermedia. Circu- the viewer’s mind. The Women
gently. But Mary also discovers lating lately via internet and has been compared to the recent
it from the same gossipy mani- email are Power Point presen- movie version of Sex in the City,
curist, and decides for divorce. tations stressing how the world featuring another quartet of
The four friends conspire to becomes a better place to live in female friends, but The Women
break the affair, but despite Ste- when women –sisters, friends, covers more ground in terms
phen’s attempt to reconcile with mothers and daughters, grand- of women’s issues such as the
Mary, she cannot be moved. mothers—are there for each inevitable betrayal between
The dramedy The Women is other. In fact, Jada Pinkett’s line close friends, the desire to have
inspired by the Clare Booth Luce on the glories of lesbianism is a sons, the impact of divorce on
play of the same title, and like rather blunt statement for the children, society’s apparent tol-
the latter’s 1939 film adaptation advantages of female bonding— erance of extra-marital affairs,
by George Cukor, it also does not albeit sexually perversive. The the reasons behind a husband’s
show males on the screen. There movie’s main theme, marital infidelity, etc. Because of its
are two males, however—two infidelity, is very much adult adult themes, CINEMA rates
husbands and a boss—but they but its comedic approach may The Women as a movie for
are only heard on the phone with lighten the impact of adultery in adults 18 and above.

Title: One True Love
Running Time: 130 min.
By Bladimer Usi Cast: Marian Rivera, Dingdong Dantes, Iza Calzado, Boots Anson-Roa,
Pinky Marquez,
Director: Mac
Jose Mari-Aba-
can, Roselle
Music: Von de
phy: Mo Zee
GMA Films

Buhay Parokya
Look for the three items: Photos of Mother Assessment:
Theresa, Pope Benedict XVI and a Grotto. 
Moral Assess-
ment: 
viewers 14 and

Masayang magkasintahan sina May kabilisan nga lang kung

Joy (Marian Rivera) at Migs (Ding- minsan kung kaya’t hindi masya-
dong Dantes). Hindi na nagdala- dong nahahagod ang damdamin.
wang isip pa si Joy nang alukin siya Medyo lumaylay din ito at na-
ng kasal ni Migs. Ngunit lingid kay palabis ang haba sa bandang huli.
Joy, mayroong kababatang kasin- Maraming mga eksenang maaar-
tahan noon si Migs na si Bela (Iza ing tanggalin nang hindi makaka-
Calzado) na nasa Canada. sira sa kabuuan ng kuwento.
Nagkahiwalay sila ni Migs da- Mayroon ding mga karakter
hil pinili ni Bela na samahan ang na napabayaan. Tulad na la-
kanyang pamilya sa Canada. Nang mang ng lola ni Joy. Ano na ang
malaman ni Bela ang tungkol sa nangyari sa kanya? Kataka-taka
pagpapakasal ni Migs, magbabalik din na walang ibang mundo si
ito sa Pilipinas para sana pigilan Migs kundi ang pamilya. Wa-
si Migs ngunit malalaman niyang lang barkada. Walang kaibigan.
hindi na siya mahal nito tulad ng Hindi rin ganoon kaliwanag
dati pagkat si Joy na ang bago ni- ang proseso ng resolusyon.
tong mahal. Matutuloy ang kasal Pero sa bandang huli nama’y
nina Migs at Joy. masasabing maayos na rin ang
Ngunit isang gabi pa lang sil- pelikula sa kabuuan.
ang nagsasama ay maaaksidente Ang pagmamahal nga ba ay
si Migs. Matagal na mawawalan isang pakiramdam o isang desi-
ng malay si Migs at sa kanyang syon? Paano kung iba ang dikta
paggising, tanging ang alaala ng ng isip sa puso? Ano ba talaga ang
pamilya at ni Bela lamang ang dapat na mas manaig? Ipinakita
matatandaan niya. Wala siyang sa pelikula na ang tama pa rin ang
alaala ni Joy. Labis itong ikalulung- nagtatagumpay kaysa sa mali.
kot ni Joy ngunit hindi siya agad May mga nagagawang desisyon
na susuko. ang mga tao dala ng emosyon
Aalagaan niya si Migs hang- ngunit sa bandang huli’y uusigin
gang sa magbalik ang alaala nito tayo ng ating konsensiya at ang
at tuluyan siyang makilala. Ngunit katotohanan at kabutihan pa rin
sadyang hindi maalala ni Migs si ang mananaig.
Joy at ang pagkakaalam niya’y si Kapuri-puri ang pelikula sa pag-
Bela ang mahal niya. Dito magsi- papakita ng kahalagahan ng pam-
simula ang kalbaryo ni Joy. Sino ilya--ang tanging makakapitan ng
ang tunay na isisigaw ng puso sinuman sa oras ng kalungkutan,
ni Migs sa bandang huli? Ang kasiyahan at pighati.
babaeng una niyang minahal o Wala ring bahid ng kasamaan
ang babaeng nagturo sa kanyang si Joy. Bagama’t tao pa rin na
umibig muli? nasasaktan, naging mapagbigay
Hindi na masyadong bago ang at matiisin pa rin siya. Alam niya
konsepto ng amnesia sa mga ku- kung kailan dapat lumaban at
wentong Pilipino. Pero nagawa kung kailan dapat sumuko.
naman ng One True Love na bigyan Higit sa lahat, matatag din ang
ito ng bagong bihis sa pagkakaroon kanyang pananampalataya sa
ng bagong loveteam sa katauhan Maykapal na ang lahat ay aayon
ni Marian Rivera at Dingdong din para sa kanya at para sa kabuti-
Dantes sa pelikula na talaga na- han balang araw. May mga malabis
mang subok na ang husay at tatag na halikan lamang sa pelikula
sa pagpapakilig ng manonood. na kailangang gabayan ang mga
Hindi rin matatawaran ang husay bata. Ang pakikiapid din ni Migs
ni Iza Calzado. Maayos ang daloy kay Bela ay dapat maipaliwanag
ng kuwento. nang husto.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 24
November 24 - December 7, 2008

The News Supplement of

Couples for Christ

CFC and Clergy

Strive for Unity
By Clarke Nebrao cial Head of CFC Abra and Ilocos Norte, presented areas generally
considered as obstacles to smooth and loving relationship between
IN spite of a province-wide whole-day scheduled power service the CFC and Clergy relations, and how these obstacles can be sur-
interruption, more than 150 delegates from Couples for Christ and mounted.
the clergy in the North and Central Luzon region gathered for the The afternoon was highlighted by a workshop during which del-
Bishops, Clergy and Lay Relations Congress last November 14. The egates discussed the positive points and areas of development that
one-day conference was held at the La Maja Rica Hotel in Tarlac. both sides can explore in order to have a harmonious relationship
Joey Arguelles, member of the CFC International Council and within the parish. The output of the workshop was synthesized by
CFC’s Church Liaison Officer, gave the welcoming remarks. CFC Bernie Cuevas, a member of the CFC Board of Elders.
Executive Director Joe Tale then gave an overview of what the par- Dr. Joe Yamamoto, CFC Philippine Missions Director and
ticipants could expect from the Congress, stressing that the event member of the CFC International Council gave the last talk for
was a genuine and sincere effort by both the clergy and CFC to come the congress which discussed the importance of a synergized re-
to a full realization of what their respective roles are in our shared lationship among the Lay and the Clergy. He urged everyone to
tasks of evangelization and mission. support each other in all our endeavors in serving God through
His Excellency Bishop Florentino Cinense gave a very enlightening the Catholic Church.
and lively presentation on Clergy and Laity Unity. He spoke of the The day was capped by a powerful and spirit-filled Eucharistic
many challenges of evangelization and encouraged everyone, both celebration and a lively homily by Bishop Cinense. All the Clergy
the clergy and lay people, to stand united in pursuing the goals of delegates concelebrated the Mass. Everyone agreed that the occa-
the Church and in bringing the love of Christ to every individual. sion was a wonderful opportunity for both the clergy and the laity
Issues and points were presented by both the Clergy and Lay to come together and learn from each other.
delegates. Rev. Father Elmer Gonzales represented the Clergy and The Congress is an echo of the nation-wide conference held last
presented the developments of the different Gawad Kalinga sites June 20, 2008. Other echo congresses will be held in the other regions
in the province of Tarlac. On the other hand, Tony Dayot, Provin- of the country.

Unity is the Key A Parish Priest

By Tony Dayot united wherever and whenever they are found
together. Imagine what Paul and Apollos, could
(Talk given during the Clergy Congress) have accomplished if they did not have conflict
between them. Or think of how the Amalekites
WE have to admit that, in spite of our com- were defeated when Aaron and Hur worked
munity’s love for the Catholic Church and for side by side to prop up Moses’ weary hands.
our priests, tensions exist between CFC and the (Ex 17:8-13) By Fr. Manny Castro
clergy. This situation is not surprising since Jesus Unity with the clergy is the challenge pre-
himself, before he ascended to heaven, offered a sented to us in CFC. Tensions between us exist I HAVE known Couples for Christ for 20 years now but this is the first time that priests and
prayer for oneness among his followers. but these are the “normal tensions” arising from bishops have come together to answer the question of how we look at CFC, to confront the
Unity between CFC and the clergy is nec- conflict of schedule, miscommunication, or sim- good points and the areas that we need to improve, and to listen to suggested programs
essary if we are to be effective in our task of ple misunderstanding. However, as minor as where we can work together.
evangelization. The clergy and CFC should be these tensions are, we still believe that “the devil As far as I know, CFC is the only movement that ever posed the questions, ‘What can
loves to fish in troubled waters.” we do for you, our priest, our bishop and our Church?’ What is your (priests and bishops)
It is a simple matter to solve these impression about us (CFC)? Are we able to respond to the needs of the Church today? How
tensions thus: If it were a matter of can you guide us in responding to the Church?”
schedule, CFC could readily give This congress sent the message that CFC is really reaching out to us, the clergy. They
in; if it were a miscommunication, mean to show and break certain misconceptions of the clergy about CFC. These include
regular dialogue would prevent our misconception that CFC is taking away the parish leaders for their households and that
this from happening; if it were a Parish / C4
misunderstanding, a clear expla-
nation done face to face would put
the issue to rest.
Let us look at some of the con-
cerns/ issues with CFC that parish
priests have brought to our atten-
tion. Needless to say, some parish
priests may or may not agree with
them or find them relevant in their
situation. These concerns/ issues
are the following:
Unity / C4

The Origins of Gawad Kalinga (First in a Series)

By Zeny Gimenez The partners decided to focus on Bagong Silang, Caloocan, the carry on the work to build “A Network of the Church of the Poor”
biggest relocation site of squatters in Metro Manila, as the project (ANCOP). Angkop became a Special Ministry of CFC.
GAWAD Kalinga has become so big and has enlisted the involvement of area. What started as a transformational program with the youth even-
so many sectors of society that it is now difficult to even imagine that it By December of 1995, the first Youth for Christ youth camp tually brought life to other programs. In 1999, the Angkop Training
is a relatively young ministry of Couples for Christ. It is also difficult was conducted. Participants included out-of-school youth, gang Center and Youth Village became fully operational. By that time,
now to remember how it even came about. members, petty thieves and even drug users and peddlers. After the SIBOL, SAGIP, SIGA and SIKAP programs had already been
With this issue, we are beginning a series on the origins of Gawad the baptism in the Holy Spirit, the hardened participants vowed to started. The Social Ministries were tapped to support the educa-
Kalinga, primarily to make an accurate record of its history and to provide surrender their lives to the Lord and turned in various weapons they tion, health and livelihood programs. Soon after, the first house
future generations with the proper perspective of this program that has brought to the camp (pillboxes, arrows, daggers, brass knuckles, ice under the program TATAG was built in Phase 9, Bagong Silang.
captured the imagination of everyone, not just in the Philippines but all picks, etc.) as a sign of their commitment. On hindsight, this was a major element in what evolved into the
over the world. CFC then established CFC Angkop, a foundation that would fullness of the work with the poor. This revealed a bigger vision
A few months ago, we featured a series on the origins of Couples for for CFC and led to the beginnings of Gawad Kalinga (GK).
Christ and we were gratified at the response. Many of our brethren The period from 2000 to 2005 would affirm that the work with
appreciated the fact that a historically correct record of our beginnings the poor initiated by Angkop was destined to move toward the
as a community now exists and now forms part of our legacy to future building of whole communities and lead to a movement for nation-
generations of CFC members. building. Thus GK 777 was launched in 2003.
We hope that this series will fulfill the same objective. The series begins Angkop became the arm of GK in foreign countries to specifically
with an article detailing the important highlights of GK history written invite Filipinos to become partners in nation-building.
by Bernie Cuevas in June of 2006. Today the impact of the work with the poor is clear in the lives
of many of the out-of-school youth who attended that fateful first
In 1994, a prayer group composed mostly of Filipino-Chinese Youth Camp in December of 1995: Omeng, Rodel, Jame, Ronald,
married couples, headed by Dr. Teofilo and Shirley Bangayan, Daniel, Marlon, Jun, Apple, Annalyn, Joy, Ver, Nanette, Lucy,
organized a foundation for the purpose of sharing their bless- Genalyn, Helmie, Madelaine, Jane and many more. They are now
ings with the less fortunate. Couples for Christ at that time was Sibol teachers, ANCOP and GK secretaries, accounting clerks in
planning to go into the work with the poor. The two groups got Coops for Christ, Flame workers, choreographers, production as-
together and thus began the partnership between A Living for sistants, overseas workers. But most of all, they are now symbols
Christ Foundation (ALCF) and Couples for Christ. of HOPE.
C2 Ugnayan CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 24
November 24 - December 7, 2008

By Joe Tale, CFC Executive Director

The Season of Love

and Hope
LAST Christmas, we kicked off the season with our hugely successful “A Time to Dance,” which in emotions. So we should not run out of great ideas to show our brothers and sisters that Christ reigns
turn launched the equally hugely successful “One Time Big Time.” This was the big miracle in our in our hearts, not just at Christmas but always.
community life last year – that we were able to wipe out more than P20 million in debts – in spite of We can enjoy the season without the luxurious trappings that we normally associate with it. We can light
the relationship conflict and the challenges that we went through. up a single lantern instead of stringing thousands and thousands of lights around our homes and fences,
Now, it is Christmas once again. How fast time and even our trees. We can give gifts made by our
flies, indeed! hands that are totally expressive of our love, rather
And so we rummage through our things to bring than spend precious pesos on meaningless gewgaws.
out mothballed decorative items -- the Christmas We can write letters that speak of our love. We can
tree, the belen, the little knick-knacks that proclaim pay personal visits to friends we seldom see. A hug
that our household joyously anticipates the coming and a warm handshake speak greater volumes than
of our Savior. any gift ever can. We can say, and mean, the precious
But there is a cloud in our horizon this Christmas. words “I love you.” That, to a Christian, is a gift more
Ed David, who spoke at our most recent Mission costly than any thing store-bought.
Core Teaching Night, called it “A Perfect Storm,” the As CFC, what can we do to enjoy this particular
worldwide financial crisis that is now rapidly roiling Christmas season? Let us all revisit our households
through the developed nations and threatening to and the way we relate to each and every member.
engulf small nations like ours. Have we shown our members the love and care that,
Should we, as Christians who firmly believe in as household head, we are obligated to provide?
God’s mercy and providence, allow this cloud to Have we asked after their welfare? Are we aware of
affect how we respond to the Christmas theme of their problems and needs and have we given them
love and joy and generosity? Should we now lock our assurance of support in their own periods of
up not just our wallets but also our hearts so that, stress and difficulty? Have we fulfilled our basic
seemingly battened down against the “storm,” we roles as household heads, meaning, have we pro-
can say we are prepared? vided them with the pastoral care that is expected
At no other time of the year are expressions of love of us as their leaders? Are they better persons and
and caring more apparent than at Christmastime. At Christians because of our love for them?
no other season do we allow ourselves free rein in During this season, how wonderful it would be if we
showing those we love how much we value them. all took time to pay our members (even past members)
In fact, at no other time do we also allow our hearts that personal visit that speaks of love and the special
to soften towards those who have hurt us. relationship that Jesus alone can bring. Or else invite
Should the financial crisis now prevent us from everyone to a simple repast and give them the gift
giving expression to our love and caring? of honoring and affirming them through our kind
I say NO. It is precisely the threat of hard times words, spoken in love and felt by the heart. This kind
ahead that should spur us to think of others besides of honoring and affirming is what has sustained CFC
ourselves and our loved ones. It is the thought that households through all the 27 years of its existence.
so many people will be in even more dire situations The “perfect storm” may be coming. But we are unfazed
than ours that should move us to express our concern because our perfect Christ and Savior is by our side.
for them NOW. So we await the Redeemer’s coming this Christmas. And we pay him the most perfect homage we
As Ed David suggested, there are so many creative ways by which we can show our love this Christ- can give – by loving our neighbor and witnessing to Christ’s presence in our lives.
mas. It is said that Filipinos are expressive people and consequently, very creative in expressing their A blessed Christmas to you all!

By Joe Yamamoto, Philippine Missions Director, International Council Member

The Joy of Serving

AS head of Philippine Missions, I have already visited many prov- serve with me in the medical outreaches, particularly in ministering celebrating milestones in community and family life, members
inces, met the CFC leaders in the areas, spoke at their MCG gather- to the health needs of beneficiaries in the GK sites. My son has even experience the vital elements of the nurturing environment created
ings and met a number of bishops. All these in the space of a little joined me in some of the surgical missions to the provinces. in the households. The caring atmosphere fostered especially by
more than a year. Perhaps one of the just rewards of our professional and service the household heads is instrumental in helping the members grow
In two of the provinces, I was with the CFC doctors and nurses life is to see our children follow in our footsteps. Mila and I are into community.
for surgical missions to Maasin, Southern Leyte and Borongan in particularly happy to see our children also going into the medical My memorable areas of growth in service and leadership were
Eastern Samar. If I trace my journey as part of the medical mission profession. Hopefully, our children have seen in us the joy and the many occasions where I served with other CFC members as a
team, these mercy missions have brought me to many regions, from fulfillment of lives spent in service to others. Mila and I are careful household- as part of CLP service teams, music ministry, service
Ilocos Norte in Northern Luzon to Davao Oriental in Southeast teams for retreats, training seminars and anniversaries and of course
Mindanao. Taxing? Yes. Busy? Of course. Physically exhausting? as medical teams, particularly during periods of calamities. Out-
Definitely. Challenging? Two thumbs up! Fulfilling and enjoyable? of-town trips and travels strengthened the bonds of friendship. No
A big resounding YES! matter our status in life, no job was considered beneath us. I distinctly
The most fulfilling periods of my life in CFC have been spent in remember joyfully and willingly sweeping the floors of the venues,
serving others. My wife Mila, our children, and many members of washing dishes and carrying out other mundane tasks.
the community have served as well and accepted whatever assign-
ment in whatever area they may have been assigned. If I sum up the Serving as a Community
memorable experiences I’ve had over the more than two decades When CFC as a community and as a big global family defined its
spent in CFC, it was not so much the fact that I have gone to many two-fold mission of building the Church of the Home and building
destinations nor achieved the assigned goals, but the exhilaration the Church of the Poor, the whole community began to move in
of the journeys taken with others. In serving, we have all enjoyed unison. The first 27 years were foundational years and the ensuing
relishing the fruits of the promise of Jesus- “Whoever serves me years will see the expansive growth of the community as it carries
must follow me, and where I am there also will my servant be. The out its missionary tasks all over the world.
Father will honor whoever serves me.” (John 12:26) While there may be many and varied areas of service in CFC,
the most important determinant is that in serving, a member must
AREAS OF SERVICE engage his passion and draw strength from within himself, while
giving his best at all times.
Our community is blessed because we, the members, are offered so
many avenues and opportunities to serve, and to enjoy our service. ATTITUDES FOR SERVICE
No matter what our talents or skills, there is always some area of
service that would perfectly fit our abilities. 1. Be Prayerful – because everything is made possible by the power
of prayer. The fulfillment we get from service is possible because
Sharing the spiritual gifts we are intimately connected to the source of all grace and blessings,
Scriptures teach us that what we freely receive, we should also our Lord Jesus.
freely share and give away. Christian life has taught us that it is our 2. Be Grateful – for the opportunity and chance of being able to
giving and sharing of the gifts we have received from the Spirit that proclaim the Good News by sharing our time, talents, and treas-
have enabled us to deepen our relationship with the Lord. ures particularly for the lost, the last and the least. It is also a very
1 Corinthians 12:4-7 states: “There are different kinds of spiritual personal way of returning to God the good that we have received
gifts but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service but from Him.
the same Lord; there are different workings but the same God who 3. Be Joyful – because God loves the cheerful giver. To be happy,
produces all of them in everyone. To each individual the manifesta- trusting and joyful are the right posture for a Christian who decides
tion of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” Whether it is wisdom, to witness for his faith. The choice to be joyful is ours and allows a
knowledge, faith, healing, mighty deeds, prophecy, discernment of freer flow of the transforming power of God’s presence. By being joy-
spirits, tongues and interpretation of tongues, all these gifts come ful and true to one’s faith, witnessing becomes a lot more natural.
from the Spirit and are distributed to each person as he wishes. 4. Be Trusting and Faithful- because no matter what the circum-
stance and situation, God is in control. Well before we embark on
Serving through our chosen profession anything, God already has the answer for He knows the outcome.
Even as a young boy, my dream was to be a doctor. I thought my 5. Be Available – because more than ability, our willingness to
being a doctor would enable me to make a difference in the lives of be used according to God’s purpose allows his plans to unfold. He
others and to contribute to society. I wanted to be a surgeon because does not impose His will, even if we are His creatures. Availability
to me, that was the most effective way of helping others. enables the power of the Holy Spirit to achieve the good that has
I guess I was a young man in a hurry. While training as a medi- been defined.
cal student, I would spend summer and Christmas vacations as a
volunteer in the emergency room, and during natural calamities CELEBRATING JOYFUL SERVICE
such as floods. I also joined medical emergency teams.
As a surgical resident, I also joined the hospital’s surgical mission It is a truism that no one travels alone. It is also true that success
teams serving in the far flung provinces, a regular routine that was is meaningful only if it is shared. All of us are workers in God’s
disrupted only when I went abroad for specialty training. to always instill in our children that all these are meant to give glory vineyard, and each of us has a specific role to play. Thus, sharing
In the early years of our being in CFC community, some of us who to God and to credit Him for the grace of being healers. our efforts and our successes with those who labor beside us not
were surgeons and anesthesiologists established the Medical Mis- only strengthens us but affirms us. The power of affirmation lies in
sions as a legacy of service and commitment to the community. The Serving as a household our being gracious enough to acknowledge the roles and the efforts
medical and surgical missions became a big part of the community’s The basic structure of CFC relies heavily on the integrity and of our co-workers.
life through our health ministry, Give Kare and lately, the Gawad strength of the households. It relies not so much on its efficiency Service, and the joys we derive from it, must be experienced,
Kalusugan programs for the Gawad Kalinga villages. or cohesiveness but more on the trust, relationship and bonding savored and shared. Our presence in all the significant events of
developed over time. The covenants of prayer and Scripture read- our community life (whether they are the big assemblies, our sector
Serving as family ings are reinforced within the basic framework of the household. activities or our household meetings) is a major factor in ensuring
One of the joys that I derive from the service is seeing my family By attending conferences together, coming to fellowships and even the success of these activities.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 24
November 24 - December 7, 2008
Ugnayan C3

The Perfect Storm throughout the United States has been making
headlines. Many popular US retailers have closed
the world order, will help us discover that God’s
teachings are of far greater value than what the
down, and once-stable banks and financial institu- world can offer. Happily, as David stressed, we
tions are clamoring to be “bailed out” by the gov- are CFC. We know we are loved by God and
ernment. In the next couple of years, says David, called individually. Our worth does not lie in
Americans will find their effective purchasing what we have in our pockets or bank accounts
power reduced. The US government will solve its but in being children of God. Our joy is in who
problems by printing more money; in doing so, we are, not in what we have. During these diffi-
they will debase their currency further. cult times, it is good to remember that what make
Unfortunately, we Filipinos are not isolated us truly happy are the things that money cannot
from these movements. We have become so inter- buy, such as being with our loved ones.
related and interconnected with the rest of the David suggested that as Filipinos, we should
world because of the globalization phenomenon. think beyond ourselves if we are to move be-
Hence, whatever happens in the United States hits yond this crisis. Employers and employees alike
the Philippines—and other countries as well— should work together to come up with ways to
instantaneously. do things better. He advised families to review
In the coming months, real estate prices will fall. their household expenses, go for the essentials,
Prices of commodities like steel, gold, oil, copper, postpone luxuries, make wise choices, and live
sugar, palm oil, and rice will follow for the simple within their means. By doing so, he said, we
reason that there is no more demand. US consum- will be able to tithe more, which is important
ers, who used to drive the demand, will no longer because others may not be able to tithe simply
have purchasing power and the banks will no because they have lost their jobs and have noth-
longer lend to them. ing to give.
According to David, we are in the cusp of a ma- David also urged the members of the commu-
By Richie Tolentino It began with the dislocation of labor-intensive jor global recession—the worst in the last 50 years nity to strengthen their ties with one another and
operations, such as the manufacture of consumer and one that is expected to persist for two to seven make an effort to find out the condition of their
THE regular teaching night of the Couples for Christ goods, to low-cost countries. In time, lower-end years. The good news is that prices will drop for brethren. Look for ways to help those in need in
Mission Core Group held on November 18 tackled IT operations, and human resources and admin- the first time in many years, and inflation will go a sustainable manner without them losing their
an entirely different subject from what the leader- istrative tasks were also outsourced, leaving US down. However, exports are predicted to fall too, self-respect and document best practices so we
ship was accustomed to. Instead of a bishop or a companies to handle only design development, and US protectionist policies may have adverse can pass them on. If we keep the faith, believe
priest, a seasoned economics and business practi- brand building, and marketing and distribution. effects on our economy. His advice, therefore, is in one another, and work together as one com-
tioner took to the stage to give the talk. And instead These resulted in low operational costs, high prof- to prepare for tough times ahead. munity, we can look back on these difficult times
of discussing church doctrines or aspects of religion its, increased stock prices, and, ultimately, relative with joy and satisfaction. Then we can declare:
or spirituality, the speaker—Bro. Ed David—talked prosperity. With their newfound wealth, Ameri- We are community “We have kept the faith, we have run the race,
about the current global economic crisis. cans drove the demand for goods manufactured The financial crisis, which is bound to change we have fought the good fight.”
In the talk aptly titled “The Perfect Financial in emerging markets and, in turn, helped create

CFC unfazed
Storm,” David likened the worldwide financial jobs in these countries as well.
crunch to a storm that forms over the Pacific Ocean, As more and more tasks got exported, however,
gathering strength as it moves over the surface of middle-income America became “a nation of shop-
the Earth. Just as a storm needs the right elements keepers.” There were no manufacturing jobs left.
working together in order to develop, so the fi- At the same time, US households and the govern-
nancial crisis is the product of “a confluence of ment itself were spending beyond their means. “BY the grace of God we are here and we will members to the extent possible. He cited the
factors.” According to David, the predicament the As a result, more and more people started getting weather the storm together.” With this state- existing programs of CFC, particularly under
world finds itself in does not happen often. In fact, loans—even those who were not qualified to obtain ment, CFC Director Joe Tale began his brief ad- the Tekton Guild, that can provide assistance
although we experienced financial crises at different them. The situation was just not sustainable. dress after Bro. Ed David’s talk on the financial to those who are in need. He also announced
times in history, the last “perfect storm” was during By 2001, the US dollar had begun its decline crisis. Tough times will come, he said, and, in a move to simplify upcoming conferences to
the so-called Great Depression in 1929 to 1933. against other currencies. That is why the peso fact, some of us have been experiencing tough minimize expenses without losing the substance
seemed to strengthen, according to David. In real- times all our lives, but the Lord will always be of the event.
How it happened ity, it was the US dollar that was getting weaker. By with us. Tale stressed the need to be prepared, most of
David traced the roots of our present predica- 2007, the United States had incurred a tremendous Tale assured the MCG members that CFC all spiritually, whether or not tough times come.
ment to globalization and the outsourcing phe- amount of debt, and the world’s most powerful will respond positively and look at the crisis The preparation is valuable in itself because it
nomenon. While these generated jobs in countries nation had become the world’s largest consumer as an opportunity to exercise the caring and teaches us to live in faith, hope, and love, he said.
like China, Indonesia, and the Philippines, the and borrower. loving that the community is called to do. He No matter what the situation, love will continue
same created problems in the United States and urged everyone to pray for the best and prepare to be our way of life in CFC. So let us pray, plan,
eventually led to the demise of America’s large Our interconnectedness for the worst, focusing on the welfare of the and be at peace because the Lord is with us.
middle class. For months now, the crisis that is sweeping

Autumn Days in Canada
By Gigi Maipid
IT was the beginning of fall
By Cynch Nebrao when International Council
Member and Director for Pas-
toral Formation Ernie Maipid
Jr. and his wife Gigi, a CFC
fulltime-worker, travelled to
Canada to visit five different
Lugging a suitcase and a
carryall, they covered the
cities of Toronto, Calgary,
Winnipeg, Edmonton and
Vancouver all of twenty
days in October. They held
a “Leaders Summit”, gave
several talks and workshops.
Basically they focused on
talks regarding the growth,
development and effective-
ness of the Household.
The Household is the basic
unit of the Couples For Christ
community where members
THE CFC International Missions Office conducted the first are nurtured, relationships
Debriefing Course for its International Missionaries last October cultivated and spiritual life
13-15, 2008 at the CFC Center. strengthened. The children of Oct. 31, 2008 100th Anniversary of Archdiocese of Vancouver “Gala Dinner” (L-R) Arnold Cabanos, Fr. Amador Abundo, Nick Borja, Bishop
Raymond Roussin, Norma Borja, Ernie and Gigi Maipid, and Joey Soriano
The missionaries have just returned from a two-year mission CFC households are blessed
stint in various areas all over the world for CFC. During these to grow up in a home where God is established as King and Lord, gathered for a whole day session in Toronto. Ernie and Gigi con-
two years, they established and maintained the CFC community where praise and worship is witnessed, and where other Christians ducted a planning session which started with a talk on basic guide
and the CFC Family Ministries in their respective mission areas. gather and grow. It is in this environment where both parents are and planning perspective preparatory to various areas, targets and
The first batch is composed of: Adrian Enaje (Kenya), Jonathan found together, doing the same activity, serving God. Here the goals for 2009. The day was capped with a talk on the CFC theme
and Erika Lumamba (Carribean), Bimbo Navarte (Papua New children interact and share with other children where they get to for 2009- “Forward in Christ”.
Guinea), Joseph and Allison Gozun (Singapore and Australia) develop friendships, a culture which is difficult to cultivate in an In Calgary, Winnipeg and Edmonton sessions were held for 3 con-
and Boyin de Loyola (Timor Leste). ultra modern city. secutive nights. Members struggled with their schedule. In spite of
The course was structured with sharing sessions that brought It was a huge crowd of some 400 leaders, including Canada Head the demands of work and the 3 hour-nightly schedule, the brethren
out the rich experiences of the missionaries. These sessions also Nick & Norma Borja, USA Head Ricky & Irma Cuenca, Jun & Malou in Canada shared their joy, excitement and enthusiasm in serving the
brought out learnings and realizations that they got while on Clarito, Frank & Marissa Nuguid, and Jun & Malou Reyes that Lord. Hectic and tight schedule notwithstanding, each one surfaced
mission. with lives vastly improve,
The different ministries also gave an update of new programs richer and fuller with God’s
and activities to keep the missionaries posted on the recent de- mighty hand wielding His
velopments in CFC. bastion of love!
Over-all, the three day course was a breather for the mission- It may be autumn in Can-
aries who worked day in and out in their mission areas to serve ada but for the CFC com-
God through CFC. Despite the distance between them and the munities there it felt like
comfort of their homes and families, they were able to give their springtime. It was the re-
best in their service. alization that indeed, it is
in the unique structure of a
household which ultimately
provides the best opportunity
for every member to grow in
relationship with their God
and then blossom to become
a person for others.

“Through the anchor of serv-


ice and ministry, couples experi-

ence being drawn from self-focus
to the others perspective, needs
and interests, thus paving the
way for authentic love of neigh-
bor, where Jesus’ washing of the
disciple’s feet is experienced in
reality and lived.”
(Quote from talk of Ernie
Maipid Jr Oct 2009, Toronto
Wives of the Leaders of Vancouver with Norma Borja and Gigi Maipid Canada)
C4 Ugnayan CBCP Monitor
Vol. 12 No. 24
November 24 - December 7, 2008

CFC Lipa
Lipa turns
turns 21
CFC Camiguin
at 14!
By Jun Waga
PHILIPPINE Missions Director Joe and Mila
Yamamoto represented the International
Council at the 14th anniversary of CFC in the
exotic island of Camiguin last October 26.
They also visited the rainbow-colored hill-
top houses at GK Portview Village and spent
time with the beneficiaries, among them CFC
unit head Boni Nercuit and wife Lolita who
shared how their lives have changed with
CFC and GK.
In spite of their short visit, the Yamamotos
were able to have a brief and cordial meet-
ing with Camiguin Governor Jesus Jurdin
Romualdo and Vice-Governor Leo Lasacar.
During the meeting, Joe spoke of CFC’s inten-
tion to partner with them in the conduct of
surgical missions to indigent communities,
a proposal received enthusiastically by both
The anniversary program was held at the
Provincial Convention Center and featured
presentation numbers from the Family Min-
istries, the installation of new leaders, the
anointing through prayer of the Area Council
and the recognition of the first batch of mem-
bers of CFC Camiguin. The anniversary mass
was celebrated by Fr. Enerio Tacastacas, SSJV,
parish priest of Mambajao.
Joe’s anniversary message focused on the
need for the community to exert more ef-
forts to further our evangelization work. Joe
stressed that we can become effective evange-
lizers only through a persistent and consistent
prayer life and Scripture time. He also intro-
duced the novel idea of the ‘prayer bank,’ a
concept that seeks to instill the discipline of
The community preparing for the Praise Parade. The Coliseum filled to the rafters. prayer time in each and every CFC member
through the affirming gesture of dropping a
THE 21st anniversary celebration of Couples for tive Health Bill now being pushed in Congress. celebration culminated in the celebration of the coin after each prayer time.
Christ in the archdiocese of Lipa, Batangas show- Governor Vilma Santos also sent a representative Mass by Archbishop Ramon Arguelles, archbishop
cased the countless blessings the community has re- while Vice-Governor Mark Leviste dropped by of Lipa. The Mass’ highlight was the consecration
ceived over these years. The anniversary was held on also to personally convey his congratulations. of the children, the youth, the senior citizens, the Parish / C4
November 15 at the Batangas City Sports Center. Medick Gutierrez led the afternoon praise to widows, the childless couples and CFC families CFC is being an obstacle to the building of
The sports center has a seating capacity of 5,000. kick off the activities which included the creative and the entire CFC and its ministries to the Blessed BECs in the parishes.
It came as no surprise that before noon of that day, presentation/competition. Louis and Zelie Martin, parents of St. Therese of My fellow priest in our discussion group,
the center was already filled to the rafters, all of The CFC International Council, represented by the Child Jesus. Fr. Jovino of Pangasinan, mentioned that,
the members eager to celebrate, to rejoice at the 21 Executive Director through CFC, he is able to build his parish,
years of Spirit-filled community life. Joe Tale and wife Ba- to build BECs wherein the ministers serve in
The celebration began with morning praise, bylou and IC mem- aid of the sacraments, in evangelization and
followed by fun games and workshops on dish ber and Provincial in the wholistic growth of the parish. CFC
gardening, Christmas décor making and waste Area Head of Batan- has responded to the human needs of the
recycling. There was also a workshop on hog gas Joey Arguelles parish like being involved in environmental
raising organized by CFC-GKare Batangas in and wife Tess, were issues such that there is no more garbage in
partnership with the Office of the City Veterinarian present during the the parish, in recycling programs such that
and Agricultural Services and with Univet Health entire celebration. newspapers are not thrown away but made
Care. Other activities included proper car care Joe Tale’s anni- into decorative items, in promoting the use
and safety driving conducted by Ford Batangas versary message fo- of charcoal. Through the social action group
in partnership with PNRC Batangas and a blood- cused on the need of the parish, CFC has helped disseminate
letting activity. to make a corporate the practice of caring for the environment.
It was indeed a fun celebration. The Praising Bee and personal as- These projects have even produced income-
(the local version of the Singing Bee) featured the sessment of what generating activities. In that way, the leaders
sector heads and the provincial couple coordina- CFC Batangas has are not being removed from the parish but
tors as contestants and had as winner Ronnie Gool accomplished over have been trained, evangelized and formed
of Singles for Christ. the years. He also through CFC so that they are better able to
The local government of Batangas showed soli- honored CFC Batan- give back to the parish.
darity with CFC. Batangas City Mayor Eduardo gas for always be- Moving forward and taking the point of
Dimacuha paid a surprise visit and congratulated ing at the forefront view of the Diocese, we had a gathering last
the community. Everyone applauded when the in supporting CFC Thursday of priests and bishops, catechists
mayor declared that Batangas City is pro-life and programs. Archbishop Ramon Arguelles on stage with the members of the Provincial Council during the celebration and lay workers especially engaged in self-
committed to oppose the passage of the Reproduc- The anniversary of the Holy Mass.
sufficiency (tithing) conducted by the ELIM
Community from Manila. The talks were
Unity / C1
very inspiring and challenging, the songs
1. CFC is like a church within the Catholic to notice the queue (which reveals our ignorance persevering, open, and sincere.” well presented, the program well in place
Church. of some church doctrines); and oftentimes we Pope John XXIII follows this up by saying, “Eve- but after this activity, what else? My chal-
2. CFC ought not to be trans-parochial. simply forget that our parish priest gets thirsty ry time I see a wall between Christians, I always lenge to them and to CFC is to make Pastoral
3. CFC is drawing away other leaders from himself (and thus needs our sympathy and help try to pull out a brick. On judgment day, we will Formation teams that could stay in the parish
the parish. as well). not be asked whether we succeeded in bringing and be able to train and disseminate their
4. CFC is the cause of decreasing Mass col- Pope John Paul II speaks to both the Clergy and about unity, but rather, did we pray enough, did knowledge to other sitios. Go to the grass-
lections. CFC, thus: “To overcome conflicts and to ensure we labor enough, did we suffer enough to bring it roots level. Evangelize from one chapel to
5. CFC is the obstacle to BEC. that normal tensions do not prove harmful to the about, and did we give in to the many opportuni- another with the formation tracks that you
6. CFC is focused only on its activities. unity of the church, we must apply ourselves to ties to love.” already have.
7. CFC is too protective of its programs. the Word of God. We must relinquish our own Normal tensions are not obstacles to the ac- For my final point, the parish renewal
8. CFC is only after the use of venues. subjective views and seek the truth where it is complishment of our task: Even a kite needs a experience can easily join forces with CFC
found, namely in the Divine Word itself and in the headwind to fly. in forming BECs if only the leaders of both
Pope John XXIII saw the parish as the “Village authentic interpretation of that Word provided by On the part of CFC, we use this headwind to fly groups work together, guided by the par-
Fountain” to which people would flock to quench the Church. In this light, listening to one another the kite higher! On the part of the clergy, please ish priest, inspired and enlightened by the
their thirst. The way it seems to us in CFC is that with respect; refraining from hasty judgments; shepherd us in a way that this headwind does not Holy Spirit. We can work together harmo-
at times we bring too many people to drink and being patient; the ability to avoid subordinating tear the kite or force it to the ground! niously.
the fountain gets overcrowded (we upset the the faith that unites to the opinions, fashions, and For the sake of Unity, let us pull out one brick, As for dealing with ‘moody’ priests, give
normal rhythms in the parish). At other times, ideological choices that divide: these are all quali- let us pray, let us labor, let us suffer, and let us them enough information, take time to dia-
in our excitement, we rush to the fountain, failing ties of a dialogue within the church that must be love one another! logue with them and plan together.

Couples for Christ Middle East holds

10th Annual Conference
COUPLES for Christ (CFC) held its 10th Middle where International Council members Joe Tale sions were given by Joey and Tess
East Conference (MEC) on the weekend of Oct and Rouquel Ponte talked about the “CFC and the Arguelles, Tony and Eve Dayot
2-3, 2008 at the island kingdom of Bahrain. The Future” and “Running the Race.” The weekend and Rouquel and Nina Ponte.
event, patterned after the Disciples Weekend, conference formally started Thursday morning The conference was capped by
was attended by over 1000 members (CFC and with a thanksgiving mass concelebrated by His a praise fest led by Noli Manuel,
its Family Ministries) in the region. Timed to Excellency Bishop Paul Hinder, Vicar Apostolic CFC Middle East Mission Coor-
coincide with the region’s Eid-Al-Fitr holidays, of Arabia, together with attending parish priests dinator.
the conference was held at the impressive Bah- from Bahrain, Kuwait, Lebanon, Qatar, UAE and The service team and produc-
rain International Exhibition and Conference others. Both the Leaders’ Conference and the tion team for the weekend was the
Center or BIECC. mass were held at Sacred Heart Catholic Church CFC Bahrain Singles for Christ.
As a prelude to the weekend, a Leaders Con- of Bahrain. The CFC Youth for Christ and
ference was held on the night of Oct 1st 2008 The two-day Disciples Weekend Conference CFC Kids for Christ also held their respective The Kids for Christ on the other hand had
kicked off with talks given by events at the same time as the Disciples Week- the Middle East Kids Village (KFC MEKV)
the CFC Bahrain Country Coor- end. billed ‘The Kids Power Conference’ and was
dinator Rene Punsalan and wife The Youth conference (YFC MEC) theme was composed of Power Workshops; Build, Pray
Prosy, CFC Executive Director FREE ME! (Freedom Middle East) and was based and Share Power Activities; and a Kids Power
Joe Tale, CFC Director and wife on Galatians 5:1 “For you were called for freedom, Play. There were also sports competitions and
Babylou. The talks were capped brothers. But do not use this freedom as an op- hames as well as creative presentations from
by a fellowship dinner dubbed portunity for the flesh; rather, serve one another participating countries. The conference was co-
the MEC Retro Party where through love.” The YFC-MEC had creative com- ordinated by Kirby and Michelle Llaban, KFC
the participating CFC countries petitions in dance (Kinetic Showdown and Face- international coordinators, with the service and
performed dances to the music off), Song (Youth Idol), Video (LOL, MTV) and production team composed of KFC Bahrain
of the Swinging 60’s (U.A.E.), Band (Woodstruck) among others. A fellowship Couple Coordinators and SFC Bahrain.
the Groovy 70’s (Saudi) and the night was also held with a Rebel Party theme. The The delegates came home, filled with hope
New Wave 80’s (Qatar). Live conference was coordinated by Ace Lu and Maia and looking forward to 2009 which, as an-
retro music was also provided Salcedo, YFC Middle East full time missionaries, nounced by the International Council, will
by different bands from Bahrain, with the help of YFC Bahrain Couple Coordinators have as theme, “Forward in Christ,” and to
Saudi and UAE. and SFC Bahrain, acted as the YFC MEC Service the next Middle East Conference which will
The talks on the next day ses- and Production Team. be held in the State of Qatar.

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