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Pop pass relays

Pupils: in 3s or 4s depending on size of area and group.

Kit: Rugby balls, cones of 4 colours.

Pupils begin practicing how to fall to the floor safely if youve been
tackled. (Demonstration).
Pupils watch the video or demonstration and use the resources for
pop passing offload. (resources)

In their groups, each stand in their channel.

Pupils name themselves to co-ordinate with the colour cones in their
channel. Example: blue, red, white.
Blue runs in line with the blue cones, falls to the floor as if they have
been tackled and then offloads to red. Red should be supporting
blue ready to receive the pass.
Red then runs in line with the red cones and again falls as if they
have been tackled.
White is ready to support red and is ready to receive the pass.
White then scores a try behind the next cones.


Pupils have more than just one set of cones per colour, so they must
get up quickly to support their team mate similar to in a real
game. (See Progression 1)
Pupils compete against the other teams in their channels to score a
try first.
A tackler could be introduced but only touch the ball carrier, to
add pressure.


Encourage pupils to kneel down then roll to their backs, if they are
not comfortable to fall.
Reduce the length pupils have to run.

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