Questionnaire Analysis

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Questionnaire Analysis

We carried out a questionnaire as an example of primary research, where we ask

people what they know about 3 film genres: Film Noir, Period Drama and
Western films. We asked people if they knew what they were. All of them said
yes. However, when we started asking them open questions such as Why is
Film Noir black and white?, most of them couldnt respond to the question.
This happened to most of the questions towards the end of the questionnaire.
What this means is that people have heard of these film genres but dont
actually know much them at all.

Everyone answered the first three questions but only three people answered
question 4, with one saying that Film Noir is black and white because its got
something to do with the bleak outlook on life by the soldiers and civilians
after World War 2. For question 5, one person said they like Schindlers List
because of the storyline and relation to the true story, while another said they
like Downton Abbey because of the clothing, mise-en-scene and because its

Then on question 6, we asked people about Western films, asking them to

describe what they thought the typical codes and conventions of Western films
are. Most were quick to mention dusty, dry, deserts such as those in the state of
Utah and the Wild West being the typical locations they would tend to shoot a
Western film, with some also describing the long, sweeping scenery as a setting.

We then moved onto Film Noir for question 7, by asking people to name a few
Film Noir films. They named Kiss Me Deadly, Third Man, Out of the Past, Sin
City, Watchman and Dial in for Murder. For question 8, people described hand
held camera, black and white, and dark subject matter as the typical features of
Film Noir films, followed by question 9 where they described Sweeping
scenery, the cowboys, Indians, the sheriff, the guns and the horses, set around
1800s when America was being settled as the typical features of Western films

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