Sec: Reg - No. 3 1 2 4 St. Joseph'S College of Engineering Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering VII Sem - IV Year EE6008 - Microcontroller Based System Design

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Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
VII Sem IV Year
EE6008 Microcontroller Based System Design
Cycle Test - 1
1. What is instruction pipelining?
2. What is Access bank in PIC18?
3. Give the importance of MCLR?
4. List out the factors controlling the popularity of PIC Microcontroller.
5. Draw the CPU architecture of PIC Microcontroller.
6. Define the term register file in PIC terminology.
7. What is General purpose register file?
8. What is Special Purpose register file?
9. Give the register file structure of PIC Microcontroller.
10.Draw the functional block of PIC 16C74A.
11.What is W register in PIC Microcontroller?
12.Give the status register of PIC Microcontroller.
13.Explain FSR and INDF register.
14.Explain PCL and PCLATH Register.
15.What is program counter stack?
16.How is the internal RAM in PIC microcontroller accessed by indirect
17.Explain the PIC memory organization.
18.What are the types of instruction set used in PIC microcontroller?
19.What is bit and byte oriented instruction?
20.List the significance of brown out reset mode?
21.What are hardware and software interrupts?
22.What are the interrupts available in PIC?
23.How many timers are there in PIC16C7X?
24.Brief timer0.
25.How do you calculate the timer0 delay?
26.How do you calculate timer0 preload count?
27.What are the modes of timers?
28.What are the features of timer0?
29.What are the features of timer 1?
30.What are the features of timer 2?
31.What is TMR0 register?
32.How to initialize the option register?
33.Draw the diagram of PIC timer 0.
34.Give the timer 1 registers
35.What is prescaler in timer1?
36.Give the diagram of timer 1.
37.Calculate fout for timer1 if internal clock is used.
38.Give the diagram of a state machine
39.Brief the state machine model.
40.What is key switch?

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