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Aspen Engineering

Suite 11.1

Installation Manual
for Windows

Version Number: 11.1

September 2001
Copyright (c) 2001 by Aspen Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
AspenTech, Aspen Engineering Suite, Aspen Plus, Aspen Properties, Aspen B-JAC, Aspen Custom
Modeler, Aspen Dynamics, Aspen Traflow, Aspen ADSIM, Aspen Chromatography, Aspen Water, Aspen
Utilities, Aspen Pinch, Aspen Zyqad, Aspen OnLine, Aspen Plus Online, Aspen WebModels, Batch Plus,
Polymers Plus, Aspen OLI, Aspen PEP Process Library, the aspen leaf logo and Plantelligence are trademarks
or registered trademarks of Aspen Technology, Inc., Cambridge, MA.
All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
This manual is intended as a guide to using AspenTechs software. This documentation contains AspenTech
proprietary and confidential information and may not be disclosed, used, or copied without the prior consent of
AspenTech or as set forth in the applicable license agreement. Users are solely responsible for the proper use of the
software and the application of the results obtained.
Although AspenTech has tested the software and reviewed the documentation, the sole warranty for the software
may be found in the applicable license agreement between AspenTech and the user. ASPENTECH MAKES NO

Aspen Technology, Inc.
Ten Canal Park
Cambridge, MA 02141-2201
Phone: (617) 949-1000
(617) 949-1030

Design, Simulation and Optimization Systems
Aspen Technology, Inc.
Ten Canal Park
Cambridge, MA 02141-2201
Phone: (617) 949-1000
(617) 949-1030



Related Documentation ....................................................................................................1-1

Training Services..............................................................................................................1-3
Technical Support ............................................................................................................1-4
Online Technical Support Center.........................................................................1-4
Phone and e-mail..................................................................................................1-5


Overview of the Aspen Engineering Suite Installation....................................................2-1

Installation CDs....................................................................................................2-1
Recommended installation sequence ...................................................................2-2
Plantelligence & Enterprise Optimization............................................................2-3
AES System Requirements ..............................................................................................2-3
Hardware requirements ........................................................................................2-3
Software requirements..........................................................................................2-4
AES Product Requirements..............................................................................................2-5
Aspen ADSIM......................................................................................................2-5
Aspen B-JAC .......................................................................................................2-5
Aspen Chromatography........................................................................................2-5
Aspen Custom Modeler........................................................................................2-5
Aspen Icarus.........................................................................................................2-5
Aspen OLI ............................................................................................................2-5
Aspen OnLine ......................................................................................................2-6
Aspen Plus Online................................................................................................2-6
Aspen PEP Process Library..................................................................................2-6
Aspen Pinch..........................................................................................................2-6
Aspen Plus............................................................................................................2-7
Aspen Properties ..................................................................................................2-7
Aspen Split ...........................................................................................................2-7
Aspen Traflow......................................................................................................2-7
Aspen Utilities......................................................................................................2-7
Aspen WebModels Author...................................................................................2-8
Aspen WebModels Server....................................................................................2-8
Aspen Zyqad ........................................................................................................2-9
Batch Plus.............................................................................................................2-9
Polymers Plus.....................................................................................................2-10

Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1 Installation Manual

Contents iii

General Pre-Installation Checklist .................................................................................2-10

Checking the Service Pack version ....................................................................2-11
Checking virtual memory...................................................................................2-11
Checking installation account privileges............................................................2-12
Licensing ............................................................................................................2-12
Installation Configuration Options.................................................................................2-14
Lite Client...........................................................................................................2-14
Client-Server ......................................................................................................2-14
Valid configuration options for AES products...................................................2-15
Standard Installation


Overview ..........................................................................................................................3-1
Before You Begin.............................................................................................................3-2
Installing AES Products ...................................................................................................3-2
Aspen Engineering Suite Application / Product CD............................................3-2
Software Selection Availability ...........................................................................3-3
Computer Configuration Type .............................................................................3-4
Choose Destination Location ...............................................................................3-4
Select Products / Subcomponents ........................................................................3-5
Configure AES product components....................................................................3-8
Select Program Folder..........................................................................................3-8
Plantelligence & Enterprise Optimization Users .................................................3-8
Installation Summary ...........................................................................................3-9
Setup Needs Next Disk ........................................................................................3-9
Setup Complete ....................................................................................................3-9
Aspen License Selector ......................................................................................3-10
Configuring Installed AES Products ..............................................................................3-11
Using Plantelligence & Enterprise Optimization Solutions...........................................3-11
Select Aspen Framework Server ........................................................................3-12
Plantelligence / Enterprise Optimization Operation...........................................3-14
Aspen Framework Server...................................................................................3-15
Selecting or Changing the Licensing Method ................................................................3-15
Specifying or Changing the AFW Server ......................................................................3-16
Verifying the Installation ...............................................................................................3-17
Lite Client Installation


Overview ..........................................................................................................................4-1
Before You Begin.............................................................................................................4-3
Lite Client Installation Summary .....................................................................................4-3
Installing AES Software on a File Server ........................................................................4-4
Installing AES Software on User PCs..............................................................................4-4
Map network drive ...............................................................................................4-4
Aspen Engineering Suite Application / Product CD............................................4-4
Software Selection Availability ...........................................................................4-6
Computer Configuration Type .............................................................................4-7
Contents iv

Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1 Installation Manual

Choose Destination Location ...............................................................................4-7

Select Products / Subcomponents ........................................................................4-8
Specifying the File Server location of components ...........................................4-10
Select Program Folder........................................................................................4-11
Plantelligence & Enterprise Optimization Users ...............................................4-11
Installation Summary .........................................................................................4-11
Setup Complete ..................................................................................................4-11
Aspen License Selector ......................................................................................4-12
Verifying the Installation ...............................................................................................4-13
Client - Server Installation


Overview ..........................................................................................................................5-1
Before You Begin.............................................................................................................5-3
Client-Server Installation Summary.................................................................................5-4
Installing AES Software on a Server................................................................................5-4
Aspen Engineering Suite Application / Product CD............................................5-5
Software Selection Availability ...........................................................................5-6
Computer Configuration Type .............................................................................5-7
Choose Destination Location ...............................................................................5-7
Select Products / Subcomponents ........................................................................5-8
Configure AES product components..................................................................5-10
Select Program Folder........................................................................................5-10
Plantelligence & Enterprise Optimization Users ...............................................5-10
Installation Summary .........................................................................................5-10
Additional setup information for AES products ................................................5-11
Setup Complete ..................................................................................................5-11
Aspen License Selector ......................................................................................5-12
Configuring a Windows Server as an AES Host............................................................5-13
Adding Windows NT Server Accounts..............................................................5-13
Adding Windows 2000 Server Accounts ...........................................................5-15
Optimizing Network Applications .....................................................................5-16
Configuring Installed AES Products on the Server........................................................5-17
Verifying the Server Installation ....................................................................................5-17
Installing AES Products on User PCs ............................................................................5-18
Configuring Installed AES Products on User PCs .........................................................5-19
Specifying a Remote Server...............................................................................5-19
Verifying Client Server Communication ....................................................................5-25
Combining Server and Lite Client Install Options.........................................................5-26
Upgrading AES Products


Overview ..........................................................................................................................6-1
Before You Upgrade ........................................................................................................6-2
Product Upgrade Task Summary .........................................................................6-2
Upgrading AES Products .................................................................................................6-3

Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1 Installation Manual

Contents v

After You Upgrade...........................................................................................................6-4

Batch Plus Project Files........................................................................................6-4
Updating Aspen OLI ............................................................................................6-5
Adding or Reinstalling Components


Overview ..........................................................................................................................7-1
Before You Add or Reinstall Components ......................................................................7-2
Adding or Reinstalling Components ................................................................................7-2
After You Add or Reinstall Components.........................................................................7-3
Verify the Installation.......................................................................................................7-3
Removing AES Products


Overview ..........................................................................................................................8-1
Before You Remove Any AES Product...........................................................................8-2
Uninstalling AES Products...............................................................................................8-2
Starting the Uninstaller.........................................................................................8-2
Uninstalling the software .....................................................................................8-2
After You Remove AES Products....................................................................................8-3
Using Excel after uninstalling Aspen Zyqad........................................................8-3
Re-registering CAPE-OPEN components............................................................8-3


Common Problems...........................................................................................................9-1
Checking Installation Account Privileges ............................................................9-1
Other Troubleshooting Tips .................................................................................9-1
Problem Accessing Help ......................................................................................9-2
Error Messages.................................................................................................................9-3
Client-Server Installations....................................................................................9-3


Verifying an Aspen ADSIM Installation .......................................................................10-1

Verifying an Aspen ADSIM Installation that Uses Aspen Properties ...........................10-2
Aspen B-JAC


Verifying the Aspen B-JAC Installation ........................................................................11-1

Changing the Licensing Option..........................................................................11-2
Aspen Chromatography


Verifying an Aspen Chromatography Installation .........................................................12-1

Aspen Custom Modeler


Verifying the Aspen Custom Modeler Installation ........................................................13-1

Verifying Aspen Custom Modeler with Aspen Properties.................................13-2

Contents vi

Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1 Installation Manual

Aspen Dynamics


Verifying the Aspen Dynamics Installation ...................................................................14-1

Aspen Icarus


Before You Install Aspen Icarus ....................................................................................15-1

Aspen Icarus Project Manager (IPM).................................................................15-1
Aspen Icarus Installation Notes......................................................................................15-1
Aspen OLI


Verifying the Aspen OLI Installation.............................................................................16-1

Aspen OnLine and Aspen Plus Online


Aspen OnLine Installation Notes ...................................................................................17-1

Specifying a DCOM user account......................................................................17-2
Enabling CIM-IO Server Security......................................................................17-2
Configuring Aspen OnLine............................................................................................17-3
Configuring the Aspen OnLine Server...............................................................17-3
Configuring the Aspen OnLine Client ...............................................................17-6
Verifying an Aspen OnLine Installation ........................................................................17-7
Verifying Plant Data Access ..............................................................................17-7
Verifying AES products .....................................................................................17-7
Verifying Aspen OnLine....................................................................................17-7
Aspen Plus Online Installation Notes.............................................................................17-9
Configuring the apol111serv Service.................................................................17-9
Aspen Plus Online Startup ...............................................................................17-10
Aspen PEP Process Library


Verifying the Aspen PEP Process Library Installation ..................................................18-1

Troubleshooting Aspen PEP Process Library ................................................................18-2
Aspen Pinch


Verifying the Aspen Pinch Installation ..........................................................................19-1

Aspen Plus


Installation Notes............................................................................................................20-1
Verifying the Aspen Plus Installation ............................................................................20-1
Configuring a Windows Server as an Aspen Plus Calculation Server...........................20-2
Step 1: Install the Simulation Engine on the server ...........................................20-2
Step 2: Verify the Simulation Engine installation on the server ........................20-3
Step 3: Set up user access to the calculation server ...........................................20-3
Step 4: Create working directories for users ......................................................20-4
Step 5: Install Aspen Plus on User PCs..............................................................20-4
Step 6: Verify the Calculation Server Installation .............................................20-5

Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1 Installation Manual

Contents vii

Aspen Plus Client/Server Communication.....................................................................20-6

Displaying and stopping a process .....................................................................20-7
Customizing Aspen Plus Communication .........................................................20-7
Using the FORTRAN Compiler with Aspen Plus .........................................................20-8
User Workflow...................................................................................................20-8
Installing the FORTRAN Compiler ...............................................................................20-9
Client-Server Installations..................................................................................20-9
Configuring the TelnetD Server (Windows NT)..............................................20-10
Verifying the Installation of the FORTRAN Compiler ...................................20-10
Troubleshooting Aspen Plus ........................................................................................20-12
Testing client-server connectivity ....................................................................20-12
Client-Server Installation Problems .................................................................20-12
Error Messages.................................................................................................20-13
Aspen Properties


Installation Notes............................................................................................................21-1
Verifying the Aspen Properties Installation ...................................................................21-1
Setting Up Aspen WebProperties...................................................................................21-3
Configuring IIS for Aspen WebProperties.........................................................21-3
Setting up WebProperties Userfolders ...............................................................21-6
Running Aspen Properties and Aspen WebProperties on separate machines................21-7
Configuring DCOM on the web server ..............................................................21-7
Configuring DCOM on the Aspen Properties machine .....................................21-8
Aspen Split


Installation Notes............................................................................................................22-1
Verifying the Aspen Split Installation............................................................................22-1
Verifying the Aspen Split Distillation Analysis component..............................22-2
Verifying the Stand-Alone Configuration of Aspen Split..................................22-3
Aspen Traflow


Verifying the Aspen Traflow Installation ......................................................................23-1

Aspen Utilities


Verifying the Aspen Utilities Installation ......................................................................24-1

Aspen Water


Verifying the Aspen Water Installation .........................................................................25-1

Aspen WebModels Author


Configuring the Aspen WebModels Author Installation ...............................................26-1

Configuring the AFW Author Role....................................................................26-1
Configuring Internet Explorer for WebModels..................................................26-1
Verifying the Aspen WebModels Author Installation ...................................................26-2

Contents viii

Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1 Installation Manual

Troubleshooting Aspen WebModels Author .................................................................26-4

Error Messages...................................................................................................26-4
Aspen WebModels Server


Before You Install Aspen WebModels Server...............................................................27-1

Installation Notes............................................................................................................27-2
Creating the Aspen WebModels Server user account........................................27-2
Creating the WebModels Database ....................................................................27-2
Configuring the WebModels Server Installation ...........................................................27-4
Configuring VSS ............................................................................................................27-4
Adding WebModels Author users......................................................................27-4
Configuring Aspen Framework......................................................................................27-5
Importing roles and applications into the AFW security component.................27-6
Configuring security for the WebModels roles and applications.......................27-6
Configuring the WebModels Server ..............................................................................27-7
Using the WebModels Administrator ................................................................27-8
Configuring the Application Servers..................................................................27-8
Configuring the WebModels Roles..................................................................27-10
Configuring Aspen Applications......................................................................27-12
Prioritizing Server Resources...........................................................................27-14
Configuring E-Mail Addresses.........................................................................27-15
Configuring MTS .........................................................................................................27-16
Configuring default security settings under DCOM ........................................27-17
Configuring WebModels Server components under DCOM...........................27-17
Configuring remote calculation servers under DCOM ....................................27-18
Specifying IIS settings .....................................................................................27-18
Specifying AFW security settings for Windows 2000.....................................27-18
Verifying the WebModels Server Installation .............................................................27-19
Maintaining WebModels Server ..................................................................................27-19
Stopping and Starting the LoadBalancer..........................................................27-19
Troubleshooting Aspen WebModels Server ................................................................27-20
Aspen Zyqad


Aspen Zyqad Components .............................................................................................28-1

Before You Install Aspen Zyqad....................................................................................28-3
Installation Notes............................................................................................................28-4
Specifying the Zyqad Broker connection...........................................................28-4
Zyqad Broker confirmation (Windows NT).......................................................28-5
Zyqad Server confirmation (Windows NT) .......................................................28-5
Specifying Sample Projects users ......................................................................28-6
Configuring the Installed Software ................................................................................28-8
Configuring Aspen Zyqad for users ...................................................................28-8
Defining the Symbol Library Folder as a Network Share................................28-12
Configuring Aspen Zyqad in a CITRIX Environment.................................................28-13

Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1 Installation Manual

Contents ix

Verifying the Aspen Zyqad Installation .......................................................................28-14

Troubleshooting Aspen Zyqad .....................................................................................28-17
Batch Plus


Standard Installation Notes ............................................................................................29-1

Specifying the Batch Plus server........................................................................29-1
Server Installation Notes ................................................................................................29-3
Creating the Batch Plus Server database tables and records ..............................29-3
Connecting to a Server after Installation........................................................................29-5
Connecting to the MS SQL Server.....................................................................29-5
Connecting to the Oracle Server ........................................................................29-7
Troubleshooting Batch Plus ...........................................................................................29-9
Polymers Plus


Installation Notes............................................................................................................30-1
Verifying the Polymers Plus Installation .......................................................................30-1
Troubleshooting Polymers Plus .....................................................................................30-2
Appendix A HASP Key Licensing


Using a single HASP key...............................................................................................31-1

Using NetHASP keys .....................................................................................................31-1
NetBIOS .............................................................................................................31-1
IPX .....................................................................................................................31-1
Appendix B Using the DETHERM Database




Contents x

Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1 Installation Manual



This manual describes how to install the Aspen Engineering Suite

of products
On an Intel Pentium PC running Microsoft Windows NT
4.0, or Windows 2000.
As an Application Server on an Intel Pentium PC running
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000.
On a File Server and configure an Intel Pentium PC running
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 to use the
file server.

Related Documentation
In addition to this document, a number of other documents are
provided to help users learn and use the applications of the Aspen
Engineering Suite. All manuals are available in PDF format.

Aspen License Manager

Whats New In AES 11.1

Aspen License Manager Version 3.0 Installation and Reference
Manual for Windows Platforms


Aspen ADSIM Release Notes

Aspen ADSIM Library Reference Guide
Aspen ADSIM Adsorption Reference Guide

Aspen B-JAC

Aspen B-JAC User Guide

Aspen Chromatography

Aspen Chromatography Release Notes

Aspen Chromatography Library Reference Guide
Aspen Chromatography Reference Guide

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Introduction 1-1

Aspen Custom Modeler

Aspen Custom Modeler Release Notes

Aspen Custom Modeler Getting Started Guide
Aspen Custom Modeler Examples
Aspen Custom Modeler Modeling Language Reference
Aspen Custom Modeler Library Reference
Aspen Modeler Reference Manual
Using DMCplus Controllers
Aspen Custom Modeler SPEEDUP 5 Source Converter

Aspen Dynamics

Aspen Dynamics Release Notes

Aspen Dynamics Getting Started Guide
Aspen Dynamics User Guide
Aspen Dynamics Examples
Aspen Dynamics Reference Guide
Using Aspen Traflow

Aspen OLI

Aspen OLI Interface document

Aspen OLI Locator document

Aspen OnLine

Aspen OnLine User Guide

Aspen OnLine Tutorial

Aspen PEP Process


Aspen PEP Processes Library User Guide

Aspen Pinch

Aspen Pinch User Guide

Aspen Plus

Aspen Plus Getting Started Guides

Aspen Plus User Guide
Aspen Plus Reference Manuals

Aspen Plus Online

Aspen Plus Online User Guide

Aspen Properties

Aspen Properties User Guide

Aspen Properties Physical Property Methods and Models
Aspen Properties Physical Property Data
Aspen Properties System Management Guide

Aspen Split

Aspen Split User Guide

1-2 Introduction

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Utilities

Aspen Utilities Release Notes

Aspen Utilities Getting Started Guide
Aspen Utilities User Guide

Aspen Water

Aspen Water Release Notes

Aspen Water Getting Started Guide
Aspen Water User Guide

Aspen WebModels

Aspen WebModels Author User Guide

Aspen Zyqad

Aspen Zyqad Release Notes

Aspen Zyqad Getting Started Guide
Aspen Zyqad User Guide
Aspen Zyqad Administrator Reference Guide

Batch Plus

Batch Plus User Guide

Polymers Plus

Polymers Plus User Guide

Polymers Plus Examples & Applications Case book

Training Services
AspenTech offers a comprehensive training program for
AspenTech product users:
Instructor-led, hands-on courses are regularly scheduled at
AspenTech Training Centers throughout the world; they can
also be presented at customer sites.
Self-paced Computer Based Training packages are available
for some product ranges.
For the latest worldwide training schedules, pricing and course
descriptions, recent Training News and contact/registration
information, see the AspenTech website:

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Introduction 1-3

Alternatively, please contact:

U.S. Training Centers


1-888-996-7100 (toll-free from US, Canada, Mexico

1-281-584-4357 (outside North America)

All European Training



Asia and Australia










+ 81-3-3262-1743


+ 81-3-3262-1744



+ 65-395-3900


+ 65-395-3950


Technical Support
Online Technical
Support Center

AspenTech customers with a valid license and software

maintenance agreement can register to access the Online
Technical Support Center at:
This web support site allows you to:
Access current product documentation
Search for tech tips, solutions and frequently asked questions
Search for and download application examples
Submit and track technical issues
Send suggestions
Review lists of known limitations

1-4 Introduction

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Registered users can also subscribe to our Technical Support

e-Bulletins. These e-Bulletins are used to proactively alert users to
important technical support information such as:
Technical advisories
Product updates
Service Pack announcements
Phone and e-mail

Customer support is also available by phone for customers with a

current support contract for this product. The hours listed are in
local time.

North America & the



08:00 20:00


1-888-996-7100 (toll-free from US, Canada, Mexico

1-281-584-4357 (US, Canada)

South America


52-5-536-2809 (Mexico)
1-617-949-1724 (Cambridge, MA)
1-281-584-1807 (Houston, TX)


Argentina Office

09:00 17:00


0800-333-0125 (toll free to US)





Brazil Office

09:00 17:00


000-814-550-4084 (toll free to US)





Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Introduction 1-5

Europe, Gulf Region, &



08:30 18:00 (Central European Time)


Country specific toll-free numbers:

Asia & Pacific Region


(0800) 40-687




(0) (800) 1-19127


(0805) 11-0054


(1) (800) 930-024


(0800) 023-2511


(800) 13817


(900) 951846


(0200) 895-284


(0800) 111-470


(0800) 376-7903




Tokyo Office

09:00 17:30






Singapore Office

1-6 Introduction


09:00 17:30






Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1



This chapter provides an overview of the installation requirements

and installation options.

Overview of the Aspen Engineering

Suite Installation
The AspenTech software solutions are organized and distributed in
three suites of Applications/Products, and a set of Integration
Products software. You may have licensed a single AspenTech
product, or a full suite of solutions.
The AspenTech Master Install system manages the installation of
either a single product or an integrated suite of AspenTech
solutions on Microsoft Windows-based platforms.
Installation CDs

The software system you received may contain one or more of the
following CDs:
AspenTech CD

CD Color

Integration Products CD:

Aspen License Manager (ALM) Server

Aspen Framework (AFW) Server


Application/Product CDs:

Aspen Engineering Suite


Aspen Manufacturing Suite


Aspen eSupply Chain Suite


Business Process Templates (BPT)


Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Overview 2-1

installation sequence

Before you begin to install any Aspen Engineering Suite software,

we recommend that the Integration Products software, for example,
the Aspen License Manager (ALM) Server, is installed,
configured, and available. This is typically done by your System
Note: Some products cannot be installed unless an ALM server
confirms that the product is licensed at install time.
Current versions of Integration Products software should have the
existing Integration Products data or contents updated as
appropriate (e.g., add license keys for newly licensed products)
before installing new Application/Product software or upgrading
existing software.
This flowchart shows the overall installation process, including
major prerequisites, such as the Aspen License Manager (ALM).
Install the
ALM Server

Plantelligence &

Install desired
software from CD X*


Install the
AFW Server

Install desired
software from CD Z*


Installing any
products that
need DAIS?

Install desired
software from CD Y*

Configure BPE (for

Plantelligence and
Optimization) and/or


Install the
DAIS Server


* Application/Product CDs may be installed in any order.

Key to Installation Process Flowchart:

2-2 Overview


Aspen License Manager


Aspen Framework Server


3rd Party (PeerLogic) CORBA Software


Business Process Explorer

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Plantelligence &

All AES products are compliant with Plantelligence & Enterprise

Optimization solutions. Plantelligence & Enterprise Optimization
products use Aspen Framework.
For information on Aspen Framework, see the Aspen Framework
Developers Guide.

AES System Requirements

This section provides the hardware and software requirements for
the Aspen Engineering Suite of products. All products within this
version of the Aspen Engineering Suite are integrated.


Recommended Requirements


A PC with an Intel Pentium III 500 MHz (or

faster) processor.
Note: If you are purchasing a new PC, select
the fastest CPU available.


A super VGA color monitor with 1024 x 768

resolution or higher.

Physical Memory

128-256 MB; 512 MB or higher for large

plant models.

Hard Disk Space

Up to 2.0 GB of free disk space, depending on

which AES products are installed. This
includes 150 MB of files installed to your
system drive.
Note: The Installer displays space
requirements for the selected products.

Virtual memory

512 MB consisting of physical memory and

swap file.
Large plant models or multiple open
applications may require additional virtual
A mouse or other pointing device

Pointing device
CD-ROM drive

Available on the local PC or through the

network during the installation.


Aspen License Manager (ALM) requires a

network adapter to connect to a license
manager server. A network adapter is
recommended if using a License file to get a

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Overview 2-3

Server hardware

The following recommendations are for AES product installations

on server machines.

Recommended Requirements


A PC with an Intel Pentium III 500 MHz (or

faster) processor.

Note: If you are purchasing a new PC, select

the fasted CPU available.
256 MB; 512 MB 1 GB for simulation tools
operating large plant models and databases.
Memory requirement increases with the size
of databases and plant models, and with the
number of simultaneous users.
500 MB 2 GB, depending on which AES
products are installed. Batch Plus may require
up to 10 GB, depending on the number of

Physical Memory

Hard Disk Space


The following software requirements apply to all AES products.

Operating System


Aspen Products

Other Software

2-4 Overview

Windows NT 4.0
Windows NT server 4.0

Service Pack 6a or higher required.

Windows 2000
Windows 2000 server

Service Pack 2 or higher required.



Aspen License Manager


Version 3.0 or higher; required if you

are running the License Server

Aspen Framework (AFW)

Version 2.2 or higher. Available for

all AES products; required for Aspen



Adobe Acrobat Reader

Version 4.0 or higher

Internet Explorer

Version 5.0 or higher

Required for BPE component
(Plantelligence & Enterprise
Optimization installations).

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

AES Product Requirements

The following AES products have additional software



Internet Explorer 5.5 or


Requires the option to install Windows

Scripting Host.



HASP key licensing

If supported.




Internet Explorer 5.5 or


Requires the option to install Windows

Scripting Host.

Aspen Custom



Digital Visual Fortran

(6.0, 6.1, 6.5a)
Microsoft Visual C++ (6.0)

Required for customer development.



Internet Explorer 5.0 or


Required for certain reports in all

Aspen Icarus products.
Required for Aspen Decision
Analyzer and certain reports in all
other Aspen Icarus products.

Aspen B-JAC

Aspen Icarus

Microsoft Excel 2000

Primavera Project Planner

(P3) for Windows 3.0

Aspen OLI

Required for customer development.

Required for scheduling component

of Aspen Icarus Project Manager
(IPM). P3 must be installed prior to
installing IPM. For instructions, see
Chapter 15, Aspen Icarus.



Aspen Plus 11.1

Required to run the product. Aspen Plus

must be installed prior to or
simultaneously with Aspen OLI.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Overview 2-5

Aspen OnLine



Aspen Plus 11.1

Required for model development

outside of Aspen OnLine.
Both the Aspen Plus Simulation Engine
and User Interface should be installed
on the computer running the Aspen
OnLine Server.
Must be installed on same computer as
the Aspen OnLine Server.

InfoPlus 21, CIM/21,

Setcim, or InfoPlus X
information management
CIM-IO supported DCS or
IMS source of plant data
Microsoft Excel 2000
Aspen Process Explorer

Aspen Plus Online

Aspen PEP Process




Aspen Plus 11.1

Aspen Plus Online engine requires

Aspen Plus.



Aspen Plus 11.1

Required to install and run the product.

Aspen Plus must be installed prior to or
simultaneously with Aspen PEP Process
Required to run some models.
Required for product features.

Polymers Plus 11.1

Microsoft Office 97 or
2000: Excel, Access

Aspen Pinch



Aspen Plus 11.1

Aspen Plus GUI and Simulation engine

are required for the Aspen Pinch
Aspen Plus interface.
Required for the detailed simulation and
design of heat exchangers.
An interface to Simulation Sciences
Pro/II simulator. The Pro/II interface is
delivered on a separate CD.

Aspen B-JAC 11.1

Pro/II interface to
Simulation (subcomponent)

2-6 Overview

Required by both Aspen OnLine Client

and Server
Optional (Aspen Manufacturing Suite,
Information Management)

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Plus

Aspen Properties

Aspen Split

Aspen Traflow

Aspen Utilities



DETHERM Interface

Provides access to thermophysical

property data included in the DETHERM
database maintained by DECHEMA e.
V., Frankfurt, Germany.
For more information, see this website:

Digital Visual Fortran

(6.0, 6.1, 6.5a)

Required for customer development.

Required to use assays from the PIMS
assay library as components. PAssMan is
available from the Aspen eSupply Chain
Suite CD.



DETHERM Interface

See Aspen Plus software requirements.


Required to use assays from the PIMS

assay library as components. PAssMan is
available from the Aspen eSupply Chain
Suite CD.



Aspen Plus 11.1

The standard version, which includes

the core Properties System component,
the Aspen Plus Simulation Engine and
the Aspen Plus User Interface, must be
installed and accessible on the computer
running Aspen Split.

Internet Explorer 5.0 or


Required to run Aspen Split.



Aspen Dynamics 11.1

Required to install and run Aspen

Traflow. Aspen Dynamics must be
installed prior to or simultaneously with
Aspen Traflow.



Aspen Plus 11.1

Required to run Aspen Utilities.

Required for customer development.

Digital Visual Fortran

(6.0, 6.1, 6.5a)
Microsoft Visual C++ (6.0)

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Required for customer development.

Overview 2-7

Aspen WebModels

Aspen WebModels



Aspen Framework 2.2

Middle Tier and Client

These components should be installed

on the same computer as Aspen
WebModels Author.

Aspen Plus 11.1 (standard


The standard version, which includes

the core Properties System component,
the Aspen Plus Simulation Engine and
the Aspen Plus User Interface, should
be installed on the same computer as
Aspen WebModels Author.

Internet Explorer 5.0 or


Requires security settings for its

ActiveX-based components. For
instructions, see Chapter 26, Aspen
WebModels Author.

Microsoft Visual
SourceSafe (VSS) Client
Version 6.0 or later, USA

This should be installed on the same

computer as Aspen WebModels Author.
Aspen WebModels uses VSS to manage
the model files in the WebModels
library. User permissions are required to
access the database containing the
Aspen WebModels.



Windows NT 4.0 Option

Aspen Framework 2.2
Server and Middle Tier
Aspen Plus 11.1 (standard

Required for WebModels Server

installations on Windows NT.
These components should be installed
on the computer running WebModels
The standard version, which includes
the core Properties System component,
the Aspen Plus Simulation Engine and
the Aspen Plus User Interface should be
installed on the WebModels Server
computer and configured before you
verify the WebModels Server
Contains the Aspen Framework, the
Enterprise Objects, and the WebModels
This should be installed on the
WebModels Server computer. Aspen
WebModels uses VSS to manage the
model files in the WebModels library.

Microsoft SQL Server 7.0

Microsoft Visual
SourceSafe (VSS) Client
Version 6.0 or later, USA

2-8 Overview

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Zyqad



Internet Explorer 5.0 or

Microsoft Excel 2000

Required for Drawing Application

component (Aspen Zyqad PFD).
Required for the Excel Datasheet
Required for the Development
Application tool.

LispWorks for Windows

4.1 and LispWorks
patchkit 20
Winsock 1.1 compatible
TCP/IP stack

Batch Plus

Required for the Development

Application tool.



Aspen Properties 11.1

or Aspen Plus 11.1
Aspen Plus 11.1 with
Aspen Properties 11.1

Required for property estimation.

Aspen Plus 11.1

and Aspen Dynamics 11.1
InfoPlus.21 2.5 and
AspenTech Desktop 2.5
Microsoft Excel 97 or 2000

Microsoft Word 97 or 2000

Microsoft Access 97 or
Microsoft Project 98
Visio Technical 5.0c or
ChemDraw 4.5
Oracle provider for
OLEDB 81620 or higher
Microsoft SQL Server 7.0
Oracle 8i Enterprise Edition

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Required to run BatchFrac model.

Required to calculate Henrys constants
and activity coefficients for MACT
vapor emission models.
Required to run Kinetic Reactor model.
Required to import actual plant data.
Required to view formatted reports and
to use Custom Excel/VBA model.
Note: Excel must be installed with the
Data Access option prior to installing
Batch Plus.
Required to run Operating Instructions
feature and to view formatted
Required to open and edit the Step,
Equipment, Materials, and Results
Required to view Project charts
Required to view Block and Equipment
Required to view Chemist Recipe
Required for connection to an Oracle
(Server installation) Must be fully
configured and operational before
installing the Batch Plus server.

Overview 2-9

Polymers Plus



Aspen Plus 11.1

Required to run the product. Aspen Plus

must be installed prior to or
simultaneously with Polymers Plus.
Required to support Polymers Plus
Dynamics functionality.
Required to support Polymers Plus
Properties functionality.

Aspen Dynamics 11.1

Aspen Properties 11.1

General Pre-Installation Checklist

Before installing any Aspen Engineering product, review the
following checklist to ensure a smooth installation.
Verify that all system requirements are met (see AES
System Requirements on page 2-3).
Run the appropriate scanning and defragmentation
programs to correct any existing disk problems.
Check which service pack (SP) is installed. For instructions,
see Checking the Service Pack on page 2-11.
Verify that there is enough available disk space for the AES
software you are planning to install.
Verify that the virtual memory, including swap space is
sufficient for running AES products. For instructions, see
Checking virtual memory on page 2-11.
Verify that all additional required software has been
Verify that the installation account has local Administrator
privileges. For instructions, see Checking installation
account privileges on page 2-12.
Verify that Aspen License Manager (ALM) licensing is
available. For more information, see Licensing on
page 2-12.
Disable any anti-virus software running on your PC so that
the installation program can copy files to the system area
and modify the Windows Registry.
After you complete the installation, enable the anti-virus

2-10 Overview

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Checking the Service

Pack version

To check which Service Pack version is installed on an Intel

Pentium computer running Windows NT or Windows 2000:

Windows NT On the desktop, click Start | Programs | Administrative Tools

(Common) | Windows NT Diagnostics.

The Version tab of the Windows NT Diagnostics dialog box
displays the installed version of Windows NT and any service
Windows 2000 On the desktop, click Start | Settings | Control Panel and double-

click System.
The General tab of System Properties dialog box displays the
installed version of Windows 2000 and any service pack.
Checking virtual

The recommended amount of virtual memory, including swap

space, for each AES product is 512 MB. This amount should not
exceed two times the amount of physical RAM.
Large plant models or multiple open applications may require
additional virtual memory
To check or change the virtual memory:
1 On the desktop click Start | Settings | Control Panel .
2 Double-click System to display the System Properties dialog
3 Do the following:
Click the Performance tab and click the
Windows NT:
Change button in the Virtual Memory
Click the Advanced tab and click the
Performance Options button. In the Virtual
Memory section, click the Change button.
4 Select the drive on which the AES products are being installed.
5 Change the values in the Initial Size and Maximum Size fields
of the Paging File Size for the Selected Drive.
6 Click Set, and then click OK to close the dialog box.
7 Click OK on the System Properties dialog box.
8 When prompted, restart your computer.
Windows 2000:

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Overview 2-11

Checking installation
account privileges

When installing AES, you must use an account with local

Administrator privileges.
Note: Do not change the default privileges on the folders that are
created by the installation process. If you change these privileges,
your installation may not work correctly.

Windows NT

To verify Administrator privileges on Windows NT:

1 On the desktop, click Start | Programs | Administrative
Tools (Common) | User Manager.
The User Manager dialog box appears.
2 Double-click Administrators in the Groups list, which is the
bottom list.
The Local Group Properties dialog box appears.
You must be a member of this group to perform the

Windows 2000 To verify Administrator privileges on Windows 2000:

On the desktop, click Start | Control Panel | Users and

The Users and Passwords dialog box appears.
2 Click the Advanced tab and click the Advanced button.
The console window appears.
3 In the tree pane click groups to display its details.
4 In the details pane click Administrators.
The Administrators Properties dialog box appears.
You must be a member of this group to perform the

Aspen Engineering Suite products are licensed by the Aspen

License Manager, which is based on the FLEXlm license
Manager from GLOBEtrotter Software, Inc. The License
Manager serves licenses to programs running on a single computer
or on a network of computers.
AES products must be able to access the required license. During
the installation, you are prompted to specify the location of either
Aspen License Server
Aspen license file

2-12 Overview

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

About Aspen License


The Aspen License Manager 3.0 provides two types of licensing:

Floating license
Node-locked license
The floating license works in a network configuration where the
License Server runs on one of the Windows computers in your
network and serves licenses to licensed products running on any
PC in the network.
The node-locked license works with AES applications that run on a
single node. There are two types of node-locked licenses:
A counted node-locked license requires running the License Server
and the AES application on the same computer.
An uncounted node-locked license can be used with an AES
application that is licensed for unlimited users and does not require
the License Server. With this type of licensing, you must point to
the location of the Aspen License file. The license file and the AES
application must reside on the same machine.
For more information on installing and configuring the License
Manager at your site, see Aspen License Manager Version 3.0
Installation and Reference Manual for Windows Platforms.


Consider the following compatibility issues related to AES product

AES 11.1 products are not compatible with Aspen License
Manager (ALM) 2.2 or earlier.
To run versions of AES products prior to AES 11.1, you must
use ALM 2.2 or earlier; to run AES 11.1 products you must use
ALM 3.0 or higher. Different versions of the Aspen License
Manager can coexist, each serving licenses to the appropriate
product versions.
Superpro dongles supplied with ALM 2.2 or earlier are not
compatible with ALM 3.0.
Superpro dongles can not be piggybacked. If you are using
Superpro dongles for ALM 2.2 or earlier and ALM 3.0 or later,
the corresponding License Manager servers must run on
separate machines.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Overview 2-13

Installation Configuration Options

Aspen Engineering products may be installed in the following

Installs all files to the local hard drive of a computer. The

computer may be a:
Stand-alone or networked user PC with enough space and
power on the local drive to store and run the installed AES
File server in a lite-client configuration.
Client PC in a client-server configuration.
You can install any AES product this way.
For detailed installation instructions, see Chapter 3, Standard

Lite Client

Installs almost all files on a file server. When a user runs the
application, files are copied into memory on the user
PC/workstation and the program runs on the client.

User PC/

For detailed installation instructions, see Chapter 4, Lite Client

Note: Only a system administrator should perform this type of
File Server


Although all files reside on the computer where they are used,
processing is split between the user PCs (clients) and a central
server. Products supporting this configuration usually put the
computing intensive or main data processing activities on the
server machine.

User PC/

For detailed installation instructions, see Chapter 5, Client Server Installation.

Server running
WndowsNT or
Windows 2000

2-14 Overview

Note: Only a system administrator should perform this type of


Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Valid configuration
options for AES

The following table summarizes the valid installation

configuration options for each AES product.
Installation Options
AES Product




Aspen B-JAC

Aspen Chromatography

Aspen Custom Modeler

Aspen Dynamics

Aspen Icarus

Aspen OLI

Aspen OnLine

Aspen PEP Process Library

Aspen Pinch

Aspen Plus

Aspen Plus Online

Aspen Properties

Aspen Split

Aspen Traflow

Aspen Utilities

Aspen Water

Aspen WebModels Author



Aspen WebModels Server

Aspen Zyqad

Batch Plus

Polymers Plus


Note: Aspen Zyqad is normally installed in a client-server

configuration for project deployment.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Overview 2-15

2-16 Overview

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1


Standard Installation

This chapter provides instructions for installing this version of

Aspen Engineering Suite products for the first time, using the
Standard installation option.
Note: If you are upgrading an AES product, see Chapter 6,
Upgrading AES Products.

The Standard installation option installs all AES product
components on a single computer.
The following flowchart summarizes the standard installation
Complete steps in
Before You Begin.

Review the pre-installation checklist

Install AES Products

Aspen CD
in CD drive

Follow onscreen

Restart your

Complete steps in
After you Install.



Verify the


Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

denotes substep

Standard Installation 3-1

Before You Begin

Review the General Pre-Installation Checklist on page 2-10 before
you begin the installation.
If you are installing any of these products, review the installation
notes in their product chapters:
If you are installing


Aspen Icarus

Chapter 15, Aspen Icarus

Aspen OnLine

Chapter 17, Aspen OnLine and

Aspen Plus Online

Aspen Zyqad

Chapter 28, Aspen Zyqad

Batch Plus

Chapter 29, Batch Plus

Installing AES Products

The Aspen Engineering Suite Application/Product Software CD
set is self-contained and includes the AspenTech Master Installer.
This version of the AES Application Products has two installation
CD1 contains Core components
CD2 contains Product components
You begin the installation with CD1. A setup program prompts
you for information required to install AES products. After the
core components are installed, you are prompted to insert CD2 to
install the product components.
Note: You must follow the computer restarting instructions at the
end of each product installation.
Aspen Engineering
Suite Application /
Product CD

To perform a Standard installation of Aspen Engineering Suite

1 Insert the Aspen Engineering Suite CD1 (Core CD) into the
CD-ROM Drive.
Note: If the installation does not start automatically, click Start |
Run. In the Run dialog box type <drive>:\setup (where
<drive> is the drive letter assigned to your CD-ROM drive), and
click OK.

3-2 Standard Installation

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Software Selection

When the AspenTech screen appears, click ONCE on the

Aspen Engineering Suite button to start the installation.

The AspenTech Software Setup window appears.

On the Welcome dialog box, click Next to continue.
On the Software Selection Availability dialog box, select
whether to install licensed products only (default) or all

If you select Licensed products only, specify the name of

your license server, or use the Browse button to locate the
license file.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Standard Installation 3-3

Note: If you select All Products, you could install software that
will not run until properly licensed. Some products can not be
installed until proof of licensing is provided by an Aspen
License Manager.

Click Next to continue.

On the Software License Agreement dialog box, read the
agreement, then click Yes to agree to the terms of the notice
and continue.

Configuration Type

On the Computer Configuration Type dialog box, click the

Standard Install button to install the AES product software on
a single computer.

Choose Destination

On the Choose Destination Location dialog box, specify the

root destination directory under which all AspenTech products
for this software version will be installed on this computer. The
default is:
C:\Program Files\AspenTech
To specify a different AspenTech destination, click the Browse
button. In the dialog box select or specify the pathname and
click Open. If a dialog box appears prompting you for
permission to create the folder, click Yes.

Specifying the root

destination directory for
Aspen product

Note: This dialog box, prompting you for the AspenTech folder
location only appears the first time you install AspenTech products
for this version on this computer.

3-4 Standard Installation

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Specifying the Working

Folders location for
Aspen Products

Select Products /

Once the installation of any AspenTech product has been

completed for this software version on this computer, you
cannot change the location of the AspenTech folder.
Click Next to continue.
8 On the Choose Destination Location dialog box, specify the
Working Folders location for the AES products. The default is:
C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Working Folders
To specify a different Working Folders location, click the
Browse button. In the dialog box select or specify the
pathname and click Open. If a dialog box appears prompting
you for permission to create the folder, click Yes.
Click Next to continue.

On the Select Products dialog box, select the AES products

you want to install on the computer. Then click Next to

Note: Aerotran, Hetran (includes Qchex, Props, Metals), and

Teams (includes Ensea, Teamsc) are the Aspen B-JAC products.
The options selected on the Software Selection Availability
and Computer Configuration Type dialog boxes determine
the list of products available on the Select Products dialog
box, as follows:
Licensed products only
Unlicensed products are shaded and are unavailable for

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Standard Installation 3-5

All products
Restricted products requiring evidence of licensing from an
ALM server are shaded.
Standard, Server, or Lite Client Installation
Only the products that support the selected installation
option are listed.
Icons provide additional product information:


The key icon indicates that the product or subcomponent

is licensed.
The lock icon indicates that the product or subcomponent
is restricted and can only be installed if an ALM server
provides evidence of licensing.
The OS icon indicates that the product or subcomponent
is not applicable to the operating system of this computer
The drive icon indicates that the product is already
installed on this computer.

When you select a product, all subcomponents are usually

selected by default. A gray checkbox indicates that selected
product has an optional subcomponent that you must select
The following table lists the AES products/options that have
subcomponents. An asterisk (*) indicates an optional
AES Product/Option


Aspen Pinch

Pro/II Interface*

Aspen Plus

Simulation Engine
User Interface
core Properties System for Aspen
Plus (APrSystem)

Aspen Plus Online

Aspen Plus Online User Interface

Aspen Plus Online Engine Standard

Aspen Properties

Aspen Properties Calculation

Aspen Properties User Interface
core Properties System for Aspen
Properties (APrSystem)

3-6 Standard Installation

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

AES Product/Option


Aspen Split

Aspen Zyqad

Stand-Alone Configuration
Distillation Analysis Components
Aspen Zyqad Server
Aspen Zyqad Client
Development Application
Excel Datasheet Definer
Sample Projects Library Source
Datasheet Viewer Installer

Note: Aspen Zyqad has multi-level subcomponents. For

details, see Chapter 28, Aspen Zyqad.
Polymers Plus

Polymers Plus Steady State

Polymers Plus Dynamics*
Polymers Plus for Aspen

* Optional subcomponent
To specify the installation of a specific product subcomponent:
Select the product and click Select Subcomponents.
In the Select Subcomponents dialog box, select or clear
the appropriate checkboxes and then click OK to return to
the Select Products dialog box.
When selecting Aspen Zyqad subcomponents, you may need to
click OK more than once to return to the Select Products
dialog box.
Changing product /
subcomponent folders

As you select the products to install, the space available on the

target drive and the space required to install the products are
displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.
For a selected product, you can change the default destination
location of its product directory. Additionally, you can change
the default destination location of product subcomponents.
To change the destination location of a selected AES product
or subcomponent, click Change Folders and select the new

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Standard Installation 3-7

Note the following product restrictions:



Aspen Chromatography
Aspen Custom Modeler
Aspen Dynamics
Aspen Traflow
Aspen Water

The product directories for these

applications must be installed
below the same root destination.
For example: D:\Program

Aspen Icarus

The Aspen Icarus product

directory must be installed no
deeper than the third level of the
directory structure. For example:
D:\Program Files\AspenTech
\Aspen Icarus 11.1
When finished, click OK to return to the Select
Components/Subcomponents dialog box.
Configure AES
product components

Depending on the products you are installing, additional dialog

boxes appear, prompting you for product-specific information.
If you are installing

You are prompted for

Aspen OnLine

The CIM-IO core security settings.

For details, see Chapter 17, Aspen
OnLine and Aspen Plus Online.
The Broker connection, verification
of the Broker and Server settings,
location of optional subcomponents
and the Sample Project users. For
details, see Chapter 28, Aspen Zyqad.
The Batch Plus server information.
For details, see Chapter 29, Batch

Aspen Zyqad

Batch Plus

Select Program

10 On the Select Program Folder dialog box, select or name a

Program Folder to contain the program icons for the installed
products, and click Next to continue.

Plantelligence &
Optimization Users

11 If you are a Plantelligence & Enterprise Optimization licensee,

you are prompted for additional information. For instructions,
see Using Plantelligence & Enterprise Optimization
Solutions on page 3-11.

3-8 Standard Installation

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Installation Summary

Forcing the installation of

core components

12 On the Summary dialog box, review your selected installation

options and do the following:
To modify any selected option, click the Back button to the
appropriate dialog box and make the changes.
To complete the installation, click the Start Installing
Use this option for subsequent installations of AES products to
ensure that all core components are installed. When this option is
unchecked, any existing core components are not reinstalled. For
more information, see Chapter 7, Adding or Reinstalling

Setup Needs Next

Setup Complete


After the common core components are installed, the Setup

Needs the Next Disk dialog box appears, prompting you to
insert CD2, the Product CD for Aspen Engineering Suite.
Remove CD1 and insert CD2 into the drive and then click OK
on the dialog box.
When the Setup Complete dialog box appears, select Yes, I
want to restart my computer now.
Remove the CD from the drive, and then click Finish on the
dialog box.
On the AspenTech Software Setup dialog box, click OK.
The system shuts down and reboots.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Standard Installation 3-9

Aspen License

17 When the system restarts, the Aspen License Selector based

on FLEXlm dialog box appears.

The Combined section displays the license server or file you

specified on the Software Selection Availability dialog box.
18 Verify or select the license scheme and click OK.
Note: If you selected to have All Products available for
installation on the Software Selection Availability dialog box,
you must specify a license method for installed AspenTech
products before you can use them. For more information, see
Selecting or Changing the Licensing Method, on page 3-15.

3-10 Standard Installation

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Configuring Installed AES Products

After installation is complete, the following AES products require
additional configuration.
AES Product


Aspen B-JAC

If you are using HASP key licensing, see

Appendix A HASP Key Licensing.

Aspen Plus
Aspen Properties

If you are using DETHERM, see Appendix

B Using the DETHERM Database.

Aspen OnLine

Configure the Aspen OnLine Server and

Client. For instructions, see Chapter 17,
Aspen OnLine and Aspen Plus Online.

Aspen WebModels Configure the Aspen Framework Author

role and enable ActveX-related security
settings for Internet Explorer. For
instructions, see Chapter 26, Aspen
WebModels Author.
Aspen Zyqad

Log on as Administrator and configure

Aspen Zyqad. For instructions, see
Chapter 28, Aspen Zyqad.

Batch Plus

If you did not select the Batch Plus server

during the installation, use the BPSync.exe
tool to configure a connection to the server.
For instructions, see Chapter 29, Batch

Using Plantelligence & Enterprise

Optimization Solutions
All AES products are Plantelligence & Enterprise Optimization
enabled. Plantelligence & Enterprise Optimization solutions
require the Aspen Framework (AFW) server.
During the installation setup, you are prompted for the Aspen
Framework Server if:
you are a Plantelligence & Enterprise Optimization solutions
licensee, and
you chose the Licensed products only option on the Software
Selection Availability dialog box.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Standard Installation 3-11

Typically, a single computer is used for the AFW server

components. However it is possible to split the components among
as many as three different computers.
Contact your system administrator for the name of the AFW server
and, if necessary, the server location of the Business Process
Explorer (BPE), Aspen Framework security, and Aspen
Framework file repository.
Select Aspen
Framework Server

The first time you install an AspenTech product on this computer,

the Select Aspen Framework Server dialog box appears,
prompting to you to choose one of three options.

Specifying the Aspen

Framework Server

To use AES products as Plantelligence & Enterprise Optimization

1 Specify the name of the Aspen Framework Server.
2 Do one of the following:
If all Aspen Framework components are located on a single
server, click Next.
If any Aspen Framework components are located on a
different server, click the Advanced button and go to
step 3.
3 In the Framework Server Advanced Configuration dialog
box, select Advanced Settings and enter the following
BPE Server Name

3-12 Standard Installation

The name of the server on which

Business Process Explorer is installed.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Security Server

The name of the server on which Aspen

Framework (AFW) is installed.

The name of the server on which the

Aspen Framework file repository is
Click OK and then click Next in the Select Aspen
Framework Server dialog box.
Repository Server

Selecting the AFW

Server later

If you select the I will select an Aspen Framework Server later

option, you will be prompted for the name of the server with the
first use of a Plantelligence & Enterprise Optimization solution.
To specify the Aspen Framework Server after completing the
installation, see Specifying or Changing the AFW Server on
page 3-16.

Choosing not to use an

AFW Server

If you select the I do not wish to use an Aspen Framework

Server option, the products will run as they did prior to
Plantelligence & Enterprise Optimization.
Note: Select this option if you are installing only one product.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Standard Installation 3-13

Plantelligence /

If you select the I do not wish to use a Aspen Framework Server

option, any subsequent installs will detect the non-use of
Plantelligence & Enterprise Optimization capabilities, and display
the Plantelligence / Enterprise Optimization Operation dialog

Select the desired option and click Next to continue.

Running the products as
Optimization solutions

3-14 Standard Installation

If you select Yes, the Select Aspen Framework Server dialog

box appears, prompting you for the name of the AFW server. For
instructions, see Select Aspen Framework Server on page 3-12.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Framework

The Aspen Framework Server dialog box appears, displaying

those products that are currently installed as stand-alone products.
If you click Next, the listed products will run as Plantelligence &
Enterprise Optimization solutions.

Note: You can change the Aspen Framework Server after

completing the installation. For instructions, see Specifying or
Changing the AFW Server on page 3-16.

Selecting or Changing the Licensing

If you did not select a licensing method when prompted during the
installation setup, you need to select a licensing method before you
can run the installed product.
You can change the licensing method used for any Aspen suite
product after you have finished the installation.
For the type and location of the Aspen license manager for your
installation, see your system administrator.
For information on Aspen license management, see the Aspen
License Manager Version 3.0 Installation and Reference Manual
for Windows Platforms.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Standard Installation 3-15

To select or change the licensing method:

1 On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech |
Common Utilities | FLEXlm License Management Selector.
The Aspen License Selector based on FLEXlm dialog box
appears, for example:

Select the license scheme that is valid for your installation of

AspenTech products and specify the required information.
For specific information, see your system administrator.
Click OK.

Specifying or Changing the AFW

If you wish to specify or change the name of the Aspen Framework
server after the installation, you must download and install the
Aspen Framework Switch Utility from the AspenTech Support
Web site:
For more information about this utility, see the Aspen Framework
Switch Utility Readme file posted on the website.

3-16 Standard Installation

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Verifying the Installation

For instructions on verifying the installation of Aspen Engineering
Suite products, see the individual product chapters.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Standard Installation 3-17

3-18 Standard Installation

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1


Lite Client Installation

This chapter provides instructions for installing Aspen Engineering

Suite products for the first time, using the Lite Client installation
Note: If you are upgrading an AES product, see Chapter 6,
Upgrading AES Products.

In a lite-client installation of AES products, most of a products
software is installed on a file server. When using the product,
files are copied into memory on the networked user PC and the
program runs locally on the PC.

User PC

The advantages of this type of installation are:


The amount of software physically installed on the user PC is

When you perform upgrades or any other maintenance
operations, you need only do this on the file server.

However, this type of installation can result in slower software

Note: Only system administrators should perform this type of
The following AES products support the lite client installation
Aspen B-JAC
Aspen Chromatography

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Lite Client Installation 4-1

Aspen Custom Modeler

Aspen Dynamics
Aspen Icarus
Aspen Pinch
Aspen Plus
Aspen Properties
Aspen Split
Aspen Traflow
Aspen Utilities
Aspen Water
Aspen Zyqad
Polymers Plus

The following flowchart summarizes the lite-client installation

Complete steps in
Before You Begin.

Review the pre-installation checklist

Install AES Products

on file server

Set up

Insert CD in CD
drive and follow
instructions for
Standard install

Restart the
file server

Install AES Products

on User PC

Map to

Insert CD in CD
drive and follow
instructions for
Lite Client install

Restart user

Complete steps in
After you Install.




4-2 Lite Client Installation

Verify the
installation on
file server and
user PCs

denotes substep

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Before You Begin

Before you begin the installation process:
Review the General Pre-Installation Checklist on page 2-10.
Identify a shared drive or folder on the file server that will
contain the AES product.
Select a drive letter that will be used for the mapped
connection from each user PC to the file server.
Ensure that the account used for the installation to the file
server has read/write privileges on the server.
If a remote PC is used to install to the file server, make a note
of which PC was used. This same PC must be used when
removing or updating the file server installation.
If you are installing


Aspen Icarus

Chapter 15, Aspen Icarus

Aspen Zyqad

Chapter 28, Aspen Zyqad

Note: Aspen Zyqad is normally installed in a client-server

configuration for project deployment.

Lite Client Installation Summary

The following table summarizes the steps for installing AES
products in a lite client network configuration.
For details,


On the file server machine, create a shared

2 Perform a Standard installation of AES
products on the file server, where the shared
drive/folder is the destination directory for the
installed software.
3 On each user PC, map the same local drive
letter to the shared drive on the file server.
4 Perform a Lite Client installation of the AES
products on each user PC, to install the
minimum files needed to run the software.
5 Verify your installation on the file server and
on the user PCs.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

page 3-2

page 4-4

page 4-13

Lite Client Installation 4-3

Installing AES Software on a File

To install Aspen Engineering Suite products on the file server:
1 On the file server, create a shared drive/folder as the root
destination location for the installed AES software.
Remember to share the relevant drive or folder so that the
software is accessible to the user PCs.
2 Perform a Standard installation on the file server.
The following products must be installed below the same root
destination folder on the shared disk:
Aspen Chromatography
Aspen Custom Modeler
Aspen Dynamics
Aspen Utilities
Aspen Water
For detailed instructions, see Chapter 3, Standard Installation.

Installing AES Software on User PCs

After you have completed the standard installation of AES
products on the file server, you can set up one or more user PCs to
access this installation and perform a Lite Client installation on
each user PC. The Lite Client installs only the DLLs, shared
libraries, and Registry entries of the selected AES products on the
user PC.
Note: You must perform the standard installation of an AES
product on the file server before you perform a lite-client
installation of the same product on the user PC.

Map network drive

Aspen Engineering
Suite Application /
Product CD

4-4 Lite Client Installation

To perform a lite client installation on user PCs:

1 On each user PC, the same drive letter to the shared folder on
the file server that contains the AES installation.

Insert the Aspen Engineering Suite Application/Product

Software CD into the CD-ROM drive.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Note: If the installation does not start automatically, click Start |

Run. In the Run dialog box type <drive>:\setup (where
<drive> is the drive letter assigned to your CD-ROM drive), and
click OK.

On the AspenTech screen, click ONCE on the Aspen

Engineering Suite button to start the installation.

The AspenTech Software Setup window appears.

On the Welcome dialog box, click Next to continue.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Lite Client Installation 4-5

Software Selection

On the Software Selection Availability dialog box, select

whether to install licensed products only (default) or all

If you select Licensed products only, specify the name of

your license server, or use the Browse button to locate the
license file.
Note: If you select All Products, you could be installing
unlicensed software that will not run until properly licensed.
Some products will not allow their installations until proof of
licensing is provided by an Aspen License Manager.
Click Next to continue.
6 When the Software License Agreement dialog box appears,
read the agreement, then click Yes to agree to the terms of the
notice and continue.

4-6 Lite Client Installation

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Configuration Type

On the Computer Configuration Type dialog box, click Lite

Client Install to install AES product software on a file server

Choose Destination

On the Choose Destination Location dialog box, specify the

root destination directory under which all AspenTech products
for this software version will be installed on this computer. The
default is:
C:\Program Files\AspenTech
To specify a different AspenTech destination, click the Browse
button. In the dialog box select or specify the pathname and
click Open. If a dialog box appears prompting you for
permission to create the folder, click Yes.

Specifying the root

destination directory for
Aspen product

Note: This dialog box, prompting you for the AspenTech folder
location only appears the first time you install AspenTech products
for this version on this computer.
Once the installation of any AspenTech product has been
completed for this software version on this computer, you
cannot change the location of the AspenTech folder.
Click Next to continue.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Lite Client Installation 4-7

Specifying the Working

Folders location for
Aspen Products

Select Products /

On the Choose Destination Location dialog box, specify the

Working Folders location for the AES products. The default is:
C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Working Folders
To specify a different Working Folders location, click the
Browse button. In the dialog box select or specify the
pathname and click Open. If a dialog box appears prompting
you for permission to create the folder, click Yes.
Click Next to continue.

10 On the Select Products dialog box, select the AES products

you want to install on the computer.

The options selected on the Software Selection Availability

and Computer Configuration Type dialog boxes determine
the list of products available on the Select Products dialog
box, as follows:
Licensed products only
Unlicensed products are shaded and are unavailable for
All products
Restricted products requiring evidence of licensing from an
ALM server are shaded.
Standard, Server, or Lite Client Installation
Only the products that support the selected installation
option are listed.

4-8 Lite Client Installation

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Icons provide additional product information:



The key icon indicates that the product or subcomponent

is licensed.
The lock icon indicates that the product or subcomponent
is restricted and can only be installed if an ALM server
provides evidence of licensing.
The OS icon indicates that the product or subcomponent is
not applicable to the operating system of this computer.
The drive icon indicates that the product is already
installed on this computer.

To change the subcomponents installed with a product, select

the product and click Select Subcomponents. Select or clear
the appropriate checkboxes in the Select Subcomponents
dialog box and then click OK to return to the Select Products
dialog box.

Changing Product folders

As you select the products to install, the space available on the

target drive and the space required to install the products are
displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.
Depending on the product selected, you can change either its
Working Folders directory location or its top-level product
directory location. Additionally, you may be able to change the
default location of specific subcomponents.
Note the following product restrictions:


These products must be installed
Aspen Chromatography below the same root destination.
Aspen Custom Modeler
Aspen Dynamics
Aspen Traflow
Aspen Water
Aspen Icarus

The Aspen Icarus directory must be

installed no deeper than the third
level of the directory structure. For
example: d:\Program Files\
AspenTech\Aspen Icarus 11.1
To change the location of the product installation for a selected
AES product, click Change Folders and select the new
location. Then click Next to continue.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Lite Client Installation 4-9

Specifying the File

Server location of

11 Depending on the products you are installing, dialog boxes

appear, prompting you for the file server location of the
products components. Specify the location on the mapped file
server, and then click Next to continue.
The following examples assume this mapped location on the
user PC:

Aspen Chromatography
Aspen Custom Modeler
Aspen Dynamics
Aspen Traflow
Aspen Water

Specify the common root destination directory under which

any if these products must be located. For example:

Aspen B-JAC

Specify the location of the product folder, for example:

K:\AspenTech\Aspen B-JAC 11.1

Aspen Icarus

Specify the destination directory, for example:

K:\AspenTech\Aspen Icarus 11.1

Aspen Plus

Aspen Properties

Aspen Zyqad

Specify the location of the user interface, for example:

K:\AspenTech\Aspen Plus 11.1\GUI\xeq\apwn.exe
Specify the location of the simulation engine, for example:
K:\AspenTech\Aspen Plus 11.1\Engine\xeq\aspen.exe
Specify the location of the user interface, for example:
K:\AspenTech\Aspen Properties 11.1\
Specify the location of the calculation engine, for example:
K:\AspenTech\Aspen Properties 11.1\
Specify the location of the product folder, for example:
K:\AspenTech\Aspen Zyqad 11.1
An additional dialog box prompts for the Aspen Zyqad
Broker host and port connection.
(Optional)Specify the location of the ProVision
configuration and schema definition files.
For details, see Chapter 28, Aspen Zyqad.

4-10 Lite Client Installation

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Select Program

12 On the Select Program Folder dialog box, select or name a

Program Folder to contain the program icons for the installed
products, and click Next to continue.

Plantelligence &
Optimization Users

13 If you are a Plantelligence & Enterprise Optimization licensee,

you will be prompted for additional information.
For instructions, see Using Plantelligence & Enterprise
Optimization Solutions on page 3-11.

Installation Summary

14 On the Summary dialog box, review the summary of your

selected installation options and do the following:
To modify any selected option, click the Back button to the
appropriate dialog box and make the changes.
To complete the installation, click the Start Installing

Forcing the installation of

core components

Use this option for subsequent installations of AES products to

ensure that all core components are installed. When this option is
unchecked, any existing core components are not reinstalled. For
more information, see Chapter 7, Adding or Reinstalling

Setup Complete

The installation takes a few minutes, depending on the speed of

the machine and the CD drive.
15 When the Setup Complete dialog box appears, select Yes, I
want to restart my computer now. Then click Finish.
16 On the AspenTech Software Setup dialog box, click OK.
The system shuts down and reboots.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Lite Client Installation 4-11

Aspen License

17 When the system restarts, the Aspen License Selector based

on FLEXlm dialog box appears.

The Combined section displays the license server or file you

specified on the Software Selection Availability dialog box.
18 Verify or select the license scheme and click OK.
Note: If you selected to have All Products available for
installation on the Software Selection Availability dialog box,
you must specify a license method for installed AspenTech
products before you can use them. For more information, see
Selecting or Changing the Licensing Method, on page 3-15.

4-12 Lite Client Installation

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Verifying the Installation

Before you verify the AES products installed on the user PCs,
ensure that:
The folder containing the AES installation on the network file
server is accessible to the user PCs.
Each user PC maps the same drive letter to the shared root
folder of installed AES products on the file server.
For instructions on verifying the installation of Aspen Engineering
Suite products, see the individual product chapters.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Lite Client Installation 4-13

4-14 Lite Client Installation

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1


Client - Server Installation

This chapter provides instructions for installing Aspen Engineering

Suite products in a client-server installation configuration.
Note: If you are upgrading an AES product, see Chapter 6,
Upgrading AES Products.

A client-server installation of AES products takes advantage of
using a powerful server computer to perform calculations and
various data-processing activities.

User PC/

The Server installation option enables you to install AES

simulation and calculation engines on a server computer for use
by user PCs running AES product software.
Server running
WndowsNT or
Windows 2000

A alternate option exists which provides both the performance

advantages of a client-server installation and the space-saving
advantages of a lite-client installation. For more information see
Combining Server and Lite Client Install Options on page 5-26.
Note: Only system administrators should perform this type of
The following AES products support the Server installation option:
Aspen Chromatography
Aspen Custom Modeler
Aspen Dynamics
Aspen OnLine

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Client - Server Installation 5-1

Aspen Plus
Aspen Properties
Aspen Utilities
Aspen Water
Aspen WebModels Server
Aspen Zyqad
Batch Plus
Polymers Plus

The following flowchart summarizes the client-server installation

Complete steps in
Before You Begin.

Review the pre-installation checklist

Install AES Products

on application server

Insert CD in CD
drive and follow
instructions for
Server install

Restart the

server for
user PC

Insert CD in CD
drive and follow
instructions for
Standard install

Restart user

User PC to
use Server

Install AES Products

on User PC

Complete steps in
After you Install.



5-2 Client - Server Installation


Verify the
installation on
file server and
user PCs

denotes substep

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Before You Begin

Before you begin the installation process:
Review the General Pre-Installation Checklist on page 2-10.
Because several users may be running a calculation engine on
the server simultaneously, ensure the server machine has
appropriate resources. For guidelines see AES System
Requirements on page 2-3.
Make sure the server and client machines use TCP/IP
communication and have the appropriate network access in
both directions.
Make sure the server and the user PCs have the proper name
resolution present so that the user PCs recognize the server
name entered at run time.
Ensure that the users of AES products have Windows accounts
that are valid on the application server.
If you are installing any of these products, review the installation
notes in their product chapters:
If you are installing


Aspen OnLine

Chapter 17, Aspen OnLine and

Aspen Plus Online

Aspen WebModels Server

Chapter 27, Aspen WebModels


Aspen Zyqad

Chapter 28, Aspen Zyqad

Batch Plus

Chapter 29, Batch Plus

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Client - Server Installation 5-3

Client-Server Installation Summary

The following table summarizes the steps for installing AES
products for a client-server network configuration.

For details,

page 5-4


On the server machine, perform the Server

installation to install AES server components.
Configure the server to perform calculations
and data-processing activities for the user PCs.
On each user PC, perform a Standard
installation of AES products.
Configure the user PCs to use the remote
Verify communications between the server and
the user PCs.

page 5-12
page 3-2
page 5-19
page 5-25

Note: Only system administrators should perform this type of


Installing AES Software on a Server

Note: You must install any of the following products on the same
server machine and specify the same working folder as
Aspen Plus:
Aspen Chromatography
Aspen Custom Modeler
Aspen Dynamics
Aspen Water
This ensures that these products can find the .appdf file containing
the physical property configuration, when using Aspen Plus/Aspen
Properties for physical property calculations.

5-4 Client - Server Installation

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Engineering
Suite Application /
Product CD

To install AES server software on the server machine:

1 Insert the Aspen Engineering Suite CD1 (Core CD) into the
CD-ROM Drive.
Note: If the installation does not start automatically, click Start |
Run. In the Run dialog box type <drive>:\setup (where
<drive> is the drive letter assigned to your CD-ROM drive), and
click OK.

When the AspenTech screen appears, click the Aspen

Engineering Suite button to start the installation.

The AspenTech Software Setup window appears.

On the Welcome dialog box, click Next to continue.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Client - Server Installation 5-5

Software Selection

On the Software Selection Availability dialog box, select

whether to install licensed products only (default) or all

If you select Licensed products only, specify the name of

your Aspen License Manager (ALM) license server, or use the
Browse button to locate the ALM license file.
Note: If you select All Products, you could be installing unlicensed
software that will not run until properly licensed. Some products
will not allow their installations until proof of licensing is provided
by an Aspen License Manager.
Click Next to continue.
5 When the Software License Agreement dialog box appears,
read the agreement, then click Yes to agree to the terms of the
notice and continue.

5-6 Client - Server Installation

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Configuration Type

On the Computer Configuration Type dialog box, click

Server Install to install the AES product software on the
server machine.

Choose Destination

On the Choose Destination Location dialog box, specify the

root destination directory under which all AspenTech products
for this software version will be installed on this computer. The
default is:
C:\Program Files\AspenTech
To specify a different AspenTech destination, click the Browse
button. In the dialog box select or specify the pathname and
click Open. If a dialog box appears prompting you for
permission to create the folder, click Yes.

Specifying the root

destination directory for
Aspen product

Note: This dialog box, prompting you for the AspenTech folder
location only appears the first time you install AspenTech products
for this version on this computer.
Once the installation of any AspenTech product has been
completed for this software version on this computer, you
cannot change the location of the AspenTech folder.
Click Next to continue.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Client - Server Installation 5-7

On the Choose Destination Location dialog box, specify the

Working Folders location for the AES products. The default is:
C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Working Folders
To specify a different Working Folders location, click the
Browse button. In the dialog box select or specify the
pathname and click Open. If a dialog box appears prompting
you for permission to create the folder, click Yes.
Click Next to continue.

On the Select Products dialog box, select the AES products

you want to install on the computer. Then click Next to

Specifying the Working

Folders location for
Aspen Products

Select Products /

The options selected on the Software Selection Availability

and Computer Configuration Type dialog boxes determine
the list of products available on the Select Products dialog
box, as follows:
Licensed products only
Unlicensed products are shaded and are unavailable for
All products
Restricted products requiring evidence of licensing from an
ALM server are shaded.
Standard, Server, or Lite Client Installation
Only the products that support the selected installation
option are listed.

5-8 Client - Server Installation

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Icons provide additional product information:



The key icon indicates that the product or subcomponent

is licensed.
The lock icon indicates that the product or subcomponent
is restricted and can only be installed if an ALM server
provides evidence of licensing.
The OS icon indicates that the product or subcomponent
is not applicable to the operating system of this computer
The drive icon indicates that the product is already
installed on this computer.

When you select a product, its subcomponents are selected by

default. The following table lists the AES product
subcomponents that you can install on a server machine.
AES Product


Aspen Properties

Aspen Plus

Aspen Zyqad

Polymers Plus

Calculation Engine
Core Properties System for Aspen
Properties (APrSystem)
Simulation Engine
Core Properties System for Aspen
Plus (APrSystem)
Server, which has the following
Sample Projects
Polymers Plus for Aspen Plus
Polymers Plus for Aspen


To install a specific subcomponent of a product, select the

product and click Select Subcomponents.
In the Select Subcomponents dialog box, select or clear the
appropriate checkboxes and then click OK to return to the
Select Products dialog box.

Changing the destination

location of a component

As you select the products to install, the space available on the

target drive and the space required to install the products are
displayed at the bottom of the dialog box.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Client - Server Installation 5-9

To change the destination location of a selected product

component or subcomponent, click Change Folders and select
the new location.
Click Next to continue.
Configure AES
product components

Depending on the products you are installing, additional dialog

boxes appear, prompting you for product-specific information.
If you are installing

You are prompted for

Aspen Zyqad

the Broker connection, verification of

the Broker and Server settings, and the
Sample Project users. For details, see
Chapter 28, Aspen Zyqad.

Batch Plus

the Batch Plus server information. For

details, see Chapter 29, Batch Plus.
10 Enter the required information and then click Next to continue.
Select Program

11 On the Select Program Folder dialog box, select or name a

Program Folder to contain the program icons for the installed
products, and click Next to continue.

Plantelligence &
Optimization Users

12 If you are a Plantelligence & Enterprise Optimization licensee,

you are prompted for additional information. For instructions,
see Using Plantelligence & Enterprise Optimization
Solutions on page 3-11.

Installation Summary

Forcing the installation of

core components

5-10 Client - Server Installation

13 On the Summary dialog box, review the summary of your

selected installation options and do the following:
To modify any selected option, click the Back button to the
appropriate dialog box and make the changes.
To complete the installation, click the Start Installing
Use this option for subsequent installations of AES products to
ensure that all core components are installed. When this option is
unchecked, any existing core components are not reinstalled. For
more information, see Chapter 7, Adding or Reinstalling

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Additional setup
information for AES

After you click the Start Installing button, the following products
display dialog boxes, prompting you for additional setup
AES Product

Required Setup Information

Aspen WebModels The Create SQL Server Aspen

Framework Database dialog box appears,
prompting you for information to create the
WebModels database. For detailed
instructions, see Chapter 27, Aspen
WebModels Server.
Batch Plus

Setup Complete

The Server Selection dialog box appears,

prompting you for information to create the
Batch Plus Server database tables and
records. For detailed instructions, see
Chapter 29, Batch Plus.

The installation takes a few minutes, depending on the speed of

the machine and the CD drive.
14 When the Setup Complete dialog box appears, select Yes, I
want to restart my computer now. Then click Finish.
15 On the AspenTech Software Setup dialog box, click OK.
The system shuts down and reboots.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Client - Server Installation 5-11

Aspen License

16 When the system restarts, the Aspen License Selector based

on FLEXlm dialog box appears.

The Combined section displays the license server or file you

specified on the Software Selection Availability dialog box.
17 Verify or select the license scheme and click OK.
Note: If you selected to have All Products available for
installation on the Software Selection Availability dialog box,
you must specify a license method for installed AspenTech
products before you can use them. For more information, see
Selecting or Changing the Licensing Method, on page 3-15.

5-12 Client - Server Installation

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Configuring a Windows Server as an

AES Host
After you complete the installation of the AES server components
on the server machine, you must configure the server as an AES
Each user who will connect to the Windows NT/2000 server must
belong to one of the following:
A local user account or group on the server
An account or group in the domain to which the server belongs
An account or group in a trusted domain.
Important: Each user account that connects to the server must
also be granted Log on as a Batch Job access to the server.
Adding Windows NT
Server Accounts

The following sections provide detailed instructions for

configuring user accounts on Windows NT. After you set up the
accounts and privileges, optimize the network applications.

Creating Local Group and To create local group and user accounts:
User Accounts

On the desktop click Start | Programs | Administrative Tools

(Common) | User Manager.
The User Manager window appears.
2 On the menu bar click User | New Local Group.
3 On the New Local Group dialog box, enter a Group Name for
the local group, for example, Local1. Then click OK.
4 On the menu bar click User | New User.
The New User dialog box appears.

Enter the following information:



The name of the new user, for example,

Local Aspen User.

The password based on your local

Confirm Password security policy.
Select the Password Never Expires option.
Click the Groups button.
The Group Memberships dialog box appears:
In the Not member of list, select the name of the group you
created, for example, Local1, and click Add to add the group to
the Member of list. Then click OK.
Click OK to close the New User dialog box

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Client - Server Installation 5-13

9 Repeat Steps 4 through 8 to create/add more users to the group.

10 When you finish adding users to the group, close the User
After you have created new local group and user accounts, you
must grant access to the user PCs.
Setting user rights

Each user account that connects to the server must be granted Log
on as a Batch Job access to the server.
To grant access to the server for local users:
1 On the desktop click Start | Programs | Administrative Tools
(Common) | User Manager.
2 On the menu bar click Policies | User Rights.
The User Rights Policy dialog box appears.
3 Select the Show Advanced User Rights option at the bottom
of the dialog box.
4 From the Right list, select Log on as a Batch Job , and click
The Add Users and Groups dialog box appears.
5 For List Names From, select your local NT server.
6 In the Names list, select the users and groups you created and
click Add.
Tip: To view all user names for the selected domain, click Show

Granting server access

for domain/trusted
domain users

5-14 Client - Server Installation

Click OK to return to the User Rights Policy dialog box. Then

click OK to close the dialog box.
Close the User Manager, and optimize the throughput for the
Windows NT server.
For instructions, see Optimizing Network Applications on page

To grant access to the Windows NT server for domain users or

trusted domain users:
1 On the desktop click Start | Programs | Administrative Tools
(Common) | User Manager.
2 On the menu bar click Policies | User Rights.
The User Rights Policy dialog box appears.
3 Select the Show Advanced User Rights option at the bottom
of the dialog box.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1


From the Right list, select Log on as a Batch Job, and click
The Add Users and Groups dialog box appears.
For List Names From, select your domain or trusted domain.
In the Names list, select the users and groups and click Add to
add users and groups to the primary domain controller.
Click OK to return to the User Rights Policy dialog box. Then
click OK to close the dialog box.
Close the User Manager, and optimize the throughput for the
Windows NT server.
For instructions, see Optimizing Network Applications on
page 5-16.

Adding Windows
The following sections provide detailed instructions for
2000 Server Accounts configuring user accounts on Windows 2000, using sample groups,
accounts, and domains.
Creating Local Group and To create local group and user accounts:
User Accounts

On the desktop click Start | Settings |Control Panel |

Administrative Tools | Computer Management.
The Computer Management console appears.
2 In the console tree expand System Tools | Local users &
Groups and click Groups.
3 On the Action menu click New Group.
The New Group dialog box appears.
4 Enter a Group Name for the local group, for example, Local1.
Then click Create.
5 In the console tree, select Users and on the Action menu, click
New User.
The New User dialog box appears.

Enter the following information:


The name of the new user.

The password based on your local

Confirm Password security policy.
Select the Password Never Expires option.
7 Click Create and close the dialog box.
8 Double-click the new user you just created and in its
Properties dialog box and click the Members of tab.
9 Click the Add button.
Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Client - Server Installation 5-15

10 Select the name of the group you created, for example, Local1,
and click Add to add the group to the Member of list. Then
click OK.
11 Click OK to close the Properties dialog box.
12 Repeat Steps 4 through 11 to create/add more users to the
13 When you finish adding users to the group, close the Computer
Management console.
After you have created new local group and user accounts, you
must grant access to the user PCs.
Setting user rights

Each user account that connects to the server must be granted Log
on as a Batch Job access to the server.
To grant access to the server for local users:
1 On the desktop click Start | Settings | Control Panel.
2 Double-click Administrative Tools, and then double-click
Local Security Policy.
3 Double-click Security Settings, double-click Local Policies,
and then double-click User Rights Assignment.
4 Double-click the user right Logon as a Batch Job.
5 Click Add, and then click the accounts to which you want to
assign the right.
6 Click OK and then click OK again.
7 Confirm that the changes have taken effect locally by closing
the Local Security Policy window and then re-opening it.
The newly assigned rights should appear under the Effective
Settings columns.

Optimizing Network

Note: The procedure in this section applies only to Windows NT

Server machines.
The throughput of your server can be optimized for network
applications, such as the simulation engine, or for use as a file
server. File server is the default configuration.
To optimize the throughput of your server:
1 Click Start | Settings | Control Panel, and double-click
2 In the Network dialog box, click the Services tab, and doubleclick Server.

5-16 Client - Server Installation

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1


In the Server dialog box, select one of the following options:

Maximize Throughput for Network Applications to
optimize throughput for network applications.
Balance to balance the throughput for network applications
and for file services.
Click OK.
Restart your computer.

You can now proceed with the installation on the user PCs.

Configuring Installed AES Products

on the Server
When the installation process is complete, the following AES
products require additional configuration:
If you installed


Aspen OnLine

Chapter 17, Aspen OnLine and

Aspen Plus Online

Aspen WebModels Server

Chapter 27, Aspen WebModels


Aspen Zyqad

Chapter 28, Aspen Zyqad

Verifying the Server Installation

Aspen Chromatography
Aspen Custom Modeler
Aspen Dynamics
Aspen Utilities
Aspen Water

After you have installed and configured the simulation server

software on the server for any Aspen Modeler System product,
ensure that the installation is working correctly.
To verify the server installation:
1 On the desktop of the server computer click Start | Run.
2 Enter the following command:
Where pathname is the directory location of the product
executable file.
For example:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\AspenTech\AMSystem 11.1\
Note: If your path contains spaces, as in the default path, enclose
the command in quotes, as in the example.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Client - Server Installation 5-17

Click OK:

A message similar to the following indicates a successful

sim_server.exe (Version 11.1) built on Apr 18
2001 at 17:40:23

If you encounter any other messages, see Chapter 9,

Aspen Zyqad

If you are performing a server installation, you do not need to

restart the computer. However, you need to check that the Aspen
Zyqad Broker and Server services have started.
To check the Broker and Server services:
1 On the desktop,
Windows NT: Click Start | Settings | Control Panel. Double click the
Services to display the Services dialog box.
Windows 2000:

Click Start | Programs | Administrative Tools | Services.

Locate the Broker and Server services in the list.
The defaults are Zyqad111Broker and Zyqad111Server.
For both services:
Status should be Started
Startup set to Automatic
Click Close.

Installing AES Products on User PCs

The following table summarizes the steps for installing AES
products on user PCs in a client-server network configuration.

For details,

page 3-2

5-18 Client - Server Installation

On each user PC, perform a Standard

installation of AES products..
Configure the user PCs to use the remote

page 5-19

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Configuring Installed AES Products

on User PCs
Before you can run AES simulation/calculation software installed
on the server machine, you must specify the name of the server the
first time you run the product from the user PC.
Specifying a Remote

The following sections contain detailed instructions on specifying

the remote server for AES products.

Aspen Properties

To specify a remote server from a user PC running Aspen

1 On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen
Engineering Suite | Aspen Properties 11.1 | Aspen
Properties User Interface.
2 From the Aspen Properties menu bar click Tools | Options.
3 On the Options dialog box, select the Run tab.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Client - Server Installation 5-19

In the Remote server section, enter the following information:

Server type
Select Windows NT or 2000 server from the list.
Server name
Specify the name of the server running the calculation
Note: Ensure the accuracy of both case and spelling of the
server name. The name is used to resolve the network address
of the computer and must be in a form recognizable to your
Domain Name Server.

Specify the user name of the user under whom the
simulation server software will run on the remote server.
You must supply a name.

Working directory
Specify the pathname of the root folder on the remote
machine where the run-time data, such as property data
(.aprpdf), history, report and other files, will be stored. For
\My Simulations\UserName
Click OK.
You are notified that you will have to restart Aspen Properties
for the changes you have made to take effect.

After restarting Aspen Properties, you can perform property

calculations from your PC on the remote server you specified.
Aspen Plus

To specify a remote server from a user PC running Aspen Plus:

1 On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen
Engineering Suite | Aspen Plus 11.1 | Aspen Plus Interface.
Note: The Connect to Engine dialog box may appear

5-20 Client - Server Installation

On the Aspen Plus menu bar click Run | Connect to Engine.

The Connect to Engine dialog box appears.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Change the Server Type to Windows NT or 2000 server.

Enter the following user information:

Node name of the server running the simulation engine
User name
Users password
Appropriate working directory

Note: If you are using domain accounts, the Domain Name must
precede the username. For example, MAGIC\potterh would be a
valid login for the MAGIC domain.

Click OK to connect to the calculation server.

If everything is configured correctly, the status bar should display

Connection Established.
Aspen Chromatography
Aspen Custom Modeler
Aspen Dynamics
Aspen Utilities
Aspen Water

To specify a remote server from a user PC running any of the

Aspen Modeler System products:
1 On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen
Engineering Suite | AES product 11.1 | AES product.
2 On the menu bar click Tools | Server Configuration.
3 In the Server Configurations dialog box, click Add.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Client - Server Installation 5-21

The Servers dialog box appears:

Specify a Current Configuration Name.

This name can be the name of the computer where the
simulation server software will run, or it can be a name with
meaning to you only.
5 Click Add Host.
The Host Properties dialog box appears.
6 Enter the following information:
Host Name
Specify the name of the server where the simulation server
software is installed.
Note: Ensure the accuracy of both case and spelling of the
server name. The name is used to resolve the network address
of the computer and must be in a form recognizable to your
Domain Name Server.

5-22 Client - Server Installation

Debugger Name
If you intend to debug the server process of the simulator,
enter the command used to invoke the debugger.
User Name
Specify the user name of the user under whom the
simulation server software will run on the remote server.
You must supply a name.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Enter the password for the user.
If you prefer not to have the password stored by the system,
you can leave this blank.
For example:


Click OK.
In the Servers dialog box, select the name of the server you
just added as the Host Computer.
For example:
Name of host
you added

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Client - Server Installation 5-23

In the Configuration Properties section, specify the

Working Folder
The pathname of the root folder on the remote machine,
where run-time data, such as simulation snapshots and plot
data, will be stored. For example,
C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Working Folders\
AES Product
Note: Snapshots and plot data will be stored in folders of
this working folder on the remote server machine.
Executable Folder
The pathname of the folder where the simulator executables
are installed on the remote machine. For example:
C:\Program Files\AspenTech\AMSystem 11.1\Bin
Optionally, select:
Prompt for Password, if you want the system to prompt
for the remote password rather than use the stored one
associated with the host.
Debug, if you have your own code linked into the server
and want to debug it. This is an advanced option and is not
for normal use.
10 Click OK to accept your changes and close the Servers dialog
11 In the Server Configurations dialog box, click OK.
You are notified that you will have to restart the AES product
for the changes you have made to take effect.
After you have restarted the AES product, you can run simulations
and/or calculations from your PC on the remote server you
Checking the Status bar

To quickly verify that an installed product is using the remote

configuration you specified, look for the configuration name on the
status bar, for example:

Name of remote

5-24 Client - Server Installation

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Verifying Client Server

To verify that the installation on the user PC is successfully
communicating with the server running the AES simulation and
calculation server software:
1 Ensure that you have successfully installed and configured the
software on both the server and on the user PC.
2 If you have not already done so, restart the user PC.
3 Verify the client-server communication for the installed AES
products, as described in this section.
4 Verify the installation of AES products on the user PCs, using
verification procedures in the appropriate product tabs.
Aspen Chromatography
Aspen Custom Modeler
Aspen Dynamics
Aspen Utilities
Aspen Water

If you encounter any problems running any of these AES products,

you can ensure that REXEC is working correctly on the user PC.
To do this:
At the command prompt on the user PC, type:
rexec MachineName pathname\sim_server.exe
Name (DomainName:UserName): UserName
Password (DomainName:UserName):

For example, where the:

Machine name is Blue,
Path is C:\Program Files\AspenTech\AMSystem 11.1\bin,
Domain is
UserName is Fred
you would type:
rexec Blue C:\Program Files\AspenTech\AMSystem
Name( Fred
Password (Blue:Fred):

A message similar to the following example indicates a successful

sim_server.exe (Version 11.1) built on Apr 18
2001 at 17:40:23

If you encounter any other messages, see Chapter 9,


Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Client - Server Installation 5-25

Combining Server and Lite Client

Install Options
To provide both performance and space-saving advantages for
your AES products, you can combine the server-client installation
described in this chapter with the lite client-file server installation
described in Chapter 4.
Note: Only a system administrator should perform this type of
To perform a combination lite-client and client-server installation
of AES products:
1 Do one of the following:
Perform a Standard Installation on a server machine that
will act as both application server and file server.
-or Perform a Standard Installation on a file server
Perform a Server Installation on a separate application
2 Configure the server to perform calculations for the user PCs.
For instructions, see Configuring a Windows Server as an
AES Host, on page 5-13.
3 On each user PC, map the same local drive letter to a shared
drive on the file server machine.
4 On each user PC, perform a Lite Client installation.
5 Configure the user PCs to use the server.
For instructions, see Configuring Installed AES Products on
User PCs on page 5-19.
6 Verify your installation on the application/file servers and on
the user PCs.

5-26 Client - Server Installation

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

The following table summarizes this procedure:


Install Option

Special Instructions

User PC

Lite Client

Configure the PC to use the AES

server components, as described
in Configuring Installed AES
Products on User PCs on
page 5-19.

File /


Create a shared drive for the

location of the installed AES
products, as described in
Installing AES Software on a
File Server on page 4-4.
Configure the server to act as
AES host, as described on
page 5-13.

File Server





Configure the server to act as

AES host, as described on
page 5-13.

For example, if you are installing Aspen Plus on the user PCs in a
client-server configuration, you could decide to install only the
user interface subcomponent. After the installation is complete,
start the Aspen Plus user interface on the user PC and specify the
server location of the Aspen Plus simulation engine.
To provide the user the option of running the simulation engine
either locally or remotely, install the simulation engine on the user
PC, along with the user interface.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Client - Server Installation 5-27

5-28 Client - Server Installation

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1


Upgrading AES Products

This chapter describes the procedures you should follow if you are
upgrading previously installed Aspen Engineering Suite products.

The following flowchart summarizes the process of upgrading
AES products:
Complete steps in
Before You Upgrade

Save files in portable

formats and in safe

Install AES Products

Follow install instructions

for appropriate site

Restart the

Complete steps in
After you Upgrade

Load/convert files from

previous software

Remove any
remaining old
software versions


Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

If desired or
necessary, uninstall
old version

denotes substep

Upgrading AES Products 6-1

Before You Upgrade

Before you upgrade any existing AES product:
Create forward-compatible backups of your current projects
and store them in a safe location. Binary files are not
compatible across different versions of AES products.
Create backups of any customizations you wish to retain and
store them in a safe location.
Note: When you remove the old version of the AES product, the
product folder and all of its contents will be deleted.
Occasionally, a manual change is made to an application file to fix
a specific problem. Such a change is referred to as a hot fix. If a
hot fix has been made to any currently installed AES application,
you must uninstall the application before installing any service
pack or upgrade.
Product Upgrade
Task Summary

The following table summarizes the tasks you should perform to

prepare for an Aspen software upgrade. An asterisk (*) indicates
the recommendation that you keep the previous version on your
machine until you are satisfied with the installation of the new
version, if there is sufficient disk space.
Before you

6-2 Upgrading AES Products

Do this

Aspen Properties

Create backup (.aprbkp) file versions for forward

compatibility and store them in a safe location.

Aspen OLI*

Save copies of project files to a safe location.

You must convert any databanks created before
OLI Version 6.0 to the new format.
For instructions, see Updating Aspen OLI on
page 6-5.

Aspen Plus

Create backup (.bkp and .apmbd) file versions for

forward compatibility and store them in a safe

Aspen Custom

Create language (.acmf) file versions for forward

compatibility and store them in a safe location.

Aspen Dynamics*

Create language (.dynf) file versions for forward

compatibility and store them in a safe location.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Before you

Do this

Aspen OnLine

Remove the older version of Aspen OnLine

before you install the new version.

Aspen WebModels

Remove the older version of WebModels Server

before you install the new version.

Aspen B-JAC*

Save copies of project files to a safe location.

Aspen Pinch

Save copies of project files to a safe location.

Aspen Water*

Create language (.awf ) file versions for forward

compatibility and store them in a safe location.

Aspen ADSIM*

Create language (.ada) file versions for forward

compatibility and store them in a safe location.


Create language (.cra) file versions for forward

compatibility and store them in a safe location.

Batch Plus*

Create a backup of project files and store them in

a safe location. After you install the latest
version, update the existing project files. For
instructions, see Batch Plus Project Files on
page 6-4.

Upgrading AES Products

To upgrade any AES product:
1 If desired or necessary (due to disk space or compatibility
limitations), remove old versions of AES products.
Note: You must remove the old version of Aspen OnLine before
you install the new version.

For instructions, see Chapter 8, Removing AES Products.

Install new products.
Depending on your site configuration, see the following
chapters for instructions:
Chapter 3, Standard Installation
Chapter 4, Lite Client Installation
Chapter 5, Client- Server Installation

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Upgrading AES Products 6-3

On the Summary dialog box select the Force the installation

of all core components checkbox to ensure that all AspenTech
core components are installed on the target computer.
Verify the new product installations.
For instructions, see the appropriate AES product tab.

After You Upgrade

Start the new version of the installed AES product and open the
saved files to make sure they work properly in the new version.
If you are upgrading


Batch Plus

Batch Plus Project Files on page 6-4

Aspen OLI

Updating Aspen OLI on page 6-5

After you are satisfied that the new version of the AES product is
working correctly, uninstall the old version, if necessary. For
instructions, see Chapter 8, Removing AES Products.
Batch Plus Project

Batch Plus automatically updates previously created projects to a

format compatible with new versions.
To convert existing projects to a format compatible with the new
version of Batch Plus:
1 After you install the new version of Batch Plus, start Batch
2 Open an existing project.
A message box should appear indicating that the project is
being converted to the new version.
The conversion process may take some time. Please be patient.
3 When the conversion is complete, verify that your projects
have been successfully converted and that your simulation
results are accurate.
4 Now you can uninstall the previous version of Batch Plus and
remove your project backup files.

6-4 Upgrading AES Products

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Updating Aspen OLI

You must convert any databanks created before Aspen OLI

Version 6.0 to the new format.
Note: The conversion does not make a copy of your old
databank. If you would like a backup copy, save a copy to a
separate folder prior to the conversion.
To convert Aspen OLI databanks to the new format:
1 In Aspen OLI, highlight the databank of interest on the
Opening Which Databook dialog box.
2 Click Utility Action and select Convert DOS database to
Windows database.
3 Verify that your databank projects have been successfully
converted and that your results are accurate.
4 After all databank projects have been successfully converted,
uninstall the previous version of Aspen OLI.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Upgrading AES Products 6-5

6-6 Upgrading AES Products

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1


Adding or Reinstalling

This chapter provides instructions for adding or reinstalling

components to AES product installations. To remove products, see
Chapter 8, Removing AES Products

The following flowchart summarizes the process of
adding/reinstalling AES products:
Complete steps in
Before You
Add/Reinstall AES

Review the preinstallation


Back up

Add/Reinstall AES

Insert CD in CD drive
and click

Restart the

Configure installed

Verify product

Complete steps in
After you
Add/Reinstall AES


Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

denotes substep

Adding or Reinstalling Components 7-1

Before You Add or Reinstall

Review the General Pre-Installation Checklist on page 2-10 before
you begin the installation.
Depending on your site configuration, see the appropriate Before
You Begin section in the chapter of the corresponding installation

Chapter 3, Standard Installation

Chapter 4, Lite Client Installation
Chapter 5, Client - Server Installation

If you are reinstalling components, be sure to back up any

customizations you want to retain.

Adding or Reinstalling Components

By default the master installer does not reinstall existing core
components. There is an option on the Summary dialog box,
which when selected, forces the re-installation of all core
In summary, to add or reinstall AES components:
Insert the AES Application/Product CD in the CD-ROM drive
and click the Aspen Engineering Suite button on the
AspenTech screen.
On the Add/Remove Software dialog box, click the
Install/Reinstall/Upgrade AspenTech Software button.
On the Select Products and Select Subcomponents dialog
boxes, select only the products or subcomponents you want to
add or reinstall.
On the Summary dialog box select the Force the installation
of all core components checkbox to reinstall all AspenTech
core components on the target computer.
Note: If this option is not selected and the installer detects any
existing core components, those core components are not

7-2 Adding or Reinstalling Components

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Depending on your site configuration, see the following chapters

for complete instructions:
Chapter 3, Standard Installation
Chapter 4, Lite Client Installation
Chapter 5, Client- Server Installation

After You Add or Reinstall

Depending on your site configuration, see the appropriate
Configuring the Installed AES Products sections in the chapter
corresponding to the installation type:

Chapter 3, Standard Installation

Chapter 4, Lite Client Installation
Chapter 5, Client - Server Installation

Verify the Installation

For instructions on verifying the installation of specific AES
products, see the appropriate product tab.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Adding or Reinstalling Components 7-3

7-4 Adding or Reinstalling Components

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1


Removing AES Products

This chapter describes how to uninstall any Aspen Engineering

Suite product.

The following flowchart summarizes the process of removing AES
Complete steps in
Before You remove
AES products

Remove AES

Complete steps in
After you Remove
AES Products

In preparation for upgrade, save

files/customizations in portable
formats and in safe location

Use the Uninstaller and select

AES products to remove

Verify that the AES product

files have been removed


Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

denotes substep

Removing AES Products 8-1

Before You Remove Any AES

If you are removing products in preparation for an upgrade, save
files and customizations in portable formats and in safe locations.
For more information, see Chapter 6, Upgrading AES Products.

Uninstalling AES Products

Note: You cannot remove individual subcomponents from any
AES product without removing the product itself.
Use the AspenTech uninstaller to remove AES products.
You can also use the Add/Remove utility in the Microsoft
Windows Control Panel to uninstall any AES product.
Note: You cannot remove Polymers Plus without removing Aspen
Starting the

To use the uninstaller, do one of the following:

On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech |
Uninstall AspenTech Software.
Insert the Aspen Engineering Suite Application/Product CD
in the CD-ROM drive. When the Add/Remove Software
dialog box appears ,click the Uninstall AspenTech Software

Uninstalling the

To remove the software:

1 On the AspenTech Uninstaller - Select Products dialog box,
select the AES products you want to remove, and click the
Uninstall button.
The uninstall process begins. The AspenTech Uninstaller
proceeds to remove the selected AES products and displays the
progress in the Uninstall Progress dialog box.
2 When the uninstall is complete, click Close.
The Uninstaller prompts you to remove common components:
3 Click Yes to remove common components.
As the Uninstaller removes the common components, the
Uninstall Progress dialog box displays its progress.
4 When the uninstall is complete, click Close.

8-2 Removing AES Products

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

The AspenTech Uninstaller dialog box prompts you to reboot

your computer.
Click Yes to reboot your computer now.

After You Remove AES Products

Go to the AspenTech or AES product directory on the machine to
verify that the files have been removed. If necessary, delete any
remaining folders manually.
If you are using HASP licensing and you will no longer be using
this licensing method on this computer, remove the HASP key
driver. For more information, see Appendix A HASP Key
Using Excel after
uninstalling Aspen

If you attempt to use Excel after uninstalling Aspen Zyqad, you

may encounter an error. The error may report that it cannot find
Aspen Zyqad.
If this problem occurs, do the following:
1 Start the MS Excel application.
2 Click Tools Add-In.
3 Clear the Aspen Zyqad option.
Note: You must do this for each network user PC when Aspen
Zyqad is uninstalled.

Re-registering CAPEOPEN components

If you install both Aspen Plus and Aspen Properties on the same
computer, the second program installed registers the location of
CAPE-OPEN Thermo components.
If you uninstall the second program, the remaining program may
not be able to access these components.
If this is the case, run the CAPE-OPEN Registry Fixup Utility to
re-register the CAPE-OPEN components so that the remaining
program can access them.
To re-register the CAPE-OPEN components:
1 Click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen Engineering
Suite | (remaining product) | CAPE-OPEN Registry Fixup
A dialog box appears, displaying the location of the remaining
products Engine.
2 Click OK to continue.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Removing AES Products 8-3

8-4 Removing AES Products

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1



This chapter contains:

Information that may help you if you have problems installing
Aspen Engineering products.
Some typical error messages.

Common Problems
The following information may be useful to you if you
encountered problems installing.
Checking Installation
Account Privileges

This section contains information about installation account

You must be logged on as a local administrator to install
software on the PC
Your path must include the Windows NT directory (\WINNT)
and the Windows system32 directory (\WINNT\system32).
You must have the TEMP and TMP environment variables set
to valid directories.
Before installation, your Winnt\System32 folder must have
Full privileges.
After installation, do not change the privileges on your working
folder. This is the place where your work files are stored and
therefore people must have Full or Change privileges for this

Troubleshooting Tips

If your installation does not appear to work correctly:

Ensure you have completed installation of all the required
Ensure you have restarted your server and/or user PC(s).

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Troubleshooting 9-1

Problem Accessing

If you are using License Manager, verify that you have License
Manager 3.0.
If you are using a file server installation, check you have shared
the relevant drive or folder so that the software is accessible by
the user PCs.
If you are installing on a file server, remember that whenever
you map from the user PC to the file server, you must use the
same drive letter.
If you are using a server installation on a server, you must have
appropriate network access between server and client machines
in both directions.

Lite-Client installations may encounter the following problem:


Lite Client users cannot access online Help or

cannot access the Search tab of the online Help.


This occurs when Windows Help finds index files

in the installed Help directory that contain
incorrect paths. These files (*.gid, *.fts, *.ftg) are
generated when the first time a Help file is run or
the Search function is used. The files contain file
paths that include the drive letter. If users access
the help from file shares assigned to different drive
letters, these paths can be incorrect for some users.



9-2 Troubleshooting

Delete all *.gid, *.fts, and *.ftg files from the

Help directories.
Do one of the following:
Ensure that all users have read-only access
to the file server. In this case, Windows
Help will write the index files to a
directory on the local computer, such as
WINNT\Help under Windows NT 4.0.
Ensure that all lite-client machines use the
same drive letter for the shared drive on the
file server. This may require lite-client
reconfiguration, or reinstallation of
applications if they were installed to use
different drive letters on different

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Error Messages

This section lists error messages that you may encounter when
installing the AES products in a client-server configuration.
The following error messages may appear if a server verification

Aspen Chromatography
Aspen Custom Modeler
Aspen Dynamics
Aspen Utilities
Aspen Water


Failed to connect to remote host via

rexec. Probable cause bad password,
bad hostname, or network not


Either the remote or local host cannot resolve the

remote or local host name into an address. Each
operating system and network protocol resolves
names differently.


Check to make sure that you have a valid DNS or

WINS server on the network and that the client is
properly configured to access it.


The name specified is not recognized

as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.


The sim_server.exe program is not at the location

you specified.


Repeat the verification, specifying the correct

location for the sim_server.exe program.


The dynamic link library filename.dll

could not be found in the specified


A DLL required to run the sim_server.exe program

is missing from your system. This is probably
caused by a failure during installation.


Note the name of the DLL and then use the Find tool
to search your system for the missing DLL.


Process simserver failed to start. If

you want to see more detail, press the
Details button.


The User Rights Policy that allows the user to log on

as a batch job has not been granted to the user shown
in the error message.


See Configuring a Windows Server as an AES

Host, on page 5-13.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Troubleshooting 9-3

You might see these error messages on a user PC that is unable to

connect to a server:

9-4 Troubleshooting


CreateProcessAsUser: The system cannot

find the file specified.(2)


The program specified does not exist.


Check that the server code is installed at the location

specified, for example, C:\Program Files\Common

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

C H A P T E R 10


This chapter contains the following sections:

Verifying an Aspen ADSIM Installation
Verifying an Aspen ADSIM Installation that Uses Aspen

Verifying an Aspen ADSIM

Note: If you have not already done so, restart Windows to activate
the changes made to your configuration during the installation.
To verify the installation of Aspen ADSIM on a user PC:
1 On the desktop, click Start | Programs/AspenTech/Aspen
Engineering Suite | Aspen ADSIM 11.1/Aspen ADSIM.
2 On the menu bar click File | Demonstrations.
The Demonstration Organizer window opens.
3 In the top window, select Nitrogen Production (Single Bed
approach) and Open.
A dialog box appears, indicating where the demonstration will
be copied to before automatically opening.
4 Click OK.
5 In the top pane of the Exploring Simulation window, select
6 In the lower pane double-click on the item labeled
A plot opens.
7 On the menu bar click Run | Run.
After a few moments the dynamic run completes.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen ADSIM 10-1

On the Run Complete Confirmation dialog box, click OK.

The plot should display a result.
9 On the menu bar click Tools | Report | Global Balance.
Additional messages should appear in the simulation message
10 On the menu bar click File | Exit.
A dialog box appears, displaying the message,
This will stop the current simulation.
11 Click OK, and then click No when prompted to save changes.
Aspen ADSIM closes.
You have now successfully verified your installation. You can
delete the test folder.

Verifying an Aspen ADSIM

Installation that Uses Aspen
Note: If you have not already done so, restart Windows to activate
the changes made to your configuration during the installation.
To verify an Aspen ADSIM installation that uses Aspen
1 On the desktop, click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen
Engineering Suite | Aspen ADSIM 11.1 |Aspen ADSIM.
2 From menu bar, click File | Demonstrations.
The Demonstration Organizer window opens.
3 In the top window select Nitrogen Production (Single Bed
approach) and click Open.
A dialog box appears, indicating where the demonstration will
be copied to before automatically opening.
4 Click OK.
5 In the top pane of the Exploring Simulation window, right
click on Component Lists and click Properties from the
shortcut menu.
6 In the Component Properties Settings dialog box, for the
Definition file enter N2PSA and click OK.
7 In the top pane of the Exploring Simulation window, right
click on the component list default and click Convert and then
click Yes in the confirmation dialog.

10-2 Aspen ADSIM

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1





The component list will now be converted for use with Aspen
Properties .
Double click on the component list Default.
In the dialog box that appears, ensure the two components
Nitrogen and Oxygen are present in the right-hand list. Then
click Cancel.
To reconfigure the flowsheet for use with Aspen Properties,
double click on any block on the flowsheet (for example F1).
In the top pane of the Exploring Simulation window, select
In the lower pane double-click on the item labeled
A plot opens.
On the menu bar click Run | Run.
After a few moments the dynamic run completes.
On the Run Complete Confirmation dialog box, click OK.
The plot should display a result.
On the menu bar click Tools | Report | Global Material
Additional messages should appear in the simulation message
On the menu bar click File | Exit. Then click No when
prompted to save changes.
Aspen ADSIM closes.

You have now successfully verified your installation with Aspen

Properties. You can delete the test folder created during step 3.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen ADSIM 10-3

10-4 Aspen ADSIM

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

C H A P T E R 11

Aspen B-JAC

This chapter contains the instructions for verifying the installation

of Aspen B-JAC on user PCs.

Verifying the Aspen B-JAC

Note: If you have not already done so, restart Windows to activate
the changes made to your configuration during the installation.
To verify the installation of any of the Aspen B-JAC design system
products (Hetran, Teams, Aerotran) on a user PC:
1 On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen
Engineering Suite | Aspen B-JAC 11.1 | Aspen BJAC Design System.
This starts the User Interface.
2 Open any of the test files located in the folder:
x:\Program Files\AspenTech\B-JAC 11.1\XMP
where x is the local drive where Aspen B-JAC is installed on
your PC or the local mapped drive to the file server where
Aspen B-JAC is installed.
3 On the menu bar click Run | Run.
The program should open the status window and show you the
calculation progress.
You are now finished with the verification of the Aspen B-JAC

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen B-JAC 11-1

Changing the
Licensing Option

You can change the selected licensing option after you have
installed Aspen B-JAC Hetran, Teams or Aerotran products.
To change licensing:
In the Aspen B-JAC user interface click Tools | Security |
Settings on the menu bar.

11-2 Aspen B-JAC

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

C H A P T E R 12

Aspen Chromatography

This chapter contains the instructions for verifying the installation

of Aspen Chromatography on user PCs.

Verifying an Aspen Chromatography

Note: If you have not already done so, restart Windows to activate
the changes made to your configuration during the installation.
To verify an Aspen Chromatography installation:
1 On the desktop, click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen
Engineering Suite | Aspen Chromatography 11.1/Aspen
2 On the menu bar click File | Demonstrations.
The Demonstration Organizer window opens.
3 In the top window, select Separation of D- & L- Threonine
Enantiomers and click Open.
A dialog box appears, indicating where the demonstration will
be copied to before automatically opening.
4 Click OK.
5 In the top pane of the Exploring Simulation window, select
6 In the lower pane double-click on the item labeled conc.
A plot opens.
7 On the menu bar click Run | Run.
After a few moments the dynamic run completes.
8 On the Run Complete Confirmation dialog box, click OK.
The plot should display a result.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Chromatography 12-1

9 Double-click on the flowsheet icon labeled B1.

10 In the dialog box that appears, click the Reporting tab and
then Click the Report button.
A chromatography report dialog box appears.
11 On the menu bar click File | Exit. When prompted to save
changes, click No.
Aspen Chromatography closes.
You have now successfully verified your installation. You can
delete the test folder created during step 3.

12-2 Aspen Chromatography

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

C H A P T E R 13

Aspen Custom Modeler

This chapter contains the instructions for verifying the installation

of Aspen Custom Modeler on user PCs.

Verifying the Aspen Custom Modeler

Note: If you have not already done so, restart Windows to activate
the changes made to your configuration during the installation.
To verify an installation of Aspen Custom Modeler on a user PC:
1 Create an empty test folder and copy the FiveTank.acmf file
into it.
The default location of this file is:
C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Aspen Custom Modeler
2 On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen
Engineering Suite | Aspen Custom Modeler 11.1 | Aspen
Custom Modeler.
3 On the menu bar click File | Open.
4 Navigate to your test folder and select the Fivetank.acmf file,
then click Open to load the simulation.
5 On the menu bar click Run | Mode | Dynamic.
6 On the menu bar click Run | Run.
After a few moments the dynamic simulation starts to run.
7 Ensure that the time displayed in the status bar at the bottom of
the window is advancing. The time appears after the words
Dynamic at.
8 On the menu bar click File | Exit.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Custom Modeler 13-1

A dialog box appears, displaying the message,

This will stop the current simulation.
Click OK, and then click No when prompted to save changes.
Aspen Custom Modeler closes.

You have successfully verified your installation, and you can

delete your test folder and its contents.
Verifying Aspen
Custom Modeler with
Aspen Properties

To verify an Aspen Custom Modeler installation that uses Aspen

1 In Aspen Plus create an Aspen Plus document (.apw) file in a
test folder.
2 In Aspen Custom Modeler run the InitializeSimulation
script. This script:
Fixes the feed compositions, flows, temperatures, and
pressures in each of the feed streams. Notice also that we
use a stream model.
Initializes the temperature, liquid and vapor flows in the
absorber. The specabsorber script fixes the pressure and
temperature in the absorber, and frees the duty for each
Runs the simulation. A steady-state run at this point is at a
fixed temperature of 50C. This simulation converges very
quickly, and shows the power of using simplified properties
and initialization.
Switches the simulation to rigorous properties and an
adiabatic duty for each tray.
Runs a steady-state simulation again.
Switches the specifications of the absorber to dynamic
specifications, where tray coefficients are used to calculate
the pressure, and the vapor and liquid product flows are

Creating the Aspen Plus


To create the Aspen Plus document file:

1 If you have not already done so, restart Windows to activate
the changes made to your configuration during the installation.
2 Create an empty test folder and copy into it the files from the
Absorber folder. The default location of this folder is:
C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Aspen Custom Modeler

13-2 Aspen Custom Modeler

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen

Engineering Suite | Aspen Plus 11.1 | Aspen Plus User
In the Aspen Plus Startup dialog box, open the Absorber.bkp
file in your test folder.

Note: There is no flowsheet because this is a properties only input


Running the
InitializeSimulation script

On the Aspen Plus menu bar click Run | Run.

After the run completes, click File | Save As on the menu bar
and save the simulation in your test folder as an Aspen Plus
document (.apw) file.
Exit Aspen Plus.

On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen

Engineering Suite | Aspen Custom Modeler 11.1 | Aspen
Custom Modeler.
2 On the menu bar click File | Open. Locate your test folder and
select the absorber.acmf file. Then click Open.
3 In the All Items pane of the Simulation Explorer, click
Flowsheet to select it.
4 In the Contents of Simulation pane, double-click the
FeedDisturbance task to activate it.
5 In the Contents of Simulation pane, double-click the
TempProfile item to display the temperature profile plot.
6 In the Contents of Simulation pane, double-click the
InitializeSimulation script to run it.
When the script completes, the temperature profile plot
displays the result.
7 On the menu bar click File | Exit. Click No when prompted to
save changes.
You have now successfully verified your installation. You can now
delete your test folder and its contents.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Custom Modeler 13-3

13-4 Aspen Custom Modeler

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

C H A P T E R 14

Aspen Dynamics

This chapter contains the instructions for verifying the installation

of Aspen Dynamics on user PCs.

Verifying the Aspen Dynamics

To verify an installation of Aspen Dynamics on a user PC:
1 Create an empty test folder and copy into it the file
The default directory location of the file is:
C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Aspen Dynamics 11.1\Examples
2 On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen
Engineering Suite | Aspen Plus 11.1 | Aspen Plus User
3 Open DyEster.bkp, located in your test folder.
Note: If you are running remotely, on the menu bar click
Run | Connect to Engine and make sure you are properly
connected to the remote server.
4 On the menu bar click Run | Run.
5 When the run completes, on the menu bar click File | Export.
6 Navigate to your test folder and for the Save as Type, select
Flow Driven Dyn Simulation.
7 Click Save to export the dynamic simulation.
8 On the menu bar click Send To | Aspen Dynamics Flow
Aspen Dynamics starts automatically, with the DyEster
simulation open.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Dynamics 14-1

On the menu bar click Run | Run.

After a few moments, the dynamic simulation starts to run.
10 Make sure that the time shown in the status bar at the bottom of
the window is advancing. The time appears after the words
Dynamic at.
11 On the menu bar click File | Exit.
A dialog box displays the message This will stop the current
12 Click OK, and then click No when prompted to save changes.
Aspen Dynamics closes.
You have now successfully verified your installation. You can
delete your test folder and its contents.

14-2 Aspen Dynamics

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

C H A P T E R 15

Aspen Icarus

This chapter contains the following sections:

Before You Install Aspen Icarus
Aspen Icarus Installation Notes

Before You Install Aspen Icarus

Aspen Icarus Project
Manager (IPM)

Before you can install Aspen Icarus Project Manager (IPM) you
must install Primavera Project Planner for Windows (P3).
For instructions on setting up P3, see the Primavera Project
Planner for Windows Reference (version 3.0), pages xxii-xxxiii,
Setting up P3.
After installing P3, you must install the SP3 update to make it
compatible with IPM. You must install this update before you
install Aspen Icarus Project Manager.
The SP3 update is located on AES CD1 under the Aspen Icarus
directory. The name of the patch file is P3srvpk3.exe.

Aspen Icarus Installation Notes

When installing this version of Aspen Icarus, the Aspen Icarus
11.1 product directory must be installed no deeper than the third
level of the directory structure. For example:
D:\Program Files \AspenTech\Aspen Icarus 11.1
Windows 2000

Due to read/write access issues for certain Windows 2000

configurations, we recommend installing Aspen Icarus products in
a directory other than Program Files.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Icarus 15-1

15-2 Aspen Icarus

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

C H A P T E R 16

Aspen OLI

This chapter contains the instructions for verifying the installation

of Aspen OLI on user PCs.

Verifying the Aspen OLI Installation

Note: To use Aspen OLI, Aspen Plus must be installed prior to or
simultaneously with Aspen OLI.
To verify an installation of Aspen OLI on a user PC:
1 If you have not already done so, restart Windows to include
changes made to your configuration during the installation.
2 Click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen OLI 11.1 |
Aspen OLI Interface.
The Aspen OLI Interface window opens.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen OLI 16-1

16-2 Aspen OLI

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

C H A P T E R 17

Aspen OnLine and Aspen Plus


This chapter contains the following sections:

Aspen OnLine Installation Notes
Configuring Aspen OnLine
Verifying an Aspen OnLine Installation
Aspen Plus Online Installation Notes
Aspen Plus Online Startup

Aspen OnLine Installation Notes

Aspen OnLine consists of:
Aspen OnLine Server, which communicates with CIM-IO to
retrieve plant data and with Aspen Plus to run models.
Aspen OnLine Client, which is the graphical user interface for
Aspen OnLine.
The Aspen OnLine Client is required, as a local client, on the
computer where Aspen Online Server is installed.
On server installations, CIM-IO Server Security allows you to
control which clients can connect to the CIM-IO Server. You can
enable this feature during the installation of Aspen OnLine.
During the installation setup, you are prompted for the following
information after you select Aspen OnLine on the Select Products
and Select Subcomponents dialog boxes:
DCOM user account
CIM-IO Core Security Settings

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen OnLine and Aspen Plus Online 17-1

Specifying a DCOM
user account

The DCOM associated with Aspen OnLine runs as a user. You

must specify the DCOM user account.
When the following dialog box appears, enter the
Domain\Username and password for the account. This account
must have administrative privileges.

Enabling CIM-IO
Server Security

After you select the Aspen OnLine on the Select Products dialog
box, you are prompted to enable CIM-IO Server security.
To enable the CIM-IO server security feature:
1 When the CIM-IO Core Security Settings dialog box
appears, select the Enable Security checkbox and click Next.

The Windows NT Service Configuration screen appears.

17-2 Aspen OnLine and Aspen Plus Online

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Enter the Domain\Username and password for the account

which will run the security service. This account must have
local administrator access.

Click Next to continue the installation.

Configuring Aspen OnLine

Configuring the
Aspen OnLine Server

The Aspen OnLine server requires the configuration of:

CIM-IO to properly communicate with the plant data server
CIM-IO services in Windows NT
Windows DCOM (distributed COM) function

Configuring CIM-IO for

Aspen OnLine

The CIM-IO component for Aspen OnLine must be configured to

communicate with the source of plant data.
Note: If another AspenTech application on this computer is using
CIM-IO to communicate with the same devices, Aspen OnLine
will use the same CIM-IO connection, and you do not need to
perform this configuration.
The following instructions assume the plant data server is IP.21.
For complete CIM-IO configuration instructions for IP.21 and for
all other plant data server devices, see the CIM-IO manual.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen OnLine and Aspen Plus Online 17-3

Adding Services

To add services to the Windows NT server computer:

1 In Windows Notepad (or other text editor), open the services
file. The default location is:
2 Insert the following two lines so that all services are in
numerical order:
If necessary, replace 5801 and 5802 with unused service
numbers greater than 1023 that are identical to those in the
corresponding file in the IP.21 server computer.

Specifying Logical


#CIMIO for IP.21

#CIMIO for IP.21 historical

Save the file and Exit the text editor.

To specify the Logical Devices used by CIM-IO in its logical

device definition file:
1 Double click the CIM-IO Device Configuration icon in the
CIM-IO windows group.
On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen
Manufacturing Suite - Information Mgmt | Cim-io | Logical
The header line reads:
Logical Device Name

Node Name

DLGP Service Name

Insert the following line as the last line in the file:





Where NodeName is the server name of the computer where

IP.21 resides.
Note: These instructions assume the plant data server is IP.21. For
your specific device or plant data server, see the CIM-IO manual.

17-4 Aspen OnLine and Aspen Plus Online

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Configuring DCOM

The Aspen OnLine 11.1 installation program should perform

DCOM configuration for the user. However, if for some reason
DCOM is not configured completely, or if the password for the
DCOM user account changes, follow these instructions.
To configure DCOM:
1 On the desktop click the Start | Run. In the Run dialog box,
Enter DCOMCNFG and click OK.
The Distributed COM Configuration Properties window
2 On the Applications tab select APOServer.TheAPOServer
and click the Properties button.
The APOServer.TheAPOServerProperties dialog box
3 On General tab, select None for Authentication Level.
4 Display the Location tab and ensure that only Run
Application on this Computer is selected.
5 Display the Security tab. Make sure Use Custom Access
Permissions is selected and click its Edit button.
These names should be granted Allow Access type of access:
When finished, click OK.
6 On the Security tab make sure Use Custom Launch
Permissions is checked and click its Edit button.
The System account should be granted Allow Launch type of
When finished, click OK.
7 On the Security tab make sure Use Custom Configure
Permissions is checked and click its Edit button.
<Computer name>\administrators should be granted Full
Control type of access.
When finished, click OK.
8 Display the Identity tab. Select This user and enter the
Domain\UserName and password of an account with
administrative privilege.
Note: when this account has a new password, update the new
password here.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen OnLine and Aspen Plus Online 17-5

Click Apply and then click OK to close the

APOServer.TheAPOServer Properties dialog box.
10 On the Distributed COM Configuration Properties dialog
box, display the Default Properties tab, and select the
following options:
Enable Distributed COM on this computer
Impersonate for the Default Impersonation Level

Note: Aspen OnLine does not use the Provide additional security
for reference tracking option.
11 Click Apply and then click OK to close the dialog box.
Configuring the
Aspen OnLine Client

An Aspen OnLine client in client-only machines requires DCOM

configuration. The local client residing in an Aspen OnLine server
does not require these configuration steps.
The Aspen OnLine 11.1 installation program should perform
DCOM configuration for the user. The procedures for manually
configuring DCOM are provided for reference.

Configuring DCOM

CAUTION: Failure to properly configure the Aspen OnLine client

computer DCOM can cause failures in the Aspen OnLine server.
To configure DCOM for the Aspen OnLine client:
1 On the desktop click Start | Run.
2 In the Run dialog box, enter dcomcnfg and click OK.
The Distributed COM Configuration Properties dialog box
3 Display the Default Properties tab and select the following
Enable Distributed COM on this computer
Impersonate for the Default Impersonation Level
Note: Aspen OnLine does not use the Provide additional security
for reference tracking option.

17-6 Aspen OnLine and Aspen Plus Online

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Verifying an Aspen OnLine

Perform the following steps to verify that Aspen OnLine is
installed and functional.
1 Verify plant data access on the server machine.
2 Verify relevant AES products on the server machine
3 Verify Aspen OnLine on the server and client machines.
Verifying Plant Data

To verify plant data access on the server machine, follow the

instructions in The CIM-IO Test Utility section of the Aspen
OnLine User Guide.

Verifying AES

Aspen OnLine 11.1 can drive Aspen Plus models and models from
Aspen Custom Modeler and related products such as Aspen
If Aspen OnLine 11.1 is used to drive Aspen Plus models,
verify that Aspen Plus 11.1 has been correctly installed on the
server machine.
If Aspen OnLine 11.1 is used to drive Aspen Custom Modeler
and related product models, verify that version 11.1 of the
corresponding Aspen Custom Modeler products have been
installed properly.

Verifying Aspen
Server machine

To verify Aspen Online on the server machine:

1 Go to the installed Aspen OnLine 11.1 product folder and copy
the subfolder, AOLSample, to a location under one of the local
drives on the server machine.
2 On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen
Engineering Suite | Aspen OnLine 11.1 | Project Manager.
The Aspen OnLine Project Manager window appears.
3 For Computer enter the name of the server machine.
Use the Browse button to locate the server machine name.
4 Click Register.
5 On the dialog box enter the path to the AOLSample folder
(step 1). For example:

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen OnLine and Aspen Plus Online 17-7



Client machine

The new project name appears in the list in the Aspen OnLine
Project Manager window.
Click OK to register the sample project and close the dialog
Click Close exit the Project Manager.
On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen
Engineering Suite | Aspen OnLine 11.1 | Project Client
The Aspen OnLine window appears.
On the Aspen OnLine Startup dialog box,
Specify the Server name (step 3)
Select AOLSample as project name.
Click OK.
In the Steady-state detection frame click Load. After the
program is loaded, click Start.
In the frame on the right, do the same to start the Aspen
OnLine engine.
Aspen OnLine is running.

To verify Aspen OnLine on the client machine:

1 On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen
Engineering Suite | Aspen OnLine 11.1 | Client GUI.
The Aspen OnLine window appears.
2 On the Aspen OnLine Startup dialog box, specify the server
name and project name. The click OK.
Make sure that Aspen OnLine is running on the server
3 On the Aspen OnLine menu bar click Data | Data Browser.
The Data Browser window appears.
The information displayed in the Data Browser should reflect
the project information for the specified project on the
specified server machine.

17-8 Aspen OnLine and Aspen Plus Online

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Plus Online Installation Notes

Aspen Plus Online has two subcomponents:
Aspen Plus Online User Interface
Aspen Plus Online Engine Standard
The Aspen Plus Online Engine requires the Aspen Plus 11.1
Simulation Engine.
Aspen Plus Online supports a client-server configuration.
Configuring the
apol111serv Service

The apol111serv service must be defined on both the host server

machine and on the client PC before the Aspen Plus Online GUI
can communicate with the host problem. The installation of Aspen
Plus Online provides a default setup for this service, using port
number 11008.
To change the default setup for the apol111serv service:
1 Select a TCT/IP port number for Aspen Plus Online.
2 Define the apol111serv service on the client PC.
3 Define the apol111serv service on the Host computer.

Determining the TCP/IP

port number

The Aspen Plus Online GUI requires a dedicated TCP/IP port

number to communicate with the Host machine. Both the client
and Host use the same port. This port number can not be used for
any other service.
1 On the client PC, locate the services file.
The default location is:
Windows NT
Windows 2000 C:\system32\drivers\etc
2 Select a port number for the Aspen Plus Online GUI, for
example 60003.
3 Check the services file to make sure that the selected port
number is not being used.
4 On the Host machine, locate its services file and verify that the
selected port number is not being used.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen OnLine and Aspen Plus Online 17-9

Defining the apol111serv


To define the apol111serv service for the Aspen Plus Online GUI
on the client PC and the Host machine:
1 Locate the services file.
2 Add the following line to the file:
apol111serv portnm/tcp #APOL GUI service

portnm is the selected port number, for example
apol111serv 60003/tcp #APOL GUI service

Note: Make sure the last line of the services file is a blank line.
Aspen Plus Online

Save your updates to the services file.

When Aspen Plus Online is installed on Windows NT or Windows

2000, it creates a new service, called Aspen Plus Online 11.1,
which performs all startup activities.
By default this service is set up for automatic startup. To change
the Aspen Plus Online service, open Services in the Control Panel.
To disable the automatic start up, change the service to manual

17-10 Aspen OnLine and Aspen Plus Online

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

C H A P T E R 18

Aspen PEP Process Library

This chapter contains the following sections:

Verifying the Aspen PEP Process Library Installation
Troubleshooting Aspen PEP Process Library

Verifying the Aspen PEP Process

Library Installation
To verify an installation of Aspen PEP Process Library on a user
1 If you have not already done so, restart Windows to include
changes made to your configuration during the installation.
2 Click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen Engineering
Suite | Aspen PEP 11.1 | Aspen PEP Process Library.
3 In the Select a Process dialog box, select Moonshine and click
the Load button.
4 On the menu bar click Tools | Run.
5 Confirm that the demo model is loaded and running properly.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen PEP Process Library 18-1

Troubleshooting Aspen PEP Process

When running Aspen PEP Process Library, you many encounter
the following problem.

When loading a model, the system locks and a

warning message appears.


You may have clicked the mouse on other objects

while the system was trying to establish a


During this model loading process, do not click on

any objects until the Connection Established
message has appeared.
If the system locks, open the Windows Task
Manager and end the task.

18-2 Aspen PEP Process Library

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

C H A P T E R 19

Aspen Pinch

This chapter contains the instructions for verifying the installation

of Aspen Pinch on user PCs.

Verifying the Aspen Pinch Installation

To verify an installation of Aspen Pinch on a user PC:
1 On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen
Pinch 11.1.
2 Select the Sample Problems folder in the Aspen Pinch
If this is the first Aspen Pinch run, you will be prompted to
set the base directory.
If Aspen Pinch starts and the Case Manager appears, you
can change the base directory by choosing File | New |
Base Directory.
In either case, the Choose Base Directory dialog box appears.

In the Choose Base Directory dialog box, select Set Base

Directory and click OK.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Pinch 19-1

In the Set Base Directory dialog box, select the Sample

Problems folder .
If necessary, select the appropriate drive from the Drives list.

When Aspen Pinch starts, open the Crude Unit B case in the
Case Manager window.

On the menu bar click Tools | Targeting.

On the toolbar click

19-2 Aspen Pinch


Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

A Composite Curve window appears.

From the Targets menu, click Report | Targeting:

You should see a report with these numbers:

Verify that these numbers are the same for your installation.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Pinch 19-3

19-4 Aspen Pinch

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

C H A P T E R 20

Aspen Plus

This chapter contains the following sections:

Installation Notes
Verifying the Aspen Plus Installation
Configuring a Windows Server as an Aspen Plus Calculation
Aspen Plus Client/Server Communication
Using the FORTRAN Compiler with Aspen Plus
Installing the FORTRAN Compiler
Troubleshooting Aspen Plus

Installation Notes
All installations of this version of Aspen Plus require the core
Properties System for Aspen Plus (APrSystem) subcomponent.
When you install Aspen Plus, the separately licensed Aspen Plus
Optimizer is installed automatically.

Verifying the Aspen Plus Installation

Note: If you have not already done so, restart Windows to activate
the changes made to your configuration during the installation.
To verify an installation of Aspen Plus on a user PC:
1 On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech
| Aspen Plus 11.1 | Aspen Plus User Interface.
2 In the Aspen Startup dialog box, open the existing simulation
test file, pfdtut.bkp The default location is:
C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Aspen Plus 11.1 \GUI\XMP

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Plus 20-1


On the menu bar click View | Control Panel.

On the menu bar click Run | Run.
Simulation diagnostic messages appear in the Control Panel.
The installation test should finish with no errors or warnings.
The following message indicates a successful verification:
->Simulation calculations completed ...

On the menu bar click Data | Results Summary | Results

The Results Summary window appears, showing the run
completion status.

You are now finished with the verification of the Aspen Plus

Configuring a Windows Server as an

Aspen Plus Calculation Server
This section explains how to configure a Windows server as an
Aspen Plus engine host. This configuration allows the user to
submit Aspen Plus runs by connecting to a remote host.
Note: Only system administrators should perform this type of
These are the steps for installing and configuring an Aspen Plus
calculation server:
1 On the server machine, perform a Server installation of the
Aspen Plus Simulation Engine.
2 Verify the Simulation Engine installation.
3 Set up user access to the calculation server.
4 Create working directories for users on the server machine.
5 On each user PC, perform a Standard installation of
Aspen Plus.
6 Configure and verify the Aspen Plus installation.
The rest of this section describes each step in detail.
Step 1: Install the
Simulation Engine on
the server

20-2 Aspen Plus

To install the Aspen Plus simulation engine on a Windows server:

1 On the server machine, perform a Server installation of Aspen
Plus, following the instructions in Chapter 5, Client-Server
2 When the Select Products dialog box appears, select Aspen
Plus 11.1 and click the Select Subcomponents button.
Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

On the Select Subcomponents dialog box select these

Aspen Plus Simulation Engine
Core Properties System for Aspen Plus (required)
4 Click Next and continue the Aspen Plus installation setup on
the server machine.
Step 2: Verify the
Simulation Engine
installation on the

After you install the Aspen Plus Simulation Engine on the server,
verify the installation.

Step 3: Set up user

access to the
calculation server

After you complete the installation of the AES server components

on the server machine, you must configure the server as an AES
host. Each user who will connect to the Windows NT/2000 server
must belong to one of the following:
A local user account or group on the server
An account or group in the domain to which the server belongs
An account or group in a trusted domain.

To verify the installation of the Aspen Plus Simulation Engine:

1 On the server machine open Windows Explorer and go to the
following Aspen Plus directory:
..\AspenTech\Aspen Plus 11.1\Engine\XEQ
2 Copy the file INSTPROB.INP to this directory:
..\AspenTech\Working Folders\Aspen Plus 11.1.
3 On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen
Engineering Suite | Aspen Plus 11.1 | Aspen Plus Simulation
This launches a DOS window and sets up the user environment
to run the Simulation Engine.
4 At the command prompt, type the following and press Enter:
aspen simple /getridof
This command runs the problem and deletes the working files.
Any errors are reported in the simple.out file, located in
..\AspenTech\Working Folders/Aspen Plus 11.1.
If there are problems running the simulation, see
Troubleshooting Aspen Plus on page 20-12.

Important: Each user account that connects to the server must

also be granted Log on as a Batch Job access to the server.
For detailed instructions, see Configuring a Windows Server as an
AES Host on page 5-13.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Plus 20-3

Step 4: Create
working directories
for users

Allowing each user to have a dedicated directory prevents working

files from overlapping. The Permissions you can set for the
working directories depend on the format of the disk partition
where the working directory resides.



Folder and sharing

Sharing only

Note: If you do not define working directories, the default is the

system32 directory of the server. Do NOT allow users to run jobs
in this directory.
To create working directories for users:
1 Log on to the NT server as the Administrator.
2 Create a directory for each user who will access the calculation
3 Share each of these directories, allowing the user Full Control
and other members of Aspen Plus user community Add and/or
Change permissions. This allows users to transfer Fortran
source files to each others working directories.
Step 5: Install Aspen
Plus on User PCs

To install Aspen Plus on a user PC:

1 On the User PC, perform a Standard installation of Aspen
Plus, following the instructions in Chapter 3, Standard
2 When the Select Products dialog box appears, select Aspen
Plus 11.1 and click the Select Subcomponents button.
3 On the Select Subcomponents dialog box select these


20-4 Aspen Plus

Aspen Plus User Interface

Core Properties System for Aspen Plus (required)
(Optional) Clear the checkbox for the Aspen Plus Simulation
Engine component.
Click Next to continue the Aspen Plus installation setup on the
user PC.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Step 6: Verify the

Calculation Server

After you perform Steps 1-5, verify client access to the calculation
To verify the installation:
1 On the desktop of the user PC, click Start | Programs |
AspenTech | Aspen Engineering Suite | Aspen Plus 11.1 |
Aspen Plus Interface.
2 Open the test file PFDTUT.BKP. The default location is:
C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Aspen Plus 11.1\GUI\XMP
3 On the Aspen Plus menu bar click Run | Connect to Engine.
The Connect to Engine dialog box appears.
Note: The Connect to Engine dialog box may appear

Change the Server Type to Windows NT or 2000 server.

Enter the following user information:

Node name of the server running the simulation engine
User name
Users password
Appropriate Working directory

Note: If you are using domain accounts, the Domain Name must
precede the username. For example, MAGIC\potterh would be a
valid login for the MAGIC domain.

Click OK to connect to the calculation server.

If everything is configured correctly, the status bar should
display Connection Established.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Plus 20-5

On the Aspen Plus menu bar click View | Control Panel.

The Control Panel window appears.

In the Control Panel window click the Run button

When the simulation completes, the Control Panel display
should look similar to this.

Aspen Plus Client/Server

The Aspen Plus User Interface communicates with the Simulation
Engine using several TCP/IP and DCOM protocols. These
protocols allow users to log on to Aspen Plus and execute
programs on the Simulation Engine when the engine is running on
a remote host.
The operating system and communication protocol determine the
behavior of processes on the remote host running the Aspen Plus
Simulation Engine.
When the User Interface connects to a remote host, two processes
start on the remote host:

20-6 Aspen Plus

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Displaying and
stopping a process

You can always verify the existence of dangling processes and stop
them manually, if necessary, before they terminate themselves.
To stop an Aspen Plus process manually:
1 On the desktop right-click the Task Bar and click Task
Manager on the menu.
2 In the Task Manager window display the Processes tab.
3 Select the process you want to stop and click End Process.

Customizing Aspen
Plus Communication

The mm.ini file determines how the User Interface communicates

with the Simulation Engine. This file contains a number
COMMSECT sections, each containing a set of parameters for a
different remote connection type.
You can use the mm.ini file to customize communication for the
User Interface. The default location is:
C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Aspen Plus 11.1\GUI\xeq

Changing timeout

You can adjust the following variables, contained in each section

of the mm.ini file, to maximize performance in a slow network.
The table below shows each variable and its purpose. Normally,
you would increase these until performance is acceptable, as

communication problems


How long to wait


During the login process for the

xcserver.exe process to connect to the
client again

90 seconds


For a response from the xcserver.exe


90 seconds


For a response from the apmain.exe


90 seconds

You can use the mm.ini file to debug communication problems

between the User Interface and Simulation Engine, even if both
programs reside on the same host. By default, the mm.ini file
resides on the host running the User Interface in
..\AspenTech\Aspen Plus 11.1\GUI\xeq.
The mm.ini file contains this line:

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1


Aspen Plus 20-7

When debug is set to ON, processing and debugging status

messages appear in the Control Panel of the Aspen Plus User
Interface window. For example:

Using the FORTRAN Compiler with

Aspen Plus
Running an Aspen Plus simulation requires a FORTRAN compiler
if the model:
Requires compiling and linking user FORTRAN subroutines
Contains non-interpretable inline FORTRAN in the problem
You can compile and pre-build external user FORTRAN
subroutines into a shared library (DLL). This library can be
distributed to Aspen Plus users who do not have an installed
FORTRAN compiler.
User Workflow


20-8 Aspen Plus

The user writes the external FORTRAN subroutine, using his

choice of editor.
The user copies the file to his/her working directory on the
server machine, by dragging and dropping the file to the shared
directory or mapping a local drive to the shared directory.
The user telnets into his account on the server machine, using
his choice of Telnet client software. The built-in Telnet client
software shipped with Windows NT works fine.
The FORTRAN source file can be compiled using the
ASPCOMP command. The user can exit from the Telnet
session and return to the Aspen Plus User Interface.
The user connects to the calculation server machine from the
Aspen Plus User Interface and runs the simulation in his/her
working directory. The compiled FORTRAN object file will be
used during the simulation run.
Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Installing the FORTRAN Compiler


A user needs to access a FORTRAN compiler on the calculation

server if a simulation either:
Refers to external FORTRAN subroutines
Contains non-interpretable FORTRAN
Users running external FORTRAN subroutines must copy the
FORTRAN files to the server and compile them in their working
directory on the server. These compiled object files are used during
the simulation run initiated by the client PC.
When installing the FORTRAN compiler, we recommend that you
change the installation directory to C:\MDS.
After file copying is completed, the installer program asks if you
want to configure the Environment Variables for Windows NT.
Click Yes to ensure that every user has access to the FORTRAN
compiler. On the next prompt, to install the Array Virtualizer,
click No.

Installing the patch for

Digital Visual Fortran

The original release of the Digital Visual Fortran Compiler,

Version 6.0, requires a patch to run with Aspen Plus. The latest
patch is distributed by Compaq Corporation, which you can
download from this website:
If you try to run a simulation without installing the patch, the
following errors appear in the Simulation Engine window:
forrtl: severe (157): Program Exception - access violation
1001B15B Unknown
Unknown Unknown
10006EE3 Unknown
Unknown Unknown
010D10B1 Unknown
Unknown Unknown
004E1230 Unknown
Unknown Unknown
0059D78F Unknown
Unknown Unknown
004010F2 Unknown
Unknown Unknown
004013C9 Unknown
Unknown Unknown
004012AF Unknown
Unknown Unknown
BFF8B537 Unknown
Unknown Unknown
BFF8B3E9 Unknown
Unknown Unknown
BFF89DAC Unknown
Unknown Unknown

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Plus 20-9

Configuring the
TelnetD Server
(Windows NT)

To enable users to compile FORTRAN subroutines on the

Windows NT calculation server, you must load and configure a
TelnetD server. The following table lists commercially available
TelnetD packages, along with any known conflicts with existing
AspenTech software. All of the vendors listed offer trial versions
of their software, available at their websites.


Contact Information


TCP Remote Logon http:\\


Telnet Server

InterAccess Telnetd http:\

Server Version 4

Seattle Labs



* Loads a REXECD service that conflicts with the AspenTech

REXECD. See the vendor documentation to disable this service.
Verifying the
Installation of the
FORTRAN Compiler

After you install the FORTRAN compiler and TelnetD Server on

the server, you need to verify that they are operating properly. The
verification uses two example files: DRSEX14.BKP and
To verify the installation of the FORTRAN Compiler:
1 Copy the file DRUSR0.F, located in the ..\Aspen Plus
11.1\GUI\XMP directory, to the working directory of a user
account on the Calculation Server.
2 Open the Windows Telnet program. Log into the Calculation
Server with a valid account and password.
3 Go to the correct working directory and compile the
FORTRAN file using the command:
aspcomp drusr0.f

20-10 Aspen Plus

On the desktop of the client machine, click Start | Programs |

AspenTech | Aspen Engineering Suite | Aspen Plus 11.1 |
Aspen Plus Interface.
Open the file DRSEX14.BKP, located in the ..\Aspen Plus
11.1\GUI\XMP directory.
The Connect to Engine dialog box appears.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Change the Server Type to Windows NT or 2000 server.

Enter the following user information:

Node name of the server running the simulation engine
User name
Users password
Appropriate working directory

Note: If you are using domain accounts, the Domain Name must
precede the username. For example, MAGIC\potterh would be a
valid login for the MAGIC domain.

Click OK to connect to the calculation server.

If everything is configured correctly, the status bar should
display Connection Established.
9 On the Aspen Plus menu bar click View | Control Panel.
The Control Panel window appears.
10 On the Control Panel toolbar, click the Run button
11 When the Data Regression Run Selection screen appears,
click OK to start the run.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Plus 20-11

When the data regression completes, the Control Panel display

should look like this:

Troubleshooting Aspen Plus

Testing client-server

To test connectivity in client-server installations of Aspen Plus,

verify whether the Windows client can resolve its own name and
the name of the remote host running the Simulation Engine into
their respective TCP/IP addresses.
1 In the MS-DOS Command Prompt window, type:
ping localhost

where localhost is the nodename of the local host.

If ping does not succeed, add the PC name and address to the
domain name server (if configured), or to the local LMHOSTS
In the MS-DOS Command Prompt window, type:
ping remotehost

where remotehost is the nodename of the remote host.

If ping does not succeed, add the remote host name and address
to the domain name server (if configured), of the local
Installation Problems

20-12 Aspen Plus


Client installations to a Novell file server fail when

you try to run calculations on a local PC.


The Novell file server is truncating long directory



Move simulation engine directories to a location that

does not contain any directory names with more than 8
characters or any special characters.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1


On Windows NT hosts connected to a Novell File

Server, using Novell Client 32: When a user executes
the shortcut for the Aspen Plus Simulation Engine
Window, the environment does not set up properly.


The Novell Client32 software prevents the Simulation

Engine icon from modifying the system path.


You can verify this problem by typing SET at the

DOS prompt in the Simulation Engine Window and
checking whether the %ASPTOP%\xeq has been
added to the beginning of the users path.
To resolve this problem, the user needs to add the
client32.bat file to the path_line of the Aspen Plus
Simulation Engine shortcut icon.To do this:
1 In Windows Explorer navigate to this directory:
\Start Menu\Programs\Aspen Engineering
Suite\AspenTech\Aspen Plus 11.1
2 Right-click the Aspen Plus Simulation Engine
shortcut icon and click Properties on the menu.
3 Display the Program tab and add the location of
the client32.bat file to the Batch file line. The
default location of this file is:
\Program Files\AspenTech\APRSYSTEM 11.1\
Enclose the pathname in double quotes.
You should now be able to start the Aspen Plus
Simulation Engine with the shortcut you just modified
and the environment will be setup correctly.

Error Messages

You might see these error messages on a user PC that is unable to

connect to a server:

rexec:connect:Connection refused
rexec: can't establish connection


The REXECD service on the server running the

simulation server software is not installed or started.


On the server computer, click the Start | Settings |

Control Panel. Double-click Services, make sure that
REXECD is running and that Automatic startup is

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Plus 20-13

Aspen Plus User



Logon Failure: unknown user name or bad

password. (1326)
rexec: can't establish connection


You have not provided a valid user name or password

for the remote machine.


Remember that unless you specify the DOMAIN name

before your user name, REXEC will try to use an
account defined locally on the remote machine.

You may encounter error messages when starting the Aspen Plus
User Interface or when attempting to run a simulation:

When starting the Aspen Plus User Interface this

message appears:
Aspen Plus Version 11.1 could not open the
Data Browser menu database. Data entry and
results forms will not be available.



20-14 Aspen Plus

The installation did not correctly build the Data

Browser and Forms database file, ApwnMenu. This
file, located by default in C:\Program Files
\AspenTech\Aspen Plus 11.1, should always be larger
than 1 MB.
1 In a Command Prompt (DOS) window, run the
ApwnSetup.exe utility. The default location is:
C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Aspen Plus
2 On the Update System Registry dialog box click
3 On the Register Forms dialog box accept all
defaults and click Next.
4 On the Register PlotWizard dialog box accept all
defaults and click Finish.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1


The Windows NT client running the user interface

cannot connect to the Windows NT simulation engine
host. The Control Panel of the Aspen Plus User
Interface displays the following message:
Failed to connect to remote host, probable cause
bad password, bad hostname or network not
installed. Socket level message is: 3000 - User
A533LX\r10: Logon failure: the user has not been
granted the requested logon type at this
computer. (1385) Command to start xcserver was:
%3:0 xcserver.exe


The User Rights Policy to allow Log on as a batch

job has not been granted to the user specified in the
error message.


See Configuring a Windows Server as an AES Host

on page 5-13.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Plus 20-15

20-16 Aspen Plus

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

C H A P T E R 21

Aspen Properties

This chapter contains the following sections:

Installation Notes
Verifying the Aspen Properties Installation
Setting Up Aspen WebProperties
Running Aspen Properties and Aspen WebProperties on
separate machines

Installation Notes
All installations of this version of Aspen Properties require the
core Properties System for Aspen Properties (APrSystem)

Verifying the Aspen Properties

Note: If you have not already done so, restart Windows to activate
the changes made to your configuration during the installation.

To verify the installation of Aspen Properties on a user PC:

1 On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen
Engineering Suite | Aspen Properties | Aspen Properties
User Interface.
2 In the Aspen Properties Startup dialog box, select Template,
then click OK.
3 Select General with English Units, then click OK.
The Components Specifications Selection sheet appears.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Properties 21-1





Define these components:

Go to the Databanks sheet and verify that the following
databanks are listed in the Selected databanks column:
Return to the Components Specifications Selection sheet, and
press F1 to display Help on Components Selection.
Click the Review button.
The Properties Parameters Pure-Component Review-1 form
appears. Parameters such as API, CHARGE, DGFORM, etc for
the components should be displayed.
Click Next to display the Properties Specifications Global
sheet and specify:
Property Method = NRTL (Top right corner field, select from
the list)
Click Next to display the Properties/Parameters/Binary
Interaction/NRTL-1/Input sheet.
Parameters should already be filled in for water and ethanol
On the menu bar click Tools | Analysis | Property | Binary.
The Binary Analysis dialog box appears.
For Analysis type, select Txy.
Components water and ethanol are already specified for
Component 1 and Component 2.
Click Go to perform the analysis.
When complete, the Binary Analysis Results dialog box and
the Txy plot should appear.
In the Binary Analysis Results dialog box, click on Plot
In the Plot Wizard Step 1 dialog box, click Next.
On Step 2 of the Plot Wizard, select KVL, then Next and
The KVL plot should appear.

You have now successfully verified your installation.

21-2 Aspen Properties

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Setting Up Aspen WebProperties

Aspen WebProperties, a component of Aspen Properties 11.1, is a
Web-browser interface that enables users to quickly look up
physical property information or to perform property calculations.
These are the system requirements for Aspen WebProperties:
Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS) must be installed a
Windows NT Server machine
Aspen Properties 11.1 must be installed on the machine
running the NT web server.
Note: Only a system administrator should setup and configure
Aspen WebProperties.
To set up Aspen WebProperties for deployment:
1 On your Windows NT web server machine, install the Aspen
Properties 11.1, using the Standard install option.
For instructions see Chapter 3, Standard Installation.
2 Configure ISS for Aspen WebProperties.
For instructions, see Configuring IIS for Aspen
WebProperties, on page 21-3.
3 Set up WebProperties user folders to store problem files on the
web server.
For instructions, see Setting up WebProperties Userfolders,
on page 21-6.
After you install Aspen Properties on the web server, you must
Configuring IIS for
Aspen WebProperties configure the Internet Information Server (IIS) for WebProperties.
To configure IIS for Aspen WebProperties:
1 On your desktop click Start | Programs | Windows NT 4.0
Option Pack | Microsoft Internet Information Server |
Internet Service Manager.
2 In the console tree expand Internet Information Server |
3 Right click Default Web Site and click New | Virtual
Directory on the menu.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Properties 21-3

21-4 Aspen Properties

In the New Virtual Directory Wizard dialog box enter

AspenTech as the Alias to be used to access the virtual

Click Next to continue.

Click Browse and locate the physical path to the
WebProperties directory. For example:
D:\Program Files\AspenTech\Aspen Properties
Click Next to continue.
For the Access permissions, select:
Allow Read Access
Allow Script Access
Allow Execute Access (Includes Script Access)
Then click Finish.
AspenTech appears under the Default WebSite in the console
Copy all files from ..\AspenTech\Aspen Properties
11.1\WebProperties\InstallRoot to the wwwroot directory of
your IIS installation.
Enable the use of out-of-process components.
For instructions, see Enabling the use of Out-of-Process
components on page 21-5.
Set up access security for valid users of Aspen WebProperties.
For instructions, see Setting up directory security on page

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Enabling the use of Outof-Process components

To use WebProperties, you must configure your IIS installation to

allow out-of-process components. The IIS metabase stores the IIS
configuration settings.
Note: You must have adequate permission to modify the IIS
For more information on out-of-process components, see the
Enabling the Use of Out.doc file in the WebProperties product
To enable the use of out-of-process components:
1 Open your browser and enter the following Address:
You should see your Windows NT user account displayed at
the bottom of the page.
Note: If you do not see an account name, you are accessing the
page anonymously and may not be able to modify IIS metabase

Click the Set button.

A message should appear, confirming that the metabase has
been updated.
3 In the console tree of the Internet Service Manager, right-click
the AspenTech Default Web Site and select Properties from
the menu.
4 Display the Virtual Directory tab and select the Run in
separate memory space option. Then click OK.
5 Restart the Web Server service.
Setting up directory

To set up access security for Aspen WebProperties:

1 In the console tree of the Internet Service Manager, right-click
the AspenTech Default Web Site and select Properties from
the menu.
2 Grant the access rights to valid users of Aspen WebProperties
at your site.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Properties 21-5

For example, to display the NT user log in box when a user wants
to access Aspen Properties:
1 On the AspenTech Properties dialog box, display the
Directory Security tab and click the Edit button for
Anonymous Access and Authentication Control.
2 In the Authentication Methods dialog box:
Select the Windows NT Challenge/Response checkbox.
Clear the checkboxes of the other options.
3 Click OK and then click OK again to close the dialog box.
Setting up

Users of WebProperties need a place to store their problem files on

the web server. You must create the WebProperties userfolder
directory and specify the location in these WebProperties files:
Both files are located in the ..\AspenTech\Aspen Properties
11.1\WebProperties\Custom directory.
To set up the storage directory for WebProperties user files on the
web server:
1 Create a directory under which WebProperties users can store
problem files.
For example: E:\WebPropsUsers
2 In this directory, create a folder for each WebProperties user.
For example: E:\WebPropsUsers\username1
3 Edit in the ..\AspenTech\Aspen Properties
11.1\WebProperties\Custom directory and specify the
UserFolder on your web server.
For example:
Dim UserFolder
UserFolder = "E:\WebPropsUsers"

Use quotation marks to enclose the pathname.

Edit Userfolder.js in the ..\AspenTech\Aspen Properties
11.1\WebProperties\Custom directory and specify
top.userFolder on your web server.
For example:
top.userFolder = "E:\\WebPropsUsers";

Use quotation marks to enclose the pathname.

Use \\ to delimit subdirectories.

21-6 Aspen Properties

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Running Aspen Properties and

Aspen WebProperties on separate
If you want to run Aspen Properties and Aspen WebProperties on
separate machines, follow the instructions in this section to set up
Aspen WebProperties for deployment.
To run Aspen Properties and Aspen WebProperties on separate
1 Install Aspen Properties 11.1 User Interface subcomponent,
which contains Aspen WebProperties, on the web server
2 Configure IIS for WebProperties.
For instructions, see Configuring IIS for Aspen
WebProperties on page 21-3.
3 Install Aspen Properties 11.1 (standard) on a separate
4 Configure DCOM for Aspen WebProperties on the web server.
For instructions, see Configuring DCOM on the web server
on page 21-7
5 Configure DCOM for Aspen WebProperties on the machine
running Aspen Properties.
For instructions, see Configuring DCOM on the Aspen
Properties machine on page 21-8.
Configuring DCOM on To configure DCOM on the web server for Aspen WebProperties:
the web server
1 On the web server machine locate the
SetupWebPropDCOM.reg file in the ..\Aspen Properties
11.1\WebProperties\InstallRoot directory.
2 Double click on SetupWebPropDCOM.reg to register Aspen
Properties 11.1 as a remote server on the machine running
Aspen WebProperties.
3 On the desktop of the web server machine, click Start |Run. In
the dialog box enter dcomcnfg and click OK.
The Distributed COM Configuration Properties dialog box
4 On the Applications tab select Aspen Properties Document
in the list and click Properties.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Properties 21-7

On the Aspen Properties Document Properties dialog box

display the Location tab and do the following:
Select the Run application on the following computer
checkbox and enter the name of the computer that will run
Aspen Properties 11.1.
Clear the Run application on this computer checkbox.
6 Display the General tab and select the appropriate
Authentication level for your location.
7 When finished, click OK.
Note: You can specify additional security and setup options on the
Distributed COM Configuration Properties dialog box, using
the Default Properties and Default Security tabs.

Configuring DCOM on Setting the correct permission levels on the machine running
the Aspen Properties Aspen Properties 11.1 is necessary for DCOM to work properly. If
a user is not authorized to use the system, there will be server
errors when Aspen Properties 11.1 is accessed via DCOM. The
DCOM specifications are specific to your location and authorized
To configure DCOM on the machine running Aspen Properties:
1 On the desktop of the Aspen Properties machine click Start
|Run. In the dialog box enter dcomcnfg and click OK.
The Distributed COM Configuration Properties dialog box
2 On the Applications tab select Aspen Properties Document
in the list and click Properties to set any custom security for
this application (Security tab of the Properties dialog box).
3 Display the Default Properties tab and do the following:
Select the Enable distributed COM on this computer
Select the appropriate Default Authentication Level.
4 Display the Default Security tab and edit the Default Access
Permissions and Default Launch Permissions to give
permission to all the users of the application.
Note: If a user is not authorized at this level, then the user will not
be able to use Aspen WebProperties.

21-8 Aspen Properties

When finished, click OK.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

C H A P T E R 22

Aspen Split

This chapter contains the following sections:

Installation Notes
Verifying the Aspen Split Installation

Installation Notes
When you install Aspen Split 11.1:
Ensure that standard version of Aspen Plus 11.1, which
includes the core Properties System component, the Aspen Plus
Simulation Engine, and the Aspen Plus User Interface, is
installed and accessible.
Install Aspen Plus simultaneously with Aspen Split.
Aspen Split includes two subcomponents:


Distillation Analysis

Adds azeotrope search and

residue curve map
functionality to Aspen Plus.
Installs Aspen Split as a standalone application.

Stand-Alone Configuration

By default both subcomponents are installed. However, you can

choose to install one or the other of these subcomponents.

Verifying the Aspen Split Installation

Use the following procedures to verify an installation of Aspen
Split on a user PC.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Split 22-1

Verifying the Aspen

Split Distillation
Analysis component

Since the Aspen Split Distillation Analysis component runs under

Aspen Plus, first verify the installation of Aspen Plus. For more
information see Chapter 20, Aspen Plus.
To verify the installation of the Distillation Analysis component:
1 On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen
Engineering Suite | Aspen Plus 11.1 | Aspen Plus User
2 In the Aspen Plus Startup dialog box select Open an
Existing Simulation. Then select More Files and click OK.
3 In the Open dialog box click the Look in Favorites folder
icon. Then open Applications and select 3phase.bkp and click
4 In the Connect to Engine dialog box, select Local PC for the
Server type and click OK.
5 On the Aspen Plus menu bar, click Tools | Aspen Split |
Ternary Maps to start the Distillation Analysis component.
The Ternary Maps window appears within the Aspen Plus
Window, for example:


22-2 Aspen Split

For Comp 3 select MCACET from the list of components.

In the Explorer tree click Ternary Plot to start the calculations
for generating the ternary map.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

When the calculations are complete the ternary map that is

generated should look like this:

Verifying the StandAlone Configuration

of Aspen Split

To verify the stand-alone Aspen Split installation:

1 If you have not already done so, restart Windows to activate
the changes made to your configuration during the installation.
2 On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen
Engineering Suite | Aspen Split 11.1 | Aspen Split 11.1.
3 On the Choose Base Directory dialog box, select Set Base
Directory and click OK.

On the Set Base Directory dialog box, locate and select the
Sample Problems folder in the Aspen Split installation. Then
click OK.
If necessary, select the appropriate drive from the Drives list.
The Aspen Split window appears and displays the Case
Manager window.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Split 22-3

In the tree of the Case Manager expand the Sample Problems

folder and click the Property Analysis folder to display its
For example:

Do one of the following:

Menu bar:
Click Analysis | Ternary Diagram.

22-4 Aspen Split

Click the Draw Ternary Diagram button

When prompted to select an Aspen Plus problem definition file
(.appdf), select example.appdf in the Sample Problems
At this time Aspen Split begins a property package
initialization. The example.appdf file is large, so the
initialization may take a minute or two.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

When the initialization is complete, a Ternary Diagram

window appears.

Use the set of tabs at the bottom of the window to enter data.
8 Click the Components tab and select All Components. Ensure
that these are the components:
Comp3 = CHLF
9 Click the Properties tab and select these Physical Property
VLE property model = WILSON
LLE property model = UNIFAC
The number of phases for the model is 2.
10 Click the Ternary Diagram tab to calculate and display the
ternary diagram with residue curves.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Split 22-5

The diagram should look like this:

For more information about residue curves in ternary diagrams,

see the Analysis of Mixture Properties, Ternary Diagrams
section in Chapter 3 of the Aspen Split User Guide.

22-6 Aspen Split

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

C H A P T E R 23

Aspen Traflow

This chapter contains the instructions for verifying the installation

of Aspen Traflow on user PCs.

Verifying the Aspen Traflow

Aspen Traflow is a layered product of Aspen Dynamics. To verify
the installation of Aspen Traflow, see Chapter 14, Aspen

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Traflow 23-1

23-2 Aspen Traflow

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

C H A P T E R 24

Aspen Utilities

This chapter contains the instructions for verifying the installation

of Aspen Utilities on user PCs.

Verifying the Aspen Utilities

Use the following procedure to verify an installation of Aspen
Utilities on a user PC:
Note: If you have not already done so, restart Windows to activate
the changes made to your configuration during the installation.
Aspen Utilities

To verify an Aspen Utilities installation:

1 On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen
Engineering Suite | Aspen Utilities 11.1 | Aspen Utilities.
2 Open the demo.auf file in the Aspen Utilities working folder.
The default location is:
C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Working Folders\Aspen
Utilities 11.1
3 On the menu bar click Run | Run.
Aspen Utilities takes a few seconds to run the simulation. The
simulation should run with no errors.

Microsoft Excel Interface To set up the Microsoft Excel interface to Aspen Utilities:


Start Microsoft Excel.

Open demo.xls located in the Aspen Utilities working folder.
The default location is:
C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Working Folders\Aspen
Utilities 11.1

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Utilities 24-1

3 On the menu bar click Tools | Add-Ins.

4 On the Add-Ins dialog box click Browse and navigate to the
Aspen Utilities bin folder.
The default location is:
C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Aspen Utilities 11.1\bin
5 Select Utilities.xla and click OK. Then Click OK on the AddIns dialog box.
6 When the confirmation dialog box appears, click OK.
7 On the menu bar click Aspen Utilities | Open Aspen Utilities
8 Navigate to the Aspen Utilities working folder and open
The default location is:
C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Working Folders\Aspen
Utilities 11.1
When the Aspen Utilities window appears, the Close
Document dialog appears.
9 On the Close Document dialog, click Cancel.
10 Return to Microsoft Excel.
You should see a File Open completed message. Click OK.
11 On the menu bar click Aspen Utilities | Optimize Flowsheet.
The optimization should complete with no errors.
12 Close Aspen Utilities and Microsoft Excel.
You have now successfully verified your installation.

24-2 Aspen Utilities

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

C H A P T E R 25

Aspen Water

This chapter contains the instructions for verifying the installation

of Aspen Water on user PCs.

Verifying the Aspen Water

Note: If you have not already done so, restart Windows to activate
the changes made to your configuration during the installation.
To verify the installation of Aspen Water on a user PC:
1 Create an empty test folder and copy into it the file,
The default location of this file is:
C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Water 11.1\Examples\
2 In Windows Explorer, open your test directory and doubleclick the Flowsheet1.awf file to start Aspen Water and load the
4 On the menu bar click Run | Run.
Aspen Water will take a few moments to run the simulation.
5 On the menu bar click File | Exit, and then click No when
prompted to save changes.
You have now successfully verified your installation. You can now
delete your test folder and its contents.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Water 25-1

25-2 Aspen Water

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

C H A P T E R 26

Aspen WebModels Author

This chapter contains the following sections:

Configuring the Aspen WebModels Author Installation
Verifying the Aspen WebModels Author Installation
Troubleshooting Aspen WebModels Author

Configuring the Aspen WebModels

Author Installation
Configuring the AFW
Author Role

Users who run Aspen WebModels Author must be members of the

Author role. Additionally, to test a WebModel associated with a
particular role, users must also be members of that role.
For more information on assigning users to roles, see the:
Aspen Framework Installation Manual
Business Process Explorer Help System

Configuring Internet
Explorer for

Before you can view an Aspen WebModels model in your

browser, you must enable the following ActveX-related security
settings for Internet Explorer:
Download signed ActiveX controls
Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins
Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen WebModels Author 26-1

Verifying the Aspen WebModels

Author Installation
WebModels Author users require access to the WebModels file
repository for storing the WebModels.
WebModels Author will not run until it validates communications
with the Aspen Framework server and the File Repository.
To start Aspen WebModels Author:
1 From the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen
Engineering Suite | WebModels 11.1 | WebModels Author.
The Registry Settings dialog box appears, for example:

Note: This dialog only appears if AspenWebModels Author cannot

locate the AspenFrameWork server or the File Repository.

26-2 Aspen WebModels Author

Enter the following information:

File Repository

The Visual SourceSafe (VSS) INI file that

contains the user access permissions to the
file repository of the WebModels.

Server Name

The name of the Aspen Framework


Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Specify email related options for sending email notifications

when a WebModel is published.
NoMail Services When selected, no email notifications are


Use MAPI protocols to send email



Use SMTP protocols to send email


Mail Server

The name of the SMTP email server.

Port Number

The port on which the email server is

running. The default is 25.

Click OK.

If all connection tests pass, the Aspen WebModel Author window

appears, for example:

This concludes the verification of your Aspen WebModels Author


Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen WebModels Author 26-3

Troubleshooting Aspen WebModels

Error Messages

You may encounter the following error messages:


File Repository Server is unavailable.

When you start Aspen WebModels Author, the
File Repository Connection Failure dialog appears.


The dialog box displays the possible causes:

1 You are not a valid VSS user.
2 Your registry settings for VSS access are
3 Your computer is not properly connected to the
4 You do not have the appropriate rights to
access the File Repository Server.




Check the Visual SourceSafe (VSS) INI file

for valid users, and update if necessary.
Check the computer's registry settings for VSS
access, and update if necessary.
Check the computer's network connections,
and map the proper connections if necessary.
Check the computer's access rights to the File
Repository server, and update if necessary.

Aspen Framework database connection failure

When you start Aspen WebModels Author, the
Aspen Framework Database Connection Failure
dialog appears.


The dialog box displays the possible causes:

1 You registry settings for database access are
2 Your computer is not properly connected to the



26-4 Aspen WebModels Author

Check the computer's registry settings for

AFW database access, and update if necessary.
Check the computer's network connections,
and map the proper connections if necessary.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1


You may encounter the following problems:


Cannot publish a WebModel

The WebModel is properly configured and
contains all required components, but when you
click File | Publish Model, you get an error


One or more of the WebModels dynamic link

library (.dll) files in Aspen Frameworks Business
Process Explorer (BPE) may not be properly
registered. In particular, you should ensure that
PFWSecurityAPI.dll is registered.
Aspen WebModels Author provides a BAT file,
which when run, registers the Business Process
Explorer (BPE) dynamic link library (.dll) files.
To register the Business Process Explorer DLLs:
1 In the WebModels Author home directory,
locate this file:


Copy the BPEREG.BAT file into the

Aspentech\BPE directory, which is typically
located under the Program Files directory of
your computer.
Open the BPE folder to display its contents.
Double-click the BPEREG.BAT.

This action registers the DLLs in the BPE folder

and should remedy your publishing problem.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen WebModels Author 26-5

26-6 Aspen WebModels Author

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

C H A P T E R 27

Aspen WebModels Server

This chapter contains the following sections:

Before You Install Aspen WebModels Server
Installation Notes
Configuring the WebModels Server Installation
Verifying the WebModels Server Installation
Troubleshooting Aspen WebModels Server

Before You Install Aspen WebModels

The following software must be installed on the same computer as
Aspen WebModels Server:
Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack
Required if you plan to install WebModels Server on
Windows NT.
Microsoft SQL Server 7.0
Microsoft Visual SourceSafe (VSS) Client Version 6.0 or later,
USA version
Aspen WebModels uses VSS to manage the model files in the
WebModels library.
Aspen Framework (AFW) Server V2.2
Aspen Framework Middle Tier Component V2.2
Aspen Plus 11.1 Standard Version
This version includes the core Properties System component,
the Aspen Plus Simulation Engine and the Aspen Plus User

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen WebModels Server 27-1

Installation Notes
To install the WebModels Server:
1 Create a WebModels Server user account with administrative
For guidelines see Creating the Aspen WebModels Server
user account on page 27-2.
2 Install WebModels Server, using the Server install option.
For instructions see Chapter 5, Client - Server Installation.
3 Create the WebModels database.
For instructions see Creating the WebModels Database on
page 27-2.
Creating the Aspen
WebModels Server
user account

Before you insert the AES Application/Product Software CD into

the CD-ROM drive of the server machine, you must create a
WebModels Server user account. This account
Must be the same user account on your web server and all
calculation servers.
Will be used only by the Aspen WebModels system.
This user account must have administrative privileges on these
computers and cannot be a local account. The user account
privileges are critical for the various Aspen WebModels
components to function correctly.

Creating the
WebModels Database

After you click the Start Installing button on the Summary

dialog box, the Create SQL Server Aspen Framework
Database dialog box appears.
To create the WebModels database:
1 On the Create SQL Server Aspen Framework Database
dialog box, enter the login and database details for the
WebModels database as follows:
If you have administrator privileges, select
Windows NT.
If you select the SQL Server authentication,
enter the Administrator Login ID and

27-2 Aspen WebModels Server

1 Select the Database Name from the list.

2 Specify the Database File Location.
3 Specify the Log File Location.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

For example:


Click the Create Database button to create the WebModels

When the Setup Complete dialog box appears, select the
option, Yes, I want to restart my computer now, and click
Finish to complete the installation process.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen WebModels Server 27-3

Configuring the WebModels Server

When the Aspen WebModels Server installation is complete,
perform the following tasks:

For details, see

Configure VSS to work with WebModels.

Page 27-4

Configure Aspen Framework (AFW) for


Page 27-5

Configure WebModels Server.

Page 27-7

Configure Microsoft Transaction Server.

Page 27-16

Set default security permissions under

6 Configure WebModels Server
components under DCOM.
7 Configure remote Calculation Servers
under DCOM.
8 Specify Internet Information Server (IIS)
9 Specify AFW security settings for
Windows 2000 under IIS
10 Verify the WebModels Server installation.

Page 27-17
Page 27-17
Page 27-18
Page 27-18
Page 27-18
Page 27-19

Configuring VSS
After the Aspen WebModels Server is installed:
Ensure that the account whose identity is to be used for the
MTS packages and DCOM identities is set up with VSS.
Add WebModels Author users.
Adding WebModels
Author users

The users of WebModels Author create, maintain, and publish the

web models. These users require access permissions to the
WebModels library through VSS.
Note: When you add a user to the VSS database, leave the
password field blank.

27-4 Aspen WebModels Server

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

To add WebModel Author users to VSS:

1 From the desktop click Start | Programs | Microsoft Visual
Studio 6.0 | Microsoft Visual SourceSafe | Microsoft Visual
SourceSafe 6.0 Administration.
2 In the Visual SourceSafe Login dialog box, enter the
Administrator password and the name of the VSS Database.
The Visual SourceSafe Administrator dialog box appears, for

3 Click Users | Add on the menu bar.

4 In the Add User dialog box, enter a WebModels Author user
Important: Do not enter a password for the user.

Click OK.
Repeat steps 3 through 5 for each user you want to add.

Configuring Aspen Framework

In Aspen Framework (AFW), security is role-based, where a role is
a logical grouping of users. Permissions are assigned to roles and
individual users are made members of roles.
Aspen WebModels makes full use of this role-based security by
providing two default Aspen Framework roles:
Administrator, which is required to build the WebModels
Author, which role is required to create and publish a
WebModels model

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen WebModels Server 27-5

Importing roles and

applications into the
AFW security

To import the WebModels roles and applications into the AFW

security component:
1 Copy the files AESWebModelsAPPL.XML and
AESWebModelsROLE.XML from ...\Program
Files\AspenTech\WebModels 11.1\bin to
2 Run the AFWTools.exe program located in the
AspenTech\Bpe directory.
3 In the AFW Tools window, click the TransferAFWDBData
4 Specify the name of the AFW Server computer.
5 Uncheck Transfer PROFILES.
6 To import the default AFW roles for WebModels, select
Transfer ROLES and rename PFWROLE.XML to
Important: Do not select Transfer ROLES if you have already
created an Administrator or Author role by directly using the AFW
Security Manager.

Configuring security
for the WebModels
roles and

27-6 Aspen WebModels Server

To import the applications, select Transfer APPLICATIONS

and rename PFWAPPL.XML to
Click the Import button.
Exit AFW Tools.

To configure security for the WebModels roles and applications:

1 On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech | AFW
Security Manager.
2 In the console tree expand AFW Security Manager and click
3 In the details pane right-click WebModels and click
Properties on the menu.
4 Under Application Properties, give Read, Write, and
Execute permissions to both the Author and Administrator
5 In the console tree, expand AFW Security Manager |
Applications and click WebModels.
6 In the details pane right-click AspenPlus and click Properties
on the menu.
7 Under Application Properties, give Read, Write and Execute
permissions to both the Author and Administrator roles.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1



In the console tree, expand AFW Security Manager and click

In the details pane right-click Author and click Properties on
the menu.
Click the Members tab and add all users that are designated
WebModels authors. These users should be the same as those
configured as VSS users earlier.
Click OK when done.
In the details pane right-click Administrator and click
Properties on the menu.
Click the Members tab and add all users that are designated
WebModels administrators.

Important: Ensure that the WebModels Server system account is a

member of the Administrator role.
14 When finished, click OK and exit the AFW Security Manager.
Creating additional

You may create as many roles as your site requires. For example,
you may wish to create a role specifically for those users who will
be running a designated collection of models.
For more information creating AFW roles, see the:
Aspen Framework Installation Manual
Business Process Explorer Help File
Note: You must configure security for each addition role that you

Configuring the WebModels Server

You must perform these tasks to configure the installed
WebModels server:

For details, see

Configure the application servers.

Page 27-8

Configure the AFW roles.

Page 27-10

Configure the Aspen applications.

Page 27-12

Additionally, you can:

Prioritize server resources for an application.
Configure E-Mail addresses for WebModels-related

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen WebModels Server 27-7

Using the WebModels Use the Aspen WebModels Administrator to configure the
WebModels server.
To use the WebModels Administrator:
1 On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen
Engineering Suite | WebModels 11.1 | Aspen WebModels
2 In the console tree expand Aspen WebModels Administrator.
3 Expand the Server icon of the machine on which the
WebModels Server is installed to display the items.
For example:

Configuring the
Application Servers

The Server displays information related to the application servers

used with WebModels. Use the Server to:
Add a new application server to the WebModels configuration.
Edit a servers information.
Delete an application server from the WebModels

Adding an Application

To add an application server to the WebModels configuration:

1 In the console tree click the Server folder to display its details.
2 Right-click anywhere in the details pane and click New Server
on the shortcut menu.

27-8 Aspen WebModels Server

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

The Add a New Server dialog box appears, for example:

Enter the following information:




The application server machine name as it

appears on the network.

Upper CPU

The point at which the system will not

launch any more calculators for this server
(expressed as a percentage of CPU
The default is 45 (percent).


The maximum number of applications for

this server.
For large or complex models, set the
value to one application per server.
For smaller models, set the value to two
applications per server (default).

Sim Root

The root directory Aspen WebModels

simulators use for temporary files on this
server. Depending on how the server is
configured, it could be:
The Windows default TEMP directory
A directory of your own choosing
The default simulator working directory.
The default is c:\temp.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen WebModels Server 27-9



Sim Root
Share Name

The share name for the temporary simulator

files directory.
The default is temp.

Normalization The default is 1.

Modifying Server

This value attempts to compare the listed

server to a 500 MHz Pentium processor.
Aspen Plus uses this value to balance high
priority requests and complex models with
the fastest available resources in the server
Select the AFW roles to be linked with this server.
For example, the default WebModels roles are Author and
Select the applications to be linked with this server.
The default is APlus.
When finished, click OK.

To update information for an Application Server in the

WebModels configuration or to delete the server from the
1 Display the Server folder details.
2 Right-click the Server name and do one of the following:

Do this

Update server

Click Edit on the shortcut menu to display the

Edit Server dialog box.
Make the desired updates and click OK.

Delete the

Click Delete on the shortcut menu and click

Yes on the Delete Record confirmation dialog

Configuring the
WebModels Roles

The Role displays information related to the Aspen Framework

(AFW) roles used with Aspen WebModels. The WebModels roles
that you set up in Configuring Aspen Framework on page 27-5
must be added here.

Adding a Role

To add a role to the WebModels configuration:

1 In the console tree click the Role folder to display its details.

27-10 Aspen WebModels Server

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Right-click anywhere in the details pane and click New Role

on the shortcut menu.
The Add a New Role dialog box appears:

Enter the following information:



Role Name

Select the name from the list of available


Queue Jump

Select this checkmark box to enable queue


Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen WebModels Server 27-11



Set Lock

Select this checkmark box if it would be

inefficient for work to be swapped out for
another process (requiring a timely reload).
For example, it would be best to set the lock
for users who run lengthy simulations one
after another so that when one simulation
finished, the session would remain active for
the user to alter a variable and rerun the
simulation. In such cases, reloading the
simulation each time would be quite timeconsuming and undesirable.

Select the application servers on which the

role can work.
When finished, click OK.
Server Mask

Modifying Role

To update or delete a WebModels Role:

1 Display the Role details.
2 Right-click the Role name and do one of the following:

Do this

Update role

Click Edit on the shortcut menu to display the

Edit Role dialog box.
Make the desired updates and click OK.


Configuring Aspen

Click Delete on the shortcut menu and click

Yes on the Delete Record confirmation dialog

The Application displays information related to the Aspen

applications used with WebModels. Use the Application to:
Add a new application to the WebModels configuration.
Edit an applications information.
Delete an application from the WebModels configuration.

27-12 Aspen WebModels Server

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Adding an Application

To add an Aspen application to the WebModels configuration:

1 In the console tree click the Application folder to display its
2 Right-click anywhere in the details pane and click New
Application on the shortcut menu.
The Add a New Application dialog box appears, for example:

Enter the following information:




APlus is the only valid application for the

current version of WebModels.

Program ID



The number of idle calculators based on the

capacity of site, calculator launch latency,
and the frequency of hits per period of time.
The default is 1.
For example, if the FreeBoard is set to 2,
there will always be two calculators in an
idle state waiting for commands to run a
simulation. When one of these calculators is
loaded with a simulation, another calculator
will be loaded and idled to keep the number
of idle calculators at 2.

Time Out

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

The default is 30000 milliseconds.

Aspen WebModels Server 27-13



Session Lock

This field is checked by default, to enable

session lock.

Can Be

Leave this field unchecked for Aspen Plus


The name of the server machine on which

the Aspen application is running.
When finished, click OK.
Server Name

Modifying Application

To update information for an application in the WebModels

configuration or to delete an application from the configuration:
1 Display the Application details.
2 Right-click the Application name and do one of the following:

Do this

Update application

Click Edit on the shortcut menu to display

the Edit Application dialog box.
Make the desired updates and click OK.

Delete an

Prioritizing Server

Click Delete on the shortcut menu and

click Yes on the Delete Record
confirmation dialog box.

The Server Order enables you to specify the order in which the
WebModels Server prioritizes server resources for a selected
For example, if Server_1 is faster than Server_2, you might
want to put Server_1 at the top of the list. WebModels will
attempt to use this server first, when using the associated
application to try to run a simulation. Should that server be
unavailable, WebModels will attempt to use the next server in the
list until it succeeds in securing resources to run the requested
To prioritize server resources for a given application:
1 In the console tree click the Server Order folder to display its
2 In the details pane select the application in the left column.
3 Select the server in the right column and click the Up and
Down arrows to move the server to the desired priority for the
selected application.

27-14 Aspen WebModels Server

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Configuring E-Mail

Every model in the public WebModels library is associated with an

AFW role. When the WebModels Author publishes a WebModels
model, an e-mail notification is sent to all members of the
associated AFW role. The User E-Mail Addresses enables you to
add, update, and delete e-mail information for WebModels users.

Adding an E-Mail

To add a user e-mail address to the WebModels configuration:

1 In the console tree click the User E-Mail Addresses folder to
display its details.
2 Right-click anywhere in the details pane and click New User
on the shortcut menu.
The Add User Information dialog box appears, for example:

Enter the following information:



Name of the WebModels user.

The complete email address of the user.
The AFW role of which the user is a
When finished, click OK.
Email Address
Role Name

Modifying user e-mail

To update or delete a WebModels user e-mail address:

1 Display the User E-Mail Addresses details.
2 Right-click the User Name and do one of the following:

Do this

Update user

Click Edit on the shortcut menu to display the

Edit User Information dialog box.
Make the desired updates and click OK.

Delete user
Click Delete on the shortcut menu and click
e-mail address Yes on the Delete Record confirmation dialog
Updating the
Administrator E-Mail ID

Use the LoadBalancer Configuration to specify the

administrators e-mail address for the WebModels Server. The
other LoadBalancer properties are set to their recommended

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen WebModels Server 27-15

To update the Administrator e-mail ID:

1 In the console tree click the LoadBalancer Configuration to
display the details.
For example:


Right-click the AdminEMailID property value and click Edit

on the shortcut menu to display the Edit Property dialog box.
Update the e-mail address and click OK.

Configuring MTS
To specify the identity of middle-tier in-process components:
1 On the desktop,
Windows NT: Click Start | Programs | Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack |
Microsoft Transaction Server | Transaction Server
Explorer .
Windows 2000:

Click Start | Programs | Administrative Tools | Component


In the console tree,

Windows NT: Expand Microsoft Transaction Server | Computers | My
Computer | Packages Installed .
Windows 2000:


Expand Component Services | Computers | My Computer |

Packages Installed .
Right-click the eObject package and click Properties on the
shortcut menu.
In the eObject Properties dialog box, click the Identity tab
and select This user.

Note: If the Identity tab is disabled, click the Activation tab, select
Server Package and then click the Identity tab again.

27-16 Aspen WebModels Server

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1


Enter the WebModels Server system account and password for

the identity of the middle tier components.
Select the Activation tab and select Library Package.
Click OK and exit the program.

Configuring default
security settings
under DCOM

To set the default security settings under DCOM:

1 On the desktop click Start | Run, enter dcomcnfg, and click
OK to run the DCOM configuration utility.
2 Click the Default Security tab.
3 In the Default Access Permissions section click Edit Default.
4 Give the WebModels Server system account access
permissions. Also consider giving Everyone access
permissions. When finished, click OK.
5 In the Default Launch Permissions section click Edit
6 Give the WebModels Server system account launch
permissions. Also consider giving Everyone launch
permissions. When finished, click OK.
7 In the Default Configuration Permissions section click Edit
8 Give the WebModels Server system account full configuration
control. Also consider giving Everyone full control. When
finished, click OK.
9 Click OK to exit the DCOM configuration utility.

WebModels Server
components under

To configure the WebModels Server components under DCOM:

1 Run dcomcnfg.
2 In the Applications list, select LB_QM.lb_entry and click the
Properties button.
3 Click the Identity tab. Select This user and specify the
WebModels Server system account as the account under which
this application is to run.
4 Click OK. It may take several seconds for the dialog to return
to the default DCOMCNFG view.
5 Repeat steps 2-4 for LBAssist1.CUtil and WMAP.AP.
6 When finished, click OK to exit the DCOM configuration

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen WebModels Server 27-17

Configuring remote
calculation servers
under DCOM

To configure the remote calculation servers under DCOM:

1 Copy ..\InetPub\wwwRoot\AspenTech\WebModels111\bin
from the WebModels Server computer to a directory for
WebModels on the calculation server computer. Register all
the DLLs and EXEs in this directory.
2 Run dcomcnfg.
3 In the Applications list, select
AppLoader1.CleanupWorkFolder and click the Properties
4 Click the Identity tab. Select This user and specify the
WebModels Server system account as the account under which
this application is to run.
5 Click OK. It may take several seconds for the dialog to return
to the default DCOMCNFG view.
6 Repeat steps 3-5 for WatchDog.IWatchDogNotify.
7 When finished, click OK to exit the DCOM configuration

Specifying IIS

Use Internet Information Manager (Windows NT) or Internet

Information Services (Windows 2000) to fix IIS settings:
1 In the console tree, expand Internet Information Server |
your-WebModels-server | Default Web Site
2 Right-click the WebModels folder and click Properties on the
3 Click the Virtual Directory tab and click the Remove button.
The button changes to a Create button.
4 Click the Create button.
5 Click OK to exit the dialog.

Specifying AFW
security settings for
Windows 2000

Use Internet Information Services to fix Internet Information

Services (IIS) settings for Windows 2000 systems.
To specify Windows 2000 AFW security settings for ISS:
1 In the console tree, expand Internet Information Services |
your-WebModels-server | Default Web Site | AspenTech |
2 Right-click Security and click Properties on the menu.
3 Click the Directory Security tab.
4 In the Anonymous Access and Authentication Control
section, click the Edit button.
5 Select Anonymous access.

27-18 Aspen WebModels Server

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Exit IIS.

Verifying the WebModels Server

To verify the WebModels Server installation:
1 Open a Command Prompt window, and go to the directory
containing apdummy.exe:

At the prompt, enter:

apdummy /regserver

Change to the WebModels11.1\Bin\TestApp directory and

run the following executables in order:
4 Change to the AspenTech\AFW\EnterpriseObjects directory
and run:
Double-click Database. You should see the APPO_v09
Enterprise Objects library.

Maintaining WebModels Server

The following table lists tasks that should be performed
periodically to maintain the Aspen WebModels Server.


Reboot the Web Server


Run defrag on the Web Server


Delete log (*.log) files


Stopping and Starting The Load Balancer Operations enables you to start and stop the
LoadBalancer, as well as to view the status of the currently loaded
the LoadBalancer

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen WebModels Server 27-19

Important: From a server resource perspective, this is a high-cost

view. Leaving this view open for extended periods can interfere
with the operation of the LoadBalancer.
It is strongly recommended that you do NOT leave this view open.
Use it only to start or stop LoadBalancer operations or to view the
current status of running calculators. You should close the view as
soon as possible.
To stop or start the LoadBalancer:
1 On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen
Engineering Suite | WebModels 11.1 | Aspen WebModels
2 In the console tree expand Aspen WebModels Administrator,
and expand the Server icon of the machine on which the
WebModels Server is installed.
3 Click the Load Balancer Operations folder.
The details panel displays the current status of running
4 In the details panel click on the toggle link below the status
5 Close the Load Balancer Operations details view.
To restart the LoadBalancer, redisplay the Load Balancer
Operations details view and click the toggle link. Close the details
view as soon as possible.

Troubleshooting Aspen WebModels

If you encounter problems running the WebModels Server, check
the following, in order:
1 Verify the location of Mutex and Pdh DLLs.
2 Ensure that DLLs and EXEs are properly registered.
3 Confirm the WebModels authentication.
4 Verify the WebModels Virtual Directory .
5 Check the WebModels registry.
6 Check the WebModels SQL database.
7 Check MTS for WebModels.
8 Check the DCOM settings for the WebModels Server

27-20 Aspen WebModels Server

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Verify the location of
Mutex and Pdh DLLs

Check the DCOM settings for the calculation servers.

The WebModels LoadBalancer and the Enterprise Objects must be

able to locate these files:



Verify that these files are either located in the SYSTEM32

directory or the location is specified in the Path system variable.
Ensure that DLLs and
EXEs are properly

This is the default location of the Aspen WebModels DLL and

EXE files:

To register the WebModels server DLL and EXE files, run the
register.bat file located in the WebModels\Bin\Setup
Confirm the WebModels

Use Internet Information Manager (Windows NT) or Internet

Information Services (Windows 2000) to confirm the WebModels
To confirm the WebModels authentication:
1 In the console tree expand Internet Information Server |
your-WebModels-server | Default Web Site.
2 Right-click the WebModels folder and click Properties on the
3 In the WebModels Properties dialog box, click the Directory
Security tab.
4 In the Anonymous Access and Authentication Control section,
click the Edit button.
5 In the Authentication Methods dialog box, ensure that this is
the only checkbox selected:
Windows NT Challenge/Response
Windows NT:
Windows 2000:

Integrated Windows authentication

All other checkboxes should remain unchecked.

6 Click OK to close the Authentication Methods dialog box.
7 Click OK to close the WebModels Properties dialog box.
Verify the WebModels
Virtual Directory

Use Internet Information Manager (Windows NT) or Internet

Information Services (Windows 2000) to confirm the WebModels
authentication by verifying that:

default.asp is the enabled WebModels default document.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen WebModels Server 27-21

Expires: 0 is the WebModels custom HTTP header setting.

To verify the WebModels Server virtual directory configuration:

1 In the console tree expand Internet Information Server |
your-WebModels-server | Default Web Site
2 Right-click the WebModels folder and click Properties on the
shortcut menu.
3 In the WebModels Properties dialog box, click the
Documents tab and ensure that:
Enable Default Document is selected
Default.asp is listed
4 Make any necessary changes and click OK to close the dialog
In the console tree, expand WebModels | Content | Problem
5 Right-click the Problem Data folder and click Properties on
the shortcut menu.
6 In the Problem Data Properties dialog box, click the HTTP
Headers tab and ensure that the setting is:
Expires: 0
7 Make any necessary changes and click OK to close the dialog
Check the WebModels

Use the Registry Editor to ensure that the WebModels registry

keys are set up correctly.
To check the WebModels registry:
1 Run Regedit.
2 Expand the Registry Editor tree as follows:
3 Ensure that these keys are listed with the correct values:



(value not set)




Location of VSS srcsafe.ini for

Example: K:\vss\srcsafe.ini

27-22 Aspen WebModels Server


Name of mail server machine



Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Check the WebModels
SQL database

PvtModelTable LibraryModel
Make any necessary changes and exit the Registry Editor.

Use the SQL Enterprise Manager to ensure that the SQL database
and tables for WebModels are set up correctly.
To check the SQL database and tables for WebModels:
1 In the console tree expand Microsoft SQL Servers | SQL
Server Group | your-WebModels-server | Databases |
2 Click Tables to display the details.
3 Ensure that the WebModels database contains these required
User tables:
4 If the tables are missing, run webmodels_tables.sql, located in
the \wwwroot\Aspentech\WebModels\Bin\Setup

Check MTS for


Use MTS Explorer (Windows NT) or Component Services

(Windows 2000) to ensure that the eObject package identity for
Aspen WebModels is correct and to verify that these components

To check the eObject package for Aspen WebModels:

1 In the console tree,
Expand Microsoft Transaction Server | Computers | My
Windows NT:
Computer | Packages Installed .
Expand Component Services | Computers | My Computer |
Windows 2000:
Packages Installed .
2 Right-click the eObject package and click Properties on the
shortcut menu.
3 In the eObject Properties dialog box, click the Identity tab
and check the Account information to ensure that the identity
is correct; and if necessary, change it.
Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen WebModels Server 27-23


Check the DCOM

settings for the
WebModels Server

In the console tree expand eObject and Components.

Ensure that these components are there:
If necessary, add the components.

These items must have the correct WebModels identity:


To check and, if necessary, change the identity on these items, run

dcomcnfg. For instructions see Configuring WebModels Server
components under DCOM on page 27-17
Check the DCOM
settings for the
calculation servers

These items must have the correct WebModels identity:

To check and, if necessary, change the identity on these items, run
dcomcnfg. For instructions, see Configuring remote calculation
servers under DCOM on page 27-18.

27-24 Aspen WebModels Server

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

C H A P T E R 28

Aspen Zyqad

This chapter contains the following sections:

Aspen Zyqad Components
Before You Install Aspen Zyqad
Configuring the Installed Software
Verifying the Aspen Zyqad Installation
Troubleshooting Aspen Zyqad

Aspen Zyqad Components

Aspen Zyqad includes the following components and associated

Aspen Zyqad Server



Core server component incorporating

data management, knowledge base


Client/server communications.

Sample Projects

Sample workgroup and libraries used to

confirm the installation of all Aspen
Zyqad components.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Zyqad 28-1


Aspen Zyqad Client


28-2 Aspen Zyqad


Client program that can connect to

server and display datasheets; the main
working window within Aspen Zyqad.

Drawing Application

Client program (Aspen Zyqad PFD)

used for creating process flow diagrams.

Graphic Definer

A symbol and label editor utility for the

drawing application.

Simulator Interface
- Aspen Plus
- Hysys
- ProII

Client program that allows the retrieval

of information generated from external
simulation programs, such as Aspen
Plus (v11.1), Hysys (v2.2.2) and
ProVision (v5.11.1, 5.5) .


(Unit Operations) Client program that

allows the user to control information
transfer between unit operation and
equipment items within the Aspen
Zyqad system.

Design Programs
- Hetran

Client program that provides a two-way

interface between the Aspen Zyqad
server and heat exchanger design
programs, such as Aspen B-JAC
Hetran (v11.1), HTRI IST (v2.0),
HTIR XIST (v1.0), HTFS TASC (v4.1).

Cost Estimation

An interface between Aspen Zyqad and

the Aspen Kbase costing tool.

Development Application

Server tool that facilitates some of the

customization available with Aspen
Zyqad (e.g., developing workgroups).

Excel Datasheet Definer

An add-in for Excel that formats

spreadsheets and allows them to be read
by Aspen Zyqad.

Sample Projects Library

Source Files

Source files for the Sample Project

subcomponent of Aspen Zyqad Server,
including data model, datasheets and
knowledge bases.

Datasheet Viewer Installer

Distributable installer for the Zyqad

Datasheet Viewer.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Before You Install Aspen Zyqad

Before installing Aspen Zyqad, review this special checklist in
addition to the standard checklist:

Action Item

Decide which Product Components of Aspen Zyqad

are required.

Client-Server Installations: Not all components are

required for each user. Decide where to install the
Aspen Zyqad NT Server and Aspen Zyqad Client
components (recommended on at least one machine on
the network), and decide which other machines will
host the Aspen Zyqad Client applications.

The Sample Projects subcomponent requires the

installation of the Server subcomponent.

If the Development Application component is

required, a licensed copy of Harlequin LispWorks
version 4.1 and LispWorks patchkit 20 must be
installed before you install Aspen Zyqad.

The Sample Projects Library Source Files component

requires the installation of the Development
Application component.

Customizing requires the installation of the

Development Application and the Excel Datasheet
Definer components

If the Excel Datasheet Definer component is required,

a licensed copy of MS Excel 2000, must be installed
before you install Aspen Zyqad.

Confirm that System Requirements are met.

Ensure that the machine has adequate space for the application
installation. See AES System Requirements on page 2-3.

Confirm the installation accounts privileges.

Windows 2000: Must have the System Administrator privilege,
Act as part of the operating system.

Confirm license.
Aspen Zyqad must be installed in accordance with your license
agreement. This version of Aspen Zyqad supports ALM 3.0.

Use this column to check off each action item.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Zyqad 28-3

Installation Notes
When you install Aspen Zyqad:
Select subcomponents according to your needs.
Provide the appropriate broker and server information when
Provide the appropriate third party software information when
Specifying the Zyqad
Broker connection

During a standard installation, the Aspen Zyqad Standard

Installation dialog box appears and prompts you for the
Broker connection:
Host, which is the name of the computer containing the
Aspen Zyqad server software that the clients will access.
Port, which is the identity of the port on which the Host is
For example:

Then click Next.

28-4 Aspen Zyqad

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Zyqad Broker
(Windows NT)

If you are installing Aspen Zyqad on a Windows NT machine,

the Aspen Zyqad Installation dialog box appears, displaying
the Aspen Zyqad Broker settings. For example:

Review the Aspen Zyqad broker information and click Next.

Zyqad Server
(Windows NT)

If you are installing Aspen Zyqad on a Windows NT machine,

the Aspen Zyqad Installation dialog box displays the Aspen
Zyqad Server settings. For example:

Review the Aspen Zyqad broker information and click Next.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Zyqad 28-5

Specifying Sample
Projects users

If you select the Sample Projects subcomponent of the Aspen

Zyqad Server, the Aspen Zyqad Installation dialog box
prompts you for the list of users that are allowed access to the
Sample Projects.
Enter the list of usernames, using a space to separate the
names. For example:

When finished, click Next.

Note: If you are working in a domain environment you must edit
the net.cfg file. For more information, see Editing the net.cfg file
on page 28-8.

28-6 Aspen Zyqad

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Specifying the location of

ProVision files

If you select the ProII Simulator Interface subcomponent, The

Aspen Zyqad Installation dialog box prompts you for the
location of its configuration and schema definition files.
Specify the location of the ProVision files, for example:

When finished, click Next.

Specifying the location of
LispWorks executable

If you select the Development Application subcomponent, the

Aspen Zyqad Installation dialog box prompts you for the
location of the installed Harlequin LispWorks executable.
Note: Harlequin LispWorks must be installed before you install the
Development Application component.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Zyqad 28-7

Specify the location of the LispWorks executable file or accept

the default location. For example:

When finished, click Next.

At this time, the installation proceeds normally.

Configuring the Installed Software

Configuring Aspen
Zyqad for users

The Aspen Zyqad server configuration is controlled by the

net.cfg file. The Zyqad broker and Zyqad server use this file to
establish such things as domain access for users, time that a
workgroup can remain without any users connected, and for other
functions such as switching password protection on or off.
For more information, see Editing the net.cfg file on page 28-8.

Editing the net.cfg file

28-8 Aspen Zyqad

The net.cfg file defines the configuration information required

by both the Aspen Zyqad broker and Aspen Zyqad server. The
name of this file is specified as a command line option to the
broker and the server.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

The following table describes some of the settings you may need to
Configuration Variable



The root directory under which the

software has been installed. Other paths
are taken relative to this directory,
unless specified as absolute pathnames.
Default = C:\Program Files\AspenTech\
Aspen Zyqad11.1\server


The level of debugging that is recorded

in the log files. The default value is
specified on the command line (-d) or 0
if no value has been specified (range 0 10). This parameter is shared by the
broker and the server.
Default = 3.


The name of the workgroups file. By

default the broker will look for this file
as ROOTDIR\workgroups.
Default = workgroups.cfg


The location of the broker logfile. The

amount of information recorded in the
log file for the broker depends on the
debug level at which it is running.
Default = logs\broker


The location of the active file, which

contains information about the
workgroups currently running and the
users that are connected to them.
Default = logs\active


The broker alarm is used to indicate how

often to update the active file and how
often to check if the net.cfg or
workgroups.cfg file has been updated.
The time is specified in seconds (range 5
- 120)
Default = 60 (seconds)

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Zyqad 28-9

Configuration Variable



The number of new connections that can

be handled simultaneously.
Default = 5


The time allowed (in seconds) for

complete messages to be received. If the
message is not received in less than the
specified time, the broker will
disconnect the socket.
Default = 10 (seconds)


Determines whether the broker tries to

do a reverse DNS lookup to interpret the
client's IP address as a meaningful
name. This can slow down the broker
when set to True.
Default = False


Determines whether users are forced to

enter a valid user password to get into
the system.
Default = On


On NT networks, password
authentication can be provided by a
domain controller. This specifies the
name of the domain here.
If this is not specified (the default), the
broker will check for interactive logins
on the machine where it is running.
Default = (none)

28-10 Aspen Zyqad

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Configuration Variable



Service names or numbers; the broker

listens on
BROKER_PORT is the port on
which the broker listens
START_PORT is the port used to
run a server
SERVER_PORT lists the port(s) on
which the server can listen
Only the last can be changed while the
broker & server are running.


The location of the server logfile.

Default = logs\server


The server alarm is used to check on the

status of all connected users and to
timeout any idle workgroups. The server
sends a 'ping' message to each client
every time an alarm is signaled and
checks if an idle workgroup has
exceeded its timeout period. The time is
specified in seconds (5 - 120).
Default = 60 (seconds)


The time allowed (in seconds) for

complete messages to be received. If the
message is not received in less than the
specified time, the server will disconnect
the socket.
Default = 10 (seconds)


Determines whether the server tries to

do a reverse DNS lookup to interpret the
client's IP address as a meaningful
name. This can slow down the server
when set to True.
Default = False

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Zyqad 28-11

Configuration Variable



The time that a workgroup can remain

idle (no users connected) before it is
shutdown by the server. The exact time
at which the workgroup is closed will be
sometime between idle_timeout and
idle_timeout + server_alarm. The time is
specified in seconds (range 0 - 7200).
Default = 60 (seconds)
Production server recommendation:
Increase the IDLE_TIMEOUT to be
longer than the save time for the largest
workgroup to prevent possible data loss
if a network problem disconnects all
clients while a workgroup is being


The pathname of the schematex.exe

program that starts a workgroup.
Default = C:\Program Files\
AspenTech\Aspen Zyqad\11.1\
Very occasionally, the server will be
unable to run the schematex.exe. In
this occurs, the file name should be
specify the filename, using the shortened
DOS form to remove spaces in the path.
For example, the default would be:

Configuring the
Workgroups.cfg file

The Aspen Zyqad broker uses the workgroups.cfg file, which

defines the workgroups (or projects).
For instructions on configuring the workgroups.cfg file, see the
Aspen Zyqad Workgroup Components Reference Manual.

Defining the Symbol

Library Folder as a
Network Share

The symbol library folder contains the available symbols and

labels for the workgroup. To ensure that these symbols and labels
are accessible to all the workgroup clients, you must define the
folder as a network share.
You define the location of the symbol library folder using the
SYMBOLPATH value in the workgroup configuration file.

28-12 Aspen Zyqad

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

The syntax is:



For more information on the workgroup configuration file, see

Setting Up and Managing Workgroups in either the online help or
Book 8 in the Administrator Reference Manual (pdf).
The symbol library path must refer to the same directory for all
client machines using the workgroup, so you need to use a
Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path to identify the directory
if the workgroup is to be accessed from more than one client
The UNC path describes the path to a directory that is the same for all clients on
the network., using this format:

\\<machine>\<share name>\<directory path>

Configuring Aspen Zyqad in a CITRIX

In a CITRIX environment, the CITRIX server takes the role of a
standard client machine in a typical Aspen Zyqad setup and runs
the same client applications. The server side of a typical Aspen
Zyqad setup would still run on separate server machines.
The following table lists the host machine for the various Aspen
Zyqad applications when running in a CITRIX environment:
Aspen Zyqad Application


Zyqad broker
Zyqad server
Zyqad Workbench client
Aspen Zyqad PFD client
Datasheet Viewer
Simulator Interface
Object Mapper
Equipment Design Program
Costing Interface
Development Application
Excel Datasheet Definer
Graphic Definer

One of the workgroup servers

Each workgroup server
CITRIX server
CITRIX server
CITRIX server
CITRIX server
CITRIX server
CITRIX server

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

CITRIX server
Each workgroup server
CITRIX server
CITRIX server

Aspen Zyqad 28-13

Verifying the Aspen Zyqad

There are many configuration options during installation and it is
strongly recommended that you verify any installation immediately
on completion.
The following details assume a Standard Install and that:
The local machine is on a network.
The client is configured to connect to the broker.
The user is configured to access one or more workgroups
administered by the broker.
Note: This can be simplified by installing an example project and
using the username(s) specified during the install.

The computer has been restarted since the most recent

installation or removal of AspenTech software.
You have logged-on at least once since the installation as a
user with administrator privileges.

To verify the Aspen Zyqad installation:

1 On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen
Engineering Suite | Aspen Zyqad 11.1 | Aspen Zyqad.
The Aspen Zyqad main window appears.

28-14 Aspen Zyqad

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Opening a workgroup

From the Aspen Zyqad menu bar, click: File Open

A dialog box appears, displaying the broker server name in the
title bar and depending on the type of installation, the username
and password text boxes.
Type a valid username and password, then click OK.

Note: This must be a valid username and password recognized by

the broker. A sample workgroup (az111) is provided to check this.
Selecting a Sample

In the Open Workgroup dialog box, select the sample

workgroup, az111, from the list and click OK.
A dialog box appears, displaying the application version
number and a message that the workgroup is about to open.
5 Click OK to start the workgroup.

Selecting a Diagram

From the Aspen Zyqad menu bar, click File Diagram.

The Diagrams dialog box appears.

Click New and select New Diagram from the list. Then click
The Aspen Zyqad Question dialog box appears:
Enter a name for the new diagram and click OK.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Zyqad 28-15

The Aspen Zyqad PFD document window appears.

On the menu bar click File New Document

10 Click one of the symbols folders in the Symbol Library tree to

display its contents and select a symbol.
11 Drag the symbol and drop it onto the diagram in the
Document1 window.
If you have completed these instructions, the installation is
11 On the menu bar click File Exit and click Yes to close the

28-16 Aspen Zyqad

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Troubleshooting Aspen Zyqad

There are few common problems or error messages associated with
Aspen Zyqad at this time. If additional information becomes
available at a later date, you can access it from AspenTech

The Zyqad installation hangs.


To resolve the problem:

1 Open the Task Manager and end the Zyqad
application task.
This causes an install error
2 On the dialog box that appears, click Yes to
continue the installation.
3 Restart the computer when the install completes.
4 Open a Command Prompt (DOS) window and
change to the directory containing zyqadtools.dll.
The default location is: C:\Program
Files\AspenTech\Aspen Zyqad11.1\shared
5 At the DOS prompt type:
regsvr33 zyqadtools.dll
6 Run the AES installer program again, selecting
the same components as the first time (even if
there is an installed icon next to them).


Users within a domain cannot access Zyqad over the



The broker and server are not properly configured.


To configure the server, edit the net.cfg file.

For more information, see Editing the net.cfg file
on page 28-8.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Zyqad 28-17


Users cannot access some Aspen Zyqad features,

such as the PFD.


Check the permissions registry keys. To do this:

1 Log on to the machine as a user with
administrator privileges.
2 On the desktop click Start | Run.
3 In the Run dialog box enter Regedt32

Select the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE window

and go to:

SOFTWARE | Intergraph | Application |

5 On the Security menu, click Permissions.
6 If the users are not on the list, click the ADD
button then select the domain you would like to
give user privileges.
Select Everyone and give them at least Read
Then click OK
7 Restart the machine.

28-18 Aspen Zyqad


When trying to use Excel Datasheet Definer, the

following Error Message appears:
Unable to locate the Aspen Zyqad datasheet
definer in the registry. Please check if it is


The earlier version of Aspen Zyqad is still selected

even though a newer version has been installed.


To select the correct version,

1 Open the MS Excel application and on the menu
bar click Tools | Add-In.
2 Select the correct version of Zyqad and click

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1


Error Message when trying to use Excel after a full

Aspen Zyqad uninstall has taken place.


MS Excel is still looking for Aspen Zyqad.



Reboot messages appear when you try to uninstall.


After installing Aspen Zyqad, the machine must be

When logging on, ensure you use a profile that has
administrator privileges for the first log in after a
restart. Once the initial log in as an administrator has
occurred, other users will be able to log in with their
usual profile.

Open the MS Excel application and on the menu

bar click Tools | Add-In.
2 Clear the Aspen Zyqad option and click OK.
Note: You may have to do this for each machine in
the workgroup after an uninstall.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Aspen Zyqad 28-19

28-20 Aspen Zyqad

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

C H A P T E R 29

Batch Plus

This chapter contains the following sections:

Standard Installation Notes
Server Installation Notes
Connecting to a Server after Installation
Troubleshooting Batch Plus

Standard Installation Notes

The Batch Plus standard installation includes all components
required to run Batch Plus in stand-alone mode and all components
required to communicate with a Batch Plus server.
Specifying the Batch
Plus server

After you select Batch Plus and any other AES products for
installation, the Batch Plus Server Wizard appears, enabling you
to establish a connection to a Batch Plus server in a client-server
installation configuration.
You can specify the server connection information at this time or
after you complete the installation. For instructions on connecting
to a server after installation, see Connecting to a Server after
Installation, on page 29-5.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Batch Plus 29-1

To specify the Batch Plus server during the Standard installation:

1 When the Welcome to Batch Plus Server Wizard dialog box
appears, click Select server. Then click Next.

29-2 Batch Plus

On the Server Selection dialog box, enter the Server Name

and select the Server Type. Then click Next.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

On the Details dialog box, enter your User Name and

Password. Then click Next.

On the Finish dialog box, review the Summary information

and click Finish.

The installation proceeds normally.

Server Installation Notes

The Batch Plus server installation creates the necessary database
tables and records. The server installation can run remotely.
Creating the Batch
Plus Server database
tables and records

After you select Batch Plus and any other AES products for
installation, the Server Selection dialog box appears, enabling you
to create the database tables and records.
To create the database tables and records for Batch Plus:
1 When the Server Selection dialog box appears, enter the
Server Name and select the Server Type.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Batch Plus 29-3

For example:

Click Next to continue.

On the Details dialog box enter the User Name and Password.
The user account must have these roles:
Server Type

Required Roles

Microsoft SQL Server

Server Administrator and

Database Creator
If the Server Type is Oracle, enter an initial database size of at
least 150 MB.

29-4 Batch Plus

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Click Next to continue.

The Finish dialog box appears, displaying a summary status of
the database creation process.
Click Finish.

The installation proceeds normally.

Connecting to a Server after

You can connect to the Batch Plus server anytime after the
installation is complete, using the BPSync.exe tool. The default
location is:
C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Aspen Engineering Suite\Batch
Plus 11.1\bin
Connecting to the MS To set up the Microsoft SQL Server:
SQL Server
1 Run BPSync.exe, which is located in the Batch Plus 11.1\bin
The BPSync window appears.

In the menu bar click File | Server

in the toolbar click the Server button.
The Data Link Properties dialog box appears.
3 On the Provider tab select Microsoft OLE DB Provider for
SQL Server. Then click Next.
4 On the Connection tab, enter the following information:
The SQL server name
The log on information, which can be Windows NT
integrated security or a specific user name/password
provided by your system administrator.
The name of the database

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Batch Plus 29-5

For example:

Click OK.
The BPSync Logon dialog box appears.
6 If there are no users in the database, click Cancel and continue
with the next step.
Otherwise, enter your user name, password, and domain and
click OK to start using the database.
7 If there are no users in the database, on the BPSync menu bar,
click Admin | Roles and enter users to the Administrators
The database is set up, and you can add roles and users, and start
using the database.

29-6 Batch Plus

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Connecting to the Oracle Server

To set up the Oracle Server:
1 Run BPSync.exe, which is located in the Batch Plus 11.1\bin
The BPSync window appears.

On the menu bar click File | Server

in the toolbar click the Server button.
The Data Link Properties dialog box appears.
3 On the Provider tab select Oracle Provider for OLE DB.
Then click Next.
4 On the Connection tab, enter the following information:
The data source and/or data location
A specific log on User name and Password and click the
Allow saving password checkbox.
The name of the database

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Batch Plus 29-7

For example:

Click OK.
The BPSync Logon dialog box appears.
6 If there are no users in the database, click Cancel and continue
with the next step.
Otherwise, enter your user name, password, and domain and
click OK to start using the database.
7 If there are no users in the database, on the BPSync menu bar,
click Admin | Roles and enter users to the Administrators
The database is set up, and you can add roles and users, and start
using the database.

29-8 Batch Plus

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Troubleshooting Batch Plus

Batch Plus has the following special troubleshooting procedures.

You cannot generate Excel reports.


This may occur when certain system files shared by

Batch Plus and Excel are not properly registered.


You can avoid this problem by following the

installation instructions for Excel before installing
Batch Plus. Unfortunately, if you already have this
problem, you must start over:
1 Uninstall Batch Plus by following the instructions
in Chapter 8, Removing AES Products.
2 Uninstall Microsoft Office.
3 From Windows Explorer or File Manager,
manually delete the files in C:\Program
Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Dao.
These are the system files that are not properly
4 Reinstall Microsoft Office, ensuring that the Data
Access option for Excel is selected.
5 Reinstall Batch Plus by following the instructions
in Chapter 7, Adding or Reinstalling Components.


You cannot generate Visio diagrams.


This may occur if the PC has not rebooted after Batch

Plus or Visio installation, or if Visio cannot locate the
Add-ons path when it is launched.


You can avoid the first problem by rebooting your PC

after installation.
If Visio cannot locate the ADD-ons path when it is
launched, highlight the checkbox in the Launch Visio
dialog that appears when you launch the equipment
diagram from Batch Plus.
This resets the Visio ADD-ons path and restarts Visio,
which should then generate the diagram correctly.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Batch Plus 29-9

29-10 Batch Plus

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

C H A P T E R 30

Polymers Plus

This chapter contains the following sections:

Installation Notes
Verifying the Polymers Plus Installation
Troubleshooting Polymers Plus

Installation Notes
The standard, lite client, and client-server installations of
Polymers Plus require the corresponding installation of Aspen Plus
on the same machine. Aspen Plus 11.1 must be installed prior to or
simultaneously with Polymers Plus 11.1.

Verifying the Polymers Plus

To verify an installation of Polymers Plus on a user PC:
1 If you have not already done so, restart Windows to activate
the changes made to your configuration during the installation.
2 Click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen Engineering
Suite | Aspen Plus 11.1 | Aspen Plus User Interface.
The Aspen Plus User Interface window opens.
3 In the Aspen Plus Startup dialog box, select Open an
existing simulation and click more files.
4 Navigate to the test file, polytut.bkp.
The default directory location is:
C:\Program Files\AspenTech\Aspen Plus 11.1\GUI\xmp\
Polymers Plus

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Polymers Plus 30-1

On the menu bar click View | Control Panel.

The Control Panel window appears.

On the Control Panel toolbar, click

to run the simulation.
During the run, the Control Panel displays simulation
diagnostic messages. The run should finish with no errors or
The following message indicates a successful verification:
->Simulation calculations completed ...

On the Control Panel toolbar, click .

The Data Browser window opens to display the Results
Summary Run Status Summary sheet.
The Summary should indicate the calculations completed
You are now finished with the verification of the Polymers
Plus installation.
On the menu bar click File | Exit and click No on the Aspen
Plus dialog box.

Troubleshooting Polymers Plus

30-2 Polymers Plus


You try to perform a Polymers Plus simulation run and

the following message appears:
Sorry fatal licensing error. Reason - Feature 15
(polymers). Server _name of server_ can't open
keyfile. (Location of the license key is displayed.)


Polymers Plus licensing has not been properly



Install the license key again, using the License

Manager Key installer.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Appendix A HASP Key Licensing

A HASP key is a small hardware device with parallel port

connectors. Aspen B-JAC supports HASP key licensing.
If you install Aspen B-JAC, you are asked if you want to use
HASP key licensing or License Manager licensing.
If you select HASP key licensing, you must also specify whether
you are using a single-user HASP key or a network NetHASP key.

Using a single HASP key

The installation program installs a single-user HASP driver.
If this driver needs to be manually installed, execute:
This file is located in the /XEQ folder of the Aspen B-JAC product

Using NetHASP keys

The installation program prompts you for the type of network
protocol you are using:
IPX (Novell networks)
To activate the NetHASP drivers, execute the following commands
after you complete the installation of Aspen B-JAC.

Execute this command:



Load the HASP Novell driver as follows:

1 Copy the HASPSERV.NLM file to the SYS:SYSTEM folder
on your server.

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Appendix A HASP Key Licensing 31-1


From your server load the NetHASP driver, using this

Copy the HASPADR.DAT and NEWHADDR.DAT files from
SYS:SYSTEM to the installed Aspen B-JAC folder, XEQ.

The program prompts you for the server IP address. To load the
NetHASP network driver, execute this command:

31-2 Appendix A HASP Key Licensing

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Appendix B Using the DETHERM


Aspen Plus and Aspen Properties users who have DETHERM

licenses can access thermophysical property data included in the
DETHERM database. This database is maintained by DECHEMA
e. V., Frankfurt, Germany. For more information, see this website:
If you installed Aspen Plus or Aspen Properties and are licensed to
use DETHERM, you must configure your PC to enable access to
the DETHERM database.
To configure Aspen Plus or Aspen Properties to use DETHERM:
1 On the desktop click Start | Programs | AspenTech | Aspen
Engineering Suite | Aspen Plus or Aspen Properties 11.1 |
Detherm Setup Utility.
The DETHERM Server Application Setup dialog box appears:


Select Yes, I will be using a local DETHERM Server.

Enter the location of the DETHERM server as follows:

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Appendix B Using the DETHERM Database 32-1




The local machine

Lite Client

The File Server machine


The remote Server machine

Click OK.

You may return to this utility later to change the DETHERM


32-2 Appendix B Using the DETHERM Database

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1


installation configuration options, 2-15
product requirements, 2-4
server installation verification, 5-16
specifying a remote server, 5-20
troubleshooting (client-server), 9-3
upgrade preparation, 6-3
verifying client-server communication,
verifying the installation, 10-1
verifying the installation with Aspen
Properties, 10-2
Aspen B-JAC
changing licensing after installation, 11-2
HASP key license configuration, 31-1
installation configuration options, 2-15
product requirements, 2-4
related documentation, 1-1
upgrade preparation, 6-3
verifying the installation, 11-1
Aspen Chromatography
installation configuration options, 2-15
product requirements, 2-4
related documentation, 1-1
server installation verification, 5-16
specifying a remote server, 5-20
troubleshooting (client-server), 9-3
upgrade preparation, 6-3

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

verifying client-server communication,

verifying the installation, 12-1
Aspen Custom Modeler
installation configuration options, 2-15
product requirements, 2-4
related documentation, 1-2
server installation verification, 5-16
specifying a remote server, 5-20
troubleshooting (client-server), 9-3
upgrade preparation, 6-2
verifying client-server communication,
verifying the installation, 13-1
verifying the installation with Aspen
Properties, 13-2
Aspen Dynamics
installation configuration options, 2-15
related documentation, 1-2
server installation verification, 5-16
specifying a remote server, 5-20
troubleshooting (client-server), 9-3
upgrade preparation, 6-2
verifying client-server communication,
verifying the installation, 14-1
Aspen Engineering Suite
adding components, 7-2
client-server installation, 5-1
installation configuration options, 2-14

Index 33-1

installation overview, 2-1

installation sequence, 2-2
licensing, 2-13
lite client installation, 4-1
Plantelligence & Enterprise Optimization
solutions, 2-3
pre-installation checklist, 2-10
product requirements, 2-4
reinstalling components, 7-2
related documentation, 1-1
standard installation, 3-1
system requirements, 2-3
technical support, 1-4
training services, 1-3
uninstalling products, 8-2
upgrading products, 6-3
Aspen Framework (AFW) configuration
Aspen WebModels Author roles, 26-1
Aspen WebModels roles, 27-5
Aspen Framework (AFW) Server
changing, 3-15
selecting, 3-10
Aspen Framework Switch Utility, 3-15
Aspen Icarus
installation configuration options, 2-15
product installation directory guidelines,
product requirements, 2-5
Aspen Icarus Project Manager (IPM)
requirements for installation, 15-1
Aspen License Manager
related documentation, 1-1
Aspen OLI
installation configuration options, 2-15
product requirements, 2-5
related documentation, 1-2
updating older databanks, 6-5
upgrade preparation, 6-2
verifying the installation, 16-1
Aspen OnLine
client configuration, 17-5
components, 17-1
enabling CIM-IO Server security, 17-2
installation configuration options, 2-15
post-install configuration, 17-3
33-2 Index

product requirements, 2-5

related documentation, 1-2
server configuration, 17-3
upgrade preparation, 6-3
verifying the installation, 17-6
Aspen PEP Process Library
installation configuration options, 2-15
product requirements, 2-6
related documentation, 1-2
troubleshooting, 18-2
verifying the installation, 18-1
Aspen Pinch
installation configuration options, 2-15
product requirements, 2-6
related documentation, 1-2
standard installation subcomponents, 3-6
upgrade preparation, 6-3
verifying the installation, 19-1
Aspen Plus
DETHERM configuration, 32-1
installation configuration options, 2-15
installing Aspen Plus Optimizer, 20-1
product requirements, 2-6
related documentation, 1-2
re-registering CAPE-OPEN components,
server installation subcomponents, 5-9
specifying a remote server, 5-19
standard installation subcomponents, 3-6
troubleshooting, 20-2
upgrade preparation, 6-2
verifying the installation, 20-1
Aspen Plus Online
changing startup service, 17-8
product requirements, 2-6
related documentation, 1-2
RTESERV service configuration, 17-7
standard installation subcomponents, 3-6
Aspen Plus Optimizer, 20-1
Aspen Properties
DETHERM configuration, 32-1
installation configuration options, 2-15
product requirements, 2-6
related documentation, 1-2

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

re-registering CAPE-OPEN components,

server installation subcomponents, 5-9
specifying a remote server, 5-18
standard installation subcomponents, 3-6
upgrade preparation, 6-2
verifying the installation, 21-1
Aspen Split
installation configuration options, 2-15
installation notes, 22-1
product requirements, 2-7
related documentation, 1-2
standard installation subcomponents, 3-6
verifying the installation of the Split
Distillation Analysis component, 22-2
verifying the stand-alone configuration,
Aspen Traflow
installation configuration options, 2-15
product requirements, 2-7
related documentation, 1-2
verifying the installation, 23-1
Aspen Utilities
installation configuration options, 2-15
product requirements, 2-7
setting up Excel interface, 24-1
verifying the installation, 24-1
Aspen Water
installation configuration options, 2-15
related documentation, 1-3
server installation verification, 5-16
specifying a remote server, 5-20
troubleshooting (client-server), 9-3
upgrade preparation, 6-3
verifying client-server communication,
verifying the installation, 25-1
Aspen WebModels Author
adding users to VSS, 27-4
AFW role configuration, 26-1
installation configuration options, 2-15
Internet Explorer configuration, 26-1
product requirements, 2-7
related documentation, 1-3

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

troubleshooting, 26-4
verifying the installation, 26-1
Aspen WebModels Server
configuring, 27-4, 27-7
configuring AFW roles, 27-5
configuring AFW security settings for ISS
(Windows 2000), 27-18
configuring application servers, 27-8
configuring Aspen applications, 27-12
configuring DCOM security settings,
configuring DCOM WebModels Server
components, 27-17
configuring e-mail addresses, 27-15
configuring ISS settings, 27-18
configuring the Microsoft Transaction
Server (MTS), 27-16
configuring VSS, 27-4
configuring WebModels roles, 27-10
creating WebModels database, 27-2
installation configuration options, 2-15
load balancer operations, 27-19
maintenance, 27-19
prioritizing server resources, 27-14
product requirements, 2-8
troubleshooting, 27-20
updating administrator e-mail ID, 27-15
upgrade preparation, 6-3
user account, 27-2
verifying the installation, 27-19
Aspen WebProperties
configuring IIS, 21-3
deploying, 21-3
enabling out-of-process components, 21-5
setting up userfolders, 21-6
Aspen Zyqad
Broker confirmation (Windows NT), 28-5
CITRIX configuration, 28-13
components and subcomponents, 28-1
configuring Workgroups.cfg, 28-12
defining Symbol Libray as network share,
editing net.cfg file, 28-8
installation configuration options, 2-15
pre-installation checklist, 28-3
product requirements, 2-8
Index 33-3

related documentation, 1-3

server configuration, 28-8
server installation subcomponents, 5-9
server installation verification, 5-17
specifying Broker connection, 28-4
specifying LispWorks location, 28-7
specifying ProVision files location, 28-7
specifying Sample Projects users, 28-6
standard installation subcomponents, 3-7
troubleshooting, 28-17
verifying the installation, 28-14
AspenTech root directory
specifying location(lite-client), 4-7
specifying location(server), 5-7
specifying location(standard), 3-4
AspenTech uninstaller
starting, 8-2

Batch Plus
BPSync.exe tool, 29-5
connecting to a server, 29-5
connecting to the Oracle server, 29-7
creating database (server install), 29-3
installation configuration options, 2-15
MS SQL server connection setup, 29-5
product requirements, 2-9
related documentation, 1-3
specifying Batch Plus server (standard
install), 29-1
troubleshooting, 29-9
upgrade preparation, 6-3
upgrading project files, 6-4
BPSync.exe, 29-5
MS SQL server connection setup, 29-5
Oracle server connection setup, 29-7

re-registering components, 8-3
CIM-IO Server security
enabling for Aspen OnLine, 17-2
Aspen Zyqad configuration, 28-13

33-4 Index

client-server installation, 5-4

Aspen Zyqad server installation
verification, 5-17
client configuration of AES products,
client installation, 5-17
combining server/lite client install
options, 5-25
configuring server product components,
configuring windows server as AES host,
overview, 5-1
pre-installation checklist, 5-3
server configuration of AES products,
server installation, 5-5
server installation verification, 5-16
verifying client-server communication,
configuring Aspen WebModels Server, 27-4

configuring, 32-1

net.cfg, 28-8 (Aspen WebProperties),
Userfolder.js (Aspen WebProperties),
Workgroups.cfg (Aspen Zyqad), 28-12

hardware requirements
server, 2-3
HASP key license
using, 31-1

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

installation account privileges

troubleshooting, 9-1
installation accounts
checking privileges, 2-12
installation configuration options, 2-14
AES products, 2-15
installation verification
Aspen ADSIM, 10-1
Aspen ADSIM with Aspen Properties,
Aspen B-JAC, 11-1
Aspen Chromatography, 12-1
Aspen Custom Modeler, 13-1
Aspen Custom Modeler with Aspen
Properties, 13-2
Aspen Dynamics, 14-1
Aspen OLI, 16-1
Aspen OnLine, 17-6
Aspen PEP Process Library, 18-1
Aspen Pinch, 19-1
Aspen Plus, 20-1
Aspen Properties, 21-1
Aspen Split, 22-1
Aspen Traflow, 23-1
Aspen Utilities, 24-1
Aspen Water, 25-1
Aspen WebModels Author, 26-1
Aspen WebModels Server, 27-19
Aspen Zyqad, 28-14
Polymers Plus, 30-1
Internet Explorer configuration
Aspen WebModels Author, 26-1
Internet Information Server (IIS)
configuring for Aspen WebProperties,

licensing, 2-13
changing, 3-13
HASP key, 31-1
lite client installation, 4-3
AspenTech root directory location, 4-7
file server installation, 4-4

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

overview, 4-1
pre-installation checklist, 4-3
specifying file server location, 4-10
Aspen ADSIM, 4-10
Aspen B-JAC, 4-10
Aspen Chromatography, 4-10
Aspen Custom Modeler, 4-10
Aspen Dynamics, 4-10
Aspen Plus, 4-10
Aspen Properties, 4-10
Aspen Traflow, 4-10
Aspen Water, 4-10
Aspen Zyqad, 4-10
user PC installation, 4-4
verifying, 4-11
Working Folders directory location, 4-8

map network drive (lite client install), 4-4

Microsoft Excel
setting up for Aspen Utilities, 24-1
using after removing Aspen Zyqad, 8-3
Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS)
configuring for Aspen WebModels, 27-16
MS SQL server
Batch Plus connection setup, 29-5

net.cfg (Aspen Zyqad)

editing, 28-8
network optimization (Windows NT), 5-15

Oracle server
Batch Plus connection setup, 29-7
out-of-process components
enabling for Aspen WebProperties, 21-5

Plantelligence & Enterprise Optimization

solutions, 2-3
using, 3-9

Index 33-5

Polymers Plus
installation configuration options, 2-15
product requirements, 2-9
related documentation, 1-3
server installation subcomponents, 5-9
standard installation subcomponents, 3-7
troubleshooting, 30-2
verifying the installation, 30-1
pre-installation checklist, 2-10
product subcomponents
server installation, 5-9
standard installation, 3-6

RTESERV service
configuring for Aspen Plus Online, 17-7

server installation
AspenTech root directory location, 5-7
creating Batch Plus database, 29-3
Working Folders directory location, 5-8
service pack
checking the version, 2-11
software requirements, 2-4
standard installation, 3-2
AspenTech root directory location, 3-4
configuring installed products, 3-13
configuring product components, 3-8
overview, 3-1
pre-installation checklist, 3-2
product subcomponents, 3-6
specifying Batch Plus server, 29-1
Working Folders directory location, 3-5
system requirements, 2-3

technical support
online support center, 1-4
phone, e-mail, 1-5
training services, 1-3

33-6 Index

Aspen PEP Process Library, 18-2
Aspen Plus, 20-2
Aspen WebModels Author, 26-4
Aspen WebModels Server, 27-20
Aspen Zyqad, 28-17
Batch Plus, 29-9
checking installation account privileges,
error messages (client-server ), 9-3
general tips, 9-1
Polymers Plus, 30-2

UNC paths, 28-13

starting, 8-2
upgrading AES products, 6-3 (Aspen WebProperties), 21-6
Userfolder.js (Aspen WebProperties), 21-6

virtual memory
changing, 2-11
VSS configuration
adding WebModels Author users, 27-4
Aspen WebModels Server, 27-4

WebModels Administrator
using, 27-8
WebModels database
creating, 27-2
Windows 2000
account privileges, 2-12
adding server accounts, 5-14
service pack version, 2-11
virtual memory, 2-11
Windows NT
account privileges, 2-12
adding server accounts, 5-11

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

network optimization, 5-15

service pack version, 2-11
virtual memory, 2-11
windows server
adding Windows 2000 server accounts,
adding Windows NT server accounts,
configuring as AES host, 5-11

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

Working Folders
specifying location(lite-client), 4-8
specifying location(server), 5-8
specifying location(standard), 3-5

Index 33-7

33-8 Index

Installation Manual_Aspen Engineering Suite 11.1

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