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Relational Algebra Examples: (Not: SQL sorgularn siz yazn)

Consider the following relations:

Student(ssn, name, address, major)
Course(code, title)

List the codes of courses in which at least one student is registered (registered courses):

code ( Registered)

List the titles of registered courses (of those in 1.)

code ( Course Registered )


List the codes of courses for which no student is registered

code ( Course ) - code ( Registered )

Try: Students who are not registered to any courses.

4. The titles of courses for which no student is registered.

In the previous query we found the codes; natural join with Course to find the titles.

name ( (code ( Course ) - code ( Registered )) Course)


Names of students and the titles of courses they registered to.

name,title ( Student Registered Course)

or, can be written as name,title ((1=4 5=6 (Student x Registered x Course))

SSNs of students who are registered for Database Systems or Analysis of Algorithms.

ssn ( Student Registered ( title=Database Systems Course))

ssn ( Student Registered ( title=Analysis of Algorithms Course))

SSNs of students who are registered for both Database Systems and Analysis of Algorithms.

ssn ( Student Registered ( title=Database Systems Course))

ssn ( Student Registered ( title=Analysis of Algorithms Course))
The name of those students:
A=ssn ( Student Registered ( title=Database Systems Course))
ssn ( Student Registered ( title=Analysis of Algorithms Course))
name ( A Student)
used A= instead of ( ) function.

8. List of courses in which all students are registered.

code, ssn ( Registered ) / ssn ( Student )

(baka trl de yazlabilir, nerilerinizi bana email ile yazn)

SELECT code FROM Registered
HAVING count(*) = (select count(code) from Course)


List of courses in which all ECMP major students are registered.

code, ssn ( Registered ) / ssn (

major=ECMP Student

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