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Pro Training

Basic Procedure in STAAD.Pro v8i for Buildings


Starting a Project:

Start Screen for STAAD.Pro v8i

1. Input the UNITS for length and Force.

Note about the unit system:
There are two base unit systems in the program which control the units (length, force,
temperature, etc.) in which, values, specifically results and other information presented in the
tables and reports, are displayed in. The base unit system also dictates what type of default
values the program will use when attributes such as Modulus of Elasticity, Density, etc., are
assigned based on material types (Steel, Concrete, Aluminum) selected from the programs
library. These two unit systems are English (Foot, Pound, etc.) and Metric (KN, Meter, etc.).
We can change and check the unit setting either by going to the File > Configure menu or
by selecting Configuration under Project Tasks. In the dialog that comes up, choose the
appropriate unit system you want.


Staad.Pro Training

2. Choose NEW PROJECT if starting a new one or OPEN PROJECT if opening an existing file:

3. Indicate the TYPE of STRUCTURE to work on:

a. SPACE for three-dimensional framed structure with loads applied in any plane, is the
b. PLANE for bound by a global x-y coordinate system with loads in the same plane.


Staad.Pro Training
c. FLOOR for two or three dimensional structure having no horizontal (global x or z)
movement of the structure (Fx, Fz & MY are restrained at every joint). The floor framing (in
global x-z plane) of a building is an ideal example of a FLOOR structure.
d. TRUSS for truss members which can have only axial member forces and no bending in
the members.

4. Select the procedure on how to begin:


Staad.Pro Training
a. Add Beam begin building your model by creating new joints and beams using the
construction grid, drawing tools and spreadsheets.
b. Add Plate begin building your model by dreating new joints and 3-noded and 4-noded
plate elements using construction grid, drawing tools and spreadsheets.
c. Add Solid begin building your model by creating new joints and 8-noded solid/brick
elements using the construction grid, drawing tools and spreadsheets
d. Open structure Wizard Begin building your model by using standard, parametric
structural templates for trusses, surfaces, bay frame and much more.
e. Open STAAD Editor Begin building your model using STAAD syntax commands (nonf.

graphical interface) through the STAAD editor.

Edit Job Information Provide information about the job (i.e. clients name, job title,
engineers involved, etc.) before building your model.

5. Fill up the Job Information (SET UP)

Job, Client, Job No., Engineer, Checker, etc.

Modelling (GEOMETRY)
1. Create the Geometry
a. Joint Coordinates nodes
b. Member Incides beam and columns
For intermediate beams release moments.
c. Element Incidences slab and retaining walls
*Commonly used icons:
Node Cursor

Beam Cursor

Plate Cursor

Geometry Cursor

Add Beams

Add 4-noded Plates

Add Surface

Add 8-noded Solids

Translation Repeat

Insert Node


STAAD Editor

Symbols and Labels

View Whole Structure

3D Render View



Staad.Pro Training
Creating the model using Structure Wizard:


A) Choose the model Type.

B) Choose the kind of model
C) Use the three dots icon to change/edit the unequal bays and height.

Creating the model using the graphical user interface:


Staad.Pro Training

A) Menu bar
Located at the top of the screen, the Menu bar gives access to all the facilities of
B) Toolbar
The Toolbar gives access to the most frequently used commands. You may also create your
own customized toolbar.
C) Page Control
The Page Control is a set of tabs that appear on the left-most part of the screen. Each tab
on the Page Control allows you to perform specific tasks. The organization of the Pages, from top
to bottom, represents the logical sequence of operations, such as, definition of beams,
specification of member properties, loading, and so on. Each tab has a name and an icon for easy
identification. The name on the tabs may or may not appear depending on your screen resolution
and the size of the STAAD.Pro window. However, the icons on the Page Control tabs always
appear. The Pages in the Page Control area depend on the Mode of operation. The Mode of
operation may be set from the Mode menu from the Menu bar
D) Main Window
This is the largest area at the center of the screen, where the model drawings and results
are displayed in pictorial form.
E) Data Area
The right side of the screen is called the Data Area, where different dialogs, tables, list
boxes, etc. appear depending on the type of operation you are performing. For example, when you
select the Geometry | Beam page, the Data Area contains the Node-Coordinate table and the
Member-incidence table. When you are in the Load Page, the contents of the Data Area changes to

Staad.Pro Training
display the currently assigned Load cases and the icons for different types of loads. The icons in the
toolbar as well as in the Page Control area offer ToolTip help. As we move the mouse pointer over
a button, the name of the button called a ToolTip appears above or below the button. This
floating Tool tip help will identify the icon. A brief description of the icon also appears in the status
bar. We are now ready to start building the model geometry.

2. Assigning Member Properties (GENERAL)


Staad.Pro Training

Steel Section Library:

For Concrete Sections:


Staad.Pro Training

3. Assign Material Constants (GENERAL)

4. Assign Supports (GENERAL)


1. Define Loadings

2. Define Primary Loads


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Staad.Pro Training

3. Define Load Combinations


Staad.Pro Training


1. Pre-Print
2. Analysis
3. Post Print


Staad.Pro Training


1. Choose the Type of Design
a. Conrete Design
b. Steel Design
c. Aluminum Design
d. Footing Design
e. Shear Wall Design
2. Assign Type of Code
a. Concrete ACI Code
b. Steel AISC Code
3. Choose the Design Parameters (select the ones needed)
a. For Concrete:
Fy, fc, concrete cover, main reinforcements, etc.
b. For steel:
Fy, Development length, etc.
4. Input the values for the Design Parameters and assign to members to be designd.

Staad.Pro Training
5. Define Commands
a. Design beams
b. Design Columns
c. Design Elements/Slabs
d. Design Footing

1. Highlight the parameter in the

Concrete Design dialog you wish to
assign to model elements.
2. Select the Assign to View option.
3. Click Assign.

6. Use Finish Command


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