Kannada Lesson PDF

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Dear Kannada learners,

Kannada is the simplest language with 2000 years of history. Kannada literature is very
rich and Kannada writers bagged 8 Jnanapeetha awards which is the highest award in the
field of Indian literature. Really it is a great pleasure and honour for me to help you all to
learn Spoken Kannada.
Let us start with Morning greetings. In this Kannada learning process we are adopting
transliteration method. We hope it will help you to learn Kannada. Good luck
Good Morning
My name is Satish, What is your Name?
~ } H?
\ slkcp kXoi X slkcp G\p?
X~ ca[ aT` T ca[ AX?
ss |xqsLRiV xqsdaRP RsV |xqsLRiV GsV?
xz i i Bx?
I am Satish. Who are you?
~. } () ?
\m\p kXoi. Xmhp (\ohp) bmcp?
ysV xqsdaRP. yso (dsso) RWLRiV?
XX aT`. T[ (X[) ^[?
xx i. i (x) ?
Nanu (singular) Navu (plural)
(HO^) ^
xx (BESx) x (Sx)
\m\p (GIhN\) \mhp (_lphN\)
XX (AE[JX) X[ ([[JX)
ysV (GNRPsRs) yso (xsRs)
Friends, if we want speak in any language we have to learn as may words as possible.
Now let us learn few words according to Kannada alphabet.
@ - -Palace
@ PMV -King

@sV - P^ -Kitchen
@t - Ms -Foundation
@ O -Cry
@ - -Mother
@sO - AO%m -Areca nut
@M - Ms -Blind
@M - n Beautiful
@y| - Gu Elder Brother
@OQ o Elder sister
@V - washer man
@VX - _ -cheap
%[]X - ^_a
%[a - EeG
%QY^ - ZeQbX
%_ - y
% -]V[
%eW - [eQ
%eV - [^ROZ_
%| - AQ[ [V[
%h - aRO[
%Ga - [b[ ]^X
%G - JY
Acas\ ]ymtekv
Ack InwKv
AUpsKas\ InN\v
AUn]mb ^uwtUj\v
Afp ss{I
A aZcv
AUsI BcvIm\Sv
Aw[ sswUv
AwZ _yqSn^pev
A FevUcv {_Zcv
A knkvScv
AKk hmjcv aym\v
A No]v
@LRisVs c Fy[qs
@LRixqs c NTPLig`i
@RVlgisVs c NTPRs
@TFyRV c FnLi[xtsQs
@ c \ZNPQQ
@sV csVRL`i
@LiR c ^Li`

@LiR c WxmnsQo
@ c FsL`i RL`i
@NRP c zqsxqsL`i
@gRixqs c yxtsQL`i sWs
@gRi c dms
Ask him to come tomorrow
speak loudly
You must do it
Please give me your pen
Take it
Bring your book on Tuesday
I have already done my homework
Please open the Door
Close the windows please
He is climbing the tree
Shall I come in Sir?
Yes. Get in
Sorry time is up I will go.
Please permit me I want to go out

My wife is a teacher
Her husband is an Advocate
My son is studying in Class X
His daughter is only one year old
It is a beautiful Child
Children are playing in the ground
I went to the market for shopping

I want to buy some snacks.

eW }s
OsuW sO
lo R Ot
MV O }
AV MO% t
lo W }V
PlPV lo _`
@ }~
. JV
O m. V}
t @~ Ot V
s OP
AO ~ P
V 10 }V~ K~
@ VV O JM %
OQ As~
R OmoV
~Mt R}

I want to sell my old vehicle.

Pedestrians should walk on the foot path
He is jumping
The boy is running
Birth is an accident
Death is certain
Ask him to come tomorrow
speak loudly
You must do it
Please give me your pen
Take it
Bring your book on Tuesday
I have already done my homework
Please open the Door
Close the windows please
He is climbing the tree
Shall I come in Sir?
Yes. Get in
Sorry time is up I will go.
Please permit me I want to go out
My wife is a teacher
Her husband is an Advocate
My son is studying in Class X
His daughter is only one year old
It is a beautiful Child
Children are playing in the ground
I went to the market for shopping
I want to buy some snacks.
I want to sell my old vehicle.
Pedestrians should walk on the foot path
He is jumping
The boy is running
Birth is an accident
Death is certain
Ask him to come tomorrow

^V m} sO
@ V~
sV Ks~
AhcnsK \msf _cep tlfp
tPmcmKn amX\mUp
\o\p ImbhmKn amUtet_Ip
Zbhnp \n teJ\n sImUn
awKfhmc \n ]pkvXI Xn
\m\p BKte \ tlmwhcvIv amUnts\
Zbhnp _mKnep sXsKbncn
InSInKfp Zbhnp apn
Ah\p ac lpnms\
\m\p HfsK _c_lptZ
luZp. HfsK _n
ankn ssSambvXp. \m\p tlmKpts\
ZbamUn A\paXn sImUn \m\p slmcsK
\ aUZn inIn
BsIb ]Xn hIoecp
\ aK 10t\ XcKXnbn HmZpnms\
Ahc aKfnsK tIhe HwZp hcvj
B aKp kpwZchmKnsZ
afp ssaZm\Zn BUpnmsc
\m\p kmam\p JcoZnkep amcpIssK
\m\p XnwUn JcoZnk_bkpts\
\ lsfb hml\hp \m\p
]mZNmcnKfp ^pSv]mXv\t \sUbt_Ip
Ah\p s\sKbpnms\
lpUpK HmUpnms\
lpp HwZp BIkvanI
kmhp \nnX

+M x

speak loudly
You must do it
Please give me your pen
Take it
Bring your book on Tuesday
I have already done my homework
Please open the Door
Close the windows please
He is climbing the tree
Shall I come in Sir?
Yes. Get in
Sorry time is up I will go.
Please permit me I want to go out
My wife is a teacher
Her husband is an Advocate
My son is studying in Class X
His daughter is only one year old
It is a beautiful Child
Children are playing in the ground
I went to the market for shopping
I want to buy some snacks.
I want to sell my old vehicle.
Pedestrians should walk on the foot path
He is jumping
The boy is running
Birth is an accident
Death is certain
Ask him to come tomorrow
speak loudly
You must do it

VM ixb
xx EbbM bE
n]] x Jx Eb
M x {iE iz
xx +M xz E bqx
n]] M iM
E]EMz n]] SS
+x kkqx
xx +M n
n. +M z
I ]i. xx Mkx
nb +xi Eb xx M
xz bn IE
+E {i E
xz M 10x iMi +nkqx
+ MM E +n
+ M nMn
CE nxn +bkq
xx x Jn E]]M
xx ib Jnkx
xz xz xx E
{nSM ]{ix xbE
+x xMkqx
bM +bkqx
]] +n +EE
%[[G X_ [[_ c_
XX EQ^[G ]Q_[E

Please give me your pen

Take it
Bring your book on Tuesday
I have already done my homework
Please open the Door
Close the windows please
He is climbing the tree
Shall I come in Sir?
Yes. Get in
Sorry time is up I will go.
Please permit me I want to go out
My wife is a teacher
Her husband is an Advocate
My son is studying in Class X
His daughter is only one year old
It is a beautiful Child
Children are playing in the ground
I went to the market for shopping
I want to buy some snacks.
I want to sell my old vehicle.
Pedestrians should walk on the foot path
He is jumping
The boy is running
Birth is an accident
Death is certain
Ask him to come tomorrow
speak loudly

V^[v X _FX EQ
]eG_[[ X YE T~
XX %G_ X~ ce[E ]QX
V^[v [G_ TG^[
EROEG_~ V^[v ]J
%[X ][ cwwX
XX C_G [[[V
cV. C_G [~
l]a RO]^T. XX cmwX
V^]Q %X]T EQ XX c[G cG[E
X~ ]QV `lE
%E^ YT [E_[
X~ ]G 10X T[GT^{ CVwX
%[[ ]G_G E[_ CeV [b
% ]m aeV[[GV
]h_ ]VXV{ %Qw[
XX a]X F[Va_ ][EvG cG
XX TeQ F[Va[^awX
X~ c_^ [cX[~ XX ][[E
%[X XG^wX
v CeV %EE
a[ XJT
@sLjilgi y LRiV }
[LSgji sWRyRV

You must do it
Please give me your pen
Take it
Bring your book on Tuesday
I have already done my homework
Please open the Door
Close the windows please
He is climbing the tree
Shall I come in Sir?
Yes. Get in
Sorry time is up I will go.
Please permit me I want to go out
My wife is a teacher
Her husband is an Advocate
My son is studying in Class X
His daughter is only one year old
It is a beautiful Child
Children are playing in the ground
I went to the market for shopping
I want to buy some snacks.
I want to sell my old vehicle.
Pedestrians should walk on the foot path
He is jumping
The boy is running
Birth is an accident
Death is certain

dssV NRPyRVygji sWR[[NRPV

RRVsV ssV [s N]T
sVLigRiyLRi ssV xmsoxqsNRP Rs
ysV AgRi[ ss x[LisL`i sWT[s
RRVsV gjiV lgiLiVVLji
@ssV sVLRi xRVys
ysV I# lgi LRix[
xRV. I# lgi s
QORPQsVzqs \sWRVV. ysV x[gRiV[s
RRVsWT @sVsV N]T ysV xLRilgi
ss sVgRi 10s[ RLRigRiRV JRVys
@sLRi sVgRilgi ZNP[s ILiRV sL<Ri
A sVgRiV xqsVLiRLRiygji
sVNRP \sVysR ARVylLi
ysV rysWsV LkijxqsV sWLRiVNRPlgi
ysV LiT LkijxqsRVxqsV[s
ss xRV yxsssV ysV
FyRyLjigRi xmnsQoFy`s[ sRV[NRPV
@ssV slgiRVVys
xRVgRi JRVys
ryso sbPR
Os p V -2 P

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