Six Strategies To Deal Withcompetition Sandhi

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Introduction of CHANAKYA

One of the greatest figures of wisdom and knowledge in

theIndian history is Chanakya. He is estimated to
have livedfrom 350 - 283 B.C. Chanakya is touted
as the "Pio neer Economist of India". Chanakya was
the adviser and
PrimeM i n i s t e r o f E m p e r o r C h a n d r a g u p t a . C h a n
a k y a w a s a professor at the University of Takshila
(located in presentday Pak istan) and was an
expert in commerce, warfa re, economics, etc. His
famous works include Chanakya
Neeti,A r t h a s h a s t r a a n d N e e t i s h
a s t r a . C ha n akya i s al s o k no wn by th e n am
e o f K a u t i l y a a n d Vishnugupta as is mentioned in
his text. His famous work called Arthashastra is a
classic example of statecraft
and p o l i t i c s a n d i s r e a d i n E u r o p e e v e n t o d a y.
I t b a s i c a l l y consists of the princ iples of politics a
nd how the stateworks. An able ruler has to be a
ruthless leader to
makesure that the state works smoothly and ef
ciently. Thelegends associated with Chanakya are very
interesting and provide a testimony of his greatness.
Sandhi means to get into the contract for peaceful runningof
business and not to harm each other. An organization should
not indulge into any controversy because it
affectsthe image of the organization. W hile entering into th

eagreement, the party should not include any of the clausewhich

is not acceptable by the other party.
Vigraham means WAR or COMPETITON, this
strategyt e l l s t h a t t h e r e s h o u l d b e c o m p e t i t i o n b e t w e
e n t h e organizations but these competition should not be unethicali.e
one should upgrade the quality of his business to givecompetition
but should not counter attack directly on theother
party.Eg: Rin v/s Tide.Pepsi v/s Sprite.
ASANAM means waiting for proper time. A businessmanshould
wait for the proper time to act upon the situations.Because doing
right things at the wrong time is consideredwrong.Taking the example
of MC. DONALDS, it was failed to build goodwill because MC.
DONALDS first started withnon-veg foods which was not accepted
by Indian people atthat time.
SHARANAM means providing shelter. As shelter is one of the basic
need of human so as an organization it
should p r o v i d e s h e l t e r t o t h e i r e m p l o y e e s t o m o t i v a t e t
h e m towards the work. Along with shelter, an organizations
hould also provide additional benefis like allowances, perks,
bonus etc.
YAANAM means acquiring new territories.
A n organization should always think about acquiring new b
usiness or to expand the existing business. As expandingof
business will provide high profit as well as security,
if o n e b r a n c h i s u n a b l e t o m a k e p r o f i t t h e n o t h e r b r a n c
h which is running in profit can balance the balance sheet of the
DWAIDHI BHAAVA me ans dual policy. Resorting to p e a c
e with one and war with another is dual policy.A c
cording to this strategy one should make good

relationship with one competitor and indulge into war

withother competitor. Because if there will be any proble mg
o i n g t o o c c u r i n t h e n e a r f u t u r e t h e n h e s h o u l d h a v e so
meone to help him for surviving in the market.Chanakya applied,
practiced and succeeded in each of thesestrategies in dealing with
Alexander, Nandas, Malayakethuand many other leaders. With the help
of these strategies heassured victory.

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