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Tim Ward Grammar Friends e'5 Tim Ward Grammar Friends & UNIVERSITY PRESS OXFORD ‘Great Clarendon Steet, Oxord 0X2 6DF ‘Oxford Universe Presi department ofthe University of Oxford [efurhers the University's objecuve of excellence in esearch scholarship, and education by poblishing worlwide in (Oxford New York ‘Auckland Cape Town Dares Salaam Hong Kong Karachi ‘Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi ‘New Dethi Shanghai Tepe Toronto ‘with ofces in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungury [aly japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzernd Thailand Turkey Ukraine Viet ‘oxronD and oxtorD enous are registered trade marks of ‘Oxford University Press inthe UK and in certain other countries (© Oxford University res 2009 ‘The moral rights ofthe athor have been asserted Database right Oxford University Pest maker) Firs published 2009 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009, woe76s4321 ‘No unauthorized photocopying. Alright reserved No pat of this publication may be reproduced, ‘Stored ina retrieval yer, or tranemited, in any form or by any means, ‘without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Pres, ‘ras expres pernited bylaw or under terms agreed with the appropriate "eprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction ‘utude the sope ofthe above shoul be sent to the ELT Rights Department, (Oxford University Pres, tthe adress abore ‘You must not circulate this bok in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer ‘Any websites referred to in this publication are inthe pubic domain and ‘thes addresses are provided by Oxford Univesity Pres for information only (Oxford University Pres disclaims any responsibility forthe content san: 78019478019 Printedin China ‘Mustain: Andy KeylockBeeiveDustration characters and Simon Smith Contents Starter About us 1 At school, 2 My feelings 3 Outdoor toys Review 4 Lunch at the park 5 Lessons, 6 After school Review 2 7 Presents 8 Every day 9 Places Review3 10 The weather 11 Clothes 12 At the wedding Review 4 33 Onthe farm 14 The school play 15 School open day Review S Grammar reference Revision Demonstratives The present simple of be Can for ability Have got (2) Prepositions of place (behind, in front of, next to, between) Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives Have got (3) The present simple (1) The present simple of like The present simple (2) The present simple (3) Prepositions of time (in, on, at) Talking about the weather Imperatives Punctuation The present continuous (1) Telling the time The present continuous (2) Comparative adjectives The conjunction and The past simple of be Quantifiers (some, any) Ordinal numbers Irregular plural nouns Have got (1) There is and there are Prepositions of place This and these; That and those What's this? What are these? What's that? What are those? The verb be; Questions with be Can and can't; Can ..? Have got Prepositions of place We and our; they and their When/What have we got ..? The present simple (I do) The present simple negative (I don't do) He likes, he doesn’t like; Questions with like The present simple (he goes) The present simple negative (he doesn't go) Where does he work? Does he work ...? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t. Prespositions of time What's the weather ti Imperatives Punctuation 2 T'S... ‘The present continuous Telling thetime The present continuous Present continuous questions Comparative adjectives Comparatives with than The conjunction and ‘Was and were; Wasn't and weren't Some and any Ordinal numbers Plural nouns R 16 20 2 26 30 36 40 46 50 54 58 62 64 68 n 76 8 Have got (1 Silat About us FPrepostions of pa My name's Jamie. I'm seven. ‘\ This is my dad. 7 This is my mum. 2 This is my grandpa. 3 This is my grandma. 4 This is my uncle. 5 This is my aunt. 6 This is my cousin, 7 His name's Brian. This is my sister. ® She’s got short black hair. (lve got a big family! Sp — 4 We use have got to say that someone has or owns something. | We also use have got to say how people and things look. Affirmative Negative Short form Long form Short form Long form T’ve got Thave got Thaven’t got Ihave not got he’s got he has got hehasn’t got —_ he has not got she’sgot she has got she hasn’t got she has not got it’s got it has got it hasn’t got it has not got 1 Complete the sentences. She’s got He’s got I’ve got 1 I've got black hair. brown eyes. 2. This is Alison. short hair. brown eyes. 3 This is my aunt. curly hair. green eyes. 4 This is my grandpa. short hair. brown eyes. 4 Starter Unit 2 Write the words in the correct order. Then match. 1 got He’s brown hair He's got brown hair _, b 2 got She’s curly hair 3 He's hair got black 4 long She’s hair got hasn’t She got curly hair 6 black hasn’t got He _ hair 7 hasn’t got brown She hair 8 She straight hair got hasn't Make the sentences negative. 1 He’s got brown hair, He hasn’t got brown hair, 2 She's got Long hair. = 3. I’ve got short hair. 4 He's got curly hair. Starter Unit 5 Se ‘There's a pillow on the table! ) @ ave three dolls under the bed! 5 7 We use there is to talk about one thing or person. We usually use the short form, there’s. There’s a table. There’s a bed. We use there ave to talk about two or more things or people. Theve are three dolls. There ave eleven pencils. We use the prepositions in, on and under to say where something is. It’s in the cupboard. It’s on the table. It’s under the bed. 6 Starter Unit & Look at page 6. True or false? Write T or F. 1 There’s a pillow on the bed. F 2 There are three dolls under the bed. 3. There are three teddies on the bed. 4 There’s one book on the shelf. 5 There are six balls in Alison’s bedroom. uw Look at page 6. Answer the questions. 1 How many kites are there? There are eight kites. 2 How many teddies are there? 3 How many dolls are there? 4 How many balls are there? 5 How many books are there? 6 How many puzzles are there? 6 Look at page 6. Complete the description. are There’s on There under in In Alison’s bedroom there (1) a°e_ six dolls. (2) ______ a bed anda cupboard. There are five books (3) the shelf. (4) __are three dolls (5) _ __ the bed. There are five puzzles (6) the cupboard. Starter Unit 7 haat Demonstratives ar This is the new computer These are the new chairs. This and these are demonstratives. We use them to talk about people and things that are near us. One person or thing More than one person or thing This is the classroom. These are the new tables. 1 Match. i This is Pictures These are A poster Drawers 2 Write This is or These are. 1 fis the new board. 2 chairs. 3 pencils. 4 triangles. 5 acar. 6 a square. That's the cupboard. | Those are the pegs. | \ _ That and those are also demonstratives. We use them to talk about people and things that are far from us. One person or thing More than one person or thing . That's the board. Those are the drawers. that's = that i 3 Tick (V) the correct one. f That's a poster. B: | Ca Those are a poster. O ate That's pegs. O pe Those are pegs. () 3 i That’s a cupboard. O : » i Those are a cupboard. ) 4 That's chairs! O ~ Those are chairs! O « Complete the sentences. Use That’s or Those are. (1) That's _aseesaw. (2) aside. (3) _____ swings. (4) my friends. (5) a frisbee. Unit1 9 eR UTA Chae Ru cciord What's this? What are these? 4 This is a picture. These are the new rulers. 5 Tick (V) the correct one. What are these? O What are these? O 'y What's this? 2 What’sthis? (_) 3 S what'sthis? = () What are these? (_) ~ what'sthis? = (CJ What are these? O 6 Write the words in the correct order. Make questions and answers. 1 this What's is computer This a What's this ? This is a computer _. 2 are these What are pictures These nae 7 a. 3 this What's classroom a is This Unit 1 | What are thos ith That j 1 =. ————— . wraestiar a What are those? & Write. What's Thoseare That's What Thisis these are 1 What's that? That's a picture. 2. What those? computers. Bo =e this? ee alboards 4 are = ? These ___ drawers. 5 that? atable. Unit 1 The present simple of be \ We use the verb be with adjectives that describe how we feel. Short form Long form I'm Tam you're you are he’s he is she’s she is it’s itis we're we are you're you are they're they are 1 Circle the forms of be. This‘is)my classroom. These are my friends. They 're happy. I’m happy too. We're happy. @ That 's Kate. She’s sad. (8 9 12 Unit2 Adjectives hot cold thirsty hungry happy sad tired angry scared brave Match. i He's thirsty. 2 I’mhappy. 3 She’s angry. + You're sad. 3 We're cold. 6 They're hot. 's 're ’m That's Tim. He S_ tired. And that’s Polly. She __ cold. Look at Megan and Kate. They . happy. Ican see Jack and Oscar. They _.. sad. I’m Alice. 1___ happy. Anna is my friend. She __ happy. We __ happy. Write sentences. Use happy © or sad @. 1© 1 I'm happy . 4 ®®@ They eens 2 ©© We , 5 @®@ We 3 ® You : 6© te Unit2 2B ‘ We can use be to ask yes/no questions. We change the word order in questions. Statement She’s sad. ‘Question Are they ...? Question Is she sad? Short answers Yes, lam. No, I’m not. Yes, you are. No, you aren’t, Yes, he is. Yes, she Yes, itis. Yes, we are, No, we aren’ Yes, you are. No, you aren Yes, theyare. _No, they aren’t. 5 Write the correct form of be. Is he sad? Yes, he \s_. Are they happy? No, they Are they cold? Yes, they Is she happy? No, she 1 2 3 4 4% Unit 2 = Write questions. + I'm tired. Am I tired? You're sad. = 2 She’s happy. 2 It's cold. ? 7 ? y wwe We're thirsty. He’s angry. = 7 They're hot. = Write questions. Answer them. he / happy Is he happy ? Yes, he is. they / happy they / hot she / angry they / thirsty Unit2 15 Outdoor toys Can for abi {can skateboard! ' can't skateboard. 1 can play tennis! I can't play tennis. He can skateboard! \ Can means that you are able to do something. Can’t means that you are not able to do something. The form of can doesn’t change. We use it before the base form of other verbs. Z Ican swim. = can’t = cannot a ; 1 Tick (V) the right one. He can ride a horse. O « OP He can’t ride a horse. She can run. O She can’t run. @ @ He can play football. O ® He can’t play football. O 16 Unit 3 "rite can or can’t. Rm) EER gat ~o%_ skateboard. We play tennis. play tennis. They play football. skate. She skateboard. «rite sentences. Use can or can’t and the words in the box. *ceabike skate skateboard playtennis play football run ones He can’t skate. 2 We She . 4i1t You . 6 They ~ Tick (V) and write about you. Tcan Ican’t write v 2 ride a bike I can write. 1 2 3 skate 3 + skateboard 4 5 6 play tennis = play football Unit3 47 Can you skateboard? No, | Can't. Yes, he can! \ We use can in yes/no questions to find out what people can do. , We change the word order in yes/no questions. Statement Question Short answers He canskateboard. Canhe skateboard? Yes, he can. / No, he can’t. 5 Match. a 1 Can he ride a horse? c 2 Can she skate? 3 Can you skateboard? 4 Can they play tennis? % ‘take the sentences into questions. You can play football. Can you play football ? 2 You can ride a bike. ? 2 Itcanrun. ? # They can skate. — ? = He can ride a horse. ? # She can play tennis. ee? 40k at the chart. Write the questions and short answers. Alex Bella Cathy Derek ride a bike v skateboard v v play tennis v v x play football x > Alex asks Derek. Alex: Can you ridea bike? Derek: Yes, | can Bella asks Cathy about Alex and Derek. Bella: skateboard? Cathy: 2 Cathy asks Alex about Bella. Cathy: play football? Alex: + Derek asks Bella and Cathy. Derek: play tennis? Bella and Cathy: 3 Bella asks Derek. Bella: playtennis? Derek: = Alex asks Cathy about Derek. Alex: _ play tennis? Cathy: Unit3 19 se Review) 1 Write This, That, These or Those. 1 [415 is acomputer. aAurwn are pegs. is a board. are chairs. is a poster. @® is a cupboard. 2 Write questions and answers. 20 Review 1 she / cold Is she cold 2 _Yes , she is he / happy ? , they / angry : 2 , they / tired 2 , it / hungry ? . “-te sentences. Use can and can’t and the words in the box. “ceahorse skateboard skate play football playtennis swim They can't skateboard : ic) + rite the words in the correct order. Make questions. he Can ride ahorse 2 tennis play Can she Can he ride a horse ? skate Can he 4 you ride abike Can play Can they football 6 she Can skateboard © Write short answers. * Can they play football? (YW) Yes, ‘ey can, 2 Can he ride a horse? (X) No_, he can’t 3 Can she skate? (/) ; + Can he play tennis? () , s Can they skateboard? (X) , Review 1 a Have got (2 Pr iti f pl (behir Eas Lunch at the park "initentor nes to, betweer (S, ee (Has Dave got a sandwich? & Affirmative Negative Question Short answers T’ve got Ihaven’t got haveI got? —_Yes, Ihave. / No, I haven’t. you’ve got you haven’t got have you got? Yes, you have. / No, you haven't. he’sgot hehasn’tgot + havehegot? Yes, he has. / No, he hasn't. she’s got shehasn’tgot haveshegot? Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t. T've=Ihave he’s=hehas she’s = she has haven’t = have not hasn’t = has not Has she gota pizza? No, he hasn’t. NN Has he got a milkshake? ~~~ Yes, she has. Has she got chicken? Yes, he has. Has he got a pizza? No, she hasn't. 22 Unit 4 2 Write the words in the correct order. Make questions. 1 you Have got a biscuit 2 got Has he amilkshake Have you got a biscuit ? 2 3 asandwich got Have you 4 got apizza you Have = —? ee 2 5 abanana got she Has 6 Have got salad you ? ? 3 Follow and answer the questions. chicken fries amilkshake salad asandwich =a pizza 1 Has he gota milkshake? _ Yes, he has . Has she got chicken? —— Has he got a sandwich? Has she got salad? Has he got a sandwich? aun ewn Has she got fries? Unit4 23> = 4 Write questions and answers. he /a pizza Has he got a pizza 7 Yes, he has _. (2) she / chicken z No, she hasn't , 8 you /a milkshake a ? (4) you / fries : he / a sandwich eed he /a banana 24 Unit 4 rm EE ( Where’ =o § He's behind that tree. Dave's in front of the tree! The salad is between Brian's juice and my sandwich. \ Prepositions of place tell us where something or someone is. next to between behind in front of The fries are next to_ the salad. 1 2 The milkshake is _ the pizza. 3. The juice is the fries. 4 The pizza is the milkshake. 5 The fries are ______ the salad and the juice. Unit4 25 Subject pronouns and possessive adjectiy sg, Lessons Fave go! We and our; they and tl We're class 2. We've got English, maths and science today. Our bags are big. ——= | Ss . That's class 1. They've got PE and | art today. Their bags are small. 4 We is a subject pronoun. We use we when we talk about two or more people including ourselves. They is a subject pronoun. We use they when we talk about two or more other people (not including ourselves). Our and their are possessive adjectives. They say who owns something. ‘we — our bags, our poster they — their bags, their poster The other possessive adjectives are my, your, his, her, its. 1 Look and match. Monday Tuesday Class 2 maths science English PE art Class 1 PE art maths science English 1 We've got maths... Te .. on Monday. 2 They've got maths ... .. on Monday. 3 We've got art... .. on Tuesday. 4 They've got art... .. on Tuesday. 26 Unit S 2 Look at page 26. Write We've got or They've got. We've got English on Monday. science on Tuesday. PE on Monday. PE on Tuesday. science on Monday. art on Monday. * Write our or their. + SD these are their bags. 2 (8 This is poster. > @P These are bags. 4 [awa] These are pegs. ooo s BS) this is poster. 6 [Basi] These are pegs. Coo UnitS 27 When have we got ...? What have we got ...? (What have we got on Wednesday? ) (We've got English, maths and PE. ) | [ ] { ¢ es \\ (When have we got art? ) { we've got art on Tuesday. ) // S ——}" gs , esdoy. ) J We haven't got school on Saturday! y What have we got on Saturday? |) Let’s go to the beach. a4 ‘ What have we got ...? and When have we got ...? are wh- questions. We use when to ask about the time something happens. We use what to ask for other information. On is a preposition of time. We use on before a day of the week ot to say when something happens. 5 Look and match. MI 1 When have we got art? English, maths and PE. 2 What have we got on Wednesday? On Monday and Wednesday 3 When have we got English? Maths, English and science. 4 What have we got on Monday? On Tuesday. 28 Unit 5 = Write What have we got or When have we got. 1 a) on Tuesday? 3 - science? 4 PE? 5 on Monday? ” Write the words in the correct order. Make questions. have we on Monday What got What have we got on Monday ? 2 have When got we PE got What we have on Tuesday s When science got have we —— i = on Wednesday got What we have Units 29 Lea After school The proven inp The present simple (I do) After school 1 do | my homework. P=aeah my mum. A with friends. ‘ We use the present simple of verbs like do, play and help to talk about things we usually do. They are things we do every day, every week or every year. 1 Write the day. Thelp my mum. Monday Iwrite emails. Igo swimming. Ivisit my grandma. wewn a Thave a music lesson. Wednesday 30 Unit 6 2 Write. watch play go read draw write After school... 1 2a I_watch Tv. with friends. t books. I swimming. > Write sentences. Use a verb from the first box and words from the second box. do listen watch go help swimming myhomework tomusic TV mymum » Every Monday MONDAY 1_do my homework _, caw 2 Every Tuesday eee 7 I 2 Every Wednesday I ‘WEDNESDAY ¢ Every Thursday E&e- . - THURSDAY = Every Friday RG I . eS FRIDAY Unit 6 32 The present simple negative (I don’t do) After school | don’t write emails. | don’t read books. | | play with friends! We use the Beer simple negative to talk about a _ things we do not usually do. 4 Tick (V) the correct one. I don’t watch TV. ‘i ea = MY pon do! noe a After school Monday Tuesday Wednesday Neh vw 1 Every Monday... Ido my homework. I don’t do my homework. O 3 Every Tuesday... I play with toys. O I don’t play with toys. O 5 Every Wednesday... Igo swimming. O I don’t go swimming. O 32 Unit 6 2 Every Monday... Iwatch TV. O I don’t watch TV. O 4 Every Tuesday... I Listen to music. O I don’t listen to music. O 6 Every Wednesday ... I visit my grandma. O Idon’t visit my grandma. O helpmymum_ writeemails _read- books visit my grandma do my homework go swimming swatch TV © Tick (VY) and write about you after school. I I I L read books , 1 don’t watch TV _, listen to music 21 aL aa After school Yes No 1 do my homework v Zz help my mum 3 watch TV 4 play with friends 5 read books 6 draw pictures 7 have a music lesson listen to music s go swimming 10 write emails Con nnewn a 1_do my homework I I L I HG I I T Write sentences. Use the present simple affirmative and negative. Unit 6 33 Review 2 1 Make the sentences into questions. 1 You've got chicken. 2 He's got a pizza. Have you got chicken ? > 3 You've got fries. 4 She’s got a sandwich. ? 2 5 She's got salad. 6 He's got a milkshake. 2 2 2 Match and write has or hasn't. Has she got a doll? Yes, he <= Has he got a book? Yes, she Has she got a book? No, he Has he got a car? No, she hasn't, 3 Write. _Nextto” between behind _ in front of i ie ae 1 next to 4 34 Review 2 = Write questions and complete the answers. Friday — science, English, maths What have “eve Got science, English and maths. ot_on Friday ? = PE-Monday, Wednesday When have we got PE ? “Ve've 90 PE on Monday and Wednesday. maths — Monday, Wednesday, Thursday maths on Monday, and Thursday. * Wednesday — maths, English, PE maths, English and weiteemails visit my grandma watch TV comy homework read books help my mum fter school I_ write emails _, 2 After school I 2fter school I . 4 Afterschool I er school I 4 6 After school I Review2 35 (Bp Presents ag The present simple of ft i == He doesn't like sweets! —— \ © Ilike sweets. ® Idon't like chocolate. He likes chocolate. He doesn’t like sweets. She likes nuts. She doesn’t like pastries. When we use he, she and it with the verb Like, we add an s. In the negative, we use doesn’t. a5 doesn’t = doesnot ‘ c 1 He’s wearing a red shirt. a pn 2 She’s wearing a hat. 3 He’s wearing a brown scarf. 4 She’s wearing black boots. ___ A s i 5 She's wearing a blue skirt. i & 6 He’s wearing jeans. 3 Unit 11 EB | BB a: the wedding - WD Die oor @ j The present continuous ‘ Grandma’s next to Grandpa. They're sleeping. Dad's next to the table. He’s eating. We use the present continuous to talk about things that are happening now. We make the present continuous with a form of be and the base form of the verb with ing added. Short form Long form Tm Tam you're you are he’s / she’s / it’s | eating he is /sheis /itis | eating we're we are you're you are they’re they are 1 Circle A or B. 1 2 3 4 BSB, They're eating. She’s taking photos. A A Ce I’m wearing a tie. She's eating. I'm wearing a hat. A A A She's drinking. A A She's drinking. A A 97 DD DD They're talking. 2 Complete Jamie’s email. Write the correct short form of be. Dear Mar We '© getting ready for the wedding. I listening to music. Alison is in her bedroom. she brushing her hair. Grandpa and Grandma are in the living room. They talking. Mum is in the kitchen. She making a cake. Dad is outside. He washing the car. Jamie 1 He's eating - (eat) 2 She _ - . (drink) 3 She (sing) 4 He photos. (take) 5 They — Ps - (talk) 6 We_ to the band. (listen) 4 Write the words in the correct order. 1 making We're a cake 2 washing the car They're 3 music playing They're 4 writing invitations We're 5 listening to the band He’s 6 cake eating She's Unit 12 i Present continuous questions In present continuous questions the word order changes as usual. Question Short answers AmI Yes, lam. No, I’m not. Are you Yes, you are. No, you aren’t. Is he Yes, he is. No, he isn’ Is she eating? Yes,sheis. No, she isn’t. Isit Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. Fs Are we Yes, we are. No, we aren't. a ky Are you Yes, youare. No, youaren’t, aren't=are not Are they Yes, they are. No, theyaren’t, '5"’t= is not 5 Match. 1 Are Grandma and Grandpa sleeping? No, she isn’t. 2. Is Dad listening to the band? ~~~. No, they aren't. 3 Are Alison and Jamie playing? Yes, they are. 4 Is Alison eating? Yes, he is. 60 Unit 12 5 Write questions and answers. Use the verbs in brackets. a> (drink)? _____ the (play) music? y 7 Write questions and answers. Use the verbs in the box. play sleep make write do } What are they doing? They're playing_. acake, an email? Unit12 61 Review 4 1 Write. windy hot raining cotd sunny cold 1 2 Don’t forget your umbrella! 3 4 1 2 3 4 Match. Put on your scarf! Wear a sun hat! Open the door, please. Put in the punctuation. Add an apostrophe: Put in a full stop: Add a comma: Put in a question mark: Review 4 This is Jamie’s bag. Alison is Jamie’s sister We have PE on Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. How are you S Write sentences. Use the present continuous. 1 I/take photos 2. She / brush her hair I'm taking photos . 3 We/ listen to music 3 You/lListen to music 5 They / make a cake 6 He/wash the car 5 Write. No, heist. Yes, she is. No,sheisn’t. Yes,heis. Yes,Iam. Yes, they are. 1 Is he eating? 2 No_, _he isn’t. e Is she brushing her hair? 3 7) Ishelisteningtomusic? 4 ww) Are you making a cake? 52 lee 5 Are they eating? 6 Is she playing football? & Bk Review 4 63 Comparative adjecti mi On the farm The conjunction ciate, “e — donkey is loud. That donkey is louder. This horse is big. That horse is bigger. | Bigger and louder are comparative adjectives. We use comparative adjectives to describe the difference between two things or people. We make the comparative by adding er to the end of the adjective. small—smaller loud—louder quiet quieter fast > faster slow > slower Be careful. Sometimes the spelling changes. big +g + er > bigger ‘ Big and Loud are adjectives. Adjectives describe things or people. We use this and these to talk about people and things that are near us. We use that and those to talk about people and things that are far from us. 1 Circle the comparative adjectives. The horse is big. The cow is (bigger) The horse is quiet. The cow is quieter. The hen is loud. The goose is louder. The donkey is slow. The cow is slower. 64 Unit 13, 2 Choose a orb. ma = a 1. This cow is bigger. a iy 2 This animal is smaller. 3 This horse is louder. b bey 4 This goose is quieter. Pr ome 5 This animal is faster. Complete the sentences. Use the adjectives in brackets. fee os w 1 The_goose_is_bigger . (big) 2 The is (loud) 3 The is -(slow) 4 The — ______. (small) 5 The - _____.. (fast) 6 The is tall) Uniti3 65 Compara 4 Tick (V) the correct one. 1 Annisolderthan tity. () Ann is younger than Lily. (ea) 2. Lily is older than Bob. oO Bob is older than Lily. 3. Lily is shorter than Ann. O Lily is taller than Ann. O 4 Bobis shorter than Lily. 0 Bobistallerthan Lily. () 5 Write sentences. 1 Bob/young/ Ann 2. Ann/short / Lily Bob is younger than Ann_. 3 Bob/small/Lily 4 Lily/tall / Bob 5 Lily/old/Ann 6 Lily/big/Ann (66 Unit 13 Alison is bigger than Jenny and she's louder than Jenn (The horse is big. It’s bigger than the 5 \ donkey and it's bigger than the sheep. 6 Look at page 56. True or false? Write T or F. 1 Ann is younger than Lily and she’s older than Bob. T 2. Ann is younger than Bob and she’s bigger than Lily. 3. Lily is taller than Ann and she’s taller than Bob. 4 Bob is older than Ann and he’s older than Lily. 7 Write and to join the sentences. 1 The cow is bigger than the goat. The goat is bigger than the goose. This cow is bigger than the goat and the goat is bigger than the goose . 2. Ann is younger than Lily. Bob is younger than Ann. Ann is younger than Lily 3 Open the window. Close the door. Open the window - — 4 She’s a doctor. He’s a policeman. She’sadoctor ___ She works in a hospital. He works in a police station. She works in a hospital 6 Jamie goes to school on Monday. He does his homework after school. Jamie goes to school _ Unit 13 i 14] The school play The past simple of be — Atel eR icy Jamie's tired. Yesterday he was in the Mum and Dad were happy. school play. He was a fireman. Was and were are the past simple forms of the verb be. We use the past simple of be with adjectives to describe feelings in the past. N Today (Tuesday) Yesterday (Monday) Iam hot. Iwas cold. Jamie is tired. Jamie was happy. Mum and Dad are tired. Mum and Dad were happy. We also use the past simple of be to identify someone or something in the past, to talk about the Location of someone or something in the past and to talk about the time and the weather in the past. 1 Circle the past simple forms of be. Yesterday Twas) at the park. My friends were at the park. It was windy. There was a boy and a kite. The kite was in the tree. The boy was sad. There was a tall man. The kite was on the ground. Then it was in the sky. We were all happy. 68 Unit 14 2 Look and write. Use the past simple of be and the words from the box. _atthepark hungry wet naughty happy kind [x aur wn 4 > 2 € | She was at the zoc Unit 14 69° Jamie was a fireman. His friend Dave wasn’t a fireman. He was a policeman. Alison wasn’t in the play. We usually use the short forms. ‘ The negative forms of was and were are was not and were not. Affirmative Negative (short form) Iwas Twasn’t you were you weren't he was he wasn’t she was she wasn’t it was it wasn’t we were we weren’t “ you were you weren’t wasn't = was not they were they weren’t weren't = were not led 4 Circle the correct past simple negative form of be. 1 Mum and Dad wasn’t /(weren’t) sad. 2 Alison wasn’t / weren't good. 3 Jamie wasn’t / weren’t a policeman. 4 It wasn’t / weren’t sunny yesterday. 5 We wasn’t / weren’t in the living room. 70° Unit 14 5 Make the sentences negative. Jamie wasa policeman. Jamie wasn’t a policeman . Dave was a fireman. Mum and Dad were sad. - Alison was in the play. Yesterday it was sunny. we wna 6 Write. Use the correct affirmative or negative form of the verb be. Jamie's school play was about jobs. Jamie (1) wes __ a fireman. Dave (2) a fireman. He (3) a policeman. Other girls and boys (4) doctors and nurses. Alison (5) in the play. She (6) sad. Mum and Dad (7) happy. 7 Look at the picture. True or false? Write T or F. 1 It wasn’t sunny. in 2 Jamie was sad. 3 Alison was little. 4 Mum and Dad weren't dry. 5 It wasn’t 12 o'clock. _ 6 Mum and Dad were happy. Unit 14 7 Quantifiers (some, any) Ordinal numbers Irregular plural nouns (There aren't any pictures. We use some and any to talk about more than one thing or person when we do not say the exact number. We use some in positive sentences and any in negative sentences. 1 Circle A or B. There are some chairs. There aren’t any drinks. There are some teachers. There are some tables. There aren’t any teachers. There aren’t any tables. There are some drinks. There aren’t any chairs. eVvaunwna SPSS SS eD aon DnDaOo 72 Unit 15 2 Write some or any. children. r There are | 2. There are women. | There aren't __ There are 3 There aren't men. | 4 There are pictures. There aren't 3 Make the sentences negative. There are some pictures. There are some teachers. - There are some pegs. There are some chairs. wrwna 4 Make the sentences positive. Me 1 There aren’t any cars. There are some cars , 2 There aren’t any cupboards. 3 There aren't any teachers. 4 There aren’t any prizes. 5 There aren’t any pictures. There are some children. "vere aren't any children, computers. cupboards. posters. children. Unit 15 B feel Mare The first prize for ii English is for Tony. (The third prize for English is for Jamie. First, second and third are ordinal numbers. We can use them to talk about + the order things or people are in, for example in a competition or a race. Cardinal Ordinal Cardinal = Ordinal 1 one 1 first 6 six 6" sixth 2 two 2™ second 7 seven 7 seventh 3 three 3% third 8 eight 8" eighth 4 four 4 fourth 9 nine 9" ninth 5 five s fifth 10 ten 10" tenth 5 Write the ordinal numbers. I was at the school open day yesterday. The winner of the (1)__{irs!__ prize for English was Tony. The winner of the (2) prize for English was Emma. The winner of the (3) prize for English was Jamie. 6 Write the ordinal numbers. Alice is _jirst Karen is Kate is Helen is Amy is Megan is Helen Kate Karen Alice 7% Unit 15 Plural nouns . Weuse the plural form when we are talking about more than » one thing or person. We add s. one boy two boys Some plural nouns are different. They are irregular plurals. Singular Plural one lolly two lollies one family two families onetomato three tomatoes one sandwich three sandwiches one shelf fourshelves . one child —_ two children one woman two women one man two men 7 Circle the regular plurals. Underline the irregular plurals. aurhwn a 8 Complete the table. There’s a monkey! I like (monkeys) Jamie’s got a big family. Tony and Martin have got small families. Alison is eating a pastry. She likes pastries. Angie's playing with a toy. On Saturdays she plays with toys. There’s a sandwich in my lunchbox. I like sandwiches. Is there a shelf? In the room there are four shelves. et singular shelf pastry sandwich lolly plural shelves parties families Unit 15 1s Review 5 1 Write. Use than and a comparative adjective. small loud big fast slow quiet @ 1 The horse is bigger than the sheep . The sheep 2 The donkey The goat mse 3 The horse The donkey _ 2 Where were they yesterday? Dad at 9 o'clock (work) He was at work at 9 o’clock . Jamie at 9 o'clock (school) _ Jamie and Dave at 5 o'clock (park) —___ a . Mum and Dad at 8 o'clock (home) es Alison at 8 o'clock (bed) wewna 4 Write negative sentences about yesterday. Jamie at 6 o'clock (school) _He wasn’t at school at 6 o'clock Dad at 9 o’clock (home) Jamie and Dave at 9 o'clock (park) Alison at 5 o'clock (bed) Mum and Dad at 8 o'clock (work) — —— wewna Review 5 5 Write sentences. teachers (Y¥) There are some teachers , pupils (x) There aren’t any pupils , tables (x) _ - — chairs () prizes (V) a _ : boards (x) a _ _ aunrwn a 5 Write. Cardinal Ordinal one _first_ two three four _ five six seven = eight = eoNaunrawn a 6 Write. Singular Plural family families lolly party —— pastry — child man — woman sandwich oN anawn os Review5 77 Grammar reference Peter unt unse-s Ae Affirmative Short form P’ve got you've got he's got she’s got it’s got we've got you've got they've got Interrogative have I got? have you got? has he got? has she got? has it got? have we got? have you got? have they got? om: Negative Long form Short form Thave got Thaven't got youhave got you haven't got he has got he hasn’t got shehasgot she hasn’t got ithas got it hasn't got wehavegot — we haven't got youhave got you haven’t got they have got they haven’t got Short answers Yes,Ihave. No, Ihaven’t. Yes, you have. No, you haven't. Yes,hehas. No, hehasn’t. Yes, she has. No, she hasn't. Yes,ithas. No, ithasn’t. Yes, we have. No, we haven't. Yes, you have. No you haven't. Yes, they have. No, they haven't. (present simple) | Long form Thave not got you have not got he has not got she has not got it has not got we have not got you have not got they have not got Affirmative Negative Short form Long form Short form Long form Tm Tam T’mnot Tam not you're you are youaren’t — youare not he's heis he isn’t heis not she’s she is she isn’t sheis not it’s itis itisn’t itis not we're we are we aren’t we are not you're you are youaren’t you are not they're they are they aren't — they are not Interrogative Short answers am? Yes,1am. No, I’'mnot. are you? Yes, you are. No, you aren't. ishe? Yes,heis. No, he isn’t is she? Yes, shi No, she isn’t. isit? Yes, itis. No, it isn't. are we? Yes, weare. No, we aren’ are you? Yes, you are. No, you aren are they? Yes, they are. No, they aren’ Grammar reference E ae Siiiem Can | Affirmative Short form Icon you can he can she can itcan we can you can they can Interrogative Can I? Can you? Can he? Can she? Can it? Can we? | Can you? 2 |_Can they? etal) Affirmative Short form Tlike you like they like Interrogative do I like? do you like? does he like? does she like? does it like? do we like? do you like? do they like? Negative Short form Long form Ican’t Icannot youcan’t — you cannot | hecan't he cannot | she can't she cannot itcan't it cannot wecan't we cannot youcan’t you cannot they can’t they cannot Short answers Yes, Ican. Yes, you can. Yes, he can. Yes, she can. Yes, it can. Yes, we can. Yes, you can. Yes, they can. No, I can’t. No, you can't. No, he can't. No, she can’t. No, it can't. No, we can’t. No, you can’t. No, they can’t. The present simpl e Negative Short form Tdon’t like jou don’t like e doesn’t like she doesn’t like it doesn’t like we don't like you don’t like they don't like Short answers Yes, Ido. Yes, you do. Yes, he does. Yes, she does. Yes, it does. Yes, we do. Yes, you do. Yes, they do. Long form Ido not like you do not like he does not like she does not like it does not like we do not like you do not like they do not like No, I don’t. No, you don’t. No, he doesn’t. No, she doesn’t. No, it doesn’t. No, we don't. No, you don’ No, they don’ Grammar reference E The present continuous: wear Affirmative Negative Short form Long form Short form Long form I'mwearing Tam wearing T’'mnot wearing Lam not wearing you're wearing youare wearing —_youaren’t wearing _you are not wearing he's wearing he is wearing heisn’t wearing he is not wearing she’s wearing she is wearing she isn't wearing she is not wearing it’swearing _itis wearing itisn’t wearing _itis not wearing we'te wearing we are wearing werent wearing we are not wearing you're wearing youare wearing —_-youaren’t wearing _you are not wearing they're wearing they are wearing they aren’t wearing they are not wearing Interrogative Short answers _ am I wearing? Yes,lam. —_No,I'mnot. are you wearing? —_Yes, you are. No, you aren't. is he wearing? Yes,heis. No, he isn’t. is she wearing? Yes, sheis. No, she isn’t. is it wearing? Yes,itis. No, itisn’t. | ‘are we wearing? Yes, weare. No, we aren't. are you wearing? —_Yes, youare. No, you aren't. are they wearing? Yes, they are. No, they aren’ Irregular plurals iiecm Be (past simple) Uitia! Affirmative Negative Short form Long form | Iwas Iwasn’t Iwas not youwere _youweren’t you were not he was he wasn't he was not she was she wasn’t she was not | _ itwas it wasn’t it was not | | we were weweren’t — we were not | you were you weren't you were not _ theywere —they weren't they were not Interrogative Short answers | | was I? Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t. were you? —_—Yes, you were. No, you weren't. was he? Yes,hewas. No,hewasn’t. was she? Yes, she was. No, she wasn’t. was it? Yes,itwas. No,itwasn’t. "were we? Yes, we were. No, we weren't. were you? Yes, you were. No, you weren't. _ werethey? — Yes, they were. No, they weren't. 190) Grommarreference Grammar TU: The step by step grammar presentations in Grammar Friends introduce form, use Ce uke ed ed een ee) remember. The series is an ideal supplement to any elementary course book series. Se Oe ee Run ee ee ete) eas Puts the focus on grammar: familiar contexts and situations, using basic vocabulary, enable pupils to concentrate on learning grammar. Be eee eres eer Cee ce ee at Interactive practice: the student CD-ROM features additional exercises and tests See Pees + Photocopiable tests: included in the Teacher's Book, plus answer key, Ce en CC Ae)

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