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Donovan Gilliam

Technology Engineering & Design

Ms. Mathews
January 12, 2017

Evolution of Technology
From 1960 to 1980 technology changed a lot. In November of 1960, DEC introduces the PDP-1,
the first computer with a monitor and keyboard. In 1961, IBMs 7030 is built, and can run 30x faster that
the 704, this leads to further exploration and curiosity of supercomputing. In 1962, the Bell Labs team, led
by Max V. Mathews, develops software that can design, store, and edit synthesized music. The American
National Standards Institute accepts ASCII 7-bit code for information change in 1963. Also in 1963, the
SAGW sytem for military defense was fully deployed, costing about $8 billion. Its technological advances
prove to be benificial for the entire computer industry. In 1964, IBM announces the System/360 thirdgenerations computers. Another event that helped change technology was that in 1963, Doug Engelbart
invented the mouse. We use the mouse to direct the arrow on the screen to point where we want to click.
In 1968, the Seymour Cray-designed CDC 7600 supercomputer achieves 40- megaflops performance.
In 1969, Bell Labs withdraws from project MAC, whiched developed Multic, and begins to
develop Unix. Unix is finally developed at Bell labs by Dennis ritchie and Kenneth Thomson in 1970. Also
in 1970, the floppy disk and daisywheel printer are created. In 1972, the hand-held calculator became
popular. We use the hand-held calculator now to help us work math and science problems easier. In
1972, Steve Wozniak builds a blue box to make free phone calls and begins to sells them in a UC
Berkeley dorm. In 1975, IBM invents the laser printer. Invent means to create an item or a product that
hasnt been created already and make it. In 1977, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak introducte the Apple
computer. Also in 1977, computers from Tandy and Commodore have been inovated, now no television
hookup is required. To inovate something means to take an item that has been invented already, and
make it better to fit the needs of daily life.

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