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Posted on January 27, 2011 by ANTHONY MATHIAS KAYEJI
A).Element of continuity, sequence and integration in an Alevel chemistry syllabus.
Subject syllabus; is defined as a plan for an entire course of study. The plan typically includes
the goals and rationale for the course, topics covered, resources used, assignments given and
evaluation strategies recommended (Posner, 1995, p.7)
Continuity; is refers to the vertical reiteration (recurrence, repetition) of major curriculum
elements (Tyler, 1949, p.84). This implies that overtime the same kinds of skills will be brought
into continuing operation. For example the concept of chemical bonding is found in form two,
form four and also appear again in A level syllabus. It is important that this concept is dealt with
again and again in various levels of the chemistry subject.
Sequence; is more less the same as continuity but goes beyond that. Sequence as a criterion
emphasizes the importance of having each successive experience build upon the preceding one
but to go more broadly and deeply into the matters involved (Tyler, 1949, p.85).For example
sequence in chemistry subject; atomic structure is taught in form two, and in form five, but keeps
increasing in term of complexity, breadth and depth. So sequence should not be perceived as
duplication but rather higher levels of treatment with each successive learning experience.
Integration (linkages among subject matters); this refers to the horizontal relationship of
curriculum experience. Tyler (1949, p.85) he articulated that the organisation of these
experiences should be such that they help the learners increasingly to get a unified view and to
unify their behaviour in relation to the element dealt with. Consider; in developing the skill
about movement of molecules (chemical kinetics) in chemistry, it is important to consider the
ways in which skills can be effectively used in other discipline like in biology when studying
osmosis and diffusion, in industry when making perfumes and spray, in physics when dealing
with expansion and contraction process.
However to experience the continuity of particular concept learners need to go into greater detail
each time a concept is reintroduced within the sequenced curriculum; as they do so, they will be
increasing able to attain deeper levels of understanding of the concept by integrating new details
(Marsh and Willis, 2003, p.17).

The careful survey of an Alevel chemistry syllabus reflected many elements of continuity,
sequence and integration. An A level chemistry syllabus it contains four main topics which are;
General chemistry, Physical chemistry, Inorganic chemistry, Organic chemistry.
General chemistry consists of the following sub-topics; i).atomic structure ii).atomic spectrum
iii).modern quantum theory iv).bonding.
Physical chemistry consists of the following sub-topics; i).gas law ii).relative molecular masses
and density of gases iii).relative molar masses in solutions iv).two liquid mixture v).energetics
vi).chemical equilibrium vii).chemical kinetics viii).reduction-oxidation and electrochemistry
ix) acids bases and salts x).solubility and solubility product
Inorganic chemistry consists of the following sub-topics; i).periodicity ii).chemistry of selected
elements iii).transition elements
Organic chemistry consists of the following sub-topics; i).hydrocarbon ii).derivatives of
hydrocarbons iii).hydroxyl compounds iv).carbonyl compound v).carboxylic acids and
derivatives vi).amines vii).polymers
The contents listed above show vivid evidence of continuity, sequence and integration.
Commencing with continuity; is the vertical reiteration of major curriculum elements. Most of
the topics recur at different level of study because are seems to have an important concepts or
skills to be perpetuated, to list few are; energetics, chemical equilibrium and chemical kinetics in
Olevel are taught in form three but here we find them again in an A level syllabus. Consider the
sequence; the term is more less the same as continuity but the difference is that the recurring
concept or skills in the successive level are dealt more broadly and deeply so as to avoid
duplication. For instance the topic like organic chemistry, chemical kinetics and periodicity are
present in an O level chemistry but are still reappearing in an A level syllabus .The different
here is, in an A level syllabus are dealt more deeply, broadly and in complex way. Lastly is
integration (linkage among subject matter); Let us consider first intra-disciplines integration, in
the Alevel syllabus the first topic is general chemistry; it act as a fundamental part for all other
topics. The skills obtained in general chemistry are applicable in physical chemistry, inorganic
chemistry and organic chemistry. For example organic chemistry can not be taught effectively
unless bonding and atomic structures are covered first in general chemistry. In addition to that
integration can play role in inter-discipline connection. For example skills obtained from atomic
spectrum, modern quantum theory and gas law can be applied also in physics since related
concepts are also found in it. The skills from energetics in chemistry can be applied in biology,
physics and geography. Another good example in biology there is the topic called biochemistry.
This portrays interdependence between different disciplines.

B).As a curriculum developer the following are suggestions to be done in the Alevel chemistry
syllabus. First there are very few experiments indicated to be done, even those which are
suggested some can not be conducted in real situation, are just taken from the books which

written in other countries. The suggestion is to indicate more practical works that reflects our real
environments. Second suggestion is to reduce the contents, because the currently content is
overloaded to be covered within only two years of Alevel. This leads into partial and ineffective
coverage of the syllabus.
C).Curriculum development: it is basically a plan of structuring the environment to coordinate
in an orderly manner the element of time, space, materials, equipment and personnel. The
function of curriculum development is to research design, and engineer the working relationships
of the curriculum elements that will be employed during the instructional phase in order to
achieve desired outcomes (Wiles and Bondi, 1984, p.10).
The process of curriculum development involves several steps and different scholars had tried to
outline those steps. Taba,(1962,pp.456-459) he explained five steps which are; producing pilot
units, testing experimental units ,revising and consolidating, developing a framework and
installing and disseminating new units. While Wiles and Bondi, (2984, p.18) pointed out four
steps namely; analysis, design, implementation and evaluation. Almost both scholars are more
less the same, for that case Wiles and Bondis explanations will be adopted. The following are
steps according to Wiles and Bondi;
1. Analysis; before the curriculum is developed or any curriculum change is done; critical
analysis should be conducted to find out the need of the society. In the need analysis all
stakeholders are involved that is learners, teacher, parents, academicians, and employers. The
process of clarifying values and setting goals should be carried out regardless of its regularity,
without such a basic operation, curriculum development remains largely unstructured and
directionless. Therefore situation must be analyzed and the ultimate goals identified.
Advantages; this stage come up with reliable information to be used in curriculum design, they
are reliable in the sense that all groups in the society are represented. Also help to make clear and
correct decision in planning curriculum development. Disadvantages; it is time-consuming and
very costly since it need fund and go around collecting information
2. Design; once the intentions of the curriculum development or change efforts are clear, relevant
data about desired changes are obtained from the stakeholders, they must be organized and
placed into the form of an action plan (synopsis).Such a plan clearly identifies what is to be
done, the order of changes to be made, a time estimated for implementation of various
responsibilities for part of the plan and anticipated results of these efforts. All the considerations
and suggestions might be assembled in a handbook explaining the use of curriculum guide. This
consideration is the task for the supervisors, the coordinators of curricula and the curriculum
Advantages; there is high possibility of coming up with good product simply because the process
involves only experts of curriculum. Disadvantages; this process requires to be done by experts
only. Still the process is costly in terms of time and money.
3. Implementation; this involves installing and dissemination processes which include training
of stakeholder who are involved directly in the implementation. The training can be

accomplished through intensive workshop, a series of in-service courses, and other in-service
training devices; to develop the necessary skills and an understanding of the theory underlying
the new program. To achieve this stage there is a need of intervention from administrators to play
role in training personnel and supply resources and materials required.
Advantages; it build capacity for the implementers of program because they are trained on how
to accommodate and assimilate the new curriculum materials. Disadvantages; much money are
required to run orientation to the implementers and supply resource materials necessary for
running the program. Also it is time consuming since it need close supervision and support.
4. Evaluation; the stages of currriculum development are finalized by evaluation process, which
monitors and assess the progress of the effort toward achievement of desired goals. Actually this
stage is usually a validation of progress rather than an evaluation or judgment of results to
make sure that changes are occurring as desired, that the improvements are directional , and that
the results are as anticipated by designed curriculum.
Advantages; it ascertain the effectiveness and achievement of the program designed and give
room for change or innovations. Disadvantages; it is very difficult to make effective evaluation
since the implementation is done at a wide range, therefore what is taking place in the field is not
necessary to be the planed one.

D).Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE) is a parastatal organization under the Ministry of

Education and Vocational Training (MoEVT) charged with the responsibility of ensuring the
quality of education in Tanzania at the pre-school, primary, secondary and teachers training
levels source:
According to the conversation held on Wednesday 07/01/2009 at the TIEs offices, during the
interview with one officer, the following were steps used by TIE during curriculum development.
Need assessment; this involves finding out the views and suggestions of various stakeholders.
The group to be consulted are, Ministry of education and vocational training officials, NECTA,
teachers, students, parents, academician and any other groups that are interested in education
issues like HakiElimu.
Designing and developing the syllabus for a particular level or program (as prototype).This will
include all the suggestions contributed by various stakeholders. This task is done by curriculum
specialists and panelist for the particular program.
Preparation of synopsis from the prototype suggested by panelist .Writing the syllabus as a
draft and validation of the draft by involving the panelist. The syllabus is disseminated to the
stakeholders who will be gathered somewhere to discuss the syllabus, so as to see whether their
suggestions are presented well. Then the final draft is sent to Chief Educational Officer
(MoEVT) for approval.

Implementation; this stage involves dissemination of syllabus, teacher guide and curriculum
guides to teachers and conduction of orientation on how to adopt the new curriculum materials.

Marsh, C.J and Willis, G. (2003).Curriculum: Alternative, Approaches, Ongoing Issues. New
Jersey: Pearson Education.
Posner, G.J. (1995).Analyzing the curriculum.New York: McGraw-Hill.
Taba, H. (1962).Curriculum Development: Theory and Practice. New York: Harcourt Brace
Tyler, R.W. (1949).Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction. Chicago: The University of
Chicago Press.
Wiles, J and Bondi, J.C. (1984).Curriculum development: Guide to practice. London: A Bell &
Howell Company.

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