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Intake ventilation air is evaporatively cooled by drawing it through wetted

mats or filters. The technique is suited to arid and semiarid

Regional design for energy conservation aims to minimize the use of
conventionally powered heating, cooling, and lighting by using natural energy
available at the building site. Site planning and building orientation, massing,
and envelope design are the principal means for managing climate-driven
conduction, convection, radiation and vapor transfer. Architectural Graphic
Standards for Residential Construction (HALL; GIGLIO)
WMO Climatological Normals
A WMO (2016) define normais climatolgicas como um indicador

Climatological Normals have long filled two major purposes. Firstly, they form a
benchmark or reference against which conditions (especially current or recent
conditions) can be assessed, and secondly, they are widely used (implicitly or explicitly)
as an indicator of the conditions likely to be experienced in a given location. The
Technical Regulations and earlier editions of Guide to Climatological Practices contain
a number of explicit definitions, as well as terms which are not formally defined but
have a clear meaning. These terms are:
Averages: The mean of monthly values of climatological data (which may be monthly
means or totals) over any specified period of time (no specific definition). These are
also referred to in the 2nd edition (1983) of the Guide to Climatological Practices as
provisional normals.
Period averages: Averages of climatological data computed for any period of at least
ten years starting on 1 January of a year ending with the digit 1 (Technical
Normals: Period averages computed for a uniform and relatively long period
comprising at least three consecutive ten-year periods (Technical Regulations).
Climatological standard normals: Averages of climatological data computed for the
following consecutive periods of 30 years: 1 January 1901 to 31 December 1930, 1
January 1931 to 31 December 1960, etc. (Technical Regulations). WMO publishes the
climatological standard normals which are computed by the WMO Members for their
observing stations. (CLINO), WMO No.847. The latest version of this publication
includes the standard normals for the period 1961-1990. Climate normal publication can
be requested through the WMO online catalogue

Our investigation of a high-performance buildings starts with a trough

examination of the climate at the location. With the use of electric lighting,
mechanical heating, and air conditioning, buildings can certainly be design with
disregard for the local climate. Deep cores in buildings can be lit by means of
electricity, and sizing up the mechanical systems can compensate for heat loss
and heat gain from exterior walls made entirely of glass.
amplamente reconhecido que essa aproximao de projeto
But it is now widely recognized that this approach to design leads to
buildings that waste energy and contribute to greenhouse glass emissions on a
scale that is harmful to the environment and totally undesirable in todays world
of climate chance and rapid depletion of resources.
There is another side to the design of buildings that does not recognize
the climate that surrounds them: These buildings also tend to neglect user
comfort and satisfaction. Buildings designed for sustainability must address
both of these issues. Instead of relying on an increasing extraction rate of
nonrenewable resources, buildings should respond to climate and make use of
free environmental sources of energy to provide a comfortable environment for
human activity. Buildings designed for sustainability must address efficiency in
terms of energy and economy, but they cannot succeed in a free market unless
they are also built for comfort and beauty. When high-performance building
design is seen in this context, we are using the concept of bioclimatic design
where both comfort and climate take prominent positions (Olgyay, 1963).
LERUM, Vidar. High-Performance Building.
As edificaes projetadas que visam a sustentabilidade devem propor
eficincia em termos energtico e econmico; por outro lado, elas no sero
bem-sucedidas no mercado a menos que elas tambm sejam construdas para
garantir o conforto dos usurios e agradar a viso esttica.
A utilizao recorrente de estratgias inadequadas na construo de
edificaes geram inconvenientes na utilizao de ambientes internos quanto
ao conforto higrotrmico que, como consequncia, tornam imprescindvel a
utilizao de sistemas artificiais mitigadores dos efeitos adversos decorrentes
das falhas de projeto ante s condies externas da edificao.

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