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Participation in various technical activities of the Students Chapter.

Participation in All India Technicians/Students Convention.

Eligible to become a member of All India Students Committee.

Access to Library facilities at State/Local Centres of the Institution across the country.

Opportunity to meet Fellow Engineers for enhancement of knowledge.

After passing the final year examination, student members are eligible for the following:

Eligible to pursue Postgraduate Course in selected branches of engineering, after three

Opportunities to gain and update knowledge, experience and access to information in

variety of engineering and technology disciplines through participation in seminars,
symposia, conventions, workshops, etc., at national and regional levels.

A number of prizes and awards given to the student members for their engineering skills
and talents.

To become Grad-IE of the Institution on submission of the prescribed form and

concessional membership free.

Eligible to pursue engineering degree in additional branch of their choice, with nominal
fee and exemption to appear from Section A examination.

Entitled to receive IEI News & Technorama free of charge on their election as Grad IE.

Journals of IEI are available in the hard copy or soft copy through web.

Freedom to choose journals from 15 engineering disciplines.

Access to know how and ideas from Corporate Members of the Institution about ongoing R&D work in different engineering fields, using of latest technology, and demands
of professional bodies for engineering jobs/services in the national and international

Access to web-based e-groups for professional interaction.

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