Adaptation B Initial Ideas

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Deanna Crisbacher

Initial Idea
For this project I wanted to create something relating to what I have experienced
regarding mental illnesses. I am still unsure exactly what this thing is going to be,
I have to do some mind maps and brainstorming but currently I hope to create some
sort of creature/character that embodies my thoughts and views of the topic. I will
avoid going into too much depth about that currently, but that the images in this
document will help explain what I mean without putting it into words just yet. I want
to create something that is within the horror genre, and while many people try to
put a positive spin on topics such as this, I do not want a happy ending. I want
to create a detailed creature/character/environment depending on what I do and this
is something I can definitely see myself working on in my third year depending on
how this goes. Im hoping to make this for VR as well to make it even more
immersive and impactful, although I have to do research on how to do this. I also
feel that sound design will be a very important aspect to this project due to the
subject, my experiences, and the importance of sound in the horror genre.

Exploring Past Artwork

This document will present a small selection of artwork that I have made in the
past from 2009 to current times that relate to this idea. First, I am including
some artwork by my sister, Nicole Jones, that relates to the topic. Our artwork
often bounces off of each other and is very reflective, I make work inspired by
hers and vice versa. I feel that these pieces of art may help inform my project
and inspire some new art that is both digital and possible help me return to
traditional artwork as well.

*Please note that some images may be low quality due to how long ago the
photos were taken.




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