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Chapter I


Steps in Writing
l. Pre-writi111 involves everything you do to prepare to write a draft. Pre-writing helps
you generate meaningful and complete content, and it can help you organize your
thoughts. Simply thinking about what you are going to write before you start writing is
a form of pre-writing. There are also specific techniques that can help you get started:
clustering, listing, outlining, answering a list of questions, or free-writing.
2. Drafting is the production of a text with a clear beginning, middle, and end. A first
draft might have some problems with organization and development, but first you must
put on paper what you want to say.
3. Revising involves checking for major problems with organization, content, and
audience awareness and making necessary changes. During the revision process, you
may decide to re-arrange your ideas or add or delete material. You may also decide to
make changes in your writing so that the work will be more appropriate or appealing to
your audience.
4. Editing involves checking over your completed writing. Rather than looking at your
whole paper, you are examining the writing sentence by sentence. You might decide to
add some transitions so that your writing flows better. You could also replace some
informal or vague words with more formal and specific ones. Additionally, you might
make changes in wordy or unclear sentences. Finally, the editing process for many
writers often involves checking for pattern errors in grammar or spelling.

5. Proofreading is the final step in the writing process. When you proofread, you check
for careless mistakes in grammar, spelling, or typing.
Obviously, the writing process involves a great deal of thinking, reading, writing. re-writing.
rereading, and re-thinking. Under ideal conditions, you can take all the time you need to
produce your best possible work, and, of course, when you write an important letter, you will
want to take the time to do your very best writing. However, student writers are often faced
with time constraints. Here are some tips on how you can adapt the writing process for exam

Adapting the Writing Process for Timed Exams

I. Pre-writing is still an extremely important step. Because you will not have much time
to make major changes in organization and development. you should try to prevent
having these problems by planning your writing first. Taking a few minutes to organize

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your thoughts with a quick outline, list, or cluster will help you remember to cover the
basics. Pre-writing does not have to be erased.
2. Drafting will take up the majority of your test time. Budget your time carefully. Be
sure your answer has a clear beginning, middle, and end. Skipping a space between
paragraphs will help you create clear paragraph divisions so that your writing looks
3. Revising. Time is extremely limited in a test situation. Again, this is why pre-writing is
very important when you take a timed exam. If you have a major problem with the
basic order of your ideas, there is not much you can do. If you need to clarify a main
idea or add a transition sentence, try to write it at the side and insert it neatly with little
arrows. Do not use white-out on entire paragraphs. If you need to re-write a paragraph,
cross out the previous one. If necessary, make minor changes with words and sentences
to make the writing more appropriate for your audience.
4. Editing and proofreading. Because time may be limited during an exam, try to leave
yourself at least a few minutes to check over your work. You might only have time to
check quickly, so be efficient and try to check especially for your most common
:Mastering the basic writing forms through practice and reflection will help you prepare for
. _your exams, but you should understand that this writing will probably not be your best. Do not
, '\. ', a perfectionist on your exams because it will slow you down. Try to relax and do your best.

Here are some checklists you can use when reviewing your first draft. You can refer to these
checklists for assignments throughout the textbook.

Revision Checklist: Content

. '\.
I. Your message should be appropriate to the test question. Eliminate unnecessary details.
2. Proportion should match emphasis. The most important ideas get the most space; less
important ideas get less space.
3. Check accuracy (dates, numbers, drawings) and completeness (use examples to make
generalizations more specific. Add authority by substantiating claims with data, expert
opinion, surveys, or specific observations.)


4. Retain first-choice words. For example, if you call a document a "contract," don't later
refer to it as an "arrangement" and still later an "agreement." The reader may wonder if
you are still talking about the original document.

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Revlllon Checklist: Orpaiudon

I. Position ideas to indicate emphasis. The most significant ideas should come at the
begiMing of a letter or paragraph, so place main ideas and topic sentences
appropriately. But in a sentence, the position of most prominence is at the end. For
example: "Because he was unable to attend the meeting personally, he forwarded his
congratulations on an email." (Emphasis falls on his sending email.) " He forwarded his
congratulations through an email because he was unable to attend the meeting.'
(Emphasis falls on why he sent the email.)
2. Use iaformative beadings and adequate white space. For headings, think of
newspaper headlines rather than empty captions such as ''Discussion.'' Specific
headings aid the reader in skimming and relocating material. Allow adequate white
space before and after headings to give the reader eye relief and to make the material
seem less difficult.
3. Paragraph by idea and for eye appeal. A paragraph may be as short as a sentence.
but no longer than about ten lines for business writing. Otherwise, the material looks
too heavy to read, and comprehension drops.
4. Use clear transitions between ideas. Signal the reader with cue words and phrases
such as but. therefore, also, and.for example. Repetition of a key idea or phrase can also
serve as an effective transition. Make sure when you join two ideas in a sentence with
and" that both ideas are equal in importance. Subordinate minor ideas by placing
them in a minor clause; elevate major ideas by placing them in the major clause.

5. Use clear references. Avoid beginning a sentence or clause with pronouns such as this.
that, ii, they, or which when there is more than one meaning for that pronoun implied in
the previous statement. "These decisions have been a big disappointment to the
committee members. They have delayed further action.'' Who or what are "they"?
Decisions or the committee members?

Editing Checklist: Style

I. Consider readability. Business communication designed for a college-educated
audience should be written at the tenth to twelfth-grade reading level. Try using shorter
sentences, averaging 15-20 words, and simple words. If you must use difficul t,
technical words, compensate with shorter sentences than usual.
2. Vary sentence patterns and length. For variety, follow lengthy sentences with short

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., .. .

. ~-


. ......

. . ,-; '
. . : . . :

._; ...


. . -.:...



-, :,.:; ~- :~ ;

: ,~ _.,,-'.:

. _-',


~. ~:. ,3 . Us~ ~ncrete words and phrases in .preference to vague, general ones. We~k: "Our

:., :'


figures show a significant increase." What's ,"significant"? Improved: "Our figures

':>: -~ -": ,.:- . .. show an increase of 19%."


~ : :.' :." . .~
.: ;~::.:.;_ : .: 4> Revise weak verbs. Substitute stro~ger verbs, particularly for forms of "to be.'' When
use a. weak verb, you use adjectives and adverbs to add to its meaning. Weak:
'. "Comcnai products are highly effective in removing stubborn stains." Improved:

. . "Comchai products are be~t for removing stubborn stains."


..-: >. : you

. .....




. ~-~

- .. . . " .
, ' : .. .
.: "- . , ~ . : .



5. Prefer active-voice verbs. Make the doer of the action the subject of the sentence .
. . . Weak: "It has been concluded that . . .'' Improved: " We have concluded .. .''
I '



, .:


;.:, . :

'. 6\ '. A.void wordy constructions. Weak: "This arrangement provides for the elimination of
- ?/.costly repairs." Improved: "This arrangement eliminates costly repairs."


..,,; '

7. Cut cliches, redundancies, and little-word padding. Weak: "As we know, education
should prepare people 'for life, so good schools are important." Improved: "Since
education prepares people for life, good schools are important."

. ~diting Checklist: Grammar and mechanics

:." .
. :,I



. . -.

' .


2. Do not write run-on sentences or comma splices. Complete sentences should be

marked with full stops. Incorrect: "Thank you for your concern, we will repl y as
quickly as possible.'' Correct: "Thank you for your concern. We will reply as quickly as
3. Use parallel structures. Equal ideas should be structured alike in a sentence-all
verbal phrases, all prepositional phrases, all clauses, etc. Incorrect: "The owner
questioned the occupant's lease intentions and that the contract had been altered with
ink markings.'' Correct: "The owner questioned the occupant's lease intentions and ink
alterations of the contract." Both equal ideas here are noun phrases serving as direct
objects of the verb "questioned."



1. Do not write fragments for sentences. Word groups must have a subject and verb and
express a complete thought to be a sentence. Incorrect: "He decided not to audit the last
ten contracts. Because of our previous objections about compliance.'' The last phrase is
dependent on the first clause for its meaning; the two must be joined in the same
sentence. Correct: "He decided not to audit the last ten contracts because of our
previous objections about compliance."

... .

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4. Make pronouns agree in number with their antecedents. Incorrect: 'An authorized

person must how that they have security clearance." Correct: "Authorized personnel
mu t ho\! that the have security clearance.''
Make verbs agree with their subjects. Common subject-verb agreement errors
involve third-person singular subjects and irregular verbs. Be particularly careful when
choosing the verb to follow the pronouns "which" and ''that" in relative clauses. Make
ure ou know what "which" or "that" refers to in each sentence. Incorrect: "I are
sending the report that explain the previous disciplinary oversights." Correct: "I am
sending the report that explains the previous disciplinary oversights.''
6. Do not change tenses and moods unnecessarily. For instance, if you are describing
your educational background and you switch between past and present tense, it may be
unc lear whether you are still in school or not.
7. Place modifiers correctly. Place words, phrases, and clauses as close to the nouns they
modify as possible. Particularly watch the modifier "only." Incorrect: "He could only
reimburse the cost after July 15." Correct: ''He could reimburse the cost only after July
15 ." "There are some discrepancies in several of the invoices that we are checking."
Does this mean they are checking the discrepancies or the invoices?
8. Do not dangle verbals. Incorrect: "Deciding to rescind the earlier estimate, our report
was updated to include 14 million baht for new equipment." (The report did not
decide.) Correct: "Deciding to rescind the earlier estimates, we have updated our report
to include 14 million baht for new equipment." (We decided.)
9. Punctuate correctly. Use commas after introductory words, phrases, and clauses;
between items in a series or independent clauses joined by coordinating conjunctions;
and before and after non-essential information.
IO. Choose appropriate words and phrases. Make sure you know the difference between
words such as "affect" and "effect" and "operative" and "operational."
11 . Spell correctly. Check the dictionary, particularly for hyphenation. Also, be careful

about omitting apostrophes that show possession.

12. Do not clutter with capitalization. Capitalize proper nouns (and their derivatives and
abbreviations), the first word and all key words in titles, and first words in sentences. If
you intend to emphasize, underline or italicize rather than capitalize.

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Chapter II
Would you go to an important meeting in a tank top and sweatpants? You probably would not.
When you have to engage an official activity, you want to create the right impression by
having a professional appearance. Similarly, when you are communicating through writing,
you want your correspondence to have a professional appearance. Using an accepted format
and having a generally neat appearance will keep your correspondence looking appropriate and

This chapter is divided into three sections. The first section gives examples of three common
letter formats: fully blocked style with open punctuation, modified block style with mixed
punctuation, and semi-block style with mixed punctuation. The second section provides
guidelines on the individual letter parts. The first section can give you a visual impression of
what the formats look like, but if you have specific questions such as, " How many spaces
should I skip before the date line?" or, "What's the difference between ' Truly yours' and
Sincerely yours'?'' ,you can consult the second section. The last section briefly introduces other
writing formats used in the English Ill course.

Fully blocked style with open punctuation is probably the most popular format for
international business because it is user friendly and adapts well to electronic communication,
which is increasingly important in modem business communication. Semi-blocked style with
mixed punctuation is the most traditional of the styles presented here, and modified blocked
style is somewhere in between the other two. The choice of style is largely a matter of a
company's or individual's taste. Remember that visual appeal and neatness are more important
than specific numbers of spaces; for example, a very short letter might include more space
between letter elements simply because it looks better on the printed page. Similarly, indenting
some paragraphs and not indenting others within the same letter is not only wrong because it's
a sin to mix formats. Inconsistency should
also be avoided simply because it is visually

Many businesses have their preferred formats set in automatic templates in their word
processors. Please note that there are other formats, besides the few presented here, and some
organiz.ations prefer to use a different style. Whatever layout you use for your personal
documents, the most important rule is ''Be consistent." Make sure all your documents use the
same format.

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Accepted Letter Formats

Example: Fully Blocked, Open Punctuation

ABC Company
00 Ramkhamhaeng Soi 24
Huamak Bangkok 00000
Tel: 00-000-0000
Fax: 00-000-0000
12 March 2012
Mr. Patrick Johnson
General Manager
J & P Printing Company
00 Sukhumvit Soi 12
Bangkok 00000
Dear Mr. Johnson
This is an example of a fully blocked style letter. It is a popular and easy-to-use style
for formatting communication in the international business world.
As you can see, fully blocked letters do not use indentations to mark the beginning of
paragraphs, and all major letter components, including the date and complimentary
close, are justified with the left margin. Paragraphs are single-spaced and an extra
space is left between paragraphs to indicate paragraph breaks. This format is therefore
visually easy to follow.
This letter also employs open punctuation. With open punctuation, no extra
punctuation is needed for the date, inside address, salutation, and closing sections. Of
course, essential punctuations must still be used in the body of the letter.
Sometimes your business letters will require a continuation page. When you use a
continuation page, it should contain at least 3 or 4 lines of the text, as well as the
complimentary close. It is not necessary to write anything on the first page to indicate
that there are more pages; the lack of a complimentary close and signature block on
the previous page should make this quite obvious. Short paragraphs should not be
split between pages.



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12 March 2012
Mr. Patrick Johnson

Long quotations and lists in your business letters should be indented. Here is an
I) Do not divide a word at the end of the first line of text.
2) Do not divide a word at the end of the last full line of a letter.
3) Do not divide a person's name from his/her courtesy title.
4) Do not begin a line with a punctuation mark other than open parenthesis or
quotation mark.
I hope this information is helpful to you. I have also enclosed a sample to explain
memo formatting. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any other
questions about our formatting preferences .
. :f


Sincerely yours



(Signed by hand)

.. i,

Cliff Jones
Enclosure: sample memo

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Eumple: Modified Block. Mbed Puachlatioa Style

00 Ramkhamhaeng Soi 24
Huamak, Bangkok 00000
Tel: 00-000-0000
Fax: 02-123- 4567

March 30, 20 12

Ms. Eliza Jenkins

Human Resources Department
The Closet Company
00 Ratchadaphisek Rd.
Bangkok 00000

Dear Ms. Jenkins:

This is an example of a modified block style letter with mixed punctuation. Some businesses
prefer this style because it has a more balanced, traditional look.
Note that the body of the modified block style letter is typed the same way as the fully
blocked style. The differences are as follows:
I. The date line and complimentary close and signature block are lined up to the ri ght
of the page center.
2. The salutation is punctuated with a colon.
3. The closing is punctuated with a comma.
If you have any questions about the modified block style, feel free to contact your teacher.

Lola Tate

Cc: Administration Office

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Example: Traditional Semi-block, Mixed Punctuation Style

DEF Company

Sukhumvit Soi 10

Klongtoey, Bangkok 00000

Telephone: 00-000-0000
April 15, 2012
Mr. Brian Jones
Brown Wrapper Services, Ltd.
00/00 Convent Road
Bangkok 00000
Dear Mr. Jones:
Subject: Semi-block formatting
Please remember that we at DEF Company prefer our correspondence to be in
semi-block style with mixed punctuation.
In semi-block style formatting, the beginning of each paragraph is indented. Also,
the date and signature block are aligned to the right of page center.

l trust that you will appreciate our attention to detail. You are one of our major
sub-contractors, and we have had a pleasant business relationship for many years. I
hope that it will continue. I suggest you examine the enclosed file. Please contact me
if you have any questions.

Sincerely yours,
(Signed by hand)
Lorrie Bloom

JLB: wjs
Enclosure: File #3417-B


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The Major Parts of a Business Letter

Most businesses have a business letterhead, which has their company name and contact
infonnation, automatically fonnatted into their word processors or preprinted on company
stationery. A small business may choose to simply center their name and address at the top of
the page. For a letter written by an individual to a business (such as a job application letter), the
sender's address can be aligned with the date line. However, word processors have made it
quite easy for individuals to generate a personal letterhead, and many people prefer this form.

Date line
The date line is usually 3-4 lines below the letterhead. The date can be written Day-MonthYear with no comma, as in the fully blocked example; or it can be written Month-Day-Year
with a comma, as in the modified block example. The Day-Month-Year order is more common
internationally. Always write out the name of the month in full to prevent confusion about
dates between companies that use different date formats.

4 January 2012
May 13, 2012

Inside address
The inside address identifies the party receiving the letter. It should have the full name of the
addressee with an appropriate courtesy title (Mr., Ms .. Dr .. Rev., etc.) if these pieces of
infonnation are known. The next line should have the receiver' s professional positi on
(Department Chair, General Manager, etc.), if applicable. The next line includes the name of
the organizational division (Human Resources, Customer Service Department, International
Studies Office, etc.), if applicable. The rest of the inside address includes the organi zati on
name and contact information.

Ms. Margaret Supitchaya
Asian Readers Digest
145 Ratchadaphisek Rd.
Bangkok, 10240
Customer Service Division
The Mall group
556 Sukhumvit 34
Bangkok, 10240


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The salutation should use the addressee' s surname and courtesy title, if possible. Be sure to
spe ll the receiver's name correctl y. Do not use a comma for formal business correspondence;
comma are used al the end of the salutation line only for personal letters and letters of

Dear Mr. Dean
Dear Ms. Wilson
Dear Sir or Madam (if the name and gender of the party is unknown)
Body of letter

- ,



The body of the letter should be single-spaced with an extra space between paragraphs.

Second-page headings

~ 11


At the beginning of the second and succeeding pages, type identifying lines that include the
name of the addressee, the date, and the page number. The order of these elements varies from
organization to organization. As always, be consistent with your formatting.

~.-': '. : >





Page 2
12 October 20 I I
Patrick Clarke

. .~'-- -.:.-}:






;_: ~-#.

Complimentary closing

.. . '~

The compliment~ry clo~in~ is typed two lines below the. last line of the body of the letter. Only :
the first word 1s capitalized. For most general business purposes, "Sincerely yours" is :
appropriate, a~though som.e British organizations use " Faithfully yours" (or a similar variant)
when the receiver' s name ts unknown.

Signature block


The signature block is just below the complimentary closing. It includes the sender's signature
typed name, and his or her professional title.

(Handwritten signature-Supinda Watchalak)
Supinda Watchalak, Vice President
Friedman, Inc.


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If the sender has included any additional documents in the same envelope with the letter, these
enclosures should be indicated below the signature block.

Enclosure: Autumn/Winter 2010 Catalog
Enclosures: Resume and Student Transcript

In this course, students will also be trained to write e-mails and memorandums. The formats
for these types of correspondence are explained in subsequent chapters.


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Chapter III
In spite of all the emphasis on grammatical correctness, logical organization, and an adherence
to an approved format in academic writing, many students appear to have difficulties in
recognizing and correcting their own mistakes. The purpose of this chapter is to fill what
appears to be a gap in the writing process through the awareness of commonly made
grammatical mistakes and how these mistakes are to be corrected.


Editing and proofreading is an essential step in the writing process (see Chapter I). This is
basically what students should do when they revise what they have written. Because of the
formal nature of the writing tasks that English III students have to do, emphasis should be
given on using contextually correct and appropriate grammar. This can be achieved if students:
1. become aware of their mistakes
2. know why they are wrong
3. know how to correct their mistakes.
Editing a piece of writing ensures that whatever the writers' thoughts, ideas, and opinions are,
they are exactly expressed in what they write. For example, if an applicant wrote at the end of
an application letter, "I am available for an interview at any time convenient for me," this
would make that applicant sound demanding and arrogant because of the wrong pronoun "me."
This type of mistake often happens in instances when editing and proofreading (revision) is
disregarded or is not done as part of the whole writing process. Mistakes also occur as a result
of "LI interference," which means that non-native English speakers think in their first
language and also write in their first language. They might be writing in English, but the
grammar is still in their first language. In fact, they also need to think in English. For nonnative English speaking students, this is a difficult challenge but a necessity. Therefore, editing
and proofreading are important skills that need to be developed.
To identify the mi~takes made in writing, you must have an editing checklist. This checklist
enables you to focus on the common mistakes observed in students' writings. Below is the list
of commonly seen mistakes in students writings.


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l \


/,. tfl' Ol !It

Full stop L$f
, Comma < ......t .. e
'Apostrophe <. co..-4~: or.


" \..c~

Subject/verb agreement
Verb tenses
Word fonm (noun, verb, adjective,
and adverbs)
Run-on sentences


Using this checklist, you can edit and proofread your writing before deciding that you have
finished and you have done the best that you can. To reinforce the habit of editing and
proofreading your own writing, you will be tested on this skill in Quiz I and Quiz II.

Sample Editing and Proofreading Passages

All writers make mistakes, but good readers must recognize those mistakes, both to avoid
making similar mistakes and to prevent making mistakes which do not look important but can
cause comprehension problems. Furthermore, this is a skill, which all writers must practice on
their own work in order not to appear stupid or give the wrong information to their readers.
Following are samples similar to what will be used on English Ill tests.

Sample 1
Overuse of chemical fertilizer is the common problem all over Asia, especially in Thailand. A
recent survey found that too much nitrogen-based fertilizer is apply to soils on Thai farms. The
excessive use of nitrogen-based fertilizer has caused water contamination by many places. For
example water samples collected near farms in Kanchanaburi and Suphan Buri were all
contaminated with nitrate compounds. This has caused severe water pollution in many area.
Following is the same paragraph with the errors corrected. Can you see why each of these
errors was wrong?
Overuse of chemical fertilizer is a common problem all over Asia, especially in Thailand. A
recent survey found that too much nitrogen-based fertilizer is applied to soils on Thai farms.
The excessive use of nikogen-based fertilizer has caused water contamination in many places.
For example, water samples collected near farms in Kanchanaburi and Suphan Buri were all
contaminated with nitrate compounds. This has caused severe water pollution in many areas.
The above two paragraphs show the following clear mistakes:
1. "The common problem" should be "a common problem." There are actually
several other problems, but the implies that this is the only one.
2. "Is apply" should be "is applied" which is a passive verb, meaning that it is
applied by someone other than the subject.
3. "by many places" is the wrong preposition. It should be "in many places."


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4. "For example water samples ... " uses incorrect punctuation. We need to separate
example and water by a comma.

5. "Area" is wrong because "many" takes a plural noun.

Note: Stllde11ts are advised to thorollghly review grammar by often referring to the books
listed i11 Ille bibliography to U.prove their proofreading skills and write accurately

Parents in China were successful in getting some airplanes diverted to avoid disturbing their
children who were take national university entrance exams. A news report said the students
were doing their two-day entrance exams at a school locate close to a major airport. After the
first day their parents were worried that noise from an aircraft taking off would be interfere
with the next day's English comprehension test. Therefore, they appealed for the local
education officials. The school officials notified the airport authorities about the problem and
an airport decided to divert the plane.
Errors corrected and underlined
Parents in China were successful in getting some airplanes diverted to avoid disturbing their
children who were taking national university entrance exams. A news report said the students
were doing their two-day entrance exams at a school located close to a major airport. After the
first day._their parents were worried that noise from an aircraft taking off would interfere with
the next day's English comprehension test. Therefore, they appealed to the local education
officials. The school officials notified the airport authorities about the problem and the airport
decided to divert the plane.

Exercise 1
Read the pangraph carefully and follow the instructions.
Local people affected by government policies have voiced their troubles and needs at a
(o,..,..., .~ec I
meeting of the National Reform 'omm1ttee. One proposal by local agncultural networks 1s that
the authorities should stop arresting and detaining farmers for trespassing m wildlife

sanctuarie~'riational parks, and national reserves. Around l 0 million people, or one sixth of the
Thai population, have

faced~pro~;~:. Many of them have been arrested even though they



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can prove that their ancestors have owned and worked in those areas before they were
des ;_,"" -\c ~
designate{s conservation areas. Many Thai peeple tie eat isit the eatieRal parks 'lery efteft.
Now, the government only considers government documents as evident, but it should consider

local history and commwiity evidence and documents as well. A change is necessary in ~
investigation process. The local networks also propose that a progressive tax rate be
implemented, ::Jc~/large landowners pay more land tax. They also called for the government

to allow workers to vote in the areas where they live and work, instead of having to vote only
~-:" /
in his hometowns for politicians they may not even know. One key aim of the national reform


mr decrease the arbitrary power of the state, law enforcement authorities, and lawmakers.

Instructions: Underline the mistakes in the passage above. Write your correction for each of
those mistakes in the space above the underlined mistakes.

E:iercise 2
Read the paragraph carefully and follow the instructions.
-t~ ..t

Thailand's future must be guided by input from .a: public rather than dictateci by politicians and
N..4:.. ,.,s /
bureaucrats. Nation policies have been imposed from the top down with little public input.

+:o..... \

A M""

.j,t he.-:.... /

-Anew government panel hopes to rectify this situation by


views from all sectors of

society in different regions of the country about issues important to the public. They :ire not
concerned about the prospect of the government trying to speed up the refonn process by

introducing till own plans. PelitiGal f)f.Qtests have Gaused a let ef damage iR TRailaRd receRtl y.
The reform panel is working on a plan for getting rid of social inequality in Thailand through
land and education , reform /abor and community empowerment, and upgrading urban
..... tV' ~/

communities. Members want to change the education system to produce student who are
honest and ethical, while also increasing the efficiency of the workforce through retraining for
critical sectors. A member of another panel has said that both panels' reform efforts had opened


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up more venues for local villagers to work as to improve their communities. He sa1 that

whether the reform would benefit the people ban. yet to be.proven. But, the reform process is

. J: c~Ac.~ /

different because it is dictation by real people on the ground.


Instructions: Underline the mistakes in the passage above. Write your correction for each of
those mistakes in the space above the underlined mistakes.

Exercise 3
Read the paragraph carefuUy and follow the instructions.
Thai companies need to find human resources to fill middle-management vacancies if they
w~ ...1 I
~to change from being labor-intensive to creative companies. One survey found that more

Jeve lor""'c"t /
than lajf of both Japanese and Thai companies believe that the develop of middle managers is
the most imJ)ortant issue in their development. Thailand's business culture has a long histery.


th~ past,~ companies were mostly focused on cheap production costs. Now, businesses

to I

need new strategies fQ[ sustain their competitiveness and put much effort into being creative,

which requires middle managers rather than cheap labor. Thai companies usually rely with
headhunters fnr outside recruitment rather than developing their own middle managers. On the

th;e.., /

other hand, Japanese companies usually develop and promote ~ own staff. It depends on the



"-- ""1~
. .
companys policy m any given situation. If a company needs a middle-management position
~ro,.,~\y /
filled prompt, then headhunting may be a better choice. But, if a company wants to focus on
M o ve I

sustainable development, then internal promotions are much efficient.

Instructions: Underline the mistakes in the passage above. Write your correction for each of
those mistakes in the space above the underlined mistakes.


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Read the paragraph carefully and follow.the instnaction1.
The Ascocenda Yingluck Shinawatra, a rare orchid hybrid, was named after the Thai premier
co ... .,11-)'5 /

-in honor of her first visit to Singapore as the coyntrys head of state. Despite tropical rains, Ms.
S h ow.-.

Yingluck was led around the orchid garden shielded by an umbrella, where she was ~g
orchids named after other luminaries like Jackie Chan. Ms. Yingluck, who assumed office in


August this year, met ill Sin&apore President Tony Tan Keng Yam and Singapore's Prime
Minister Lee Hsien Loong. According to a press statement from Singapore's Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, the leaders noted the growing exchange between governments, businesses, and


people from~ two countries. They also discussed efforts to further bilateral cooperation,

n:, ,..


including political and economic ties.~ Thai Prime Minister joins a list of hundred of
celebrities and heads of state, including Nelson Mandela, Kofi Annan, { nd former Prime
Minister of the United Kingdom Margaret Thatcher. They were all honored with an orchid


named after it - perhaps Singapore's equivalent of China' s gift of pandas. Ms. Yingluck also
qrri-t-c~f ;o..,/

ei<. e.., 5

expressed appreciate for the honor. She added that the honor also extend to the Thai people.

Instructions: Underline the mistakes in the passage above. Write your correction for each of
those mistakes in the space above the underlined mistakes.

Exercise 5

Read the paragraph carefully and follow the instructions.


t:yM /

Another man died in Germany yesterday of E. coli infection, pushing the death toll

.m the

bacteria to 30. More infections and more death.fare expected but fortunately, the rate of new

infections ~ falling. The economy damage continues, however, as vegetable growers

throughout much of Germany and neighbouring countries can't

l1t- /

consumers; ~

5.ell /

~ their


produce to nervous

anxiety spread to Thailand yesterday when Public Health Mini ster Juri n


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~na...,,e~ f
Laksanavisit announcing that avocados imported from the European ~ had been found to

be contaminated with E.coli. The preliminary lab test at the Department of Medical Sciences

+....~ ..c\t-! /


showed that samples of avocados imported from Spain coptaminate with E.coli bacteria.

Ac~ly,E. coli is a very conunon type of bacteria and it is not unusual to find it on fresh fnuts


and vegetables. Normally, it causes few problems but there is strains of the bacteria that can be


Instructions: Underline the mistakes in the passage above. Write your correction for each of
those mistakes in the space above the underlined mistakes.

Exercise 6
Read,th~ paragraph carefully and follow the instr;uctions.
The country head of Research In Motion (RIM) in Indonesia hasn't been charged over a
stampede at a recent BlackBerry promotion, local police said Tuesday. However, police added
that he would not allow to leave the country until the investigation was completed. Several

people were injured

in~ November

25, 2011 crush, which came


Canadian company

C~'>i.. ,.,e ~'j

offered a half-price deal on its newest handset to the first 1,000 customer to appear at one of its
Jakarta outlets. People started showing up the night before and the crowd eyentual grew into

..the thousands, triggering the stampede. The phone on offer, the BlaclcBerry Bold 9790


SJnlflPhone, usually sell for about $550. Thousands turned up hoping fur buy a half-price

Blackberry in Jakarta on November 25--though only the first 1,000 would get the phones.


four suspects who could be charged with negligence leading to injury. Their are

RIM country head Andrew Cobham, two managers of the security and events companies that
planned the event-Hill & Associates and Experiential, and a manager of the mall where the
outlet is located. This is a big blow for RIM which has experienced decline sales recently.


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Instructions: Underline the mistakes in the passage above. Write your correction for each of
those mistakes in the space above the underlined mistakes.

Exercise 7

Read the paragraph carefully and follow the instructions.

Toyota Motor Corp,., slashing its profit outlook by more than half for 2012. This reflects the



impact of the recent natural disaster in Japan and abroad. It also signals a deeper threat ~the
car maker's recovery. The Japanese auto giant has also lowered it global sales outlook to 7.38

million vehicles for the fiscal year ending March 31. If the low sales continue,Toyota may lose

its crown as the world/ largest car maker this year, which it took from General Motors Corp.
Just as the company's production was recovering, j recent disasters at home and abroad have
forced company executives to cut down its expected sales this year and next. The flooding in
Thailand this year has
losses the


VA~ ..f.fee+C<l

bid-trffected the projected sales of Toyota automobiles. It has worsened

has incurred because of the earthquake and tsunami this year in Japan.

Toyota .affected by the rise of the yen against other currencies.

Instructions: Underline the mistakes in the passage above. Write your correction for each of
those mistakes in the space above the underlined mistakes.

Exercise 8

Read the paragraph carefully and follow the inst~ctions~

lr-! one.>i<'~

A strong 6.2-magnitude earthquake struck off Indonesia Sulawesi island on Monday,

.. ,
geologists said, but there were n? immediate tQ2W1 of damage or tsunami warnings issued. The
YE'\c...\ ,vely
k-'.\ 0 ,. . , et ves
undersea quake struck at a relative shallow depth of 13 kilometre (eight miles) around 211 kms
east of Manado on Sulawesi at 10:31 pm (1431 GMT), the US Geological Survey said.There

was no warning or advisory posted .2f the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center website. Indonesia's

Meteorological Service measured the quake at 6.9-magnitude but said


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unlikel y to cau e

a tsunami. Indonesia sits on the Pacific "Ring ~f Fire", where the meeting of continental plates
f ~et\""'" \y
.QYK high seismic activity, and is frequent hit by earthquakes. Moreover1 earthquakes were
also felt at the same time in New Zealand and India.

Instructions: Underline the mistakes in the passage above. Write your correction for each of
those mistakes in the space above the underlined mistakes.



Vocabulary is the knowledge of words and their meanings. We express our thoughts, ideas,
feelings, and opinions mostly through the words we use. We make other people understand us
the way we want to be understood by using the precise words to express the meaning we want
to convey. Misunderstanding occurs when what we think is not the' same as what we say or
write. We might think we understand what we read or hear but without enough vocabulary to
express our understanding, they remain imprisoned in our minds. So, your knowledge of words
and their meanings is an important tool in interacting with the world outside your mind.
Fill in the blank sentences
In learning vocabulary, simply memorizing the gloss or dictionary description of a word is only
the first step. You must recognize the word in context and understand the meaning, as well as
being able to apply the word to express your own meaning in writing and speaking. Writing
.sentences requires you to use words correctly in a given context. Most words have not only one
meaning or grammar form, so in any given sentence only a limited number of words can fit
with any real meaning, and the correct form must fit the grammatical use and position in the
sentence. The following examples are taken from previous English III examinations. Please
practice them, and try to do the same with words from your own required vocabulary lists.

Sample 1
Instructions: From the following list of vocabulary words, select the best word to fill in the
blanks in the sentences below. You may have to change the part of speech, tense, and number
to fit the grammar of the original sentence. Write the complete sentence without changing any
of the words or punctuation in the original sentence. Each word can be used only once.




1. Toyota pick-up trucks ( .. ...... ) the Thai market.

2. Even though his English is not good, I am( ... ..... ) that he can understand what I said.
3. The criminal( ........ ) any responsibility for the crime.


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4. After we have( ........ ) all the parts, the thing will be too heavy to carry.

5. I doubt whether the benefits will be( .. ... . .. ) the cost.

Notes: In the first sentence, it could be said that Toyota pick-up trucks serve the Thai market,
but why would anyone say that? Anything which can be sold actually serves the market.
However, Toyota pick-ups really do dominate the market in Thailand, so this must be the best
choice. Similarly, a criminal might be said to oppose any responsibility for a crime, but he is
actually only opposing his being charged with it. Therefore, obviously he would deny
Sample 2




1. The poor people want the government to ( ... . .... ) them more money.
2. English III is a( ........ ) for beginning English IV.
3. He( ........ ) the new assignment because he was too busy.
4. He was( ........ ) on the top of the ladder to change the light bulb.

5. The( ........ ) of a lack of sleep and too much food made me feel tired.
Notes: In the fourth sentence, the correct answer is either balanced or balancing and credit will
be given for both answers because both are equally correct, although the situation in which
each might be used is quite different. However, in the last sentence, although a balance of food
and sleep is important for health, the combination of those things is what affects this case.
Combination, and not combining, is the correct answer.

Exercise I
Instructions: Fill in each blank with an appropriate word from the list below, using the
correct grammatical form of the word. Use each word only once.









1.) The tor.l\4..,~:()....,

of alcohol during Songkran is not allowed.

2.) The family wasn't affected by the floods. They were


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j v~1e{ ... \

that they were safe.

visit the hospital for medical check-ups.

4.) Assumption University helped in making a lot of EM balls. EM balls are used to treat
c.o""h....,'.'""-\i1 water.
5.) His ..,o~: h\l
6.) The students

was ~mited after the accident. He could only move his left arm.

oth: ~i' to study for the ex~ instead of going on a holiday with their

r. .

7.) Japanese companies might avoid investing in new projects in Thailand because of
01 \ ,, \
floods next year.
8.) He


o \'

to get a promotion. So, he decided to resign from his job.

9.) The father wanted to fe"So..,.. \\ tell his son about the bad news. He doesn't want
him to hear it from someone else.
10.) Many people ~h,y.\~c~ about this apartment. They wanted to know if it is still

Instructions: Fill in each blank with an appropriate word from the list below, using the
correct grammatical form of the word. Use each word only once.
/value \nvironmental
'negate 'reasonable
1. The


.dominance 1mixture
I" refusal
/ mobile

I promote


en"~ron ,....c.nJ /at home can affect a child's behavior.

~ o,_o__
,..,___,/.____ _ logically.
2. Meditation seemed to have improved her ability to _ _r_e_

3. Heavy drinking will have

4. The estimated

v~\'-'t /

5. Sansiri is going to have a

h~~ ' t~ i.- e /

effects on his health.

of her jewelry alone is more than 30 million baht.

p\.-1) ""'o

+:o ...,


6. She always says a lot at meetings and likes to

7. She is a good friend. I can


c.l . /

of her properties.
i-.. G\ \

the discussion.

in her all my problems.

8. The wheelchair gave the old man better - -""'

-o_\.,_i. .I. ......_d..._,+-1_/ _


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t /

9. He asked me to give him another loan, but I

-. .:.~. : .<l.a. : u: .: ~. : .'-. .; l. ._

.1./ _ _ __

10. Oil and water don't _ _...;,,.,_,_.)<---'___

even if you shake them together.

Instructions: Fill in each blank with an appropriate word from the list below, using the
correct grammatical form of the word. Use each word only once.





1. He had a

f "'





appointment so he wasn't able to attend his friend's

ov /

2. The company __e=-...,~;" \o,ee'!> /were given a year-end bonus because of their hard

r t~v.t Q\\1

3. Flooding could

!happen again this year because of heavy rains.

4. For this year's company picnic, we have two

we can go to the beach.
5. Her
6. Alcohol

o. ~se, /

ott: ns/

We can go to the park or

at the meeting resulted in the cancellation of the debate.

cons"""" \:

nAs not allowed during religious holidays.

7. A thorough ' y,._ \rs~!> I of the floods last year should help the government prepare
for possible floods this year.

8. Hard work is

e.s~e1-J: ~\hor success.

9. The student did not


ve'f1-1.le/ to the teacher' s question because he did not have an

I 0. The military was very

ft: c: e...,-\- /


in helping people affected by the landslides.

Exercise 4
Instructions: Using words from the following list, fill in the blanks in the sentences below
with an appropriate word, using the correct grammatical form of the word. Then, write the
complete sentence on your answer paper.





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I. A small town usually is a pleasant _ _ _ for young children to grow up in.

2. Food that is cooked too long will lose a lot of its nutritional

3. The younger players were not

4. Water and oil do not


to enter the professional tournament.

very well.

S. The natural _ _ _ between lions and zebras should be maintained in a nature


6. Good workers should be _ _ _ faster than the poor ones.

7. This will not be an easy problem to

- - - - but to be successful we must find a

8. The judge _ _ _ _ to allow the prisoner to sit down.

9. Reading in the library is a good way to _ _ _ knowledge.
10. The chairman was not ____ at the meeting, so he didn't know what happened.

Exercise S

Instructions: Using words from the following list, fill in the blanks in the sentences below
with an appropriate word, using the correct grammatical form of the word. Then, write the
complete sentence on your answer paper.






I. Good-looking people should have a _ _ _ appearance without make-up.

2. To be efficient, you must give _ _ _ to the most important things first.
3. The - - - why I want to go to see it is because I am curious.
4. My friend has a _ _ _ _ attitude about business, so I don't think he will be

S. The river has a great _ _ _ _ of different kinds of fish in it.

6. The team _ _ _ hard but they could not win the series.
7. China is the _ ___ military power in East Asia.


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something to a friend who really needs it.

8. It is nice to

9. The BTS is more

than a-taxi during a traffic jam.

I0. The hero is not afraid because he is ____ that nobody can beat him.
Exercise 6


Instructions: Fill in each blank with an appropriate word from the list below, using the
correct grammatical fonn of the word.






I. A _ _._._ _ appointment prevented him from attending the wedding.

2. If you don't understand, you should _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the office.

3. Constant flooding in the city is a major_ _ _ _ _ _ for the government.
4. The prime minister was presented with different _ _ _ _ to solve the problem.

5. His _ _ _ _ _ _ interruptions annoyed the speaker.

6. He was - - - - - - - - for the blessings that have come his way.
7. The

- - - - - - - - for senator is a popular actor.

8. H i s - - - - - - - - to pass the ball cost them the game.

9. The company should punish _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ if they are rude to customers.

I 0 - - - - - were sent to the flood victims in the South.

Exercise 7

Instructions: Fill in each blank with an appropriate word from the list below, using the
correct grammatical fonn of the word.







I . A big typhoon has the _ _ _ _ _ _ to destroy anything men can build.

2. The computer wouldn't work correctly because of a _ __ _ _ _ cooling system.


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- -

--- - - - - - - - - - - -- --

. . -- - ...

3. !'lease make a - - - - - - of that report so I won't have to read the whole thing.
4. We may have an election, but the problem is finding some qualified _ _ _ __
5. I tried to wake him up but got no _ _ _ _ _ _ from the sleeping man.
6. The _ _ _ _ _ _ worked out because the companies each had what the other one
7. There is no other choice now because all the other
8. If you don't want to pay, you can

are impossible.
some supplies.

9. Please don't be _ _ _ _ _ _ for the meeting.

10. It is _ _ _ _ _ _ that we have enough fuel for the entire journey.

Vocabulary cloze tests

Cloze exercises use paragraphs of writing with spaces or gaps in the text where words are
missing. Students must fill in the appropriate words in each space correctly, which means that
the grammar must fit the sentence correctly, and the sentence meaning must be appropriate to
the meaning of the entire piece of writing. This imitates the common problem in which a writer
knows generally what he wants to say but must search his mind for the correct word to use.
Often any writer meets problems deciding which noun, adjective, or verb is most appropriate in
context or which pronoun, conjunction, or preposition is correct. Even deciding whether to use
"an" or "the" can be difficult. This test may also be used to check vocabulary, to find the most
appropriate word from a group of similar terms and to use it in the correct grammatical form.
This is useful for both grammar and vocabulary practice.

Sample 1
The number of fake doctors arrested at private clinics and hospitals increased last year.
The Public Health Ministry handled 85 cases of unqualified people working as licensed
medical doctors. There are two major types of culprits impersonating qualified doctors.
Usually, in a private clinic in a small town upcountry, the fake doctor turns out to be a person
in a related profession - but not a real doctor. Fake doctors found in large cities like Bangkok
and Chiang Mai are found to be individuals who know nothing about medicine. They work
shifts when genuine doctors are not on duty. The complaints leading to the arrest of the fake
doctors come from both their patients and real medical professionals who realize that they are
acting abnormally. However, unauthorized doctors usually work in unauthorized clinics. Only
a few are found working at authorized clinics or private hospitals mixing together with real
doctors. To make sure they are not fooled, people are urged to take a careful look on the wall
of the clinic. It is required by law for an authorized clinic to place a valid medical license on
the wall with the photo of the doctor licensed to open the clinic, plus a photo of the doctors on


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duty on the ~all in the diagnosis room, ~d the receipt of the annual fee for the clinic's

Adaptedfrom the Banglco/c Post and Nation newspapers


. I

'The. underlined words in the above passage will be removed, leaving a blank space, with
instructions to fill in the appropriate word. Sometimes this will be combined with a vocabulary
exercise, with words such as qualify, authorize, and valid having been learned from a
vocabulary list, to be used in the correct form and with the correct meaning.
Please notice that in many cases not only one word . will be appropriate, and it may be
impossible to guess Whic~ word the original author used. However, the point is for the student
to develop some range of vocabulary unde~tanding rather than to memorize word sequences.
On the exarm, alternatives will be accepted if they fit grammatically and contextually. For
example, qualified could also be licensed, or even real. However, using words such as
unqualified or f~e (which will be common errors because of appearing in the lines above), or
random words with no contextual meaning, like young or hospital, is not acceptable. Town
could just as well be city or village and individuals could just as well be people, but and is not
a proper substitute for or. (And would imply that the doctors in question have two jobs at the
same time.)

Note: Normally there are no blanks in the topic sentence, and the omitted words are selected so
that the basic content and meaning may be understood clearly without them. On a test, the
above passage would look like the following:


clinics and hospitals increased last year.

The nwnber'o} fake doctors arrested at
The Public Health Ministry L ) 85 cases of unqualified people working as licensed medical
doctors. There are two major types of culprits impersonating (_) doctors.Usually, in a
private clinic in a small L ) upcountry, the fake doctor turns out to be a person in a related
profession - . but not a ( _ ) doctor. Fake doctors found in large cities like Bangkok and
Chiang Mai are fo,tld to .b e ( _ ) who know nothing about medicine. They work shifts when
genuine doctors are pot on L ). The complaints leading to the arrest of the fake doctors come
from both their L ) and real medical professionals who realize that they are acting
abnormally. However, unauthorized doctors usually work in L) clinics. Only a few are fo und
working at authorized clinics L) private hospitals mixing together with real doctors. To make
sure they are not foolod, people. are urged to take a L ) look on the wall of the clinic. It is
required by law for an authorized clinic to place a ( ) medical license on the wall with the photo
of the ( ) licensed to open the clinic, plus a photo of the doctors on duty on the wall in the
diagnosis room, and the receipt of the annual ( ) for the clinic ' s operation.

Exercise 1
Instructions Read the following passage carefully and select the most appropriate word from
the list given to fill in the blank spaces. Any word can b~ used only once.


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deMlnc\. / for better cqmputer security is a popular issue nowadays. Software
re\ td_ /
on to protect our computers from hackers are ard
programs which can be
to find. For business people, a good internet protection program is essential for 5t(
. As
cornpt~Jlld internet experts try to create the best com~uter pro~ecti?n there is, hackers
c.,.,6~!~d ways to get into other people's computers. An ~"': -+,~nducted by the
Ministry of Information and Communication Technology (MICT) las revealed that people are
~ither w:iaware or do not really car~ abou~rotecting their computers until someone has hacked
into their computers. Some d ec 1de {__ to buy computer protection software but do not
really know how to use them. Other computer users care.~ ft/
that free protection
software from the internet is enough. They t~k that buying a 700 - 1,200 baht anti-virus
software is too expensive ayd is not ~vt\,L
its price. According to an MICT official,
if computer o
L to have been infect by a virus, it should be time to invest in
proper anti-virus ftware. There is a \'4rie)/of computer protection programs available
depending on the budget and preferred features buyers, he said.

rJe \-';

Exercise 2

Instructions: Read the following passage carefully and select the most appropriate word from
the list given to fill in the blank spaces. Any word can be used only once.




Inve~ation W/rth


The government should





the purchase of more automated systems and

machinery in their produc~on lines by manufacturers. By doing this, they would

c \..:eve /
more efficiency and reduce their dependence on hired lab/or It is estimated
tha\the man!"acturing sector presently faces a shortfall of
fersontiel _ . To avoid the
of labor shortages, the government recently Jec:!eJ /
to approve the
hiring of forei~ laborers by several major industries. This foreign-labor policy would satisfy
!c.-~.., l I
for unskilled labor in the short term. However, manufacturers should
Jn1t~t:~c/---;ays to determine if the use of automated technology in their production
would be ~neficial. Although they cost more injtially, machines are often more
, and the results will be
wo1o--\\., L
the cost in the long run. The
benefit to the national e.c.""" ,, / will be quite significant.

Exercise 3

Instructions: Read the following passage carefully and select the most appropriate word from
the list given to fill in the blank spaces. Any word can be used only once.


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Smart phones are s]b;f; ..nlly( et\er than earlier m~bile phone _models. There are


reasons why people buy smart phones. One attractive reason ts the
vo ,.,oi l on that smart
phone companjes give such as free games and free phone cases. A,nother eason is the
tr (;,\z;liyl of the smart phone company. The .::i\'VeQwi~/ of the phones also attracts
fashion conscious buyers. Apple's 1Phone4 is widely_ .:ICC.~~~d...L as one of the world's best
smart phones. It costs more than other smart phones but usets say it is wo.ih / the money
situation, the de,.,a,...
for smart
they pay for it. Despite the present eO:>noM:\.
phones is still very high. People dec:Je /
to buy smart phones even though they are not





Exercise 4
Instructions: Read the following passage carefully and select the most appropriate word from
the list given to fill in the blank spaces. Any word can be used only once.

' .






The food industry in Thailand is growing fast and has become increasingly powerful, while
have failed to protect customers. Globalization has
a change in
our food supply chain by making it highly industrialized, and this causes some
consumers. There is nothing wrong with food being raised with mass production methods as
long as the product is
to be safe for consumers. However, some people
type of factory fanning,' saying that often it is not safe and in the long run will not be healthy
for them. In many of these 'modern farms, food animals are made to grow fatter and faster than
normal, being given food that they are not
designed to digest, and which contain
artificial antibiotics, steroids, and hormones. Also, in many cases, the farmers are
their contracts with a large agro-business corporation to follow the specific farming methods
___ by the corporation, use only feeds
and supplied by that corporation, and sell
their produce only to the same corporation. The increasing domination of the market by big
consumers any alternative selection.

Exercise 5

Instructions: Read the following passage carefully and select the most appropriate word from
the list given to fill in the blank spaces. Any word must be used only once.







Thai ambassadors in Europe should be urged to pay more attention to

and technology from Thailand at their respective posts. Most ambassadors now work on
helping to
markets for Thai export products and tourism, but from now on


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they should also

with academic and research institutes in their host countries
to help build up the scientific and technological capabilities in our country. Thailand cannot
- - - - - - success simply as a cheap production base using borrowed technology
because labor costs are rising. We cannot only sell our labor in
products for
export, because our wages are rising every year when compared with neighboring countries.
Thailand produces a
of agricultural products such as sugar, rice, cassava, and
rubber which are in
in the world market. However, Thailand should be not
only a food exporter, it could also produce
agricultural machinery at
low prices for farming in neighboring countries. We want to be
as a
medical hub, but if we only produce doctors and nurses without machines or medicines, it is
useless. The government should allocate a budget for scientists to
development of new medicines and technology here.

Exercise 6

Instructions: Read the following passage carefully and select the most appropriate word from
the list given to fill in the blank spaces. Any word must be used only once.






Haiti is one of the oldest independent countries and also tl"\e poorest in the Western
Hemisphere. It is on the island of Hipaniola, which is d;v: ! e J( between Hai ti and the
Dominican Republic. It '""\ 1re
independence in 1804 after a revolution against
France. Its
n~-\1.4.,~ \
advanta es make Haiti a major exporter of sugar and
o'"'"""\e / by a very ineffective and corrupt
coffee, but it remains poor because of being
government. The recent earthquake has
roveta_L__ this to the world. Many other
countries have
don.--\e! /
food, water, and m~dical supplies but the lack of
communications and transportation
the affected areas often prevents their
distribution. Even the medical aid workers and rescue teams from around the world who have
to help Haiti have been put in danger because of the "'~se ..., ce/ of
police d military protection. This lack of social
01rJe.;./ has left Haiti totally
unprepared to cope with disaster.


Exercise 7

Instructions: Read the following passage carefully and select the most appropriate word from
the list given to fill in the blank spaces. Any word must be used only once.



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'Ole .-ecent ~uake' in Haiti has attracted the attention of the world. Many countries
~~ f"Je J/munediately by sending trained people to give medical and rescue 5~~" :
Now i may be too
late for effective rescue attempts, but continuing dpr...-\: on~/ of medicine,
fQOd, ind water will be "e}}:"e!/In the midst of this crisis, we must recognize that there has
been a cfeeper disaster than e r,~ u-"" I /one caused by the earthquake. The poor
infrastructure and the conupt political and social organization have c ~ e~4e J. / a situation
which is totally vulnerable to such a disaster. It cannot be dero:eJ /
that the cause of this
situation is the BC>Vernment itself.
o ":..,
this problem cannot be done by outsiders. It
de~'S / on the poor and uneducat people of Haiti chaos') / a better government
to help develop the kind of society they prefer.



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St~dents in the English III course will extend their writing skills to show their understanding
regarding facts and data presented to them in written passages. They should read the passages
carefully to evaluate the data presented. Both significant facts and significant omissions should
. be noted. All relevant data must be understood. Conclusions must be
examined closely as to whether they actually fit the case and are actually relevant to the

. , , situation.

i 1 : C~Y


After the passage, some questions will be asked with a focus on particular points, upon which


,l"IC"n;jfu.,\ the st_u dent will write a short essay in reply. In the student's writing, several major points will
! '/. . ~
~determine the student's ability in the use of English. First, the passage and the data shown in it
,1..:_:-~ ~e:.. ~"""" must be well understood. Simply copying the words from a passage does not indicate that the


students understood the meaning of those words, but their using and interpreting the
information correctly does. Second, the student's writing should be clear and meaningful,
without unnecessary repetition of the passage or the questions, and presents a complete and
lo.g ical exposition of the facts, which utilizes the statements presented in the passage and
organizes them to answer the question clearly. Third, this is an academic writing course, so
informal contractions (I'm, wanna, coz) and Internet chat room or E-mail style usages (u
instead of you, r instead of are, 4 instead of for) will not be accepted. Use formal English and
use it correctly.


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Reading Comprehension Strategy


' .

1 ',~' . .,: ; The main purpose for reading is to comprehend the ideas in the reading texts. Without
': _1:'::.:.;.- comprehension, reading would be empty and meaningless. There have been many cases when

"_; ;.::-, \ ~tudents are capable of reading the words, but face much difficulty in expressing their
,._ comprehension of the main ideas. They might be able to answer superficial questions such as
' :.. who, what, when, and where but not referential questions or questions that need explanation or
. elaboration such as why and how.
. In order to arrive at a clear, in-depth, and thorough understanding of a passage, a simple
strategy is suggested below,


1. Make Connections
What connections do I make as I read?
Good readers notice pieces of text that relate to or remind them of:
Their lives, past experiences, and prior knowledge
Other books, articles, movies, songs, or pieces of writing



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Events, people, or issues
Tip: Make connections by reflecting on what you have read using the following statements.
That reminds me of...
This made me think of...
I read another book that. ..
This is different from. ..
I remember when...
2. Visualize
Good readers create pictures in their minds while they read.
While reading, note places where you get a clear picture in your mind that helps you
understand the text:
I can picture...
I can see the.. .
I can visualize...
The movie in my head shows... Use your senses to connect the characters, events, and
ideas to clarify the picture in your head.
I can taste/hear/smell the ...
I can feel the...

J. Ask Questions
Good readers ask questions before, during, and after reading to better understand the
author and the meaning of the text.
Ask questions of the author, yourself, and the text:
What is the author trying to say?
What is the message of this piece?
Do I know something about this topic?
What do I think I will learn from this text?
How could this be explained to someone else?
What predictions do I have about this reading?
4. Infer
How do I read between the lines?
When the answers are "right there," good readers draw conclusions based on background
knowledge and clues in the text.
Ask yourself:
I wonder why...
I wonder how ...
I wonder if...
Find information from the text that might be clues to the answers and use these with your
background knowledge for possible answers.


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5. Determine Importance
What's the big idea? So what?
Good readers look for things that help them identify big ideas and why they are important.
Look at text features for clues:
Titles and headings
Bold print
Pictures and captions
Graphs and charts
Chapter objectives and questions
Tip: Determine the importance of what you have read by completing the following statements:
The big idea is...
Most important information is ...
So far I've learned...
The author is saying.. .
This idea is similar to.. .

6. Synthesize
How do I use what I've read to create my own ideas?
Good readers combine new information from their reading with existing knowledge in order to
form new ideas or interpretations. Synthesis is creating a single understanding from a variety of
Compare and contrast what I'm reading with what I already know or other sources of
Think of new ways to use this information.
Can connections I make across this text help me to create new generalizations or new


Paragraph Writing
In many languages, the fundamental unit of composition is the paragraph. A paragraph consists
of several sentences that are grouped together. This group of sentences together discuss one
main subject. In formal academic English, paragraphs have three principal parts. These three
parts are the topic sentence, body sentences, and the concluding sentence.


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The Topic Sentence

A topic sentence usually comes at the beginning of a paragraph; that is, it is usually the first
sentence in a formal academic paragraph. (Sometimes this is not true, but as you practice
writing, please keep to this rule unless you are instructed otherwise.) Not only is a topic
sentence the first sentence of a paragraph, but, more importantly, it is the most general
sentence in a paragraph. What does "most general" mean? It means that there are not many
details in the sentence, but that the sentence introduces an overall idea that you want to discuss
later in the paragraph.
For example, suppose that you want to write a paragraph about the natural landmarks of your
hometown. The first part of your paragraph might look like this:

My hometown is famous for several amazing natural features. First, it is noted for the Wheaton
River, which is very wide and beautiful. Also, on the other side of the town is Wheaton Hill.
which is unusual because it is Vt:'Y steep.

Note how the first sentence, My hometown, Wheaton, is famous for several amazing
geographical features, is the most general statement. This sentence is different from the two
sentences that follow it, since the second and third sentences mention specific details about the
town's geography, and are not general statements.
Here are some examples of sentences that cannot be used as topic sentences. Can you figure
out why they are inappropriate?
I. My hometown is famous because it is located by Wheaton River, which is very wide, and
because it is built near an unusually steep hill called Wheaton Hill.
2. There are two reasons why some people like to buy cars with automatic transmission and
two reasons why others like cars with manual transmission.
3. Clouds are white.
The problem with sentence #1 is that it contains too many details. Topic sentences are general,
and details should appear later in the paragraph. A better topic sentence would be like the one
mentioned above, My hometown is famous for several amazing geographical features .
Sentence #2 is not appropriate as a topic sentence because it mentions two topics, not just one.
Paragraphs are usually about one main thing and so their topic sentences should also be about
only one main thing. The problem with sentence #3 is that it is too general. It is also very
boring! Would you like to read a paragraph with this topic sentence? Most people would not.
We can rewrite sentences #2 and #3 in the following ways to make it better:
There are two reasons why some people like to buy cars with automatic transmission.
OR (in a different paragraph) There are two reasons why some people like cars with manual
The shapes ofclouds are determined by various factors .


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Supporting entenm
Consider again the above-mentioned, short paragraph:

My hometown, Wheaton, is famous for several amazing natural features. First, it is noted for
the Wheaton River, which is very wide and beautiful. Also, on the other side of the town is
Wheaton Hill, which is unusual because it is very steep.
When a reader reads a topic sentence, such as My hometown, Wheaton, is famous for several
amazing natural features, a question should usually appear in the reader's mind. In this case, the
question should be like, "What are the natural features that make Wheaton famous ?" The
reader should then expect that the rest of the paragraph will give an answer to this question.
Now look at the sentences after the topic sentence. We can see that the second sentence in the
paragraph that, first; Wheaton is noted for the Wheaton River, which is very wide and
beautiful. This answers the question "what makes Wheaton famous?" That is, the second
sentence gives some explanation for the fact that Wheaton is a famous town. Similarly, we can
see that the third sentence also gives some explanation for the fact that Wheaton is famous by
giving another example of an "amazing natural feature," in this case, Wheaton Hill.



The second and third sentences are called supporting sentences. They are called "supporting"
because they "support," or explain, the idea expressed in the topic sentence. Of course,
paragraphs in English often have more than two supporting ideas. The paragraph above is
actually a very short paragraph. Here we can see our paragraph about Wheaton with a few
more supporting sentences in bold font:

Mv hometown is famous (or several amazing natural features . First, it is noted for the
Wlieato11 River, which is very wide and beautiful. Also, on the other side of the town is
Wlieato11 Hill, which is unusual because it is very steep. The third amazing feature is the Big
Obi Tru. This tree stands two hundred feet tall and is probably about six hundred years old.

The Concluding Sentence

In formal paragraphs you will see a sentence at the end of the paragraph which summarizes the
information that has been presented. This is the concluding sentence. You can think of a
concluding sentence as a sort of topic sentence in reverse.
You can understand concluding sentences with this example. Consider a hamburger that you
can buy at a fast-food restaurant. A hamburger has a top bun (a kind of bread), meat, cheese,
lettuce, and other elements in the middle of the hamburger, and a bottom bun. Note how the
top bun and the bottom bun are very similar. The top bun, in a way, is like a topic sentence,
and the bottom bun is like the concluding sentence. Both buns "hold" the meat, onions, and so
on. Similarly, the topic sentence and concluding sentence "hold" the stpporting sentences in
the paragraph. Let's see how a concluding sentence (in bold font) might look in our sample
paragraph about Wheaton:
My hometown is famous (or several amazing natural features. First, it is noted for the Wheaton



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River, which is very wide and beautiful. Also, on the other side of the town is Wheaton Hill,
which is unusual because it is very steep. The third amazing feature is the Big Old Tree. This
tree stands two hundred feet tall and is probably about six hundred years old. These three
liuu:IMarb tue tnlly 11111a:.Jag t111d "'"" 111y ho111etow11 a f11111ous place.
Notice how the concluding sentence, These three landmarks are truly amazing and make my
hometown a famous place, summarizes the infonnation in the paragraph. Notice also how the
concluding sentence is similar to, but not exactly the same as, the topic sentence.
Not all academic paragraphs contain concluding sentences, especially if the paragraph is very
short. However, if your paragraph is very long, it is a good idea to use a concluding sentence.

Transitional Words and Phnses

Transitions in writing take the writer and the reader from one place to another. They also
indicate the logical relationship between where we have been and where we are going.
Transitional words and phrases are like sign posts that help lead readers through an essay.
The simplest transitions are coordinating conjunctions, also known as the "FAN BOYS"
words: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so. These common words help us connect not only our words
but our ideas. For example, when you use the word "so," you are saying, "here's something that
we can conclude from what I just said." When you use "or," you are saying, "here's another
possibility." The most commonly used coordinating conjunction, "and," is also the weakest in
terms of the meaning it conveys, indicating only that "here's something else." Coordinating
conjunctions do act as transitions, but they are not enough to give an essay a strong sense of
Because transitional words and phrases show logical relationships between sentences and
ideas, they are often organized according to the kinds of relationships that they convey, as they
are below. Below are some common transitional words and phrases that can help you
demonstrate logical relationships between sentences and ideas in your writing.

Common Transitional Words and Phrases

1. To give examples: for example, for instance, such as, specifically
2. To show cause and effect: therefore, hence, thus, as a result, resulting in, so, consequently
3. To contrast: nevertheless, however, but, on the other hand, in contrast, on the contrary,
conversely, at the same time, still, although, even though, despite, in spite of
4. To show similarity: likewise, similarly, just as, equally

5. To concede: although, even though, of course, granted, while

6. To elaborate: in addition, additionally, moreover, also, furthermore


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- - - - - - - -- - ~

~ --------

7. To emphasize: more importantly, most importantly, chiefly, indeed, in fact, primarily, no

8. To restate: again, in other words, in effect, that is, in short
9. To indicate time: last, at last, eventually, before, after, afterwards, finally, during, then,
when, as
10. To indicate place: to the right, to the left, in the background, in the foreground, in the
11. To conclude: thus, finally, in the end

The Difference Transitions Can Make

You might be surprised by how much the effective use of transitional words and phrases can
strengthen your writing. Transitions can act as "glue" that helps holds your ideas and your
sentences together, and they can help take you and your readers smoothly and logically from
one part of your essay to the next.

Oripnal Sentence:
Succeeding in college often is a challenge for students. Most colleges provide services
designed to help students. They include peer tutoring and personal counseling. Colleges need
to provide more services to help students succeed.

Revised with transitions:

S"cceeding in colkge often is a challenge for students. Therefore, most colleges provide
services designed to help students, such as peer tutoring and personal counseling. However,
colkges need to do more to help students succeed.
The addition of just a few transitional words in the passage above helps the writer indicate how
the different parts of the passage are logically related and strengthens the "flow" of the

Three Problems to Avoid

Transitional words and phrases help strengthen writing, but they can be misused. Below are
three things to be wary of as you bring transitional words and phrases into your essays.


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1. Make sure the losical connections are clear u you use transitions. Because
transitions indicate relationships between words and ideas, they can be misused if the
relationship indicated by the transitional words is unclear or does not exist.





George's wife stands at the window and loo/cs out at the rain falling on the empty streets. For
example, she sees a cat huddled under a table in the rain. ("For example" does not make
sense here because the woman seeing the cat is not a clear "example" of anything in the
flnt sentel!:=e.)

George's wife decides to go out into the rain to get the cat. Consequently, George sits in bed
reading his book. ("Consequently" does not make sense here because it is unclear how
George sitting in bed reading is a consequence of the woman deciding to get the cat.)

2. Avoid the overuse of transitions. Transitions are supposed to guide readers through
your writing, but overuse of transitional words and phrases can have the opposite effect
and can make your writing confusing.

Writing an essay can be challenging. However, there are techniques that can make the process
a little easier. For example, taking plenty of notes on the subject can help the writer generate
ideas. Therefore, note-taking is an important ''pre-writing" strategy. In addition, some people
''free-write," writing quickly for ten or twenty minutes to see what ideas arise. However, taking
notes and free-writing are only the beginning. Ideas must eventually be organized in a logical
way. Consequently, an outline can help the writer make sense of the rough material generated
through the note-taking and free-writing process. Therefore, writing an outline is another
important step in the writing process. However, some writers are able to conceptualize a sense
of logical order for their ideas without actually writing an outline. Nevertheless. these writers
seem to have some kind of outline in their minds. In addition, an outline should help the writer
formulate a thesis for the essay. Consequently, an outline can help give focus to the essay.
(This passage could be stronger with fewer transitional words and phrases. Especially
when the transitions are used at the beginnings of sentences, they can become annoying
or even confusing to readen if they are overused.)


3 Avoid erron that can occur with the use of transitions. Just like any other words,
transitional words and phrases must be used carefully so that they do not cause errors.
Both sentence fragments and comma splices sometimes occur when transitional words
are added to an essay. These two errors are illustrated below.



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.--------------------- -

-- - - - - - - --

Sentence Fracment: Resulting in the woman's search/or companionship elsewhere.

Corrected Sentence: Georse seems to ipore his wife, resulting in the woman's search for
companionship elsewhere.
Comma splice: The woman sees the cat out in the rain, however the cat is gone by the time the
woman goes outside.
Corrected Sentence: The woman sees the cat out in the rain; however, the cat is gone by
the time the woman goes outside.
Corrected Sentence: The woman sees the cat out in the rain. However, the cat is gone by
the time the woman goes outside.
You can avoid these problems if you are particularly aware of the possibility of sentence
fragments and comma splices occurring with the use of transitions.

Comprehension Questions
You will be presented with questions after every reading passage. After reading and
understanding the passage, you should be able to compose a well-organized and reasonable
essay of two or three paragraphs in response to the questions and the facts presented in the
passage. This essay must carefully stick to the question asked. A good reply will need
consideration based on common knowledge and logic, but must utilize the pertinent details
given in the reading passage. Since all of the details given in the passage may not be pertinent
to the question asked, they must not simply be thrown in to make the answer appear more
complete. At the same time, relevant details must not be ignored, especially if they conflict
with the theme of the essay. These comprehension questions are effective because they:

- Give students a purpose for reading

-Focus students' attent"m on what they are to learn
- Help students to think c. ~tively as they read
- Encourage students to m ''litor their comprehension
- Help students to review c<>. tent and relate what they have learned to what they
already know

Samples and Exercises

Sample examination passages and answers
Sample 1

Read the passage carefully and follow the instructions.


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Ifyou have been dreaming about worlcing in your own home, now might be the time for ii to
happen. With rising oil prices and global warming problems, many companies are seriously
thinlcing about implementing telework program. Telework or telec:ommuting is a type of
arrangement where employees can work flexibly outside their central offices. Telework in
Thailand should soon be quite popular. A few IT companies and government agencies have
started the program. The Fiscal Policy Office, a unit of the Finance Ministry. just announced
that more than 40% of its staff would be able to work at home one day a week starting from
this month until September next year.



Telework is done at home or other places using telecommunications as a substitute for

traveling. Technology such as E-mail, mobile phone, VPN, and video conferencing are
commonly "Sed and so eliminate the distance problems. It has been known to offer several
benefits to Employers, employees, and society in general. For employers, it reduces electricity
bills and productivity is enhanced at lower cost. It also increases the possibility of hiring staff
offshore, staff that are not otherwise available due to long distance, disability, or family
burdens. It also allows more outsourcing. Companies would also be more resilient and able to
continue operations in times of disruption such as strikes, natural disasters, and extreme
weather. For employees, it reduces travel time and energy bills and enhances work-family
balance. For society, it reduces traffic congestion, the carbon footprint, and pollution through
less daily commuting. Last year, research in the US conducted on almost 13, 000 employ ees
found that telecommuting schemes benefit both employees and employers. Types of work that
are appropriate include research and analysis, programming, and data entry.
Telecommuting also had no negative impact on the quality of workplace relationships,
something many people feared. Instead, it was reported to have several benefits. Workers are
reported to be less inclined to quit their jobs, they become less stressed, and have better workfamily balance. Employers also showed higher satisfaction with workers ' performance.
The clearest benefit of telework in today's society is that unproductive commuting time is
replaced by productive work time. If working at home one day a week means at least two hours
per week can be spent working instead ofdriving, a worker would gain two weeks of work time
per year. So, if half of these 16.2 million workers worked at home once a week, the country
could save 84 billion baht per year in commuting costs, two billion litres per y ear in oil, and
spare the environment ofa lot ofpollution.
In other countries, telework schemes are very popular. The Japanese government, f or example,
has started offering tax breaks to companies that want to launch the program. Teleworking has
become widespread in the electronics industry. Matsushita Electric Industrial Co introduced
the scheme in April 2007 with around 3,000 working from home.NEC Corp has started having
its 20, 000 employees telework one day a week. It is hoping that telework will end Japan 's longsu.ffering work culture and increase its low birthrate.
Despite its advantages, telework needs to be implemented properly in order to be effective.
The program can work only when performance is measured on the basis of results and if it
does not require close observation by staff "Face" time at the office is considered to be
important for some managers. Also if not implemented on a large enough scale, it can create
resentment from non-teleworking staff This is not to say that teleworking is not a good idea,
but its adoption needs to be designed properly.


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With high oil prices, telework is a practical alternative to the cu"ent mode of commuting. It is
a win-win solution for the employers, employees and society. Te/ework in Thailand is still very
much underutilized. If implemented more actively, it could save a lot of time, and energy at the
expense ofnothing al all.
Adapted and compiled from articles in the Bangkok Post and Nation newspapers

Instructions: Answer the following question in I 30-140 words

Question: Explain telework and its advantages. What are the things companies must be
aware of in order to make good use of telework?
Note: You must organize your answer in two paragraphs, with the first conce.1trating on
explaining the subject and its advantages, and the second on what companies must be aware of.
All pertinent details must be drawn from the passage.

An eumple student answer is as follows:

Telework is a work strategy where employees are allowed to work from outside without having
to go to their office. Employees work using telecommunication technology such as email,
video conferencing, etc. The advantages are numerous. Companies can increase productivity,
save money, use foreign workers, and even work in times of emergencies like earthquakes or
strikes. Employees also gain through saved travel time and lower stress.

There are many things that companies need to be aware of so that they can make good use of
telework. First of all, companies should evaluate performance based on results only and the
work does not have to be observed by supervisors. Another important point is that most
employees in a company should be given an opportunity to do telework in order to avoid any
resentment by others who are left out of the scheme.
Note: Please notice that the first paragraph of the answer is essentially a summary of telework
and its advantages, as required by the question. There are disadvantages mentioned in the
passage, but the question is not asking about them. However, the second paragraph about what
companies must do in order to make good use of telework must take into account methods of
overcoming any disadvantages. There is no need to discuss the disadvantages except in terms
of counteracting them.
The following is another passage used on an English III examination. Read it carefully and
make up your own answer to the question regarding this passage. After you have written your
own answer, look at the notes about what your answer should contain.


tu passage carefully and follow the instructions.

When chickens and ducks began dying mysteriously at small farms all over Thailand in 2003,
the Deputy Agriculture Minister and Livestock Department officials told the media that the
birds were dying from avian cholera, which is a common disease among birds and does not
affect humans. 'I'he Prime Minister and his other ministers made a show of eating fried chicken


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on national television in an attempt to ease public fears by demonstrating that Thai chickens
were not infected with avian jiu (bird jiu) and were therefore quite safe for consumption.
The government's cover-up of the avian jiu epidemic continued for months, as more and more
birds dropped dead even in farms with high standards ofhygiene. It was not until January
2004, when two farm boys became critically ill from avian jiu, that the government finally
admitted that the H5NJ avian flu virus had been infecting birds all around the country.
The father of the two boys was reported to have said that if he had known that the chickens
could have been infected with avian jiu, he would not have allowed his sons to be in contact
with them.
The lesson that should have been learned from the government's initial attempt to cover up the
avian flu epidemic is that any attempt to prevent the public from learning the truth about a
dangerous problem, such as an epidemic, only puts at risk the very people the government is
meant to protect. The excuse that the authorities simply want to prevent panic or overreaction,
whether among the general population, or tourists, or investors, or customers, is an abuse of
authority. The public should have the right to have access to accurate information, which will
allow them to understand a situation and prepare themselves lo deal with ii.
Parallels might be drawn regarding street riots, tsunamis, bombings. smoking, fast food, and
sexy movies. However, we can see an almost exactly similar case being played out now, and it
is being handled in the same old way. The Public Health Ministry has told provincial health
authorities to stop talking to the media about the H 1NJ swine flu virus. The ministry has issued
an order that all information about the swine flu must be screened by its office. It is claimed
that this will prevent unnecessary confusion from too many people speaking on the same
subject and, ofcourse, to prevent panic.
This order will result in information being kept out of the news. However, this information
could be useful and save lives ifgiven promptly to people who could make their own decisions
about how to use it. For example, if a new case of swine flu is confirmed, it would be most
helpful if family members and associates were immediately alerted so that they could take
precautions such as seeing a doctor for a proper diagnosis if they feel ill. Obviously, any delay
in getting this information puts at risk the public, which needs to be informed.
Also, a recent statement by a Public Health Ministry spokesman, Dr. Sutham Srithamma,
saying that the HIN/ swine flu virus is not as serious as reported by the media and that 90% of
infected people recover on their own, may be misleading. Although the statement is reasonable
and comforting/or those not infected, people who are actually infected may get a false sense of
security believing that they do not need to seek medical advice. Although it is true that the
virus is not always deadly, it is life-threatening and spreading fast.
All people in authority, including government and police, must learn to handle information
more transparently and allow the public access to continuously updated and complete
information. The common attitude of "we know best" that is displayed by government officials
is often a good disguise for covering up some secrets, but it puts the people in greater danger.
(Adapted and compiled from articles in the Bangkok Post and The Nation newspapers)


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l1Utn1ctio11s: Answer the following question in 1JO - 140 words.

Q"estio11: Describe the cases in the passage of withholding information from the media and
the public. Explain the dangers ofsuch a policy.
Your Answer:


Notes: Paragraph one. The first case is the two boys who got sick because their father was not
aware of the danger from local chickens. Other cases happen when people feel sick, but do not
seek treatment because the danger is not made clear, or is minimized by the authorities.
Although two boys are mentioned in the first case, this event can only be considered one
example. Paragraph five also mentions the more recent case of H 1N1 swine flu virus, and the
first sentence also mentions the examples of street riots, tsunamis, bombings, smoking, fast
food, and sexy movies.
Paragraph two. The dangers are that people get a false sense of security, may not seek proper
treatment, and may not isolate themselves from others who are sick or from potential carriers.
The possible over-reaction or panic from having the information is not a danger of the policy.
Instead, the policy was meant to prevent that.

Also, notice that the Prime Minister eating some chicken has no value at all, because the bird
flu is not transmitted by eating but by contact with live flu virus in fresh or live birds. The fact
that innocent tourists might not hear of the danger could, however, be regarded as one of the
dangers, even though it might pose no danger to Thai people. This is simply a bold attempt to
protect some important businesses at the expense of the people.

The last section of this chapter includes exercises similar to the kind you will come across in
the Reading Comprehension assignment of the course.


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Exercise 1

Rud tlte pasage """ tUISWB die following q11enion


di& co~e"y

The world's tropical rainforests comprise some 6% of the Earth's land area and contain more
than half of all known life forms, or about 30 million species of plants and animals. Some
experts estimate there could be two or three times as many species still hidden within the
rainforests; scientists will probably never know for certain, so vast is the amount of study
. \ d~1107 I + r ~,;.... e ..~

,, \

0 11

:..: \

Time is running out for biological research. Commercial development is responsible for the
loss ofabout J 7 million hectares of rainforest each year - a figure approximating 1% of what
LJ i
remains ofthe world's rainforests.


~\f' c . e ~

The destruction offorests is ofparticular concern because, although new tree planting may in
time reforest cleared areas, the biologically diverse plants and animals are gone forever. Such
destruction would be an unparalleled act ofhuman stupidiP'.
lot\ .1 ,. , ,.J;c, \ H~ou~c <S
Chemical compounds that might be extracted from yet-to-be-discovered species hidden in the
rainforests could assist in the treatment of disease or help to control fertility . Conservationists
point out that important medical discoveries have already been made from material f ound in
tropical rainforests. The drug aspirin, now synthesized, was originally found in the bark of a
rainforest tree. Two of the most potent anti-cancer drugs derive from the rosy periwinkle
discovered in the 1950s in the tropical rainforests of Madagascar.
The rewards of discovery are potentially enormous, yet the future looks bad. Many rainforests
are in developing countries which view potential financial gain decades into the f uture as less
attractive than short-term profit from logging. Cataloguing species and analyzing newly-found
substances also take time and money, both of which are in short supply.
Rich nations often tell developing countries with rainforests to preserve and care f or what is
left, ignoring the fact that their wealth was in large part due to the exploitation of their own
natural world.
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It is oftenforgotten that forests once covered most of Europe. The forests were destroyed over
the centuries for the same reason that the remaining rainforests are now being cut down fo r
wood. As well as providing material for housing, it enabled wealthy nations to build 'urg
navies and shippingfleets with which to continue their exploitation of the world's resources.
Besides, it is not clear that developing countries like Thailand would benefit financially f rom
the search for new drugs in their forests. Pharmaceutical companies make huge profits f rom
the sale ofdrugs with little return to the country in which an original discovery was made.
Also, discovering what is in the rainforest involves much more than a search f or medical!
useful and, therefore commercially viable, drugs. Detailed biological fieldwork helps to build
databases of genetic, chemical, and behavioral information that will only benefit developed
Logging itself is not the only danger to rainforests. Fires lit to clear land for f urther logging
and for housing and agricultural development created problems in the late 1990s in the forest


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of Borneo. Massive clouds of smoke from burning forest fires swept across the southernmost
countries ofSouth-East Asia.
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The dangers are not only to the rainforests themselves. Until very recently. so-called "lost"
tribes -people who have had no contact with the ouJside world - still existed deep within
certain rainforests. It is now unlikely that there are any more truly lost tribes. Contact with the
modern world brings with it exploitation, loss of traditional culture, and, in an alarming
number of instances, complete destruction.
Forest-dwellers who have managed to live in harmony with their environment have much to
teach us. qwe do not listen, the impact will be on the entire human race. Loss of biodiversity,
coupled with climate change and ecological destruction, will have serious and lasting
Instructions: Answer the following question in 130 - 140 words.
Qestion: Explain the dangers faced by the world 's forests. What benefits from maintaining
sustainable natural forests have been suggested in this passage?

Reotl tlu possoge and answer the following question
Online advertising is growing at such a rate that the promotion of products and services
through digital marketing may soon become a major factor in the advertising market in
Thailand. According to Siwat Chawareewong, the director of one digital communications firm,
digital marketing has become a crucial growth area in advertising because of the ability of
customers to access information on products and services from the Internet.
These days, Internet users are spending much more time accessing information online or
communicating with friends and relatives through social-network media such as Facebook or
Twitter than by more traditional print or telephonic media.
Mr. Siwat said that digital advertising was currently worth about 1.5 billion baht per year
while the value of the display-advertising market was about 90 billion baht per year,
representing about 80% of Thailand 's total advertising market. "/ believe the market fo r
digital marketing will double, because on/ine advertising will grow to double its importance in
the advertising industry," he said. "Digital advertising will help businesses to promote their
products and services by means of online marketing with banner advertising, search engine
pop-ups, and E-mail advertising to mobile phones. "
Industries that have begun 1 using online advertising include [consumer products, ho~el.
prope~ty. auto, and information technology businesse~ Among the maj or users already in
Thailand are the property developers Sansiri and Land & Houses. Land & Houses has
launched an Internet homepage aimed at first-time home-buyers. while Sansiri is using the
networking power of You Tube, Facebook, and Twitter to attract people to its own website. The


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Krabi Resort is one hotel-industry advertiser that is also using on/ine social networks. It claims
that it is cu"ently attracting ten new customers a month by using online advertising.
Mr. Siwat said that his '/company divided digital-marketing customers into three product
categories: high involvement rational-buyin~ products, high involvement emotfona~-buying
products, and low involvement products.
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High involvement rational-buying products include houses, IT products. and automobiles. For
these products, manufacturers want to promote their products and provide information to
attract customers with the potential to access information from the Internet to support their
buying decisions. The high involvement emotional-buying category includes products related
to fashion, clothes, glasses, and perfume. This group tends to attract customers whose
decisions are made emotionally. The low involvement category consists mainly of consumer
products. Manufacturers of these products simply want to keep their products and services in
theforefrontofconsumers ' minds. H)i. :.. V<>ler..e ni ~1, .,,q / . t,u)' ' "'Yl\11~~0.,-;< Jell e-> ... r o" I ...
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Krittawit Krittayaruaangroj, a marketing manager at Dell (Thailand). said his company began
providing product information to customers on Facebook and Twitter in September. He said,
"Dell consumer business now spends about 30% of its total advertising budget on online
marketing to customers such as students and the technological new generation who spend the
most lime online. " In Thailand, Dell now has more than 2.000 followers on Twitter and 5, 000
rt ,. , ,. .
fan pages on Facebook.
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Mr. Krittawit said, "/ believe that social media such as Facebook and Twitter provide
information directly to our target group, and the company is able to get information direct/
back from them. Dell is also able to provide information to them in real time. As a result. we
are able to offer products to meet customer demand and receive good f eedba ck. " Dell plans to
continue promoting its products and creating activities through the social-network media
because the cost is lower and there is a greater chance of connecting directly with target

Instructions: Answer the following question in I 30 - I 40 words.

Question: What kinds ofproducts and services are being advertised on line in Thai/an I.
do Internet advertising firms categorize these different types ofproducts ?

Ho ~

Exercise 3
Read the passage and answer the following question
Plans to make Thailand Asia's medical hub are being renewed, starting with an ifforr ro
persuade foreigners that it is safe to visit the country as political prob/ ins de r ase, say
Public Health Minister Jurin Laksanavisit. His immediate priority is to list n to th one rn o
people in health care and related businesses, but as medical tourism is a ke /ement. upport
from the Tourist Authority of Thailand will be required. ''fn the short term. we n d om
promotion to restore confidence about their safety when foreigners corne h r to t m di /
treatment, " he said.


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: .

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~ .:

Concern about safety was greatly heightened during the violence and arson that took place in
. . . ~ . . mid-May. At one point, the redshirt protesters invaded Chulalongkorn Hospital, claiming that
' ; .:. .it was sheltering soldiers. Images of the disturbance as the hospital tried to evacuate hundreds
,""~ ofpatientswereseenaroundtheworld.
. ( I 11 .
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the past few 'yeaTs, had developed a successful fn ed'ical tourism industry
becaUse of up~t~-date and well-equipped private hospitals and skilled personnel with costs far
less than in developed countries. While medical tourism is highly profitable, Mr. Jurin insists
that the medical hub plan can help improve medical services for Thai people as well. He wants
to up~ade.the quality oftreatment in rural areas with limited capacities to be equal to general
hospital standards.

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There are a total of 10, 000 rural medical units nationwide, but a shortage of skilled personnel
is a constant problem. As one solution, medical services volunteers should be strongly
" ,,,',, supported. f .,, 1
. ,
; .
"' "The upgrading of the rural medical centers will ensure that we give priority to Thai people.
. '.' The support we provide should be offered on condition that international and regional health
care should not affect the availability of services for local patients, " Mr. Jurin said. He said
Q.., - "'j that Thailand had demonstrated good potential, proven bYa.the increasing numbers offoreign
c..........\-\-iu. patients and world-wide recognition of Thai health care. ~raditional Thai and alternative
k~t.. 1~ ~~ medicine;} and other se~ices such as massage are also attracting foreign visitors to seek
in Thailand. W.t
~e .. \H ~-:~'
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The medical hub plan has a target of 400 billion baht in revenue from foreign patients by 2014.
. According to Nara Nakwattananukool, the director of the Department of Health Service
Support, his five-year plan sets revenue targets of 282 billion baht for medical treatment, 78.2
: billion baht for health-care services, 42. 7 billion from herbs and health products, and 684
'!'ii/ion baht from traditional and alternative medicine. According to the department, 1.5
million foreign patients visited Thailand last year, compared to 630,000 in 2004.

, .: 'Dr. Niwat Boonyuen, a director of Wattanosoth Hospital, said that a lot of patients had
delayed their visits recently because of political unrest and the state of emergency. "The
' .
problem is that insurance companies do not cover claims under a state of emergency, " he said.
.;, About 35% of his hospital's patients are from Southeast Asia and the Middle East.
t ''Fortunately, people from these regions understand our political situation quite well. "


. J

":'Whil~ the political problems have affected some private hospitals, Thai Nakharin Hospital
reported only little impact as it has secured foreign patients through long-term contracts with
foreign insurance companies.

Prof. Chaiporn Bhadrakom, a consultant to Thai Nakarin Hospital, said that it had contracts
with around 200 multi-national companies, most of them Asian, with representative offices in
Thailand. The hospital is now designing a new special zone for foreigners where it will offer a
range ofservices from basic health check-ups to treatment for complicated diseases.

Instructions: Answer the following question in 130 - 140 words.

. '...;





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(luatlo11: Explain the benefits to Thailand of promoting the country as a medical hub for
foreigners. Why are foreigners coming to Thailand/or medical service?



Read 11" passage anti answer the following question.


Hong Kong can serve as a valuable export base for Thai businesses that take advantage of the
numerous trade fairs that draw thousands ofprospective buyers to the territory every year.
The potential is especially high for Thai businesses in areas such as electronics, gifts and
premiums, according to Benjamin Chau, deputy executive director of the Hong Kong Trade
I /
Development Council (HKTDC).
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Hong Ko'fig 's reputation as a busine~s-friend/y environment is an advantage. It is also the

world's second largest exporter ofgoods including watches, clocks, textiles, clothing, toys and

The HKTDC organises more than 30 fairs a year and in April alone it staged seven events to
showcase products such as electronics, JCT products and services, lighting, housewares,
textiles, gifts and premiums, and printing and packaging. The fairs last year attracted nearly
210,000 buyers from 170 countries, while buyers from the China and overseas grew 8%, to
more than 120, 000.
"During the first quarter, we saw an increase in export value for a variety ofgoods from a year
ago -- 16%/or gift and premium products, 27%for household goods and 29% for electronic
goods," said Mr Chau. Hong Kong's gift exports last year increased 17% in value to HK$ l 55. 7
Trade fairs also are a key contributor to tourism and related economic activity. According to
the Hong Kong Tourism Board, the average business traveller spends HK$8,200 (32,000 baht)
during a stay, so the fairs bring in about HK$ I billion a year.
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With more than 40 global offices, including 11 on the Chinese mainland, the HKTDC connects l'u,,1 ;,,
millions 'of buyers' and sellers efficiently through its integrated trade promotion programmes.
~ Jj ..~.M<'.;,
"We offer a powerful three-in-one trade promotion package that includes international trade
shows, an online marketplace and product magazines, all working together to help companies
promote their brands and expand their business networks," said Mr Chau. Benson Pau, vicechairman of the Hong Kong Exporters' Association, also highlights the market potential in
Russia and India, an indication ofcloser cooperation with emerging markets.

Hong Kong exported HK$1.95 billion worth ofgifts to Russia last year, double the 2009 total.
Other high-growth markets included Turkey (up 54%). India (3 1%) and Poland (25%). saii
Mr Chau said the April trade fairs recorded significant growth in buyers f rom the BRIC
countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) and a new group dubbed "Vista"
Indonesia, South Africa, Turkey and Argentina. "The seven f airs drew a total ofmore than


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60,000 BRIC and Vista buyers, a J5% increase over last year. We have strengthened our
promotions in these emerJ{ng marlcets, inviting more buyers to Hong Kong, H ht;,. sai~. h.
LJ To I~ ... l~~~cf f"''J1.1c1 Qi ~ ....,,. ..., 1" ;"' ~ ~+ . o~ 'P
Hubert Quentier, the founler of Thailand-based Premium 360, is a regular visitor to the
HKTDC Gift and Premium Fair. "I try to go to the fairs once a year, twice if I have the time, as
I need to lceep myself updated on the latest products and trends. The second reason is to
maintain relationships with suppliers. In this regard, face-to-face interaction is always more
effective than e-mails or telephone calls, " he said.

In addition, the HKTDC conducts surveys on marlcet prospects and product trends during each
fair. More than 1,600 buyers and exhibitors were interviewed for their views on the
electronics, gift and houseware industries, including the impact of the earthquake in Japan.
Tht? closeness of Hong Kong to Thailand should give Thai companies an opportunity to
advertise their products and services to potential foreipi investors. J
Qt. ~ : ,,fS ~ ... on o-f... y,:17
Jvev be The i l rV Q ~ <- ~ Instructions: Answer the following question in 130 - 140 words.


Question: How do the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) trade fairs help
businesses attending their fairs? Why do some Thai businesses attend the HKTDC trade fairs ?

Exercise 5


Re11tl the pt1SS11ge 11nd answer the following question

rihrr c
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The recent flooding in 'fhailand has disrupted more than exports of cars and personal
"' 1i!>'4.PoJ
~e.~ Iced out suppItes
' oJ,r a popu Iar toy at the height
computers. ItQa.. l so
WJ l/aioc
of the holiday
season. Inventories of Magna-Ti/es, which are magnetic connector toys, have disappeared,
says its manufacturer, Va/tech LLC. Flooding in the suburbs of Bangkok, where the Chicagoarea company's factory was located, destroyed the machinery that makes the square- and
triangle shaped tiles used to const111ct rocket ships, roadways and skyscrapers.
GL, 5~+~~ .,f f"o d,,.c-\That has caused a shortage of the toys, which have become popular in schools and with young
children, who find that the magnets make the toys easy to assemble. Prices have soared, more
than doubling in the past month since the company announced it had run out of the product.
A 32-piece set of colored tiles retails for $49. 50, and a I 00-piece set lists for $110. But sellers
on eBay are asking $150 to $250 for the JOO-piece sets, while sellers on are
offering the large set for $349.99 plus shipping. Smaller sets are listing for $65 to $I 00.

" .I
'' '


"We did not think the flooding would get to our industrial park but it did," said Rudy Valenta,
chiefexecutive and owner of 14-year-old Va/tech. "You can't fight mother nature."



rl.. eke! f"'h1ch

Roger Glazebrook, a manager at Manhattan store Mary Arnold Toys, said the company was
lucky because it stoclced up on the Magna-Tiles months ago. They are the store's top seller, he
said. But the store finally ran out of stock last month. "Now everyone is calling," he said. "It's
one ofthose unobtainable toys. "


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Magna-Tiles were introduced in 1997 and got off to a slow start. When schools began buying
them as educational tools. the business took off around 2003 and it had been growing steadily
ever since. The floods came at the worst possible time. The company generates qbout 35% of
its sales in the lastthree months ofthe year, said Mr. Valenta.* Q., lo$1 3!. / . ,,t It' s.. le~ ... ~\. "'
~h1.1e~io11 of f,")' ..... J ._,,.ch',n('. Q ttCut~ S<>M! '"""d':"C
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Va/tech subcontracts the manufacturing of its Magna-Tiles to th~factory of a major toy maker
in the suburbs of Banglcolc. The arrangement has worked well since the deal was struck nine
years ago, said Mr. Valenta, who wouldn't identify the company. But in early October,
monsoon rains triggered the worst flooding Thailand has seen in decades. The deluge left the
factory under more than six feet of water for more than a month as runoff from the north
besieged the city. Pr~uction came to a h.!Jlt and ruined Valtech's machinery.

~... s~~t ~ +~~.?

All hasn't been lost, though. Valtech officials were able to salvage the molds used to make the
plastic squares and triangles. They plan to restart production at a new factory outside the
flood zone by early next year. But even then it could take two months or more to ramp up
production. Mr. Valenta hopes to start selling tiles by April.
Until then, consumers have been left to hunt for the last available Magna-Tiles. Sophia
Chiang, the chief executive of a California start-up that helps nonprofits to raise money, was
looking to buy more tiles for her two children. "My kids love the Magna-Tiles," she said. "We
have J50." But Mrs. Chiang was shocked when she searched for the tiles on and
found sellers on the site were asking $300 for a toy she spent $100 on just months ago. She
passed, because she only buys from Amazon merchants when they offer products at a discount.
"/thought it was holiday markup," she said, "/had no idea it was the Thai thing."
Some retailers have also taken to the Internet, touting their tile inventory. "Yes we have
@Magnatiles! We stock up so you don't have to worry," announced the Twitter account of
Baltimore toy retailer aMuseToys. On December 14, the company posted a follow-up tweet:
"Just had an economist here say we need to raise our prices on magnatiles. Told him we
understand supply and demand, but Wi/I never raise them. ll"Q 1. no ,' ,.c;.Mj 1 , r r- :ce

l11Structions: Answer the following question in 130 - 140 words.


Question: How did the floods impact Va/tech? What is the company doing in response?

Exercise 6
Read tlte JHISsage and follow tlte instructions.
The Mall Group, the country's second largest retain chain, is changing its marketing strategy
for its main brands by adjusting its customer focus.
Natsamon Vongkittipat, general manager for marketing, said the group would try to target
well-offshoppers who can keep spending even in a slowing economy.


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. "We ~n't 'depend on only one customer group or even on tourists, many of whom suspend their
: trips. during a recession. However, we're confident that there are many groups ofpeople who
keep on shopping at this time. The key is how to reach them, ,, she said.

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;,,~Mall Gro~p ~wns ~nd op..;.ates three brands: 11re Emporium, Siam P~ragon and a chain

of department stores called The Mall. The Emporium is popular with wealthy Thais and
expatriates. Siam Paragon aims for teenagers and tourists, and the primary customers of The
Mall are nearby residents.

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After compiling data on key customer groups, the group will create specific marketing
strategies to lift sales amo(f target shoppers, Ms N,atsamon said.

~ ~.


partners also.




. ,



At Siam Paragon, visitors have not decreased even with the recent floods in Bangkok. Ms
Natsamon said long-haul tourism was down but short-haul travelers, especially from Asia,
were used to Thai politics. Siam Paragon is only six years old but has become a landmark for
trendy shoppers. It plans number ofeverzt marketing camP,~igns.
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For The Mall, the group will focus on customer relationship management (CRM) and crosspromotions to create added value. Campaigns will focus on mothers and children.
Q _.. 'I/VO~~ f":i\.. d\ ~'\.. , k ~
The:group will also work wzth zts bank partners to encourage cardholders to spend more. This
means more discounts and instant redemptions, with more corporate allies involved as


Expat shoppers are half of the customers at The Emporium and they come regularly and spend
.. a lot. "We will do a market survey to ask them about what products they want us to sell or add
in the store," she added.

. .~.

. : .~



~ -

For example, The Emporium already has a special team for expat ~stomers and there will be
exclusive campaigns for each nationality such as a Japanese food corner or a Korean festival.





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Total sales for the group in the first nine months of this year grew 5-6% year-on-year to 33
.. billion baht. Siam Paragon had the highest growth at 13-14%. The Mall was at 5-6% while
'' The Emporium was flat.
r. !t~
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"We are c'Jnjident we- can achieve our target of 45 billion baht by year-end," Ms Natsamon
The latest promotion, 2012 Brilliant Thanks, will run from Nov 7-Jan 15 to spur last-quarter
sales. .The group set aside 300 million baht for the campaign.

Instructions: Answer the following question in 130 - 140 words.

Question: Describe how the new Mall Group is changing its marketing strategies. Do you
think that these strategies will work? Give reasons.


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Exercise 7

Banglcolc residents struggled with shortages of water, bread, and other basic necessities during
the recent floods.
Retailers like 7-1 /, Tesco and Big Call rely on giant distribution centers to warehouse their
goods, and many of them happen to be located in the heart of the flood zone, just north of
Bangkok's city limits. As flood warnings grew more serious during the floods. many started to
move supplies of water, cosmetics, and convenience-store food to higher shelves rather than
relocating the goods entirely. which would have been a logistical nightmare requiring the use
ofpotentially thousands oftrucks.
When the waters hit in full force, though, it quickly became impossible to access the flooded
warehouses, so moving the supplies higher didn't help much. Some of the goods remained dry,
but they became a total loss anyway since they couldn 't be shipped out, leaving them to rats
and other creatures.
The situation "was a total wipe-out of supply chains" for some retailers. said Chris CattoSmith, a logistics and supply-chain specialist at Freshport Asia, a logistics firm.
Unfortunately, there was no easy solution, he and others say. There was very little available
warehouse space elsewhere in the country, and some 1,200 shipping containers were
underwater. Retailers like 7-11 added trucks but their normal suppliers were reducing capacity
or were running out of stock. One of the places where emergency supplies ofgoods have been
stored-Don Muang airport-was itselfbeingjlooded.
"This probably will be a wake - up call for Thailand to really get its water-management
system under control, " Mr. Catto-Smith said.
The Thai government and business groups were working together to speed deliveries of
imported replacement goods from places like Malaysia, though how it will all be stored and
distributed remains unclear.
Chartchai Tuongratanaphan, an adviser to the Thai Retailers Association, said a lot of those
goods - including drinking water, eggs, canned fish and noodles. arrived on/; around the
second week ofNovember. Officials were looking for temporary storage and distribution
centers. and pushed authorities to free up additional space at airports across the country.
Still, the days that followed were a big challenge. partly because many Bangkok residents kept
buying more than they needed.
"The demand then was unusual - people used to buy one but now they buy J2. People were
very confused andfrightened, and so they 're storing lots of things. "


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Everyone would have been better off, he said, ifthey just calmed down and began behaving
l1Utr11ctiou: Answer the following question in I 30-140 words.

Questio11: Describe the problems faced by big retailers during the floods. What were the
causes ofthese problems?

Reod the passage a11d follow the instructions.
As if Thailand didn't have enough to worry about these days, it now faces swarms of
mosquitoes that have spawned as the country 's floods recede.
"They are flying all over my house, up on the ceiling and on the walls, " said Thanyathip
Netichaiseth, 48, who lives with two children in a three-story townhouse that has been partly
under water the past two weeks.
"When I look up at the ceiling, I'm shocked. My ceiling is turning black from all the
mosquitoes, " she said. "When they bite you, it really hurts and itches. Later on, the bites
become red and get bigger and infected. "
Although waters are slowly draining away after Thailand's worst flooding in decades-which
left more than 600 people dead - many areas around Bangkok are still flooded. It could be
weeks before al/ the affected homes and businesses are dry. But even the areas that are drying
out aren 't out of trouble yet, in part because of the plagues of insects that tend to follow
flooding, as plenty of warm, standing pools of water that are perfect for insect breeding have
been left behind.
Insect infestations are very serious because of the potential spread of dengue and other
diseases. Thailand is one of the more-developed countries in the region, yet it has often
reported the largest number of dengue cases among Southeast Asian nations in recent years,
with major epidemics in 1987, 1998 and 2001, each with more than I 25,000 cases. Although
treatable, dengue is a dangerous and uncomfortable disease that does sometimes result in
death, and it's especially hard on children.
Pornthep Sirivanarangsan, the director general of the Disease Control Department of
Thailand's Public Health Ministry, said the mosquitoes seen so far weren't the type to cause
dengue, and that no major outbrealcs had been reported in flood areas. "Mosquitoes that attack
people at this moment are kind ofannoying, "but they don't bring dengue fever, he said. But he
said the department would continue monitoring the situation and would send mobile units with
bug spray and chemicals to kill larvae if any outbrealcs emerged.
Relief organizations including Unicef have handed out thousands of insecticide-treated
mosquito nets, and Thai authorities are in some cases making insecticide available. Health


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experts are advising residents to sleep under mosquito nets and use insect repellent during the
day, since dengue is typically spread by mosquitoes that are active in daytime.
But considering all the areas left with water puddles, it's no surprise residents are having
trouble getting a handle on the problem.
l1Utr11ctlons: Answer the following questions in 130-140 words.
Qwstions: Explain the problem ofmosquitoes in Thailand's flooded areas. What are the
authorities doing to solve this problem?

Note on Attribution of Reading Passages:

In order for students to practice reading comprehension, realistic news and research reports are
necessary for using as reading material. The basic threads of most of the materials used in this
book were found in local English language newspapers and magazines relative to the current
events of the time. However, they have been extensively adapted, often with several articles
from different sources being combined and re-organized to compile articles of the appropriate
length and simplicity for our use. In this process, the original attribution of these articles has
often been lost or is mooted by the extent of re-writing being necessary. Attribution has been
given as far as possible and apologies are offered for any works which might appear
recognizable to other writers. Further, whenever possible, names and dates have been removed
so that the reading passages can maintain more currency.



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The E-mail has become an important means of modem communication, particularly in
business, because it enables the writer to transmit a message instantaneously, and with as many
copies to different addresses as desired. The recipient can also file, store, retransmit, and reply
equally fast and reliably. However, since E-mail messages can be used so easily, there is the
potential for abuse, and they are often written and treated carelessly. The follo -.ving points
must be kept in mind when using E-mails.

The key to composing effective e-mails is to be CLEAR, meaning:


Concise: A good E-mail message is brief and compact, with only the necessary detail
included. The sentences should be short and in good conventional language. Emoticons
(smiley faces, etc.) or abbreviations (like "4 U" instead of "for you") must not be used in
nonnal E-mails, especially for professional purposes.
Logical: Since your message must be concise, it must be logical. That means it must have an
opening introduction, continue with the details, and follow smoothly into the conclusion.
There is no room for repetition or restatement of the main ideas.

Empathetic: It is important that your readers appreciate your intentions and feelings. This
will ensure that your wbrds will be understood correctly.
Action-based: Your message must give sufficient information, explain exactly what action is
desired, and tell how you want your readers to respond. This will allow them to proceed
efficiently and without delay.
Right: It is vital that your message is correct in grammar, spelling, and punctuation. The
message must also be complete in its necessary details, and be written in a suitable tone and


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Basic Structure of E-mails

1. Subject line
Write a SMART (Specific, Meaningful, Appropriate, Relevant, Thoughtful) Subject Line. Do
not send E-mails with vague or unclear subjects.

For example: Question about membership

This is not good. The reader must guess what you really want.


Enquiry about new Gold Club Membership Plan

This gives the reader a clear idea about what you are asking him.
Also, a subject line must not be too long, otherwise it will be cut off.

For example: How to write a subject line to give a message more bite.
This is too long and will not be transmitted completely.


Put some bite into your subject line

2. Opening greeting or salutation

Show courtesy by beginning with a greeting or salutation. Otherwise your message will look
cold and distant. This allows the reader to double check his relationship with you and
establishes your intent. The style of your greeting depends on your previous relationship,
frequency of contact, your relative status, and your personal preferences. For example,
depending on the degree of formality:


Dear Mr. Turdsak Barnharm, PhD ..

Dear Mr. Barnharm
Dear Turdsak
To a group of people you might say:
Dear Sales Staff
Dear Salesmen
Dear Friends


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Vocabulary for openln11

Read the following conversation between Pipat and Somcbai, two work colleagues, about
how to write email openings in business and professional English. Focus on the
words/phrases in BOLD and think about their meanings.

'I need to reply to this email and I'm a little confused about how to start my email. Can you

'Well, first of all you need to write that you're replying to their email. So normally you
write Further to your email. Or you could use With reference to your email. They are
basically the same. You can use both if your responding to an telephone conver::ation,
meeting etc.. You would just write "Further to our telephone conversation".'

'But what if it's not replying or responding to anything? What could I use?'

'Then use I am writing in reference to'.
'And something for both, which is more informal would be?'

'I normally start with, I hope everything is fine. Which is polite small talk. And then
depending on what the subject is, I would write, "have you heard anything about...", or
"what's happening with ... " or "I just thought that I'd let you know that..."'

'And after that. How could I confirm some information? Something formal.'
'I suppose you can use I can confirm that, if you're going to write the information in the
email. If the information is in a separate file, then I'd say that I have attached the
information in following document.'

'And if I'm confirming good or bad news?'

'For bad news, I would use we regret to inform you that. And for good news we are
pleased to inform you that.'

'And if you're asking for information?'

'Well, a formal way would be could you please confirm. An informal way would simply
be do you know.'


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Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the words/phrases used above.
I. To say that you have inc,luded the asked for infonnation inside of the content of the
email, is ''I l::A...., to....i;"~ -\~"-\''

2. An informal way to start the opening of an email, is

l1c e ve~r+L
J .~J: he "

3. A formal way to start the o,p;;ning of an email, when you're responding and uses the
word 'with', is'' ""~-\\.. ~eleve ....ce t. )'"'Y e..," \\."
4. A formal way to give good news/information, is Qwc.

f \eQtc

;J o f-\

'ICM. t

S. A fo~ w~y to start the .o~ening ~fan e:nail, which isn't responding to a previous
l ""' w .. ,1, nj lh \rC~l-cnte -!o 1 1
contact, lS

1 ~.. ve ...-t-\- "' c\..e l "

.. ao-+'f-=-o'"-~\'\:..:..r.:..:..:OV"'=-----------' ,,
An informal way to ask for information, is _ _

6. When you connect a file to an email, you say


8. A fonnal way to start the opening of an email, when you're responding and don't use
the word 'with', is " F1o1v ~c"
'(...... c. ....... ,I1

+ +.


" _ _ __
9. A fonnal way to ask for information, is ----....-.....:=-=-1'---'--s_e_ c___r--i_

(Taken from

3. Message
The message is the most important part of any E-mail. You should use straightforward,
modem business or academic language in an appropriate tone. Every message should be
Accurate, Brief, and Clear.
Accurate means being factually correct with specific details. The reader must be given all the
facts he needs and no relevant information should be omitted. For example:
My flight will arrive at 1:30 tomorrow. (Could be vague and confusing. What time will it be
My flight, TG 13, will arrive at Suvarnabhumi at 13:30, on Saturday 13 December. (Accurate
and complete)


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Brief means that while giving all the necessary infonnation, the sentences are short and simple.
Avoid trite, wordy, or old fashioned jargon. For example:
Please be informed that your consignment will be forwarded to you on 5 December.
(Unnecessarily wordy)
Your order will be shipped on 5 December. (clear and complete)

Pnctice rewriting the following sentences:

I am writing to inform you that I am unfortunately unable to accept your invitation on

this particular occasion.

Should you require any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Clear means using language that is understandable for the reader. Use words that you are
sme the reader understands clearly. Do not try to show off your superior knowledge of
vocabulary by using fancy words or expressions. Compare the examples below:
Start, Begin
Find out
So, Therefore
End, Finish

Old style
Prior to
Come tb a decision
In the event that

4. Closings
As with greetings and salutations, there is no "best" way to close your message. It depends on
the tone you establish with the receiver. Some common closings for E-mails include:

Best Regards


Thank you

All the best

Good luck

Best wishes

See you soon


. ---- -


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Which to use depends on the suitability to the subject and the situation. Think about what you
would really say if you were speaking directly.

Vocabulary for closin1s

Read the following conversation between Pipat and Somchai, two work colleagues, about how
to write email closings in business and professional English. Focus on the words/phrases in

BOLD and think about their meanings.


'I have another question, Peter, What should I write for closing an email in English?'
'Well, it depends on what you want to happen next. If for example, you've answered a question
they had. I would write, I hope this answers your question. And then to be very polite you
can offer them the possibility to contact you again about this, by writing, If you require any
further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me on my mobile. An informal way
would be Give me a ring if you have any problems.'
'But what would I say if I was going to be on holiday or unavailable? In a formal way.'
Then I would start with I will be out of the office on Tuesday. Then after that, If you require
any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact my colleague Sally Smith on etc ...'
'What would I say after that sentence and before yours sincerely?'
'If you expect to have more contact with the person, like a phone call, a meeting, a visit or an
email, you could write I look forward to hearing from you, if it's a phone call or email. If it's
a meeting or visit then 'I look forward to seeing you'. A more informal way to say the same is
to use the present continuous, I'm looking forward to hearing from you.'
'If I want them to do something quickly, how could I write that in the closing part of an email?'
'If you want to be very direct and aggressive, you could use Please deal with this matter
urgently. Or you can be more polite by writing; I would really appreciate it if you could
deal with this matter urgently.'
'And lastly, how could I write 'I'm going to contact them on Tuesday'.'
'Easy, I will contact you on Tuesday'


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Instructions: Fill in the blanks with the words/phrases used above.

1. A phrase which means you will be unavailable for contact is''

2. A formal way
is l \a0k

l \":\\


say that you wil~ be ~ppy/excit~ to hear from somebody in the future


e ., ,.,..,



3. A slightly aggressive way to ask somebody to do something is '

\e .a.e


4. An informal way to ,tell someone that they can contact you in the future is
\\ b't\( M( ... y;J :i you \ ~ "y fro {' M0,
5. To tell somebody that you will call or write to them in the future is
'' 1 w',\\ (on~<>td '/01.t. o n 1

6. A polite way to ask somebody to do something is


c o"-\

! c lv ~O\i-... \

; . {


7. A formal why to tell someone that they can contact you in the future is

8. An informal way to say that you will be happy/excited to hear from or see somebody in
the future is

9. A formal way to tell someone that they can contact one of your colleagues in the future


10. A polite way to say that you expect you have answered their question is

Taken from

5. Signing off
In formal E-mails, it is good to have a Sign off section, with your full name, job title, company
or organization name, and address as applicable. You should also include your telephone
numbers, because the reader may want to discuss the matter with you personally.
There are two reasons for this. First, with regular E-mail, all the reader knows about you is
your E-mail address, which may mean nothing to him. A proper signing off will help him to
address you more correctly and confidently. Second, sometimes messages are interrupted, and
a proper signing off will assure him that your message is finished. Here is an example of a
good Sign Off section for an E-mail message.


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Turdchai Smith, Managing Director

Green Garbage Distribution Co., Ltd.
13 Silom Road # 96169
Bangrak, Bangkok 10341
Tel. 023-197-2236

Language of Modern Business Writing


Tremendous changes have taken place in the way business is conducted, especially in the last
few years. Now, infonnality is the buzz word. This is reflected in writing styles also. Modem
fonnal correspondence, be it emails, memos, or letters, aims for a friendly, informal style using
simple language. The language is almost conversational. Do not use language that ts
excessively formal, wordy, and stiff. That was fine in the days of your parents, not today.

Important Rules:

Rule 1:

Be direct

You should come straight to the point and avoid outdated wordy jargon.
For example: Please be informed that a sales meeting will be held on Monday 13
November 2009. (Old style)
A sales meeting will be held on Monday 13 November. (Modem style)

Here are some other expressions that have become outdated:

Instead of: I would like to advise you that ....
Say: ~------------------------------------------Instead of: I would like to bring to your attention that ... .
Say: --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Instead of: Please find attached ....
Say: ------------------------------------------~
Instead of: I have pleasure in attaching herewith . ...
Say: -------------------------------------------


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Rule 2:

Include only essentlal lnformatlon

You should have good KISSing skills; meaning you should KEEP IT SHORT and SIMPLE.
Simplify your words and expressions. A void terms like:






succeed in making


in view of the fact that


conduct an investigation


we would like to ask you to Say


Do not use unnecessary words and expressions which add nothing to the message. Here are

some examples: absolutely, actually, currently, very, quite, rather, in other words, in the end, in
the final analysis, etc.

Rule 3:

Use a courteous tone

It is important to choose words carefully when composing E-mails so that you convey a
respectful, friendly, persuasive, or conciliatory tone. Otherwise your readers may be offended.
Look at the tone of the following expressions and how they can be improved:

I cannot do anything about your problem. Try calling the Service because we cannot
help with the problem.
Better: I believe the Service Centre would be better able to help with this problem.

Your interview will be on Monday 13 November at 1300 hours. {Tone: too bossy and
Better: I hope you can come for an interview on Monday 13 November at 1 P.M.

Your television's guarantee has expired, so you will have to pay for its repair. (Tone:
too blunt)
Better: The guarantee of your television has expired, so we cannot bear the cost of any

Our photocopying bills are very high. Please stop photocopying personal documents.
(Tone: too emotive and sharp)


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Better: The company's photocopying bills have increased considerably. Your help is
appreciated in avoiding photocopying personal documents.
Have your sales report on my desk by 9 A.M. tomorrow at the latest. (Tone: threatening
and negative)

Better: Please let me have your sales report by 9 am tomorrow.

Rule 4: Do not use emoticons or abbreviations

You should not use emoticons like :-) for smiling or abbreviations ASAP for as soon as
possible in formal email correspondence. These are alright in personal emails, messaging, or
texting SMSes only.
Note: Remember that a natural, conversational style does not mean that you forget respect,
courtesy, and professionalism. E-mail correspondence should not be an excuse for careless,
sloppy writing. The fundamentals of the English language, punctuation and grammar, with
correctly spelled words, are important. Also, getting across with a clear message, easily
understood and acted upon, is all important.
Here are two E-mail messages in a modern letter format which follow the rules outlined above.
Note that these happen to be applicable to a business situation, but the same style is appropriate
for any form of E-mail correspondence.


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/ \.\~-l1 n-~

: ..



Only use CG-for'

people who really
need it

Use an
appropriate .


l\.e ...,.



' '




If you confirm your participation in this launch, Arisa will send you the details of the
program. You will see that 10 minutes have been allotted for the opening speech. We
will be happy to arrange your transport on that day.


I know that your fame in the health food industry will draw big crowds. We hope
that you will accept our invitation. ( \,,!!, " ]
_ ~ I:1e \i,qn ~i;

_ f, e

. ,.',.' -~ $',j" c ff
itJ..:'.~J;: -~ ~, ~ -VC.j~\'"d'

~ Best wishes


.. .. . ..."




~ ....



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t, \ -\-

Include your
name, company
and contact.

....,, . ...,.. .:- r-.i

Shash1 .Raman
\ ,ciMt.
', :-.:" .'. !~ :J .:c . \-..t.-r ~ . . o~""'" ' Marketmg D1rector

: .... ,'.: ;. ,
Messco Stores Ltd.
:'_'.: ., '. '.r< :~<. \Je~1"
~s e.~
Telephone: 027192103-9

: tJ..
Mobile: 016-3130001

....>: :~ .: ~.; '

Arisa and I hope that the campaign will increase public awareness of the importance
of eating a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables as part of healthy eating. Dct.:I i.




into short
. paragraphs

~ ~

We are going to have an attractive new campaign. Allour stores in Bangkok will have
special displays of fruit and vegetables. Special information pamphlets will be
distributed to visitors and sampling sessions held. Detq:\ 1

o.-. \\, c.


It was nice meeting you at the exhibition last month. As discussed then, I would hke
you to give the opening speech at the launch of our Eat Healthy campaign. This will
be held at our Sukumvit 31 store on Tuesday 15 December.


: ,


28. 11. 2011 13 : 12 : 50 GMT
Healthy campaign
Compose a SMART
.,_ subject line
~!,e ;t
Qren"j : :~O
Q~:~ wr'J:n

___.Dear Ms Ducatl ) b... t:"l

.De~"\ _s~c.c:f ! e

.,_ Key in the address







,.,ii\ ct

E-Mail Letter in Reply


Finish with a
courteous close

---+ CC
30. 11. 2011 10: 50: 40 GMT
Re: Eathealthy Campaign

The reader clicked on

Reply so the subject line
shows ' Re:'

---+ Dear Shashi

Thank you for the invitation. I shall be very happy to give - - - the opening speech at the launch of your "Eat Healthy
Campaign" on Tuesday 15 December.

I am sure the campaign will be very popular as it looks exciting.

I will forward the draft of my speech to you as soon as it
4- is ready just to make sure it goes well with the promotion.
Feel free to make comments about it.

main details

Concise and clear

answering all
relevant points

Meanwhile I look forward to receiving a provisional program

from Arisa.
Best regards
Finish off

Menam Ducati
--+ Chief Editor
Healthy Eating Magazine
Telephone: 02-3004503-5
Mobile: 086-9193333

The following situations are similar to examples which will be used in the English lll
examinations. You should be prepared to write an effective E-mail message in response to all
of them within a time limit of about 45 minutes.


Situation: You are a university student. To do a project for a particular course, you are
interested in researching about the work conditions of factory employees.


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Ia1tructlon1: Write an e-mail to the Personnel Director of a company to ask for

permission to conduct interviews with the employees and other relevant information.
Please malce up all necessary details.


Situation: You are a tour operator. Mr. Brat Fitt and his girlfriend have made
reservations for a three-day tour of Thailand. They are scheduled to arrive in Thailand
next week and want to know in detail about the travel, sight-seeing, and hotel
arrangements you have made for them.
]" ~J s t e
Instructions: Write a reply to Mr. Fitt, giving him detailed information about the
arrangements you have made. Please make up all necessary details.


Situation: You are the student manager of your university's basketball team. Your
team will be going abroad to compete in the coming Asian University Games.
Instruction: Write an E-mail to all of your team members to tell them the
arrangements that have been made for the team to travel for the coming Asian
University Games. You must give them the travel plans and schedule, and remind them
of what they must prepare to bring with them. Make up all necessary details.


Situation: You are a bank manager. Your bank has decided that employees will not be
allowed to bring mobile phones with cameras into the bank's premises.
Instruction: Write an e-mail to all employees informing them of this new policy and
the reasons behind it.


Situation: You are a post-graduate student working on your thesis. You are interested
in using online research articles on a particular website.
Instructions: Write a letter to the Administrator of the online research website to ask
for more details of the research articles they have available and also ask how you can
avail of the articles. Please make up all necessary details.


Situation: You are an interior designer. You are interested in using the products of a
furniture company. QC,~ '\"'e!:>\: 0 r.
Instructions: Write a letter to the sales manager of the furniture company to ask for
more information about their products, promotions, and other information. Please
malce up all necessary details.

- " """~lA i,,.\.,

- (

- CH


c,l,, ,. vec tev

. ..

Jet .. :\


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Chapter VI
A memo, short fonn for memorandum, is a means of written communication that is usually
used for circulation within an organization or business. Though typically brief, memos must
follow the principles of good fonnal correspondence:




These days, in order to reduce the use of paper, avoid clutter, and importantly, for the reason of
saving time, organizations send memos electronically as E-memos. Still, hard-copy memos
are a valuable communication tool.

Memo Purpose. Memos are written in order to meet the following purposes: provide new
information, persuade the reader to take some action, give feedback, or convey basic
information about meetings and so on. To be effective, you should try to connect your purpose
in writing the memo to the needs and interests of the reader.

Memo Audience. Normally, the readers of a memo are your colleagues. However, you may
also have to send memos to employees in other organizations or companies if they are working
on the same job or have some connection to that particular work. So, it is important to select
the addressees carefully. Send the memos only to people who need to read them. Another
thing to keep in mind is the reader's knowledge of the topic.

Parts of a Memo
Memos are organized in sections. This helps to categorize the infom1ation and meet the
purpose of the memo. Normally, memos have two sections:
1. Heading
2. Message


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This section provides information about the recipient(s) of the memo, the sender of the memo,
the date, and the subject of the memo. The heading can use all capitals, bold, or initial capitals
followed by lower case. Here is an example:

TO: (receiver's name and position)
FROM: (your name and position)
DATE: (full and current date)

SUBJECT: (topic main idea)

Note: The order in which the above elements are placed can be changed. For example, Date
and Subject can be shuffled. You can use a cc notation if necessary. If two or more people are
being addressed, type or write the names, one below the other. There may be situations in
which memos are sent to a group of employees. In that case, just write "All staff' for example.
Putting your initials in the 'FROM' line personalizes the memo.

Here is an example of the Heading section:

TO: Ekachai Dumbali, Accountant

FROM: Terdchai Teeratom, Chief Accounting Officer
DATE: 1April2010
SUBJECT: Audit Committee meeting
Cc: Meechai Peeratom, Managing Director

It is to be noted that the Subject of the memo must be specific and concise. For example, a
subject line like "Meeting" is too vague, whereas something like "The Company' s annual
internal audit committee will have a meeting" is too wordy.


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The body of the memo should begin 2 or 3 lines after the end of the beading section. The
message segment calls for single-space, block paragraphs on the left, and double spacing
betw~n paragraphs.
The messa,le section of the memo may have the following parts:
wJ,."/ ;i; 'I.~ ,..~,...o .~~
Opening. The first sentence of the message should inform the reader what the memo is about
and how it is relevant to him/her. Try to be concise and specific. This introductory paragraph
should have the length of a short paragraph. Here is an example of an opening paragraph:

On the 25th of this month the General Manager from the head office in
Japan will make an inspection tour of our facility. In preparation for this
event, we would like to announce the schedule for his visit and prepare the
necessary arrangements for it. All Department Managers and Section Chiefs
must take special notice.


by "".. , l":J 1J.r "'' o., o

Background. This part of the message section gives the context of the memo. It provides
details of the situation, circumstance, action, or the event. Sometimes this may include the
context of the problem you are trying to solve. The information provided should be clear and
only what is necessary for the reader.


Jtf..i :/,

of f4e


This may be several paragraphs, including all necessary information for
understanding the message, scheduling, requirements, and expected results. This is the major
part of most memos, and contents depend on the nature of the message.
fo do ~~; .,, i.i4.A ~ f~ l.e he
Action. This part of the message gives the exact details and specifications of what, when, and
how any required action must be done.
0 .,..

Closing. The last segment of the message section ends with a courteous ending. If a deadline
for action is required; such as reporting or feedback, it should be reemphasized here, along
with some statement of encouragement or mention of the benefits to be obtai .ed.
There are some other parts the Message section may have. This will depend on the purpose of
the memo. One such part is a Discussion Segment that gives concise statements of the
recommendations that the reader is advised to take. This part is not necessary in a short memo.
A Summary segment is normally included in reports which are based on research. The sources
and methods used in your research could be referred to here briefly. If necessary, provide the
supporting ideas and the key findings in order to persuade the reader. An Action section is
often included when specific actions must be undertaken by the addressees.


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There are occasions when you have to provide detailed information that is related to the subject
of the memo. This can be done by providing tables, reports, or a response sheet, etc. at the end.
It is important that the attachment is referred to in the memo. Some notation must tell the
reader what is attached after the closing. For example, a notation such as "Attached: 3rd Quarter
Results" should follow the paragraph in which this attachment is mentioned.

Types of Memos
It is difficult to classify memos into different types because of the varied C(lntents and
purposes. However, they can be broadly grouped into the following types:
1. Informative or Routine Memos. These give the readers basic information, for
example, about meetings, simple requests and so on.
2. Directive Memos. These are written to tell the readers to follow a particular process or
3. Response Memos. Such memos are used to provide an answer or to respond to a
preceding message, usually a Directive Memo.
4. Memo Reports. These memos are used to explain the progress of a particular project or
provide recommendations to solve some problem.
5. Penuasive Memos. Such memos are used to convince the readers to take a certain line
of action, get approval for a project or purchase, make a decision, etc.

Note: For the purposes of the English Ill course, students need to focus on Informative,
Directive, and Response Memos only.
Look at the following examples of Informative, Directive, and Response Memos .


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Example: Informadve Memo, making a request to another office.


Turdsak Chaisik, Administrative Manager


Teeravit Cools, Marketing Director



5L,o... (J

~e novt--i


Request for more staff


[1 wouk like to request at least 5 new staff for my department, which is now

[Presently, all my staff are facing immediate deadlines for three

important projects. k\t


~Det.. :I

All my staff are under severe work pressure. It is very difficult for them to complete
their assignments due to the recent downsizing of the company, which has left us

It is hard to meet our deadlines.

Some of our customers have

complained about delays in delivery and the staff are exhausted by overwork.
If this continues, the staffs morale will be affected and more problems can be

expected. This being a serious case, please consider finding new staff, at least 5, for


my department.

Thank you for your understanding. I hope we can expect prompt action on this matter.


After receiving the above request, the Administrative Director's Office might reply as



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Example: Reply to an Informative Request


Teeravit Cools, Marketing Manager


Administrative Director


Request for more staff


5 September 2010

In answer to your request for more staff, we have taken the following actjons:

1. One employee in the finance office, Merrivat Whatsawat, who has been working
with the arrangement and payments for shipping contracts, is being transferred to
your office. She has developed good relationships with our shipping contractors
and will be better employed with marketing.

2. An advertisement will be placed for applicants qualified in marketing.


general manager has given tentative approval for hiring five (5) new employees
for your office. Please delegate one representative for the interview panel for
these new employees.

3. After these above have been accomplished, a review of current requirements will
be conducted.

Thank you for your patience. We hope these actions will relieve the problem, at least

Another very common type of i~teroffi~e memo is a Directive. In its simple form, it is simply
an order to follow some pohcy which has been determined by the authorities of the
organization._ The ~ollowing is a ~imple di~ective. As you see, it is self explanatory and can be
acted u~n .1mmed1ately. In this case, 1t does not require an acknowledgement or repl ,
although m important cases these may be required.


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Example: Directive or Policy Memo

To: All Staff

From: Siripom Worries, HRM Director
Date: December 25, 2010
Subject: Fire Safety Regulations

Please be informed of fire safety measures our firm will take due to recent fires in town .
Two fires broke out recently in the company's vicinity. Please read and abide by these


1. The uSe of any flammable gas or materials inside the building is banned.
2. If you hear the fire alarm, evacuate the building using the fire
exits, not the elevators.
3. If you see a fire, activate the nearest fire alarm.
4. A tire extinguisher will be installed in every room.

l ,

. I

The company will soon hand out manuals for handling the fire extinguishers and
activating the tire alarms. A fire safety drill will be conducted for all employees next
Thank you for your participation in these fire safety measures.


Finally, a memo requiring direct feedback is often used in English Ill exams because it requires
clear use of English to explain the nature of a situation and correct wording in order to ensure a
desired result. In all examinations, the response must include the return of an attached
questionnaire to the proper otftce, and not a half-hearted request to 'stop by my office."


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Example: Informative ~emo with Feedback (Response required)

Situation and instructions: Write a memo to all the employees of your company to inform
them of a new flexible working schedule. You must also require them to arrange a schedule in
order to keep the offices functioning at all times during the work day. from 6 AM to 8 PM on
weekdays and 8 AM to 4 PM on Saturday, including the lunch hours, without any individual
employee being required to work more than 40 hours per week.


All Employees
Personnel Department
Preferences for Flexible Working Schedules
25 February 2006
_ c..


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Our company is considering adopting a flexible working schedule for all office staff.
Please read the following proposal carefully, fill out the attached tentative schedule, and
have it approved by your supervisor and the personnel office.



There has been a problem for some time with the inconvenience of traffic congestion in
the downtown area. Now, with the expansion of the company's export sector, and the
downsizing of the domestic office staff, we find it necessary to implement 'l system of
flexible office hours, which will have several important benefits: \..c.~ j .. 0 .... '"' J =. v- 61~ n


.'~ ~ ... ~_'.Jed 30;"'J f 0


w y
.s ~b~ eet ;s / ,

The office will be open for international calls and e-mail communications earlier, and
close later, every day, without employees being forced to work overtime. Employees will
be able to avoid peak traffic hours, and parking areas will be less crowded. Personal
schedules may be adjusted in case of child-care and school conflicts, as well as necessary
personal or medical appointments.


"'" &f'-1:
..,:f~ f-c\.,


Within the guidelines below, a 40-hour work-week will be accomplished within six
working days each week, with offices being staffed and operating at all times between 6
AM and 8 PM from Monday to Friday, and 8 AM to 4 PM on Saturday. Total working
time each week will be accounted by checking in and out on the time clock. Please pa
attention to the following rules:

I. The building will be open from 6 AM to 8 PM only.

2. Lunch may be taken at any time and for any length of time. Ho .. ever, you mu t
check in and out on the time clock before and after your break. When actual I on
duty, you must be "on the clock'' to be paid.
3. A skeleton staff, able to field any incoming calls or customers. mu t be on duty
at all times.


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' Please fill out the attached schedule form and present it to your section chief or supervisor for
approval. Supervisors must check staffing levels to ensure that sufficient staff will be on duty at all
times, and then forward the combined office staffing schedules to the personnel office before the
close of business on Friday.
Each personal work schedule must be approved by that section or department supervisor. Follow the
instructions in the memo above regarding the time requirements. Supervisors please note that
sufficient staff must be on hand in each office during all working hours{Please instruct your staff to

cooperatewitheachotherinthismatterofschedul~g. ()us1'j] ~fo/;fe. ooJ b e ji,,~ for. ves : ~

'J. ct.9,j
f I~ j .7t'

Employee Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Department: _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __







Time in

(Start wo rk)

Lunch Out

(Begin Lunch )

Lunch In

(End Lunch)

Time Out

(Finish Work




Approved (Supervisor)

Submitted (Date)



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Planning a Memo
Preparing an outline will help you tackle the memo writing assignments in the English Ill
course. Here are the steps involved in the outlining process:
STEP 1: Jot down the main idea (Read the assignment instructions and situation carefully)
STEP 2: Add who, what, when, where, and why to the main idea (The basic information
required for the assigned situation)
STEP 3: Organize the l oted points and the details for the formal writing.

Points to Remember
The following guidelines are worth remembering if you want to write a memo that fits the
APPROPRIATE - The needs of the readers are met (in your case, the requirements of the
CONCISE - There are no unnecessary words or details.
COHERENT - The structure is simple and each paragraph is limited to one idea.
READABILITY - The paragraphs are short. Use subheadings and bullets if appropriate.
TERMINOLOGY - The language should be used to express, not to impress.
TONE - The tone should be professional and factual, not emotional.
APPERANCE - The finished memo should look visually appealing.

Exercises .

The following are examples of typical situations for which you will be asked to write a
memorandum. Remember that a memo is normally to be used within an organization, which
may be a business, company, a membership club, an academic institution, or a government
organization, so it must be rather formal, but is usually directed toward someone with whom
you have a definite relationship. Notice especially who or which office will be sender and the
recipient(s), how the subject will be titled, what description or explanation will be nece ar ,
and what action or response is expected. Students should be able to wri te different mem
specifically for each of these types of cases.


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I. Situation: You are the personnel manager of a telemarketing company. Your company
has created a rule not to allow employees to use the internet during office hours.

Instructions: Write a memo to all employees informing them of this rule and
persuading them to strictly follow this rule. Please provide all the necessary details.

2. Situation: You are the personnel manager of a fitness club. Your company has created
a rule not to allow staff to bring food into the gym.

Instructions: Write a memo to all staff informing them of this rule and persuading
them to strictly follow this rule. Please provide all the necessary details.

3. Situation: You are the personnel manager of a bank. Your company has created a rule
not to allow staff to use mobile phones with cameras.

Instructions: Write a memo to all staff informing them of this rule and persuading
them to strictly follow this rule. Please provide all the necessary details.

4. Situation: You are the personnel manager of a company in Bangkok. Your company
plans to conduct free training courses for employees this year.

Instructions: Write a memorandum to all employees informing them of this plan and.. ., /
[io get suggestions on what type of training courses they might be interested in joining}
A short reply form must be attached to the memo. Please make up all necessary details.

5. Situation: As part of the "AU English Week" celebration, student leaders from each
faculty are required to show their support by conducting some activity
for other Assumption University students to participate in to improve awareness of
English as the global language of commerce and communication.

Instructions: As the student representative of your faculty, write a memo to all

students in your faculty to announce the event and solicit ideas about how your facult y
can participate. Attach a sign-up sheet for volunteers to help in the activities during the
week, and for them to indicate any activities they suggest.

6. Situation: You are the Personnel Manager of a company. qecause of increasing traffic
accidents in your area, the General Manager has decided to begin a driver training
program for all employees, which will be paid for by the company. However, it will
require employees to attend classes and driver training sessions during overtime.

Instructions: Write a memo to your employees to inform them about this new
requirement. Provide all necessary details about the reasons for this program and the
schedule. Those who already have a certificate from a reco~nized driving school may
not have to participate.


: -;I ,

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Chapter VII
"Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life."
Confucius (551 - 479 BC), Chinese philosopher

Warm-up Discussion
Have you thought about what you want to do after you graduate from Assumption University?
Surely, you must have. Discuss these topics with other students in your class.

l. It is better to work for yourself

2. It is better to work for someone else


You may also like to think about the following issues. Have you decided on the kind of
profession you would like to enter? If yes, why?
Are you planning your future career? What do you think you will be doing in 10 years'
Imagine you have a job. You are ambitious and want to do well in your career.
Given below are some suggestions for career advancement:


Change your employer regularly.

Be punctual.
Improve your qualifications.
Be charming and socialize with your boss.
5. Work hard and show enthusiasm for the job.
6. Find a mentor to help you.
Which are the 3 most important tips from the above list? Discuss your answers in a group and
present them to the class.
One day, hopefully soon, you will apply for a formal, full-time job after graduating from
Asswnption University. Unfortunately, some of your classmates as well as many people you
don't know will probably apply for the same position too. It's quite possible that your
qualifications and experience will be quite similar to those of most of the other applicants. Like
them, you will also submit your resume (US) or curriculum vitae (GB) with a job
application letter.




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~ today's competitive world,

with jobs scarce, and many candidates for any vacancy, it is

~rt8:'1t that your job application letter and resume stands out amongst other applicants.
This will ensure that you are shortlisted and chosen for the next stage of the recruitment
process, the interview.

Job Application Letter. This is also known as a Cover Letter. It is written to inform a
potential employer about your interest in a particular job or position. The position you want
may have been advertised, but in many cases has not. So, there are two types of job


Solicited letter of application. This is sent by mail or e-mail in response to a classified

advertisement in a newspaper, magazine, or Internet website. Advantages to this are that you
know there is a job available, and the prospective employer will usually give a clear list of the
qualifications required as well as important details about the position itself. The disadvantage
is that there will undoubtedly be many other applicants.

Unsolicited letter of application. This is sent to a company in which you have some special


I '~~

; .I


interest, or to apply for a position in which both you and the company may have some interest,
even if they are not actively seeking applicants. There will probably be no other people
competing for this type of position, but the disadvantage is that you must convince the
company that they need you.
A good job application letter must include the following information:

specific type of position you want

details of your specific qualifications and skills applicable to that position
your previous achievements
previous work experience
educational qualifications
advertisement reference, if solicited, or your source of information and interest

You should expand the information stated in your attached resume and show how it is relevant
to the position you are interested in. Also, ensure that it looks attractive and neatl y laid out.
Your application should stand out from those of other ca~didat~s, as ~ell as demonstrate that
you are intelligent, fluent in English, and not prone to makmg mistakes m your work.
In your search for a new job, you may find an ~dverti sement i.n the media ~ u ch as. t1 1e
following. These types of advertisements appear m any large . city newspaper s class died
advertisements section every day. For example, the follo wing was adapted from an
advertisement which appeared in the Bangkok Post on March 25, 2005.


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Thai-Japanese Joint-~etlture Company distributing and importing "Yamaha" audio

sets and musical instruments is seeking a staff member to coordinate with local
international schools in the following position.
Sales Coordinator
Applicants must have the following:
Thai nationality or work permit
Good command of English
Bachelor's Degree in Marketing or Business Management
Good planning and presentation skills
At least one year experience in sales or customer service
Interested applicants please send your letter, resume, and a recent photo to:
Hwnan Resources, Siam Music Yamaha Co., Ltd., Siam Motors Building,
Pathumwan, Bangkok I 0330.

As you can see in this advertisement, a specific position is offered. In some cases, many
different positions may be offered, but since you can only apply for one, that is not important.
The significant difference about a solicited job application letter is that there will be specifi c
requirements and qualifications stated for the available position and the successful applicant
must prove, in his letter and resume, that he/she has those qualifications. Also, the company
will expect many applicants and can be assumed to require a personal interview as part of the
selection process. If you are interested in this kind of work and have the required
qualifications, you may wish to send a job application letter to the company.

Look at the following example of a job application letter m response to the above


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Example: Solicited Letter of Application

Millipom Sillikom
Soi 24, Ramhamhaeng Road
Bangkok 14004, Thailand

20 March 2012
Human Resources Director
Siam Music Yamaha Co., Ltd.
Siam Motors Building
Pathumwan, Bangkok, 10330
Dear Director:
As a long-time user of Yamaha musical equipment, I was interested to see your
advertisement in the Bangkok Post last Friday regarding a position as sales coordinator
to work with international schools to promote Yamaha equipment. Being also a
graduate of an international school here, I would like to apply for this position.
My enclosed resume will show you that I graduated from St. Geronimo ' s
International School in Mukdahan, where, incidentally, my first music teacher advised
me to buy a Yamaha guitar, which I still play regularly. Then I attended the Melody
Music College in Bangkok, from which I graduated two years ago with a Bachelor's
Degree in Musicology. Since my major courses included extensive practice in Stage
Management and Dramatic Productions, I have strong confidence that my ability to
organize and present dramatic productions will make me an effective presenter for your
Since graduation, I have been working in direct sales for Amway International,
selling soap to individual customers. This experience has boosted my language skills as
well because my sales area includes many Japanese, European, and Chinese customers.

Fortunately, my sales work leaves my schedule rather flexible, so I will be able to

come to your office at any time if you should want to have an interview with me. I may
be most conveniently contacted by telephone at 07-555-1234 during business hours. I
am hoping to hear from you soon.
Sincerely yours,
(signed, Millipom Sillipom)
Millipom Sillikom
Enclosures: Academic Transcript
Personal Resume


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However, often you have a personal interest in some company or type of work but there are no
actual job openings being advertised. In this case, you may want to write to a prospective
employer to attempt to persuade him to offer a position to you. This type of application will
resemble the following:

Unsolicited letter of application. The other common style of application letter is sent to show
interest in a particular type of work even though the employer has not advertised any job
opening or position available. You should attach your resume with the job application letter
in either case.

Example: Unsolicited Letter of Application

Pomthip Poonchang
428 Lad Prao Road
Bangkapi, Bangkok
Thailand 10400
September 25, 2011

Dr. Dengwu Hao, Director

CP Group of Companies
Rama 10 Road, Bangkok, Thailand
Dear Dr. Hao
First, I would like to congratulate you on the occasion of the opening of your company
lOOlh branch. Indeed you have become one of the most prestigious companie in
Thailand. It is therefore an honor to offer my services to your company in any position
suitable to my qualifications.
As you can see from my resume, I graduated with a Bachelors Degree in Management
from a reputable university here in Bangkok. After graduation, I had the opportunit to
work for a total of three years in two well known snack food companies in Thai land, fir t
as a sales staff and later as a management trainee.
I believe that, with my educational background and practical experience, I ma be
suitably employed in your sales as well as marketing departments. I am also eager to join
a prestigious company like yours not only because of the financial gain l could re ei
from you but also the valuable experience of working for you. If given the chan t
work for you, I assure you that I will be an asset to the company.


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Dr. Dengwu Hao

September 25, 2011
I would greatly appreciate it if you give me a chance for an interview. At the moment I
am helping my parents manage our business. Therefore, if you want to talk to me
personally, I will be able to come to your office at anytime convenient for you. You can
contact me at this number: 14344143 or through this e-mail address: call_me

~ jI

I look forward to a favorable response from you.


Sincerely yours,

Pomthip Poonchang
Enclosures: Resume
Academic Transcript

Please note: In the above letter, both the Personal Resume and the Academic Transcript are
listed as enclosures, because both academic training and personal experience are vital to this
job, and because the applicant refers to details that must be backed up by both resume and
transcript. There may be cases when an academic transcript is not required, but for all the
students in this course applying for any likely position for a university graduate, it certainly
will be necessary.

Job Application or Cover Letter


When applying for a job it's normal to send a copy of a CY/resume and sometimes an
application fonn to the company where the job is. In addition to a CY /resume, you should al 0
send a 'covering letter' (called a 'cover letter' in American English). A covering letter is
basically a summary of the CY/resume with some additional details, some of which are
focused on the company and the job/position that you are applying for. The covering letter is
extremely important because it is the first thing a potential employer will read about you
(before they look at the CV/resume). So, it has to be fonnal , polite, well written, short and
contain all the appropriate information that a potential employer needs (e.g. contact detaiI
where you heard about the job from, experience etc ...).


.. ...

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Read the following covering letter from Juan Cruz for a sales executive position/job with a
large multinational engineering company. Focus on the words/phrases in bold and think about
their meaning.

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing in response to the advertisement for the position of a sales executive in the
Madrid office of your company. I am confident that I would be an excellent candidate for
both this position and for working within a company such as your own which has a reputation
for excellence and innovation.

I am a highly motivated, diligent and committed individual, who throughout my 10 year

career in sales have demonstrated the ability of being:
Goal-Orientated - Surpassing my annual sales targets every year of my professional career.
Adaptable - Having the ability to quickly learn and use new techniques, methodologies,
strategies when selling a variety of different products.
Able to speak fluently in English - I have the Cambridge Advanced Certificate in English and
use English on a daily basis in my current position.

I have extensive experience of working as a sales executive for two large multinational
companies, Almagro Construction SA and Telefonica SA. During my time in Telefonica I
have been responsible for several multi-million Euro project negotiations that were conducted
entirely in English and lead to Telefonica obtaining contracts that totalled a value of 21 .3
Please find attached a copy of my CV which expands on my experience and achievements.
I would welcome the opportunity to discuss further the possibility of working for you in
this position. I am available to do an interview when it is convenient for you.

If you have any questions, I can be reached on either my mobile (0034 71761231 ) or by
email Guan_cruz87
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours faithfully,

Juan Cruz
Instructions: Below is a definition/description of each of the words in bold from the above
text. Now choose the word/phrase from the letter above which you believe answers each
question. Only use one word/phrase once.


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1. A phrase that means that somebody has worked in a type of job for a long time is _ _ _ _
2. A phrase that is used to introduce your personal abilities is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _
3. A phrase that is used to provide the candidate's contact details is _ _ _ _ _ __ __
4. A phrase which means 'I'm perfect for this job' is _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __
5. A phrase that means that something was done only using English is _ _ _ _ __ _
6. A polite phrase that asks for an interview or a phone call to talk about the job is _ _ __
7. A verb that has the same meaning as 'show' i s - - - - - - - - - -- - 8. Another way to say something happened 'for a part(s) of a period of time' is _ __ __
9. A phrase that tells the person receiving the covering letter that they can decide when the
interview happens is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
10. A polite phrase that shows your appreciation for the person reading the covering letter is

11. Another way to say 'from the beginning to the end' is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __

12. A phrase which tells the person reading the letter that you have also sent them your
CV/resume is

- - - - - - - - - - -- - - --

13. A phrase that says why you are sending the email or letter is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(Taken from

A Resume, called Curriculum Vitae (CV) by the British, must be attached with a Job
Application Letter. it is a summary of your qualifications prepared to interest potential
employers. The resume should have a summary of your

educational qualifications
professional qualifications
work experience
special skills
personal data

Some other important points about your resume are:


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Clarity - The information must be complete, so that people unfamiliar with your university or
company can be sure to understand the important points. Don t just mention Asswnption
University, but explain that Assumption University is an international institution with emphasis
on English language. Don't just give the name of your company, such as Robinson's, but
explain that it is a large Thai department store chain. Some officials in foreign companies may
not know that.
Contact Details -These must be easily found in case the employer wants to contact you, and
should be repeated in your letter of application.
Length - Your resume should be at least a page long. It can be 2 pages long if you have lots
of experience and credentials for the job.
Emphases - You should try to get the attention of the employer by emphasizing key points
that are relevant to the job. In order to do this, write them as headings, listing and gi ving

The following is the most common type of resume for young university graduates, called the
chronological resume. While there are other formats being used, the format given here is the
most generally accepted. It presents the most important information regarding a person 's
qualifications in a highly organized form so that it may be analyzed most effectively and
quickly by the personnel officer or interviewers concerned. It also allows sufficient flexibility
to present mtusual talents and personal characteristics without loss of decorum and in a factual

Example: Chronological Resume

Pornthip Poonchang
428 Lad Prao Road
Bangkapi, Bangkok
Phone (412) 766 7096


Marketing Staff, CP Group.

Aug, 2009

Assumption University, 239 Rarnkhamhaeng 24 Road, Bangkapi,
Bangkok, Thailand, 10240. Bachelor of Science in Busi nes
Administration, with a major in Finance and a minor in Advertising.

Sept, 2002
Au 2004

Ruam Rudee International School, Bangkok, Thailand . Diploma in Bu ine /

Administration. This was a basic training course for work in Finance


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Work Experience:
Cashier, 7-11, Khao Yai, Nakom Rachasima, Thailand.
I was in charge of daily stock inventories and weekly audit.



Part-time Clerk, Band S Accounting Firm. Bangkok, Thailand

I was hired as a temporary employee to help in preparing year-end financial

June, 2007

Special Experience:

While studying in the university, I also helped in managing our restaurant.

I can read, speak, and write in English


I can type 25 wpm in English and 28 wpm in Thai.

I can use all Microsoft Office programs.


Member of the team that won 1st prize in the "Best Marketing Plan
Competition" sponsored by IBM in 2008.


Awarded the "Best Sales Representative" by the ABAC Dummy Company in


~areer Goals:

With my educational background and extensive experience, I intend to climb

up CP Group's corporate ladder within six years.






On ~e uesf

Dr. Stephen Siegel, Koral Veterinary Hospital, Nakorn Rachasima,

Thailand, 10600. Telephone (412) 687-1990
Albert Einstein, Green Acres Livestock Foundation, 12 Queen's Road
Singapore. Telephone (301) 422-7262


A resume such as the above Chronological Resume gives your qualifications according to a
time line, with the latest and more important ones first. As you see in this example, the writing
is brief, factual, and informative, and gives all the details which may help qualify this
particular applicant for a particular position. It must also be easy to read or search for details,
so all similar parts of the resume must parallel each other. Active and dynamic words are used
to show force and to give an impression of competence. The chronological re ume is used

1. Your qualifications and experiences are directly applicable to the position you want.
2. You credentials are strong, but your actual working experience may be weak.

Functional Resume: In this resume format, you emphasize your skills and job responsibilities
relevant to the position you are interested in. You should not focus on the job titles, the time
when you held them, and educational qualifications, but on the special skills and experience
which you have had. It is advisable to use such a resume format in these circumstances:


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1. you want to change your profession.

2. your education and job titles are not relevant for the position you are interested in.
3. your job history may put off prospective employers because it shows gaps, job
hopping or demotions.
4. you would like to emphasize some particular accomplishment to show your suitability
for the position.

Example: Functional Resume

Millipom Sillipom
Soi 24, Ramkamhaeng Road
Bangkok, 14004 Thailand
(312) 884-2153

Sales coordinator for Yamaha

Play several musical instruments and have extensive experience in public
recitals and musical groups and orchestras.
Developed community support for concerts, festivals, and entertainment
Managed publicity for major events
Coordinated activities of diverse community groups
Have recent experience in outside sales

Resume. Page 2

July 2005

Arranged the 2005 Year Arts Festival for the Isaan Arts
Festival, including music and performing arts, which involved
performances by 25 musicians, artists, actors, and dancers.

May 2006

Directed and organized the St Geronimo School Spring Picnic

Carnival, in May 2006, an all-day festival with games,
contests, and sales concessions, raising 17 ,650 baht for the
school's sports program.

Dec. 2009

Recognized as the outstanding young salesman of the year,

2009, by Amway International.


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June 2001
Mar. 2005


June 2004
Mar. 2007

St. Geronomo's International School, Mukdahan, Thailand,

majoring in the Academic Program. I was also a member of
the school orchestra.
Melody Music College, Bangkok,Thailand. Majoring in
Musicology, with a minor in Performing Arts. While at the
college I was regularly involved in stage plays and orchestra

July 2007


Amway International Co., Ltd., Bangkapi, Thailand.

Salesman for the Outside Sales Department. In outside sales,
we develop contacts in the community and sell the products
directly to customers at their homes or offices.
I hope to open my own music academy in the north of
Thailand to help promote classical and modem music in that

When you are writing a CV/resume or having an interview, you will have to describe previous
work experience. The general advice is to always focus on the positive, never the negative. But
even bad work experiences can be talked about if you use the correct vocabulary to make it
sound like a productive experience. In this exercise you will find the perfect vocabulary to
describe past work experience in English for both a CV/resume or an Interview.
Useful words/phrases for CV/resume




~ '\

Read the following part of a job interview where an interviewer asks a candidate to describe
his/her feelings about a previous position/job. Focus on the words/phrases in BOLD and think
about their meaning.
Interviewer'Retuming to your position as a Sales Team Leader, it must have been very stressful? How did
you cope with the pressure?'
Candidate'Of course there is a lot of pressure in this type of role. The most important thing is that you
have to meet your targets. My team had to sell a minimum of 2000 mobile phones every


" . ~ . .. . ....

- - ------------- --

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month. Some people might say it was stressful, but for me it was more challenging. I had to
manage a team, something which I'd never done before. For example, I learnt how to delegate
tasks to the members of my team. And also, how to react when things don't go right, when you
have setbacks. It was an excellent opportunity for me to show what I could do. I gained
experience. Also, being able to solve problems and see the results is very rewarding. The job
was extremely fulfilling, I always went to work with a smile on my face.'
Interviewer'So you were fulfilled with what you did there. Excellent! But what did your managers think of
your perfonnance?'
Candidate'All of my performance reviews showed that I not only met my personal and team targets, but
I exceeded them, sometimes 50% higher than my targets. For the two years I was in that
position, I got very good performances bonuses, about $5,000 each time. In fact, one of my
references is from my old manager there.'

Instructions: Below is a definition/description of each of the words/phrases in bold from the
above text. Now fill in the blanks with one of these words/phrases in bold. Only use one
word/phrase once and write it as it is in the text.
1. When something makes you satisfied and happy, it is - - - - - - - 2. When a Manager gives one of their staff the responsibility to do one of their tasks,
they_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~
3. When you did something a lot better than expected, you


4. A business way of saying 'to achieve important work objectives' is to

5. When you learn or achieve something from an experience, it is


6. Another way to say that you learnt something practical/useful is

7. People named on a CV, who can be contacted, are called


- - - -- -


8. Another way to say you had problems which caused a delay is

- ------

9. Each member of staff has one written every year by their manager.


10. A nicer way to say that something is difficult is



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Writing E:ierclses

You have recently heard that Baskin-Robbins plans to open 57 new outlets in the
Bangl(ok area. As you have always liked ice-cream, you are interested in applying for a
position in one of these new ice-cream shops. Write an application letter and resume to
the Baskin-Robbins Headquarters Office to present your application.


Your uncle works for the Bangkok Post, and he has informed your mother that the
paper will soon be starting a new news magazine aimed at a young professional
audience. They agree that working for this new magazine would be a good job for you.
Follow their advice and write an application letter and resume to apply for any possible
position for which you feel qualified.


Write an application letter and resume in response to the following advertisement:

Machell's, one of the world's leading fast food chains, requires qualified and
ambitious applicants in the following positions, to work in the Bangkok area.




Restaurant Manager
Financial Analyst
Personnel Manager
Counter Service Clerks

All positions require a Bachelor's Degree or higher, as well as

Good command of English

Computer skills
Part or full-time working experience
Pleasant Personality

Please send your application and resume to Mr. Ronald Burger at

Machell 's (Thailand)
Madcow Tower, Ploenchit Road
Bangkok 10313


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Ashley, A. A Handbook of Commercial Co"espondence. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University

Press. 1993. ELBS edition reprinted in Hong Kong. 1994.
Azar, Betty Schrampfer.
Longman. 2001.

l:lnderstanding and Using English Grammar.

3rd ed.


Baker, Sheridan. Tire Practical Stylist. 6th ed. New York: Harper and Row. 1986.

Bowman, Joel P. and Bernardine P. Branchaw. Business Report Writing. Chicago: Dryden
Press. 1984.
Brieger, Nick and Simon Sweeney. The Language of Business English: Grammar and
Functions. London: Longman. 2001.
Good, Melissa, editor. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 3rd ed.
Cambridge University Press. 2008.


Himstreet, William C., Wayne M. Baty, and Carol M. Lehman. Business Communications.
London: Wadworth Publishing Co. 1993.
Locker, Kitty 0. Business and Administrative Communication. Boston: McGraw-Hill. 1997.
Markel, Michael. Technical Communication, Situations and Strategies, 5th ed. New York: St.
Martin's Press. 1998.
Mills, Gordon H. and John A. Walker. Technical Writing. 4th ed. New York: Holt, Reinhart,
and Winston. 1984.
Northey, Margo. Impact, A Guide to Business Communication. 4th ed. Ontario: Prentiss-Hall
Canada, Inc. 1998.
Rundell, Michael, editor. Macmillan Study Dictionary. Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Ltd.
Savage, Alice and Patricia Mayer. Effective Academic Writing 2: The Short Essay. Oxford:
Oxford University Press. 2005.
Swan, Mary. How English Works. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 1997.
Stratton, Charles R. Technical Writing: Process and Product. New York: Holt, Reinhart, and
Winston, 1978.
Strunk, William Jr., and E.B. White. The Elements of Style. 4th ed. Massachusetts: Allen and
Bacon. 2000.
Taylor, Shirley. Shirley Taylor's Guide to Effective E-mail. Singapore: Transquest. 200 1.


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Taylor, Shirley and Leonard Gartside. Model Business Letters. Singapore: Financial Times,
Prentice-Hall. 1998.

Turner, Rufus P. Technical Report Writing. 2nd ed. San Francisco: Rinehart Press. 1971 .

Note: Every effort bas been made to tnce the ownen of copyright material in this book.
We would be 1nteful to bear from anyone who recognizes his or her copyright material
and who is unacknowledged. We will be pleased to make the necessary corrections or
remove the
material from future editions of the book.

t \'


I ' ,'



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; ,; .


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Vocabulary List
Students are strongly advised to familiarize themselves with the meanings of the words given
in the following list and their usage in various forms. The words on this list will help students
in the English III writing assignments. Some of these words will also be tested in the Midterm
and Final Exams. :\\,
l. appealing ~"-\e.C.~ 24. hinder ._..""'""~~7. consume .a4''"" 70. excel ' fl \ 93. qualify r.:1-n
_':...-L""'""' 71. deny ;o "' (~4. refuse
2. affect f'I\ .,,..
25. trend "~ ~ _.'\t collapse .-..
26. widespread ..~ 49. capable~.,..,.~~(\ 72. query"' ... JJ5. give
1'""""~W'll"~tt. recoverable
27. occupatio~'W'~""' SO. proof_."''"'~
73. pursue'1 .i'l'1 96. present 11 1
5. provide1.; q
28. recover ~
~SI. respond "'~ii-z> l 74. obedience 97. retire
6. growth ....u~~
29. prosperitylm.a\<1 ~-prefer "11
75. order ...~ ~8. solve
30. require tWi ,~~\ S3. choice ""~ ') 1 ' 76. oppose ' ""99. acquire
7. focus~ ...,.,..
~'' 1
8. repeat 'e,1,.
31. reform"'.!}'
S4. bankrupt7"' >1::\. , d 77. natural \.~1'00. nux
32. merge""'""''
55. apply ~
78. negate ri ~"
9. launch ,~.,
10. integrate ..,.'\&.,...-.& 33. quantity ~".. 56. ease '~ c:i-i>~l....
79. variety
, 34. predict '""
57. absent ~'
. 80. valid .,.,.>" oJ
12. criticize~...._ 35. inflation,,-. ,J.:> 58. gratitude 0 1 1" ''':'':81. worthy ,..) ; ,,
13. drastic1 wn
36. impact~or~"'59. summary 1
82. trial ", . ~ ' "' ..,
83. reasonable
14. dispute C\~'\j~ 37. illega~".Jl"'...:"'60. divide
15. settle ~C'l'i''l
38. hostility"~.!i .,"~l. create ' ~"
84. mobile
62. donor ~ \.) ' '
85. confident
16. significant~~~ 39.gradual -n~.t..i/
40. frequent "ocu
63 original ~~ "i'l 86. priority
17. source\\.'
18. slash '~"""
, 41. fluctuation ~ ~~tganize .(iO"I-:: 1- ' " 87. environment
19. strategy Cl~~ 42. essential ~"' "~ 65. service . _,', , ,
88. dominate .,. , J l. ' )"'
20. supply ~ ,.
43. equivalent'~""'~- ally .. ,
89. inspect 1'"'
21. key 4'~
"~ I ,,1..~~ 44. emergency"',
4:i't;1~semble , -r ,.... 90. reliable
22. investigate :,/...r.(~5. depend s~'!C\ 68. collect L ~
91 . balance
23. hamper
46. d~falt""
69. grave -~ . tv\ 1 "
92. promote ~ \ ; l ~




.1. .

"""" ._. .,.9)




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Sample Quiz 1
Read the paragraph carefully and follow the instructions.
Toyota Motor Corp. slashing its profit outlook by more than half for 2012. This reflects the
impact of the recent natural disaster in Japan and abroad. It also signals a deeper threat by the
car maker's recovery. The Japanese auto giant has also lowered it global sales outlook to 7.38
million vehicles for the fiscal year ending March 31. If the low sales continue Toyota may lose
its crown as the worlds largest car maker this year, which it took from General Motors Corp.
Just as the company's production was recovering, a recent disasters at home and abroad have
forced company executives to cut down its expected sales this year and next. The flooding in
Thailand this year has great affected the projected sales of Toyota automobiles. It has worsened
losses the company has incurred because of the earthquake and tsunami this year in Japan
Toyota affected by the rise of the yen against other currencies

Instructions: Underline the 10 mistakes in the passage above. Write your correction for each
of those mistakes in the space above the underlined mistakes.

Note: Make only 10 corrections.

Mark allocation:
1/2 Mark per error correctly identified: 112 x 1O = 5
1/2 Mark per corrected error:
1/2 x 1O = 5
= 10


(40 Marks)

Reflll tire passage and follow the instructions.

Bangkok residents struggled with shortages of water, bread, and other basic necessities during
the recent floods.


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Retailers like 7-11, Tesco and Big C all rely on giant distribution centers to warehouse their
goods, and many of them happen to be located in the heart of the flood zone, just north of
Bangkok's city limits. As flood warnings grew more serious during the floods, many started to
move supplies of water, cosmetics, and convenience-store food to higher shelves rather than
relocating the goods entirely, which would have been a logistical nightmare requiring the use
of potentially thousands of trucks.
When the waters hit in full force, though, it quickly became impossible to access the flooded
warehouses, so moving the supplies higher didn't help much. Some of the goods remained dry,
but they became a total loss anyway since they couldn't be shipped out, leaving them to rats
and other creatures.
The situation "was a total wipe-out of supply chains" for some retailers, said Chris CattoSmith, a logistics and supply-chain specialist at Freshport Asia, a logistics firm.
Unfortunately, there was no easy solution, he and others say. There was very little available
warehouse space elsewhere in the country, and some 1,200 shipping containers were
underwater. Retailers like 7-11 added trucks but their normal suppliers were reducing capacity
or were running out of stock. One of the places where emergency supplies of goods have been
stored-Don Muang airport-was itself being flooded.
"This probably will be a wake - up call for Thailand to really get its water-management system
under control," Mr. Catto-Smith said.
The Thai government and business groups were working together to speed deliveries of
imported replacement goods from places like Malaysia, though how it will all be stored and
distributed remains unclear.
Chartchai Tuongratanaphan, an adviser to the Thai Retailers Association, said a lot of those
goods - including drinking water, eggs, canned fish and noodles, arrived only around the
second week on November. Officials were looking for temporary storage and distribution
centers, and pushed authorities to free up additional space at airports across the country.
Still, the days that followed were a big challenge partly because many Bangkok residents kept
buying more than they needed.
"The demand then was unusual - people used to buy one but now they buy 12. People were
very confused and frightened, and so they're storing lots of things."
Everyone would have been better off, he said, if they just calmed down and began behaving

Instructions: Answer the following question in 130-140 words.

Question: Describe the problems faced by big retailers during the floods. What were the
causes of these problems?


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Mark allocation:

= 10
Organiz.ation = -1.Q
Total = 40Marks

Sample Midterm Exam

Instructions: Fill in each blank with an appropriate word from the list below, using the
correct granunatical fonn of the word. Use each word only once.







T h e - - - - - - of alcohol during Songkran is not allowed.


The family wasn't affected by the floods. They were _ _ _ _ _that they were safe.


The old man has to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ visit the hospital for medical check-ups.


Assumption University helped in making a lot of EM balls. EM balls are used to treat
_ _ _ _ _ water.


H i s - - - - - was limited after the accident. He could only move his left arm.


The students

to study for the exams instead of going on a holiday with their


Japanese companies might avoid investing in new projects in Thailand because of


floods next year.



to get a promotion. So, he decided to resign from his job.


The father wanted to

tell his son about the bad news. He doesn' t want

him to hear it ftom someone else.


Many people _ _ _ _ _ about this apartment. They wanted to know if it is still


Mark allocation:
1 Mark for each correct word
! Mark for correct grammar

1 x 10 = l 0 Marks
1 x 10 = 10 Marks
Total = 20 Marks


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Read tu JMSSllle a11d answer the following 9uestion.

Thailand's Buddhist culture frowns on killing stray animals, so street dogs are bountiful.
Dognappers who are willing to break Thai law-which prohibits buying or selling dogs for
food-have found opportunity selling dogs to Vietnam.
People involved in the trade say a contraband dog will sell for 1,000 baht, or around $30, twice
the price of a couple of years ago.
Among those who disapprove of the business is Remgsak Mahavinitchaimontree. Mr.
Remgsak, 58 years old, is the governor of Nakhon Phanom province, a major transshipment
point for the dog trade where smuggled animals are whisked across the broad expanse of the
Mekong River into Laos and then onto Vietnam or even China. Mr. Remgsak organized a
string of checkpoints with local police, and in August 2011 broke up a network of smugglers,
rescuing some 1,800 dogs.
Another smuggling gang was intercepted at a river jetty last month, and two men--one Thai
and one Vietnamese-were arrested for allegedly trying to smuggle 120 dogs into Vietnam.
Since the August bust, animal-rights campaigners have raised around 20.7 million baht to help
keep the dogs at a special refuge. Mr. Remgsak hopes the dogs' rightful owners will step
forward to collect them and that local residents will adopt the others. In other parts of the
country, activists have rushed to rescue stray dogs from the devastating floods .

Mr. Remgsak's campaign reflects Thailand's growing self-confidence. Animal-rights activists

say that as Thailand has grown wealthier and trade links with its neighbors have multiplied ,
tolerance for the dog trade has eroded, thanks in part to the growing numbers of Bangkok
residents who now have pets.
"People rely on this trade for their livelihood," says Sawong De-chalert, a retired English
teacher in Sakon Nakhon who represents local traders who are lobbying the government to
legalize the dog-meat wade.
Then there is the issue of different cultures. Humans in one part of the world often consume
things, from insects to pigs that others fin? strange or simply inedible. Just try explaining the
Scottish art of deep-frying pizzas to an Italian.
"It's very simple," said Dao Van Bien, a 66-year-old Hanoi man. "Each country has its own
culture and here we eat dogs. Other people should be more broad-minded and respect our
customs instead of trying to disgrace us."


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In Bangkok, several hundred dog lovers and other animal-rights campaigners marched around
the city's center last month mging people to stop eating dogs or selling them to countries where
they are conswned.
Roger Lohanan, chief executive at the Thai Animal Guardians Association says Thailand needs
to go further and enact specific laws to prevent animal cruelty. The march, he said, was "just
the beginning."
Nearly 1,000 of the dogs that Mr. Remgsak rescued have since died of diseases or injuries
stemming from their chronic mistreatment. Some, Mr. Remgsak said, were recovered after
smugglers tossed them out of the back of their pick-up trucks but later died of their wounds
despite volunteer veterinarians' efforts. With the help of local campaigners, he has set up a
website where dog owners can see photos of recovered dogs and reclaim their lost pets. People
can also click on the photo of an unclaimed animal and apply to adopt it. So far, he says, three
people have found their lost or stolen dogs on the site.

Instructions: Answer the following question in 130 - 140 words.

Question: What are the reasons why dogs are sold illegally? What has been done to stop this
practice of selling and eating dogs?

Mark Allocation


10 marks
20 marks
10 marks
40 marks


Situation: You are the school director of an international school in Bangkok. Due to the
recent floods, changes have been made to the school's calendar, schedules, and extra-curricular
Instructions: Write an e-mail to all the teachers of the school to inform them of the changes
and other relevant information. Please make up all necessary details.

Mark Allocation


10 marks
20 marks
10 marks
40 marks


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. .






Sample Quiz 2
PART I: Editing and Proofreading (10 Marks)


Read the following passage and follow the instructions.

Thailand has long been the worlds biggest rice exporter. But industry experts are now say that
,.t . _,

.' -.

it may lose that title this year. This is because of new government procurement programs that
. '

has pushed Thai rice prices above international levels. Korbsook Iamsuri, President of the Thai
Rice Exporter8' association, said in an interview Monday that Thai rice exports could fall by
. more than 40% this year to multi-year lows. That would potential put Thailand below Vietnam



. l '

;:~:.;:::\~< . .

, ...... ,,!' ..
""~{' ' ".


India as the world's top exporter of rice. Thai rice exports reached a record 10.6 million

metric ton in 2011, but are likely to fall to 6 million tons this year, Ms. Korbsook said. She said
that in recent months, Thailand has lost most of its share in global trade of parboiled grade rice
to India, whose offers are cheap by up to $100 a ton India resumed exporting non-Basmati rice


.' : . in September after a gap of more than three years when they were banned to


curb domestic

.. I/:,

, ~{\.'':t' !.:.,,'

....... . '

inflation. Before India lifted its ban on exports Thailand was exporting up to 400,000 tons of
parboiled rice each month but shipments are now less than 100,000 tons, Ms. Korbsook said.
She said Thailand's exports of white raw rice, too, have slowed because of a lack for supply.

Instructions: Underline the 10 mistakes in the passage above. Write your correction for each
of those mistakes in the space above the underlined mistakes.

Note: Make only 10 corrections.


;, ; ./ ..

Mark Allocation:
I Mark for each mistake correctly underlined (112 mark x 10) = 5 marks
5 marks
I Mark for each mistake correctly corrected (1/2 mark x 10) =
Total = 10 marks



. '" t:~

-... :

::: ~




~~!:r.:::DJ. . : .'_:_:___:__:________________________________

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PART II: Memorandum (40 Marks)


You are the Hwnan Resources Manager of a university in Bangkok. You want all
teachers and staff to follow the proper dress code while working.

Instructions: Write a memo to all teachers and staff informing them of this rule and
persuading them to strictly follow it. Provide all the necessary details.

Mark Allocation:


40 Marks

Sample Final Exam

Re11d the 11dvertisement 11nd follow the instructions below.
XYZ Food Company is an international food manufacturing company that is well-known
around the world. It is planning to open a factory in Thailand. The company is looking for
suitable candidates for the following positions:

-: ,,J"' .

_,, ,,,



Nurses (Clinic)

Marketing Staff

Sales Staff

Maintenance Staff

Computer Graphics Designers

Machine Line Supervisors


Logistics Supervisor

- Recent university graduate
- Good English language skills
- Some experience in a related field would be an advantage
- Must be willing to work long hours


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Interested applicants must send an application letter and resume to:

The Personnel Manager
XYZ Food Company
143/44 Ramkhamhaeng 24
Bangkok, Thailand 10240

Instructions: Write a Job Application letter and Resume for~ of the positions mentioned

above. Please make up all necessary details.

Mark Allocation
Letter of Application

= 10
= 10


= 8
= 30


Situation: You are the personnel manager of an international company in Bangkok. Your
company is offering scholarships for children of your company employees. Interested
employees are requested to fill out a reply form.
Instructions: Write a memorandum to all employees informing them of this offer. A short
reply form must be attached to the memo. Please make up all necessary details.
Mark Allocation




Re"" tlle following pasage care/uUy and select the most appropriate word from the list
giVOt to fill in the blank spaces. Each word can be used onlv once.


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''~ ,

The _demand______ for better computer security is a popular issue nowadays .


~t Software programs which can be


- - -relied - - - - - on to protect our computers from


.hackers are hard to find. For business people, a good internet protection program is essential
.. ,

for__success_ _ _ _ . As computer and internet experts try to create the best computer
protection there is, hackers _ _consistently____ find ways to get into other people's
computers. An ___investigation ____conducted by the Ministry of Information and
Communication Technology (MICT) has revealed that people are either unaware or do not
really care about protecting their computers until someone has hacked into their computers.

- - -decide- - - -

to buy computer protection software but do not really know

how to use them. Other computer users _ _accept____ that free protection software
from the internet is enough. They think that buying a 700 - 1,200 baht anti-virus software is
too expensive and is not _ _ worth _ _ _ _ its price. According to an MICT official, if a
computer _appears_____ to have been infected by a virus, it should be time to invest
in proper anti-virus software. There are a _variety_ _ _of computer protection programs
available depending on the budget and preferred features of buyers, he said.

/nstrctions: Write yonr selected word in each blank space in the paragraph above, using the
correct grammatical form.

Mark Allocation:
I Mark for each correct word
I Mark for correct grammar for each word


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(I mark x I 0) = I 0 marks
( 1 mark x 10) = 10 marks
= 20 marks

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