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Customize pallet

Pallet folder
The pallet folder is located in {$UGII_BASE_DIR}\moldwizard
\electrode, it includes two files pallet_reg.xls and pallet_reg.xs4, two
folders metric and english.
Register Spreadsheet
The register file includes two sheets, PALLET_IN for English and
PALLET_MM for metric. There are same columns setting as Standard
Part register spreadsheet, they are NAME, DATA_PATH, DATA,
MOD_PATH, MODEL and ACTION. Since there is no pallet data is
supplied, put null in the column of DATA_PATH and DATA.
Pallet Model
Pallet model is created by NX molding as a template according to pallet
drawings given by pallet supplier. The template part should be put into
the correct folder by the unit. This step is the most important one.
1. The model includes at least two datum coordinate systems
name of datum CSYS should be designated in the customer default
2. For making pallet work, a datum coordinate system
SETUP_MATE_ORIGIN should be defined in the work piece. The
name of datum CSYS should be designated in the customer default
3. In the pallet model, solid bodies and datum coordinates systems can
be located at layer 1. Other objects can be located at layer 144 and
4. Expressions can be used to control the size of pallet and features
parameters. For example, in pallet_a.prt, w, l and h control base size
of the pallet; pad_w, pad_t and pad_h control width, thickness and
height of the pad; workpiece_l and workpiece_w control the size to
fit work pieces dimensions
5. Pallet part attribute is used to identify the component is a pallet part
or not. In pallet_a.prt, EW_CHUCKNR is the identification of the
pallet. EW_PALLET is used in Electrode Drawing function to
identify the pallet part. The name of identification of a pallet should
be defined in the customer default page.
6. If you work on UNIX, all Excel spreadsheet files should been
converted to XESS files with the extension name xs4.

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