CBCP Monitor Vol13-N9

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•A3 Bible can only be

understood with the •B1 ‘Faith in the Divine Initiative–

the Human Response’
The News Supplement
Church, Pope tells Message of the Holy Father for the 46th of Couples for Christ
scholars World Day of Prayer for Vocations

CBCP head expresses www.cbcpnews.com cbcpmonitor@cbcpworld.net Church to tackle education

reservations on add’l solons issues among IPs
THE head of the Catholic bishops’ leadership EDUCATION issues among the country’s
is apprehensive of the ruling increasing the indigenous peoples (IPs) will be the center of
number of lawmakers in Congress might cause discussion at a gathering of Catholic Church
more problems than gains. leaders in Cagayan De Oro City next month.
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philip- The CBCP’s Episcopal Commission on
pines (CBCP) president Archbishop Angel Indigenous Peoples’ (ECIP) 3rd National IPs
Lagdameo said in a country suffering from Education Convention will be held on May
political and economic crisis, the decision means 26 to 30.
additional burden to the public.
Lagdameo said it’s no other than the tax-
Protagonist of Truth, Promoter of Peace Organizers said the convention also seeks to
intensify the viewpoints and articulations of
payers who will be much affected by the new tribesmen on indigenous education, cultural
Supreme Court (SC) decision increasing the integrity and indigenous identity.
Solons / A6
April 27 - May 10, 2009 Vol. 13 No. 9 Php 20.00 Education / A6

Church says labor has priority over capital

AS the country marked Labor Day on of the fruits of their work. be all the more meaningful if our labor “priority of labor over capital.” dence over acts of charity,” he added.
May 1, the head of the Catholic Bishops’ The archbishop said there should be force will feel more concretely and “We acknowledge the mutual depen- The church official also said the work
Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) interdependence between labor and tangibly the care and concern of the dence of capital and labor. It has been force which is responsible in producing
urged employers and the government capital to achieve economic progress. business sector, the government and well said ‘neither capital can do without the food and wealth of the country must
to recognize the contribution of the He noted that the protection of the civil society,” he said. labor, nor labor without capital,’” Lag- be provided with their just share of the
workers. work force and justice of charity must The Second Plenary Council of the dameo said. fruits of their labors.
Jaro Archbishop Angel Lagdameo la- always be taken into account in the just Philippines, whose priorities included “This mutual dependence can exist Retirement benefits must likewise be
mented that workers in the Philippines ordering society. transforming the local church into a only in the atmosphere of social and dis- part of the program for workers, Lag-
are oftentimes deprived of the just share “The celebration of Labor Day would “church of the poor,” recognized the tributive justice. Acts of justice take prece- dameo said. (CBCPNews)

CBCP calls for spiritual

preparation for 2010 polls
By Pinky Barrientos, FSP and Roy Lagarde
THE Roman Catholic in Social Change,” Lagdameo
said in a pastoral exhortation
bishops’ hierarchy called dated April 19.
for a year of “spiritual “We challenge our Catholic la-
preparation” as the coun- ity, in particular, to take the lead in
try is set to face another the task of moral renewal towards
a deeper and more lasting change
critical milestone—the in the Philippine society. We chal-
2010 national elections. lenge all lay people involved in
In a pastoral exhortation, the politics to renounce corruption
president of the Catholic Bishops and bond together in the task of
Conference of the Philippines evangelizing politics for effective
(CBCP) and Jaro Archbishop governance and the pursuit of the
Angel Lagdameo declared June common good,” he added.
2009 to June 2010 as a year of
Prayer and Work for Peace- Peace building
building and Lay Participation The prelate called on everyone to
in Social Change, dedicating it to actively participate in peace build-
the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the ing, saying that from the wounded
Immaculate Heart of Mary. heart of Jesus come grace of heal-
“We invite the Filipino faithful ing and reconciliation.
to start preparing spiritually for “Let this grace flow through
another crucial transition in the us, the community of Christ’s
© Ernest Ken Lagarde

life of our nation —namely, the disciples, into the bloodstream of

elections in May 2010. For this our nation. Let it find a concrete
purpose, we are declaring the expression in serious advocacies
post-Pauline year (from June for peace and dialogue, heal-
2009 until June 2010) as a year ing and reconciliation amidst
of Prayer and Work for Peace- conflict-situations in all possible The indigenous brothers around Bataan and Zambales, the Aetas, coached some 730 young boys on survival tactics during the First Philippine Tri-State Jamboree of
building and Lay Participation Preparation / A6 the Columbian Squires held at the Bataan Technological Park in Morong, Bataan last April 22-25.

Pray for more vocations,

earlier called on young men to consider
entering the priesthood amid shortage of
priests in the country. Extending CARP a matter of
bishops urged faithful
In 2004, the CBCP said that at least 25,000
more priests are needed to serve some 68
million Filipino Catholics.
Pabillo said the ideal ratio should be one
social justice, says prelate
priest per 2,000 parishioners. But in Manila CAGAYAN de
The priest’s mis- alone, he said, the ratio is one priest to 20,000 Oro Archbishop
sion is “irreplace- parishioners. Antonio Ledesma,
able,” said Catholic Novaliches Bishop-Emeritus Teodoro SJ, a member of the
Bishops’ Conference Bacani, for his part, said prayers are also Pontifical Coun-
of the Philippines needed not only for more vocations but for cil on Justice and
(CBCP) president sanctification of priests. Peace said agrar-
Archbishop Angel Bacani said the state of the Catholic priest- ian reform is need-
© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

Lagdameo in an in- hood in the country is “generally healthy” ed for social justice
terview during the but admitted there are also “some deficien- to prosper in the
ongoing “Theotokos cies at some point.” country.
1st National Conven- “We really need more priests but the most Speaking before
tion” in Iloilo City. important is not just the number but quality agrarian reform Archbishop Antonio Ledesma, SJ
He said that despite priests,” he said. advocates led by former armed groups in the country-
the fact that there’s a Lagdameo and Bacani were guest speakers Comelec Chairman Christian side, including private armies
Archbishop Lagdameo talking to participants of the Theotokos 1st National need for more priests, of the 3-day convention attended by hundreds Monsod, House Agrarian Re- and groups with ideological
Convention in Iloilo City last April 26. “certainty must not of participants from across the country. form Committee Chairman agenda,” Ledesma said.
ROMAN Catholic bishops are appealing ignored that God will continue to inspire “The gathering is very religious and timely. Edcel C. Lagman, Professor He noted many agrarian
to all the faithful to intensify their prayer men who will dedicate themselves totally There is no member of the church that needs Virginia Dandan and repre- reform advocates have been
for vocations for a Church in need of more to pastoral ministry.” really more prayers than priests because they sentatives of various farmers’ killed in the process of the
priests and consecrated persons. Manila Auxiliary Bishop Broderick Pabillo Vocations / A6 organizations, the prelate struggle and “justice is still to
said the Second National be served their families and

Are homosexuals barred from seminaries?

Rural Congress, sponsored communities.”
by the Catholic Bishops Con- The prelate said local farm-
ference of the Philippines and ers produce are threatened by
DAGUPAN Archbishop Oscar rector of San Carlos Seminary for pursuant action and reaction finality of the Sacred Orders as held last year was a product cheap imports along with the
Cruz said that at the heart of the 10 years, said the church deeply patterns—all congruent with established by Christ through of a year-long consultation lack of rural infrastructure
church’s policy on homosexuals respects homosexuals. the human and divine dimen- the Apostles (men) and as regu- at the diocesan, sub-regional, and government support for
and priesthood lies a significant Those who practice homo- sions, ecclesiastical and ecclesial Homosexuals / A7 regional and the national production and marketing.
difference people often forget, or sexuality present deeply rooted levels and has resulted into Agrarian reform beneficia-
maybe don’t think about at all. homosexual tendencies or sup- the need for an extension of ries are deprived of appro-
Cruz said there is a distinc- port gay culture, however, are the Comprehensive Agrarian priate services to make their
tion between what a person do not welcome in the priesthood, Reform Program with the ap- farms more viable, he said.
and who he really is. They cer- he said. propriate reforms. NRC II, according to the
tainly are linked, he said, but the The church leader added that Quoting from the results prelate, also noted the exis-
church is concerned more about the issue is not being gay but of the NRC II, the prelate tence of corruption at vari-
a person’s behavior. the homosexual acts which the said rural poverty and land- ous levels of government
He said there are only two Christian tradition has always lessness are widespread and with the implementa-
sexes—male and female, “hence, seen as immoral. and small farmers and in- tion of the agrarian reform
anything else accidentally or He said the distinction be- digenous communities are program.
incidentally distinct about them, tween person and tendency displaced from their lands He, however, added “amid
are but psychical factors adverse or act was a great advance in because of land conversion, all the problems faced by
to their objective or ontological Catholic teaching, though it is agribusiness expansion as Filipino farmers, there have
sexuality.” often misunderstood. well as logging and mining been some success stories”
“They however still essentially And to simplify the complex, operations. although the farmers/par-
and constitutionally remain Cruz cited basic criteria spe- “Human rights abuses are ticipants had a hard time
either a man or a woman,” said cifically in conjunction with the rampant because of milita- deliberating on what to do
Cruz. Sacred Orders: “A man’s inten- rization and the presence of Social Justice / A6
The archbishop, who served as tion, disposition and aptitude, Illustration by Bladimer Usi
World News
CBCP Monitor
A2 Vol. 13 No. 9
April 27 - May 10, 2009

Benedict XVI may issue

social encyclical on June 29 ROME, Italy, April 24, 2009—The Italian

Envoys named to close media published statements Thursday by the

president of the Pontifical Council for Justice
and Peace, Cardinal Renato Martino, who

Pauline Year said Pope Benedict XVI would publish his

third encyclical—this time on social issues—
on June 29.
VATICAN CITY, April 27, 2009—Benedict XVI appointed seven cardinals to be his special “I believe June 29, the feast of Sts. Peter
envoys for the closing ceremonies of the Jubilee Year of St. Paul and Paul, will be the definitive date” for the
The ceremonies will take place at various Pauline sites June 29, the Vatican said. publication of the document, the cardinal
In Syria, the special envoy will be Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, archbishop of said during a congress on globalization at
Madrid, Spain, and in the Holy Land it will be Cardinal Walter Kasper, president of the the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome.
Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. According to Vatican sources, the encyclical’s
Cardinal Ennio Antonelli, president of the Pontifical Council for the Family, will preside title could be “Caritas in veritatis.” It will
at an event in Malta, and for Cyprus the Pope named Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino, focus on social changes that have occurred in
president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace. the world since Paul VI’s encyclical “Popu-
Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, president of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dia- lorum Progressio” and since the advent of
logue will represent the Pontiff in Turkey, and Cardinal Jozef Tomko, retired prefect of the globalization.
Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, will represent Benedict XVI in Greece. Benedict XVI’s first two encyclicals were
In Lebanon, the Holy Father will be represented by Cardinal Andre Vingt-Trois, arch- “Deus caritas est,” published in 2006, and “Spe
bishop of Paris, France. (Zenit) salvi,” published in 2007. (CNA)

Prelate notes new opportunity to evangelize Europe

DUBLIN, April 23, 2009—The arch- countries, the archbishop reflected on munity spread across the continent in unity and solidarity.
bishop of Dublin is underlining the need the “solidarity that has existed among must be a focus on unity. As in the “As Irish Christians we cannot and
for European Christians to bring Gospel the people of Europe over the centuries, early Church, he added, “the Christian ought not to flee from the challenges
values to their countries, to foster unity despite political and religious differ- community which today lives and wit- of shaping the Europe of the future.
and solidarity as in the early Church. ences, despite war, aggression and nesses to the message of the resurrec- Christians make their contribution to a
Archbishop Diarmuid Martin said intolerance.” tion can bring to Europe something of better Europe in a spirit of respect and
this Sunday at a Mass in Our Lady of He added, “Today we have the op- that spirit of sharing which marked the dialogue.”
Consolation Church in Donnycarney, portunity of strengthening those bonds early Church.” The archbishop affirmed that Euro-
Dublin, in which a Hungarian delega- in a Europe at peace but which still pean Christians must work together
tion from Gyor participated. needs solidarity and sharing.” Unity and solidarity with people of all faiths to overcome the
During the homily, the prelate ac- Archbishop Martin affirmed: “Europe “The future of European integration “divisions which egoism and narrow
knowledged the parish’s link to the city today needs a vision for its future. Rath- will not in the first place be the result of nationalism, greed and religious intol-
since the 1600s, when the Irish Bishop er than lamenting a lack of recognition a treaty or of new political structures,” erance have caused and which threaten
Walter Lynch, fleeing persecution, was of the Christian heritage of Europe in asserted the prelate. the individual nations of Europe and
welcomed to Gyor. In his flight from recent political documents and events, He continued: “Europe needs to be Europe itself.”
Ireland, he brought to the city an image European Christians have a new op- nurtured by that spirit of ‘unity of heart He added: “As a Christian commu-
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of Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted, portunity to bring to a Europe in search and soul’ of which the first reading nity in Europe we must feel ourselves
of which a copy was made and hung in of hope and vision a challenging way of spoke. Europe must become a Europe of called to foster growing contact and mu-
the Donnycarney parish. living the Christian message.” peoples; a Europe of peoples which are tual understanding among the peoples
In view of this bond between the He noted that the “Christian com- Archbishop Diarmuid Martin different yet capable of living together of Europe. (Zenit)

Masses canceled in Mexico City MEXICO CITY, April 26, 2009— bishop of Mexico City, asked of a global swine flu outbreak,
Archbishop Sheen’s cause
for beatification ‘on track’
The Archdiocese of Mexico City that priests suspend all Masses which is suspected to have PEORIA, Illinois, USA, April 24,
canceled all Masses Sunday in without exception Sunday. The caused some 86 deaths since mid 2009—The famous Catholic evange-
accordance with the govern- move is without precedent April. Some 1,400 people have list Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s repu-
ment’s attempt to contain a in the city and surrounding been affected by the virus. tation for holiness and his impact on
deadly outbreak of swine flu. municipalities, which has a Several cases have been con- Catholics and non-Catholics alike
On Saturday, the nation’s total population exceeding 22 firmed in the United States, has led to his cause for beatification
© www.flickr.com/photos/11347562@N04

Ministry of Health announced million. Canada, and New Zealand, but being opened. Bill Engelbrecht, a
school closings in three Mexi- The cardinal also published a no deaths have been reported. member of the Archbishop Sheen
can states until May 6, and that prayer directed to Our Lady of Travel in and out of Mexico Foundation’s board of directors, told CNA recently that the
museums, libraries, movie the- Guadalupe that asks for her in- has not been restricted, but sev- cause is progressing “quite well.”
aters, restaurants and places of tercession to “quickly overcome eral governments have taken The foundation, Engelbrecht explained, is kept informed of the
worship in the mountain capital this epidemic that has come to precautions such as screening beatification cause’s progress in Rome, and it is “on track.”
would be closed until further affect our nation.” travelers for flu-like symptoms. “The process is lengthy and it is undetermined. It can take
notice. “Cover us with your cloak,” The World Health Organiza- from a few years to a few hundred years. It’s very difficult to
In a statement published the prayer pleads, “free us from tion has declared the outbreak actually assess one’s progress,” he said.
later in the evening, Cardinal this illness.” a “public health emergency of Engelbrecht related that several “significant” events had taken
Cardinal Norberto Rivera Norberto Rivera, the arch- Mexico City is the epicenter international concern.” (Zenit) place in New Jersey, Texas, and other states. Upcoming events
are planned for Georgia, Oklahoma City, and in Peoria, Illinois,

Bishops call on Venezuelan government

Sheen’s birthplace.
“Everything has been moving in the right direction,” he said,
adding that the foundation is promoting ways to make Arch-
bishop Sheen better known to clergy and to younger generations,

to respect election results

such as mp3 audio files, Facebook, the micro-blogging site Twit-
ter and other new media.
Asked how Catholics might participate in advancing Arch-
bishop Sheen’s cause, Engelbrecht said there would be a sig-
CARACAS, Venezuela, April 24, 2009—The ing the will of the people. Such actions call situations underscore the increasing blur- nificant event at St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City in
bishops of Venezuela meeting for the Plenary into question the validity and effectiveness ring of lines between political parties, the December.
Assembly issued a statement calling on gov- of elections, they said. government and the state, and they lead “Simply go to the Archbishop Sheen Foundation website,” he
ernment officials to respect the will of the The bishops went on to explain that there to greater division and polarization in the said, explaining that there were opportunities to receive prayer
people and not seek to impose the govern- is growing criticism of the “arbitrary admin- country, putting the democratic system in cards, relic cards, information about the beatification process and
ment’s agenda on the country by force. istration of justice in which people are not crisis. “Democracy implies the separation of information about how to support his cause. (CNA)
The bishops lamented that the actions of treated equally before the law as citizens but powers, a plurality of thought and equality
the government have excluded some sectors
of the country from participating in the life of
rather based on their ideological position or
political militancy.”
for all. Beyond all the discourses, democracy
should be characterized, above all, by real Non-Church schools take on
saints’ names
the country and exercising their citizenship. They said it was “unacceptable that due interest in the people and in effective and just
“It is not possible to achieve understand- process is not followed for everyone and that solutions to daily problems,” they said.
ing or have peace in a nation in which the different measures are applied according to The bishops concluded their statement
government seeks to impose its agenda for the person or group in question, that people encouraging all Venezuelans to seek greater
the country by force, especially when such are condemned without a trial, that sentences understanding and consensus in order to DHAKA, Bangladesh, April 27, 2009—Several private schools
a pretention has been rejected by the voters, are handed down based on arguments that improve their country and to bring about in majority-Muslim Bangladesh have taken on the names of
as happened in the referendum of December have no direct relation to the accusations and the changes needed, despite the difficulties saints in a bid to capitalize on the good reputation of Church-
2, 2007,” they said. The bishops also pointed without proof, that disproportionate penal- and limitations. run schools.
out that influential Venezuelans have tried ties are imposed for the purpose of political “Venezuela has a future and we must all Azad Ullah Azim Kamal, a 60-year-old Muslim who studied at
to prevent or undermine the actions of retaliation.” take part in building it!” the bishops said. St. Gregory's High School in the 1960s, said he was so impressed
democratically elected officials, thus ignor- The bishops said that together all of these (CNA) by its teaching methods that he set up his St. Thomas English
Medium School nearby and tries to follow what he learnt at St.

Hanoi authorities renew their attack against

"There are about 9-10 English- and Bangla-medium schools
in the Luxmibazar area (of Dhaka) named after Christian saints

Thai Ha Redemptorists
HANOI, Vietnam, April 27,
2009—Tensions are boiling over
again between Redemptorists
which are not run by missioners, some are Muslim-owned," he
St. Gregory’s, established in 1882 by the Holy Cross congrega-
from Thai Ha parish and the fore various government agen- Fr Peter Nguyen Van Khai tion, has an outstanding academic record with famous alumni
authorities. The reason is the cies, stressing that the land was repeatedly summoned by including Amartya Sen, a Nobel Prize-winning economist.
same: Church property seized by belongs to the Church. police. Mohammed Jaman, 52, the Muslim founder and headmaster of
the authorities. After taking most In his application Fr Matthew Last Saturday the police sent St. Albert School with about 200 students, said in an interview:
of the land owned by the local Vu cited article 70 of the consti- three urgent summonses, call- "Parents and students think schools with names of saints are
parish church and the nearby tution of the Socialist Republic ing on the clergyman to appear good schools. They believe ‘saint’ means a great person and
Redemptorist monastery, using of Vietnam which says: “Public in person before the Hanoi that these schools teach students ideals of saints. That is why I
the court system and the law to places of religious worship are Criminal Investigation Depart- opened this school with a name of a saint.”
try and send to prison peaceful protected by law” to object to the ment to explain “a number of It is not hard to see why Catholic schools are so highly re-
protesters demanding justice invasion of the area and the start documents”. garded in the country with a recent survey showing a pass rate
through prayers, the authorities of construction. Fr Peter Nguyen replied by in public examinations of 90 percent.
now want more Church-owned In his appeal he called on the saying that he could not comply But entry is difficult. The Catholic Church in Bangladesh, a
land, namely 18,230 m2 along Dong Da District People’s Com- with the order because of his country with a population of about 150 million, runs just 287
Lake Ba Giang. mittee to order the suspension many week-end pastoral respon- schools and colleges in Bangladesh with 55 schools and four
A new development plan of the work underway and the sibilities. colleges in Dhaka archdiocese.
includes the area but is facing removal of all the machinery The police sent two more sum- In contrast, there are 84,000 government and private primary
opposition. Redemptorist mon- already there. mons, using a threatening tactic schools and 18,500 government and private high schools and
astery superior, Fr Matthew Vu After the complaint was to impose binding legal obliga- higher secondary schools, according to official data. (UCAN)
Khoi Phung, filed complaint be- filed Redemptorist spokesman tions upon him. (AsiaNews) Fr. Peter Nguyen Van Khai
News Features
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 9
April 27 - May 10, 2009

Bible can only be understood with

the Church, Pope tells scholars
VATICAN CITY, April 23, 2009—On Thursday Church.
morning, Pope Benedict addressed representatives “This norm is essential in order to ensure a cor-
of the Pontifical Biblical Commission following rect and reciprocal exchange between exegesis and
their plenary assembly and said that a correct Church Magisterium,” the Pope stated.
understanding of Scripture does not come from But the Holy Father went further, offering a
“the individualistic illusion that biblical texts can corrective reminder to biblical scholars, saying,
be better understood outside the community of “Catholic exegetes do not nourish the individu-
believers” but rather rises from the Tradition of alistic illusion that biblical texts can be better
the Church. understood outside the community of believers.
“Inspiration and truth in the Bible,” the theme The opposite is true, because these texts were
of the Pontifical Biblical Commission’s plenary as- not given to individual scholars ‘to satisfy their
sembly, is one that touches on a topic that biblical curiosity or to provide them with material for
scholars have vigorously debated during the last study and research’. The texts inspired by God
century. Much of biblical scholarship, Catholic were entrusted to the community of believers, to
and non-Catholic, has developed into an academic the Church of Christ, to nourish the faith and to
study separated from the living memory of the guide the life of charity.”
Church. The Pontiff also summarized the Church’s un-
This morning the Pope received thirty represen- derstanding of Scripture and Tradition.

© www.netministry.com
tatives of the Pontifical Biblical Commission who “Sacred Scripture is the Word of God in that it
just held their full assembly, under the leadership is written down under the inspiration of the Holy
of Cardinal William Joseph Levada, prefect of the Spirit. Tradition, on the other hand, integrally
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. transmits the Word of God as entrusted by Christ
Benedict XVI began by underlining the impor- the Lord and by the Holy Spirit to the Apostles and
tance of the chosen theme, which “concerns not their successors so that they, illuminated by the
only believers, but the Church herself, because the First, “Sacred Scripture is one by virtue of the in that plan.” Spirit of truth, could faithfully conserve, explain
Church’s life and mission necessarily rest upon the unity of God’s plan, of which Jesus Christ is the The task of scholars, the Holy Father said, “is and spread it through their preaching.”
Word of God …” center and the heart.” to contribute, following the above-mentioned Benedict XVI closed his address to the commis-
Recalling that the Constitution ‘Dei Verbum’ Second, “Scripture must be read in the context principles, to a more profound interpretation and sion by emphasizing the need to harmonize the
(The Word of God) affirmed that God is the au- of the living Tradition of the entire Church. ... In exposition of the meaning of Sacred Scripture.” Magisterium and academic scholarship. “Only
thor of the Bible, and that in Sacred Scripture God her Tradition the Church carries the living memory Pope Benedict, himself an academic, also warned within the ecclesial context can Sacred Scripture be
speaks to mankind in a human manner, the Holy of the Word of God, and it is the Holy Spirit Who Catholic biblical scholars that the study of Sacred understood as the authentic Word of God which is
Father laid out the three criteria that the Second provides her with the interpretation thereof in ac- Scripture cannot be reduced to a purely academic guide, norm and rule for the life of the Church and
Vatican Council prescribed for correctly interpret- cordance with its spiritual meaning. exercise but must involve a perception of “the the spiritual development of believers. This means
ing Scripture. “The third criterion concerns the need to pay Word of God in these texts.” rejecting all interpretations that are subjective or
“For a correct interpretation of Scripture we must, attention to the analogy of the faith; that is, to the “The interpretation of Sacred Scriptures cannot limited to mere analysis [and hence] incapable
then, carefully examine what the hagiographers cohesion of the individual truths of faith, both with be a merely an individual academic undertaking, of accepting the global meaning which, over the
really sought to say and what God was pleased to one another and with the overall plan of Revelation but must always be compared with, inserted into, course of the centuries, has guided the Tradition
reveal with their words,” he explained. and the fullness of the divine economy enclosed and authenticated by the living Tradition of the of the entire people of God.” (CNA)

Mary Ann Glendon

declines Notre The economic crisis was born
Dame Award
from greed, Pope Benedict says
VATICAN CITY, April 22, 2009—Today “greed as the root of all evil,” explained
at his general audience in St. Peter’s Pope Benedict, highlighting how, “in
Square, the Pope focused his attention the light of the current world economic
on the monk Ambrose Autpert. Draw- crisis, this still has great relevance.
© insidecatholic.com

ing on the monk’s teachings, the Pope From this root, from greed, this crisis
pointed to greed as the root of the global was born.”
economic crisis. Autpert’s teaching also has relevance
Continuing his series of teachings to the wealthy, who “have the duty
on the great writers of the Eastern and to struggle against greed, against the
CAMBRIDGE, Massachusetts, April 27, Western Churches in the middle ages, desire to possess, to show off, against
2009—The former U.S. ambassador to the Holy Father explained that Ambrose a false concept of freedom understood
the Holy See, Mary Ann Glendon, sent a Autpert “is a little-known author of the as being able to dispose of everything
letter today to Notre Dame’s president, eighth century. in accordance with one’s own will. The
declining to accept the university’s La- Born to a high-ranking family in rich must also discover the authentic
etare Medal award. Provence, France, Autpert was tutor to path of truth, love and a just life,”
Glendon, currently the Learned Hand the future emperor Charlemagne before Benedict said.
Professor of Law at Harvard Law School traveling to Italy to enter a Benedictine According to Pope Benedict, Ambrose
and president of the Pontifical Acad- monastery. He was ordained a priest in Autpert’s world was not unlike the
emy of Social Sciences, wrote to Father 761 and was elected abbot 16 years later. turbulent world today.
John Jenkins, that she was “profoundly He died on January 30, 784. “In Ambrose Autpert we see a person
moved” when she was first informed of As a monk and abbot, he observed who lived in a time of great political
the decision to award her the medal at “the lust for profit of the rich and manipulation of the Church, a time face of the Church in Mary and the the mystery of the Mother of God. Let
this year’s commencement ceremony. powerful members of the society of in which nationalism and tribalism saints, and thus he understood what it us listen to this message and ask the
She noted the enthusiasm with his time,” and was moved to write disfigured her face. Yet amidst these means to be Catholic, to be Christian, Lord to help us live the mystery of the
which she began to write her accep- especially to them. In his letter, he difficulties, which we too also experi- to live from the Word of God, to enter Church, also in our own time,” the Pope
tance speech last December, stating, “I denounced, as did the Apostle Paul, ence, he was able to discover the true into its profundity and so experience concluded. (CNA)
treasure the memory of receiving an

Cardinal underscores important

honorary degree from Notre Dame in
1996, and I have always felt honored
that the commencement speech I gave RP sends aid to Filipina Nuns
role of Mary in history displaced by Italy earthquake
that year was included in the anthology
of Notre Dame’s most memorable com-
mencement speeches.”
Months later, Glendon said, she was
informed about the university’s deci- ROME, April 26, 20.09— The twenty-eight Filipina nuns and their fellow
sion to honor President Barack Obama religious members belonging to the Zelatrix Sisters of the Sacred Heart of
by inviting him to deliver the com- Jesus were deeply grateful to receive additional aid yesterday from the
mencement speech. Philippine Government and from other religious groups in Rome.
The former ambassador reported that This aid delivery was organized by the Philippine Embassy to the Holy
she knew she would have to rewrite her See in response to the urgent needs of the nuns who were displaced by the
speech, and “the task that once seemed earthquake that struck the city of L’Aquila, in Central Italy last April 6.
so delightful has been complicated by Ms. Lilibeth V. Pono, Charge d’Affaires of the Philippine Embassy to the
a number of factors.” Holy See led a group from Rome to deliver the packages of clothes and
She explained, “First, as a longtime other dry goods to the Filipina nuns relocated at the “Casa dell’Immacolata”
consultant to the U.S. Conference of in Giulianova.
Catholic Bishops, I could not help but be Pono was assisted by Embassy staff members Flor Icasiano, Peggy de Vita,
dismayed by the news that Notre Dame Jorge Pascua Glory and Restituto Surido. Msgr. Ruperto Santos (Rector),
also planned to award the president an Msgr. Wilfredo Andrey (Vice-Rector) of Pontificio Collegio Filippino and
© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

honorary degree. this writer also joined the Embassy staff to visit the Filipina nuns.
This was “in disregard of the U.S. The Embassy group drove for three hours to reach Giulianova which
bishops’ express request of 2004 that is around 195 kilometers from Rome. Luckily, the major roads around
Catholic institutions ‘should not honor L’Aquila and the surrounding provinces in the Abruzzo region were not
those who act in defiance of our funda- damaged during the earthquake which made it easier for emergency aid
mental moral principles’ and that such to reach the affected communities.
persons ‘should not be given awards, The Filipina nuns and their Italian religious superior Sr. Rosa Fischione,
Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales led the opening mass of the 1st National Theotokos Convention.
honors or platforms which would sug- warmly welcomed the group and expressed appreciation for the aid.
gest support for their actions,’” she ILOILO CITY, April 24, 2009— Manila Rosales said. He referred to woman- They were very pleased to point out the rice cooker and the sack of rice
pointed out. Archbishop Gaudencio B. Cardinal Ro- hood as the “most privileged in Mary, included in the packages: “Salamat at makakain na tayo ng kanin” (thanks
Glendon noted, “That request, which sales underscored Friday the important in her capacity to blend divinity and we can now eat rice), commented the sisters.
in no way seeks to control or interfere “role played by Mary, Mother of God and humanity by saying yes and that yes Sr. Fischione shared how the earthquake has deeply affected the rhythm
with an institution’s freedom to invite Mother of the Priests in Church history as was anticipated by God because it was of their religious community life and apostolate.
and engage in serious debate with she continues to have the highest recogni- a choice, not given to any woman, from They could not return soon to L’Aquila where their major houses and
whomever it wishes, seems to me so tion among God’s creatures on earth.” the time of Eve until the end.” works are located.
reasonable that I am at a loss to under- In his homily during the concelebrat- The cardinal added that “it was not But this difficult situation has not deterred the nuns to continue their
stand why a Catholic university should ed Eucharistic Celebration officially by chance nor coincidence that ‘Yes’ was pastoral care for the old and orphaned children in their temporary house
disrespect it.” opening the 1st Theotokos National from eternity expected by God.” which has been a source of edification for all.
She added, “Finally, with recent news Convention at the Iloilo Grand Hotel, “When,” Mary said ‘Yes, let it be Before Pono and her group left Giulianova, they noted the contact infor-
reports that other Catholic schools are the prelate said “nobody can ever sur- done unto me according to your word’, mation of the Filipina nuns and their particular request for new Philippine
similarly choosing to disregard the pass the important role of Mother Mary theologians believe at that moment, the passports since they were not able to recover their personal documents on
bishops’ guidelines, I am concerned in Church history.” Word which is Divine, shared in the hu- the night of the earthquake.
that Notre Dame’s example could have The church official said there was a man nature, in Mary and through Mary Twenty of the Filipina Zelatrix nuns come from the Visayas and Mindanao
an unfortunate ripple effect.” time in Church history that theologians the prelate further explained. and eight from Luzon. Their local religious house in the Philippines is located
“It is with great sadness,” Glendon debated on the “difference between The closeness between Jesus and Mary at 409 Maria Ferrari St., Summit Homes Bayanan, Muntinlupa City.
concluded, “that I have concluded that the Son of God and the Son of Mary as can only be compared with the closeness The Servant of God Maria Ferrari (29 March 1824-11 February 1896)
I cannot accept the Laetare Medal or if they were projecting two different between mother and child, to extend life founded the Zelatrix Sisters of the Sacred Heart in L’Aquila, Italy. (Fr. Jose
participate in the May 17 graduation identities.” to a daughter or a son,” he said. V.C. Quilongquilong, S.J.)
ceremony.” (Zenit) Womanhood is not the weaker sex, History / A6
A4 Opinion CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 9
April 27 - May 10, 2009


Caritas in Veritatis
NOT from the ecclesiastical grapevine or from the rumor mill
of the Vatican, but from the very president of the Pontifical
Council for Justice and Peace came the leak that the Holy
Father is releasing his third encyclical in June.
Last week the Italian media quoted Cardinal Renato Martino,
president of the aforementioned Council, as saying, “I believe
June 29, the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, will be the definitive
date.” He was presumably referring to the publication of
the document which, according to Vatican sources, may be
an encyclical entitled “Caritas in veritatis.”
Participants of the recent congress on globalization at
the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome believe that
Pope Benedict XVI’s third Encyclical may focus on the
recent social changes, particularly on issues surrounding
globalization. But this is still speculative.
What is certain though is since Rerum Novarum in 1891,
the Church has never failed, in the words of Pope Leo XII
(who authored Rerum Novarum), to speak “the words that
are hers” with regards to social concerns which have become
over just a century a very rich patrimony of Catholic social
Building from the blocks of earlier social encyclicals as in

Illustration by Bladimer Usi

Mater et Magistra and Pacem in Terris, it was Pope John
Paul II who landmarked to become a prophet of social
doctrine with his Laborem Exercens, Sollicitudo Rei
Socialis, and Centesimus Annus. Admittedly, these social
encyclicals orchestrated the fundamental stages of modern
social philosophy.
The only rub, however, is, while the Catholic Church is so
rich in social teachings, it is still fledgling in praxis. On the Oscar V. Cruz, DD
ground, Catholics may be tops in matters that are cultic and
in mouthing “praise the Lord” but with little participation, Party-list
if at all, in working for social change or in caring for the
marginalized. Views and Points representatives
“The party-list representatives shall constitute twenty per centum of the ents of the composite religious sector.
The Political Scene total number of representatives including those under the party-list. For
three consecutive terms after the ratification of this Constitution, one half of
This is neither meant to belittle the persons of the new Party-List
Representatives nor intended to question their competence and in-
the seats allocated to party-list representatives shall be filled, as provided by tentions. Judging, however from the immediately registered adverse
POLITICS is—or ought to be—the art of government and law, by selection or election from the labor, peasant, urban poor, indigenous reactions not only from some already incumbent Representatives but
public service. But sadly, in the Philippines, it has degenerated cultural communities, women, youth and such other sectors as many be also from some common people, it can be said that their objections
into an arena where the interests of the powerful and rich provided by law, except the religious sector.” (Phil. Constitution 1986 can be grouped into three.
few are pitted against those of the weak and poor many. It Art. VI, Section 5:1) First, it appears that some of them can be anything but marginal-
interferes with the administration of justice and the equal ized, much less are they peasants, poor or indigenous.
application of the law, heavily weighted as it most patently THE recent and surprising official release of a good number of ad- Second, it seems that they are already superfluous, considering
is on the side of the politically connected. ditional new Party-List Representatives for congressional seats has the already long standing big number and composition of the pres-
brought to fore a likewise good number of questions in and out of ent Legislature.
Political debts are paid with appointments to high offices of the halls of the Legislative Department. Surprise was registered. Third, it gives the impression that they are by and large pro-
those to whom elected officials are indebted, blind loyalty Eyebrows were raised. Rallies were even staged. Why them? Who administration, i.e., men and women who could help in the Mala-
are they? Where do they come from? Why are they so many? How cañang Cha-Cha move.
counting as the most important criterion in the selection of
much public funds will they cost? Would that all the above objections were not only baseless but also
public officials—even for government agencies mandated One thing is certain. The text and context of the constitutional senseless. The Administration has already done enough socio-moral
to be independent by the Constitution. provision on party-list Representatives bring to fore their over-all iniquities, economic reversals and political havoc in the country to
identifying common denominator, viz., they represent the marginal- the disgust and discontent of majority of the people. It would be
The bureaucracy is packed with political protégés, many ized sectors of Philippine Society. In other words, they are neither really adding insult to injury in the event that the newly named
of whom do nothing except to collect their salaries on the wealthy nor powerful, much less notorious or influential. They Representatives would still contribute to national confusion and
middle and end of each month. Thus the well-intentioned should not be either a big block in the country such as the constitu- depression.
among career officials and employees in government
become demoralized early or withdraw into silence or Sr. Mary Pilar Verzosa, RGS
resign altogether. And those who opt to continue despite
disillusionment are only too often harassed or eventually
co-opted into the system. Call Babes!
The constitutional principles of separation of powers and
Love Life
of checks and balances among the three departments of
government are, on the one hand, abused to create deadlock A TRIP to Baguio is always refreshing. I was on the walls to keep those waiting busy and her family.
for political mileage; and, on the other hand, conveniently there a couple of days during Easter Week better informed of the pro-life issues, goals Sometimes, she is anxious and depressed
set aside on occasion for reciprocal advantage. with our convent staff to cool off from the and services. when it seems the girl walks out of the Center
Manila heat. Babes is the “tagakulit” of the pro-life with the decision to abort. She says she has
Thus, for example, to entrench themselves in office or Baguio for me is a time of bonding with Board officers and members for their month- done all she can to help her choose to give
to promote their political future, those in the Executive our Good Shepherd Sisters assigned there ly meetings and activities. She keeps them birth but if that is her decision, all she can
Department cooperate with Congress in padding the (yes, the same Good Shepherd ube jam up to date with the latest announcements do is pray …and text the other pro-lifers to
government budget with all kinds of pork barrel items— group!), and “kumusta” time with the Pro- from Pro-life Philippines and international pray for that special someone to save her
the Countrywide Development Funds, for example, life Baguio chapter group. groups, making sure they keep up their baby. And what a joy it is when she gets a
Babes Zapanta, the one and only staff commitment to Life Line Center since she call some months after from the same girl
congressional insertions, the special funds in the public works
member of the Life Line Center (Pro-life knows that they are very busy people in- announcing she has given birth, thanks for
bills—for the disposition of politicians and the discretionary Baguio) was there to meet us and to take our volved in other organizations besides their listening and guiding her that day!
funds of the President. convent staff sight-seeing around the city. full time jobs. Babes sometimes stays in the Center till
Babes has been giving much of her I listened to Babes relate how she handles late at night, waiting for a girl to come for
On top of these, the resources or facilities of specialized
time to our mission, and even if there are the pregnant girls and women who go for her appointment after office hours. She
or autonomous organizations where there is little or no months when funds are not available for counseling. She guides them into under- accompanies them to the hospitals where
public accountability—such as the Philippine Amusement her allowance, she never misses a day with- standing their own situation, lessening their she has networked with through the years,
and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR), Philippine Charity out reporting to work. She says she can’t panic and fear of the pregnancy, helping ensuring that they will be attended to. She
Sweepstakes Organization (PCSO), the Bases Conversion think of being absent as that might be the them discover their own resources—an aunt has traveled with them to their hometowns
and Development Agency (BCDA) or sequestered day when someone calls or drops by the who will take her in during her pregnancy, to meet their parents, explaining to them the
companies—are made to be easily accessible for political Center needing counseling—a pregnant courage to reveal to her parents her condi- need to understand and accept the condition
ends. The system is shot through and through with girl considering abortion, a teenager being tion, getting back to her boyfriend to face his of their very contrite daughter and helping
opportunities for corruption, influence-peddling and the pressured by her boyfriend to premarital responsibility, etc. If the girl seems helpless, to make the proper arrangements with the
sex, a battered woman, or a potential pro- she offers alternatives—financial assistance boyfriend or others involved.
indiscriminate use of public funds for partisan or personal life member. for the delivery, referral to a doctor or a Though not a social worker, I am sure that
purposes. A visit to the Center shows how she has hospital, arrangements for her to stay in a Babes has rendered so much service in our
– Pastoral Exhortation on Philippine Politics, 1997 diligently fixed up the place to make it attrac- Maternity Home or foster family during her life-saving mission that she deserves to be
tive and welcoming. Somehow, she has man- pregnancy and soon after delivery. What named as one of our Pro-life Heroes!
aged to solicit donations of a comfortable to do after delivery is not discussed too To our readers who are in the Baguio area,
couch for the visitors, nice chairs for her and lengthily during the first meeting even if do take down this number. Who knows
her counselee, filing cabinet that she keeps she mentions the possibility of adoption or when you will need to refer someone to
cbcpmonitor@cbcpworld.net in order with small statues of the Sacred foster care. Very often, she says, the mother Babes for her compassionate and confidential
Heart, the Sto. Niño, and Mother Mary. She ends up deciding to take care of her own assistance! Life Line Center, Baguio: (074)
has displayed pro-life posters and brochures baby, especially if she gains the support of 444-2523 or 0920-787-2638.

Fr. Melvin P. Castro

Ubi Petrus Ibi
Pedro C. Quitorio
Editor-in-Chief Speaking of Mary Ecclesia Est
Pinky Barrientos, FSP Kris P. Bayos
Associate Editor Feature Editor THE Pope, better yet, the Popes have consistently preached the itself, many institutions taking care of them are run by the Catholic
Church teaching on the sacredness of the marriage act, that down Church. We do not condemn them, just as we do not condemn the
Melo M. Acuña Laarni Bergado through the ages the Church has affirmed that only within the sac- homosexuals. But the solution proposed by the Church stems from
Managing Editor Marketing Supervisor
rament of Matrimony will the marriage act come to its fulfillment her consistent teaching: sexual intimacy is only within the sacrament
Roy Q. Lagarde Ernani M. Ramos and noble end: procreation and the education of children. It also of Matrimony. And why is that? Because, simply put, intimacy is
News Editor Circulation Manager means the marriage act, which nourishes and strengthens the mar- reserved for those who are committed. And commitment is best
riage union, is always open to procreation of new life; that the love (wholly and holy) expressed when the spouses enter into a covenant,
Laurence John R. Morales Marcelita Dominguez between the spouses is so great that it becomes a person, a new life. that covenant which we refer to as the Sacrament of Matrimony.
Layout Artist and Online Editor Comptroller That human love is shared, and yes, it diffuses. The Church is not being simply legalistic when she insists on the
Unfortunately, in our time and age, when every teaching of the Sacrament of Matrimony. She, in fact, safeguards that love between
The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the CBCP Com-
Church is put into bad light, the recent pronouncement of the present the spouses. She so safeguards that love, that she envelops it with
munications Development Foundation, Inc., with editorial and
business offices at 470 Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Manila. Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI, while he was en route to Africa, God’s blessing through the Sacrament of Matrimony. And she so
P.O. Box 3601, 1076 MCPO. that condom use is not actually a help in combating HIV-AIDS, zealously safeguards the sanctity and beauty of human love that she
Editorial: (063) 404-2182. Business: (063)404-1612. many were up in arms. So much so that the Belgian Parliament even so insists in teaching that physical and sexual intimacy—consistent
ISSN 1908-2940 condemned his words and demanded a retraction and apology. with the Gospel truth—finds its true meaning only within the Sacra-
The Church, in fact, takes care of the HIV-AIDS victims. In Africa Mary / A6
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 9
April 27 - May 10, 2009
Opinion A5
Jose B. Lugay Rev. Euly B. Belizar, SThD

Laiko Lampstand From discernment to

political action By the Roadside
‘Running the race…
THE two day session in the Archdiocese of ally, however, the CiDE process will give ing recommended pastoral accompaniment
Cebu last April 20–21, was sponsored by the results with a faith-impelled criteria. The would seek to:
DILAAB Foundation, Inc. Representatives standard criteria for candidates using the 1. Identify, encourage, and support lay
from 13 dioceses—3 Luzon, 5 Visayas and
5 Mindanao attended. The main topic of the
CiDE Nominal Group Technique process
are applicable to all candidates, whether
persons who have the vocation to run for an
elected position; fixing our eyes on
Jesus’: Reflections on
first day was a review of the state of Philip- they are new candidates or those seeking 2. Provide continuing support to those
pine politics—a condensed version of the reelection. who make it to ensure they are people of
60-pages Pastoral Statement of Philippine The other discernment process is appli- integrity for the common good;
Politics in 1997 delivered by no less than the
current CBCP President, Most Rev. Angel
cable mostly to candidates for reelection or
for family members who will be potential
3. Be engaged in a trans-partisan manner,
supporting people of integrity and parties. Heb 12:1-2 (Part 2)
Lagdameo, who represented the Archdiocese dynasty-builders. This is the LASER TEST Therefore, non-partisan.
of Jaro. It was clear to the participants that designed by Fr. Carmelo O. Diola, founder 4. Accompany the process and more 4. “Fixing our Eyes on Jesus”: Discipleship as Christ-Centered
Philippine politics described in 1997 has mor- of DILAAB Foundation. Fr. Diola describes specifically, individuals (i.e., newcomers to Living
ally turned to the worse today the LASER test as a series of sharp questions sustain idealism and patriotism and even I once had a conversation with a mother. Our topic was the
The main objective of the Cebu forum was meant to help in voters’ conscience forma- old-timers who are open to re-inventing hard times that we call ‘global economic crisis’. I asked her
to train social action directors/trainers for tion as they make up their mind on who to themselves) towards political maturity from how she and her family were coping. She mentioned her fears
pastoral accompaniment using the technol- vote for. The questions are centered on the a strong faith-perspective. that her husband may lose his job and her children may stop
ogy for Circles of Discernment, CiDE (pro- candidate’s Lifestyle, Action, Supporters, The most nagging question asked after going to school. She has two children in college and that made
nounced SIDE), a process that would identify Election Conduct, Reputation. LASER is an accepting these pastoral accompaniment her extremely worried about their future. We had other topics
the qualifications of candidates for the 2010 acronym for the five criteria being used for moves, including CiDE, was, will the Church but I noticed that whatever things we talked about, she would
election. Based on the criteria arrived at by qualifying a person to be voted upon by the endorse to the members of the lay organiza- always relate them to her husband and her children. Then it
the CiDE process, the parishioners will en- members of the parish. tions to vote for these candidates identified hit me. Her family is her center. When we speak of ‘fixing our
courage those who meet the criteria to run for The participants of the CiDE session and selected thru the CiDE process? The eyes on Jesus’ and on Christ-centered living, I propose that we
elective positions in 2010. The CiDE selected realize that this undertaking is only part of answer was a clear NO. All lay groups learn from her by bringing all the concerns, issues, nooks and
candidates may choose to join any political the PASTORAL ACCOMPANIMENT origi- who are reporting to the Bishops which are crannies of our life, personal, social, political etc. into the same
party. CiDE like NAMFREL and PPCRV nally stated by Pope Benedict XVI before therefore classified as “public associations” pattern: considering them always in terms of our relationship
is non-partisan. Parishioners therefore are the Pontifical Council of the Laity in Rome are prohibited by Canon Law to engage in with Jesus Christ our Master and our discipleship. The docu-
encouraged to vote for candidates passing last November 16, 2008 wherein he stated: partisan politics. ment of the Hebrews unfolds to us three precious reasons why
the CiDE test regardless of the candidate’s “In a particular way, I confirm the necessity The conclusion is that only the lay mem- our life must be centered on Jesus Christ. One, Jesus Christ is
affiliation to any political party. and urgency of the evangelical formation bers of PRIVATE ASSOCIATIONS may the Word of God who reveals most perfectly the innermost be-
There were two processes for determin- and pastoral accompaniment of a new campaign for the selected candidates using ing of God himself, deserving better attention than the Word
ing the criteria for political candidates. One generation of Catholics working in politics, the CiDE process. The candidates without of God as spoken through angels, Moses or the prophets (Heb
process was using the Nominal Group Tech- that they be coherent with the professional any party will have a bare chance of win- 1:1-4:13). Two, Jesus Christ is the eternal High Priest whose one
nique, a quality management tool. All partici- faith, that they have moral firmness, the ning. Another question posed was: “Is it all sacrifice has done away with sin once and for all, bringing about
pants were asked to list at least 10 requisites capacity of educated judgment, professional right to endorse them to ANG KAPATIRAN a new covenant between God and humanity (Heb 4:14-10:31).
on what qualities should a political candidate competence and passion for service to the PARTY?” We did not expect an answer from Three, Jesus Christ is our perfect model of faith because he gives
possess. Of course integrity, and good moral common good.” Fr. Melo. us insight into the heavenly world of reality, the object of our
conduct and concern for the common good The recent meeting in Cebu was a result The whole exercise titillated the lay mem- pilgrimage of faith on earth (Heb 10:32-12:29). In Jesus Christ
are always included as “must” criteria by of DILAAB-initiated planning workshop bers to act immediately for the sake of the we see the fulfillment of the Hebrews’ own definition of faith:
the participants. Through the process of of multi-sectoral groups last December 29, nation—the most Catholic Nation in Asia “Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and being certain
grouping related qualifications and through 2008 and a follow up meeting with specific but also the most corrupt! We must plan of what we cannot see” (Heb 11:1).
a scoring system, the ten outstanding “must” members of the group last January 1–3, an alternative without violating Canon 5. “Enduring the Cross for the Joy Reserved for Christ”: Dis-
criteria is identified as the basis for selecting 2009. This was preceded by the coming Law while at the same time accepting the cipleship as Sharing in the Paschal Mystery
candidates. Each diocese may come out with together of faith-impelled groups last year process of pastoral accompaniment. Any We are taught and are always endlessly reminded in the lit-
unique criteria not present in others. Gener- to form the HEARTS network. The result- suggestions? urgy that it is by the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus
Christ that you and I are saved. If Jesus didn’t suffer and die,
there wouldn’t have been any resurrection; and without the
Fr. Francis B. Ongkingco resurrection, there wouldn’t have been any salvation for you

‘Risus Paschalis’
and me. Salvation is crossing from the darkness and terror of sin
and death to the bright light of grace and life. When Jews ‘com-
Whatever memorate’ their passage from their slavery in Egypt to freedom
in the Promised Land through the crossing of the Red Sea, it is
remarkable how they understand and use the term ‘memorial’.
For them the Passover isn’t simply mentally recalling but actually
THE expression Easter Laughter (risus paschalis) caught my eyes talk of ‘God’ is no longer believable, humor dies. In such a case man has being with their ancestors as they experience God’s liberating
as I read Benedict XVI’s reflections on the symbolisms of Easter. nothing to laugh about anymore; all that is left is a cruel sarcasm or that action leading them out of Egypt’s clutches. This sense is what
(Found in his book Behold the Pierced One: an Approach to a Spiritual rage against God and the world with which we are all acquainted.” we Christians also embrace when we celebrate the liturgy “in
Christology, which is a collection of Christological meditations and On the other hand, he says that “the person who has seen the Lamb— memory” of the Paschal Mystery of the suffering, death and
reflections, Ignatius Press. Quoted parts are italicized.) It amused Christ on the Cross—knows that God has provided. (…) But this sight resurrection of Jesus Christ. The past is being made present
me to learn that in the Baroque period, the Easter homily had to of the Lamb—the crucified Christ—is in fact our glimpse of heaven, of and we are with Jesus in his suffering, in his dying and in his
include something to deliberately make the faithful laugh. This was what God has eternally provided for us. In this Lamb we actually do rising. Why? Because through our Baptism we actually share in
done to invite them to literally express and share the joy of Jesus’ glimpse heaven, and we see God’s gentleness, which is neither indiffer- the Paschal Mystery which is our real ‘Passover’ from darkness
Resurrection. ence nor weakness but power of the highest order. It is in this way, and and death to light and life. How? By the power and action of the
The history of this unique and interesting tradition is found in only thus, that we see the mysteries of creation and catch a little of the Holy Spirit who brings to us in this place and in this time the
the Jewish reflection on the figure of Isaac. The name Isaac contains song of the angels—indeed, we can try to join with them, somewhat, in very events of our salvation. But it is the suffering, death, resur-
various meanings which contains the root “laughter”. It refers to singing the Alleluia of Easter Day. Since we see the Lamb, we can laugh rection and ascension of Jesus Christ that constitute the bridge
the unbelieving laughter of Abraham and Sarah who doubted they and give thanks.” that has enabled you and me to make that crossing.
could still have a son in their old age, and also their happiness when We also have to learn how to laugh with God while we live. A Paschal is a word that comes from ‘Pesach’ which means to
Isaac was born to them as God promised. man who laughs alone is a sad or a foolish man. Only in God, by cross or pass over. The ‘Pesach’ experience of the Jews is made
Later on this joyful response was applied to Isaac himself. Isaac possessing Him and trusting in His designs—sometimes beyond perfect in the ‘Pesach’ experience of Jesus. On the other hand,
did not know that God had asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son. our comprehension—will we be able to capture a glimpse and enjoy this ‘Pesach’ experience is not a dead thing of the past; it is very
When he asked his father what they would sacrifice, all he was told the divine comedy of our life. It is when we will experience a joyful much living and it is a reality in which Jesus the Master wants
was, “God will provide.” Once on the sacrificial pyre Isaac was filled conversion in life. us to share. St. Paul reminds us of this: “Are you not aware that
with sorrow. His sad plight, however, was turned to ‘laughter’ when Every person’s conversion is a spiritual resurrection in preparation we who were baptized into Christ were baptized into his death?
he escaped death after Abraham caught sight of the ram entangled for the final one. This happens each time he turns his gaze at the We were indeed buried with him through baptism into death,
in the thistles and offered the animal instead. Lamb—at Christ Resurrected—as he experiences the joys, trials and so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of
The Church Fathers deepened the implications of these Jewish falls in life. Rising from one’s falls and miseries without seeking for the Father, we too might live in newness of life” (Rom 6:3-4).
reflections by applying it to the person of Christ. Jesus was the Lamb and looking at Christ would be simply a change rooted in personal Paul only re-echoes what the Master himself says in the gospel:
caught in the brambles, and who was sacrificed for our sins. He was perfection and pride. It would be an empty and sad conversion. “If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny his very self
also like Isaac when He suffered the agony before and during His Thus, Pope Benedict XVI says: “If we comprehend the message of the and take up his cross daily and follow me. For whoever wishes
Passion, and experienced joy (laughter) in His Resurrection when Resurrection, we recognize that heaven is not completely sealed off above to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake
He conquered death, sin and the devil. the earth. Then—gently and yet with immense power—something of the will save it. What profit is there for one to gain the whole world
Benedict XVI further observes how this idea of being saved by the light of God penetrates our life. Then we shall feel the surge of joy for which, yet lose or forfeit himself” (Lk 9:23-25).
image of the Lamb is reiterated in the fifth chapter of the Book of otherwise, we wait in vain. Everyone who is penetrated by something of Self-denial, our old, almost endearing ‘short-cut’ term for
Revelation. “And between the throne and the four living creatures this joy can be, in his own way, a window through which heaven can look this gospel injunction includes making concrete the taking up
and among the elders, I saw a Lamb standing, as though it had been upon earth and visit it.” of the cross in our own everyday lives: a priest saying ‘yes’ to a
slain....” Our life, the Pope reflects, would be meaningless and sad By constantly having Jesus Christ as our point of reference our difficult assignment or transfer from a well-loved place or com-
if we climb the “mountain of time” [his limited life] “bearing with us daily beginnings to be “glimpses of heaven” which will fill our souls munity or person(s); a husband saying ‘no’ to an ego-boosting
the instruments of our own death” [his sinfulness] without any sight with a “joy that the world cannot give”. This will be our source of relationship with an attractive woman in order to be true to his
to God. At first, man isn’t aware of the dangers that lurk within and strength and purification. We shall become “windows of heaven” wife and keep his family intact; a wife setting aside personal
without, but as he journeys he then experiences his solitariness and here on earth through which others can encounter the love, peace conveniences to respond to her family’s needs or to spend more
begins to doubt in God and exclude Him from his existence. “(…) and laughter of Christ. time with her husband and children; a politician saying ‘no’ to
personally beneficial ‘power extension’ political efforts to say
Nicolo F. Bernardo ‘yes’ to the people’s true needs, and so on. The point is, there
Anima Sana are simply an unlimited number of ways to bring the Paschal
Mystery into our personal and social realities.

Lifeguard in Corpore Sano The sharing in the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ is not be-
cause we love suffering and pain for their own sake, the docu-
ment to the Hebrews reminds us. It is for the sake of the “joy
reserved for Jesus Christ”. You and I know too well how easily
A HEALTHY soul in a healthy body. ther, for an “imperishable” homerun. man’s soul is inseparable from his body, then we can miss this one. And how easily for us to even think it a
The Philippine Bible Society used to release St. Paul’s analogies are not strange in the whatever one does to one’s body affects his bit naïve. But the reality of the Paschal Mystery is not complete
a special basketball bible issue. With inspiring ancient world. He lived in a culture where soul. St. Paul hit it right: a man’s spirit may without a sense of joy even in the middle of suffering, pain and
texts on sportsmanship, it has inserts on the Olympics are dedicated to the god Zeus and drive him willing, but it can be stunted by a crisis. Joy isn’t being immune to sadness or suffering, as Pope
spiritual life of basketball players. where gladiators fought under the banner of flesh that is weak. Paul VI used to remind us Christians of today. It’s not having
Whether you call this proselytizing, the re- their deities. The care of the body was called a smiling face even when things are serious. It’s having a sense
lation between sportsmanship and spiritual- by the Greeks as dieteia, which at the same Holy Sports of the presence of God, a sense of his victory over evil, over
ity is one that goes back to the Old Testament. time was the cultivation of the soul. Discipline, commitment, courage, endur- darkness, over death from sin. Isn’t it tragic when we lose a
It is a relation that, unfortunately, is not the The thought of juxtaposing the exercise ance, camaraderie, fairness, vision, accep- sense of the ‘eschaton’, of what the document to the Hebrews
“game” these days. of the body with that of the soul may be tance of and redemption from defeat—these considers the end-goal of faith: “certainty in the things we can-
In Wrestling with God, journalist Chad foreign to our current Western sports sys- are virtues one encounters from the game not see” (Heb 11:1)?
Bonham notes the religious function of sport tem. Sports have certainly been secularized, field. As the Milo Sports clinic puts it: “Sports Rene Voillaume has this to say to us: “By believing in Christ
matches as symbolic of the human struggle. deprived of its spiritual-religious meaning. molds character.” Indeed, cannot we think of we are believing in joy, by embracing the crucified Christ, we
Significantly, the Chosen People started with The philosopher Umberto Eco thus writes in sports as a way to make one’s soul soar? Or to are embracing joy without knowing it, and the Cross expands
a sport. Jacob was named “Israel,” which Faith in Fakes how he once entertained athe- healthily mortify the flesh? Or to praise and within us our capacity for the happiness to come.”
means, “he who wrestles with God.” The ism while watching a soccer game! Games serve one’s Creator with an able body? St. Teresa of Calcutta has something more practical: “One
Bible has Jacob, Bonham says, “the world’s are ultimately meaningless, he thought. So The late John Paul II thought so. Here was filled with joy preaches without preaching.”
first recorded wrestler.” maybe life is. a pope-saint who played for a soccer team
In the New Testament too, St. Paul wrote Unlike the Ancient and Renaissance ideal in his teens, did hiking on the Italian Alps,

Read the

analogies between the tribulations of the soul of a man who excels in body and soul, today swimming in the Skawa river, kayaking for
and the discipline of an athlete. That can be we pick our pigeonholes: brawns without his religious seminars, and skiing during pa-

daily church
expected. After all, this tireless missionary brains, flesh without soul, or vice versa. pal breaks. Here was a pope who exchanged
would not have made it from Jerusalem to On one hand there is the cult of the body signatures with boxing heavyweight Muham-
Rome without a sporty spirit. In his letters, and sports, and on another, the recurrent mad Ali, posed with basketball teams and car

news at
St. Paul used the idea of an athletic “race” Albigensian puritanism of despising bodily racers, and enjoyed watching break-dancers
seven times. care. in the Vatican. The sports world had reason to
Among which is 1 Corinthians 9: 25, where It makes sense that Jesus not only saved mourn his loss. Sports events in Europe had

he exhorts the people to “run as to win the souls but healed bodies, and made a sacra- been suspended and stadiums offered prayers
race.” Much as “athletes exercise discipline ment of it. After all, the body is the vessel to commemorate the man who had just done
in every way to win a perishable crown,” he of the Spirit. The Word would not have so much to live the message of a healthy mind
says, Christians should do the same, but fur- incarnated if the body’s value is trivial. If a Lifeguard / A6
Local News
CBCP Monitor
A6 Vol. 13 No. 9
April 27 - May 10, 2009

Hazards of BNPP revival for real,

say scientists, environmentalists
THE recent earthquake which shook the province of Zambales in “Our legislators in Congress should realize the grave consequence
Central Luzon is a “sign” of the times: the “dead” Bataan Nuclear
Power Plant must not be resurrected.
“Tuesday morning’s (April 21) earthquake near Iba, Zambales
of running a defective and dangerous nuclear plant and should not
be swayed by the strong influence of its proponents into making a
decision of blunder,” he said.
Church-based poll watchdog
is a reminder of the hazards that the Bataan Nuclear power Plant
(BNPP) revival is facing,” says Frances Quimpo of the Center for
Environmental Concerns-Philippines (CEC), in a statement.
Tapang is also the national chairperson of Agham, an organiza-
tion of scientists advancing people’s cause through science and
blasts ‘premature campaigns’
The statement came amidst the whole environmental and scientific Tapang believes that “running the BNPP will have more negative A CATHOLIC Church-based election watchdog lashed at
communities commemorating the Earth Day 2009. effects on the environment and the lives of the Filipino people than politicians for premature campaigning by taking cover behind
Quimpo is one of the co-conveners of the No to BNPP Revival! what is hyped to be its advantages, some of which are even sham commercial advertisements or personal advocacies.
or the Network Opposed to Bataan Nuclear Power Plant Revival propagated by those with interests in this energy business.” The Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting said
(NO to BNPP!), a broad coalition of organizations, institutions and Meanwhile, Ricarido Saturay Jr., a geologist from AGHAM and political ads on television, radio and other media outlets this
individuals opposing the reopening of the mothballed plant in also a co-convener of NO to BNPP Revival says, the BNPP revival early must be stopped.
Morong, Bataan. is being pushed by its proponents using climate change and the According to its chairperson, Henrietta de Villa, what some
“The earthquake which registered 5.3 in the Richter scale confirms promise of a clean technology as pretext. politicians are doing is a complete disregard on the rule against
the warnings of scientists that “The proponents are offer- early campaigning.
active faults lay within the ing false solutions to climate De Villa is worried that public funds may be used to finance
range of the proposed site change and even to our en- the so-called advocacies of several public officials.
of the nuclear power plant. ergy problems. Pro-nuclear The PPCRV official believes early media exposure of several
These may cause surface rup- lobbyists have created the politicians is obviously for the purpose of early campaigning
tures. Let us recall that the impression that nuclear en- for the 2010 polls.
earthquakes in 1990 and 1994 ergy production has zero She called on the public to show politicians that they are not
effected substantial damages carbon emission, making it tolerant of those who are violating the law.
to structures and properties, a perfect tool in combating “These politicians should know that we don’t tolerate their ut-
including people’s lives,” she global warming. But this is ter disregard of the law. It speaks of their characters… It should
explained. not completely true. If we in- be part of our selection process what are the core values being
Dr. Giovanni Tapang, a clude every stage of nuclear shown by these politicians,” de Villa said.
physicist from the University energy production, such as Asked whether this would mean translating these into no-
© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

of the Philippines’ Institute the mining of uranium, and votes of those who are disregarding the law, the former ambas-
of Physics and currently the the processing and transport sador to Vatican answered affirmatively.
spokesperson of the No to of it, then you’ll have carbon “That could be part of the input… let’s inform them not only
BNPP Revival! said it will emissions already equal to by voicing disdain but also through actions,” de Villa said.
be a huge crime against the a third of what other power Several political ads have begun to proliferate since late last year
earth and the environment if plants emit,” he explained. and are expected to continue in the run-up to the 2010 elections.
BNPP will start to operate. (Noel Sales Barcelona) Among these political ads are those of senators Manuel “Mar”
Roxas and his “pedicab” and “cheaper medicines” advertise-
Preparation / A1 ments; Manuel Villar and his overseas Filipino worker and
circumstances of life,” he said. involved in mass communications to form (June 20) and end with the feasts of Two poverty commercials; Panfilo Lacson and his anti-corruption
Lagdameo asked all church entities across networks among themselves that can ar- Hearts on June 2010. ads; Metro Manila Development Authority Chairman Bayani
the country “to establish and form groups ticulate an authentic Christian ethics in their Lagdameo urged the faithful to recite the Fernando and his “metro orderliness” posters and bus stick-
that can effectively focus their ministry or practice of their profession. prayer to the Two Hearts every Sunday after ers; and Vice President Noli de Castro and his commercial on
apostolate on peace-building and genuine “We urge every Catholic lay person to Communion. government housing programs.
reconciliation through dialogue, drawing give a concrete expression to Christian dis- “May we ask that we start praying the The Commission on Elections had earlier said that it is power-
encouragement especially from St. Paul’s cipleship thorough responsible citizenship,” following prayer at least every Sunday after less over the early proliferation of political ads.
profound insights on these topics.” Lagdameo said. communion in all Catholic churches and The poll body said commercial ads of politicians cannot be
“Let us consciously lay the moral founda- The archbishop also called on all church chapels all over the country from June 2009 considered as premature campaign as the politicians have yet
tions on which we can build a more stable, organizations to intensely work on peace- to June 2010,” he said. to file their Certificate of Candidacies.
more mature Philippine society. Let this building and genuine reconciliation through The prayer reads: De Villa said it is saddening that the political culture has gone
foundation be not just a change of leaders dialogue. O Sacred Heart of Jesus, the reality of our to the point of making politicians look for ways to skirt the law
or a change of social and political structures, He pointed out that while pastors exercise deeply wounded and broken country impels us to only to advance their political interests.
but above all, a radical change of heart, com- spiritual and moral leadership, they cannot respond with new urgency to the most pressing She said they are going to include the said principle in their
mending ourselves to Jesus and his Blessed just extend that leadership in the spheres of problems of our times. ongoing voters’ education campaign since moral values are
Mother as we entreat them to ‘…make our politics and governance. We are a broken people; our hearts are frag- part of it. (CBCPNews)
hearts so like to (theirs) that we may holy Lagdameo said there had been calls for mented and we are discouraged. We need Your
be!’ ” said the prelate. “moral regeneration” in the country during Heart, O Lord, as we seek to be made whole. Solons / A1
the past few months, and hoped the laity Rooted in our faith in You and love for our number of party-list representatives in the lower House.
Laity’s role in social change would express more interest in the restora- country, we want to participate in Your work “The additional congressmen meant increase in the expense to
The CBCP head dared government officials, tion of morality. of transformation of persons, families, organiza- our country because they will have to be given salaries, allowances
law enforcers, traders, and those involved in “The participation of the laity in moral tions, and society. and even increase in pork barrel,” he said.
the media industry to do their part. leadership pertaining to every specific disci- Through the transforming power of the love of This year alone, Congress allocated for itself P9.665 billion in
He particularly called on the laypeople in- pline and institution in the Philippine society Your Heart, we draw a new dynamism, a strong pork barrel under the P1.425-trillion budget. The amount shows an
volved in legitimate business to organize them- is most essential, if we want the Gospel and inspiration, a fire, which can change and transfig- increase of about P2 billion from its pork barrel allocation in 2008.
selves and practice their trade with a strong the social teachings of the Church to have a ure our lives as individuals and as a nation. Each House member is usually allocated P70 million in Priority
sense of corporate social responsibility. tangible and positive impact on our life as a (please pause for a specific intention) Development Assistance Fund, commonly referred to as “pork bar-
Law enforcers were urged to form asso- nation,” he said. Love of the Heart of Jesus, give us courage and rel” yearly, while each Senator is allocated P200 million.
ciations among themselves that consciously patience. Wisdom of the Heart of Jesus, teach us However, lawmakers who earlier supported impeachment resolu-
renounce violence, respect basic human Year of Prayer to pray and to act with hope and charity at all tions were no longer given such funds.
rights, and truly work for genuine peace The “Year of prayer” will formally begin times. Amen. “The huge obligation goes to the public really,” the Jaro archbishop
and social order. on the feast days of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. said. “I hope that they (SC) have thought it carefully.”
The church leader then called on those (June 19) and the Immaculate Heart of Mary Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us. The Commission on Elections (Comelec) proclaimed last April
24 the additional winning party-list groups entitled to one or more
Mary / A4
seats, raising the number of sectoral members in the chamber from
ment of Matrimony. that the Church needs, living witnesses that the Christian Faith, that 22 to 51.
Amazingly but tragically, it was not the Africans that were pro- to follow Christ, is well worth living and even dying for. The move followed after the High Court reversed itself and ruled
testing the Holy Father’s words, it was the Europeans and North Courage, dearest followers of Christ, we can rise above our petty that all the vacant seats for the party-list system should be filled up
Americans who were condemning him. It is such a paradox that concerns and come to defend the teachings of Christ. And yes, let in keeping with the mandate of the Constitution.
African Church Health workers were even praising the Holy Father us be comforted, so long as we remain united with Peter and his The Constitution states that representatives from the under-
for his courage to tell the world that it is not condoms that Africa successor we are with the truth. For where Peter is, the Church is represented and marginalized should constitute 20 percent of the
needs but true acts of charity. there. Ubi Petrus ibi Ecclesia est. House membership. (CBCPNews)
One cannot help but be surprised and saddened as well in hearing May Mary, Mother of the Church, Mediatrix of All-Grace, come
and reading the news that one beauty contestant who was the front and help us in this hour of great battle. Ave Maria! Education / A1
runner for Miss USA lost the chance of being crowned because she In the strong indigenous movements across the country, the de-
had the guts to tell the audience and the judge that she believes that Social Justice / A1 mand for education played an important role.
marriage is only between a man and a wife. with the controversial Comprehensive Agrarian Reform. Yet effective education and the training of the native peoples, church
And another recent news item as well, again from the US, in a “One group was for the extension of CARP with the needed re- leaders involved in IP ministry said, still remains to be seen.
Congressional hearing participated in by the US Secretary of State, forms while the other group believes a Genuine Agrarian Reform The convention resulted from the growing concern among the IP
Hillary Clinton, she was taken to task about the turn-around policy Bill is needed,” the 61-year old prelate said. communities on the “abrasion” of indigenous education processes
of the US with regard to abortion-promotion around the world. And Ledesma added the groups converged on a common aspiration and the “ethnically insensible education of their youth.”
these were, among others, her words: “The land to the tiller principle,” and this is what every agrarian Expected participants of the gathering are school teachers, com-
We happen to think that family planning is an important part of reform program intends to do. munity elders, and indigenous apostolate workers concerned in their
women’s health and reproductive health includes access to abortion Agrarian Reform Committee Chairman Edcel Lagman said he particular dioceses’ indigenous education program.
that I believe should be safe, legal, and rare. (Emphasis mine). hopes to pass the needed resolution to extend the implementation Various resource speakers are scheduled to discuss the issues on
Well, there you have it. For all the denials that reproductive health of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program with its appropri- education affecting the indigenous people.
does not include abortion, it comes from the biggest advocate and ate reforms. The ECIP said Department of Education (DepEd) Secretary Jesli
promoter of reproductive health; yes, our dearest Juan de la Cruz, Lagman said he has received instructions from Speaker Prospero Lapus will serve as the convention’s keynote speaker.
reproductive health does include abortion. Nograles to do everything possible and have the appropriate mea- The ECIP is at the forefront of the church’s efforts in promoting
What a world we are living in today, it is so secularized, that being sure passed before the end their session in June. the welfare of the country’s indigenous peoples.
an openly Christian faithful now becomes a stigma and something “As far as I know, this is the commitment of the House leadership, One of its main goals is to bring the IPs into the mainstream of
to be ashamed of. Christian persecution has returned, albeit not a to enact a law providing for five years additional period for land society. (Kate Laceda)
bloody one (not yet anyway). We are called to be martyrs of our acquisition and distribution,” he said. He added he wouldn’t even
Christian Faith. Martyros in Greek means someone who gives a tes- call it extension “because the program has already ended, so it could Vocations / A1
timony, a witness to the Faith. May we be the contemporary martyrs be called revival.” (Melo M. Acuna) are at the forefront of the many church activities,” Lagdameo said.
Other prelates who graced the gathering were Manila Archbishop
Lifeguard / A5 Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales, Pampanga Auxiliary Bishop Pablo
(and soul) in a healthy body. reminiscent of the legends of the Shaolin Tem- life-threatening gladiatorial counterparts. David, Capiz Archbishop Onesimo Gordoncillo and Jaro Auxiliary
Sports can make saints much as miracles ple. Aikido (“the way of harmonious spirit”) Again, we can look back at the time when Bishop Gerardo Alminaza.
happen in sports. Have you heard of Brenda too was conceived by Ueshiba Morihei as a the West spiritualized cavalieric training The Theotokos’ primary mission is to perpetually pray for the
Smith? Her spina bifida (split spine from spiritual exercise. Similarly, Tai Chi and the and tests, notwithstanding the risks. For the sanctification and perseverance of priests and religious.
birth) did not stop her from becoming a Yoga are practices for spiritual meditation. crusading knights, it was even indispens- The convention was the first after eleven years of existence as
bronze medalist freestyler in the 1992 Para- Thai kickboxing also kicks off with prayer- able for the defense of the faith; and for the prayer group in the Catholic Church.
lympic Games. Or how about Joni Dunn? ful chants and rituals. At the least, we should missionaries of old, for securing safety and The group was established in September 1997. It was previously
She suffered a crushed spine but she reha- credit our boxing legend Manny Pacquiao agility. Working out the body to its extremes composed of seven people in honor of the Seven Sorrows of Mary.
bilitated herself to set a record in the Ironman for spiritualizing Western boxing. For all could mean the battle for the soul, a proof Supported by Fr. Troadio Delos Santos, OFMCap. and Fr. Jose Luis
Triathlon at 42. And there goes Curtis Pride. the world to see, Pacquiao starts and ends of its virtue. The less endowed pray to St. Arrieta, OFMCap., parish priest of Our Lady of Lourdes National
Deaf but a Major League baseball player. his matches kneeling in prayer, bearing the Sebastian, the Roman soldier who became Shrine, Theotokos Prayer Mission grew to over a hundred members
Studies on the transformative value of rosary, and attending Masses. His ritual has the patron of sports. praying for 52 priests and brothers a year after.
sports as a healthy mysticism were noted in become iconic into a Nike ad “Give Us This In such a marriage of sports and spiri- Theotokos now has around 150 chapters nationwide under the leader-
Michael Murphy’s The Psychic Side of Sports. Day.” Like Muhammad Ali, he observes tuality, one can—unlike Eco’s dilemma— ship of its First National Missionary Sarita Geocadin. (CBCPNews)
He observed athletes who experienced the temporary celibacy with his month-long encounter God in the gym, in the field, or
“zone,” an exalted state of bliss during their sexual abstinence to concentrate his body in the court. It can lead both players and History / A3
games. Prayers are part of the preps. This and spiritual energy. spectators to pray and to hope. Maybe super- The conference themed “Woman, behold your son… Behold your
body-spirit retreat is also stressed in martial Although one may have qualms on as- ficially, maybe not. But if you look closely, mother” from John 19:26-27, was attended by hundreds of members
arts as initiated by Eastern spiritual masters. sociating benevolence with the apparent the designs and the feats of the body point from various parishes, dioceses and provinces across the country.
For instance, the Kung Fu was developed “violence” in boxing or some other hard to the marvels of its Creator, the Supreme Theotokos Prayer Mission was established on September 8, 1997,
by the Buddhist monk Bodhidharma to cor- sports, these games are scientifically regu- Goalee. He in Whose Being we play. composed of seven people in honor of the Seven Sorrows of Mary.
rect other monks who had become sluggish, lated and calculated, different from their Let His imperishable races begin. (Melo Acuna)
Diocesan News
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 9
April 27 - May 10, 2009
News Briefs
Inter-faith experts hold retreat, dialogue with BUC
DAVAO CITY— Asian and European inter-faith experts and
practitioners recently held a retreat here and interacted with
Study belies ‘gains’ of
chemical agriculture
Bishops-Ulama Conference (BUC) leaders in a bid to enrich
ongoing peacebuilding and conflict prevention efforts. Dubbed
“Talks on the Hill: The Future of the Dialogue of Cultures and
Civilizations,” the dialogue was hosted by the Davao-based re-
gional advocacy institution, Initiatives for International Dialogue
(IID). (Mark Ventura)

in Mindanao
Farmers ask SC to protect environmental rights
DAVAO CITY—Farmers in Mindanao who attended the recent
“People’s March For Environmental Justice” here urged the
Supreme Court to help them protect their environmental rights
from corporate agribusiness plantations. The farmers pointed
out that corporate agriculture also supports the aerial spraying DAVAO CITY—A recent international study has found that the governments that the old paradigm of industrial, energy-intensive
of pesticides that can further lead to environmental degradation supposed benefits of chemical agriculture and corporate farming and toxic agriculture is a concept of the past, that small-scale farmers
brought about by toxic agriculture. (Mark Ventura) in Mindanao are “myths.” and agro-ecological methods provide the way forward to avert the
The study belied claims, in particular, that the corporate agricul- current food crisis and meet the needs of local communities.
People hopeful for peace in Malabang ture will help solve the problem of hunger and poverty and it would IAASTD seeks to assess the impacts of past, present and future
MALABANG, Lanao del Sur—The religious sisters of the Mis- be beneficial to small farmers and the environment. agricultural knowledge, science and technology on the reduction
sionary of the Assumption (M.A.) said that despite persecution A coalition of organic agriculture practitioners and Go Organic of hunger and poverty; the improvement of rural livelihoods and
experienced by the local church here they are still hopeful that Mindanao advocates said that chemically-driven agriculture failed human health; and the equitable, socially, environmentally and
peace will reign in Malabang. Sr. Cecilia Fonacier said even if to address hunger and poverty as confirmed by a recent scientific economically sustainable development.
they are experiencing hardships especially in encouraging the assessment report prepared by the world’s experts and supported “The Green Revolution strategies of the past, with all their expen-
people to fully and actively participate in the parochial activities by 58 governments across the globe. sive and toxic products, have left a trail of destruction. The report
they are also seeing some positive changes in the attitude of the Two Filipinos are involved in the report of the International As- essentially says it is time to clean up and move on,” Quijano said.
people. (Mark Ventura) sessment on Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for “A national government policy to develop two million hectares
Development (IAASTD). (has.) into agribusiness lands where one million has. of which are
Catechism alive in Lanao
“The IAASTD report calls for fundamental changes away from targeted for Mindanao will definitely not answer the call to end
MALABANG, Lanao del Sur—Even if Catholics are considered corporate-dominated and toxic agriculture to a sustainable ecological hunger and poverty in the country,” said Dano.
a minority here, the local church has made efforts to intensify the farming with empowered small farming communities,” said toxi- “While this kind of agricultural system may have brought in-
teaching of basic catechism among Catholic children. Pacifico cologist and IAASTD bureau member Dr. Romy Quijano. creased employment opportunities especially for impoverished
Salva, Parish Pastoral Council member, said that teaching the basic The IAASTD report emphasized that corporate agriculture is no farmers, its effect on food self-sufficiency, agrarian reform, rural
catechism is one of the top priority programs of the local Church. way a solution to the rising poverty in Mindanao. livelihoods, and ecology have been disturbing,” he also said.
“We want that our children will learn about the catechism of the It added 1.9 billion hectares and 2.6 billion people today are af- Quijano urged “all concerned sectors to raise public awareness
Catholic Church considering the challenges and problems brought fected by significant levels of land degradation. on the issues raised by IAASTD and pressure policy makers and
about by the modern world,” he said. (Mark Ventura) Aside from Quijano, a member of the Pesticide Action Network- stakeholders to implement measures to realize food sovereignty,
Asia Pacific, the other Filipino in the study is Neth Dano of the Third agro-ecology, social justice and equity.”
World Network. The IAASTD is under the co-sponsorship of the Food and Agri-
Court’s decision on Smith, another blow to RP justice
The report which involved 400 experts from around the world, in culture Organization, Global Environment Facility, United Nations
system—LFS an international effort undertaken and approved in April last year Development Program, United Nations Environment Programme,
MALABON CITY—The League of Filipino Students criticized in Johannesburg, South Africa. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,
the Court of Appeals’ decision to acquit Lance Corporal Daniel It recounted the failure of industrial farming as it reflects a grow- the World Bank and the World Health Organization WHO. (Mark
Smith of rape charges, saying the court’s acquittal was yet an- ing consensus among the global scientific community and most S. Ventura)
other blow in the country’s justice system. The Court of Appeals
had recently cleared Smith of the rape charges filed by Nicole,
a.k.a. Suzette Nicolas. (Noel Sales Barcelona)

CBCP conducts priests’ summer institute on catechesis

BAGUIO CITY—The CBCP’s Episcopal Commission on Cateche-
sis and Catholic Education (ECCCE) has conducted a priests’
summer institute on catechesis on April 20-23 at the Sta. Cat-
alina Retreat House here. Organizers said inputs on Evangelli
Nuntiandi, Catechesi Tradendae and Deus Caritas Est focusing

Photo courtesy of CBCP-NASSA

on catechesis as tool for social engagement and transformation
were given to over 80 participants. (Kate Laceda)

Work hazards in the BPO industry, likely to rise

QUEZON City—The Ecumenical Institute for Labor Education
and Research, Inc. (Eiler) warns about the rise of occupational
health risks in the outsourcing industry as the Business Process-
ing Association of the Philippines (BPA/P) announced that com-

Muslims, Christians to
panies may cut growth rates in 2010 due to the global economic
meltdown. Anna Leah Escresa-Colina, deputy executive director
of Eiler said the cut in growth rates among BPO companies mean
lower workforce while the amount of work remains the same.
(Noel Sales Barcelona)

Marbel diocese up in meet on moral renewal

arms vs coal-fired plant COTABATO CITY—Religious leaders
among Muslims and Christians constituting
the Bishops-Ulama Conference (BUC) will
“The summit is a relevant avenue for the
President to expound the context of her
moral revival program, which local peace
“Too much politics undermine moral
concerns in the drafting of solutions to our
problems,” he quoted local church leaders
KIDAPAWAN CITY—The Marbel diocese is strongly opposing the meet in Marawi City in July to push for moral stakeholders consider as a vital element and ulama as saying.
proposed construction of the 200 Megawatt coal-fired power plant renewal as a “key solution” to the decades- in the quest for solutions to the Mindanao He said Davao Archbishop Fernando Ca-
in a remote village of Maasim town in Saranggani province. old “Mindanao problem,” local officials in problem,” said provincial information officer palla of the Catholic sector, Bishop Hilario
In a statement, the Sta. Cruz Parish under Fr. Floro Litigio ex- Lanao del Sur said. Nasser Ganda. Gomez of the United Church of Christ in the
pressed fears the project will destroy the environment through emis- Program facilitators said Lanao del Sur Ganda said Adiong and key BUC lead- Philippines, and Judge Abu Ali Cali, Nation-
sion of chemicals considered toxic both to humans and to animals. Gov. Mamintal Alonto-Adiong Jr., who will ers believe that a robust moral reform is al Ulama League president, have confirmed
The parish has since criticized the plan of foreign-owned Conal host the event, has invited President Gloria the “antidote” to heavy political division attendance alongside their members in the
Holdings Corporation (CHC) to construct the coal-fired power Macapagal-Arroyo as the keynote speaker among local and national leaders, which is two-day summit this coming July 2 and 3.
plant. to discuss the moral revival program she bane to every effort geared toward resolving The event is set to be held at the gymnasium
The project assessment and evaluation has started in February launched through an executive order last all issues facing the nation, including the of the Provincial Capitol complex in Marawi
this year. February. Mindanao conflict. City. (John Unson/Mindanao Cross)

Mobilize the people

In Manila, Marbel Bishop Dinualdo Gutierrez said they will CBCP Communications Development Foundation, Inc. (CBCP Media Office)
mobilize the people for their Earth Day celebration on April 22 in
General Santos City to manifest their strong opposition to the pro- Schedules of Training Seminars for 2009
posed coal-fired power plant. 1. Web design – Beginners’ course 4. Information Technology Awareness
“No way will we allow the establishment of the Alcantara-owned (Learn how to conceptualize, design and maintain websites. This (This seminar is an introduction to information technology. Participants
power plant in our area,” he said. module is tailored for catechists, pastoral workers and youth groups are taught the basic knowledge and skills in computer, internet and
“When carbon is burnt, it produces so many gases, carbon dioxide interested in harnessing websites as a new avenue for catechesis multimedia. This is best for school administrators, nuns, priests and
though it is food for the trees it is also food for cancer cells in the and evangelization.) bishops.)
human body. There will also be sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide plus
lead, zinc, arsenic and other elements,” the bishop said. May 25-29 (Monday – Friday) - 1:00-5:00 p.m. No date yet (Thursday – Friday) - 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Gutierrez said sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide will affect the Minimum of 10 and maximum of 15 participants Maximum of 15 participants
atmosphere and becomes sulfate and nitrate which becomes sulfu- Registration fee: P800 (inclusive of snacks) Registration fee: P500.00 (inclusive of lunch and snacks)
Venue: CBCPWorld Training Room, 3rd Flr., 470 Gen. Luna St. Venue: CBCPWorld Training Room, 3rd Flr., 470 Gen. Luna St.
ric acid to nitric acid returning to earth, it is not just acid rain but
Intramuros, Manila Intramuros, Manila
becomes acid deposition.
He said gases emitted by the power plant would endanger not (Note: This seminar-workshop is scheduled from May until August.
only the rivers and water tributaries but the rich flora and fauna June-August seminar dates will be made available later.) Watch for the schedule dates of the following:
and marine life.
“While it is still in its planning stage, it would be good for the 2. Web design 2 5. Educational Technology (Ed Tech)
proponents and the government to know our concerns,” the 70-year (Participants should have basic knowledge of MSQL and PHP) (This training module is intended for teachers of Catholic schools.
old prelate said. It teaches how to integrate computer/internet applications into the
The consultation made in Maasim sometime ago was one-sided September 21-25 (Monday-Friday) academic subject/curriculum.)
according to Gutierrez. 1:00-5:00 p.m.
Minimum of 10 and maximum of 15 participants July, August, September (or depending on the availability of cli-
He said known personalities opposing the planned coal-fired Registration fee: P800 (inclusive of snacks) ents)
power plant were not allowed to participate by the police and Venue: CBCPWorld Training Room, 3rd Flr., 470 Gen. Luna St. Venue: On site
military who secured the venue. Placards and streamers were not Intramuros, Manila
allowed except those that agree with and approve the project. 6. Multimedia for Catechists
However, Gutierrez remained optimistic the government will look 3. System Administration (SysAd) (for CBCPWorld clients only) (An introductory course to the amazing world of multimedia which
into the negative effects of the proposed coal-fired power plant soon. (A highly technical training course for Systems and Network Adminis- includes videography, video editing and online sharing. This is
(Jimmy Sta. Cruz/DxND/Melo M. Acuna) trators, this program is offered especially to those administering local best for catechists and pastoral workers.)
area networks of Catholic schools. The training features bandwidth
and server management on a Linux platform.) October 2009 (tentative)
Homosexuals / A1
lated by His Church.” May 4-5 (tentative) 7. PC Assembly/Hardware/Software Troubleshooting
Therefore, Cruz said, any man—straight or gay—who do not meet Participants: Laguna cluster (Intended for computer technicians, this training module teaches basic
Venue: Laguna skills in network management which includes hardware configurations,
the said criteria—may and should not be admitted to the seminary, IP addressing and network structuring.)
much less admitted to the priesthood. May 11-12 (tentative)
“Even honest to goodness men who however do not pass the same Participants: Manila cluster 8. Newswriting
said criteria, may and should neither be admitted to the seminary Venue: CBCPWorld Training Room, CBCP Building, Intramuros (This seminar-workshop features writing news stories from a distinc-
and Sacred Orders,” he said. tively catholic perspective which CBCPNews calls “Catholic Journal-
The sex abuse scandals have forced an unprecedented introspec- October, November 2009 ism.” This is especially intended for those involved in print media or
tion into the clergy and how to train future priests. those contemplating on putting up one.)
The Vatican has often visited the issue of homosexuality, reflect-
ing an unbending theological opposition but also an acknowledge- Most of these training programs are conducted for free, especially to institutions that are members of the CBCPWorld Network. Trainings are
held either at the CBCPWorld Training Center in Intramuros, Manila or at local dioceses. Interested party may contact CBCP Media Office at
ment that discrimination based on sexual preference is not justified. tel/fax 5274139 / CBCPWorld at tels. 404-2182; 404-1612.
(Roy Lagarde)
A8 People, Facts & Places CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 9
April 27 - May 10, 2009

Lipa launches 3rd

year centennial
jubilee activities

© www.archlipa.org
IN a well-prepared yet simple ceremonies recently before at the Javierada Hall of the parish. delegates would be formed into speakers’ bureau
held at St. Francis Xavier Parish of the Archdio- The introductory lecture of Archbishop Ar- for each vicariate for the purpose of propagating
cese’s Vicariate 1, Archbishop Ramon V. Arguelles guelles was followed by the Eucharistic sacrifice the life and mission of St. Joseph.
led the clergy, religious and the lay faithful in led by His Eminence, Gaudencio Cardinal Rosa- The delegates also heard the testimonies of two
formally opening the third and last part of the les, erstwhile Archbishop of Lipa. He tackled the male devotees of St. Joseph: Atty. Jose Pio Calin-
three-year preparation for the Centennial Jubilee theme, “St. Joseph, Guardian of the Redeemer, gasan of Rosario, Batangas and Bro, Jun Lagos of

© www.archlipa.org
of Lipa archdiocese as local church on 2010. Protector of the Universal Church and Patron of Nasugbu, Batangas.
Centered on Communion and Solidarity, the the Archdiocese of Lipa”. Various Josephite hymn and prayers were also
theme was called “The Year of St. Joseph, the Faith- Other lecturers include Msgr. Alex Amante, a introduced to the delegates, notably the Angelus
ful Image of the Fatherhood of God”. priest of the Diocese of San Pablo, once a part of the of St. Joseph and the St. Joseph Rosary.
St. Joseph is the principal patron of Lipa since it old diocese of Lipa, and Fr. Carmelo Calauag II. The litany of St. Joseph was recited after the
was made into a diocese in April 10, 1910. Amante spoke on two topics, “St. Jospeh, Eucharistic celebration on the second day. Msgr.
“It is high time that the faithful of Lipa really get The official logo for the year was unveiled dur- Humble and Obedient to the Will of God like Fred Madlangbayan, Vicar General and Parish
to know well who St. Joseph is,” the Archbishop ing the mass amidst cheers of the faithful, many Mary the Mother of Jesus” and “St. Joseph, man priest of Nasugbu handed out the certificates of
stressed in his homily. of whom were clad in green, the color attributed of Prayer and Holiness,” while Calauag explored participation. (Fr. Nonie Dolor)
“Most of our problems in the world today ema- to St. Joseph. the subject “St. Joseph, Husband

nates from our forgetfulness of the Father’s provi- Most of the green-clad devotees were from Vi- of Mary, Protector of the Sanctity
dence and love for us. St. Joseph, in his humble and cariate IV, under the pastoral care of the Oblates of Marriage and Homes.”
silent way, showed us how to emulate this father- of St. Joseph. Some 236 delegates from par-
hood. Thus he was able to take care of the family Fr. Aurelio dela Cruz, OSJ, who was designated ishes and catholic schools in the
entrusted to him. He can really be a real example in-charge, planned and coordinated the activities Archdiocese attended the sym-
and inspiration to us, especially those entrusted for the opening. posium.
with bringing up families,” he added. A symposium on St. Joseph was held the day According to Fr. dela Cruz, the

Surigao celebrates Earth

C E L E B R AT E D .
Archdiocese of
Cebu, 75th an-
niversary of its

Day with ‘green economy’

establishment as
an archdiocese,
April 28, 2009.
His Eminence,
Ricardo Cardinal
Vidal opened the
Holy Door of the
IN support to the celebration of the World until 12 nn. Cantilan and Madrid, Province of Surigao del Cebu Metropoli-
tan Cathedral to
Earth Day, the Panalipdan Tubig Kinabuhi Meanwhile, a discussion on the impacts of Sur and in the municipalities of Jabonga, San- signal the start of
Surigao del Sur Farmers organized a march mining operations to the local environment tiago, and Cabadbaran, Province of Agusan the year-long ju-
and rally to start their Green Generation was conducted by the local and national anti- del Norte, as watershed forest reserves.” bilee celebration.
Campaign on April 27. mining networks at the Maalman Cultural The proclamation specifies that any valid A Pontifical Mass
followed the opening of the Jubilee door during which the decree proclaim-
Green Generation Campaign is a two-year Center in Cantilan at 1 p.m. contract, permit, or license for the removal ing a jubilee year for Cebu was read. The Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop
program initiating the establishment of a Farmer delegates from the Surigao del Sur of natural resources which already existed Edward Joseph Adams read the message of Pope Benedict XVI for the
new green economy that frees people from Irrigators’ Federation Inc, Diocese of Tandag before the decree shall be of public interest occasion. The event was participated by delegates from parishes, Church
poverty. Social Action Center, Immaculate Conception but areas under any agreement that are not and civil dignitaries. Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales and
Organizers said that the event aims to Parish, Cantilan Parish Youth Apostolate, possible for development shall be a part of CBCP president and Jaro Archbishop Angel Lagdameo led the long list
of bishops, clergy and religious who attended the occasion. The opening
promote the significance of the watershed CarCanMadCarLan (Carrascal, Cantilan, the watershed forest assets. events of April 28 kicked off a series of celebrations that will culminate on
to the livelihood of the people. Madrid, Carmen and Lanuza) BAYWATCH It also orders that all properties under the April 28, 2010. The Archdiocese of Cebu was established by Pope Pius
The march, dubbed as the “Alsa Martsa Foundation Inc, and Lover’s of Nature Foun- watershed reserves shall be protected in ac- in 1934, with Msgr. Gabriel M. Reyes as first archbishop. The current
Para sa Kinaiyahan,” will start from Madrid dation Inc. participated in the rally. cordance with the law. archbishop, Ricardo J. Cardinal Vidal, is the third to occupy the eccle-
siastical chair, succeeding the late Julio R. Cardinal Rosales, who led
to Cantilan. Organizers said the event was an expres- The proclamation was believed to prevent the archdiocese from 1949 until his retirement in 1981. The archdiocese
A Eucharistic celebration was concel- sion of their gratitude to President Gloria the two permitted Mineral Product Sharing has four suffragans, with Tagbilaran and Talibon in Bohol, Dumaguete in
ebrated at 8 a.m. at the Immaculate Concep- Arroyo for the approval of the Presidential Agreements, Marcventures Mining and Negros Oriental and Maasin in Leyte.
tion Parish Church in Cantilan presided by Proclamation 1747 “Declaring the portions of Development Corporation (MMDC) and
AWARDED. Manila Archbishop Gau-
Tandag Bishop Nereo Odchimar. the public domain of Alamio, Buyaan, Carac- Caracand Development Corporation (CDC) dencio Cardinal Rosales, with Fr. Neri
A victory rally followed after the mass an, Panikian Rivers and Sipangpang Falls, from operating in Madrid, Carrascal and Satur Award for Environmental Heroism,
at the Cantilan Public Kiosk from 9:30 a.m situated in the municipalities of Carrascal, Cantilan. (Kate Laceda) April 18, 2009. Cited for his environmen-
tal activism, Cardinal Rosales is vocal

Int’l theologian to hold lectures in Baguio

on various environmental issues and a
strong supporter of the advocacies of
the Office of the Presidential Adviser on
Global Warming and Climate Change
(OPACC) and Earth Savers Movement.
A KNOWN professor at Oblate 5-6, 2009. eral books about theology. and the laity to provide a fo- The Cardinal has inspired the creation of
School of Theology will be the The event is expected to be CTNSL aims to promote stud- rum for an exchange of views ecology desks in parishes and the use
resource speaker of this year’s attended by bishops, priests, ies and research in Catholic among theologians and other of the pulpit as an avenue to strengthen
Catholic Theological Society religious and seminarians of the theology and foster theologi- scholars. the awareness campaign on climate change. Held at the NBN 4 studio
in Quezon City, the awarding ceremony was one of the highlights of the
of Northern Luzon (CTSNL) Archdiocese of Nueva Segovia. cal reflection on current socio- The group is open to the week-long Earth Day celebration of OPACC and Earth Savers Movement
convention. Fr. Power is a professor emeri- economic, political, cultural and clergy and laity who possess a from April 19-25. The Fr. Neri Satur Award is given to individuals and
Organizers said Fr. David tus of the School of Theology and religious realities particularly in degree in theological or related groups from various sectors all over the country that have devoted their
Power, OMI will deliver his Religious Studies at the Catholic Northern Luzon. studies, and who have been efforts in protecting the environment.
lecture at the San Pablo Ma- University of America. It also seeks to foster more actively engaged in teaching or CELEBRATED. Bishop-Emeritus Te-
jor Seminary in Crystal Cave He also has taught in Ireland effective theological education research in the sacred sciences. odoro Bacani, DD of the Diocese of
Road in Baguio City on May and in Rome, has published sev- in the formation of the clergy (CBCPNews) Novaliches, 25th anniversary of Episco-
pal ordination, at the Santuario de San
Antonio, Makati City, April 16, 2009. Led

Columbian Squires hold 1st tri-state jamboree

by CBCP president and Jaro archbishop
Angel Lagdameo, the thanksgiving
mass was concelebrated by a crowd of
bishops, and some 30 priests from the
THE Columbian Squires held their “First members of the Knights of Columbus Archdiocese of Manila and the Dioceses
of Kalookan, Novaliches and Iba. Bishop
Philippine Tri-State Jamboree” last April in the fields of government service and Gregorio read the congratulatory mes-
22-24 at the Bataan Technopark in Mo- business. sages from the Apostolic Nunciature
rong town. Organizers added that the dialogue and Pope Benedict XVI through the
The unprecedented assembly gath- with state officers, KC priests, and Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio
Bertone. Bishop Bacani was ordained to
ered some 1,000 Catholic boys from the brother knights aimed to motivate and the episcopacy on April 12, 1884 at the
Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao jurisdic- counsel squires through career and
© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

Manila Metropolitan Cathedral by then Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines

tions of the youth sector of the Knights family life. Archbishop Bruno Torpigliani. A respected speaker and prolific writer who
of Columbus. The event also provided lectures for authored a good number of books, Bishop Bacani is considered one of
the luminaries of the Philippine episcopate.
Organizers said the gathering princi- the squires that focused on “home and
pally aimed to serve as a socialization family; squires and knights’ community CELEBRATED. Msgr. Vicente Catral, 60th anniversary of sacerdotal ordi-
venue among squires through various and country; and the church.” nation, April 12, 2009, Shrine of Sto. Niño, San Gabriel, Tuguegarao City.
activities like games and campfire. The Philippine Columbian Squires is Currently serving as parochial vicar of the Shrine of Sto. Niño, Msgr. Catral
was instrumental in the establishment of the parish which was elevated into
The theme of the first assembly was the youth arm of the Knights of Colum- a Shrine in 2000. He served as its first parish priest when it was inaugu-
“Columbian Squires in the Philippines: Dynamic Youth of Today, bus in the country. Members of this organization are aged 10 to 18 rated in 1996. Msgr. Catral now serves as Chancellor of the Archdiocese,
United in Helping Build up the Ecclesial Community.” as they are expected to join the brotherhood of knights by the age Chairperson of the Commission on Temporalities, Archdiocesan Director
The Columbian Squires also had the chance to mingle with of 19. (CBCP News) of the Apostleship of Prayer and a member of the Archdiocesan Board of
Consultors. He also renders his priestly services to St. Peter’s Cathedral,
Ermita de San Jacinto and to religious congregations. He acts as chaplain
to the Filipino Chinese Community of Tuguegarao.

CELEBRATED. Augustinian Recollect (AR)

Sisters Jubilee of religious profession. Sr. Ma.
Lucia Sagmit, Sampaloc, Manila; Mother
Ma. Josefa Borces, Mabolo, Cebu City,
60th anniversary of religious profession;
Sr. Fernanda Balaba, Initao, Misamis
Oriental; Sr. Ma. Teresita Aurigue, Mala-
bon, Metro Manila; Sr. Angelica Fuentes,
Clarin, Misamis Occidental; Sr. Maecelina
Diaz, Dumaguete City, Negros Occidental;
Sr. Gerarda de la Riarte, Lugait, Misamis
Oriental; Sr. Anastacia Fangon, Agoo, La
Union; 50th anniversary of religious profession;
Sr. Adelina Reyes, Malolos, Bulacan; Sr. Constacia
© Roy Lagarde / CBCP Media

Buchan, Moncayo, Davao del Norte; 25th anniversary of religious profes-

sion. The Thanksgiving Mass held at San Sebastian Basilica on April
24, 2009 was celebrated by the Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines, His
Excellency Most Rev. Edward Joseph Adams, DD.

CELEBRATED. Msgr. Emeterio Chaves, 50th anniversary of sacerdotal

ordination, March 30, 2009. Now retired, Msgr. Chaves had served as
pastor in Alitagtag, Bauan, Sto. Tomas and Tanauan City. While assigned
in Sto. Tomas, he helped organize the parishes of Sta. Clara and St. Padre
Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales (center, standing) acknowledges the support extended by Theotokos 2nd Diocesan Missionary Sr. Lourdes Palmares Pio, and Nuestra Señora dela Soledad in Tanauan which was dedicated
(seated at the wheelchair) and her family to the remarkable increase in parish chapters in the Archdiocese of Iloilo. Sr. Lourdes is the wife former Senator Rafael last March 25. He was also assigned as a seminary professor and as
Palmares. Also shown in photo are CBCP President and Jaro Archbishop Angel Lagdameo (third from left) and other Theotokos members of the archdiocese. Oeconomus of the Archdiocese of Lipa.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 9
April 27 – May 10, 2009 Pastoral Concerns B1

‘Faith in the Divine Initiative—
the Human Response’
Message of the Holy Father for the 46th World Day of Prayer for Vocations; 3 May 2009, Fourth Sunday of Easter
Dear Brothers in the Episcopate and in “Blessed be the God and Father of our demons” (Mk 3:14-15); they, in turn, difficulties and obstacles along the way, the divine initiative with unceasing
the Priesthood, Brothers and Sisters, Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us gathered other disciples around them we are sustained by the unshakable prayer. We must pray that the whole
On the occasion of the next World Day in Christ with every spiritual blessing as faithful collaborators in this mission. certitude that the one who firmly guides Christian people grows in its trust in
of prayer for vocations to the priesthood in the heavenly places, even as he chose In this way, responding to the Lord’s her in the pathways of time towards the God, convinced that the “Lord of the
and to the consecrated life, which will us in him before the foundation of the call and docile to the movement of the definitive fulfillment of the Kingdom is harvest” does not cease to ask some to
be celebrated on 3 May 2009, the Fourth world, that we should be holy and Holy Spirit, over the centuries, countless he, the Lord, who freely chooses persons place their entire existence freely at his
Sunday of Easter, I want to invite all the blameless before him” (Ef 1:3-4). In the ranks of priests and consecrated persons of every culture and of every age and service so as to work with him more
People of God to reflect on the theme: universal call to holiness, of particular placed themselves totally at the service invites them to follow him according closely in the mission of salvation.
Faith in the divine initiative—the What is asked of those who are called,
human response. The exhortation of for their part, is careful listening and
Jesus to his disciples: “Pray therefore
It is priests who are called to perpetuate this salvific mystery prudent discernment, a generous and
the Lord of the harvest to send out from century to century until the Lord’s glorious return, for they can willing adherence to the divine plan,
laborers into his harvest” (Mt 9:38) has contemplate, precisely in the Eucharistic Christ, the eminent model of and a serious study of the reality that
a constant resonance in the Church. is proper to the priestly and religious
Pray! The urgent call of the Lord stresses
a “vocational dialogue” between the free initiative of the Father and vocations, so as to be able to respond
that prayer for vocations should be the faithful response of Christ. In the celebration of the Eucharist, it responsibly and with conviction.
continuous and trusting. The Christian is Christ himself who acts in those whom he chooses as his ministers; The Catechism of the Catholic Church
community can only really “have rightly reminds us that God’s free
ever greater faith and hope in God’s
he supports them so that their response develops in a dimension of initiative requires a free response on
providence” (Sacramentum Caritatis, trust and gratitude that removes all fear, even when they experience the part of men and women; a positive
26) if it is enlivened by prayer. more acutely their own weakness, or indeed when the experience of response which always presupposes
The vocation to the priesthood and to acceptance of and identification with
the consecrated life constitutes a special
misunderstanding or even of persecution is most bitter. the plan that God has for everyone; a
gift of God which becomes part of the response which welcomes the Lord’s
great plan of love and salvation that relevance is God’s initiative of choosing of the Gospel in the Church. Let us give to the mysterious plans of his merciful loving initiative and becomes, for the
God has for every man and woman and some to follow his Son Jesus Christ thanks to God, because even today he love. one who is called, a binding moral
for the whole of humanity. The Apostle more closely, and to be his privileged continues to call together workers into Our first duty, therefore, is to keep imperative, an offering of thanksgiving
Paul, whom we remember in a special ministers and witnesses. The divine his vineyard. While it is undoubtedly alive in families and in parishes, in to God and a total cooperation with the
way during this Pauline Year dedicated Master personally called the Apostles true that a worrisome shortage of movements and in apostolic associations, plan which God carries out in history
to the Two-thousandth anniversary of “to be with him, and to be sent out to priests is evident in some regions of the in religious communities and in all the (cf. n. 2062).
his birth, writing to the Ephesians says, preach and have authority to cast out world, and that the Church encounters sectors of diocesan life this appeal to Vocations / B7
B2 Updates CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 9
April 27 - May 10, 2009

By Fr. Jaime B. Achacoso, J.C.D. section of the Secretariat of State, but was institutions established by the Holy Churches — was renamed to the plural the discipline of the seven sacraments,
spun off by Paul VI. Today, although See (cc.815-821), Catholic colleges and Churches to reflect the teaching of except for privilege of the faith cases and
it is still headed by the Secretary of universities (cc.807-814) and similar Vatican II regarding the equality of the dispensations from celibacy of priests
In the previous issue of CBCP Monitor, State, there is a council of cardinals that institutions. various Ritual Churches sui iuris that (which go to the S.C. for the Doctrine
we dealt with the Synod of Bishops, as a shares the responsibility for this office. c) The Office for Catholic schools — form the worldwide communion of the of the Faith) and cases on the validity
way of helping the Pope in the shepherding Together with the Secretariat of State, it looks after matters affecting Catholic Catholic Church. Aside from the assigned of marriage (which go to the Roman
of the whole Catholic Church. Now we shall supervises the work of the papal legates schools, both parochial and diocesan, cardinals, the different patriarchs and Rota).
continue with what is popularly known as around the world and takes charge of except those subject to the S.C. for the major metropolitans of the Eastern b) Section on divine worship — looks
the Roman Curia, which constitutes the body the Pontifical Commission for Social Oriental Churches and the S.C. for the Catholic Churches are ex officio members after pastoral and liturgical concerns. It
of offices that help the Roman Pontiff with Communications. Evangelization of Peoples. of the congregation, together with the prepares liturgical texts and calendars
the business of the day-to-day running of the 3) The Congregation for the Clergy President of the Secretariat for Promoting for the universal Latin Church, as well
Catholic Church from the Vatican. b. Sacred Congregations — which was formerly the S.C. of the Christian Unity. as those proper to specific dioceses
The term sacred in the titles of these Council, established to implement and 6) The Congregation for the and religious institutes. It approves,
THE Roman Curia is composed of the dicasteries enjoy centuries of usage, and interpret the decrees of the Council Evangelization of Peoples — used to dispenses and interprets texts and
various offices and related services, is explained by the fact that they deal of Trent. This explains the extensive be called S.C. for the Propagation of translations, governs the veneration of
which assist the Roman Pontiff in the with sacred—i.e., religious—matters. responsibilities of this congregation, the Faith or Propaganda Fide. A more relics, confirms patrons (of dioceses, etc.)
exercise of the supreme power in the They are not involved in civil governance which go beyond what concerns the descriptive title was assumed, given the and confers the title of minor basilica on
Church. The term Roman Curia seems to issues, not even of Church-State clergy per se. Three offices comprise pejorative connotation of propaganda noteworthy churches.
have come in vogue in the 12th Century. relations—which are under the care of this congregation: in the modern world. Its competence 9) The Congregation for Causes of
The term curia itself has unclear roots, the Council for the Public Affairs of the a) Office on the life and ministry is quite broad, including not only Saints — was formed when the Sacred
but in Church usage, the term can mean Church, a dicastery that had never been of the clergy — dealing with matters specifically missionary activities but Congregation of Rites was reorganized
a judgment, a major assembly, or the termed sacred. Of late, the adjective ranging from their holiness of life to also the development and governance of in 1969. It takes charge of the processes
hall used by Church leaders (bishop, for the beatification and canonization of

At the service of the Holy See (Part II):

eparch, patriarch, etc.). In this case, saints in the Latin and Eastern Catholic
it has referred both to the building Churches and is competent for the
and to the people who worked there. authentication of relics. It works through
Nowadays, the term is used in relation three offices:
to the capital offices—e.g., at the level a) Judicial Office — establishes

The Roman Curia

of the particular Churches (prelatic, the procedures for beatification and
diocesan or archdiocesan) or universal canonization and carries them out.
(Roman) Church. b) Office of the Promoter General of
the Faith — who acts as the so-called
1. Nature of the Roman Curia Devil’s Advocate, investigating any
Can.360—The Supreme Pontiff objections and assuring the integrity of
usually conducts the business of the the procedure.
universal Church by means of the Roman c) Historico-hagiographical Office —
Curia, which fulfills its duty in his name investigates cases for which there are
and by his authority for the good and no living witnesses and has to resort to
the service of the churches; it consists careful historical research to determine
of the Secretariat of State or the Papal the heroic virtue of persons whose causes
Secretariat, the Council for the Public are presented long after their death.
Affairs of the Church, congregations,
tribunals and other institutions, whose c. Secretariats
structure and competency are defined Secretariats are organized along the
in special law. same lines as the congregations—i.e.,
1) Exercise of Power of Jurisdiction — cardinals and bishops from around the
The Roman Curia is capacitated by law world are appointed: a cardinal serves
to make acts of the power of jurisdiction as President (Pro-President if he is not
that are canonically binding, within the a cardinal), assisted by a Secretary,
sphere of competence of the different Undersecretary and an appropriate
dicasteries. This includes: staff. Three permanent secretariats were
a) Administrative — The dicasteries of established in the 1960s:
the Roman Curia exercise a prevalently 1) Secretariat for Promoting Christian
administrative function, through acts of Unity — has the competence specified
impulse, exhortation and assessment by its title, which it carries out in two
directed to or petitioned by the different offices and a special commission:
segments of the universal Church. a) An office for relations with Eastern
b) Judicial — The tribunals of the Curia Christians — e.g., Orthodox Churches.
exercise a judicial function. b) An office for relations with
c) Legislative — With the expressed Western Christians — e.g., Anglicans,
approval of the Pope, the dicasteries can Protestants, etc.
also dictate general decrees, which are c) A special commission for religious
laws properly speaking (cf. cc.29-30). relations with the Jews.
2) Ordinary and Vicariate Power — 2) Secretariat for Non-Christians —
The power of the Curia is ordinary The term Roman Curia seems to have come in vogue in the 12th charged with developing relations with
and vicariate, because it presupposes non-Christian believers and promoting
an organic participation in the power
Century. The term curia itself has unclear roots, but in Church usage, greater esteem among Christians for
of the Roman Pontiff. Some authors the term can mean a judgment, a major assembly, or the hall used by non-Christian believers. It has a special
have also used the notion of an organic Church leaders (bishop, eparch, patriarch, etc.). In this case, it has office for religious relations with
deconcentration of functions, although Moslems.
the resultant reality is the same.
referred both to the building and to the people who worked there. 3) Secretariat for Non-Believers —
3) Principle of Legality — As Pastor which is charged with the study and
Bonus stipulates, the Roman Curia development of relations with atheists.
should exercise its functions “according It has carried on dialogues with Marxists
to law, whether universal or special to and studies on the meaning of atheism
the Roman Curia, and according to the and religious indifferentism in the
norms of each dicastery, but always modern world.
with pastoral means and criteria, in
attention to justice as well as the good of d. Tribunals
the Church, as well as the good of souls Can.1442—The Roman Pontiff is the
above all” (PB, 15). supreme judge for the entire Catholic
world; he tries cases either personally
2. Organization of the Roman Curia or through the ordinary tribunals of
the Apostolic See or through judges
a. General Organization delegated by himself. Three tribunals
As c.361 states, the Roman Curia form part of the Roman Curia, each with
consists of the following: a specialized competence and its proper
1) Dicasteries — The generic term for organization.
each of the organisms in the Roman Curia 1) The Apostolic Penitentiary — has its
is dicastery. Within this generic term are roots in the medieval practice of naming
included different colleges, specifically a cardinal to absolve censures reserved
called congregations, tribunals, pontifical to the Holy See. In time, his competence
councils, commissions, offices and has been reduced to the internal forum,
institutes. The dicasteries are juridically and today he functions at the level of the
equal to each other, and the common universal Church in much the same way
dispositions for their composition as the canon penitentiary at the level of
and functioning are contained in the the particular Church (c.508).
General Regulations of the Roman Curia, 2) The Supreme Tribunal of the
published in 4.II.1992. Each dicastery is Apostolic Signatura — is the supreme

normally composed of: court of the external forum in the

a) Cardinal Prefect (or Archbishop Church. It is composed of a panel of
President) assisted by a Secretary — who cardinal judges, presided by one of
both cease upon reaching 75 years old. their number as Prefect and assisted by
b) Members —Cardinals, some a secretary, sub-secretary, promoter of
Bishops, some clerics or even laymen— sacred has been dropped from the their continuing education and pastoral pastoral life in the particular Churches justice, defender of the bond, chancellor
who all cease upon reading 80 years terminology altogether. At the time the ministry. It exercises vigilance over located in the territories subject to it. and staff.
old. 1983 Code took effect, there were nine pastors and other priests in pastoral 7) The S.C. for Religious and Secular 3) The Roman Rota — is the main
c) Consultors and Officials — who congregations (more have been added ministry, over presbyteral councils Institutes — is often referred to by its appellate court of the Roman Curia,
help the members in their task. since then): and over pastoral councils (diocesan Latin abbreviation SCRIS. In addition although it also tries some cases in the
2) Secretariat of State (or Papal 1) The Congregation for Bishops and parish). to the cardinals and diocesan bishops first instance. It derives its name (rota
Secretariat) — This occupies a peculiar — is responsible for the erection, b) Office on preaching and catechetics assigned to it, three general superiors = wheel in Latin) from the method of
position in the organization of the division, suppression or other changes — which promotes and approves of clerical religious institutes take part determining the composition of the
Curia, given its immediate proximity in ecclesiastical circumscriptions, i.e., pastoral and catechetical directories in its plenary sessions. The congregation panels (called ternus) of rotal judges
to the Pope. Organizationally, it would dioceses, ecclesiastical provinces, prepared by difference episcopal has two sections: (called auditores), who serve in panels
appear as the chief middle manager in regions, military ordinariates and conferences, and indicates opportune a) Section for religious of the Latin of three, five, seven or all together
the Curia, whose responsibilities include personal prelatures. It is also in charge of norms for the religious instruction of Church. Included are societies of (videntibus omnibus).
the following: the process of selecting bishops, apostolic children, youth and adults. apostolic life (cc.731-746) and third
a) Aid the Pope in his relationship with vicars, prefects and administrators, c) Office on temporal administration orders (cc.311, 312 and 317). Not e. Other Institutions of the Roman
the universal Church and with the other military ordinaries and other prelates — which handles matters related included are religious institutes founded Curia
departments of the Roman Curia, and with personal jurisdiction. It receives to alienation of ecclesiastical goods in mission territories and are working To round off this part of our
coordinate direct access to the Pope. the 5-year report (c.399) submitted (c.1292, §2); pious foundations, wills and principally there. This section processes discussion, other institutions have arisen
b) Coordinate the work of the different by diocesan bishops, orders apostolic legacies; condition of church buildings, the permission to establish, suppress or in the Vatican:
curial offices and preside over the visitations of dioceses, and deals with sanctuaries and artistic patrimony; taxes; change an institute. It supervises matters 1) Councils and Commissions —
regular meetings of the heads of the anything else concerning bishops. pensions and the proper support of the of government and safeguards the Several of these carry on important
different dicasteries. 2) The Congregation for Catholic clergy. specific purpose of each institute. work in the Curia, of varying natures
c) Handle matters which are not Education — formerly called the S.C. for 4) The Congregation for the Doctrine b) Section for secular institutes of the and permanence:
clearly within the competence of any Seminaries and Universities. It is now of the Faith — was originally known Latin Church — which performs similar a) Temporary — e.g., revision of the
other dicastery. comprised of three offices, two of which as the Inquisition and was responsible functions for secular institutes, adapted Vulgate, and until recently revision of
d) Together with the Council for Public retain the former identity: for addressing the threats of heresy in to their specific nature. canon law.
Affairs of the Church, supervise the work a) The Office for seminaries — for the 16th Century. Known also as the 8) The Congregation for Sacraments b) Scholarly — e.g., biblical studies,
of the papal legates around the world and matters dealing with seminaries, except Holy Office, its name was changed and Divine Worship — is the result of sacred archeology, history and sacred
take charge of the Pontifical Commission for those seminaries under the S.C. for by Paul VI in 1965 even prior to the the fusion in 1975 of two congregations, art.
for Social Communications. the Oriental Churches and the S.C. for full reorganization of the Curia. This the S.C. for Sacraments and the S.C. for c) Pastoral — e.g., Pontifical
e) Edit Acta Apostolicae Sedis, the official the Evangelization of Peoples (i.e., those dicastery is tasked with examining new Divine Worship, the latter being in its turn Commission for Justice and Peace,
gazette of the Holy See (cf. c.8, §1). in so-called mission territories). teachings and opinions, promote their the result of the splitting in 1969 of the Pontifical Council for the Laity, Pontifical
3) Council for the Public Affairs b) The Office for institutes of higher study and condemn—when necessary— older S.C. for Rites into the S.C. for Divine Council for the Family.
of the Church — This is the agency education — for matters dealing with the unorthodox ones after hearing the Worship and the S.C. for Causes of Saints. 2) Offices — These carry out operations
responsible for diplomatic relations universities and other institutes of higher bishops of the region affected. The present dicastery has two sections: of the Roman Curia and services directly
with civil governments. It used to be a education. These include ecclesiastical 5) The Congregation for the Oriental a) Section on sacraments — looks after connected with the papal household.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 9
April 27 - May 10, 2009
RIGHT: Most Rev. Leonardo Medroso, DD
ON BACKGROUND: Cathedral of St Joseph the Worker

Diocese of Tagbilaran priests, Fr. Pelagio Dompor, Fr. Mariano Onesimo Gordoncillo, D.D., then the has been his guiding
By Fr. Jose Cecil Lobrigas Gaviola, Fr. Pedro Namoc, Fr. Matias
Morgia, Fr. Gaudioso Sucre, Fr. Simeon
Auxiliary Bishop of Dumaguete.
IMPORTANT FACTS motto. Early in his term
the Diocese of Tagbilaran
Daquipa, Fr. Saturnino Felicitas, and Fr. Bishop Onesimo Gordoncillo gave birth to the Diocese
THE Christian faith first Placido Cajoy, sending them in two- Most Rev. Onesimo Gordoncillo, a
Bishop …………………………..……......
of Talibon. It was also
came to the province of pronged parish-to-parish mission that Negrense, bearing the motto “Veritatem Diocesan ……………………..………… 157 during his term that
Bohol, the 10th largest island culminated with the arrival of the image Tuam Annunciabo,” took over in 1976, Religious ………………………....……… 8 the diocese experienced
of our Lady of Fatima. Most noteworthy as the third bishop of the diocese. Aside Brothers …………………………….…….. 3 vigorous growth brought
in the Philippines located of the legacies of Bishop Rosales was from effectively pursuing the programs Sisters: about by ecclesiastical
in the center of the Visayas, the founding of the Immaculate Heart of his predecessors, he is credited with Filipino ………………………………...… 179
Foreign …………………………...........… 1
landmarks like the
immediately after the coming of Mary Seminary in 1950. He was later introducing the Parish Pastoral Council National Eucharistic
transferred as the Archbishop of Cebu set up, elevating eight priests to the rank Year, the Ruby Jubilee of
of the Spanish conquistador on December 17, 1949 but remained of Honorary Prelate, while completing
Pre-College …………………………………. 1
the Immaculate Heart of
College ……………………………………… 1
Miguel Lopez de Legaspi in Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese the auditorium and chapel of the Taloto Seminarians: Mary Seminary, and the
1565. Legaspi had entered of Tagbilaran until November 16, seminary. During his administration, Pre-College ……………………………. 21 Second Plenary Council
1951 when the Most Rev. Manuel M. the “Diocesan Thrust,” initiated by the College ……………………………..…… 39 of the Philippines. The
into a blood compact with the Mascariñas, D.D. then Bishop of Palo, Bohol Clergy, ushered the diocesan Theology ………………………..………. 34 term of Bishop Zafra
local chieftain Datu Sikatuna was appointed the second bishop of focus towards the establishment of the Studying in the diocese: saw the proliferation of
Tagbilaran. Basic Christian Communities. After Pre-College/College …………...……… 60 the Perpetual Adoration
advancing friendship 45 years of existence as a diocese, the Studying outside the diocese: chapels in the parishes.
between Spain and the Bishop Manuel Mascariñas Diocese of Tagbilaran was split into two Theologians ……………………….… 34 It was also through
Seminarians On Regency ……………… 6
Sovereignty of the Island. A son of Antequera, Bohol and dioceses with the creation of the Diocese Diocesan Divisions: the favorable climate
erstwhile Bishop of Palo, Leyte, Bishop of Talibon comprising half of the civil Vicariates ……………………………….... 7 created by the bishop that
The first batch of missionaries Manuel Mascariñas ascended as province of Bohol. Parishes …………………………..……… 55 religious sisters who now
were members of the Society Chaplaincies …………………………. 2 outnumber the priests,
of Jesus who established the Visit of the Relic of St Therese
Chapels …………………………………… 37 came to establish houses,
municipalities of Baclayon in Population ………………………….. 616,285 schools, and ministries in
1595, Loboc in 1602 and Dauis Catholics …………………….......... 546,275 the diocese. More parishes,
in 1697 as the first centers of Area ………………………….. 1,734 sq. kms. too, were erected.
Catechism. The faith spread over
the island through friendship
and intermarriage between the Due to the outbreak of World War II, the
Spanish soldiers and the native newly created Diocese of Tagbilaran was
women. without a Bishop. The governance of the
Creation of the Diocese Diocese remained in the hands of Most Rev.
The Diocese of Tagbilaran was Gabriel Reyes, D.D., the Archbishop of Cebu
formally erected a diocese by who acted as Apostolic Administrator.
virtue of a Papal Bull by Pope
Pius XII on November 8, 1941
Bishop Felix Zafra Bishop Leopoldo Tumulak
separating it from the Archdiocese
The Most Rev. Felix Zafra, D.D., Having reached the age of retirement,
of Cebu. It originally comprised
then the Bishop of Dipolog, succeeded Bishop Zafra was succeeded by the
the entire civil province of Bohol
Bishop Gordoncillo. He came to Most Rev. Leopoldo S. Tumulak,
with a total land area of 3,979
serve the diocese as fourth bishop of D.D., then Auxiliary Bishop of Cebu,
square kilometers.
Tagbilaran on December 2, 1986. “Ut on January 1993. Ever mindful of his
Due to the outbreak of World
Vitam Abundantius Habeant” (That motto, “Unitas in Caritate” (Unity in
War II, the newly created Diocese
they may have life more abundantly) Love), he steered the Diocese toward
was without a Bishop. The
governance of the Diocese remained in second bishop of Tagbilaran on convening the first ever Diocesan
the hands of Most Rev. Gabriel Reyes, January 29, 1952 with his motto The Elijah Spirituality Centre Synod in 1997. The Synod articulated
D.D., the Archbishop of Cebu who acted “Confido in Domino”. Paternally among other things its vision of a
as Apostolic Administrator. continuing the pastoral process renewed local Church, a community
begun by Bishop Rosales, he of disciples journeying in faith,
Bishops of Tagbilaran built two more buildings for the living out in earnest the vocation of
rapidly expanding seminary, prophet, priest and king, with Mary
Bishop Julio Rosales introduced the 40 Hours Devotion, as model. Following the inspiration
On June 29, 1946, the Most Rev. established the For More Priests of the Second Plenary Council of the
Julio R. Rosales, D.D. was named Club (now St. Joseph Vocation Philippines, the vehicle for this vision
the first Bishop of Tagbilaran, taking Society), founded more diocesan of renewal was aptly identified as the
canonical possession of the Diocese high schools in the parishes, and Gaymay’ng Simbahanong Katilingban
on September 25, 1946. A gifted initiated the retreat movement. (Basic Ecclesial Communities). The
organizer Bishop Rosales is credited He represented the diocese in formation and enrichment of the
with initiating the process of setting the Second Vatican Council and Basic Ecclesial Communities became
spiritual and material foundations of started the Aggiornamento in the thereon the basic diocesan pastoral
the diocese through intensification of diocese. Later in his term, he was thrust. Manifesting an important
the devotion to the Sacred Heart, the assisted by an auxiliary bishop; component of the vision, the Synod
Apostleship of prayer, the Confraternity Bishop Juan Nilmar, who initiated also decreed the implementation of
of Christian Doctrine, the Legion of the proper administration of the the New Financial System (NFS).
Mary, the Knights of Columbus, the temporal goods in the diocese and Under the NFS, motivated by the
Catholic Women’s League, and the introduced the Catholic Bishops’ experience solidarity and fraternity,
establishment of diocesan high schools Conference of the Philippines the standardization of the allowance of
in parishes with big conventos. In 1949, Pension Plan for the clergy. Due the clergy and centralization of funds
he organized the first diocesan mission to old age, Bishop Mascariñas were instituted.
team composed of the latest ordained was succeeded by the Most Rev. Tagbilaran / B6
CBCP Monitor
B4 Vol. 13 No. 9
April 27 - May 10, 2009

May They Be One (Jn 17, 21)

By Bishop Broderick S. Pabillo, DD open to all. And what is this life? Jesus the bear shall graze, their young shall
unequivocally points out, “This is eternal lie down together; and the lion shall
life, that they may know you, the only eat straw like the ox. The nursing child
IT is undeniable that we are living in a world that is characterized by imbalances or so-called true God, and Jesus Christ whom you shall play over the hole of the asp, and
“divides”. There is the well known economic divide between the North and the South, between have sent.” (Jn 17, 3) Evangelism then is the weaned child shall put its hand on
to bring people in touch with Jesus, that the adder’s den. They will not hurt or
the “Haves” and the “Have-Nots, between the “First World” and the “Third World”. And they may accept him as the one sent by destroy on all my holy mountain; for the
the gap between the rich and the poor is not getting any smaller; on the contrary, with all God to be our Lord and Savior. But Jesus earth will be full of the knowledge of
our economic theories and the promises of globalization, the gap is getting wider. Modern says clearly: the world will believe that the LORD as the waters cover the sea.”
Jesus is from God if we are one, just as (Is 11, 7-9) When the earth is full of the
advances have also brought about inter-generational divides and gaps in our relationships, he and the Father are one! Ecumenism knowledge of the Lord because the word
even in such intimate circles as our families. There are more conflicts now within families then, the search for Christian unity, is of the Lord is valued and known by all,
than before, or we do not know how to handle them better as before. not just an option, a program that we then will the “divides” be overcome,
may or may not engage ourselves into. so that traditional enemies and even
This is evidenced by so many broken many and such great discords in society.” be one. This already is a tall order. We It is an essential component of our effort natural opposites will come together
families in our midst. In our country at (GS 10) all know how difficult it is to be one, to to make people accept Christ! in peace. Hence the MAY THEY BE
the moment we keenly feel our political be in unity. But we must immediately We go back to our unanswered ONE project.
divides. Politics naturally promotes This long litany of divides, gaps, note that Jesus qualified this kind of question: Can we do this? Can we arrive This is the dream, the project, the
various parties. This makes democracy disunity, imbalances, or whatever we unity. He prayed to the Father “that at the unity that Jesus prayed for? Yes, campaign and the effort to produce
lively. There is check and balance. But in may call them, points that we are living in they may be one as we are one.” “As we can. Jesus prayed for it. Yes, we can. and distribute five million Bibles in
our case there is political disintegration. a world that is yet far from the vision that you, Father, are in me and I am in you, Jesus has given us the means. Again we five years for the poor at a price that
There are no common goals, there is no God, our Creator and Lord, intends. He may they also be in us.” (Jn 17, 21) That go back to his prayer. “The glory that is affordable to them. In our country,
common good that the political parties is a God of Love—and unity, solidarity, unity that Jesus dreams and wishes for you have given me I have given them, which is predominantly Christian, the
adhere to. Most use political parties cooperation, collaboration, respect—are us is the unity of God himself! Wow! so that they may be one, as we are one. great obstacles that keep our people
and machineries just for their own self all manifestations of love. We all know The unity that is asked of us is not just (Jn 17, 22) We have the glory of God from reading the Bible and hence from
interest or those of their families. Then that diversity and differences are no any functional unity, that we are united – the glory that Jesus shared with the being guided by the Word of God in
there is the educational divide. In our reasons for disunity. This is why our God in some action or some program. It is Father in the beginning. What is this their lives, are ignorance and poverty.
country more and more people are going is Triune God—one and three—ISANG a unity of being, as the unity in God glory? Glory is a term that has many People are ignorant of the value of the
out of school without finishing even TATLO or better still ISATLO: Isa at himself! Can we achieve it? We have to nuanced meanings in the Scriptures. Bible so they don’t care. Many times
the basic education. The gap in quality Tatlo. Being three does not prevent achieve it because the stake It may mean praise, power, greatness, they are ignorant, because nobody has
of education is so glaring. Grade one them/him from being one. Though we is high. On this oneness holiness, uniqueness, etc. In all shown them its importance, and anyway
students in exclusive private schools come from various persuasions, yet we depends the faith of the its various connotations though, they cannot afford to own a Bible. I have
know more than grade five students are one in this, so that we call ourselves world. “As you, Father, there is something in common: it to admit that many of the Christians in
in many of our provincial public is something that is specifically these categories belong to the Catholic
elementary schools. This is exacerbated When the earth is full of the of God. Something specifically of tradition. The purpose of the MAY
by the electronic divide. While many knowledge of the Lord because God is given to us by Jesus so that THEY BE ONE campaign is to reach
who are technological savvies possess
the latest gadgets, many, many more the word of the Lord is valued we may live the unity of God. So we these people. The MTBO Bible would
can do it, because God is operative in cost 50 pesos. They will be sold—not
have never even touched a computer. and known by all, then will the us to bring this about. given—to the poor at this price in any
This will be a great problem that our “divides” be overcome, so that Glory is connected with part of the country. The only conditions
“fully automated” election system will
meet this coming election. How on earth traditional enemies and the Word of God. Again are: that they be poor so they cannot buy
we read. “So now, the Bible at regular prices and that they
can we reach millions in our rural areas to even natural opposites will Father, glorify me have undergone some kind of formation
teach them how to push electronic keys come together in peace. in your own that will lead them to read the Bible once
within a year? All of these add up to the
great cultural divide among peoples. Hence the MAY THEY BE presence they have it. The MTBO Bible is available
with the in eight Filipino major languages. This
There are different outlooks, different ONE project. glory is one part of the campaign.
ways of doing things, even different The other part is: how can we make
judicial systems that globalization makes the Bible available at 50 pesos per copy
painfully clear to us. The differences are Bishop Broderick Pabillo delivered the keynote when the regular price of a Bible is 150
so great that some are speaking about the speech at the 44th annual Membership Meeting of
pesos? We look for sponsors who can
Philippine Bible Society last April 18 at the PBS
Great Clash of Civilizations. Therefore Ministry Facility in United Nations Avenue. help us subsidize the Bible for the poor.
what was written during the Second For every hundred pesos given, one Bible
Vatican Council more than 45 years ago Christians—that we believe in the is subsidized. This is a way of reaching
aptly applies even up to our days: Trinity, in the Triune God. We are out to the poor. We are all concerned
called to imitate God! about the deep situation of poverty in
“Never has the human race enjoyed How then can we keep our own our country. There are many efforts
such an abundance of wealth, resources identity and yet become one? This is to uplift them. The government even
and economic power, and yet a huge a great concern and this had been the resorts to dole-outs to subsidize some of
proportion of the world’s citizens are great concern of Jesus just before he left their expenses, like rice subsidies, or just
still tormented by hunger and poverty, us. We listen consciously to the words of plainly giving them 1,500 pesos a month.
while countless numbers suffer from a man who knows he is dying because Many of us, on our own, also support
total illiteracy. Never before has man had at this juncture of life he speaks only of various charities for scholarship,
so keen an understanding of freedom, what is most close to his heart. At the medical missions, livelihood programs,
yet at the same time, new forms of Last Supper Jesus was very conscious micro-finance assistance, etc – all to
social and psychological slavery make that his time was up. In fact John tells alleviate poverty. Some even go to
their appearance. Although the world us when he introduced the Last Supper advocacy work, like lobbying for land
today has a very vivid awareness of its narrative…. “Now before the festival of reform, fighting big mining activities
unity and of how one man depends on the Passover, Jesus knew that his hour had that destroy the habitat of the poor, going
another in needful solidarity, it is most come to depart from this world and go against payments of immoral debts,
grievously torn into opposing camps to the Father. Having loved his own who and so on and so forth. All of these are
by conflicting forces. For political, were in the world, he loved them to the praiseworthy causes but we must not
social, economic, racial and ideological end.” (Jn 13,1) So in the Priestly Prayer forget that poverty is not just the lack
disputes still continue bitterly, and with that Jesus expressed during the Last of material means. It is not just even a
them the peril of a war which would Supper we can note clearly what his main lack of education and skills. Deep down
reduce everything to ashes.” (GS 4) preoccupations were. Central among poverty is also a lack of values, deep
them is unity among his disciples—not that I had in your presence before the values that are offered by our Christian
These divides are not only found only among the Twelve who were with are in me and I am in you, may they also world existed. I have made your name faith. Many times the poor are bypassed
among peoples. It is also found within him then but also among us, those who be in us, so that the world may believe known to those whom you gave me in the passing on of the values of the
the human person himself. Again let would come to believe because of the that you have sent me.” (Jn 17, 21) We are from the world. They were yours, and faith. They do not go to our sectarian
me quote: testimony of the Twelve. all conscious of the Great Mandate of the you gave them to me, and they have schools. Many of them do not regularly
Lord Jesus before he went up to heaven. kept your word. Now they know that attend our church services. They cannot
“The truth is that the imbalances under “I ask not only on behalf of these, but “Go therefore and make disciples of all everything you have given me is from buy Bibles and other books of devotion.
which the modern world labors are also on behalf of those who will believe nations, baptizing them in the name you; for the words that you gave to me So by providing them with affordable
linked with that more basic imbalance in me through their word, that they may of the Father and of the Son and of the I have given to them, and they have Bibles and going out to help them read
which is rooted in the heart of man. For in all be one. As you, Father, are in me and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey received them and know in truth that I the Bibles we are actually helping them
man himself many elements wrestle with I in you, may they also be in us, so that everything that I have commanded you. came from you; and they have believed get out of the mire of poverty by allowing
one another. Thus, on the one hand, as a the world may believe that you have And remember, I am with you always, that you sent me.” (Jn 17, 5-8) It is the the power of the Word to work among
creature, he experiences his limitations in sent me. The glory that you have given to the end of the age.” (Mt 28, 19-20) We, words that Jesus received from the them. We should not belittle the role of
a multitude of ways; on the other he feels me I have given them, so that they may in all our communities, do our best to be Father, the words that he gave to the the Bible in fighting poverty.
himself to be boundless in his desires be one, as we are one, I in them and you faithful to this mandate. So we go out disciples that made them believe that MTBO is not just a campaign done
and summoned to a higher life. Pulled in me, that they may become completely of our way, collect money, train people, Jesus comes from the Father. These same in our country. It has already caught
by manifold attractions he is constantly one, so that the world may know that make programs for evangelization or words, my dear friends, we find in the the attention of the international
forced to choose among them and renounce you have sent me and have love them evangelism. All of these efforts will Scriptures. These words will keep us community. The United Bible Societies
some. Indeed as a weak and sinful being, he even as you have loved me.” (Jn 17, not bear the desired fruit until we are in unity. If all are just governed by the (UBS) is fully supportive of it. It helped
often does what he would not, and fails to 20-23) one. The purpose of all evangelism is Words of God, then indeed there will in its conceptualization. In fact it is also
do what he would. Hence he suffers from to offer eternal life to all. This is the be unity and peace. The prophet Isaiah organizing an international campaign
internal divisions, and from these flow so Jesus prayed: Ut unum sint: May they Good News: that eternal life, real life is already foresaw of this: “The cow and May / B5

Bible society
divides that the world is experiencing now— possible, effective and meaningful distribution of Coordinator, TOPIC Philippines); and Mr. James
whether economic, political, educational and the Holy Scriptures and to stimulate and assist in Tioco, member-at-large (Executive Director,
cultural—and how the Word of God could unite spiritual transformation of people and nations.” Sowers of the Word Ministries, Inc.).
a divided world and help the poor get out of the The meeting also saw the election of new Other Board Members include Bishop Cesar
holds annual mire of poverty.
The bishop also stressed the unity that Jesus
dreams and wishes for is the unity of God Himself.
members to the Board of Trustees (BOT).
Bishop Renato Mayugba, DD, of Lingayen-
Dagupan, Dr. Natividad B. Pagadut, Consultor
Punzalan (Deputy National Director, PCEC); Mr.
Rene E. Cristobal (Owner-DCL Corporation);
Rev. Valentin C. Chaves (President, Foursquare

membership The world will believe that Jesus is from God if

we are one, just as he and the Father are one. He
exhorted his audience to support the May They
of the Episcopal Commission for the Biblical
Apostolate (ECBA) Consultant, and Former
Chief Justice Artemio Panganiban were elected to
Churches in the Philippines); Dr. Jonathan D.
Exiomo (President, Alliance Graduate School);
Mr. Albert S. Tanlimco (Church Administrator,

meeting be One Bible Campaign—the dream, the project

and effort to produce and distribute 5 million
Bibles in five years for the poor at a price that is
represent the Roman Catholic Church.
Representatives of the Philippine Council of
Evangelical Churches are Ms. Emmaloisa M.
Chosen Generation Christian Fellowship); Rev.
Marie Sol Sioco-Villalon (Program Coordinator,
Manila Episcopal Area United Methodist
affordable to them. Salumbides, National Coordinator of Peace Church); and Mrs. Myrna G. Cuejilo (Chairman,
The campaign is the concrete sign of common Builders Ministry, and Dr. Philip Flores, the Green Ladies Multi-Purpose Cooperative).
By Juliet Gimeno-Rivera efforts of all Christian groups to make the Bible National Coordinator of Trainers of Pastors PBS gave Plaques of Appreciation to Bishop
available. International Coalition (TOPIC)—Philippines. Atty. Pabillo and retiring members of the Board:
The Chairman of Episcopal Commission for Jose Villanueva, Founder and Chairman, Shekinah Bishop Bastes, Ms. Amelita Herrera, General
THE Philippine Bible Society (PBS) held its the Biblical Apostolate (ECBA), Bishop Arturo Christian Unity Foundation, is representative for Manager of UST Cooperative and Mr. Dante
44th annual Membership Meeting last April 18 M. Bastes, SVD, presented a report on the MTBO the Independent Churches. Lanorio.
at the PBS Ministry Facility in United Nations Campaign status and gave an appeal to the The new BOT is headed by NCCP Chairman The PBS Board of Trustees is an 18-member
Avenue. members present to also contribute to this worthy Bishop Nathanael P. Lazaro as president and ecumenical team with five members each from
The Auxiliary Bishop of Manila, Bishop project of putting a Bible in every Filipino home. chairman. Working with him in the Executive the Roman Catholic Church, the National
Broderick S. Pabillo, DD, who chairs the “May A highlight of this year’s meeting was the Committee are Bishop Broderick S. Pabillo, DD, Council of Churches in the Philippines, the
They Be One” (MTBO) Advisory Committee, ratification of several proposed amendments on (Auxiliary Bishop of Manila) as Vice President and Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches, and
delivered the keynote speech during the the Articles of Incorporation and Amended By- Vice Chairman; Atty. Robinson A. Landicho, (Court three members from independent churches.
gathering. Laws. These amendments aim to strengthen PBS Atty. V, Supreme Court) as Corporate Secretary; Two hundred thirty-two people attended
He gave a stirring message on the great in the pursuit of its purpose “to achieve the widest Dr. Philip C. Flores, member-at-large (National the big event.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 9
April 27 - May 10, 2009

Year of the Two Hearts for Peace-Building

and Lay participation in Social Change
Labor Day Message 2009
ON the occasion of Labor Day 2009, we
gratefully salute the labor force on whom
depends the sustenance and development
of our country.
The celebration of Labor Day would be all the more
meaningful if our labor force will feel more concretely
and tangibly the care and concern of the business sector,
the government and civil society. The work force which is
responsible in producing the food and wealth of the country
must themselves be made to share the fruit of their labor
through just wages and well-deserved security for themselves
and their families. Retirement benefits must likewise be part
of the program for workers.
We acknowledge the mutual dependence of capital and
labor. It has been well said “neither capital can do without
labor, nor labor without capital.” This mutual dependence can
exist only in the atmosphere of social and distributive justice.
Acts of justice take precedence over acts of charity.

Archbishop of Jaro
CBCP President
May 1, 2009
(A Pastoral Exhortation)
Beloved people of God, on peace-building and genuine reconciliation by the social teachings of the Church. We enjoin
As we conclude the year of St. Paul which through dialogue, drawing encouragement all Catholic law enforcers to form associations

‘Gifted By the Creator with a

the Holy Father inaugurated on June 29, 2008, especially from St. Paul’s profound insights on among themselves that consciously renounce
we invite the Filipino faithful to start preparing these topics. Let us consciously lay the moral violence, respect basic human rights, and truly
spiritually for another crucial transition in the foundations on which we can build a more work for the preservation of peace and social

Unique Capacity for the Other’

life of our nation—namely, the elections in May stable, more mature Philippine society. Let this order. We call upon the Catholic laity involved
2010. For this purpose, we are declaring the post- foundation be not just a change of leaders or in social communications and the modern mass
Pauline year (from June 2009 until June 2010) as a change of social and political structures, but media to form networks among themselves
a year of Prayer and Work for Peace-building above all, a radical change of heart, commending that can articulate a genuinely Christian ethics
and Lay Participation in Social Change. By ourselves to Jesus and his Blessed Mother as we in their practice of their profession. We urge
way of transition, we can draw our inspiration entreat them to “…make our hearts so like to every Catholic lay person to give a concrete (The message of Pope Benedict XVI sent to participants of the 1st
from St. Paul’s timeless reflections on “Christ (theirs) that we may holy be!” expression to Christian discipleship through International Conference on Woman and Human Rights on the theme
as Ambassador of Peace and Reconciliation” (2 responsible citizenship. “Life, Family, Development: The Role of Women in the Promotion
Cor 5: 18-20 & Eph 2:12-18) in order to dispose Lay Participation in Social Change of Human Rights,” held at the Vatican on March 20-21, 2009)
ourselves for the next thematic year. For the past few months now, we have noted Prayer
a mounting call for “moral regeneration” in our In closing, may we ask that we start praying
Consecration of the Two Hearts country. Not only do we welcome this; we your the following prayer at least every Sunday To my Venerable Brother Cardinal Renato Raffaele
We will launch this new thematic year by pastors are encouraged by the fact that this call after communion in all Catholic churches and Martino,
consecrating our country to the Sacred Heart has been coming mainly from the laity. You chapels all over the country from June 2009 to I am pleased to extend cordial greetings to you and to all
of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of know that we have sounded this call too many June 2010: those taking part in the International Conference on the theme
Mary when we celebrate their feast days on times already in the past. Perhaps because this “Life, Family and Development: the Role of Women in the
June 19-20, 2009—a few days before the formal task is expected of us, there has been a tendency O Sacred Heart of Jesus, the reality of our Promotion of Human Rights.” This event, sponsored by the
closing of the Pauline Year on the feast of Sts. to take it for granted that we are also to carry deeply wounded and broken country impels Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, with the cooperation
Peter and Paul, June 29, 2009. This Year of it out by ourselves. One journalist wrote in us to respond with new urgency to the most of the World Women’s Alliance for Life and Family, the
Prayer and Work for Peace-Building and Lay a commentary recently, “The task of moral pressing problems of our times. World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations and other
Participation in Social Change will begin and regeneration is too big to entrust to religious We are a broken people; our hearts are associations, is an exemplary response to my predecessor Pope
end with the feasts of the Two Hearts (June leaders alone.” We couldn’t agree more. fragmented and we are discouraged. We John Paul II’s call for a “new feminism” with the power to
2009- June 2010). As your pastors, we exercise spiritual and need Your Heart, O Lord, as we seek to be transform culture, imbuing it with a decisive respect for life
moral leadership as regards our communal made whole. (cf. “Evangelium Vitae,” 98-99).
Peace-building and ecclesial life in our parishes and dioceses Rooted in our faith in You and love for Every day we learn of further ways in which life is
From the wounded Heart of Jesus flowed throughout the country. But we cannot just our country, we want to participate in Your compromised, particularly in its most vulnerable stages.
the grace of healing and reconciliation. Let extend that leadership into the spheres of work of transformation of persons, families, While justice demands that these be decried as a violation of
this grace flow through us, the community politics and governance, in business and organizations, and society. human rights, they must also evoke a positive and proactive
of Christ’s disciples, into the bloodstream of economics, in the sciences and the mass Through the transforming power of the love response. The recognition and appreciation of God’s plan
our nation. Let it find a concrete expression media, etc., without running the risk of being of Your Heart, we draw a new dynamism, a for women in the transmission of life and the nurturing of
in serious advocacies for peace and dialogue, misconstrued as engaging in power-play or strong inspiration, a fire, which can change children is a constructive step in this direction. Beyond this,
healing and reconciliation amidst conflict- over-extending our sphere of influence beyond and transfigure our lives as individuals and and given the distinctive influence of women in society, they
situations in all possible circumstances of life. our offices. The participation of the laity in as a nation. must be encouraged to embrace the opportunity to uphold
Let us all actively pray and work for peace, moral leadership pertaining to every specific (Please pause for a specific intention) the dignity of life through their involvement in education
following the inspiration of that popular prayer discipline and institution in the Philippine Love of the Heart of Jesus, give us courage and their participation in political and civic life. Indeed,
attributed to St. Francis of Assisi, “Lord, make society is most essential, if we want the Gospel and patience. Wisdom of the Heart of Jesus, because they have been gifted by the Creator with a unique
me an instrument of your peace. Where there is and the social teachings of the Church to have teach us to pray and to act with hope and “capacity for the other,” women have a crucial part to play
hatred, let me bring love; where there is injury, a tangible and positive impact at all on our life charity at all times. Amen. in the promotion of human rights, for without their voice the
pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there as a nation. Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. social fabric of society would be weakened (cf. Letter to the
is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; We challenge our Catholic laity, in particular, Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us. Bishops of the Catholic Church on the Collaboration of Men
where there is sadness, joy,” seeking at each to take the lead in the task of moral renewal and Women in the Church and in the World, Congregation
time, not so much “to be consoled as to console, towards a deeper and more lasting change in the May Jesus, the Source of Divine Mercy, for the Doctrine of the Faith, 13). As you reflect on the role
to be understood, as to understand, to be loved Philippine society. We challenge all lay people and His mother Mary accompany us in our of women in the promotion of human rights, I invite you
as to love…” and believing firmly that “It is in involved in politics to renounce corruption work of peace-building, and social and moral to keep in mind a task to which I have drawn attention on
giving, that we receive; …in pardoning, that and bond together in the task of evangelizing regeneration. several occasions: namely, to correct any misconception that
we are pardoned; …and in dying, that we are politics for effective governance and the pursuit Christianity is simply a collection of commandments and
born to eternal life.” of the common good. We challenge the laity For the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the prohibitions. The Gospel is a message of joy which encourages
While we go on with our pastoral programs involved in legislation to unite themselves and Philippines, men and women to delight in spousal love; far from stifling
in all Church units and organizations, basic consciously allow their actions to be guided by it, Christian faith and ethics make it healthy, strong and truly
ecclesial communities, parishes, dioceses, and the truth of the Gospel and the Christian faith. +ANGEL N. LAGDAMEO, D.D. free. This is the exact meaning of the Ten Commandments:
regions throughout the country, we also ask We urge the Catholic lay people involved in Archbishop of Jaro they are not a series of “noes” but a great “yes” to love
that all ecclesial entities all over the country legitimate business to organize themselves and President, CBCP Gifted / B7
strive to establish and form groups that can consciously practice their trade with a strong April 19, 2009
effectively focus their ministry or apostolate sense of corporate social responsibility informed Feast of Divine Mercy

May / B4

to match every peso that we Bible Society (PBS) and Episcopal Where Jesus is, there is healing we believe that in Salvation History the poor. Then the structures denominations. Many expect it to
produce in our local campaign. CommissionoftheBibleApostolate and peace. The Word of God also God pays attention to the poor and of power are gradually and succeed so they can duplicate it
So if you give 300 pesos you will (ECBA) of the CBCP. It is not heals relationships in families and change comes from below. This effectively changed—from below! in other countries. If companies
actually be subsidizing six Bibles, just a Catholic project though. within communities. There people is very different from the present Moses came from the oppressed, and big businesses are merging
the other three Bibles coming Although we are targeting many learn the values of forgiveness, economic models which believe in David was not considered by to survive in a globalized world,
from the matching scheme from Catholics, the campaign also aims solidarity and humility. When the trickle-down effort, which has Jesse, the Israelites were among should we not as Christian
outside of our country. In the 12th to subsidize Bibles among other people are governed by God’s will never come about. Big businesses the least of the nations, Mary was Churches join our efforts that
Ordinary Synod of Bible in Rome Christian groups who are helping that is imparted to us by His Word are favored to lure investments. a lowly handmaid, Jesus came God’s Word be spread? On
last October, incidentally whose the poor. Spreading the Word of then we would be considerate Tax holidays are given. Some are from Nazareth where nothing the Catholic side, we have
topic is the Word of God in the God is good for everybody. We to each other. Justice and peace even planning to allow them 100% good was to be expected, the the blessings of the Pontifical
Life and Ministry of the Church, believe that the Scriptures touch would then flow like a river. As ownership of land so that they will Twelve Apostles were provincial Commission on Christian Unity
an MTBO Bible was given to Pope and renew all who come to them it has been pointed out many invest in our country. Galileans, etc. Thus the purpose under Cardinal Kasper. Who
Benedict XVI and the MTBO sincerely. times, the problem in our country It is funny. There is great of our MTBO is the very desire of knows, from this common
campaign was presented in the Why the title MTBO or MAY is as much a moral problem as resistance to allow poor Filipino Jesus; may they be one through effort, the Lord may lead us to
floor before the more than 250 THEY BE ONE? This is a very an economic or political one. No farmers to own small pieces of land the glory of God that comes by great unity in other common
Bishops from all over the world. apt title both for its purpose amount of political and economic by land reform which is a social His Word that is offered to the endeavors until full unity, which
Presently the Bible Society of and its means. The purpose is reform would bring change if there justice mandate of the present poor of the land. is the work of God’s Spirit, will
Slovenia has given us a sizable to contribute to the fulfillment is no change in people’s hearts and constitution and they want to The means too is echoed by come about so that the world may
amount ($4,090.00) and the of the great concern of Jesus at minds. It is the Word of God that change the constitution to allow big the MTBO campaign. This is know that Jesus Christ is sent by
American Bible Society has also the Last Supper. We believe that can penetrate hearts and minds. and rich foreign players to own our a campaign that is a concrete the Father to bring eternal life to
pledged to support it. Since the the Word of God is a means that “Indeed, the Word of God is land. This is how our globalized sign of common efforts of all all. Let us then be one in MAY
campaign was launched at the help lessen, or altogether erase, living and active, sharper than any world operates: favoring the big Christian groups to make the THEY BE ONE project!
Manila Cathedral on September the divides in our world. First, two-edged sword, piercing until and the powerful, as if they will Bible available. This is a test case
30, 2008 we have gathered in the individuals. By taking it divides soul from spirit, joints bring prosperity, when we all that the other Bible Societies all (This piece was delivered at the
P847,565.24 and distributed the Word of God seriously and from marrow; it is able to judge know that they operate in order over the world are catching. For 44th Annual Membership Meeting
11,755 Bibles. Total stock on hand living by it, the wounds that sin the thoughts and intentions of the to get profit and not to bring the first time there is a major of the Philippine Bible Society
are 38,299 copies. creates within us can be healed. heart.” (Heb 4, 12) Imagine five development. In the Salvation campaign on Bible distribution themed “May They Be One”, held
In the Philippines, the MTBO is By keeping His word, Jesus million people more reading the History Model, God hears the that is undertaken together by at the PBS Ministry Center on April
a joint campaign of the Philippine dwells in us as He promised. Bible! We target the poor because cries of the poor and acts among the Catholics and the Protestant 18, 2009.)
Ref lections
CBCP Monitor
B6 Vol. 13 No. 9
April 27 - May 10, 2009

Salvation in Jesus’ name alone

MORE than ever before, today 4th Sunday of Easter - B (John 10:11-18); May 3, 2009 What is of utmost importance, it is proposed,
is that one is sincere in one’s religious belief,
we realize that the world is and one can be saved in it.
characterized by a diversity Such an attitude, however, seems not
grounded in Christian faith, nor in the Sacred
of religions and sects. In the Scriptures. In the 1st reading, Peter’s apologia,
Philippines, we find a number of trying to explain the source of the power that
them: Buddhism, Judaism, Islam, healed the crippled man, points to the name of
Jesus apart from whom no one can be saved.
Christianity, and lately, New Age. “There is no salvation in anyone else, for there
And even in Christianity itself, we is no other name in the whole world given to
are aware of the various churches men by which we are to be saved” (Acts 4:12).
(“Name” here probably reflects a healing formula
and communities that claim to used by exorcists in the early Church; it does not
be the true Church founded by mean the word that identifies a person, but the
Christ: in addition to the Roman person of Jesus Christ himself, the risen One.)
Through his death and resurrection, God gave
Catholic Church, we have the Jesus power to heal and to save. In the Gospel,
various Protestant Churches, John presents Jesus as the Good Shepherd, who
the Iglesia ni Cristo, Ang Dating laid down his life for his sheep (John 10:11,15b,
17a). In the Johannine literature, the “laying
Daan, Jesus the Healer and various down of one’s life” is associated with the image
fundamentalist and Pentecostal of the Lamb of God who was slain to take away
churches, movements and sects. the sins of the world (Rev 5:6; John 1:29). Precisely
because he was slain and was justified by God,
In face of this diversity of religious beliefs, the Lamb became a fountain of life (Rev 7:17;
there seems to be an attitude of many, even 22:1). In other words, since Jesus laid down his
Catholics, from one which is skeptical toward life for others, he was constituted the means
non-Christian religions and Christian sects to through which salvation is given.
one which accepts any form of religion. For What are we to make of this biblical teaching?
them, since all religions and sects are means Does this mean that there is no other means
to have contact with the divine world and to of salvation apart from Jesus, since it was

er U
salvation, it does not matter whether one is only he who underwent passion, death and

a Muslim or Christian, or whether one is a resurrection in obedience to the Father? If the
body of Jesus is the Church, does this imply

by B
born-again Christian or a Catholic. According
to this view, all religions are of equal value; that outside the Church there is no salvation,

ours is not any better than any other religion. and therefore the individual attains salvation

Salvation / B7

Fr. Roy Cimagala

Infected minds
RH includes abortion By Most Rev. Patricio H. Alo, DD

WE have to be wary when the proponents What we have in Congress is not an original and everyone who agrees with you should SO it’s true, they say in Latin, Ideae regunt mundum,
say that their Reproductive Health Bill does brilliant idea of some of our lawmakers. It’s a be free to do so, anywhere in the world. And translated: “Ideas rule the world.” But they can be wrong
not include abortion. Given the country’s handed down copy, at least in substance, of so are we.” too, and they can infect anyone, without exception. I mean
still Christian culture, they naturally would the Reproductive Health laws now blighting “We happen to think that family planning the divisive ideologies, the devil’s wiles as the Bible says:
not openly say so. many countries all over the world, all of them is an important part of women’s health “Now have salvation and power come, the reign of our God
They certainly would go on denial mode, including abortion. and reproductive health includes access to and the authority of his Anointed One. For the accuser of
and employ ambiguous words, much like a We can be sure that the RH bill is a part of abortion that I believe should be safe, legal our brothers is cast out, who night and day accused them
squid tactic. This has always been the pattern a worldwide lobby network that the liberal and rare.” before our God” (Rev. 12:10). So these divisive ideologies
of their campaign. But pieces of evidence to ideologues are trying to establish. In spite of If the thinking of the current US may even infect Church people who neglect prayer and the
the contrary are aplenty. its apparent popularity, based on their own administration is to include access to abortion spirit of obedience to Church authority to engage in divisive
In the first place, all this business of surveys, it does not spring from the objective under reproductive health, we have no and judgmental rallies that may even end in violence and
promoting Reproductive Health is a global needs of our people. It’s an imported and business saying our own version will not disturbance.
effort organized by some ideologues who contrived move, not a spontaneous one. include it. On the contrary, the fruits of the Spirit direct us towards
want to impose their ideas on the How can we resist legalizing unity, love and reconciliation, not division and enmity. “What
whole world. Bluntly put, what is The RH bill is touted to respect abortion when the fine print of the Spirit brings is very different: love, joy, peace, patience,
waged is a war between Christian the term “reproductive health” kindness, goodness, trustfulness, gentleness, self-control, and
faith and secularized ideology.
freedom, to allow people an informed already includes abortion? In chastity” (Gal. 5:22-23). Not all the ideas in our free society
Let’s not be deceived by their choice on family planning methods, many documents of NGOs and are truly inspired by God’s Spirit, especially if they stem from
strategy. They want us to believe to improve their quality of life, etc. even of the UN, the concern over human pride and disregard legitimate authority. Jesus made
that the issue involved is only a maternal mortality and unsafe it very clear and we must discern from His unmistakable
socio-economic matter, that it’s
These are tricks to sidetrack us abortion is actually a code for warning. “Beware of false prophets (false teachers) who
just a question of practicality. from the real issue. Paraphrasing legalizing abortion. come to you disguised as sheep but underneath are ravenous
The RH bill is touted to respect former US President Clinton, we can In countries where abortion is wolves. You will be able to tell them by their fruits... A sound
freedom, to allow people an now legalized, the road to it started tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor a rotten tree bear good fruit... I
informed choice on family
say: read my lips, it is morality, not with these altruistic-sounding repeat, you will be able to tell them by their fruits” (Mt. 7:15-
planning methods, to improve economics, stupid! affairs. 20). This sort of infection, characterized by disrespect towards
their quality of life, etc. These Give it a few more years, come legitimate authority and causing disunity and disruption
are tricks to sidetrack us from the real issue. With such context, the RH bill can include, out with more favorable surveys, then the in society is a kind of “lumang tugtugin,” as if we did not
Paraphrasing former US President Clinton, at least, implicitly, the possibility of abortion. natural ugliness of abortion will disappear recall past history when our world, our land was in chaos
we can say: read my lips, it is morality, not It just cannot stop at contraception. It has in the minds of our people, and abortion will because of the infection of false ideas, false theories under
economics, stupid! to go all the way. In fact, no less than Mrs. sooner or later be made part of the family the guise of reform that only brought the fruit of confusion
Making the RH bill into a law will enable Hillary Clinton says so. planning methods that everyone should be and violence.
the ideologues to use government resources In a recent hearing of the US House given an informed choice of. As St. Paul expresses above, the Spirit of the Lord is a Spirit
and structure for their social engineering. It Foreign Affairs Committee, Congressman This is precisely the pattern in their of love and peace and unity. In the text we cited above, Rev.
will use the government to reshape people’s Chris Smith asked Secretary of State Hillary campaign, their strategy to do some social 12:10, the devil is said to be the “accuser of our brothers.”
minds and ways according to their tenets. Clinton: engineering according to their principles. It Even the etymology of the word “devil” means slanderer or
Obviously, the RH bill proponents can “Does the United States’ definition of can skillfully use the democratic system, with accuser. Let’s not be judgmental but rather educate people in
count on a certain degree of popularity. the term 1) ‘reproductive health’ or 2) vast appeal to freedom and people’s rights, the right ideas and work rather as Jesus wants us to do, for
They also can bank on tremendous ‘reproductive services’ or 3) ‘reproductive but being vulnerable to abuses, they are reconciliation. St. Teresa, following Jesus’ way of thinking,
financial support. But when the bone of rights’, include abortion?” emptied of their real and original value. expressed it this way: “Much wrongdoing would be avoided
contention is on morality, these aspects Mrs. Clinton answered: “We have a very We have to expose the wolf in sheep’s if we realized our business is to be on guard, not against men,
should only play secondary, not leading fundamental disagreement. It is my strongly clothing that is the Reproductive Health Bill, but against displeasing the Lord.”
roles, in resolving it. held view that you are entitled to advocate, now waiting for approval in our Congress.

Bo Sanchez Tagbilaran / B3

Bishop Leonardo Medroso

In 2005 the See of Tagbilaran was rendered vacant following the
appointment and subsequent installation of Bishop Tumulak as

Make refocusing a habit

Bishop of the Military Ordinariate of the Philippines. As Apostolic
Administrator, Bishop Tumulak continued at the helm of governance
until the canonical possession of the Diocese in December of 2006
by Bishop Leonardo Medroso, from the Diocese of Borongan, as the
sixth Bishop of Tagbilaran.
On October 2007, Bishop-Elect Crispin Varquez was consecrated
to the Episcopate by Bishop Medroso as the principal consecrator.
WHEN I enter a restaurant, I differently. their hairdresser condemned, unFilipino? Let me rephrase. Bishop Varquez, is the 14th in the line of Boholano bishops since
immediately know who’s married The first thing you notice is that their personal history conjured, Longganisa.) Bishop Mascariñas was ordained bishop in 1938. November 2007
and who’s only engaged or they sit apart. A ten-wheeler can their financial worth assessed, and Happy couples make it a marked the 10th Anniversary of the First Diocesan Synod. One of
“steadies”. I’m sure you do, too. pass through them quite nicely. their body weight ridiculed. habit to refocus. Because it’s the highlights was the sending off of Bishop Varquez to take the
The unmarried lovers are Both are busy eating, slicing, Sounds familiar? quite normal to be distracted. Canonical Possession of the Diocese of Borongan which had been
seated very close to each other. forking, spooning, dipping, and In a word, married couples So they talk. They get away for vacant since Bishop Medroso assumed as Bishop of Tagbilaran.
So close in fact, microbes will munching. tend to be unfocused. They no awhile. They pray. They go on
have a difficulty passing between No sensual foreplay is taking longer see each other—for the a marriage retreat. They take a Visit of the miraculous relic of St. Therese
them. Their hands are joined, place beneath the tablecloth. other gets lost in the minute second honeymoon. Or a third, On February 2008, the history of the diocese was once again
their fingers wedged, their legs or forth, or fifth… marked by the three-day visit of the Miraculous Relic of St. Therese
intertwined, their toes linked. Happy couples make it a habit to Our love relationship with God of the Child Jesus at the Assumption of the Our Lady Shrine in Dauis
(Look beneath the tablecloth and refocus. Because it’s quite normal suffers the same disease: We get town. An unprecedented display of faith and prayer and for the
you’ll see a very sensual love unfocused. first time, a bumper-to-bumper traffic was seen for two nights on
affair taking place right there.) to be distracted. So they talk. They After some time, we lose our the road leading to Dauis as devotees took the long line waiting for
Most critically, you will also get away for awhile. They pray. They first love for Jesus. We fall in love their turn to venerate the relics.
notice that their eyes are fixed go on a marriage retreat. They take with our spiritual community,
on each other and nothing else. or with pastoral care, or with Elijah Spirituality Center
Their mutual gaze is nailed, a second honeymoon. Or a third, or spiritual knowledge, or with our Inspired by the concerns articulated in the documents of the First
glued, and cemented. Their forth, or fifth… financial blessings, or with our Diocesan Synod, the Elijah Spirituality Center was inaugurated in
food is cold on the table, barely successful ministry… We start August 2008 aimed to be a venue for the renewal programs designed
touched. Because, nothing else Their eyes? Darting left and details of the background. Like losing our focus on God. We get to cater to the needs of the clergy, the religious, and the lay faithful
matters. The restaurant might right, scanning the architecture, tuition fees. Toilet training. House lost in the minute details of the of the Diocese. In January 2009, some members of the clergy and
be burning, an asteroid might surveying the interior design, amortization. Terrible two’s. background. lay representatives of the different Commissions on Worship,
come crashing through the roof, counting the light bulbs, Orthodontist’s bills. Wrinkles We probably need to get away Education, Service, Family and Life, Youth, and Temporal Goods,
and a nuclear warhead suddenly critiquing the waiters, observing and overlapping cellulite. with Him. Talk with our Lover. held a pastoral planning and workshop at the Elijah Spirituality
lands on their table—and they the other customers. And then we complain that we Take a second honeymoon with Center as a preparation for the coming Diamond Jubilee of the
wouldn’t even notice it. Oooh- Oh yes, every other customer in have fallen out of love! As though Him. Or a third, or forth, or Diocese of Tagbilaran on 2016. The workshop came up with five
la-la. Because they’re in luv. the restaurant is cross-examined, we are victims to things we have fifth… yearly pastoral themes which will be put into the diocesan programs
Married couples act quite their fashion style denounced, no control over. Baloney. (Too Make refocusing a habit. starting November 2009.
Social Concerns
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 9
April 27 - May 10, 2009

Saving the Earth

By Fr. Shay Cullen problem and harm their own health
too. Gardeners that unthinkingly
spray harmful pesticides don’t realize
“WHO could forget or harm a that they are killing microorganisms,
loving mother that has given insects and eliminating the food chain
of many creatures. Consider the great
life to each one of us, that loss among the butterfly, bee and bird
makes the dawn for all of us population of the UK alone. British
to see, sustains all creatures scientists say the evidence of these losses
is “strengthening the hypothesis that the
and gives us reason to care natural world is experiencing the sixth
for others”, these were the major extinction event in its history”.
words of a wise old man of (www.sciencemag.org).
For all who treasure the Earth as the
the Aeta indigenous people source of life and beauty there is much to
of the Philippines talking be done to preserve and protect it from
about Mother Earth. the destructive ways of human kind.
In the Philippines, there is a growing
He knew what he was talking about as environmental defense network that
his people lived in harmony with nature challenges the corrupt politicians
and preserved the former magnificent and government officials that allow
rains forests that covered these beautiful the destruction of the rain forests by
islands until the beginning of the business cronies. They have mobilized
century. There is so much for us to the responsible ones, the common people
live for, the breathtaking beauty of the and the church to take a determined
sunrise on the hills and valleys, the rush stand to stop the environmental disasters
of the mountain streams and rivers, due to logging, irresponsible mining and
the awe-inspiring variety of wild life the increased use of coal burning power
that still inhabit this planet and the stations. All these have contributed to
wonder of evolution observed in the global warming and climate change.
vast variety of species. Nothing can lift The Catholic Bishops Conference of the
the human spirit to praise the source Philippines focused on these three areas in
of life as can an ocean sunset. When a statement last November 5, 2008 titled
we leave the concrete jungle of the city “Upholding the Sanctity of Life”. It refers to
and immerse ourselves with nature, we their previous pastoral letter of 1988 on the
can be renewed and strengthened and environment that called on the people “to
come alive with a love of life on earth protect endangered ecosystems like our
in all its forms. forests, coral reefs and mangroves, and to
Last week, we celebrated Earth Day, establish just and humane communities.”
when we renewed our commitment to In the November letter the Bishops said:
protect the environment that sustains “The Church joins in the collective and
life on earth but which we humans are continuous call against the uncontrollable
destroying faster that it can possibly plunder of our natural resources. Above
recover. When we see and learn about all, it calls on a moratorium on mining
the destructive damage to plants and activities until the government and
animals and human beings by the the mining companies learn to uphold
chemical pesticides and industrial waste the right of the indigenous peoples,
that poisons the soil and food chain and compensate the affected communities
pollutes the atmosphere, we will realize for past damages, and ensure responsible
that these practices can bring on cancers mining practices.”

and diseases. Then we cannot remain The Bishops’ letter among important
silent. This realization motivated me to things calls for a total logging ban and
get Preda fair-trade to start a movement the immediate reforestation of destroyed
to encourage small farmers to produce ecosystems and greater efforts to change
organic mangoes and also to establish to renewable energy sources. “Earth
our own organic training farm. There, Day” has to be everyday, and we all need
the young people rescued from prison Even consumers that buy foods produced with harmful pesticides renewed efforts to implement positive
can recover and learn skills and grow and chemical ingredients are part of the problem and harm their own earth-saving life styles. The bishops ended
healthy food. health too. Gardeners that unthinkingly spray harmful pesticides don’t their pastoral letter as they did in 1988
Even consumers that buy foods with these words; “There is an urgency
produced with harmful pesticides and realize that they are killing microorganisms, insects and eliminating about this issue which calls for widespread
chemical ingredients are part of the the food chain of many creatures. education and immediate action”.

Vocations / B1 Gifted / B5

Contemplating the mystery of in a dimension of trust and evangelical counsels of chastity worthy to approach the priestly become the Mother of God, the and to life (cf. Address to the
the Eucharist, which expresses in gratitude that removes all fear, dedicated to God, poverty and ministry? Who can embrace the Mother of our Savior. Mary, Participants at the Ecclesial
a sublime way the free gift of the even when they experience more obedience are based upon the consecrated life relying only on after this first “fiat”, had to Convention of the Diocese of
Father in the Person of his Only acutely their own weakness (cf. words and examples of the Lord. his or her own human powers? repeat it many times, even up Rome, 5 June 2006).
Begotten Son for the salvation of Rm 8:26-28), or indeed when the They were further commanded Once again, it is useful to to the culminating moment of It is my sincere hope that your
mankind, and the full and docile experience of misunderstanding by the apostles and Fathers of reiterate that the response of men the crucifixion of Jesus, when discussions over these next two
readiness of Christ to drink to or even of persecution is most the Church, as well as by the and women to the divine call, “standing by the cross of Jesus” days will translate into concrete
the dregs the “cup” of the will bitter (cf. Rm 8:35-39). doctors and pastors of souls. whenever they are aware that it as the Evangelist John notes, initiatives that safeguard the
of God (cf. Mt 26:39), we can The awareness of being saved The counsels are a divine gift, is God who takes the initiative she participated in the dreadful indispensable role of the family
more readily understand how by the love of Christ, which which the Church received from and brings His plan of salvation suffering of her innocent Son. in the integral development
“faith in the divine initiative” every Mass nourishes in the its Lord and which it always to fulfillment, is never patterned And it was from the cross, that of the human person and of
models and gives value to faithful and especially in priests, safeguards with the help of His after the timid self-interest of Jesus, while dying, gave her to society as a whole. The genius of
the “human response”. In the cannot but arouse within them grace” (Lumen Gentium, 43). the worthless servant who, out us as Mother and entrusted us women to mobilize and organize
Eucharist, that perfect gift which a trusting self-abandonment to Once more, Jesus is the model of of fear, hid the talent entrusted to her as sons and daughters (cf. endows them with the skills and
brings to fulfillment the plan of Christ who gave his life for us. complete and trusting adherence to him in the ground (cf. Mt Jn 19:26-27); she is especially the motivation to develop ever-
love for the redemption of the To believe in the Lord and to to the will of the Father, to whom 25:14-30), but rather expresses Mother of priests and consecrated expanding networks for sharing
world, Jesus offers himself freely accept his gift, therefore, leads every consecrated person must itself in a ready adherence to persons. I want to entrust to experiences and generating new
for the salvation of mankind. us to entrust ourselves to Him look. Attracted by him, from the the Lord’s invitation, as in the her all those who are aware of ideas. The accomplishments
“The Church”, my beloved with thankful hearts, adhering very first centuries of Christianity, case of Peter who, trusting in God’s call to set out on the road of WWALF and the UMOFC/
predecessor John Paul II wrote, to his plan of salvation. When many men and women have left the Lord’ word, did not hesitate of the ministerial priesthood or WUCWO are an outstanding
“has received the Eucharist this does happen, the one who families, possessions, material to let down the net once more consecrated life. example of this, and I encourage
from Christ her Lord not as a is “called” voluntarily leaves riches and all that is humanly even after having toiled all night Dear friends, do not become their members to persevere in
gift—however precious—among everything and submits himself desirable in order to follow and catching nothing (cf. Lk 5:5). discouraged in the face of their generous service to society.
so many others, but as the gift to the teaching of the divine Christ generously and live the Without in any sense renouncing difficulties and doubts; trust in May the sphere of your influence
par excellence, for it is the gift Master; hence a fruitful dialogue Gospel without compromise, personal responsibility, the free God and follow Jesus faithfully continue to grow at regional,
of himself, of his person in his between God and man begins, a which had become for them a human response to God thus and you will be witnesses of the national and international levels
sacred humanity, as well as the mysterious encounter between school of deeply rooted holiness. becomes “co-responsibility”, joy that flows from intimate union for the advancement of human
gift of his saving work” (Ecclesia the love of the Lord who calls Today too, many undertake this responsibility in and with Christ, with him. Imitating the Virgin rights based on the strong
de Eucharistia, 11). and the freedom of man who same demanding journey of through the action of his Holy Mary whom all generations foundation of marriage and
It is priests who are called to responds in love, hearing the evangelical perfection and realize Spirit; it becomes communion proclaim as blessed because she family.
perpetuate this salvific mystery words of Jesus echoing in his their vocation in the profession with the One who makes it believed (cf. Lk 1:48), commit I once more extend best
from century to century until the soul, “You did not choose me, of the evangelical counsels. The possible for us to bear much fruit yourselves with every spiritual wishes for the success of this
Lord’s glorious return, for they but I chose you and appointed witness of these our brothers (cf. Jn 15:5). energy, to realize the heavenly conference and my prayers for
can contemplate, precisely in the you that you should go and bear and sisters, in contemplative An emblematic human Father’s plan of salvation, the continuing mission of the
Eucharistic Christ, the eminent fruit and that your fruit should monasteries, religious institutes response, full of trust in God’s cultivating in your heart, like participating organizations.
model of a “vocational dialogue” abide” (Jn 15:16). and congregations of apostolic initiative, is the generous and her, the ability to be astonished Invoking the intercession of
between the free initiative of the This intertwining of love life, reminds the people of God unmitigated “Amen” of the and to adore him who is mighty Mary, “the symbol and the
Father and the faithful response between the divine initiative of “that mystery of the Kingdom Virgin of Nazareth, uttered with and does “great things”, for Holy most perfect realization of the
of Christ. In the celebration of the and the human response is of God is already at work in humble and decisive adherence is his name (cf. Lk 1:49). Church” (Catechism of the
Eucharist it is Christ himself who present also, in a wonderful history, even as it awaits its to the plan of the Most High Catholic Church, 570), I cordially
acts in those whom he chooses as way, in the vocation to the full realization in heaven” (Vita announced to her by God’s From the Vatican, 20 January impart my Apostolic Blessing.
his ministers; he supports them consecrated life. The Second Consecrata, 1). messenger (cf. Lk 1:38). Her 2009
so that their response develops Vatican Council recalls, “The Who can consider himself prompt “Yes” allowed Her to BENEDICT XVI BENEDICTUS PP. XVI

Salvation / B6

only through his explicit membership in the Church, which is the

sole mediator of Christ’s salvation? Are we then to affirm that all

CBCPMonitor Name _________________________________________________

(Family Name) (Given Name) (Middle Name)
other non-Christian religions are false, Christian sects are in error,
mere human attempts at coming in contact with the divine world
which is revealed in Jesus Christ? Are we then to propose that we
must bring everybody to the Church if all are to be saved? Can we
SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mailing Address _______________________________________________ tell those outside the Church that they cannot partake of eternal life,
since the grace of salvation comes only through the Church?
_________________________________________________ Probably not. It does mean, however, that since it is only in the name
Phone No.: ________ Fax No.: ________ E-mail: ___________ of Jesus that salvation is possible, persons can be saved only by the
The CBCP Monitor is published fort-
grace of Christ. Admittedly, this grace is offered to all, even to those
nightly by the CBCP Media Office, with Mode of Payment who have not heard of him. When the Bible says that God has spoken
editorial and business offices at 470  Check/PMO enclosed  Cash Payment in Jesus and that salvation is possible through him, it teaches that he
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Box 3601, 1076 MCPO possible. As the readings today emphasize, precisely because Jesus laid
• Domestic down his life for us, precisely because he suffered, died and rose from the
1 Year Php 500.00 _____________________________ dead, salvation flows from him. Since Jesus is constitutive of salvation,
no one could be saved apart from his life, death and resurrection. It
2 Years Php 900.00 Signature is in this sense that we have to understand Peter’s claim that there is
• Foreign: Asia no name in the world given to men by which we can be saved except
1 Year US$ 55.00 through Jesus. For this reason, it cannot be said that all religions are
• All Other US$ 80.00 of equal value. Because the Church is closely linked with Christ, the
PLEASE SEND TO: sign of his presence among men, salvation is mediated through her.
Consequently, the grace of salvation is available to those outside the
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Or e-mail this at cbcpmonitor@cbcpworld.com long as I do good works and not offend my neighbor, I am sure I will
be saved. It matters whether one belongs to the Church or not.
B8 Entertainment CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 9
April 27 – May 10, 2009

Moral Assessment Technical Assessment

 Abhorrent  Poor
 Disturbing  Below average

 Acceptable  Average

 Wholesome  Above average

 Exemplary  E

Two thousand years after ghastly performances and Title: Dragonball Evolution
Piccolo (James Marsters) is below average direction. Running Time: 85 min.
imprisoned when he attempted The slow-mo technique to Cast: Justin Chatwin, YUn-Fat
to destroy the Earth, he escapes emphasize or style an action Chow, Emmy Rossum, Ja-
and begins to search for the 7 sequence becomes tedious mie Chung, James Marster,
dragonballs that will enable and corny. Another problem Joon Park, Randall Duk Kim
Director: James Wong
him to summon the Shen Long area is the characterization. Producer: Stephen Chow
dragon and make a wish to The translation from anime to Screenwriters: Ben Ramsey,
finally conquer Earth. In his big screen real life comes to Akira Toriyama
search, he kills Gohan (Randall nothing with mediocre acting Music: Brian Tyler
Duk Kim), grandfather of 18 and weak dialogue. Fans of Editor: Matt Friedman, Chris G.
year old martial arts master the original TV anime will be Willingham
Goku (Justin Chatwin). disappointed and first timers Genre: Action
Meanwhile, Goku seeks out will be bored. Cinematography: Robert
an old family friend Master The heart of the movie is McLachlan
Distributor: Twentieth Century-
Roshi (Chow Yun-Fat) so he about “searching” – a search
Fox Film Corporation
can unlock the secret of the for the talismans, a search for Location: Los Angeles, USA
dragonball and defeat Piccolo victory, a search for one’s true
Technical Assessment:  ½
and save the Earth before the character, a search for heroes
solar eclipse happens. and saviors. Life is a continuous Moral Assessment: ½
CINEMA Rating: For viewers
Dragonball Evolution is journey to search and discover age 13 and below with
a film remake of anime TV and to realize one’s worth and parental guidance
series of the 90s. However, mission.
despite using real characters The movie’s fight sequences
and hi end CGIs, the film falls become more violent and
short compared to the original destructive after it was in allowing their young
cartoon. The movie is filled translated to real life action. children to watch the movie
with tacky actions sequences, Parents should take precaution unsupervised and unguided.

MAC en COLET Ni Bladimer Usi

Buhay Parokya
Si Clair (Maricel
Soriano) ay isang
ulilang lubos na may-
ari ng isang travel
agency at volunteer
sa Buklod Pamilya
Foundation na nagla-
layong bigyan ng
Look for the chalice, holy water container, and Bishop’s staff. (Illustration by Bladimer Usi) tahanan at pamilya
ang mga batang ulila.
Nagdaraan sa matin-
ding pagsubok ang
pagsasama ni Clair
at ng asawa nitong
si Jeremy (Derek
Ramsay). Malaking
problema nila na sila
ay hindi nabiyayaan
ng anak. Laking gulat
ni Clair nang isang
araw ay sabihin ni Title: T2
Jeremy na gusto nito Running Time: 100 min.
ng trial separation. Cast: Maricel Soriano, Mika dela Cruz,
Dahil nais makaiwas Derek Ramsay, Eric Fructuoso,
at makalimot ni Clair Tetchie Agbayani, Camille Pratts, K.
sa problema ay nag- Brosas, Mon Confiado
boluntaryo siyang Director: Chito S. Roño
ihatid ang isang ulila Producer: Tess V. Fuentes
sa pamilyang mag- Screenwriters: Chito S. Roño, Aloy
aampon sa kanya sa Adlawan
Samar kasama ang Editor: Manet A. Dayrit
driver na si Elias (Eric Genre: Horror
Fructuoso). Pabalik Cinematography: Eli Balce
ng Maynila ay maka- Distributor: Star Cinema Productions
karanas ng kakaiba Location: Philippines
sina Clair at Elias Technical Assessment:  ½
katulad na lamang Moral Assessment:  ½
ng pagkakaharang CINEMA Rating: For viewers age 13
ng kalyeng kanilang and below with parental guidance
dinaraanan. Dahil
dito’y maaantala ang kanilang pag-uwi at mapapadpad sila
sa isang bahay-ampunan. Dito nila makikilala si Angeli (Mika
dela Cruz) na isa na ring ulila. Aakalain ng mga madre sa
bahay-ampunan na sinadya nila Clair ang pagpunta sa kanila
upang sunduin si Angeli at ihatid sa kanyang Auntie sa Maynila.
Gulat man ay pumayag na rin si Clair. Sa bahay-ampunan pa
lang ay marami ng makikita at mararanasang kakaiba si Clair
ngunit hindi siya nagsuspetsa ng anuman. Pauwi ay marami
ring mangyayari sa kanila kasama si Angeli. Mga bagay na
hindi maipaliwag. Pagdating sa Maynila ay matutunton nila
ang lugar na pagdadalhan nila kay Angeli. Ito ang Tenement
2. Dito na malalaman ni Clair ang tunay na paliwanag sa lahat
ng kakaibang karanasan niya kasama si Angeli.
Maraming bagong elemento na mapapanood sa T2. Ha-
latang pinagbuhusan ng hustong pananaliksik ang tungkol sa
mga engkanto, bagay na madalas lamang naririnig at nalala-
man sa mga kuwento ngunit hindi lubusang nauunawaan. Pati
ang special effects ay halatang ginastusan at pinagtuunan ng
masusing pansin. Maayos at malinaw ang direksiyon na nais
tahakin ng kuwento. Magagaling ang lahat ng mga tauhan at
talaga namang nakakadala ang karamihan ng eksena. Yun nga
lang ay nagkulang sa gulat at takot ang pelikula na nararapat
sana sa isang pelikulang katakutan. Pawang kulang sa hagod
ang pananakot at pawang hindi gaanong epektibo ang paraang
panggulat ng pelikula. Nasapawaan ng drama ang dapat sana’y
nakakatakot na kwento. Pero kung susumahin ay matagumpay
naman ito sa pagbibigay ng biswal na interpretasyon sa isang
mundong nanatili lamang sa guni-guni ng karamihan.
Ipinakita sa T2 ang dalawang klase ng mundo. Ang mundo
ng mga tao, na puno ng pagmamahal ngunit puno rin ng paghi-
hirap at pasakit, at ang mundo ng mga engkanto na pawang
walang paghihirap at walang hangganan ang kaligayahan
ngunit isa palang balatkayo lamang. Madalas ay nakasisilaw
ang kagandahan, ang yaman at karangyaan. Pero sinasabi
ng pelikula na hindi ito ang mahalaga kundi ang pagmamahal
at mga kaakibat pang emosyon at mga relasyon na parte ng
pagiging tao. Puno man ng sakit ang buhay ng tao ay nama-
mayani pa rin dito ang pagmamahal. Ito ang wala sa mundo
ng mga engkanto. Kahang a-hanga kung paanong ipinakita ng
pelikula na kayang talunin ng liwanag ang kapangyarihang itim.
Si Clair ay larawan ng isang babaeng malakas na sa gitna ng
kanyang kahinaan at kalungkutan ay nagmamalasakit pa rin sa
kapakanan ng iba maging ito ay hindi niya kaano-ano. Ipinakita
rin sa pelikula na ang pagmamahal at pagmamalasakit ay wala
sa dugo. Ito ay nasa pagnanais na magbahagi ng biyaya ng
buong puso. Masigasig man ang kapangyarihang itim, hindi
pa rin nito magagawang talunin ang mas makapangyarihang
kabutihan at dalisay na pagmamahal.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 9
April 27 - May 10, 2009

The News Supplement of

Couples for Christ

YFC Aims High!

By Dana Flores worship. Another first in YFC history was the exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament during the worship. Affirming that the prize
CEBU City, April 2009 ---- When you talk about the Lord’s work, is being with Jesus, the youth knelt in prayer for five minutes, in
it always goes beyond ordinary. This year’s International Leader’s complete solemn silence.
Conference of CFC Youth for Christ was definitely not ordinary! Session 4, entitled “Step Up,” ended with a big rally of conviction
From April 3-5, 9,000 Youth for Christ made their voices heard through the step up chant, performed by the whole crowd. CFC
in Cebu, the Queen City of the South during the16th International Youth for Christ is clearly on the look out for the best ways to deliver
Leader’s Conference. The conference theme was “STEP UP,” in- God’s message of love to its members.
spired by Philippians 3:13-14, from which the community’s theme A variety of parades was added to the event to commemorate the
of “Moving Forward in Christ” is taken. community’s blessings over the past 16 years. Among these were
This year’s conference had one goal – less talk, more impact. Thus, the Street Dance and the Bounty Parade where each province was
the sessions were more dynamic, fresh, and innovative, creating asked to present to the crowd their famous delicacy and share it
more recall among the youth. with everyone.
Session 1, entitled “Journey to the Top,” which talked about With the last day of the event falling exactly on Palm Sunday, the
how the Lord has stepped up for us through our lives and com- lessons of Lent were not lost among the youth. On Saturday after-
munity, was given in a “musicale” format. The points were de- noon, the youth went on the Way of the Cross, with each station
livered and processed through songs that were played live and represented by different youths across the world.
accompanied by dance performances. The songs were mostly The 16th YFC ILC: STEP UP Conference ended with a big cry of
secular songs with customized lyrics appropriate to the talk conviction. The words “YFC, Come on STEP UP, move forward!”
points given. resonated in Cebu City. The message? The youth may be young
Session 2, entitled “Break the Record,” and Session 3, entitled, in years but it doesn’t stop them from reaching and aiming higher.
“The Prize,” were also delivered in the non-traditional way, through YFC seeks to step up in all aspects of their lives.

The Lord’s Servants Say Yes to Mission being subjected to a relentless conversion that count. No one is too young or too [respective] areas,” Manny Garcia said.
attack. Even the community old to serve God as long as we are one in spirit,” Aside from SOLD members, CFC male mem-
is not spared: there are mem- said Joemar Salumbides, the head of event. bers serving in other ministries were also present,
bers who have lain low from During the afternoon, two simultaneous work- among them three members of Tarlac’s provincial
attending the community’s shops were conducted. One workshop, moder- council as well as provincial council members of
services due to emotional ated by Willy Padida, was designed to show the three provinces from Visayas and Mindanao.
issues, pressures from work delegates how to conduct a proper Christian Life The message of the Servants of the Lord is loud
and family, and most of all Program for every situation – whether a large one and clear; the ministry has evolved into an integral
because of the lures of a he- composed of twenty or more participants or even part of the whole CFC community. Its ways and
donistic world. a small one with only a few expected candidates. means in developing a true man of God must be
The highlight of the confer- Another workshop, moderated by Jun Dujunco, adopted by all CFC men – from the members up
ence were the team building taught the participants how to write and develop to its top leaders.
activities conducted on the their Pastoral Formation
whole of Saturday. The al- (PFO) materials.
most five hundred delegates “The overall objective of
were divided into twenty the ministry is to promote
teams regardless of their pro- it to the whole [CFC] com-
vincial or sectoral affiliations munity as a ministry for
or of age or of social status. men that would go across
By Manny Catabas In the morning, the teams all ministries. It would
were tasked to finish five missions in the shortest not be age defined but
EVANGELIZATION may be defined in many time possible: raft relay, obstacle course, Takeshi would be able to cater to
ways but for the Servants of the Lord, it is plain and style water bomb, river treasure and an analytical the needs of all men in the
simply a search and rescue mission – to search for and deductive mental game called Who Owns the community. There is no
and rescue as many men from the snares of dark- Zebra. Since these activities required team effort single track or talk in CFC
ness as possible, with Christ and for Christ. and building their own stratagems, they provided that addresses the needs of
This was the mission given to participants in opportunities to build close relationship and cama- men and SOLD aims to fill
this year’s Servants of the Lord International raderie among the team members. in this niche. We also hope
Conference held in Baybay, Leyte from March 27 “The team building activity proves that as men that the top leadership in
to 29, 2009. of CFC, we can work together regardless of age, CFC will see this need and
According to SOLD International Coordinator province, dialect or ministry we serve in. In the help the SOLD ministry to
Manny Garcia, morality and Christian values are end it is still evangelization and our own personal get off the ground in their

HOLD for the Gold

By Ira Manarang
“HOLD FOR THE GOLD” – This was the theme of the 16th Handmaids of the Lord International
Conference held at the Philsports Arena (ULTRA) in Pasig City from April 17-19, 2009. A total of 4585
delegates attended (4426 from Metro Manila and 69 provinces) and 159 from 21 countries (Australia, our life is to win the race,
Athens , Bahrain, Brunei, Canada, China, Dubai, Germany, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Netherlands, to reach the finish line and
Papua New Guinea, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Singapore, Switzerland, Vienna, Vietnam.) claim the heavenly prize.
The main event of April 17 was the Mass celebrated by Rev. Fr. Mar Barranda followed by a song Each of the talks was
and dance concert performed by participants from the provinces and other countries. punctuated by sharings
The whole day of Saturday was devoted to the talks. Talk 1: “ The Great Race” was delivered by from several HOLD mem-
Bernie Low, a HOLD Leader in Singapore. Here, she stressed that we are all racers and everyone bers. Among the most
is expected to win and help each other. And that in running the race, we must continually and powerful sharings were
consistently train and strain ourselves to develop spiritual muscles that will enable us to run the those by Odelia Helafu
whole stretch. from Papua New Guinea
In Talk 2, “Running Light,” Mercy Ariles, HOLD Regional Coordinator for Southern Tagalog, cited who narrated how she had
the need to be free of non-essentials such as vanity, comforts, luxuries, distractions and preoccupa- to walk miles and miles
tions, accumulations and possessions, which weigh heavily on us and prevent us from finishing and cross a river just to
the race.. conduct prayer meetings
Talk 3: “Gearing Up,” was delivered by Flor Victoriano, HOLD Regional Coordinator for Northeast- with her HOLD sisters and
ern Mindanao who stressed that preparation is of outmost important in any race. Thus, every HOLD how her HOLD meetings
member must have the following as part of her spiritual gear: (1) the belt of truth - - our conscience caused conflict between
is our “spiritual belt”, (2) righteousness as our breastplate – our spiritual clothing (3) feet shod in the her and her husband. An-
gospel of peace; (4) faith other powerful sharing
as a shield; (5) helmet of was delivered by Baby Estrada who spoke of being so poor that she earned a living as a street ven-
salvation – the salvation dor, but her faith saw her through –her children all finished their studies with honors and are now
that comes from God; and professionals.
(6) Sword of the Spirit – the Chee Mallonga was an atheist and a member of the National Democratic Front and thereafter the
Word of God. Communist Party. But when she was called to HOLD, her whole life changed. Now, she and her
Talk 4: “On Your Mark children are members of the CFC community.
… Get Set … Go …” was Kimberly Penaflor was detained for 2-1/2 years at Camp Karingal and her own mother caused her
delivered by Myra Respi- detention. But God’s plan was to meet Kimberly in prison, through a CLP. Since then her relation-
cio, Sector Coordinator for ship with God deepened with the support of HOLD sisters serving there. She began to realize that
North B in Metro Manila she is beautiful in the eyes of God. She was released late 2008 and is now living in peace, having
who cited the tribulations forgiven everyone who caused her pains.
we experience when we set A highlight of this talk was a very solemn ceremony where each delegate placed on the head of
out to run the race. another a golden crown of flowers as a symbol of God’s everlasting love and a promise of the gold
HOLD International Co- prize awaiting her at the finish line.
ordinator, Didi Galsim, de- Bishop Honesto Ongtioco of Cubao celebrated Mass on the third and final day. The bishop’s
livered the final talk, “Hold exhortation was taken from the GOLD part of the ICON theme – G or Gratitude for the past; O or
for the Gold.” She stated Optimism for the future; L for Loyalty to the Church tradition, Mama Mary and to Christ; and D
that the very purpose of for Daring to Dream.
C2 Ugnayan CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 9
April 27 - May 10, 2009

By Joe Tale, CFC Executive Director

Moving Forward
With The
Risen Christ
THE Lenten season has come and gone. We are now in the Easter Politics)
season, traditionally and liturgically a time for rejoicing, for con- But politics per se is not dirty. As our bishops stated, it is the

CFC Executive Director

tinuing reflection on the wonderful gift of salvation that has been “practice” of it that has sullied our perceptions and given rise to the
given to us freely. twin evils of graft and corruption.
Easter is a time of joy, yes, but together with our promises of re- Our bishops further say: “The Christian Catholic has the call and

Visits California
pentant lives and expectant faith, we should deepen our resolve to the duty to transform politics by the Gospel. The Church, God’s
love more and to serve more. The realizations we were privileged people, must evangelize politics. God’s call to the Church is to
to have during Lent now point us to one direction only – to make preach the integral Gospel, with all its social dimensions, and ‘to
those realizations come alive in our daily routines. restore all things under Christ’ (Eph. 1:10). Politics has a religious
Our mission is clear – to build the Church of the Home and the and moral dimension, which our Catholic faith is concerned with.
Church of the Poor. We need no further exhortations on how we, Being a human activity, politics has, therefore, a religious and moral By Sari Yoingco
as a community, will move forward in attaining this mission. We dimension which our Catholic faith simply cannot ignore…”
are clear on the family dimension of our work and on the social When we, as CFC, declare that we are building the Church of the CFC Executive Director Joe Tale and his wife Babylou visited
dimension of our being Christian. Home and the Church of the Poor, that declaration includes building the CFC brethren in Southern California last March 1. Together
A good Christian should also be a good citizen. Today, we are society, building a nation. The governance of a nation has a direct with CFC USA Coordinator Ricky Cuenca, they attended a GK
only a year away from the elections of 2010 where we will be called impact on the family and the poor. planning meeting and met with key leaders in the area.
once again to exercise our right and sacred duty as citizens to elect So, what should we do as Christians and specifically as CFC? In his exhortation during the meeting, Joe spoke about CFC
our local and national leaders. Are we as clear on our mission in Pope Benedict XVI also issued a clear clarion call in November being a “dynamic community,” and explained the refined and
this area? Perhaps not. Many of us tend to avoid this aspect. But 15, 2008 in Rome: “In a particular way, I confirm the necessity and expanded vision and mission of CFC, which he enjoined every-
the question must be asked. How do we respond to the current urgency of the evangelical formation and pastoral accompaniment one to take to heart. He also emphasized that although “Love
socio-political situation? How can we move forward in this area of of a new generation of Catholics working in politics…” One Another” was last year’s theme and had been replaced by
politics and governance? In the next few months, let us all start the journey of discernment 2009’s “Moving Forward in Christ,” loving should still be our
Oftentimes, we shy away from involvement in the very arena of how we, individually and as a community, should specifically goal since love is the hallmark of every Christian.
that is supposed to ensure that we get good governance. We think respond to the clear pronouncements of our Pope and our bishops. Joe further shared how our CFC community has kept him
politics is a dirty word, that it is always associated with graft and Just as we are called to evangelize the home and family, we are also inspired to continue to serve all these years. He reminded
corruption. We are aware, as our Philippine bishops declared in called to evangelize the political culture. everyone to be in constant prayer as we are all called to be a
1997, that “Philippine politics – the way it is practiced – has been As we move forward in the Risen Christ in such spiritual journey, community of intercessors as commanded by Christ in John
most hurtful of us as a people. It is possibly the biggest bane in our we look not only at our own hearts and our families but at the wider 21:15-17.
life as a nation and the most pernicious obstacle to our achieving community that surrounds us. Let us pray for our victorious risen
of full human development.” (Pastoral Exhortation on Philippine God to lead us in this challenging area of our national life!

By Joe Yamamoto, Philippine Missions Director, International Council Member Theological Institute

Fishers of Men
ONE of the most remarkable stories in the Bible is how Jesus re-
cruited unlikely men to be his apostles, men who helped change
Towards the conclusion
of the gospel chapter, Jesus
Invites CFC to Give Retreat
INTERNATIONAL Council Member Joe Yamamoto conducted a
Lenten recollection for the faculty members and students of the In-
ternational Theological Institute, a Vatican-mandated organization
based in Austria last April 4.
The recollection was held in a monastery on top of a mountain in
the world. He called Peter and Andrew, James and John, all four asked Peter three times if he Sonntagberg, Austria, about two hours away from Vienna. About
of them fishermen, to come and follow him. Apart from their lowly loved Him. Peter answered 35 couples attended the seminar, including some Greek Catholic
occupation, consider also that they all came from Galilee which, at affirmatively three times and priests.
that time, was considered a backward region compared of course to with every answer, Jesus told Joe gave three talks touching on the core mission of CFC (evan-
the great city of Jerusalem, the city of David and his son Solomon. Peter, “Feed my lambs. Feed gelization), on family life renewal and on discipleship. Joe’s wife,
Choosing poor fishermen for his first followers from a backward my sheep.” Mila, Jorge and Joy Villanueva, Rene and Nelia Santayana and Ruben
region is contrary to the usual human wisdom. The Bible passage Jesus, in that one crucial and Dolly Colon, all of whom are the Senior Regional Coordinators
tells us though how willingly the four came and how swiftly they encounter, stressed the two of CFC Europe, were the sharers.
made their decision to follow. When Jesus said, ‘Come after me, important roles for the dis-
and I will make you fishers of men,’ they immediately left their nets ciples -- to be “fishers of men”

Highway of Peace
and followed him. (Matthew 4:18-20). and “shepherds of His flock.”
The rest of the original twelve apostles were called in and were As fishers of men, along the
trained at the foot of the Master over the next three years of Jesus’ tradition of the apostles, we
public ministry. Jesus taught them spiritual lessons through dia- Christians are to cast the net, no matter how uncertain or difficult
logues, discourses, and parables. He showed them many miracles
and mentored them. On occasion, he rebuked and admonished them,
particularly to emphasize the power of prayers. For three years, they
were inseparable.
the circumstances. We are always expected to hold steadfast in
faith, to bring in those who do not yet know Christ. The other role,
as shepherds of the flock, we are to fulfill when we start to take care
and pastor those who are already in the fold.
Cuts Through
The four fishermen, perhaps, had some of the most unique lessons
on discipleship. Remember the time when they were disheartened
because they had caught nothing despite being out in the deep waters
for the whole night? They were instructed to get back to the waters,
First, we are to fish, i.e. to proclaim the gospel to the non-evange-
lized, and invite them through the Christian Life Programs to come
into community. Second, once those called to be in CFC community
are in, we act as shepherds by caring, nurturing and mentoring them.
THE fifth Highway of Peace caravan kicked off last April 18, the
and in the full light of a sunny day, were specifically instructed, by These are two roles that all disciples are expected to follow. Being culminating activity of the Build activities that began a week earlier
a carpenter, to drop the net from the right side of the boat. Lo and disciples of Christ, all CFC members are firmly enjoined and asked in Sulu and in Zamboanga.
behold, they caught a whole lot of fish. Peter learned his lesson, to serve joyfully in performing these two roles. The caravan assembled at the Marian College grounds in the
acknowledged his sinfulness and never again doubted Christ. I was reminded by the following story, narrated by a brother from town of Ipil in Zamboanga-Sibugay and converged at Tulongatong
More than any other roles that the apostles were to perform, that Mindanao, of the uniqueness of our community. There is this one in Zamboanga City. International Council members Joe Yamamoto
of being ‘fishers of men’ and shepherds of the flock were the roles coastal area where our members are predominantly fishermen. One and Melo Villaroman, who is also the President of Gawad Kalinga,
Jesus most often and strongly emphasized. Two encounters of Je- night, when their catch was poor, they decided to worship the CFC joined the caravan, leading scores of Couples for Christ leaders and
sus with the apostles after His resurrection lent emphasis to these way and sang “Shine Jesus Shine.” A short while after putting out GK workers for the annual event.
particular missions given by the Lord. to sea, they dropped their nets. Their simple faith was rewarded
Shortly after the post-Resurrection appearance of Christ to the with a good catch.
doubting Thomas, he showed himself to the seven disciples along By way of contrast, I read this story about an old fisherman who
the Sea of Tiberias. Simon Peter said, “I am going fishing,” to which intently observed a young lad who went about his merry way of
the other six replied, “we also will come with you.” So they went out, fishing in a river one day. The old man noticed that the boy would
and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing. When it was yank in fish after fish but oddly, he would throw back the bigger
already dawn, Jesus was standing on the shore, but the disciples did fishes. Unable to control his curiosity, the old fisherman asked the
not realize it was Jesus. When he asked if they had caught any fish, boy why he would throw back the bigger fishes that were bigger
and they answered in the negative, Jesus said to them: “Cast the net than the span of the boy’s right hand. Confidently, the boy retorted,
to the right side of the boat and you will find them.” They obeyed, “I only keep the fishes that fit my 6-inch frying pan.”
and now they were unable to draw it up for the great number of Are we, who claim to be fishers of men, like this young boy, who
fishes. Peter, to whom recognition dawns, cried out, “It is the Lord!” would limit the “catch” despite the bountiful fish that surround us?
and immediately threw himself into the water, in a great hurry to Are we so un-resourceful that we would go only to areas that “fit”
be by Jesus’ side. (John 21:1-8) our ideas and expectations because we doubt our own capacities?
The gospel emphasized important and noteworthy details -- the Or are we like the first group of fishermen,who claim in faith
net was full, it did not break, and 153 large fishes were caught. The the outcome of their fishing expedition, and are therefore amply
disciples recognized the Risen Jesus because of that encounter. rewarded?

Enjoying cold popsicles to ward off the heat are (from left): Caloy Subang,
Regional Head of Western Mindanao, Deo Maranga, council member of
Zamboanga City, Sam and Melo Villaroman, Boie Sescon, Regional Head of
Northcentral Mindanao, Anthony Swanson, CFC Oregon, Joe Yamamoto and
Jimmy Amamio.

Mindanao leaders take a respite from the caravan. From left: Bong Bautista,
Provincial Area Director of Agusan del Norte, Melo Villaroman, Jimmy Amamio,
GK Head of Agusan del Norte, Joe Yamamoto and Nonoy Dalman, Provincial
Area Head of Zamboanga.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 9
April 27 - May 10, 2009
Ugnayan C3

A Solution to Hunger they may do what has seemed impossible for a long time: provide
food for their families. BAYAN-ANIHAN started out with the basic
the government. No single institution can address a problem that
has plagued our country for so long, he says. There are so many
goal of creating a 10-square-meter plot for GK residents to organi- people who want to help, but there are also so many advocacies in
cally grow vegetables, fruit trees, medicinal/culinary herbs, and root the Philippines. We split ourselves into small projects that address
crops. However, after pilot testing with 20 farms, most of which temporary needs and issues rather than the lingering problem of
failed, Concepcion realized implementing BAYAN-ANIHAN was poverty and hunger.
not as simple he thought. Unfazed by the failures, he and his team The strength of GK, according to Concepcion, is that it is a wholistic
of both GK and non-GK workers learned from the experience and program with CFC at the very center, bringing a greater sense of
moved on to bigger goals. purpose to the work because it is done for the Lord. In closing, he
urged everyone to support and help BAYAN-ANIHAN. He sug-
Goodbye, Gutom! gested that ways we can help are by being an advocate, by simply
In the next two years, BAYAN-ANIHAN aims to build 2,500 farms sharing the story and spreading the word about the program, or
to feed 500,000 people. This year alone, the program is targeting 500 volunteering to donate your time or become a trainer or coordina-
farms, beginning with communities that have available land and tor. Now that the seeds have been planted, let us work together for
water, are sufficiently organized, and have the greatest need. This a rich harvest.
means priority is given to the hungriest provinces. Toward this end, Postscript: In a text message to Executive Director Joe Tale right
the marketing campaign “Goodbye GUTOM!” was developed with after his talk, John Concepcion expressed elation at being invited to
the objective of empowering each and every Filipino to say “goodbye speak about Bayan-anihan before Couples for Christ leaders.
Bayan-Anihan advocates wear their T-shirts with pride
to hunger” and “goodbye to the hungry.” The three-pronged strategy Part of the message states: “...after the Luzon planting day, we
involves building multisectoral partnerships, effective rollout for learned many things which we are now fine-tuning in our proce-
By Richie Tolentino sustainability, and creating a national movement. dures. One of the biggest learnings is the role of CFC in Gawad
By partners, Concepcion refers to government branches like the Kalinga and Bayan-anihan. Without CFC, our job will be difficult if
WHY do we have hunger in the Philippines? That was the question Department of Agriculture and local government units, which to- not impossible. Thank you for giving Bayan-anihan the opportunity
posed by John Marie Concepcion, managing director and CEO of gether can provide the farm inputs (such as seeds) and infrastructure to speak in CFC. I hope you can continue to invite me and my team
Unilever RFM Ice Cream Inc., when he addressed the CFC Mission (including land and water); agricultural universities, which can to other CFC events.”
Core Group on April 21 at the Xavier Gym. serve as training centers and provide student trainers for the com-
Perhaps it was this same question that led him to work toward the munity; corporations and individuals, who can volunteer to adopt
food productivity program now known as BAYAN-ANIHAN. a community or simply help out during planting and harvesting
Concepcion has been involved in the work of Gawad Kalinga since days; and non-government or local government units, which can
2004 because, as he says, “Our company had become so focused on serve as partners in the program implementation. The idea is that
business growth that we had neglected our relationships.” It was everyone in society has something to give and something to gain
his search for a program to help rebuild the relationships within the from the program.
company that eventually led him to GK. In terms of sustainability, Concepcion and his team has come up
with a four-phase train-the-trainer strategy. They have developed a
A Greater Purpose 45-minute video training module as part of the campaign to engage
As one team, Concepcion, along with his employees and his fam- and educate the community. Aside from providing training on farm-
ily, helped build a GK village in San Andres, Cainta, aptly named ing techniques and technology, the campaign also aims to form the
after their ice cream brand Selecta. They have also raised funds for beneficiaries in the BAYAN-ANIHAN guiding values of self-worth
GK through various activities, volunteered to help build a school in (community empowerment), hard work (commitment despite chal-
the typhoon-ravaged Quezon province, and have been participating lenges), excellence (adherence to the program), bayanihan (planting,
annually in the GK 1MB since 2007. working, and harvesting together), and care for health and the envi-
The young executive admits that GK has transformed not just him ronment (organic farming and environment beautification).
but his employees, the Concepcion clan, and his immediate family as Finally, to amplify the program into a national movement, the
well. Through GK, he says, “we learned to appreciate our blessings BAYAN-ANIHAN team is launching a campaign targeted at the
and recognize the responsibility that comes with these blessings.” youth. The objective is to inspire the young to join the fight against
More importantly, working with the poor has made Concepcion hunger—to become “hunger warriors.”
realize that building the nation is his company’s business. Work
with the poor, he adds, is not about corporate social responsibility. Promising Harvest
It is a powerful human resource tool because it allows us to live out The first seeds of the program have already been planted on
the values we are taught. March 28, when simultaneous planting was conducted in 100 farms
This awakening to a greater calling and purpose drove Concep- throughout Luzon. In July, BAYAN-ANIHAN will be officially
cion to take the next step after housing—the search for a solution launched to coincide with the Harvest Day of the 100 Luzon farms.
to hunger. He cites that more than 15 percent of total households in Pilot testing of farms in non-GK sites is slated in June to August,
the Philippines go hungry. That is equivalent to millions of Filipinos while the Mindanao Planting Day is scheduled in August. Finally,
starving. According to Concepcion, what is needed is a simple model the youth campaign will kick off during the GK Expo in October.
that can be replicated nationwide. The issue of rural hunger has to be In answer to the question he posed at the start of his talk, Concep-
tackled in order to deal with the problem of urban hunger. In addi- cion says it is not because of lack of resources that there is hunger in
tion, both farm technology and value formation need to be addressed our country. After all, we have sun, land, water, and the technology.
to overcome the biggest challenge, which is sustainability. Neither is it for lack of heart, for we are the third largest Catholic
In his quest for a way to eradicate hunger, Concepcion came up country in the world. Why is there hunger in the Philippines? Con-
with BAYAN-ANIHAN, a program to empower the poor so that cepcion believes it is because of our tendency to rely too much on John Concepcion

Jesus Followers
By Clarke Nebrao seven international missionaries (3 from the USA, 2
from the Caribbean, 1 from Seychelles, and 1 from
THE gospel verse last April 17 spoke of the appear- Thailand), after they had completed the Jesus Fol-
ance of Jesus to the seven disciples, after He had lower ’09 training for long term missions (missions
already risen from the dead. “Doubting Thomas” lasting for at least three months).
was among them, he of so little faith that he de- The send-off mass was celebrated by Rev. Fr.
clared he would only believe tales of Jesus having Allen Cartagena, OSJ at the CFC Global Center
risen if he could touch the wounds at Jesus’ hands in Ortigas. He exhorted the trainees to indeed be
and feet and his side. Thomas of course comes followers of Christ as they follow in His footsteps
to believe and goes on, together with the other of proclaiming God’s Word to all. He blessed the
disciples, to proclaim Jesus’ message, even going missionaries and handed out mission rosaries as
as far as India. tokens and reminders to be the bearer of Christ
It seemed providential that it was on that date to the world.
that the CFC International Missions Office sent out After the mass, Robert Ardiente, country co-
ordinator for Israel, gave the
missionaries authentic Roman
olive branches straight from
His Grace Mark Coleridge, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Canberra-Goulburn, was visited by Youth for Christ Australia
Jerusalem that were taken from leaders in connection with the preparation for the CFC Youth for Christ Oceania Conference, which will be hosted by Couples
the 2,000 year-old olive trees in for Christ Canberra. Photo shows Erick Manrique, second from right with YFC Canberra leaders and the archbishop.
the Garden of Gethsemane on During this encounter, Archbishop Mark Coleridge offered his wisdom and support for CFC and its family ministries.
Mount Olives.
The missionaries are: Kath-
erine Ferreira (Florida, USA),
Abigail Hernandez (San Fran-
cisco, USA), Julius Rober-
CFC Timor-Leste blessed to
have ‘full-time’ priest-worker!
to (North California, USA),
Kalifa Romany (Trinidad &
Tobago),Gabriella Evertsz (St.
Maarten), Damien Houreau
(Seychelles) and Phornsinee
Thanara (Thailand).
By Anthony & Tina Rodriguez
REV. Fr. Alan Bondoc, SVD, an “adopted” member of the Timor Leste mission team household,

Rebirth in Christ
recently expressed his intent to serve full-time with and for CFC. Exposed to the Charismatic
movement since his college days through the Catholic Youth in Action (CYA) and with parents
who are Couples for Christ members back home in Pampanga, Fr. A, as he is fondly called, is
no stranger to how people in communities like CFC worship, have sharings about their faith
experiences, and do evangelization work.
And so it was that by God’s grace, during an advent retreat led by a Charismatic priest from
By Sky Ortigas Australia, Fr. Alan felt led by the Holy Spirit to write a letter to his superiors asking to be allowed
to work full-time for the Charismatic movement, specifically for CFC. Everyone was amazed since
THE whole community of Couples for Christ in Guangzhou, China had their annual lenten retreat it was common knowledge that Fr. Alan would actually be leaving Timor-Leste for his new mission
last March 29, 2009. The central theme of the retreat focused on “Rebirth in Christ” taken from John assignment – as formator for the SVD congregation in West Timor, Indonesia. The mission team
3: 1-21 had actually held a simple farewell party and given Fr. Alan a token of appreciation.
It was a day of prayer, reflection Upon returning to Timor-Leste in January 2009 from a brief visit home to the Philippines, Fr. Alan
and sharing on God’s perfect love to met with his superiors and was granted permission to serve with and for CFC, making him the
His people. At the same time, it was a first “full-
day of recognizing that as His people, time” priest-
we need to acknowledge our sinful- worker for
ness, confess our sins and return to CFC Timor-
Him. We need to experience rebirth Leste. It
so that the Holy Spirit can fully move just goes to
in our lives. sh ow t h a t
The retreat was attended by couples God really
and different members of the family provides
ministries. It ended with a confession so that His
and a Eucharistic celebration, attended work can
by the entire Catholic community in continue
Guangzhou. and flour-
The participants went home feeling ish! Hahi ba
the high of believing that Christ is fully Nai! Praise
working in all of us and that we need to the Lord! Fr. Alan with his co-“full-time” workers, during a brief pastoral visit
proclaim His name to the world.
C4 Ugnayan CBCP Monitor
Vol. 13 No. 9
April 27 - May 10, 2009

GK Bayani Challenge Young GK Heroes

Step Up For
Their Nation
By Brenda Milan
LAST April 12,2009, two hundred volunteers / builders of Gawad
Kalinga Bayani Challenge 2009, composed mostly of members of
the Couples for Christ community from all over the Philippines,
together with a few foreign delegates, gathered at the Western By Amid Lauro
Mindanao Command in Zamboanga City for short prayers led by
International Council Member Melo Villaroman prior to boarding OVER 400 young individuals from the different regions
the navy ship to Panglima Estino in Sulu. They brought along of Philippines and from Kenya, Thailand, East Timor and
construction tools, food and personal belongings. They were on a Singapore gathered in the GK sites of Minglanilla and
mission – to build homes for the poor in Sulu. They left behind a Mananga in Cebu for a 5-day Gawad Kalinga (GK) Youth
larger group of volunteers who were on the same build mission in Build themed as “SULONG KABATAAN” from March 29 to
April 2, 2009.
Two large bancas ferried the builders to Panglima Estino where
The said event showcased the youth’s fervent love for God
Mayor Munib Estino, Brig. General Natalio C. Ecarma III of the Phil.
and love for nation through actively involving themselves in
Marines, municipal officials and a marching band were waiting.
building houses for the poorest of the poor.
Also waiting were Muslim brothers and sisters, the expected
The enthusiastic builders were grouped into teams to do
beneficiaries, who were astounded at the large number of Christians
build tasks such as digging the foundation of the house,
who had come to rebuild their homes.
stacking up the hollow blocks, painting and landscaping the
Gracing the opening ceremony were Governor Abdursakur Tan,
surroundings of the GK site.
Department of Agriculture Secretary Arthur Yap, and other top in between to encourage camaraderie between the builders and our
The build activity lasted for 5 days and 4 nights but it was
military officials in the area. Muslim brothers and sisters who assisted us.
not all work. The build schedule included fun games in the
The building was assigned to different teams, among them: Team It rained daily during our entire stay in Panglima Estino. Mud
day and talks and entertainment at night. Chucky Garcia, the
Australia, composed mostly of Filipino-Australians, Team Bukid- clung to our shoes and clothes and made moving around difficult.
Youth Head of Event, exhorted and challenged everyone to do
non, Team Leyte, Team Compostela Valley, Team Sultan Kudarat, We slept on the floor of classrooms and had to fetch water for our
more than just pittance for the poor but to really build a life for
Team Negros, Team Survivors-Leyte, Team Samar, Team Pagadian, cooking and bathing needs, but nobody complained. We just felt
them so that they could start hoping again.
Team Davao, Team SFC Manila, and a team composed of members sad that basic needs like potable water were not accessible to the
The Build experience was even more amazing as everyone
from different areas. residents.
in the CFC (Couples for Christ) community of South Sector 1
Each day, the team members did morning stretching exercises led The GK IMB ( Isang Milyong Bayani) forum was also launched,
of Cebu City supported the event.
by Marine Officers before working on the houses .There were games participated by the builders and the Muslim youth of the area. Work-
shops were also conducted. It is interesting to note that the young
generation, both Christians and Muslims alike are interested to know
more about their roles and how they can be peacemakers. Each group
also shared their misconceptions/biases against each other before
the Bayani Challenge. But when given the chance to dialogue and
interact with each other, the issues were quickly resolved.
Mayor Munib, a famous Tausug warrior, three time Vice Gover-
nor of the Province of Sulu, two time Board Member and two time
Mayor of Panglima Estino was so touched by the presence of the
builders. He knew that they risked life and limb, and left family and
comfort zones behind to contribute what they can to the project. He
requested each builder to leave an imprint of his/her hand on the
wet cement that ringed the model home. The names of all who came
will also be part of the history of the place.
God’s spirit was strongly manifested in the area as both Christians
and Muslims alike interacted together - whether in building a house
or during programs and games. There was a genuine desire to under-
stand each other’s uniqueness and acknowledge that we may differ
in our religious beliefs and practices, but as long as there is love and
respect, which stem from our personal relationship with God, we
can move forward and tear down the walls that separate us.

Unblocking the Road to

Fifth is that some people will always blame others. The bishop
drew from history, stating that “From our earliest history, we
have pointed the finger at others, blaming them instead of taking
responsibility for our actions.”
Sixth is impatience. Some people simply cannot wait. According
to Bishop Ongtioco, “A
By Arnel Santos lot of good things are ac-
tually achieved through
HIS Most Rev. Honesto suffering.” This is why
F. Ongtioco, DD, Bishop the word “patience”

Pinoys join international

of Cubao, facilitated the comes from the Latin
Lenten Recollection of word “patio,” which
the CFC Mission Core means, “to suffer.”

marathon in Vienna
Group on April 5, 2009, Seventh is greed. We
at the Xavier Gymna- must examine our pri-
sium. He spoke about orities. Bishop Ongtioco
“The Importance of a related the story of his
Recollection” and “The former classmate who NINETEEN Filipinos were among some 30,000 participants who
Hindrances and the instead of immediately joined the 26th Vienna City Marathon last April 18.
Positive Approaches to grabbing an offer for an Pinoy participants ran under the umbrella of Gawad Kalinga. The
Prosperity.” out-of-town job promo- group’s overall coordinator, Jorge Villanueva, dubbed the event as
The good bishop set tion, opted to heed the Gawad Kalinga European Heroes Run.
the tone for the recollec- plea of his kids to stay “Gawad Kalinga Europe Heroes run is about making a sacrifice for
tion by announcing that with his present job be- the country. It is about going out of the way to help the country move
he will not use any pow- cause, what they desire forward most especially in the poverty alleviation aspect. We run
erpoint presentation for is not “more money, because we want to show to the world that we are doing something
his recollection. He said, but their father’s pres- for the country,” Villanueva told ABS-CBN Europe News Bureau.
“The POWER of my talk ence.” Albert Manuel, together with four other Pinoys traveled all the
is in the Word of God. To overcome the ob- way from Ireland to join the marathon.
That is the POINT!” stacles, Bishop Ongtioco “We all came here to Vienna to run for Gawad Kalinga in the
For the main topic, Bishop Ongtioco enumerated the seven (7) enumerated the seven (7) approaches to prosperity, happiness Vienna City Marathon. We are very happy to be a part of this pres-
Hindrances to Prosperity. and freedom, as follows: tigious marathon. Through our participation, we are giving back
First is mediocrity. Citing a quip from his conversation with 1. Know who you are. What God said of Jesus: “This is my something to our country, ito ang taya namin, this is also in solidarity
Ambassador Antonio L. Cabangon Chua, the bishop said, “God beloved Son…,” He says also to us. Our sonship is part of our to those who are in the Philippines, mga Gawad Kalinga workers na
gives us 24 hours a day. It is up to us what to do with that 24 identity, our royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people set apart. As nagtatrabaho na walang pagod and this is also our way of honoring
hours.” Just like in the Parable of Talents, Bishop Ongtioco God’s children, we are “meant to fly. God wants us to be free,… them,” Manuel related.
exhorted all to “Strive for the best everyday. Opt for excellence to enjoy life even in this world.” During the kick-off program and presentation of the participants,
and the best.” 2. Set your goal. Be specific. If you have a plan, do something Philippine Embassy Consul General Maria Teresa Almojuela also
Second is that some people limit what God can do. According that is measurable and achievable. Know where your energies expressed her interest in joining next year’s relay-marathon.
to the good bishop, “Our imagination is the only limit of what we are and be focused. A number of Filipinos likewise joined thousands of fans who took
can hope for in the future.” It is thus good to have a wild imagi- 3. Strive to achieve your dreams. Like David fighting Goliath, long brisk walks and sprints just to be in strategic points to give full
nation. Just like in the feeding of the 5,000, the bishop noted that focus on your strength and make sure you attain your dreams. support to Pinoy runners.
God can give beyond what we imagine. Review your goals habitually. Jun Dano was also inspired by the experience. He committed
Third is that some people always speak of defeat. Some people 4. Believe and trust in God’s providence. himself to participate in the Gawad Kalinga marathon in Dublin
are bogged down by cynicism and pessimism. Bishop Ongtioco 5. Being in Gratitude. People who are grateful are happy this October.
related the story of Thomas Alva Edison who made around 500 people. Meanwhile, Villanueva asked for support and prayers when
attempts before he suc- 6. Keep moving the Gawad Kalinga Europe Heroes Run moves to Barcelona on
ceeded in producing the forward. Keep doing May 17.
light bulb. The bishop something to achieve “We can never rest on our laurels for the war against poverty.
said, “We should not let your dream. We must move forward with a total sense of urgency and commit-
defeat be an obstacle. It 7. Stay in God’s love. ment. We will not stop until there are no more slums! Therefore, we
should challenge us to No branch can bear fruit enjoined the different Filipino communities, organizations to run
do greater things.” if not attached to the with us to rebuild the nation, as we look forward to next year’s GK
Fourth is letting oth- vine. ”How much are Europe Heroes Run,” Villanueva said.
ers stop us from fulfill- we attached to Jesus, the
ing our dream. Bishop main vine?” If we are
Ongtioco recounted attached to the vine, the
his experiences as a life that God wants to
young priest during grow in our hearts will
which he dared to chal- grow, and the love that
lenge well-entrenched He has for His Son can
thought patterns and flow to us. “Stay with
mindsets which ham- the vine so that other
pered the people’s jour- people can also share,
ney to prosperity. He the same life, the same
emphasized that “God love.”
is power but not ruth- The Lenten recollec-
less. Ask the Lord that tion was capped by a
we be not imprisoned communal prayer led
by others’ and our own by Bishop Ongtioco.

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