December 2016

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1910 Saint Paris Pike

Springfield, Ohio 45504-1206

From the Pastor


I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love
one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. ~
John 13:34-35 NRSV

A Blessing for Traveling in the Dark

Go slow if you can. Slower. More slowly still.
Friendly dark or fearsome, this is no place to break your neck
by rushing, by running, by crashing into what you cannot see.
Then again, it is true: different darks have different tasks, and if you
have arrived here unawares, if you have come in peril or in pain,
this might be no place you should dawdle.
I do not know what these shadows ask of you, what they might hold
that means you good or ill. It is not for me to reckon whether you should linger
or you should leave.
But this is what I can ask for you:
That in the darkness there be a blessing.
That in the shadows there be a welcome.
That in the night you be encompassed by the Love
that knows
your name.
Jan Richardson
I often find comfort in poetry or music. As someone who spent a lifetime in the military, you might find
this surprising. In looking back at past December issues of the Outreach, I noted that I had written about
the stresses and uncertainties ahead of us. It seems the world is always filled with stresses and uncertainties. During this high stress season, some of us find comfort in being with friends; some by baking
holiday cookies, pies, and cakes with the sweet smells filling every nook and cranny of our homes;
some by gathering with friends and families; some by doing random acts of kindness.
We might remember the little baby whose birth we celebrateJesus the Christ-child; the baby who grew
up to be a poor, itinerant preacheryet who changed the world with his teachings of love.
Continued on page 2

(continued from page 1)

During the Transgender Day of Remembrance service last month, I told the story of Bill Murray (yes, that
Bill Murrayof Scrooged, Meatballs, Ghostbusters, Groundhog Day fameor infamy) accepting the Mark
Twain Prize for American Humor. Bill said, Theres love. That's what we came with, that's what we go
with. I love you, let's try to repeat that to each other. I asked those assembled to tell the person sitting next
to them I love you. The whole feeling in the room changed. When we tell someone we love them, we light
a candle against the darkness, and the darkness is forever changed, for there is no amount of darkness that can
snuff out the light of one solitary candle.
We will have many opportunities to light candles of love this season. In addition to Advent Worship Services
and Christmas Eve Family Worship, we will come together for prayer and song during our Advent Taize
service on December 11, and we will celebrate Christmas morning by singing carols and wishing one another
Merry Christmas. And, dont forget, tell someone you love them this holiday season.

I love you! May God bless you this Christmas Season!

Highlands Leadership

Worship Helpers for December

Rev. Avery Sledge


Church Officers:
Pam Dixon-Moderator
Jan Kushmaul-Vice Moderator
Linda Owens-Treasurer



Pastors Office Hours

Sound System
Fellowship hour

Monday and Thursday 9:00 a.m.12:00 noon


12:00 noon3:00 p.m.

You can reach Pastor Avery in the church office

during these hours or at 937-429-1536.

Sandy Ryon 4 & 11

Jan Kushmaul 18 & 25
Flo Keaton 4 & 11
Pam Dixon 18
Barbara Romaca 25
Judy Rude 4, 11, 18, 25
Kathy Howard
Kathy Howard 4
Linda Owens 11
Cindy Bowen & Dixie Jenkins 18
Barbara Romaca 25

Usher needed
Please consider being an usher in December. The
sign-up sheet is on the table in the narthex.

A Safe Zone

Outside the pastors office is a sign that says, This

is a SAFE ZONE. You can talk about anything
here. The sign lists some of the many things you can
discuss. Check it out!

See where you can be of service and give glory

to God by serving during worship.

Highlands Looks to the Future!

The Futures Team continues its work exploring the many options for Highlands future. The list has been
reduced to three options. We are gathering the information that will help determine the most appropriate
action. A recommendation will be presented to the congregation during the Annual Meeting in 2017. You
may contact any member of the Futures Team. We will make every effort to answer questions and provide
as much information as is available.
Committee members and the numbers to reach them are as follows:
Jan Kushmaul,
Kathy Howard,
Dixie Jenkins,
Flo Keaton,
Millie McNeal,
Linda Owens,
Sandy Ryon,
or contact
or Moderator
Pastor Avery
Pam Dixon
We know the future holds many changes for the church that will affect us in different ways. Our hope is
that the legacy of Highlands can live on in the community in some way. Your input will help to assure that

December In-Gathering
Food and paper products will be collected during December to serve the hungry this Christmas
Season. The last day to bring in goods is Sunday, December 18.

Highlands Helps the Springfield/Clark County Community

52 items donated to the Open Hands Free Stores food pantry in November: baking, veggies, meat, pasta,
sauce, soup, and chips.
41 items donated to Interfaith Hospitality Network: toiletries, cleaning supplies, socks, diapers, soup,
Box Tops and bar codes for Oesterlen Services for Youth: check out the list on the bulletin board outside
the kitchen window in the fellowship hall. There is a list of many ways we can help Oesterlen Services.

If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, call 937-399-7493 to have your name
removed from the Outreach newsletter mailing list or email

Semper Fidelis

Christmas Party:
The Semper Fidelis ladies will hold a Christmas Party on Wednesday, December 14,
at 7:00 p.m. at the home of Betty Mougey. Come one, come all. Wear red or green
and bring a $3.00 gift for a gift exchange.
Thank you:
Thanks for all of your help with the meal. We were able to turn over $345.00 to the

Council Meetings in December

Council will meet twice in December-December 4th and December 18th.
We have important matters to discuss relative to the futures teams work
before the congregational meeting. We will also review items which need
attention since we did not have a November Council meeting.


The number one clothing need of homeless persons is socks.

Socksitems we assume are a given. Many homeless persons
walk in shoes without sockseven in the bitter cold of winter.
There are several reasons why the homeless desperately need new
socks. People very rarely donate new socks to the homeless, we
assume they have them. Socks are not glamorous as far as
donations go. They are common, everyday items. Many homeless
persons have numerous health problems, particularly foot health
problems, many associated with not wearing socks. Consider
purchasing a pack of socks, particularly tube socks to place in the
Interfaith Hospitality Network box this fall and winter.

Hats and Gloves Clothesline

The hats and gloves clothesline is up in the back of the sanctuary. We will be
collecting these items to be donated to the Interfaith Hospitality Network.

Taize Worship
On Sunday, December 11, 2016, at 5:00 p.m. we will offer a Taize
Worship Service. Taize is an ecumenical, intentional community
founded in 1940, in Taize, France.
We invite the entire community to participate in this hour of scripture
reading, prayer, and music. If you have never attended, take a risk
take a break from the hectic holiday rush and stop for an hour of prayer
and meditation. You will be recharged and refreshed as if you had been
dipped in living waters.

Christmas Eve Service

Christmas Eve Family Worship Service will be held Saturday evening, December 24, at 7:00
p.m. at Highlands Church. Hear again the story of how God sent Love into the world to live
among humankind by birthing a holy infant in a lowly stable on a lonely night when angels
sang. There will be carols and candles to celebrate Jesus birth.
Christmas Eve Offering As in past years, during the Christmas Eve Service we will be
receiving an offering. As in past years, the offering will be divided between the UCC
Christmas Fund which for 114 years has provided support for pastors, chaplains, and lay
employees who have served the church, and who find themselves in need, either in their
retirement or their active years of ministry AND to the Interfaith Hospitality Network.
During this Christmas season consider folks in the shadows needing to hear the good news of
the word.

Recycle at Highlands!
Paper, plastic, metal, cardboard all are collected and taken to the recycling
centers 1602 W. Main St. and between the Project Woman building and the
Clark County Combined Health District building on
East Home Road.
Household hazardous waste is collected for a fee of $1.00 per pound
at the West Main Street location 9:00 a.m. to noon on the First Saturday
of March, April, June, August and October.

Box Tops for Oesterlen Services for Youth

Highlands continues to collect box tops and bar codes from certain products for Oesterlen. In
April, we delivered 128 items worth 10 cents each. We received a nice note of thanks. When we
have collected another nice batch, we will take them over. Thank you for saving and bringing these
box tops and bar codes!
Names of products that have box tops and bar codes are listed on the Community Bulletin Board
outside the window to the kitchen in the fellowship hall.

Kids World of Springfield

KIDS WORLD of Springfield is a Christian Pre-School/Day Care with a mission of developing
the whole child, keeping the love and nurturing of children as our top priority. KIDS WORLD
creates a caring, value-based environment while providing safe boundaries and opportunities for children to grow developmentally with structured learning activities.
Krista Yost, Admin/Owner & Kelly Stewart, Owner 399-2444

Highlands United Church of Christ is pleased to have this high-quality
pre-school/day care program in our facility. We hear high praise from
parents whose children attend.
Trustees of Highlands

Dont Forget the Food Cart!!

We collect food and non-perishable items for
Open Hands Free Stores food pantry. You can help feed
the hungry by dropping off items to
Highlands Church, 1910 St. Paris Pike, from
6:00 to 10:00 am and 3:00 to 5:30 pm.
Come through the front door under the covered walkway.
The grocery cart is right inside!







10:30 am
11:30 am
8:00 pm

10:30 am
11:30 am
12:00 pm
8:00 pm

10:30 am
11:30 am
12:00 pm
8:00 pm




10:30 am
11:30 am
12:00 pm
8:00 pm







Futures Team
6:45 pm











Semper Fidelis
7:00 pm
Betty Mougeys




Christmas Eve
Service 7:00 pm





Highlands United Church of Christ

1910 Saint Paris Pike
Springfield, Ohio 45504

Return Service Requested

Highlands Open and Affirming Statement

The worshipping family within the faith community of Highlands United Church of Christ believes in
Christ's gospel of unconditional love. We joyfully welcome into full participation, membership, and
leadership of this congregation persons of every race, language, age, gender identity and expression,
sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, economic or marital status, and faith background. We
affirm and celebrate all loving, committed relationships affirming that all families defined by love are
Adopted by the congregation January 13, 2013

Mission Statement
Our Mission is to be the loving heart and healing hands of God in the world;
we are a welcoming community of faith, seeking to accompany and support all
on their journey to Christ, and bearing authentic witness of Gods inclusive love
as proclaimed through Jesus.

Highlands United Church of Christ, is called by God

To open doors for all who seek a safe place for their spiritual journey
To extend extravagant hospitality
To set an open table for all who hunger
To provide sanctuary for all who seek forgiveness, reconciliation, and healing
To do justice and pursue peace

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