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Abdirizak Ahmed

Period 1 and 2
American Studies
History Day Bibliography

Primary sources:
"ABBY SMITH'S COWS." Boston Daily Globe (1872-1922)Jan 17, Boston, Mass.,

The sisters had their cows taken away by the town tax collector. Do to their refusal and hard
stand against the town they final got their cows taken away and would only be returned if
they payed their taxes.

G. "LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE." Hartford Daily Courant (1840-1887)Jan 21, Hartford,
Conn., 1874.


Hartford Daily Courant (1840-1887)Jul 25, Hartford, Conn.,


In this detailed article, the Struggles that the Smith sisters endured are remembered and their
reputation and their struggles against injustice. They stood up for they believed was right
and won their case. Their struggle paved way for women rights and suffrage.

G. "LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE." Hartford Daily Courant (1840-1887)Jan 21, Hartford,
Conn., 1874.

In this letter the sisters explain their reason for refusing to pay their taxes. They
claimed that the town had no right because the taxes were raised on them without their say
or any type of representation. Since they were being taxed unfairly they refused to pay

Smith, Abby H. "ABBY SMITH'S COWS." The Independent ...Devoted to the Consideration of
Politics, Social and Economic Tendencies, History, Literature, and the Arts (1848-1921), vol. 26,
no. 1311, Jan 15, 1874., pp. 28
In this newspaper article, the Smith sisters have their cows taken way because of their refusal to
pay taxes. They refused to pay because they were being unfairly made to pay taxes because of
their gender and their inability to represent themselves.

"THE PETITION OF THE SMITH SISTERS." Hartford Daily Courant (1840-1887)Jan 30,
Hartford, Conn., 1877.

The Smith sisters meet with the General Assembly of Connecticut to petition for the right to
have representation our to vote. They told their case to the assembly and plead for the right
that they should be guaranteed to vote and have a form of representation. They told them
about being unfairly taxed and about taxation without representation. They went to the town
of Glastonbury to have a hearing on their situation but they were refused.

"The Tax Case of the Smith Sisters." Hartford Daily Courant (1840-1887)Nov 24, Hartford,
Conn., 1876.

The smiths sisters carried out a lawsuit against the selectmen of Glastonbury. The trial happened
in November of 1876 and the final outcome would be decided by Judge McManus. The suit
was not in their favor.

"THE ENTERING WEDGE." Hartford Daily Courant (1840-1887)Mar 19, Hartford, Conn.,

The accomplishments of the sisters and their fights against social injustices are listed in this
article.Their fight against injustice didn't start with refusing to pay taxes and they have
always been activist for ending slavery and women's suffrage.

Smith, Julia E. "LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE." Hartford Daily Courant (1840-1887)Jan 20,
Hartford, Conn., /1874.

The Smith sisters inspired other women in their town to demand the right to register to vote.
They went to the town hall to register thinking they would be allowed. They were refused
because they were told if they were allowed the town workers would be coming a illegal

"THE SMITHS." Boston Daily Globe (1872-1922)Apr 08, Boston, Mass.,


During the state elections during ten o'clock the sisters went to the town hall to vote. They
gained attention by doing this. They were refused because during that era women weren't
allowed to vote.

All of these sources are primary sources because they were written around the time these events
accord. The Smith sisters had a lasting impact and are known for paving the way for women
rights and suffrage by taking a stand against unequal treatment of women and by giving them a
reason to take a stand against inequality.

Secondary sources:
Connecticut The Smith sisters, their Cows, and Womens Rights in Glastonbury.
The Smith sister were famous women rights activist and anti slavery activist. The sisters fought
for women's suffrage and after being unfairly taxed they took a stand against the Town of
Glastonbury. After fighting hard for their rights they won and they paved the way for women
Connecticut Womens Hall of Fame. The Smiths of Glastonbury
The Smiths of Glastonbury were known for their advocacy for womens rights, education,
suffrage, and abolishment of slavery. The sisters are well known for their taking a stand against
the town of Glastonbury and winning.
The Smith Sisters of Glastonbury: Tax evaders on a mission for womens rights.
Tribunedigital- The Courant
The sisters were believers in the idiom No taxation without representation. Since they were
unfairly taxed with representation they had the right to refuse to pay taxes. In the town they
lived in, taxes were raised on them and on widows and unmarried women. They were standing
up for their rights and they felt they were standing up against unfair treatment based on their
Five of these sources are secondary sources because they were written from second hand
accounts and after the timeline of the event. The lasting impact of the Smith sisters was that they
paved the way for women's rights activist and for suffrage of all women.
findingdulcinea,On This Day: 19th Amendment Gives Women Right to Vote.

I got a picture of a parade that occurred after the passing of the Nineteenth amendment.

Koontz, Laurel, Bible Translators, Educators, and Suffragist: The smith women a nineteenth
century case study in America about power, Agency, and subordination. Georgia State
University, 2013
One day a tax collector showed up to their house and told them their taxes are going to be
hundred dollars more than the previous year before. Knowing they were unfairly being taxed
because of their gender they refused to pay. They went to the town hall to register to vote but
they were refused because women were allowed to vote during that time. Since they did not have
representation they refused to pay.

Housley, Kathleen L. The Letter Kills but the Spirit Gives Life: the Smiths--Abolitionists,
Suffragists, Bible Translators. Glastonbury, Historical Society of Glastonbury, Conn.,
This the book where I got some quotes and also I found a lot of information in it.

Hubbard, Charity. HerStory: Bringing Woman's Past to the Present. March 2015, 1
Jan. 1970,
This where I got some pictures from.
Islandora, Connecticut History Illustrated
This website contains a lot of pictures and illustrations of connecticut.

It's 150 Years Today since the End of the American Civil War and Still Race Divides
the United States. The Telegraph, Telegraph Media Group,
I got one painting from here and this website talks about the end of the civil war.

Kathleen L. Housley
I interviewed the author of The Letter Kills But the Spirit Gives. I asked her some
questions and she answered them. She gave me information the impact of my topic and
told more information.


15, Hartford, Conn., 2014.
In this document, the author talks about how the Smith sisters refusal to pay taxes and how it was
a stand against unfair taxation. The Sisters thought they were being taxed unfairly based only on
their gender. The taxes were only raised on them and on widows and unmarried women. The
sister were unfairly taxed without representation and for years they fought hard to win their case.
The lasting impact was that the sisters paved way for women rights activist and for womens

Smith Sisters, A Suffrage Saga, Connecticut/Vol.52, NO.4 Contents/April 1989

Connecticut Historical Society
This is a packet that talks about the life of the Smith Sisters. From their early life to their fight
against unfair taxation.
Site visit Connecticut Historical society and the Connecticut State Library.
I got pamphlets and a book from my site visits and I got more information on my topic. I also
saw newspaper articles from the 1870s and old memoriam of the sisters life.

The Women's Rights Movement, 18481920 | US House of Representatives: History,

Art &Amp; Archives.

This website contains a lot of information on women's rights movement and gives clear
detail and information of political suffrage for women.

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