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COMP3310: Theory of Computation

Tasos Viglas

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.1/31

COMP3310- Week 2

COMP3310: Theory of Computation

School of Information Technologies
Tasos Viglas, Madsen G87
Week 02: Thursday August 4, 2005
- Non-deterministic automata
- Regular expressions

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.2/31


Computation: sequence of steps

Given the current state and input symbol, the next

state is completely determined

Non-deterministic computation: many possible next


example: Non-deterministic FA
empty transitions
many outgoing arrows for the same symbol

multiple ways to read through an input

try all possibilities in parallel. accept if any

computation path exists

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.3/31

Examples of NFAs

alphabet = {a, b}

L1 = {w|w contains aba as a substring}

L2 = {w|length of w is a multiple of 3}

L3 = L1 L2

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Definition of an NFA

a non-deterministic FA is a 5-tuple
(Q, , , q0 , F ):
Q is a finite set of states
is a finite alphabet (set of symbols)
: Q ( {}) P(Q) is the transition function
q0 Q is the starting state
F Q are the final (accepting) states

(Def 1.37p53)

Two machines are called equivalent if they accept

the same language

(Th 1.39p55)

Every NFA has an equivalent FA

Proof: by construction

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Proof of NFA and FA equivalence

Given an NFA N = (Q, , , q0 , F ), construct an

equivalent FA M = (Q , , , q0 , F )

First, assume there are no arrows

If the number of states in Q is k the all possible

subsets of states is 2k

Q = P(Q)

for R Q , a define
(R, a) = {q Q|q (r, a), r R}
or define (R, a) = rR (r, a)

q0 = {q0 }, and
F = {R Q |R contains a final state of N }

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Proof of NFA and FA equivalence: arrows

define E(R) =
{all states reachable from R by moves only}

modify definition
(R, a) = {q Q|q E((r, a)), r R}

start state q0 = {E(q0 )}

(end of proof)
A language is regular if and only if
some NFA accepts it

(Corollary 1.40p56)

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Closure under regular operations

Regular languages are closed
under union, concatenation and star

(Theorems 1.45-49p59)

Proof: by construction

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Regular expressions

Assume an alphabet

(Definition 1.52p64)

a regular expression R is either:

(the empty string)
the empty regular ecpression
(R1 R2 ) , (R1 R2 ) , (R), where R, R1 , R2 are
regular expressions

0 10 = {w|w contains exactly one 1}
(0 1) 1(0 1)

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FAs and regular expressions

a language is regular if and only if
some regular expression describes it

(Theorem 1.54p66)

proof: by construction, two directions

Any regular expression can be
converted into an NFA

(Lemma 1.55p67)

Any DFA can be converted in to a

regular expression

(Lemma 1.60p69)

proof of the first lemma is straightforward: go

through inductive definition of a regular expression
and show how to build the NFA for every case

second lemma requires some more work

GNFA generalized NFA: arrow labels are regular

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.10/31

DFA regular expression

start state has arrows to every other state and no

incoming arrows

single accepting state

only one arrow between two states, no multiple


DFAGNFA with k states k 1 states . . . 2


Remove any state and repair the machine (update


complete proof by induction (proving that the

conversion step is correct)

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.11/31

Non-regular languages

power of FAs, regular languages

B = {0n 1n |n 0}

C = {w|w has the same number of 0s and 1s}

D = {w|w has the same number of occurrences of

01 and 10 as substrings}

FAs cannot count

proving that languages are not regular: the pumping


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Non-regular languages
Pumping lemma
If A is regular then i
there exists p (pumping length) such that,
if s is any string in A of length at least p
then s may be divided in 3 parts, s = xyz satisfying:
1. for each i 0, xy i z A
2. |y| > 0 and
3. |xy| p

(Theorem 1.70p78)

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COMP3310- Week 3

COMP3310: Theory of Computation

School of Information Technologies
Tasos Viglas, Madsen G87
Week 03: Monday August 8, 2005
- Non-deterministic automata, regular
- Non-regular languages, the pumping lemma

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.14/31

Regular expressions

Assume an alphabet

(Definition 1.52p64)

a regular expression R is either:

the empty string
the empty regular expression
(R1 R2 ) , (R1 R2 ) , (R), where R, R1 , R2 are
regular expressions

0 10 = {w|w contains exactly one 1}
(0 1) 1(0 1)

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FAs and regular expressions

a language is regular if and only if
some regular expression describes it

(Theorem 1.54p66)

proof: by construction, two directions

Any regular expression can be
converted into an NFA

(Lemma 1.55p67)

Any DFA can be converted in to a

regular expression

(Lemma 1.60p69)

proof of the first lemma is straightforward: use

inductive definition of a regular expressions

second lemma requires some more work

GNFA generalized NFA: arrow labels are regular


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Generalized NFAs

a GNFA is a 5-tuple (Q, , , qstart , qaccept ), where

Q, finite set of states, and alphabet
: (Q {qaccept }) (Q {qstart }) R
qstart is the start state
qaccept is the accept state

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DFA regular expression

convert DFA to a GNFA such that:

start state has arrows to every other state and no
incoming arrows
single accepting state
only one arrow between two states, no multiple

DFAGNFA with k states k 1 states . . . 2


Remove any state and repair the machine (update


complete proof by induction (proving that the

conversion step is correct)

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DFA regular expression

main step: removing states from the GNFA









remove any internal state and update transition


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Non-regular languages

power of FAs, regular languages

B = {0n 1n |n 0}

C = {w|w has the same number of 0s and 1s}

D = {w|w has the same number of occurrences of

01 and 10 as substrings}

B and C are not regular

but D is regular (why ?)

limitation: fixed number of states

fixed amount of memory

proving that languages are not regular: the pumping


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Long paths in DFAs

long strings correspond to long (computation) paths

long paths must repeat states (visit a state twice)

therefore there is a loop in the path

consider a DFA with |Q| = k that accepts a string w

of size p k

on input w the DFA will visit p + 1 states

q1 , . . . , qi , . . . , qi , . . . , qk

repeat qi . . . , qi part. same final state

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The Pumping lemma

Pumping lemma
If A is regular then
there exists p (pumping length) such that,
if s is any string in A of length at least p
then s may be divided in 3 parts, s = xyz satisfying:
1. for each i 0, xy i z A
2. |y| > 0 and
3. |xy| p

(Theorem 1.70p78)

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The Pumping lemma- proof

M = (Q, , , q1 , F ), Q = {q1 , . . . , qp }

let s = s1 . . . sn L(M ) with n p

computational path of M on s is
r1 , . . . , rn+1 , r1 = q1 , and rn+1 F ,
rt+1 = (rt , st ) for 1 t n

n + 1 p + 1 implies that a state repeatsj < k : rj = rk


! "# $! "# $ ! "# $

s1 . . . sj1 sj . . . sk1 sk . . . sn
r1 . . . rj1 rj . . . rk1 rk . . . rn rn+1

xy i z takes M from q1 to Rn+1 F for any i 0

note that |y| > 0 and |xy| p

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Pumping examples -1

B = {0n 1n |n 0} (ex. 1.73p80)

assume B is regular and p is the pumping length,
and s = 0p 1p
then x, y, z : s = xyz = 0p 1p and i 0 : xy i z B
three cases for i:
1. if y = 0k then xyyz = 0p+k 1p B - contradiction
2. if y = 1k then xyyz = 0p 1p+k B - contradiction
3. if y = 0k 1l then xyyz = 0p+k 1l 0k 1p+l B contradiction

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Pumping examples -2

F = {ww|w } (ex. 1.75p81)

Let p be the pumping length and consider s = 0p 10p 1
s = xyz and |xy| p. One case: y = 0k and
xyyz = 0p+k 10p 1 F

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Pumping examples -3

E = {O i 1j |i j} (ex. 1.75p81)
consider s = 0p 1p . cases as first example
cases 2 and 3 still give contradictions. but pumping
up the zeroes will not give a contradiction xyyz E
Pump down s = xz = 0pk 1p

note: pumping lemma implies that all FAs accept

short strings

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COMP3310- Week 3

COMP3310: Theory of Computation

School of Information Technologies
Tasos Viglas, Madsen G87
Week 03: Thursday August 11, 2005
- Algorithms for automata

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Properties of regular languages

deciding properties of sets of languages can be a

very difficult problem

automata are simple enough to allow simple


properties of regular languages: halting, pumping


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Problems on FAs

acceptance (or membership): does M accept string

AF A = {< M, w > |M is a FA that accepts w}

membership for regular expressions

emptiness: given A, is L(A) = ?

EF A = {< A > |L(A) = }

equivalence: do A and B accept the same

language? EQF A = {< A, B > |L(A) = L(B)}

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< M > denotes a description of the machine M

checking if a given string is a valid DFA

encode everything as a string

description of a machine and enumeration


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theorem 4.1p166

acceptance (or membership): does M accept string

AF A = {< M, w > |M is a FA that accepts w}

note: this problem deals with all possible DFAs, not

a specific instance

check the description of M

simulate M on w

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theorem 4.4p168

emptiness: given A, is L(A) = ?

EF A = {< A > |L(A) = }

let M = (Q, , , q0 , F ) and |Q| = k

check if any final state is reachable from q0 within k


note: we are using the pumping lemma property

if M accepts any string, then it must accept a short

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theorem 4.5p169

equivalence: do A and B accept the same

language? EQF A = {< A, B > |L(A) = L(B)}

construct the symmetric difference

L = (L(A) L(B))

note: the symmetric difference is empty iff

L(A) = L(B)

check L for emptiness

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Equivalence of states

given a DFA M , two states p, q are called equivalent

if for all strings w ,
starting from state p on input w we end up to an
accept iff starting from state q on input w we end up
to an accept

if two states are not equivalent, they are called


testing equivalence: table filling method

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Equivalence of states- 1

construct a table as follows

q0 q1 . . . qk1

for states p, q if there exists an input symbol a such

that (p, a) = r = s = (q, a) then p, q are

if not, mark the apropriate entry of the table

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Equivalence of states- example






states B, D are equivalent

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Equivalence of states- example





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Equivalence of states- application

apply previous algorithm for deciding equivalence of

two automata

are the two starting states equivalent ?

use the previous algorithm and treat both automata

as one

if their starting states are found to be equivalent,

then the automata are equivalent

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Minimizing automata

(see also problem 7.40p299)

given a DFA M construct a DFA M with minimal

number of states such that L(M ) = L(M )

input < M > where M = (Q, , , q0 , A)

output < M > such that L(M ) = L(M )

remove useless states (unreachable from q0 )

find all pairs of equivalent states

partition into subsets of equivalent states

merge equivalent states into one new state

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Minimizing automata- 1

proof that the output of the previous algorithm is


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Minimized DFAs are ... minimal

assume not: M is the minimized automaton from the

previous algorithm, and there exists an even smaller
one N

start states of M and N are equivalent since

L(M ) = L(N )

if p, q are equivalent then their successors on any

one input symbol are equivalent

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minimality- 1

all states of M are distinguishable (same for N )

all states are reachable in both M, N

every state p of M is equivalent to some state q in N

for s such that M : p0 p then N : q0 q

N is smaller, two states of M are equivalent to the

same N state

therefore they are equivalent - contradiction

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COMP3310- Week 3

COMP3310: Theory of Computation

School of Information Technologies
Tasos Viglas, Madsen G87
Week 04: Monday August 15, 2005
- context free languages - ambiguity

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Context free languages

context free grammars were proposed by N

Chomsky as a model for natural languages

CF can describe non-regular languages

context free grammars

CFL strictly contains RL

there are however non-CF languages

{0n 1n |n 0} is CF
{0n 1n 0n |n 0} is not CF

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Context free- summary

context free grammars

context free languages contain all regular languages

derivations, parsing, ambiguity

Chomsky normal form

push down automata (stack automata) and CFL

non-context-free languages and the pumping lemma

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Context free grammars

the language {0n 1n |n 0} can be described as


start from S and apply the following rules:

1. S 0S1
2. S

we can derive any string 0n 1n as follows

S 0S1 00S11 . . . 0n S1n 0n 1n

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CF grammars definition

A context free grammar is a 4-tuple G = (V, , R, S)

V : a finite set of variables
: finite set of terminals (with V = )
R: finite set of subsitution rules V (V )
S : start symbol, S V

L(G) = the language accepted by grammar G

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a single step derivation is denoted by

substitution of a variable by a string according to a

a sequence of any number of derivations (including

none) is denoted by

the language L(G) contains only strings of terminals

L(G) = {w |S w}

notation: A B|01|AA
the first rule usualy refers to the start symbols
(unless stated otherwise)

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CF grammars- example

S 0S1|0Z1
Z 0Z|
{0i 1j |i j}

V = {S, Z}, = {0, 1, (, ), , , }

S 0|1|(S)|(S) (S)|(S) (S)
propositional (boolean) formulas

natural languages

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Parse trees

derivation of a string can be represented as a parse


leftmost derivations

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we say that a string is derived ambiguously from a

grammar G if it has more than one leftmost

ambiguity and parse trees

example: 0 1 + 1

two different derivations do not imply an ambiguous

both derivations may have the same parse tree)

a CF language that can be generated only by

ambiguous grammars is called inherently ambiguous

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RL and CFL

context free languages: all languages that can be

generated by a context free grammar

all regular languages are context free

{0n 1n 0n |n 0} is not context free

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theorem: every regular language is context free


proof idea: given a DFA M = (Q, , , q0 , F )

construct the grammar GM = (V, , R, S)

V = Q, S = q0 and R is as follows:
qi x(qi , x), for all qi V and all x
qi , for all qi F

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Chomsky Normal Form

(definition 2.8p107) a CFG is in Chomsky normal

form if all the rules have the form
A BC or
for the start variable we also allow the rule S

grammars in this form are easy to analyse

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Chomsky normal form- 1

theorem 2.9p107: any CFL is generated by a CFG in

Chomsky normal form

proof: assume G = (V, , R, S)

rewrite all rules to the Chomsky format
add new start symbol and S0 S


B xAy and A
B xAy|xy
A B and B xCy
A xCy , B xCy
A B1 B2 . . . Bk
A B1 A1 , . . . , Ak2 Bk1 Bk
ill-placed terminals a
replace by Ta and add Ta a
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Chomsky example

CFG S aSb|

in Chomsky normal form:

S0 |Ta Tb |Ta X
S Ta Tb |Ta X
Ta a
Tb b

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COMP3310- Week 5

COMP3310: Theory of Computation

School of Information Technologies
Tasos Viglas, Madsen G87
Week 05: Monday August 22, 2005
- push down automata
- the pumping lemma for context-free

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Stack automata

Equivalence with context free grammars


Non context free languages

The pumping lemma for context free

Some closure properties for CFL

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Stack automaton

context free grammars and CF languages

Push down automata and context free

Generalization of a NFA
Allows limited extra memory

Stack automata are equivalent to CF grammars

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Push down automaton

Non-deterministic automaton plus a stack

Input is still read-once, and there is no output

Two ways of accepting

final/accepting state
empty stack

both ways are equivalent

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Example of a PDA

non-regular, context free language

L = {0n 1n |n 0}

Very easy to design a pda

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Definition of a PDA
a push down automaton is a 6-tuple
(Q, , , , q0 , F ):
Q is the finite set of states
is the finite input alphabet
is the finite stack alphabet
: Q P(Q ) is the transition
q0 Q is the starting state
F Q are the final (accepting) states

(Def 2.13p111)

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Example of a PDA
context free language
L = {a b c |i = j or i = k}

(Example 2.16p113)
i j k

non-determinism is needed for this language

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PDAs and context free languages

A language is context free if and
only if some pushdown automaton recognizes

(Theorem 2.20p115)

two directions to prove

(Lemma 2.21p115)

If L is CF then a PDA recognizes it

If a PDA recognizes a language

then it is context free

(Lemma 2.27p119)

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CF grammar to PDA

convert a CFG to an automaton

start from start symbol and guess series of


keep intermediate results on the stack

match terminals from the input

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CF grammar to PDA: algorithm

1. Push tha start symbol on the stack

2. Repeat:
(a) if the top is a variable, non-det. choose a rule for it
and replace A on the stack using that rule. match
any terminals in the beginning of the rules right
part from the input.
(b) if the top is a terminal read the next input symbol
and repeat if they match. if they dont, stop
(c) if the stack is empty accept

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PDA to CF grammar

Write a grammar for a given PDA P

for every pair of states of P use a variable Apq

Grammar will generate all possible strings that take

P from p to q with empty stack

two cases: stack empties only when reaching q or it

empties in an intermediate step as well

add the rules Apq aArs b and Apq Apr Arq

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RL and CFL
(Corollary 2.32p122)

All regular languages are context free

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The pumping lemma for CFL

If A is a CFL then
there exists a p (pumping length) such that,
any s L with |s| p can be divided in s = uvxyz
for all i 0, uv i xy i z A
|vy| > 0
|vxy| p

(Theorem 2.34p115)

v x

u v R


v x y
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Pumping lemma proof idea

pumping length p = b|V |+2

where b be the max number of symbols on the right
of a rule

a parse tree with height h generates a string at least

bh + 1 long or
a string of length bh + 1 must have derivation tree
height at least h + 1

length p implies height (or a path of length) |V | + 1

that path must repeat a non-terminal symbol

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pumping example
(Example 2.36p126)

B = {an bn cn |n 0} is not context


s = ap bp cp = uvxyz

v, y contain each one type of symbol. then uv 2 xy 2 z

must be imbalanced

otherwise repeating v, y would repeat symbols out of


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Closure properties

CFLs are closed under union and concatenation

For union: the new grammar is the union of the
previous two plus an extra start symbol and the rule
S S1 |S2

CFLs are not closed under intersection and


CFLs are closed under intersection with a regular

run the PDA and the NFA in parallel and accept if
they both accept

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COMP3310- Week 5

COMP3310: Theory of Computation

School of Information Technologies
Tasos Viglas, Madsen G87
Week 05: Thursday August 25, 2005
- Turing Machines

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Part 2: Computability theory

the halting problem
Church-Turing thesis

This lecture:
Turing machines
multi-tape Turing machines
non-deterministic Turing Machines

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regular, context-free and beyond

L = {1n | n and n + 2 are prime}

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Alan Turing

Alan Turing
1912-1954, UK
Cambridge University, Princeton University
1936, universal machines and the halting problem

Alonzo Church
1903-1995, USA
Princeton University
1936, lambda calculus and undecidable problems

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Turing machines

The universal machine, a model for computation

Read, write, move to a new cell, change state

Initially all the tape cells are blank

Two halting states, Accept and Reject

$ 0 1 0 1 0 1
oneway infinite tape
finite state

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Turing machine- definition

(definition 3.3p140)

A Turing machine is a 7-tuple

(Q, , , , q0 , qaccept , qreject )

Q is the finite set of states

is the finite input alphabet, not containing 4, the

blank symbol

is the finite tape alphabet, 4 and

: Q Q {L, R} is the transition function

q0 Q the starting state

qaccept is the accept state

qreject is the reject state and qaccept = qreject

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.78/31

Turing machines

start with the input string on the tape

start computing...
until any of the two halting states is reached

A configuration of a TM consists of
current state, tape contents, head position

the set of strings accepted by a TM M is the

language of M or the language recognized by M ,
L(M )

Example: TM for {w#w|w {0, 1} }

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.79/31

Decidable problems
A language is called Turing
recognizable if some Turing machine recognizes it

(definition 3.5p142)

A recognizer accepts all yes-inputs. may loop for

ever on no-inputs

Also called recursively enumerable

A language is called Turing
decidable if some Turing machine decides it

(definition 3.6p142)

always gives an answer

Also called recursive

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.80/31

(example 3.7p143)

Example of a Turing machine for {0 |n 0}

from left to right, cross off every other 0

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.81/31

Variants of Turing machines

Multitape: a Turing machine with several tapes

Non-deterministic machines


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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.82/31

Multitape Turing machines

k -tape Turing machine

: Q k Q k {L, R, S}k

(theorem 3.13p149)

A k -tape Turing machine is equivalent to a single

tape Turing machine

Proof: Simulate a multitape machine by a single

tape one

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.83/31

Non-deterministic Turing machines

non-determinism allows several choices for each

step of the computation

: Q P(Q {L, R})

many possible next steps

non-deterministic computation represented as a tree

Several computation paths

Computation is accepting if an accept leaf exists

A non-deterministic branch may be infinite

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.84/31

Non-deterministic Turing machines

(theorem 3.16p150)

Every non-deterministic Turing machine has an

equivalent deterministic Turing machine

Simulate the machine deterministically

Do all possible computation paths, accept if any one

of them accepts

problem: Non-deterministic computation may

contain infinite paths

simulate in parallel (breadth first traversal of the

computation tree)


c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.85/31

Non-deterministic Turing machines

Given a non-deterministic machine N simulate it

with a 3 tape deterministic machine

tape 3 is used as an index tape for the

non-deterministic choices, pointing to a path into the
computation tree

a number 235 means take the first choice at the

root, then the third etc

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.86/31

Non-deterministic Turing machines

1. tape 1 has the input, tapes 2 and 3 are empty
2. copy the input to tape 2
3. use tape 2 to simulate the machine N . Use the
symbols on tape 3 for the choices
if the symbol describes an unavailable choice
goto 4
if no more symbols on tape 3, goto 4
if rejecting configuration is encountered, goto 4
if accept is encountered then {accept}
4. replace tape 3 with the next (lexicographically) string
goto 2
c Tasos Viglas, 2005

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An enumerator is a Turing machine that prints

(enumerates) all strings in a language
a language is Turing recognizable
if and only if it has an enumerator

(theorem 3.21p153)

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.88/31

Church-Turing thesis

Hilberts tenth problem (1900)

Find an algorithm that decides whether a given
polynomial has an integral root

.."a process by which it can be determined in a finite

number of steps"..

Matijasevic 1970: Hilberts tenth is unsolvable

Martin Davis, Hilary Putnam, Julia Robinson

Church-Turing thesis: Computable

means computable by a Turing

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.89/31

COMP3310- Week 6

COMP3310: Theory of Computation

School of Information Technologies
Tasos Viglas, Madsen G87
Week 06: Mon Aug 29 and Thu Sep 1, 2005
- Decidability
- Church Turing thesis
- Diagonalization
- The halting problem
c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.90/31

Decidable problems
A language is called Turing
recognizable if some Turing machine recognizes it
A recognizer accepts all yes-inputs. may loop for
ever on no-inputs
Also called recursively enumerable

(definition 3.5p142)

A language is called Turing

decidable if some Turing machine decides it
always gives an answer
Also called recursive

(definition 3.6p142)

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.91/31

Non-deterministic Turing machines

non-determinism allows several choices for each

step of the computation

: Q P(Q {L, R})

many possible next steps

non-deterministic computation represented as a tree

Several computation paths

Computation is accepting if an accept leaf exists

A non-deterministic branch may be infinite

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.92/31

Non-deterministic Turing machines

(theorem 3.16p150)

Every non-deterministic Turing machine has an

equivalent deterministic Turing machine

Simulate the machine deterministically

Do all possible computation paths, accept if any one

of them accepts

problem: Non-deterministic computation may

contain infinite paths

simulate in parallel (breadth first traversal of the

computation tree)


c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.93/31

Non-deterministic Turing machines

Given a non-deterministic machine N simulate it

with a 3 tape deterministic machine

tape 3 is used as an index tape for the

non-deterministic choices, pointing to a path into the
computation tree

a number 135 means take the first choice at the

root, then the third etc

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.94/31

Non-deterministic Turing machines

1. tape 1 has the input, tapes 2 and 3 are empty
2. copy the input to tape 2
3. use tape 2 to simulate the machine N . Use the
symbols on tape 3 for the choices
if the symbol describes an unavailable choice
goto 4
if no more symbols on tape 3, goto 4
if rejecting configuration is encountered, goto 4
if accept is encountered then accept
4. replace tape 3 with the next (lexicographically) string
goto 2
c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.95/31


An enumerator is a Turing machine that prints

(enumerates) all strings in a language
a language is Turing recognizable
if and only if it has an enumerator

(theorem 3.21p153)

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.96/31

Defining Computation

Hilberts tenth problem (1900)

Find an algorithm that decides whether a given
polynomial has an integral root

.."a process by which it can be determined in a finite

number of steps"..

Matijasevic 1970: Hilberts tenth is unsolvable

Martin Davis, Hilary Putnam, Julia Robinson

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.97/31

Church-Turing thesis

Church-Turing thesis:
computable means
computable by a Turing machine
all proposed computation models are equivalent,
Turing machines
Recursive functions
Quantum Turing machines

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.98/31

Decidable problems for regular languages

(theorems 4.1-4.5p166-169)

The following problems on regular laguages are

Does a given DFA M accept input w ?
Same for non-deterministic automata
Given a regular expression R, does it generate a
given string w ?
Given a DFA, does it accept any string?
Given two DFAs are they equivalent ?

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.99/31

Decidable problems for context free

(theorems 4.7-4.9p170-172)

the following problems on context free languages

are decidable
Given a CFG G and a string w , does G generate
Given a CFG G is L(G) = ?
Every context free language is decidable

Equivalence is not decidable

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.100/31

COMP3310- Week 6

COMP3310: Theory of Computation

School of Information Technologies
Tasos Viglas, Madsen G87
Week 06: Thu Sep 1, 2005
- Diagonalization
- The halting problem

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.101/31


Afternoon tea with the staff of SIT

thursday 1st september,4pm Madsen G93

Honours program in the School of IT

Information session
Tuesday 6th September, 12-3 pm
labs, demos, talk to current honours students and

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.102/31

Undecidable problems

A specific problem that is algorithmically unsolvable

Fundamental limitation of computing

Example of an unsolvable problem:

software verification- Given a program, does it
conform to its specification?

A more simple unsolvable problem: Given a TM M

and a string w , does M halt on input w ?

In fact, (almost) "all" languages are undecidable

... and they are not even recognizable

Existence of undecidable problems

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.103/31

Counting infinities

How many languages L are there?



For L there are 2 , a finite number

For L the number of langauges is infinite...

Small infinite sets and big infinite sets

Georg Cantor, 1873

Two sets have the same size if the elements of one

set can be paired with the elements of the other

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.104/31

Mappings and functions

A function f : A B is a mapping of the elements

of A to the elements of B

f is ...
if f (a) = f (b) whenever a = b
onto if f (A) = B
correspondence if it is both 1-to-1 and onto


Two sets A and B have the same size if there is a

correspondence f : A B between them.

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.105/31

Countable and uncountable

The set of natural numbers is N = {0, 1, 2, . . .}

A set is called countable if it is finite or it has the

same size with N

Example: Q = { m
n |m, n N }, the set of rational
numbers is countable

A set is called uncountable if it is not countable

The set of real numbers R is uncountable

Proofs: by diagonalization

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.106/31

Infinite binary strings

Let B = {all infinite binary strings}

B is uncountable
0 0 0 0 1 0
1 0 0 1 0 0
2 1 1 0 1 0
3 0 1 1 1 0
4 ... ... ... ... ...

c Tasos Viglas, 2005


COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.107/31

Counting languages and TMs

(theorem 4.18p178)

Some languages are not Turing-recognizable

proof by diagonalization

the set of all TMs is countable

a TM can be described by finite a string over a
finite alphabet
arrange the strings alphabetically

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.108/31

Counting languages and TMs

the set of all languages over an alphabet is


P( )
The set of all infinite binary sequences B is
is countable (arrange alphabetically)
Every language corresponds to a characteristic
sequence from B

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.109/31

More on counting

Examples of countable sets: correspondence

between N and Z , N 2 , {a} , {a, b}

(0, 0) (0, 1) (1, 0) (0, 2) (1, 1) (2, 0) (0, 3)

aaa aaaa aaaaa


c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.110/31

Counting N

Consider N , the set of finite sequences of numbers

N is countable,
there is a bijection between N and N

Use the unique prime factorization theorem

Every number can be written as a product of prime

primes p1 = 2, p2 = 3, p3 = 5, p4 = 7, . . .

x = pe11 pe22

525 = p2 p3 p3 p4

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.111/31

Counting N

Consider (n1 , n2 , . . . , nk )

Map this to number

m = pn1 1 +1 pn2 2 +1 pnk k +1

+1 is used to encode zero

(1, 2, 0) versus (1, 2)

Correspondence works since there are infinitely

many primes and the unique factorization theorem

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.112/31

Universal Turing Machine

Universal Turing Machine U is given a description of

any TM M and and input w and simulates M on w

Use 2 tapes. The first tape contains the description

of M and the input w

Write down starting < q0 w > configuration on the

2nd tape

repeat until halting configuration is reached:

replace the configuration on tape 2, according to
the transition function of M

Accept if qaccept is reached, reject if qreject is reached

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.113/31

The halting problem

The halting problem for TMs is undecidable

HT M = {< M, w > |M halts on input w}

proof by contradiction

Assume that HT M is decidable and Halts(M, w) is

the TM that decides it

Define the following TM:

D(M ) := if Halts(M, M ) then loop for ever

otherwise halt (accept)

What is the output of D(D)? Does it halt?

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.114/31

The halting problem

D(D) := if D(D) halts then loop for ever
otherwise halt (accept)

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.115/31

More on the halting problem

(theorem 4.11p174,179)

The acceptance problem for TMs,

AT M = {< M, w > |M accepts input w} is

Proof by contradiction

Assume AT M is decidable and H(M, w) is the TM

that decides it
accept if M accepts input w
H(M, w) =
reject otherwise

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.116/31

More on the halting problem

Define a new machine as follows

accept if M does not accept input M
D(M ) =
reject if M accepts input M

What is the output of D(D) ?

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.117/31

More on the halting problem

... D ...
M1 accept accept reject accept . . .
M2 reject accept accept reject . . .
M3 reject reject reject reject . . .
M4 reject accept accept reject . . .
... ...
D reject reject accept reject

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.118/31

Un-recognizable languages

AT M is Turing recognizable

(theorem 4.22p181)

A language L is decidable if and only if L and its

complement L are both Turing recognizable
L is called co-Turing-recognizable if its
complement L is Turing-recognizable
(corollary 4.23p182)

H T M and AT M , the complements of the halting

problem and the acceptance problem, are not Turing

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.119/31

Un-recognizable languages

AT M is not Turing-recognizable
but it is co-Turing-recognizable

ET M = {G|G is a TM and L(G) = } is not Turing


EQT M = {< G, H > |TMs G, H and L(G) = L(H)}

is not even co-TM-recognizable

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.120/31

Classifying problems

Decidable (Recursive)
Context free

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

coRecognizable (coRE)

Recognizable (RE)

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.121/31

Classifying problems




Decidable (Recursive)
Context free


c Tasos Viglas, 2005

coRecognizable (coRE)

Recognizable (RE)


ww R

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.122/31

Multistack machines

theorem: a PDA with two stacks is as powerful as a


proof: simulate a TM by a two stack machine

one stack holds the TM tape contents to the left of

the head and the second the contents to the right of
the head

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.123/31

Counter machines

a k -counter machine has access to k counters

the machine can add/subtract one from each

counter or test for zero

transition depends on state, input symbol, and which

counters are zero

equivalent definition: k -stack machine that can push

a single symbol on its stacks

what is the power of a counter machine?

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.124/31

Counter machines

(theorem) a three counter machine can simulate a

simulate a 2 stack PDA with two counters
each counter has a numeric representation of the
stack contents
the third is used for adjusting the other two

(theorem) a two counter machine can simulate a TM

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.125/31

Counter machines

(theorem) a two counter machine can simulate a TM

simulate 3 counters with 2
use one counter to store an encoding of the three
counters/numbers (i, j, k): store 2i 3j 5k
use the second counter for adjusting the first
incrementing i is multiplying the counter by 2 etc

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.126/31

COMP3310- Week 7

COMP3310: Theory of Computation

School of Information Technologies
Tasos Viglas, Madsen G87
Week 07: Mon Sep 5, 2005
- Reductions
- More undecidability
- Rices theorem

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.127/31


Honours program in the School of IT

Information session
Tuesday 6th September, 12-3 pm
labs, demos,
talk to current honours students and staff

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.128/31

Classifying problems

Decidable (Recursive)
Context free

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

coRecognizable (coRE)

Recognizable (RE)

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.129/31

Classifying problems




Decidable (Recursive)
Context free


c Tasos Viglas, 2005

coRecognizable (coRE)

Recognizable (RE)


ww R

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.130/31

The halting problem again

Reductions between two problems

"A reduces to B"

A B , if we can solve B then we can solve A

(theorem 5.1p188)

The halting problem is undecidable

HALTT M = {< M, w > |M halts on input w}

prove by reducing the acceptance problem AT M to


Assume R solves HALTT M

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.131/31

The halting problem again

Construct S as follows:
S : On input < M, w >
1. Run R(< M, w >)
2. if R rejects, reject
3. if R accepts, simulate M on w

S solves AT M if R exists

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Proving undecidability using reductions

To prove L is undecidable, prove the following:

"if L is decidable then AT M is decidable"

Proofs by contradiction based on a construction

Given a TM for L show how you can use it to solve

AT M or any other undecidable problem

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.133/31

(theorem 5.2p189)

The emptiness problem for TMs is


ET M = {< M > |L(M ) = }

Proof: reduce from AT M

given a TM R for ET M build one for AT M

Modify M to accept only w if it is non-empty

M1 : on input < x >

1. if x = w , reject
2. if x = w simulate M on w and accept if M (w)

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.134/31


S : on input < M, w >

1. From M construct M1
2. Simulate R on M1

S constructs M1 by adding some new states to it that

simply check for x = w
L(M1 ) = M does not accept w
L(M1 ) = {w} M accepts w

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.135/31

(theorem 5.3p191)

REGU LART M is undecidable

REGU LART M = {< M > |L(M ) is regular}

proof: reduce from AT M

assume REG(M ) decides regularity.

use it to solve AT M (M, w)

S : on input < M, w >

1. Construct M2 : on input x
(a) if x is 0n 1n accept
(b) otherwise run M (w) and accept if it accepts
2. Run REG on M2
3. accept if REG(M2 ) accepts

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.136/31

Construct M2 : on input x
1. if x is 0n 1n accept
2. otherwise run M (w) and accept if it accepts

M2 accepts 0n 1n if M does not accept w

M2 accepts if M accepts w

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.137/31

Deciding equality
(theorem 5.4p192)

EQT M is undecidable

EQT M = {< M1 , M2 > |L(M1 ) = L(M2 )}

Reduce ET M to equality

S : on input M
1. run EQT M on < M, T > where T rejects all

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.138/31

Other undecidable properties

is L(M )
1. context free
2. finite

Rices theorem: all non-trivial TM properties are


c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.139/31

Rices Theorem
Let P be a non-trivial property of
the language of a TM. Prove that determining if the
language of a given TM has this property is

(problem 5.28p213)

P (M ) = {< M > |L(M ) has property P}

non-trivial property: it contains some but not all TM


P is a property of the TM language

whenever L(M1 ) = L(M2 ) then M1 P iff M2 P

Proof: assume P () decides the property P

reduce AT M to P () by constructing S

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.140/31

Rices theorem

let T be a TM that always rejects L(T ) =

wlog assume T P (otherwise proceed with P )

P non-trivial implies T P

use the ability of P () to distinguish between T and T

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.141/31

Rices theorem

define S : on input < M, w >

1. Based on M and w construct Mw (x)
(a) Simulate M (w) if it halts and rejects, reject
(b) if it accepts, simulate T on x. if it accepts,
2. Use P () to determine whether Mw has property
P . if it does, accept, otherwise reject

Mw simulates T if M (w) accepts

L(Mw ) = L(T ) if M accepts w
L(Mw ) = otherwise

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.142/31

Other undecidable properties

is L(M )
1. context free
2. finite

Rices theorem: all non-trivial TM properties are


c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.143/31


Reductions so far have been straightforward

properties that involve TM

for more general questions, use different reductions

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.144/31

Computation histories
An accepting computation history
of M on w is a sequence of configurations C1 , . . . Ck

(definition 5.5p193)

C1 is the start configuration of M on w

Ck is an accepting configuration

Ci M Ci+1 , a valid computation stem of M

if Ck is a rejecting configuration, then this sequence

is a rejecting computation history

computation histories are finite sequences

if M does not halt on w no computation sequence


c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.145/31

Computation histories

< M, w > AT M is equivalent to "all computation

histories of M on w are non-accepting"

< M, w > AT M is equivalent to "there exists a

computation history of M on w that accepts"

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.146/31

Deciding CF properties
(theorem 5.13p197)

ALLCF L is undecidable

ALLCF L = {< G >

|G is a CFG and generates all }

proof: use computation histories to reduce AT M to

this problem

AT M : does M accept w ?

AT M : does there exists an accepting computation

history for M on w ?

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.147/31


< M, w > AT M implies all histories x are


Define LCF L a CFL that contains all accepting

histories x of M on w

< M, w > AT M translates to x LCF L ?

a CFG G can describe all accepting histories

x = (C1 , . . . Ck ) G iff
1. C1 is not proper start configuration, or
2. there is an invalid Ci Ci+1
3. last configuration in x is not accepting

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.148/31


ALLCF L = {< G >

|G is a CFG and generates all } is undecidable

LCF L describes all strings that fail to be accepting


if M does not accept w then all strings fail to be

accepting histories and therefore LCF L =

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.149/31

CFL equality

EQCF L = {< G1 , G2 >
|G1 , G2 are CFG and L((G1 ) = L(G2 )}

proof: let G = . decide < G > is in ALLCF L by

EQ(G, G )

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.150/31

COMP3310- Week 7

COMP3310: Theory of Computation

School of Information Technologies
Tasos Viglas, Madsen G87
Week 07: Thu Sep 8, 2005
- Post correspondence problem (PCP)
- ambiguity in CFGs

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.151/31

Post correspondence problem

An undecidable problem concerning manipulations

of strings

a domino contains two strings (top and bottom)



a collection of dominos
() * & ' & ' )

PCP: given a collection of dominos find a match, a

sequence (repetitions allowed) such that the top
string is the same as the bottom

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.152/31

Post correspondence problem

a collection of dominos
() * & ' & ' )

PCP: given a collection of dominos find a match, a

sequence (repetitions allowed) such that the top
string is the same as the bottom
& a ' ) b * & ca ' & a ' ) abc *
ab ca
a ab

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.153/31


for some collections, a match does not exist

Post correspondence problem: determine whether a

given collection of dominos has a match
,& ' & '
& 't1
collection: P =

a match is a sequence i1 , i2 , . . . , in such that

ti1 ti2 tin = bi1 bi2 bin

the PCP language is

P CP = {< P > |a PCP problem that has a match}

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.154/31

PCP is undecidable
(theorem 5.15p200)

PCP is undecidable

proof: reduce from AT M using computation histories

given M and w , construct the dominos to be parts of

the computation history of M on w

these dominos will form a match only of an

accepting computation history exists

start with M P CP , the modified &PCP:

' the match
must start with the first domino

c Tasos Viglas, 2005


COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.155/31

PCP is undecidable

#q0 w1 w2 wn # is the starting configuration of M

on w
put #q0 w1 w2 wn # as the first domino
need to start from this domino- need to match the
bottom part at the top

this forces the next domino to have a certain kind of

top part

that domino will have a bottom part that is the next

configuration of M (w)

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PCP is undecidable
. qa /
(q, a) = (r, b, R)
br /
. cqa
(q, a) = (r, b, L)
& ' a& '
copy #, add a blank
' &4#
qaccept a

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PCP is undecidable

last step: build in the problem the requirement to

start with the first domino

for u = u1 u2 un define
u = u1 u2 un
u = u1 u2 un
u = u1 u2 un
,& ' & '
& 't1
,& ' & ' & '
& ' & 't1


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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.158/31

Mapping reducibility

Many different kinds of reductions

Mapping or many-one reducibility

a function f : is a
computable function if some TM on input w halts with
f (w) on its tape

(definition 5.17p206)

A is mapping reducible to B
written A m B if there is a computable function
f : such that for all w

(definition 5.20p207)

w A f (w) B
The function f is called the reduction from A to B
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if A m B and B is decidable then A is decidable

A m decidable

if A m B and A is undecidable then B is

undecidable m B

if A m B and B is Turing recognizable then A is


if A m B and A is not T-recognizable then B is not


A m B is the same as A m B

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Equality of TM languages
EQT M is neither T-recognizable
nor co-T-recognizable

(theorem 5.30p210)

prove two things:

EQT M not T-recognizable AT M m EQT M
EQT M not co-T-recognizable
EQT M not T-recognizable AT M m EQT M

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AT M reduces to EQT M

F : on input M, w
1. construct two machines
M1 = reject all inputs
M2 = run M (w) if it accepts, accept
2. output < M1 , M2 >
M (w) accepts

M1 nothing, M2 everything

M (w) does not accept M1 nothing, M2 nothing

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AT M reduces to EQT M

G: on input M, w
1. construct two machines
M1 = accept all inputs
M2 = run M (w) if it accepts, accept
2. output < M1 , M2 >

M (w) does not accept M1 nothing, M2 everything

M (w) accepts

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M1 nothing, M2 nothing

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.163/31

Ambiguity for CFGs

Determining whether a CFG is ambiguous is


proof: reduce from PCP

two strings of integers/indices (viewed as strings)

strings correspond to PCP instances, one list for the

top part one for the bottom part of the dominos

each string can be generated by a grammar

if the PCP instance has a solution, then there are

two derivations of the same string (ambiguity)

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Ambiguity for CFGs

& ' & '

& '
a PCP instance bt11 , bt22 , . . . , btkk

Construct a grammar GA that generates all possible

top strings
A t1 Aa1 |t2 Aa2 | |tk Aak
A t1 a1 |t2 a2 | |tk ak

same for the bottom strings, GB

B b1 Ba1 |b2 Ba2 | |bk Bak
B b1 a1 |b2 a2 | |bk ak

a string in GA is of the form ti1 tin ti1 ui1 ui2 uin

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Ambiguity for CFGs

a string in GA is of the form ti1 ti2 ti1 ai1 ai2 ain

first part of derived strings: PCP strings

tails: indices of used dominos

Both grammars: derivations are unique and different

construct the union of the two grammars GAB by

adding S A|B

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Ambiguity for CFGs

theorem: GAB is ambiguous if and only if the

corresponding PCP problem has a solution

PCP has a solution, there is a match

ti1 ti2 ti1 ai1 ai2 ain = bi1 bi2 bi1 ai1 ai2 ain

indices (tails) indicate two derivations of the same

string (through GA and GB )

if GAB is ambiguous the is a string that has two


two derivations must go through GA and GB

strings correspond to a match of the PCP problem

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COMP3310- Week 8

COMP3310: Theory of Computation

School of Information Technologies
Tasos Viglas, Madsen G87
Week 08: Sep 12-16, 2005
- Recursion theorem
- Self reference

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.168/31

Recursion theory

mathematical logic and computability

proving undecidability:
self reference leading to a paradox

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Is it possible for a (finite) object to contain a

description of itself ?

Can you have a picture that contains itself in it ?

A finite to way to describe infinite detail

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M printing < M >

design a TM SELF that prints its own description

or, write a program in Java that prints out itself

a straightforward approach would cause an infinite


define Pw the TM that ignores its input and simply

prints the string w and then halts.

denote the description of Pw by q(w) =< Pw >

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M printing < M >

design the machine SELF to have two parts, A and


such that < SELF >=< AB >

think of A printing out B and B printing out A

define A to be P<B>

A prints out < B >

we cannot define B as P<A>

this would give a circular definition and infinite

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M printing < M >

SELF : run A first, then B

A is P<B> . writes < B > on the tape

B prints out < A >, the description of a machine

that prints < B >.
what is < B > ??
< B > is written on the tape after A finishes

therefore < B > is: read w from the tape, which is a

TM computation description, and write down the
description of the TM that prints w concatenated
with w

this completely defines B and therefore A

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M printing < M >

A = P<B>

B = on input < M >

1. compute q(< M >), the description of P<M >
2. combine it with < M > to get a TM and print its

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The program SELF

A = P<B> = P<1.compute q(<M >)>

B = on input < M >

1. compute q(< M >), the description of P<M >
2. combine it with < M > to get a TM and print its

A writes < B >=< 1.compute q(< M >) > on

the tape

B reads its own description, and writes

< P<B> >< B > or
P<1.compute q(<M >)> < 1.compute q(< M >) >

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self-reference "without" self-reference

print out this sentence
"this" is a self-reference

no self-reference:
print out two copies of the following, the second in quotes:

"print out two copies of the following, the second in


self-reference is built-in the program

mixing description and meaning

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Recursion theorem

let t : be a
computable function. There is a TM R that computes
r : such that

(theorem 6.3p220)

r(w) = t(< R >, w)

SELF was an application of the recursion theorem

t(x, y) = x

proof: similar to SELF construction

R has three parts A, B, T

A = P<BT > , on input w , print out w < BT >
B obtains a description of < ABT >=< R >
writes < R, w > on the tape and runs T

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Using the recursion theorem

recursion theorem implies that you can use

"obtain own description"
in your algorithms or TM design

SELF = on any input

1. obtain own description < SELF >
2. print out < SELF >

"obtain own description" is implemented by the

recursion theorem

for SELF program, use T : on input < M, w > print

<M >

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recursion theorem

to make a TM that obtains its own description

design a machine T that takes this description as
extra input
then produce a new machine R
R operates exactly like T
and has Rs description filled in automatically

Any computation t(, ) has a corresponding TM R

r(w) = t(< R >, w)

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More on the recursion theorem

Effective enumeration of computable functions

1 , 2 , . . . , m , . . .

S-m-n theorem: for every computable function

= m (n, x) there exists a computable function S
such that Sm,n (x) = m (n, x)

theorem: for each computable function f there exists

i N such that
i = f (i)

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using the recursion theorem

(theorem 6.5p222)

AT M is undecidable

proof: by the recursion theorem

define B = on input w
obtain own description < B >
use AT M on < B, w > and
if B(w) halts, loop for ever
otherwise, halt

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Minimal TMs

A TM M is called minimal if there is no TM

equivalent to M with shorter description < M >

(theorem 6.5p222)

M INT M is not TM-recognizable

proof: use the recursion theorem

assume E enumerates M INT M

define C = on input w
1. obtain own description < C >
2. run the enumerator E until a machine D appears
with longer description than C
3. simulate D on w

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Minimal TMs

M INT M is infinite, must contain a longer TM than C

C always simulates D so it is equivalent to it

C is shorter that D so D is not minimal

contradiction: D shouldnt be on the enumerators list

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A fixed point theorem

x is a fixed point of f if f (x) = x

TM encodings: assume that any string that is not a

proper TM encoding, corresponds to a TM that
rejects everything
let t : be a computable
function. Then there is a TM F such that
t(< F >) =< G > and G is equivalent to F .

(theorem 6.8p223)

proof: use the recursion theorem

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A fixed point theorem

let t : be a computable
function. Then there is a TM F such that
t(< F >) =< G > and G is equivalent to F .

(theorem 6.8p223)

proof: use the recursion theorem

define F = on input w
1. obtain own description < F >
2. compute t(< F >) =< G >
3. simulate G on w

clearly < G > and < F > are equivalent

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Rices theorem

All non-trivial properties P of languages of TMs are


P is non-trivial: exist < A > P and < B > P

proof using the recursion theorem

Assume X decides P

define R = on input w :
obtain own description < R >
using the recursion theorem
Run X on < R >
if X accepts, simulate B , else simulate A

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COMP3310- Week 8

COMP3310: Theory of Computation

School of Information Technologies
Tasos Viglas, Madsen G87
Week 8: Thu Sep 15, 2005
- Logical theories
- Models and proofs

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.187/31

Logical theories

is a mathematical statement true or false?

is this problem decidable?

is a mathematical statement provable?

truth versus proof

decidability of a statement depends on the

mathematical domain

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Formulas and propositions

define a precise language to use for mathematical

symbols, syntax

define a model, a way to interpret the language

symbols and
meaning of the symbol sequence

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qpx, y[p > q (x, y > 1 xy = p)]

a, b, c, n[(a, b, c > 0 n > 2) an + bn = cn ]

qpx, y[p > q (x, y > 1 (xy = p xy = p + 2))]

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Language definition

{, , , (, ), , }
Variables x, y, z, w, . . . , x1 , x2 , . . .
Relation symbols R1 , R2 , . . .
Constants and functions can be represented as

boolean operations, connectives , ,

Quantifiers ,

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atomic formula
Ri (xi , . . . , xj )

A well formed formula or just formula

is an atomic formula
has the form 1 2 or 1 2 or 1 where i
are formulas
has the form x[1 ] or x[1 ]

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scope of the quantifier x[1 ] is 1

Prenex normal form: all quantifiers at the front

free variable: a variable that is not within the scope

of any quantifier

sentence: formula with no free variables

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Formulas and meaning

So far, formulas are well formed sequences of


To add meaning to them, need to define an


a model defines the meaning of the formula by

universe: a set of values for the variables
relations: assign a meaning to the relation
M : {U, P1 , P2 , . . . Pk }

a model is also called a structure or an interpretation

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Examples of models

consider = xy[R1 (x, y) R1 (y, x)]

let M = (N , )
a b or b a for all natural numbers

this model makes the formula true

the model M = (N , <) would make the formula


the definition of truth is given by induction

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Definition of truth

Simple case: no quantifiers, no predicates

these formulas are called propositional formulas

truth assignment : X {T RU E, F ALSE}

assigns values to all variables

extend to all formulas inductively

for example () = T RU E iff () = F ALSE

If we have quantifiers, then a model must be defined

Quantifiers over variables, first order logic

a formula is true in model M

the interpretation of using M is true

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Theory of M

definition: the theory of M, denote T h(M) is the

collection of all true sentences in the language of
that model

is a given theory decidable?

decidable theory:
the set T h(M) must be decidable
T h(M) is a set of formulas
given a formula, is it a member of T h(M)?
in other words, given a formula, is there a way to
decide if it is true?

decision procedure for proving theorems in a


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Decidable theories

Only relatively weak theories are decidable

(theorem 6.12p227)

T h(N , +) is decidable

FAs can (kind of) add numbers
(see problem 1.32p88)
many FA properties are decidable

given a sentence = Q1 x1 Qk xk []
define i = Qi+1 xi+1 Qk xk []

0 = and k =

i has i free variables

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Decidable theories

for i = k, . . . , 0 construct Ai , the FA that recognizes

the strings representing i-tuples of numbers that
make i true

Ak can be constructed directly. use Ai to construct


once we get A0 , test if it accepts the empty string

which means that was true

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Decidable theories

Constructing the automata

for Ai : assume all free variables have been fixed to some

values from the universe set (x1 , . . . , xi ) = (ai , . . . , ai )

Ak corresponds to an atomic formula (single addition or

some boolean operation)

constructing Ai from Ai+1 : i = xi i+1
non-deterministically guess the correct value for xi = ai

and use Ai+1

i = xi i+1 = xi i+1

A0 accepts any input if is true

if is false, no input will be accepted by the


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An undecidable theory
(theorem 6.13p229)

T h(N , +, ) is undecidable

proof: reduce from AT M

encode the TM computation as a formula using plus

and times to ensure correctness of the computation
Given a TM M and a string w we
can construct M,w in the language of T h(N , +, )
with a single free variable x, and

(lemma 6.14p229)

xM,w is true, iff M accepts w

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An undecidable theory
Given a TM M and a string w we
can construct M,w in the language of T h(N , +, )
with a single free variable x, and

(lemma 6.14p229)

xM,w is true, iff M accepts w

M,w describes that x is a valid accepting

computation history of M on w

use computation histories in a form that can be

checked by only +,

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.202/31

Gdels incompleteness theorem

truth versus proof

what is a proof?

what was this (N , +, ) business?

what is + ?

addition and multiplication is given by a set of axioms

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.203/31

axioms for natural numbers

The natural numbers can be defined by the Peano


natural numbers with the successor, (N , 0, S)

1. Every natural number a has a successor, denoted
by Sa
2. there is no natural number whose successor is 0
3. distinct natural numbers have distinct successors:
if a = b, then Sa = Sb
4. If a property P is true for zero, P (0) and also
whenever P (x) then also P (Sx) then P (x) for all
numbers x

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axioms for natural numbers

in a different language
x(0 = Sx)
xy((x = y) (x = y))
(P (0) x(P (x) P (Sx))) xP (x)

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.205/31

axioms and proofs for arithmetic

natural number axioms, axioms for addition and

multiplication (commutativity, associativity etc)

inference rules: given two valid (true) formulas, a

new formula must be valid

modus ponens: A and A B then we can infer B

a proof of is a sequence of formulas

s1 , s2 , . . . , sk = such that every formula is either an
axiom, or it follows from previous formulas by
applying an inference rule of the system

proof is a syntactic notion

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Proving all truths

Given an axiomatic system (model, axioms,

inference rules)
Completeness: prove all true sentences
Soundness: prove only true sentences

does there exist a sound and complete axiomatic

system for arithmetic?

Gdels incompleteness theorem: No.

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Gdels incompleteness theorem

There does not exist any axiomatic theory that

proves exactly the true statements of arithmetic

arithmetic: (N , +, )

Any axiomatizable theory of arithmetic that is sound

is necessarily incomplete

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.208/31

about arithmetic
Provable statements in
T h(N , +, ) is Turing-recognizable

(theorem 6.15p230)

proof: algorithm P accepts input if it is provable

test every string as a potential proof of
Some true statement in
T h(N , +, ) is not provable

(theorem 6.16p231)

proof: by contradiction. construct an algorithm that

decides if any proposition is true (contradiction with
theorem 6.13)

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about arithmetic
Some true statement in
T h(N , +, ) is not provable

(theorem 6.16p231)

on input
run P the theorem recognizer of 6.15 in parallel
for both and .
at least one of them will finish
soundness of the system implies that we can
decide the validity of

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about arithmetic
There is a sentence u in
T h(N , +, ) that is unprovable

(theorem 6.17p231)

proof: construct a sentence that says "this sentence

is unprovable"
use the recursion theorem for the self-reference
define S = on any input
1. obtain own description < S >
2. construct u = c[S,0 ]
using lemma 6.14
3. run theorem recognizer P on
4. if it accepts, accept. If it halts and rejects, reject

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about arithmetic

u is true iff S does not accept 0

if S finds a proof of then S accepts 0, giving a

contradiction since then would be false and
provable (impossible since the system is sound)

so S fails to find a proof of

S does not accept 0, and therefore is true

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.212/31

Turing reducibility

mapping reducibility: is it possible to define more

general (strong) reducibilities?

yes, Turing reducibility

Reducibility: given the algorithm for one problem

design a new algorithm for a different problem

algorithm for a problem is used as a sub-procedure

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.213/31

Turing reductions

An oracle for language B is an external capability to

answer questions x B ?

An oracle Turing machine is a modified TM that has

access to an oracle

Denote a TM M with access to an oracle B as M B

the oracle answers any query about B

A is Turing reducible to B written A T B if A is

decidable relative to B

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Example: ET M T AT M

(example 6.19p232) ET M T AT M

ET M is decidable relative to AT M
given an oracle for AT M we can solve ET M

T AT M = on input M
1. construct N = on any input
(a) run M in parallel on all strings
(b) if M accepts any string accept
2. Query the oracle to determine whether N, 0 is in
3. if NO accept, if YES reject

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Turing reducibility
(theorem 6.21p233)

if A T B and B is decidable then

A is decidable

If A m B then A T B

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some strings seem to be more interesting than


0101010101010101010101010101. . .

0100110101000111010010111101. . .

why is the string more boring ?

carries less information

some strings can be defined by a short description

some strings look random, have no patterns

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.217/31


what is a description?

we consider a description of a string x

a precise algorithm to produce the string
a TM with some seed input that produces the

a string may have several descriptions

the shortest possible description is a good

characterization of the string

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the description of a string x will be < M, w > for

some TM M , which on input w outputs x

encodings of TM
1. many ways to encode a TM
2. interested in efficient descriptions, so good
encodings will make a difference
3. use this encoding < M > w

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Minimal descrptions
the minimal description of x
denoted d(x) is the shortest string < M, w > such
that M (w) outputs x. Define the descriptive or
Kolmogorov complexity of x as

(definition 6.23p236)

K(x) = |d(x)|
(theorem 6.24p236)

cx[K(x) |x| + c]

proof: choose < M, x > where M does nothing

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Descriptive complexity
(theorem 6.25p236)

cx[K(xx) K(x) + c]

proof: minimal description < M > d(x) where

M on input < N, w > runs N (w) to get an output
and prints out ss

cx, y[K(xy) 2K(x) + K(y) + c]

proof: < M > d(x)d(y)

better encoding of machine descriptions:

instead of < M with bits doubled> 01w use
(length of M s description)< M > w

K(xy) 2 log(K(x)) + K(x) + K(y) + c

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Optimality of the definition

maybe a different definition of descriptive complexity

would be better?

consider any p : and dp (x) the

corresponding minimal description of x using p

define Kp (x) = |dp (x)|

for example we could choose as p Java programs

dJ (x) is the shortest java program (in binary) that
outputs x

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Optimality of the definition

(theorem 6.27p238)

for any description p

cx[K(x) Kp (x) + c]
and c depends only on the choice of p

proof: choose < M, w > where M outputs p(w)

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Incompressible strings
(definition 6.28p239)

x is c-compressible if
K(x) |x| + c

if x is incompressible by 1 then it is incompressible

(theorem 6.29p239)

incompressible strings of every

length exist

proof: count
binary strings of length n: 2n
number of descriptions of length up to n 1
2i = 2n 1

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Incompressible strings
at least 2n 2nc+ + 1 strings of
length n are incompressible by c

(corollary 6.30p240)

strings of length n: 2n
descriptions of length up to n c: 2nc+1

incompressible strings have similar properties to

random strings

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Incompressible strings

we say that a property holds for almost all strings if

the fraction of strings of length n that do not have
this property goes to zero for large n

next theorem: every computable property that holds

for almost all strings, also holds for all long enough
incompressible strings
if a computable property f holds
for almost all strings then for any b > 0 only a finite
number of b-incompressible strings do not have this

(theorem 6.31p240)

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.226/31

Incompressible strings

proof idea:
define machine M that on input i finds the i-th
string s that fails f
x can be described as < M, ix > where i is the
index on the above fail-list
the description is short because almost all strings
have the property f and therefore the fail-list is

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.227/31

Incompressible strings

finding incompressible strings is an undecidable

determining whether a given string is incompressible

or not is undecidable

it is however possible to prove the existence of

incompressible strings

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.228/31

Density of primes

how many numbers less than n are primes ?

let p1 , p2 , . . . , pm be all primes n

we know that

n = pe11 pe22 pemm

and the prime factorization is unique

< e1 , e2 , . . . , em > is a unique description of n

also all ei log n

the description is m log log n bits

incompressibility theorem: there are n with

K(n) log n

therefore m

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

log n
log log n

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.229/31

COMP3310- Week 9

COMP3310: Theory of Computation

School of Information Technologies
Tasos Viglas, Madsen G87
Week 9: Sep 19 and 22, 2005
- Introduction to Complexity theory
- Polynomial time

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.230/31

Complexity theory

main question:
computability: what is computable ?
complexity: what is computable ?

efficient computation

classify problems according to their computational

time, space, randomness

complexity of the problem, and not the complexity of

a specific solution/algorithm

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.231/31

Time and space

Time and space complexity

how many steps does it take to solve a problem?

how much memory is required to solve a problem?

use the Turing machine model to count resource


c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.232/31

Classifying problems

Decidable (Recursive)
Context free

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

coRecognizable (coRE)

Recognizable (RE)

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.233/31


many Turing machine models: single tape,

multi-tape, non-deterministic etc.

a single tape TM simulates all of them, but with an


develop a model-independent way to measure

resource requirements

and therefore characterize the complexity or difficulty

of the problem and not
the power of a particular machine
efficiency of a specific algorithm

Compare different problems: easy problems, hard


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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.234/31

Abstract from the input size

time complexity: how many steps?

Example: is x N prime?

we would like to characterize the difficulty of determining

independent of size of the number x
abstract the complexity of determining primality from the fact

that you are looking at a big numbers primality property

a large size input makes all problems more difficult anyway

difficulty "per unit input length"

time complexity as a function of input length

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.235/31


asymptotics (big-Oh notation) play a crucial role

abstract complexity becomes robust and model

independent for asymptotic complexity

sorting n numbers might require

5n log n + 1270 steps on a deterministic two tape
120n log n + 110 on a single tape deterministic TM
but it takes O(n log n) on (almost) any TM

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.236/31

Running time

Let M be a TM that halts on all inputs

the running time of M is the
function f : N N where
f (n) = max|x|=n {no. of steps of M on x}

(definition 7.1p248)

we say M is a f (n)-time TM or
the running time of M is f (n)

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.237/31

Big Oh
let f, g : N R+ . f (n) = O(g(n))
if positive constants c, n0 exist such that for every
integer n n0
f (n) cg(n)

(definition 7.2p249)

g(n) in an asymptotic upper bound for f (n)

asymptotic: modulo some initial ns and the constant

remember, we are interested in the (growth of the)

function, and not its absolute value

some examples
O(1), nO(1) , O(n + m), . . .

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.238/31

(definition 7.5p250)

let f, g : N R+ . f (n) = o(g(n)) if

f (n)
n g(n)

f (n) = o(g(n)) if for any c > 0 there exists n0 such

that for every integer n n0
f (n) < cg(n)

O(g) = { all functions asymptotically less or equal to g}

o(g) = { all functions asymptotically strictly less than g}

both notations used: f O(g) and f = O(g)

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.239/31

Omegas, ,

Ohs were defined using less than

and therefore are used for denoting upper bounds

(for example worst case running times)

corresponding notation is used for lower bounds

(g), (g)

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.240/31

Analyzing running times

example: consider a single tape TM accepting the

language {0k 1k }

we can do this in O(n2 )

is this the real complexity of the problem

or just a not-so-clever solution ?

how about O(n log n) ?

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.241/31

Analyzing running times

checking {0k 1k }

1. check odd-even parity of all 0s and 1s.
if odd reject
2. cross-off every other 0 and every other 1

until no 0s or no 1s remain

if no 0s and no 1s remain accept. otherwise reject

algorithm checks if all parities agree for 0s and 1s

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.242/31

T IM E(t(n))
for t : N R+ , define T IM E(t(n))
to be the collection of all languages that are
decidable by an O(t(n))-time TM

(definition 7.7p251)

for example the problem of checking if an input has

the form L = {0k 1k } is in T IM E(n log n)

a two tape machine can solve L in O(n)

but for a single tape TM L T IM E(n)

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.243/31

Model dependencies

the running times and the classes of languages

T IM E(t) are model dependent

T IM E(n) contains different languages for single

tape TMs and different for 2 tapes

define model independent classes of languages

"robust" complexity classes

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.244/31

Complexity across models

L = {0k 1k } is in
T IM E(n log n) for single tape deterministic TMs
T IM E(n) for two tape deterministic TMs
for t(n) n any t(n) time multi-tape
TM can be simulated by a single tape t2 (n) machine

(theorem 7.8p254)

proof: use the simulation of multi-tape machines by

a single tape as mentioned in theorem 3.13p149
every step of the multi-tape machine requires at
most O(t(n)) steps in the single tape simulation
total running time t2

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.245/31

Complexity across models

non-deterministic computation

recall the notion of a computation tree for

non-deterministic computations
Every t(n) step non-deterministic
single tape computation has an equivalent 2O(t(n))
deterministic single tape computation

(theorem 7.9p256)

proof: use simulation from theorem 3.16p150

computation tree of height t, fan-out b
explore (simulate) all tree paths breadth first
every node can have at most b children (b is
determined by the machines transition function)

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COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.246/31

Complexity across models

number of nodes is less than twice the number of

leaves, so O(bt(n))

to visit a new node, start from the root down the

non-deterministic path- at most t(n) steps

total time O(tbt ) = 2O(t)

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.247/31

Polynomial time

defining robust model independent complexity


P is the class of languages that

decidable in polynomial time on a single tape
deterministic TM
P =
T IM E(nk )

(definition 7.12p258)

Robustness: P is invariant for all polynomially

equivalent models of computation

P is a reasonable characterization of problems that

we can solve efficiently

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.248/31

Strong Church Turing thesis

All reasonable computation models are polynomial

time/space equivalent

It is possible to simulate a model with a machine

from another model in polynomial time/space

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.249/31

Unreasonable models

Unreasonable models may have unrealistic

requirements (for our current knowledge)

analog computing and infinite precision, unbounded

parallel computing

what about non-determinism ?

what about quantum computing ?

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.250/31

Problems in P

given a graph, is there a path connecting a given

pair of its vertices?


assume graph is given by its adjacency matrix

on input G, s, t do the following

1. mark node s
2. repeat the following until no new nodes are
3. scan all edges of G. if there is an edge (a, b)
where only a is marked then mark b as well
4. if t is marked accept otherwise reject

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.251/31

Problems in P
(theorem 7.16p262)

Every context free language is in P

proof: use dynamic programming

recall decidability of CFL, where we used
Chosmky normal form
that yields an exponential algorithm for CFLs
use a more clever dynamic programming
algorithm that runs in polynomial time

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.252/31

CFLs in P

CFG in Chomsky normal form, and a string w

(length n)

construct an n n matrix A where

the entry aij contains all grammar variables that can

produce the substring wi wi+1 wj

start from all 1 symbol sub-strings of w and fill in the


for a k + 1 substring of w , consider all ways to split it

into two substrings bc (k ways)

is there a derivation A BC such that B can

produce b and C can produce c ? then add A in the

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.253/31

COMP3310- Week 9

COMP3310: Theory of Computation

School of Information Technologies
Tasos Viglas, Madsen G87
Week 9: Thu Sep 22, 2005
- P , polynomial time
- N P non-deterministic polynomial time
- Tutorial: Cook-Levin theorem proof

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.254/31

Introduction to Complexity theory

complexity theory: classifying problems

resource requirements (time, space)

model independent characterizations, when possible

classes of difficult problems, easy problems etc

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.255/31

Polynomial time

defining robust model independent complexity


P is the class of languages that

decidable in polynomial time on a single tape
deterministic TM
P =
T IM E(nk )

(definition 7.12p258)

Robustness: P is invariant for all polynomially

equivalent models of computation

P is a reasonable characterization of problems that

we can solve efficiently

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.256/31

Problems in P

given a graph, is there a path connecting a given

pair of its vertices?


assume graph is given by its adjacency matrix

on input G, s, t do the following

1. mark node s
2. repeat the following until no new nodes are
3. scan all edges of G. if there is an edge (a, b)
where only a is marked then mark b as well
4. if t is marked accept otherwise reject

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.257/31

Relatively prime numbers

Checking whether two numbers are relatively prime

two numbers are called relatively prime if they do not

have any common divisors (except 1)

RELP RIM E = {< x, y > |x, y are relatively prime}

(theorem 7.15p261)


proof: use the Euclidean algorithm for the greatest

common divisor

note that a straightforward approach does not yield a

polynomial algorithm

brute-force is exponential: try all smaller numbers to

see if there is any non-trivial divisor

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.258/31

The Euclidean algorithm

The Euclidean algorithm finds the greatest common

divisor of two natural numbers

on input (x, y)
1. repeat until y = 0
(a) x = x mod y = x xy y
(b) swap x and y
2. Output x

every loop cuts a number by half (at least)

at the beginning of each iteration x > y

if x/2 y then x mod y < y x/2

if x/2 < y then x mod y = x y < x/2

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.259/31

Problems in P
(theorem 7.16p262)

Every context free language is in P

proof: use dynamic programming

recall decidability of CFL, where we used
Chosmky normal form
that yields an exponential algorithm for CFLs
use a more clever dynamic programming
algorithm that runs in polynomial time

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.260/31

CFLs in P

CFG in Chomsky normal form, and a string w

(length n)

construct an n n matrix A where

the entry aij contains all grammar variables that can

produce the substring wi wi+1 wj

start from all 1 symbol sub-strings of w and fill in the


for a k + 1 substring of w , consider all ways to split it

into two substrings bc (k ways)

is there a derivation A BC such that B can

produce b and C can produce c ? then add A in the

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.261/31

The class N P

Brute-force search sometimes lead to inefficient


Can we always avoid brute-force search ?

N P , a class of problems

many practical problems of similar complexity do not

seem to allow any efficient solution

Polynomial solutions are not known, but it is also not

known whether those problems actually require
more than polynomial time

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.262/31

Hamiltonian paths

given a directed graph G and two of its vertices s, t,

is there a path connecting s with t that visits all
vertices exactly once?

HAM P AT H = {(G, s, t)|G is a directed graph, with

a Hamiltonian path from s to t}

brute-force algorithm will work. check all possible

path from s to t

it is an open problem whether a polynomial solution


c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.263/31

On N P

many other problems seem to resist polynomial time


many of these problems are strongly related: if you

solve one you have a solution for all of them

HAM P AT H : two interesting properties

1. no poly-time algorithm known
2. a correct solution can be verified in poly-time

in other words, the problem seems hard to solve but

easy to verify

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.264/31

Solving versus verifying

is it easier to solve a problem or just verify the

solution to problem?

this question can be formalized in complexity

theoretic terms

verifiers and poly-time verifiable problems


what about primality ? is it poly time verifiable?

primality is now known to be in P

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.265/31

Verifiers and certificates

consider a problem A and the associated decision

problem x A?

sometimes it is possible to present proof of

membership or a certificate that proves that a given
A verifier for a language A is an
algorithm V where

(definition 7.18p265)

A = {w|V accepts(w, c) for some string c}

a polynomial verifier for A runs in time poly. in w

if A has a polynomial verifier, then it is called

polynomially verifiable

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.266/31

Verifying certificates

the verifier uses the information of the certificate c

note that for polynomial verifiers, the certificate must

be polynomial in length

examples of certificates
HAM P AT H : a directed path
COM P OSIT ES : a divisor
what about primality?

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.267/31

Definitions of N P
N P is the class of languages that
have polynomial time verifiers

(definition 7.19p266)

remember: N P is a polynomial time class

A language is in N P iff it is decided

by some non-deterministic poly-time Turing machine

(theorem 7.20p266)

N P stands for non-deterministic polynomial

P : languages with poly-time deciders

N P : languages with poly-time verifiers

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.268/31

N P and non-determinism

A language is in N P iff it is decided

by some non-deterministic poly-time Turing machine

(theorem 7.20p266)

proof: show how to convert a certificate to a NTM

and vice versa

: assume the verifier V runs in time nk

to decide w A, on input w (of length n

1. non-deterministically select the certificate c of
length at most nk
2. run V on (w, c)
3. if V accepts, accept, o.w. reject

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.269/31

N P and non-determinism

A language is in N P iff it is decided

by some non-deterministic poly-time Turing machine

(theorem 7.20p266)

proof: show how to convert a certificate to a NTM

and vice versa

: assume N is the NTM that decides A

construct a verifier as follows: on input (w, c)

1. simulate N on (w, c). use every symbol of c to
pick which non-deterministic choice of N we
should follow each time (remove
2. if c leads down a path to an accept, accept; ow.

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.270/31

non-deterministic time
N T IM E(t(n)) =
{L|L is a language decided by a O(t(n)) NTM }

(definition 7.21p267)

(corollary 7.22p267)

NP =

N T IM E(nk )

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.271/31


views of non-determinism:
1. several choices, computation tree
2. ability to guess: guess (a poly-length string that
defines a path down the tree to an accept) and
verify that your guess was correct
3. for input w , c : P olyCheck(c, w)
P does not need the quantifier. for input w,
P olyCheck(x)

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.272/31

Examples of problems in N P

CLIQU E : given a graph, does it contain a k -clique?

HAM P AT H : given a graph does it contain a

hamiltonian path ?

SU BSET SU M : given a collection of numbers

and a target t, does there exist a subset with sum
equal to t ?
SU BSET SU M = {(S, t)|S =
{s1 , . . . , sk } and for some {y1 , . . . , yl } S
yi = t}

what about the complements of these sets ?

what kind of certificate can you give for something

that does not exist?

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.273/31

The P versus N P question

is P = N P ?

the greatest unsolved problem in theoretical

computer science

acknowledged as one of the greatest open problems

in contemporary mathematics

it is most widely believed that P = N P

is it easier to verify a solution to a problem than it is

to find that solution?

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.274/31

Boolean Satisfiability

consider a boolean formula over boolean variables

and the usual boolean operations, and, or, not.

for example = (x y) (x z)

literal x, x, clause (x y)

conjunction: (x y), disjunction: (x y)

conjunctive normal form or cnf: an AND of ORs

conjunction of disjunctions

example of cnf: = (x y) (x z)

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.275/31

Boolean Satisfiability

given a boolean formula does there exist an

assignment of 0,1 to the variables, that makes the
entire formula true?

if a satisfying truth assignment exists for then is

called satisfiable

SAT = {| is a satisfiable boolean formula}


c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.276/31


recall the notion of mapping-reducibility, A m B

A is mapping reducible to B
written A m B if there is a computable function
f : such that for all w

(definition 5.20p207)

w A f (w) B
The function f is called the reduction from A to B

extend the definition for poly-time mapping


c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.277/31

Poly-time reducibility
a function f : is a
poly-time computable function if some polynomial time
TM on input w halts with f (w) on its tape

(definition 7.28p272)

A is poly-time mapping reducible

to B written A P B if there is a poly-time
computable function f : such that for all w

(definition 7.29p272)

w A f (w) B
The function f is called the polynomial time
reduction from A to B

this is also called polynomial time many-one


c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.278/31

Comparing problems and their complexity

is SAT more difficult than CLIQU E ?

(theorem 7.32p274)

3SAT is poly-time reducible to


if we can solve CLIQU E then we can solve 3SAT

proof: reduce 3SAT to CLIQU E

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.279/31

N P -completeness

A language B is N P -complete if it
satisfies two conditions:
1. B N P
2. all A in N P polynomially reduce to B :
A N P : A P B

(definition 7.34p276)

N P -complete is a class of languages so we can also

say or write B N P -complete

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.280/31

Proving N P -completeness
(theorem 7.35p276)

if B is N P -complete and B P

then P = N P
(theorem 7.36p276)

if B is N P -complete and

1. B P C and
2. C N P
then C is N P -complete

proving N P -completeness: reduce from a known

N P -complete problem

How do we prove the first N P -complete problem?

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.281/31

N P -completeness

N P -completeness was introduced independently by

Cook and Levin (70s)

the first N P -complete problem, SAT

the Cook-Levin theorem: SAT is N P -complete

(theorem 7.27p267)

proof: use computation histories: construct a

formula such that an accepting computation exists iff
the formula is satisfiable

show how to reduce any A N P to a SAT question

all we know is that A N P and therefore the only

thing we can use is that a NTM computation exists

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.282/31

(corollary 7.42p282)

3SAT is N P -complete

proof: any SAT formula can be converted to a

3SAT that is up to polynomially longer

use the distributive laws of boolean algebra to write

the Cook-Levin reduction formula as a cnf

big clauses (more than 3 literals) can be split into

smaller ones by introducing new variables

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.283/31

COMP3310- Week 10

COMP3310: Theory of Computation

School of Information Technologies
Tasos Viglas, Madsen G87
Week 10: Thu Oct 6, 2005
- N P -completeness
- Tutorial: N P -completeness proofs

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.284/31

The class N P

Brute-force search sometimes lead to inefficient


Can we always avoid brute-force search ?

N P , a class of problems

many practical problems of similar complexity do not

seem to allow any efficient solution

Polynomial solutions are not known, but it is also not

known whether those problems actually require
more than polynomial time

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.285/31

Hamiltonian paths

given a directed graph G and two of its vertices s, t,

is there a path connecting s with t that visits all
vertices exactly once?

HAM P AT H = {(G, s, t)|G is a directed graph, with

a Hamiltonian path from s to t}

brute-force algorithm will work. check all possible

path from s to t

it is an open problem whether a polynomial solution


c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.286/31

On N P

many other problems seem to resist polynomial time


many of these problems are strongly related: if you

solve one you have a solution for all of them

HAM P AT H : two interesting properties

1. no poly-time algorithm known
2. a correct solution can be verified in poly-time

in other words, the problem seems hard to solve but

easy to verify

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.287/31

Definitions of N P
N P is the class of languages that
have polynomial time verifiers

(definition 7.19p266)

remember: N P is a polynomial time class

A language is in N P iff it is decided

by some non-deterministic poly-time Turing machine

(theorem 7.20p266)

N P stands for non-deterministic polynomial

P : languages with poly-time deciders

N P : languages with poly-time verifiers

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.288/31

Verifiers and certificates

consider a problem A and the associated decision

problem x A?

sometimes it is possible to present proof of

membership or a certificate that proves that a given
A verifier for a language A is an
algorithm V where

(definition 7.18p265)

A = {w|V accepts(w, c) for some string c}

a polynomial verifier for A runs in time poly. in w

if A has a polynomial verifier, then it is called

polynomially verifiable

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.289/31

non-deterministic time
N T IM E(t(n)) =
{L|L is a language decided by a O(t(n)) NTM }

(definition 7.21p267)

(corollary 7.22p267)

NP =

N T IM E(nk )

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.290/31

Boolean Satisfiability

consider a boolean formula over boolean variables

and the usual boolean operations, and, or, not.

for example = (x y) (x z)

literal x, x, clause (x y)

conjunction: (x y), disjunction: (x y)

conjunctive normal form or cnf: an AND of ORs

conjunction of disjunctions

example of cnf: = (x y) (x z)

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.291/31

Boolean Satisfiability

given a boolean formula does there exist an

assignment of 0,1 to the variables, that makes the
entire formula true?

if a satisfying truth assignment exists for then is

called satisfiable

SAT = {| is a satisfiable boolean formula}


c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.292/31

Poly-time reducibility
a function f : is a
poly-time computable function if some polynomial time
TM on input w halts with f (w) on its tape

(definition 7.28p272)

A is poly-time mapping reducible

to B written A P B if there is a poly-time
computable function f : such that for all w

(definition 7.29p272)

w A f (w) B
The function f is called the polynomial time
reduction from A to B

this is also called polynomial time many-one


c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.293/31

Comparing problems and their complexity

is SAT more difficult than CLIQU E ?

(theorem 7.32p274)

3SAT is poly-time reducible to


if we can solve CLIQU E then we can solve 3SAT

proof: reduce 3SAT to CLIQU E

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.294/31

N P -completeness

A language B is N P -complete if it
satisfies two conditions:
1. B N P
2. all A in N P polynomially reduce to B :
A N P : A P B

(definition 7.34p276)

N P -complete is a class of languages so we can also

say or write B N P -complete

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.295/31

Proving N P -completeness
(theorem 7.35p276)

if B is N P -complete and B P

then P = N P
(theorem 7.36p276)

if B is N P -complete and

1. B P C and
2. C N P
then C is N P -complete

proving N P -completeness: reduce from a known

N P -complete problem

How do we prove the first N P -complete problem?

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.296/31

N P -completeness

N P -completeness was introduced independently by

Cook and Levin (70s)

the first N P -complete problem, SAT

the Cook-Levin theorem: SAT is N P -complete

(theorem 7.27p267)

proof: use computation histories: construct a

formula such that an accepting computation exists iff
the formula is satisfiable

show how to reduce any A N P to a SAT question

all we know is that A N P and therefore the only

thing we can use is that a NTM computation exists

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.297/31

(corollary 7.42p282)

3SAT is N P -complete

proof: any SAT formula can be converted to a

3SAT that is up to polynomially longer

use the distributive laws of boolean algebra to write

the Cook-Levin reduction formula as a cnf

cell start move accept

big clauses (more than 3 literals) can be split into

smaller ones by introducing new variables

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.298/31


a clique is a complete graph

The clique problem: given a graph G and a number

k , does G contain a sub-graph of k nodes that form
a clique?

CLIQU E is N P -complete
CLIQU E is in N P and
3SAT reduces to CLIQU E ,

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.299/31

Vertex cover

given a graph G, a vertex cover is a subset of

vertices such that every edge in G connects to a
vertex in the vertex cover

decision version: does G contain a vertex cover of

size k ?

(theorem 7.44p284)


N P -complete

reduce from 3SAT

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.300/31

Hamiltonian paths

given a directed graph G and two of its vertices s, t,

is there a path connecting s with t that visits all
vertices exactly once?

HAM P AT H = {(G, s, t)|G is a directed graph, with

a Hamiltonian path from s to t}

(theorem 7.46p286)

HAM P AT H is N P -complete

reduce from 3SAT

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.301/31

Undirected Hamiltonian path

(theorem 7.55p291)

U HAM P AT H is N P -complete

reduce the directed version to the undirected

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.302/31

Sub-set sums

SU BSET SU M : given a collection of numbers

and a target t, does there exist a subset with sum
equal to t ?
SU BSET SU M = {(S, t)|S =
{s1 , . . . , sk } and for some {y1 , . . . , yl } S
yi = t}

(theorem 7.55p291)

SU BSET SU M is N P -complete

reduce from 3SAT

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.303/31



c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.304/31

COMP3310- Week 11

COMP3310: Theory of Computation

School of Information Technologies
Tasos Viglas, Madsen G87
Week 11: Mon Oct 10, 2005
- Space complexity
- Savitchs theorem

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.305/31

Space complexity

characterization of problems in terms of

space/memory requirements

measuring space: use the Turing machine model

space behaves "better" that time

space can be re-used

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.306/31

Space complexity
The space complexity of a
deterministic TM M is the function f : N N where
f (n) is the maximum number of tape cells that M
uses on any input of length n

(definition 8.1p303)

the definition also requires that M halts on all inputs

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.307/31

Space complexity
the space complexity classes
SP ACE(f (n)) and N SP ACE(f (n)) are defined as
SP ACE(f (n)) = {L| there exists a deterministic
TM that decides L in space f (n)}
N SP ACE(f (n)) = {L| there exists a
non-deterministic TM that decides L in space
f (n)}

(definition 8.2p304)

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.308/31


solving SAT brute-force

given a formula on the variables x1 , x2 , . . . , xn , try

all assignments to the variables and evaluate on
each assignment

what is the space complexity of this algorithm ?

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.309/31


solving SAT brute-force

given a formula on the variables x1 , x2 , . . . , xn , try

all assignments to the variables and evaluate on
each assignments

what is the space complexity of this algorithm ?

the space complexity is linear: re-use space

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.310/31

Space and time

f -space computation may run for f 2O(f ) time steps

at most

cannot run for more than that because it would

repeat a configuration and therefore lead to an
infinite loop

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.311/31

Savitchs theorem

comparing the power of deterministic and

non-deterministic space
for any f (n) n,
N SP ACE(f (n)) SP ACE(f 2 (n))

(theorem 8.5p306)

non-determinism gives little extra power in terms of

space complexity

the equivalent problem for time is the P versus N P


proof: simulation of a NTM deterministically.

main idea: re-use space

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.312/31

Savitchs theorem

straightforward simulation does not work

f -space computation may go for 2f time steps

we can simulate all possible non-deterministic

branches but that requires remembering all
non-deterministic choices

space requirements would be 2f worst case.

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.313/31

Proof of Savitchs theorem

consider the yieldability (or reachability) problem:

given a NTM N , input w , configurations c1 , c2 and a
number t, can c1 yield c2 in t steps?

if we have a way of solving this problem in limited

space, then we can simulate a NTM N :

given N and input x, is it possible for the start

configuration c1 to yield the accept in the max
possible number of steps ?

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.314/31

Proof of Savitchs theorem

CAN Y IELD(c1 , c2 , t) :
1. t = 1, test c1 = c2 or c1 leads to c2 directly (check
N s transition function)
2. for each configuration cm of N on input w
3. run CAN Y IELD(c1 , cm , t/2)
4. run CAN Y IELD(cm , c2 , t/2)
5. if such a mid-point is found, accept
6. otherwise reject

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.315/31

Proof of Savitchs theorem

analysis of space requirements of the simulation

we need space for the recursion (stack)

t starts as 2f (n) and is halved at every recursive call

so the depth of the recursion is O(log t) or O(f (n))

each level of the recursion needs to store c1 , c2 , t on

the stack. that requires O(f (n) space

total space O(f 2 (n))

technical problem: we do not know f (n) beforehand.

try all possible values, reusing space

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.316/31

P SP ACE is the class of
languages that are decidable in polynomial space on
a deterministic TM

(definition 8.6p308)

P SP ACE = k SP ACE(nk )

define N P SP ACE , the non-deterministic version of


P SP ACE = N P SP ACE by Savitchs theorem

define EXP T IM E as deterministic exponential



c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.317/31

P SP ACE -completeness
a language B is called
P SP ACE -complete if it satisfies two conditions:
2. for every A P SP ACE , A P B

(definition 8.8p309)

if B satisfies only (2) then it is called P SP ACE -hard

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.318/31

more complexity theory

week 11: space complexity,

P SP ACE -completeness, games, L and N L

week 12: hierarchy theorems and diagonilization,

oracles and the polynomial time hierarchy

week 13: review (no tutorial time)

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.319/31

COMP3310- Week 11

COMP3310: Theory of Computation

School of Information Technologies
Tasos Viglas, Madsen G87
Week 11: Thu Oct 13, 2005
- P SP ACE completeness
- L, N L, Immerman-Szelepscnyi theorem

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.320/31

On N P

graph theoretic properties and N P

first order logic

how do you express reachability in first-order logic?

existential second order logic P where is


c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.321/31

Fagins theorem

the class of all graph-theoretic properties expressible

in existential second order logic is precisely N P

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.322/31

P SP ACE is the class of
languages that are decidable in polynomial space on
a deterministic TM
SP ACE(nk )

(definition 8.6p308)

define N P SP ACE , the non-deterministic version of


P SP ACE = N P SP ACE by Savitchs theorem

let EXP T IM E denote det. exponential time


c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.323/31

P SP ACE -completeness
a language B is called
P SP ACE -complete if it satisfies two conditions:
2. for every A P SP ACE , A P B

(definition 8.8p309)

if B satisfies only (2) then it is called P SP ACE -hard

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.324/31

Quantified formulas

SAT is an N P -complete problem

involves boolean formulas, but no quantifiers

Quantified boolean formulas: boolean formulas with

existential or universal quantifiers

x(x + 1 > x)
xy[(x y) (x y)]

all variables quantified: fully quantified formulas or


fully quantified formulas are either true or false

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.325/31


True quantified boolean formula T QBF

given a fully quantified boolean formula, decide

whether it is true or false

T QBF = {| is a true fully quantified boolean


T QBF is P SP ACE -complete

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.326/31

T QBF is P SP ACE -complete

(theorem 8.9p311)

T QBF is P SP ACE -complete

T QBF P SP ACE : try out all possible
assignments, reusing space
all of P SP ACE reduces to T QBF : encode the
simulation of any P SP ACE computation by a

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.327/31


here is a polynomial space algorithm T ()for T QBF

on input , T ():
1. if has no quantifiers, just evaluate it
2. if is x , call T () once with x = 0 and once
with x = 1 accept if any of the two accepts
otherwise reject
3. if is x , call T () once with x = 0 and once
with x = 1 accept if both of them accept,
otherwise reject

space required: depth of the recursion is equal to

the number of variables, and constant space for
each recursive call

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.328/31

T QBF is P SP ACE -hard

let A be in SP ACE(nk ), decided by a TM M .

reduce it to T QBF as follows

the reduction will map any string w to a formula

that is true iff M accepts w

construction similar to the Cook-Levin theorem


start cell move accept

formula cannot be used in the same way as in

Cook-Levin theorem: the running time may be
exponential (the computation tableau is too big)

solution: break up formula into parts and represent

each part with the same subformula plus quantifiers

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.329/31

T QBF is P SP ACE -hard

construct a formula c1 ,c2 ,t

c1 ,c2,t = m1 [c1 ,cm , 2t cm ,c2, 2t ]

reduce formula size

c1 ,c2,t = m1 (c3 , c4 ) {(c1 , m1 ), (m1 , c2 )}[c3 ,c4, 2t ]

use x[(x = y x = z) . . .] instead of

x {y, z}[. . .]

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.330/31

Other P SP ACE -hard problems

other P SP ACE -complete problems include games

and finding winning strategies in games

example: game of GO in an n n board

variant of GO (bounded moves and some simplified

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.331/31


sublinear space bounds, log n

a machine can read the entire input, but does not

have enough space to store it

modify the Turing machine model to allow a

read-only input tape, plus a working tape

the space bound applies on the working tape only

log-space is an class that contains interesting

problems and has robustness properties under
model and input encoding variations

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.332/31

L and N L

L is the class of languages decidable in

deterministic logarithmic space
L = SP ACE(log n)

N L is the class of languages decidable in

non-deterministic logarithmic space
N L = N SP ACE(log n)

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.333/31

Is there a path ?

the reachability problem on directed graphs is in N L

for TM with a read only input tape, define the

configuration the TM on an input w to include the
contents of the work tape, the state, and the
positions of all head pointers (including the input
tape pointer)

an f (n)-space machine may have at most n2O(f (n))


with this definition, Savitchs theorem works for any

space bound f (n) log n

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.334/31

Completeness and reductions

characterizing L and N L, using completeness

(open) question L = N L?

reducibility: polynomial time reducibility is not useful,

since all N L problems are reducible to one another

poly-time reductions are too powerful to reveal

interesting properties within N L

use log-space reducibility

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.335/31

log-space reducibility
a log -space transducer is a TM
with a read only input tape and a write-only output
tape that works in O(log n) space. the transducer
computes a function f :

(definition 8.21p324)

f is called a log-space computable function

a language A is called log space reducible to B

written A L B if A is mapping-reducible to B by a
log space computable function

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.336/31

N L-completeness
(definition 8.22p324)

a language B is N L-complete if

1. B N L
2. every A N L is log-space reducible to B

if only the second property holds, then B is called

N L-hard

if any N L-complete problem is in L then N L = L

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.337/31

Path is N L-complete
(theorem 8.25p325)

PATH is N L-complete

proof: construct a directed graph that represents the

computation of a log-space computation

(corollary 8.26p326)

c Tasos Viglas, 2005


COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.338/31

N L versus co-N L

the following is considered a surprising result

(theorem 8.27p327)

N L = co-N L

proof: show that P AT H is in N L

Immerman-Szelepscnyi theorem: For reasonable

s(n) log n, N SP ACE(s(n)) = co-N SP ACE(s(n))

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.339/31

Complexity classes

the known relationships among some classes

L N L = co-N L P P SP ACE

we know that N L = P SP ACE

we believe that all these containments are proper

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.340/31

COMP3310- Week 12

COMP3310: Theory of Computation

School of Information Technologies
Tasos Viglas, Madsen G87
Week 12: Mon Oct 17, 2005
- hierarchy theorems
- probabilistic and approximation algorithms

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.341/31

Complexity classes

P , efficiently solvable problems

N P , problems with short yes-certificates

complexity within P ? or N P ?

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.342/31


easy problems, hard problems, very hard problems,



P versus N P problem: is there a language in N P

that is not in P ?

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.343/31

Time hierarchies

deterministic time hierarchy

recall the definition of DT IM E(t(n))

consider DT IM E(n) and DT IM E(n2 )

are these two classes equal ? is there a problem

that can be solved in time n2 but no n-time algorithm
exists for it?

two ways to prove such a result:

1. present a specific problem solvable in time n2 but
not in n
2. prove the existence of such a problem

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.344/31

a function t : N N, where
t(n) = (n log n) is called time-constructible if it is
computable in time O(t(n))

(definition 9.8p340)

in these definitions computable means that we can

compute the value t(n) from input 1n
a function f : N N, where
t(n) = (log n) is called space-constructible if it is
computable in space O(f (n))

(definition 9.1p336)

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.345/31

Time hierarchy theorem

for any time constructible function
t : N N a language A exists that is decidable in
time O(t(n)) but not in time o(t(n)/ log t(n))

(theorem 9.10p341)

proof by diagonalization: construct a language that

differs with all languages decidable in time
t(n)/ log t(n) but is computable in time t(n)

construct a machine D that takes input w of the form

< M > and simulates M on w for t(n) steps.

if M finishes in that time, then do the opposite

D must operate efficiently: it must always operate in

time t(n) and must avoid all languages decidable in
time less than t/ log t

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.346/31

Time hierarchy theorem

the simulation introduces a log-factor overhead (for


(space hierarchy theorem only introduces a constant


c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.347/31

Time hierarchy theorem

D on input w:
1. let n be the length of w
2. compute t(n) and store the value t/ log t in a
counter. decrement this counter before every TM
step of 3,4,5
3. if w is not < M > 10 reject
4. simulate M on w
5. if M accepts then reject. if M rejects, accept

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.348/31

time hierarchy
(corollary 9.12p343)

for any two real numbers

0 1 2
DT IM E(n1 ) DT IM E(n2 )
(corollary 9.13p343)

c Tasos Viglas, 2005


COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.349/31

Space hierarchy
for any space constructible function
f a language A exists that is decidable in space
O(f (n)) but not in o(f (n))

(theorem 9.3p337)

space hierarchy is more tight (recall the extra

log-factor of the time hierarchy theorem)

proof by a diagonalization construction, similar to the

time hierarchy theorem

simulation introduces only a constant overhead for


c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.350/31

space hierarchy
(corollary 9.4p339)

for any two real numbers

0 1 2
SP ACE(n1 ) SP ACE(n2 )
(corollary 9.4p339)


therefore T QBF is not in N L

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.351/31

non-deteministic hierarchies

similar time and space hierarchies exist for

non-deterministic complexity classes

proofs are more complicated

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.352/31

Dealing with hardness

N P contains practical but hard problems

efficient solutions are not known. how do we cope?

probabilistic and approximation algorithms

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.353/31

Probabilistic algorithms

randomness is a tool that may add power to a


yet another open question: compare the two classes

polynomial time, P
polynomial time plus random choices, RP

a poly-time probabilistic algorithm, runs in

polynomial time, and gives an answer. but it may
make a mistake with small probability

trading time efficiency for a probability of a mistake

example: polynomial identity

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.354/31

Approximation algorithms

think of optimization problems, or in general,

problems whose solution is more than a yes-no

example: find the smallest vertex cover or the

biggest clique in a graph

an approximation algorithm will find a solution, but

possibly not the best one

an approximation algorithm always comes with a

guarantee of the quality of the solution

example: minimum cuts

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.355/31

More complexity

randomization, pseudo-randomness

interactive proof systems

one-way functions, cryptography

parallel complexity, circuit complexity

lower bounds

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.356/31

COMP3310- Week 12

COMP3310: Theory of Computation

School of Information Technologies
Tasos Viglas, Madsen G87
Week 12: Thu Oct 20, 2005
- P versus N P
- Average case complexity

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.357/31

Problems in N P

networks and systems: min-cost routing, network

optimization, scheduling, load balancing

programming: program verification, optimization,


mathematical programming (general optimization)

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.358/31

Dealing with hardness

N P contains practical but hard problems

efficient solutions are not known

how do we deal with N P -completeness?

probabilistic and approximation algorithms

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.359/31

Probabilistic algorithms

randomness is a tool that may add power to a


yet another open question: compare the two classes

solvable in poly time
solvable in poly time, and the solution is usually

a poly-time probabilistic algorithm, runs in

polynomial time, and gives an answer. but it may
make a mistake with small probability

trading time efficiency for a probability of a mistake

example: polynomial identity

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.360/31

Approximation algorithms

think of optimization problems, or in general,

problems whose solution is more than a yes-no

example: find the smallest vertex cover or the

biggest clique in a graph

an approximation algorithm will find a solution, but

possibly not the best one

an approximation algorithm always comes with a

guarantee of the quality of the solution

example: minimum cuts

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.361/31

Worst case hardness

SAT is N P -complete, and therefore seems to be

hard in the worst case

assume that P = N P . how often is SAT hard?

hard instances versus easy instances

average case complexity

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.362/31

P versus N P

P versus N P is a very general problem

four worlds, depending on P = N P

Russell Impagliazzo, FOCS 1995
1. P = N P , most things easy to solve
2. most things easy on the average
3. there are hard on the average problems, but no
one-way functions
4. one-way functions exist

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.363/31


P = N P (or N P BP P )

we can automatically produce optimal solutions from

the description of a problem

practical stuff
VLSI design, layout optimization
programming: no need to describe how to do
things, just describe what the output should be
machine learning, AI, natural languages
proofs for any theorem

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.364/31


Cryptography is impossible in this world

any code can be broken, easy to learn any crypto

algorithm and decipher

cannot keep an algorithm secret, a machine can

learn the algorithm given enough plain-crypto text

identification is possible only by physical


any remotely accessible info is essentially public

to show that we are in algorithmica, give an efficient

algorithm for an N P -complete problem

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.365/31


N P contains hard in the worst case problems, but

easy on average

somewhat paradoxical world

hard instances exist, but finding them is an

intractable problem

this world is in some sense indistinguishable from


but still there are significant differences

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.366/31


example: VLSI, circuit minimization

heuristica guarantees that your algorithms will work
well for most circuits. but we want an algorithm that
works well on most minimal circuit descriptions.
what is that distribution like?

note that the circuit minimization problem is above

N P , in the poly-time hierarchy p2

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.367/31


to show we are in heuristica, give an efficient

algorithm for an average-case complete problem on
the uniform distribution

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.368/31


problems are hard on the average, but one-way

functions do not exist

easy to generate hard instances, but hard to

generate hard solved instances

generic methods of problem solving would fail on

almost all domains

how do you use hard problems for cryptography?

not clear

to prove we are in pessiland, give an average case

lower bound for some problem in N P

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.369/31


one-way functions exist, and public-key cryptography

is possible

(it is not easy to formalize secret-key agreement

protocols and public-key protocols)

any crypto-task can be done easily

privacy, anonymity

closest to the real world, as far as we know

to show we are in crypto, we need to prove that a

particular secret key exchange protocol is secure

c Tasos Viglas, 2005

COMP3310 Theory of Computation p.370/31

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