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•A3 Benedict XVI: Thank •B1 A Leader Finds

a Vision
•C1 A Supplement Publication of KCFAPI
God for priests and the Order of the Knights of Columbus

40 hours of prayer Corona urged to uphold

launched in Rome for SC independence
honest elections in RP JARO Archbishop Angel Lagdameo called on
incoming Supreme Court (SC) Chief Justice
THE Philippine Embassy to the Holy See in Renato Corona to defend the integrity of the
coordination with the Pontificio Collegio Fil- judiciary.
ippino and the Sentro Pilipino Chaplaincy has The former president of the Catholic Bishops’
launched the “Quarant’Ore” or forty hours’ Conference of the Philippines said Corona must
prayer before the Blessed Sacrament for honest remain committed to the rule of law even if it
and peaceful elections in the Philippines. means going against the dictate’s caprices of
The Quarant’Ore devotion was launched May the powers-that-be.
6, with a Eucharistic celebration at the Basilica “I hope the incoming chief justice will main-
Santa Pudenziana, Sentro Pilipino Chaplaincy tain the independence of the Supreme Court
in Rome. and not be influenced by ‘utang na loob’ to the
Prayer / A6 May 10 - 23, 2010 Vol. 14 No. 10 Php 20.00 Independence / A7

Cardinal to new leaders:

Address corruption election
... hails
By Roy Lagarde
THE head of the Manila’s Ro-
CARDINAL Rosales has hailed a
man Catholic Church is asking “milestone” in country’s history,
the country’s next president to as it completed its first automated
address issues of “corruption” elections.
At an early morning Mass on May
that worsened under the Ar- 11, Rosales commended the voters,
royo administration. volunteers and the poll officials for
Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales who had the conduct of the country’s general
lived and worked for the poor Filipinos elections yesterday.
said one hopeful solution to corruption The cardinal noted that the polls
which further aggravates poverty in the were faced with some glitches but
country is “good leadership.” said the efforts made by poll officials
Yet, he said, many leaders who have to address and resolve them were
made good promises during elections admirable.
have “failed” to do their mandate. “Thank you to those behind this
“Now we have a new set of leaders automation. They did a good job,”
but what do we expect from them aside Rosales said in his homily at the
from service… leadership. We want our command center of the PPCRV in
leaders who will give (good) example,” Paco, Manila
stressed Rosales. © Roy Lagarde / CBCPMedia The 77-year old archbishop also
Hong Kong-based Political & Econ- praised the courage of voters who
omy Risk Consultancy Ltd. (PERC) turned out despite the intense heat
disclosed that in a recent corruption poll and long queue.
the Philippines is Asia Pacific’s fourth Today, according to him, in the
most corrupt economy. face of the many challenges Filipinos
The findings showed that the Phil- are facing, they took a step forward
ippine standing has slipped by two A statue of the Virgin Mary looks down from atop the balcony surrounding the command center of the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting in the hard work of building up the
(PPCRV) on May 13 where partial and unofficial tallies of the May 10 election results for national candidates are being held. country.
notches amid political mudslinging
before the May 10 elections. to be any more successful than they The survey conducted from Decem- leaders not to be arrogant. We want our Rosales also lauded the contribu-
The country got the worst score of were in previous elections," it added. ber to February involved 2,174 mid-level leaders to be humble,” he said. tions made by thousands of vol-
9.82 in system effectives “in and senior Asian and expa- “Give service to the people and when unteers who played a critical role
prosecuting and punishing triate business executives that happened… you know they will in ensuring credible and orderly
individuals for corruption” working in 16 economies. love their leaders,” Rosales added. elections.
out of 19 sub-indices. Indonesia remained the He called on the faithful to pray
The Philippines, how- most corrupt this year with Arroyo misses chance for the country’s new leaders that
ever, got its best score of a score of 9.27 from 8.32 in Cardinal Rosales earlier said Presi- they work for an “honest desire for a
5.75 in the ease of build- 2009. It was followed by dent Gloria Arroyo missed out op- better Philippines.” (CBCPNews)
ing “an internal culture” Cambodia with 9.10 from portunities to be “great leader” when
© Roy Lagarde / CBCPMedia

organizations to ensure 7.25 and Vietnam with 8.07 asked to comment on the nine-year rule Arroyo, who has just been proclaimed
anti-corruption standards from 7.11. of the latter. as winner of the congressional seat in
are met. Aside from corruption, the He said the outgoing president’s Pampanga’s second district yesterday,
"Bodies like the Catholic cardinal urged the country’s unpopular image brought by various was tagged by analysts and surveys as
Church and volunteer elec- new set of leaders to address allegations of election fraud, corruption, the most unpopular leader since the fall
tion watchdog bodies will other issues such as “pov- and human rights abuses have taken its of the dictatorship in 1986.
try to mobilize the masses erty, unemployment and toll on her government. Some quarters even branded her as
to fight corruption when During a thanksgiving Mass held at the Manila Cathedral on May 13, Manila
Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales lauded the voters and various sectors, including peace and order.” “She did not face the challenges that worse than the late strongman and
they encounter it, but there Comelec officials , PPCRV volunteers, military and police, saying “they are “We want leaders who well. She missed a great chance to be a ousted Ferdinand Marcos for the crimes
is no reason to expect them all part of the ‘great things given by God’.” will be simple. We want our good leader,” said Rosales. Cardinal / A6

Church’s pro-life advocacy, non-negotiable—bishops

CATHOLIC bishops reiterated the Church’s firm stand against is definitely non-negotiable. doesn’t see any change in the Catholic Church’s stand on its pro-
reproductive health bill, saying the Church’s pro-life advocacy is But he added that he would maintain “critical collaboration” with life advocacy because “Gospel values transcend people and the
non-negotiable. the new government. government.”
They made the comment as Senator Benigno Aquino III, who is Jaro Archbishop Angel Lagdameo said the Church will maintain “I believe addressing graft and corruption and introducing poverty
a staunch supporter of RH bill, appears to be headed to capture the its moral stand on population as he expressed optimism Aquino alleviation measures should remain high in his priorities,” Palma
presidency. would fulfill his campaign promise “Kung walang corrupt, walang told CBCPNews.
The latest partial and unofficial count released both by Comelec mahirap.” The prelate said critical collaboration simply means the Church
and PPCRV, showed Aquino widening his lead against closest rival, Aquino is known to support pro-reproductive health measures will support programs they find good and manifest opposition if
former President Joseph Ejercito Estrada. though he stands pat against abortion and vowed not to be pressured they see immoral policies.
CBCP President and Tandag Bishop Nereo P. Odchimar said in a by the Catholic church on the issue. As far as Isabela de Basilan Bishop Martin Jumoad is concerned,
text message to CBCPNews that the pro-life advocacy of the Church CBCP Vice President and Palo Archbishop Jose Palma said he Non-negotiable / A6

Vatican: Pope can’t make it Very slow process annoys voters

to UST’s quadricentennial
PEOPLE have braved the blistering sun and sum- Election Inspectors opted to change its memory
mer heat to cast their votes in their respective card without prior announcement.
precincts. A voter from Rodriguez town in Rizal province
For Surigao Bishop Antonieto Cabajog, voting reported he finished voting after queuing for four

to office worthy public servants meant queuing and a half hours.
for more than an hour in his hometown of Loay, To his satisfaction, the PCOS machine assigned
Bohol. to his precinct read his duly-accomplished bal-
“If this is our experience here in Bohol, I can lot.
IT’S final: the Supreme Pontiff is not attending whose name will be published in L’osservatore only imagine the others in various parts of the Another volunteer from the Church-based
the 400th founding anniversary of the Philip- Romano the afternoon of Saturday, 27 November country,” he said. Couples for Christ observed voting at Diosdado
pines’ only Pontifical and Royal University. 2010,” Adams said. A Knights of Columbus volunteer from Naga Macapagal Elementary School as very slow.
The Apostolic Nuncio in the Philippines, Arch- As of press time, UST officials declined to City in Camarines Sur reported that 50% of Naga “[Since] the voting began at 7:00 a.m. today, from
bishop Edward Joseph comment on Adam’s announcement, saying Fr. City’s Precinct Count Optical Scan machines broke a total of 900 or so voters, about 105 have voted
Adams, has informed the Catholic Bishops’ Rolando dela Rosa, O.P., who is currently out of down before 11:00 a.m. on election day. But the as of 2:00 p.m. Monday causing irritation among
Conference of the Philippines that His Holiness, town, should be the one to officially comment on BEIs where able to use them again a few minutes voters,” the volunteer told CBCP News’ Operation
Pope Benedict XVI, cannot attend the grand the issue being the university’s rector. later, he added. CHAMP. (Melo M. Acuna)
quadricentennial anniversary celebration of the It was the third time that Pope Benedict XVI The Association of Major Religious Superiors in
University of Santo Tomas that will culminate is expected to visit the the Philippines received reports from Las Piñas
next year. Philippines since his installation to the Papacy especially its Second Congressio-
In his May 7, 2010 letter to CBCP president and in 2006. The Holy Father was invited to grace the nal District that PCOS
Tandag Bishop Nereo Asian Youth Day held in Cavite last machines often
Odchimar, Adams said the Holy Father can- November and the 2nd National Congress of broke down and
not come to Manila to attend UST’s historic the Clergy held at Pasay City last January. caused inter-
event. The Apostolic Nuncio’s letter however Founded on April 28, 1611, UST holds the ruption in
failed to disclose the reason for the Pope’s an- distinction of being the the voting
nouncement. oldest existing university in the Philippines process.
Illustration by Bladimer Usi

“The Holy Father will not be coming to Manila and in Asia. Being under the authority of the A PCOS
for the anniversary, but Holy See as a pontifical university, UST has been machine at
given the importance of the quadricentennial visited by Pope Paul VI on Nov. 28, 1970 and by barangay
celebrations of the university, His Holiness will Pope John Paul II on Feb. 18, 1981 and January Daniel Fajardo’s
be sending for the occasion his special envoy, 13, 1995. (Kris Bayos) Precinct 28 refused to
receive ballots as Board of
World News
CBCP Monitor
A2 Vol. 14 No. 10
May 10 - 23, 2010

Benedict XVI promotes Rosary

in Fatima
FATIMA, Portugal, May 12, 2010—Benedict XVI is encouraging the faithful to imitate Mary in her
surrender to the will of God, recommending the rosary as a method to contemplate her participation
in our lives today.
The Pope reflected on Our Lady's role and the rosary today during a pilgrimage at the Fatima Shrine.
The Holy Father is in Portugal for the second day of a four-day trip.
Thousands of faithful lined the esplanade of the shrine, carrying candles that illumined the night
already fallen. Their pilgrimage is the traditional greeting for the May 13 feast of Our Lady of Fatima,
this year made more special because it will mark the 10th anniversary of Pope John Paul II's beatification
of Jacinta and Francisco, two of the three shepherd children who were visited by Our Lady.
"All of you, standing together with lighted candles in your hands, seem like a sea of light around this
simple chapel, lovingly built to the honor of the Mother of God and our mother, whose path from earth
to heaven appeared to the shepherd children like a way of light," Benedict XVI said.
The Pontiff went on to speak of this light we and Mary possess. "Neither Mary nor we have a light of
our own: We receive it from Jesus. His presence within us renews the mystery and the call of the burn-
ing bush which once drew Moses on Mount Sinai and still fascinates those aware of the light within us
which burns without consuming us," he said. "We are merely a bush, but one upon which the glory of
God has now come down."
The Pope said that in our day, "in which the faith in many places seems like a light in danger of

being snuffed out for ever," the highest priority is "to make God visible in the world and to open to
humanity a way to God."
"Do not be afraid to talk of God and to manifest without fear the signs of faith, letting the light of
Christ shine in the presence of the people of today," he urged.

Gazing upon Jesus

The Holy Father also noted how at Fatima, there came a repeated request to pray the rosary.
"The recitation of the rosary allows us to fix our gaze and our hearts upon Jesus, just like his Mother,
the supreme model of contemplation of the Son," he explained. "[...] [L]et us contemplate the intimate At the beginning, the bishop of Leiria-Fatima, António dos Santos Marto, gave the Pontiff the first
participation of Mary in the mystery of our life in Christ today, a life which is also made up of joy and official rosary of Fatima. It is fashioned from gold with topaz stones.
sorrow, of darkness and light, of fear and hope." A note from the shrine explains that the gold "does not change and calls to mind the color of the sun, a
The Pope led the pilgrims in praying the glorious mysteries of the rosary, beginning the prayers in symbol the Church associates with Christ." The topaz, meanwhile, "enables the blue light of the heavens
Latin, as the faithful answered in their own languages, to highlight the Church's universality. to pass through it, clean and deep, the color that tradition associates with the figure of Mary." (Zenit)

Saints best represent Church, says Benedict XVI

LISBON, Portugal, May 11, 2010—Though the Church has "quar- ent. But he added that this "unfortunately is less and less realistic." "Christ is always with us and always walks with his Church," he
relsome and even rebellious" children, it is in the saints that she "Perhaps we have placed an excessive trust in ecclesial structures said. "[...] Never doubt his presence!"
recognizes her most characteristic features, says Benedict XVI. and programs, in the distribution of powers and functions; but what The Pope added: "Always seek the Lord Jesus, grow in friendship with
The Pope affirmed this today at a Mass in Lisbon, on the first day will happen if salt loses its flavor?" the Pontiff questioned. him, receive him in Communion. Learn to listen to his word and also to
of his four-day trip to Portugal. He said that in order to avoid this, the "heart of Christianity"—the recognize him in the poor. Live your lives with joy and enthusiasm, sure
He reflected on the Church being formed by the baptized, the "death and resurrection of Christ,"—must be proclaimed anew with of his presence and of his unconditional, generous friendship, faithful
sacrament by which "the Church gives birth to the 'saints.'" "vigor and joy." even to death on the cross. Bear witness to all of the joy that his strong
"We know that she also has quarrelsome and even rebellious sons "The resurrection of Christ assures us that no adverse power will yet gentle presence evokes, starting with your contemporaries.
and daughters, but it is in the saints that the Church recognizes her ever be able to destroy the Church. Therefore our faith is well-found- "Tell them that it is beautiful to be a friend of Jesus and that it is
most characteristic features, it is in them that she tastes her deepest ed, but this faith needs to come alive in each one of us," he said. well worth following him. With your enthusiasm, demonstrate that,
joy," the Holy Father said. among all the different ways of life that the world today seems to
He reflected that faith should not be taken for granted. In this regard, Beautiful friendship offer us—apparently all on the same level—the only way in which
he noted that there is often preoccupation with the social, cultural and po- Benedict XVI concluded his homily with exhortations for the we find the true meaning of life and hence true and lasting joy, is
litical consequences of the faith and an assumption that the faith is pres- faithful, and particularly for youth. by following Jesus." (Zenit)

Cardinal Bergoglio urges peace and Hundreds join KC

harmony for Argentina bishops in witness for life
KANSAS CITY, Kansas, May 12, 2010—For the third year in a
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina, May 11, from among us,” the row, Kansas City, Kansas Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann and
2010—At a Mass for Argentina’s bicen- cardinal said. Kansas City—St. Joseph Bishop Robert W. Finn joined hundreds
tennial, the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, During the festivi- in praying the Rosary outside the Planned Parenthood abortion
Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, called on ties for the bicenten- clinic in Overland Park, Kansas. About 400 people prayed all 20
the faithful to remember that the country nial later that after- Mysteries of the Rosary led by the two bishops on May 8.

has a “mother” in the Virgin Mary, and noon, the executive The Mother’s Day weekend Rosary began in 2008 and is spon-
urged them to work as her children for director of the De- sored by Lifefront. One goals of the organization is to recruit

“peace and harmony.” partment of the Laity enough people to make a prayerful witness during each hour the
The Mass took place on the feast of the of the Argentinean Planned Parenthood facility is open for abortions. The annual
national patroness, Our Lady of Lujan. Bishops’ Conference Rosary is an important tool in that recruiting effort. This year
After recalling the example of Mary who read the “Manifesta- saw more than 100 additional participants over last.
“shows great care for Argentina from deep tion of Hope,” which New to this year’s event, a specific prayer for the closing
down in her heart, beginning with the expressed the com- Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of the clinic was recited after the Rosary. Lifefront organizers
poor,” Cardinal Bergoglio underscored that mitment of the laity to work for the respect of At 3:00 p.m. those present lit candles as a distributed the prayer on cards and encourage its recitation at
Argentineans must not allow themselves to “the dignity of human life … the strengthen- sign of their commitment to “illuminate” the home. (CNA)
be overcome by despair. ing of our institutions, citizen participation homeland and make it a “new light of hope
“Let us look to the Virgin Mary and ask
her not to let us go. We ask her for the grace
and education.” for Argentina.” Afterward, they prayed
“Today we wish to proclaim this mani- an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be, a Kolkata celebrating Mother
Teresa’s centennial
to know how to work for our homeland, festo, which is a true civic commitment of the tradition started by the bishops during the
to make it grow in peace and harmony, to bicentennial, so that it will be burned in our political crisis of 2001-2002.
give us the grace to feel we are brothers hearts and be a sign of our civic conduct,” Similar ceremonies took place in other
and sisters, removing all hatred and anger the statement said. cities across the country. (CNA)
KOLKATA, India, May 12, 2010—“There is enthusiasm and joy

Catholics remember the Sichuan earthquake two years ago today

among the people of Kolkata, who are getting ready to celebrate
the centennial birth of the Blessed Mother Teresa, founder of the
Missionaries of Charity. The city in which the Blessed worked
almost her entire life will host a series of initiatives to remember
MIANZHU, China, May 12, lapsed. Two years later he is still care offered by the Catholics to 17,912, including 5,335 stu- her and her teachings,” said Eugene Gonsalves, president of the
2010—The Catholic Diocese of celebrating Mass in a makeshift the general population, more dents. Catholic Association of Bengal.
Chengdu (Sichuan) participated church. people now come to church. The government has never re- Speaking to AsiaNews, he said, “We are full of joy with the idea of
today in a series of Masses in Most of the population of Over the past two years the par- leased a list of names of students celebrating the centennial of our beloved Mother as she is called.”
memory of victims of the Sich- Catholics and have now settled ish has celebrated more than 100 killed in the collapse of schools. Local Catholics “are praying and hoping wholeheartedly that
uan earthquake two years ago in another area, but are still in baptisms. But an association of citizens for the canonization of Mother Teresa will be announced during this
and the Qinghai in mid-April. need of spiritual support. "Last April, during the Easter the "Civic Survey” produced a anniversary,” he said. “For us in any event, she is already a saint.
The earthquake in Sichuan, "The parishioners have be- Vigil, we celebrated the liturgy list with names of 5,212 students Both the poorest of the poor and the very rich of this country think
May 12, 2008, killed over 68,000 come more mature. You feel outside, enjoying the light of who died under the rubble. the same way. Since the start of the centennial year, every parish in
people, almost 18,000 are still so weak in addressing these Christ and the hope that shines For many years families have the diocese ends Mass with prayers for the Blessed’s sainthood.”
officially "missing". disasters. As priest, I used to in the darkness. We baptized 23 attempted to sue the local au- The faithful “have already begun to embrace the spirit of Mother
In Chengdu, the provincial be directing parish matters, but catechumens”. thorities, guilty of schools built Teresa,” he added. “They visit the elderly and the sick, volunteer-
capital, young people have now have learnt to listen and Various dioceses of the rest of without anti-seismic structures ing at the houses of the Missionaries of Charity. People of all faiths
prayed for those who still humble. Without Lord Jesus, I China were involved in recon- and with little concrete, so they are full of love and respect for the example set by the Blessed.
suffer from the earthquake, couldn’t anything. Now, I have struction work. Five young vol- collapsed like "tofu puddings" Everyone is taking part in the centennial. Exhibits include the
especially for mothers who lost to shoulder responsibility to help unteers came from the Catholic during the earthquake. participation of intellectuals and all the artists whose opinion we
their children. rebuild the Church and local centre of Liaoning Mianzhu to The investigation was con- asked for said they were enthusiastic about the project. For them,
In Mianzhu—where a parish community”. help people during the Chinese ducted by Tan Zuoren, artist Ai Mother Teresa is close to God. The same is true for the movies;
had eight faithful dead and the The priest points out that New Year last February. Weiwei and a group of volun- everyone is waiting for the event (the film festival).”
church collapsed killing two now many parishioners are full According to the government teers. All of them are now under The Catholic Association is organizing these events in coop-
persons—on 10 May 70 Catholics of gratitude to God and have of Sichuan, the earthquake in close surveillance. eration with the Archdiocese of Kolkata and the Missionaries of
gathered together with members become more active in evange- May 2008 killed 68,712 people. Tan was sentenced to five Charity. The organizing committee includes Archbishop Lucas
of other religions for a com- lization. Perhaps because of the To these are added a further years in prison for "inciting sub- Sirkar, Mother Prema (superior of the order founded by Mother
m e morat io n i n version of state Teresa), a few nuns from the Council of the Missionaries, the
music and songs, power." Official- provincial father, three Jesuits, three Salesians and a few diocesan
remembering all ly, the charge is priests. Ten lay people are also members.
victims. linked to an article Celebrations will take place between 17 August and 13 Septem-
Fr. Li Jinxuan, he wrote on the ber. The most important event will undoubtedly be the novena
pastor of Mianzhu Tiananmen mas- for the canonization of the Blessed, which will be recited in every
told AsiaNews sacre of June 4, parish in the diocese during the centennial period.
that the parish still 1989. But several On 26 August, Cardinal Telesphore Toppo will celebrate Mass in
lacks the funds to human rights ac- the motherhouse of the order. On the same day, a film festival and an
rebuild the church tivists argue that exhibit of paintings dedicated to the life of the Blessed will open.

and two chapels, the sentence of A symposium on her life is also in the work. Navin Chawla
which were also Tan is due to his and Fr. Brian Kolodiejchuk, postulator of her canonization will

damaged. Fr. Li is involvement in speak at the event.

alive by a miracle, investigating the The archdiocese has proclaimed 5 September, the day in which she
since he was not death of students was born in heaven, a day of celebration, which will end in a Mass in
inside the build- in the quake. the courtyard of Saint Francis Xavier College. (AsiaNews)
ing when it col- (AsiaNews)
News Features
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 10
May 10 - 23, 2010

Benedict XVI: Thank God

for priests
VATICAN CITY, May 5, 2010—Benedict XVI today encouraged the faithful to be close to their priests,
remembering that through them, God chooses to sanctify the world.
The Pope reflected on the priestly mission of sanctifying today in the general audience. He thus
continued with the second element of the three-fold mission of the priest, in this last full month of the
Year for Priests.
The Holy Father first reflected on what sanctity is, saying it is the “specific quality of God’s being,
that is, absolute truth, goodness, love, beauty -- pure light.”
“Hence,” he said, “to sanctify a person means to put him in contact with God, with his being light,
truth, pure love.”
Now, this contact with God, the Pope explained, is created by God himself, and it “transforms us
little by little into true images of God.”
“No man on his own, by his own strength, can put another in contact with God. An essential part
of the grace of priesthood is the gift, the task to create this contact,” he reflected. “This is done in the
proclamation of the Word of God, in which He comes to meet us. It is done in a particularly profound
way in the sacraments.”
Christ’s work
Benedict XVI affirmed that it is “Christ himself who makes us saints, namely, who attracts us to the
sphere of God.”
“But,” he said, “as an act of his infinite mercy he calls some to ‘be’ with him and to be converted,
through the sacrament of Holy Orders, despite human poverty, into participants in his own priesthood,
ministers of this sanctification, dispensers of his mysteries, ‘bridges’ of the encounter with him, of his
mediation between God and men and between men and God.”
“Who, therefore, saves the world and man? The only answer we can give is: Jesus of Nazareth, Lord
and Christ, crucified and resurrected,” the Pope reiterated. “And where is the mystery realized of the
death and resurrection of Christ, which brings salvation? In the action of Christ through the Church,
in particular in the sacrament of reconciliation, in which from the death of sin one returns to the new
life, and in every other sacramental act of sanctification.”
Jesus with us
The Holy Father gave some particular words of encouragement to priests. He urged them: “live the
liturgy and worship with joy and love: It is action that the Risen One carries out through the power of
the Holy Spirit in us, with us and for us. [...]
“And I would also like to invite each priest to celebrate and live the Eucharist with intensity, which
is at the heart of the task of sanctifying; it is Jesus who wants to be with us, to live in us, to give himself
© Noli Yamsuan / RCAM

to us, to show us the infinite mercy and tenderness of God.”

But the Bishop of Rome also had encouragement for the faithful: “Dear friends, be conscious of the
great gift that priests are for the Church and for the world; through their ministry, the Lord continues
saving men, making himself present, sanctifying. Know how to thank God, and above all be close to
your priests with your prayer and support, especially in difficulties, so that they will be increasingly
shepherds according to the heart of God.” (Zenit)

Vatican spokesman: Pope did not ask

for support in face of media attacks
VATICAN CITY, May 10, 2010—The Director of the Press Of- of Cardinals, at least those present in Rome, represented by its Dean.
fice of the Holy See, Fr. Federico Lombardi, responded today The Pope was informed of them very shortly before what would
to an article published in the Italian newspaper Corriere della happen. He welcomed the salute with gratitude and simplicity for
Sera, which said that Pope Benedict XVI asked Cardinal An- what it was trying to be, that is, a message of closeness, affection
gelo Sodano, Dean of the College of Cardinals, to defend him and solidarity."
at Easter Mass from attacks over the treatment of sexual abuse The Corriere della Sera article also mentioned accusations made
cases. Fr. Lombardi replied, "even in difficult times, the Pope by Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, archbishop of Vienna, against
does not beg or organize demonstrations in his own defense Cardinal Sodano.
or support." Cardinal Schönborn charged, in what was supposed to be a
In his response to the May 9 Corriere della Sera article, Fr. Lom- private conversation with Austrian newspaper editors in late
bardi said that the story “makes a completely false assertion that I April, that when Cardinal Sodano was Secretary of State, he in-

have a duty to correct.” The article asserted that Pope Benedict XVI tervened to prevent the future Pope Benedict XVI from directly
had asked Cardinal Sodano for “a few words of greeting, spoken in investigating Cardinal Hans Groer over claims of sexual abuse.
St. Peter's Square.” Cardinal Schönborn later took over from Cardinal Groer as Arch-
Fr. Lombardi replied: bishop of Vienna.
"Now, for the sake of truth, Benedict XVI had not requested any- Fr. Lombardi did not address the accusations made by Cardinal
thing. The words of Cardinal Sodano was an initiative of the College Schönborn against Cardinal Sodano. (CNA) Fr. Federico Lombardi, SJ

Rome conference aims at improving PPCRV volunteers

media coverage of Catholic Church act as poll
ROME, Italy, May 9, 2010—The Pon- seminar will be held in English and In addition to classroom sessions, and in today’s shrinking world, watchers, peace
keepers in Capiz
tifical University of the Holy Cross in is open to all working journalists, the seminar will also provide on site it’s becoming ever more necessary
Rome announced an upcoming con- though space is limited. visits and personal meetings with to tell even local stories about the
ference to help journalists around the The university said that in addition curial officials and veteran Vatican Church from a global perspective,”
globe improve their coverage of hot- to discussing the most pressing issues correspondents. Conference speak- Rev. Prof. John Wauck, president of
button issues in the Church today, of today, conference leaders will also ers include Vatican officials Cardinal the organizing committee, said in a ROXAS CITY, May 10, 2010—Election volunteers
such as bioethics, ecumenism, Pope educate participants on the nature Francis Stafford, Fr. Federico Lom- May 7 press release. of the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible
Pius XII and the recent controversy of the Church and how the Vatican bardi, Cardinal Peter K.A. Turkson, “The seminar should help report- Voting (PPCRV) here act not only as poll watch-
surrounding clerical sex abuse. functions. The seminar will also touch Msgr. Charles Brown, and Msgr. ers do that,” he added.“What’s ers but also mediators among erring and clashing
“The Church Up Close: Covering on the pontificate of Pope Benedict Patrick Burke, among others. more, Rome is an ideal setting for voters who have turned impatient and hotheaded
Catholicism in the Age of Benedict XVI, now in his fifth year as the Holy “Covering an institution as old reflecting on religion and the media as system glitches and long queues of voters spoil
XVI,” will take place in Rome from Father, and will give insight into his and as large as the Catholic Church with journalists from around the the conduct of the first automated elections in the
September 6 to September 12. The thinking and leadership approach. has always been a huge challenge, world.” (CNA/EWTN News) country.
According to Renato Arabia, PPCRV volunteer

Groups call for moratorium Sex scandals hurt image of priesthood, prelate says assigned at a polling precinct at Rufina Andrada
Santos Elementary School in Barangay 7 in this
city, their poll watching task was expanded to

on mining in Zambales CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY, May 4, 2010—The re-

cent media play-up of sex scandals involving some
priests and bishops across the globe has somewhat
ministry of Cagayan de Oro.
“For more or less 20 years, Fr. Joe fulfilled his
assigned tasks silently, diligently and lovingly and
also reminding voters to remain patient and
tolerant about the system failures in the voting
MANILA, May 5, 2010—With large-scale mining tainted and damaged the image of priesthood, ac- in spite of his high educational attainment and Arabia said voters commonly complain about
projects threatening to destroy the remaining for- cording to a prelate. noble status in the archdiocese, Fr. Joe remains a hours-long of waiting before actually casting their
est covers in Zambales province, environmental Delivering his homily before a jam-packed simple, humble and faithful servant of God,” the votes and the delay caused by malfunctioning of
advocates called on the government to suspend Cathedral of St. Augustine in Cagayan de Oro prelate from Surigao said. the precinct count optical scan (PCOS) machines.
mining operations in the area. on April 30 during the ordination of Bishop Jose Cabajog said the people also recognized the sac- “Since only 10 to 15 voters can be accommodated
At least 3,000 people have gathered at the Pro- Cabantan, Surigao Bishop rifices of priests in large and in a sizeable classroom, the influx of the incoming
vincial Capitol today, to denounce the entry of Antonieto Cabajog said the small parishes, in mission voters causes crowding in the corridors. There
mining firms and called for the protection of the media coverage of the issue areas, in schools, in hospi- are also no holding areas where voters can stay
ancestral domains in the area. have led some people to tals, in monasteries, retreat until their turn to vote and express lanes for
Jaybee Garganera, National Coordinator of Aly- lose their faith and respect houses, the military and in the elderly, the sick, the disabled, and pregnant
ansa Tigil Mina (ATM) said, the group is throwing its for the clergy. other various ministries. women are also missing,” Arabia reported.
support to the Zambaleños’ call “for a moratorium on Cabajog lamented that “For all shepherds of souls The complaints, coupled by the arid summer
destructive mining operations in the province.” people seemed to forget who, without counting the weather, caused voters to be impatient and ill-
ATM is a network of more than 80 organizations all “that majority of the or- costs and with no personal tempered, making them volatile to misunder-
over the country that are against the revitalization of dained ministers are serv- interests, are serving God’s standings with their fellow voters. “We keep on
the large-scale mining industry in the Philippines. ing seriously, wholeheart- flock untiringly, thank you reminding our brothers and sisters to remain
“The Zambalenos are crying loud against the aggres- edly and joyfully the people very much,” he added. patient and open-minded so we can all get this
sive entry or mining companies, such as Rusina Mining, of God.” He said there is no better election over with peacefully despite the setbacks
Coto Mines, NiHao Mineral Resources International “What adds great dam- way to express the people’s in the preparation. After all, voting is both a right
and DMCI Mining Corporation,” said Garganera. age to the scandal is the ir- gratitude to these dedicated and an obligation,” Arabia added.
The people’s protest against mining should send a responsible handling of the priests than “to support When asked if they themselves tend to be
clear message to the candidates in Zambales, he said. issue by people in the media Bishop Antonieto Cabajog them in their struggle to- volatile given the scenario at crowded polling
The province is hosting at least twelve Mineral and by some groups who are unsympathetic to the wards spiritual perfection through our daily precincts, Arabia said PPCRV volunteers like
Processing Sharing Agreements or MPSAs, a form Catholic Church,” the prelate said. prayer for their sanctification.” him draws strength and will from the message
of service contract between the government and Cabajog said the celebration of the “Year for The prelate from Surigao said the “Year for of their bishop, Capiz Archbishop Onesimo
mining companies, according to Garganera. Priests,” is an opportune time for the Church to Priests" provides the clergy the opportunity to Gordoncillo.
“These mining projects will severely impact on acknowledge “in a special way the services of make a personal, deep interior conversion in “Before we were deployed to the field, our
the water source, agricultural lands and forest faithful and holy priests.” order to make themselves credible ministers of bishop has met us and told us to just do our job
areas of Zambales”, he said. He then cited the significant contribution of God’s people. despite the pressure. His message inspires us to
Garganera also accused the provincial govern- Bishop Jose Araneta Cabantan in the archdiocese Quoting Pope Benedict XVI, the prelate said stay still and do our part in helping make this
ment of actively supporting the mining projects, of Cagayan de Oro serving in various capacities “the effectiveness of a priest’s ministry particularly election successful,” he said.
as in the case of Sitio Maporac, Brgy. New San as a member of the clergy. depends on his spiritual strength.” Arabia said PPCRV volunteers like him will re-
Juan, in Cabangan. Fr. Joe, as called by his friends, served as paro- Cabajog said human weaknesses including main active in poll watching until after the random
“We are aware that the provincial government chial vicar, parish administrator, seminary forma- laziness, mediocrity, selfishness, lust and pride manual audit is over and will also keep tabs on
has tacitly backed destructive mining there, under tor and later on as vicar general of the ecclesial could easily impede a priest’s desire to serve as the election-related developments until the proclama-
Zambales / A7 province and recently Director for the ad extra Scandals / A6 tion of a new administration. (Kris Bayos)
A4 Opinion CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 10
May 10 - 23, 2010

Illustration by Bladimer Usi


A church engaged
THE Second Plenary Council of the Philippines, that great landmark
in our journey as a Church, points out the way we have to go. It
proposes that we look at ourselves as a “Church of Communion”,
even more specifically, as a “Community of Disciples”.
Such a Church asks that we all strive to be real and faithful followers
of Christ—that is what discipleship means. But it also asks that
we do so as community, and this demands that we all participate
as responsible members of the community of faith that is the
Church—and, indeed, taking “community” to embrace all levels
of Church life. But when we do, we must participate as we are, as
Filipinos, as bearers of our culture. And this means we necessarily
have to bring our culture, our way of life as Filipinos, into our
living of the faith, our following of Christ; we allow—rather,
we make—that same faith to permeate our culture, to bring the
values of Christ to bear on it, transforming our values into ever
more authentic forms of themselves and correcting whatever is
inauthentic about them. In this manner culturally participative
living of the faith, the inculturation we have been talking of here
will take place practically by itself and a truly local Church is
built up.
A genuinely local Church is an “engaged” Church—a society-
leavening Church. Above we spoke of a constellation of “emergent
values” that have been strengthening in recent years in the life of
the nation. A closer look at them—at the values of democracy,
people power, people participation in political life, human rights,
social justice, etc.—will bring out the fact that they are, by and
large, the self same values that the social doctrine of the Church
has been promoting and urging on us and all other people of
But more than simply being engaged, a Church that takes seriously
the task of inculturating itself must be above all a discerning
Church—and at all levels, from top to bottom. This discerning
spirit must be seen in its adaptation of liturgical practices to
cultural demands, in its developing of indigenized theologies
and spiritualities, in practical applications of Gospel morality to
culturally weighted situations. Inculturation is not a once-and-for- Oscar V. Cruz, DD
all happening. It is a process, like culture itself, like the Christ-life
too that is the end-result of inculturation, and hence the discernment Now, what?
Views and Points
that is integral to it must be on-going too—a never-ending process
of faith-reflection on life and on the way of life that a culture is.
We note here that the approach of this discerning mode is pretty
much what Vatican II says about the need of a “signs-of-the-times”
mode of theologizing and the reading of the signs of the times NO, it is not over. The fact is that it just begun. The national elections now expect a far better government, more honest and honorable
cannot be done without much prayer. recently concluded showed the worst and the best in Philippines politicians? It is reasonable for the people to look forward to gov-
politics. Lives were lost. Rights were violated. Fear was sown. But ernance that is not only ethically upright but also imbued with a
For this kind of discernment—for the work of inculturation as a the Pilipino voters sweated it all out. The sun was fierce and wind morally sound value system?
whole, for that matter—the best vehicle available to us at this time there was none. But they persevered and registered their electoral It would be a big disaster if by 1 July 2010, the country will but
in the pastoral work of the Church of the Philippines seems to will. As to the political candidates, some of them stood for what is see some new faces here and there in public offices and govern-
be the basic ecclesial community or BEC, or at least a BEC-type right and just—although these were admittedly few and far between. ment agencies, and yet still witness the same lying and cheating,
Church or organization, society, movement, etc. Much of what Most of them however even sold their souls, and did every vicious, the same avarice and greed. Truth to say, the Philippines is now
has been said above about inculturation are already significant conceivable thing simply to win their coveted public Offices. At the at its lowest ebb in progress and development, in integrity and
hallmarks of the more developed forms of BECs. end, the country now has the usual mixed of good and bad politicians trustworthiness. With the coming of some new faces and well
already proclaimed or about to undergo proclamation as celebrated meaning government officials, it has no way to go but up and
Thus, the conscious attempt by a whole community at integrating
winners—as the losers in the elections cry their hearts out. above. Otherwise, the country would be proverbially “jumping
faith and life, the facing up to social problems and the acting
Now, what? from the frying pan to the fire”.
in concert on them, the participatory ethic which entails the
involvement of not just the clergy and hierarchy but of the rank- Would the old timers—and there is one gloriously standing by Hence, there is one extra good news for the new leadership figures
and-file laity in the Church’s life and evangelizing mission, the the wayside even but for the moment—simply continue cultivating in the government—especially in its Executive and Judicial Branches.
painstaking “analysis of situation” and prayerful reflection that the culture of graft and corrupt practices in government? Would This: theirs is the big chance and great opportunity to do everything
accompanies every community decision and action—these are they still make the already structurally damaged institutions even right and just. Reason: there is nothing vicious and odious that the
all “standard operating procedures” in the conduct of BECs. In more dysfunctional—the Judiciary Department in particular? Are ultimately exiting administration, its leaders and minions, has not
truth it can be said that BECs are the local Church writ small, they now well poised to make their public Offices more effective in done and perpetrated. Hence: Come on, guys and gals. Let’s do
but for all their smallness are nonetheless living models of how enslaving the poor and exploiting the ignorant? Or may the Filipino it—for GOD and COUNTRY!
the larger Church should go if it is to go at all in the direction of
fully inculturating her faith. Sr. Mary Pilar Verzosa, RGS
–Pastoral Exhortation on Philippine Culture, 1999
Love Life
Journey to political renewal CHERRY fainted at Mass the other day. This warm water. This was all happening while are synchronized. Think of an orchestra. It
was at our Good Shepherd Convent in Ba- the Mass was going on. It did not take four can produce beautiful music only if all the
ALTHOUGH the current electoral process is still far from over, guio, where our Sisters have about two hun- minutes to revive her. I returned to my place musicians tune their instruments and then
the general national feeling is that of amazement and perhaps dred fifty scholars coming from the different and resumed my attention at Mass. coordinate the timing of their playing. The
satisfaction. It is not farfetched that some may even hail some provinces in the Cordillera Region working At the end of the Mass, the students and conductor is responsible for ensuring that
awards to the Comelec and those responsible for its developing a few hours in our bakeshop making all nuns affirmed that what I had taught them everyone is playing together harmoniously,
success. those famous ube jam and peanut brittle that the day before indeed works! I happened to to the same pitch and tempo. So it is with the
The manual count that took ages to accomplish because, admittedly, tourists must bring home for “pasalubong”. be in Baguio for some meetings last week body. That is the role of the innate wisdom
it took the long route of manipulations which included the notorious There was a commotion behind me as I when the Sisters asked me to give a session of the body. The body can heal itself, as is
“dagdag-bawas”, is finally archived—and hopefully forever was piously following the prayers. I turned to the scholars on “Bodytalk”. This is one of proven day by day. It gets rid of the pollut-
together with the dirty machinations that went with it. around and saw this young lady slumped the newer alternative healing modalities that ants and toxins we are exposed continuously.
over another girl who was frantically trying is comprehensive, relatively simple, non- We get sick only if our body’s immunity is
The long queues of voters aside, the speed of the automated polls to revive her. Being THE nurse, I quickly invasive, effective and safe energy medicine. weak and overwhelmed.
was so stunning that it may have given no time for schemers and went over and adjusted her to lie down on It helps the body rebalance it system for Over the years, as the Bodytalk system was
operators to work on their age-old craft of rigging election results. the pew. I then did the “Bodytalk” technique improved health. developed by pioneers Dr. John Veltheim
This first poll automation in the country is a “milestone”, or so while calling her name and telling her that As our Manual on Bodytalk Systems and Sylvia Muiznieks, we have learned that
said the Cardinal of Manila with some good reasons. she will be OK. She would open her eyes explains, the bodymind complex should utilizing the self-healing capacity of our body
briefly then close them again. Her breathing be regarded to function as a synchronized has lessened the use of medications and sur-
Of course, the poll automation was far from perfect. Perhaps and pulse was very weak. And she was pale unit and not as a bundle of autonomously gery. The technique is not a cure-all or magic
the admiration may even just be an expression of a simple as a white sheet of paper. Her long black functioning parts. “Poor health is an indica- worker, but it is scientific, and makes use of
sensation of relief from the grim scenarios painted by the constant
hair was dripping wet—having had a cold tion that the body’s innate ability to heal and both western and eastern traditions in heal-
malfunctioning of the precinct count optical scan (PCOS)
shower at 5:30 in the morning! maintain synchronicity within itself is being ing. It makes use of neuromuscular biofeed-
machines that made dumb out of Commission on Elections and
I then performed what I had learned in compromised due to imbalances caused by back to determine which aspects of the body
SMARTMATIC-TIM, the machine supplier.
the “Bodytalk” classes last January, tapping stresses from daily living”. These stresses are poorly linked and under-communicating
Without discounting the possibility that a barrage of protest will her head and chest areas while encourag- could be emotional, situational, poor nutri- with other parts. Focusing on those parts
follow suit after the random manual audit is finished in a day or ing her to breathe deeply. As soon as I did tion, exposure to pollution, toxins, microbes, and lightly tapping the head enables the
two, this automation is a big leap enough towards the long journey the last step, she opened wide her eyes, sat and allergens. Good health can be achieved bodymind to register the links in the brain
of political renewal in the country—even if the socio-political down, looked around and allowed herself only when all the body parts and systems are while it “scans” the body for blocks, damages
value system (which, for instance, is still the one that feeds on to be escorted out of the chapel for a sip of functioning properly and then their activities Love Life / A7
the rampant vote buying) is still in the works.
Fr. Melvin P. Castro
The tale of two
Speaking of Mary Cardinals

I WAS in high school when I first saw the late Jaime Cardinal Sin. I To this day, I remember him with great admiration and emulation
believe it was sometime in 1986 after the People Power Revolution. even. He was such a prophetic pastor.
I just felt very happy to have seen him pass by us students as we March 2002, I was in a personal retreat in Lipa Carmel. During
were made to stand along the street to welcome him and the late one of the “break time,” I conversed with the late Prioress, Mo.
Pedro C. Quitorio Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines, Archbishop Torpigliani. Bernadette. During the conversation, she mentioned and encour-
Editor-in-Chief I wrote him after some months and told him how much I admire and aged me to see the then Archbishop of Lipa, Archbishop Gaudencio
respect him. He was gracious enough to respond back and even sent me Rosales. And I did see him. He was so gracious to speak with me,
Pinky Barrientos, FSP Kris P. Bayos an autographed picture of himself which I faithfully keep to this day. although there was no prior appointment whatsoever, and he didn’t
Associate Editor Feature Editor What followed were the tumultuous years during the Aquino ad- even know me beforehand.
ministration, so many coup attempts and natural disasters. Cardinal Then he became the Archbishop-Cardinal of Manila. Last 02 May
Melo M. Acuña Laarni Bergado Sin would regularly call on the people to pray or even to rally at 2010, we had the Mass for the Filipino Family and the Covenant
Managing Editor Marketing Supervisor the EDSA Shrine to protect the gains of the EDSA Revolution, and I Signing for the Protection of Family and Life. We requested His
would always be there. How I loved and admired Cardinal Sin. Eminence to preside over the Holy Mass and deliver the Homily.
Roy Q. Lagarde Ernani M. Ramos
News Editor Circulation Manager When I was a seminarian in the Eternal City, he would come to Even with such a short notice, he gladly accepted. And the Homily
visit Collegio Filippino and although I did not reside there, one of the was such a beautiful and very timely one.
Laurence John R. Morales Marcelita Dominguez resident-priests there, Fr. Greg Gaston, facilitated my meeting with After the Holy Mass, I approached His Eminence if he was will-
Layout Artist and Online Editor Comptroller him. It was sometime in 1995. And how he was so gracious to converse ing to meet the secular media and he did, graciously accepting the
with me for almost an hour speaking about so many things. request an interview. It began at around 2:00 in the afternoon and
The CBCP Monitor is published fortnightly by the CBCP Com- In January 2002, the anniversary of EDSA II, I was accompanying ended almost at 3:00. I was there all throughout the time of the
munications Development Foundation, Inc., with editorial and the International Pilgrim Virgin Statues (IPVS) of Our Lady of Fatima media interview.
business offices at 470 Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Manila.
P.O. Box 3601, 1076 MCPO. and were at the EDSA Shrine. Cardinal Sin was then very weak. I His Eminence was so insistent on his being optimistic on our
Editorial: (063) 404-2182. Business: (063)404-1612. am not sure if he still recognized me, but I remember him looking country and on our people, and yes, even on the electoral process.
ISSN 1908-2940 at me intently. I was too “shy” to get close to him and speak with It was in that context that he was asked that if there would be fraud,
him. It was the last time I saw him alive. Mary / A6
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 10
May 10 - 23, 2010
Opinion A5
Fr. Roy Cimagala Jose B. Lugay
The error of training
Candidly Speaking professionals not persons Laiko Lampstand
A Challenge to the
THE prestigious Pontifical Academy of the opinions to be able to capture a more com- but justice, solidarity and charity seem to be
Social Sciences has just concluded its latest plete understanding of things. We in fact slipping away. This is when we can be good
plenary session with some very interesting should be wary when these differences are professionally, but bad as persons.
findings and observations. As you may
already know, it’s the Vatican body that
missing, because it can mean we are falling
into a cliquish or elitist mentality, narrow-
The crises we are seeing now in sharp
relief, as played out in the world stage like New Leadership
gathers experts in the different fields of so- minded and often divisive. in the US and Europe, particularly Greece,
cial science to monitor social developments We have to understand that the ideal of Portugal, Ireland and Spain, expose this seri- THE presidential election campaign of 2010 will be etched in
worldwide as they impact on religion. human unity, peace and harmony among ous if not potentially fatal flaw of a people Philippine history as a landmark of change. This is the first elec-
This is an angle that should never be ourselves should never be taken to mean uni- who are professionally rich but personally tion that employed the automated election system nationwide.
neglected, because in their ultimate dimen- formity. As the motto of the American seal poor. The Comelec had its tense moments of crises – from the bidding
sions all our human affairs, our business and would have it, “E pluribus unum,” we need This, of course, is not a very pleasant thing process to the selection of Smartmatic/TIM as the winning bid-
politics, etc., have their beginning and end in to dynamically craft a unity out of many and to say, but problems are usually not pleasant, der, to the final hurdle in the Supreme Court on the petitions of
God. We should not get stuck with the purely even conflicting elements. It’s actually a very and we always have the penchant to deny oppositionists for Comelec to postpone the election.
technical and professional aspects, though exciting affair. their existence, at least in the beginning. During the test run of the automated election machines in
they, of course, are also indispensable. Back to the findings of the Pontifical Acad- We sometimes need painful and explosive several precincts in Metro Manila, the Precinct Count Optical
We need to remind ourselves often of this emy of the Social Sciences, I was struck by disasters to wake us up to reality. Scan (PCOS) machines failed to read and count the votes of local
point and to develop a growing literacy and one of the observations mentioned by its of- I believe that the problems besetting these candidates. This was later attributed to the failure of the contact
competence in living this crucial aspect of our ficial rapporteur. After a sweeping analysis countries and the world in general today are flash cards (CFC) which was unable to read the back side of the
life. We need to help one another here, not of world social situation, he thought that in such dimensions and proportions that ballot where the local candidates were listed. Local candidates
getting stumped and in fact going beyond maybe the incumbent educational system can’t be helped by the usual palliatives that whose votes were not counted, raised hell. Smartmatic’s Cesar
the unavoidable differences and conflicts we we have is missing out on one crucial aspect may have worked before and for a span of Flores and Comelec’s G. Larrazabal reassured all that the CFC’s
will have in our temporal affairs. of learning. He said we seem to be training time. They are pointing to a more serious can readily be replaced with newly revised ones. However, as
These differences and conflicts can actu- professionals but fail to train persons. cause that requires a more radical and com- of March 8, two days before the election, the public was still
ally be a source of good for all of us, since I think the distinction, more of a nuance prehensive solution. apprehensive. The CFCs which would replace the botched
they can give us a more complete picture of than of substance, is worth looking into. In the end it is always us who cause the ones, reached only less than 30% of its destined polling places.
our human affairs, given our different situ- There certainly is no problem with training problems and can also come up with the Nevertheless, the final word of the Supreme Court and the as-
ations and positions in life. They force us to people to be professionals, endowed with as solution. We need to look more into what is surance given by Chairman Jose Melo had given the anxious
expand our vision in life. much information and techniques as pos- wrong with us than with the world around voters a lame assurance. Accepting the inevitable, the laity
They should not be considered in their sible. That’s always welcome. The problem us. What is wrong with the economy, the offered their prayerful wish that the automated election will
purely negative or destructive character, arises when such training undermines our political systems, etc., is a mere reflection of proceed as planned.
since they can occasion greater dialogue, personhood. what is wrong with us. Due to the cliff-hanging series of quality failures of the planned
deeper concern and understanding among Simply said, we may be good in knowl- The solution is to understand that we are system for election as well as the deteriorating temper of the
ourselves. They certainly can enrich our ap- edge and in technologies, but we flunk as not mere political or economic animals, but presidential candidates according to their ratings in the survey
preciation of persons and things in general. persons since we fail to love one another persons, created in the image and likeness results of SWS and/or Pulse Asia, the Church sought for prayers
To a certain extent, we have to welcome properly, let alone, to love God. We can of God, the inalienable truth we should not and intercession to let this political crisis veer away from the
and even foster this variety of views and possess a lot of money, power and fame, play around with. specter of a military junta takeover predicted by no less than the
Secretary of National Defense if the automated elections fail. All
lay organizations were enjoined to participate in a novena by Bro.
Fr. Carmelo O. Diola, SSL Ed Tirona, president of Sangguniang Laiko ng Pilipinas properly

Sowing seeds supported by His Eminence Cardinal Gaudencio Rosales starting

May 2 up to election day, May 10.
Spaces of Hope As the last day of the campaign neared, the competing
presidential candidates, changed their campaign strategies. The
candidate who rated low in the survey, offended by what he sus-
SAINT Peter’s Church in the diocese of Novaliches, Quezon City, is been given. There is hunger for a spiritual space for sifting through pected as paid manipulated results, sued the survey companies.
a national landmark of sorts. Not only does it have the most number one’s thoughts and to make room for God. This rings true since The candidate leading in the survey was emboldened to assume
of masses during weekends (30+ on a Sunday with around 18 of these such recollections do not allow entry by the media and there are victory and pronounced that he would not accept defeat and
in the church building itself), it boldly stands on the same stretch of no endorsements. would resort to people power again if cheated. Our good Cardinal
road that is shared by a religious cult noted for not respecting the What is critical to the conduct and sustainability of the recollections Gaudencio Rosales objected to this statement emphatically and
consciences of its members. It is also close to government offices of and its key result area of creating a spiritual space for listening is the came out in the news headlines the next day.
national importance. presence of pastoral companions who offer different services. Meantime the candidates meeting the people during their
The church grounds are also a favorite staging point for political What has emerged is quite interesting. In one diocese, most of the campaign in the provinces as well as the surprise endorsement
rallies. companions were lay people who are active in the parish. In another, of well-known and well-placed political leaders, including
Recently, it has become the scene of the sowing of seeds for the two bishops were visible at various times during the recollection. In religious personalities, the ratings for the positions of Presi-
evangelization of politics. Last year, it became part of the emerging another, priests played this role. dent and Vice President changed drastically. If one adds the
CiDE network. Not only did some of its staff and volunteers – led Only God really knows where this is headed. He takes the lead, character assassination using old and trumped up records of
by parish priest, Fr. Tony Labiao – attend the national consultation and we follow. Yet, he has already shown the way. In the writer of leading candidates, the predicted results of the election was as
in Cebu, the parish also organized a seminar and an orientation the letter to the Ephesians reflects: “For he is the peace between us, accurate as a see-saw’s swing. A political analyst interviewed
on CiDE for the dioceses of Novaliches and Cubao; the latter ably and has the two into one entity and broken down the barrier which on TV declared that survey results will change drastically if the
coordinated by Mr. Johnny Cardenas. used to keep them apart…” (2: 14). turnout of voters is low. The determining vote, he says, is the D
They had actually formed 3 teams to spread CiDE as a result of Exchanging places leads to healing. and E votes as well as the 3 million votes of the Iglesia ni Kristo.
the 22-23 July seminar but nature intervened with the devastation There is no Catholic vote in spite of the endorsement of several
brought about by typhoons Ondoy and Pepeng. The parish was in ***** bishops for Kapatiran. So it is anybody’s guess who will win this
the forefront of disaster relief. election. Suffice it to say that the presidentiables and senatorial
Things began to pick up again with a CiDE national gathering last Forty candidates from the local to the provincial levels attended candidates discussed all the issues that are dear to the ears of
2-3 February followed up by a trainors’ training for pastoral workers a candidates’ recollection in the diocese of Maasin last 4 March. The the listeners. What they do not say to their audience is that all
of St. Peter’s parish and other parishes from different dioceses. To spiritual space for listening had been organized by Barug Maasin their promises are conditional – it will depend on the support
facilitate coordination for the work of CiDE, participants agreed to (an anti-corruption group) and the social-action office. the newly elected President can get from the winners of the
cross church boundaries and use political boundaries so the grass- The event was held at the St. Joseph school. election. Since the Party system is practically inutile, the new
roots would be better served. One incident stands out. The mayor of the town of St. Bernard leadership will have to do a lot of one-on-one convincing of the
Then a discernment integrity recollection for candidates was orga- (i.e. the horrific landslide killing many students and their teachers) new members of the legislature.
nized last 19 March by the three dioceses in Quezon City: Novaliches, stood up and made the following impassioned plea: During this political season, several dioceses in Luzon, Visayas
Cubao, and Caloocan. This was attended by about 70 candidates, I believe that, if all priests do the same then we’ll have more and Mindanao got involved in the pastoral accompaniment sug-
including some very familiar faces. The recollection could not have conscientious voters. My request is for priests all over the country gested by Pope Benedict XVI through circles of discernment. It
occurred on a better date: the feast of St Joseph, truly a leader in the to get involved in ‘NO VOTE BUYING, NO GUNS OR GOONS would be interesting to assess the effect of the work of Dilaab
fullest sense of the word. AND NO CHEATING’ campaign. If possible, they should guide Foundation and the use of its LASER test on candidates. Its
The formation of the practical conscience takes time and effort: the faithful on the good qualities of the candidates to elect and the success can not be measured during one election season. This
“The Church proposes; she imposes nothing.” bad qualities of the candidates to reject, short of naming names. I is an attempt to change values of voters as well as candidates
At least, seeds are being sowed. can see the influence of the priests upon the people, more than the for the various local and national positions. Any management
influence mayors exert upon them. As candidates we will try our of change will have first to hurdle and institute changes in the
***** best to break and change the distorted political culture, but there is entrenched political dynasties. They have accumulated riches
synergy if we do it together. through corrupt practices – more than enough to buy votes
Many candidates hunger for discernment integrity recollections. He told me later that his request was inspired by the story of during the succeeding electoral process. Even if one honest man
In one diocese where this was organized, a priest-organizer jokingly another priest, Fr. Ver of Cebu. wins in the polls today, he can never be sure that he can not be
remarked that the recollection made some candidate angry towards Here was an impassioned plea from an elected public servant who booted out of his winning position when money and connec-
the local ordinary. “Why is this organized only now? We should recognizes the critical role the Church plays in the journey towards tions with the Comelec still works. A good example is the case
have had this before we submitted our certificates of candidacy,” social transformation. This is a sign of the times, a plea for pastoral of Governor Ed Panlilio.
one participant was quoted as saying. accompaniment. After all, when one journeys with another, it is not While the Church time and again through its pastoral letters,
So far, feedback from participants has been overwhelmingly from a distance but up close and personal. calls for national renewal through social transformation, the
positive in the nine dioceses where the recollections have so far How shall we respond to this call? current and growing ills of society indicate that whatever evan-
gelization the Church has done for the laity in the past has not
passed on its benefits to the present society. The newly elected
Rev. Euly B. Belizar, SThD
Elections and the
leaders know that the people want change. Graft and corruption,
cheating and questionable governance that lead to the loss of 30%
of the budget to kickbacks now pervading in most government

By the Roadside Filipino projects and transactions should take first priority for action by
the newly elected politicians. All of the money lost due to cor-
ruption once saved by proper monitoring of procurement and
I’VE always ached for words to describe the way elections offer an open door even to the poor. And also a tool in keeping a family’s project implementation will definitely save enough funds for
we Filipinos regard elections. The closest is, you shouldn’t that be cause for celebration? I’ve always grip on dominance in a turf, its alleviating the poverty of our people. Let us not hear anymore
guessed right, ‘circus’. For most other people thought President Quezon shouldn’t have uttered survival or blossoming; violence of results of surveys similar to that of 2009 which showed that
elections are just one of those ho-hum exercises of those words about his preference of a Philippines is a tool of power, yes, violence about 16% of our poor people take only 2 meals a day and that
freedom. For us elections are big time show, party “run like hell by Filipinos” to one “run like heaven” in arms as well as in words. hungry schoolchildren have to be coaxed to attend school in
and politics in one. I had two chances of watching by our favorite foreigners (who else?) because That explains the mud-slinging order to accept a dole-out of one ganta of rice each day for the
the U.S. presidential elections: in 1992 and in 2009. that seemingly has become our lot from Day One and character assassinations family meal.
Except for their heightened interest in the debates Filipinos started running their own country. But that, though also true in other The newly elected President’s performance must be measured
most Americans simply tolerated the exercises the ask any Juan or Juana de la Cruz on the streets. countries, are uniquely Filipino not only by the wisdom of his direction for policy changes but
way a patient tolerates a doctor’s knife in the O.R. And he/she will tell you, “Be that as it may, Sir/ during elections. Verbal and also by his ability to harness the right people who are schooled
The young almost always avoided politics like the Ma’am, we have this one chance to get back at our armed violence is a way of ad- in the management of change, with integrity and honesty, always
plague. A recent exception was during the candi- tormentors, incumbent or future. Elections are our vancing the cause of the tribe, deciding in favor the common good.
dacy of then Senator Barak Obama to the highest singular weapon to a new tomorrow or to forget defending its turf and honor If the newly elected President would prioritize the eradica-
office of the U.S. when he inspired many people today!” And so let the music go blaring, let the or eliminating a threat. The tion of graft and corruption in government procurement, the
by what Colin Powell called his “transformational politicians go baring their slogans and platforms, sooner we acknowledge the Sangguniang Laiko ng Pilipinas is ready to offer its services
figure” looming large in the horizon, coupled with let celebrities mix with and entertain the hoi pol- violent streak in us, which finds as Observers for the Bids and Awards Committees of the new
his soaring rhetorical skills. loi, let candidates believe they are undiscovered expression in black propaganda government. Our contact numbers: c/o Joseph Jesalva 5275388
For us Filipinos elections offer, for now, little singers, dancers, comedians/comediennes. We the and in actual bloodletting, the or Jose B. Lugay, 0918 9392508.
such promise. That doesn’t dampen our spirits people don’t mind. We know the truth anyway. I better for us in our crusade to
though. Elections often seem the democratic mari- wonder if our politicians ever realize how all their find ways of taming it by an informed conscience, And, as Catholics (with no prejudice to those who
juana that we inhale with abandon. But nothing efforts rarely earn them any serious attention, not more effective laws and internal as well as external aren’t), don’t we feel justly proud to observe how
reveals our national psyche better. to say votes. On the other hand, I think they do restraint. We are no more violent than other races our faith had something to do with our national
Elections uncover us as a festive people. Colors and still go on with the show because everybody and it’s no use making comparisons. We can only tryst with non-violent change?
greet you everywhere you go in the archipelago, just wants to celebrate nothing in particular except compare ourselves with the best our own history Alas, elections have also put in display our
and I’m not just talking about campaign posters, life that, thank God, is still under some semblance offers. Violence may be a streak in our national circuitous relations with discipline. The late presi-
streamers or ads. I’m talking about the kind of of democracy. character but it doesn’t define us. Wasn’t there an dent, Ferdinand Marcos, often regarded a dictator,
persons we become when we run for office or Alas, elections also unwraps the violent streak EDSA Revolution of 1986, unique and unrepeat- had an uncanny insight into our situation when,
express support for our candidates. The basic in us. The Maguindanao Massacre is, to date, its able but also ongoing even as I write, that once in trying to promote his New Society, he coined
color of our skin is not brown. It’s celebration. No worst and most egregious expression. But before served notice to all the world how change can the motto: “Sa ikauunlad ng bayan, disiplina ang
matter how poor we are, how bad our economy that there were other lesser known or remem- also happen without or with very little violence, kailangan (For the country to progress, discipline
or how terrible the way we are governed, we will bered killings and political assassinations. No, with millions of Filipinos at its helm? Wasn’t that is necessary)”. I couldn’t agree more. But the use
always find a reason to celebrate. In our collective it’s not only that some Filipinos and their families our own message in a bottle to ourselves that, yes, of external force and Martial Law to instill what is
mindset elections are one of those reasons. For one, believe they have power in their genes. Power is we can also go beyond violence to effect change? Roadside / A6
Local News
CBCP Monitor
A6 Vol. 14 No. 10
May 10 - 23, 2010

Cardinal Rosales explains position

on people power PPCRV Lingayen
AFTER receiving criticisms for calling as
“crazy” the idea of having another people
But the prelate said he did not mean to hurt
anyone when he branded calls for people Dagupan conducts
training on citizen
power if the elections are thwarted, Gaudencio power at this time as insane.
Cardinal Rosales issued a statement to explain What he meant by that time was that the
his position. current situation, at the time, more than a week
Rosales, the archbishop of Manila, clarified before Election Day, does not yet warrant for
he will not turn down any possibilities of hav-
ing another uprising in the aftermath of the
May 10 polls as long as it is justified.
The statement claimed that the cardinal’s
mass protests.
Rosales said he is not against the idea of
People Power noting that he is very much sup-
portive of it during the first EDSA in 1986.
AIMING to make election monitoring and reporting wider in
statements against those threatening a new And if the 2010 elections proved to be as reach through citizen journalism, the Parish Pastoral Council
people power last Sunday were not “re- fraudulent and incredible as the first popu- for Responsible Voting of Lingayen Dagupan (PPCRV-LD) has
flected” upon. lar uprising, the 77-year old prelate said this organized a seminar-training on Citizen Journalism.
“The interview words he used should have would give enough justification to a new The seminar training was held last April 24, 2010 in Pangasi-
been well reflected on, words he (lately and Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales people power. nan.
now) admittedly did not mean (much less to “Should there be, in the actual process of Organizers said the endeavor is part of the program of the PP-
hurt the sensibilities of others),” part of the statement read. voting, proven massive cheating, the use of violence and massive CRV to ensure, clean, honest, accurate, meaningful and peaceful
Cardinal Rosales on Sunday tagged as “irresponsible” the people election fraud, then this is the time to respond to whatever the (CHAMP) election.
and groups planning to stage mass protests if the elections will be people’s mass movement could justly claim; and this would be Participants were taught about responsible news gathering,
wracked by fraud. supported,” he said. writing and reporting by some professional journalists. Session
Liberal Party presidential candidate Sen. Benigno Aquino III ear- But for now, Rosales said it would be better to trust the system as on photojournalism was also given.
lier said that Filipinos might rise again and exercise their sovereignty he called on the faithful to remain vigilant. The PPCRV-LD has also made an account with some social
through people power if there will be poll failure. “Since already the whole nation is primed for and actually prepar- networking like Facebook and Twitter that is much more ac-
The son of People Power 1 hero, the late former president Corazon ing for the electoral practice of choosing leaders, the Archbishop is cessible to the public for election related updates.
Aquino, had also said only a failure of the automated election system in favor of not hurriedly circumventing the election process, before Organizers said the attendees are expected to “re-echo their
will make him lose the race to Malacañang as shown in his strong a renowned mass movement remedy is assumed,” he said. (Roy learning to their co-parishioners who will also act as PPCRV
showing in almost all pre-election surveys. Lagarde/CBCPNews) Poll Watchers.”
Cardinal / A1 “PPCRV-LD is hoping to fill up all the precincts with PPCRV
she allegedly committed while in power. and peaceful” elections. Voting (PPCRV). Poll watchers, as well as fill up all the PPCRV volunteer types.
From the voters, Comelec officials, PPCRV As of 5:30 p.m. of May 13, Aquino had PPCRV-LD is hoping to get an ideal 15,000 volunteers to ensure
‘Truthful’ volunteers, military, police and even the secured 41.85 percent of the more than 35 CHAMP Elections, according to them.
Cardinal Rosales made the statement media, they are all part of the “great things million votes counted, according to the PP- The media desk of the PPCRV-LD has also collaborated with
on May 13 while delivering his homily at given by God.” CRV’s partial tally. other local media for a more extensive distribution of news in-
a Thanksgiving Mass held at the Manila “How do you call these people? We will call His nearest rival, former president Joseph formation. (Kate Laceda)
Cathedral for the “successful and peaceful” them by one word. They are gifts,” he said. Estrada, was far behind with 26.47 percent,
conduct of the automated polls. “Yes, we have to admit there were flaws… or 5.5 million fewer votes, according to the Prayer / A1
The liturgical celebration was attended by it wasn’t perfect and I don’t think (there’s poll watchdog’s figures. The Rome launching was timed to synchronize with a Eucharistic
Armed Forces of the Philippines chief Gen. such one) but by and large it was a successful With the 75 percent of the 50 million celebration held at the EDSA Shrine in Manila organized by the
Delfin Bangit and Philippine National Police election… peaceful, honest, and truthful,” registered voters that turned out during the Center for Peace, Asia which is following the Quarant’Ore prayer
chief Gen. Jesus Verzosa and other ranking added Rosales. elections, the figures showed that Aquino for their members and other religious groups in Metro Manila.
military and police officials. apparently had an overwhelming lead. After the inaugural mass at the Basilica Santa Pudenziana, the
Also in attendance were Commission on Noynoy, Binay widen lead Meanwhile, Makati Mayor Jejomar Bi- Quarant’Ore prayer was continued by different religious congrega-
Elections (Comelec) Commissioner Rene Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino has undoubt- nay is in close race with Manuel Roxas in tions/communities who belong to the Association of Filipino Priests,
Sarmiento and Parish Pastoral Council for edly seized all the momentum after taking a the vice presidential race as shown in the Religious and Seminarians in their respective oratories. Some Filipino
Responsible Voting (PPCRV) chairperson wide lead in presidential elections. partial and unofficial results transmitted to migrants’ communities and individuals have also signed up to join
Henrietta de Villa. At press time, the son of two Philippine the PPCRV. this activity in their respective churches.
Rosales said what happened last May 10 is democracy icons maintains a huge lead in Binay has around 786, 000 votes lead over Josephine Bantug, assistant to the Philippine Ambassador to the
worth thanking because many people from an unofficial tally being conducted by the Roxas based on the updated figures released Holy See, has encouraged the participants to pray the Holy Rosary,
various sectors took part to ensure “clean Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible by the PPCRV. the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and the “Prayer for Philippine Elec-
tions” from May 6 at 6 p.m. to May 8, 9 p.m.
Non-negotiable / A1 The Quarant’Ore devotion was started in Milan and spread to other
he believes the role of the Church is to be the “conscience’ of the He warned the country’s next chief executive to be cautious not parts of Italy in the middle of the 16th century. In the context of threats
government as he expects Aquino to immediately address poverty to install back into power relatives who comprised the dreaded against the Church that time, Pope Clement VIII commended this
and graft and corruption. Kamag-anak Inc. practice of unwearied prayer in the different churches in Rome.
In a separate text message to CBCPNews, the prelate from the “As we pray for his success and good governance, we urge him It was in the same spirit of prayerful supplication before the Blessed
impoverished province of Basilan said the new government should to unite our country and build a nation of justice and prosperity,” Sacrament that Mercedes Tuason, Philippine Ambassador to the Holy
address the problem brought about by “absentee mayors” in the Bagaforo said. See; Fr. Romeo Velos, CS, Chaplain of Sentro Pilipino; and Bishop-elect
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. Legazpi Bishop Joel Baylon said the Church does not change Ruperto Santos, Rector of Collegio Filippino; have invited all Filipinos
“He should also address concerns about family planning,” the its pro-life advocacy whenever there’s a change in the country’s in Rome to ensure that this chain of prayer will not be broken, so that,
53-year old prelate said. presidency. in the words of Pope Clement VIII “the incense of prayer shall ascend
For his part, Manila Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus Teodoro Buhain He added it is time to engage the new leadership into a healthy without intermission before the face of the Lord”.
does not see any substantial change under the Aquino leadership partnership and collaboration towards strengthening structures Filipinos in Rome are also invited to attend the Eucharistic celebra-
except for “a few dramatic public relations moves at the beginning and institutions that will safeguard the values of life, family and tion at the Basilica Santa Pudenziana on May 9, to pray for honest,
of Aquino’s term.” human rights. peaceful and credible elections in the Philippines on May 10.
Calbayog Bishop Isabelo Abarquez said the Church would remain Legazpi Bishop Emeritus Jose Sorra said he would like to see how
unchanging in its stand against reproductive health issues. Senator Aquino “wriggle out of the political cordon” by his political Nine-day vigil
Optimistic that the new president will deliver as he promised, patrons with individual vested interests who all expect a payback In Manila, the Radio Veritas, CBCP Media Office and Laiko ng
“to fight against corruption and eliminate poverty”, he said the of the favors earlier granted him in his campaign. Pilipinas have led a nine-day vigil from May 5-13, 2010 in response
Church will “observe, reflect, collaborate, and work harmoniously” The bishop pointed out that both Aquino’s mother and President to the call of Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal Rosales and
with Aquino. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo “flunked” in this aspect. CBCP President Nereo Odchimar.
Puerto Princesa Bishop Pedro Arigo said the Church will continue “Watch him closely on the first 50 or a hundred days and see him The vigils were held at the chapel of the Arzobispado in Intra-
its critical collaboration and explained the morals of its pro-life wriggle out and grapple with his main graft and corruption cam- muros from 12 noon to midnight for 9 days with the participation
advocacy. paign within his first 200 days. Watch how, if ever, he’ll dispose the of Couples for Christ, Knights of Columbus, Caritas Manila, As-
“I wish Senator Aquino will be true to his campaign promises family-owned Hacienda Luisita, and honor his promise of leadership sociation of Major Religious Superiors of the Philippines, Youth
to address the issues of corruption and poverty,” the 71-year old by example, where his mother failed,” the retired prelate said. Pinoy, Akkapka-Canv and other religious organizations under the
prelate said. He added he looks forward to see the new chief ex- He said the Catholic Church will maintain its pro-active critical Laiko ng Pilipinas.
ecutive to prosecute cases of graft and corruption against certain collaboration in good governance and professionally document and Joe Tale, Press Relations Officer of the Laiko ng Pilipinas, said this
individuals. consistently monitor programs. vigil has nothing in mind but to pray for God’s intervention in the
Cotabato Auxiliary Bishop Jose Colin Bagaforo said Humanae Bishop Sorra said there is a need to carry on a wide-ranging socio- forthcoming elections.
vitae provides basis for the Church’s non-negotiable stand on pro- cultural and spiritual-moral education in all economic classes. This “Ang buong election process pati bilangan ay dapat itaas sa Pangi-
life advocacy though the Church should aggressively pursue social can be done, he said, by extensive holistic human development noon para magkaroon tayo ng honest, clean and credible elections,”
and moral issues through dialogue partnership with government, approach through the building of church-based Basic Ecclesial Com- he said. (Fr. Jose V.C. Quilongquilong, S.J. and Kate Laceda)
especially in the legislative agenda. munities. (Melo M. Acuña)
Roadside / A5
Mary / A4 necessarily an internal reality only created more evil than the woeful
as many were foreseeing then, if there was parently is so active and militant, the other I always struggle to see things in God’s lack of discipline in our character. Martial Law triggered abuse of
a need for a reprise of People Power. He is passive and less passionate. I really have perspective, at least to approximate it; that power from large sections of the military, engineered assassinations
answered that he didn’t hear any of these to disagree. is to say, to discern God’s Will. And in the and deaths of perceived enemies of the powers-that-be, normalized
“prophets of doom” (my words) speak. But The Church in the Philippines needed end, despite how tempting it is to look and human rights violations in the name of national security and nearly
if there were, he does not agree since there a Cardinal Sin during that time, and God consider things from a purely human point consigned us to the dust bin of history. Still Filipinos have scarcely
constitutional and legal recourses. Only if gave us Cardinal Sin. The Church in the of view, we see the greater, the deeper, and developed any kinship with Lady Discipline. This is particularly
all these are exhausted should we have re- Philippines needs a Cardinal Rosales now, the bigger picture when we strive to look at clear during elections. You see it in the way our politicians and their
course to People Power. It was also at this God gave us Cardinal Rosales. Each with things supernaturally. supporters skirt elections laws prohibiting display of political ads
point that Cardinal Rosales said there were their own prophetic role to play, each with Cardinal Rosales—with his own particu- on trees, electric posts and such other non-designated places (in the
no parallelisms to the Philippines in 1986 to their own charism and style, and I dare say, lar character, wisdom, and strengths—is province it seems to me there are no non-designated places). But
the Philippines in 2010. Hence, at that point Cardinal heroically lived up to that role what the Church in Manila and what the how do we solve a problem like undisciplined Filipinos? Maybe
(02 May 2010), he sees no need for People and Cardinal Rosales heroically living up Church in the Philippines needs now. And a really professional military and more police presence can help.
Power. HE DID NOT SAY WE SHOULD to his. I most lovingly and joyfully bow down to Maybe better law enforcement can help. Maybe the elimination of
NOT DO ANYTHING IF THERE WOULD I shall always remember the words of my God’s Will. There will be another that will criminal impunity can help. But nothing will truly help until Filipinos
BE FRAUD. He simply said no need for own bishop, Bishop Florentino F. Cinense, succeed him, and we are sure, it is him that themselves welcome Lady Discipline into their daily lives not as an
People Power, as of yet. when one time in our serious conversations, would fulfill God’s Will for that particular imposed companion but as necessary partner, friend and relative
Hence, it pains to see and hear other he said, when God (through the Church time. I believe it is what they refer to as the in the family clan called development.
Catholic clergy and religious reacting against institutions) sends a bishop to a particular Grace of Office. And I believe that, I hope Alas, elections have uncovered a collective lust in many of us
Cardinal Rosales. There are so many forces diocese at a particular time, it is because you do as well. for money or power. We cheer our democratic space, but have we
that wish to portray and would wish to put a that bishop—with his style, character, spiri- In this month of May, this month dedi- not made elections a way of making as much as of losing money?
wedge between Catholic leaders. I hope and tuality, wisdom and strengths—is what is cated to Mary, may we pray more fervently The billions of pesos now being spent boggle the imagination. TV
pray we do not fall into their trap. needed at that particular time. When the for our Bishops, and for all priests as well. networks, advertising and printing companies are only some of
That is why among the Catholic faithful, time comes, and God sends another, it is We lovingly consecrate all our endeavors to the gainers. There are even candidates who run with very little
many would like to compare and contrast because in that time, that particular bishop Mary, Mediatrix of All-Grace, may She, in chance of winning and suddenly withdraw from the race at the
the two Cardinals of Manila. That one ap- fits in God’s plan. turn, offer them to Her Son. Ave Maria! homestretch. They invite talks, such as: “Oh, he’s got his money
already. That’s why he’s calling it quits.” On the other hand, I
Scandals / A3 have personally met some politicians who have lost unimagined
Church encourages all ordained in life,” Cabajog said. priesthood “in the light of the body and carry the love of Jesus amounts of property and hard-earned cash to the bottomless pit
ministers to “rekindle their They look at the priest as priesthood of Christ, who came for his people and in this way, a of election campaign drudgery to which they succumb in order to
ideals of the priesthood” and somebody who is economically not to be served but to serve priest is really to be called alter gain even a modicum of power. I’ve been amazed no end at how the
to “once again give their best rich, politically influential and because the priesthood of Christ Christus or another Christ in the quest for power has often impoverished otherwise well-off citizens
efforts to observe the promises socially high above the others, is rooted in the love of God and midst of God’s flock. and enriched once poor ones. The medieval search for the Holy
and vows they had made during he added. is practiced by way of teaching, The prelate from Surigao said Grail sometimes even pales in comparison to the Filipino frenzy
their ordination day.” “There are also others who sanctifying and shepherding.” many would look at Bishop Jose to obtain power at whatever cost financially or otherwise. Why?
would like to reduce the priestly He further said Pope Benedict Cabantan as someone going up Not in order to serve but because for some it’s the surest road to
Inadequate and wrong under- ministry to the dispensation of XVI used the words of St. John the ladder of the hierarchy with more money and money is the surest road to more power. And
standing of Priesthood sacraments, while others would Vianney who once said “Priest- his elevation to the episcopacy. our poor? Oh, they know all this by instinct. In my hometown and
Many have an inadequate or merely equate it with community hood is the love of the heart of “[But] Bishop Joe, in the Chris- I suspect in others too, they have a day or two of spending spree
wrong understanding of priest- leadership,” he emphasized. Jesus.” tian community, you are actually because of elections, never mind a rainy day tomorrow.
hood as there are people who He said during the “Year Cabajog said it is a fitting re- going a step lower in order to Indeed, rainy tomorrows will always be our lot unless we use
consider the priesthood as “a for Priests”, the people should minder for priests that in doing serve more people,” Cabajog elections to elect the leaders we need, not the leaders who need to
way of improving one’s status increase their knowledge of the their ministry, they are to em- said. (Melo Acuna) be elected.
Diocesan News
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 10
May 10 - 23, 2010

Briefing Failure of elections

declared in four
E. Samar police offer prayer for peaceful polls
BORONGAN CITY— With their handguns and rifles, law en-
forcers in Eastern Samar still believed in the power of prayer.
Policemen on April 24 gathered in prayer at the E. Samar
Provincial Police Office, here for peaceful May 10 polls. The
ecumenical prayer led by different local religious leaders was

Lanao towns
part of the province’s observance of the “National Day of
Prayer.” (CBCPNews)

Retreat for sanctification of priests held

SAN PABLO CITY— A lay organization held a 2-day retreat
for the sanctification of priests on April 20-30 at the Betania
Retreat House in Pansol, Calamba City. Dubbed as “My Retreat LANAO Del Sur— Failure of elections has been declared in at least Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM), which has been placed un-
for my Priest”, the event was also a moment of faith sharing four municipalities in the province of Lanao del Sur, a top military der Comelec control due to serious armed threats and presence of
experience in the Church and a dynamic invitation in the col- official said. paramilitary forces.
laboration of sacred minister and lay faithful in their pastoral Failure of elections was declared in the towns of Sultan Duma- The Comelec has the power to declare a failure of election in a
endeavor. (Romulo O. Ponte) londong, Tubaran, Masiu and Lumba-Bayabao, said Brig. Gen. Rey certain place based on the Omnibus Election Code, which defines
Ardo, commanding officer of the 103rd Infantry Brigade. failure of elections as a situation in which “the election in any polling
Las Piñas parish marks 25th patronal feast Ardo said lack of Board of Election Inspectors (BEIs) forced the place has not been held on the date fixed, or had been suspended
LAS PIŇAS CITY— The Five Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ declaration of a failure of elections in Sultan Dumalondong, Tubaran before the hour fixed by law.”
Parish in Las Piñas City has celebrated its silver feast day April and Masiu while the Precinct Count Optical Scan (PCOS) machines The Code also said that the suspension may also occur “after
18 with a solemn High Mass officiated by Parañaque Bishop in Lumba-Bayabao town malfunctioned on May 10. the voting and during the preparation and the transmission of the
Jesse Mercado. Various liturgical activities were held prior the However, unconfirmed reports reaching this city said that teach- election returns.”
celebration of the feast day such as the administration of the ers who were assigned as BEIs in Lanao del Sur did not report to Ella, a volunteer of the Healing Democracry based in Marawi City
sacraments of Confirmation, Mass Wedding and celebration of their respective polling precincts because of fear for their lives from told this reporter by mobile phone that aside from malfunctioning
Pista sa Nayon, on the 9th, 17th and 15th of April respectively. politicians who do not want to relinquish power. PCOS machines, there was no Comelec officer in Masiu, forcing the
(Vanessa Puno) Lanao del Sur is among the five provinces in the Autonomous BEIs to leave their post and go to Marawi City. (Bong D. Fabe)

New bishop acknowledges

Glitches in PCOS machines cause delay in CamSur,
Naga City
NAGA CITY— Some of the PCOS machines did not function
well which caused the delay of voting in other parts of Ca-
marines Sur and Naga City on May 10. Some PCOS machines

weaknesses, inadequacies
were replaced and/or stopped because of its defects, according
to a report of the Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association
of the Philippines, Inc (KCFAPI) to CBCP News. “There were
replacements of PCOS machines in Sta. Cruz, San Jose Cam
Sur. [The machines] were defective, however, voting contin-
ued and ballots were secured for canvassing later,” they said. CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY— Newly- accept his new vocation after he heard the
Bishop Jose
(CBCPNews) ordained Malaybalay Bishop Jose Araneta news from Archbishop Adams that he had Cabantan
Cabantan expressed profound gratefulness been appointed by Pope Benedict XVI as the
CBCP, CFA hold peace camp for Christians, Muslims
to God for choosing him to lead a flock of new bishop of Malaybalay.
almost two million Catholics despite his As he focused on his weakness and inad-
weaknesses and inadequacies. equacies as a “fragile human creature,” God
MANILA— In its effort to create rapport among Christians and
In his first public address after being spoke to his heart that “His covenant and
Muslims, the CBCP’s Episcopal Commission on Interreligious
ordained a bishop by Archbishop Edward never-ending love becomes our strength.”
Dialogue (ECIP) together with the Communication Founda-
Joseph Adams, the Apostolic nuncio to the He said he felt so unworthy of God’s
tion for Asia (CFA) have recently conducted a peace camp
Philippines, Bishop Cabantan expounded on calling to the bishopric because “all I can
with students as participants. The event was held at the CFA
God’s faithfulness and love for him person- think is my inadequacies and my lack of
main office in Sta. Mesa last April 19-24, 2010 which carried
ally and for the whole Church. confidence.”
the theme, “Communicating Peace: Celebrating Filipino Unity
He said that in the midst of the sex scandal He said he identified with the Psalmist
in Diversity.” (Kate Laceda)
rocking the Church to the core, especially who in Psalm 139 tried to hide from God
in the western part of the world, God still but failed.
Independence / A1 shows his faithfulness and love to His “Where shall I run from your love? If I
President,” Lagdameo said. Church by choosing him from his mother’s climb to the heavens, you are there…” he
President Gloria Arroyo on Wednesday appointed SC Associate womb to lead God’s people in the Diocese quoted the Psalmist.
Justice Corona to replace Chief Justice Reynato Puno, who is sched- of Malaybalay. During his retreat after hearing to news,
uled to retire on May 17. “In all these, God is telling us not to be Cabantan humbly confessed that he found it
There are four nominees of the Judicial Council to the top judicial afraid because His love is made great in “difficult to utter the word ‘Thy will be done’
post but Corona is the most senior SC justice. weakness,” he said. in the Lord’s Prayer” because “to utter those
Originally, there are six nominees for the chief justice post that “He never stop loving me even in times of words is going out of my comfort zone.” “God’s will is never a burden to us. It is never a
include Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio, Associate Justices my weaknesses. Yes, no one but God alone But as he struggled, God showed him the burden to me but a source of joy and hope.”
Renato Corona, Conchita Carpio-Morales, Teresita Leonardo De can fill my inadequacies,” he added. image of a river with a very strong current “It is God who makes me worthy. I do not
Castro, Arturo Brion, and Sandiganbayan Presiding Justice Edilberto Cabantan tried also to draw all eyes, hearts that he must cross. deserve this because I am a fragile person,
Sandoval. and minds of those who attended and wit- “Perhaps, that river is the Pulangi River a weak human creature and continue to be
Carpio and Carpio-Morales, however, withdrew their nominations nessed his episcopal ordination to God and of Bukidnon,” he said. weak even now if not for God’s love and care
after the SC came out with an April 17 ruling, allowing Arroyo to away from him by focusing on his weakness When God showed him that image, God for me,” he humbly said.
appoint Puno’s successor. and inadequacies. also “assured me that alone I can never Cabantan’s ordination as a bishop took
Carpio, who was then Arroyo’s chief legal counsel before their “It is His love that engulfs my whole be- cross the river. But with Him, I can do it,” place on the occasion of his 20th year as a
relationship soured, is actually more senior than Corona but had ing even when I was still in the womb of my he said. priest, the Year of the Priest and 25th year of
turned down the nomination. mother that makes me who I am,” he humbly After that, Cabantan revealed that was the the St. John Vianney Theological Seminary
by the record of the previous SC decisions on controversial cases acknowledged. time he said “Yes!” to God in his new calling where he studied the priesthood. (Bong D.
involving the Arroyo administration, Corona usually voted in favor He said that he had struggled whether to because God also made him realized that Fabe/CBCPNews)
of the administration while Carpio voted against it.

Mindanao interim peace pact opposed

The appointment of Puno’s successor earlier stirred debate, with
some saying that Arroyo cannot appoint next chief justice due to a
perceived ban on making appointments during election period.
The SC earlier also said the President cannot choose next chief
justice until there is vacancy in chief justice post. COTABATO CITY— Cotabato ment is also urging the Supreme daman, Dr. Ronald Adamat, Dr. “interim peace agreement” with-
But Malacañang opposed this idea saying that Arroyo can name vice-governor Manny Piñol is Court to compel the government Grace Rebollos, lawyers Mariano out discussing and disclosing the
chief justice earlier than Puno’s retirement but will assume post as trying to pre.vent the govern- peace panel, headed by Under- Sarmiento, Ed Malaya and James details of the agreement.
Puno retires. ment and the MILF from signing secretary Rafael Seguis “to make Kho, Ryan Sullivan and lawyer They also claimed that the
And last March 17, the High Court ruled that SC appointments the interim peace agreement public an official copy of the Zoilo Velasco and the Office GRP had once again failed to
are exempt from the election ban. (CBCPNews) (IPA) by filing a petition for draft IPA and temporarily stop of the Presidential Adviser on consult the people who may be
mandamus and prohibition negotiations with MILF regard- the Peace Process (OPAPP) and directly affected by the outcome
Zambales / A3 with application for issuance of ing the pact,” a report posted OPAPP head Annabelle Abaya. of the IPA.
the guise of granting several small-scale mining permits that are actu- a writ of preliminary injunction on the MILF website luwaran. Piñol and the other petitioners They argued that public dis-
ally involved in large-scale mining operations,” Garganera said. and/or temporary restraining com said. claimed that the respondents closure, conduct dialogues and
The mining operations on the ancestral domains have been op- order (TRO) before the Supreme Piñol claimed that “signing have violated Article II, Sections consultation with peace ad-
posed by the Aetas, particularly from the Maporac Aeta Association Court. the interim agreement without 1 and 28 and Article II; Sections vocates, peace partners and
(MAO), but it continued even without the consent of the indigenous Piñol, with some officials of consultation might lead to resur- 1 and 7 of the 1987 Philippine concerned sectors of society are
people. (CBCPNews) the Cotabato provincial govern- gence of clashes and violence,” Constitution and pertinent laws, required for matters regarding
the report said. such as Executive Order No. 3, the peace agenda and process,
The August 5, 2008 resurgence the Local Government Code, the such as the IPA. (CBCPNews)
May They Be One Bible Campaign of clashes in some areas of Min- Administrative Code of 1987,
danao, particularly in the Lanao, RA 6713 and the Indigenous Love Life / A4
Help Put a Bible in Every Filipino Home Cotabato and Maguindanao People’s Right Act by withhold- and imbalances. On the other
The diocese in Kalibo, provinces was blamed on the ing information on the IPA. hand, lightly tapping the heart
Aklan is buzzing with Praise Item Supreme Court’s junking of the “If the agreement was already complex enables the bodymind
Bible activities. Since the diocese started distribu- Praise God for a growing number of Dioceses participating GRP-MILF Memorandum of signed by the government, the to store the memory of the links.
tion under the May They Be One (MTBO) Bible in the Campaign’s Bible distribution and Bible formation Agreement on Ancestral Domain Court is asked to declare it null In this way, the body’s natural
campaign in November 2009, it has distributed activities.
more than 1,700 Bibles among the parishioners.
(MOA-AD), which was also and void,” the petitioners said. healing ability is enhanced on
Diocesan Bible Minister Fr. Arnaldo Crisostomo blocked by Piñol, Mayor Law- The petitioners also said that all levels—physical, emotional,
Please Pray mental and spiritual.
said that within five months since the MTBO dis- rence Cruz of Iligan and Mayor “Section 2 of the Local Govern-
An effective way of reaching out to the OFWs and encouraging
tribution, the number of people attending Mass Celso Lobregat of Zamboanga. ment Code requires all national Bodytalk system is spreading
in the barrios has doubled. The distribution has them to get involved in the Bible campaign.
The Supreme Court eventu- agencies and offices to conduct at a rapid rate all over the world.
significantly spurred the growth of Basic Bible ally declared the MOA-AD as periodic consultations with We were told that in Africa
Seminars and Bible formation, spreading to 23 out of 24 (3,406cps.), Bicol (2,306cps.)
parishes. Whereas Catechists in the past were dependent Target Coverage of Bible Distribution for April-June 2010
unconstitutional. appropriate local government where health centers and hospi-
on materials from different sources, Fr. Crisostomo said (based on orders received): Naval (Leyte), Davao, Ca- The MILF website report said units, non-governmental and tals are very remote, missionar-
that Catechists have now become more Bible-centered, gayan de Oro, Digos, Pagadian, Ozamis, Butuan, Dipolog, that Piñol and other petitioners people’s organizations, and ies are now teaching them to
integrating Bible teachings with their particular context and Borongan, Bayombong, San Fernando (Pampanga), Jaro against the interim peace agree- other concerned sectors of the grade school children who teach
need. There is a big clamor among the parishioners for more (Iloilo), Nueva Viscaya, Manila, San Pablo ment are blocking its signing community before any project or their mothers when they come
Bibles, especially for the Hiligaynon MTBO. To help meet Total Bible Distribution: (Jan 2009- April 30, 2010): 105,778cps because they believed it “to be an- program is implemented in their home. Bodytalk Access (the first
the demand, the parishioners approached a number of Non- + 51,724cps = 157,502cps
Government Organizations and succeeded in raising funds No. of Faith Comes By Hearing (FCBH) Bible Listening Groups
other version of the MOA-AD.” respective jurisdictions.” technique in the system) can be
for Bibles. Fr. Crisostomo also began the practice of holding in MTBO Communities: 50 Aside from Seguis, other They also said there is no need learned by virtually anyone. The
second collections to buy Bibles. From the donations the Locations/Groups: Antipolo, Marikina, Laguna, Pangasinan, named respondents to the peti- for a writ of prohibition because techniques are empowering. It
Kalibo diocese, notwithstanding the fact that it has many poor La Union, Baguio, Isabela, Nueva Viscaya, Abra, Vigan, tion are GRP peace panel mem- the GRP peace panel has entered has improved the health of in-
members itself, was even able to donate P16,000 towards the Ilocos Sur, Kalinga, Cagayan and Davao bers: Secretary Nasser Pangan- into negotiations regarding an dividuals and communities and
national MTBO Bible campaign. This year, the parishioners it has even been used in accident
plan to procure 5,000 MTBO Bibles, as a stepping stone in Target No. of Bibles for Distribution for 2010: 200,000 cps.
their plan to saturate all of the Diocese of Total Funds Needed for Printing of Bibles in
and emergency situations. It is
Kalibo with the Word of God. 2010: P30M a form of self-help that is simple
to learn and do.
No. of Dioceses participating in the Bible Support the May They Be One Bible Cam- There are now a few dozen
Campaign – 67 out of 86 Dioceses paign and help bring God’s Word to more Fili- “technicians” who have been
Bible Distribution (Jan 1, 2010 – April 30, pino homes. Your contribution of at least P150/ trained like me to do the Bodytalk
2010) month will enable poor families to have their
Total Bibles distributed – 51,724 cps. own Bibles they can read, study and pray. For
in our country. In September, we
(Jan – 10,369cps; Feb – 14,472cps; more Campaign info-visit, email or call ECBA are looking forward to the com-
Mar – 13,343cps; April – 13,540cps.) – Fr. Oscar Alunday, 470 Gen. Luna St., Intra- ing of two licensed practitioners,
Parishes/Communities served: 168 muros, Mla. Telefax no. 5279386; ecba_cbcp@ Ben Manalo and Dorothy Friesen
Bibles Distributed by Languages – Taga-;; PBS-Mrs. to give us further training on
log (15,767cps.), Cebuano (14,872cps.), Perry Cartera/Mrs. Juliet Rivera at 890 UN the Bodytalk Systems. Those
English (5,875cps.), Ilocano (5,625cps.), Ave., Ermita Mla.;;juliet@
Hiligaynon (3,873 cps.), Pangasinense; Tel. nos.
interested can contact me at
A8 People, Facts & Places CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 10
May 10 - 23, 2010

Church committee holds

convention on liturgical music
CHURCH music must remain text” of the liturgy.
as a “creation for divine wor- Resource speakers include Fr.
ship,” an award-winning priest Leo Mangusad, director of Arch-
composer said during the second diocese of Manila’ Commission
convention on liturgical music on Music and Msgr. Andres Val-
held at the Immaculate Concep- era who gave the conferences on
tion Seminary in Malolos diocese “Singing in the Liturgy or Sing-
last April 24. ing the Liturgy” and “Prepar-
“Since the first convention in ing Music for the Celebration”,
2002, many positive changes hap- respectively. nation to the priesthood
pened that shaped the liturgical Meanwhile, parallel workshops of Fr. Tex Paurom, SJ,
and musical way of worship in included Vocal Techniques, Wed- Fr. Karel San Juan,
the diocese,” Fr. Allan Antonio ding Songs, Composers/Musi- SJ, Fr. Lito Ocon, SJ,
Fr. Jhaw Haw, SJ, Fr.
explained. cians, and Psalm Singing for Nono Levosada, SJ,
Antonio is the chairman of the Cantors. Fr. Cris Fajardo, SJ and
Diocesan Committee on Liturgi- Workshop facilitators were Fr. Roy Ragas, SJ, April
cal Music (DCLM) and a recipi- Prof. Katherine “Kitchy” Molina 17, 2010. Papal Nuncio
Archbishop Edward Jo-
ent of CBCP Himig Sambayanan of the UP College of Music, Prof. seph Adams led the ordination rites at the Church of the Gesu, Ateneo
award. Ferdinand M. Bautista of the UST de Manila University. The seven new Jesuits will be assigned in various
Contributer photo

"[People in the parishes] start- Conservatory of Music, former mission posts here and abroad. Fr. Paurom, a doctor from Cagayan, will
ed singing appropriate texts head of the Diocese’s Commit- bring his medical skills in the mission parish of Cabanglasan, Bukidnon.
of Psalms and became more tee on Liturgical Music Fr. Gboi Fr. San Juan will continue his post as director of Emmaus Center for
Psycho-Spiritual Formation. Fr. Ocon, an engineer by profession, will be
sensitive with the type of songs Samonte, and Fr. Antonio, re- assigned in Culion, Palawan. Fr. Haw, a computer major from Bulacan, will
they would use in particular cel- The convention on liturgical music held at the Immaculate Conception Seminary, spectively. work with the inmates of New Bilibid Prisons in Manila. Fr. Levosada will
ebrations. We hope this would Malolos on April 24 gathered parish choirs from different parishes in Bulacan and Capping the event, the Com- join the healing ministry of the Philippine General Hospital Chaplaincy. Fr.
nearby provinces. Fajardo will be sent to Cabanglasan and Zamboanguita in the mountains
continue,” he added. mittee on Liturgical Music con-
of Mindanao, while Fr. Ragas will go to Railaku in East Timor.
Organized by the DCLM under the Diocesan Liturgical Com- ferred the Musicam Sacram Award to both Fr. Cenon Bernabe
mission, the event, dubbed “Umawit at Magpuri sa Panginoon!” and Fr. Samonte as recognition for their efforts in using music for CELEBRATED. Fr. Ronald M. Bagley, CJM,
gathered almost 900 participants from parish choirs of the dif- evangelization. 33rd anniversary of presbyteral ordination.
ferent parishes in Bulacan. Other participants from other prov- The award derived its name from the title of the Instruction on Born in Buffalo, NY (USA) in 1950, Bagley was
ordained a priest of the Congregation of Jesus
inces, such as from Nueva Ecija and Batangas, also attended the Roman Catholic Sacred Music issued by the Sacred Congregation and Mary (Eudist Fathers) in 1977. Currently a
event. for Divine Worship on March 5, 1967. professor at the Divine Word School of Theology
The convention reinforced the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy “The award is a recognition we give to priests, lay musicians, in Tagaytay City, a seminary run and owned by
promulgated by Pope Paul VI in 1963, which underscores that music and composers who have contributed to the liturgical renewal as the Society of the Divine Word (SVD), Bagley
has been involved for many years in formation
is an “integral part of the solemn liturgy.” The Church document prescribed by Musicam Sacram (the Instruction),” Fr. Antonio said work. He began his studies as a seminarian
also defines liturgical music as a “sacred song closely bound to the in an email. (Levine Lao) for the Diocese of Buffalo and transferred to

Franciscan youth holds nationwide assembly

the Eudists while in theology. He completed his theological studies at St.
Paul University in Ottawa, Ontario (Canada). He worked many years in
youth and young adult ministry with an emphasis on training leaders for
ministry. He finished his Doctor in Ministry degree at Andover Newton
Theological School in Newton Centre, Massachusetts in 1990. His focus
was on empowerment of lay people for Church ministry. He also served as
A NATIONWIDE convention aimed to chal- and to provide formation to YouFrans tors Meeting (YFAM) was also held within a parish priest and instructor in the National Certificate Program in Youth
Ministry. He also taught at the diocesan seminary in Buffalo. He wrote and
lenge the youth to respond more fully to through sessions and workshops, and to the five-day gathering, wherein formators edited several books on ministry with young adults as a part of a national
the demands of the Gospel assembled some celebrate family and friendship with one and animators were gathered to stimulate project to improve ministry to those 18-35 years old. For 11 years he was
130 Franciscan youth from April 29 to May another. deeper understanding of the YouFra and the Director of the St. John Eudes Center which offered parish missions
3 at the Our Lady of the Angels Seminary, The five-day activity included plenary the Youfrans. and leadership training to parishes across the United States, Canada,
Bagbag, Novaliches. sessions about Justice, Peace, and Integrity The animators meeting aimed to draw and other English-speaking countries. Since 2006, Fr. Ron has resided in
Tagaytay City and works in the formation of priests, seminarians, religious
Participants are members of the Franciscan of Creation, which is integral in being a Fran- directions for strengthening and improving and lay ministers for the Church.
Youth Philippines (YouFra), comprising 25 ciscan; the Word and the challenges to Fili- the formation and animation of YouFra and
local groups, 19 of which came from Luzon pino Catholic Youth, given by Mr. Stephen to acknowledge the important role of the DIED. FR. BIENVENIDO “Ben” LEANDICHO,
and six from the Visayas. No participants Borja of the National Secretariat for Youth formators and animators in the life of the O.M.I. April 16, 2010 at the FEU Hospital,
Fairview, Quezon City. Born in Arayat, Pam-
Apostolate (NSYA)- YouFrans. panga on July 12, 1921, Fr. Leandicho finished
Episcopal Commis- Formators and animators reviewed and his elementary education in his hometown. He
sion on Youth (ECY); revisited YouFra documents to understand studied at San Jose Seminary in Manila from
and Life and Prayer, and clarify the nature of the YouFra during 1936 to 1946, then joined the OMI in 1947. He
spent his Novitiate in Mission, Texas, USA from
which focused on the the meeting. 1947 to 1948. He had three months’ theological
importance of prayer A brainstorming activity was held wherein studies in the Oblate College in San Antonio,
in YouFrans to dis- the YFAM attendees raised questions and Texas, and continued the rest of it in the Gregorian Seminary in Rome
cover themselves. plans that are to be discussed more by the where he obtained his Licentiate in Sacred Theology. He made his first
vows in 1948, followed by perpetual vows two years later. Ordained priest
The sessions given YouFra National Council in consultation and in Rome on December 23, 1950, Fr. Ben became the first Filipino Oblate
revolved from basic guidance of the Secular Franciscan Order priest. Back in the Philippines in 1951, he became Assistant Parish Priest
catechism courses, (SFO) National Council. of Marbel, South Cotabato (1951); Assistant Parish Priest of Grace Park
understanding the Fr. Armando V. Obal, OFM, the National in Caloocan City (1951-52); Parish Priest of Lagao, General Santos City
(1953-54); Assistant Parish Priest of Cotabato City (1957-59); Assistant
bible courses, Fran- Spiritual Assistant of the YouFra, celebrated Parish Priest and Acting Parish Priest for three times at the Our Lady of
ciscanism, and a ray a send-off Mass on May 3. Reflecting on the Grace Parish, Caloocan City. He was also the Director of the Missionary
of courses related to day’s feast of Saints Philip and James, he Association of Mary Immaculate (MAMI) from 1962 to 1979. It was under
youth ministry. said that as the two apostles were sent, You- his leadership that the association grew rapidly, especially in Luzon where
One of the high- Frans are also sent to proclaim the Gospel he organized groups of members in many parishes. He was also chaplain
to the Integrated National Police (INP) and the Philippine National Police
lights of the gather- fearlessly. Academy (PNPA) at Fort Bonifacio, Metro Manila from 1980 to 1984.
ing, aside from the The YouFra–Philippines refers to a group
sessions, workshops, of young people who feel the call to follow DIED. Fr. Santiago Leon, S.J., 92, of cardiac
arrest; April 24, 2010, at Jesus Lucas Infirmary
Members of Franciscan Youth Philippines from Luzon and Visayas gathered for a and meetings was the Jesus Christ in the example of Saint Francis
of Loyola House of Studies, Quezon City. Born
five-day meeting from April 29-May 3 at the Our Lady of the Angels Seminary. YouFrans’ celebra- of Assisi. They are Franciscans to the extent in Salamanca, Spain on July 25, 1917, Fr. Leon
tion of their oneness that they are attracted to St. Francis of Assisi joined the Society of Jesus on October 11, 1940
came from Mindanao this year. as Franciscans through the different social- and have chosen him as model, guide, and and was ordained priest on March 11, 1953. As
Dubbed as 14th YouFra National Gather- izing activities. Prayer became an important patron. a Jesuit, he was sent to Cuba and stayed for
four years, followed with three years in Spain
ing (YNG), the five-day convention revolved part of the activities with the celebration of It is an international organization and it where he studied Philosophy. He was sent to
on the theme: “YOUFRANS: Moved by love, the Holy Eucharist daily. has a national council here in the Philippines China and stayed there for four years, until he
dare to proclaim the Gospel fearlessly.” At the fourth night of the gathering, the which was formally organized on September and other missionaries were exiled to the Phil-
The thematic gathering hoped to inspire YouFrans made their word of commitment 15, 1984. The YouFra is under the SFO, where- ippines. He finished his theological studies in
Baguio, where he was ordained in 1953. His first
and challenge participants to become better to live faithfully as YouFrans and to pro- in the SFO is responsible for its organizing pastoral assignment was Santa Maria Parish in
Catholic youths and citizens, who are fully claim the Gospel to all. but YouFra has its own sets of officers and Iloilo City, where he stayed for 13 years. On November 18, 1968, he was
aware of the demands of the Gospel today, The first YouFra Formators and Anima- statutes. (Mark Vertido/CBCPNews) assigned as pastor of Mary the Queen Parish.

Pope elevates new diocese in Mindanao Formation program for

biblical animators held in
THE Vatican has officially erected the nearly 600,000 of which 65 percent are
Philippines’ 58th Catholic diocese on Catholics.
May 1. It also occupies an area of 4,850 square
Pope Benedict XVI elevated the kilometers extending from the bound-
Prelature of Ipil to a full diocese, in
Zamboanga Sibugay, and appointed
as its first bishop, Julius Tonel, until
ary of Zamboanga del Norte on the
north to Olutanga Island on the south,
from the town of Tungawan on the west
now Bishop-Prelate of the same juris- to the town Margosatubig on the east A FORMATION program focusing Organized by the John Paul I Bibli-
diction. boundaries. on the biblical, pastoral, liturgical and cal Center, the training course was
According to a communiqué from the The diocese-erect also has 19 parishes, doctrinal teachings of the church was dubbed “Word Alive Biblical Institute
Philippine nunciature, the news was 32 priests and 31 religious sisters. held for biblical animators and facilita- (WABI) specializing Bibliodrama
officially announced in Rome at 12:00 To date, the country now has a total tors at the Lay Formation Center of the Course.”
noon on May 1 (6:00 p.m. local time.) of 16 archdioceses, 58 dioceses, seven Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan in Fely Gines, coordinator of WABI,
Ipil, a suffragan of the Archdiocese apostolic vicariates, four territorial Bonuan Gueset. said the formation program aimed to
of Zamboanga, is the 11th diocese prelatures and one military ordinariate. The formation program, held last broaden the people's understanding
in Mindanao. It has a population of Ipil Bishop Julius Tonel (Roy Lagarde/CBCPNews) April 19-27, was intended for those on the bible.
who are involved in Biblical-Pastoral The training course included a

National Convention for vocation directors held

Ministry, as well as those who want to Bibliodrama workshop held April
proclaim the Word of God in the light of 19-21. The workshop was a holistic
the call for new evangelization. approach in interiorizing the Word
A NATIONWIDE conven- was a response to the mes- They added that this event is of God that seeks to determine the
tion for Vocation Directors sage of Pope Benedict XVI a matter of recognizing the spe- richness of the printed Word of
sought to enlighten partici- on his call to have faith in the cific role of each sector in the God.
pants on the different issues divine initiative. task of vocation promotion. Following the Bibliodrama workshop
of vocation promotion and During the 47th World Resource persons of the was the Bibliodrama Facilitators’ work-
identify factors that go into Day of Prayer for Vocations, convention were Fr. Jerry shop on April 22-27, aimed to facilitate
vocation discernment. the Holy Father reiterated Orbos, SVD, Fatima Soriano, Bibliodrama liturgies.
The convention, now on that “the fruitfulness of our Ambassador Henrietta de Bibliodrama is “Lectio Divina on
its 22nd year, was held on efforts to promote voca- Villa, Chair of the Parish Pas- stage,” which has been believed to be
April 19-23, 2010 at the Arch- tions depends primarily on toral Council for Responsible an effective way to reflect on the Word
bishop’s Palace in Nueva Se- God’s free action but it is also Voting (PPCRV); and Sr. of God.
govia, Vigan, with the theme helped by the quality and Epifania Brasil. The Word Alive Biblical Institute was
“Responding to the Divine depth of the personal and The series of talks were established in 1991 by John Paul Biblical
Initiative for the Church we communal witness of those followed with a sharing from Center, the service arm of the Northern
Love.” who have already answered various vocation directors in Luzon Bishops for the Biblical-Pastoral
Organizers said the theme the Lord’s call.” the country. (Kate Laceda) SM MEGAMALL * THE PODIUM Ministry. (CBCPNews)
Pastoral Concerns
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 10
May 10 - 23, 2010

A Leader Finds a Vision

© Noli Yamsuan/RCAM
(Talk delivered by His Eminence Gaudencio B. Cardinal Rosales at the Manila
Archdiocesan Pastoral Assembly held in Paco, Manila on May 1, 2010)
HOW important is a vision? vote-buying, cheating and the rest including some individuals, run for same is said of every citizen who shares united with his brother and sister, the
The Bible says, “Write it down.” everyone already knows of. office in the Philippines and remained a desired future borne of faith in God moment s/he believes that the good of
Issues? What issues are being debated there ever since. and trust of fellowmen. Hope is the everyone is possible, even though the
It is to be written in order that it in a national election? Fake medical Professor Huntington continued, Christian virtue that attunes us to the idea does not come from him or her
will be remembered; it should reports, sizes of posters, money owed “In all societies the scale of corruption happiness that God has placed before (which is very difficult for the Pinoy
be easy to recall; easy to repeat and money disowned, anomaly here (i.e. the average value of private us to achieve. Hope in God “inspires to take), but if it happens, (and this is
to the young and old. It will be or there, etc. goods and public services involved men’s activities and purifies them so as what we hope and work for), then we
Has there been a debate on the in a corrupt exchange) increases as ne to order them to the Kingdom of heaven; will not only have a family of families
easy to pass on to others and perennial and urgent issues, like goes up the bureaucratic hierarchy or it keeps man from discouragement; it but a nation who gives what needs to
handed down for the morrow. poverty, housing for the homeless, political ladder … In some societies, opens up his heart in expectation of be shared. A nation where there will
Inscribe it on tablets. Carve it on programmed and regulated internal the incidence of corruption seems to eternal beatitude. Buoyed up by hope, be less hungry and homeless people
some hard material: engrave it migration or what to do with its urban remain constant or to increase as one he is preserved from selfishness and is not only possible, already it is in the
on stone! Man must remember counterpart (ubiquitous squatting), goes up the political hierarchy. In terms led to the happiness that flows from making; let us not reverse the trend
work and employment creativity, of frequency as well as scale, national charity” (CCC 1818). by resisting good ideas and replacing
where he is going that is why location of work zones, reduction of legislators are more corrupt than local In reality, our destiny depends on them with selfish ones. Let us continue
a vision as a direction towards corrupt practice or its social correlative, officials; high level bureaucrats are how well we can see an authentic vision. our vision.
the future must ever be recalled. immediate (urgent) and remote more corrupt than low level ones; In one of our earlier conferences, we Having seen the problems that restrict
ecological programs (urban and cabinet ministers are most corrupt of said that an apostolic vision has the our people, we must together believe
A True Leader Is Not Discouraged national), etc. all; and the president or top leader the following characteristics: “direction, ever more that the building up of our
by the Past nation and keeping of our people as one,
Life is always to look forward. Hence, addressing the same common problems
no matter how ugly was the past a is not solved by a national election. We
person or a community in dealing have now entered the envied zone of
with the desire of both leader and the electronic automatic voting machines
flock is to proceed to where their vision not even available to other democratic
originally directs them. This is the nations. And yet, a responsible, honest
sterling quality of people with a vision: and respectable election is not fully
they are not disarmed by their past. assured by these modern gadgets.
King David, Israel’s greatest king, Automation only means faster counting
whose victorious exploits were sung and more difficult cheating. Like any
by the Israelites, “Saul has killed machine, the automatic voting machine
his thousands, and David his ten is an indifferent innocent tool; it is
thousands” (1Samuel 18:6-7). They “trash in and trash out.” Nationwide
danced to his poems (Psalms) and everybody’s attention is focused on that
songs. Given the successes of this man, machine—PCOS. What is important
however, he was also known as one of is the matured and selfless decision
the greatest sinners in the Bible because every citizen puts into that automatic
he had taken advantage of his position, machine.
his successes and his power to force This is the purpose of leadership
people to give in to his lust and over with a vision. This is the ultimate
his crimes with premeditated murder. responsibility of citizenship pursuing
He was a failure and a sinner but a common vision. What belongs to
David believed that in life it was God everyone is the collective task of
who beckoned and guided him. When authentic nation building, involving
confronted by Nathan, the prophet, everyone who has a stake in the
for having murdered Uriah to cover country’s destiny, so brutally prejudged
up his adultery with Batsheba, “Why by others. We do not blame those who
did you show contempt for Yahweh by want to predict that the uglier picture
doing what displeases him?” (II Samuel of the Filipino is what is profitable to
12:9). David did not allow his sins to print and preach to the rest of the world;
cripple him. He repented and said, “I after all, they have their own stake in
© Noli Yamsuan/RCAM

have sinned against Yahweh (II Samuel it, politically or otherwise.

12:13). “I fasted and wept because I
kept thinking … perhaps Yahweh will The Church Has Something to Offer
take pity on me and the child will live” that Was Learned from Jesus
(II Samuel 12:22). David never lost his The Church has something to offer
vision of what God wanted him to be that will enhance the dignity of every
and where God wanted him to lead Philippines: Politics as Major Industry most corrupt among them.”(Samuel motivational, rooted in the Bible, Filipino, encourage him or her to
His people. In the first section of the book, Huntington, p. 67) permanent, actually and potentially become citizens of a country enriched
A man may see the wickedness Political Order in Changing Societies, What this Harvard professor embracing all situations, realistic and by the truth and virtues of a responsible
of people or leaders and could see by Professor Samuel Huntington of discovered in his study, we already achievable, connected also to our human being, dignified by love for God
only corruption, murders, thievery, Harvard University, the author situated know and have experienced. Shall human desires and experiences of and love and respect for everyone,
dishonesty, the uncared for poor his observance on the Philippines in we only talk about this until the next success and even (especially) of one’s learned and rehearsed in the virtues
peoples, homeless and hungry people, the part entitled, “Political Order and election like we always do? Or is there failures and disappointments, brief learned in Jesus, able to learn citizenship
rich people interested only in money Political Decay.” The study quoted something we can do about it even but compendious and evaluative.” with enlivened responsibility (through
and more wealth, very wealthy from George E. Taylor (The Philippines without the immediate elections? How the vision is going to influence Paschal Experience understanding)
individuals and business groups eying and the United States: Problems of a person or a community will depend spelled as disciplined pain. These are all
every election only to select whom to Partnership, p. 157). “Politics is a major Let There Be A Common Desire of on how generously imaginative s/he contained in the living apostolic vision
manipulate (puppet-ize), wholesale industry for the Filipinos; it is a way of What Is Good for Everyone will be. Vision is pursued vigorously we are trying to learn and how to live.
murder to stay in power, maintaining life. Politics is the main route to power, No matter how much evil exists in our more than an imagination can only be Church leaders, religious and lay,
a family dynasty, making politics a which, in turn, is the main route to present society, no matter how openly exercised. Once a person loves where believe in the pure intention of achieving
favorite industry, etc. and more etc’s. wealth … More money can be made in discussed and publicized evil is—and he is going, the very journey becomes fullness of being in community life on
Every national election in our country a shorter time with the aid of political it is true—nevertheless, a good leader a virtue; and the actual process of earth (including politics, economy
becomes a repetition of the long litany influence than by other means.” This who shares the apostolic vision with traveling becomes a model of arrival. and social activity) and proceeding to
of dishonesties, lies, empty promises, can explain why so many families, the community does not lose hope. The As soon as the Filipino likes to become Leader / B7
B2 Updates CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 10
May 10 - 23, 2010

Self-Service Holy Communion and

Communion under both kinds
Bishop as a Concelebrant
(Father Edward McNamara, professor of liturgy at the Regina
Apostolorum university, answers the following query:)

Q: I wonder if you might know if there has been a statement

regarding a bishop concelebrating a liturgy with a priest as
the principal celebrant? The Ceremonial of Bishops offers the
possibility of a bishop “presiding” but not, strictly speaking,
concelebrating at a Mass in which a priest is the principal
celebrant. It would seem to create theological difficulties to
have a bishop as one concelebrant among many while a priest
is the principal celebrant. However, in reality this situation
occurs often enough. For example, a retired bishop, who is
a religious, returns to his priory and wants participate in
the conventual Mass. It would be an undue burden on both
him and his community if he were to celebrate every time he
concelebrated.—T.P., Washington, D.C.

A: Actually, there is a recent statement on this point. An

official “Responsa ad dubia proposita” (response to a doubt)
was published in 2009 in Notitiae, the official organ of the
Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments. This
is therefore an authentic interpretation of the law.
The proposed question, in an unofficial translation, was:
“Whether it is licit for a bishop to concelebrate on occasion of
a priestly jubilee in which he takes a place among the priests
ceding the role of principal celebrant to the priest celebrating
his jubilee?”
The Vatican congregation in the laconic tradition of such
documents replied, “Negative.”

It then proceeded to explain its reasoning that the liturgical
norm remains in force. This norm, which is rooted in theological
principles and the wisdom of the Church Fathers, is that the
bishop either presides over the Eucharistic celebration or
refrains from celebrating.
It then quotes No. 18 of the Ceremonial of Bishops: “Any
community of the altar, under the sacred ministry of the bishop, By Fr. Jaime B. Achacoso,J.C.D. n.11). Care must be taken that receive the intincted host in the
stands out clearly as a symbol of that charity and unity of the
fragments of the consecrated hand. As for the host to be used
Mystical Body without which there can be no salvation.
host are not lost (cf. Congregation for the intinction, it should be of
“Thus it is very fitting that when the bishop, who is marked I sometimes attend Mass in a Catholic university in for the Doctrine of the Faith, valid matter, also consecrated;
by the fullness of the sacrament of orders, is present at a
liturgical celebration in which a congregation takes part, he
Quezon City and my attention has always been caught 2.V.1972: Prot: no. 89/71, in it is altogether forbidden to use
by the way that Holy Communion is not administered Notitiae 1972, p.227). non-consecrated bread or other
personally preside. The reason for this is not to give added
“7. The faithful are not to be matter.” [n.104]
outward solemnity to the rite, but to make the celebration a by the priest celebrant, but rather taken by the faithful obliged to adopt the practice of 4) “The chalice should not be
more striking sign of the mystery of the Church. communicants from the ciborium which is just left on the communion in the hand. Each administered to lay members
“For the same reason it is fitting that the bishop associate
presbyters with himself as concelebrants.
altar. Quite often, not only is the ciborium left with the one is free to communicate in one of Christ’s faithful where there
“When a bishop presides at the Eucharist but is not the sacred hosts, but the chalice with the consecrated wine is way or the other.” [Underscoring is such a large number of
mine.] communicants that it is difficult
celebrant he does everything in the liturgy of the word that left beside it, so that the communicants may receive the to gauge the amount of wine for
belongs to the celebrant and he concludes the Mass with the Eucharist under both species, either by dipping a host in the The Instruction Redemptionis the Eucharist and there is danger
rite of dismissal.”
The rites referred to in the last paragraph are described later
consecrated wine (intinction) or by simply sipping from the Sacramentum of 25.IV.2004 that more than a reasonable
in the Ceremonial in Nos. 176-186. chalice. But what took the cake was when during a closed At the Solemn Mass of the Last quantity of the Blood of Christ
retreat conducted by the school and attended by my son, Supper on Holy Thursday of remain to be consumed at the
It must be noted that this official reply does not address
17.IV.2003, John Paul II signed end of the celebration.” [n.102]
the precise case described by our reader. The Ceremonial of the participants received Holy Communion under both his 14th encyclical letter, Ecclesia 5) “Furthermore all will
Bishops, No. 18, clearly refers to a Mass in which a congregation species by intinction and by the hand: the priest celebrant de Eucharistia, in which he remember that once the
takes part, and this is not necessarily the case in a conventual
Mass although it would almost certainly be the case for a dipped the sacred host in the consecrated wine and laid the stated that the Holy Eucharist distribution of Holy Communion
host soaked in the Blood of Christ in the open hand of the “stands at the center of the during the celebration of the
priestly jubilee.
Church’s life” (n.3), that “it Mass has been completed, the
At the same time, the bishop is endowed with the fullness communicant. I would assume that whatever drops of the unites heaven and earth” and prescriptions of the Roman
of the priesthood, and this reality should be reflected in his Blood of Christ would have remained in the palm of the “embraces and permeates all Missal are to be observed, and
role in any celebration. It is also true that he always retains
the option of celebrating apart from the community Mass, so communicant. Are these practices licit? creation” (n.8), being “the most in particular, whatever may
precious possession which the remain of the Blood of Christ
his concelebrating here is never a necessity.
The Norms of 1973 The Norms of 1985 Church can have in her journey must be entirely and immediately
A situation could arise, however, in which a frail and elderly
The present norms regarding In 1985 the Congregation for through history” (n.9). consumed by the Priest or by
bishop might be unable to offer Mass personally or preside
the reception of Holy Communion Divine Worship sent a letter to To translate the theological another minister, according to
over the community Mass every day. I would say that if it were
were originally contained in an the president of the U.S. bishops’ and pastoral doctrine contained the norms, while the consecrated
to come down to a choice between concelebrating without
instruction published in 1973 by conference, drawing attention to in that beautiful encyclical, hosts that are left are to be
presiding or not celebrating Mass at all, then the former option
the then Sacred Congregation for the following points: the Congregation for Divine consumed by the Priest at the
would be both legitimate and spiritually preferable.
Divine Worship and Discipline of “1. Communion in the hand Worship and Discipline of the altar or carried to the place for
Also, in view of the importance of the conventual Mass
the Sacraments, titled Immensae should show, as much as Sacraments issued the Instruction the reservation of the Eucharist.”
for a religious community, the possibility remains open for
Caritatis. When dealing with communion on the tongue, due Redemptionis Sacramentum on [n.107]
a retired religious bishop to petition the Holy See for an ad
Communion in the hand this respect towards the Real Presence 25.IV.2004. This is the latest
hoc dispensation from the general principle of his presiding
document made no mention of of Christ in the Eucharist. For this and most complete Instruction The Grave Responsibility of the
at every Mass.
the option of the faithful taking reason emphasis should be laid, regarding the celebration, Bishops and Superiors
the host from the ciborium but as was done by the Fathers of administration and reservation From the foregoing liturgical
simply stated: the Church, upon the dignity of of the Holy Eucharist. True to its laws, it is quite clear that all
“Ever since the Instruction the gesture of the communicant juridic nature─an instruction─it the practices mentioned in the
Memoriale Domini three years (…): the left hand is to be placed does not really legislate anything consultation constitute grave
ago, some of the conferences of upon the right hand, so that the new, but rather gathers in one abuses to the most august
bishops have been requesting sacred host can be conveyed to heading erstwhile scattered sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.
the Apostolic See for the faculty the mouth with the right hand. legislation on the matter, Furthermore, since all of them
to allow ministers distributing “2. Again following the exhorting those occupying capital are specifically mentioned in
communion to place the teaching of the Fathers, insistence executive offices (the territorial an Instruction from the Holy
eucharistic bread in the hand of is to be laid upon the importance and personal Ordinaries in this See─which of itself is specifically
the faithful. The same Instruction of the Amen said in response to case) to put them into practice. directed to those in capital
contained a reminder that ‘the the formula of the minister, ‘the The relevant texts are as follows: executive offices─there is an
laws of the Church and the Body of Christ’; this Amen is an [Underscorings are mine.] equally grave obligation on the
writings of the Fathers give affirmation of faith. 1) “Although each of the part of the local Ordinary or the
ample witness of a supreme “3. The communicant who faithful always has the right Ordinary of a religious Institute
reverence and utmost caution has received the Eucharist in to receive Holy Communion or Society of Apostolic Life
toward the eucharist’ and that the hand is to consume it before on the tongue, at his choice, if concerned. We can end with the
this must continue. Particularly returning to his place, moving any communicant should wish relevant norms of the Instruction:
in regard to this way of receiving aside yet remaining facing to receive the Sacrament in 1) “Whenever a local Ordinary
communion, experience suggests the altar in order to allow the the hand, in areas where the or the Ordinary of a religious
certain matters requiring careful person following to approach Bishops’ Conference, with the Institute or of a Society of
attention. the minister. recognition of the Apostolic See apostolic life receives at least
“On the part of both the “4. It is from the Church that has given permission, the sacred plausible notice of a delict or
minister and the recipient, the faithful receive the Holy host is to be administered to abuse concerning the Most
whenever the host is placed Eucharist, which is communion him or her. However, special Holy Eucharist, let him carefully
in the hand of a communicant in the Body of the Lord and in care should be taken to ensure investigate, either personally
there must be careful concern the Church; for this reason the that the host is consumed by the or by means of another worthy
and caution, especially about communicant should not take communicant in the presence of cleric, concerning the facts and
particles that might fall from from the paten or container, the minister, so that no one goes the circumstances as well as the
the hosts.” as would be done for ordinary away carrying the Eucharistic imputability.” [n.178]
On June 21, 1973, the same bread, but the hands must be species in his hand. If there is a 2) “Any Catholic, whether
dicastery, through a document stretched out to receive from risk of profanation, then Holy Priest or Deacon or lay member
entitled Eucharistiae Sacramentum, the minister of communion. Communion should be given in of Christ’s faithful, has the right
promulgated the new Rite [Underscoring mine.] the hand to the faithful.” [n.920] to lodge a complaint regarding
for Eucharistic Worship and “5. Out of respect for the 2) “It is not licit for the faithful a liturgical abuse to the diocesan
Communion Outside of Mass. Eucharist, cleanliness of hands to take by themselves and, still Bishop or the competent Ordinary
The document insisted very is expected. Children need to be less, to hand from one another the equivalent to him in law, or to the
clearly that whether the Eucharist reminded of this. sacred host or chalice. Moreover, Apostolic See on account of the
is received on the tongue or in “6. It is necessary that the in this regard, the abuse is to be set primacy of the Roman Pontiff.
the hand, “Holy Communion faithful receive sound catechesis aside whereby spouses administer It is fitting, however, insofar
must be distributed by the proper in this matter, and that insistence Holy Communion to each other at as possible, that the report or
competent minister, who presents be laid upon the sentiments of a Nuptial Mass.” [n.94] complaint be submitted first
and gives the consecrated host to adoration and respect that are 3) “The communicant must to the diocesan Bishop. This is
the communicant saying the required towards this most holy not be permitted to instinct the naturally to be done in truth and
formula The Body of Christ…”. sacrament. (cf. Dominicae cenae, host himself in the chalice, nor to charity.” [n.184]
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 10
May 10 - 23, 2010

A cursory
look into the
Church beat

© Dennis Dayao/CBCP Media

By Msgr. Pedro C. Quitorio journalism the truth is not philosophical. commented, “The media often do render That “trust condom” strengthens This is where the crossroad lies.
Neither is it theological. In practice, courageous service to the truth; but conjugal relations and family ties is also While the media look at the truth on a
“truth” is simply the editorial policy of a sometimes they function as agents of held as such and given extraordinary day-to-day basis, the church looks at it
AT first blush there may not news organization so that anything that propaganda and disinformation in the prominence in editorial agenda. transcendentally and absolutely. While
be any noticeable difference goes against it is “false”. The truth of a service of narrow interests, national, But the “truth” for the Church is media look at the news on a journalistic
between a church beat and beat reporter passes through “editorial ethnic, racial, and religious prejudices, different because it is transcendent and value of information and entertainment,
desks” of manipulations until it reaches material greed and false ideologies of absolute. It is not relative or situational, the church transcends towards the
a routine coverage, say the the editors that give the final judgment various kinds. (37th World Commu- much less transactional. Pope John common good and, ultimately, unto the
police or Congress or some Paul II in salvation of souls. While secular media
other fulcrum of community or his message report reality within the parameters of
national life. In fact in Manila, d u r i n g an editorial policy, the Church perceives
the World it within the purview of its teachings
a church beat reporter may not C o m m u - that are doctrinal and dogmatic.
do some special preparations nications Day It is in this sense that in the Church
before entry. in 1999 puts it beat there is such a thing as a wrong
this way: “… slant. Any reportage that goes against
Having personally known most media culture accuracy and objectivity is definitely
church beat reporters since 1996 when is so deeply a wrong lead, irrespective of whether
the CBCP press office in Intramuros imbued with the Church is naïve of the media or the
was opened, I have not known any a typically media of the Church. This might be
of them who prepared for the beat postmodern saying too much, but what makes the
unlike somebody I know who dutifully sense that the truth in the church beat dogmatic is that
familiarized with business concepts only absolute it proceeds from and founded on natural
when assigned to cover, for instance, truth is that and divine law. In other news beats, such
Makati business. Church reporters there are no as the senate or the Comelec, the truth
enter the beat as naturally as anybody absolute is hinged only on human arrangements
would casually snoop for news from truths or that, with social or political ends—but which,
any source. After all, church news is if there were, despite being such, also demands equal
just like any other news—or so that’s they would be accuracy and objectivity.
© Dennis Dayao/CBCP Media

how it has been going till today. inaccessible to In any case, the “bias” for the truth
In this order of things there had been human reason does not destroy the independence or
recurring conflicts. I remember in 1998, and therefore freedom of the beat reporter. “The
a bishop berated a reporter, right in the irrelevant. In media serve freedom by serving the
progress of a press conference, for not such a view, truth: they obstruct freedom to the
being faithful to what he previously what matters extent that they depart from what is true
said. There had been a number of cases is not the by disseminating falsehoods or creating
when the attention of a regular church truth but “the a climate of unsound emotional reaction
beat reporter had been called by a bishop whether one’s report is in the ambit of nications Day, 2003) story”; if something is newsworthy or to events,” said the Holy Father in his
for not reporting accurately his mind. In the “truth” or not. The most that the beat A multinational mining company will entertaining, the temptation to set aside message quoted above.
2005, a group of bishops gathered some reporter does in order to get closer to the always find it “truthful” to advocate that consideration of truth becomes almost The ends of the Church do not
courage to meet an editorial board of a truth is to work for a balanced reportage mining in the Philippines is environ- irresistible.” end with the here and now. Which
national daily just to complain and do which is getting both sides of the story. mentally and economically wholesome Dr. Joaquin Navarro Valls, former is why there maybe ecclesiastical
something about a “wrong” slant—as But getting both sides of the story may despite a long track record that declares spokesperson and director of the issues that are handled as prudently,
if in mainstream journalism there is just be a window dressing that does not otherwise. The Philippine Amusement Vatican press office notes: “The problem if stringently perhaps, as possible.
such a thing. necessary mean While the overarching value of the beat
A school of thought among journalists’ presenting the reporter is to get the story at all cost
circles calls this clash a mutual naiveté objective truth. and submit it to the desk on deadline,
between the Catholic Church and the This explains the Church values the ends of human
media. This is partly true in the sense why, for society towards its ultimate purpose.
that both do not substantially know instance, the Thus there may be situations when the
what the other is all about. The secular “truth” held Church will hold an issue unto herself
media do not know the values of the by the Catholic thereby sublimating, at least for a time,
Church while, on the other hand, the Church on the the right to information in respect to
Catholic Church setting pat on its issues related ecclesiastical principles.
teaching authority, the magisterium, to capital “The right of expression must be
does not technically understand what punishment exercised with deference to revealed
the media are up to. A bishop, for or responsible truth and the Church’s teaching, and
instance, with this teaching authority parenthood will with respect for others’ ecclesial rights
as his mental frame, delivers his piece not hold water (cf. Canon 212.1, .2, .3, Canon 220). Like
like a professor expecting students in several news other communities and institutions, the
to pass a correct reading of his mind organizations Church sometimes needs—in fact, is
at final exams. But the church beat whose editorial sometimes obliged—to practice secrecy
reporter, pursuing his own journalistic policy is “death and confidentiality. But this should not
values, reports the piece of the bishop to convicted be for the sake of manipulation and
according to the slant that he decides h e i n o u s control.” (Ethics in communications,
© Roy Lagarde/CBCP Media

to take—independently and with no criminals,” or 26).

regard for “thy kingdom come”. “population This is to say finally that the church
Independence in its pursuit for deceleration.” beat is different. Not that it should
the truth is what defines the media. Unbelievable be treated differently, but is rather
Without it, fidelity to the very same as it may seem, something that the church beat reporter
truth is compromised and, therefore, its but there are should know more about. While the
“raison d’etre” disappears. Admittedly, even news church is a community of human
though, this independence is subject to organizations in our midst whose and Gaming Corporation (PAGCOR) is that the logic of the Church and that beings complete with the attributes of
both personal and social determinants, editorial policy finds virtue in gambling and Philippine Charity Sweepstakes of media are different. The logic of any human institution, it has a faith
or biases if you may—without even and bliss in the finances that are Office (PCSO) and their bankrolled news mass media is conditioned absolutely dimension—which makes the beat more
mentioning human limitations—that derived from it. And this is not even organizations do not blink with the well- by daily events…on the other hand, worth the while.
may, sadly, weaken the professionalism to mention, the tremendous power funded advertorial trumpeting that this the logic of the Church looks at events
of a beat reporter. The irony, however, is, of advertisers, sponsors and the greatest gambler in the country, which over a long period of time, where every (This article appeared at Witness: The
it is this very same independence in the well-funded multinational advocacy is owned and operated by the Office of particular event is seen as part of a Varsitarian Handbook on Catholic
pursuit of truth that makes the “truth” campaigns that lobby and dictate their the President of the Republic, is also the holistic context implying that one does Journalism & Religion Reporting,
relative—and, therefore, not objective. own definitions of “truth”. biggest charitable institution in this part not separate moral teaching from man launched April 22, 2010 at the University
It maybe hard to take, but in secular The late Pope John Paul II bluntly of the world “na hindi kumukupas.” and woman’s life.” of Santo Tomas)

Ethical Principles and Media Accountability

By Sr. Pinky Barrientos, FSP practice of their profession to Rosenstiel, in saying that the also instrumental in restoring because of global media attention practice of it should be firmly
the point of risking their lives primary purpose of journalism democracy in the country. it is getting. founded on ethical principles.
can truly inspire us to become is to tell the truth, meant that, In this age of globalization due So that later on, when you are
BEING a journalist in this committed ourselves. We get it is “so that people might have to expansion of technology, so Ethical Principles confronted with situations that
motivated by their passion and the information they need to be many countries under despotic Although technology has would test your moral principles,
time and age is doubly dedication in the practice of their sovereign.” rule have returned to democracy. made it easier for journalists to at least you know how to address
challenging and very craft at the service of the truth. That’s the power of journalism do research for their stories, it also them.
dangerous too. We hear But sad to say, there are Journalism and democracy and of media in general. We opened a floodgate of problems So what situations am I
of journalists who have also journalists who allowed History tells us of the many are participants, each one of since it created a phenomenon of referring to?
themselves to be used by those instances where media played a us, in the greater arena of copy and paste kind of reporting. You are well aware of that
lost their lives because of who have the power and the vital role in restoring democracy. global communication. We One educator shared that too, I’m sure. But allow me
their passion in seeking money. This can also affect We don’t have to look far. cannot simply say that what is it is a problem teachers have to dwell briefly on them, just
out and telling the truth. us in another way. In some During the Martial Law years, happening in Burma nowadays to contend with among their the same. It is not a secret
circumstances we may opt to the Philippine media, despite the does not concern us. It does. students’ reports. It is so easy for that there are some media
Bill Kovack and Tom Rosenstiel, keep quiet to save our skin and clamped down and the dangers Because of global journalism, students to get materials from people who practice the so-called
two journalists who authored the try to compromise. We don’t seek of speaking out, continued to we are kept abreast of what is the internet, copy and paste, put “envelopmental journalism”.
book “Elements of Journalism”, out the truth; we are contented to become the voice of the people happening not only here in our their name on it, and presto! They If you have read the book
said that “the central purpose become mediocre. We try our best albeit done in an underground country but even outside of it. have the report they need. That’s News for Sale, The Corruption
of journalism [is] to tell the to please the powers that be by manner. We are affected by it, one way plagiarism, and we all know that. and Commercialization of the
truth.” It should be the driving writing glowing write-ups that And because of that firm belief or another. And I believe, as I I hope journalism students Philippine Media, written by
force behind the exercise of the are far from the truth. in journalism’s commitment to am sure all of you do too, that are not resorting to that kind of Chay Hofileña, you will get a
journalistic profession. This is a great disservice democracy and responsibility sooner or later, the Burmese practice. Because this early, it first-hand account of corruption
The plight of journalists today to the public to whom we to inform the public, so many government will be forced to is paramount that you possess in Philippine media. It involved
can affect us two ways. Those are accountable by virtue of journalists have lost their lives restore democracy. It would a deeper understanding of the journalists both in print and
who are committed in the our profession. Kovack and in the process. But they were cave in to international pressure journalistic profession, and Ethical / B4
CBCP Monitor
B4 Vol. 14 No. 10
May 10 - 23, 2010

On the Month Dedicated to Mary

MTBO Bibles
reach typhoon “Humble and Discreet
victims Protagonist of the 1st Steps of
the Christian Community”
By Concepcion S. Neri

WHEN floods brought by Ondoy swept through parts of the

Metropolis that fateful day of September 26, 2009, some of the
main casualties were the Bibles of the Bible Ministers of Our
Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Marikina City. How then can the
ministers share the Word of God to some 100,000 parishioners
(Address of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI before praying the midday Regina Caeli with the
without owning a single Bible?
The dilemma was resolved when parish priest Fr. Emmanu-
crowd gathered at the St. Peter’s Square on May 9, 2010)
elle Borelli learned about the May They Be One (MTBO) Bible
Campaign. Fr. Borelli recounts, “We purchased one thousand Dear Brothers and Sisters!
Bibles… using local pastoral fund available to our religious May is a month that is loved and its arrival is welcome
missionary community for the newly established parish, Our
Lady of Guadalupe.” for several reasons. In our hemisphere spring advances
The Bibles were distributed to members of the Basic Ecclesial with so many and colorful blossoms; the climate is
Communities (BECs) or the Maliit na Sambayanang Kristyano favorable for walks and excursions. For the liturgy, May
(MSK) of the parish. Fr. Borelli said that the Parish chose to always belongs to the Easter Season, the season of the
undertake the MTBO program because most of the people
lost their Bibles in the floods brought by Ondoy. He added that “alleluia,” of the revelation of the mystery of Christ in the
while the Catholic Community was the priority in the list of light of the Resurrection and of the Easter faith; and it is
beneficiaries, everyone who asked to have a Bible regard- the time of expectation of the Holy Spirit, who descends
less of religious affiliation was given a copy. with power on the nascent Church at Pentecost. With
But the blessing didn’t stop there. Recipients of the MTBO both these contexts, the “natural” and the liturgical, the
Bibles are being given Modular Seminars on how to interpret
Bible passages correctly and to apply the lessons in their day tradition of the Church is well in tune in dedicating the
to day living. Every Monday, MSK leaders hold Bible meet- month of May to the Virgin Mary.
ings. Lay leaders undergo weekly trainings so that they can She is, in fact, the most beautiful flower to blossom
hold their own Bible Sharing Activities. in creation, the “rose” that appeared in the fullness of
time, when God, sending his Son, gave the world a new
spring. And she is at the same time humble and discreet
protagonist of the first steps of the Christian community:
Mary is its spiritual heart, because her very presence in
the midst of the disciples is a living memory of the Lord
Jesus and pledge of the gift of his Spirit.
This Sunday’s Gospel, taken from Chapter 14 of St. John,
offers us an implicit spiritual portrait of the Virgin Mary,
where Jesus says: “If a man loves me, he will keep my
word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to
him and make our home with him” (John 14:23). These
expressions are addressed to the disciples, but they can
be applied precisely to her who is the first and perfect
disciple of Jesus. Mary in fact observed first and fully
the word of her Son, thus demonstrating that she loved
him not only as his mother, but first still as humble and
obedient handmaid; because of this God the Father loved
her and the Most Holy Trinity made its dwelling in her.
Moreover, when Jesus promises his friends that the
Holy Spirit will assist them, helping them to remember
and understand profoundly every word of his (cf. John
14:26), how can we not think of Mary, who in her heart,
temple of the Spirit, meditated and interpreted faithfully
everything that her Son said and did? In this way, already
before and above all after Easter, the Mother of Jesus
became also the Mother and model of the Church.
Dear friends, in the heart of this Marian month, I
will have the joy of going in the forthcoming days to
Portugal. I will visit the capital, Lisbon, and Porto, the
country’s second city. The principal objective of my trip
will be Fatima, on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary
of the Beatification of the two little shepherds, Jacinta
and Francisco. For the first time as Successor of Peter I
will go to that Marian Shrine, so dear to the Venerable
John Paul II. I invite everyone to accompany me on this
pilgrimage, participating actively with prayer: with only
one heart and one soul we invoke the intercession of the
Virgin Mary for the Church, in particular for priests, and
for peace in the world.

Ethical / B3

broadcast media. Written in 2004, the Accountability of Media Check for accuracy all the time. Do not go
book gives an analysis on how the media Nick Clooney, the father of actor George on with the story if you are not so sure about
comported itself during the presidential Clooney worked as a newscaster in a number your facts. Do not invent. Unless of course,
Among the youth, Bible Listening Groups (BLG) have been elections. It detailed “whole sale” corruption of TV stations in the US. He always said you write fiction.
launched in partnership with the Philippine Bible Society and of Philippine media; how politicians or their that his primary loyalty is to the public. Responsible journalism calls for
Faith Comes By Hearing. The BLG in Marikina is among PR managers distributed money to the media; According to him, he always made his accountability and responsibility among
the 40 already taking place in parishes in several provinces. from the publishers to the editors, down to the position clear to his manager, “I work for practitioners. Again, ethical guidelines come
Every Saturday, about 10-15 young people meet to listen to
dramatized New Testament in a radio format called Bible Pro- reporters in exchange of positive reporting. you, and you pay me, but my loyalty is to in here.
claimer. The BLG meets for at least 30 minutes every week And there is also the so-called AC-DC the public, to the person who holds the How do journalists get their news story?
and listen to selected passages. Then, Fr. Borelli would give (attack-collect; defend-collect) kind of remote control.” Not exactly the words he Do they observe fair and honest reporting?
Bible formation talks on the audio Scripture portion of the day. practice by some journalists. AC, you attack said, but the essence is there. We know very well that most of the news
“The atmosphere was one of recollection and prayer” and the the person in your news or column, and you As journalists you have to be accountable published in the papers are derived from
style was interactive. “Considering its success, we would like get paid for it. DC, you defend the person to the public. After all, journalism serves the news releases usually distributed to beat
to extend this pilot project to the other young people of the being attacked by another, and you get paid public interest. As journalist your loyalty is reporters. There are journalists who are
Parish,” Fr. Borelli reveals. for that, too. to the people, whom you serve by providing really enterprising and who work hard as
When asked in what ways the MTBO campaign has helped The Filipinos are really a creative lot. We them information they needed to know. to track news sources for interview, and
the Parish, Fr. Borelli said, “Definitely, the initial acquisition of are very innovative even in the practice of Meaning, you have to be transparent. You they develop their news from there with
the Bibles at an affordable price by the Parish on November corruption. I do not have to explain to you have to be guided by principles, like, the the help of news releases. But there are also
20, 2009 has been a great help to the Christian Community.” this. We get a glimpse of it in the news we public have the right to know the truth. others who get their story straight from the
The Bible, considered the most valuable possession of the
Filipino family, is usually enthroned in the homes alongside read in the papers everyday. So if there are instances where the public news release given them without altering
the symbols of the faith of the people. So, if before “envelopmental journalism” good is at stake, then you have to expose a word and yet putting their name at the
Feedbacks on the MTBO campaign from Bible recipients was the euphemism used to refer to money that so the public would know and act end of the story.
were largely positive. Fr. Borelli recalls, “People were happy in envelopes being given to journalists, now accordingly. Wrongdoings of government Here in the Philippines, we don’t think
to learn that we were helping them to recover the Bibles they the word being used is ATM journalism, officials, anomalous deals entered to by much about plagiarism. But this is very
lost in the flood. In the Chapel of Our Lady of Grace in Bulelak, because the money goes straight to the ATM the government, and conflict-of-interest bad, if not unethical, practice of journalism.
though we could not fully promote the official Bible distribution account of the journalist. I’m not so sure situations that directly affect the public–those Putting a name on our work is owning it, as
that happened, we were able to distribute hundreds of Bibles though whether there is a more recent term are issues to be written about. well as taking responsibility for it, whatever
in less than two hours. There, we saw how people appreci- being used to describe this system. However,ifthemediademandtransparency it takes. So what does it make us, putting
ated what we were doing. With a big smile, recipients uttered There are actually many gray areas in from the government, it should also apply our name or owning something we did
‘Salamat po, Father’ as they held their children in one arm and the practice of journalism. Would you the same stick to itself. not write?
received a brand new copy of an MTBO Bible in the other. consider accepting gifts and other freebies But some problems may also enter here. My dear young journalists, live on your
Fr. Borelli further elucidates on the concerns of the Parish
as constituting corruption? Some editors and Common problems of journalists sometimes ethical principles. This will be your guide as
and the value of the Bible to the people’s faith. “The Bible is
essential to the growth of the faith of the people. Now the mere reporters interviewed by Hofileña asserted are that their news don’t get published at all, you go along in this profession. There are no
possession of the Book is not enough. We need to help the that they do not see anything wrong in if not heavily edited by their editors especially laws that regulate the practice of journalism,
people to ask questions about the Bible and not to be content accepting gifts and other freebies as long as if the news is hitting some officials close to no license that can be withdrawn if you don’t
with easy answers. The Word of God does not give instant they did not ask for those and it is clear to the the owner of the media outfit. practice responsibly your profession. We
solutions to our many problems but instructs and empowers giver that there are no strings attached to it. In our country, owners of media outfits are not like doctors or lawyers that have to
us how to become disciples of Christ Jesus.” I am not going to pass any judgment here, like newspapers and TV/radio stations have be licensed before we can practice our craft.
Concerning the future, Fr. Borelli shares the plans of the however, you have all learned from your other businesses. And we know for a fact, And yet, so much power lies in our hands.
Parish. “We wish to make the Bible available to the youth. So journalism classes the ethical guidelines that their media outfits were put up to serve We can either build or destroy. Such is the
far, majority of the recipients of the MTBO Bibles had been every journalist should know by heart. their business interests. power of the pen and the word.
adult and elderly women. To work with the youth is definitely What I would advise you to do is keep those Transparency demands that you become So the burden rests solely on the ethics and
more challenging. Thus, we had been thinking of acquiring principles deeply ingrained in your system. truth seekers. Your report must be based judgment of individual journalists and the
500 MTBO Bibles for the young people. But before we buy the
This early, let them be your guiding star on truth, not just “haka-haka”. Go into the media outfit the journalist work for.
Bibles, we would like to see how many would be interested in
joining Bible Studies. About the funding, the Lord will provide. especially in the exercise of your journalistic bottom of the story. A news report that is Your personal sense of ethics and
People are very generous when it comes to the Word of God.” career and in making decisions related to unverified creates lots of problems both for responsibility will be your moral compass
“Your Word is a lamp to guide me and a light for my path” your profession. the writer and the news subject. You become as you go along.
(Psalm 119:105) is progressively becoming a reality among What you learn in the classroom is the ideal a candidate for libel and the integrity of the
the parishioners of Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish. thing, out there in the field is the real thing person you wrote about is also damaged in (This talk was delivered to students of the City
that would put your moral values to the test. the process. College of Manila last October 13, 2007)
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 10
May 10 - 23, 2010
The promotion and propagation of genetically
modified organisms and all forms of environmentally
destructive activities are all signs of human greed
(A Statement made by the more than 600 participants of the Archdiocese of Manila Ministry on Ecology Earth
Day celebration and Public Forum on GMO last April 22, 2010 at Don Bosco Technical Institute, Makati City.)

Shepherding in May
2010 Elections
A Pastoral Letter
“God’s flock is in your midst; give it a shepherd’s
care”. (1 Peter 5:2)
AMIDST all the fears and uncertainties that beset our nation in
view of the coming elections on May 10, 2010, today’s liturgy of
the fourth Sunday of Easter exhorts us not to be afraid and to put
our trust in Jesus the Good Shepherd (Jn 10:11). Jesus willingly
lays down his life for his sheep and continues to protect his flock
from thieves and robbers. (Jn 10:30-31) The thief comes “to steal,
kill and destroy,” while Jesus has come that we may have the
fullness of life. (Jn 10:10)
This image of the shepherd is deeply rooted in the Old Tes-
tament and inherent in Christian tradition. Prophet Jeremiah
proclaims God’s promise to his people that the Lord will never
leave them without shepherds: “I will set shepherds over them
[my sheep] who will care for them, and they shall fear no more,
nor be dismayed” (Jer. 23.4).
For centuries since the time of Christ, ‘the Church, the People
of God, constantly experiences the reality of this prophetic mes-
sage and joyfully thanks God for it. She knows that Jesus Christ
himself is the living, supreme and definitive fulfillment of God’s
promise: “I am the good shepherd,” Jesus said (7n. 10:11). And

even when Jesus ascended to the Father, He entrusted to the

apostles and through their successors and collaborators the
special mission to shepherd God’s flock: “God’s flock is in your
midst; give it a shepherd’s care... not under constraint; and not
THE three major alarming threats now create more serious permanent problems, action in the world. Unfortunately, it is for shameful profit either, but generously” (1 Peter 5:2).
to life on earth are GLOBAL WARMING Today Christ continues his ministry of shepherding through
outweighing the temporary alleviation it is now clear that the application of these
the mission of the church, “to bring the good news to the poor, to
& CLIMATE CHANGE, GENETICALLY trying to provide. Bt eggplant and even Bt discoveries in the fields of industry and
proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to let
MODIFIED ORGANISMS, AND THE Corn are great challenges to combat if at least agriculture has produced harmful long- the oppressed go free, and to proclaim a year acceptable to the
ARTIFICIAL CREATION OF NEW LIFE to correct the damage it brings out. Humans term effects. This has led to the painful Lord.” (Luke 4:18-19) By virtue of our baptism, we have received
FORMS. have to be reminded once more of the true realization that WE CANNOT INTERFERE this mission of Christ that we may become “a light to the nations,
The advent of global warming is a meaning of “tilling” and “keeping” creation IN ONE AREA OF THE ECOSYSTEM a means of salvation to the ends of the earth” (Acts 13:47).
manifestation of a much deeper environmental (cf Gen 3:17-19). WITHOUT PAYING DUE ATTENTION As we brace ourselves for the elections come May 10, we must
issue, which is the lack of respect for living Biotechnology not just mutilates the cell BOTH TO THE CONSEQUENCES OF not only be concerned with the choice of leaders we want to put
creatures. There should be a conscious designs of every living organism but actually SUCH INTERFERENCE IN OTHER AREAS into public office. We should also examine closely the kind of lead-
responsibility in the use of natural resources, creates artificial life forms. Humans have AND TO THE WELL-BEING OF FUTURE ers we have at the moment and the existing political panorama
and constant care of the environment to keep exercised their “dominion” over all creation, GENERATIONS.” World Day of Peace that plague the entire nation as outlined by the CBCP statement
the harmonious balance of the intricate web forgetting that the command of God is not Message, Jan. 1990 of July 12, 2009, to wit: political dynasties have mushroomed in
of life on the planet. There is an urgent need a simple bestowal of authority, but a call to In his message, “If You Want to Cultivate all our archipelago; graft and corruption continues to bleed our
for a re-orientation of man’s role as “steward” responsibility. Every creature belongs to God Peace, Protect Creation, His Holiness Pope people; extreme poverty in the rural areas have prompted mass
(cf Gen 1:28) of all creation to drive home the (cf Gen. 2:15) and man cannot do whatever he Benedict XVI, made this appeal: “Can we evacuations to the cities and migration to foreign lands; extra-legal
truth that humans should not play “god” but wants to it for only God knows the wisdom remain indifferent before the problems killings and enforced disappearances continue to hound human
be servants of creation. of His whole creation. associated with such realities as climate rights crusaders; the insurgency in the countryside remains un-
But eggplant is just one among the Pope John Paul II stated that “Many recent change, desertification, the deterioration solved; kidnappings and bombings in the south remains unabated.
enumerable genetic modifications being discoveries have brought undeniable benefits and loss of productivity in vast agricultural
done to various plants and animals to to humanity. Indeed, they demonstrate areas, the pollution of rivers and aquifers, Wanted: Good Shepherds
Indeed, our country today is in dire need of good shepherds
mitigate problems of food shortage, farming the nobility of the human vocation to the loss of biodiversity, the increase
who are willing to make a sacrifice, let go of any selfish interests,
and climate change, which inadvertently participate RESPONSIBLY in God’s creative GMO / B7
and unconditionally dedicate themselves to the care and welfare
especially the majority who are poor and marginalized that they
may also share the fullness of life. The people are in need of good
Statement on the Coming National and Local Elections shepherds whom they can trust without fear of being abandoned
or of being neglected; good shepherds whom they can listen to

Transforming Elections through a

with confidence and guide them in truth, justice and love. The
coming Election is a God-given opportunity for our people to
decide to “seek good and not evil”, to choose life over death, to
choose progress and development over destitution and poverty,

Solidarity of Consciences
to choose God-fearing leaders rather than thieves and robbers
(Amos 5,14; Jn. 10:31).
In view of this, I am calling all the clergy of the archdiocese
to actively participate and get involved in the coming elections

I saw a new heaven and a new earth (Rev. 21:1)

by way of actualizing our prophetic function in today’s context.
Do not let your flock go astray and untended. Be their guide and
inspiration. Bring them to the greener pasture of hope and the
Beloved People of God: calls us to infuse morality and consciences. There is negative wellspring of life. Know that the sheep will always listen to the
spirituality in our politics and OUR SITUATION: A MIXED campaigning instead of debating voice of a good shepherd.
THE May 10, 2010 election electoral process through lay REALITY on issues or platforms. Many The next two weeks are very crucial in the preparation for the
is upon us. We are inspired by involvement in non-partisan Patronage politics continues voices—political advertisements, coming elections. Let me therefore ask you:
this vision from the book of work, like voters’ education unabated. Electoral laws go endorsers, media, surveys, a) intensify our catechesis through the Voters’ Educa-
tion and good governance. Use whatever materials given to
Revelation, a vision of things to and poll automation, as well unheeded. Limits on campaign misused cultural values, etc.—
you from the PPCRV, BEC, Commission on Education and from
come; an old order is passing engage in principled partisan spending are violated. Illegal often stifle the voice of conscience.
away and something new is politics by running for office posters abound, disfiguring our We bemoan these realities that b) mobilize all resources in the parish to come up with respon-
emerging. We are called to be and participating in circles of environment. There are reports dehumanize both voters and sive PPCRV volunteers and poll-watchers to guard our votes;
a people of living faith and discernment, and for men and of vote buying, intimidation, and candidates. c) use the “Prayer for the Coming Elections” in all your masses
unwavering hope who see God’s women in uniform to keep the even violence through armed Many individuals and groups and organize prayer brigades days prior and during the elections;
hand in this watershed event and peace. groups. Prices of votes have even are also stepping up to the we need to pray intensely for this election to succeed;
actively prepare for it. We thank God there is a gone up as voters demand higher challenge of ensuring honest, d) conduct special collections on the following Sundays
The election falls in the Year growing number of individuals prices or favors. All these require orderly, and peaceful elections, leading to the elections to augment logistical support of our lo-
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and and groups in our country who money and – alas! – many sources recognizing that credible cal PPCRV units; 80% of these collections shall remain in the
the Immaculate Heart of Mary are heeding the call to hopeful of funds are either illegal or have automated election—regardless parish while the 20% shall go to the operations of the PPCRV
which asks the faithful to pray action, despite difficulties and strings attached to them. of who is chosen by the people— archdiocesan group;
and to work for peace and for challenges. They provide a Many voters still go about is essential to ensuring peace e) be vigilant against all forms of frauds and irregularities in
social transformation. This work glimpse of a new Philippines. haphazardly in forming their Transforming / B7 the conduct of the elections. We also have lawyers involved in
the PPCRV to help us.

Let Our Voices Be Heard!

Let me also call on all those entrusted by law in shepherding the
integrity and sacredness of the coming elections. To all COMELEC
Officials, the AFP and the PNP, and other government agencies
tasked to ensure an honest and peaceful elections, we call on
to you to stand up and be counted as True Public Servants with
“The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord.” - Proverbs 9:10 integrity and unblemished moral character. Think and prioritize
always the common good of our people.
WE at LAIKO, the association of Catholic life, marriage and family is fundamental poor, as well as sustainable programs that To all our voting citizens, listen to the voice of the Good Shep-
lay groups in the country, publicly express as it goes into the core of their being and will lift them from poverty. Let us elect only herd that you may not go astray. Choose leaders who are God-
that we stand firm with the Catholic Bishops’ faith in the Creator of Life. Let us elect only those who truly love the poor. In so doing, fearing, men and women of integrity and competence, willing to
Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) and those who have made clear their belief in we create the environment that will enable pursue programs that will alleviate our people from the bondage
their guidelines in the exercise of our sacred the sacredness of life and vow to protect it. every Filipino to live a dignified life as befits of poverty. In the end, the kind of leaders we choose will always
reflect the kind of people we are. It is not money or some self-
right to participate in the election of our As we do, we look forward with expectant the image and likeness of God.
serving politicians who should determine the destiny of our nation.
government leaders on 10 May 2010. faith to the outpouring of God’s blessings Even as we choose candidates who possess
Let our free voices be heard in the coming elections so that we,
Above all the noise of the electoral on our land. these qualities and require that they be as responsible citizens, would truly determine the destiny of this
campaign, we ask our fellow lay faithful to A CANDIDATE WHO HAS FEAR OF strict with themselves in upholding these country with the help of God.
be still and look for that one fundamental THE LORD IS HONEST, AND WILL NOT values, they, however, must not be quick to In this Year for Priests, we, the members of the clergy of Palo,
quality for leaders of our country—that of TOLERATE CORRUPTION. Let us elect condemn others who do not have the same collectively commit ourselves to serve God and His people, and
WISDOM based on fear of the Lord. Let only those who are not corrupt, those qualities. Instead, we look for leaders who are configure our hearts after the heart of Jesus the Good Shepherd
us choose candidates who, by their words, whose reputations can be upheld by a track TRANSFORMATIONAL, who will UNIFY that we may continually seek the good of the flock entrusted to
actions and priorities, clearly show their fear record of clean and honest service to their and LEAD others by example. us. And may our love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Im-
of God and obedience to His commandments. communities. By voting for such candidates, Let the candidates face up to the values maculate Heart of Mary intensify and sustain our efforts towards
A CANDIDATE WHO HAS FEAR OF we can help utilize resources duly meant for we hold dear. Let this election be an act of moral renewal and in building a just and peaceful society.
THE LORD RESPECTS AND STANDS UP the development of our country and people. wisdom springing from the fear of the Lord.
FOR LIFE. We reiterate our solidarity with A CANDIDATE WHO HAS FEAR OF Strengthened by our faith in God, come election +JOSE S. PALMA, D.D., S.Th.D
our Church leaders on the imperative of THE LORD GENUINELY LOVES THE time, WE MAKE OUR VOICES HEARD! Archbishop of Palo
protecting the sanctity of life. We believe that POOR. These candidates should have clear April 20, 2010
the stand of candidates on issues that concern platforms that show a sincere concern for the LAIKO BOARD OF TRUSTEES (2010-2011)
Ref lections
CBCP Monitor
B6 Vol. 14 No. 10
May 10 - 23, 2010

The Mission of the Disciples

Homily on the Solemnity of Pentecost C (John 20:19-23)May 23, 2010
By Msgr. Lope C. Robredillo, SThD formed out of the clay, Adam became a
living beng (Gen 2:7).
What is the mission? Simply to
PENTECOST is not a distinctively celebrate liturgy or confine itself to the
Christian celebration. Originally, it was sacristy, as some critics often argue
an agricultural feast that celebrated the about the Church’s mission? According
end of the grain harvest, much like the to John, the Church’s mission is to
fiesta celebration in many villages in the continue the mission of the Son (John
Philippines in honor of St. Isidore the 20:21). The Church does not engage
Farmer. Later, however, it came to be in a new work. The mission of Jesus is
associated in the Old Testament tradition simply carried out and interpreted in
with the Exodus and the giving of the various times, places and situations. As
Covenant. In Christianity, it acquired a Jesus did, so the Church must bring life:
new significance as it became the day in “God so loved the world that he gave
which the Spirit of Jesus was given to the his only Son, that whoever believes in
Church. But even in the New Testament, him may not die but may have eternal
the giving of the Holy Spirit admits of life” (3:16); “I came that they may have
various views and meanings. Of course, life and have it to the full” (10:10). The
these differences reflect the diversity of Church must bring this message of life
the theological interests of the authors. to the individuals, to the communities,
And most of us are familiar with the and to the world. By life, John of course
Lukan account in the 1st Reading (Acts means not natural life or everlasting life
2:1-11) whose words and images hark but eternal life—the vital and intimate
back to the giving of the Law at Sinai. For relationship with the Father and the Son,
Luke, Pentecost is the day when God’s which comes from faith in Jesus and
people, represented by the disciples, were being obedient to his word. As such, it
reconstituted, and empowered to mediate is eschatological, and one who receives
salvation to all peoples. this life dwells in the sphere where God
John, however, has a different dwells. This is life in its highest degree.
theological concern. He already exhibits What destroys that life is not death,
a different view of the happening by because it survives bodily death but sin.
collapsing the division of the mystery (This is the Johannine equivalent to the
into Death, Resurrection, Ascension and Pentecost to a single Easter The Church will accomplish its mission through the reception of Synoptic focus on the Kingdom of God which appears only thrice
event For him, the Death, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus are the Holy Spirit: “He breathed on them and said, ‘Receive the Holy in John.) And the Church will be able to give that life because the
bound up with the outpouring of the Spirit, for these redemptive Spirit’ (20:22b). The disciples are endowed with the Holy Spirit who Spirit himself, which gives power to the Church and its mission,
deeds are essentially one. And as can be gleaned from today’s Gospel consecrates them for the mission: “As you have sent me into the gives life, and is the source of eternal life.
(John 20:9-23), the giving of the Holy Spirit in John signifies the world, so I have sent them into the world; I consecrate myself for
commissioning of the Church. Jesus sent the disciples on a mission: their sakes now that they may be consecrated in the truth” (17:18-
“I send you” (20:21b). Although the commissioning is placed in a 19). Because of the Spirit, they will even do greater things (14:12), Bishop Pat Alo
post-resurrection setting, it really picks up a theme in the Last Supper have a more penetrating understanding of Jesus’ teaching (14:26),
Discourse in which Jesus prayed for the consecration of the disciples,
whom he would send into the world (17:17-19).
In the understanding of the Johannine community, the sending of
and they will be able to carry out the task even in a hostile world
(15:25-26). It is interesting to note that standing in awe at current
development, many think that the success of the Church’s mission
the disciples is patterned and grounded on the sending of the Son depends on the use of technology, money, alliance with governments,
by the Father: “As the Father has sent me, so I send you” (20:21). As and wisdom of missionaries. Of course, these may be important. But
Jesus was accomplishing his mission in the world, the Father was what is decisive is the Holy Spirit. Without his power, all efforts will
present in him, in his words and deeds: “Whoever looks on me is not succeed. John Paul II made a similar observation in his Novo
seeing him who sent me” (12:45). In the same way, those who see millennio ineunte: “There is the temptation which perennially besets
the disciples, the Lord’s representatives, will also see the Son: “He
who accepts anyone I send accepts me” (13:20). Thus, Jesus is also
present in the words and deeds of the Church, which the disciples
every spiritual journey and pastoral work: that of thinking that
the results depend on our ability to act and to plan. God of course
asks us to really cooperate with his grace, and therefore invites us
to invest all our resources of intelligence and energy in serving the
represent. The three (Father, Son, and Church) are stitched together.
In much the same way that Jesus came to do the will of the Father, cause of the Kingdom. But it is fatal to forget that ‘without Christ
so the Church cannot detach itself from Jesus in fulfilling its mission. we can do nothing’ (Cf John 15:5).” The Holy Spirit’s power alone
It must remain faithful to him. is life-giving. When God breathed into the nostril of the man he
WITH the RH Bill issues connected to the stand of several
Bo Sanchez politicians running on th ese Philippine elections 2010, the
contraceptive controversy has gained the forefront. The

SOULFOOD stand of the Church has been clear since the issuance of the
Encyclical Humanae Vitae (on Human Life) of Pope Paul VI,
in 1968. Just as today the minds of people tend to revert to
natural cures (or as close to nature) as remedy for sicknesses

Your past doesn’t define your future

(vis-a-vis side effects of artificial medications), so also it
seems the Church favors the responsible parenthood, only
through natural ways of self-control, not the artificial devices
of contraception. The production of such devices has become
a booming business, that is what has accentuated the issue
I CAN still see it. hut when at fourteen years chemistry, physics, and Pilipino. years old. With lesser pimples, since money is involved here. The Church favors respect for
There was a bamboo hut I old, a prayer group leader I wasn’t much of anything, but with a receding hairline now. life, the first right of man, over such other considerations,
saw while travelling in a far- “prophesied” to me that I will really. (I don’t run out of problems.) much more so, since the issue is very much connected to
flung island in the country. preach to different nations all Oh, I was a preacher all right. And insane has happened: the morality of sex, family, and the purity of morals. The
Right smack in the middle of over the world. At that time, I was already I’ve preached to sooooo many corruption comes in, precisely, since “the love of money is the
nowhere, with mountain ranges She said she heard God tell her leading a small prayer group of nations all over the world these root of all evils” (1 Tim. 6:10). It does bespeak a lack of trust
and farmlands around it, lay that in her prayers. thirty people. Impressed? Don’t past years, I sometimes wonder if in God’s care when we hear the “lumang tugtugin – matiwas
this tiny shack the size of your Wow. be. My audience was um... a my next flight will be to a planet ang caldero ko dahil sa kahirapan ng buhay” (life is so harsh
regular toilet. Me, an international preacher. little bit biased. The regular called Jupiter. and I will barely have enough to eat, literally translated: “my
I had to stop to take a good look, Ha! members of my prayer group I’m not boasting. You see, I kettle will be turned upside down for lack of food to cook.”
because it had a sign on top of it. I’m not insane, thank you. were the following: my mother, don’t think I can. Ever. At the beginning of creation: “God created man in the image
And the sign was bigger than the You see, I knew myself. I saw my father, my five sisters, their I still see myself as that bamboo of himself, in the image of God he created him, male and
house itself. I read it, in big, bold, who I was every time I looked at husbands, my nieces, my aunts, hut out in the middle of nowhere. female he created them. God blessed them saying to them,
bright, red letters: the mirror, which I tried to avoid their husbands, my cousins, and I’m still that fourteen year old ‘Be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and conquer it’” (Gen.
“GLOBAL OUTREACH FOR to relieve myself of unnecessary the neighborhood dogs. Count nobody. 1:27-28). To follow God’s will, let us choose the candidates
JESUS” (INTERNATIONAL) stress. I was a small-packaged, that and you get thirty very loyal All it had to take was God. who have a deep respect for life. Rather than limit the guests
Now they’d be in trouble if that toothpick-structured, pimple- people with a few representatives And a guy who failed in to the table of life, we must rather increase the resources of
were their central office. infested, grotesquely-formed, from the animal kingdom. algebra, physics, and chemistry. food, clothing, and shelter so we may have better citizens of
Then boy, whoever put that fourteen-year-old “creature” International Preacher? The truth? the earth and future citizens of our final destiny of heaven
sign had faith. who also wasn’t very bright. I was Lunacy. Your past doesn’t define your with God and His saints, in our true and final home.
I actually felt like that bamboo struggling in high school algebra, But listen. I’m now thirty-three future.

Fr. Francis Ongkingco


‘Tipping the Philippines’

AFTER listening to the some intriguing and comfortably walk through its streets beating started shaping up because they People littered and vandalized no more. that things aren’t going well because
examples of socio-cultural changes in and parks? were dealt with accordingly. Gradually, Along with this wave came the removal government is corrupt, that the city
Malcolm Gladwell’s audio book “The The author answered this by New Yorkers suddenly came to the of the colossal over passes that through is overcrowded, or that there is a big
Tipping Point”, I asked myself: “What describing the psychology behind the realization that someone was taking care the years became concrete eyesores. gap between the rich and the poor.
exactly could make our country tip for “broken window” theory. It says that of the metropolis and its inhabitants. A Personally, I believe that before we point
the better?” when a broken window goes unrepaired small effort to curb an “insignificant” our finger at these broader problems,
Gladwell refers to the tipping point for a long period of time, people end up behavior eventually contributed to a *** we ought to ask ourselves how we can
as “that one dramatic moment in an concluding that “no one cares.” This was “greater change” for the city’s good. Looking at our own country, especially make things already tip where we are
epidemic when everything can change paired with another study revealing Some years ago, even before in these moments of hopeful political according to our possibilities and talents.
all at once.” This means that something that criminals and their crimes thrive in Gladwell’s example, I didn’t realize that I transformation, I ask myself what could The famous saying that charity begins
in society can turn from either a bad and places that are usually abandoned and had witnessed a “tipping phenomenon” make this country tip? Let’s list down at home: the small but constant efforts
hopeless situation into something good neglected. The subways of New York are in Bilbao, a northern Spanish city. a few specific problems that if tipped we put can make many things already
and successful or vice versa. a real portrait where these ideas come Bilbao, once famous for being a would indicate that things are indeed tip. Here are some simple ideas: a) our
Let’s take one of his very interesting alive. The officials thought, this was a seaport and shipyard, heavily suffered changing for the better: a) Education— children’s education (i.e. cherishing
examples. He describes how the high good place to start “curbing crime”. with the noise, grim and stench of curriculum, wages of teachers, structural perennial human and cultural values like
rate crime in New York tremendously Instead of clamping directly on industrialization. These, however, were state of buildings, etc.; b) Cultural respect for elders, diligence, patience,
tipped after the implementation of a criminals, the head of the subway vividly changed by two cultural icons. decadence—poor content of local TV etc.); b) raising the cultural level when
rather unique solution. Unless you’ve network made it a cleaner and more These two centers ignited a ads, shows, and movies; c) Traffic we don’t simply allow anything from TV
already read the book, try to guess what comfortable place. Moreover, they cultural rebirth –both artistically and congestion and bad driving habits + bad or movies to pollute our home’s spiritual
was implemented to make the crime started systematically catching common architecturally– with the construction of road conditions; d) Cleanliness in public and human intimacy (i.e. foster reading,
rate decline: (a) beef up the police force, fare beaters. At first, many were skeptical the famous titanium gilded Guggenheim places (i.e. garbage, dirty washrooms, some hobby, learn a language, etc.); c)
(b) install security cameras all over the about how this was going to change by Frank Gehry; and a homey stainless canals, etc.); e) Pollution—in the air, improving the traffic—before the road
place, (c) remove all traces of vandalism anything since fare beating was nothing steel subway network designed by water as well as noise pollution; itself—of relations at home can really
in the vicinity, and (d) allow every citizen compared to mugging and theft. But in Norman Foster. These structures It’s so tempting to think that some make a difference (i.e. our rapport with
to carry a handgun. a course of four years or so, crime rates awakened in the citizens of Bilbao a grandiose plan is required to tip these our helpers and drivers, the gardener, the
You might be surprised to learn that surprisingly declined in the subway and new consciousness about their city and negative conditions. Gladwell, however, newspaper boy, etc.); d) cleanliness not
the answer is: C. What does vandalism gradually throughout the city. themselves. points out that among the elements that only in the material sense, but also how
have to do with crime? How does How did this happen? Criminals no They reminded themselves as well as cause things to tip are “little causes” we inculcate the good use of time and
something seemingly insignificant longer felt “at home” committing crimes tourists about helping one another in that are “contagious” and happen in a resources in everyone (i.e. Internet use,
change a city infamous for crime into a in a cleaner and brighter place. People the basic upkeep of parks, bus stations, “dramatic moment.” curbing “gadget dependency, care of
place where its citizens can now safely who committed petty crimes like fare schools, and other major public facilities. It’s too comfortable to simply say material details by learning repairs, etc.)
Social Concerns
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 10
May 10 - 23, 2010

Musings on Election 2010 Leader / B1

where God, the creator, has willed us to be. It must be said here
that good intention and believing a vision is not enough to bring
the development desired by most. The leader needs a following in
order for him to share his vision with others. On the other hand need
is greater for a community to have a leader who will underwrite
and express with authority the group’s aspired direction. In short,

Photos courtesy of CBCP Operation Champ Website:

in the matter of journeying to development and progress towards
“fullness of life” everyone will need each other.
Given the chaotic situation today in the development and people
and the task of our nation building, it becomes more evident to
us that the catechesis on the vision towards fullness of life is a
“necessary lifetime course” of instruction for every responsible
citizen and believer, especially for those who live with a better
understood desired vision. There must be a lifetime course on
responsible citizenship based on the belief on the Transcendent,
giving roots to every person’s response to life, keeping in mind
age, position, ability, and responsibility.
The vision must be clear! If it is not, it must be clarified, described
and explained. This inescapable task belongs to the leader, who
must be encouraged by those who believe and belong to the
same cause of desiring a better life for fellowmen and a unified
nation where the ideal remains, “everyone cares for absolutely
every anyone,” until the “fullness of life” is mutually shared by
all. Leaders must feel that the vision is understood and desired
by all; no one lags behind. If the vision is clear, then the studied
approach to satisfying the needs will be precise. There must be
By Bishop Broderick line up to vote. Worse scenario: because of the clustering of their of the ballots. The COMELEC mutual encouragement and support between the community of
Pabillo I wonder how many will not be precincts. At the rate things were spent millions to acquire these believers and their leaders, between society and its leaders. A well
able to vote even if they want moving at mid afternoon, many scanners and there was even a prepared election cannot guarantee a unified people. An honest
to because there is not time left. would not be able to vote as controversy over this. I asked election does not even guarantee a change in the perspective, values
ONE We continue to call on voters people are getting fed up waiting others who voted. Their ballots and behavior of people. But a well understood and valued vision
Success! I was able to cast my to please take the time to vote, and in many places the voting too were not scanned. To verify summarizes to anyone what s/he wants to be as human person,
vote, and successfully! This was in spite of all the hassle. This process is so slow. further, I went to a public a citizen and as a believer.
a victory but a hard-won one. I is a small act of heroism that In one school in Novaliches school in Makati and observe The leader is also helped by his or her community to make
came to the voting center at 10 the nation asks from each of us for example 300 service numbers the last hour of voting there. In the desiderata of the vision applicable to everyone, anywhere or
am and was able to cast my vote today. I congratulate the so many were distributed in the morning all the precincts there were no at anytime. This is the meaning of the saying that an authentic
at 12:30 pm! The voting center volunteer groups involved in this but by 3 pm only 80 have cast ultra-violet scanners. We spent vision is compendious (compact and comprehensive). It
was the Isabelo de los Reyes election – PPCRV, NAMFREL, their votes! Not that few voted, millions acquiring them and they therefore belongs to a group of leaders, who, with imagination
School in Tondo. It was full of LENTE and many others. I but the process was so slow! are not used! and daring, will “excavate and mine” the data existing and
people. The heat was terrible, salute them for their great sense I also heard of several places Another observation. Many with the help of the believing community attach developmental
heat not only coming from the of sacrifice especially staying in the country where elections of our public schools have 3 and growth goals to the Christian, believer, citizen, worker,
sun but also from the thousands in these overheated ovens! were not conducted for a variety or 4 stories with no elevators professional, etc.
of bodies gathered there! It is a Many of these volunteers are of reasons, like the ballots were at all. There were complains A true leader knows that there are no short-cuts to development
wonder that up to now there is young people. Their sense of switched between a town in Iloilo coming from the elderly that or even freedom, just as a good mentor, in or out of the classrooms,
no news of anyone being a victim volunteerism is truly heroic. and another town in Eastern they could not make it up the is convinced that “experience is the best teacher.” This brings us to
of heat stroke! Fortunately, ours I salute too our many prayer Samar. Two towns in Lanao did stairs! Perhaps considerations the great lesson that even parents know in rearing their children,
is a patient people. We Filipinos warriors, hidden in churches and not have the elections because no should be made for the elderly from infancy to adulthood: No one can learn the truth, or even
are known for patience. There adoration chapels, interceding BEI personnel could be found and the handicapped so that begin to love, without leaving some space for mistakes. From past
were squabbles here and there for a clean, peaceful and orderly since the teachers there are they need not go up the flights attempts at nation building (as also with person development)
but in general the atmosphere election. May their prayers and relatives of the local candidates. of stairs in order to exercise their we have now accumulated many mistakes, enough mistakes to
was peaceful—people lining up petitions touch our leaders and Some towns are so far inland that right to vote. allow us to begin the dream anew—a reformulated vision from
and waiting patiently for their candidates to respect and accept the PCOS machines cannot get to Finally, we are now in the the mistakes of the past, the persistent dream of long ago, with the
turn. I was not that patient. Good the will of the people so that the their places. counting and canvassing stage. promise of an ever loving and guiding God, that all these desires
for me that the voting center is election results will be credible There were also many I write this around 10 pm. Most for the better were implanted on each person, from time to time it
near the convent where I stay. and peace will be the end result reports of breakdowns of PCOS of the precincts have finished was decided, that every man and woman who will walk on earth
Upon getting my service number of this political exercise. machines. I wonder where the the voting. There are problems “will image the goodness of God” (Genesis 1:26).
which was 350 and knowing that extra 6000 PCOS machines meant in sending the results to the It is claimed that there is no shortcut to any development of
the one being served was number TWO to replace malfunctioning ones central servers. One problem the individual person or even of a great nation. Even an honest
230, I went back to my room to After having voted, I went to are kept. It is said that they are is that there are not enough election (together with the aid of automation) will not guarantee
do some reading. Two hours later visit several centers that monitor kept in reserve in hub centers. modems. In one school in the birth of a truly developed free nation. The struggle, the zeal,
I came up and I still had to line the elections. The CBCP Media Where are these hub centers Tondo with 27 PCOS machines the effort is a collective one, involving the assent and participation
up for 30 minutes more. Office has a monitoring center set and who and how can they be there are only 3 modems! To of all, the leaders and the led. This is the step taken by MAGPAS
Voting started at 7 am. By up at the top floor of the CBCP accessed? There seems to be a compound this situation is and all those who pursue our apostolic vision.
12:30 I cast my vote, number 350. office in Intramuros dubbed lack in information and there is the fact that it is not easy to
I surmise not all the 349 before as “Operation CHAMP”. It is no point person to ask. transmit the results. Probably This will be our pursuit!
me voted. I was right. There were manned by many religious men Another question came. I the system is overloaded at the After all those errors in serving people and nation building, we
only 280 votes cast before me, and and women. The PPCRV has observed that when I voted central servers. I wonder up to take the route of evangelization development as encouraged by our
that at 12:30 pm! Each precinct theirs in Pope Pius XII Center in the morning my ballot was when will the BEIs, the PPCRV vision. To rush in a hurry (at nation building) without touching
has 1000 voters. I wonder how while NAMFREL has it in La Salle not scanned. Each precinct is volunteers and the watchers personal perspectives, without changing attitudes or purifying
many of those 1000 in my Greenhills. All these centers have supposed to have an ultra-violet wait till all the results will be values is to confirm the Harvard studies about the Philippines
precinct would be able to vote. lines of computers and phones scanner to scan each ballot to transmitted. Ah… there is so that “politics is a major industry for the Filipinos” and the shortest
But this is not just the situation set up and they are receiving know whether it is an authentic much to improve! Yes we need way to “personal pagpapayaman.”
in my precinct. I went around updates from their people in the ballot or not. This was a soluti to learn from experience, but Our way is the way guided and accompanied by a vision that
asking the other polling places in ground. The common comment on made when the automatic could not the painful learning leads us slowly to fullness of life through a difficult but tried and
the same school. All have similar that I hear is that of long lines of scanners in the PCOS machines experiences have been lessened if assured way (Paschal Mystery way). Jesus with His Mother Mary
situations. I wonder how many people in the voting centers and were decommissioned because more planning and foresight had is our co-pilgrim.
percent of the electorate will of people not finding their names of miscalculations in the printing been done by the COMELEC? Thank you and God bless!

Transforming / B5

and order. fundamental leadership trait from Various sectors, in addition to the On Automated Elections: Let us be interests. Be courageous.
Still, certain fears remain. There is which other qualities are strengthened church network, conduct regular prayer extra-vigilant and patient concerning the
the fear of losing elections fueled by and perfected. Recollections open to vigils. We are a nation learning to pray first-ever automated polls. We call on the A FINAL WORD:
the desire to win at all cost. There is the all candidates is another welcome and work for social transformation. Comelec to have concrete guidelines on Let us shun short-cuts during and
fear of being cheated and the fear of development. handling post-election complaints and to after elections. They only lead to further
relinquishing power. There is also the The faithful are not only involved in OUR CALL: work closely with other government and misery and delay the process of political
fear of failure of elections. Fear has a way ensuring credible elections; they are also Voters: Let us choose the way of non-government agencies in ensuring maturation. Let us give our “yes” to
of exaggerating itself especially when starting to be engaged in helping emerge God during elections by choosing honest, orderly, and credible elections. conscience, to constitution, and to Christ
uncertainties remain and questions are credible candidates and discerning good and rejecting evil, even the lesser Candidates: Be truly God-fearing and as we engage in a politics of patience,
unanswered. voters. There are on-going election efforts evil. Listening to one’s conscience shun vote buying even if it costs you humility, and hope. Only a solidarity of
that are becoming less personality- and is the starting point for infusing votes. Let your lives and track record consciences will enable us to see a “new
SPACES OF HOPE more platform-oriented. Christian morality and spirituality convince voters. Be people of proven heaven and a new earth”.
Informal discussions, well-attended There are many indications that men into the electoral process. Let circles integrity and service. Be magnanimous
fora, and media-inspired voters’ and women in the uniform are heeding of discernment multiply and continue winners and gracious losers, ready to For the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of
engagement show the emergence of the call to be extra-vigilant to bring to be guided and strengthened by the work together for the common good the Philippines,
a vigorous democracy. In addition, about peaceful elections and not allow Church’s spiritual resources and ethical after elections. Always uphold the
discernment processes for forming the themselves to be used by politicians or teachings, and let them share the fruits constitution. +NEREO P. ODCHIMAR, D.D.
consciences of voters are being pilot ideological groups. The PNP has even of their discernment. Let us not believe Peace Keepers: Leave a legacy of Bishop of Tandag
tested. There is a growing consensus issued clear ethical guidelines on conduct everything that we hear especially those keeping the peace by continuing to serve CBCP President
that being truly God-fearing is the during elections to its rank and file. that feed on our fears. the common good rather than vested May 4, 2010

GMO / B5

of natural catastrophes and 2. Remain vigilant against

CBCPMonitor Name ________________________________­________________________

(Family Name) (Given Name) (Middle Name)
the deforestation of equatorial
and tropical regions? Can
we disregard the growing
the use, consumption, and
distribution of GMOs.
3. Support organic farming
SUBSCRIPTION RATES phenomenon of environmental which respects nature as
“refugees”, people who are originally planned by our
Mailing Address ______________________________________________ forced by the degradation of Creator.
The CBCP Monitor is published ______________________________________________________________ their natural habitat to forsake 4. Demand our legislators and
it—and often their possessions as concerned government officials
fortnightly by the CBCP Media Phone No.: ________ Fax No.: ________ E-mail: __________________ well—in order to face the dangers to enact and implement laws
Office, with editorial and busi- Mode of Payment and uncertainties of forced protecting the public from GMOs
ness offices at 470 Gen. Luna displacement? Can we remain and the harsh impacts of climate
St., Intramuros, Manila. PO Box  Check/PMO enclosed  Cash Payment impassive in the face of actual change.
3601, 1076 MCPO (Payable to: CBCP Communications Development Foundation Inc.) and potential conflicts involving 5. Support only candidates
• Domestic access to natural resources?” with genuine concern and
This call of the present crisis agenda for the protection of the
1 Year Php 500.00 _______________________________ requires everyone to ponder environment during the coming
2 Years Php 900.00
Signature and review together the path we election.
• Foreign: Asia are to take before we continue 6. Strengthen ecology related
1 Year US$ 55.00 to move on towards either life programs in parishes and in
• All Other US$ 80.00 or death. As Christians and every catholic institutions.
responsible citizens, we are being
PLEASE SEND TO: challenged to positively respond SIGNED BY THE
CBCP Monitor, P.O. Box 3601, Manila, Philippines with concrete actions now! We PARTICIPANTS
470 Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, Manila, Philippines | Tel (632) 404-2182 • Telefax (632) 404-1612 hereby commit to: led by Bishop Broderick S.
Or e-mail this at 1. Further educate ourselves Pabillo, DD
regarding the dangers of GMOs. Auxiliary Bishop of Manila.
B8 Entertainment CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 10
May 10 - 23, 2010

Moral Assessment Technical Assessment

 Abhorrent  Poor
 Disturbing  Below average

 Acceptable  Average

 Wholesome  Above average

 Exemplary  E

Tony Stark (Robert Downey, Jr) may have flocked the theaters Title: Iron Man 2
is having the time of his life. Six for the film’s special effects and Cast: Robert Downey, Jr.,
months after he revealed himself fight scenes but the real treasure Sam Rockwell, Gwyneth
as Iron Man, this billionaire of the movie lies on the simple, Paltrow, Mickey Rourke,
industrialist credits himself for talking scenes with the actors Scarlett Johanson,
what is known to be an era of solidly interacting with crisp Samuel Jackson
world peace. Stark is focused on Director: Jon Favreau
dialogue. Rockwell delivers a Producer: Kevin Feige
rebuilding his father’s version solid performance that almost Screenwriter: Justin Theroux
of the World’s Fair, the Stark overshadowed Downey’s and Music: John Debney
Expo and everything seems to Rourke’s super villain’s role Editor: Dan Lebental, Richard
be going for him. However, comes out strong and believable. Pearson
the government pressures him On one hand, some would find Genre: Action
to turn-over his Iron Man Iron Man 2 as a bit talky than Cinematography: Matthew
technology, and Justin Hammer the original but then, this sets Libatique
(Sam Rockwell), a rival weapons the film apart from the other Distributor: Paramount Pic-
venture capitalist, poses a big tures
movies of the same genre. Location: USA
threat. Meanwhile, unknown to Although the plot of this second Running Time: 120 mins.
Stark, a Russian scientist, Ivan franchise is a lot busier and
Vanko a.k.a. Whiplash (Mickey Technical Assessment: 
could be considered convoluted, ½
Rourke) is about to destroy the genius of the story about a
him to avenge for an old family Moral Assessment: 
mortal super hero is still there. CINEMA Rating: For viewers
grudge. Hammer eventually Iron Man 2 is about a super age 13 and below with
collaborates with Vanko and hero who has to deal with his parental guidance
finances his technology to own mortality. Unlike other
further put down both Stark’s super heroes whose power which is to show his human side,
business empire and Iron Man. comes from supernatural forces, is clear. It is also understandable
Worse of all, Stark discovers the Iron Man relies on a man-made that he questions his worth for he
very technology that powers technology that celebrates the felt unloved and unappreciated
his heart and his Iron Man suit intelligence of humanity. Iron by his father. Until he rediscovers
(the palladium, the substance Man is the epitome of modern- how much his father actually
inside the Ark Reactor) is slowly day superhero that epitomizes loved and appreciated him, he
killing him. a combination of super strength is able to redeem himself once
This second franchise of a and human weakness. The again. Thus, saving the entire
mega-blockbuster could be the irony of it all is that the very world from the evil threats of
most anticipated film of the year. technology that made him super greed and vengeance in the
Iron Man 2 has maintained its human is the same technology process. There may be some
charm with Robert Downey, Jr. that confirms he is only human. level of violence in the movie,
still in the lead. Downey delivers Stark’s self-destructive reaction although without blood and gore,
the Iron Man combination of to this realization could be a so parents are advised to guide
wit and mischief. Audiences bit disturbing but the intention, their children while watching.

MAC en COLET Ni Bladimer Usi

Buhay Parokya
Look for the images of Holy
Bible, Dove and Pope John
Paul II. (Illustration by Bladimer Title: You to Me are Everything
Usi) Cast: Marian Rivera, Dingdong Dantes, Jacklyn Jose,
Isabel Oli
Director: Mark Reyes
Genre: Romance/ Comedy
Distributor: GMA Films
Location: Manila/ Benguet
Technical Assessment:  ½
Moral Assessment: ½
CINEMA Rating: For viewers age 13 and below with paren-
tal guidance

Si Francisca o Iska (Marian Rivera) ay isang Igorota na

nagbebenta ng strawberry jam. Magbabago ang takbo ng
kanyang buhay nang malaman niyang siya’y pinamanahan
ng malaking yaman, mga negosyo at ari-arian ng nasirang
ama na hindi niya nakilala. Si Raphael (Dingdong Dantes)
naman ay kabaligtaran ang kapalaran. Ang dati niyang
yaman ay nawala lahat sa kanya nang makulong sa salang
pangdarambong ang kanyang pulitikong ama. Sa isang
kakatwang sitwasyon ay magtatagpo ang landas nila Iska
at Raphael. Dahil baguhan sa kanyang mundo, maiisipan ni
Iska na kunin ang serbisyo ni Raphael upang matulungan
siya sa kanyang mga transaksiyon at mga magiging
desisyon. Papayag naman si Raphael at maiisip niyang
si Iska ang paraan upang maibalik sa dati ang marangya
niyang buhay. Ngunit unti-unti ay mahuhulog ang loob
nila sa isa’t-isa. Paano kung malaman ni Iska na ginagamit
lamang siya ni Raphael?
Isang malaking pag-aaksaya ng panahon ang panonood
ng pelikulang ito. Walang bago sa kuwento. Gasgas na at
pawang makaluma lahat ng sitwasyon pati na ang dayalogo.
Walang anumang aabangan sa kuwento sapagkat walang
mabigat na problema ang mga pangunahing tauhan. Walang
lalim at walang kurot sa puso. Ninanis man nitong mang-
aliw at magpatawa, hindi pa rin naging epektibo dahil
pawang pilit ang lahat ng ito. Maging ang pag-arte ng
mga tauhan ay malamlam at walang bigat. Nasayang ang
magandang chemistry nila Rivera at Dantes na nakapag-
bigay naman ng mangilan-ngilang kilig. Sa kabuuan,
walang anumang aspeto ang nagsalba sa pelikula. Maging
ang magagandang tanawin ay hindi rin gaanong nabigyang
halaga. Sayang at nakaka-angat na sana ang pelikulang
Pilipino lalo na pagdating sa drama at komedya ngunit
pawang nag-aksaya lamang ng pagod ang mga may-gawa
ng You To Me Are Everything at wala silang nasa isip
kundi ang kumita ng pera sa pelikulang ito. Maging yan,
marahil ay nabigo sila dahil kuwento na ang hinahanap ng
manonood at hindi lang basta mababaw na kilig.
Sinasadya man o hindi, naging mapanlait ang pelikula
sa kabuuan. Mapanlait sa kultura at kalinangang Igorot
na wala naman silang malinaw at malalim na basehan.
Ipinakita nilang pawang mga mangmang at taga-bundok
lamang ang mga kapatid nating ito. Hindi nabigyan ng
katarungan hanggang sa katapusan ng kuwento ang
paksang ito dahil ang karakter ni Iska ay sumuko at
nagpaubaya na lamang. Nakakabahala ang kahinaang ito
na ipinakita sa pelikula. Sa kabilang banda, nais namang
sabihin ng pelikula na hindi ang yaman ang mahalaga sa
buhay kundi pag-ibig. Maganda ang pagpapahalagang
ito sapagkat sa mundo ngayon na naging malabis nang
materyoso, nararapat pa ring ipaalala sa mga kabataan
ang higit na mahahalaga sa buhay – ang pamilya at pag-
ibig. Dalisay ang karakter ni Iska na hindi nasilaw at hindi
binago ng salapi. Isang magandang halimbawa. Nanatili
ring konserbatibo at positibo ang kanyang pananaw sa
buhay sa kabila ng maraming tukso sa kanyang paligid.
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 10
May 10 - 23, 2010

The Cross
A Supplement Publication of KCFAPI
and the Order of the Knights of Columbus

The symbolic TOKCA trophies, lined up before the Awarding Ceremony.

KCFAPI awards TOKCA winners THE Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines, Inc
(KCFAPI) has awarded the winners of The Outstanding Knights of Columbus Awards
(TOKCA) last April 16, 2010 during the convention dinner at the Pacific Grand
Ballroom, Waterfront Hotel in Lahug Cebu City.
Winners are Leopoldo Felix G. Saquing from Council 3706 for the Academe; Marteliano A. Alcontin
from Council 10125 for Agriculture; Reynaldo B. Odulio from Council 3692 for Business and Entrepre-
neurship; Martin C. Ilao from the Council 6300 for Engineering, Science and Technology; Armando
C. Velasco from Council 3363 for Government Service; Resurreccion S. Salvilla from Council 5028 for
Journalism and Media; Purisimo S. Buyco from Council 7745 for Law and Judiciary; and Zacarias C.
Candelaria from Council 10582 for Medical and Healthcare Services.
The award has recognized the outstanding achievements of members in their respective fields of
The Board of Jurors is composed of Msgr. Pedro C. Quitorio III, as Chairman; and Ambassador
Henrietta T. de Villa, Prof. Felipe B. Alfonso, Patrocinio R. Bacay, Antonio B. Borromeo, Alonso L. Tan,
Dionisio R. Esteban, Jr., and Sofronio R. Cruz, as members.
Jaro Archbishop Angel Lagdameo, the main speaker of the ceremony, said volunteerism is a sign of
life in the church and in society.
He also noted that volunteerism is “a spirituality of gospel-love combined with wisdom, trustworthi-
ness, co-dependability and reliability.”
“Each of us can confess with full certainty, that we are what we are today because of the voluntary
role that numberless individuals and groups have taken in our lives. That, being a fact is a call for us
to welcome and develop the spirituality of volunteerism,” he cited.
Supreme Knight Carl Anderson awarded the plaque of recognition to the TOKCA winners.
Anderson gave a heartwarming message to the attendees and dignitaries present at the awarding
For some years now, TOKCA has served as an inspiration to all members of the Knights of Columbus
TOKCA Awardees holding their trophies with their spouses during the Awarding held at the Pacific Grand Ballroom, Waterfront in the Philippines especially in living up to the cardinal principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and
Hotel in Lahug Cebu City. Patriotism. (KCFAPI News)

Cebu prelate urges Knights to continue State Deputies report

recent development of
fraternal service of helping neighbors their jurisdictions
CEBU Archbishop Ricardo Cardi- of Palo, Bishop Leonardo Medroso
nal Vidal called on all the Brother of Tagbilaran and Bishop Romulo THE State Deputies of the three jurisdictions have presented the
Knights to continue their fraternal de la Cruz of Kidapawan. recent updates of their jurisdictions last April 17 at the Waterfront
service in helping their neighbors. Together with some KC Chaplains, Hotel in Lahug, Cebu City.
This was the highlight of the homily there were 45 KC priests who concele- Luzon Deputy Alonso L. Tan, Visayas Deputy Dionisio R.
of the Cardinal during the Eucharistic brated during the Eucharistic celebra- Esteban, Jr., and Mindanao Deputy Sofronio R. Cruz have reported the
Celebration at the Cebu Metropolitan tion. These KC priests are scholars of latest programs and activities of their jurisdictions.
Cathedral that opened the 8th Na- the Fr. George J. Willmann Charities, They presented the report to the delegates and to Supreme
tional Convention of the Knights of Inc., which is under the auspices of Knight Carl A. Anderson who came all the way from the United
Columbus in the Philippines. KCFAPI that grants scholarship for States to attend the 8th National Convention of the Knights of
Vidal expressed his delight for seminarians who wish to continue Columbus in the Philippines.
the apostolate that the Knights their theological studies in the Phil- Following the reports, the Knights of Columbus Fraternal Associa-
have verbalized in its theme for ippines and for priests who wish to tion of the Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI) President Antonio B. Borromeo
the convention: "Volunteerism: pursue post graduate studies either presented the developments of KCFAPI which is the insurance arm
Neighbors Helping Neighbors". in the country or in Rome. of the Order of the Knights of Columbus in the Philippines.
“You are made for service... to Supreme Knight Carl A. Ander- He tackled on the KC products such as KC CARES Plan, SPEK
KC Priest Scholars together with Luzon Deputy Alonso Tan, Visayas Deputy
care for all men and women and Dionisio Esteban, Mindanao Deputy Sofronio Cruz and Supreme Knight Carl son with his wife, Lady Dorian Plan, Gold Plan, Dollar Supreme Plan and other programs and
children whoever they are and Anderson during the 7th National Gathering of KC Priest-Scholars held in Cebu Anderson attended the fraternal incentives of the insurance company.
wherever they may be. You are a City last April 14-16, 2010. mass. He also talked about the projects and plans of KCFAPI in pursu-
council in the church not just a club in the society... the love for neighbor The three state jurisdictions headed by Luzon Deputy Alonso L. ance of its objectives and the principles of the Order.
and love for God is your motive as well as your objective,” he said. Tan; Visayas Deputy Dionisio R. Esteban, Jr. and Mindanao Deputy In another development, Cotabato Archbishop Orlando
The mass which was presided by Vidal was concelebrated by Sofronio R. Cruz along with their state officers and members have Quevedo, Palo Archbishop Jose Palma and Bontoc-Lagawe Bishop
Tandag Bishop Nereo Odchimar, President of the Catholic Bish- also attended the mass. Rodolfo Beltran have presented their perspective on the theme,
ops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP); Cotabato Archbishop Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines, “VOLUNTEERISM: Neighbors Helping Neighbors.”
Orlando Quevedo, Bontoc-Lagawe Bishop Rodolfo Beltran, Virac Inc. (KCFAPI) Chairman Patrocinio R. Bacay, President Antonio B. Highlighting the second day of the convention was the Marian
Bishop Manolo delos Santos and Auxiliary Bishop of Cebu Julito Borromeo, Executive Vice President Ma. Theresa G. Curia, and other Hour which was led by Cebu Auxiliary Bishop Julito Cortes who
Cortes. The following prelates were not present during the mass Board of Trustees, along with KC officers and their spouses were gave a reflection on volunteerism through and with the Blessed
but were speakers during the convention: Archbishop Jose Palma also present in the Eucharistic Celebration. (Kate Laceda) Virgin Mary. (KC News)

KCFAPI joins CBCPNews on election watch Thousands attend KC 8th National Convention in Cebu
THE Knights or even critical A LITTLE over two thousand members of the Knights of insurance arm of the Knights of Columbus in the country.
of Columbus incidents. This Columbus throughout the country participated in the recent CBCP President and Tandag Bishop Nereo Odchimar,
Fraternal As- will start from Knights of Columbus’ 8th National Convention at the Wa- Jaro Archbishop Angel Lagdameo, Cotabato Archbishop
sociation of the May 10 until terfront Cebu City Hotel in Lahug last April 16-18, 2010. Orlando Quevedo, Palo Archbishop Jose Palma, Kida-
Philippines, Inc 13,” he said. There are now about 250,000 members of the Order in the pawan Bishop Romulo de la Cruz, Bontoc-Lagawe Bishop
(KCFAPI) col- Aside from Philippines and about 1.8 million throughout the world. Rodolfo Beltran were the resource speakers during the
laborated with their collabora- Held every three years, this convention took up devel- convention.
CBCP News tion with CBCP- opments of the three jurisdictions of Luzon, Visayas and Cebu Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal Vidal celebrated the
Service of the News, KCFAPI Mindanao led by the state deputies SK Alonso L. Tan opening Eucharistic Celebration at the Cebu Metropoli-
Catholic Bish- earlier signed a (Luzon), SK Dionisio R. Esteban, Jr. (Visayas), and SK tan Cathedral on April 16, while Cebu Auxiliary Bishop
ops Conference Memorandum Sofronio R. Cruz (Mindanao). Julito Cortes led the Marian Hour at the convention site
of the Philip- of Agreement This year’s theme was, “Volunteerism: Neighbors on April 17.
pines (CBCP) with the Parish Helping Neighbors.” The resource speakers’
in monitoring the country’s first automated Pastoral Council for Responsible Vot- Supreme Knight Carl talks as well as homilies
national elections. ing (PPCRV) to assist voters education A. Anderson with Lady were variations on the
Dubbed as “Operation CHAMP” the ini- nationwide. Dorian attended the theme of volunteerism.
tiative is a multimedia monitoring sys- Meanwhile, the KC Luzon jurisdiction convention. Coinciding with the
tem in pursuit of a clean, honest, accu- is also actively involved in “Simbahan at Knights of Columbus event was the award-
rate, meaningful and peaceful (CHAMP) Halalan”, a collaborative program of Radio Fraternal Association ing ceremony of The
elections. Veritas and CBCP Media Office that has of the Philippines Inc Outstanding Knights
According to Gari M. San Sebastian, been promoting nationwide novena vigils (KCFAPI) Chairman Pa- of Columbus Awards
Manager of the Fraternal Benefits Services and radio reporting. trocinio Bacay, President (TOKCA) and the retreat
Department of KCFAPI, the primary role of Spearheaded at the Arzobispado Chapel Antonio Borromeo, Ex- of the Knights of Colum-
KCFAPI is to establish a network of mul- in Intramuros, the vigil opens at 12 noon and ecutive Vice President bus Scholar-priests.
timedia reporters who will send reports closes at 12 midnight daily from May 5 to 13. Ma. Theresa Curia and The convention end-
through SMS and online networking to its San Sebastian reiterated that while KCFAPI their Board of Trustees as ed with a Eucharistic
central hub in CBCP Intramuros. and the Knights of Columbus in the Philip- well as the chairman and celebration presided
“We will be sending manpower to pines are actively involved in activities that officials of the subsidiar- (From L-R) KCFAPI President Antonio Borromeo, Chairman Patrocinio Bacay, by Tagbilaran Bishop
every arch/diocese, at least 2 per arch/ promote CHAMP elections, they will remain ies of KCFAPI were also Spiritual Director Msgr. Pedro Quitorio III, KC Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, Leonardo Medroso.
Visayas Deputy Dionisio Esteban, Mindanao Deputy Sofronio Cruz and Luzon
diocese to send queries, incidental reports neutral and non-partisan. (Kate Laceda) present. KCFAPI is the Deputy Alonso Tan during the KC Philippines’ 8th National Convention. (CBCPNews)
The Cross
CBCP Monitor
C2 Vol. 14 No. 10
May 10 - 23, 2010

Chairman’s President’s
Message Message
Antonio B. Borromeo
Patrocinio R. Bacay BY the time you read this article the national elections are done and new
leaders in the national and local positions have been duly elected. The
CONGRATULATIONS to the Knights of knight. Needless to say, it also added to the conduct of the elections, we hope, have been generally peaceful, orderly and fair and to this we thank the help
Columbus for their 8th National Conven- glitter of the affair. Hopefully, the Supreme of all brother Knights who in one way or another assisted in the elections.
tion. It was hosted by the Visayas Juris- Knight inspired our brother Knights to set Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI) for its part has been involved
diction with full support from the Luzon their bar higher as members of the Order. in the social transformation of the nation. As early as October 2009, we have launched an information drive
and Mindanao Jurisdictions. The realization Surely, our National Convention had its on poll automation and has partnered with the Commission on Elections in the Voters’ Education. Together
of the year long planning and preparation share of problems but let us remember more with Comm. Rene V. Sarmiento, we held voters education fora in Intramuros, Cabanatuan, Bulacan, Cebu, and
found fulfillment because of the concer- its glory. Forever, let us remain focused on its Quezon City. There were also voters’ education held in Bataan, Navotas, Rizal, Binondo, Makati and many
ted efforts from all sectors involved. We are objective thru the convention theme: Volun- other areas in the council level. In most instances, the Precinct Count Optical Scan Machine was presented and
not to forget the full assistance of KCFAPI for teerism: Neighbors helping Neighbors this tested during the meeting. In April of 2010, the Order of the Knights of Columbus together with KCFAPI and
its success. In the forefront of this nationwide would truly be the measure of the success of the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting signed a Memorandum of Agreement to help in the orderly
gathering of the Knights was the Conven- this convention. and clean process of the national elections. The KCFAPI employees together with the Fraternal Counselors
tion Committee chaired by Bro. Allan Nico- Once more, our congratulations and volunteered in the gathering of information in their precincts to inform the Catholic Bishops Conference of the
las C. Ouano with his various committees un- gratitude to all who lent a hand in the re- Philippines’ media office regarding updates on the elections in their respective areas. We have also participated
der the leadership of the Visayas Deputy, Bro. alization of the 8th National Convention of in the vigil for peaceful elections which were held at the Arzobispado of Manila from May 5 to 13, 2010.
Dionisio R. Esteban, Jr. We salute them all. the Knights of Columbus. Let us all work at Let us continue praying for our leaders so that they who have been elected will be guided in steering the
The participation of the Supreme Knight making ourselves better knights while wait- nation towards a better future.
Carl A. Anderson and his Lady Dorian was ing for our 9th National Convention. We would also want to congratulate all those who supported the recently concluded 8th National Conven-
very much appreciated by each delegate God be with us all. tion and recognition of The Outstanding Knights of Columbus Awardees.

FBG holds Luzon Area Managers’ meeting

THE Fraternal Benefits Group (FBG) convened the Luzon Area council areas on sales production. Present in the meeting were Area Managers from Bicol Saro
Managers last April 28 at the Social Hall of the Knights of Columbus The meeting also tackled the Presidential Challenge Club, an in- (BIC); Central Luzon Believers (CLB1); Central Luzon Conquerors
Fraternal Association of the Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI). centive program of KCFAPI, which is intended to recognize those (CLC); Central Luzon Diamonds (CLD); Metro Manila Achiev-
The said meeting was facilitated by Joseph P. Teodoro, Fraternal Counselors who will be able to attain the Annual Awards ers (MMA); Metro Manila Chancellors (MMC); Metro Manila
Vice President of FBG. Teodoro said that the meeting aims to moni- Qualification as of May 31, 2010. Dragons (MMD); and Metro Manila Excellence (MME); South-
tor the target sales production of the year. The winners of the said program will be given the Presidential ern Luzon Lakers (SL); and Southwestern Luzon Stars (SWL.)
Topics involved the 1st quarter performance evaluation of the Ring Award. (KCFAPI News)

Meet the New VPs of KCFAPI

THE Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the courses and was an Independent Trustee of CARD MBA, Inc.
For Brother Knights by Brother Knights
Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI) welcomes its newly appointed Prior to doing consultancies and part time teaching, he worked

Counselors eye
Vice Presidents, Mr. Bala and Mr. Infante. full time with different commercial life insurance companies.
Mr. Angelito A. Sir Bullet is a Tarlaqueño and is the third youngest in a
Bala joins KCFAPI family of seven. He likes watching movies and is fond of

Presidential Ring
as Vice President for playing chess and bowling.
Actuarial & Business Meanwhile, Mr. Ronulfo Antero G. Infante or more com-
Development. Prior to monly known as “Sir Ronnie” is the new Vice President for

his appointment, the Information and BC Holders’ Services. He was first intro-
Association has engaged duced to the Association as an IT Consultant in 1998 and was
his services as Actuari- later appointed as Senior IT Manager for the Management
al Consultant, through Information Systems. By Joseph P. Teodoro
the Asian Actuaries, Inc. During his stint with
Sir “Bullet”, as he is fond- KCFAPI, he has made FOURTEEN top KCFAPI fraternal counsellors are vying for the Presidential Ring
ly called, is a B.S. Ap- Angelito A. Bala remarkable feats. One Award. This is an incentive program for those fraternal counsellors who will be
plied Mathematics (Actuarial) graduate from the University of which, is the develop- able to attain the Chairman of the Board Family Service Award as early as May
of the Philippines, Diliman. He finished his Masters Deg- ment of the Integrated 31, 2010. The partial report as of April 30 showed that the following fraternal
rees in Applied Mathematics (Actuarial Science) and Business Benefits System (IBS), counselors possess strong chance to garner the special award:
Administration also from the said university. which led the Association
In his 20 years of extensive work experience in the actuarial to elevate from AS400 to Eduardo Cruz Central Luzon Believers
field, he was involved in the development of insurance products, PC-based platform. Luis Ferrer Central Luzon Believers
calculation of insurance premiums, preparation of policy/rider Aside from his Bonifacio Morales Central Luzon Believers
contracts, performance of viability and sensitivity analyses using responsibilities as Senior Ronando Rodriguez Central Luzon Believers
an asset share model according to various pricing assumptions Ronulfo Antero G. Infante IT Manager, he was also Jeffrey Rey Guillermo Central Luzon Conquerors
like survival rates, investment income, taxes, administrative and assigned as the Association’s Risk Management Officer in 2007 Amado Miranda Central Luzon Diamonds
selling expenses, and other actuarial functions. and is presently leading the documentation on Association-Wide Danilo Tullao Northern Luzon Cavaliers
He also rendered consultancy services to various Mutual Risk Management (AWRM), a process designed to identify po- Reynaldo Segismundo Northwestern Luzon Thunders
Benefit Associations and commercial life, health and pre need tential events that may affect the Association and manage risks Hugo Goce, Jr. Southern Luzon Lakers
companies: RIMANSI Organization for Asia and the Pacific, in order to ensure the achievement of KCFAPI’s objectives. Angelito Lat Southern Luzon Lakers
Kaiser International Health Group Inc., Manulife Philippines, Sir Ronnie is married to Cristina and they are blessed with Teofilo Samson Southern Luzon Lakers
Millennium Education and Pension Plans, Inc., and St. Peter four children. Maria Teresa dela Mota Western Visayas Bulls
Life Plans. He was also a part time lecturer at the De La Salle As one family, KCFAPI welcomes its newest Vice Glyceria de Ramos Western Visayas Bulls
University, Manila on various graduate and undergraduate Presidents! (Ma. Celina B. Tabin / KCFAPI News) Wildy Devela Western Visayas Champions

Fraternal Service Training to be held in Manila

THE Knights of Columbus Fraternal With less than 30 days remaining
Association of the Philippines, Inc is from the deadline, it is expected that
organizing a Fraternal Service Training there will be more fraternal coun-
(FST) on May 19-20, 2010 at the Fr. George J. of the Fraternal Benefits Services C.A.R.E.S Plans and the Gold Series Plan. Culminating the seminar is a tour sellors who will be able to pass the
Willmann Center in Intramuros, Manila. Department of KCFAPI, will be the The discussion will also include of the main office of KCFAPI and its minimum qualification for the awards.
Organi zers sai d th e mo n t h l y facilitator of the activity. orientation on the basic training courses subsidiaries. This will result to higher sales start-
training is being held in view of The service training will tackle the different and the mission and vision of KCFAPI. Those who will participate are the ing in the month of May 2010 and is
strategizing the presentation of leading insurance products of KCFAPI The Fraternal Accidental Death Benefits Fraternal Counselors, Area Managers expected to likewise start the momen-
products and services of KCFAPI. which are the Revised Dollar Heritage, (FADB) and the Council Mortuary Benefit and Team Leaders representing the tum for the fraternal benefits group to
Gari M. San Sebastian, Manager Special Plan for Elderly Knights (SPEK), KC Plan (CMBP) will also be taken up. Luzon Knights region. (KCFAPI News) hurdle the 2010 First Year Contribu-
tion Income Target.

Knights of Columbus The Knights of Columbus Fra-

ternal Association of the Phil-
Fraternal Association of the Philippines Inc., ippines Inc., is an established and
progressive mutual benefits associa-
an established mutual benefits association is currently looking for: tion operating for 51 years, has been
Auditor highly committed to provide mutual
aid and assistance to its members
Accounting Staff and their immediate families.
BC Holders’ Relations Office Staff KC Fraternal firmly believes that
the continued progress and success
Customer Relations Assistant of the association depends to a great
If you are dedicated, service-oriented, and have the promising potential to join us extent on its human capital.
in our continuous drive to provide mutual aid, assistance and excellent service to KC Fraternal also believes that
our members. Kindly send your comprehensive resume’ thru fax number 527-2244 through training and a host of other
benefits if coupled with hard work,
or hand-carry resume’ with a 2x2 photo and transcript of records to: will help employees and the asso-
ciation, attain their goals and objec-
In our continuous drive to provide
excellent service to our members,
we are currently on the look-out for
individuals with promising poten-

KC Family... Our Concern tials. He must be dedicated, service

oriented, and willing to undergo
Our compensation and employee
Gen. Luna cor. Sta. Potenciana Sts., benefits are comparable, if not
Intramuros, Manila better than most companies of our
same size and nature of business.
You may also call 527 – 2223 local 202 for queries and look for Ms. Kristianne.
The Cross
CBCP Monitor
Vol. 14 No. 10
May 10 - 23, 2010

My Brother’s Keeper
Charity and unity, not selfishness and relativism,
provide the basis for economic stability.
EARLIER this year at a conference for business leaders, I had the opportunity to listen to Nobel Peace past, we would not have felt the pain and turbulence of the
Prize winner Muhammad Yunus argue for a new kind of capitalism. past year and a half.
Yunus is one of the world’s foremost “social entrepreneurs” – using the tools and skills of an entre- The English poet John Donne once wrote: “No man is an
preneur to create positive change in society. He won the Nobel Prize in 2006 for his work in microbank- island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a
ing – making small loans to the poor. part of the main. … Any man’s death diminishes me, because
What Yunus said struck me. He explained that it was important to offer “selfless capitalism” as an I am involved in mankind.”
alternative to “selfish capitalism.” Business leaders need to be offered that choice, he said. This is true in our families, in our parishes and in our
But the more I thought about his words, the more I came to disagree with his question. We don’t councils, and it is especially true in what we do today at work,
need to ask, “Should I be selfish or selfless?” Rather, the question is the one that comes from the first in the business decisions we make.
pages of Genesis: “Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Gen 4:9) Unfortunately, those who still believe in the option of “self-
We need to realize that the answer to that question is a resounding “Yes.” And as Knights of ish capitalism” have fostered the illusion that our society and
Columbus, there is no other way for us to interpret the importance of charity, unity and fraternity economy can prosper on a sea of moral relativism.
except by answering “Yes.” The economic reality is that it cannot. For “no man is an island,” and only when we realize that all
In thinking about this, I thought about someone I consider to be one of the great social entrepreneurs of us are interconnected can we effectively build the safe harbor everyone is looking for.
of the 19th century – someone whose work we are all familiar with: Father Michael J. McGivney. When Pope Benedict XVI criticized the “dictatorship of relativism” shortly before his election in 2005,
Father McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus because he understood that he was his brother’s most people applied his words to social issues. Now, we know they have an even broader meaning.
keeper. In understanding that, he established what has become a vibrant and successful business model, As the current economic crisis shows, the heavy hand of relativism is as much to blame in the realm of
all because we continue to answer: “Yes, we are our brothers’ keepers.” We put our brother Knights – business as is the failure of economic models and forecasts.
and the assets they entrust us to protect—before profit. Our task, then, is to realize that Christ gave us two commandments: to love God wholeheartedly,
That commitment is what has kept the Knights of Columbus strong and profitable despite the and to love our neighbors as ourselves. An authentic following of that first commandment must lead
enormous economic changes that have occurred over the past 128 years. Economic mo- to the second. And in following the second commandment, we will live up to Christ’s call to be known
dels change, but the success that comes with doing the right thing, and putting people first, does not. as Christians by the way we love one another.
Our fraternal model, in which charity, unity and fraternity are our guiding principles, is not This is the reason charity is the first principle of the Order. This is what makes the Knights of
something that has value only in a Catholic organization. In fact, such a model is needed for a truly Columbus different and as relevant in 2010 as it was in 1882.
sustainable economic system. If the business community at large had embraced such a model in the Vivat Jesus!

Executives attend Applied FC from Southern Luzon

Lakers tops raffle for the
MBA conducted by Executive G.E.A.R 5 incentive drive
FRATERNAL counselor from the Southern Luzon Lakers won

Development Academy (EDA)

the raffle for the Gear 5 to the 8th K of C National Convention in
Cebu City.
Bro. Angelito Lat was the lucky winner of the raffle held
last April 8, 2010 at the KCFAPI home office in Intramuros
Manila. The drawing was witnessed by Luzon Area Managers
SEVEN executives of the KCFAPI Group of Companies attended the FB Services Gari M. San Sebastian. The program was held at the New and Senior Manager Pedro P. Lubenia of the Corporate Audit
Applied Master in Business Administration Program conducted by World Hotel, Manila on April 24 and 25 and on May 1 and 2, 2010. Department.
Executive Development Academy. The participants were Executive Applied MBA (AMBA) is the first business-based MBA The basis of the sales drive is the number of new paid lives brought
Vice President Ma. Theresa G. Curia, Vice President for Fraternal program which favors simplicity and practical application. The in by the fraternal counselors from January to February 2010. (KC-
Benefits Group Joseph P. Teodoro, Vice President for Finance Mary program was completed in just four days but was able to deli- FAPI News)
Magdalene G. Flores, Vice President for Information and BC Holders’ ver the four major components of a business firm mainly: Relation-
Services Ronulfo G. Infante, Vice President for Finance & Administra-
tion (Keys Realty) Riz S. Nicolas, Vice President for Mortuary Services
(Keys Realty) Apolonia S. Dominguez, and Department Manager for
ship Marketing, Managerial Accounting: Key to Better Executive
Decision, Financial Skills and Human Resource Management. The
program taught the participants the simplified formula for busi-
KCFAPI conducts 16th SICAP session
ness success which is: “Delighted” custom- THE Knights of Columbus Fraternal Association of the Philippines,
ers (Numero Uno) + “Engaged” Employees Inc. (KCFAPI) has conducted its 16th Social Improvement through
(Numero Dos) + “Visionary” Management Community Action Program (SICAP) session last April 19, 2010.
(Numero Tres) = SUCCESS. The session was held at the Knights of Columbus Youth Livelihood
The main speakers of the program were Center in Intramuros, Manila.
the founder of the Executive Development Dr. Jaime Talag, medical consultant of KCFAPI, was the keynote
Academy, Mr. Manuel A. Tiongco and its speaker during the learning session with SICAP members.
President, Mrs. Maria Lenida Tiongco- Topic discussed was on breast care which covered tips on breast
Paderanga. care, common breast ailments and its signs/symptoms as well as
Executive Development Academy is a pri- its preventive measures.
vate, self-supporting organization dedicated Launched last December 2009, SICAP is a livelihood and microfi-
to transform men and women into beco- nance project of KCFAPI, which aims to institute social development
ming visionaries, creative and courageous that focuses on socio-economically challenged households through
who will be ultimately instrumental in cre- recognizing their needs and providing them appropriate means
ating wealth, jobs and economic progress. towards sustainable living and self-reliance.
It was established in March 1968 and since To date, SICAP has 25 women participants from Brgy. 658 in
its establishment, it has conducted count- Intramuros, Manila who benefit from seminars on social awareness,
less seminars and trained more than 200,000 catechism, health and wellness, programs being offered by SICAP.
executives, businessmen, professionals and The training programs will culminate on June 2010.
many more skilled workers. EDA is a cor- (Kate Laceda)
porate member of PMAP and the Chamber
Participants of the 4th Applied MBA program conducted by the Executive Development Academy (EDA) of Real Estate and Builders Association.
last April 23 & 24 and May 1 & 2, 2010 held at the New World Hotel, Manila. Extreme right is the Founder, Truly, the program was brief yet full of
Chairman and main resource speaker of EDA, Mr. Manuel A. Tiongco and extreme left is the EVP of KCFAPI,
Ms. Ma. Theresa G. Curia. substance. (Mary Magdalene G. Flores)

Prelate to Knights: Servant leader is an identity that we get from the Resurrected Christ
“SERVANT leader is an identity that we get their identity akin to the identity of the Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) Nereo
from our Resurrected Christ. It is a life of Resurrected Christ. Odchimar, Msgr. Pedro Quitorio, Assistant
service. Our life is to wash the feet of each Medroso said that living a way of life that State Chaplain of KC Luzon and KCFAPI
other, feed my sheep and feed my lamb that is similar to the image of the Resurrected Spiritual Director, and other KC priests.
is our identity.” Christ is an important aspect of faith. He said that the very nature of love is
Tagbilaran Bishop Leonardo Medroso ex- The Eucharistic Celebration was held on service that is an identity that one gets from
pressed this statement during a Eucharistic April 18, 2010 at the Pacific Grand Ballroom, the Resurrected Christ.
Celebration, as he explained the relation of Waterfront Hotel in Lahug, Cebu City. Medroso challenged the Knights to
the Brother Knights’ life with Jesus Christ’s The mass was concelebrated by Cota- be apostles of hope to every Filipino
way of living. bato Archbishop Orlando Quevedo, Tandag especially in this present time. KCFAPI Medical Consultant Dr. Jaime Talag during the SICAP session held last
He called on Knights to look into Bishop and President of the Catholic Bishops (Kate Laceda) April 19 at the KC Youth Livelihood Center in Intramuros, Manila.

HOLY DOOR. Members of
the Color Corps from the
different assemblies of the
Fourth Degree in Cebu,
attended the formal closing
of the Holy Door at Cebu
Metropolitan Cathedral
on April 28, 2010. The
closing was done after
the Pontifical Mass
which was celebrated by
His Eminence Ricardo
J. Cardinal Vidal and
attended by 32 Bishops
and more than 300 priests.
The ceremony symbolizes
the end of Diamond
Jubilee of the Archdiocese
of Cebu.
The Cross
CBCP Monitor
C4 Vol. 14 No. 10
May 10 - 23, 2010

Luzon Deputy calls

Knights and families
to join the vigil for
CHAMP elections
IN response to CBCP’s call
for organized novena prayers
throughout the country,
Luzon Deputy Alonso L.
Tan has called on Luzon Bro-
ther Knights and their families
to join the vigil and ask for
divine intervention for a clean,
honest, accurate, meaning-
ful and peaceful (CHAMP)
C o n v e n e d b y various
religious groups, the series
of vigils were held from May
5-13, 2010 at the Arzobispado
de Manila Chapel in Intra-
muros Manila, from 12 noon
to 12:00 midnight.
This initiative was led by Luzon Deputy Alonso Tan together with other Luzon State Officers during the prayer
the following groups: Laiko vigil held at the Arzobispado de Manila Chapel in Intramuros, Manila.`
ng Pilipinas, Knights of Columbus, Radio Veritas, Couples For Christ (CFC); Association of Major Re-
ligious Superiors in the Philippines (AMRSP); Simbahang Lingkod ng Bayan (SLB), AKKAP- CANV;
Youth Pinoy and Caritas Manila.
In a related development, LD Tan immediately met with the District Deputies of Metro Manila and
nearby provinces at KC Luzon’s office in Intramuros. Officers and District Deputies present have final-
ized the vigil participation of KC members, their families and friends on a diocesan level, as follows:

Date Assigned Group / Diocese Team Leader

May 5 State Officers, Directors, Chairmen State Prog. Dir
Bonifacio Martinez
DDs & Families
May 6 Council 1000 and KCFAPI GK Florentino Rosario
May 7 Diocese of Antipolo State Memb. Dir.
Joseph Teodoro

PPCRV, KC tie up
May 8 Diocese of Kalookan DD Benito Sayo
May 9 Archdiocese of Manila DD Bonifacio Viquiera
May 10 Diocese of Cubao & Council 1000 State Com. Dir Elmer Eroles
May 11 Diocese of Novaliches DD Alejandro Dantes
May 12 Diocese of Imus DD Rodrigo Gorospe/

for automated polls

FDD Noni Ayon
May 13 Diocese of Pasig DD Brigido Gonzales

Diocese of Parañaque will participate from May 5-13, 2010 (Kate Laceda)

A POLL watchdog and the country’s biggest organization of Catholic on Wednesday, April 7, 2010. The PPCRV is the official citizen’s arm of the Commission on
men entered into an agreement to ensure clean and peaceful elections. Henrietta de Villa, PPCRV national chairperson, said the signing Elections (Comelec) for the recently held computerized elections.
The pact, which provides for the sharing of resources to a single of the agreement is a continuation of collaboration towards electoral Among the tasks of PPCRV, being the citizen’s arm was to conduct
network of volunteer watchers that would lead in monitoring the reforms. poll watching activities and give assistance to voters.
election process, was signed by the Parish Pastoral Council for KCFAPI President Antonio Borromeo, for his part, said the agree- It also led the voters’ education program in every municipality,
Responsible Voting and the Knights of Columbus in the Philippines. ment is a commitment to the cause of a credible election. city or province in the country.
The signing of the memorandum of agreement (MOA) was held The organization, with around 250,000 members nationwide, had The group was also given the privilege to have a copy of the Compu-
at the conference room of the Knights of Columbus Fraternal already been conducting voters’ education in coordination with the terized Voter's List (CVLs) as well as the 4th copy of the Elec-
Association of the Philippines, Inc. (KCFAPI) in Intramuros, Manila poll body since last year. tion Returns, both soft and hard copies. (CBCP News)

KC LUZON holds 6th Annual

Family Day, Mini Olympics 2010
KNIGHTS of Columbus Luzon were successfully finished at around
Jurisdiction successfully held its 6th 5:00 p.m.
Annual Family Day and Mini Olym- Manila Council 1000 Intramuros,
pics last May 1, 2010 at the Amo- Manila with 66 participants won the
ranto Sports Complex, Roces Avenue, Biggest Delegation Award, Tandang
Quezon City. Sora Council 6080 of Project 6, Q.C. got
A Thanksgiving Mass was held at the award Best in Muse, Council 13618-
7:00 a.m., which was presided by Msgr. Kalawaan, Pasig City got the Best in
Domingo P. Erfe, Parish Priest of St. Uniform Award, St. Gregory The Great
Paul the Apostle Parish located in Mo. Council 10548 won the Farthest Del-
Ignacia, Quezon City. The mass was egation Award. For over-all standing,
attended by Luzon State Officers led Council 5124-Balut, Tondo, Manila won
by Luzon Deputy Alonso L. Tan, State 3rd Place, Council 1000-Intramuros, Ma-
Program Director Bonifacio B. Martinez nila and Council 11847-Marcelo Green
and his committeemen, District Depu- Village, Paranaque tied for the 2nd Place
ties, Grand Knights, KC members and while Council 8210-Binondo, Manila and
their families, as well as Luzon staff. Council 13618-Kalawaan, Pasig City tied
After the mass, a Parade of partici- on the Over-All Champion Award. Parade of Participants - Co. 13618-Kalawaan who won the Best in Uniform Award.
pating Councils and Circles with their State Secretary Arsenio Isidro G. Yap
families, Opening ceremonies by Luzon thanked all the participants, the work-
Deputy Alonso L. Tan and Lighting of ing committees, the Amoranto Sports
Olympic flames by State Advocate Jus- complex administration, KCFAPI and
tice Jose C. Reyes, Jr. together with State all the people behind the success of this
Warden Pascual C. Carbero, followed year’s Family Day and Mini Olympics,
immediately. More than 600 Brother as he gave the closing remarks.
Knights and their families were in This annual activity is being held in
attendance coming from 46 participating honor of Fr. George J. Willmann, S.J.,
councils from Metro Manila and nearby the Father of the Knights of Columbus
provinces as far as Calumpit, Bulacan in the Philippines.
from the North, San Pedro, Laguna and The Blessings of the Feast of St. Joseph
Indang, Cavite from the South. the Worker and the prayers of the Sisters
Twenty (20) various events were of Saint Clare gave the participants a
played with enthusiasm and enjoyment good weather and safety throughout
by participating councils. All the games the program. (KC Luzon News)

State Advocate Justice Jose C. Reyes, Jr. and State Warden Pascual C. Carbero during the lighting
of the Olympic Flames.

Any amount paid in excess of the contribution

Luzon Deputy Alonso L. Tan delivering his Inspirational Message to all the participants of the 6th due will be applied as payment to loan or
Annual FamilyDay and Mini Olympics. advance to next contribution due

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