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Reg No

: 1141420039

1.1 All the children in that family have bad manners

All the children in that family have bad manners
Object of preposition
1.2 Apology


1.3 Criterion


1.4 The house of Mr. Jones has recently been sold

Mr. Joness house has recently been sold
1.5 The most expensive wigs are made of human hair
The most expensive wigs are made of human hair
1.6 Collect


1.7 The maintain of that building is the responsibility of Mr. Jones

The maintenance of that buling is the responsibility of Mr. Jones
1.8 The propel of the plane was damaged
The propeller of the plane was damaged
1.9 Associate + ion

1.10 Bury + al



1.11 He soon became acquainted with the mayor, an _____ which brought him many political
He soon became acquainted with the mayor, an acquaintance which brought him many
political benefits
1.12 The amount of space between the lines (depend) on the size of the story
The amount of space between the lines depends on the size of the story
1.13 Mathematics (has, have) never been my favorite subject
Mathematics has never been my favorite subject
1.14 Those who are aged (present) now being provided with cheap or free medical care
The aged now being provided with cheap or free medical care

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