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(sunrise 7 book)

Dunya Mhsin
Adoption Adaption Development

About the content in this book , book generally made it in British system
and in one of the part of the book show the differences between American

and British vocabulary but did not show any differences in culturally and
also there is some challenge to learn new structure and new vocabulary
which student did not aware about it before, also understand for student
because book did not made in high level to not student understand along
with different topic and structure in each page and unit as well as in some
unit topic and structure connect with some part of real life. So why student
can understand easily.

as well as in reading part there is just short dialog which made it to

understand structure after teacher explain grammar part for student, after
student read it and understand there some question to evaluating student
understandable how much they are understand about the passage like( ask
and answer) or ( fill the plank) which relate to passage but also for
grammatical point also, the book have activity book which is student do it
their homework on it and its help student during examination , to what is
come importance.

In the book, have listening part for student to listen the passage and for
pronunciation parts to defined stress and unstressed word and about the
sound is clear recorded but for listening did not gave any background to
student what is about and any question about to help comprehension.


In most part of the unit and lesson student have background to talk about
the topic like because the book so relates to real life. Like sport, color
which can and help student to more speak and communication with
teacher and with other student, and also adequate student to individual and
as well as group speaking activity.


Every unit introduce different vocabulary which connect and match with
topic in last page of book introduce all vocabulary with their meaning but

vocabulary not very complex or difficult for student to understand and all
match with passage and book level. Some vocabulary is repeated in other
parts but it did not reinforce to use new vocabulary and dose not different
with content or structure.


As well as in grammar parts points with brief and easy explanation which
not fully understand for student and not enough for student to understand
also grammar is used in dialog to student understand deeply with sentence
even for communication and the structure is not gradually increase in
complexity, because the passage relates with grammar points which
student understand and all grammatical points in meaningful context like
dialog and picture.


Along with this part, in this book in every lesson have parts for
pronunciation part which bring out those words in dialog or just create
some word to know how these words are pronounce. Moreover, this book
does not cover so many sub skill like note -taking or skimming or


The course book is look it good and somehow looks interesting and fun
because its cover with so many colorful pictures which all picture easy
relate with topic and student easily can understand and the course book at
the first page introduce all overview of the function and structure of the
book which that what will be learn in each unit. Book includes with so
many picture and tables etc. and with good type for student easily
understand and see and book easily handle to student not too small and


The sunrise book. was published more than ten years and student can
without difficulty access to the book in every place but not in originally
one , and the book use to different type of material picture and listening
but does not use for internet at all and does not address about and style or
strategies of learning in the book also in some of part give student
opportunity to communicate in language and the book have student
activity book which evaluate student understanding and there is not much
methodology of the just in small parts and book is design in appropriate
way to student easily understand , and not integrated with technology but
student individually can study in activity book by themselves at out of
school. And have clear curriculum and goal, also all objective is explicitly
and explain clearly. In some part and unite topic are relate with student
background, student know about it before.

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