Stress Relief - The Waterfall

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Stress Relief The Waterfall

Imagine yourself walking along a path in a beautiful forest. Notice the

color of the leaves and the smell of the rich forest floor. The warm sun is
glistening through the leaves. A soothing breeze comforts you.
As you proceed along the path, you notice a clearing before you. There is
a stream that runs through here. Follow along the banks of the stream.
Hear the sound of the water rushing over the rocks.
As you continue along the stream, you come upon a tremendous waterfall.
A waterfall that falls a great distance down, down, down into a deep and
bottomless pool, where the water then goes its own way.
This is a very special waterfall. It is a magical waterfall for it is a place to
which you can come whenever you need to free yourself from stress.
Standing at the top of the falls, you can throw anyone, anything that is
causing you stress over the falls. Not to dash them on the rocks below but
to let them go to be free of that which is causing you stress.
Anyone, anything, any situation, any concern, any worry, any stress you
can just throw it over the falls and be free. You don't have to go home with
it. You don't have to go to bed with it tonight. You don't have to wake up to
it tomorrow morning. You can throw them all over the falls now.

What is the first thing you want to throw over the falls? Okay, then throw
it or him in, and watch it go over the falls. Down and away. Down, down,
down into that deep and bottomless pool. Releasing that part of that
causes you stress. Let it go. Great, and notice how that feels.
Now what is the next thing causing you stress that you are ready to get rid
Continue in this way until everything is released
And notice how much better that feels. Lets take a few deep-relaxing
breaths and notice how much lighter you feel. Good.
[If something you are throwing over the falls comes back, throw it over

again and again until it does not return. If you are unable to throw
something over and let it go, it must be explored. Find out what the
hesitation is. Telling the client that he can release that part of that person
or thing that troubles him and keep the good part often helps. Sometimes
there is just some work around the issue that needs attending to first.]

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