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Pylarks LoS. -Pecsonah — Second Edition Basic Methods of Policy Analysis and Planning Carl V. Patton Georgia State University David S. Sawicki Georgia Institute of Technology PRENTICE HALL Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07682 > Mabexpet ec Contents Preface a PARTONE: METHODS ‘The Need for Simple Methods of Policy Analy Planning 1 Qik, Basic Policy Analysis 2 Learning the Methods of Poy Analysis and Planning 6 Praceal Principles for Begining Poley Analy 8 Summary 18 (Organization ofthe Book 19 Glossary 10 Exercises 20 ‘The Policy Analysis Process Types of Poy Anais 25 ‘The Role ofthe Anatjat 20 Ethical Considerations | 36 alsin Anat, 32 Edi Anat, 33 Eiki Princip nd Rule, 39 Genes Profesional Conduct, #2 ‘The Analyte Process 46 . Basic Policy Analyt Sx Steps 52 ‘Sp One: Very, Deine, and util be Pebion. 54 Step Tos: Establish Fechaton Cre, 09 Sip Thre defy Alara Poe 39 ‘Sh Fowr: Evaluate Alamaice Pol, Sup Fis Dip and Dnt ani Aleraatve Poi 61 ‘Sep Si: Monitor and Evaluate te Inplmened Pole, 62 Summary 64 Glossary” 68 Exercises 6 Source Material 67 Eshibs 36 Crosscutting Methods denitying and Gathering Data 77 Scare of Dats, 78° Literature Review 81 tray Search Methods, $2 "Ging Sane 54 Federal Cosreaen formation Lega Search, 31 Monagement Reco, 95 Oheraton, 95 Imerviewing for Policy tnformaton 99 The Investigative Approach, 98 Secure and lsu, 99 Choang the Faterinne 6 at Weling Conc, 101 Conducting te , Iaterew, 102 "Using Your Time Effient, 104 Quik Surveys 105, pes of Sure, 107 Survey Methods, 107 Questionaire Consracon, 108 Sample Savcion, 109, Eraluating Data and Information 109 Esinetng Dla Quaiy, 110 Document Anas, 1I™ Determing Trick from Inter, 13. Basic Dat Analysis 113 Dasritive Date Analyt, 114 Graph Teds, 113 Table, 124 ‘Ma 127 Decripive Stasis, 129 Astin of . Cardaton, 130 Measures of Signin, 133 sing 1 0 Paper, 136 Using Graphs Comic, 137" Orgoncing the Report, 138 IncPeran Comunity, HO Summary 141 Ghasary” 141 Erercace 148 Verifying, Defining, and Detailing the Problem 7 denying and Defining Problems 148 Devcloping the Problem Saement 151 Bad-ofshe Emelope Caeuatons 154 (Quik Dection Analy 158 Cexion of Valid Operational Defiions 168 Polial Analysis 168 The Isue Paper versus Fist-Gut Anais 176 Summary 198 Glossary 178 Exercies 179 Establishing Evaluation Criteria 186 ‘The Proces of Establishing Evaluation Criteria 186 Several Important Erononie Coneeps 191 - The Fre Market Made, 192 Cat, 194 Bens, 195" Standing 196 Extra 199 ‘ai, 200 "Marginal Anais, 201 Eau, 206 : Commonly Employed Evaluation Criteria 207 Tecnica Feast, 208 eonomic ‘au Financial Peli 210" Pll Vii 214 © Admintratie Opry, 218 Summary 219 Gosary” 220 Evercacs 222 Identifying Alternatives 21 Sources of Akernaives 281 Searching for Alternatives 233 Researched Anal endExperinettion, 234 Novdcion (Sats Qua) Anan 295, Quick Sere, 237 Liuratare Rei, 238 Companion of Ral Word Experience, 238 Paste Colleton and Csifectn, 298 Drnlopmen of Typology 259 “Analogy, Metaphor and Syne, 239 Braisoring, 241" Comparten with on Waa, 244 Creating Akeratves ey Paste Menpulation, 246 Modifying Exsing Solin, 248 Pitfalls to Avoid 251 Summary 258 Glomary” 255. Exercies 255 Evaluating Alternative Policies Forecasting Methods 258 xoopaatioe Techiguct, 260. Thertiat Foca Tachi Modsing, 268 Inte Peas Tec, 273, Evaluation Methods 275 Divontng. 276 Thre Mears of Efi, 280 Sense Analy, 284 Allain Formas, 29 (Quick Decision Anais Reed, 295 Poll Anis $01 PoltatFeibiliy Ants, 302, Implementation ‘Analy, 307» Seneia Writing, 313 Uncertainty 915 Summary "317 Glas 3 Execies 319 Displaying Alternatives and Distinguishing among Them Problems in Selecting the Best Policy $38 Confit betecen Individual and Colecive Rationality $35, “The Problem of Multiple Criteria 837 Several Methods of Dealing with Muliple Criteria 99 Basic Comparison Methods 339 “ Pairet Conparion, 341. Setfcing, 341 LescgrpiieOnering, 341 "Nanded Alerts Menod, 41 Equbuten dete, ‘Method, 343°SandardAlerative Mtad, 908 Matrix (Scorecard) Display Sytems $49 Godle Srecard 350 Alurnative Conequence Matre 351 Other Matix Methods 358, Goal chiesmen: Matis, 353° Varitions on GAM, 354 Planning Balance Sher 354 ¢ Which Mati Mekod Should Be Ui? 333 Weight, Rating Sytems, and Index Numbers 988 Summary 35 Glossary” 359 Exercises 360 Monitoring and Evaluating Implemented Policies Types of Policy ailres 365 The Policy Evaluation Continoumy 958 Types of Ex-Pout Fesbaion 369 Beforeand After Conparians, 376 Withand Who Comparison, 376." ena Plooned Peformance Companions, 377 Espiner Mal 378 Ques: Expeimetel Melee 9 Generating from Quast Experimental Deon 384 CostOriened Becton Approach, 85 Which Methed Should Be Used? 386 Principles of Quick Evaluation 388 Glossary” 94 Exercies $95 PART TWO: CASES Downtown Development Inuroduction $98 “The Assignment 800 Background fnformaion $90 Defending against Accusations of Prejudice Inxroduction 401 The Assignment 401 Background Tnformaton 402 The Data and Data Problems 403, Learning Objectives 403, Exhibits 408 Solla-Waste Collection Methods Inerodvction 411 ‘The Asignment 412 Eshite 412 (Campus Parking Policies Iewrodvtion 421 ‘The Asignment. 422 Background Information 422 Guidelines for Anaya 426, Final Report 427 Source Material 427 exhib 428 Emergency Aid for Home Fuel: Developing an Allocation Formala, Introduction 495 ‘The Assignment 496 398 401 au 421 45 ‘The Specie Tasks 487 Souree Material 438, Exhibis 8 A Tax on Paper Diapers Toureducion 448 The Assignment 447 Underlying Themes 447 Learning Objectives 448 ‘Source Matera 448 Exhibie 9 Public-Private Development: Underground Atlanta Iniroducion 450 The Assignment 451 lssues and Actors 451 Ech 452 Bibliography Index 450 463 463 475 asc Maths of Patsy Anais ond Planing presents quickly applied base meth= fds foranaiang and resolving planning and poi tesa ate and loa levels, ‘Quaniatve and qualitative mahods are combined in a sytematc approach 0 ‘Srdresing such policy dilemmas, Besides methods the boak presents the ration leand proces of policy analysis as well x paicyspplcaton exes. “This second edition contain thre new pole eases, ad thee ofthe previ ‘ous case examples have been revised subtantally. The her cases, a well asthe ‘examples wed throughout the boo, have been updated. Dozensof new endo ‘Shapes exercises hae been ade, Moreover, the policy aalss and planning fterarre has been brought up to dat through the inca of references and trample from more tan 10 nev boots and aries. In an efor to reflect Curren literature and practice new secions havebeen added on ethical consider “Mion the types af pry seine that ean be when, and who has standing in poly analy "Tne book is divided into wo parts, Part One presents quick, base methods in nine chapters organaed around Ue steps in the pati anasis proces. Ie tls clue 2 review ofthe poly analysis and planning frocest and serves ‘ipuide to recent lnerature on polly analysand planning methods. Part Two presents seven poly caer, which range from brief incase chat can be sored ra day or to to longer more complex caer that may tae upto 25 hours of (An Isrts Mona! sariable to autorised persons (ree of charge Fac members may requestthe Insrucrs Mana from he publics eee, Request the Menuaton your univers lewcrhead. Canta Prntes Fa Cogs Operations, Englewood Clit, New Jersey 07638 Most of the methods presenied here hae lng ben used by planners and analy We didnot invent them, and in many cassis impoutdere esas who did. Rather, we have exh speat more than twenty Jens apelvog hee methods leaning which work the best, dscoveriag how ther ihecle bea fed, and developing reat exercies and cases that suppor the laring of ‘hese quickly applied snethod ‘This book. then, is for stidents and analyas who sce tolearn quick, basie Inethods ht canbe appl toa ange of poly problems Rshold espe the perio string the stidyof policy sly ssunes no prior knowledge of advanced mihenetes ‘2 economics on the part of the reader. We delivery soided meine fg Fequire such knowledge, but the reader vho has theres, them othe exercues resources at hands {hey ate to have an impact on public poy. The metas in Bese Maes Poly Anais and Planing eespond to this ned. ‘Preparing a book such a his gu clleagues, Prenice Hall reviewers David Forkenbrock sad dike fen ot Sankey Wakefid and Tom Alcs of Prentice Hall We owe adeot oar estas ‘St pobey ana and scholars vho have guided our thnhang ore he rans teachers or colleagues—Eugene Bardach, Robert Behn, Aston Wildest ot ‘Aold Mekaner to name fen Ther idestarerelced in thn eat sete ‘we hope, i all cases, perhaps iradvertenty ated without rinbuate eee Inthe preparation ofthe fs ediion extraordinary help noc pre oy my Heling who edited a numberof drat of chapters, prepared oer a oe slwaries, onibued many char exercie tnd ed's coe ing perms aly data fomecren Jed to lead she thods chapters ‘en from real Dna sings reco charge stoke by eter. re Hall Calle planners and Iie o ident fy applying thee sould be mo fe Tearing of quick, tae be expecially poli analy Grmathemates methods tat cenainlysppiy ‘olveexemre "problems are ‘yee Planners (and even Sat handit ‘sie Matha of ¥ people: The ‘ieotthe ten, improve thr gestions from fen Feld, and (oa number Fidavky. ane staurbuted, provided by most of te al pereptve 2 number ef stg peri veordprocessng systems (© a common format and produced the final draft of Tie mmscrpt the development ofthe second eition, we wereasied by Karen Hor ton anf Dolores Mars of Prence Hall as wll by Prentice Hall evewers ‘Barba Lukermann, Wiliam Rossel Mangun, and Barbars Ray whe provided help adie on reructuring the book. Comments on and conbutons to new seins of the text wee provided by James Back, Richard Bolan, Sharon Bosch, Stanley Carpenter, Jerome Kautian, Richard Lescy, David Lindley, {Gretchen Paton, Richard Perry, Catberine Ros, and Lee Sheridan. Ay Va ‘Siew tne preparacon of the manuscript, and Pear Meaney and Log island proofend the final copy Cart V. Paton, Georgia State University David. Sawiks, Georgia Insitute of Techoology PART ONE: METHODS Chapter One ~” The Need for Simple Methods of Policy Analysis and Planning (Our increasingly complex society confronts us wih more and more difficult pli problems dat are not easly volved." Although these probes may be ached” of "addresed,” often they have no clearly corrett answers Some a often having the folowing sribute: 1, They arena wel die 2 ‘They ae seldom prey etna o pre poll 5. Ther stone cannot ely be proven ee core before appcon, 4 No pote ston ever guranteed tach the nended esl 6. The adequay ofthe scltion olen deal to mea agsnt noon ofthe pai gd 7. The fitness of slain is imponile wo metre eee There are many examples of complex problems, What ithe best location fa aate for 8 maximum security prion? Should ban on phosphorus that "rr ame ee plese Dai Una cl PT Aa PES ae Sead py fete San Boe ‘or proven inefeine in improving water quality belted? A cy councl is considering offering tox beats for develops wlig ta al athe oer secions of downtown. Should the mayor tte the pin? The copay Sececas ‘ts proposed 3 $70 milion expansion ofthe merepaian sive eh ne Suny Board of superiors suppor ths pan? Thee problems olbe rere That decison willbe made Even the dectton hia do nothing felt eo 1 have consequences for einen Ho wil decison makers mak their decons On the basis of wha infor imation wil ey at? To whom wil ty tsten: bya, contac nae aver? The numberof rained profesional employed a goverment sein * the private sector offer advice on these ates is rowing They may ‘hemiehs planers, plc ana, or pbc managers THs book afon ole io want fo workin thar or wha are woriny ints ex aa eas improve thir alt skis 1 eled Base Mad of Pay Soc ood Plein because tis tended ss the fre book a Beginning snap ef ss balding porio of methods to sppreach not fae Say Pod ure, ISIC POLICY ANALYSIS argue thatthe varity of public polcy protems iso great the Sere ete Systematic procedures could be developed for dealing Sah at meen Coe tight alo sy thatthe geographic and polial conte for these proseas farcanging that they dont have misc in common, thus debingren ee Uese problems hat evolved and hs tine and resources are salable, the analytes! proces doc the ihe oe aceepably similar form, Mos ote, however, ths rational pablemaling ore |

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