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December 14, 2016 xaam org CurrentAffair 0 Comments

Vardah name given by Pakistan.. how name is given.. and other aspects?
How TN and AP manges disaster from vardah? What else can be done? Other countries or state
management in disaster managamenet? Their ref. , examples
The name Vardah, which means red rose, was given by Pakistan. Cyclone Vardah made landfall in Tamil
Nadu and coastal Andhra Pradesh. Tropical cyclones passing over the northern part of the Indian Ocean
are named by India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Myanmar, Oman and Thailand, turn
wise. The World Meteorological Organization has allowed them to name cyclones originating in the Bay of
Bengal and Arabian Sea. Hurricanes, cyclones, and typhoons are also the same weather phenomenon.
They are called by different names in different places.
A cyclone comes over land with exceptionally strong wind and heavy rainfall. When the cyclone
approaches land, the outer edges start incorporating the air over the land.
Once cyclone Vardah made its landfall, the eye passed over Chennai within hours. Heavy rainfall and
high wind speeds followed.
After it passed, rainfall subsided and wind speeds decreased.
The Eye of a cyclone is the center of the storm. It is relatively the calmest part of the storm.
The Eyewall of a cyclone is the ring that surrounds the Eye. It consists of thunderstorms and usually high
velocity winds. It is the eyewall which marks its severity after a landfall.
Rainbands are curved bands of clouds and thunderstorms that form the outer layer of the cyclone. They
are responsible for heavy bursts of rain and wind.
A Landfall is the intersection of the center of a tropical cyclone with a coastline, according to the US
National Hurricane Center.
A landfall generally occurs when the eye of the cyclone moves over land. A landfall is often accompanied
by strong winds, lashing rain and rising sea waves that could endanger people and cause damage to
property inland. After hitting the land, it starts to lose speed and energy. Due to a cyclone, there is
convergence of warm and wet and the cool and dry air. This convergence leads to thunderstorms and
According to the IMD, the dense fog in northern India is linked to the cyclonic activity in Bay of Bengal
because fog is usually observed in the December end, but this year it was seen earlier.

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